HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA201300004 Correspondence Zoning Map Amendment 2013-08-19 ,moo 'err ,V-4•319 5 � --- Dominion 172 South Pantops Drive °J�y al • Engineering Charlottesville, VA 22911 a 434.979.8121 (p) 4, 4. 434.979.1681 434.979.1681 (f) e,s S DominionEng.com August 19, 2013 Ms. Claudette Grant Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 RE: ZMA 2013-00004-Hollymead Town Center(Area C) Block VI Dear Claudette, Enclosed please find eight(8) sets of the Zoning Map Amendment application plan for the referenced project. Please note that we have revised the application plan to address your comments dated June 20, 2013 in accordance with the following: Planning Initial comments on how your proposal generally relates to the Comprehensive Plan are provided below. Comments on conformity with the Comprehensive Plan are provided to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors as part of the staff report. The land use designation for this property is Hollymead-Places 29-Commercial Mixed Use. Commercial Mixed Use—primary uses include community and regional retail, commercial service, auto commercial service, and office uses. Secondary uses include office, research &development(R &D), flex, residential, open space, and institutional uses. • The County's Open Space Plan does not describe any significant features on this site. Neighborhood Model: The following describes how the proposed development meets or does not meet the principles of the Neighborhood Model: Pedestrian Orientation— Sidewalks are proposed to be provided along Meeting Street, Laurel Park Lane, and Grand Parks Boulevard. Sidewalks are also shown internally on the site; however, it is difficult to see whether the internal sidewalks interconnect to the exterior streets. This principle is addressed for the most part, but could be clarified further. RESPONSE: The application plan has been revised to more clearly indicate the pedestrian connectivity to the adjacent exterior streets. Neighborhood Friendly Streets and Paths— The entrance onto the site is a driveway leading to garages for the townhouses on the property. Sidewalks and pathways are provided on the site. Street trees are shown to be provided on the exterior of the site, but not internally. This principle is partially addressed. RESPONSE: The application plan has been revised to increase the amount of landscaping internally and along the street frontages. Page 1 of 5 Niter ..r •001 s. " Dominion Dominion 172 South Pantops Drive q j� Engineering Charlottesville, VA 22911 o °'� 434.979.8121 (p) (.,, 434.979.1681 (f) 90ees s DominionEng.com Interconnected Streets and Transportation Networks—Due to the sites location and layout, interconnected streets are not shown. This property is located near Timberwood Boulevard and Route 29. The Comprehensive Plan recommends future transit in this area, but there are no specific plans at this time. This principle is partially addressed. RESPONSE: A street connection is proposed at Meeting Street. Parks and Open Space— There is a tot lot and activity recreation area shown on the plan. This principle is met. Neighborhood Centers— This site is surrounded by a shopping center. Schools and the fire/rescue station are located nearby with office/meeting space. This principle is addressed. Buildings and Spaces of Human Scale—The townhouses are proposed to be two to four stories in height at 35 feet. The elevation provided in the plans appear to be in keeping with other townhouse developments in the vicinity. This principle is addressed. Relegated Parking— The proposed townhouses have garages and parking is shown to be internal on the site. This principle is addressed. Mixture of Uses— This proposal does not provide a mixture of uses. However, it is located in a town center inclusive of retail and other commercial uses located within a one-quarter mile of the proposal. A mixture of uses is located within the neighborhood. This principle is addressed. Mixture of Housing Types and Affordability— This proposal does not provide a mixture of housing types. However there are single family residential developments located in the vicinity(within one-quarter mile) that provide a mixture of housing types. Will any of the proposed townhouses address affordable housing? Will proffers be provided regarding affordable housing requirement? This principle is partially addressed. RESPONSE: The applicant has provided draft proffers addressing the affordable dwelling units under separate cover. Redevelopment—Not Applicable. Site Planning That Respects Terrain— There appear to be critical slopes located on the site that will be disturbed. However, the plan describes these slopes as manmade. Minimal disturbance to the terrain is suggested. Clear Boundaries with the Rural Areas—Not Applicable. More detailed comments may be provided after more detailed plans are provided. APPLICATION PLAN-DETAILED COMMENTS 1. The SP should be referenced since it is the legislative action that allows the residential uses in the PDMC district. Will the SP be updated with this rezoning request? RESPONSE: As discussed with Planning, this comment no longer applies. 2. Current and proposed zoning districts should be corrected on the cover sheet of plans. RESPONSE: The current and proposed zoning districts have been updated. Page 2 of 5 ,aim Dominion 172 South Pantops Drive to y \ Engineering Charlottesville, VA 22911 9 \ 434.979.8121 (p) * (_. 434.979.1681 (f) ees s DominionEng.com 3. The setbacks are not labeled or specified on sheet 4 as indicated on the cover sheet. RESPONSE: The setbacks have been clarified. 4. Label the density on cover sheet. RESPONSE: The density has been labeled on the cover sheet. CODE OF DEVELOPMENT(COD)-DETAILED COMMENTS Can you provide a blackline of the code of development? RESPONSE: A blackline copy of the revised COD is included with this submission. Zoning The following comments related to zoning matters have been provided by Sarah Baldwin: 1. The Application Plan: A) References ZMA2002-2, which is part of HTC D. Additionally, ZMA's 89-8 and 99-21 can also be removed. This amendment is proposing to amend ZMA2001-20. RESPONSE: The references have been revised to include only ZMA 2001-00020. B) The Plan states that 44 townhomes will be built, the Application itself states 45 TH will be built and the COD gives a range of 40-70 units. Please clarify what is being proposed. RESPONSE: 45 townhomes are being proposed. The information has been clarified between plan and application. 2. The Code of Development: A) The Existing Block VI was Mixed Use/Community Service District and slated for parking to serve Block IV and the possibility for in fill development later on. This proposal may limit IV's development. Additionally, VI is rezoned to residential; it may present limitations on other Blocks to build residential units. If the maximum total of residential units in HTC-C is 120, it should be confirmed that allowing residential units in VI will not exceed that amount and that it is still in conformance with the comprehensive plan. RESPONSE: The maximum amount of residential units in Area C of 120 units will not be exceeded. B) Remove the max floor plate on Table B in Block VI, if the proposal is for residential only the reference is not applicable. RESPONSE: Table B has been revised. C) The COD states that this Block will become "Urban Style Residential"Please confirm that this proposal will meet the requirements as contained in the description of this category on page 34. RESPONSE: Confirmed. Page 3 of 5 Niro 0g rs r s cc)44 Dominion 172 South Pantops Drive °' \ Engineering Charlottesville, VA 22911 434.979.8121 (p) o,NNW 434.979.1681 (f) eePs DominionEng.com s 3. Amended proffers were not received. If this Block becomes residential, the cash proffer policies apply. RESPONSE: Draft proffers have been included with this submission. Engineering and Water Resources The following comments related to engineering and water resources have been provided by Glenn Brooks: 1. It is recommended that no new development be approved that accesses Timberwood Bld. Until that road is completed and accepted by VDOT. RESPONSE: Acknowledged. The applicant is currently working with VDOT towards road acceptance of Timberwood Boulevard. VDOT The following comments related to transportation issues have been provided by Troy Austin: 1. The parcel for this project was initially planned as a parking area. How is the proposed use change to townhomes going to impact the original TIA in terms of traffic generation? Was there extra capacity built into the original TIA estimates? RESPONSE: An updated traffic impact analysis has been included with this submission supporting the proposed development. 2. From the plan, it appears that Laurel Park Lane is proposed to be a private road. Is there an anticipation that this road will be taken into the State Highway System? If so, the entrance to the townhome parcel will need to meet Access Management requirements, which it currently does not. RESPONSE: Laurel Park Lane is to remain a privately owned and maintained roadway. Also, the proposed onsite roadways are to be privately owned and maintained. ACSA Comments have not been received from the Albemarle County Service Authority(ACSA). Staff will send comments upon receipt. Housing Comments from the housing department will be provided upon receipt. Proffers 1. Proffers have not been submitted. Will proffers be submitted or revised? 2. More information is needed on housing affordability to assess any housing proffers. Staff suggests proffering a certain number/percentage of units meeting the County's affordable criteria which would allow those units to not be subject to the capital proffers. 3. Cash proffers have not been provided per the County's cash proffer policy. RESPONSE: Draft proffers have been provided with this submission Page 4 of 5 'goo' Now, vs i•°ors 0+ /,e Dominion 172 South Pantops Drive �', ■ Engineering Charlottesville, VA 22911 4 434.979.8121 (p) 6y\ e 434.979.1681 (f) 9 s s Dominion Eng.com We trust the above adequately addresses your comments. Please let me know if you have any questions or require additional information. Very trul yours, / Micha- yers, P.E., C.F.M. Attachments Cc: Katurah Roell Page 5 of 5