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SDP200700026 Plan - Approved 2008-02-28
NOTES: Owner /Developer Pantops Investors LLC Michael E. Spooner, Manager Plan prepared by Joseph Associates, LLC Marcia Joseph Tax map 78 Parcel 13A 1.3266 Acres Zoned HC Highway Commercial Zoning District and EC Entrance Corridor Overlay District Rivanna Magisterial District Albenwie County, Virginia Datum Reference Benchmark - Chiseled square on southwest corner of sidewalk to Hilltop Restaurant El. = 495.16' Source of Survey and Topography Kirk Hughes and Associates Proposed Use - Office o = 35' Maximum Height f Structure Front Setback = 17' Variance VA -2004 -017 No side or rear setback required Parking Schedule: Gross Area - 18,271 sf Useable Area - 10,897 sf Parking required for office space isp /200sf Parking spaces required 55 spaces Parking spaces provided 60 spaces - 9% more than required One loadi space provided Building coverage 5,460 sf Paving coverage 25,936 sf Impervious cover on site 0.72 acres = 54% Pervious cover on site 0.61 acres = 46% Paving specif ications: Travelway and parking 2" AM 9.5 D surface 6 "stone # 21B Sidewalk 4" 3,000 psi concrete 6 stone #218 6x6 10/10 wire mesh Site is not in a reservoir watershed. PANTOPS PLACE F inal SITE PLAN Revised October 17, 2006 tment of Community velopment, Zoning and Current Development -N,O* !, r. Department of Community Development Engineering 420%L & •4 'lion of Fire and Rescue 6A4 t,4,) Z. (t9 ot3 6" coNcft fe 3 «e t"k Albemarle County Service Authority 4 S�µE i Zi6 AI&Wwrle County Architectural Review Board 91?f z W-e Virginia Department of Transportation o� A mark County Bu I&V Official 6A'►ft+� � �. tcs �or r q�n.� ��,f �}�G!'fr�f+a� - 552- 7AO� Site Plan Originally submitted June 14, 2004 Joseph Associates LLC 481 Clarks Tract Keswick, Virginia 22947 phone 434 - 984 -4199 fax 434 - 984 -3098 l l P is y0wITY rw Albemarle County Engineering General Construction Notes for Site Plans 1. Prior to any construction within any existing public right -of -way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit, Where any discrepancies occur, the requirements of the permit shall govern. 2. All paving, drainage related materials and construction methods shall conform nform to current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing grading or other construction. 4. All slopes on disturbed areas are to be fertillized, seeded and mulched. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1(horizontal:vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 4:1 or better are to be acheived. 5. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditches may be required when in the opinion of the Albemarle County Director of Engineering or the Director's designee, it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 6. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices, 7. Unless otherwise noted, all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class m. S. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (24 CFR Part 1926). Once frontage improvements have been mace a plat will be created to dedicate the frontage to VOOT. Other Notes 1. Do not scale these drawings. Use dimensions shown only. Bring any discrepancies to the attention of the Landscape Architect. It is the contractor's responsibility to field verify all dimensions. 2. It is the contractor's responsibility to field verify the exact location of all existing utilities. 3. The property shown heron is subject to the following un plattable easements: Virginia Public Service Easement recorded in D.B. 214, pg. 414; Virginia Telephone b Telegraph Easement recorded in D.B. 404 pg 130. 4. Topography shown heron is from field surveys by Kirk Hughes b Associates performed on April 3, 1990, September 16, 2002, November 4, 2004 and December 22, 2004. 5. This survey was prepared without the benefit of a current title report and may not indicate all encumbrances on the property shown hereon. 6. Benchmark = chiseled square on southwest corner of sidewalk to Hilltop Restaurant. Elevation = 495.16' 7. The following sources were utilized in drafting the locations of underground utilities: field surveys of marked lines; topographic maps, as -built plans, and site plans provided by the owner; and utility maps provided by utility companies. No underground investigation of utilities was performed. The contractor agrees to be fully responsible for any and all damages which might be occasioned by his or her failure to exactly locate any preserve any underground utilities. lz 1 S 1 or.IS: n1eJ• � �oG ( 9, too(* -.t*, t «t► np .i lea g9a t "t FM 22841 rte°` • � k ; Sheet one Of six 0 a, 0 VA"fWMIL rAP t'` t�.;:I ►: ;':' P. .. I ugej llsl l_Ar,I =1tL lll514 tw tl {sKi 4 , �� smells of11 d jNt G O1��C (�D �'E M> 14 MS :u s Mt a N; r t hd n►t Gmrfl�llG�,p r+ah s r(S to M M rw Sµpi 7C et 1r" ►M;� 3 6 Ms M S t.{ W 0 Ag byrepSTr rAV AKV eo rP4T• A?"" veTA( L PANTOPS PLACE F inal SITE PLAN Revised October 17, 2006 tment of Community velopment, Zoning and Current Development -N,O* !, r. Department of Community Development Engineering 420%L & •4 'lion of Fire and Rescue 6A4 t,4,) Z. (t9 ot3 6" coNcft fe 3 «e t"k Albemarle County Service Authority 4 S�µE i Zi6 AI&Wwrle County Architectural Review Board 91?f z W-e Virginia Department of Transportation o� A mark County Bu I&V Official 6A'►ft+� � �. tcs �or r q�n.� ��,f �}�G!'fr�f+a� - 552- 7AO� Site Plan Originally submitted June 14, 2004 Joseph Associates LLC 481 Clarks Tract Keswick, Virginia 22947 phone 434 - 984 -4199 fax 434 - 984 -3098 l l P is y0wITY rw Albemarle County Engineering General Construction Notes for Site Plans 1. Prior to any construction within any existing public right -of -way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit, Where any discrepancies occur, the requirements of the permit shall govern. 2. All paving, drainage related materials and construction methods shall conform nform to current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing grading or other construction. 4. All slopes on disturbed areas are to be fertillized, seeded and mulched. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1(horizontal:vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 4:1 or better are to be acheived. 5. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditches may be required when in the opinion of the Albemarle County Director of Engineering or the Director's designee, it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 6. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices, 7. Unless otherwise noted, all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class m. S. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (24 CFR Part 1926). Once frontage improvements have been mace a plat will be created to dedicate the frontage to VOOT. Other Notes 1. Do not scale these drawings. Use dimensions shown only. Bring any discrepancies to the attention of the Landscape Architect. It is the contractor's responsibility to field verify all dimensions. 2. It is the contractor's responsibility to field verify the exact location of all existing utilities. 3. The property shown heron is subject to the following un plattable easements: Virginia Public Service Easement recorded in D.B. 214, pg. 414; Virginia Telephone b Telegraph Easement recorded in D.B. 404 pg 130. 4. Topography shown heron is from field surveys by Kirk Hughes b Associates performed on April 3, 1990, September 16, 2002, November 4, 2004 and December 22, 2004. 5. This survey was prepared without the benefit of a current title report and may not indicate all encumbrances on the property shown hereon. 6. Benchmark = chiseled square on southwest corner of sidewalk to Hilltop Restaurant. Elevation = 495.16' 7. The following sources were utilized in drafting the locations of underground utilities: field surveys of marked lines; topographic maps, as -built plans, and site plans provided by the owner; and utility maps provided by utility companies. No underground investigation of utilities was performed. The contractor agrees to be fully responsible for any and all damages which might be occasioned by his or her failure to exactly locate any preserve any underground utilities. lz 1 S 1 or.IS: n1eJ• � �oG ( 9, too(* -.t*, t «t► np .i lea g9a t "t FM 22841 rte°` • � k ; Sheet one Of six 0 a, 0 0 ti 0 h Pantops Place Storm Water Profile Unless otherwise noted on the plans or in the specifications, all fill materials shall be compacted to 95% of theoretical maximum density as determined by AASHTO T -99 method A, within plus or minus 2% of optimum moisture, for the full width and depth of the fill. 4 ?5. ce q.95.a. x}90 • o0 4qo . oo •49n. os ,�5s. oo •4.e5. o 0 485• 4- S � 480 40o. oo J o +Ie.oa t r t7 - ��.__— � oo X175• O .9 47O•� H � F � 470. ♦0 70 4 . tp 8 9 tr C M $ W + 0 ' d i f}• f c _ tr Q f 5 c 8 \Ih PF Y L&O. co _ ,bo. OO A/,,o. o0 �• o. eo��. 4 * r en l t tie S �S•oo •o o ie •e t S•�,O I t ne S I - 4 �ornnt; to 4dFo• oc O +oo otdoo Oo It o Z roe ztso - ..... L.C. 00 otoo 0 *450 %too HA" 7,401 0cT. 1S 2407 zoo 7 NRA&'Rr9 2e. Sheet four Of six 0 h r 1 0 v i t —I— -- — -- — -- — r T — 1 1 � 1 / / -ToP4o. / INV Ily '♦`'%• I 1 ► 1 � Sa' 1 \ �y I✓ 2 . ea 11 ,�, � I � t I 11 i I I � O �b r N a , r o Z 45 X 9 0 a N kz 0 D ww 1 n n J IL s >s r H Al w 45(o K,K Zv . 4 "A IA,WI..I 0 ►yT I tee z� � P v 13 z - 1 I / STA I 57)4 30' - 4 " SGs 50' - 4" 3 S PAL _ 50' - �'' 3s svR 3 ` } Z �% >yr� peKKlh � t,&o Af-6h I " o I 0 � vs z SONX STA 3+ 8 I I � �� �` - �w� �N 450 • ?o I1 11 1 v► / I Q , �i 11 I Jr 1 A 7 I o r l 1 d I ? I • 1 STA 5+ b8 c... I s Tor 45` . 57 1 r s_ y� .t Mvt' STIR 3te3 - or 4 c, -7.00 - - 0 v w 1 N\1 449. 2.1- Pantops Place Sanitary Sewer Plan and Profile May 16, 2006 Joseph Associates LLC 481 Clarks Tract Keswick, Virginia 22947 phone 434 - 984 -4199 fax 434 - 984 -3098 email marcia481 @earthlink.net Notes: 1. Work shall be subject to inspection by the Albemarle County Service Authority inspectors. The contractor shall notify the Albemarle County Service Authority officials at the start of the work, 2. The locations of existing utilities are not necessarily shown on the plans and, where shown, are only approximate. The contractor shall locate all underground lines and structures as necessary. 3. All materials and construction shall comply with general water and sewer construction specifications as adopted by the Albemarle County Service Authority. 4. Datum for all elevations shown is bench mark (el. 495.16) existing on the north side of Route 250. 5. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying "Miss Utility" (1- 800- 552 - 7001). 6. All water and sewer pipes shall have a minimum of 3 feet of cover measured from the top of pipe, over the centerline of the pipe. This includes all fire hydrant lines, service laterals and water lines, etc. 7. All water and sewer appurtenances are to be located outside of the roadside ditches. 2as7 �h � X51 wo7 ND "W*-. 19', 140 T STATI o Wv red on the pkins or in the specifications, all fill materials o 95% of theoretical maximum density as determined by AASHTO T -99 method A, within plus or minus 276 of optimum moisture, for the full width and depth of the fill. lL Sheet five 4 Of six V) 1 too t +•3o t4p Zt6o 3 +00 3 +456 x _ r 1 1 �j -f00 �50 0 'tt00 3f5v 3+00 Zf SO 2+60 (.t ro 1 t- ©o M M _ b I 7 S u 04CIL 4bES "*to" b It' t,444e A44b E * ( i !fib % *4 ,5 `v r J W 0 ti f J Itoo Itl o t+to 1t3c I t - to 1 4- AVID 54AL49- jM%OKTA(L i "S ?,4, 1 St" RCf pRoF(LIF uo'St) ,�r Lh 7 AMP �.•. a1 StTe- PLAa4 MMMI MI 1611 , I Al � OLIlRIL NDTO -- - - - - -+ P r _ $-I— SIAM AJ w own MIMMW • � �MV..w PLOW vRw DRRMIX MW= rrAr AAMLM MAA • �� � IrrArllw MMA �fE O rIA - --- t. M Y • ,�Irl�li�lM�i� $NO= A -A ALI MAfi MT�MIQ MARL dWI�L MIIAIM. II.IIM MOM C-C M 144ff.1G 04 r AAAYAIA alriM � AlI1M1 '• �� �, ,,.,�,., rte► AIa■re�.. rim MM w AMM �� IMr w AMM w AIN& AgT�L r w ♦ [ �ui �,I�I�s UM M OMIIM PWMMM. L MW M IIIIM PARR OF III/AA • M 490PNWMN AM I WAIL L �� wl��r MwA . AMA A LA IMAIMIM ■MM MA ♦ 4 wu.l w we wM M wrAAI� L 11 1 SAU.W RA OU r RM WIN M .I.A...... MOM • IM' . MIA M MW A N/IAA IAAMIA' � '• M A�1E # L M M M y � A AAYII VIII �I AlSR �M n PAVEMENT WDEIM IIIMI I�Iwrir . 1MrMRA1M A Panto ps Place Final Site Plan 24" Pipe profile Entrance profile Detail Sheet of VDOT standards June 28, 2007 I •iilkLe: ' ^!M[MKLLM KTCRA•!OM .1 • ` .m x•w PMK�lI .tM M-EL Y PPCE WICJ _ �scc.aN r'v- I � j I d'�11Nt Yi19+.Ys:�u9rG T j NOTES r y i PMK •LA[[N[�;- MMIY �� �.`. ' YCLt'V'A3AI75.7e�ilWGY ryl ?[RS[CTgN R K KYE YNT ! AVIIfII si xP, � irvrc cAOSSwuN �fd7J {.RIl1A'S,t'lAt.'�f.'q', "°• •. it��1� �' "�"Ki"rY'AR+t • � ° �Ai47tiE1.'li 2l.'d.3."t4:@ ° •. , PMK'.El LiPCAKxU.CULM ' N4CxT RM Pw n • t'7iAJ �. w KgHy Lam. PI�RGA ° MXa ' YFfiR.p e�R.� .p • PPLL,A�[C • ru��i • 1�r'.. .� ��"� �� � '.• lTP ii [RIICTNN r; LN luPKA F uctax a. M MAMIIM 4IAAII Aw11Mlry or AA4IY 4 M ■ n AA A1AM AL MM HME FOR V - 40 FM C LVOM MOM AMI WAW . WANOWA IN M aorLs 1. M MW Al 7Y�N'�S�Atl a AW M AN<!. L I II�F. I M! M R1111. L yAa%z *.AII w HORW. ff- `�AA�f A A •L . � A A • •A L • A N M 1I[ 711 A COMMO ►I IMF Il VMS & W 1 M MOM AAMIIL W . IAAIW-WrAMI Sight Distance has been reviewed by VDOT and determined to be adequate based on the existing site conditions as studied for the "Dennis Enterprises /Pontops" site plan. J u �y 3 2�e 7 oat 12F, 2.a7 'S . 11/ Zoo Sheet six of six 0 0 n. 4 AM{ t•� �1. �Af` 1M 0 CONSWAICIM 3' . -21 ASPHALT TOP DoA 2K zK PY�aRt 0 pppp�� ca' WL 21A AgIVIE IE WSE iM 70' nN. SICK OCM611WCIION ASPIAL.T F*M AOCESS WASHRA .K 2; PAruEMOeF 2K 12' MK• _- . -_ PDBI K 011001W TO SWIMENr •MUST, WW FULL ROM Le j TWPFW DEVICE OF IMESS AND EIIIl9S 12' INN. 01iNE 01"'W 2K smaroer tN MCE FL70 pAFN SECTION A-A IMaa WATER TAP OF 2' s fI=AED WrrN A M WARA 1107" HOSE OK OF 1 A' PAVED WASH RA(* No SCALE CONSTRUCTION OF A SILT FENCE (WITHOUT WIRE SUPPORT) 1 SET THE STAID 2. EXCAVATE A 4 7 X a TRn7CH UPSIAPE ALONG THE LINE or STAXES. GUM. PLOW r 3. STAPLE IFILTIM MATERIAL TO STAKES AND MCMD 4. BACIQTIL AND COMPACT THE EXCAVATED SOIL. IT INTO THE TRENCH. now SHEET FLOW INSTALLATION (PERSPECTIVE VIEW) I I i W i A I I A POINTS A SHOULD BE HIGHER THAN POINT B. DRAINAGEAAY INSTALLATION (FRONT ELEVATION) Source: Adapted from Sherwood and Wyant Plate 3.03 -2 % PP _. 3.09 1992 130it�1 The admiration allowable height inessurad from the Dp i"t ode of the dike is IS inches (Lee Plate 109-1). TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE Compacted Soil te" min. : : ' . :S "''• :44iti' :sFNtis4Cti� > ~��� Ir-- 4.6' min. ---'� O Sourm: Vs. DSWC Plate 3.W1 ,Si��SY1p0l 14:1 or Batter, along with a mimimtm base width of 4.5 feet (see Plate 3.09 Sunda The channel behind the dike span have a positive trade to a stabilized outlet• H the ehamuel dept is leas than or equal to 296, ono stabilization is required. N the slope is peaty than 296, the charnel shag be stabilised in acwrdamm with Sid. a Sete. 3.17, STORMWATER CONVEYANCE CHANNEL. QllW 1. The diverted rumot if free of sediment must be released dmisigiu a stabilized outlet or channel. III - 54 0 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP H�� a D O Ou. TR /Alva _ twasl[ N a w vat /Apr a• IN1L 1 neat arn11 aa°so nLV. -SEE PULE 313 -1 CORM AaORENA Cl/at I 1~ CROSS SECTION OF OUTLET one I Iwwr jftm��� - O / rues skull f COMM AaIiA "n SMALL BE VOOT /3, #357 OR /5 OUTLET (PERSPECTIVE VIEW) Source: Va. DSWC DIVERSIONS or � i w TYPICAL PARABOLIC DIVERSION ... amraslrr ex Pas err - -- -- --- -------------- - TYPICAL TRAPEZOIDAL DIVERSION us tmo.r - 4s' rats ,01at1 �www TYPICAL VEE- SHAPED DIVERSION Swarm Vs. DSWC M -67 Plate 3.12-1 Pantops Place Erosion and Sediment Control Plan June 30, 2006 s1 1992 3. _ MINIMUM TOP WIDTH (W) REQUIRED FOR SEDIMENT TRAP EMBANKMENTS ACCORDING TO HEIGHT OF EMBANKMENT (FEET) I wJ 1.5 0.5 2.0 - ----- - - - - -- 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.5 1.5 2.3 3.0 2.0 2.5 3.S 2.5 3.0 'N N M 4.0 3.0 3.0 4.5 3.5 4.0 S.0 4.0 4.5 -- DrwarsD AREA IINA. svml . 4' CROW exam Source: Va. DSWC Plate 3.1 3. Tie earthen embankment shrill be seeded with temporary or Pernsm nt Vegetal (see Std. A Spec.'s 331 and 332) immediately after installation- 4. Censtruaiot operation shall be carried out in such a manner that erosion and wA pollution arc usinimioed. 5. The structure Shall be removed and the area stabilised when the upsiope drain am has been stabilised. 6. All art and fill slopes shall be 2:1 or Barter (except for excV4814 war storage I which may be at a unaldinum 1:1 pate). IP GRAVEL CURB INLET SEDIMENT FILTER 00000. FX70 ` , Wei ME CONCRETE QUATM TM 111111100 or New Psollic"0111 10 APPLICAINA AT CUM DR= AIM 0110111, UML IS TWT #3, #357 OR 6 004111011 AGONDrA?Z. T"LE 6.1 GENERAL EROSION AND SMHWM T CONTROL NNOTTES ES-1: Unless otherwise mdicigted, all vegetative and structural erosion and sediment control practices will be conshtxxed and maintained according to minimum standards and specifications of the Viraima Erosion turd and Virginia Regulations VR 625 -M-00 Erosion and Sediment Control Regulatiom ES-2: The plan approving authority must be notified one week prior to the pre construction cooierenoe, one week prior to the of land disturbing activity, and one week prior to the final Inspection. ES-3: All erosion Lest sediment control measures are to be placed prior to or as the first step in dearing. ES4 : A copy of the approved erodon and sediment control plan shall be maintained on the site at all times. ES Prior to commencing land disturbing activities in areas other than indicated on these plan (u dldin& but not limited to, oft -site borrow or waste areas), the contractor shall submit a supplementary erosion control plan to the owner for review and approval by the plan approving authority. ES-6: The contractor is responsible for installation of any additional erosion control measures necessary to prevent erosion and sedimentation as determined by the plan approving authority. E5-7: All disturbed areas are to drain to approved sediment control measures at all times during land disturbing activities and during site development until final stabilization is achieved. ES-8: During dewa" operations, water will be pumped into an approved filtering device. ES-9 The contr actor' shall inspect all erosion control measures periodically and after each runoff -proms rainfall event. Any necessary repsurs or dead to maintain the effectiveness of the erosion control devices shall be made immediately. �! t P •� Y1UN.(TY (W ism saw4w Va. DEWC Pleat 3.07.6 III -74 1992 3.18 PIPE OUTLET CONDITIONS n - � 1�is .eerie • �� . •: EMI -.�.- ..... Kn Ouna TO WELL C RANNEL PLAN VIEW SECTION A-A T r --1 007131: 1 APRON UPON* WAY Me WRAP. GMnW F~. OMM VSM PL4201 3.10-3 AM 2.14-4. -- Lawes"astass. �- s_•ea Soave: Va. DSWC Plate 3.10 -1 In - u7 0 U TAKE 332-D SM SPROnC SMDING MD1TrI M FOR PIRDMONr ARILA Total lbs. Par Acre Commercial or Residential 175 -200 lbs. Kentucky 31 or Turf -'type Tall Fescue 95-100% Improved Perennial Ryeepass 0-5% KaMICILY BbbOrM 0-5% 200.250 lbs. Kentucky 31 or Turf Type Tall Fescue 100% General 3j= (3:1 or lMl Kentucky 31 Fescue 128 lbs. Red Top Grew 2 lbs. Seasonal Nurse Crop ' -20JhK ISO lbs. Kentucky 31 Fescue 106 lbs. Red Top Orass 2 lbs. Seasonal Nurse Crop • 20 lbs. Crovnrvetch •• 20Iha. 1501[x. • Use seasonal none crop in accordance with seeding dates as stated below. February 16th through April ...................... Annual Rye May 1st through August 15th ..................... Fantail Millet August 16th through October ...................... Annual Rye November through February 15th ................... Winter Rye •• Substitute Sericas lexpedeas for Crovmveth east of Farrnvilk, Va. (May through Septexmber use bulled Serices, all other periods, we unhulied Serices). R Fhupea is used in lieu of Crown vecth, increase rate to 30 lbs. /acre. All legume seed must be properly imoculsIO . Weeping Lovegran may be added to any skips or lour- maioreoanm mix during warmer seeding periods: add 10-20 9u. /acre in Buboes. 111-303 D Source: Va. DSWC TAM 33!•A ANIMISM UM FOIL DUST CONIML Wow APpd"dsn I)dlatlaa 1I" of Raw Aaiodc ARpiok BEa111102 _ 7:1 own Spry 1.200 Hatless Buunudim 12ss Pas spry 235 Rain is Water 4:1 Fiat spiny 300 A (N -T"09) 7:1 Coaess 3" 450 Aeolic Rrrlisu 3M �) 35.1 COMM SixW ?-ON K I O+•k tom. a, See)� rrON ► 9, 2007 4'I T`�tf 1 '4s '7 off• 1 5 Zv 7 • ry� t, Sheet one of Two Plate 3.13 -2 3.12 332 1992 TAKE 332-D SM SPROnC SMDING MD1TrI M FOR PIRDMONr ARILA Total lbs. Par Acre Commercial or Residential 175 -200 lbs. Kentucky 31 or Turf -'type Tall Fescue 95-100% Improved Perennial Ryeepass 0-5% KaMICILY BbbOrM 0-5% 200.250 lbs. Kentucky 31 or Turf Type Tall Fescue 100% General 3j= (3:1 or lMl Kentucky 31 Fescue 128 lbs. Red Top Grew 2 lbs. Seasonal Nurse Crop ' -20JhK ISO lbs. Kentucky 31 Fescue 106 lbs. Red Top Orass 2 lbs. Seasonal Nurse Crop • 20 lbs. Crovnrvetch •• 20Iha. 1501[x. • Use seasonal none crop in accordance with seeding dates as stated below. February 16th through April ...................... Annual Rye May 1st through August 15th ..................... Fantail Millet August 16th through October ...................... Annual Rye November through February 15th ................... Winter Rye •• Substitute Sericas lexpedeas for Crovmveth east of Farrnvilk, Va. (May through Septexmber use bulled Serices, all other periods, we unhulied Serices). R Fhupea is used in lieu of Crown vecth, increase rate to 30 lbs. /acre. All legume seed must be properly imoculsIO . Weeping Lovegran may be added to any skips or lour- maioreoanm mix during warmer seeding periods: add 10-20 9u. /acre in Buboes. 111-303 D Source: Va. DSWC TAM 33!•A ANIMISM UM FOIL DUST CONIML Wow APpd"dsn I)dlatlaa 1I" of Raw Aaiodc ARpiok BEa111102 _ 7:1 own Spry 1.200 Hatless Buunudim 12ss Pas spry 235 Rain is Water 4:1 Fiat spiny 300 A (N -T"09) 7:1 Coaess 3" 450 Aeolic Rrrlisu 3M �) 35.1 COMM SixW ?-ON K I O+•k tom. a, See)� rrON ► 9, 2007 4'I T`�tf 1 '4s '7 off• 1 5 Zv 7 • ry� t, Sheet one of Two Plate 3.13 -2 3.12 459 .00 45E•57 Io�r 44w," d. 3G" Icr- +17.74 Z q WM 41. 447.77 1 1 1X4.4 cf W o v /:� -A'b a "Qfj 10*P 8` 1 4N PfALOPMO. (ANtsrtto a" (43, '4" -1 ") Sprul woe-r- lo,. Ll T�t.L- +�•. as tsMi•1�tr�Y�sMI•t.wkY - 2i' MP Rkf - -• 2: I or --0 E-VIP - j"TA►TIuP •tom- -- Att•OCR rI4*,,o a_TNw3*t1.,14, e,xGI.Y4n 1 1 a4 <Au, I t-W At4 eme M 14. e,L.40 [ • 3 TEMP+ORrIRY 9ENCh%"W- TOP OF I RON ROD ELEV. - 477.90 A.C.SA EASEMEWS ---�- DA 1157. Py. 715 s D.B. 113,2, Pg. 118 � Q � 18" ' +?_ Kv. 454.3 \ i Nv o4 61 1 � 1 / \ K \` 1 / / .22 ' Nvtr.S: Description ! _W l51I0ftlteP r1ly. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY fbe- f:ILTOP -tqt K - dR k T" SIP Fly 1 �1.4L•�`1•� k PPPb vet2 Slope t1>1 A�"'`� �>y� PANTOP INVESTORS LLC 2. 0eFtl -1LR6 M* NOr PK - - - -- 4tre -M "I lt.12eop 6Y 1W 0osI "NTP41- A04P RIVANNA MAGISTRIAL DISTRICT v�kc►�R to�lf i►IhTL�D'rb�LF, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 3• T NrMCTqL- S*ku- eow*r rtft SEPTEMBER 18, 2002 teR "50yp-II IN4 r & " v �_ 456.98 i f ' fh4R4 PF40 -1a 1 0-114 w, DECEMBER 22, 2004 REVISED T" hl Of I 1 - - MV - A4'►V IL r 4 (6*f h+4 B t� AI A'ppRoWn.•- of SCALE: 1 " =20' � ,.� ,01V i IId f#o4 CONTOUR INTERVAL= 2' A qt7 T*t X0 1 L. MIx. \ / z y �� '�'0 p/�G I L ► t`{ vV f LL 138 ; 1 l \ I \ .74 \. .L . C� 714"461# rAr -II��I �> � �, �, ,�► \ ! - y ��' �\ L `\ (S • � � �' '�. T Ott Z. so A v eto 4k 7 60W _f JN�_v V I It it too Q 9 I �t -� nC 1�1.f �1io�l L.1 �� �.g ,�, - � \ � 'r,� \ �, \��, at �,. \ \�, „ N \ �' � •?, ` \ 1 c� t .0S '� C .( {t' q ' \ `� " d► AS \ 4 5,A11V 11'�1•It.Y •i1iKlER. t e' '�t `�,�" :L � '� � \ \ z �, '� �� i ,44. !( �,,: P`' \ r W t*l x.13 ,�,t- \a l Ib pja L.1 IS ` P �` At 01! a S% t/ \ �� ; : \� �' `\ \\ \\ \t \~ / l." 6+�+� '�(oK� +k2tb \ ANTO PS I 0 ,r�� LAM �-, _ Z�x \\ .� D8 2 -491 \ `� .- i'te o� l sr1 5.50 f \ " t . Z I p ,j,, \ 4 •so : r �•`. LIr,IL 4 <_ D8 1 v fi Ja \ t� \ Hw.&fT \ - ;3 A04Y "It-griNq� \ II. mcelL G Zp• "�, q' k; « .` 1 D_ 407 86 PLAT L.or�aitri�.t�N- E \ N\ . Dl1A�*K S Lt \ \ >r! DB 1 32- 7 \ TH F NI HiG AY PLaA O 1 -103 \ s% \ 1 \ \. • ` / \` G '} a M,V• TM 078 -0 1 \ � r �' \ � SL.a� `� \ 1 \ .1,; 93.5 j ' <�•, 326 �- • G � 'Cie . # ,� y h \ V � �Nr' \ �' x459.5 7< Ir ���... I _ tom ,try #" �:_. �, � -•!�► tti $ t r .r�y. � s•.. \ \ \\ .,r \ � P� d' 459.9 as h.' ,. 4i4 \ �ws.3 J L \ \ s w ► � , . `� G i. I �� f/7 ' "" - �� . .�'1, / / \ \ \ ' /• {fir \ �f • � ` I . \ • - ``.\ 458.9 s OAK V }¢ - I.w►�N I, \ l+ly �tr..R r+a.�� _ -7 RALLY Mil- \; \ O' (1d \ INv 4f RCP �1•K?• � ' � � ,/� 4fA•i� G 1r ` . � / \ _- L s � \ y,� ,.-• av- 492.r(a�j � >r R 1lr►�r. .1 -�- RCP � - INV. =453. L �, • \ L \ f4 -M. _' tip- _ - 454 - _ _ _ - ' - - - /� 'gI v11�16� /S 63'370 /"{�l/ 46I 1b P1 / / Q O 49 �' / / - _ - 436 - __ lS ttbl•,{ ✓ -' �� _- fi \ JD - 458 loll 1 46 HURT INVESTMENT COMPANY DB 996 -126 DB 2731 -1 PLAT - TMP 07800-- 00- =00 -073AO / j l o , - USE COMMERIC - Storm Water Structures / ! / / / LEGEND: N /F= NOW OR FORMERLY CC= CONCRETE CURB CSW= CONCRETE SIDEWALK T.M.P.= TAX MAP PARCEL EP= EDGE PAVEMENT HDPE= REINFORCED PLACTIC - PIPE RCP= REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE FH= FIRE HYDRANT MH =. MANHOLE ICI IT i Slopes 25°% or greater Symbol I Description Lensth Inv. In. Inv. Out Slope Remarks A ES -118" - - - -- --- -- 456.50 - - - -- Ln 1 18" RCP 15' 456.98 456.73 1.53% B DI -3B - - - -- 456.98 456.73 - - - -- Ln 2 15" RCP 108' 457.52 456.98 0.5% C DI -3B - - - -- 457.52 457.52 457.52 - - - -- La 3 15" RCP 60' 461.11 457.52 5.53% D DI -3C - - - -- 461.20 462.81 461.11 - - - -- Ln 4 15" RCP 68' 465.27 461.20 5.98% E VDOT MH - - - -- - - - -- 465.27 - - - -- Ln 5 15" RCP 75' 465.29 462.81 3.3% F VDOT MH - - - -- - - - -- 465.29 - - - -- G DI -3B - - - -- - - - - -- 457.74 - - - -- Ln 6 15" RCP 19' 457.74 457.52 1.16% H VDOT MH - - - -- 469.50 495.40 - - - -- Conned to existing 24" RCP La 7 24" RCP 300' 469.40 457.40 4.00% H1 VDOT MH - - - -- 457.40 457.30 Ln8 24" RCP 55' 457.30 457.20 5.45% J ES -124" - - - -- - - - -- 454.30 K EC -1 - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- 18" Rip Rap to existing Ri lo / // /' � �' < TOP- 507.2' M OUT- 501.1 ' (15" IN =501.2' (15" HDP£) IN- 501.8' (6 HDPE) 0 , lo 14: !gyp the Pantop Pl ace • rt14GiL. I f P" Apr Stor Water Manag P an December 8, 2006 Joseph Associates LLC � r 481 Clarks Tract - Keswick, Virginia 22947 434 - 984 -4199 phone - ,.�, ` P«O- �` 434- 984 -3098 fax marcia481 @earthlink.net ; (310 r•G1" fl 01� PLA41MG rkh - 75.50 �4 .28 I ' 1 ` m ,0, \ cc 1 Vpw4uAfn s A-v z� - PjAwr F e- ro4e -TOP- = KI?Iatpev wqq = 1 44'5 T ot Pmf.1 44 O► of luo MkTGRA464 = 25' x *SO' pI rjVy -61046 AT OOT MM Or t4A% L- = 4 x So VoW*•1� = 2 Soo c.� wqv oK Da flL�tz �o�-r�•r -t o f Stu tAY = �{ S9 • so Top or - "blmfq �1 � 'f � o • eo w 4x.OL. 1- YOL CV&TRr = 4 74 OWL. r Oft p+. to Yr- tvw4 45&133 0r_- NII9 40I N" M 5eR 0E FL ",r.5 C l D P . r LGO o St) = 18 I 1I � . �Ft�k-k r11R4 - FuVg -P1W Et -3 9%%4 At-AU4 co""ON A&t*j%_ - 4 by GGIs�lLES Hks - G*.WL•I AoP.1 - I r ij I �� Vo Kr•roF�k - t5"- Iv I�fiteLttt \ MI IIII 4 4 tl sTA NBA i 4i °) iel 4 r 9) GOMM 4A , 4r , psf &A r'twI' b�C4�� t tl l�io N�f� -4�I O� f4�1 �lT'f 0 -"qE 4 Td?*1 l'.X l'rtN(�1 't'tt6 IT'E W IL , the Lj�_44 - ttc14 11{E e�c•l4 W Go r�tbr(io Tq".F, I e7 tJO mcopj t r_ PF.�tcK- ;kJAIII 1tAT6 ft 1 0-'Z'vtts 10 -• Vl �y0tyc,`f STo+-Ir'I A 7WE po t NT OF bt"AP&e A Mf GW 6t,oPr v4T o A� 'F1414T16 R AW_ A61 �� pI APPuc -�tfi' f <tV I�si� t9, 2 1 \ KJPC411412 I P�h 4 1 z• •v a 305.31 , .� id •• . 0 rt��. � Sheet one of Two b 0 0 c� vV t� - 4 pA��h v�lA`�kt t�AGk k�P..�1RR1� � • �� NMI'M'�- 75.50 , 1 \\ / x4 .28 f ` - / *78.44 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PANTO P INVESTORS LLC RIVANNA MAGISTRIAL DISTRICT ALB MARL COUNTY, VIRGINIA 000- 3.05 S l LT f rW t:j TEMPORWY BENCHMARK rlr�` `'; TOP OF IRON ROD cc \ . �qj ELEV.;= 477.90 4 `\ � � %„ SEPTEMBER 18, 2002 N �lON - p�k„E DECEMBER 22, 2004 REVISED A.C.sA EASEMENTS / \ SCALE: 1 " =20' D.B. 1157, Pg. 15 07 32118 \ \ \. ' D.B. f 1. Pg. �i" �;�\ �, CONTOUR INTERVAL= 2 o Q�P�� I \ p` ' �.5�/ �� 15' 101 l 5' �� — L / ./��� ► '�, �--�!� a ��*' - 'rte',• • 'i+ !�►.� .,, 'fir � ���� � "�'� .� �Ir�►� wf T'l al" �Mwt1�- 7S' C am- • 7A" .N) oi; t / 1 / /' /' /' / / /' / / TOP 507.2' 19, Lei�r 4 0' x ' or �/ / . / /' / /' OUT-501.1 (15" / /' p Q , \. J+Mt t�rr,t. - w o r t*Y T#P* 9 �►�5 COL • , *a ) ' / / / / dr Nw•50 ` \\ bt rt �%� D 1 v LEGEND: - - - _� - IN•�501.8' M ' , �. a Ig 2 - - r H** • I ' 10 / /' / /' / __.._� Mkt �u ' N OR FQI�IY w = Z` - - and ft N F 0 Place Erosion . Pantos �s,z., CC= CONCRETE CURB CSW= CONCRETE SIDEWALK AP PARCEL T.M.P. TAX M Sedim Contro Plan I - EP= EDGE PAVEMENT r HDPE= REINFORCED PLACTIC PIPS June 30, 2006 RCP= REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE - FH= FIRE HYDRANT Job Assoc LLC IAN•= MANH04—E 481 Clarks Tract I Keswick, Virginia 22947 "� - 1 Slopes 25% or g reater ! Sheet two plc 434 -984 _ 4199 fax 434- 984 -3098 of f TW v OB ,t 1 \ r , 1% D \ �► wvv Y Ifi�� ►►i �1+.1vCR d u • yy HIG E 1 • '� 'g 1 TM 078 -00 1 .� \ r t \ \ \ 326 �' \ ,� �.1. �. \ \ g \ \ \ �� F ' ` // / \ ` t • \ o h \ 4. \ ✓ \ �j x459.5 �... / _ \ 'f \� lark, 4 TH ( Jae . �� t• 5 AL FL C F \ \ 'J , 5 � 459.9 '� - ►t \ \ -10 \ \ Sti \ P .��� tf'� \ 458.9 0 2- oHC v �� / I iw► / I ax \ tr. 1 I jta&Qy l OIXtY 1 1 > rM -4e RCP) 1. � ' ' �� ,/ '4'itTi !1�'� G .► ..- r X41 2.7• s'biw � Ito ale- ,�, / _ i+� _ _ _ — It — r. INV. =453. 65.57'0 ' y(/ 46 "8' T° , / o o, -- ' ,�s t b 3 7,95 - \ -- - -- 454 r 490.4x \ IRClN. SET J _ - _ - / / / '� pity S \ PtT _ _ '�F - -- - - _ 45 Y / / / ( `r, r .� l 6 / • = IT t Of ��aF i • ' ,/ / i� '�+462/� N� ANY 1�iw fell Peep wtt,c, c0r1 f_ F*o r) /` -S((E WtT14 hK JdtFodCb 0464 oK AMP G49PO40 '?" � � / �/ o / * rRi HURT INVESTMENT COMPANY / - -- - D9 996 -126 DB 2731 -1 PEAT TMP 07300- 00- 00 -073A0 AtO DO si t AILY , � �+ t � -�� � ,,� f \ \ ��. .�, • \\ �� , ' 100for F P t OIL ' � \ � 1Y 2 � .t. - tf \ C', \ :.\ \ � \ 1 4 ` J ��:: �/ 8' \ \ � ' \ • � � \\ \ \ \ �. \' 1'�' / li" 61�E \s�aKE �2tb \ t���SN(•,�{t► Lr� Gl.�'ir ANTO PS I �''�` d \ \ \ r'l mf '[Mr ^s,�, �.1� v ° '� 2 -49 '!� 9 I �_ t \ f \ N,�\ r lY =• o„ 146"s s,h 9 -sp t�6 4 O \� �'' 'j' \ \ r ivy /$ 6.4e Z� �\v " a � / �tko p / \ GP\' • • y 'r \ ✓� `n // �`` /f v�1P•ur� � ,��,$ At p O� �On$� I 'D r • - ra 7 / 1 \ \ T4TZ . so \ \ /, / \ �\ u. c,�kfc k� \ y� ,'.. � \ I L " ,� o \ 7� Lr, \ '4 �� \ tilt o 6 '� ,. or v� \ , \ ��� \ \ .. \. � `` g 0 0 -fEt�p s r�a• t - rte •�bn " '� _` "� _ � �!'D�D'� T r, ,' 4 '� 1► • �tJ" ' \r \ 9 \ • a a; \ 9 p 4 0 h 0 a Pantops Ploce -final Site Plan SDP- 2007 -026 TMP #07800- 00- 00 -013R0 Signed 2/28/08 CEO- DF /Rss•Igrted 3/4/08 v w cz> 00 U V) CD OJ co o 3 0 M X V O SL 0 V C) cr - r .t, $ v < 9) CD U �. �D cr � 0 0 v O O _ 0 -r i CD c O.0 1� :V3A O :aV11WASld 3TA4 , V0 \CS \T0 w U D N 0 S D s D S D S C L L . a W m �D F C J D 7 Iz. 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T�rr�• r f. :' a J r w'M 17 0 D IUR O:;" i.Mv" ! `!A +. ,aigcb0.fA :iH , Artt rru -h, T +:,v, r -M• , rww b tee + 4q") Nbi..t'rJIH ipi.s41r1 09 -14 Walk arll!l .1w rrr3M 1 ru3 f rp rx� iR7.V 1•rr KI a "kJA •!<� IAM=' b'1 h :bl Nt.,4 at �owtwrr,r wr«i'• ".t sxvMd :H 3�t� 1r7Igk1 4.l.11gn ►•lf:i i.Mar 4AQ-1 1 19T) nln Arrl•rd nF. dnlY tia: )H: nrin.ip vo(t nN1rIl I)sb PVXoI b*bd)c� -1 A AA awlrbr:.d hsIR rr.::Hlir -M *V' 1be gnmoil ani: rlalli Z r t� q�,4ua n y ILYtxln ,a1 bait.pl:, ai ; ,atqttd4 a1rJq .*M bn11 rti .Maincdn NI -NNhA Wwuttl •i!: d lddmo" Morwn3 iN'1O. nNla W MNYIQn, 44H ,y AWKI ar M1 nJlwrq INe V44kd M - M • Ind Nomb vinm gnus' hn lain1lco pnipirl:stl lb .,. m.11 0 M tMORFl 'M i "K ,Ibikl l (rivkl • 18g1 W13e`i iWdA�18Vllhr4 ,%i9H1 rlll�il»E nulrfl nil bleb 104:2h rd':,r aalnr" t ga9l ,d 11trt;l -m rul"o l Wim of t *krnif . VD* 1,1111a. ;;le.r.• ro lr urt )Jr.) >* 10 Le 1110 .0:4.111#1 L I ahlyAOfi�i1 nhl; Sliigd r nollgO gaind • e NIrJ:twiy re14e7e1 crbAy . .allu -Na Inufti1 To (1t%,7{il ANaflf7C'arju +Y ,rs_ikaal �aw,uial�Wur. ,a aril wpab 'ai h ian , voe• X Ka lultal 1111vrn' ark vd bailhiso GV11"aiv iose . 1 YkIU tiiv3u n �r►al JrA9� .ISUileiassalk INlM 4591111 vii i r v Barr MVIJV HNi. Ylgio ood walla vox abndl3 ,ir. -0. r-a ,i+-A '•3.5.x+0 A116 -garld r 4wT We VA* V lkwT M& 01JVI M irlpkd•I Qni mmm - "x ybltwo la ,b.-d , r -0 ,.r-A r."3 A-t43 MabnarorWw s:�r n•1K 9110T IOM . 1 s.uwr; l �n/My1 ... _..Z..�.il wmlQ III DWT i IM ; f A 46917 MA 111!M1Mi'1 N1Q AIM bcr "a n� N +Iq +N+A Nia''vl �w . :kit r • via Ao C..�.... 5. s •M •1. WAd 'Yei •til Rry, R•LI tiWM MOOR M•N ;a a.' r. Tp R)rx! hg lnrs tsF kNtNalpnY,dylM gYkY" bns kamnlfa noiia ,,4 I bstera�rWn", wo egrq" MA rolW ri .•>a,iq ana nxr1lhalr,rr. Amos t Iss"Mic- lrlkKv of 4I ft crl (1410970A Fa Q*KW .AM :IjduMI 0A3 tjvbiY kxpwu vdT qM CSI Cr+thxs rd Um"te vA ,ylMt1 N .1(NOIUp DWOLVffw 6d - jIdmmnaA **we is= awj Ulm brul"la ,luivilM4 3H3 Vi xklnwYax U L• N I YIk�IYrl:nlatl rNi► rtJrdd'Wk )•,leflitii4 MAr't, Uri ,a{2o" N �. ,Yt olu ,u,ibwn,d glirYwfeL�l W* wYklllt9r Yvilgru ha • gpgk twv}, llt . ;IRJB .wM�01W.Mw e 0 &W bilWlacseA' ntnrinm tlh wqq nr wn1wTFA- t"r oo Alw bliss! Me twimm one ;S �1'Ik ,�9 IYS IIrI>•, a ortfr :rdnNn u ai * rara 11 � 1 o ff tp or 'rA + .C-_ MA w bmWtda vi and 4*vuo ti•MtQlrt,Be+rrc ala hSICLyIt.INlhr! .Mool"Mawr Idlm"40 -rlldalw . arnxlCxlnadl�irlaibalt 'nlaldelaarw�rrlrns�� � 7 illl taMMll � l .�nk:M f� ei »otraAufl:�via4rrtafYf. r,>T• .v lied4uuT• e d ^�a,y bnh;a,lz,: 04"4 1 hgV*ftMp s imlia rb ,busJhlsll "ar,LQ ikulr3 d wff . 'wu;I ?MhlaYk:y IMA1l I; Ma11, knIN1 IG 7l L*%JvDdw wdawv ykaw 14&n tedee raMC+tl rltM tl•1 aiAltlk)t'if .l�115- b nwpMIM a r.1kv ,Atli . Awa tlrb evn• RMI n�gryrpApq R+cM>"rlr aee+ IC"Q Or t Of"MMM'n ewc,l+oe 79 r -a "-*c nrariurl bna ara*M rli Iak#Kmla aY grlrMnA "A JlripNl m NOTES: Owner /Developer Pantops Investors LLC Michael E. Spooner, Manager Plan prepared by Joseph Associates, LLC Marcia Joseph Tax map 78 Parcel 13A 1.3266 Acres Zoned HC Highway Commercial Zoning District and - - EC Entrance Corridor Overlay District - Rivanna Magisterial District Albemarle County, Vlrgin1a Datum Reference Benchmark - Chiseled square on southwest corner of sidewalk to Hilltop Restaurant El. = 495.16' Source of Survey and Topography Kirk Hughes and Associates Proposed Use - Office Maximum Height of Structure = 35' ►_ Front Setback = 17' Variance VA- 2004 -017 No side or rear setback required 4_ Parking Schedule: Gross Area - 18,271 sf Useable Area - 10,897 sf I Parking required for office space isp 1200sf r Parking spaces required 55 spaces 1 Parking spaces provided 60 spaces - 9% more than required �. :On loading space provided Building coverage 5,460 sf Paving coverage 25,936 sf Impervious cover on site 0.72 acres = 54% Pervious cover on site 0.61 acres = 46% PANTOPS PLACE Final SITE Revised October 17, 2006 Paving specif ications: Travelway and parking 2" AM 9.5 D surface 6" stone ,# 218 i F Sidewalk 4" 3,000 psi concrete "W-0 A0A1 6" stone #218 6X6 10/10 wire mesh 4 partment of Community Development, Zoning and Current Development Site is not in a reservoir watershed. Z# - vo Department of Community Development Engineering IF vision of Fire and Rescue t PAP rn r 9 6c..rsr O , ;�::,�,• ;- 6 � R6'(� 3Oed Albemarle County Service Authority I►_ p� iuslll_ It(•GII�I+�:ill4lllalU�l�i •. .' + 4 s? NB :�� s r�E G at�PI�C'nEG a �►3 � s Mn t �+ Ga ,uerlN rlaas4te M N s + t V IUC M?M SL ; c!t4E�NL - • ok 1 marle County Architectural Review Board 1 Site Plan Originally submitted June 14, 2004 bUM rSTe -'+` FAV A V CowiaeYe A?"" i c*TA1 L 4 irginia Department of Transportation Joseph Associates LLC 481 Clarks Tract Keswick, VirgWa 22947 AI arle County Building Official phone 434 - 984 -4199 fax 434 - 984 -31098 �l �I b� ell Albemarle County Engineering General Construction Notes for Site Plans 1. Prior to any construction within any existing public right -of -way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit, Where any discrepancies occur, the requirements of the permit shall govern. 2. All paving, drainage related materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. r 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed rior to a clearing construction. P any ng grading or other ' 4. All slopes on disturbed areas are to be fertillized, seeded and mulched. The maximum allowable slope is 2 : 1 (horizontal:vertieal). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser j slopes of 4:1 or better are to be acheived. r 5. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditches may be required when in the opinion of the Albemarle County Director of Engineering or the Director's designee, it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 6. All traffic control signs shall conform with the it i is a I or Uni f rm Traffi o ' Control Devices. c 1 7. Unless otherwise noted, all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class III. 8. All excavation for underground pipe installation trust comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (24 CFR Part 1926). Once frontage improvements have been made a plat will be created to dedicate the frontage to VDOT. Other Notes provided by the owner; and utility maps provided by utility companies. No underground investigation of utilities was performed. The contractor agrees to be fully responsible for any and all damages which might be occasioned by his or her failure to exactly locate any preserve any underground utilities. 5(� ,6 �. P YON try We No d . g Zo o c 5. This survey was prepared without the benefit of a current title report and may not A,,,;( 19� z oolo indicate all encumbrances on the property shown hereon. 4 Uwe z0, 2e•(o f a, Zoo 6. Benchmark = chiseled square on southwest corner of sidewalk to Hilltop Restaurant. ? J� 3 Zo 07 Elevation = 495.16' / - - 7. The following sources were utilized in drafting the locations of underground utilities: field surveys of marked lines, topographic maps, as -built plans, and site plans 4 3 Zooms 1. Do not scale these drawings. Use dimensions shown only. Bring any discrepancies to the attention of the Landscape Architect. It is the contractor's responsibility to field verify all dimensions. . 2. It is the contractor's responsibility to field verify the exact location of all existing utilities. 3. The property shown heron is subject to the following unplattable easements: Virginia Public Service Easement recorded in D.B. 214, pg. 414; Virginia Telephone dl Telegraph Easement recorded in D.B. 404 pg 130. 4. Topography shown heron is from field surveys by Kirk Hughes & Associates performed on April 3, 1990, September 16, 2002, November 4, 2004 and December 22, 2004 0 .¢. U a. gait 4 4 .022341 e Y a Sheet one Of six n w v t Q� 0� ti 0 4. h z I . a P TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PANTOP INVESTORS LLC RIVANNA MAGISTRIAL DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SEPTEMBER 18, 2002 DECEMBER 22, 2004 REVISED SCALE: 1 " =20' CONTOUR INTERVAL= 2' \ ) 83.22 well Rik �; I \ ��•A / �, �;;`\ n O 86.48 \ v a <� o /p \ GP I ' 0 O O Q �o°I lQ• - \ \ ,µ \ � I I \ 4 I I >T Z I \ C 486.74 l'•. Ile 144 fM+��K"r 4(05.27 .� \ � IN of 00v .0o Is Lore v, \W t \ 9 \ p, : k0 \ \ 3 Se s of \ \ at ��- \\ \ 4b. �o FLI4 A*40 P�`O 1c.t� Q�pL \ 98 ,y 0 ' �.a \s \, rN t I .I ��f t�jBq \ \ \ \� �. @ a IK t;yr �� �' \ Qi' \ \ \ \_ \ \ ti L4 it- I�'F 11 L JAC 1 ��' � � � �� I "� t � � � s i. \ � �i � : \� \ \ \ V T. 5 ' ANTO PS 1 0 �� \� s�� \ ` , , , L" 5 \�\ \ roP •� S.IaP H WAfer- I . M C y N v � o \• ��- s DB 2 -491 �'Q Zh y I � \ J�°� \ 4�t•so F- .►t O �. 6 !� \ 114V -OLIT \ APAY 0,)(1 ('lNc '..� UNUts(Z�if�btA b � � p � \ . f ' '� � �L,s • z 9 \ \ ' • \ �or�c��Tclv�.rM1 -• \ t�.�> S l.� DB 407 86 \� DB 1 32 CO WALALTH F 71WWRQQN I HIGH AY PL A 0 1 -105 E 6019 y - l 8 I TM 078 0 -00. )1 \ t�4 \ \ s \ i \ . \ �\ SLOB \ \ \; \ 493.6/ \ ol 7 AIL x459.5 w Pr /•'. I / _ ��•' /S CIO:4 �' f6 '�. � � 4.5` •�Cl'�.,r�''c � . \ \� \ 1. ,��,\ `':, �e d LI � L X t• 'C� S �fii - � SQ QP G �,a 459.9 � � s N le j uora G4 -b� b Zo• PPAIH - � ?l G Niles ' ' - E , 458.9 Z" oac � o �S / T/ .� S'r< r N� �---? 'Ir.+r, /w" o� -3K � a curl •\ � - � + ,�, , . � � � - \_ \ � +ae.o• lea" RcP �, 1 ' '' , / O I h ill , 1 \ .\ f!i IN :1927 (611P) 4 I 1 ` , � i- •••, . �; / x > > \ ' . mob . ► ��i► \ c t l jA l i �4 , 9.5 c. 1ri3 g �... / aio 1luvf�.wr►Y - - - - -- -� - �„ A \�. �� 57.7 GCs - y Z ck' 18 11 �` -�� 1 - _` _ - INV. 4iU. - \ _ \ \ 1✓fc t> l / •Z 4 N INV. =453. 4 D.B. �@6t, r i O f - - - ---� IS 63'57'0_ "V)(/ 46738' Mart / / O 454 - \ - �s -1 - - - - -_ .- - -- - -- _,/ WA 6IR / / .� - O / � - ; \' V1 456 JD � 490.4x °A 1R01�. �-T t xr�b we vt "INV 4543 - - ' �' >e:Mtr�� / \ _ I - .- 1y'c GMA - ' / - _ --. -- , , - - \ I r / • ` \. ,,, / / • `, ' • 46 +4662/ HURT INVESTMENT COMPANY _ z I DB 996 -126 II I I \ / / / � / i / -'-' -••' _ _ _ _ __" -''' I II I \. �/oo DB 2731 -1 PLAT TMP 07 USE: COMMERICAL / ' 0" / LEGEND: N /F= NOW OR FORMERLY CC= CONCRETE CURB CSW= CONCRETE SIDEWALK. T.M.P.= TAX MAP PARCEL EP= EDGE PAVEMENT HDPE= REINFORCED PLACTIC PIPE RCP= REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE FH= FIRE HYDRANT MH= MANHOLE III I i I Slopes 25% or greater JLOI`[Il WAMI o ouuKUaw Length I Inv. In. I Inv. 0ut S Slope R Remarks A E ES -118" - - - - -- - - - - -- 4 75.50 / -- - -- Ln 1 1 18" RCP 1 15' 4 456.98 4 456.73 1 1.53% B D DI -31) - -- - -- 4 456.98 4 456.73 - c� x4 .28 Ln 2 1 15" RCP 1 108' 4 457.52 4 456.98 1 0 0.596 k478.44 TEMPORARY BENCHMARK i TOP OF IRON ROD cc ELEV.= 477.90 A.C. S.A. EASEMENTS \ ' D. B. 1157, Pg. 715 480.01 D. B. 1132, Pg. 118 I I CP ` a P TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PANTOP INVESTORS LLC RIVANNA MAGISTRIAL DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SEPTEMBER 18, 2002 DECEMBER 22, 2004 REVISED SCALE: 1 " =20' CONTOUR INTERVAL= 2' \ ) 83.22 well Rik �; I \ ��•A / �, �;;`\ n O 86.48 \ v a <� o /p \ GP I ' 0 O O Q �o°I lQ• - \ \ ,µ \ � I I \ 4 I I >T Z I \ C 486.74 l'•. Ile 144 fM+��K"r 4(05.27 .� \ � IN of 00v .0o Is Lore v, \W t \ 9 \ p, : k0 \ \ 3 Se s of \ \ at ��- \\ \ 4b. �o FLI4 A*40 P�`O 1c.t� Q�pL \ 98 ,y 0 ' �.a \s \, rN t I .I ��f t�jBq \ \ \ \� �. @ a IK t;yr �� �' \ Qi' \ \ \ \_ \ \ ti L4 it- I�'F 11 L JAC 1 ��' � � � �� I "� t � � � s i. \ � �i � : \� \ \ \ V T. 5 ' ANTO PS 1 0 �� \� s�� \ ` , , , L" 5 \�\ \ roP •� S.IaP H WAfer- I . M C y N v � o \• ��- s DB 2 -491 �'Q Zh y I � \ J�°� \ 4�t•so F- .►t O �. 6 !� \ 114V -OLIT \ APAY 0,)(1 ('lNc '..� UNUts(Z�if�btA b � � p � \ . f ' '� � �L,s • z 9 \ \ ' • \ �or�c��Tclv�.rM1 -• \ t�.�> S l.� DB 407 86 \� DB 1 32 CO WALALTH F 71WWRQQN I HIGH AY PL A 0 1 -105 E 6019 y - l 8 I TM 078 0 -00. )1 \ t�4 \ \ s \ i \ . \ �\ SLOB \ \ \; \ 493.6/ \ ol 7 AIL x459.5 w Pr /•'. I / _ ��•' /S CIO:4 �' f6 '�. � � 4.5` •�Cl'�.,r�''c � . \ \� \ 1. ,��,\ `':, �e d LI � L X t• 'C� S �fii - � SQ QP G �,a 459.9 � � s N le j uora G4 -b� b Zo• PPAIH - � ?l G Niles ' ' - E , 458.9 Z" oac � o �S / T/ .� S'r< r N� �---? 'Ir.+r, /w" o� -3K � a curl •\ � - � + ,�, , . � � � - \_ \ � +ae.o• lea" RcP �, 1 ' '' , / O I h ill , 1 \ .\ f!i IN :1927 (611P) 4 I 1 ` , � i- •••, . �; / x > > \ ' . mob . ► ��i► \ c t l jA l i �4 , 9.5 c. 1ri3 g �... / aio 1luvf�.wr►Y - - - - -- -� - �„ A \�. �� 57.7 GCs - y Z ck' 18 11 �` -�� 1 - _` _ - INV. 4iU. - \ _ \ \ 1✓fc t> l / •Z 4 N INV. =453. 4 D.B. �@6t, r i O f - - - ---� IS 63'57'0_ "V)(/ 46738' Mart / / O 454 - \ - �s -1 - - - - -_ .- - -- - -- _,/ WA 6IR / / .� - O / � - ; \' V1 456 JD � 490.4x °A 1R01�. �-T t xr�b we vt "INV 4543 - - ' �' >e:Mtr�� / \ _ I - .- 1y'c GMA - ' / - _ --. -- , , - - \ I r / • ` \. ,,, / / • `, ' • 46 +4662/ HURT INVESTMENT COMPANY _ z I DB 996 -126 II I I \ / / / � / i / -'-' -••' _ _ _ _ __" -''' I II I \. �/oo DB 2731 -1 PLAT TMP 07 USE: COMMERICAL / ' 0" / LEGEND: N /F= NOW OR FORMERLY CC= CONCRETE CURB CSW= CONCRETE SIDEWALK. T.M.P.= TAX MAP PARCEL EP= EDGE PAVEMENT HDPE= REINFORCED PLACTIC PIPE RCP= REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE FH= FIRE HYDRANT MH= MANHOLE III I i I Slopes 25% or greater JLOI`[Il WAMI o ouuKUaw Length I Inv. In. I Inv. 0ut S Slope R Remarks A E ES -118" - - - - -- - - - - -- 4 456.50 - -- - -- Ln 1 1 18" RCP 1 15' 4 456.98 4 456.73 1 1.53% B D DI -31) - -- - -- 4 456.98 4 456.73 - - - - -- Ln 2 1 15" RCP 1 108' 4 457.52 4 456.98 1 0 0.596 / 1 / X / / / / TOP= 507.2' /� / ,� /� ,/ OUT= 501.1' (15" MQP IN =501.2' (15" HOPE) , /Wri 1.8 (6 HDPE) Originally submitted June 14, 2004 k rt s w AN P x505.31 L Ne"450 rife C SI T P A P L P AN TO S 1505.87 Jul 4, 2005 Joseph Associates LLC 481 Clarks Tract Keswick, Virginia 22947 phone 434 - 984 -4199 fax 434 -984 -3098 i FGP. 4 Uob mv"C { I 'D, 1 " 0 (O Jqm •tXo z ooc, M *cw s � EALTB 0 `� a p rf, Jimmv L T^. aIrt 40 . G421L8-It1 Q r d a Sheet two Of six N .0 .n Q Pantops Place Storm Water Profile Unless otherwise noted on the plans or in the specifications, all fill materials shall be compacted to 95% of theoretical maximum density as determined by AASHTO T -99 method A, within plus or minus 2% of optimum moisture, for the full width and depth of the fill. 4 ?5. do 49g.00 �{go.00 4qo. oo .4gb.00 slg�. o0 406- 465.00 I 4-• 48d• � 4�0. oo .1 0 q.dlo• oa -�- ti� 47 op _ O ) •}7 ooO 0 r .1 ®o�� Ulu ���u � ,� 8 ��lrp -re. 40 e{ 8 �}7 o, oo x}70• oo R N " _� ifs LIL j + A J 4(K o _ y =z 4loS. oo ��~ t x}(05. oo N �f ! 4C �. op h �y {lad• O q6o. 00 L e t L tie c5 S • oo 53'/e �' 0.9'1 0 /o C °O o 5a I oo t 50. �orhnl; to 4so • oa O +oo o } 'so moo. 00 Otoo or So 1 � o0 HAAW 7,*07 0 c4 15, Zoo? -� L4 C� '3 200 7 N°V&IMP-19 Zoo 7 Sheet four Of six LJJI) 1. 'f -1 tea' C 2 • Q�' /e 2'fido .� 1 � h o � Z• 9% ?op 4/00.14 INV IIy'I %�`� °l i 1N v OUT 454 •b ` r4p-v-i WA AF- - A 1 t1 11 0 v J Z STATI oNlo -p , 50\ C� 2 • v % I I ', al S ; 4 4 „ , it \ 3 feb s I � I I c, • It - - Cot 455. Sv I I 11 1 Jr , N o � 7 ' a 1 � 1 STA '5+ (08 C • o . ' s ToP 43` . 5 T l r s MR ST�i 3t>33 0 v IN\I 4 2+ red on the plans or in the specifications, all fill materials •o 95% of theoretical maximum density as determined by AASHTO T -99 method A, within plus or minus 20/ of optimum moisture, for the full width and depth of the f ill. Pantops Place Sanitary Sewer Plan and Profile May 16, 2006 Joseph Associates LLC 481 Clarks Tract Keswick, Virginia 22947 phone 434 - 984 -4199 fax 434 - 984 -3098 email marcia481 @earthlink.net Notes: 1. Work shall be subject to inspection by the Albemarle County Service Authority inspectors. The contractor shall notify the Albemarle County Service Authority officials at the start of the work, 2. The locations of existing utilities are not necessarily shown on the plans and, where shown, are only approximate. The contractor shall locate all underground lines and structures as necessary. 3. All materials and construction shall comply with general water and sewer construction specifications as adopted by the Albemarle County Service Authority. 4. Datum for all elevations shown is bench mark (el. 495.16) existing on the north side of Route 250. 5. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying "Miss Utility" (1- 800- 552 - 7001). 6. All water and sewer pipes shall have a minimum of 3 feet of cover measured from the top of pipe, over the centerline of the pipe. This includes all fire hydrant lines, service laterals and water lines, etc. 7. All water and sewer appurtenances are to be located outside of the roadside ditches. t1r4" 2t 200 7 Jute 3, 207 15, U-07 loo �+1f3F�R- 19r, - L40 - 1 Sheet five Of six d 1' I -hoc j + 050 ?.40 Z t Go 3 + 00 11+41,0 0 . 5 0 4 °L a Q to •� i' y YlGtWTY t" TiIw 45 K4 r- X 1 e� 2940 r vat � � 1 5 30' - 4 " 35spR' I 3s sflR tea' C 2 • Q�' /e 2'fido .� 1 � h o � Z• 9% ?op 4/00.14 INV IIy'I %�`� °l i 1N v OUT 454 •b ` r4p-v-i WA AF- - A 1 t1 11 0 v J Z STATI oNlo -p , 50\ C� 2 • v % I I ', al S ; 4 4 „ , it \ 3 feb s I � I I c, • It - - Cot 455. Sv I I 11 1 Jr , N o � 7 ' a 1 � 1 STA '5+ (08 C • o . ' s ToP 43` . 5 T l r s MR ST�i 3t>33 0 v IN\I 4 2+ red on the plans or in the specifications, all fill materials •o 95% of theoretical maximum density as determined by AASHTO T -99 method A, within plus or minus 20/ of optimum moisture, for the full width and depth of the f ill. Pantops Place Sanitary Sewer Plan and Profile May 16, 2006 Joseph Associates LLC 481 Clarks Tract Keswick, Virginia 22947 phone 434 - 984 -4199 fax 434 - 984 -3098 email marcia481 @earthlink.net Notes: 1. Work shall be subject to inspection by the Albemarle County Service Authority inspectors. The contractor shall notify the Albemarle County Service Authority officials at the start of the work, 2. The locations of existing utilities are not necessarily shown on the plans and, where shown, are only approximate. The contractor shall locate all underground lines and structures as necessary. 3. All materials and construction shall comply with general water and sewer construction specifications as adopted by the Albemarle County Service Authority. 4. Datum for all elevations shown is bench mark (el. 495.16) existing on the north side of Route 250. 5. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying "Miss Utility" (1- 800- 552 - 7001). 6. All water and sewer pipes shall have a minimum of 3 feet of cover measured from the top of pipe, over the centerline of the pipe. This includes all fire hydrant lines, service laterals and water lines, etc. 7. All water and sewer appurtenances are to be located outside of the roadside ditches. t1r4" 2t 200 7 Jute 3, 207 15, U-07 loo �+1f3F�R- 19r, - L40 - 1 Sheet five Of six d 1' I -hoc j + 050 ?.40 Z t Go 3 + 00 11+41,0 x _ E rtoo X5 a -' {o0 3t So N M ■ , A rl a J %too Itt o l +to It'3o 14," 1+990 {PT01 {NGWb£S "to" b SC ILA IA�� /►I�b }�pRlzoNl'��k� (��, �, ' 5% ' M 2 t 5W1 U OWb Air LK 7 ANP L-ft b� 6164 Sl ?e F LAC -4 2te0 ( -t 50 4 +t , +04 Zo to OF,I I I I I A-, WOK mom NNNMCdP�1pt I I 'fP@JAfI'II(AIIf�'� L a L Y t !!� R 0 AM ■1Ar OAl1 ro A[ M°1° MMII pI AJ 1AIAI<IgRMAT L ° �w PLAN VIEW ENTRANCE i wo WAX F4~ ALM `vk**Rw AMR" WPARAN" a" NNINNAS�1fli°!>♦1M �hwF1 __-- -$ L ,K L ��dAIYcT , r I a a0n111T MAA1 MWlll MW A rMr1MR PAM SECTION A -A A.LOWALLE BOOM CE ORAK CNN=$ MIMIR.IWM O71M4 M I Z tEz ROTION C-C MPM OF I IR/ATWff .A. I t-o0 i� Pantops Place Final Site Plan 24" Pipe profile Entrance profile Detail Sheet of VDOT standards June 28, 2007 wE e PER >CrpCE�(L,M PMKLEL 'dxlhw A NTER•ONS :; •£.1.e�e.,� P.�rfe. ..I Q I >1r Q � Sp �R I SV le oP Oeeoa 0000e [ Nry � — __ A � ux - . � tf Eti18F !R CE TC PMKIEtr 5 P°LIC+•.A iY�A •eYY 04 4 �� r � MKLEL 6 ERPCNOICJL N � / I � � / �� C ,eeyrl� ••� na T � SftigN Q'8 ro .� � row � •w ��qg'��,� SELT:ON 1-Q �'elKi� T"1/� m� � • 1 �_ �=� 9 R S° g m 9 '1 I ..��e; NOTES: ra CN. ' PLKi [W? ^ossrvK� i wCK P K[uE:.- � 'A < I ' :J < ' fi :•4K ' n p�i<r.�[' < 'ui K. Li W iERSEClpN IXACONK VMIIT:CN •T Vt- _RSCGiION pYPIC1L PLA:EMENi G Yq wONUrcrrr ... r CROSSWAK rY�l iwN CROSSwKK `s i :NTERSSCTION ANff.4 Si.i.Pl i HIV CROSSWALK ryp A 1� �' del . mr" < r N U r h��n�'Q�•r'�u'�sT'�•i� Fair n'�O�''ri u[�. S i T.w<,. ..p &'el$".'n"S 1v'C,TS' .,n ..[•..wo.,...., <W PMKLE: LrP[RPCNO.C'JLM NGCN' PLM u _ w<< �Z�.' «P9NPVriWe•"M<S£a'<tw9'°P7 w�py�pj5N' w ERSCCTKk< is L�`�� rr � �. •wo,<�� � ro rK u. vnik &XPER STRV 7 �r•ar .n . uwe .v r.w.,.a 1� ��l1tS�iF. !i - Alf !♦A� AAAIti�A, i!. "i i.k l� Nll �. � iit. - lIMA i i illl +�i i ��l ssi i!v' SAS, „iet.,; ( �•', 4 {., AM « y- NOTES, L a 11 p 1 M 1 1 11�0 MAT 0 1NLYT M &C N RAW ROOO 10 �� r TOUa r�xOW x ftAL a oat " HIRMV. M- ° 5 ,y g p � l W A¢�CA .s r • � rNr w M �MI�1011 L I iu COM MIATM r CURB & O MER MOM IN-M"WR W Tl/IrAT M Sight Distance has been reviewed by MOT and determined to be adequate based on the existing site conditions as studied for the "Dennis Enterprises /Pantops” site plan. A N•vKl aqk J u ( y 3 , Zu 7 ovr I;, 2eo7 g 17 Zoc 7 Sheet six of six mew wtw TAW am ►MvoM ASAINAAI{. 1� lA1a� AIM �p1� EUTAW AIM MiMRS7m ABM[ A/1NNRft" 4 >a 1 P OVE11 A (EA V' %P&W F AW _..r. Ns r AMID MAIRIM wT ,. AAA{C NOTES t 1111415,10MINNI W" A11176AW am Cr TM Us" P A . L aTMLM M DMIM P MMRR M MW A 11M COIM/AM1MM AOM WTXA L Q e Au I R MALL AA 1 M W0 AT ML LOOAl1MM 11111 AW 4. All NIIOI S&Mff2� MYLL M MOM N TTM MMMRA AAA eaMAA111 L WS SM . 0 AWA, 91U K nVW qM DR &WAX W C MiOiR 1lW� a O 70 A�OI m A�OIWTA�IItW/�AOIYOIR 7• �T OMI7O[R 10 A 1011 7O LMF !O IYI OOIOI NM 1M1w L � ��TM TA! 2a1M a A1M1! ro AMlI L /1WICm 1W WIFIAA pMML A /AYR EMI PAVEMENT WIDENING « Ye"M UPWA MW W ,IYNl111A1W ! hMIN 0 a