HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201500047 Correspondence 2015-08-31 w rime
!! IN
August 31, 2015
County of Albemarle
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: Response to Comments
Town & Country Shopping Center- Final
Balzer Project No: S0700006
County Project No: SDP2013-22
This letter serves as our written responses to the 2013 County comments on the subject project as
well as any additional 2015 items that may have been added:
Planning—Ellie Ray
1. IBC added to zoning. Critical slope waiver added to cover.
2. [x. utilities & easements have been verified.
3. Trash enclosure and wall heights have been added to plans.
-1. Stripes have been extended and lanes dimensioned.
5. Notes added to landscape plan.
a) Notes updated.
6. Canopy calculation on cover has been corrected.
7. Canopy cafes have been revised.
a) Noted and thanks for mentioning.
8. Bumper blocks added.
9. Approval has been coord. \\ith associated agencies.
a) Written approval has been received by affected departments and provided with
10. Lightint plan has been added to plan sheets.
11 . Lighting has been revised and consistent.
1561 Commerce Road,Suite 401 'Verona,Virginia 24482 ' (540)248-3220 • FAX(540)248-3221
NNW Response to Comments
Town & Country Shopping Center
Page 2 of 4
12. All lighting is shove n.
a) Waterline and easement has been relocated and conflict no longer occurs. Steps have
been moved back to allow a 3' clearance around light pole.
13. Approval has been coord. with associated authorities.
a) Light poles are no longer within easements and ACSA esmt has been relocated. All
light pole conflicts have been removed.
14. LOD adjusted and easements have been coord. with owners.
a) A signed letter has been provided with this submittal approving offsite work.
15. Noted.
a) Noted.
16. Noted.
Engineering—Michelle Roberge
A. Site Development Plan
1. Note added on ('2.
2. truck turn has been provided showing that eN. 30' radius will suffice for a lire truck. I'hc
radius was actually reduced to 25' to accommodate question r',Q. The 25' radius is ample for a
tire truck due to the obtuse angle of the dri\e aisle and the drive aisle bcin`_ 26 wide rather
than 24'.
3. CO-2 CG-6 added to (15.
4. Stop sien has been added and `Trade has been accommodated for one stopped ear per
5. Retaining Walls:
a. (inderstood. Satet■ railing has been added to portions of wall over 4' in height.
b. AIM approval has been received.
c. Details added to plans.
a) Railings are called out on plan and they have been extended as requested.
6. AD'!' provided on cover.
7. Detail revised.
8. Per discussion:
a. Entrance oi' ditch has been anal\ ec.1 for 10-vr storm as an inlet throat. Opening has
been widened to S' to allow for a 0.31)' depth & 5.38' spread per calculations
submitted. Cross section is provided on plans.
b. Anal\sis has been submitted showing depth. Cross section is pro\ ided on plans.
e. I)etail provided on Flans.
d. Ucutii pros ided and called out on plan.
e. No lon`eer applicable per discussion in meeting.
t. No longer applicable per discussion in meeting.
9. Curb medians have been extended to travel way.
10. Sidewalk adjusted to and cone, blocks added.
1 I . Dumpster has been rotated.
1561 Commerce Road,Suite 401 'Verona,Virginia 24482 ' (540)248-3220• FAX(540)248-3221
'Noe Norse
Response to Comments
Town & Country Shopping Center
Page 3 of 4
12. Coordination has occurred with ACSA and waterline is being relocated so that retaining wall
can be installed as initially planned. Concrete slope has been removed.
13. Proposed storm easement has been removed from flume. Existing easement DB:3665
PG:100-114 has been added to existing pipe end where proposed DI-1 ties in.
Fire Rescue—Shawn Maddox
1. Approved
E911 —Andrew Slack
1. Road name has been coordinated with Andy Slack and added to system and shown on plans.
ARB—Margaret Maliszewski
1. Approved.
Inspections—Jay Schlothauer
1. Approved.
VDOT—Troy Austin
1. Approved.
ACSA—Alexander J. Morrison,EIT
1 . Grease interceptor added.
2. Retaining wwall has been pulled back and slope has been modified.
3. Existing W1. easement has been added to plans.
4. Water meter si/ing form has been prov'd and size added to legend.
5. Waterine has been relocated, concrete pad has been removed, and retaining wall has been
extended outside of easements.
6. Individual meter vaults are shown on plan and show individual service connections.
7. Grease interceptor relocated to sidewalk.
8. N/A. Meter connection has been relocated to proposed 8" waterline with corp. stops.
9. Profiles added.
10. Noted.
1561 Commerce Road,Suite 401 'Verona,Virginia 24482 • (540)248-3220 FAX(540)248-3221
Response to Comments
Town & Country Shopping Center
Page 4 of 4
2015-08-31 New Item
Zoning Administrator-Amelia McCulley
1. Parking traffic study has been provided for review and request for approval.
I- !
William Moore, PE
Project Manager
1561 Commerce Road,Suite 401 ' Verona,Virginia 24482 ' (540)248-3220 • FAX(540)248-3221
Nave 111of1ALBA,
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County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,
Charlottesville,VA, 22902
Phone 434-296-5832 Fax 434-972-4126
To: William S. Moore, P.E. (wmooret balzer.cc )
From: Ellie Ray, CLA, Senior Planner
Division: Planning
Date: May 2, 2013
Rev1: August 26, 2013
Subject: SDP 2013—00022 Town and Country Shopping Center— Final Site Development Plan
The County of Albemarle Planning Division will recommend approval of the plan referenced above once the
following comments have been satisfactorily addressed (The following comments are those that have been
identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.):
[Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision/Zoning Ordinances unless
otherwise specified.]
1. [32.5.2(a)] Add EC (Entrance Corridor)to the Zoning note. Please also document the waiver granted for
disturbance of critical slopes by reference to the approval letter for SDP 201000059 dated August 12, 2011.
Rev1: Comment addressed.
2. [32.5.2(j, k, I)] Verify that all existing utilities and their associated easements are shown on the plan. This
should include water, sewer, drainage, telephone, cable, electric and gas. Please also provide the deed
book and page reference for any existing easements.
Rev1: Comment addressed.
3. [32.5.2(n)] Please show the dumpster enclosures on the site plan sheet and label the height. Provide the
dimensions and maximum height of the retaining wall that runs adjacent to Route 250 on the layout plan.
Rev1: Comment addressed.
4. [32.6.2(i)] Extend the parking space striping through the gutter area to the face of curb if the gutter area is
used to obtain the required 18' length space. Dimension all of the travel aisles to verify that a minimum of
24' is provided.
Rev1: Comment addressed.
5. [32.6.2(j) & Comment] Provide notes on the landscape plan documenting how the landscape requirements
are being satisfied.
Rev1: Comment not fully addressed. Street trees are required for this project at either 1 large shade
tree per 50' of road frontage or 1 medium shade tree per 40' of road frontage along Route 250. It
appears medium shade trees have been provided, so 5 would be required and 6 have been provided.
Additionally, parking lot trees at a rate of 1 per 10 spaces are required within the minimum 5%
landscaped area. So, given that there are 69 parking spaces, 7 large or medium trees are required
and 11 have been provided. Please add this information to the landscape notes.
6. [32.6.2(j) &] The required tree canopy is 10% of the site area, not 10% of the paved parking
and vehicular circulation area as presented on the Cover Sheet. Please revise and demonstrate that this
requirement is satisfied.
Rev1: Comment addressed.
7. [32.6.2(j) &] The canopy numbers provided for the hornbeam and honeylocust are different
than what is shown on the County's approved plant canopy calculations; please clarify. Ilex x `Emily Bruner'
isn't on the list at all; this is an appropriate selection but please clarify how the canopy number was
calculated. The Thuja, Pfitzer Juniper, and Hoogendorn Holly all provide canopy as indicated on the
county's list; you may include them in your canopy calculation as well.
Rev1: Comment addressed. However, Entrance Corridor Plant Canopy calculations may be used
for the hornbeam (234 sf), honeylocust(481 sf) and linden (288 sf) since the trees are being planted
at the larger caliper required by the ARB; these calculations are on the last three pages of the
County's plant canopy calculations. Since you meet the canopy requirement, this revision isn't
necessary but I thought I'd mention it for future reference.
8. [32.6.2(j) &] Please provide wheel stops in all parking spaces adjacent to landscape areas with
less than 2' between the curb and the landscaping.
Rev1: Comment addressed.
9. [32.6.2(j) & Comment] Many of the proposed plantings appear to have site conflicts. Some are shown in
utility easements and drainage areas. Please move plants into more suitable locations or provide approval
from the associated agency(ACSA, Engineering, etc).
Rev1: Comment not addressed. Please provide documentation of approvals from all agencies
whose easements or utilities are impacted.
10. [32.6.2(k) &4.17] Please add the lighting plan to the site plan set and include in the sheet index on the
Cover Sheet instead of having it as a separate set of sheets.
Rev1: Comment addressed.
11. [32.6.2(k) &4.17] Interior parking lot light fixtures that are not in islands should be positioned such that the
poles are located at the intersection of parking space striping. The lighting plan seems to show the poles in
suitable locations, but the fixture positions shown on the layout and landscape plans are slightly different.
Please verify that the poles are located at the intersection of parking space striping and show them in the
same locations on all sheets.
Rev1: Comment addressed.
12. [32.6.2(k) &4.17] It appears that only some of the proposed lighting is shown on the layout and landscape
plans; please show all proposed light fixtures on these sheets to verify that no site conflicts exist.
Rev1: Comment not fully addressed. It appears that one light pole is proposed almost directly on
top of a water line; please revise or provide approval from ACSA. It also appears that the same pole
is in an area Engineering has requested be revised. Additionally, one of the light poles along the
front walk may interfere with the ADA requirement for accessible walkways. This area is labeled as
5' in width, but appears to scale at about 4.5' between the front of curb and the stairs/planters;
please show the dimensions of the light pole base (or increase the sidewalk width, if necessary)to
verify that a minimum 3' width is clear between the pole and the stairs/front of planters.
13. [32.6.2(k) &4.17] Two of the proposed light fixtures appear to be located in utility easements. Please
relocate the fixtures out of the easements or provide approval from the associated agency.
Rev1: Comment not addressed. As noted above, please provide documentation of approvals from
all agencies whose easements or utilities are impacted.
14. [Comment] It appears that the limit of disturbance extends outside of the property boundary line in several
areas. It also appears that off-site work is proposed within the 30' access easement to Town and Country
Lane. Please provide documentation of all off-site easements.
Rev1: Comment not addressed. Please provide documentation of all off-site easements.
15. [Comment] This site plan cannot be approved until Engineering, ACSA and VDOT completed their reviews
and grant their approval; comments will be forwarded upon receipt. Fire/Rescue and E911 comments have
been provided. ARB and inspections have completed their reviews and have no objection.
Rev1: Comment not fully addressed. This site plan cannot be approved until ACSA completes their
review and grants their approval; comments will be forwarded upon receipt. Engineering and E911
comments have been provided. Fire/Rescue, VDOT, ARB and inspections have completed their
reviews and have no objection.
!! re
October 2, 2015
County of Albemarle
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: Response to Comments
Town & Country Shopping Center- Final
Balzer Project No: S0700006
County Project No: SDP201500047
This letter serves as our written responses to the 2013 County comments on the subject project as
well as any additional 2015 items that may have been added:
Planning—Ellie Ray
1. EC added to zoning. Critical slope waiver added to cover.
2. Ex. utilities easements have been verified.
3. Trash enclosure and wall heights have been added to plans.
4. Stripes have been extended and lanes dimensioned.
5. Notes added to landscape plan.
a) Notes updated.
6. Canopy calculation on cover has been corrected.
7. Canopy calcs have been revised.
a) Noted and thanks for mentioning.
8. Bumper blocks added.
9. Approval has been coord. with associated agencies.
a) Written approval has been received by affected departments and provided with
submittal. Approval from ENG & ACSA have been received and provided.
1(). 1.ighting plan has been added to plan sheets.
1 1. Lighting has been revised and consistent.
1561 Commerce Road,Suite 401 'Verona,Virginia 24482 • (540)248-3220 • FAX(540)248-3221
NNW `ate Response to Comments
Town & Country Shopping Center
Page 2 of 4
12. All lighting is shown.
a) Waterline and easement has been relocated and conflict no longer occurs. Steps have
been moved hack to allow a 3' clearance around light pole.
13. Approval has been coord. with associated authorities.
a) Light poles are no longer within easements and ACSA esmt has been relocated. All
light pole conflicts ha\e been removed.
14. LOD adjusted and easements have been coord. with owners.
a) A signed letter has been provided with this submittal approving offsite work. Being
coordinated with Engineering if any further action is necessary.
15. Noted.
a) Noted.
16. Noted.
Additional Comments
17. [32.5.2(b)] Revise the parking note to indicate that the required number of spaces is 69
provided that the conditions of the zoning determination letter of September 23, 2015 are met.
Note revised.
18. [32.5.2(d)] Show the areas on Managed Steep Slopes as represented on County GIS.
Slopes added with legend.
19. [Comment] The lighting plan sheet is difficult to read in some areas; make sure the copy
submitted clearly show all foot-candle values.
Clear on PDF. Checked after printing for submittal.
Engineering—John Anderson
A. Site Development Plan
1. Note added on C2.
2. Truck turn has been provided showing that ex. 30' radius will suffice for a fire truck. The
radius was actually reduced to 25' to accommodate question #9. The 25' radius is ample for a
tire truck due to the obtuse angle of the drive aisle and the drive aisle being 26' wide rather
than 24'.
3. CG-2 & CG-6 added to C5.
4. Stop sign has been added and grade has been accommodated for one stopped car per
5. Retaining Walls:
a. l lndcrstood. Safety railing has been added to portions of wall over 4* in height.
b. ARI3 approval has been received.
c. Details added to plans.
a) Railings are called out on plan and they have been extended as requested. Guardrail
callout added as discussed.
6. AD"I provided on cover.
7. Detail revised.
8. Per discussion:
1561 Commerce Road,Suite 401 'Verona,Virginia 24482 ' (540)248-3220 . FAX(540)248-3221
vow' %Noe
Response to Comments
Town & Country Shopping Center
Page 3 of 4
a. Entrance of ditch has been analyzed for 10-yr storm as an inlet throat. Opening has
been widened to 8' to allow for a 0.30' depth & 5.38' spread per calculations
submitted. Cross section is provided on plans.
h. Analysis has been submitted showing depth. Cross section is provided on plans.
c. Detail provided on plans.
d. Detail provided and called out on plan.
e. No longer applicable per discussion in meeting.
f. No longer applicable per discussion in meeting.
9. Curb medians have been extended to travel way.
10. Sidewalk adjusted to 5' and conc. blocks added.
11. Dumpster has been rotated.
12. Coordination has occurred with ACSA and waterline is being relocated so that retaining wall
can he installed as initially planned. Concrete slope has been removed.
13. Proposed storm easement has been removed from flume. Existing easement DB:3665
PU:100-1 14 has been added to existing pipe end where proposed DI-1 ties in.
New Comments
14. Final Site Plan approval requires Approved WPO/VSMP is under review(WPO201500060).
Noted and has been submitted for 2nd review.
14. Cl—General Notes: Revise Note 5: Delete reference to WPO20100011. Ref WP0201500060.
Note revised.
15. Remove sheets C4, C6 and C7.
Sheets removed for WPO review only.
16. Cl —Revise sheet index consistent with comment#15.
Fire Rescue—Shawn Maddox
1. Approved
E911 —Andrew Slack
1 . Road name has been coordinated N\ith Andy Slack and added to system and shown on plans.
ARB—Margaret Maliszewski
1. Approved.
Inspections—Jay Schlothauer
1 . Approved.
VDOT—Troy Austin
1561 Commerce Road,Suite 401 ' Verona,Virginia 24482 ' (540)248-3220 • FAX(540)248-3221
*NW Response to Comments
Town & Country Shopping Center
Page 4 of 4
1. Approved.
ACSA—Alexander J. Morrison, EIT
1. Grease interceptor added.
2. Retaining wall has been pulled back and slope has been modified.
3. Existing WI_ easement has been added to plans.
4. Water meter sizing form has been prov'd and size added to legend.
5. Waterli ne has been relocated_ concrete pad has been removed. and retaining wall has been
extended outside of easements.
6. Individual meter vaults are shown on plan and show indl\ideal service connections.
7. Grease interceptor relocated to sidewalk.
S. N/A. Meter connection has been relocated to proposed 8" waterline with corp. stops.
9. Profiles added.
10. Noted.
2015-08-31 New Item
Zoning Administrator—Amelia McCulley
1. Parking traffic study has been provided for review and request for approval.
William Moore, PE
Project Manager
1561 Commerce Road,Suite 401 ' Verona,Virginia 24482 ' (540)248-3220• FAX(540)248-3221