HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201100057 Review Comments 2011-12-16Review Comments
Project Name: The Haven At Stonefield - Final Final Site Development Plan
Date Completed: IFriday, December 16, 2011
Reviewer: Bill Fritz
Department/Division /Agency: CD
A subdivision plat is currently under review (SUB 2011 -118 Stonefield). This plat modifies the parcel boundaries.
Please coordinate this site plan and the parcel boundaries shown on it with SUB 2011 -118. Currently the site plan
reflects the existing parcel boundaries. However, if SUB 2011 -118 is approved and recorded prior to approval of
this site plan the parcel boundaries on the site plan will have to be modified. The site plan does meet the current
boundaries. This comment is provided only in an effort to coordinate this site plan with the subdivision plat.
The site plan cannot be signed until the following approvals are received:
1. County engineering approval.
2. Albemarle County Service Authority approval.
3. Virginia Department of Transportation approval.
The site plan cannot be signed until the following approvals are received:
1. County engineering approval.
2. Albemarle County Service Authority approval.
3. Virginia Department of Transportation approval.
Keview Status: Approved
December 22, 2011
Phil Custer, P.E.
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Re: The Haven at Stonefield
WPO- 2011 -00070 and SDP - 2011 -00057
W WA Project No. 211001.04
Dear Mr. Custer:
This letter is to document and respond to your SWM and site Plan comments dated
December 16, 2011. Our responses are as follows:
A. Stormwater Management Review Comments
1. Comment Please provide an approval letter from Filterra that the current
layout is acceptable to them. I have concerns with a few of the structures not
operating well in the field. For instance, the water running in the curb uphill of
structure 104.1 would have to reverse direction in order for the Filterra to
operate efficiently. A smaller facility on the curb line farther south of Inlet
104 should be looked at.
Rev. 1) The Filterra approval letter was missing from the submittal
Response The filterra approval letter is provided in this submission.
2. Comnwnt. 1'l <I u 1arov ide; morc: ylpot c ilovations arid. clra a i to 11110 on the
entrance south of'] n la 13 1.
Rev. 1) Corm - nent Iias been addressed.
3. Comment This application will require that a new Stormwater Management
Facility Maintenance Agreement be recorded. Please complete this form and
submit it to Ana Kilmer with a $17 recordation fee after reading the
instructions online. Please include all parcels contained in this site plan on
this agreement.
Rev. 1) Comment has been noted by the applicant.
3040 Avemore Square Place ' Charlottesville, VA 22911
Telephone (434) 984 -2700 Fax (434) 978 -1444
Charlottesville Lynchburg
10ampol IWA-0
4. Comment: Please provide a completed Bond Estimate Request Form to the
county engineer to receive an SWM bond.
Rev. 1) The completed Bond Estimate Request Form has been received. A
bond will be provided after ESCplan approval.
Response: Noted.
B. Site Plan Review Comments
I 1A) be consisteat vvith the variO.6011 -ranted by theDireCLOr of'Ptall.111111Y OnZ'
5116/201.1, all tree evells aad plaming snips :mast beat least 5 J.'ect ill. width.
Please draw these wells at- ill width as wiIl.
Rev. 7) Comment has been addressed.
2. Please provide stop sig)rr.is at all etitrances onto at the
ends of the travelwav eas! oflngjew Drive where si distance will lilt cly
be lian'ted I)v the 6 carnaoc mdt buildl)'ig. Pro viditiga. stop sip oi the
entrMice closest, to G4 may rexpilire a redesign.
Mev, 1) Comment has been addressed.
WeSt ol'Budding. 1]2-11L3. Please provide "Do
R,- Commew has been addressed
4. Comment: Please on the northwest and southwest ends of this site plan,
please show the grading and curb limits of the proffered future connections to
Commonwealth Drive so that we can confirm this site will not negatively
affected by such extension.
Rev. 1) Comment has not been addressed. On the Ston efteld property,
please show the potential curblines and contours of the two connector roads
in light dashed lines so I can review whether the two garages, G4 and G5,
are designed in a way that works for both scenarios.
Response: Future curblines and grading are shown on dwg No. C - 10.
5. S.11dewalks ad to parldrig must be 6 ir.i width. Otherwise, bumper
1.)I( are litcessary. [ 1 8-4,1-
Rev. .1) Comatent has been addrt%vsed.
6. Street furniture imist bl ors higlowood Drive. 1 Stalct, a(id 21"' Strect
as desi; by Appendix B ofthe Code of Development. Location arid
IrCqLlency ofstrCCL fUl`IIiLUrC intist be appr€ ved. by county staff.
Rev. 1 Comment has been addressed,
7. (','ounty EiigMccriiig recoii recicsigm the tiotiheast conicl ofthe
pafkin.g lot so overland reitefis provided. Ct.irrently_ ifffiere the toral
seWej'';VStej f4isCl.oge(jr a ponion o.f
Buildhig E2-']* will. bel ded.
I -
J. .1 oo
Ren .1) Comment has been addressed.
8. e I I herra 1 31 . I is ari obs tac I c i ri th 0 si dowalk soul licast o I'Mi i Id.; n E- -111.
11 seems the street tree could be located I (ffl. .1"Orther r)ollh'j
3040 Avernore Square Place • Charlottesville, VA 22911 Telephone (434) 984-2700 • Fax (434) 978-1444
Charlottesville 0 Lynchburg
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Rer °. 1) Comment has beev a ddrt ssee
9. Fl aral.lcl parking spares nmsi be 9ft in Nvielth.
Rev. Commentent ha,'s been curl €tresseei,
10. 011 shect C -1 1, please label tlrc depth of'e;ach arl<ii)p :Mall as 211.1 l p ;r the
layout 1.1.laarl and (he C.Ct.rr.rrrt Code'
flea: 1) Comment has been addressed.
11. The weste ti slope is airc add graded at as 2:1 slope. Ira order to establish a l 1t
deep chaniwl. the "1't ?W shot ele:vatiojis s11c.c,i iiccl by the applicant :shoaild be
raised by iia least 111 raailier than _']List the Lxisti ig'.'I' ode. The top of ;slr«tald
be eeltril to the grade 4 -5ft behind the wall..
Rev. .1) Comment has been addressed.
12. Comment Please continue SCC 1 to the grate inlet at the intersection of Main
Street and Inglewood Drive.
Rev. 1) This channel has been removed from the plan entirely. After a
phone with design: staff, it was my understanding that the ditch behind the
wall was not necessary and was being removed, thus eliminating the need
for a ditch to the south end of the site. However, the top of wall spot
elevations and the detail on sheet C -12 both indicate swales. The
concentrated water from the south end of the wall must be conveyed to the
storm drainage system or the drainage channel behind the wall must be
eliminated. If the channels are kept, I recommend a ditch carry this water
to the grate inlet at the intersection of Main Street and Inglewood.
Response The wall spots and detail have been revised to remove the swale
from the plan.
I trust the above responses and plan changes properly address the outstanding issues. If
you have any questions, please contact me.
WW Associates, Inc.
Herbert F. White, I11, P.E.
cc: Daniel Rountree, Johnson Development Associates
3040 Avemore Square Place Charlottesville, VA 22911 Telephone (434) 984 -2700 Fax (434) 978 -1444
Charlottesville Lynchburg
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