HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201500057 Action Letter 2016-03-07COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 March 7, 2016 Tim Miller 440 Premier Circle, Suite 200 Charlottesville VA RE: SDP201500057 General Industrial Office - Initial Site Plan Dear Sir: The Agent for the Board of Supervisors hereby grants administrative approval to the above referenced site plan. This approval shall be valid for a period of five (5) years from the date of this letter, provided that the developer submits a final site plan for all or a portion of the site within one (1) year after the date of this letter as provided in section of Chapter 18 of the Code of the County of Albemarle, and thereafter diligently pursues approval of the final site plan. The final site plan will not be considered to have been officially submitted until the following items are received: 1. A final site plan that satisfies all of the requirements of section 32.6 of Chapter 18 of the Code. 2. A fee of $1,613. Please submit 10 copies of the final plans to the Community Development Department. The assigned Lead Reviewer will then distribute the plans to all reviewing agencies. Once you receive the first set of comments on the final site plan, please work with each reviewer individually to satisfy their requirements. The Department of Community Development shall not accept submittal of the final site plan for signature until tentative approvals for the attached conditions from the following agencies/reviewers have been obtained: SRC Members: Albemarle County Planning Services (Planner) - 3 copies [Christopher Perez (434)-296-5832 Ext. 3443] Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer) - 1 copy [Max Greene (434)-296-5832 Ext. 3283] Albemarle County Information Services (E911) - 1 copy [Andy Slack (434)-296-5832 Ext. 3384] Albemarle County Building Inspections - 1 copy [Jay Schlothauer (434)-296-5832 Ext. 3228] Albemarle County Planning Services (ARB) - 1 copy [Ellie Ray (434)-296-5832 Ext. 3432] Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue - 1 copy [Robbie Gilmer (434)-531-6606] Albemarle County Service Authority — 1 copy [Alex Morrison (434) 977-4511 Ext. 116] Virginia Department of Transportation - 1 copy [VDOT Rep (434) 422-9373] If you have any questions about these conditions or the submittal requirements please feel free to contact me at Extension 3443, cperez@albemarle.org. Sincerely, Christopher P. Perez Senior Planner County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA, 22902 Phone 434-296-5832 Memorandum To: Tim Miller From: Christopher P. Perez, Senior Planner Division: Planning Date: February 23, 2016 Subject: SDP201500057 General Industrial Office — Initial Site Plan Fax 434-972-4126 The County of Albemarle Planning Division will recommend approval of the plan referenced above once the following comments have been satisfactorily addressed (The following comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.): [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision/Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise specified.] Prior to initial site plan approvai, at a minimu in, comments 1-10 shall be addressed in a resubmittai. 1. 132.5.2(p), 26.2, Proposed use. Pursuant to Section 26.2(a), Outdoor Storage located in and visible from the Entrance Corridor (EC) rcgilires a Special Use Permit (SP). It the outdoor stoia(e is complet ly scrccnr.,d and is dc.,ionnired by the Architectural Rcvi,--w Board (z1.RB) not to b _ visibie horn the EC. then a SY is no't r, .luired. If ARB determines it to be visible fr otn the EC then a SP shall be required prior to approval of the initial site plan. Rev 1: Comment addressed. Base,,', on the above. priol to initial site, plan, appreval a Complete landscape plan fo' the entre sit , th;.": with Rev 1: ARB has landscape comments remaining which shall be addressed with the final site plan. 2. 132.5.2(j),(k),(I)1 h'xisting and proposed utilities. On the landscape plan depict, label and diniension all existing; and proposed utilities and utility cuscn;Cnt.� irwludiw, ,vater, sewex. drat -cage, telephone cable_ eledtric and ��u,. t_,l cl all existing casements �vitn the Deco Boole and Page Number. The above information ,11211 bC used to ',-crit,, that no conflicts exist between landscaping and utilities. Rev 1: Comment addressed. Existing trees may be pieservcd in lieu of plantings new plant nlaterials in order to satisfy the Iandscapino and sci3e-nin« reclu;rc-'13cnt", of tiection 32.7.9, suhject io the a cn;.^s approvcJ if L,'ou in'('11c] ie :.;SC t:al?",<? Ir' -;es t.� satisfy any of the landscape plan requirements.. please include the following: i . 'r•eas and other fc,eau •es shown on landscape plan. The landscape plan shall show the trees to be preserved, the lin]its of Blearing, the location and type of protcctive fencing, grade changes requiring tree wells or yaks,, and trenching, of Ufllnel'112 proposed beyond the limits ofclearing. Unser'vution chc't'Glt i. ffe'-pplic-ai'.:r;all sill 1 Ct111tier\'81101] BI1cCk;lst a1, 11rCli%eC( 1.y 11?% agCilt i ? etls,lrc ilial the specified trees will be protected during construction. Except as otherwise expressly approved by the agent in a particular case, the checklist shall conform to the specifications in the Virginia Erosion and Scdin]ent Control Handbook, pages 111- 393 through III -413. and as hereafter ii-,rcnded. Rev 1: Comment addressed. This item will need to be signed on the final site plan. 4. 132.5.2(e), E.lr.'stim lattr{s(apc /(Wtrues. On the landscape plan identify swhetlier existing wooded areas are evergreen. deciduous, ora nlix thereof. Rev 1: Comment addressed. 5. LaudsccrpirrL i,:it{ri,r a pcn'kurs arca. 1\7ochfy landscape- parkim_ calculation to provide required tree count. Also. depict and label the location of the required 640 SF" of planting area. Rev l: Comment addressed. 6. Screenhw. Provide the required screening of the industrial use adjacent to the rural areas zoning, district r- also, provide the screenirtr w for the required dumpster pad (see connnent 17 hc�luir). Rev 1. Comment addressed, 7. Street Trees. Street trees are required along all existing streets, revise calculations on sheet C-205 and provide the required street trees alone the frontage of Airport Road and Coffey Drivc. Rev 1: Comment addressed. 8. 132,7.9.81 Tree canopy. The minimum required tree canopy for the site is ten (10) percent of 326,205 SF. Revise the calculationis to aecur:a'iely "etlC;ct tliacrcagc of tho sl e. ;lev : CC.i3lneni i?C.?..`!ressed. 15.1.521 Outdoor Storage in Industrial Disiricts. Except as otherwise ctin c ssly permitted jbr a particular use, the outdoor storage nj parts, materials and equipment in an industrial district shall he subject to the follolving: a. Storage ureas shall be screener" by a solid t-rall 01-ji: nce, including solid entrance and exit gates, not less than seven ( l,T ' tlo;• ,nor,., !hair icit (1('' ji crt in he' ht. b. No ivall or ft'nce screening a storage area shall encroach hae) a sight distance n'tangie. c. The parts, materials and equipment stored in a storage area shall not he stacked higher than the screening trall or f'nce. d. ,'oto outdi,or storrrae shall be loecaed wiilun &i v (50) li:et oj'a rr,sidenrial or rf;r icieltural dist; ict. e'. ht olltd ool' Sora j' Ol F cc_vclaly;e' rNlnel'la1S at ( C t'Clii ;� e011ci/lOr1 ol Rev 1: Crrn meiit adtlressed. Screen the entire storage arep. as provided in Section 5.1.52(a) & (b). Under minimum yards/setbacks, provide the followini, note: `Petr is. ?nateriah, and egUipinent stored rn 1171' SiOl'<*Ie area shall 1101 he sacked higher than the srreenirig fence urid pfciniingc 1�ursitant to .5.1_52( e). " Rev 1: Comment .addressed. 10. 135.11 Peres. As previously discussed, the incorrect application fee was paid by the applicant during submittal of the project. Please work with intake staff to process a refund and pay the correct fee of Sl ;290 plus $0.016 per square foot of nonresidEntiai structures. Also. pay the 5200 public no6fi(ation 1ee. The above .shall lake place prio+• to any iinther rcvikn.v!action of the plan. T%ev '1: Comment addressed. 11. 132.5.2(1))1 Proposed use. On sheet 0-100 revise the proposed use to also include Outdoor Equipment Storage. Also, provide the maximum acreage occupied by each use. Rev 1: Comment addressed. 12. 14.14, 4.1;x.1 • 4A4,51 Performance standards for industrial uses apply to the proposal. On sheet -100 provide the following note: "Perfiumance stundcu ds fbr industrial users apply to the proposal as dictated h,y Section 4.14.1 - 4. 14.5 ofVowny Code and the use .shall be subject to those siandards ". Also, provide the following note: "This use is subject to 5; c'iion 4. M ,1'orsRev T: co"limer", addressed. 13. [4.14.51 Certified Engineers Report. A Certified Engineers Report shall be completed/complied with prior to the approval of the final site plan. 14. 132.5.1.(a)] (inrrral bilorrna!ion. The adjacent paj TM? 32-i0, is zoned Rural Area ;RA_ . Revise:- the elan accordinglY. l,Iev 1: Continent addressed. 15. 132.5.1(e)1 Boundary lines. The shared parcel boundary bctwcen TMP 32-17A and TMP 32-17135 does not match County GIS nor the plat of record referenced on the site plan. Verify the shared boundary line and provide recorded documentation. Rev 1: Continent addressed. 16. 132.51(c), 32.5.2(x), 26.5, 4,201 Ifiilinluni Yards., Throughout the plan clearly label and depict all of the minimum yard requirements for the proposal. 'telae plan shall be revised to meet the setback requirements. Adjacent to streets Front minimum - 10' livna ri_._ht-of_,xays (Airport Road and Coffey Drivc) Rev 1: Comment addressed. Front naaxinauna — none Adjamit to district othor than coninicrcial or industrial district Side yard ntirrinuun adjacent to RA zoning — 50 feet for structures & 30 feet fin• parking Rev 1: Comment addressed. Side yard inaxinium None 13uffa adjacent to district ocher than commercial or industrial district 30' undisturbed buffer hetween Ll and RA zoning Rev ]: Comment addressed. Building separation Side yard setback for side abutting industrial zoning - any primary structure shall be constructed and separated in accordance with the current edition of the Building Code. Rev 1: Comment addressed. 17. i4.I2.61 Parking required. Parking calculations for the warchouNc utilize numi;cr of employees in addition to the fluor area of the building. On the plan provide the number of employees for the warehouse. One spice is required per employee. If no 0711910 arc plromed_f n- the i- warehouse, plcuse list zero (0) centploye e.s for the bare house. Rev 1: Comment addressed her section 4.i2.4(c). 18. 132.5.2(b)1 Proposed use. Provide: the maximum amount ofpaved pat king and ellicular circulation. Rev 1: Comment addressed. 19. 132.5.2(n). A. 12.13(e), Erisling and ­(lposed inwro> enicnl . A dunipster pad is required for the use based on ,Joss ,:)uar, cet of tele industrial buit:iaing. On the plan locau, and dintensiou dic dun:pst.:r pact 10i the site anti provide roquired screening of the facility pursuant to section The pad shall not impede any required parking or loading spaces, nor any pedestrian or vehicular circulation aisles. Rev 1: Comment addressed. 20. 14.12..15+! .11hil'inu 7 De.sign Requirenitenis. ! 3bel, depict ?:.!d dimension any lloadl [ T soa ;.' and c,- joadinIg docks for dw, W'atti.O�lSt?. PCIri{ijid aPc':d.S'siiCilll e' (IC.SIgYi[Ci s0 i12Qi till 10[7d1i2g spltCc's' lOpeil3ib dtICr'';J', a.rd d2dfiel,s ci's' lli( cZ"Ct'-SSlbk' 1>)' deliver- rind service vehicles wlicii all parking spaces are occupi(d. Rev 1. Comment addressed. 21. 132,.5.1(c)] Dimensions. On the plan dimension all proposed improvements, to include: sidewalks, building, access ro,ie, parkin dive atske, 2' parking overh n`', fencing, unipster pad, Iands. up,',d a:C:ia-,, i' ­ns, io \ pn4\ cl area u,.;',d ±c)r gi,ipna::nt siora.gc, and Gelb' storm vv at:n' conveyancc channel. Rev y. CoPF Ment addressed. 22. Sidcivalks arithin a development. Depict and dimension a sidewalk groin the proposed building to the storage area. Rev 1: Comment addressed. 23. 74kivzlk.s. Depict mid label thy: exis6 ng sid,.:walks along Airport Road and Caffey DriVc. Rev 1: Comment addressed. 24. 13%.5.1(c). 32.5.2(n)1 I)iinensions. On the plan dimension the eyishng structure, to include height. Rev 1: Comment addressed. 25. 132.5.2(i)] Streets. I hroughout the plan correct the name and state route for "Deerwood Drive (Route 1501)" to "Coffey Drive (State Route 882)." Rev 1: Comment addressed. 26. [ Vehicular Access to Site. Each entrance onto any public street shall be designed and constructed as required by the standards of the Virginia Department of Transportation. VDOT approval of the entrance to the site shall be required prior to final site plan approval. 27. h le ci?YN.'vwr iwd other 1`e),Jes of ll'wcr. On > he:: -i OG r; design of the bioretention basin. If you have questions about this requirement please work with Max Greene of Engineering. 31. [4.12.19] Design requirements. The dumpster pad shall be concrete. The pad shall extend beyond the front of the dumpster so that the front wheels of a truck servicing the dumpster will rest on the concrete, but in no case shall the length of a concrete pad be less than eight (8) feet beyond the front of the dumpster. Revise the dumpster pad to meet the above criteria. 32. [] Sidewalks along streets. Extend the sidewalk along the frontage of Coffey Drive. 33. [] Landscaping. The minimum size of the two Eastern Redbuds shall be revised to comply with the approved Albemarle County Plant Canopy List, which lists the minimum height as 6' — 7'. 34. [Comment] ARB approval shall be granted prior to final site plan approval. Please contact Christopher P. Perez in the Planning Division by using cperez(a)albemarle.org or 434-296-5832 ext. 3443 for further information. 4 Review Comments -DP201500057 Project Name: general Industrial Office - Initial Date Completed: Thursday, February 11, 2016Initia! Site Plan Reviewer: Max Greene DepartmentIDivisionrAgencY= Engineering' Reviews Comments: A VSMP plan will be required for final site plan approval: 1. The Bioretention basin design does not appear to meet the minimum requirements of general design criteria per VSMH page 3.11-13. 2. Stormwater drainage across new gravel access road will need to be adequately addressed. .; Project Name - Date Completed: Reviewer_ Department/DivisiorL/Agency: Reviews Comments: Approved. Review Comments SQP201500057 ieneral Industrial Office - initial , vlonday, February 08, 2010 Mdrew Slack Egli Initial Site Plan Review Comments SDP201500057 Project Name_ ieneral Industrial Office - Initial Date Completed: Nednesday, February 10, 2016 Ol itial Site Plan ' Reviewer: !ay Schlothauer DepartmentrDivision`Agency: Inspections Reviews Comments: Based on plans revised February 1, 2016 No comments or conditions. County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA, 22902 Phone 434-296-5832 Memorandum To: Christopher Perez From: Ellie Ray, PLA, Senior Planner Division: ARB Date: February 17, 2016 Subject: SDP201500057 General Industrial Office — Initial Site Plan Fax 434-972-4126 I have reviewed the revised Initial Site Plan submittal against the requirements and recommendations approved by the Architectural Review Board on December 21, 2015, and offer the following comments: Prior to Initial Plan approval 1. Show screening around the entire gravel area. Submit a Special Exception request to replace the required fence on the south side with vegetative screening, or provide vegetative screening in addition to the fence on the south side. Provide vegetative screening between the proposed building and the gravel area, extending around the corners on both the west and east sides of the storage area. This screening shall be sufficient to completely screen the storage area from view of the Entrance Corridor. The screening should not be rigid rows, but should be less formal in layout and include multiple species to blend with the surrounding area. Rev1: The revised submittal provides the required fence and vegetative screening, using existing trees supplemented by additional evergreen planting where needed. The Final Plan shall provide a gate detail, in addition to the fence detail, indicating a solid gate design. 2. Label the existing trees to remain as 'preserved' and provide tree protection fencing. Rev1: Comment addressed. 3. Include a note on the plan stating that items stored in the storage area shall not exceed the height of the screening fence and planting. Rev1: Comment addressed. 4. Add the standard mechanical equipment note to the plan: "Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated." Revi : Comment addressed. A Certificate of Appropriateness is required prior to final site plan approval. 1. Provide frontage landscaping consistent with the EC guidelines. Rev1: This will be reviewed with the Final Site Plan submittal, but a cursory review shows the proposed landscape plan does not meet the EC guidelines. 2. Select a large tree species along the interior road consistent with the EC guidelines. Revi : This will be reviewed with the Final Site Plan submittal. 3. Provide large trees to align the frontage of the parking area consistent with the EC guidelines. Revi : This will be reviewed with the Final Site Plan submittal. 4. Revise the landscape schedule to specify the cultivar of Ilex crenata proposed to verify adequate screening will be provided. Rev1: This will be reviewed with the Final Site Plan submittal. Regarding conditions to be satisfied prior to issuance of a grading permit: 1. Label the existing trees to remain as 'preserved' and provide tree protection fencing. Revi : Comment addressed. Please contact Ellie Ray in the Planning Division by using erayna albemarle.ora or 434-296-5832 ext. 3432 for further information. Project Name: Date Completed: Reviewer: Department/D ivisiorn/Agency: Reviews Comments: Based on plans dated 2/1/16. No comments or objections. Review Comments SDP201500057 ieneral Industrial Office - Initial Sunday, February 14, 2016 Bobbie Gilmer Fire Rescue Opitiai Site Plan E Christopher Perez From: Alex Morrison <amorrison@serviceauthority.org> Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2016 9:51 AM To: Christopher Perez Subject: RE: SDP201500057 General Industrial Office - Initial Site Plan Attachments: SDP201500057.pdf Chris, Attached is a GIS map to depict my comments. I am recommending approval of the initial site plan with the following conditions: • The applicant shall shift the proposed force main tie in to manhole 3WElect-1-4. The connection shall be made 90 degrees off of the flowline. • Show the existing sanitary sewer correctly per the attached GIS map. • No new taps will be permitted on the RWSA transmission main. If a meter upsize is required the new connection shall be made on Dobleann Drive. • Fixture counts will be required at the final site plan stage to determine if a meter upsize will be required. Let me know if you have any questions. Alexander J. Morrison, P.E. Civil Engineer Albemarle County Service Authority 168 Spotnap Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22911 (0) 434-977-4511 Ext. 116 (C) 434-981-5577 (F) 434-979-0698 From: Christopher Perez [mailto:cperez@albemarle.org] Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2016 8:33 AM To: Alex Morrison Subject: RE: SDP201500057 General Industrial Office - Initial Site Plan Great, send them on once you get them done. Christopher P. Perez I Senior Planner Department of Community Development ICounty of Albemarle, Virginia 401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville, VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext. 3443 From: Alex Morrison [mailto:amorrison@serviceauthority.ore] Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2016 8:27 AM To: Christopher Perez <cperez@albemarle.ore> Subject: RE: SDP201500057 General Industrial Office - Initial Site Plan Chris, y Jt, _ °" ... -. -. � c°o tel` • � -� - _--,coq aeon Ion(, o I � - LL C14. V o L 4p W� 2 L N_ o U_ cD N — Co L CL N M .N (0 C I W N f aCGI Aa.��o� ! co aanossoa3 o H r r O I / r / E_� � �l - cyvvua J.9,0E u d o E. c c am o E `2 E wyo 0 C C C N C 9 N w 7 � CL C / CL ocaoo om 3 aNE / g m c o o_a / U v Y y E m o 0 0 O cE o q o00 °�m c - �m2 m %30M �O�I''V6r�EAL'Y H of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1401 orange Riled CtiPeper• Virginia 22701 Charles A. Kilpatrick, P.E. Commissioner March 07, 2016 Mr. Christopher Perez County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Re: SDP -2015-00057 General Industrial Office Initial Site Plan Dear Mr. Perez: We have reviewed the General Industrial Office initial site plan, dated October 26, 2015, as resubmitted by Meridian Planning Group, LLC, and we offer the fallowing comments: 1. The anticipated average daily trips should be based on the current edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual. 2. The geometry of the proposed entrance on Coffey Drive (Route 882) needs to meet the design vehicle standards. Based on the proposed warehouse use, trucks will be accessing the property. "Entrance Design Details" can be found in Appendix F of the Road Design Manual. 3. A Land Use Permit will be required prior to the beginning of any work within the Route 882 right-of-way. 4. Sheet C-301: The `New Pavement Detail' is showing "New Paved Entrance Match Existing Rio Road Pavement"; from the plans the new entrance ties in to Coffey Drive (Route 882). If you need ionai information concerning this project, please feel free to contact me. tracer, ly, tet. Joel D. DeNunzio, P.E. Resident Engineer VDOT - Charlottesville