HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200400023 Calculations 2004-07-01WEG Project #1975 Faulconer Construction Office and Shop Water Protection Plan Albemarle County, Virginia Prepared for Faulconer Construction Company 2496 Old Ivy Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 No. 031763 Prepared by Williamsburg Environmental Group, Inc. 3000 Easter Circle Williamsburg, Virginia 23188 (757) 220-6869 Fax: (757) 229-4507 July 2004 46030 Manekin Plaza, Suite 160 7401 Beaufont Springs Drive, Suite 205 Sterling, Virginia 20166 Richmond, Virginia 23225 Telephone: (703) 406-1390 Telephone: (804) 267-3474 Fac: (703) 406-1385 Fax: (804) 267-3470 0 Faulconer Construction Office and Shop Water Protection Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW .........................................................................................................1 2.0 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN................................................................4 3.0 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT/BMP PLAN................................................................ 5 4.0 BUFFER MITIGATION PLAN............................................................................................. 8 4.1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................... 8 4.2 GENERAL SITE ASSESSMENT................................................................................... 8 4.3 HYDROGEOLOGICAL ELEMENT.............................................................................. 9 4.3.1 Existing Topography/Soils/Hydrology................................................................ 9 4.3.2 Impacts of Proposed Development....................................................................10 4.3.3 Proposed Mitigation Measures.........................................................................10 4.4 LANDSCAPE ELEMENT............................................................................................11 4.4.1 Existing Vegetation...........................................................................................11 4.4.2 Proposed Conditions.........................................................................................12 4.5 WASTEWATER ELEMENT ........................................................................................14 4.6 CONCLUSION.............................................................................................................14 5.0 CERTIFIED ENGINEER'S REPORT...............................................................................15 5.1 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................15 5.2 DESCRIPTION OF EMISSIONS/DISCHARGES.......................................................15 5.2.1 Air Pollution......................................................................................................15 5.2.2 Water pollution..................................................................................................16 5.2.3 Explosives..........................................................................................................16 5.2.4 Groundwater contamination.............................................................................17 5.2.5 Noise pollution..................................................................................................17 5.3 TREATMENT METHODS/MECHANISMS...............................................................17 5.3.1 Air Pollution......................................................................................................18 5.3.2 Waterpollution..................................................................................................18 5.3.3 Explosives..........................................................................................................20 5.3.4 Groundwater contamination............................................................................. 20 5.3.5 Noise pollution.................................................................................................. 21 5.4 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................. 22 Appendix A PondPack Output Appendix B BMP Worksheets for Water Quality Appendix C Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Appendix D Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Appendix E Sediment Trap/Basin Calculations Appendix F Agency Documentation 0 Faulconer Constmetion Company Watershed Protection Plan f 11(.'311[!7 Jam' WiffIR71 I FIGURE PAGE Figure1-1 Project Vicinity Map.......................................................................................................2 Figure 1-2 Project Location Map...................................................................................................... 3 LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE Table 3-1 Hydrologic Routing Results............................................................................................ 6 Table 4-1 Plant Schedule for Vegetated Buffer Enhancement Area .............................................. 13 ii Faulconer Constniction Company Watershed Protection Plan 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW Williamsburg Environmental Group, Inc. (WEG) has been retained by Faulconer Construction Company, Inc. (FCC) to prepare the necessary documentation for the proposed commercial development to be used by FCC, located in Albemarle County, Virginia (Figures 1-1, 1- 2) regarding an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Stormwater Management/BMP Plan, Buffer Mitigation Plan, and a Certified Engineer's Report. The parcel contains approximately 27.37 acres and is undeveloped except for the existing road (Dettor Road). This site development application is for the location of FCC's office building and maintenance shop and yard. Also included on the site plan is the footprint and location of a rental office building (Building "A") that will be built in Phase Two. 1 NATIONAL, r,RK Sh.J� G—f -- j.' mo Hal M, 4,. _ Mort F216 V, 01, 1 ""r SHENNNb,6A,H'- NATIONAL ARK 1. ...... V % MGunfiln C�— s 01, 1 ""r SHENNNb,6A,H'- NATIONAL ARK 1. ...... % MGunfiln C�— s ,WILLIAMSBURG -NVIRONMENTAL ROUP, INC. 2.4 MILES 1.2 0 MILES 2.4 MILES SCALE: 1 INCH = 2.4 MILES FIGURE 1 -1 LATITUDE: 38'03'24.62" N PROJECT VICINITY MAP LONGITUDE: 78'37'9.5"W FAULCONER PROPERTY SOURCE: VIRGINIA ATLAS AND GAZETTEER, DeLORME MAPPING CO., 1995. ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA I JULY 2004 MGunfiln C�— s ,WILLIAMSBURG -NVIRONMENTAL ROUP, INC. 2.4 MILES 1.2 0 MILES 2.4 MILES SCALE: 1 INCH = 2.4 MILES FIGURE 1 -1 LATITUDE: 38'03'24.62" N PROJECT VICINITY MAP LONGITUDE: 78'37'9.5"W FAULCONER PROPERTY SOURCE: VIRGINIA ATLAS AND GAZETTEER, DeLORME MAPPING CO., 1995. ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA I JULY 2004 wil N Gill 2000' 1000' U 2000' SCALE: 1 INCH = 2000 FEET LATITUDE: 38'03'24.62" N LONGITUDE: 78'37'9.5"W SOURCE: USGS 7.5 MINUTE SERIES TOPOGRAPHIC MAP, CHARLOTTESVILLE WEST, VA QUADRANGLE, 1973 (REVISED 1987) MIR .4VILLIAMSBURG ,M-NVIRONMENTAL OUP, INC. FIGURE 1-2 PROJECT LOCATION MAP FAULCONER PROPERTY ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA JULY 2004 tern. • MIR .4VILLIAMSBURG ,M-NVIRONMENTAL OUP, INC. FIGURE 1-2 PROJECT LOCATION MAP FAULCONER PROPERTY ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA JULY 2004 Fanlconer Constniction Company Watershed Protection Plan 2.0 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN An Erosion and Sediment (E&S) Control Plan has been prepared by WEG to address E&S control issues during construction and is included within the overall Water Protection Plan. E&S measures are identified on the plan for two phases of construction. The first phase (Phase I) includes the installation of perimeter E&S measures and temporary sediment basins, all site clearing, grading of the road crossing embankments, and installation of associative culverts and outlet protection. This phase also involves clean water diversions in the onsite stream channels during construction of the road embankments. Phase H addresses onsite E&S control for the remainder of the site construction, including the site grading, driveways, parking lots, buildings, drainage system, and conversion of the temporary sediment basins to permanent stormwater BMPs. Though E&S controls have been developed to treat runoff from all areas of the site throughout construction activity, critical erosion areas have also been identified that are to be given particularly close attention. Such areas include those along the onsite stream channels, proposed fill slopes, road crossings, and the outfalls from the proposed BMPs. Please refer to the E&S control plan for more information on these areas and all other portions of the site construction. The E&S control plan provides details for all necessary E&S control measures as well as sediment basin sizing calculations. A more comprehensive E&S narrative is also included on the plan, with a detailed description of the site and the proposed measures. El Faulconer Constniction Company Watershed Protection Plan 3.0 STORMWATER MANAGEMENTBMP PLAN A Stormwater Management/BMP Plan has been developed by WEG to satisfy the Albemarle County Code Sections 17-314 & 17-316, which require the quantity of runoff generated by a proposed development to be properly attenuated to pre -development conditions for both the 2 -year and 10 -year frequency storm events as well as providing sufficient water quality treatment as deemed necessary by the "water resource area" in which the project area has been classified. The Stormwater Management/BMP Plan contains detailed design information and is provided within the Water Protection Plan. In summary, stormwater management is provided onsite through two proposed facilities with each one treating one of the two major portions of the development. The proposed office building and parking areas in the northern section of the property are designed to drain into a proposed biofilter (North BMP), while the maintenance shop and storage areas to the south are treated by a combination of a dry detention basin and offline biofilter (South BMP). In order to assess the stormwater quantity control provided by the BMPs, hydrologic models utilizing HEC -1 and TR -55 principles were created using PondPack. First, pre -development conditions were analyzed for the watershed of the onsite stream system. The increase in impervious cover associated with the post -development conditions of the project was then modeled, to determine the increase in runoff. The storage capacity of the BMPs and proposed outlet configurations were then developed and the design storms routed through the facilities. Through a comparison of the watershed models at different nodes throughout the stream system, it may be observed that the detention provided by the BMPs is sufficient to attenuate the increase in peak runoff from the development to less than or equal to existing conditions. Table 3-1 summarizes the hydrologic routing results and a copy of the PondPack output is included in Appendix A for a more detailed representation of the data. The location of the different nodes analyzed and delineation of the watershed system may be found on Sheet 7 of the Water Protection Plan. 9 Faulconer Constniction Company Watershed Protection Plan Table 3-1 Hydrologic Routing Results 2 -Year Storm Node Pre -Development Peak Post -Development Routed Peak Flow Node Flow (cfs) Peak Flow (cfs) (cfs) North 13 18 13 South 10 24 8 1 75 96 73 2 57 63 57 3 31 30 30 4 9 9 9 10 -Year Storm 0 Pre -Development Peak Post -Development Routed Peak Flow Node Flow (cfs) Peak Flow (cfs) (cfs) North 42 50 38 South 33 53 28 1 196 225 185 2 147 156 144 3 76 75 75 4 23 23 23 0 Faulconer Constniction Company Watershed Protection Plan The project site lies within the county -specified "Water Protection Area." The water quality treatment criteria associated with this classification were applied to the Modified Simple Method for Charlottesville/Albemarle in order to determine the pollutant removal required for the proposed development. These calculations were performed using the worksheet form obtained from the Albemarle County Engineering Department, and are included in Appendix B. As shown in the attached worksheets, the site was divided into two main drainage areas, each contributing to one of the proposed BMPs. The remainder of the site, not incorporated in these drainage areas, is either left undeveloped or consists of the two road crossings; however, over 90% of the proposed impervious cover for the site is treated by the BMPs. The northern onsite drainage area consists of 3.00 acres and is 42% impervious, which correlates to a pollutant removal requirement of 90%. Additionally, the southern onsite drainage area is 6.08 acres and 57% impervious, yielding a 92% pollutant removal requirement. In order to provide sufficient treatment, biofilter facilities were chosen for each of the two areas. The biofilter surface areas were sized based on 5% of the contributing impervious areas, which based on conversations with the Albemarle County Engineering Department, will provide the needed pollutant removal. The Stormwater Management/BMP Plan supplies adequate stormwater quantity and quality control as shown in the aforementioned analyses. Furthermore, the proposed BMPs were designed to meet the requirements of the Albemarle County Design Standards Manual for biofilters. The basin grading and outlet structures are configured to capture and treat the volume of the first half-inch of runoff from the contributing impervious areas, while allowing the bypass/overflow of large storm events without overtopping the embankment. Additionally, the biofilter designs incorporate the proper soil mix, vegetative cover, outlet protection, energy dissipators, level spreaders, and perforated under -drain systems as necessary. Detailed design information is included within the Water Protection Plan. 7 Faulconer Constniction Company Watershed Protection Plan 4.0 BUFFER MITIGATION PLAN 4.1 INTRODUCTION Stream buffers as defined by Albemarle County, are present on the Faulconer property. It is WEG's understanding that Albemarle County requires a mitigation plan to evaluate and remedy the impacts of the proposed project on the stream buffers located on the site. This document represents the required assessment of the potential environmental impacts resulting from the proposed development and description of proposed corrective measures as referenced in the County Code (Sec. 17-322). Stream buffer requirements are administered in Albemarle County through Chapter 17 of the County Code, particularly Division II of Article I1I, entitled Water Quality and Water Quality Protection. Specifications for the establishment and protection of stream buffers are presented within this division. The development standards pertinent to this particular project are included in Section 17-321. As described, a mitigation plan consistent with Section 17-322 is required for such development and generally consists of a site drawing that shows the construction footprint, stream buffer limits, jurisdictional areas, any encroachments into the stream buffer, and the type and location of any potential measures to mitigate the effect of the proposed development within the buffer. In addition, a hydrogeological element, a landscape element, and a wastewater element are included. 4.2 GENERAL SITE ASSESSMENT The project area for the proposed construction storage and office development is approximately 27.37 acres. Within the project area, improvements to the property consist of the construction of two office buildings with parking for approximately 50 vehicles, three pole barns, gravel storage areas, a maintenance shop, and stormwater best management practices (BMPs). The property is bounded to the east by Dettor Road, and to the north by Morgantown Road (Route 738) (Figure 1-2). The limits of the jurisdictional features and associated 100 -foot buffer, as shown in the attached Water Protection Plan, were developed as required by the County Code. These limits are based on the previously confirmed wetland boundaries for the property, and are consistent with previous submittals. A 100 -foot buffer is given to streams, intermittent or perennial, that fall into a Water Supply Protection Area as defined by the County. The tributaries onsite, where the proposed buffer encroachment is to occur, feed into Little Ivy Creek and ultimately into the South Fork N. Faulconer Construction Company Watershed Protection Plan Rivanna Reservoir, a Water Supply Protection Area. Therefore, the drainage patterns on the property must receive this protective feature. Buffer conditions onsite generally exhibit mature hardwood species, which currently provide the features associated with forested buffers. They include: trapping and filtering sediments, nutrients, and chemicals, reducing thermal pollution, all while providing shelter and food supply for local wildlife. Species in the buffer include: Tulip Tree (Liriodendron L.), Southern Red Oak (Quercus falcata), Chinkapin (Castanea pumila), Red Maple (Acer ruhrum) and Dogwood (Cornus Florida). The existing 100 -foot stream buffer onsite also includes areas that are nonforested, totaling approximately 1.1 acres. These areas include a significant portion of the stream buffer on the east side of the stream channel, as well as an old roadbed on the west side of the channel. WEG completed an assessment of the habitat structure and functionality of the stream system onsite, which has a watershed of approximately 60 acres. Based on the conceptual assessment, the overall quality of the stream system is moderately stable, with a mix of habitats. Three existing stream crossings were observed in the project area, each showing evidence of increasing erosion upstream of the respective crossings. Large amounts of woody debris are present in the system in the form of fallen trees and exposed root matter. The majority of the reach has adequate buffer areas with mature riparian vegetation including Southern Red Oak, Tulip Poplars, and Red Maple. Sheet 11 of the Water Protection Plan presents the results of the onsite stream assessment. 4.3 HYDROGEOLOGICAL ELEMENT 4.3.1 Existing Topography/Soils/Hydrology The existing topography, soils, and hydrology of the site and immediately adjacent land were evaluated based on published information and more detailed maps as provided by FCC. The topography of the site is generally moderate (in abandoned terraces) to steep (along side slope areas) and ranges from elevation 670 feet mean sea level (ft msl) at the high point of the site to approximately 584 -ft msl within the main unnamed tributary as it exits the site and feeds Little Ivy Creek. Adjacent lands have mixed land use with three residential properties north of the proposed project limits and industrial storage buildings that border the eastern limits. Remaining offsite land consists of a mix of open fields and forested communities. 0 Faulconer Constntction Company Watershed Protection Plan The soil surveys for Albemarle County (USDA 1985) map several soil types within the property boundary. The hydrologic classifications of the mapped soil types all fall within group B, or moderately well -drained. The Hydrological Soil Grouping (HSG) ranges from A (well drained) to D (poorly drained), and incorporates soil texture and landscape position to determine a soil series HSG rating. The soils on the project site are HSG B most likely due to their landscape position that accompanies the site conditions. The onsite soils are classified in the soil series Hayesville and Braddock, along the elevated portions of the property and Ashe and Meadowville in the main drainage ways. Soil permeability on the project site ranges from 0.6 to 6.0 inches per hour, with upland and ridge top areas having generally moderate permeability (0.6 to 2.0 inches per hour) or better. Depths to seasonal high groundwater tables for the project area are greater than six feet, with shallow depths occurring primarily in the stream and swale areas. 4.3.2 Impacts of Proposed Development The applicant proposes to permanently impact 0.64 acres of stream buffer for the construction of the buildings, parking, and associated BMPs. There are six areas of encroachment including the two stream crossings, two small areas of general site grading, and the grading for outfalls from the two proposed stormwater BMPs. The entrance road crossing, as presented on Sheet 12 of the Water Protection Plan, enters the project site off of Dettor Road and encroaches upon 0.30 acres within the 100 -foot stream buffer. The internal road crossing, connecting the office complex with the proposed storage areas, will impact 0.29 acres of stream buffer. Minor site grading results in a small buffer encroachment of 0.012 acres. In addition, the outfalls from the two proposed stormwater BMPs result in an encroachment of 0.034 acres. An additional 0.04 acres of stream buffer will be temporarily impacted to accommodate a clean water diversion channel to bypass the stream during the construction of the road crossings. The area of this temporary buffer encroachment will be restored to its natural state upon completion of the construction activity. All impacts occur within the same quality of hardwood buffer that is exhibited throughout the entire site, except for some of the entrance road encroachment that lies within the nonforested portion of the stream buffer. 4.3.3 Proposed Mitigation Measures As a first step in developing a mitigation plan for the project, attempts were made to reduce the proposed impacts to the stream buffer. The largest encroachments for the project are the two road crossings, without which, the property would be potentially unusable. In order to reduce the impacts 10 Faulconer Constriction Company Watershed Protection Plan associated with these road crossings, a sag curve was provided within the roadway designs to reduce the amount of fill necessary to construct the embankments. The encroachments for the site grading and stormwater BMPs have also been minimized, by modifying the site plan. Though a significant reduction in impacts was obtained, 0.64 acres of stream buffer encroachment remains. Mitigation for the stream buffer impacts includes proposed vegetated buffer enhancement of 1.28 acres, including the reforestation of 0.90 acres within the nonforested portion of the existing 100 -foot stream buffer and an additional revegetation of 0.38 acres adjacent to the buffer. This buffer enhancement will result in an area of revegetation that is more than twice the total encroachment area. Mitigation also includes an outfall protection retrofit at an existing outfall pipe within the buffer, which is creating erosion and sloughing on the stream banks. The proposed outfall protection will provide energy dissipation at the outfall pipe and help prevent further erosion of the stream banks. Furthermore, additional mitigation is provided through the removal of two existing culverts along an old roadbed, which cause potential constrictions of the stream channel. Removal of the culverts and stabilization of the associative stream banks at these two locations will help restore the stream channel to a more stable, natural state. The locations of the proposed mitigation measures are shown on Sheet 13 of the Water Protection Plan. Also provided, are photographs of the restoration areas, descriptions of the mitigation measures, plant material lists for the vegetated buffer enhancement and stream bank stabilization mix, and typical details associated with the measures. 4.4 LANDSCAPE ELEMENT 4.4.1 Existing Vegetation The majority of the vegetation within the onsite stream buffers, as with most of the project site, consists of mature hardwoods, including Tulip Tree (Liriodendron L.), Southern Red Oak (Quercus falcata), Chinkapin (Castanea pumila), Red Maple (Acer rubruin) and Dogwood (Cornus Florida). However, a portion of the stream buffer along the eastern side of the property is not forested, but consists of frequently mowed grasses due to its use as a maintained right-of-way. Additionally, an old roadbed west of the stream channel has prevented any significant forested or scrub/shrub cover from being established along a small strip of the buffer. 11 Faulconer Construction Company Watershed Protection Plan 4.4.2 Proposed Conditions As part of the mitigation plan for the project, reforestation of the stream buffer within the nonforested areas will be provided as shown on Sheet 13 of the Water Protection Plan. Additionally, some areas adjacent to the stream buffer will be preserved and vegetated, thus increasing the effective buffer width. These enhancement measures shall help establish native tree and scrub/shrub species, in order to provide added runoff treatment than currently provided by the denuded buffer. The total area of buffer enhancement is approximately 1.28 acres, and will be planted in accordance with the enclosed plant schedule, summarized in Table 4-1. Plant materials were selected based on an evaluation of the existing riparian plant community on the site and based on native buffer restoration species common to Virginia. Proposed tree and shrub plantings will be installed at a density of approximately 300 woody stems per acre, minimizing disturbance to the existing ground cover to the greatest extent possible. All disturbed areas within the project limits will be stabilized with a native seed stabilization mix sown at a rate of 50 lbs/acre. Substitutions to the approved plant schedule may be allowed based on availability, cost, or other such constraints. 12 Faulconer Constniction Company Watershed Protection Plan Table 4-1 Plant Schedule for Vegetated Buffer Enhancement Area BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE Trees Acer rubrum RED MAPLE 1 GALLON CONTAINER MIN. Ilex opaca AMERICAN HOLLY 1 GALLON CONTAINER MIN. Juniperus virginiana EASTERN RED CEDAR 1 GALLON CONTAINER MIN. Liriodendron tulipifera TULIP TREE 1 GALLON CONTAINER MIN. Quercus falcate SOUTHERN RED OAK 1 GALLON CONTAINER MIN. Quercus muhlenbergii CHINKAPIN OAK 1 GALLON CONTAINER MIN. Shrubs Aronia melanocarpa BLACK CHOKEBERRY 1 GALLON CONTAINER MIN. Cephalanthus occidentalis BUTTONBUSH 1 GALLON CONTAINER MIN. Amelanchier canadensis SHADBUSH 1 GALLON CONTAINER MIN. 13 Faulconer Construction Company Watershed Protection Plan 4.5 WASTEWATER ELEMENT The project site is not served by a wastewater treatment plant. Therefore, a septic tank drainfield is provided at the project site to adequately treat domestic wastewater flows. 4.6 CONCLUSION The applicant proposes to construct commercial office buildings, storage sheds, and a maintenance shop on the currently forested property. This development will cause an encroachment into the stream buffer primarily due to the required road crossings and stormwater outfall locations. However, modifications have been made to the proposed site plan in order to reduce the permanent stream buffer impacts to 0.64 acres. In compensation for the buffer impacts, the applicant proposes to revegetate a large portion of the stream buffer that currently lacks forested cover due to previous development, as well as establish additional buffer area onsite. The proposed vegetated buffer enhancement will yield a total of 1.28 acres of reforestation, twice the amount of proposed encroachment, meeting the requirements of the County regulations. Furthermore, to provide additional water quality benefits, the applicant proposes to provide outlet protection at an existing eroded outfall and remove two existing culverts within the stream channels. The proposed mitigation measures will improve the stream system onsite and provide a more effective stream buffer. 14 Faulconer Constriction Company Watershed Protection Plan 5.0 CERTIFIED ENGINEER'S REPORT 5.1 INTRODUCTION The parcel contains approximately 27.37 acres and is undeveloped except for the existing road (Dettor Road). This site development application is for the location of Faulconer Construction Company's (FCC) office building and their maintenance shop and yard. Also included on the site plan is the footprint and location of another office building (Building "A") that will be built in Phase Two. Proposed operations at this facility will include normal business operations in the office building(s) as well as storage and maintenance of the construction vehicles. A more detailed discussion of vehicle maintenance and operations is included in Section 5.3. Infrequent low volume fueling of construction equipment may take place if required to complete a maintenance activity. 5.2 DESCRIPTION OF EMISSIONS/DISCHARGES This section of the Certified Engineer's Report serves to list/identify all potential sources of pollution and/or concerns about the project including emissions/discharges to land, air, or water, solid or gaseous effluent and electrical impulses and noise under normal operations (Section 4.14.8 of the Albemarle County Code). Main categories of potential emissions/discharges are provided in the subsections listed below. 5.2.1 Air Pollution Concerns about air pollution resulting from the normal operating activities planned at the project site were raised at previous Albemarle County Planning Commission Meetings. Planned normal operations at the project site do not result in any air emissions that require permitting and/or monitoring through the DEQ or any other state or federal agency. However, the normal operations involving construction vehicles and equipment will result in some minor air emissions in the form of diesel exhaust. However, FCC plans to minimize over-exposure to diesel exhaust at the project site through measures that are discussed in Section 5.3.1. 15 Faulconer Constniction Company Watershed Protection Plan 5.2.2 Water pollution The nature of the proposed activities at the project site and its location within a County drinking water supply watershed raised some concerns about potential adverse environmental impacts in the form of water pollution. The project site contains an area for construction vehicle maintenance and provides storage of vehicle fluids including the following: • Engine oil • Hydraulic oil • Drive train oil • Transmission oil • Waste oil • Diesel fuel During previous Albemarle County Planning Commission meetings, citizens raised several concerns with regard to potential water pollution as a result of this project. The following list provides specific areas of concern raised at the meeting with regard to water pollution. • Critical slope disturbance/erosion into streams • Project in drinking water supply area • Spills • Sediment in streams • Vehicle/machinery wash water containing chemicals/pollutants • Drinking Water Well Contamination Several treatment methods/mechanisms were identified to ensure that the proposed project does not result in water pollution and are discussed in detail in Section 5.3.2. 5.2.3 Explosives Concerns were raised during previous Planning Conunission meetings concerning the potential storage of explosives at the project location. There will be no permanent storage of explosives onsite, only infrequent short-term (less than four hours) presence of such in a licensed and approved vehicle. 16 Faulconer Constriction Company Watershed Protection Plan 5.2.4 Groundwater contamination The project site is not served by a wastewater treatment plant. Therefore, a septic tank drainfield is provided at the project site to adequately treat domestic wastewater flows. Waste materials such as spent oil, antifreeze, greases, and other similar materials are stored in approved waste containers and disposed of through a licensed waste handling company that routinely handles such waste disposal. 5.2.5 Noise pollution Normal operations at the project site are not anticipated to violate Albemarle County's noise ordinances. The normal hours of operation at the project location for the yard are 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM and for the office are 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM five days a week. However, special circumstances may occasionally require non-standard operating hours. 5.2.6 Vibration Normal operations at the project site will not result in vibrations that exceed the values specified in Section of the Albemarle County Code. 5.2.7 Glare The normal hours of operation at the project location for the yard are 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM and for the office are 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM five days a week. Therefore, no direct or sky reflected glare, whether from flood lights or from high temperature processes such as combustion, welding or otherwise, will occur so as to be visible beyond the lot line other than parking lot lighting, and other lighting permitted by the Albemarle County Code. 5.2.8 Radioactivity Site operations will not result in radioactivity emission which would be dangerous to the health and safety of persons on or beyond the premises. 5.3 TREATMENT METHODS/MECHANISMS 17 Faulconer Constriction Company Watershed Protection Plan This section of the Certified Engineer's Report serves to provide a discussion of the treatment methods and mechanisms to be used at the Faulconer Construction Company project site to control any and all emissions/discharges from the proposed project site. Main categories of treatment methods/mechanism for potential emissions/discharges are provided in the subsections listed below. The following subsection headings correspond to those provided in Section 5.2 above. 5.3.1 Air Pollution Unnecessary vehicle idling results in air pollution. FCC plans to limit vehicle idling to only when necessary, which may occur during some vehicular repairs. However, idling of vehicles and equipment is not a standard practice at the project site. In addition, unnecessary vehicle idling wastes valuable resources including gasoline and, therefore, will be discouraged at the project location. 5.3.2 Water pollution An Erosion and Sediment (E&S) Control Plan has been prepared by WEG to address E&S control issues during construction and is included within the overall Water Protection Plan. E&S control measures are identified on the plan for two phases of construction to ensure that proper E&S controls will prohibit downstream water pollution as a result of the proposed project construction. These E&S measures address the issue of critical slope disturbance and the project's proximity to existing stream buffers. Though E&S controls have been developed to treat runoff from all areas of the site throughout construction activity, critical erosion areas have also been identified that are to be given particularly close attention. Such areas include those along the onsite stream channels, proposed fill slopes, road crossings, and the outfalls from the proposed BMPs. Every effort has been made to avoid and/or minimize encroachments into the stream buffer, wherever possible. Where buffer encroachments will occur, extra caution and awareness on the part of the site contractor will be exercised to ensure the downstream waterways are not adversely affected. As required by Albemarle County, a Buffer Mitigation Plan was submitted which quantifies the area of encroachment within the existing stream buffer and proposes adequate mitigation to compensate for the buffer losses while ensuring that water quality treatment is provided. This Buffer Mitigation Plan must be approved by the County before any encroachments take place and will be followed during project development. 18 Faulconer Construction Company Watershed Protection Plan Spill control is addressed through several levels on the project site. The project will include containment structures for the following: • Engine oil • Hydraulic oil • Drive train oil • Transmission oil • Waste oil • Diesel oil • Fuel oil (for heating) Storage of the above listed products will be provided in DEQ approved above -ground double wall containment structures (500 gallon capacity each) proposed to be located on a concrete apron/ramp immediately adjacent to the maintenance shop under a canopy to minimize exposure to precipitation and potential contamination of stormwater runoff. Fuel oil for heating purposes will be stored in a double-wall above ground tank with a capacity of 1,000-2,000 gallons depending on the final design of the building's heating system. Other products to be stored on-site include paint, mineral spirits/turpentine, grease gun tube lubricants, and small amounts of gasoline, antifreeze, and degreasers. These products will be stored within the proposed pole barns (sheds) to be provided on-site in order to minimize exposure to precipitation and potential contamination of stormwater runoff. Highly flammable materials are stored in steel containers placed inside of a fireproof cabinet. The majority of the vehicle maintenance will occur inside the maintenance building with some exceptions including equipment that does not fit within the structure. An oil/water separator is proposed to be located on the site downstream of the maintenance building and the aboveground storage tank location. Any spills that occur at or near the storage and maintenance area would flow in the direction of the oil/water separator, which will provide initial capture of the spill. The DEQ does not routinely issue permits for discharges from oil/water separators. However, a DEQ permit was listed as one of several conditions by the Albemarle County Planning Department to be met in order for the department to accept submittal of the final site plan for signature. A registration statement was submitted to the DEQ on April 16, 2004 for project coverage under a Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) general stormwater permit for 19 Faulconer Constniction Company Watershed Protection Plan industrial activity. The VPDES general permit (Permit No. VAR051507) was issued on April 29, 2004 and was valid through June 30, 2004. A second registration statement was submitted to the DEQ in June 2004 to ensure continued coverage of the facility for a 5 -year permit term starting July 1, 2004. The new VPDES permit was received on July 14, 2004. The main requirement of this type of VPDES general permit is the development of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). A SWPPP for the project site has been completed to address issues related to project construction and industrial activity. The plan lists erosion and sediment controls/measures to be provided during project construction as well as other measures for appropriate disposal of wastes, spill prevention, good housekeeping cleanup, and control. This SWPPP is provided in Appendix C. Washing of equipment and vehicles will take place on the project site within a designated wash bay with a drain connected to the oil/water separator. Wash water will flow through the oil/water separator before draining into one of the two bioretention basins designed to treat runoff from the site. Vehicle and equipment washing is typically performed using only high-pressure water. However, in some instances, a non -petroleum degreaser and/or biodegradable detergents are also used to clean equipment. Material safety data sheets for the degreaser are provided in Appendix B. 5.3.3 Explosives Concerns were raised during previous Planning Commission meetings concerning the potential storage of explosives at the project location. For over 15 years, FCC has stored small quantities of blasting materials on the current yard property in containers specifically designed for that purpose to be utilized on incidental projects. Both the State and Albemarle County Fire Marshall regulate FCC's storage of such materials. There will be no permanent storage of explosives onsite, only the short-term (less than four hours) presence of such in a licensed and approved vehicle. 5.3.4 Groundwater contamination Permits have been obtained from the VDH for the septic tank drainfield and it will function as it was designed to adequately treat wastewater flows from the project site. Although the septic tank drainfield for the project site is located within the drinking water supply watershed, it is not the only drainfield permitted by the County and the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) within this watershed. The VDH would not grant approval of the drainfield without properly investigating 20 Faulconer Constmetion Company Watershed Protection Plan potential contamination of nearby residential drinking water wells. The VDH granted approval of the drainfield. Therefore, no further treatment methods/mechanisms are required to address potential groundwater contamination. 5.3.5 Noise pollution Normal operations at the project site are not anticipated to violate Albemarle County's noise ordinances. The normal hours of operation at the project location for the yard are 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM and for the office are 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM, five days a week. However, special circumstances may occasionally require non-standard operating hours. As discussed in Section 3.1 above, FCC plans to limit vehicle idling to only when necessary, usually for specific engine repairs. This practice will reduce the potential for noise pollution as a result of normal operations at the project location. Some noise may be generated onsite as a result of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) required backup warning beepers on vehicles and equipment. As these beepers are an OSHA requirement for safety, they must be on at all times. The location of the site, with extensive existing and proposed vegetation and plantings surrounding it, should adequately dampen any sounds occurring as a result of normal site operations. The existing and additional proposed stream buffer areas and proposed reforestation will further serve to dampen noise from the site. 21 Faulconer Constnsction Company Watershed Protection Plan 5.4 CONCLUSION The proposed project by FCC will incorporate measures, both during construction and commencement of site operations, to ensure that no adverse environmental affects occur as a result of this project. FCC is an environmentally aware company with a clean record with the DEQ. The employees at FCC are educated in proper site operation and spill prevention and cleanup measures to react appropriately if an unforeseen spill -related event might occur onsite. The proposed project incorporates several measures to address spills in order to prevent downstream contamination. A spill prevention team has been assembled from the FCC staff that is trained in appropriate spill prevention and cleanup, if necessary. An oil/water separator is provided onsite to "catch" stormwater runoff that may contain excess oil and/or grease. A bioretention basin is located downstream of the oil/water separator for further water quality treatment prior to stormwater runoff leaving the site. The current storage yard for FCC has been in existence for over three decades within a '/- mile of the Rivanna Reservoir. FCC has never caused any damage to the reservoir or to any surrounding neighbors. Both the DEQ and the Albemarle County Fire Marshall have conducted inspections of the FCC yard and have found no violations. 22 0 0 0 APPENDIX A 0 PondPack Output �j LL� EM PRE -DEVELOPMENT 0 0 IM NODE DIAGRAM 0 0 0 -7 2B DA213 ? DA2A 1B DAl B DAl A DA4 NODE49 NODE3 3A NODE2 TOTAL NORTH 0 NODENORTH NODE1 TOTAL SOUTH NODE SOUTH RAILROAD CULVERT 3B DA3 B 3C 2C DA2C ccc) 1C T071"' DAl C EZJ 0 MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\PRE-DEVELOPMENT.PPW MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection: ALBEMARLE CO. Total Depth Rainfall Return Event in Type RNF ID 2 4.0000 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr 10 6.0000 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:30 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID Type Event ac -ft Trun hrs --------- cfs ft ac -ft ---------------------------- ----------------- DAlA ---- AREA ------ 2 ---------- -- .733 12.0600 9.02 DATA AREA 10 1.937 12.0500 28.29 DA1B AREA 2 .115 12.0700 1.27 DA1B AREA 10 .330 12.0400 4.73 DA1C AREA 2 .680 11.9200 12.74 DA1C AREA 10 1.190 11.9200 21.87 DA2A AREA 2 .920 12.0500 12.03 DA2A AREA 10 2.430 12.0200 37.33 DA2B AREA 2 .135 12.1200 1.25 DA2B AREA 10 .387 12.0900 4.84 DA2C AREA 2 .948 11.9900 15.76 DA2C AREA 10 2.001 11.9700 34.03 DA3A AREA 2 .055 12.1000 .55 DA3A AREA 10 .158 12.0700 2.10 SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:30 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.02 Name.... Watershed File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\PRE-DEVELOPMENT.PPW MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID Type Event ac -ft Trun hrs cfs ft ac -ft ------------ ----------------- DA3B ---- AREA ---------------- 2 .550 ----------- 12.0800 ---------------- 6.76 DA3B AREA 10 1.359 12.0500 18.93 DA3C AREA 2 1.163 12.1000 14.56 DA3C AREA 10 2.491 12.0900 32.46 DA4 AREA 2 .678 12.0500 8.95 DA4 AREA 10 1.607 12.0500 23.33 NODE NORTH JCT 2 1.055 12.0500 13.10 NODE NORTH JCT 10 2.817 12.0200 41.61 NODE SOUTH JCT 2 .848 12.0600 10.28 NODE SOUTH JCT 10 2.267 12.0500 33.01 NODE1 JCT 2 5.978 12.0300 75.41 NODE1 JCT 10 13.890 12.0200 195.86 NODE2 JCT 2 4.450 12.0500 57.12 NODE2 JCT 10 10.433 12.0400 147.28 NODE3 JCT 2 2.446 12.0800 30.56 NODE3 JCT 10 5.615 12.0600 76.22 NODE4 JCT 2 .678 12.0500 8.95 NODE4 JCT 10 1.607 12.0500 23.33 *RAILROAD CULVERT JCT 2 5.978 12.0300 75.41 *RAILROAD CULVERT JCT 10 13.890 12.0200 195.86 SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:30 PM Date: 4/26/2004 ro rn TIME OF CONCENTRATIONS (TC) r— r 1— Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... DATA Page 2.01 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\PRE-DEVELOPMENT.PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: TR -55 Sheet Mannings n .1500 Hydraulic Length 150.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 4.0000 in Slope .060000 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .32 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .1302 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #2: Tc: TR -55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 615.00 ft Slope .080000 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity 4.56 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .0374 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #3: Tc: TR -55 Channel Flow Area 6.0000 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 7.00 ft Hydraulic Radius .86 ft Slope .030000 ft/ft Mannings n .0300 Hydraulic Length 1346.00 ft Avg.Velocity 7.76 ft/sec Segment #3 Time: .0482 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------- Total Tc: .2158 hrs ------------------------- ------------------------- SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:30 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... DAlB Page 2.02 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\PRE-DEVELOPMENT-PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: TR -55 Sheet Mannings n .4000 Hydraulic Length 150.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 4.0000 in Slope .175000 ft/ft Ava.Velocitv .22 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .1859 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #2: Tc: TR -55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 150.00 ft Slope .200000 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity 7.22 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .0058 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #3: Tc: TR -55 Channel Flow Area 15.0000 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 11.00 ft Hydraulic Radius 1.36 ft Slope .020000 ft/ft Mannings n .0300 Hydraulic Length 526.00 ft Avg.Velocity 8.64 ft/sec Segment #3 Time: .0169 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Tc: .2086 hrs ------------------------- ------------------------- SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:30 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 2.03 Name.... DA1C File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\ PondPack\ PRE -DEVELOPMENT. PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: TR -55 Sheet Mannings n .0110 Hydraulic Length 100.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 4.0000 in Slope .020000 ft/£t Avg.Velocity 1.54 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .0181 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #2: Tc: TR -55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 50.00 ft Slope .020000 ft/ft Paved Avg.Velocity 2.87 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .0048 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #3: Tc: TR -55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 58.00 ft Slope .230000 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity 7.74 ft/sec Segment #3 Time: .0021 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:30 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... DA1C Page 2.04 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services \PondPack\ PRE -DEVELOPMENT. PPW Segment #4: Tc: TR -55 Channel Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Slope Mannings n Hydraulic Length Avg.Velocity 15.0000 sq.ft 11.00 ft 1.36 ft .020000 ft/ft .0300 367.00 ft 8.64 ft/sec Segment #4 Time: .0118 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------- Total Tc: .0368 hrs Calculated Tc < Min.Tc: Use Minimum Tc... Use Tc = .0833 hrs ------------------------- SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:30 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 2.05 Name.... DA2A File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services \PondPack\ PRE -DEVELOPMENT. PPW ...................................................................... TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: TR -55 Sheet Mannings n .1500 Hydraulic Length 150.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 4.0000 in Slope .060000 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .32 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .1302 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #2: Tc: TR -55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 569.00 ft Slope .100000 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity 5.10 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .0310 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #3: Tc: TR -55 Channel Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Slope Mannings n Hydraulic Length Avg.Velocity 6.0000 sq.ft 7.00 ft .86 ft 040000 ft/ft .0300 810.00 ft 8.96 ft/sec Segment #3 Time: .0251 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Tc: .1863 hrs SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:30 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... DA2B Page 2.06 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\PRE-DEVELOPMENT.PPW ....................................................................... TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: TR -55 Sheet Mannings n .4000 Hydraulic Length 150.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 4.0000 in Slope .085000 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .17 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .2482 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #2: Tc: TR -55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 591.00 ft Slope .100000 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity 5.10 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .0322 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #3: Tc: TR -55 Channel Flow Area 15.0000 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 11.00 ft Hydraulic Radius 1.36 ft Slope .020000 ft/ft Mannings n .0300 Hydraulic Length 90.00 ft Avg.Velocity 8.64 ft/sec Segment #3 Time: .0029 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Tc: .2833 hrs ------------------------- ------------------------- SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:30 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... DA2C Page 2.07 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services \PondPack\PRE-DEVELOPMENT - PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: TR -55 Sheet Mannings n .1500 Hydraulic Length 150.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 4.0000 in Slope .140000 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .45 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .0928 hrs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment #2: Tc: TR -55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 602.00 ft Slope .060000 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity 3.95 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .0423 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #3: Tc: TR -55 Channel Flow Area 7.0000 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 9.00 ft. Hydraulic Radius .78 ft Slope .060000 ft/ft Mannings n .0150 Hydraulic Length 313.00 ft Avg.Velocity 20.58 ft/sec Segment #3 Time: .0042 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Tc: .1393 hrs SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:30 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 2.08 Name.... DA3A File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\PRE-DEVELOPMENT.PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: TR -55 Sheet Mannings n .4000 Hydraulic Length 150.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 4.0000 in Slope .090000 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .17 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .2426 hrs Segment #2: Tc: TR -55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 268.00 ft Slope .200000 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity 7.22 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .0103 hrs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- Total Tc: .2529 hrs ------------------------- SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:30 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 2.09 Name.... DA3B File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\PRE-DEVELOPMENT.PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: TR -55 Sheet Mannings n .4000 Hydraulic Length 150.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 4.0000 in Slope .100000 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .18 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .2326 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #2: Tc: TR -55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 321.00 ft Slope .125000 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity 5.70 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .0156 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #3: Tc: TR -55 Channel Flow Area 15.0000 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 11.00 ft Hydraulic Radius 1.36 ft Slope .040000 ft/ft Mannings n .0300 Hydraulic Length 281.00 ft Avg.Velocity 12.22 ft/sec Segment #3 Time: .0064 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------- Total Tc: .2546 hrs S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:30 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 2.10 Name.... DA3C File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\PRE-DEVELOPMENT-PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: TR -55 Sheet Mannings n .1500 Hydraulic Length 70.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 4.0000 in Slope .020000 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .18 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .1098 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #2: Tc: TR -55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 467.00 ft Slope .080000 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity 4.56 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .0284 hrs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment #3: Tc: TR -55 Channel Flow Area 1.5000 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 3.50 ft Hydraulic Radius .43 ft Slope .040000 ft/ft Mannings n .0700 Hydraulic Length 1531.00 ft Avg.Velocity 2.42 ft/sec Segment #3 Time: .1757 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------- Total Tc: .3140 hrs ------------------------- ------------------------- SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:30 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 2.11 Name.... DA4 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental S ervi c e s \ PondPack\ PRE -DEVELOPMENT. PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: TR -55 Sheet Mannings n .1500 Hydraulic Length 150.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 4.0000 in Slope .020000 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .21 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .2020 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #2: Tc: TR -55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 517.00 ft Slope .080000 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity 4.56 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .0315 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #3: Tc: TR -55 Channel Flow Area 6.0000 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 7.00 ft Hydraulic Radius .86 ft Slope .090000 ft/ft Mannings n .0300 Hydraulic Length 146.00 ft Avg.Velocity 13.44 ft/sec Segment #3 Time: .0030 hrs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- Total Tc: .2365 hrs ------------------------- S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:30 PM Date: 4/26/2004 rIn 0 0 CURVE NUMBERS (CN) Type.... Runoff CN -Area Name.... DATA Page 3.01 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\PRE-DEVELOPMENT.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA .......................................................................... ............................................................................ Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN -------------------------------- ------------- ----- ----- ------ Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) - Goo 61 6.615 61.00 Woods - good 55 6.615 55.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 13.230 58.00 (58) ............................................................................ ........................................................................... SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:30 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Runoff CN -Area Name.... DA1B Page 3.02 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\PRE-DEVELOPMENT.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA ........................................................................... .......................................................................... Soil/Surface Description -------------------------------- Woods - good Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted CN acres %C %UC CN 55 2.610 55.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 2.610 55_00 (55) SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:30 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Runoff CN -Area Name.... DA1C Page 3.03 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\PRE-DEVELOPMENT.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN --- ----- ----- ------ Urban Districts - Industrial 88 2.213 88.00 Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) - Goo 80 1.107 80.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 3.320 85.33 (85) SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:30 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Runoff CN -Area Name.... DA2A Page 3.04 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\PRE-DEVELOPMENT.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN -------------------------------- ------------- ----- ----- ------ Woods - good 55 8.300 55.00 Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) - Goo 61 8.300 61.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 16.600 58.00 (58) SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:30 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Runoff CN -Area Name.... DA2B Page 3.05 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\PRE-DEVELOPMENT.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Soil/Surface Description -------------------------------- Woods - good Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted CN acres %C %UC CN ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ 55 3.060 55.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 3.060 55.00 (55) SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time-. 12:30 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Runoff CN -Area Name.... DA2C Page 3.06 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\PRE-DEVELOPMENT.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:30 PM Date: 412612004 Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C AUC CN -------------------------------- Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) - Goo ---- 61 ---- 3.280 61.00 Woods - good 70 1.767 70.00 Residential Districts - 2 acre 65 1.090 65.00 Residential Districts - 2 acre 77 .667 77.00 Urban Districts - Industrial 88 .878 88.00 Urban Districts - Industrial 91 .878 91.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 8.560 70.46 (70) S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:30 PM Date: 412612004 Type.... Runoff CN -Area Name.... DA3A Page 3.07 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\ PondPack\ PRE -DEVELOPMENT. PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN -------------------------------- ------------- ----- ----- ------ Woods - good 55 1.250 55.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 1.250 55.00 (55) ........................................................................... ........................................................................... S/N: A21B0362BIC9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:30 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Runoff CN -Area Name.... DA3B Page 3.08 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\PRE-DEVELOPMENT.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA .......................................................................... S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:30 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN -------------------------------- Open space (Lawns, parks etc.) - Goo --- 61 --------- 2.490 ----- ----- ----- 61.00 Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) - Goo 74 .220 74.00 Residential Districts - 2 acre 65 2.710 65.00 Woods - good 55 2.710 55.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 8.130 60.69 (61) S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:30 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Runoff CN -Area Name.... DA3C Page 3.09 File.... L A1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\PRE-DEVELOPMENT.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:30 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN -------------------------------- Woods - good -- 55 3.673 55.00 Residential Districts - 2 acre 77 3.673 77.00 Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) - Goo 74 3.673 74.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 11.020 68.67 (69) SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:30 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Runoff CN -Area Name.... DA4 Page 3.10 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\PRE-DEVELOPMENT.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN -------------------------------- ------------- ----- ----- ------ Impervious Areas - Paved parking to 98 .532 98.00 Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) - Goo 61 8.328 61.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 8.860 63.22 (63) SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:30 PM Date: 4/26/2004 C= Lzi POST -DEVELOPMENT 0 Izi 0 NODE DIAGRAM DAV DA - BMP DA4 �9!F • NODE, w A NODE: DDAA33EE 36 30 DA3( O Z DA2E DA2( NODE: 26 • TOTAL NORTH � 2C DA" "--"..-E DA - BMP NQ G�Z DA1ENODE DA1( 18• TOTAL SOUTH • 1C DA1f NODE �P o RAILROAD MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\POST-DEVELOPMENT.PPW MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection: ALBEMARLE CO. Total Depth Rainfall Return Event in Type RNF ID 2 4.0000 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr 10 6.0000 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 3:30 PM Date: 5/27/2004 Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID Type Event ac -ft Trun hrs --------- cfs ft ac -ft ---------- -------- ------------ ----------------- DA DA - BMP NORTH ---- AREA ------ 2 ---------- -- .417 11.9600 -------- 7.17 DA - BMP NORTH AREA 10 .820 11.9500 14.27 DA - BMP SOUTH AREA 2 1.075 11.9800 17.79 DA - BMP SOUTH AREA 10 1.968 11.9800 32.21 DATA AREA 2 .447 12.0600 5.31 DATA AREA 10 1.212 12.0500 17.57 DA1B AREA 2 .102 12.0400 1.35 DA1B AREA 10 .269 12.0200 4.15 DA1C AREA 2 .680 11.9200 12.74 DA1C AREA 10 1.190 11.9200 21.87 DA2A AREA 2 .806 12.0500 10.54 DA2A AREA 10 2.130 12.0200 32.72 DA2B AREA 2 .103 12.0400 1.39 DA2B AREA 10 .272 12.0200 4.27 SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 3:30 PM Date: 5/27/2004 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.02 Name.... Watershed File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\POST-DEVELOPMENT.PPW MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID Type Event ac-ft Trun hrs cfs ft ac-ft DA2C AREA 2 .994 11.9900 16.60 DA2C AREA 10 2.068 11.9700 35.20 DA3A AREA 2 .036 12.0300 .45 DA3A AREA 10 .104 12.0100 1.62 DA3B AREA 2 .550 12.0800 6.76 DA3B AREA 10 1.359 12.0500 18.93 DA3C AREA 2 1.163 12.1000 14.56 DA3C AREA 10 2.491 12.0900 32.46 DA4 AREA 2 .672 12.0500 8.88 DA4 AREA 10 1.594 12.0500 23.15 NODE NORTH JCT 2 1.326 12.0200 18.37 NODE NORTH JCT 10 3.223 12.0200 50.04 NODE SOUTH JCT 2 1.624 12.0200 23.51 NODE SOUTH JCT 10 3.449 12.0000 52.50 NODE1 JCT 2 7.046 12.0200 95.63 NODE1 JCT 10 15.478 12.0200 224.72 NODE2 JCT 2 4.742 12.0400 62.82 N0DE2 JCT 10 10.838 12.0200 155.71 NODES JCT 2 2.422 12.0800 30.35 NODE3 JCT 10 5.547 12.0600 75.44 NODE4 JCT 2 .672 12.0500 8.88 N0DE4 JCT 10 1.594 12.0500 23.15 *RAILROAD CULVERT JCT 2 7.046 12.0200 95.63 *RAILROAD CULVERT JCT 10 15.478 12.0200 224.72 SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 3:30 PM Date: 5/27/2004 TIME OF CONCENTRATIONS (TC) 0 0 �, Type.... Tc Calcs Page 2.01 Name.... DA - BMP NORTH File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\POST-DEVELOPMENT.PPW ......................................................................... ........................................................................... TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: TR -55 Sheet Mannings n 1500 Hydraulic Length 150.00 £t 2yr, 24hr P 4.0000 in Slope .120000 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .42 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .0987 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #2: Tc: TR -55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 90.00 ft Slope .043000 ft/ft Paved Avg.Velocity 4.22 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .0059 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment #3: Tc: TR -55 Channel Flow Area 1.2200 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 3.90 ft Hydraulic Radius .31 ft Slope .060000 ft/ft Mannings n .0150 Hydraulic Length 446.00 ft Avg.Velocity 11.21 ft/sec Segment #3 Time: .0110 hrs ---------------------------------------------------------------------- S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 2.02 Name.... DA - BMP NORTH File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\POST-DEVELOPMENT.PPW Segment #4: Tc: TR -55 Channel Flow Area 1.5000 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 3.50 ft Hydraulic Radius .43 ft Slope .140000 ft/ft Mannings n .0250 Hydraulic Length 96.00 ft Avg.Velocity 12.68 ft/sec ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #4 Time: .0021 hrs Segment #5: Tc: TR -55 Channel Flow Area 1.2200 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 3.90 ft Hydraulic Radius .31 ft Slope .050000 ft/ft Mannings n .0150 Hydraulic Length 150.00 ft Avg.Velocity 10.24 ft/sec ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #5 Time: .0041 hrs Segment #6: Tc: TR -55 Channel Flow Area 6.0000 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 7.00 ft Hydraulic Radius .86 ft Slope .027000 ft/ft Mannings n .0300 Hydraulic Length 165.00 ft Avg.Velocity 7.36 ft/sec ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment #6 Time: .0062 hrs Total Tc: .1280 hrs ------------------------- ------------------------- S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... DA - BMP SOUTH Page 2.03 File .... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\POST-DEVELOPMENT.PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: TR -55 Sheet Mannings n .1500 Hydraulic Length 150.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 4.0000 in Slope .100000 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .39 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .1061 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #2: Tc: TR -55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 271.00 ft Slope .060000 ft/ft Paved Avg -Velocity 4.98 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .0151 hrs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment #3: Tc: TR -55 Channel Flow Area 1.2200 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 3.90 ft Hydraulic Radius .31 ft Slope .040000 ft/ft Mannings n .0150 Hydraulic Length 649.00 ft Avg.Velocity 9.15 ft/sec Segment #3 Time: .0197 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... DA - BMP SOUTH Page 2.04 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\POST-DEVELOPMENT.PPW Segment #4: Tc: TR -55 Channel Flow Area 1.2200 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 3.90 ft Hydraulic Radius .31 ft Slope .020000 ft/ft Mannings n .0150 Hydraulic Length 100.00 ft Avg.Velocity 6.47 ft/sec Segment #4 Time: .0043 hrs ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Segment #5: Tc: TR -55 Channel Flow Area 1.5000 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 3.50 ft Hydraulic Radius .43 ft Slope .140000 ft/ft Mannings n .0450 Hydraulic Length 87.00 ft Avg.Velocity 7.04 ft/sec Segment #5 Time: .0034 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #6: Tc: TR -55 Channel Flow Area 15.0000 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 11.00 ft Hydraulic Radius 1.36 ft Slope .002000 ft/ft Mannings n .0300 Hydraulic Length 110.00 ft Avg.Velocity 2.73 ft/sec Segment #6 Time: .0112 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Tc: .1598 hrs ---------------------- -- S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 2.05 Name.... DATA File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\POST-DEVELOPMENT.PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: TR -55 Sheet Mannings n .1500 Hydraulic Length 150.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 4.0000 in Slope .060000 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .32 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .1302 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #2: Tc: TR -55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 615.00 ft Slope .080000 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity 4.56 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .0374 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment #3: Tc: TR -55 Channel Flow Area 6.0000 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 7.00 ft Hydraulic Radius .86 ft Slope .030000 ft/ft Mannings n .0300 Hydraulic Length 1346.00 ft Avg.Velocity 7.76 ft/sec Segment #3 Time: .0482 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- Total Tc: .2158 hrs SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... DA1B Page 2.06 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\POST-DEVELOPMENT.PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: TR -55 Sheet Mannings n .3550 Hydraulic Length 150.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 4.0000 in Slope .187500 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .25 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .1644 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #2: Tc: TR -55 Channel Flow Area 15.0000 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 11.00 ft Hydraulic Radius 1.36 ft Slope .020000 ft/ft Mannings n .0300 Hydraulic Length 549.00 ft Avg.Velocity 8.64 ft/sec Segment t2 Time: .0177 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total TC: .1821 hrs SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 2.07 Name.... DA1C File.... L:\1900,s\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\ PondPack\ POST -DEVELOPMENT. PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: TR -55 Sheet Mannings n .0110 Hydraulic Length 100.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 4.0000 in Slope .020000 ft/ft Avg.Velocity 1.54 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .0181 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #2: Tc: TR -55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 50.00 €t Slope .020000 ft/ft Paved Avg.Velocity 2.87 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .0048 hrs --------------------- —------------------- — ---------------------------- Segment #3: Tc: TR -55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 58.00 ft Slope .230000 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity 7.74 ft/sec Segment #3 Time: .0021 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... DA1C Page 2.08 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\POST-DEVELOPMENT.PPW Segment #4: Tc: TR -55 Channel Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Slope Mannings n Hydraulic Length Avg.Velocity 15.0000 sq.ft 11.00 ft 1.36 ft .020000 ft/ft .0300 367.00 ft 8.64 ft/sec Segment #4 Time: .0118 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Tc: .0368 hrs Calculated Tc < Min.Tc: Use Minimum Tc... Use Tc = .0833 hrs SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 2.09 Name.... DA2A File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\ PondPack\ POST -DEVELOPMENT. PPW ......................................................... TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: TR -55 Sheet Mannings n .1500 Hydraulic Length 150.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 4.0000 in Slope .060000 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .32 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .1302 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #2: Tc: TR -55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 569.00 ft Slope .100000 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity 5.10 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .0310 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #3: Tc: TR -55 Channel Flow Area 6.0000 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 7.00 ft Hydraulic Radius .86 ft Slope .040000 ft/ft Mannings n .0300 Hydraulic Length 810.00 ft Avg.Velocity 8.96 ft/sec Segment #3 Time: .0251 hrs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Tc: .1863 hrs SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 2.10 Name.... DA2B File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\POST-DEVELOPMENT.PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: TR -55 Sheet Mannings n .4000 Hydraulic Length 125.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 4.0000 in Slope .200000 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .23 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .1523 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment #2: Tc: TR -55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 77.00 ft Slope .090000 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity 4.84 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .0044 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #3: Tc: TR -55 Channel Flow Area 15.0000 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 11.00 ft Hydraulic Radius 1.36 ft Slope .028000 ft/ft Mannings n .0300 Hydraulic Length 649.00 ft Avg.Velocity 10.22 ft/sec Segment#3 Time: .0176 hrs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Tc: .1744 hrs SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 2.11 Name.... DA2C File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\POST-DEVELOPMENT.PPW ............................................................................ ........................................................................ TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR ........................................................................ Segment #1: Tc: TR -55 Sheet Mannings n .1500 Hydraulic Length 150.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 4.0000 in Slope .140000 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .45 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .0928 hrs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment #2: Tc: TR -55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 602.00 ft Slope .060000 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity 3.95 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .0423 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #3: Tc: TR -55 Channel Flow Area 7.0000 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 9.00 ft Hydraulic Radius .78 ft Slope .060000 ft/ft Mannings n .0150 Hydraulic Length 313.00 ft Avg.Velocity 20.58 ft/sec Segment #3 Time: .0042 hrs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Tc: .1393 hrs ------------------------- S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... DA3A Page 2.12 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\POST-DEVELOPMENT.PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: TR -55 Sheet Mannings n .4000 Hydraulic Length 143.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 4.0000 in Slope .266000 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .26 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .1514 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #2: Tc: TR -55 Channel Flow Area 15.0000 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 11.00 ft Hydraulic Radius 1.36 ft Slope .044000 ft/ft Mannings n .0300 Hydraulic Length 270.00 ft Avg.Velocity 12.81 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .0059 hrs ------------------------- Total --------------------- === Total Tc: .1572 hrs SIN: A21B0362EIC9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... DA3B Page 2.13 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\POST-DEVELOPMENT.PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: TR -55 Sheet Mannings n .4000 Hydraulic Length 150.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 4.0000 in Slope .100000 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .18 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .2326 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #2: Tc: TR -55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 321.00 ft Slope .125000 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity 5.70 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .0156 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #3: Tc: TR -55 Channel Flow Area 15.0000 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 11.00 ft Hydraulic Radius 1.36 ft Slope .040000 ft/ft Mannings n .0300 Hydraulic Length 281.00 ft Avg.Velocity 12.22 ft/sec Segment #3 Time: .0064 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Tc: .2546 hrs SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... DA3C Page 2.14 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\POST-DEVELOPMENT.PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment 41: Tc: TR -55 Sheet Mannings n .1500 Hydraulic Length 70.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 4.0000 in Slope .020000 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .18 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .1098 hrs -------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Segment #2: Tc: TR -55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 467.00 ft Slope .080000 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity 4.56 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .0284 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #3: Tc: TR -55 Channel Flow Area 1.5000 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 3.50 ft Hydraulic Radius .43 ft Slope .040000 ft/ft Mannings n .0700 Hydraulic Length 1531.00 ft Ava.Velocitv 2.42 ft/sec Segment #3 Time: .1757 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Tc: .3140 hrs ------------------------- ------------------------- SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... DA4 Page 2.15 File.... L:\1900`s\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\ PondPack\ POST -DEVELOPMENT. PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: TR -55 Sheet Mannings n .1500 Hydraulic Length 150.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 4.0000 in Slope .020000 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .21 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .2020 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #2: Tc: TR -55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 517.00 ft Slope .080000 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity 4.56 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .0315 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #3: Tc: TR -55 Channel Flow Area 6.0000 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 7.00 ft Hydraulic Radius .86 ft Slope .090000 ft/ft Mannings n .0300 Hydraulic Length 146.00 ft Ava.Veloeity 13.44 ft/sec Segment #3 Time: .0030 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Tc: .2365 hrs S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 CURVE NUMBERS (CN) E::3 Type.... Runoff CN -Area Name.... DA - BMP NORTH Page 3.01 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\ PondPack \POST -DEVELOPMENT. PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) - Goo 61 1.880 61.00 Impervious Areas - Paved parking to 98 1.120 98.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 3.000 74.81 (75) SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Runoff CN -Area Name.... DA - BMP SOUTH Page 3.02 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\ PondPack\ POST -DEVELOPMENT. PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 3:30 PM Date: 5/27/2004 Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C AUC CN -------------------------------- Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) - Goo ---- 61 --------- 1.660 ----- ----- ------ 61.00 Impervious Areas - Paved parking to 98 1.070 98.00 Impervious Areas - Gravel (w/ right 85 3.350 85.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 6.080 80.74 (81) SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 3:30 PM Date: 5/27/2004 Type.... Runoff CN -Area Name.... DAlA Page 3.03 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\ PondPack\ POST -DEVELOPMENT. PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN -------------------------------- Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) - Goo 61 2.833 61.00 Woods - good 55 5.847 55.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 8.680 56.96 (57) SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 3:30 PM Date: 5/27/2004 Type.... Runoff CN -Area Name.... DA1B Page 3.04 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\POST-DEVELOPMENT.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA .......................................................................... .......................................................................... Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) - Goo 61 .960 61.00 Woods - good 55 .880 55.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 1.840 58.13 {58) SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 3:30 PM Date: 5/27/2004 Type.... Runoff CN -Area Name.... DA1C Page 3.05 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\POST-DEVELOPMENT.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN -------------------------------- acres %C %UC CN ---- Urban Districts - Industrial 88 --------- 2.213 ----- ----- ------ 88.00 Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) - Goo 80 1.107 80.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 3.320 85.33 (85) SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Runoff CN -Area Name.... DA2A Page 3.06 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\POST-DEVELOPMENT.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA ...............................:.......................................... ...:...................:.................................................. SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN Woods - good 55 7.275 55.00 Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) - Goo 61 7.105 61.00 Impervious Areas - Paved parking to 98 .170 98.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> ........................................................................... 14.550 58.43 (58) SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Runoff CN -Area Name.... DA2B Page 3.07 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\POST-DEVELOPMENT.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN -------------------------------- Impervious Areas - Paved parking to ---- 98 --------- .070 ----- ----- ------ 98.00 Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) - Goo 61 .310 61.00 Woods - good 55 1.480 55.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 1.860 57.62 (58) SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Runoff CN -Area Name.... DA2C Page 3.08 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\POST-DEVELOPMENT.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA ............................................................................ .......................................................................... SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN -------------------------------- Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) - Goo ---- 61 --------- 3.220 ----- ----- ------ 61.00 Woods - good 70 1.767 70.00 Residential Districts - 2 acre 65 1.090 65_00 Residential Districts - 2 acre 77 .667 77.00 Urban Districts - Industrial 88 .878 88.00 Urban Districts - Industrial 91 .878 91.00 Impervious Areas - Paved parking to 98 .060 98.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> ........................................................................... 8.560 70.72 (71) SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Runoff CN -Area Name.... DA3A Page 3.09 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\POST-DEVELOPMENT.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Soil/Surface Description -------------------------------- Woods - good Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted CN acres %C %UC CN ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ 55 .820 55.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> .820 55.00 (55) SIN: A21B0362EIC9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Runoff CN -Area Name.... DA3B Page 3.10 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\POST-DEVELOPMENT.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA SIN: A21B0362ElC9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C $UC CN Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) - Goo 61 2.490 61.00 Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) - Goo 74 .220 74.00 Residential Districts - 2 acre 65 2.710 65.00 Woods - good 55 2.710 55.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 8.130 60.69 (61) SIN: A21B0362ElC9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Runoff CN -Area Name.... DA3C Page 3.11 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\POST-DEVELOPMENT.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA ........................................................................... .......................................................................... SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN Woods - good 55 3.673 55.00 Residential Districts - 2 acre 77 3.673 77.00 Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) - Goo 74 3.673 74.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> ........................................................................... 11.020 68.67 (69) SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 Type.... Runoff CN -Area Name.... DA4 Page 3.12 File.... L:\1900's\1975B - Faulconer Environmental Services\PondPack\POST-DEVELOPMENT.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C AUC CN -------------------------------- ------------- ----- ----- ------ Impervious Areas - Paved parking to 98 .532 98.00 Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) - Goo 61 8.258 61.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 8.790 63.24 (63) S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 12:46 PM Date: 4/26/2004 ROUTED 0 NODE DIAGRAM 0 DA -NORTH 0= N -BMP w 0 2B TOTAL NORTH DA2B NODE NORTH ZP DA2A DA -SOUTH 0= DETENTION w S-BMP�o cn w < &oll NODEl 1B TOTAL SOUTH DAlB NODE SOUTH fl 1P o DMA RAILROAD CULVERT CT -v) 38 DA313 DAK Mol -ktgqw go DA4 NODE4 NODE3 3A DAM DA -NORTH 0= N -BMP w 0 2B TOTAL NORTH DA2B NODE NORTH ZP DA2A DA -SOUTH 0= DETENTION w S-BMP�o cn w < &oll NODEl 1B TOTAL SOUTH DAlB NODE SOUTH fl 1P o DMA RAILROAD CULVERT CT -v) 38 DA313 DAK Mol -ktgqw go MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.01 Name.... Watershed File.... C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORKING\ROUTED.PPW MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection: ALBEMARLE CO. MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Total Depth Rainfall Return Event in Type RNF ID 2 4.0000 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr 10 6.0000 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr 100 8.5000 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 9:45 AM Date: 7/19/2004 Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID Type Event ac -ft Trun hrs cfs ft ac -ft DA - NORTH AREA 2 .417 11.9600 7.17 DA NORTH AREA 10 .820 11.9500 14.27 DA - NORTH AREA 100 1.374 11.9500 23.71 DA - SOUTH AREA 2 1.075 11.9800 17.79 DA - SOUTH AREA 10 1.968 11.9800 32.21 DA - SOUTH AREA 100 3.149 11.9800 50.56 DATA AREA 2 .447 12.0600 5.31 DATA AREA 10 1.212 12.0500 17.57 DA1A AREA 100 2.432 12.0300 36.95 DA1B AREA 2 .102 12.0400 1.35 DA1B AREA 10 .269 12.0200 4.15 DAlB AREA 100 .533 12.0100 8.52 DA1C AREA 2 .680 11.9200 12.74 DA1C AREA 10 1.190 11.9200 21.87 DA1C AREA 100 1.853 11.9200 33.27 S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 9:45 AM Date: 7/19/2004 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.02 Name.... Watershed File.... C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORKING\ROUTED.PPW MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 9:45 AM Date: 7/19/2004 Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID Type Event ac -ft Trun hrs cfs ft ac -ft DA2A AREA 2 .806 12.0500 10.54 DA2A AREA 10 2.130 12.0200 32.72 DA2A AREA 100 4.218 12.0200 67.18 DA2B AREA 2 .103 12.0400 1.39 DA2B AREA 10 .272 12.0200 4.27 DA2B AREA 100 .539 12.0000 8.72 DA2C AREA 2 .994 11.9900 16.60 DA2C AREA 10 2.068 11.9700 35.20 DA2C AREA 100 3.578 11.9600 60.89 DA3A AREA 2 .036 12.0300 .45 DA3A AREA 10 .104 12.0100 1.62 DA3A AREA 100 .214 11.9900 3.51 DA3B AREA 2 .550 12.0800 6.76 DA3B AREA 10 1.359 12.0500 18.93 DA3B AREA 100 2.595 12.0500 37.33 DA3C AREA 2 1.163 12.1000 14.56 DA3C AREA 10 2.491 12.0900 32.46 DA3C AREA 100 4.387 12.0900 57.42 DA4 AREA 2 .672 12.0500 8.88 DA4 AREA 10 1.594 12.0500 23.15 DA4 AREA 100 2.978 12.0400 44.07 DETENTION IN POND 2 1.075 11.9800 17.79 DETENTION IN POND 10 1.968 11.9800 32.21 DETENTION IN POND 100 3.149 11.9800 50.56 +DETENTION OUT POND 2 1.075 12.1100 10.68 607.01 .185 +DETENTION OUT POND 10 1.968 12.1400 14.53 609.39 .438 +DETENTION OUT POND 100 3.149 12.0100 49.30 609.78 .492 SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 9:45 AM Date: 7/19/2004 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.03 Name.... Watershed File.... C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORKING\ROUTED.PPW MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 9:45 AM Date: 7/19/2004 Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID Type Event ac -£t Trun hrs cfs ft ac -ft N -BMP IN POND 2 .417 11.9600 7.17 N --BMP IN POND 10 .820 11.9500 14.27 N -BMP IN POND 100 1.374 11.9500 23.71 N -BMP OUT POND 2 .359 12.3900 .99 618.09 .181 N -BMP OUT POND 10 .761 12.1200 5.94 619.44 .351 N -BMP OUT POND 100 1.308 12.0300 20.64 619.80 .403 NODE NORTH JCT 2 1.268 12.0500 12.76 NODE NORTH JCT 10 3.163 12.0200 38.35 NODE NORTH JCT 100 6.066 12.0200 96.47 NODE SOUTH JCT 2 1.465 12.4300 7.94 NODE SOUTH JCT 10 3.274 12.0900 27.86 NODE SOUTH JCT 100 5.905 12.0200 91.97 NODE1 JCT 2 6.830 12.0300 73.06 NODE1 JCT 10 15.242 12.0200 185.23 NODE1 JCT 100 27.577 12.0200 407.26 NODE2 JCT 2 4.685 12.0500 57.34 NODE2 JCT 10 10.778 12.0300 144.19 NODE2 JCT 100 19.818 12.0200 290.49 NODE3 JCT 2 2.422 12.0800 30.35 NODE3 JCT 10 5.547 12.0600 75.44 NODE3 JCT 100 10.174 12.0500 141.26 NODE4 JCT 2 .672 12.0500 8.88 NODE4 JCT 10 1.594 12.0500 23.15 NODE4 JCT 100 2.978 12.0400 44.07 *RAILROAD CULVERT JCT 2 6.830 12.0300 73.06 *RAILROAD CULVERT JCT 10 15.242 12.0200 185.23 *RAILROAD CULVERT JCT 100 27.577 12.0200 407.26 S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 9:45 AM Date: 7/19/2004 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.04 Name.... Watershed File.... C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORKING\ROUTED.PPW MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 9:45 AM Date: 7/19/2004 Return HYG Vol Node ID Pond Storage Type Event ac -ft Trun S -BMP IN POND 2 1.075 14.53 S -BMP IN POND 10 1.968 S -BMP IN POND 100 2.734 13.48 S -BMP OUT POND 2 605.39 .916 S -BMP OUT POND 10 1.792 S -BMP OUT POND 100 2.525 S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 9:45 AM Date: 7/19/2004 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage hrs cfs ft ac -ft 12.1100 10.68 12.1400 14.53 12.0000 15.07 12.4400 6.19 605.13 .437 12.3200 13.48 605.35 .489 12.2600 14.42 605.39 .498 S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 9:45 AM Date: 7/19/2004 BIOFILTER VOLUMES North Basin: PROPOSED - Biofilter Elevation (ft MSL) Area (ACRES) Area (SF) Al+A2+(Al* A2)1/2 Volume (CF) Cumulative Volume (CF) Cumulative Volume (CY) 616 0.06249 2722 0 0 0 0 617 0.08625 3757 9677 3226 3226 119 618 0.10803 4706 12668 4223 7448 276 619 0.13111 5711 15601 5200 12649 468 620 0.15549 6773 18703 6234 18883 699 South Basin: PROPOSED - Detention Elevation (ft MSL) Area (ACRES) Area (SF) Al+A2+(Al* A2)1/2 Volume (CF) Cumulative Volume (CF) Cumulative Volume (CY) 603.5 0.00370 161 0 0 0 0 604 0.03685 1605 2274 379 379 14 606 0.06589 2870 6621 4414 4793 178 608 0.10211 4448 1 10891 7261 12054 1 446 610 0.14483 6309 1 16054 10703 22757 1843 South Basin: PROPOSED - Bio%lter Elevation (ft MSL) Area (ACRES) Area (SF) Al+A2+(A1* A2)1/2 Volume (CF) Cumulative Volume (CF) Cumulative Volume (CY) 603 0.17307 7539 0 0 0 0 604 0.20399 8886 24610 8203 8203 304 606 0.26217 11420 30380 20253 28456 11054 OUTLET INPUT DATA 0 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... NORTH BMP -ROUND Page 13.20 File.... C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORKING\ROUTED.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = 02 Structure Type = Inlet Box # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. - 619.25 ft Orifice Area - 19.6350 sq.ft Orifice Coeff. - .600 Weir Length = 15.71 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.300 K, Submerged = .000 K, Reverse = 1.000 Kb,Barrei = .000000 (per ft of full flow) Barrel Length = .00 ft Mannings n = -0000 Structure ID = Ol Structure Type = Orifice -Circular ------------------------------------- # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 616.75 ft Diameter .5000 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 9:48 AM Date: 7/19/2004 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... NORTH BMP -ROUND Page 13.21 File.... C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORKING\ROUTED.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = 03 Structure Type = Culvert -Circular ------------------------------------ No. Barrels = 1 Control K = Barrel Diameter - 1.2500 ft Upstream Invert - 613.00 ft Dnstream Invert - 612.00 ft Horiz. Length = 75.00 ft Barrel Length = 75.01 ft Barrel Slope = .01333 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .2000 Kb - .023225 Kr = .2000 HW Convergence = .001 INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0045 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03170 Inlet Control Y - .6900 T1 ratio (HW/D) = 1.089 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.191 Slope Factor = -.500 (forward entrance loss) (per ft of full flow) (reverse entrance loss) +/- ft Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 614.36 ft ---> Flow = 4.80 cfs At T2 Elev = 614.49 ft ---> Flow = 5.49 cfs SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 9:48 AM Date: 7/19/2004 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... NORTH BMP -ROUND Page 13.22 File.... C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORKINGIROUTED.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = 04 Structure Type = Weir-XY Points ------------------------------------ # of Openings = 1 WEIR X -Y GROUND POINTS X, It Elev, ft --------- .00 --------- 620.50 5.00 TW 619.50 15.00 ft 619.50 20.00 tolerance = 620.50 Lowest Elev. = 619.50 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.300000 Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES... Maximum Iterations= 30 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .10 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .10 cfs SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 9:48 AM Date: 7/19/2004 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... FROM SOUTH -ROUND Page 13.03 File.... C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORKING\ROUTED.PPW REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 603.00 ft Increment = .10 ft Max. Elev.= 606.50 It OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to Upstream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, It E2, ft Inlet Box 02 ---> 03 605.000 606.500 Orifice -Circular 01 ----> 03 603.750 606.500 Culvert -Circular 03 ---> TW 600.000 606.500 Weir-XY Points 04 ---> TW 605.500 606.500 TW SETUP, DS Channel SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 9:48 AM Date: 7/19/2004 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... FROM SOUTH -ROUND Page 13.04 File.... C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORKING\ROUTED.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = 02 Structure Type = Inlet Box # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 605.00 ft Orifice Area = 19.6350 sq.ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Weir Length = 15.71 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.300 K, Submerged = .000 K, Reverse = 1.000 Kb,Barrel = .000000 (per ft of full flow) Barrel Length = .00 ft Mannings n = .0000 Structure ID = 01 Structure Type = Orifice -Circular ------------------------------------ # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 603.75 ft Diameter = 1.0000 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 9:48 AM Date: 7/19/2004 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... FROM SOUTH -ROUND Page 13.05 File.... C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORKING\ROUTED.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = 03 Structure Type = Culvert -Circular Inlet --------------------------------------- No. Barrels = 1 Inlet Barrel Diameter = 1.2500 It Upstream Invert = 600.00 ft Dnstream Invert = 598.00 ft Horiz. Length = 65.00 ft Barrel Length = 65.03 ft Barrel Slope = .03077 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .2000 Kb = .023225 Kr = .2000 HW Convergence = .001 INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0045 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03170 Inlet Control Y = .6900 T1 ratio (HW/D) = 1.080 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.182 Slope Factor = -.500 (forward entrance loss) (per ft of full flow) (reverse entrance loss) +/- ft Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 601.35 ft ---> Flow = 4.80 cfs At T2 Elev = 601.48 ft ---> Flow = 5.49 cfs SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 9:48 AM Date: 7/19/2004 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... FROM SOUTH -ROUND Page 13.06 File.... C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORKING\ROUTED.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = 04 Structure Type = Weir-XY Points # of Openings = 1 WEIR X --Y GROUND POINTS X, ft Elev, it .00 606.50 5.00 605.50 35.00 605,50 40.00 606.50 Lowest Elev. 605.50 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.300000 Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES... Maximum Iterations= 30 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .10 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .10 cfs SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 9:48 AM Date: 7/19/2004 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... TO SOUTH BMP Page 13.47 File.... C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORKING\ROUTED.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = Structure Type = Culvert -Circular No. Barrels = 1 .0045 Barrel Diameter = 1.2500 ft Upstream Invert = 603.50 ft Dnstream Invert = 603.00 ft Horiz. Length = 50.00 ft Barrel Length = 50.00 ft Barrel Slope = .01000 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .2000 Kb = .023225 Kr = .2000 HW Convergence = .001 INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0045 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03170 Inlet Control Y = .6900 Tl ratio (HW/D) = 1.091 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.192 Slope Factor = -.500 (forward entrance loss) (per ft of full flow) (reverse entrance loss) +/- ft Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At Tl Elev = 604.86 ft ---> Flow = 4.80 cfs At T2 Elev = 604.99 ft ---> Flow = 5.49 cfs SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 9:48 AM Date: 7/19/2004 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... TO SOUTH BMP Page 13.46 File.... C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORKING\ROUTED.PPW REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 603.50 ft Increment = .10 ft Max. Elev.= 610.75 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY --> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft Culvert -Circular ---> TW 603.500 610.750 TW SETUP, DS Channel SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 9:48 AM Date: 7/19/2004 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... TO SOUTH BMP Page 13.48 File.... C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORKING\ROUTED.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES... Maximum Iterations= 30 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .10 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .10 cfs SIN: A21B0362F.1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 9:48 AM Date: 7/19/2004 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... SOUTH SPILLWAY Page 13.37 File.... C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORKING\ROUTED.PPW REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 603.50 ft Increment = .10 ft Max. Elev.= 610.75 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ********************************************** ---> Forward Flow Only (Upstream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) < ---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft Weir-XY Points ---> TW 609.417 610.750 TW SETUP, DS Channel SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 9:48 AM Dates 7/19/2004 Type.... Outlet Input Data Page 13.38 Name.... SOUTH SPILLWAY File.... C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORKING\ROUTED.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = Structure Type = Weir-XY Points -------------------------------------- # of Openings = 1 WEIR X -Y GROUND POINTS X, ft Elev, ft 00 610.75 30 6.67 609.42 TW 51.67 609.42 ft 58.33 610.75 tolerance = Lowest Elev_ = 609.42 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.300000 Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------ ----------------------------- FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES... Maximum Iterations= 30 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .10 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .10 cfs SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 9:48 AM Date: 7/19/2004 APPENDIX B BMP Worksheets for Water Quality �j F_ Short Version BMP Computations For Worksheets 2 - 6 Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance: Modified Simple Method Plan: Faulconer Construction Water Resources Area: Preparer: Daniel Proctor Date: 18 -Mar -04 Project Drainage Area Designation North BMP L storm pollutant export in pounds, L = [P(Pj)Rv/12 ] [ C(A)2.72 ] Rv mean runoff coefficient, Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(1) Pj small storm correction factor, 0,9 1 percent imperviousness P annual precipitation, 43" in Albemarle A project area in acres in subject drainage area, A = 3.00 C pollutant concentration, mg/I or ppm target phosphorus f factor applied to RR V required treatment volume in cy, 0.5" over imperv. area = A(1)43560(0.5/12)/27 RR required removal , L(post) - f x L(pre) %RR removal efficiency, RR100/L(post) Impervious Cover Computation (values in feet & square feet) Item pre -development f I (pre) * Area L(pre) Area Roads Length_ Width subtotal ,_ w.:-.•. ;;; ,8517. 7.83 ..-,..'...-.... - ...._'.._.,..*�.", - 0, 1.00 _.,......_.. - 0 0 88%° Drinking Water Watersheds 0.40 1.00 10°%, Length Width no. subtotal - - -- - 0i Driveways Length Width no. subtotal 2166' and walks 11 _ . -:- -- - 0 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 0. 2888.2_ 0; -Area Area 1 Area 2 subtotal Parking Lots Area -1 -2 Area 3 Area 4 b,x 0.70 Area no. subtotal 01 Gravel areas Area 1 Area 2 subtotal 3512 1 3512 0. 0; x 0.70 = Structures Aea no. subtotal __r_.a, _ .._0 0 0 _- Actively -grazed pasture & Area yards and cultivated turf . x 0.08 = Active crop land Area Other Impervious Areas impervious Cover Rv(post) V 0.42 84.0 Water Supply Protection Area Pp _. ost-develo ment f I (pre) * Area L(pre) Length Width subtotal 0.70 1.00 20%: ,_ w.:-.•. ;;; ,8517. 7.83 ..-,..'...-.... - ...._'.._.,..*�.", - 0 1.00 - - 0 3.45 ; 88%° Drinking Water Watersheds 0.40 1.00 10°%, Length Width no. subtotal - - -- - - 88%` Other Rural Land 2166' 11 Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 0. 2888.2_ - - Area 1 Area 2 subtotal 0` - b,x 0.70 Area no. subtotal 3032 - 1 3032 3512 1 3512 0. - 0 Area 0 70695 x 0.08 = Area x0.25= 0 x0.25- Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 1 Area 2 0 I(prej - ._.... New Development (For Development Areas, existing impervious cover <= 20%) Area 3 C f I (pre) * Rv(pre) L(pre) L(post) RR %° RR Area Type 0.70 1.00 20%: 0.23 4.24 7.83 3.59 , 46%: Development Area 6.35 1.00 0.35 0.46 3.91 3.45 ; 88%° Drinking Water Watersheds 0.40 1.00 10°%, 0.06 0.62 4.47 3.85 ; 86%1, Other Rural Land * min. values 4.47 3.94 88%` Other Rural Land Redevelopment (For Development Areas, existing impervious cover > 20%°) C f I (pre) * Rv(pre)L(pre) _ L(post) RR %° RR Area Type 0.70. 0.90 ` 20% 0.23 4.24 7.83 4.01 51 %, Development Area 0.35 0.85 " 0% 0.05 0.46 3.91 3.52 90% Drinking Water Watersheds 0.40 0.85 1 % 0.06 0.62 4.47 3.94 88%` Other Rural Land rev. 30 May 2002 JMK 8517 4844 28882 0 6544 5655.6 0 0 42% I(postj Short Version BMP Computations For Worksheets 2 - 6 Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance: Modified Simple Method Plan: Faulconer Construction Water Resources Area: Preparer: Daniel Proctor Date: 18 -Mar -04 Project Drainage Area Designation South BMP L storm pollutant export in pounds, L = [P(Pj)Rv/12 ] [ C(A)2.72 ] Rv mean runoff coefficient, Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(1) Pj small storm correction factor, 0.9 1 percent imperviousness P annual precipitation, 43" in Albemarle A project area in acres in subject drainage area, A = 6.68 , C pollutant concentration, mg/I or ppm target phosphorus f factor applied to RR V required treatment volume in cy, 0.5" over imperv. area = A(1)43560(0.5/12)/27 RR required removal , L(post) - f x L(pre) %RR removal efficiency, RR100/L(post) Water Supply Protection Area Impervious Cover Computation (values in feet & square feet) Item pre -development -Area post -development Area Roads Length Width subtotal Length Width subtotal Other Impervious Areas Impervious Cover Rv(post) V 0.56 232.6 x 0.25_ _ Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 0 � x 0.25 = Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 0 0 0% 57% I(pre) I(post) 736 17372.2 100015.3 28501 4112.08 0 New Development (For Development Areas, existing impervious cover <= 20%) C f 1 (pre) * Rv(pre) 0. 0 - RR - 0 Parking Lots Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 0.05 0.93 10.49 9.56 0, 17372.2....__ 0.40. 1.00 i 0.06 Gravel areas Area 1 ...--_-.._. Area 2 ..;._ .__ __.._-:.. subtotal .__...._0.. _ _ _ Area 1 .. Area 2 subtotal 918/6Other Rural Land 0 . x 0.70 = 0. 142879 - 142879 x 0.70 = Structures Area no. subtotal Area a no. subtotal 0 4320 3 12960' 0. 15541 1 15541 r 0 0' 1.... 0 Actively -grazed pasture & Area Area yards and cultivated turf x 0._08 = 0: 51401 x 0.08 = Active cropland Area Area Other Impervious Areas Impervious Cover Rv(post) V 0.56 232.6 x 0.25_ _ Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 0 � x 0.25 = Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 0 0 0% 57% I(pre) I(post) 736 17372.2 100015.3 28501 4112.08 0 New Development (For Development Areas, existing impervious cover <= 20%) C f 1 (pre) * Rv(pre) L(pre) L(post) RR % RR Area Type 0.70 " 1.00 20% 0.23 8.58 20.99 12.40 59%. Development Area 0.35 1.00 0% 0.05 0.93 10.49 9.56 91%, Drinking Water Watersheds 0.40. 1.00 i 0.06 1.26_ 11.99 10.73 90% Other Rural Land * min. values 11.99 10.92 918/6Other Rural Land Redevelopment (For Development Areas, existing impervious cover > 20%) C f I (pre) * Rv(pre) L(pre) L(post) RR % RR Area Type 0.70 0.90 20%. 0.23 8.58 20.99 13.26 , 63%: Development Area 0.35 6.85 0%, 6.05 0.93 10.49 9.70: 92% Drinking Water Watersheds 0.40 0.85 1%: 0.06 1.26 11.99 10.92 918/6Other Rural Land rev. 30 May 2002 JMK APPENDIX C Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) 0 FAULCONER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN NOTE: This Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan shall be retained at the project location as well as a copy of the VPDES permit, construction plans, and other materials referenced in this plan. SITE DESCRIPTION = Project Name' Faulconer Construction OwnerName Faulconer Construction and Location Office and Shop and Address Company Latitude: 38003725" 2496 Old Ivy Road Longitude: 78037'10" Charlottesville, VA 22903 Description (Purpose�and,Typ "'Of Soil,pisturbing Activities) The project consists of the construction of Faulconer Construction Company's office building and their maintenance shop and yard. Future construction includes a rental office building to be built in Phase Two. Soil disturbing activities will include: clearing and grubbing; installing erosion and sediment controls; grading; excavation for stormwater management facilities, storm sewer, and utilities; construction of buildings and parking lots; and preparation for final stabilization and seeding. Description (Purpose and Types of -Industrial Activities) Proposed operations at this facility will include normal business operations in the office building(s) as well as storage and maintenance of the construction vehicles. Fueling of construction vehicles will also take place on-site. The project site contains an area for construction vehicle maintenance and provides storage of vehicle fluids including the following: • Engine oil • Waste oil • Hydraulic oil • Diesel oil • Drive train oil • Fuel oil (for heating) • Transmission oil 1 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... NORTH BMP -ROUND Page 13.19 File.... C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORKING\ROUTED.PPW REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 616.00 ft Increment = .10 ft Max. Elev.= 620.50 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY -- Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to Upstream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft Inlet Box 02 ---> 03 619.250 620.500 Orifice -Circular 01 ---> 03 616.750 620.500 Culvert -Circular 03 ---> TW 613.000 620.500 Weir-XY Points 04 ---> TW 619.500 620.500 TW SETUP, DS Channel SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 9:48 AM Date: 7/19/2004 Description of Potential'PollucantSources The project site contains an area for construction vehicle maintenance and provides storage of vehicle fluids including the following: • Engine oil • Hydraulic oil • Drive train oil • Transmission oil • Waste oil • Diesel fuel Maintenance of the construction vehicles will include changing oil, engine fluids, and replacing engines. A UL -142 listed, double-wall, above -ground steel heating oil tank is located on-site. The majority of the vehicle maintenance will occur inside the maintenance building with some exceptions including equipment that does not fit within the structure. An oil/water separator is proposed to be located on the site downstream of the maintenance building and the above ground storage tank location. Any spills that occur at or near the storage and maintenance area would flow in the direction of the oil/water separator, which will provide initial capture of the spill. The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) does not routinely issue permits for discharges from oil/water separators. However, a DEQ permit was listed as one of several conditions by the Albemarle County Planning Department to be met in order for the department to accept submittal of the final site plan for signature. Washing of equipment and vehicles will take place on the project site. Vehicles are generally washed at an onsite location within drainage area for the oil/water separator. Therefore, vehicle wash water will drain through the oil/water separator before draining into one of the two bioretention basins designed to treat runoff from the site. Vehicle and equipment washing is typically performed using only high-pressure water. However, in some instances, a non - petroleum degreaser and/or biodegradable detergents are also used to clean equipment. 2 Pollution Prevention Team The pollution prevention team is responsible for assisting the facility in developing, implementing, maintaining, and revising the facility's SWPPP. Name Title Bill Sullivan Manager of Equipment James Ragland Shop Manager Vince Derr Vice President Runoff Coefficient The final coefficient of runoff for each phase and section of the project is provided in the "Final Site Plans". Site Area The site is 27.37 acres of which 11.27 acres will be disturbed by construction activities. Site Map: A site map is provided in the "Final Site Plans". Description of Existing Vegetation Information on existing vegetation, tree preservation, and plantings is provided in the landscape section of the "Final Site Plans". Sequence of Major Activities The order of activities will be as follows: 1. Install temporary construction entrance(s) 10. Install storm sewer system 2. Install perimeter erosion and sediment 11. Construct proposed curbing controls 12. Complete site construction 3. Install sediment basin(s), trap(s), and outlet protection 13. Grading of stilling basins and pre-treatment detention facility 4. Clearing and grubbing 14. Remove temporary outlet structures; 5. Create temporary clean water diversion remove silt from basins; install drop channels at road crossing locations inlets and perforated underdrain systems 6. Install culverts at road crossing locations; remove temporary clean water 15. Prepare biofilter soil mix diversions 16. Backfill the biofilters 7. Complete grading of road crossing embankments; stabilize embankments 17. Install biofilter plants 8. Perform site grading 18. Remove erosion and sediment control measures 9. Create temporary fill diversions Nam&-.of,Receiving Waters ,_ Little Ivy Creek or unnamed tributary to Little Ivy Creek CONTROLS Erosion and Sediment Controls, Approved erosion and sediment control plans for the project are incorporated by reference as part of this Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. Stabilization Practices 1. The purpose of the erosion control measures shown on these plans shall be to preclude the transport of all waterborne sediments resulting from construction activities from entering onto adjacent properties of state waters. If field inspection reveals the inadequacy of the plan to confine sediment to the project site, appropriate modifications will be made to correct any plan deficiencies. In addition to these notes, all provisions of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations shall apply to this project. 2. All erosion and sediment control measures shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook (3rd Edition, 1992) and Virginia Regulations VR 625-02-00 Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations. The contractor shall be thoroughly familiar with all applicable measures contained therein which may be pertinent to this project. 3. All points of construction ingress and egress shall be protected by a temporary construction entrance to prevent tracking of mud onto public right-of-ways. An entrance permit from VDOT is required prior to any construction activities within state right-of-ways. Where sediment is transported onto a public road surface, the road shall be thoroughly cleaned at the end of each day. Sediment shall be removed from the roads by shoveling or sweeping and transported to a sediment control disposal area. Street washing shall be allowed only after sediment is removed in this manner. This provision shall apply to individual subdivision lots as well as to larger land disturbing activities. 4. A preconstruction meeting shall be held on site between the County, the developer, the project engineer, and the contractor prior to issuance of the land disturbing permit. The contractor shall submit a sequence of construction to the County for approval prior to the preconstruction meeting. The contractor will supply code compliance with the name of the individual who will be responsible to ensuring maintenance of installed measures on a daily basis. The plan approving authority must be notified one week prior to the preconstruction conference, one week prior to the commencement of land disturbing activity, and one week prior to the final inspection. 5 Stabilization Practices — Continued 5. A copy of the approved erosion and sediment control plan shall be maintained on the site at all times. 6. Sediment basins and traps, perimeter dikes, sediment barriers, and other measures intended to trap sediment onsite must be constructed as a first step in grading and be made functional before upslope land disturbance takes place. Earthen structures such as dams, dikes, and diversions must be seeded and mulched immediately after installation. Periodic inspections of the erosion control measures shall be made to assess their condition. Any necessary maintenance of the measures shall be accomplished immediately upon notification by the County and shall include the repair of measures damaged by any subcontractor including those of the public utility companies. 7. The contractor is responsible for installation of any additional erosion control measures necessary to prevent erosion and sedimentation as determined by the plan approving authority. 8. All disturbed areas are to drain to approved sediment control measures at all times during land disturbing activities and during site development until final stabilization is achieved. 9. Sediment control measures may require minor field adjustments at time of construction to insure their intended purpose is accomplished. Division of code compliance approval will be required for other deviations from the approved plans. 10. Surface flows over cut and fill slopes shall be controlled by either redirecting flows from traversing slopes by installing mechanical devices to safely lower water downslope without causing erosion. A temporary fill diversion (std. and spec. 3.10) shall be installed prior to the end of each working day. 11. During dewatering operations, water will be pumped into an approved filtering device. 12. The contractor shall place soil stockpiles at the locations shown on this plan or as directed by the engineer. Soil stockpiles shall be stabilized or protected with sediment trapping measures. Offsite waste or borrow areas shall be approved by the division of code compliance prior to the import of any borrow or export of any waste to or from the project site. G9 Stabilization Practices = Continued 13. Prior to commencing land disturbing activities in areas other than indicated on these plans (including, but not limited to, offsite borrow or waste areas), the contractor shall submit a supplementary erosion control plan to the owner for review and approval by the plan approving authority. 14. The contractor shall complete drainage facilities within 30 days following completion of rough grading at any point within the project. The installation of drainage facilities shall take precedence over all underground utilities. Outfall ditches from drainage structures shall be stabilized immediately after construction of same. This includes installation of erosion control stone or paved ditches where required. Any drainage outfalls required for a street must be completed before street grading or utility installation begins. 15. Permanent or temporary soil stabilization must be applied to all denuded areas within 7 days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site. Soil stabilization must also be applied to denuded areas which may not be at final grade but will remain dormant (undisturbed) for longer than 30 days. Soil stabilization measures include vegetative establishment, mulching and the early application of gravel base material on areas to be paved. 16. No more than 300 feet of sanitary storm sewer, waterlines, or underground utility lines are to be open at one time. Following installation of any portion of these items, all disturbed areas are to be immediately stabilized (i.e., the same day). 17. If disturbed area stabilization is to be accomplished during the months of December, January, or February, stabilization shall consist of mulching in accordance with Specification 3.35. Seeding will then take place as soon as the season permits. 18. The term seeding, final vegetative cover or stabilization, on this plan shall mean the successful germination and establishment of a stable grass cover from a properly prepared seedbed containing the specified amounts of seed, lime, and fertilizing in accordance with Specification 3.32, permanent seeding. Irrigation shall be required as necessary to ensure establishment of grass cover. 7 Stabilization Practices -= Continued 19. All slopes steeper than 3:1 shall require the use of erosion control blankets such as Excelsior blankets to aid in the establishment of a vegetative cover. Installation shall be in accordance with Specification 3.35, mulching and manufacturer's instructions. No slopes shall be created steeper than 2:1. 20. Inlet protection in accordance with Specification 3.07 shall be provided for all storm drain inlets as soon as practical following construction of same. 21. Temporary liners, such as polyethylene sheets, shall be provided for all paved ditches until the permanent concrete liner is installed. 22. Paved ditches shall be required wherever erosion is evident. Particular attention shall be paid to those areas where grades exceed 3 percent. 23. All temporary erosion and sediment control measures shall be removed within 30 days after final site stabilization or after the temporary measures are no longer needed, unless otherwise authorized by the local program administrator. Trapped sediment and the disturbed soil areas resulting form the disposition of temporary measures shall be permanently stabilized to prevent further erosion and sedimentation. 24. As -built drawings must be provided for all detention/BMP facilities. Also upon completion, the construction of all detention/BMP facilities shall be certified by a professional engineer who inspected the structure during construction. The certification shall state that to the best of his/her judgment, knowledge, and belief, the structure was constructed in accordance with the approval plans and specifications. Structural Practices The following erosion and sediment control structural practices will be incorporated on the project site: • Temporary construction entrance • Temporary clean water diversion channel • Silt fence • Outlet protection • Inlet protection • Check dam • Temporary diversion dike • Level spreader • Temporary fill diversion • Temporary seeding • Temporary sediment basin • Permanent seeding • Temporary sediment trap • Soil stabilization blankets and matting • Temporary slope drain • Dust control Stormwater Management Stormwater drainage will be provided by curb and gutter, storm sewer and catch basins for the project area. Details of stormwater management for the project are provided in the "Final Site Plans." OTHER CONTROLS Waste Disposal Waste Materials All waste materials will be collected and stored in a proper receptacle in accordance with all local and State solid waste management regulations. All trash and construction debris from the site will be deposited in dumpsters. The trash will be hauled to an appropriate waste disposal site. No construction waste materials will be buried onsite. All project personnel will be instructed regarding the correct procedure for waste disposal. Hazardous Waste All hazardous waste materials will be disposed of in the manner specified by the manufacturer and as required by local or State regulation. Site personnel will be instructed in these practices. Sanitary Waste All sanitary waste will be collected from the portable units as required by local and State regulation. Offsite Vehicle Tracking Stabilized construction entrances will be provided to help reduce vehicle tracking of sediments. The paved street adjacent to the site entrance will be swept as needed to remove any excess mud, dirt or rock tracked from the site. Dump trucks hauling material from the construction site will be covered with a tarpaulin. Timing Of Controls/Measures As indicated in the Stabilization Practices, permanent or temporary soil stabilization must be applied to all denuded areas within 7 days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site. Soil stabilization must also be applied to denuded areas which may not be at final grade but will remain dormant (undisturbed) for longer than 30 days. Soil stabilization measures include vegetative establishment, mulching and the early application of gravel base material on areas to be paved. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH=FEDERAT;_STATE AND LOCAL: REGULATIONS The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan reflects State requirements for stormwater management and erosion and sediment control, as established in the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook and Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Manual. MAINTENANCEANSPECTION PROCEDURES Erosion axil Sediment-'Control. Inspection and Maintenance.Practices Inspections of the construction site shall be made by personnel familiar with the construction activity. Erosion and sediment control measures identified in the plan shall be observed to ensure that they are still operating correctly. The contractor shall inspect all erosion control measures periodically and after each runoff-producing rainfall event. Any necessary repairs or cleanup to maintain the effectiveness of the erosion control devices shall be made immediately. 10 Erosion and Sediment Control. Inspection and Maintenance Practices - Continued Inspections shall be conducted at least once every fourteen (14) calendar days and within 48 hours of the end of a runoff producing rainfall event. These inspections shall cover disturbed areas that have not been finally stabilized, areas used for storage of materials that are exposed to precipitation, structural control measures, and locations where vehicles enter or exit the site. Where areas have been finally or temporarily stabilized or runoff in unlikely due to winter conditions (e.g., site is covered with snow, ice, or frozen ground exists) such inspections shall be conducted at least once every month. Reports summarizing each inspection shall be retained onsite as part of this Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. Quarterly Visual Monitoring -,Post=Construction A quarterly visual examination of the stormwater discharge associated with industrial activity (outfall 001) must be performed and documented. The examinations must be made at least once in each of the following 3 -month periods: • January - March • April - June • July - September • October — December The examination must be made during daylight hours (e.g., normal working hours). Visual examinations must be made of samples collected within the first 30 minutes (or as soon thereafter as practical, but not to exceed one hour) of when the runoff or snowmelt begins discharging from the facility. The examination must document observations of color, odor, clarity, floating solids, settled solids, suspended solids, foam, oil sheen, and other obvious indicators of stormwater pollution. The examination must be conducted in a well -lit area. No analytical tests are required to be performed on the samples. All samples (except snowmelt samples) must be collected from the discharge resulting from a storm event that is greater than 0.1 inches in magnitude and that occurs at least 72 hours from the previously measurable (greater than 0.1 inch rainfall) storm event. 11 Quarterly Visual Monitoring =Post-Construction - Continued If not qualifying storm event resulted in runoff from the facility during a monitoring quarter, the permittee is excused from visual monitoring for that quarter provided that documentation is included with the monitoring records indicating that no qualifying storm event occurred that resulted in stormwater runoff during that quarter. The visual examination reports must be maintained on-site with the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. The report should include the outfall location, the examination date and time, examination personnel, the nature of the discharge, visual quality of the stormwater discharge, and probable sources of any observed stormwater contamination. While the site is inactive, a waiver of the monitoring requirement may be exercised as long as the facility remains inactive and unstaffed. When the waiver is exercised, a certification must be included with the SWPPP stating that the site is inactive and unstaffed and that performing visual examinations during a qualifying event is not feasible. Comprehensive Site Compliance Evaluation -Post-Construction Facility inspections will be conducted at least once a year by qualified personnel. The inspections will assess conditions at the facility that could impact stormwater quality and to assess the effectiveness of the BMPs that were constructed to control the quality of the stormwater discharges. Reports summarizing each inspection shall be made at retained as part of the SWPPP. Non-Stormwater Discharges , It is expected that the following non-stormwater discharges will occur from the site during the construction period: • Water from water line flushings • Pavement wash waters (where no spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials have occurred) • Uncontaminated groundwater (from dewatering excavation) All non-stormwater discharges will be directed to sediment basins prior to discharge where possible. 12 INVENTORY FOR -POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN The materials or substances listed below are expected to be present onsite during construction: • Concrete • Petroleum based products • Wood • Solvents • Masonry block • Detergents • Roofing shingles • Paints • Tar • Fertilizers • Vinyl siding • Herbicides • Insulation .. ,., . _SPILUPREVENTION Inventory=of Exposed'Materials _ The materials or substances listed below may be present onsite and have the potential to be exposed to precipitation: • Concrete • Petroleum based products • Wood • Solvents • Masonry block • Detergents • Roofing shingles • Paints • Tar • Fertilizers • Vinyl siding • Herbicides • Insulation Material Management Practices The following are the materials management practices that will be used to reduce the risk of spills or other accidental exposure of materials and substances to stormwater runoff. 13 Employee Training Employee training with regard to material management practices is conducted at the site. Training includes discussions of spill response, good housekeeping, and other material management practices. Employee training generally occurs with each new employee once hired. Good 'Housekeeping The following good housekeeping practices will be followed onsite during the construction project. • All materials stored onsite will be stored in a neat, orderly manner in their appropriate containers. Materials which have the potential for contaminating runoff during storm events will be stored in their appropriate watertight containers, stored under a canopy, tarpaulin, shrink wrapped or otherwise precluded from direct exposure to precipitation. • Empty containers that may contain chemical residues shall be disposed of in accordance with State and local regulations. • Products, where possible, will be kept in their original containers with the original manufacturer's label. • Chemical or petroleum products will not be mixed with one another unless recommended by the manufacturer. • Whenever possible, all of a product will be used up before disposing of the container. • Manufacturers' recommendations for proper use and disposal will be followed. • The site superintendent will inspect daily to ensure proper use and disposal of materials onsite. Hazardous Products'- These roductsThese practices are used to reduce the risks associated with hazardous materials. • Products will be kept in original containers unless they are not resealable. • Original specimen labels and materials safety data sheets will be kept on file; they contain important product information. • If surplus product must be disposed of, manufacturers' and/or local and State recommended methods for proper disposal will be followed. 14 Product Specific Practices The following product specific practices will be followed onsite: Petroleum Products • All onsite vehicles will be monitored for leaks and receive regular preventive maintenance to reduce the chance of leakage. • It is recommended that, if practicable, all refueling, repair and changing of equipment and vehicle fluids shall be conducted in a designated area. This area will be designed in a manner to reduce the potential for contamination of onsite resources. For refueling, repair and changing of equipment and vehicle fluids outside of the designated areas, care should be taken to avoid activities within ±50 feet of wetlands, streams, water bodies, tree preservation areas or any other environmentally sensitive areas. • Petroleum products will be stored in tightly sealed containers which are clearly labeled. • An area will be designated for the collection and storage of all chemical and petroleum based products and containers for those products. The containers shall be protected from rain events. • Any asphalt substances used onsite will be applied according to the manufacturer's recommendations. • The project superintendent will regularly inspect the site to insure proper disposal methods of used antifreeze, oils, filters, and other hazardous materials are followed. Fertilizers Fertilizers used will be applied according to manufacturer's product standards. The contents of any partially used bags of fertilizer will be transferred to a sealable plastic container to avoid spills. Paints All containers will be tightly sealed and stored when not required for use. Excess paint will be properly disposed of according to manufacturers' instructions or State and local regulations. 15 Concrete Trucks " Concrete trucks will only wash out or discharge surplus concrete or drum wash water at approved locations in accordance with State and local regulations. Spills and Leaks This section normally contains a list of significant spills and significant leaks of toxic or hazardous pollutants that occurred at areas that are exposed to precipitation or that otherwise drain to a stormwater conveyance at the facility within the 3 year period immediately prior to the date of submission of a registration statement to be covered under this permit. However, since the project location is still proposed and not constructed, therefore not in operation at the proposed location, no significant spills and/or leaks have occurred at the site of toxic or hazardous pollutants at areas that are exposed to precipitation. Spil Control Practices", In addition to the good housekeeping and material management practices discussed in the previous sections of this plan, the following practices will be followed for spill prevention and cleanup: • Manufacturers' recommended methods for spill cleanup will be clearly posted and site personnel will be made aware of the procedures and the location of the information and cleanup supplies. • Materials and equipment necessary for spill cleanup will be kept in the material storage area onsite. Equipment and materials may include but not be limited to brooms, dust pans, mops, rags, gloves, goggles, absorbent material (e.g. kitty litter, sand, sawdust) and plastic and metal trash containers. • All spills will be cleaned up immediately after discovery. • In the event of a spill of a hazardous substance, the spill will be immediately contained and the spill area will be kept well ventilated. Personnel will wear appropriate protective clothing to prevent injury from contact with a hazardous substance during cleanup operation. • Spills of toxic or hazardous material will be reported to the appropriate State or local government agency, as required by regulatory standards. 16 POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN CERTIFICATION I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Signed: Vince Derr Executive Vice President Faulconer Construction Company Date: 17 APPENDIX D Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) F-1 0 0 le CAS rROL NORTH AMENCA INC, VONSt?h1kR MATERIA. SAFETY DATA SHIsET 8E01 [ON I:10ENTITY ProductlMatarla!Ngme, Castrol Sugar Clean To yah Teak Chemlcsl Name: Mixture Cherrlcal FartltlyfClaeelEleatlon: AdItalina aqueous liquid M*(4c4lav W%Ight NA MlateriM Uq: Multi-purpose oleanorldegnlaser HMS HAZARD RATIMO: 19 - Minimal; i - Sllphy 2 - Moderato; 3 . Serious; 4 - Soysrej Halkh: 3 Flammability: 0 Raecilvlty: 1 WARNING STATEMENTS (it Applicable): DANGERf CAUSES EYP: AND SKIN BURNS. Avoid CwUlCt. IMAWFACTURE)TS1 SUPPLIER NAME & A03R£SS: , In tha U3; 063trol North Americo Inc. 1000 Valley Read Wayne, NJ 07474 Talaphvw. (973) 633-2200 Taleaopiaa (973j 63340S �sr�s Chemical Formula: NA In Canada: Castrol Canada Inc. 3660 Lakeshore 91vd West Toronto, Ontario M6W IP2 Telsprlone: (418) 252.5511 Telecopler: (415) Isz.1REC E I VE Iii THE EVEN T OF AM EM E ROENC7 PLEMIR CALL. BP Emergency R%aponse Collor 1 -BOO -321-8842 Data PrepsrvdAJpdtted: MI/2000 APR 0 2004 Prsparar: Regulatory. Environmental, Safety Depertment Telephone: (473) 633.2203 Wmsbg EnVlrOnmanU Grp SECTION 11- PR0DVCTiHAZkFID0U8 INGREDIENT INFORMATION . INGMUIENTB - CHEMICALlCOMM014 EMSIUR$ LIM"r8 LDa LC* % Hut . -TLV Water ICAMN 7732.18-51 NO NO ND -100 2-butoxyethanol PELFTWA: 28 pprn., Ora+, rabbit: 300 mg/kg Itshaiation, 7 hr., 5-10 (CASRN 111.7841 skin (OSHA, ACOIH) Owm*f, rsbblt:220 Mlkg mouse: 700 Intravenous, rabbit: 252 mgfkg ppm. Intra edloneal, rat: 220 mg/kg Sodium xylenesultonate N0 NO NO 1-5 MAERN 1300-72-71 - ethoxylate ND NO � ND 't•S CA5RN 12708747-0 Sodium hydrexide PELJTWA: a mgrnt8 Orel, mouse; 40 moAg NO 1.5 (CA8RN'IM-73-21 (01MA, AC61H), Ceiling Sodium mstaslllcate pentahydrats NO Orsl, mouse: 770 mglka ND 1.5 8RN 5634-42.0 Other addMves LCASRN, KA) NO NO 0.5-1,5 Oys and fragrance JOURN. NAj NO NO ND NA - M -J Ahr4le-labia• Nh . Nn t)pt:% AwdlAhl■ 'cod 62:6'ON DUPLICATE I7S962LGt7zCTE E -1QH-lailsHo E:T:ZS 1700ziZ0ib0 PNCE It PRODUOT NAME: Castrol Super Clean TauQh Tank SECTION it!: Fft r AID MEASURES 81gns1Symplams: Lyes: Irritation, rodnaoo, tearing, pain; Ccm)unctivai sweiilnp, burns. Skin: Irritation, redness, extreme dryness end peeBnfl, Icarring. Respiralary system: Nasal and msplratary Irritation, pooumanttle, tissue damage Eye tonhct: Immediately f►ueh with ptanty Of clear .wator for et bast la minutes. Consult a pay:le[an Immediately. Skin contact: Remove Clothing, mtmedieNy flush skin whh plenty of clean wator for f S minuta3, call a physician Immediately. Inttisl%Uan: Remove from aloe of exposu►s, It bras thIng Ic difficult or Irritetlon perslsta, call a physician- Ingestion: Do not Induce vomiting, hive plenty of water ortnilk and call a pnysician Immodlota ly. Do not give anything by mcuth to an unconscious or convulsing psreon. SECTION IV: HEALTH HAZARD DATA Exposurs Lh ts: age Section It, Produ0Vtngr4die,%t Inform6orl, ppjh%RY ROM$ OF EMRY: [X] Eye Contact (fC] Skin Contact [ ] akin Abaorptlon Inhalation (Acute) O Inhalation (Chronic) [ [ tngestlon Iii}RM OF EV03URE Aaubs - 0014th] CORK OSS LIQUID gf qe., Can cAuss savere Irritation or bursa, AVold contact. Skin: Can cause asvare [rrWort or burns. Avoid centscl. Iteapfnittory systefn: Can cause Irritation or burns follcrhg Inhalation of mists, Ingseton: CM Cause sevore Irritutlan or gums to dipastive tract, oo not ewOIIOw. Chronic - No Chronic gifet:to known. Madleal Conditions Gonseally Aggravated b( Exposure: ' Pro-wdattng skin dlaordera. TMCOL06Y DATA (Rrodaeq Acute Data (Uiedtan Lothal Doss • spades) oral ti.Ds - Mt: 8.2 Qkg Dermal LDo - mbb%: NO Inhalation LCr- tet: ND Irtwey Data Eye Irl 10on - rabblt: NO $k)n Irritation - rabbit: ND $*AvM tion - Qutnaa pig: ND NA _ Nat AnnllroNa' Nf1- NA data 0."allaMA VG362LGVZVIS E- 1QH JON I qH1 s -T :cT V707/zo/vo cn"I F;5'6'ON rc PAGE 3 PRODUCT NAME; Costrot Super Olaan lough 7aa t E;ECTION V: EMPLOYEE PROTECTION Ventllstlon; Oenoral ventilation and local exhaWlt recommended. Build up of mista!vapors in the werklrs atmosphere must be prevented. PER80NA6 PROTECTIVE EQ IPMEf+C1' Reaptratsry ProWilon: Respirators should oe used when angtnaorhg or other controls art not technically feaaibie. Whom, roquirod, time only a MSM1410314approved air au3pllod respirator or an aIr-purifying respirator, Eye: Safety gaggles or face shlold. Clam (opealfyr Impervious typo gloves, ouch as rubber, neoprene, nitrllo, polyethylene. Ctolhing: PrMeetivs ctothing much as o ooyorsfi or apron may be used to minimize sKIr contact. Footwear: No special requlromen;. Other. Eye, wash and safety Shaw -sr recommended in Industrial mattlngs, Woditgleinlo Practices: Avoid skin and aye contact. Do not weir ocntsminatod clothing; Launder Wore re -u$4 or discord. Wash thoroughly aher handling. Storapathandling: Maintain ambient temptratu rem, Avoid prolongad breathing of mists, Use with adequate ventilation. Corrosive to the eyes and akin. Severe intemai Irrhat►on and domalgo can result when In(lsoted, Avoid contact with eyes, skin or clothing. Do not swallow. Keep contolner tightly glossa when not in use. Keep out of reach of chlidnn. SIECTION VI: PHY81CAWCHEMICAL CHARACTERI8TICS lioNing point: — (212'F) 100'C Vapot Pressure (ram.Hg. C45 'C): ND ParWA Volatiles: 83.95% ioluM111ty In Water. Complale pH -Value: Neat - 13.0; 2% - 11.7 Odor Thraahold: ND Appeararm, Odor A PhyrAcal Stats: Clea •, purple Jiquld; lemon odor. FL.AMMA91 M Yes ( ) No Dm, Aqueous flu d )Push Point (COC): NA Elrs Point tcoc): NA Autolgnition TamparaWrs: NA FI4Mmab1lity Ilrnita In Atr, % Vol.: Upper -NA Specific Gravity (Watar=1): 1.04 Vapor Density (Ah 11): NO Evaporation Rate(Waterel): 1. Freezing Point: —28'F (2-C) Vlacooky Q40 'C, tat: ND Coef Iclent of Water/011 0btr1btiti0l1: NA SECTION VII: FIRE: AND EXPLO91ON DATA , Lower - We Wnqutshing Media Use media approprleta for any ourrounding oambustiole substances (m+atw fog, COs, dry cheentaai, foam), SP44161 Flreflghtng ProeeduresJUnusuad and Explomivn Hasardo: Cool fire exposed eontalnor5 with water. Do not enter confined areas without full protective egWpmant, Including a poattive presaurs NIOSH sipprovad self-contained breathing apparatus. EXPLOSION DATA BenaRhAty to Martlaolcai lmpmct: NA Senslu ty to Stolle cut"*: i A MA - Nrd Am1I,,PMa• Nr) . Nn rtafa AvallAhiA b0101 n95'ON tq;r,T1AV7tTP E lfr 4 I N I PH-' CT : CT b7n7i7slts PAO E A PRODUCT NAME: Castrol Super Clean Tough Task SECTION Vlil; REACTIVITY SUbtitty: Stobie at ambient temperatures itasardaua poiymerizatlon; Will not o:eur. Confit ons and Materials to AYold (Irte impatibiAttes): ShvV adds. Strong oxIditers. Avoid contact with glass. Hazardous Combustion of Dee mpoaitlon f'rodtats: Smoke. fumes, oxldge of carport SECTION IX: ENV RONMENTAL PROTECTION CHMMC bMC EWROENCY PtiONR NVMBEF; (50) 42"300, 24 hm for U.N, transportation related aplps, Italia, fire, arposur4 or ■ccidant. CANUTEC EMERGENCY PROME NUMBER; 0131 !&6aK 2A kpl, for Canadian trenapertatlan misted splIU, leaks, Are, exposure er sccldark Spin or Laak Procedures: Use bestenglnearing pracUOes when attempting cleanup of a Iarg3 so III, Large spllla • Wev rsaotrator and appropriate protoctive olothing. Stop source of leak It posatbla_ O1kla, contain SPIN and recover tree ilauld, Prevent entry Into wotorways, Neutmilze and!ar *oak uo rosldue VAth an mart obtarbanl auoh as clay, lend or other suitable materials; Store and dispose of properly. Flush area with, water, Where feasible and Appropriate. remove contannineled toll, Small spills • Nautraiize and/or conk up spill with an Inert absorbent tuoh as clay, sand or other suitable materials: Store In a closad oontalnar and dfapose of property, Regulatory apt mperWq rsquhements tray apply; Conteot govortimontal agency or legal counsel for advice. Wa4te bloposal blathod: If discarded as supplied, materiel meats BORA oheracterlstic dannitlon of corrosivlty, 0002. The tuxtclty chatazterisUc has not been evaluated. Under RCRA, the applicable hazardous WSW 011119310014n mutt be evalueted prior to disposal of tn4 fllaterlal, Use of the produot, procssslnp or contamination may Nandor the raoultlng ma'erial hazardous or alter waste clostificallan. &I recovered material should be packaged, labeled, transported and dlapeeed of or reclaimed In s000rdance with local, state and Federal regulations regarding sir pollution, water podulion or health. CAUTION! Improper disposal or rouse of tirm empty container may be hazardous and Illegal. Cutting or welding of empty containara may esvi• fire, explealon or loxio times from romduae. Do not pressuriea or expose to open frame or heat. K4op oo&Crer cioaad end drum bungs In place, Refer to applicabto governor antal regulatlons. NA . Nnr AnnAr.*NA- Nh • Nn natn Auailahtn bC��i l �bChT. F '1rTV4 -1r1?I I CH't CT -CT r,an7.7ni»m COIFl F,St-,'f1rJ PARE b PRODUCT NAME: Caatrol Supor Clean Tough 78r;k SI:CTiON X; MIULATM INFORMAT)ON TRAMPORTATION Special Shlppinp InlarmatlardDot Propel, Shlpplttp Name: Corrosive Ilqutd. n.o.s., 6, UN17G0, PG 11, (sodium hydroxide, soclum silicate) Follow all requirements regarding tranapoCation of a regulated rratedal. Cxlatd M CONTROL PIGULATIQNSt TSCA St>ttnl: All Components of tris material appear an the Toxlo Substance Control Act ChamIC01 Substances Inventory, t aradiert Workplace Hazardous Matartal I'dentlfloaUori System - (WKMIS) Claasiflcstlon: Matertal is a controlled product, (} Class A - Compreaded ©as Cia3s 6.1 - Flammable Gasas (J Class 8.2 - Flammahto Uqulde [ [ Class 9-3 - Combustible Liquids [ I Clew B -t - Flammable Solids (J Class 8-5 - Flammable Aerosolo (( Claes $-6 - Reactive Flammablo Matarl;ala [ J Class C - Oxldizing Material Class D. DIv.1 - Materials Causing Immediate end Serious Toxic Effects [ J Class 0.1A - Very Toxic Materltil () Class IDAa -Toxic Material Claes D, Dtv.2 - Materials Causing Other Toxic Effects [ j Class 0-2A - Very Toxic Mstww 1s ()ti Clase 0-25 - Toxic M aterials (} C163a D-3. 910hexardous Infeotlous Material D4 Class E - Corroelve Material ( J Class F - Danosmusly Rea:tfvs Material EPCAA - Emar my Planning and Commurdty Right to Know Act Y3ARA Title 111): Serfion 30404 Lxtramaty Hazardous SoloMancoi M CErZCLA Section 102(0) Haaardous B"a+tas: Sodium hycroxida. Rsportablo quantity for product -25,440 pounds (11,250 kg). Section 311 Ha Nd Category M Acute pmmedletol (� Chronic (delayed) [ } Fire [J Sudden Ralaas• of Pressure (J Reawdya Not applicable Ssctlen 313 Toxic [talaaie Imrantory CltenticaUCatt+gery: Glycot Ethers, 6.5% (wt.) Mex. U.s, STATE RIGHT TO KNOW LAWS Now Jamay Worker and Cammmntty Right to Know Act N.JAC. 6:59 -5 Labelling Information: See Sectlan H. Calitorltis Safe 01inliitt9 Water Enforcement Act (Propooftn 00): This product contains charalcels krowh to :ha 8,619 of Callfornle to cause cancer or reprocuclye herm. NOTICE The Information presented heroin Is compiled from sources conetdured to be depsndable, bellavao to be e.„ urate to the deal of CesVol's knowledge, and offered In good fatth far Ne wrposs of hazard communication, Because product 00 Is beyond auf control, no warranty is given, expressed or imptled, Castrol Inc, Carnot easums any liability for the use of information contained herein. To determine applicablUrty or effect of any law or regulation with raspec; to the product, users should consult a legal edvt3or or Opproptlate governmental agency. NA. NM An 41-.oMa- tdr) . Nr, nota AvsMAMP. '7rtu -Inv; cN1) cT!cT nnn7/7M/VM APPENDIX E Sediment Trap/Basin Calculations SEDIMENT TRAP SIZING ST -1 Elevation (ft MSL) Area (ACRES) Area (SF) Al+A2+(A1* A2)1/2 Volume (CF) Cumulative Volume (CF) Cumulative Volume (CY) 614 0.01358 591.5465 0 0 0 0 616 0.01892 823.9441 2114 1409 1409 52 618 0.02490 1084.625 2854 1903 3312 123 620 0.03501 1524.875 3896 2597 5909 219 622 0.05054 2201.379 5558 3706 9614 356 wet elev (ft) volume (cy) 619 171 elev (ft) volume (cy) 622 185 total 356 SEDIMENT BASIN SIZING 0 BASIN VOLUMES �j North Basin: E&S (SB -D Elevation (ft MSL) Area (ACRES) Area (SF) Al+A2+(A1* A2)1/2 Volume (CF) Cumulative Volume (CF) Cumulative Volume (CY) 613 0.02828 1232 0 0 0 0 614 0.03914 1705 4386 1462 1462 54 615 0.05071 2209 5855 1952 3414 126 616 0.06290 2740 7409 2470 5883 218 617 0.08625 3757 9705 3235 9119 338 618 0.10803 4706 12668 4223 13341 494 619 1 0.13111 5711 15601 1 5200 18542 687 620 1 0.15549 6773 18703 1 6234 24776 1 918 wet elev t) volume (cy) 616 218 dry elev (ft) volume (cy) 619.25 526.75 total 744.75 cleanout elev t) volume (cy) 614.6 100.3 South Basin: E&S (SB -2) Elevation (ft MSL) Area (ACRES) Area (SF) Al+A2+(A1* A2)1/2 Volume (CF) Cumulative Volume (CF) Cumulative Volume (CY) 600 0.12426 5412 0 0 0 0 601 0.13994 6096 17252 5751 5751 213 602 0.15631 6809 19348 6449 12200 452 603 0.17307 754921527 7176 19376 718 604 0.20399 15424 33764 11255 30630 1134 606 0.26217 18582 50936 33957 64587 2392 wet volume (cy) elev (ft) volume (cy) 603 718 dry elev (ft) volume (cy) 605 1045 total 1763 cleanout elev t) volume (cy) 601 216.5 ROUTING SUMMARY Type.... Pond Routing Summary Page 14.98 Name.... N -BMP OUT Tag: 25 Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORKING\SED BASINS.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: 25 LEVEL POOL ROUTING SUMMARY HYG Dir = C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORKING\ Inflow HYG file = NONE STORED - N -BMP IN 25 Outflow HYG file = NONE STORED - N -BMP OUT 25 Pond Node Data = N -BMP Pond Volume Data = N -BMP Pond Outlet Data = NORTH - NEW No Infiltration INITIAL CONDITIONS Starting WS Elev - 616.00 ft Starting Volume = .135 ac -ft Starting Outflow = .00 cfs Starting Infiltr. _ .00 cfs Starting Total Qout= .00 cfs Time Increment = .0100 hrs INFLOW/OUTFLOW HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY Peak Inflow = 24.67 cfs at 11.9200 hrs Peak Outflow = 21.86 cfs at 11.9600 hrs ----------------------------------------------------- Peak Elevation = 619.96 ft Peak Storage = .562 ac -ft MASS BALANCE (ac -ft) -------------------------- + Initial Vol = .135 + HYG Vol IN = 1.359 - Infiltration = .000 - HYG Vol OUT = 1.034 - Retained Vol = .460 Unrouted Vol = -.000 ac -ft (.001% of Inflow Volume) WARNING: Outflow hydrograph truncated on right side. SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 8:49 AM Date: 7/23/2004 Type.... Pond Pouting Summary Page 14.166 Name.... S -BMP OUT Tag: 25 Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WOPKING\SED BASINS.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: 25 LEVEL POOL ROUTING SUMMARY HYG Dir = C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORKING\ Inflow HYG file = NONE STORED - S -BMP IN 25 Outflow HYG file = NONE STORED - S -BMP OUT 25 Pond Node Data = S -BMP Pond Volume Data = S -BMP Pond Outlet Data = SOUTH - NEW No Infiltration INITIAL CONDITIONS Starting WS Elev = 603.00 ft Starting Volume = .445 ac -ft Starting Outflow - .00 cfs Starting Infiltr. _ .00 cfs Starting Total Qout= .00 cfs Time Increment - .0100 hrs INFLOW/OUTFLOW HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY Peak Inflow = 53.24 cfs at 11.9200 hrs Peak ----------------------------------------------------- Outflow = 50.81 cfs at 11.9400 hrs Peak Elevation = 606.03 ft Peak Storage = 1.107 ac -ft MASS BALANCE (ac -ft) -------------------------- + Initial Vol = .445 + HYG Vol IN = 2.933 - Infiltration = .000 - HYG Vol OUT = 2.524 - Retained Vol = .854 Unrouted Vol = -.000 ac -ft (.001% of Inflow Volume) WARNING: Outflow hydrograph truncated on right side. SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack ver. 9.0046 Time: 8:49 AM Date: 7/23/2004 OUTLET RATING CURVES Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... NORTH - NEW Page 13.19 File.... C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORKING\SED BASINS.PPW RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = 04 (Weir-XY Points) -------------------------------------- Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) WS Elev,Device Q Tail Water Notes ---------------- --------------- ------------------------- WS Elev. Q TW Elev Converge ft cfs ft +/-ft Computation Messages -------- ------- -------- ----- -------------------------- 619.70 3.16 Free Outfall Max.H=.20; Mar..Htw=free out;; w(ft)=12.00 619.80 6.00 Free Outfall Max.H=.30; Max.Htw=free out;; W(ft)=13.00 619.90 9.53 Free Outfall Max.H=.40; Max.Htw=free out;; W(ft)=14.00 620.00 13.73 Free Outfall Max.H=.50; Max.Htw=free out;; W(ft)=15.00 620.10 18.59 Free OutfalL Max.H=.60; Max.Htw=free out;; W(ft)=16.00 620.20 24.11 Free Outfall Max.H=.70; Max.Htw=free out;; W(ft)=17.00 620.30 30.29 Free Outfall Max.H=.80; Max.Htw=free out;; W(ft)=18.00 620.40 37.14 Free Outfall Max.H=.90; Max.Htw=free out;; W(ft)=19.00 620.50 44.67 Free Outfall Max.H=1.00; Max.Htw=free out;; W(ft)=20.00 S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 8:49 AM Date: 7/23/2004 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Page 13.08 Name.... NORTH - NEW File.... C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORY.IIIG\SED BASINS.PPW S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 8:49 AM Date: 7/23/2004 RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID -------------------------------------- = 02 (Inlet Box) Upstream ID = (Pond water Surface) DNstream ID = 03 (Culvert -Circular) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ft cfs ft -------- ft ft +/-ft +/-cfs ft +/-ft 618.40 .00 ... ... ------- ... ------ ... ... ------- Free ------- Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 618.50 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 618.60 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 618.70 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 618.80 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 618.90 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 619.00 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 619.10 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 619.20 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 619.25 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 619.30 .58 619.30 Free 613.42 .000 .000 Free Outfall Weir: H =.05 619.40 3.01 619.40 Free 614.11 .000 .000 Free Outfall Weir: H =.15 619.50 6.48 619.50 Free 616.06 .000 .000 Free Outfall Weir: H =.25 619.60 9.58 619.60 619.60 619.60 .000 .000 Free Outfall DS HGL+Loss > crest: Flow set to Downstream outlet. 619.70 9.65 619.70 619.70 619.70 .000 .000 Free Outfall DS HGL+Loss > crest: Flow set to Downstream outlet. 619.80 9.72 619.80 619.80 619.80 .000 .000 Free Outfall DS HGL+Loss > crest: Flow set to Downstream outlet. 619.90 9.80 619.90 619.90 619.90 .000 .000 Free Outfall DS HGL+Loss > crest: Flow set to Downstream outlet. 620.00 9.87 620.00 620.00 620.00 .000 .000 Free Outfall DS HGL+Loss > crest: Flow set to Downstream outlet. S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 8:49 AM Date: 7/23/2004 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... SOUTH - NEW Page 13.30 File.... C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORKING\SED BASINS.PPW SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 8:50 AM Date: 7/23/2004 RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID -------------------------------------- = 02 (Inlet Box) Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = 03 (Culvert -Circular) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ft cfs ft ft ft +/-ft +/-cfs ft +/-ft 605.40 9.22 605.40 605.40 605.40 .000 .000 Free Outfall DS HGL+Loss > crest: Flow set to Downstream outlet. 605.50 9.30 605.50 605.50 605.50 .000 .000 Free Outfall DS HGL+Loss > crest: Flow set to Downstream outlet. 605.60 9.37 605.60 605.60 605.60 .000 .000 Free Outfall DS HGL+Loss > crest: Flow set to Downstream outlet. 605.70 9.44 605.70 605.70 605.70 .000 .000 Free Outfall DS HGL+Loss > crest: Flow set to Downstream outlet. 605.80 9.51 605.80 605.80 605.80 .000 .000 Free Outfall DS HGL+Loss > crest: Flow set to Downstream outlet. 605.90 9.58 605.90 605.90 605.90 .000 .000 Free Outfall DS HGL+Loss > crest: Flow set to Downstream outlet. 606.00 9.65 606.00 606.00 606.00 .000 .000 Free Outfall DS HGL+Loss > crest: Flow set to Downstream outlet. 606.10 9.73 606.10 606.10 606.10 .000 .000 Free Outfall DS HGL+Loss > crest: Flow set to Downstream outlet. 606.20 9.80 606.20 606.20 606.20 .000 .000 Free Outfall DS HGL+Loss > crest: Flow set to Downstream outlet. 606.30 9.86 606.30 606.30 606.30 .000 .000 Free Outfall DS HGL+Loss > crest: Flow set to Downstream outlet. 606.40 9.93 606.40 606.40 606.40 .000 .000 Free Outfall DS HGL+Loss > crest: Flow set to Downstream outlet. 606.50 10.00 606.50 606.50 606.50 .000 .000 Free Outfall DS HGL+Loss > crest: Flow set to Downstream outlet. SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 8:50 AM Date: 7/23/2004 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... SOUTH - NEW Page 13.38 File.... C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORKING\SED BASINS.PPW RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = 01 (Weir-XY Points) -------------------------------------- Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) WS Elev,Device Q Tail Water Notes ---------------- --------------- ------------------------- WS Elev. Q TW Elev Converge ft cfs ft +/-ft Computation Messages ------- ------- -------- ----- -------------------------- 605.10 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 605.20 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 605.30 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 605.40 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 605.50 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 605.60 3.17 Free Outfall Max.H=.10; Max.Htw=free out;; W(ft)=31.00 605.70 9.06 Free Outfall Max.H=.20; Max.Htw=free out;; W(ft)=32.00 605.80 16.84 Free Outfall Max.H=.30; Max.Htw=free out;; W(ft)=33.00 605.90 26.23 Free Outfall Max.H=.40; Max.Htw=free out;; W(ft)=34.00 606.00 37.06 Free Outfall Max.H=.50; Max.Htw=free out;; W(ft)=35.00 606.10 49.26 Free Outfall Max.H=.60; Max.Htw=free out;; W(ft)=36.00 606.20 62.77 Free Outfall Max.H=.70; Max.Htw=free out;; W(ft)=37.00 606.30 77.51 Free Outfall Max.H=.80; Max.Htw=free out;; W(ft)=38.00 606.40 93.50 Free Outfall Max.H=.90; Max.Htw=free out;; W(ft)=39.00 606.50 110.67 Free Outfall Max.H=1.00; Max.Htw=free out;; W(ft)=40.00 SIN: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 8:50 AM Date: 7/23/2004 TIME OF CONCENTRATIONS (TC) 0 F" Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... DA - NORTH Page 6.01 File.... C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORKING\SED BASINS.PPW ........................................... TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: .0833 hrs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Tc: .0833 hrs S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 8:47 AM Date: 7/23/2004 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... DA - SOUTH Page 6.02 File.... CK Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORKING\SED BASINS.PPW ........................................................................ ......................................................................... TIME OF C014CENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: .0833 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- Total Tc: .0833 hrs ------------------------- S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 8:48 AM Date: 7/23/2004 CURVE NUMBERS (CN) Type.... Runoff CN -Area Name.... DA - NORTH Page 7.01 File.... C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORKING\SED BASINS.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA ........................................................................... .......................................................................... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres °C oUC CN -------------------------------- ------------- ----- ----- ------ Newly graded area (pervious only - 86 1.920 86.00 Newly graded area (pervious only - 86 1.120 86.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 3.040 86.00 (86) ............................................................................ S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 8:48 AM Date: 7/23/2004 Type.... Runoff CN -Area Name.... DA - SOUTH Page 7.02 File.... C:\Documents and Settings\dproctor.LAN\Desktop\WORKING\SED BASINS.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA ............................................................................. .......................................................................... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface -------------------------------- Description CN acres °C %UC CN Newly graded area (pervious only - ---- 86 --------- 2.140 ----- ----- ------ 86.00 Newly graded area (pervious only - 86 1.070 86.00 Newly graded area (pervious only - 86 3.350 86.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ---> 6.560 86.00 (86) S/N: A21B0362E1C9 Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc PondPack Ver. 9.0046 Time: 8:49 AM Date: 7/23/2004 APPENDIX F Agency Documentation COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTAEM OF ENMONMEN AL QUALITY Valley Regional Office . W. Tayloe Murphy, Jr. Street address: 4411 Early Road. Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801 5oarcwy of Natural Resources A�a&ngaddress, P.O. Box 3000, Harrisonburg, Virginia 2290I-9519 Telephone (540)5747800 Fax(540)574-7878 www.deq.srarc.vaus May 14, 2004 Mr. Vince Derr Faulconer Construction Company 2496 Old Ivy Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 Re; VWP General Permit Authorization No. WPI -04-0929 Faulconer Construction Company Facility, Albemarle County, Virginia Dear Mr. Derr: P. 002 MAY 2 0 2004 WIWAMSBURG EWRONMENTAL MP Robert G. Burnley Direewr R. Bradley Chewning, P.E. Valky Rcgional Direaor . The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has determined that the impacts associated with the above-mentioned, project qualify for authorization under the Virginia Water Protection (VWP) Reporting -Only General Permit WP -1 in accordance with 9VAC 20-660-10 et. seq. VWP General Fermit for Impacts Less than One -Half of an Acre. Therefore, this letter serves as your VWP General Permit for the impacts described in your application. Please note the issuance of this permit requires you to adhere to conditions presented in Parts I and III of VWP General Permit No. WP -1 (9VAC20-660-100)_ I have attached a copy of these conditions for your reference. In addition, per Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries recommendations, a vegetated buffer of at least 50 feet in width is required, as part of this permit, to be maintained along both banks of all non -impact streams within the property. This buffer and all non -impact streams within the property are required to be protected in -perpetuity. Lf development of the proposed site will disturb one or more acres, you will also be required to obtain coverage-under-thestormwater$eneralTermit4or=const uction�ctaa4tiesTrlor-write-leveiopment._g if you believe that you will need this additional permit coverage, please let us know and we will send you the appropriate permit application) forms. Please contact Raymond Gay either by e-mail at regVay(c M.state.va.us or by phone at (540) 5.74- 7898 if you have any questions regarding this information. Sincerely, B. Kei Fowler Water Permits Manager Attachment cc_ Jim Brogdon, USACE-Westem Virginia Field Office Charlene F. Parker, Williamsburg Environmental Group / VWP Permit File WP1-04-0929 UrFTUFII TTMF 1111 19 I-AIDhA DDTPIT TTKAC 1111 1)[ n. AL DNA JUL-26-2004—MON 03;16 PM WMSBRG ENVIR0 RICHMD FAX No, 8042673470 P, 003 VWP General Permit WP 1-04-0929 Part I Page 1 of 4 PART I - SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. .A.utborized Activities 1. This permit authorizes impacts to less than one-half of an acre of nontidal surface waters, including up to 125 linear -feet of perennial stream channel, and up to 1,500 linear feet of nonperennial stream channel according to the information provided in the applicant's approved registration statement. 2. Any additional impacts to surface waters associated with this project shall require either a notice of planned change in accordance with 9 VAC 257660-80, or another VWP permit application. 3. The activities authorized by this VWP general permit must commence and be completed within three years of the date of this authorization. B. Reapplication Application for continuation of coverage under this VWP general permit or a new VWP permit may be necessary if any portion of the authorized activities or any VWP general permit requirement has not been completed within three years of the date of authorization. Application consists of an updated or new registration statement. C. Overall Project Conditions 1. The construction or work authorized by this VWP general permit shall be executed in a manner so as to minimize any adverse impact on instream beneficial uses as defined in § 62.1-10 (b) of the Code of Virginia. 2. No activity may substantially disrupt the movement of aquatic life indigenous 19 the water body, including those species that normally migrate through the area, unless the primary purpose of the activity is to impound water_ Culverts placed in streams must be installed to maintain low flow conditions. No activity -may cause more than minimal adverse effect on navigation. Furthermore the activity must not impede the passage of normal or expected high flows and the structure or discharge must withstand expected high -flows. --3 Wet-or-unGured-.concrete-sly-be-prohibited-from-eretry-mto-J.owmgsurface-waters... 4. Ail rut materiaw, snal.l be clean and uee of contaauuiaut iu toxic concentrations or amounts in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. 5. Erosion and sedimentation controls shall be designed in accordance with the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, Third Edition, 1992. These controls shall be placed prior to clearing and grading and maintained in good working order to minimize impacts to state waters. These controls shall remain in place until the area stabilizes. 6. Any exposed slopes and streambanks must be stabilized immediately upon completion of the project at each water body. All denuded areas shall be properly stabilized in accordance: with the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, Third Edition, 1992- D C r' E T ki C rI 992_ DCI`CTIICII TTWC III 14 1). Ai DNA DoTMIT TTn9r 1111 I)c 1 1). At DNA TUI,-26-2004—MON 03:17 PM WMSBRG ENVIAO RICHMD VWP General Permit WPI -04-0929 FAX No, 8042673470 P.004 Part I Page 2 of 4 7. All construction, construction access (e.g., cofferdams, sheetpiling, and causeways).and demolition activities associated with this project shall be accomplished in a manner Haat minimizes construction or waste materials from entering surface waters to the maximum extent practicable, unless authorized by this VWP general permit. 8. No machinery may enter flowing waters, unless authorized by this VWP general permit. 9. Heavy equipment in temporarily impacted wetland areas shall be placed on mats, geotextile fabric, or other suitable measures to minimize soil disturbance to the maximum extent practicable. 10. All nonimpacted surface waters within the project or right-of-way limits that are within 50 feet of any clearing, grading, or filling activities shall be clearly flagged or marked for the life of the construction activity within that area. The permittee shall notify all contractors that these marked areas are surface waters where no activities are to occur. 11. Temporary disturbances to wetlands during construction shall be avoided and minimized to the maximum extent practicable. All temporarily disturbed wetland areas shall be restored to pre - construction conditions and planted or seeded with appropriate wetland vegetation according to cover type (emergent, scrub/shrub, or forested). The permittee shall take all appropriate measures to promote revegetation of temporarily disturbed wetland areas with wetland vegetation by the second year post -disturbance: All temporary fills must be removed in their entirety and the affected areas returned to the pre-existing contours. 12. All materials (mclud ng JUL construction debris, and excavatedand woody materials) temporarily stockpiled in wetlands shall be placed on mats or geotextile fabric, immediately stabilized to prevent entry' into state waters, managed such that leachate does not enter state waters, and completely removed within 30 days following completion of that construction activity. Disturbed areas shall be returned to original contours, stabilized within 30 days following removal of the stockpile, and restored to the original vegetated state. 13. Continuous flow of perennial springs shall be maintained by the installation of spring boxes, french drains, or other similar structures. 14, The permittee shall employ measures to prevent spills of fuels or lubricants into state waters. 15. The permittee shall conduct his activities in accordance with any time -of -year restrictions recommended by the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries or the Virginia Marine Resources Commission. 16. Immediately downstream of the construction area, water quality standards shall not be violated as a result of the construction activities. 17. Untreated stormwater runoff shall be prohibited from directly discharging into any surface waters. Appropriate best management practices shall be deemed suitable treatment prior to discharge into state waters. RFrFT\/Fn TTMF 1111 1A I -nIDNA DOTNIT TTKAC 1111 '1( 1).A(OKA JUL-26-2004—MON 03:17 PM WMSBRG ENVIRO RICHMD FAX No.8042673470 P. 005 V WP General Permit WP 1-04-0929 part I Page 3 of 4 D. Road Crossings 1. Access roads shall be constructed to minimize the adverse effects on surface waters to the . maximum extent practicable and to follow as near as possible preconstruction contours and elevations. Access roads constructed above preconstruction contours and elevations in surface waters must be properly bridged or culverted to maintain surface flows. 2. At crossings of perennial streams, pipes and culverts shall be countersunk a minimum of six inches to provide for the re-establishment of a natural stream bottom and a low flow channel. Countersinking is not required for existing pipes or culverts that are being maintained. or extended. 3. Installation of road crossings shall occur in the dry via the implementation of cofferdams, . sheetpiling, stream. diversions, or other similar structures. 4. All state waters temporarily affected by the construction of a road crossing shall be restored to their original elevations immediately following the construction of that particular crossing. 5. If stream channelization or relocation.is required, all work in surface waters shall be done in the dry, unless authorized by this VWP general permit, and all flows shall be diverted around the channelization or relocation area until the new channel is stabilized. This work shall be accomplished by leaving. a plug at the inlet and outlet ends. of the new channel during excavation. Once the new channel has been stabilized, flow shall be routed into the new channel by fust removing the downstream plug and then the upstream plug. The new stream channel shall be constructed following the typical sections submitted with the.application. A low flow channel shall be constructed within the channelized or relocated area_ The centerline of the low flow channel shall meander, to the extent possible, to mimic natural stream morphology. The rerouted stream flow must be fully established before construction activities in the old streambed can begin - E. Utility Lines I. All utility line work in surface waters shall be performed in a.manner that minimizes disturbance, •--and-the-a;-ea-must=be-r-etamed.to-its-ofiginal conto=—and st&b' -_unless authorized by this. VWP general permit. 2. Material resulting from trench excavation may be temporarily sidecast into wetlands not to exceed a total of 90'days, provided the material is not placed in a manner such that it is dispersed by currents or other forces. 3. The fxench for a utility line cannot be constructed in a manner that drains wetlands (e.g., backfilling with extensive gravel layers creating a french drain effect). F. Bank Stabilization 1. Riprap bank stabilization shall be of an appropriate size and design in accordance with the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, Third Edition, 1992- - o[rrTUCh TTWE iiia 1)c ').n1DNA nnrNIT TTAdr' 1111 1)r 1) nrnhA JUL-26-2004—MON 03:17 PM WMSBRG ENVIAO RICHMD FAX No,$042673470 P. 006 V WP General Permit WP 1-04-0929 part g Page 4 of 4 2. Riprap apron for all outfalls shall be designed in accordance with the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, Third Edition, 1992. 3. For bank protection activities, the structure and backfill,shall be placed,as close to the streambank as practicable. No material shall be placed in excess of the minimum necessary for erosion protection. 4. All bank erosion control structures shall be located to eliminate or mini*niie impacts to vegetated wetlands to the maximum extent practicable. S. Asphalt and materials containing asphalt or other toxic substances shalt not be used in the construction of submerged sills or breakwaters. 6. . Redistribution of existing stream substrate. for the purpose of erosion control is prohibited: 7. All material removed from the stream substrate shall be disposed of in an approved upland area. G. Stormwater management facilities 1. Stormwater management facilities shall be designed in accordance with best management practices and watershed protection techniques (Le., vegetated buffers, siting considerations to minimize adverse effects to aquatic resources, bioengineering methods incorporated into the facility design to benefit water quality and minimize adverse effects to aquatic resources) that provide for.long-term aquatic resources protection and enhancement, to the maximum extent practicable. - 2. Compensatory mitigation for unavoidable impacts shall not be allowed within maintenance areas of stormwater management facilities. 3. Maintenance. excavation shall not exceed the original contours of the facility, as approved and constructed. 4. Maintenance within storrawater management facilities will not require mitigation provided that the maintenance is accomplished in designated maintenance areas as indicated in the facility --ziaintenance..plan.— RFCFiVFD TiMF .1111 W �-AiPM PUNIT TINAF 1111 IA I-AFPRA JUL-26-2004—MON 03:17 PM WMSBBG ENVIR0 RICHMD VWP General Permit WP1-04-0929 FAX No, 8042673470 P.007 Part III Page 1 of 4 PART III - CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO ALL VWP GENERAL PERMITS A. Duty to comply The permittee shall comply with all conditions of the V WP general permit Nothing in this VWP general permit shall be. construed to relieve the permittee of the duty to comply with all applicable federal and state statuts, regulations and toxic standards and prohibitions. Any VWP general permit noncompliance is a violation of the Clean Water Act and State Water Control Law, and is grounds for enforcement action, VWP general permit authorization termination, revocation, or denial of a renewal application. B. Duty to mitigate The permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any impacts in violation of the VWP general permit that may have.a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health or the environment. C. Reopener This VWP general permit authorization may be reopened to modify its conditions when the circumstances on which the previous VWP general permit authorization was based have materially and substantially changed, or special studies conducted by the board or the permittee show material and substantial change since the time the VWP general permit authorization was issued and thereby constitute cause for VWP general permit authorization revocation and reissuance. D. Compliance with state and -federal law Compliance with this VWP general permit constitutes compliance with the VWP permit requirements of the State Water Control Law. Nothing in this VWP general permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of any legal action under or relieve the permittee from any responsibilities, liabilities, or other penalties established pursuant to any other state law or regulation or under the authority preserved by § 510 of the Clean Water Act. E. Property rights Coverage under this VWP general permit does not convey any property rights in either real or personal property, or any exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize any injury to private propertyor any invasion of personal property rights, nor any infringement of federal, state or local laws or regulations. F. Severability The provisions of this VWP general permit authorization are severable. G. Right of entry The permittee shall allow the board or its agents, upon the presentation of credentials, at reasonable times and under reasonable circumstances: To enter the permittee's property, public or private, and have access to, inspect and copy any records that must be kept as part of the Vi1VP general permit conditions; 2. To inspect any facilities, operations or practices (including monitoring and control equipment) regulated or required under the VWP general permit; 3. To sample or monitor any substance, parameter or activity for the purpose of assurivag.complimce with the conditions of the VWP general permit or as otherwise authorized by lave. RF('F M TTMP 1111 �A 1-niPM PPINIT T I K III 19 0-f)�PM JUL-26-2004—MON 03:17 PM WMSBAG ENVIAO BICHMD FAX No.8042673470 P. 008 VWP General Permit WPI -04-0929 Part III Page 2 of 4 For the purpose of this section, the time for inspection shall be deemed reasonable during regular business hours. Nothing contained herein shall make an inspection time unreasonable during an emergency. H. Transferability of VWP general permit authorization. This VWP general permit authorization may be transferred to another person by a permittee if 1, The current permittee notifies the board within 30 days of the transfer of the title to the facility or property; 2. The notice to the board includes a written agreement between the existing and new permittee containing a specific date of transfer of VWP general permit authorization responsibility, coverage and liability to the new permittee, or that the ekisting permittee will retain such responsibility; coverage, oz liability, including liability for compliance with the requirements of any enforcement . activities related to the permitted activity; and The board does not notify the existing and new permittee of its intent to modify or revoke and reissue the VWP general permit authorization within the 30 -day time. period. On the date of the V WP general permit authorization transfer, the transferred VWP general permit shall. be as fully effective as if it had been issued directly to the new permittee. L Notice of planned change Authorization under this VWP general permit may be modified subsequent to issuance if the permittee determines that additional wetland and stream impacts are necessary, provided that the cumulative increase in acreage of wetland impacts is not greater than 1/4 acre and the cumulative increase in stream impacts is not greater than 50 linear feet, and provided that the additional impacts are fully mitigated. The permittee shall notify the board in advance of the planned change, and the modification. request will be reviewed according to all provisions of this regulation. J. VWP general permit authorization termination This VWP general permit authorization is subject to termination. Causes for termination are as follows: 1. Noncompliance by the permittee with any condition of the VWR general permit; 2. The permittee's failure in the application or during the VWP general permit authorization' issuance process to disclose fully all relevant facts or the permittee's misrepresentation of any relevant facts at any time; The permittee's violation of a special or judicial order; and 4. A determination by the board that the permitted activity endangers human health or the. environment and can be regulated to acceptable levels by VWP general permit authorization modification or termination. Ur�IVPn TIMP 1111 �4 0.111 PM QQTNIT TTM 1111 w 0-A1 Ppp JUL-26-2004—MON 03:18 PM WMSBEG ENVIRO AIGHMD FAX No,8042673470 P. 009 VWP General Permit WP1-04-0929 Part III Page 3 of 4 K. Civil and criminal liability Nothing in this VWP general permit shall be construed to relieve the permittee from civil and criminal penalties for noncompliance. L. Oil and hazardous substance liability Nothing in this VWP general permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of legal action or relieve the permittee from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties to which the permittee is or may be subject under § 311 of the Clean Water Act or § § 62.1-44.34:14 through 62.1-44.34:23 of the State Water Control Law. M. Duty.to cease or confine activity It shall not be a defense for a permittee in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the activity for which a VWP- permit has been granted in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of the VWP permit. N. Duty to provide information 1. The permittee shall furnish to the board any information which the board may request to determine whether cause exists for modifying, revoking, reissuing and terminating the VWP permit, or to determine compliance with the VWP permit The permittee shall also furnish to the board, upon request, copies of records required to be kept by the permittee. 2. Plans, specifications, maps, conceptual Teports and other relevant information shall be submitted as required by the board prior to commencing construction. O. Monitoring and records requirements Monitoring of parameters, other than pollutants, shall be conducted according to approved analytical methods as specified in the VWP permit. Analysis ofpollutauts will be conducted according to 40 CFR Part 136 (2000), Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants. . 2. Samples and measurements taken for the purpose of monitoring shall be representative of the monitored activity. 3. The permittee shall retain records of all monitoring information,, including all calibration and maintenance records and all original strip chart or electronic recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation, copies of all reports required by. the VWP permit, and records of all data used to complete the application for the VWP permit,.for a period of at least -three years from the date of the expiration of a granted VWP permit. This period may be extended by request of the board at any time. 4. Records of'monitoring information shall include: a. The date, exact place and time of sampling or measurements; b. The name of the individuals who performed the sampling or measurements; c. The date and time the analyses were performed; DIr'ITWIr1 TTRAE 1111 1)L '1. f)1 DNA DDTNIT TTRAE 1111 '1C '1. AE DNA JUL-26-2004—MON 03: 18 PM WMSBRG ENVIR0 RICHMD VWP General Permit WPI -04-0929 FAX No.8042673470 P. 010 Part III Page 4 of 4 d. The name of the individuals who performed the analyses; e. The analytical techniques or methods supporting the information such as observations, readings, calculations and bench data used; f. The results of such analyses; and g. Chain of custody documentation P. Unauthorized discharge of pollutants Except in compliance with this VWP general permit, it shall be unlawful for the permittee to: 1. Discharge into state waters sewage, industrial wastes, other wastes, or any noxious or deleterious substances; 2, Excavate in a wetland; 3. Otherwise alter the physical, chemical, or biological properties of state waters and make them. detrimental to the public health, to animal or aquatic life, to the uses of such waters for domestic or industrial consumption, for recreation, or for other uses; or 4. On and after October 1, 2001, conduct the following activities in a wetland: a. New activities to cause draining that significantly alter or degrade existing wetland acreage or functions,- b. unctions;b. Filling or dumping; C. Permanent flooding or impounding; or d. New activities that cause significant alteration or degradation of existing wetland acreage or functions. PP('PTVPD TTMG IIII 04 �.1)1PAA PDTMT T T W . 1111 14 1.lI17DAA JUL-26-2004—MON 03:18 PM WMSBRG ENVIEO RICHMD FAX No.8042673470 P. Oil MU.S. Army Cotes of Engineers Norfolk District, Western Virginia Regulatory Section 186 Mill Lane Staunton, VA 24401 `Project Number: 04-H0026 8 F'1'L E ( 0 P y Waterway: 1'rib. to Ivy Creek May 3, 2044,,.... Mw MAY ' D 2004 1. Participant 2. Authorized Agent: AILLIAMSBURG EWIRONIMENTAL GRP Faulconer Construction Company Williamsburg Environmental Group, Inc. Attn: Mr. Jack Sanford Attn: Mr. Sean M Wender, Ecologist - 2496 Old Ivy Road 7401 Beaufont Springs Drive, Suite 205 Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 Richmond, VA 23225 3. Address of Job Site: Off State Route 738 across from the Murray School near Ivy, Albemarle County, Virginia. 4. Project Description: Proposed stream crossing of a perennial headwater stream impacting approximately 218 linear feet and approximately 0.04 acre of emergent wetland and stream channel. Project is for a commercial development. 5. Findings Based on our review of your permit application, we have determined that it qualifies for the Residential, Commercial or Institutional Development Activity or the Linear transportation Project Activity of the Norfolk Districfs State Program General Permit (SPGP-01)- Provided you adhere to the general and special conditions of the SPGP (Enclosed) and -the following conditions, no additional Corps permit will be required: Satisfy concerns for potential impacts to threatened/endangemd species expressed by tate U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Enclosed is a."compliance certification" form, which must be signed and returned within 30 days of completion of the project including any required mitigation. Your signature on this forum certifies that you have completed the work in accordance with the SPGP's terms and conditions. Your authorization to perform this work under the SPGP expires on November 1.2007. If you find you need more time to complete the authorized activity, you should submit your request for a time extension to this office for consideration at least one month before the above date is reached. This authorization does not relieve your responsibility to comply with local requirements pursuant to the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act (CBPA), nor does it supersede local government authority and responsibilities pursuant to the Act You should contact your local government before you begin work to find out how the CBPA applies to your project YOU MAY NOT BEGIN WORK i1N'i'1TJ YOU HAVE OBTAINED A PERMIT FROM THE VIRGINIA DEPARDMI OF ENVIRONMNTAL 0IIAL Enclosures 6. Corps Contact: James E. Brogdon at (540) 886-4221 Michael A. Schwim, Chief Western Virginia Regulatory section NAO FL 13 REVISER DEC 90 RFCFIVFD T1MF 1111 )� )•01PM PRINT TIMF .1111 '?A �•nUM JUL-26-2004-MON 03:18 PM WMSBBG ENVIRO BIGHMD PAX No•8042673470 U.S. Army Corps i Of Engineers A ' J, Norfolk District. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WITH ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMITS - Permit Number: 0 4I�-('fd 0a_.4 Name of Permittee: V14t;���:�' ('oeJS?ef®-✓ Date of Issuance: 5 a- acr Permit Type • -� P. 012 Within 30 days of completion of the activity authorized by this permit and any mitigation required by the permit, sign, this certification and return it to the following address: James Z..Brogdon Western Virginia Meld office Army Corps of $ngineers 186 Kill Lane Staunton, Virginia 24401 Please note that your permitted activity is subject to a complianceinspection by a U. s. Army Corps of Engineers representative. If you fail to comply with this permit you are subject to permit suspension, modification or revocation. I hereby certify that the work authorized by the above referenced permit has been completed. in, accordance with the terms and conditions of the said permit, and any required mitigation has been completed in accordance with the., permit conditions: . Signature: Date: PERMITTEE RFCFivFD TiMF 1111 )h )-niPM PRINT TTMF 1111 1A I.AUM JUL-26-2004—MON 03:18 PM WMSBRG ENVIRO RICHMD FAX No.8042673470 GENERAL. CONDITIONS FOR THE STATE PROGRAM GENERAL PERMIT: P. 013 1. Certificate of Compliance: Everyone (except for Linear Transportation Projects, Category A) who receives a verification under this State Program General Permit will submit a signed certification of compliance (Enclosure) following the completion of the work and any required mitigation. The statement will include the following: a. The authorized work has been performed in accordance with the Corps' authorization; b. A statement that any required mitigation has been .completed in accordance with the permit conditions; and c. The signature of the permittee, certifying the completion of the work and mitigation. 2. A copy of this SPGP and any verification letter must be provided to the person or contractor perforniing the work and made available at the project site to any regulatory representative. 3. Navigation: No activity may cause more than a minimal adverse effect on navigation. 4. Proper Maintenance: Any structure or fill authorized shall be properly maintained, including maintenance to ensure public safety. 5. Soil Erosion and Sediment Controls: Appropriate erosion and sediment controls must be used and maintained in effective operating condition during construction, and all exposed soil and other fills, as well as any work below the ordinary high water mark, must be permanently stabilized at the earliest practicable date. 6. Aquatic Life Movements: No activity may substantially disrupt the movement of those species of aquatic life indigenous to the waterbody, including those species which normally migrate through the area, unless the activity's primary purpose is to impound water. Culverts. placed in Streams must be installed to maintain low flow conditions.' . 7. Equipment: Heavy equipment working in wetlands must be placed on mats or 'other measures I70.uSt�bC f en O m1111b5iye So11-di –ufb-� 8. Tribal Rights: No activity or its operation may impair reserved tribal rights, including, but not limited to, reserved water rights and treaty fishing and hunting rights. 9. Water Quality. Permittees are expected to fully comply with Virginia Regulation 9 VAC 25- 260-00, Water Quality Standards and all other appropriate laws and regulations of the Commonwealth of Virginia pertaining to water quality. 10. Endangered Species: No activity is authorized under this SPGP which may affect a threatened or endangered species or a species proposed for such designation, as identified under the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) or which is likely to destroy or adversely modify designated critical habitat of such species, or which would result in the "take" of any threatened or endangered species of fish or wildlife, or which would result in any other violation of Section RECEIVED TIME JUL. ?6. ?,01PM PRINT TIME .1111 U 0-f;PM JUL-26-2004—MON 03;18 PM WMSBAG ENVIRO RICHMD FAX No.8042673470 P. 014 18. Environmental Justice: Authorized activities must comply with Executive Order 12898, Tederal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low -Income Populations". 19. Floodplain: The permittee will make every practicable effort to conduct the work authorized by this permit in a manner'so as to avoid any adverse impact on the 100 -year floodplain. 20. The permittee shall allow the District Engineer or his authorized representative(s) or designee(s) to make periodic inspections at any time deemed necessary in order to assure that the activity being performed under authority of this permit is in accordance with the terms and conditions prescribed herein. . 21. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit can result in enforcement actions against the permittee and/or contractor. 22. The provisions of this permit shall be binding on any assignee or successor in interest of the permittee. 23. In order to transfer this permit, the transferee must supply the Norfolk District and DEQ with a written request. 24. Should you be unable to complete the authorized activity in the time limit provided, you must submit your request for a time extension to the Norfolk District and DEQ for consideration at least one month before the expiration of the permit verification. 25. In granting an authorization pursuant to this permit, the Norfolk District has relied on the information and data provided by the permittee. If, subsequent to notification by the Corps that a project qualifies for this permit, such information and data prove to be materially false or materially incomplete, the authorization may be suspended or revoked, in whole or in part, and/or the Government may institute appropriate legal proceedings. 26. Limits of this authorization: a. Thi.s'permit does not obviate the need to- obtain other Federal, state or local -`-authorizations-re �........._ _ _.... ...... . b. This permit does not, grant any property rights or. exclusive privileges. c. This permit does not authorize any injury to the property or rights of others. d. This permit does not authorize interference with any existing or proposed Federal projects. e. This permit does not grant any Corps real estate rights. If real estate rights are needed from the Corps, please contact -Norfolk District's Real Estate Division at the address listed on the front page or telephone (757)441-7735. UrPTVFn TTNAF 1111 1( I-A1DKA DDTMIT TTAAC IIII '1C ').ACDNA JUL-26-2004-MON 03:19 PM WMSBRG ENVIR0 RICHMD FAX No, 8042673470 27. In issuing this permit, the Federal Government does not assume any liability for the following: P, 015 a. Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of other permitted or unpermitted activities or from natural causes. b. Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of current or future activities undertaken by or on behalf of the United States in the public interest- c. nterestc. Damages to persons, property, or to other permitted or unpermitted activities or structures caused by the activity authorized by this permit. d. Design or construction deficiencies associated with the permitted work. e. Damage claims associated with any future modification, suspension, or revocation of this permit. 28. The Norfolk District may reevaluate its decision on your authorization under this permit at any time the circumstances warrant. Circumstances that could require a reevaluation include, but are not limited to, the following: a. You fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. b. The information provided by you in support of your permit application proves to have been false, incomplete, or inaccurate (See 25 above). c. Significant new.iinformation surfaces which this of Rce did not consider in reaching the original decision. Such a reevaluation may result in a determination that it is appropriate to use the suspension, modification, and revocation procedures contained in 33 CFR 325.7 or enforcement procedures such as those contained in 33 CFR 326.4 and 326.5. The referenced enforcement procedures provide for the issuance of an administrative order requiring you to comply with the terms and .. . conditions of your permit and for the initiation of legal action where appropriate. You will be reguir-edlo pay_fflr y�9 c vs measures ord�iedby_this.office,-and-igyou-fail to comb th— such directive, this office may in certain situations accomplish the corrective measures by contract or otherwise and bill you for the cost. In addition, unpermitted work or violation of permit conditions may result in civil, criminal or administrative penalties (33 U.S.C. 1319 c, d, and g)• 29. Any activity performed in any Federally regulated waters of the United States, including jurisdictional wetlands, that is not m compliance with the terms and conditions of this SPGP constitutes unauthorized work and is subject to an enforcement action by the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Corps of Engineers, and/or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 30. No work authorized by the SPGP can be performed until the Virginia Marine Resources Commission permit is issued for the authorized activity, if one is required. RFC.FiVFD T1MF .1111 1� I -AI M PPINIT TINK MI U I - AG DNA JUL-26-2004—MON 03;19 PM WMSBAG ENVIR0 RICHMD PAX No.8042673470 P,016 31. Authorization under the SPGP requires you to ensure Haat the project is designed and constructed in a manner consistent with all state and local requirements pursuant to the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act (Virginia Code section 10.1-2100 et seg. and the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Designation and Management Regulations (9 VAC 10-20 et seq.). This authorization does not supercede state or local government authority and responsibilities pursuant to the Act. 32. Where local zoning ordinances provide for riparian and floodplain protection pursuant to the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act (Virginia Code sections -10.1-2100 et seq.) and the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Designation and Management Regulations (9 VAC 1-20 et s , the use of buffers as a form of mitigation shall be allowed only (1) where the extent of the buffer exceeds the lateral extent already required by local ordinances pursuant to the Act an the Regulations. or (2) where the quality. of the existing protected buffer area is enhanced to provide greater water quality protection benefits. 33. This. SPGP, unless further modified, suspended or.revoked, will be in effect until November 1, 2007. RFCFT\IFIL TTMF .1111 U I -AIPNA PPTNIT TTNAF 1111 09 1 -nn PM I hULUV11Ln UVIYJ I muu I iuN rax:434—Lyn—wiuo W: Tayloe Murphy, Jr. Secretary of Natural Re9ourm JUI L! LUU4 Ib:�iy F'.U2 COMMONWEALTH o f VIRGINrIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Valley Regional Office 5tmet adJeaa: 4411 Early Road, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801 Maltlfngaddreaa; P.O. Box 3000, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801.9519 Telephone (540)574-7800 Fax (540)574-7878 www.deq.state.va.us July 14, 2004 Robert G. Burnley:. Direatar R. Btadley Chewning, P.E. Valley Regional Director Mr. Vincent H. Deis Executive Vice President Faulconer Construction Company 2496 Old Ivy Road ' Charlottesville, VA 22903 RE: Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit No. VAR104076, VPDES General Permit Coverage for Construction Activities at Faulconer Constructions Office and Shop in Albemarle County Dear Mr. Derr: The staff has reviewed your complete registration for Storm Water General Permit coverage and determined this facility is eligible for coverage under the VPDES General Permit for Storm Water Discharges From Construction Activities. A copy of this permit is enclosed. The permit's effective date is July 1, 2004 and its expiration date is June 30,.2.009. Please read thei'permit.carefully, because you are responsible for meeting all permit conditions, In particular; please note that a site specific Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan'must be developed prior to commencement of land disturbing activity, When the project authorized under this permit has been completed and meets the 100% vegetative cover, and/or the bond is released by the E&S approving authority, please complete and submit the enclosed Notice of Termination form so that we can terminate this project's coverage under the general permit. Should. you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Norma C. Job, of this office at (540),574-.7802, Sincerely, B. ' Fowler Water Permits Manager Enclosure: Permit"No. VAR104076 cc: STW File COMMONWEALTH of VIP,INIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY General Permit No.: VAR104076 Effective Date: July 1, 2004 Expiration Date: June 30, 2009 GENERAL, PERMIT FOR DISCHARGES OF STORM WATER FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AUTHORIZATION TO DISCHARGE UNDER TETE VIRGINIA POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM AND THE VIRGINIA STATE WATER CONTROL LAW In with the provisions of the Clean Water Act, as amended, and pursuant to the State Water Control Law and regulations adopted pursuant to that, operators of construction activities (those sites or common plans of development or sale that will result in the disturbance of one or more acres of total -land area) with storm water discharges from these construction activities are authorized to discharge to surface waters, within the boundaries of the Commonwealth of Virginia, except those specifically named in board regulation or policies which prohibit such discharges. The authorized discharge shall be in accordance with this cover page, Part I - Discharge Authorization and Special Conditions, Part H - Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, and Part -III - Conditions.Applicable To All VPDES Permits as set forth herein.