HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200400085 Plan - Approved 2005-01-13T11 nn kX %J AA q R�. V AeRe A B /"C� 43 & 44 TM 32 PARCELS 4 D9 42A� 4'��7' TM 46 PARCEL 5 R VANNA D STR Cr.- 9 ALBEMAR'JbE COUNTY, V Rurl N A ZMA-2001-019 Hollvmead Town Center, Regional Service Area B i comprising all or some of the above agents, hereby voluntarily proffer the conditions listed below which shall only be applied, except as specifically set forth herein to the area identified as Regional Service Area B on the Application Plan, (defined below) p g n ode the Code the owners, or their duly authorized a Y P Albemarle Cou t CY P Section 33.3 of the9 Y Pursuant to ). Y Y ( referenced tax map parcels (the "Property"). These conditions are proffered as part of the requested zoning and it is agreed that: 1) the rezoning itself gives rise to the need for the conditions; and 2) such conditions have a reasonable relation to the rezoning request: 1. Development shall be in general accord with the Application Plan entitled Rezoning Application Plans for Hollymead Town Center Regional Service Area B, (Sheets A-1, A-2, and A-6 of 7 only), prepared by Ri,onna Engineering & Surveying, PLC, revised February 15, 2002, last revised April 29, 2003 ("Application Plan"). The owners have presented, as part of their f' v shall be deemed other than the Application Plan as defined above, o rezoningapplications, a number of conceptual Ions and illustrations for various purposes, but principally to provide justification for the rezoning actions they are seeking. Unless specifically referenced in these proffers, all plans and illustrations submitted as port of Applicants rezoning application, pp PP P P illustrative only, and such plans and illustrations shall not be deemed proffers. The owners reserve the right to reconfigure the outporcel improvements, consisting of buildings, parking and drive aisles and drive—through window features that are the subject of SP 01-63 and SP 01-64 and as shown on the Application Plan in order to: i) comply with conditions imposed by such Special Use Permits, and ii) assure compliance with ARB requirements. 2. The owners of Area B, as shown on the Application Plan (the "Owner") shall cause completion of the following road improvements: A. Access Road A, as depicted on the Application Plan, across from the Hollymead Memorial Gardens Cemetery at US Route 29 up to the western boundary of Area B. This shall include the two eastbound lanes located on Area A pursuant to road plans approved by the Virginia Deportment of Transportation ("VDOT") and the County as part of the Area B site plan. Access Road A also shall include dual left and dual right tum lanes at the intersection with Route 29. B. Dual left turn lanes at the intersection of Route 29 and Access Road A, from northbound Route 29 into Access Road A. The dual left turn lanes and signalization at Route 29 and Access Rood A shall include median cut and cross—over construction at the Hollymead Memorial Gardens Cemetery location, (the "Cross—over") as scheduled in coordination with VDOT. The Owner also proffers to construct a single southbound left turn lane on Route 29 at the intersection (to allow left turn movement into the cemetery). All turn movements shall be signalized at the intersectio of Route 29 and Access Road A, as approved by VDOT. C. The Owner shall dedicate land, if necessary, and construct a continuous right tum lane on Route 29 southbound from the northern boundary of the Property to the entrance road, (Access Road A). The Owner proffers to construct a third southbound through lane on Route 29 from the northern boundary of the Property to the entrance road, (Access Road A) and beyond the entrance road, (Access Road A) for a distance of 1000 feet. D. The southbound through lanes of Route 29 shall be re—constructed to the profile grade of the northbound lanes to meet adequate sight distance requirements at the Cross—over, based upon a 50 mile per hour design speed and a maximum 4 percent cross—slope requirement. E. A third northbound through lane shall be constructed on Route 29, 1000 feet in length on each side of the Cross—over. The road improvements listed in 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D and 2E above shall be constructed, in accordance with road plans submitted by the Owner and approved by VDOT. All of the foregoing improvements shall be i) constructed to VDOT design standards pursuant to detailed plans agreed to between the Applicant and VDOT, and ii) accepted by VDOT for public use or bonded for VDOT's acceptance as a condition for issuance of any certificate of occupancy for Area B improvements. The width, length, (except as specified in 2C and 2E above) location, (inside median or outside existing pavement), type of section (e.g., urban vs. rural), and geometrics of all lane improvements shall be as required by VDOT design standards and detailed plans submitted by the Owner and approved by VDOT. 3. The Owner shall cause to be constructed and dedicated the segment of Access Road A from the western boundary of Area B to its intersection with State Route 606 also known as Duckerson Road and rr shown on the map entitled Future Roads dated July 15 2003 ("Exhibit xhbit A) Construction of this section of Access Road A shall be completedleted for I in each direction). Notwithstanding the foregoing, — m odate rave lanes one ea acceptance by VDOT for public use and dedication of a minimum 60—foot—wide right—of—way and all necessary easements have been dedicated to the County within three (3) years from the date of approval of ZMA-01 019. This section of Access Road A shall be constructed to accommodate two t ( ) g the road proffers described in this paragraph 3 shall be satisfied if plans for all such road improvements have been submitted for review by VDOT and, although such improvements are not accepted by VDOT for public use within three (3) years from the date of approval of ZMA-01-019, sufficient bond has been supplied to satisfy all costs to complete such improvements in accordance with plans approved by VDOT. Further, the road proffers described in this paragraph 3 shall be satisfied if and when any portion of Area A is rezoned, and the owner of Area A mikes a proffer binding Area A, or any portion thereof to all the obligations contained in this proffer 3. 4. The Owner also shall cause to be constructed and dedicated Ridge Road from its intersection with Access Road A to the northern boundary of Area A (with Area C), as shown in glue on Exhibit A. Construction of the section of Ridge Road as shown on Exhibit A shall be completed for acceptance by VDOT for public use within one (1) year after the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Area B. This section of Ridge Road shall be constructed initially to accommodate two travel lanes (one in each direction) and a bicycle lane only (without parallel parking and sidewalks). The area to be dedicated, however, shall be not less than sixty (60) feet in width to allow future widening. No certificate of occupancy shall be P Y refuse F r n ti acceptance. If the owners of Area A e use o ter request from the County to issued for an use within Area B until the segme,,t of Ridge Road required to be constructed by this proffer is either constructed to VDOT's standards, or a sufficient bond or other form of surety is provided .. .,,e County in an amount sufficient to assure its construction and VDOT's o ep q y Y dedicate land sufficient for Ridge Road as contemplated herein, then the Owner shall pay the costs to acquire such land, which costs shall include VDOT's normal costs of acquiring by condemnation, including I:md acquisition, engineering, surveying, reasonable attorneys fees, and the cost of construction of this section of Ridge Road, and other related expenses. 5. Owner proffers to contribute $50,000.00 to the County or VDOT, on behalf of Area B and Area A for the purposes of funding a regional transpertation study for the Route 29 corridor. The $50,000.00 con'-'; tion shall be made within thirty (icing and ??r ?30) days after requested by the County following site plan approval for Area B and, if not expended for such purpose after three (3) years from the date the funds were contributed such funds shall be refunded to the Owner. Her shall petition for and consent to a Community Development Authority "CDA" established pursuant to Section 15.2-5152, et seq. of the Code of Virginia ("Code") to be created for the purpose of financing, funding, planning, establishing, constructing, reconstructing, enlarging, extending, or maintaining (except to the extent 6. Upon the request of the County, Ow p Y P Y ( ) VDOT maintains any public improvements) Route 29, and roads and other improvements associated therewith, which shall include, but may not be limited to, improvements to Route 29 from the South Fork of rhe Rivanna River to Airport Road or the extension of Ridge Road as depicted on Exhibit A, to the south and across the Rivanna River to connect to Berkmar P rovements Drive. This proffer shall only apply if all of the owners of the lands subject to ZNA-01-018, ZMA-01-19, ZMA-01-020, and ZMA-02-002, as such applications exist on July 16, 2003, excluding residential property, have joined or been caused to join the some or a similar CDA for the purposes described herein. This proffer shall apply only if, at the time of the formation of the CDA, the rate of any special tax imposed shall be uniform a -id shall not exceed twenty—five cents ($.25) per $100 of the assessed value of any taxable real estate within the CDA, unless all the owners within the CDA subsequently consent to any proposed rate or level of assessment otherwise. 7. There shall be two (2) pedestrian walkwaysArode arms located within parking areas depicted on the Application Plan, located to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Community Development. Ti „se pedestrian walkways/ grade arms within the parking areas shall be tree—lined, by planting street trees at least every fifty feet (50') on center. SP -2001-063. Hollymead Town Center. 'Drive—In A" Public hearing on a request to allow drive—in window in accord w/Sec 25A.2.2.1of the Zoning Ord. TM 32, Ps 428, 42C, 42D, 42E, 43 & 43A, is 24.7 acs. Loc on Rt 29 N opprox 1/4 mile S of Timberwood Boulevard/Rt 29 intersec. Znd RA & HC. Rio Dist. 1. The Architectural Review Board may alter the locations and/or orientation of drive—throughs to protect the Entrance Corridor; and 2. The Applicant is responsible for installation and maintenance of control devices, such as by—pass lanes, signage and pavement markings shown on a site plan for the development. SP -2001-064. Holl)meod Town Center. "Drive—In B" Public hearing on a request to allow drive—in window in accord w/Sec 25A.2.2.1 of the Zoning Ord. TM 32, Ps 42B, 42C, 42D, 42E, 43 & 43A, is 24.7 acs. Loc on Rt 29 N approx 1/4 mile S of the Timberwood Boulevard/Rt 29 intersec. Znd RA & HC. Rio Dist. 1. The Architectural Review Board may alter the locations and/or orientation of drive—throughs to protect the Entrance Corridor; and 2. The Applicant is responsible for installation and maintenance of control devices, such as by—pass lanes, signage and pavement markings shown on a site plan for the development. LEGAL REFERENCE: TM 32 PARCELS 42B, 42D, 42E, 43, 43A SOURCE OF TITLE FOR PARCELS: REFER TO PARCEL PLAN OWNER: REFER TO PARCEL PLAN DEVELOPER: HOLLYMEAD TOWNCENTER, L.L.C. 8618 WESTWOOD CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 300 VIENNA, VA 22182 ZONING: PD -MC PLANNED DEVEi_OPMENT-MIXED COMMERCIAL EC ENTRANCE CORRIDOR SOURCE OF BOUNDARY SURVEY: PLAT BY RIVANNA ENGINEERING & SURVEYING, PLC. SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY: AERAiL SURVEY PERFORMED BY LOUISA AERAIL SURVEYS. USGS DATUM BENCHMARK: NAIL NEAR ENTRANCE BEHIND ANCHOR A ELEV = 534.59 BUILDING SETBACKS: ROUTE 29 R/W: 30' TOWN CENTER DRIVE: 30' SIDE YARD: NONE REAR YARD: NONE REAR ADJACENT TO RESIDENTIAL: 35 A WAIVER OF THIS REQUIREMENT HAS BEEN APPROVED. PARKING SETBACKS: ROUTE 29 R/W: 10' TOWN CENTER DRIVE: 10' UNDISTURBED BUFFER: ADJACENT TO RA DISTRICTS: 20' A WAIVER OF THIS REQUIREMENT HAS BEEN APPROVED. MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: 35' PAVING SPECIFICATIONS: REFER TO DETAILS LOADING & CROSSWALKS: REFER TO DETAILS SIDEWALKS: 4" - 3000 PSI CONCRETE PARKING SCHEDULE: - N REGIONAL SERVICE AREA "B": BUILDING AREA = 294,502 SF OUTDOOR SEATING AREA = 662 SF REQUIRED: 4.5 SPACES PER 1000 SF. %ftw 295,164 SF GLA/1000x4.5=1,328 SPACES /-0) PROVIDED: 1,328 SPACA�S (INCLUDES 28 HANDICAP SPACES) LOADING SPACES PROVIDED: 17 SPACES INITIAL NET FLOOR TO AREA RATIO: 0.31 C1 POST -DEVELOPMENT % BUILDING: 6.9 AC 27.6 PARKING: 14.5 AC 58.6 ROADS: 1.5 AC 5.7 OPEN: 2.1 AC 8.1 TOTAL: 24.98 AC 100 INITIAL NET FLOOR TO AREA RATIO: 0.31 C1 of 6 COVER SHEET C2 of 6 SITE PLAN C3 of 6 GRADING/UTILITY PLAN C4 of 6 LIGHTING PLAN L1 of 6 LANDSCAPE PLAN L2 of 6 PLANT TABULATION & DETAILS Benchmark W/E-- Existing Waterline 0/E-- Overhead Electric )e Power Pole 0-0 Prop. Light Pole MH Manhole GT Grease Trap WM Water Meter FH Fire Hydrant TBA To Be Abandoned TBR To Be Removed 500 Existing Elevation/Contour x500 Proposed Spot Elevation 500 Proposed Contour Heavy Duty Road Paving Concrete c ete T Electric Transformer e F -F-11 Filterra ti tea. .,Q N �oc Airport Rd co S Q 0 SITE Proffitt Road 11�C�N�TY MAP SCALE: 1" = 2000' 1. WORK SHALL BE SUBJECT TO INSPECTION BY THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY INSPECTORS. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR NOTIFYING THE PROPER SERVICE AUTHORITY OFFICIALS AT THE START OF THE >'ORK. 2. THE LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES ARE NOT NECESSARILY SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND, WHERE SHOWN, ARE ONLY APPROXIMATE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND LINES ANu �fRUCTURES AS NECESSARY. 3. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH GENERAL WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS AS ADOPTED BY THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY ON JANUARY 15, 1998. 4. DATUM FOR ALL ELEV."TIONS SHOWN IS NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY. 5. THE CONTRACTOR S:]AI_i_ BE RESPONSIBLE FOR NOTIFYING "MISS UTILITY" (1-800-552-7001). 6. ALL WATER AND SEWER PIPES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF 3 FEET OF COVER MEASURED FROM THE TOP OF PIPE, OVER THE CENTERLINE OF THE PIPE. THIS INCLUDES ALL FIRE HYDRANT LINES, SERVICE LA?ERI,LS AND WATER LINES, ETC. 7. ALL WATER AND SEWL R APPURTENANCES ARE TO BE LOCATED OUTSIDE OF ROADSIDE DITCHES. 8. ALL WATER METER SIZES AND LOCATIONS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE SERVICE AUTHORITY. 9. BACKFLOW PREVEN1iCIN DEVICES ARE REQUIRED ON ALL DOMESTIC WATER SERVICES LINES AND FIRE SPRINKLER LINES. -I loll Mill 1. PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION WITHIN ANY EXISTING PUBLIC RIGHT—OF—WAY, INCLUDING CONNECTION TO ANY EXISTING ROAD, A PERMIT SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (V.D.O.T.). THIS PLAN AS DRAWN MAY NOT ACCURATELY REFLECT THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PERMIT. WHERE ANY DISCREPANCIES OCCUR THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PERMIT SHALL GOVERN. 2. ALL PAVING, DRAINAGE RELATED MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS SHALL CONFORM TO CURRENT SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS OF V.D.O.T., UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. EROSION AND SILTATION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED EROSION CONTROL PLAN AND SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY CLEARING, GRADING OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION. 4. ALL SLOPES AND DISTURBED AREAS ARE TO BE FERTILIZED, SEEDED AND MULCHED. THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SLOPE IS 2:1 (HORIZONTAL: VERTICAL). WHERE REASONABLY OBTAINABLE, LESSER SLOPES OF 4:1 OR BETTER ARE TO BE ACHIEVED. 5. PAVED, RIP—RAP OR STABILIZATION MAT LINED DITCH MAY BE REQUIRED WHEN IN THE OPINION OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING, OR THE DIRECTOR'S DESIGNEE, IT IS DEEMED NECESSARY IN ORDER TO STABILIZE A DRAINAGE CHANNEL. 6. ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS SHALL CONFORM WITH THE VIRGINIA MANUAL FOR UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. 7. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CONCRETE PIPE SHALL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE — CLASS III. 8. ALL EXCAVATION FOR UNDERGROUND PIPE INSTALLATION MUST COMPLY WITH OSHA STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY (29 CFR PART 1926). 1. DO NOT SCALE THESE DRAWINGS. USE DIMENSIONS SHOWN ONLY. BRING ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ENGINEER. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS. 2. IT IS THE CONTRAPTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. 3. THERE IS NO 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN ON THIS SITE. 4. THIS SITE IS NC;T LOCA rED IN A RESERVOIR WATERSHED. 5. THE SPILLOVER OF LIGHTING FROM PARKING AREA LUMINARIES ONTO PUBLIC ROADS AND PROPERTY IN RESIDENTIAL OR RURAL AREAS ZONING DISTRICTS SHALL NOT EXCEED ONE—HALF (1/2) FOOT CANDLE. 6. EACH OUTDOOR L6W,1NARIE EQUIPPED WITH A LAMP WHICH EMITS 3,000 OR MORE MAXIMUM LUMENS SHALL BE A FULL CUTOFF LUMINARIE AND SHALL BE ARRANGED OR SHIELDED TO REFLECT LIGHT AWAY FROM ADJOINING RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS AND AWAY FROM ADJACENT ROADS. 7. ALL DUMSPTERS LOCATED WITHIN 15' OF A BUILDING SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SPRINKLERS FOR FIRE PROTECTION PURPOSES. 8. VISIBILITY OF ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE ELIMINATED FROM THE ENTRANCE CORRIDOR. 9. OFF—SITE LANDSCAPE EASEMENTS SHALL BE VACATED WHEN THOSE PARCELS ARE DEVELOPED. ! "l:Ao♦ tiMCAAgj,#e ' butimmm Type Reviewed and Approved by ft Con ounity Development Di�l�lllllrllt Doh: f Filer: cap 11 &K- of c Project Title: i111 IN I I " - - 1. If the elevation, location, or configuration fo the proposed buildings, stormwater management ponds, or pavement areas changes from thot evaluated in the geotechnical report, ECS, Ltd. shall be notified so that modifications to the geotechnical recommendations and specifications can be made, if necessary. 2. All construction involving problem soils shall be performed under the full—time observation of the geotechnical engineer. 3. The geotechnical engineer shall furnish a written opinion to the County as to whether or not the work has been performed in accordance with the approved plans prior to the issuance of any occupancy or use permit. 4. Review and approval of plans, specifications and reports by the County, with or without recommendations by the County, shall in no way relieve the developer of the responsibility for the design construction and performance fo the structures, pavement and slopes on the project and damage to surrounding properties. 5. We hereby certify that the attached geotechnical specifications, and the site plan prepared by Bowman Consulting Group, which we have reviewed, are in accordance with the approved ECS, Ltd. Geotechnical Report No. 7587—A, dated September 5, 2002, and the addendum letter dated October 23, 2002. HOLLYMEAD TOWN CENTER REGIONAL SERVICE AREA B Rivanna District, Albemarle County, Virginia Sheet No: Drawing Title: COVER Scale: AS NOTED Drawn By: JMS Date: 10.8.04 Checked By. TRM SHEET RIVANNA ENGINEERING & SURVEYING, PLC. 1350 STONY POINT ROAD PHONE: (434) 984-1599 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22911 FAX: (434) 984-8863 RIVANNAENGINEERING.COM File Name: 32-43—MAI.DWG Project No.: 1132 Revisions: , T H ac, NO. DESCRIPTION DATE o�* 1 Cty Comments 1 4 -41 11, Zp TIMOTHY R. MILLER n CERTIFICATE No. 30542 o�e`SSIONAL EaG�� I E—, W O W4 Sheet No: Drawing Title: 40 1 41 :1 120 SCAU:1 40' SITE PLAN Scale: AS NOTED Drawn By. JMS Date: 10.8.04 1 Checked By. TRM 599 163 RIVANNAENGINEERING. COM Revisions: CCERTIFICATE NO. DESCRIPTION DATE`�1 Ct Comme t 1 4� )LER.File Name: 32-43-MAI.DWG��`��G Project No.: 1132 FOREST LAKES 41 1 40 81 1211, ■ ■Wm %MNM■M 0109 Sheet No: 311F 11 ME Raves 2.0 -Dm PW7 0 V_ M2,02 R MT ♦ EPA FAFArl r I IE 2 moll •lit "M KIM= ----------- 1, 01- -------------- ------------- .... ...... ... .... ....... ........ ..... . . . ...... I ...... �AM A om I rLU J 2-PRSA ----------- ir F111111 _ :.. . _�►�i� tr�ia�� :� ,►�� % �j` ���.�.�` ter, _,.:,•. ,�,, ,*,-MEMINIMEWNWIR 1MVFA_MJV4=MMM1 Jv �Z% 11 NAP p I L TIMA F% 514sm. 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MONOMER two T_YXF IT113, E VY I' DATE: 9-10-03 4 PLANTING D TAILS NOTE: STAKING AND GUYING MAY BE REQUIRED TO COUNTER HI GH WINDS, SOIL SETTLEMENT, STEEP SLOPES, VANDALISM, OR OTHER CONDITIONS TH R EATENJNG TREE HEALTH OR SUI TA BLE GROVM PATTERNS ). 2" X 2" STAKE EDGE OF SAUCER PLAN TM YM =111111116 3 PIECES RUBBER HOSE TURNBUCKLE 2-3" LAYER SHREDDED HARDWOOD BARK MULCH DO NOT MULCH ADJAC. TO TRUNK SURVEYORS FLAGGING BACKFILL WITH 3/4 EXIST. SOIL, 1/4 ORGANIC MATERIAL AN FERTILIZER AS SPECIFIED. PRUNE GROWTH TO REMOVE PROBLEM, y DISEASED, OR WEAK BRANCHES. DOUBLE STRAND 4112 GAUGE GALVANIZED WIRE, ALLOW FOR 10-3" SWAY REMOVE ALL WIRE, PLASITC ROPE, AND BURLAP ((NATURAL AND SYNTHETIC) !`ROM TOP 1/2 OF BALL 2-3" EARTH SAUCER 2-1/2' MIN.OAK e X 2" STAKE FLUSH WITH GROUND . SCARIFY UNDISTURBED SOIL O�� PEDESTAL NOTE: PLANT 1/8 OF I i► ��' ROOTBALL ABOVE FINAL GRADE. 2-3 X WIDTH OF ROOTBALL CALIPER DECIDUOj1S TREE PLJKMM JZ= NOT TO SCN.E NOTES:- STAKE OTES: STAKE ALL 5' —8' EVERGREEN TREES WITH TWO PRESSURE T2 EA� X I8E OR OAK STAKES dk PLANT 1 8 OF ROOT BALL flymus virginicus ABOVE NAL GRADE. REMOVE ALL WIRE, PLASITC Carex vulpinoidea AND BURLAP 5% (ROPE. AL C) TOP �/2 Ox dye Sunflower FROM 1OF BALL PRUNE ONLY TO REMOVE DAMAGED Green Bulrush OR BROKEN BRANCHES. L NEVER CUT LEADERS. 5% USE 2 STRANDS OF GALVANIZED 14 GA. 1i Bonesef WIRE THROUGH RUBBER HOSE TWISTED Euthanmia grarninifolia UNTIL TAUT AND TREE IS PLUMB. 5% SET STAKES OR GUYS / 1/2-2/3 UP TREE 2-3" LAYER SHREDDED HARDWOOD BARK MULCH DO NOT MULCH ADJAC. TO TRUNK 9" MINIMUM 3" EARTH SAUCER I P BACKFILL -mnHMli �er,..��, ■'III -= full TILIZER AS SPECIFIED jmwf SCARIFY SIMS & BOTTOMTSTAKES O EXTEND E BELOW 'MEE PIT IN UNDISTURBEI) GROUND 59 TO 8' EV RGHM 'PLANTING DEJAM WT 1. NOTE: FOR CONTAINER GROWN SHRUBS CUT 4-5 1" GROOVES THE LENGTH OF THE ROOTBALL BEFORE PLANTING. % 2-3" LAYER SHREDDED BARK MULCH BACKFILL 3/4 EXIST. — SOIL, 1/4 ORGANIC MA' PLUS FERTIL AS SPEC. SCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM REMOVE CONTAINER BEFORE PLANTING 3" EARTH SAUCER 6" PLANT 118 ROOTBALL ABOVE NAL GRADE. CONTAINER PLUS 12" NOT TO SOME NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING MISS UTILITY PRIOR TO ANY DIGGING. C'.TAVG- 1-2" LAYER SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH 6" MIN. SPACING OR AS INDICATED 2. ORGANIC MATTER A - AND WORKED INTO *. —6 OF PREVIOUSLY LOOSENED SOIL BED WITH AS SPECIFIED, 0 1wollyjalz ; p 3� V1 I� NOTES / TABULATIONS GROWTH TO k PROBLEM, 3ED, OR WEAK ;HES. LL WIRE, PLASITC >A YNTHETIC) 1/2 OF BALL .ARTH SAUCER RBED SOIL ►L EXTEND 12" M GROUND LANDS(APf RfQUIRfIMENTS: Note:s: STRET TO; 1. In addition to the above planings, contractor is to install 1 Myrica US 29 pensylvanica (Northern Bayberry) @24"-30",18 total, in each of the filterra Required: 1,400 Lf/ 50 Lf =18 heel storm wafer filtration boxes. Node: the 18 plants are tabulated in the Plank Provided: 36 Trees Tabulation. Access Rod A: Required: 950 Lf / 50 if =19 bees Provided: 38 Trees 2. Easements for planings within the right of way will be obtained from VDOT prior to site plan approval. Inferior Trees: Cana R uired: 5% 1071576 Sf = 53,578 Sf 3. Contractor shall furnish and install 30 free guards, Olympic - fairwealher pY � Canopy Provided: 61,251 Sf TG -1, -5 ff. hl., black powder coal finish. Install per manufacturers Quantity Required: 1 Tree per 10 spores (1339/10 =133.9 Trees) q guard � alionS. Equivalent free uard m be substituted. anTihv Pro ' 78irees� Total Canopy. Required: 10% 1,1071,570% =107,157 Sf Provided: 231,121 Sf ERNMX-122 WMAND M A OW MIX 10% flymus virginicus Virginia Wild Rye 19% Carex vulpinoidea fox Sedge 5% tleliopsis helianfholdes Ox dye Sunflower 5% Scirpus afrovirens Green Bulrush 5% Verbena hastala Blue Vervain 5% fupaforium perfoliatum Bonesef 5% Euthanmia grarninifolia Grass leaved Goldenrod 5% ]uncus eff0sus Soft Rush 3% Carex lupulina Hop Sedge 3°!o fupotorium maculatum Spotted Joe Pye Weed 3% Scirpus polyphyllus Many leaved Bulrush 2% Carex comosa Cosmos Sedge 2% Scirpus ryperinus Wood 6reass 1% Cares lurida Lurid Sedge 2% Bromus aliissima Wild Brome Grass 2% Glycerin grandis American Mannagrass 1.5% Eupatoriurn fisfulosum loe Pye Weed 1% Veronia noveborucensis New Your Ironweed 1% Geum laciniatum Rough Avens 1% Pethorum sedoides Dinh Stonecrop 1% lizia aures Golden Alexanders 1% ludwigia altemifoia Seedbox 1% Helium autumnale Common Sneezeweed 1% Carex scoparia Blunt Broom Sedge 1% Asher umbellatus flab Topped Umbrella Asher PLANT TABULATION Broadleaf Deciduous w� W Quantity Code Name Symbol Scientific Now Common Name Planting Size Comments r1. 10 yr Canopy Total Canopy W 00 � 11 ACRlA3 O Acer nbrum 1kd hple 211" Col. L 397 4764 '00 29 ARK O Iker rul nsm'Karpick' I(*& Rai #qle 3.5" Cal. C— O N 0D 397 11513 21 ARG O Acer rubrum'0cIoiW gory' October clay maple 2 S" Cal 0>� Z 397 8337 Q z SCS Z 7 AGAR (2� Amelondnier x grandifloro'bk mn Brilliance' Aulumn Brilliance Servicebery 6'-7' BO 910 52 SRI ► Betula ria Im Birch 211" Cal. 397 20644 26 COA O CercidWlun jgmkun Kohn Tree 1 Y Cal 222 5112 2 LECA Cercis coodensis Eatem re" 1.5" Cal 124 248 5 CIM Chionanthus virgisucus White fringetree 6'-1' 125 625 17 CXR G Comus x Ruffian Stellor Pack flowering Dogwood 6'-7' 124 2108 8 1`11AA1 0 f americano WhiWill 1 S" Cd 321 2576 41 (PAIS 0 froxinus pennsyhranica'Pa mow Palmae Ads 211" Cal 604 24,764 25 US 00 Gledihia trsacallhos'SlmdernasW Shademoster honey 10(w 25" Cal 424 10,600 36 UK gahm hiacadhos'Cadinental' Continental Honey Locust 2S" Cal. 414 15)64 4 UN ® Lagcrsiroemia indica'Natchei Melia Crape Alyrik 6'-1' n 308 12 URC Q lagerstroemia irace'Red cherdcee' Crape AAyrNe'Red Cherokee 6'-1' n 920 37 UTT 0 Lagar mwo indica'Tuskegee Crape AiA'Tuskegee' 6'-1' n 2849 28 LSR Uquidonbor sytrociNuo'Rotundiloba' Rolund'loba swaigum 3.5" Cal. 106 5768 30 LSR 1.iquid0mbar syhaiflcro'Roiundiloba' Rohe diloIx SWee w 2 S" Cal 106 6180 9 0VI N rya vironiona Am�rioon Hophom6am 2 S" Cal 99 891 0 PIAC Plafaus ocedfalia London Plane Tree 2 S" Cal 0 0 18 PEA Prunus subhirfella'Autumnalis' Autumn flowering Higan cherry 2 S" Cal 67 1106 14 PXI ® Prunus x mcamp Oka me Cherry 2.F Cal 99 1386 37 0 Quercus pegs tris % en Pillar Firs Oak - Green Rlbr 311" Cal. 370 13690 25 (0 Quercus Phellos pow Odc 2Y Cal 370 9250 7 UPA O lNmus pa vifolia'Allee' A16 Elm 311" Cal. 366 1562 11 USE Mow serrota Japanese zekova 211" Cal 451 4971 20 ASB O Acer sae n'BoAre' Bonfire Sugar A apk 2 S" Cd 195 3900 Brojecd Evergreen Quantify Code Name Symbol Scienfific Nana Common Name Planting Size Comments 10 yr Campy Total Canopy 24 0 0 On aHanuafa'foieri' foster Holly 6'-7' 16 384 9 lop 0 Ikac opaca American Holly 6'-T 56 504 28 INS € Ilex x uie R Stevens Nellie Stevens holly 6'-1' 44 1131 12 AAM ® A tylia grmaoro So hem Alognolia 9'40' 54 1188 Conifer Evergrem Quantify Code None Syndnd Scieefific Name Carman KOM Plc A." size Comments 10 yr Canopy Total Canopy 33 PO O Picea ammko Serbian _pnKe (10 T48') 10'-12' 28 914 5 CL x Cupressocyos leylandii Leyland Cypress $'-9' 23 115 n TADI Taxodwm dishc um Balis cypress 3.5" Cal. 756 19 TON Thuja ocadesntA %gra' Dark GrA Arborvitae 1'-8' 10 190 Perennial Qua &f Code None Symbol Scientific tiara Commcm Name Wag Size Comments 10 yr Campy Total Canopy 15 BILA O Bignm wedata Crossvine 1 -Gd DEKA Deasmm barbas Climbing *40P 1_601 to am Erianihus ravemoe 1110" a brass 34ol 207 FPGA 0 40wm Awa* Joe Pye Weed 'Wow 1 -Gd 138 IIFJH) (D Il rthm angustifolius Swamp Surdlowff Qt. 544 HYLt Ilyrrsanocallis liriosmc Spidelily Qt 1307 IJA O urape muscat Big Bloc lily Turf 1-W 493 UNv 0 brienpe muscari'vwne w Vaiegoted 1.ilyhrf i -W 163 LSP O 1.iw nuscai'S edd Creeping ulyw 1.6d 16 LIKE O ware sempervirens Trtianpet Harney 1 -Gal 7 ASG 10 Miscanibus sinensis'Grocillarm' Adder Gras 5-W/36" 31 AISO 4) A= 16 sme nsus'variegdus' variegated laimese Sihrer 6ross 5-W/36" 136 WA 0 Ne mix snsscifero'AAaggie Bele Sloae Labs Alo* Belk Slocum 110111/01 427 PEAL 0 Pemiselurn alop«uriodes founioin Gras 3-W 60 Asoerdhas smenis'Yau ]and Ydw lima Gras 5-W 1036 POLO 0 Niederm cordal. Ptd" Rush Banaoot 136 POPE Potanagelon pectinoius Pond heed 11areroot 319 1% O Rudbedw f 4,do'Goldstrun' Black-eyed Susan 1 -Gal 69 SAI 0 Sedum'Auhm W WX Auium Icy I -W 1000 ACV O Acorus catanus vane* SW1d* Boreroof v 500 SCV Scil us validus Salt-sle n Bulfmsh 11aeroof 35 IANLA nUniola la Nin ttocihem Sea Ooh 3-W 9 WR O lllisiaio we= kwiom Wisteria 1-W 22 HSA O Heudnera sanguinea'Pa W Purple' Palo Purple Cord Bells #1 Calf. 9 HAG O Ibsta'August (Noon' August Ilton Plo nfdn lily #1 Cont. 11 SwN O Salvia rurnerasa'Aldnacht by Night Salvia 16d. Quon i Code Name Symbol Scientific Name Common Nene manl* Size Comments 10 yr Canopy 1*1 Canopy 8 ASA O Aesc 6 pawl M Bol$ rush Buckeye 36" 36 286 16 CAHI O Cwn awfolio'a"Wrgbird' 14uhninOrd km nersweei 36" 16 256 225 CB O Conus bakys Ws Red4w4 Dogwood 36" 71 16200 9 Q ® Ilydragea guercifaho 'Snow Queen' Snow Queen O0kW Hydro ngea 36" 16 144 2 MA ® Ilydrange0 manowlla'Varimw varieNted *olrana 36" 16 32 294 KST O Ilex crerula'Soft Touch' SoB Pasch Holly 36" 16 4704 172 M 0 Ikoc 06 x' hnkbrrry Holly Nigra 3b" 23 5566 167 111161. 0 Ilex glabro'Nigrc( hdnbarry 111011y IBgra 36" 13 3114 49 IlXG1. 0 Ilex oatao'N W IwWry Holly Nigra 3'-4' 23 1357 10 IGC 0 Ilex glabro "Conglocta' Dwaf I46" 36" 23 230 151 RIP IBR 0 Iknc x lllesesvea 16 Princess' (I mok/10 femaW Bloc Prince holly 36" 2.3 3473 127 M4 0 Nen virginica'Henry's GameY Ikpry Gamel's Swe4re 36" 64 8128 209 ]a JCGO 0 luniperus c1.* msis'Gold Coast' God Coast Juniper 36" 11 2299 n XNC 0 ]unipmss ch inensis pfslzer. %cks Connpact' tics Compact Bleu Pfilm 36" 11 847 18 Al' O Alm pexnylv0nica Morlhern Boybeq 36" 18 314 28 M)ND NO no domestsco flemiy Baraboo 24" U 476 259 PLO 0 Prcxus lauraceraws'06 U*en' Olk Wyken Laurel 36" 10 2590 43 912 O I m var. Noahlrrn'f6%W Capel Pack' Pick flaws Carpet Rose 3 601 IU SILP Sorae0*nica'06 Princess I& Princess Spired 36" 7 819 62 TGW 0 Tann x mts11a'Green Wave' Green Wave Yew 36" 3 186 201 TXD law x mecka Densif ormis Dense Yew 36" 3 603 16 VKAA ® vibamum plia hi n vor. tomentosun'1Naiesir Illoriesii snowball 36" 50 800 18 VPTAA VRnunum plww var. fanmtaun'Alariesir Aoriesii snoWW1 36" 50 900 7 VPTl1 '(stannum pliadun ver. tamedosum'A ariesii' Aloriesii snoAoll 51-6' 50 350 8 VIM ® am= pranhh mt Block M %swum 36" 64 512 76 MINI vimmum rlrytidophytkrm toolherleof V'bus um 36" 64 4864 81 VXP You" x Pragense Propene viburnum 36" 44 3564 28 VXP viburnum x Pragassee Progense vi6ff m 5'-6' 44 1232 161 MW 0 Junipeus horizonwis u lkrbor Ba Harbor Juniper 24" 1% MAA 0 Cama o nomum 91Y Dogwood #1 Cont. 73 CEOC 0 CephOkr hw occidentalis Wonbush 11 Cant TOtAL: 231,222 sf 81 SNP 0 A -rico Penmyhsonico Norlhem Bayberry #1 Card 55 UBE 0 Under. benzoin *cdp do 11 Cont Aum x: IM #112 Emsf seed CWWW Mi) 81 Mroseed seed rate of 15 Bulk pmmds per are (0.4 ares shown) Q) w� W IXko r1. ko W 00 � M L QLU '00 CC Ul W oa C— O N 0D Cn z ^, V) W d 0 0>� Z Z Q z SCS Z J W °r° > CL e,■�ps�,TI� 0,� .0 i V TINA WOODS -SMITH i No.000451 •ori Cy�A Eer SCALE: 1"=20' DATE: 9-10-03 REVISIONS: 9-24-03 10-10-03 11-24-03 12-18-03 12-22-03 2-2-04 2-21-04 2-26-04 2-24-04 4-02-04 4-27-04 7-22-04 e-9427— —22-0 11-06-04 FILE NO: REG -01 SHEET L2 OF 6