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SDP200500098 Review Comments 2006-04-26
Page 1 of 3 David E. Pennock From: Clark Gathright [cgathright @dgarchs.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 8:54 AM To:David E. Pennock Subject: RE: Abington Place David: The problem is that the parking issue was resolved and is not a required condition of preliminary approval per Steven Waller's letter of November 29, 2005. Additionally, we originally submitted the site plan with a cooperative parking reduction and subsequently removed it based on the fact we can count the spaces elsewhere in Area D to meet our requirements. If you need to consult Zoning, do so. From: David E. Pennock [mailto:dpennock @albemarle.org] Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 4:54 PM To: Clark Gathright Subject: RE: Abington Place Clark - In the past, we've been uncomfortable counting spots in projects that have yet to be approved. In the case of the townhouses at Abingdon Place, there have been several changes, and they do not yet have approval for Phase I. Thus, it is hard to say for certain that they will be over on their provided parking. As for the on street parking, my reading of the Ordinance and of the Code of Development both indicate that counting adjacent on- street parking is acceptable. However, counting on- street spaces that are not adjacent as required parking (sheet C -1.4) doesn't seem feasible. If you would like, I can pass these questions on to someone in our Zoning division for an opinion. As for the cooperative parking, it is possible to apply for a reduction on -site based on the mix of uses. That is part of what I was thinking in our discussion of shared parking agreements. Section 4.12.8 allows for such an agreement to be reviewed by our Zoning Administrator for approval of reductions. Unfortunately, parking is an issue that needs to be resolved prior to preliminary site plan approval. Thus, while I understand your concerns with the time involved in this project, I can't grant preliminary approval until we've resolved the parking. Thanks, David Pennock From: Clark Gathright [mailto:cgathright @dgarchs.com] Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 10:59 AM To: David E. Pennock Subject: RE: Abington Place David: This parking issue was resolved when working with Stephan Waller. In fact, it was his recommendation to use the spaces in the adjacent apartment complex and road frontage. Per his comment 2 in his letter dated November 29, 2005, he asks for delineation of these spaces, which is provided in Detail 6, Sheet C -1.4. The primary reason this solution was agreed upon is that the apartment complex project has more than 10% additional spaces than required. As such, the extra spaces along the road and up to 25 spaces on -site could be used elsewhere in Area D, which is only our site. There is no need for the shared parking agreement discussed last week. 4/26/2006 Page 2 of 3 I request that you send a letter granting preliminary approval by the end of this week. This has languished far too long. Thanks, Clark From: David E. Pennock [mailto:dpennock @albemarle.org] Sent: Monday, April 24, 2006 1:42 PM To: Clark Gathright Subject: FW: Abington Place My apologies - I forgot the attachment... From: David E. Pennock Sent: Monday, April 24, 2006 1:42 PM To: 'Clark Gathright' Subject: RE: Abington Place Clark - My reading of the Code of Development (ZMA 02 -02) is that, for Block D, "in general, the required amount of parking is supplied within each block ". Block VII was anticipated to be a mix of uses including non - residential uses. So, you'll see in the attached tables that (Table D) parking for Block VII is "relegated per the application and concept plans. Parking on Road E may count toward required amount if on site parking is less than required ". Road E is also called Deerwood Drive, and now has no on- street parking proposed. However, per Sec. 18- 4.12.9(a), we have allowed any adjacent on- street spaces to be counted towards required parking, so I am okay with adjacent spaces on Gathering Place being counted towards required parking, as you've shown on Sheet C -1.2. The problem is that on -site parking and adjacent Gathering Place spots only get you to 100 spaces. Using spaces farther down Gathering Place and spaces within the future townhouse development next door may be a possible solution, but would require appropriate shared parking agreements and approval by our Zoning division, as provided for in Sec. 4.12.8 of the Zoning Ordinance. I assumed that "cooperative parking reduction" was the same as what we define as "shared parking" in our Ordinance. Please let me know if you have a different reading of the Code or have additional information. Thanks, David From: Clark Gathright [mailto:cgathright©dgarchs.com] Sent: Monday, April 24, 2006 11:57 AM To: David E. Pennock Subject: RE: Abington Place David: Per the attached file I sent you on March 29th, we only need a 5% cooperative parking reduction to meet the requirements with on -site and on- street parking in Area D. This will allow us to move forward without the completion of the adjacent apartment development. It was made clear to me that the Code of Development allows us to use parking from elsewhere in Area D. Clark 4/26/2006 Page 3 of 3 From: David E. Pennock [mailto:dpennock ©albemarle.org] Sent: Monday, April 24, 2006 11:34 AM To: Clark Gathright Subject: RE: Abington Place Clark - My understanding is that the last time we spoke about this project, your only outstanding issue for preliminary approval was to find a solution the the shortage of parking. As we had talked about, tying occupancy to available parking wasn't sufficient, but there was the possibility of pursuing shared parking agreements at a future date with the townhouses. The Code of Development speaks to that possibility, as well as using on- street parking. However, on- street parking must be adjacent to the block, or a waiver from the Zoning Administrator is adjacent. I'm not sure we ever resolved how to cover the total required, even with the reduction in size. Thanks, David From: Clark Gathright [mailto:cgathright ©dgarchs.com] Sent: Monday, April 24, 2006 10:08 AM To: David E. Pennock Subject: Abington Place David: I still have not received word of preliminary approval for the Abington Place site plan. This has languished since December of 2005 and our client is getting concerned. I am ready to submit final stormwater and E &SC plans. Let me know the status. Thanks, Clark 4/26/2006 Review Comments Project Name:Hollymead Town Center -Area D (Abington Place -( Preliminary — Non - residential Date Completed:Wednesday, April 19, 2006 Reviewer:Max Greene Department/Division /Agency: Engineer Z &CD Reviews Comments Still approved with the same conditions as stated in Allen Schuck's 03/23/2006 comment letter. Review Status:Administrative Approval Page: 1.00 County of Albemarle Printed 0 Wednesday, April 19, 200E 61g- (7,; Vorarar 1- >RG[N1P COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 - 4126 To:David Pennock, Principal Planner From:Allan Schuck, Engineer Subject:SDP -2005- 00098, Abington Place, Preliminary Site Plan Date received:Rev. 1: 01 November 2005 (plans rev. date 31 October 2005) Rev. 2: 15 February 2006 (plans rev. date 08 February 2006) Date of Comment: Rev. 1: 09 November 2005 Rev. 2: 23 March 2006 The preliminary site plan for Abington Place, received on 15 February 2006, has been reviewed. The engineering review for current development recommends approval to this preliminary site plan with the following conditions: 1. The road plans for Deerwood Drive Ext. and Gathering Place need to be approved before the final site plan can be approved for Abington Place. 2. The engineering review for current development needs to review and approve all applicable items as specified in the Design Standards Manual, section 902, before recommending tentative approval to the final site plan. File: E3_psp ADS 05 -098 Abington Place.doc Page 1 of 2 AllaOSchuck From:A|anSohuok Sent:VVednesday, February 08, 2006 2:37 PM To:David E. Pennock; 'C|urkGuthhght' Subject:RE: Abington Place SDP 05-098 Attachments: E2_psp_ADS_05-098 Abington Place.doc; 02-08-06 Abington Place Preliminary site plan.doc Good Afternoon. Engieeinc wffl need to see anc,ther copy ofthe prehrninary site pion. Attached to this E-mail s a copy of t0o 00 November 2005 engineering review comments. To adequately address review convnanc#1 "The existing xopo0/aphyohuam on Sheet C-1.1 does not matcl] existing conditions on the site. Plea update the u/iso'1/,c) topography on the next submittal of the preliininary site plan," engineering needs to se,:' The new topogrz;pilic information on the preliminary site plan In your E-mail correspondence dated, 12 December 2005, you stated that Riu*ona Exy'neaaJ we'x c a . a and got the cunent topo at the site You also stated that this information was delivered to Stephen Wafler. However. no copies of this information ox.yt in the Qe avu ouof|ic docu:oanLato:vxte»a Ceninz| !make logged /hioinformation aobeing received by Current Deva|opn/ant Please resubmit three (3) copies of the preliminary site plan to the County so a revie of the, outstanding items can occur Also attached to the E-maH is a resubmttal form. Please submit this form w/dh the next submittal of Une plans. Thanks, AUanSchuok From: David E. Pennock Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 10:27 AM To: Clark Gathright Cc: Allan Schuck Subject: RE: Abington Place SDP 05-098 Clark- Although we received the letter of intent, | don't believe that was the last item pending for pre|immary site plan approval. Stephen still had a few comments in his November 29 letter that don't seem to have been resolved, and our Engineers' comments from early November don't appear to have been addressed. | have copied Allan Schuck on this e-mail as well. Thanks, David From: Clark Gathright [mailto:cgathright@dgarchs.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 8:36 AM To: David E. Pennock Subject: Abington Place SDP 05-098 2/8/2O00 Page 2 of 2 David: I'm not sure if you have looked at this project yet, but I need to get some feedback from you on the review status of the Abington Place site plan (SDP 05 -098). When Stephan Waller left in December, it was my understanding that the only outstanding item needed for preliminary approval was the letter on intent from the owner to allow grading on the adjacent stormwater basin parcel. This was submitted to the County in early January, although I didn't know at that time that you "inherited" this project. Let me know if you do not have a copy of the letter, and let me know if there are any outstanding issues to resolve for preliminary approval. Thanks, Clark 2/8/2006 Page 1 of 1 AIIan Schuck From: David E. Pennock Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 10:27 AM To:Clark Gathright Cc:AIIan Schuck Subject: RE: Abington Place - SDP 05 -098 Clark - Although we received the letter of intent, I don't believe that was the last item pending for preliminary site plan approval. Stephen still had a few comments in his November 29 letter that don't seem to have been resolved, and our Engineers' comments from early November don't appear to have been addressed. I have copied AIIan Schuck on this e -mail as well. Thanks, David From: Clark Gathright [mailto:cgathright @dgarchs.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 8:36 AM To: David E. Pennock Subject: Abington Place - SDP 05 - 098 David: I'm not sure if you have looked at this project yet, but I need to get some feedback from you on the review status of the Abington Place site plan (SDP 05 - 098). When Stephan Waller left in December, it was my understanding that the only outstanding item needed for preliminary approval was the letter on intent from the owner to allow grading on the adjacent stormwater basin parcel. This was submitted to the County in early January, although I didn't know at that time that you "inherited" this project. Let me know if you do not have a copy of the letter, and let me know if there are any outstanding issues to resolve for preliminary approval. Thanks, Clark 2/8/2006 Page 1 of 2 Front: Clark Gathright [cgathrightri Sent: Monday. December 12, 2005 3:04 PM To: Allan Schuck Subject: RE: Abington Place - topo requirements Thanks, Allen. Sorry for all of the fuss. Rivanna Engineering did do out and get the current topo, and I dropped off a copy to Stephan Waller this afternoon. i will continue to note that all stockpiled fill will require removal to original grade prior to placement of compacted fill. Clark From: Allan Schuck [mailto:aschuck©albemarle.org] Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 2:59 PM To: Clark Gathright Cc: Glenn Brooks; Mark Chambers; Max Greene Subject: RE: Abington Place - topo requirements Tvlr. Gathright: This issue has been discussed amongst the engineering review team. He is your question. No, a note on the plan will not suffice. A waiver is possible. We cannot approve a site plan which does not meet the tccur::::., 18- 32.6.6h. So. the applicant has two choices. 1. Stop /finish grading activities, stabilize the site, re- survey, and revise the plan accorcin ;', 2. Withdraw the site plan, and submit an application for site pan i ;,'ai ,e;r according to '18- 32,2,2. The site plan waiver would need to be approved by the Ranh* justification for the particular requirements being waived. The re .,cr,niLsn «; :un to the agent in this case will likely be for denial. Thanks, Allan Schuck From: Clark Gathright [mailto:cgathright @dgarchs.com] Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 10:55 AM To: Allan Schuck Subject: Abington Place - topo requirements Allen: I'm trying to resolve the requirement for existing topography. Although one could quantify the current grading, but it is likely to change by the time review occurs, thus file : / /C: \PROJECT %20REVIEWS \E - MAILS \200 \ PROJECTS \Abington %20Place.\12- 12 -... 2/8/2006 Paw. 2ot2 generating the need for another update. I need to find a way to prevent this cycle from continuing. It is myunderstandingthatthesiteispartofamassgradingproject, and grading will continue to change until the off -siteworkiscomplete. The bulk of the stockpile is located in the proposed building footprint area which will require cutting below theoriginalgrade, thus the stockpile will have to be moved prior to construction. Other areas requiring fill will need tohavethebeexcavatedtotheoriginalgradepriortoanyconstructionproposedbythissiteplan, then placed usingappropriatecompactionmethods. As a result, I believe the original grade conditions shown on our plansadequatelyaddressestherequirementsofSection18- 32.5.6d. Will a note on the plan stating that "all temporary stockpiles shall be removed from areas to receive compactedfill" suffice? Is a waiver request a reasonable solution for this situation? Thanks, Clark file: / /C: \PROJECT %20REVIEWS \E - MAILS \2005 \PROJECTS \Abing ton° 20Plaee\12- 12 -... 2/8/2006 ALN t IRGIN County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To:Clark Gathwright, Daggett & Grigg Architects From:Stephen B. Waller AICP, Senior Planner Division:Current Development Date:November 29, 2005 Subject:SDP 05 -098 Hollymead Town Center Area D (Abington Place Offices and Condominiums) The Albemarle County Department of Community Development has reviewed the revisions to the above - mentioned preliminary site plan for planning and zoning issues. Preliminary approval will not be granted until the following comments have been addressed satisfactorily. Where appropriate each comment is preceded by the applicable reference.]: 1.4.12. The revised parking calculations suggest that all of the residential units will be studio apartments, which are expected to have limited sizes and no more than one bedroom. However, the projected number of residential occupants suggests and average of four (4) occupants per unit. Please do either of the following: revise the parking calculations to reflect the number of units that don't qualify as studio apartments; provide floor plans showing that all 46 of the units can indeed be classified as studio apartments; or submit a parking study and written request to allow a reduction in the number of required parking for approval by the Zoning Administrator.] Only 127 parking spaces are shown to be available between the parking lot on this site and on Gathering Place, with 25 additional spaces called out throughout the other areas of Abington Place (Area D). The site plan shall delineate or identify the locations all required spaces indicated in the parking schedule with respect for any additional parking that will be required in response to Comment #1. Please be aware that the aggregate number of parking spaces can only be reduced, with approval of the Zoning Administrator, by a maximum of thirty -five (35) percent in accordance with Section 4.12.10(a -d) of the Zoning Ordinance, entitled Shared Parking.] Identify all areas of the site where existing slopes are 25% or greater. Although a recently adopted policy allows an exemption of the restrictions on the disturbance of roan -made critical slopes, this does not eliminate the Ordinance requirement to show and delineate all such areas. 4.Safety railings are required at the top of all retaining walls that are 4 feet tall or greater in height. Identify the locations where the railings are proposed and provide the design specifications for these railings on the plan.] Provide the original date of the drawing and the date and description of all subsequent revisions on the plan. Hollymead TC (Abington Place Offices and Condos) November 29, 2005 Page 2 Final tentative approval from the Department of Community Development will be subject to the following conditions: These are the conditions that have been identified at this time. Additional conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.)» Submittal of a description and photograph or diagram and show the location of each type of outdoor luminaire that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens, including any wall - mounted lighting. 2.3 2.6.60)] [4. 17.4(b)] Submittal of a photometric plan with the site plan demonstrating that all parking area luminaires are in compliance with 4.17.4 b. Please note that the photometric plan must show lighting values up to all adjacent roadways and property lines shared with rural or residentially -zone properties.] Submit a final landscape plan that depicts the species types, number and location of all proposed planting materials and in accordance wit all requirements set forth in the zoning ordinance.] An area of interior landscaping equal to five (5) percent of the paved parking and circulation area shall be provided, including the provision of one (1) tree for every ten (10) parking spaces. Please be aware that this shall be a calculation of the total ground area dedicated to those interior plantings and not the sum of the canopy to be provided by those items at ten (10) years maturity. In accordance with Section, please note that the evergreen trees screening the parking lot from the adjacent property zoned Rural Areas cannot be counted toward the interior landscaping requirements. 5.Virginia Department of Transportation and County Engineer approval is required for the design and location of the entrance and all other improvements related to the proposed and approved public roads. Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you have any questions or require further assistance. Copy: SDP 05 -098 LRCNYtiV COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126 To:Stephen Waller, Senior Planner From:Allan Schack, Engineer Subject:SDP -2005- 00098, Abington Place, Preliminary Site Plan Date received:01 November 2005 (plans rev. date 31 October 2005) Date of Comment: 09 November 2005 The preliminary site plan for Abington Place, received on 01 November 2005, has been reviewed. The engineering review for current development recommends denial to this preliminary site plan: 1. The existing topography shown on Sheet C -1.1 does not match existing conditions on the site. Please update the existing topography on the next submittal of the preliminary site plan. [18- 32.5.6d] Rev. 1: This comment was not adequately addressed by the applicant. 2. Bumper blocks shall be provided in parking spaces #67 to #91 where the parking has curb or curb and gutter and there is a sidewalk located closer than two (2) feet from the edge of the parking area. Bumper blocks are not required where the sidewalk has a minimum width of six (6) feet. [18- 4.12.16e] Rev. 1: This comment was adequately addressed by the applicant. 3. Please provide a letter of intent for the proposed off-site grading associated with the plans. [DM 1 101 ] Rev. 1: Applicant states in a letter, dated 31 October 2005, that a letter of intent is to be sent under a separate cover. Engineering has not seen a letter of intent for the offsite grading with this preliminary site plan. This comment was not adequately addressed by the applicant. 4. The road plans for Deerwood Drive Ext. and Rivanna Way need to be approved before the final site plan can be approved for Abington Place. Rev. 1: Applicant states in a letter, dated 31 October 2005, they are coordinating with Rivanna Engineering, who is preparing the road plans, to coordinate final site plan with the road plans. This comment was adequately addressed by the applicant. File: E2 psp ADS 05 -098 Abington Place llv Aljj, COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126 To:Stephen Waller, Senior Planner From:Allan Schuck, Engineer Subject:SDP -2005- 00098, Abington Place, Preliminary Site Plan Date received:01 November 2005 (plans rev. date 31 October 2005 ) Date of Comment: 09 November 2005 The preliminary site plan for Abington Place, received on 01 November 2005, has been reviewed. The engineering review for current development recommends denial to this preliminary site plan: 1. The existing topography shown on Sheet C -1.1 does not match existing conditions on the site. Please update the existing topography on the next submittal of the preliminary site plan. [18- 32.5.6d] J Rev. 1: This comment was not adequately addressed by the applicant., — t _ I . c Bumper blocks shall be provided in parking spaces #67 to #91 where the parking has curb or curb and gutter and there is a sidewalk located closer than two (2) feet from the edge of the parking area. Bumper blocks are not required where the sidewalk has a minimum width of six (6) feet. [18- 4.12.16e] Rev. 1: This comment was adequately addressed by the applicant. Please provide a letter of intent for the proposed off -site grading associated with the plans. [DM 1 101] Rev. 1: Applicant states in a letter, dated 31 October 2005, that a letter of intent is to be sent under a separate cover. Engineering has not seen a letter of intent for the offsite grading with this preliminary site plan. This comment was not adequately addressed by the applicant.1\ , w4. The road plans for Deerwood Drive Ext. and Rivanna Way need to be approved before the final site plan can be approved for Abington Place. Rev. 1: Applicant states in a letter, dated 31 October 2005, they are coordinating with Rivanna Engineering, who is preparing the road plans, to coordinate final site plan with the road plans. This comment was adequately addressed by the applicant. File. E2 psp_ADS 05 -098 Abington Place Page 1 of 1 Stephen Waller From: Gary Whelan [gwhelan @acsanet.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 11:00 AM To:Stephen Waller Subject: Hollymead TC -Area D(Offices & Condos) Preleiminary Site Plan SDP 2005 -00098 Stephen, Final water and sewer plans must be submitted directly to the Service Authority for review and approval.Commercial and residential uses must be separately metered outside the building. Also, for your information, asofthefirstofthenewyear, all irrigation meters will have to be on a separate tap. Gary 11/30/2005 Review Comments Project Name:Hollymead Town Center -Area D (Abington Place -( Preliminary — Non - residential Date Completed:Monday, November 14, 2005 Reviewer:Jay Schlothauer Department/Division /Agency: Inspections Reviews Comments Based on plans and consultant's letter, both dated October 31, 2005. Review Status:No Objection Page: 1.00 County of Albemarle Printed 0 Wednesday, November 3( SS Nrol of aim CTQ. County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To:Clark Gathwright, Daggett & Grigg Architects From:Stephen B. Waller AICP, Senior Planner Division:Current Development Date:November 29, 2005 r Subject:SDP 05 -098 Hollymead Town Center Area D (Abington Place Offices and Condominiums) The Albemarle County Department of Community Development has reviewed the revisions to the above- mentioned preliminary site plan for planning and zoning issues. Preliminary approval will not be granted until the following comments have been addressed satisfactorily. [Where appropriate each comment is preceded by the applicable reference.]: 1.4.12. The revised parking calculations suggest that all of the residential units will be studio apartments, which are expected to have limited sizes and no more than one bedroom. However, the projected number of residential occupants suggests and average of four (4) occupants per t t unit. Please do either of the following: revise the parking calculations to reflect the number of t;, units that don't qualify as studio apartments; provide floor plans showing that all 46 of the units t3:' can indeed be classified as studio apartments; or submit a parking study and written request to allow a reduction in the number of required parking for approval by the Zoning Administrator. 5 .] Only 127 parking spaces are shown to be available between the parking lot on this site and on Gathering Place, with 25 additional spaces called out throughout the other areas of I Abington Place (Area D). The site plan shall delineate or identify the locations all required spaces indicated in the parking schedule with respect for any additional parking that will be required in response to Comment #1. Please be aware that the aggregate number of parking spaces can only be reduced, with approval of the Zoning Administrator, by a maximum of thirty -five (35) percent in accordance with Section 4.12.10(a -d) of the Zoning Ordinance, entitled Shared Parking. 6 32.5.6d] Identify all areas of the site where existing slopes are 25% or greater. Although a recently adopted policy allows an exemption of the restrictions on the disturbance of man-made critical slopes, this does not eliminate the Ordinance requirement to show and delineate all such areas. Safety railings are required at the top of all retaining walls that are 4 feet tall or greater in height. Identify the locations where the railings are proposed and provide the design specifications for these railings on the plan. 0 32.5.6a] Provide the original date of the drawing and the date and description of all subsequent revisions on the plan. Hollymead TC (Abington Place Offices and Condos) November 29, 2005 Page 2 Final tentative approval from the Department of Community Development will be subject to the following conditions: These are the conditions that have been identified at this time. Additional conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.)] Submittal of a description and photograph or diagram and show the location of each type of outdoor luminaire that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens, including any wall - mounted lighting. 2.3 2.6.60] [4.17.4(b)J Submittal of a photometric plan with the site plan demonstrating that all parking area luminaires are in compliance with 4.17.4 b. Please note that the photometric plan must show lighting values up to all adjacent roadways and property lines shared with rural or residentially -zone properties. 3.3 2.7.9] Submit a final landscape plan that depicts the species types, number and location of all proposed planting materials and in accordance wit all requirements set forth in the zoning ordinance.] An area of interior landscaping equal to five (5) percent of the paved parking and circulation area shall be provided, including the provision of one (1) tree for every ten (10) parking spaces. Please be aware that this shall be a calculation of the total ground area dedicated to those interior plantings and not the sum of the canopy to be provided by those items at ten (10) years maturity. In accordance with Section, please note that the evergreen trees screening the parking lot from the adjacent property zoned Rural Areas cannot be counted toward the interior landscaping requirements. 5.Virginia Department of Transportation and County Engineer approval is required for the design and location of the entrance and all other improvements related to the proposed and approved public roads. Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you have any questions or require further assistance. Copy: SDP 05 -098 Page 1 of 1 Allan Schuck From: Winn, Jr., John W. L.S. [John1.Winn @VDOT.Virginia.gov] Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 2:20 PM To:Allan Schuck Cc:Proctor, Charles C. Subject: SDP: 05 -098 Hollymead TC -Area D (Offices and Condos) Prelim. Site Plan Allan, All comments have been addressed. John W. Winn Jr. L.S. Contract Administrator Construction) Charlottesville Residency Tel # 434 - 293 -0011, Ext.119 john1.winn@virginiadot.org 11/28/200 Thomas Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District October 28, 2005 2134 Berkmar Dr Charlottesville, VA 22901 975-0224 TO:Stephen Waller Planning Department RE:Soils Report for: Abington Place — Offices and Condos 36c f I J 4 37C33684C 366 fitE, Y 4E 37C3 4G N\ \ 36C u -4 J 56C 1 ttt 4Df37C3 ') u.36L* i > r 1 36C, 36e 36 36B 36!140 A 4Ufl99 3763aO 37C3 "368 9 3703AO 36C 1 t,, 373- 368 36C 150 r ,, Q 31Cil 360 i e, r water 47D S ,'' r 368 l .1 2. i\ 1)14.1":t36(4 41.4 V 9 4C I! /!7 g 368 36B 88 65C j j 4U 88 656 65C 658 1 d 470 '\. 65C 658 2C, 1ti 36B j 3 368 47Gi"218 170 3C 3oC J 21G t'l B f ,Z.,p O f54C A \VA1111 2D A v 368 1 65C' 4g .D• C 'f 2iC / 1 948 i. p u /,„ i Ill 7..... 1 94C / jct. l v 55B94B y /,/ i4 / 2gc 1 ir 948 \2 3q 6B 9 t n.; ' Cgialp i Q 88 90 F78 f l 5 1 Q 88 y` y . : 6 59 Ri • na 9a8.2iB Ho er i. s.rde y trc ' illt658 1 Q 470 34C % , t40 r`! th, 94 Joins sheet 11) SCALE 1:15 840 5000 Feet 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1000 Meters 800 600 400 200 0 ALBEMARLE COUNTY. VIRGINIA NO. 6 USDA United States Natural Prepared by: Thomas Jefferson Soil & WaterDepartmentofResourcesConservationDistrictMIMIAgricultureConservation434-975-0224 Service Soils Report SOILS REPORT FOR: Abington Place - Offices Soil Survey:Albemarle County, Virginia Survey Status: Published Correlation Date: 12/01/1981 Distribution Date: 10/21/2002 Map Unit: 47C Louisburg sandy loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes Description Category: Virginia FOTG Louisburg is a stronglv sloping to moderately steep. deep or very deep, well drained soil. Typically the surface layer is sandy loam about 5 inches thick. The surface layer has a moderatek low content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is rapid. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not pondcd. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The land capability classification is 6c. The Virginia soil management group is FF. This soil is not liydric. Map Unit: 9-1B Wedowee sandy loam, 2 to 7 percent slopes Description Category: Virginia FOTG Wedowee is a gently sloping to moderately sloping_ 1, cry deep.. well drained soil. Typica.11 the surface layer is sandy loain about 7 inches thick. The surface layer has a moderately low content of organic matter. The slowest pertricabilitv is moderate. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil isnotfloodedandisnotpondcd. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The land capability classification is 2e. The Virginia soil management group is V. This soil is not hYdric. Map Unit: 94C' Wedowee sandy loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes Description Category: Virginia FOTG Wedowee is a strongly sloping to moderately steep. very deep. N ell drained soil. T\picall\ the surface laver is sandy loam about 7 inches thick. The surface layer has a moderately low content of organic mat The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The and capability classification is 4c. The Virginia soil management group is V. This soil is not hydric. Dwellings With Basements - Dominant Condition Map Symbol Soil Name Rating 47C Louisburg sandy loam.. 7 Somewhat Mimed to 15 percent slopes 94B Wedowee sandy loam. 2 to Not limited 7 percent slopes 94C Wedowee sand) loam. 7 to Somewhat limited I 5 percent slopes Thomas Jefferson SINCE)1 0/28/05 Soil Shrink -Swell - Dominant Soil Top Depth : 0 Bottom Depth : 0 Soil Survey: Albemarle County, Virginia Survey Status: Published Correlation Date: 12/01/1981 Distribution Date: 10/21/2002 Map Symbol Soil Name Rating 47C Louisburg sandy loans, 7 1.5 to 1.5 percent slopes 94B Wedowee sandy loans_ 2 to 1.5 7 percent slopes 94C Wedowee sandy loam. 7 to 1,5 15 percent slopes Corrosion Concrete - Dominant Condition Map Symbol Soil Name Rating 47C Louisburg sandy loam. 7 Moderate to 15 percent slopes 94B Wedowee sandy loan., 2 to High 7 percent slopes 94C Wedowee sandy loam, 7 to High 15 percent slopes Corrosion Steel - Dominant Condition Map Symbol Soil Name Rating 47C Louisburg sandy loam. 7 Low to 15 percent slopes 94B Wedowee sandy loan.. 2 to Moderate 7 percent slopes 94C Wedowee sandy loan.. 7 to Moderate 15 percent slopes Thomas Jefferson SWCD 2 10/28/05 oF .al,g tr COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 Phone (434) 296 -5832 - ext. 3385 Fax (434) 972 -4126 October 20, 2005 Daggett and Grigg Architects CO Clark Gathright 100 10th Street North East, Suite 200 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 SDP 05 -098 SDP 05 -098 Hollymead Town Center - Area D (Abington Place Offices and Condominiums) Dear Mr. Gathright: The Site Review Committee has reviewed the above - referenced development proposal. Preliminary comments from the following agencies, as applicable, are attached: Albemarle County Department of Community Development Albemarle County Division of Fire and Rescue Albemarle County Service Authority Virginia Department of Transportation Thomas Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District The attached comments reflect an analysis of the information available at the time the development proposal was reviewed, and should not be considered final. However, the Site Review Committee has attempted to identify all issues that could affect approval of the proposed project. Please make the revisions that have been identified as necessary for completion of reviews by the Site Review Committee and submit eight (8) full sized copies and one 11"x17" reduced copy of the plan to the Department of Planning and Community Development. If you choose not to make any of the requested revisions, please submit a written justification for not incorporating such revisions. Responses to the attached comments of the Site Review Committee must be submitted by Monday, October 31, 2005. Failure to submit the required information by this date will result in suspension of the review schedule, and requires a $65.00 fee for reinstatement. Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you have questions or require any additional information. Sincerely, Step en B. Waller, AICP Senior Planner Current Development Attachments: Site Review Comments Copy: Tribal Properties, LLC ti f?:10. County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To:Clark Gathwright, Dagget& Grigg Architects From:Stephen B. Waller AICP, Senior Planner Division:Current Development Date:October 19, 2005 Subject:SDP 05 -098 Hollymead Town Center Area D (Abington Place Offices and Condominiums) The Albemarle County Department of Community Development has reviewed the above - mentioned preliminary site plan for planning and zoning issues. Final tentative approval will not be granted until the following comments have been addressed satisfactorily. These are the conditions that have been identified at this time. The comments have been categorised according to the specific items that are being addressed, and where appropriate such comment is preceded by the applicable reference. Additional conditions may be added or eliminated based on the review farther revisions to the plan.]: 1.ZMA 02 - 02 - Code of Development for Abington Place at Hollymead Town Center/ All requirements of the approved document entitled "Code of Development for Abington Place at Hollymead Town Center (ZMA 02 -02) ", dated June 10, 2003 and hereafter identified as COD, shall be accounted for in this site plan. Staff has attempted to address as many of those items as possible with the Zoning Ordinance comments provided below. However, it is the applicant's responsibility to identify and address any desired changes or variations that are not clearly provided for in the COD. Please be aware that any such changes are subject to the approval of the Director of Planning. A.Include "Area D" in the portion of the title heading that calls this property out as being in the Hollymead Town Center. B.Provide a context plan that identifies this site as it relates to the blocks that are shown on the approved application plan. Please be aware that this particular site is Block VIII. C.The building must be designed to appear as multiple attached buildings, using a combination of offsets and changes in siding materials among other design techniques. An example of an acceptable design type for this building is shown on the architectural renderings that were provided with the application plan for the zoning map amendment for this property. D.Parking for studio apartments can be provided at one (1) space per unit, two (2) spaces per unit shall be provided for all other types of residential units. E.All street trees required along the public road frontage of this site that are not being shown on the previously submitted final site plan for Abington Place or approved road plans prepared by Rivanna Engineering) shall be provided in the landscape plan for this block.] In accordance with Section 4.2 of the Zoning Ordinance, the earth disturbing activity on slopes of 25% or greater requires a waiver from the Planning Commission. Please provide a request for approval of a waiver allowing disturbance of critical slopes that addresses each of the concerns set forth in the ordinance. Hollymead TC (Abington Place Offices and Condos) October 19, 2005 Page 2 3.3 2.5.64 Please be aware that during the review of the final site for the Abington Place Townhomes, it was determined that this property is not located in an entrance corridor overlay district. 4.3 2.5.6a/ Provide at least one datum reference for the elevation of this site. 5.3 2.5.6a4 Show or provide notations of the minimum build -to and/or building setback lines established in the document entitled "Code of Development for Abington Place at Hollymead Town Center (ZMA 02 -02) ", dated June 10, 2003. 6.3 2.5.01 In addition to the acreage of this particular site, please provide a notation of the total parcel acreage for Tax Map 32 - Parcel 46 on the plan.] The site plan shall delineate or identify the locations all required spaces indicated in the parking schedule. Currently, only 116 parking spaces are shown for this site and its adjacent streets and the required number must be coordinated with the amount of spaces that are needed for rest of Area D (Abington Place) and other nearby areas within the town center. Please be aware that the aggregate number of parking spaces can be reduced by a maximum of thirty -five (35) percent in accordance with Section 4.12.10(a -d) of the Zoning Ordinance, entitled Shared Parking. 8.3 2.5.641 Identify all areas of the site where existing slopes are 25% or greater. Identify the limits of clearing, grading and construction and indicate any areas where existing vegetation is proposed to remain undisturbed. 10. 32.5.6A] The location and design of the 18 -inch RCP in the storm sewer line running along the northern side of Deerwood Drive does not match that which is shown on the most recent revision to the final site plan and road design for Abington Place Townhomes. Please make sure that these utility lines and easements match those plans.] Provide the distance from the proposed points of ingress /egress for this site to the nearest existing or approved street intersection. 12. 32.5. 6nJ Provide the paving material for the dumpster pad and the material type and height of screening fence. 13. 32.5.6n] Show the proposed locations of all outdoor lighting fixtures. 14. Safety railings are required at the top of all retaining walls that are 4 feet tall or greater in height. Show the location and provide the design specifications for these railings on the plan. Final tentative approval from the Department of Community Development will be subject to the following conditions: These are the conditions that have been identified at this time. Additional conditions may be added or eliminated based on, /iirther review.) 1.3 2.6.60] Submittal of a description and photograph or diagram and show the location of each type of outdoor luminaire that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens, including any wall - mounted lighting. Hollymead TC (Abington Place Offices and Condos) October 19, 2005 Page 3 [4.17.4(b)J Submittal of a photometric plan with the site plan demonstrating that all parking area luminaires are in compliance with 4.17.4 b. Please note that the photometric plan must show lighting values up to all adjacent roadways and property lines shared with rural or residentially -zone properties. 3.3 2.7.9] Submit a final landscape plan that depicts the species types, number and location of all proposed planting materials and in accordance wit all requirements set forth in the zoning ordinance.] An area of interior landscaping equal to five (5) percent of the paved parking and circulation area shall be provided, including the provision of one (1) tree for every ten (10) parking spaces. Please be aware that this shall be a calculation of the total ground area dedicated to those interior plantings and not the sum of the canopy to be provided by those items at ten (10) years maturity. In accordance with Section, please note that the evergreen trees screening the parking lot from the adjacent property zoned Rural Areas cannot be counted toward the interior landscaping requirements. 5.Provide a signature panel on the cover sheet with approval lines for the following agencies and /or individuals: Planner (Current Development)Fire /Rescue Division Engineer (Current Development)Building Official Service Authority Virginia Department of Transportation Architectural Review Board 6.Virginia Department of Transportation and County Engineer approval is required for the design and location of the entrance and all other improvements related to the proposed and approved public roads. Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you have any questions or require further assistance. Copy: SDP 05 -098 a i' /Zt /os i County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To:Clark Gathwright, Dagget& Grigg Architects From:Stephen B. Waller AICP, Senior Planner Division:Current Development Date:October 19, 2005 Subject:SDP 05 -098 Hollymead Town Center Area D (Abington Place Offices and Condominiums) The Albemarle County Department of Community Development has reviewed the above - mentioned preliminary site plan for planning and zoning issues. Final tentative approval will not be granted until the following comments have been addressed satisfactorily. [These are the conditions that have been identified at this time. The comments have been categorized according to the specific items that are being addressed, and where appropriate each comment is preceded by the applicable reference. Additional conditions may be added or eliminated based on the review further revisions to the plan.] 1.ZMA 02 - 02 - Code of Development for Abington Place at Hollymead Town Center] All requirements of the approved document entitled "Code of Development for Abington Place at Hollymead Town Center (ZMA 02 -02) ", dated June 10, 2003 and hereafter identified as COD, shall be accounted for in this site plan. Staff has attempted to address as many of those items as possible with the Zoning Ordinance comments provided below. However, it is the applicant's responsibility to identify and address any desired changes or variations that are not clearly provided for in the COD. Please be aware that any such changes are subject to the approval of the Director of Planning. A.Include "Area D" in the portion of the title heading that calls this property out as being in the Hollymead Town Center. Provide a context plan that identifies this site as it relates to the blocks that are shown on the approved application plan. Please be aware that this particular site is Block VIII. The building must be designed to appear as multiple attached buildings, using a combination of offsets and changes in siding materials among other design techniques. An example of an acceptable design type for this building is shown on the architectural renderings that were provided with the application plan for the zoning map amendment for this property.14/ Ott 5.r•Parking for studio apartments can be provided at one (1) space per unit, two (2) spaces per unit shall be provided for all other types of residential units. E.All street trees required along the public road frontage of this site that are not being shown on the previously submitted final site plan for Abington Place or approved road plans prepared by Rivanna Engineering) shall be provided in the landscape plan for this block. 32.5.3] In accordance with Section 4.2 of the Zoning Ordinance, the earth disturbing activity on slopes of 25% or greater requires a waiver from the Planning Commission. Please provide a request for approval of a waiver allowing disturbance of critical slopes that addresses each of the concerns set forth in the ordinance. 4 Hollymead TC (Abington Place Offices and Condos) October 19, 2005 Page 2] Please be aware that during the review of the final site for the Abingtongon Place Townhomes, it was determined that this property is not located in an entrance corridor overlaydistrict. 4. 32.5.6a] Provide at least one datum reference for the elevation of this site.] Show or provide notations of the minimum build -to and/or building setback lines established in the document entitled "Code of Development for Abington Place at Hollymead TownCenter (ZMA 02 -02) ", dated June 10, 2003. X .32.5.6b] In addition to the acreage of this particular site, please provide a notation of the total parcel acreage for Tax Map 32 - Parcel 46 on the plan. 0 32.5.6bJ The site plan shall delineate or identify the locations all required spaces indicated in the parking schedule. Currently, only 116 parking spaces are shown for this site and its adjacent streets and the required number must be coordinated with the amount of spaces that are needed for rest of Area D (Abington Place) and other nearby areas within the town center. Please be aware that the aggregate number of parking spaces can be reduced by a maximum of thirty-five (35) percent in accordance with Section 4.12.10(a -d) of the Zoning Ordinance, entitled Shared Parking.ogr [32.5.6d] Identify all areas of the site where existing sloes are 25% g p o or greater. X [32.5.6e] Identify the limits of clearing, grading and construction and indicate any areas where existing vegetation is proposed to remain undisturbed. 10i 32.5.6k] The location and design of the 18 -inch RCP in the storm sewer line running along the northern side of Deerwood Drive does not match that which is shown on the most recent revision to the final site plan and road design for Abington Place Townhomes. Please make sure that these utility lines and easements match those plans. Vl] Provide the distance from the proposed points of ingress /egress for this site to the nearest existing or approved street intersection. 1' 2. 32.5.6nJ Provide the paving material for the dumpster pad and the material type and height ofscreeningfence. 1" 3. 32.5.6nJ Show the proposed locations of all outdoor lighting fixtures. 14 Safety railings are required at the top of all retaining walls that are 4 feet tall or greater in height. Show the location and provide the design specifications for these railings on the plan. Final tentative approval from the Department of Community Development will be subject to thefollowingconditions: These are the conditions that have been identified at this time. Additional conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review) I.132.6.60)) Submittal of a description and photograph or diagram and show the location of each type of outdoor luminaire that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens, including any wall - mounted lighting. Hollymead TC (Abington Place Offices and Condos) October 19, 2005 Page 3] [4.17.4(b)J Submittal of a photometric plan with the site plan demonstrating that all parking area luminaires are in compliance with 4.17.4 b. Please note that the photometric plan must show lighting values up to all adjacent roadways and property lines shared with rural or residentially -zone properties. 3.32. 7.9] Submit a final landscape plan that depicts the species types, number and location of all proposed planting materials and in accordance wit all requirements set forth in the zoning ordinance. 4.3 An area of interior landscaping equal to five (5) percent of the paved parking and circulation area shall be provided, including the provision of one (1) tree for every ten (10) parking spaces. Please be aware that this shall be a calculation of the total ground area dedicated to those interior plantings and not the sum of the canopy to be provided by those items at ten (10) years maturity. In accordance with Section, please note that the evergreen trees screening the parking lot from the adjacent property zoned Rural Areas cannot be counted toward the interior landscaping requirements. 5.Provide a signature panel on the cover sheet with approval lines for the following agencies and /or individuals: Planner (Current Development)Fire /Rescue Division Engineer (Current Development)Building Official Service Authority Virginia Department of Transportation Architectural Review Board 6.Virginia Department of Transportation and County Engineer approval is required for the design and location of the entrance and all other improvements related to the proposed and approved public roads. Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you have any questions or require further assistance. Copy: SDP 05 -098 t'Y }' VF sq C M MC)N W F A L._ - I E _1 ((-_) R 11 r DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 701 VDOT Way Charlottesville, VA 22911 GREGORY A. WHIRLEY ACTING COMMISSIONER October 14, 2005 Glenn Brooks Department of Engineering and Development 401 Maclntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: Site and Subdivision Review Comments Dear Mr. Brooks Below are VDOT,s comments on the following plan packages from the site review meeting on October 11, 2005. SDP 2005 -00075 Cottages at Jefferson Heights Phase III (Stephen Waller) This plan creates 4 single family dwellings in phase III of a 10 unit plan; Standard VDOT notes shall be required, (obtain permit, video inspection) Full frontage improvements on Rte. 250 need to be extended across the property to the eastern boundary; Roadway improvements shall be designed in accordance with the current Road Design Manual; SUB 2005 -00289 Montgomery Ridge -Phase III (Yadira Amarante) Phase III needs to be properly labeled; All accesses and roadways shall be designed in accordance with the current Subdivision Street Standards, The Minimum Standards for Entrances to State Highways, and the Road Design Manual; Road plans and drainage computations will be required. SUB 2005 -00288 Rio East Office Park(Francis MacCall) Site plans for these parcels have previously been reviewed and approved; No additional comments at this time. 0 YEARS OF TRANSPORTATION EXCELLENCE 1 9 0 6 2 0 0 6 Mr Brooks October 14, 2005 Page 2 SDP 2005 -00098 Abington Place- Offices and Condominiums(Stephen Waller) Parking on Deerfield is considered intermittent and can not be stripped; Sight distance at the intersection of Deerfield Drive and Rivanna Way? The curb cut for the maintenance road off of Deerfield Drive needs to be designed as a private entrance. (CG -9D) All accesses and roadways shall be designed in accordance with the current Subdivision Street Standards, The Minimum Standards for Entrances to State Highways, and the Road Design Manual; Road plans and drainage computations will be required. Please request the applicant to submit a written description of the revisions when resubmitting for review. If you should have concerns with these comments, please dicuss with this office prior to sharing with the applicant. Sincerely John W. Winn Jr. L.S. Contract Administrator Cc: Stephen Waller, Yadria Amarante, Francis MacCall o' .\L„ Wt COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 Mclntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126 To:Stephen Waller, Senior Planner From:Allan Schuck, Engineer Subject:SDP -2005- 00098, Abington Place, Preliminary Site Plan Date received:27 September 2005 (plans date 26 September 2005) Date of Comment: 13 October 2005 The preliminary site plan for Abington Place, received on 27 September 2005, has been reviewed. The engineering review for current development requests changes to this preliminary site plan: 1. The existing topography shown on Sheet C -1.1 does not match existing conditions on the site. Please update the existing topography on the next submittal of the preliminary site plan. [18- 32.5.6d] 2. Bumper blocks shall be provided in parking spaces #67 to #91 where the parking has curb or curb and gutter and there is a sidewalk located closer than two (2) feet from the edge of the parking area. Bumper blocks are not required where the sidewalk has a minimum width of six (6) feet. [18- 4.12.16e] 3. Please provide a letter of intent for the proposed off -site grading associated with the plans. [DM 1 101 ] 4. The road plans for Deerwood Drive Ext. and Rivanna Way need to be approved before the final site plan can be approved for Abington Place. File: El psp_ADS_05 -098 Abington Place Review Comments Project Name:Hollymead Town Center -Area D (Abington Place -C Preliminary — Non - residential Date Completed:Tuesday, October 18, 2005 Reviewer:Tamara Ambler Department/Division /Agency: Water Resources Manager Reviews Comments There is an intermittent stream along the western boundary of the parcel - although no buffer requirements apply, it was assessed as a designed urban water feature. This means that the corridor could be managed to provide open space, pocket parks, and water features, perhaps in conjunction with stormwater management. Review Status:No Objection Page: 1.00 County of Albemarle Printed 0 Wednesday, October 19, ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY TO:Stephen Waller, Planner FROM: Gary Whelan, Civil Engineer DATE: October 17, 2005 RE:Site Plan Technical Review for: Abington Place Offices & Condos TM 32, Parcel 46) The below checked items apply to this site. SDP - 2005 -00098 X 1. This site plan is not within the Authority's jurisdictional area for: X A. Water and sewer B. Water only C. Water only to existing structure D. Limited service X 2. A 12 inch water line is located onsite. X 3. Fire flow from nearest public hydrant, located distant from this site plan, is 1592 gpm + at 20 psi residual. X 4. A 6 inch sewer line is located onsite. 5. An Industrial Waste Ordinance survey form must be completed. X 6. No improvements or obstructions shall be placed within existing or future easements. 7.and plans are currently under review. 8.and plans have been received and approved. 9. No plans are required. X 10. Final water and sewer plans are required for our review and approval prior to granting tentative approval. 11. Final site plan may /may not be signed. 12. RWSA approval for water and /or sewer connections. Comments: Separate residential & commercial meters. The site plan does not show or incorrectly shows: meter locations waterline size waterline locations sewer line size sewer line locations expected wastewater flows easements expected water demands Review Comments Project Name:Hollymead Town Center -Area D (Abington Place -( Preliminary — Non - residential Date Completed:Monday, October 17, 2005 Reviewer:Jay Schlothauer Department/Division /Agency: Inspections Reviews Comments Based on the total number of parking spaces required (177), six must be barrier -free (4 for the business uses, and 2 for the residential uses). Review Status:Requested Changes Page: 1.00 County of Albemarle Printed 0 Monday, October 17, 2005 Review Comments Project Name:Hollymead Town Center -Area D (Abington Place -( Preliminary — Non - residential Date Completed:Tuesday, October 04, 2005 Reviewer:Andrew Slack Department/Division /Agency: E911 Reviews Comments THE APPLICANT SHOULD PROVIDE A LIST OF APPROVED ROAD NAME ON THE PLAN BEFORE THE FINAL SITE PLANS ARE SUBMITTED. Review Status:Requested Changes Page: 1.00 County of Albemarle Printed 0 Monday, October 17, 200E