HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200700002 Plan - Approved 2007-02-02THE MEADOWS EXPANSION HOME & COMMUNITY CENTER for the ELDERLY PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN ALBEMARLE COUNTY GROZET, VIRGINIA SHEET INDEX PROJECT DATA 1. PROJECT NAME: THE MEADOWS EXPANSION 2. OWNER /DEVELOPER: JORDAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION P.O. BOX 5608 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22905 3. TAX MAP 56 PARCEL 14B, DB 651; PG 147 - 1.050 ACRES - ACCESS ROAD PARCEL 14C, DB 651; PG 147 = 23.743 ACRES (PARCEL A) PARCEL 14C1, DB 1120; PG 459 = 3.100 ACRES (PARCEL A -1) TOTAL ACREAGE - 26.843 ACRES 4. BOUNDARY PROVIDED BY THOMAS B. LINCOLN LAND SURVEYOR, INC. 5. AERIAL TOPOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY A.C.S.A. 6. MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WHITE HALL 7. ZONING: PRD, SEE ZMA 85 -5 6 ZMA 2003 -005 (ALLOWING UP TO 96 TOTAL UNITS) B. PRESENT USE: HOMES FOR THE ELDERLY 9. PROPOSED USE: SAME, ADDING ADDITIONAL ONE STORY APARTMENTS 10. THE SITE LIES WITHIN THE RIVANNA RESERVOIR WATERSHED. it. THIS PROJECT WILL BE SERVED WITH PUBLIC WATER AND SEWER. 12. THIS PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN A DEFINED 100 YEAR FLOOD ZONE. 13. MINIMUM SETBACKS: BUILDING PARKING FRONT - 30 FEET FRONT - 10 FEET SIDE - 35 FEET REAR - FEET 14. PARKING CALCULATIONS: EXISTING SPACES: 58 -ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS - 1.5 SPACES PER APT.= 87 SPACES PARKING PROVIDED = 97 SPACES NEW SPACES: 38 -ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS - 1.5 SPACES PER APT.= 57 SPACES PARKING PROVIDED = 57 SPACES 15. EXISTING SITE INFORMATION: BUILDING AREA PAVEMENT AREA IMPERVIOUS AREA GRASS AREAS WOOD AREAS TOTAL 16. NEW SITE INFORMATION: BUILDING AREA PAVEMENT AREA IMPERVIOUS AREA 0.75 ACRES ( 3 %) 1.05 ACRES ( 4 %) ACRES ( 7 %) 11.29 ACRES (42 %) 13.75 ACRES (51 %) 297M ACRES 0.66 ACRES ( 3 %) 38 UNITS 0.99 ACRES ( 4 %) fib ACRES ( 7 %) 17. COMBINED SITE INFORMATION: BUILDING AVEMENT AREA IMPERVIOUS AREA GRASS AREAS WOOD AREAS TOTAL 1.41 ACRES ( 5 %) 2Q ACRES ( 8 %) 3.45 ACRES (13 %) 9.86 ACRES (37X)) OPEN SPACE-23.39 ACRES (87 %)13.53 ACRES (50 %) 2UM3 ACRES 18. NUMBER OF STORIES: 1 19. BUILDING HEIGHT IS LESS THAN 35 FEET. 20. EACH OUTDOOR LUMINAIRE EQUIPPED WITH A LAMP WHICH EMITS 3,000 OR MORE INITIAL LUMENS SHALL BE A FULL CUTOFF LUMINAIRE OR A DECORATIVE LUMINAIRE WITH FULL CUTOFF OPTICS. 21. THE SPILLOVER OF LIGHTING FROM PARKING AREA LUMINAIRES ON TO PUBLIC ROADS AND PROPERTY IN RESIDENTIAL OR RURAL AREAS ZONING DISTRICTS SHALL NOT EXCEED ONE -HALF (1/2) FOOT CANDLE. 22. THERE ARE NO SLOPES GREATER THAN 25% (CRITICAL SLOPES) THAT WILL BE DISTURBED WITH THIS REVISED SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL.(PENDING NOTE, TO BE DETERMINED) TO GROZET BROWNSV I LLE E.S. HENLEY M.S. y- W.A. EXIT 10 1-64 l-jN I TY GROZET AVE. RT. 240 RT. 250 I TO IVY MILLER SGFIOOL ROAD RT. 635 N E S SHEET I COVER SHEET units =38 SHEET 2 EX I ST I NCB TOPOCGRAPHY SHEET 3 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT FRONT SHEET 4 PROPOSED DEVELOMPENT MIDDLE I SHEET 5 -PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT MIDDLE 2 SHEET 6 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT BAGK SHEET 7 -PREL I M I NARY LANDSCAPE PLAN Existing units =58 New units =38 Total units =96 APT. BUILDING 30 UNITS) TMP 56 -1461 MEADOWS HOU5IN6 CORP. PARCEL A -I TO GROZET f' ONE STORY APT. BLDG (7) 28 UNITS) J r r t'' r1 L "I 5 ii rrr t, t tt tr t tr r J r TO RT. 250 ZMA #2003 -005 Proffers dated October 6. 2004 Tax Map and Parcel Numbers) 56-14C 6 14Ci 1) Maximum Units. The maximum number of residential units is ninety -six. 2) Occupancy. Occupancy shall be limited to persons ageid sixty -two years or older, low and moderate income elderly and /or disabled persons who qualify as such under regulations established by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. .A husband and wife occupying a dwelling unit shall be qualified occupants provided that one of t* spouses is at least sixty -two years old. 3) Walking Path. The walking path (identified on the Appplication Plan as "Proposed Walking Path ') shall be located as shown on the Application Plan andl shall be shown on every subdivision plat or site plan. The path shall be no less than five feet in width, ex(cept where existing landscaping or utilities prevent the full five foot width. The subsurface shall be four iinches of crushed stone and the surface shall be asphalt, prime and seal, recycled pavement, crusted stone, or +any other hard surface approved by the County Engineer. 4) Temporary Construction Easement. The Owner shall reserve that area identified on the Application Plan as "20' Wide Temporary Construction Easement. . ." Upon the request of the County, the Owner shall grant to the County a twenty -foot wide temporary construction easement in the location shown on the Application Plan to facilitate the construction of a ;street on Tax Map 56 Parcel 17A connecting Crozet Avenue to the Old Trail Subdivision. This proffer andlthe Owner's grant of this easement shall be conditional upon the County agreeing in the deed of easement to restore as nearly as possible the premises within the easement to their original condition by backfilling trenches, replacing fences, trees and shrubbery, and reseeding or restoring groundcover, proovided that the County shall not be required to repair or replace any structures within the easement. If thei County does not request the temporary construction easement within ten years of the date of approval of ;ZMA 2003 -005, this proffer shall expire and the lands shall thereafter not be subject to this reservation. 5) Land Disturbance. Land disturbance shall be limited Ito those areas where a structure, utility, driveway, street, parking area or other such improvements are shhown on the application plan. Additional disturbance may take place if the agent finds that the location, (design, construction, and maintenance of these improvements will have the minimum environmental impact on the areea and yet allow the improvements to adequately serve the project. The site plan shall include a Treee Conservation Plan as described in Section of the Zoning Ordinance. The tree preservation area :shall be shown on the site plan. GROZET AVE. RT. 240) PARCEL 145 COUNTY 01= ALBEMARLE MEADOW DRIVE RT. 1230) ALBEMARLE COUNTY ENGINEERING' GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES SITE PLANS 1. Prior to any construction within any existing public right -of -way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) . This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit. Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of hte permit shall govern. 2. All paving, drainage related materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications and standards of VOOT uAless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing,grading, or other construction. 4. All slopes an disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontal: vertical) . Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 4:1 or better are to be acheived. 5. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditches my be required when in the opinion of the Albemarle County Director of Engineering, or the Director's designee, it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 6. All traffic cuntrol signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 7. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class III B. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926) . OTHER CONSTRUCTION NOTES 9. The location of existing utilities across or along the line of the proposed work are not necessarily shown on the plans and where shown are only approximately correct. The r.rmtractor shall on his own initiative locate all underground lines and structured as necessary. 10.The contractor shall verify the locations of all boundaries, buildings, vegetationandotherpecsiteelements. II.The contractor shall be responsible for notifying "MISS UTILITY" - 1- 800 - 552 -7001. 12.Contour interval = 5 Foot r - • . 1= 11= 11 = 11= 11 =11 =11 =111 ASPHALT, P4 D5, RECYCLED PAVEMENT OR CRUSHED STONE 5' WIDE D Op0pp00 0pgp.,,, - 4 " COMPACTEDQSTONE COMPACTED- VDOT 021A SUBGRADE WALKING PATH DETAIL u- n- "ur -u--n. • 1= 11.- -. II =11= . • TYPICAL SIDEWALK DETAIL CONSTRUCTION JOINTS TO BE 6 Q.G., 1/4" WIDE, I" DEEP EXPAN51ON JOINTS TO BE 50'0.0. OR LE55 LIGHT BROOM FIN 15H LEGEND W _W S S S S NEW WATER LINE EX. SANITARY LINE NEW SANITARY LINE APPROVAL BLOCK DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE RECEIVEv COMA fie_ tLOP DATE JANUARY 2, 2001 REVISIONS February a, 2007 SCA 1 " =200' T ti 5: x 5MIT# C ers No. I4541 ti O • ` Z O zW aC w m 3 0LM00 WWC G L 0 WZ 2 H to w co 2 C w 0 U BRIAN P. SMITH, PE CIVIL ENGINEERINC6, ING aW @@M pomm M 1 ° LTD ° m Ilm 105 PC-5T HIGH STREET GHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 TEL: (434) 296 -3644 FAX: (434) 296 -2041 bpspeoecrthllnknet JOB NUMBER 02- 013 -00 ON6. NAME 51TE PLAN LPRO SHEET 1 of 7 DANE JANUARY 2, 200 REVISIONS February 9, 200`7 ab -I °. "P r y b - i , \ \\ \ w • sue' ` THP IAr-191Ca0,'5., Pc \ \ \ o - 8 J r to le way3D`: c i RE51D I \ o _ !Co `RI nce CL NING r \ // y G \ . \ o o 1 j 3 A o I - `` / ' ' -1 'i` \ \ . T \ \ Fr nk, 4 nn 6525TMP56-14M I Rest 1- / \ o X l J + nceCA5TNER, KEVIN OR JUDITH + V RI, RE5IDENGE 1\ \ \B KAMP, J P40P LZ71 TMP 5b 0 .) b J RI V /"C:`tT 14N TMP -14E BROKA O 1, _/ AJSHEHGOl1.TTE - . " { 6S \ 1 \ I f \ RI, VAC JEA ANT / / / / 9g i J 650. AIGE- --- ,\ \ J TMP"5b -!4 1 / 5 \ 0 i t L J/ J J IL Tmp 5b ! B OKAMP \ -i. // s , f 5HAP5, MI H 14 EL R4-,- 'ANT R - 510ENPE X Tip 5b -14P-- 56- KEL DAB IEL Of j_ .ANA FINER M. RE5 ENCE I, IDEN " / %/ • . r E ry \ \, 50.2 Z J JSANITSEWER / o / Jar 1 ` I / f n, Wa l er HLe i 2556 OPEN- DAI EX. 15' LGEEASEMNT r C ..•. •..• - •_ --- / / \ 1648 4 / .-- - 56 -J 105.54 ) ___J0RDAKDE'v'`ELOPMENT G _.- TMP 56 -35 4PARCELA T EX. 4 UNIT ` ' -_ 1 ( Booth, Michael 1 j - .• ' , ' • ' 657.8 r 65 \ ' — •tih(OtO --- -.,_ ; EX . 0 ' ACSA \ ` RI, Residencei'• rxm / _--- ___- PT. BLDG EASEMENT Jpi°p' ---- (28 UNIT ._.._ 1 ONE 'A (ISO- EAR)FLOD PIN LVMI / D9 67P 4 A5 5 ONIA ON HE F:F.R.M MAFP5 FOR l ALBEMAR E COUNTY t ANEL 190 \ / / - - ` s57 : \ \ C ROZET AVL X121 °IbZ'Ib "1 :I • - , ( . 240) 16 5' 5 / - 'r EX 8" DIP WL _- o O' AWBUFFE r :• ROfc1 THE FLOOD / I I1 EX. 30 A6G95PLINEDGE I - I I I A0D4MAGE ( _ I E SEMENT2 iWASEMEMTS_ I - 1EaTARY5"R - •.• •• • r \ -- _ D; - P6 459 J3 ' AGGE55 / / ! ?/' r ` __ h \ ' 3 , , r- f' RGEL N 14B / 742'q7 i 1 NTY OF 38.64' :. • 1120; tG -= - -- . EX. — - - - s5 _ EMARLE I /r _= COMMUNITY SLA5T0VNq"R.AW H GENTERr APERENN I AL 5 AM II - 1. O& E 1 / / 6s7 I / \ o\. — — j / s6 r _..f /` l l I j l / i l` -•-- ,231.1 ` f _ 5 //• . • -,/ , ` `a ./ ' .` Q s •~- "" ' • / / " . \6 o — `I I ` - — I I 668 3 ' J J / 1 INN NNI Pl Q p / r-'' Py 5 // s j / // \\ 71 EX . 8' D WL i 5 • . 0 SP/ l Q /EX. 20' UTIL TY EASEMENT N p' ' . • . : /' Pj / / y /j,C / //j ss /' • - - , . •' ` - -'/ /' J Tc3mb5 / R - am 7 °49'13 "W 49!19' _ - ''` J iI; J Re nce p' 1 ' i / ` r 255!5 OPEN AGE / ..._ .... \ / r • e ` !'' 6s•7.3 f r u N7b 36 42 1060.15 618 5 25A5 /AGE / jl \ ( I tey nce_ .TMP 56L 17A ` ` \ C / .a _ _ - -- -- __ , 626 ^ ! I i e5ane g1I GGUlTY OF A RCI,1 • - r ' s 5641'5 /1 •' _ RI ZCPNINC'\ \. °' ` TMP 56 -1461 - ^,c H@tt7#015T HER % i / BROIAtt1l5 E ', \ x r MEADO WOU61R6 CORP. / L IDDLE^MEN RY HLS -- `•,- OR,rIIAR,aARET J* I / 1--- -' / /' --15' SANITARY`MENT / _` ^ P'AGEC A -I ' - RI, SiDE I I r/ 1313. 660: PG. 1B4 \ SGALE I" =100' O Ci 5NIITIf c rw. 1451 t O ONAL '6 Z O QWa W W m 0 C) O WW 22 0 WZ 2 H 2 a 9 D 0 0. O 0 Z 5 BRIAN P, SMITH, PE CIVIL ENGINEERING, ING OM o mmo °wD ° m om 105 PE HIGH 5TRET GHARLOT'TE5VILLE, VA 22802 TEL: (434) 29b -3644 FAX: (434) 2qb- -2041 peoea thllnkret JOB NUMBER 02- 013 -00 DH6. NAME 51TE PLAN LPRO 25% OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENT: PARCEL 14C = 23.743 AC. x 0.25 = 5.94 AC. REQUIRED: 6.08 AC. SHOWN PARCEL 14CI = 3.1 AC. x .25 - 0.78 AC. REQUIRED: 0.78 AC. SHOWN TOPO 5OURGE: A.0.5.A. CONTOUR INTERVAL 15 5 FEET U.547.5. VERTICAL DATUM SHEET 2 of 7 DATE JANUARY 2, 2007 REVISIONS February 9, 2007 SGALE 111 =20' S p C ATE No. o OQ` 14591 1 91 Z O Qw CL J w m 0 C) 0 WW 22 0 WI 2 Z w 2 CL O 00 oLL w O a 0 a BRIAN P. SMITH, PE GIVIL ENGINEERING, ING GOLF COU'R' SI KHICrN TE DfSICr,N LAND &CANNING 105 VEST H16 STREET CHAR OTTEWIL.LE, VA 22902 TEL: (434) 296 -3644 FAX: (434) 296 -2041 by Gea"thlink.net JOB NUMBER 02- 013 -00 DVq&. NAME 51TE PLAN I.PRO SHEET7iof7 DATE JANUARY 2, 200 REVISIONS February 01, 200 SGALE 111 =20' O v x Q. a c ATE No. 14591 t O ONAL ' Z O Q W a W W m 1:) O W W 2 0 WI 2 H w 2 CL 0 .Jr- W J Q 0 0 c G CO 0 LL 0 Ll a BRIAN P. SMITH, PE CIVIL ENGINEERING, ING GOLF C , iL'E I §SICrN FI tTi I ©E ?SIGNi LAND PLANNING 105 VAST H1644 STREET GHARLOTTE5VILL.E, VA 22x02 TEL, (434) 2CI6 -3644 FAX: (434) 2Q6 -2041 JOB NUMBER 02- 013 -00 DHO. NAME 51 TE PLAN I .PRO SHEET 4 of 7 1701 • 1 JANUARY 2, 2007 REV I S I ON5 February a, 2007 5GALE 111 = 20' O p ti a . 91TH C A72 No. o &I 14NI 1 pt Z O Q W X W m Lm C) O W W 22 0 WZ Z W 2 a O LLJ W Q J Uj CO 0 a. 0 a BRIAN P, SMITH, PE GIVIL ENCGINEERIN6, ING CTOLF COU'RSE D§SICrN SIT E DE ?SIGN - LAND PLANNING 105 WEST H16 STREET CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22802 TEL: (434) 2ab -3644 FAX: (434) 2qb -2041 JOB NUMBER 02- 013 -00 DNO. NAME 51 TE PLAN I .PRO SHEET 5 OF 7 DATE JANUARY 2, 2007 REVISIONS February a, 2007 SGALE 1 O Y + 'A BRI. SMITH C ATE No. 14541 1 a9jORAL Z O zry Q W a w m 3 0 LM 00 WW 22 0 W = 2 f- W 2 CL O Lu Y DQ m D w O a O CL BRIAN P. SMITH, PE GIVIL ENGINEERING, ING GOLF COU'R' DESIGN SITE DESIGN LAND PLAN 105 WEST HIGH STREET CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22402 TEL. (434) 246 -3644 FAX: (434) 246 -2041 bpspeoearthllnk.net JOB NUMBER 02- 013 -00 DWC7. NAME 51TE PLAN I.PRO SHEET 6oF7 DATE February q, 200'1 REVISIONS SGALE 111 =501 o It Nz Q eRl. SHTH c ATE No. rOXAL Z O Qwa W LU m 0 0 O WW 22 0 W = Z W a Cl) Q D Z g pq Q z W v CL BRIAN P. SMITH, PE GIVIL ENGINEERING, ING GOLF C DESIGN DESIGN LAND PLAN'S 105 VC-5T NIGH 5TREET GHARLOTfE5VILLE, VA 22q02 TEL: (434) 296 -3644 FAX: (434) 2q6 --2041 bpspecearthlink.net JOB NUMBER 09- 013 -00 OH67. NAME 51 TE PLAN I .PRO SHEET 77