HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200700036 Study 2006-08-29k1beinal coun(v, Vinfinia 1uqu5l 29, 2006 Prepared for: McKee Carson and Field Sports Concepts, Ltd. LETTEk .........................~'~.,.,..~,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,.,,I x/if.//\t//`— .................................... .... — ... ........ ............. —.............. .... v.,f/it/'//`/////`,---.--^—.-------------------------'/ iN/'/\/`//m//\',/k/hvor//x//it \/Vm,/.'` ...... ---....... ........... ........... h n/`/,/o.'/V//'v// >'////i /\//(------------------------''' o //i/` m./mo.'////o/m/ '// /--------------------- --' It /' )It //\'//kIh )it r//x///k \'//x/u. ...... --......... .................. . ... ........y k/m0 ,' if /<'//w. 'it )'\/I.//rv`///(\// ......... — .................... ........ xzoxxx9''no 4PPE8DJIX^4' lilt nprrdonl Lit nini APPENDIX ZJ- lilt ,e`'r|iwl[u})a'i\! \uuki\\orkbn1s Popue'|by: lo*eph l.[nbggam' Pl cu: tih. (ll,i }li'ti C. Procif;r III I )isil'ict '1I "inspol tilli(m I'lilinwr 11111o1 t'r Pislrlc C ll,`,11)i t I lt'lliil tii }t'Ici of I r'ulI I)f)rlilhon I i 3 i I ()I i)Ci!;t' Rioad ullw per, \ lr iniii ' ', M I'ir",I (_h Yi siIiIll (A Atrt'lt llh.'llli)rlc (, O,11111", \ ;r;_!,tllia ltr lob 'tiu.: 2t11()- ()6() I 1)c ilr Mr. Prurttll I he 'Cl ill'lic (;rtrlip, Inc:. lips Ill:vp iriA i) 'l ri)l A Impoul Sind) for lht' proposNI l irsl ('11r1sli<in ( llilrt h. Fhc' f)rt)I)t'rt} is lint "ed In ills' iloriht'i)y tituldi -i)1)i of IN US ._>t) ami ktwit I, RvItl tRo"ly T3 1 1 i1) WrliaHe C'clrnoy \ irc}illiit. I h,, We N pliurnt'tl to ht' tic\vIuf)t'(1 itiilh ii - Ii it) tit'ilt Church.h. Thu ,t cqw of »c:rl, "as t.lu,er3)ti1wd Iq ifr. t h,xWs 1'n it,,, f )onj I Iimsporiplir)1i 1'li)r31iur, C ulpul)ur Disirici, \ irg;lliiil I)cpa tincilt of l ri)3lsportplitill. It N \its (Ict('I'illiliutl that ill(' ilitcl 'trait) ()l t '' '. () i311t1 kcs11ick Road (Rt ua 73 1 ) "oulcl bu irladIzaL AcklltrcuLdly, mm thi`+ is it church wi hin 11 Kirnpi t"'('ktli)} iirn iilltf pin p hOLI I011-111luS, it ti\ " Js' determined to stitch jrlsl Hie Sluldai Mortlirl„ peak honr. 1s part of the tlia;il \4is, 1hc' i2)f1o"f, exhilms "we 1m Ili)r('tl: E'Xhibit I - Site.Location Mal? Hus tQuilit slims the rt'1athe lc)wtion of thu prul)cmm tlwt'lc)f)3inat and the inlerst'ction. Lx1libit ? - Existing Ltine. t;se I1)is e \hihii shrn \s thc e\is13n:) hilt ,1st' iuld lraliic control tit'\ict's X11 tl)u su11c'(1 it3tf'l"0(_'ti0l3. ( ul)clitit7l) tli r,;ri)Ills , nd pllolo);'rpllhs of the 1ric,i11ti1) Lilt! Int'Ititluti ill A. MAW - t xisiilntJ_Peai:fltau_r_ lraf fic Volunics the Irallit (,rcnilc, Inc. (Aluclod ttlr11iy lllf7"qilt•11) wtllt data I1t1111 Z \ \I In I NAI m a U1 dad at thc.' S1)i)&I init'rsWtMIL I ht' f)oak Mir tilt t1nig ri10l1 collllt iir(' sht 1111 fltl I \1131711 i, (Y113i1fc P 11011 R' (1111101 AM (ill) fit found in Afjwildl: _4. I .xhihit 4 -- 2009 13,ickyrc,und Peak Hour 1 rAfic Volumes r('; °,I(illal tt' Hit' :I "(3'\111 t >f i :1< ti ltltlt tl ,111111[, ll\ I H' llil" t' iM '',if ti l "ulli .' Hi1 Il:lt'i1',,. Il O1)'), ttxlhihit :i -- Trip Generation For the 5uljc=c_} `jt!c t> tSt (I on lilt Ili"tinlIc of l fdnlSI)1r11aliciil i't( itttvFb 11111 IQ (,Ul,Aalic(il JAPIirirt Wh I tlilinill turnlnlati and rt{t(r, lel v tlt'icl kw Ihi det elo}cwlelli. Exhibit G- `l rip Assif;nment for SuLdect Site_ W4 vxhihii WjUsWS Ills' dInl'ihtlikM" and :tnjgtllit('niS of lftc Silt° t; ot1diQ Iratik hahcti on r \Itilnli; 1,111' and Cnrreill traffic cmll)tti. Exhibit t 2009 "fatal Peak (font' "I'taffic 1 0lun1es ciclill lllc° 2()()'.1 hack'roullct traltic \\itll ttl(' traffic prutcctc'ct try I)(' };crwrat'tl i)} tilt' Subic', t St1,,4 ruSltltS lit Ila h1al Sunda) lin Mir witinl(-s it ;nil }tnari /(d ou t11iS c,, lhihit. f`:xbibit 8 - Remilts_of i- tterseciion Capacity Analysis the ffi;;lma ( ilpac'it \Iatlual (I tit) I tinlixod to gmliltil the existing, _'(1nt) Imi l ground and WO nu waft(' ( ppiations at lilt sulUccl intt'i'ti('C ion and the s l( ac'co""' i lint. A shoot ml Khowl 8 , IN luc' currc illiv ol)(T<dc ;.ti a(WIlINA IV\ c'lq oaf VIA it(' and dre 11rgn to c'c,ntimw to cjsTalu at ac utwalde It << s of scir\icc %ith tit(- tntl ht Id (nti (A Ila Ivi al MTV t ()lnpl(=t(' (a} "orkqh(ngN wit 1112 t(nulcl in Al [Wilclit h. As tit7r} tin j\itllin i1tiS analy`i , the } >r( llcaC -11)11 not c, ilnrcil i ill tia,l' my 1itt1' i111 }lat i (,it llit' 'tirrc,nnelinr " n,iwori.. - riwtvioty, it i'; oil' opinion that (iff Site lllitigatiml t' not rc'clnbil, for the Wt { luisdan t hin"(k It \ t,tt 11<1\ e ml itnc-Sti(,nS, pttati( call. NIncurc h logrIilt J. t'al(sggVru, R!", R i .t', L elliol Proico Nl llal,('i 190\" t: .'()11tt 21)11( ) 100 "p .litcW4 I H RI}1.s1(;c i Litter" Revart first Christian Church 111hemarle County, Virginia lirtffil Ip, Ail MV t 44,XK4 , f q, X W, P AN. Ilk 5 r Vz, Nw, - na SITE NIX v I4v 0 24 V 1:7 11 w 7"If ht 2002 Cotrwionwvalth If VifkiAeriallinagerycopytiq M-j(o c,,Iat,d hy th? I I Applic a*,ton D() F ------- 0 814 NOT TO SCALE EXHIBI'T 1 SITE LOCATION MAP Stildv jntc),sccholl Al SFVE WAIN. VOT TO SCALE EXHIBIT 2V, M, swd v IN S I ING I ANE LIA.A too kc SITE NOT To '('Aff7l EXHIBIT 006E X IS I I W PLAK I IOUR VOLUMP S IT L Note: A 3`0 ZIM)Ual grovA.h rate vias applied to a:i traff',c volumes for 3 years. TO SCALE EXFIIBf 009 HACKGROUND PEAK I IOUR - ['RAf -- Ft(* VOLUMES LAN - D USE FORMULA Chord - (Seat, ITE- 560) Sunday Peak Hour Trips = 0. 61 x( Seats) + 1 TRIP GENERATION TOTALS I DISTRIBU 5 2x'48 U DAY -PEAK' HOUR'-,. GOUT, TOTAL first Christian Church 400 Seats Chunch I :23 2u 256 E AH" i zz 1-7 7 IAJ07' J'o S(" EXHIBI F 6711eStudylilte•secholl TRIP MSIGNMENT PEA-, fJ: FOR SUBJECI'SITE. rh,8 Awl rNOT 7n SCALE 1111 Study |oLm,oectiuu Go, A '— --`-----`----------`--- k o6n8o4\Qo 00/29/06 FIVTBTT/ 009'ro HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES 9 aM I S 250 & Keswick Rd P/' SB/ LR 2. Site Access Keswick Rd S B/ L T WB/ LIR A 1 3. 3 B i 12, 5 LOS I De A 8 - I B f 3. 2 LOS i Daia- v 2 0 C x H, T S ERESU5CF Nl T 6: 1 17 I VCAPAII Y ANALYSES III tcl . ;ocl ioll Tll rll llt "' : f `lo( vin (' /I l Coll /I Is Condition Dia,froms and I'llolos 400 SU Id Counted by: SN J-7Intersectionof* US 250 Date: August 20, 2006 Day: Sunday and: Keswick Rd. Weather: Fair, Warm Location: Albemarle Co., VA Entered by; TT "NO TRAFFIC FROM NORTH TRAFFIC FROM SOUTH TRAFFIC TRAFFIC FROM WEST TOTAL on: Keswick Rd. on* TIME on: U$ 250 on: US 250 N+S mm RIGHT THRU LEFT U-IN TOT At RIGHT THRU LEFT U-TN TOTAL RIGHT 7HRU LEFT 0 TOTAL RIGHT THRU LEFT U•TN TOTAL E+W 07:0-15 0 15-30 1 30-45 2 45-00 0 08:0-15 0 15-30 1 30-45 0 45-00 3 09:0-15 2 15-30 1 30-45 1 45-00 1 10:0-16 15-30 30-45 4 45-00 4 11:0 -15 2 15-30 3 30-45 2 45-00 3 1ZO-15 5 15-30 4 30-45 4 45-00 5 6 Hr Totals 1 Hr Totals 07-08 3 715-815 3 730-830 3 745-845 1 08-09 4 815-915 6 830-930 .6 845-945 7 09-10 5 0915-1015 4 0930-1030 4 6945-1045 7 10-11 10 1015-1115 11 1030-1130 13 1045-114.5 11 11-12 10 1115-1215 13 1130-1230 14 1145-1245 16 12-01 18 EAK HOUR fi 18 1 0 1 0 1 9 0 10 11 3 0 14 25, 0 0 1 0 0 is 0 15 15 1 0 16 32 1 0 3 0 1 13 0 14 12 0 0 12 29 0 0 0 0 2 18 0 20 18 1 0 19 39 0 0 0 0 1 14 0 15 21 2 0 23 38 1 0 2 1 0 5 12 0 17 12 0 0 12 31 2 0 2 0 3 10 0 13 19 1 0 20 35 1 0 4 0 3 15 0 18 17 3 0 20 42 1 0 3 0 2 21 0 23 25 1 0 26 52 0 0 1 0 1 23 0 24 21 2 0 23 i 48 1 0 2 0 2 26 0 28 15 2 0 17 47 2 0 3 0 0 21 0 21 21 2 0 23 47 2 0 3 0 0 31 0 31 22 1 0 23 57 1 0 2 0 1 26 0 27 25 3 0 28 57 2 0 6 0 3 30 0 33 21 2 0 23 62 2 0 6 0 4 46 0 50 48 4 0 52 108 1 0 3 0 0 48 0 48 34 2 0 36 t 87 1 0 4 0 0 24 0 24 28 1 0 29 57 2 0 4 0 1 36 0 37 43 2 a 45 86 2 0 5 0 0 45 0 45 56 4 0 60 110 5 0 10 0 0 49 0 49 65 5 0 70 129 2 0 6 0 2 88 0 90 62 7 0 69 165 2 0 6 0 0 so 0 80 77 4 0 81 167 2 0 7 0 2 93 0 95 82 2 0 84 186 0 34 0 84 0 0 0 0 0 34 793 0 0 827 0 770 55 0 825 1736 0 2 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 2 0 5 0 0 0 0 3 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 0 8 0 0 0 0 5 0 11 0 0 0 0 4 0 10 0 0 0 3 0 10 0 0 0 0 4 0 9 0 0 0 0 5 0 9 0 0 0 0 82 7 0 0 8 85 0 6 0 10 0 0 0 0 7 0 14 j 0 0 0 0 7 0 17 0 0 0 0 6 0 17 0 0 0 0 6 0 19 0 0 0 0 6 0 17 0 0 0 0 6 0 16 0 0 0 0 10 0 23 0 0 0 0 11 0 25 i 0 0 0 0 11 0 27 0 0 0 0 11 0 29 1 0 0 0 Im 0 0 4 55 0 0 59 0 56 5 0 0 4 60 0 0 64 0 66 4 0 0 9 57 0 0 66 0 63 3 0 0 11 54 0 0 65 0 70 4 0 0 12 51 0 0 63 0 69 6 0 0 13 58 0 0 71 0 73 5 0 0 9 69 0 0 78 0 82 7 0 0 8 85 0 0 93 0 78 8 0 0 5 91 0 0 96 0 82 7 0 0 3 101 0 0 104 0 79 7 0 0 3 104 0 0 107 0 83 8 0 0 4 108 0 0 112 0 89 8 0 0 8 133 0 0 141 0 116 10 0 0 8 150 0 0 158 0 128 11 0 0 7 148 0 0 15 0 131 9 0 0 5 154 0 0 159 0 153 9 0 0 1 153 0 0 154 0 161 9 0 0 1 154 0 0 155 0 192 12 0 0 3 218 0 0 221 0 226 18 0 0 2 262 0 0 264 0 260 20 0 0 4 310 0 0 314 0 2863 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 125 70 138 66 137 74 143 75 146 78 160 89 177 86 189 89 194 86 199 91 208 97 223 126 284 139 314 140 314 162 338 170 340 204 382 244 490 280 571 304 6-17 dOIS Ric-ftmond Road i LIA kl/fii - Ifl•hmond -11 WORK 31Y S. N OIS ,1051 ,1051 , ? 006' 0, O'chmanel Rcodo Kps-ck •OO-j-'fl, ctE Aigu-,l 20, 2006' uwA"!4, Ate, rrloi to Co , VA su'l F N/A Wjp-ll eA 1p, 1S6 I)fN 7 111tersoctio rl ",(Ipacr`tY Txvo-%Vav Stop Control TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY General Information site Information Analyst Agency/Co. Date Performed Analysis Time Period RH The Traffic Group, /tic. 3'2006 Sunday Peak Hour Intersection Jurisdiction Albemarle County, VA Analysis Year Existing Project Description 2006-0804 First Christian Church EasVA'est Street: US 250 North/South Street; Keswick Rd lintersection Orientation: Fast-west 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Eastbound f Westbound Movement 1 2 J 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume (Veh1h)286 310 4 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh1h) 0,87 0 87 20 328 0.87 0.87 0 j 0 0.87 1 0,87 356 4 I Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 — Median Type Umfivided RT Channelized 0 0 _ Lanes 0 0 0 1 0 J Configuration LT I I I I I TR Upstream Signal 0 Minor Street C Northbound SOLJth[)OLjnd Movement 7 8 A 9 10 11 12 L T R E L T Volume (vehih)I 11 12 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.87 0.87 0,87 0.87 0,87 0,87 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h)l 0 1 0 0 I 12 1 0 13 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 1 0 0 0 I 0 I 0 Percent Grade (%)1 0 0 Flared Approach N I j_-E Storage RT Channelized 0 F 0 0 0 Lanes I 0 1 0 0 0 0 I 0 Configuration I 1 1 LR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement I 1 I 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT LR v (veh."h)20 25 C (m) (veh/h)1210 11 502 v/c 0,02 0.05 95% queue length 0,05 0.16 Control Delay (siveh)0 12.5 LOS A B Approach Delay (slveli)12.5 Approach LOS 8 HOS- lvlersi )n52 Generated 8;232 1053AL' 81'3/_'006t fiJc and Scttin 'rim ang Local Settflws Fenip,ti Ik TWO-W"ly Slop ("olltrol 1.j -Pag I o r I TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY General Information [Site Information Analyst RH Agency/Co. The Traffic Gioup, Inc. Date Performed &/23/2006 Analysis Time Period Sunday Peak Hour Intersection Jurisdiction A/bernaile County, VA Analysis Year Background Project Description 2006-0804 Fitst Christkw) Church EnstiWest Street: US 250 North/South Street : Keswick Rd 1 East-West .. . . . .......................... . -- .. . ....... !Study Poricid (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street WOStbOUnd Movement 1 1 2 3 4 5 j 6 L R I L T Volume (veh,h)20 313 339 4 0.87 —Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0,87 O.87 1 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h)22 359 0 0 389 4 Percent 0 _1 0 Median Type Un RT Channelized Lanes 0 f 1 0 0 0 0 Configuration LT 7R Upstream Signal j 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 1 9 L T R 1 10 L 11 12 I T R Volume (veh/h)12 13 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1 0.87 j 0.87 j 0.87 0.87 1 j 0,87 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh1h)0 0 0 13 j 0 14 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 I 0 I 0 0 Percent Grade (%)0 0 Flared Approach N I I N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Configuration Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach Eastlx)un(J WeStt)OLjnd Northbound Southbound Movement 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT LP v (veh/h)22 27 C (m) (vehih) Vic 95% queue length Control Delay (s/veh) LOS Approach Delay (s/veh) Approach LOS 1177 ao I 0,06 8,1 A 466 0.06 0 18 13. B 13.2 13B COP' 2005 UnWersily of Florida. Al; Rights Roservej HCS. '" Vori n 52 Gpm,irxej &23200t?. 1052Al,1 8,23/2006 ;11 and ocll Settings Temp"u'2k I 9A.finp Txvo-\V' 1a Stop Control I..*,I tit I TWO -WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY General Information Isite information Analyst pl i Intersection Agency/Co. The Traffic Group, Inc, Jurisdiction Date Performed 812312006 Analysis Year Analysis Time Period Sunday Peak Hour Albernaile County, VA Total Traffic Project Description 2006-0804 First Cluistian Church East[West Street: US 250 lNorthISOLIth Street:Keswick Rd Intersection Orientation: East-West Stud YT (hrs):0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Eastbound Westboun Movement 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume veh/h)73 313 339 57 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0,87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0,87 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h)83 359 0 0 389 65 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LT TR Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume (vehlh)61 62 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h)0 0 0 70 0 71 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Grade 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes Configuration 0 0 0 0 I 0 LR 0 Pptqy, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound I Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT LR v (veh/h)83 141 C (m) (veh/h)1117 380 v/c 0.07 0.37 95% queue length 0.24 168 Control Delay (slveh)8.5 20.0 LOS A C Approach Delay (s/veh)20.0 Approach LOS C l,upyriqnugzuu:) UnlVetSTY 01 NOWa, X1 KlgMIS Reserved HCS+T11.1 Version 5.2 Generated: 8f29!2006 2 PM 8/29/2006 ,,' Fi1e:h(':\Docwnents and Settings" rhuang\Local Settinizs\TenijuR295.trnp I TWO-way Stop Control %000 %' Page I ol I TWO -WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY General Information Site Inforniation Analyst RH Agency/Co. The Traffic Gaup, Inc. Date Performed 8123 Analysis Time Period Sunday Peak Floor Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year 2 Albemarle Courtly, VA Total Traffic Project Description 2006-0804 First Christian Church East/West Street: Site Access NorthlS Street Keswick Rd Intersection Orientation: North-South Sttid Period (hrs):0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume (vehih)24 106 27 25 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF ago 0.90 0,90 0.90 0.90 0,90 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h)0 26 117 30 27 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 1 0 Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 1 0 Configuration TR LT Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume veh/h)98 25 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0,90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h)0 0 0 108 0 27 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 D 0 Percent Grade (%)0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Configuration LR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT LR v (veh/h)30 135 C (m) (veh/h)1452 837 VIC 0.02 0.16 95% queue length 0.06 0.57 Control Delay (s/veh)75 10.1 LOS A B Approach Delay (s/veh) Approach LOS B copyright 0 2005 University at RorWa, All Rights Resefved HCS-"t' Version 5.2 Generated 8i2W2006 2:36 PPA 8,L)9/2006 / file: / /G: Doctirnents and Settings\rhuangA.-ocal Setfings\Temp\u2k29A.tj-np First Chri Church Stormwater Management Narrative Albemarle County, Virginia April 9, 2007, 2006 McKEECARSON LAl`JDSCAPE ARCHITECTS • CONSULTING ENGINEERS • LAJD PLANNERS 301 East High Street, Charlottesville, VA -22902 Tel: 434 -979 -7522 Fax: 434 -977 -1 194 www.n7 ckeecarson_com I ABLE OF C( TENTS Stormy niter Mml(wrilent ['lal, t hey 1. I i t 111troducti( Project Methodology SununarY Drainage I1al? Drainal;e Areci 1 Blofilter -1 Dr,iimige Ale,' 2 Biofilter -? No tilter - Curb Inlet t : :alculation Storm Dra.ill Calculation c : Desi()-n First Christian Church Stormwater Management Plan Check List 1!1 V Project Name: ZHf 1 = , mT F i rill : tic 1 t --- - -- The 1611 ving step- 1_»•-step checklist it assist applicants ivith the In of a stormrrater manugemc °nt,13,11F' plan in accordance with the Ordinance. Steps I through 6 are applicable to Preliminan Site Plan or Stnklivisiun iP,u. Steps through 12 are applicable to Final Plan or Subdivision Plat Preliminary Site Plan or Subdivision Plat I. Identify which "Water Resources Area" a project is within (Development Area. Water Suppl} Protection Area, or Other Rural Land). V2. Determine whether, or not, the site is within the drainage area of a regional stormwater basin or plan. If the answer is "yes ", refer to Section 17 -316 of the ordinance for further guidance on whether detention and /or water quality requirements may be. waived, and proceed to Step 5. If the answer is no go to Step 3 V3. Conceptually identify stormwater detention requirements. Identify any detention exemptions that may apply and if applicable, submit a written request for a detention waiver citing the appropriate provisions of the County Code, Chapter 17 -314. V4. Based on the Water Resource Area a project is within, conceptually identify water quality treatment requirements through the use of best management practices (BMPs). Perform an initial calculatron of the site's BMP requirement using the "Simple Method ". Identify any exemptions that may apply. Conceptually identify stream buffer requirements based on the Water Resource Area. Identify the need for any allowable stream buffer encroachments according to County Code, Chapter 17 -320 through 321. Consult with the county enginer to determine if the proposed encroachments play be allowed. d6. Show appropriate Information On the prelillllnary plan: Water RCSOUrCC Al Stl'CLllll bUffel 111111t.s. and conceptual stornlwater measures. N'Iake a note on the plan that a firm] stormwaten/13NIP plan vv'ill be submitted with the final plan. I "I I1 h l;d k,: 1lirl or SubdF, , F1 i. Calculate Cie tclitinn requirc III cntS (control of peak rate and v. elocitV Of runoffs. Re- calculate BMP requirements using the Modified Simple Method if there arc any substantial changes from the preliminary plan. For the purpose of this calculation. the site «i11 be divided into subdraina(7e areas within the boundaries of the development. Small sites may constitute one driina`e area. 9. Reassess whether the stream buffer limits on the preliminary plan are accurate and the need for any allowable encroachments. 10. Show measures and facilities on the plan that meet detention and BMP requirements. The shect(s) that address stormwater should be labeled "Stormwater Management /BMP Plan.' Integrate these designs with erosion control measures wherever possible. 11. Include a Mitigation Plan for any planned and allowable encroachments into a stream buffer. The Mitigation Plan should be a component of the broader Stormwater Management /BMP Plan whenever possible. 12. Develop an erosion and sediment control plan according to the standards in the State E&S Handbook. additional engineering details may be required upon request. t CD -18 INTRODUCTION F he First CIIrIst1arl Church Storrnwatcr Marlagelllelit Facilities are designed to control both quantity and quality of rurlc,ff. Flit facilities primarily include three biofilters. I he bWhIter, arc designed to control excess runoff of post dcyelopnlellt conditions to preoie ptak runoff rates. Also, the biofilters are designed to treat 1 inch of first flush front the imper\ ious areas of proposed developrnerlt. Fhe Itic,d1fied Rational TkIethod (recornmerlded (n bath tllc state of Virginia and Albemarle County) is used for Iwo-h ologic analysis. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The First Christian Church property is located in Albemarle CoLinty at 79 -24A. 1 he proposed developnlcllt will occur under a special use permit in a Rural Area Lone. The site is wooded, vacant, and 1-111used. I lie site has an overall area of 15. 12 acres, and Includes all intermittent stream. It is bordered along its northern boundary by route 71, and along its southern boundary by Route 250. Adjacent properties to the north, across Route 731, include a residence and Union Run Baptist Church. The site has small Area of critical ~lopes which not be disturbed. METHODOLOGY Pre - Development Hydrology The site for the proposed church and associated parking lot is located on the ridge. This results in hvo points of analysis. The t"'O watersheds are arlalvzed using the Modified Rational Method. The pic- deyclopmcrlt drainage area for the first point of analvsis (designated as A) is 2.45 acres. The 2 -vr and 10 -yr runoff in the pre- development condition are 3.36 cfs and 4.39 cfs respectively. The pre - development drainage area for the second point of analysis (designated as B) is 11.17 acres. The 2 -yr and 10 -vr runoff in the pre- development condition are 14.18 cfs and 18.74 cfs respectively. Post - Development Hydrology Drainage Area 1 with Point of Analysis A The point of analysis (A) for the post - development hydrology is the sarile as pre - development hydrology. In the post - development condition, an additional 0.83 acre is added to the predevelopnlent drainage area. The total post- developmcrit drainage area is primarily divided in 2 sub - drainage areas. The sub - drainage area of 1.44 acres consists of parking lots and half of the building roof. The runoff from this drainage area goes into the proposed b1ofilter -1. The biofilter is sized to treat 1 inch of first fIus11. The required water quality volume is approx. 4,450 cf and the biofilter is sized to treat approx. ().005 cf. Also, the biofilter is desi to control the excess runoff of 2 -yr and 10 -yr storms. fl he 2-\'r and 10-%'I' discharge from the biofiltei• are 0.349 cfs and 0.946 cfs respectively. Storage volume displaced by any plantings aboyc the filter bed is ignored. Any storage in the bio filter media void space is not taken into account for available storage space. The 2 -yr and t0 -vr discharge from the urldetalued sub - drainage area of I J4 acres are 2.51 cfs and 3.29 cfs respectively. Thin, the total ? -yr and W -yr discharge from drainage, arVa 1 ir( 2.86 cfs ,;ltd 4.24 cf: r,. ,h( tip el , %d)lc Ii i; i( ti - _iri th,It of ti)(' prc dw, cI ,i 111(11; Con( ht1,() ll. Drainage Area 2 With Point of Analysis B l he paint of '111,111 °sis (I;) for the hv drology is the same a; pr(_ -de. cloplllcnt Il drologv. The total post - development drainage area is primal - 11 diVidccd i11 ;suh- jrlin >c areas. Sub- drainage area of approximately 03 acres c(lllsists of clitry driveSvay. I he runoff from this drainage area goes into the proposed b1ofilter -2. The biofilter is sired to treat 1 inch of first flush. The required \vatcr (luality Voluillc is appl-OV h"_ cf and the biofilter is siren to treat approx. hh4 cf. Also, the biofilter is designed to coritrol the excess runoff of 2 -t r and 10 -v r storms. The 2 -v r anti 10 -vr discharge from the biofilter arc 0.349 cfs and 0.596 cfs respectively. Sub - drainage area of approximately 0.54 Acres consists of half of the building roof, and a pay ilium The runoff from this drainage irca is going into the proposed b1ofilter -3. The biofilter is sired to treat 1 inch of first flush. The required water (IualitV V011 - 11Tlc is approx. // cf and biofilter is sized to trait approx. 15 cf. Also, biofilter is desi to control the excess runoff of V a11d l O - r storms. The 2 -vr and ] 0 -vr discharge from the biofilter are 0.2 cfs and 0.468 cfs respectively. hl biofilters, storage volume displaced by any plantings above the filter bed is ignored. Also, any storage in the bdo filter media VOICI space is not taken into account for a ailablc storage sp,1cc. The 2 -v - and 1() -`°r discharge from the undetailled sub - drainage area of 10.58 acres are 13.20 cfs and 17.44 cfs respectively. Thus the total 2-vi- and 10 -vr discharge from drainage area I are 13.75 cfs and 18.50 cfs respectively which is less than that of the predevelopi lent condition. SUMMARY The proposed biofilter; are designed adc(ltlatC1V to treat 1 inch of first flush from the proposed impervious area and to control excess runoff from the postdevelopment coriddtdon. Altogether, the facilities treat approx. 8,843 of of runoff xvhich is 1.5 times the I inch of first flush treatlllcllt volume (approx. 5,855 cf). Following is the summary of pre- developmerit and post - developInent rtulotf111 dralllage area 1 &?. Drainage Area 1 Area Acre Pr t 2.45 Post development S_ Draina Undetained = 1.84 - - T = 3.28L -- -- -- - - - - 2 - Runoff (cfs) - i 10 -Y Runoff (cfs) 3.36 4. 0. - 0.95 1 - -- - = - -- - - - - -51 - -- 3.2 2 .86 - - 4. 24 Drainage Area 2 Ar ( Acre) ' -Yr 1Ztnloff (cfs) Predevelopmerit 11.47 14.18 Post deg elopmcnt Sub- Drainag 1 = O ;; O. ,5 I -Sub- 2 = O.34 0.2 Un1e = 10 .38 1 ?._0 Total = 11.47 13.75 - -- 11 -YI }Zurloff ( cfs) 18.74 - - -- 0.60 0.47 17.44---- - First Christian Church Drainage Map McKEECARSCIN 14 May 2007 Ms. Summer Frederick Senior Planner Department of Planning and Community Development County of Albemarle Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: SDP -2006- 030 —First Christian Church — Preliminary Site Plan Dear Ms. Frederick: Pursuant to your letter dated May 01, 2007, this memorandum addresses the comments pertaining to the preliminary approval for the subject property. Our responses are listed in order and concur with the numbering system, which was employed in your comments. Response to Comments from Summer Frederick, Planner: 1. The picnic pavilion has been removed from the plan. 2. Tier 3 Ground Water Assessment has been completed and submitted for review and approval by the Health Department. A copy will be submitted under a separate cover at a later date. 2. The source of current topography is the Albemarle County Office of Geographic Data Services website. A benchmark will be provided along with the accurate survey during final site plan submittal 3. All the information regarding adjacent owners, zoning and current use is provided on the Cover Sheet. 4. The entire parcel cannot be shown on each sheet due to scale and space constraints. The development area is shown. A new sheet called Master Plan has been added to the set which includes the entire parcel boundary along with the metes and bounds information. 5. The site does not fall under any reservoir watershed. The site falls under middle Rivanna River watershed. A note to this effect has been added under Site Specifics. See sheet 01 -Cover Sheet. 6. There is a proposed sign located at the site entrance on Keswick Road. See sheet 04- Layout and Dimension Plan. 7. Proposed paving materials for all walks, driveways and parking lot has been added to the layout sheet. See sheet 04- Layout and Dimension Plan. Existing landscape features are shown on the existing conditions sheet. See sheet 03- Existing Conditions. Response to Comments from David Swales, Ground Water Manager: Tier 3 Ground Water Assessment has been completed and submitted for review and approval by the Health Department. A copy will be submitted under a separate cover at a later date. Response to Comments from James Barber, Fire Marshall: Duly noted. Adequate fire flow will be confirmed. We will update the County records upon confirmation. with Field Sport Concepts, Ltd. 301 East High Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 p: 434 . 979 . 7522 . f: 434 . 977 . 1194 • www.mckeeccirson.com Ms. Summer Frederick Senior Planner 14 Moy, 2007 Page 2 of 2 Response to Comments from Jonathan Sharp, Engineer:1. The grading has been modified conceptually in this 5 -foot contour plan. The most accurategradingwithrequiredspotelevationswillbeprovidedinfinalsiteplanwith2 -foot contour interval. 2. As discussed in the site review meeting with County Engineer, the proposed location of thebiotilterisingoodrelationwiththeexistingtopographyandcollectsmaximumroofrunoff from proposed church building. 3. The proposed picnic pavilion has been removed. 4. The required removal rate calculation and project drainage areas have been provided in the attached Storm Water Narrative. the5. The source of current topography is Albemarle County Office of Geographic Data Services along with the accurate survey during final site planwebsite. A benchmark will be provided submittal 6. The sight distance triangle has been shown on the plan. See sheet 04, Layout and Dimension Plan. Response to Comments from Joel DeNunzio, VDOT:The Right of Way will be dedicated to accommodate the proposed turn lane prior to final site plan approval.Traffic estimates were conducted by the Traffic Group. See attached traffic report. The sight distance triangle has been shown on the plan. See sheet 04, Layout and Dimension Plan. The final site plan will address pavement structure, entrance profile, and drainage featuresasnecessaryinaccordancewiththeRoadDesignManualandTheMinimumStandardsof Entrances to State Highways. The property owner will acquire a permit before any work will take place within the state right of way. Comments pertaining to final site design will be addressed during final site plan submittal. We trust that the attached plans and response letter will adequately address your comments. Please call me at 434 - 979 -7522 or email ane at should you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, x Keith Whipple Enclosures: See Transmittal First Christian Church Drainage area 1 Short Version BMP Computations For Worksheets 1 -1 Modified Simple Method Plan: The First Christian Chruch Water Resources Area Rural Area Preparer. Braiesh Date 2- Apr -07 Project Drainage Area Designation Biof.iter 1 L storm pollutant export in pounds, L = [P(Pj)Rv/ 12 1 ( C,A 72 1 Rv mean runoff coefficient, Rv = 0 05 + 0 009(1) Pj smail storm correction factor, 0 9 1 percent mperviousness P annual precipitation 43" in Albemarle A project area in acres in subject drainage area. A = 3 23, C pollutant concentration, mg /I or ppm target pho >rnhr.n; f factor appl ed to RR V r'-qulrcd ;rc<.'f ilii. /GIumie in cY 0 j' J" -t ;i iT .i - ,_ r 12 ._ RR rerlr: red remov: l L(post) - f x L(pre.) RR r . , sl :.;ffi -, _ .! PR = R/ rf , n Impervious Cover Crnuptetation (vald,es. "n f. & sr {unre f, ?ii Item pre- develol. ;ment A - rr — f - developrT ent G J G rJ r, r D r,,l'v ays Length Wirith 110 suhtct.;': 1_ength idth no btotai and V,aiks - _ _ ! _G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P:rkinq Lits r,,_a j Ar -a 2 Area 3 A ca 4 Ara 1 1_ :: A.rea 3 Ara 0 0 0 U U u 0 0 0 44, ; Gravel areas Area 1 Area 2 subtotal hrea 1 Area 2 subtotal 0 0 Ox0C= 0 0 0 0x070=U Structures Area no subtotal Area no subtotal 0 0 0 8595 1 8595 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8595 Actively- grazed pasture & Area Area yards and cultivated turf 142876.8 x 0 08 = 11430.14 89486.8 x 0.08 =7158 944 Active crop land Area Area 0 x0.25= 0 0 x025=0 Other Impervious Areas Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Impervious Cover o8 /0 42% I(pre)I(post)Rv(post) V 043 93.4 New Development (For Development Areas, existing impervious cover <- 20 %) C f I (pre)' Rv(pre) L(pre) L(post) RR % RR Area Type 0.70 1.00 20% 0.23 463 8.69 406 47%Development Area 0.35 1.00 0% 012 1.23 434 3 12 72%Drinking Water Watersheds 040 1 00 1 % 0.12 1 40 496 3 56 72%Other Rural Land min values Redevelopment (For Development Areas, existing impervious cover > 20 %) C f I (pre) " Rv(pre) L(pre) L(post) RR % RR Area Type0.70 0.90 20% 0.23 4.63 8.69 452 52%Development Area 0.35 085 0% 0.12 1 23 434 3 30 76%Drinking Water Watersheds 0.40 0.85 1% 0 12 1 40 496 3 77 76%Other Rural Land rev 30 May 2002 Coiripaiiy Mctfee: :Carsph::'::: D sfgire - - - - - lz l pvari : ItWOF CC}NCEN TRAT -IPN f( PRE: DEVELOPMENT}= O? tai d flaw;Tune . Smirce" SFFIve Chart is morlifi-d in r, DIr f (/1i,1-endiX (?!`i_ 1 ) !_ Calcuh,!c ,a sei ;3r, -hJ T.- f,r - ,,; r1 ;., r,.•!, r;. r r;n !, !i',r; a,- iy 11r . ;7 I. 300 i 30 iUl ?° Shallow Con6en'trated Flow Time JGUfC6" S(, ' /elOClty tC)h a, pUb!She'd 1Ii IrtJln' ; EICSipn anii •`Fdlrt ?rnt Control Handbook, Third Eclit c:n Notes Not nrtench0 fcr w(al clefliwo c.h<,rrn 1. - . r.L In ;c i fi ', ;rula!i<,n CelCrll,-!n ;) - P!);?I nt- Tr fnf - r";lch 01( " ; ;,1 C'ovor r'Cr'(l; .'!p /? ']i(!i! tl!'_' flo;' prtlI Enter I_enath of Fiovi Jn 3.20 — Enter Slope ('. , c,r ft/ I00ft) 0.52 Velocity (ft1s) IF UNPAVED 0.65 Velocity (ftls) IF PAVED 0.00 Result Tc (minutes) IF UNPAVED 0.00 Result Tc (minutes) IF PAVED Source: Kirpich Chart as modified In VDOT Drainage Manual (Fig. 1.5.1 2 on Page 1 -14) Notes: 1) For small drainage basins. 2) For concrete channels, use 0.2`Tc 0.00 Bottom Width (ft) 0.10 Side Slope (Left) 0.10 Side Slope (Right) 10.00 Height (ft) 10.00 Cross Sectional Area (ft ^2) 20.10 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 0.50 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.01 Channel Slope 0.03 Manning 'n' 3.56 Velocity (ft/sec) 0.00 Length of Flow (ft) 0.00 Result Tc (minutes) TctrorALt= [_1 1.32 1 mins Gompan c:MsKee:Cars.... D:eslfinesfi::7"werl:::.:;::: TYPE TOTAL Return Period C CA Buildings 0.00 PERC 0 °;0.90 000 Grass & Dirt 106722.00 1 0%0.35 10 6 10 6 37352 70 Road and Parking Lot 0.00 0 0°090 000 Side 000 0 ?°',0.90 0 00 Tot9l r- (" Oi)2 j L -- - - Averag C = —Q.35 - - - TIME OF'CONCENTRA (PRE DEVELOPMENT) TciTOTAL) =L - -- - - -- - - .:. ;;2 minx RAINFALL INTENSITY b d Return Period Enter Duration Intensity Intensity (bl(d +Tc) ^e 105 I 2 5 106 3 10 r 2 .55 10 6 50 100 10 6 10 6 Acceptable values for dutation are between 5 and 60 m1nutes Use values outside this range at risk I 0 55 31 — d Peak Discharge Q CIA C = -_ M_ 0 A = - - ' - 245 lacres 2 -Yr Peak Disch Q = 3. cfs 10 -Yr Peak Discharge Qio = 4.39 cfs 100 -Yr Peak Discharge Qioo= 5. cfs b dd 0 °2 449.02 1 105 I 073 44695 = Peak Discharge Q CIA C = -_ M_ 0 A = - - ' - 245 lacres 2 -Yr Peak Disch Q = 3. cfs 10 -Yr Peak Discharge Qio = 4.39 cfs 100 -Yr Peak Discharge Qioo= 5. cfs McKe6:Cwtdn-:: ate :0410212007 ME DEVELOPMENT): TC(TOTAL) min Return Enter Period Duration I intensity (bl( Cl +'r C) A e 2 106 3 '1 10.6 10 10.6 25 106 50 106 100 106 6 acceptable values for duration are t--lolero 5 and 60 minutes Use values outside this range at nsk Peak Discharge Q =CIA 022 — , 49 02 lo 5 0.73 4695 95 r 55#31 09 5 C = 0.35 A = 1 84 Tacres 2-Yr Peak Discharge Q2 = I 2.51 TYPE TOTAL PERCENT C CA 3.29 000 o 0°/,Buildings 0.90 000 cfs Grass & Dirt 79982 00 100 0 035 2799370 Road and Parking Lot 0.00 090 00 Sidewalk 000 0 0L 090 000 Total 7998200---.--- j 1000 — 27993 70 E ------- Average C= 0.35 ME DEVELOPMENT): TC(TOTAL) min Return Enter Period Duration I intensity (bl( Cl +'r C) A e 2 106 3 '1 10.6 10 10.6 25 106 50 106 100 106 6 acceptable values for duration are t--lolero 5 and 60 minutes Use values outside this range at nsk Peak Discharge Q =CIA 022 — , 49 02 lo 5 0.73 4695 95 r 55#31 09 5 C = 0.35 A = 1 84 Tacres 2-Yr Peak Discharge Q2 = I 2.51 lcfs 10-Yr Peak Discharge Q =3.29 cfs 100-Yr Peak Discharge 4.30 cfs OVOZ , 200V: TimE OF C_074CENTRATIION ?PRE r) EVELOP i'V, ENT) mins Eon 1 1 4695 d TYPE TOTAL PERCENT C CA Buildings 8595.00 13 70 /-,090 7735 50 15 111 /1,Grass & Dirt 953000 0.35 3335 50 i Rnad and Parking Lot 4479500 7 1 2 0.90 40315 E,O Sidewalk 000 0 90 0019 62926 00 TimE OF C_074CENTRATIION ?PRE r) EVELOP i'V, ENT) mins Eon 1 1 4695 d 1 c5 Peak Discharge Q =CIA C = 0.82 A = -1- jacres Acceptable values for duration are betvleen 5 and 60 minutes Use values outside this range at risk. First Christian C UrCh Biofilter 7 OUTPUT: Routing Method: direct Hydrograph 0 Routing summary of Peaks inflow (cfs) discharge (cfs) water level (ft) storage (cy) post dev captured 0.504 at 5.00 (min) 0.349 at 316.00 (min) 389.724 at 317.00 (min) 315.038 wed Apr 04 09:52:25 EDT 2007 Page 1 2 -yr BasinFlow printout INPUT: Basin: Biofilter i 3 Contour Areas Elevation(ft) Area(sf) Computed vol.(cy) 388.50 5755.00 0.0 389.50 7773.00 249.6 390.00 8782.00 402.8 1 Outlet Structures Outlet structure v Wei r name: emergency spillway length (ft) 1.000 coefficient_ 3.300 invert (ft) 389.500 multiple 1 discharge through dam 1 Inflow Hydrographs Hydrocrraph 0 Modified_ Rational name: post dev captured C 0.820 Area (acres)1.440 time of concentration (min)5.00 receding factor 1..6 time increment 1.00 time limit (min)450.00 fudge factor 1.00 storm: crit. duration 187 iterations) volume (cy)354.54 peak flow (cfs)0.504 intensity (in /hr)0.427 time to peak (min)5.000 duration of peak (min)310.04 routed true OUTPUT: Routing Method: direct Hydrograph 0 Routing summary of Peaks inflow (cfs) discharge (cfs) water level (ft) storage (cy) post dev captured 0.504 at 5.00 (min) 0.349 at 316.00 (min) 389.724 at 317.00 (min) 315.038 wed Apr 04 09:52:25 EDT 2007 Page 1 Bas - inF!OW printout INPUT: Basin: Biofilter 1 3 Contour Areas yr_peak Elevation(ft) Area(sf) computed Vo .(cy) 388.50 5755.00 0.0 389.50 7773.00 249.6 390.00 8782.00 402.8 1 outlet structures Outlet Structure 0 weir name: emergency spillway length (ft) 1.000 coefficient 3.300 invert (ft) 389.500 multiple 1 discharge through dam 1 Inflow Hydrographs Hydrograph 0 modified-Rational name: post dev captured C 0.820 Area (acres) 1.440 IDF file: 2 tine of concentration (min) 00 receding factor l.t,i0 time increment 1.00 time limit (min) 450.00 fudge factor 1.00 storm: peak intensity (zero duration) volume (cy) 90.72 peak flow (cfs) 6.116 intensity (in /hr) 5.180 time to peak (min) 5.000 duration of peak (min) 0.00 routed true OUTPUT: Routing Method: direct Hydrograph 0 Routing summary of Peaks inflow (cfs) discharge (cfs) water level (ft) storage (cy) post dev captured 6.116 at 5.00 (min) 0.000 at 0.00 (min) 388.900 at 13.00 (min) 90.908 wed Apr 04 09:53:30 EDT 2007 Page 1 BasinFlow printout INPUT: B , isin: Biofilter 1 3 contour Areas 10 -yr Elevation(ft) Area(sf) Computed vo I.(cy) 388.50 5755.00 0.0 389.50 7773.00 249.6 390.00 8782.00 Z102.8 l. outlet Structures Outlet structure 0 Weir name: emergency spill: length (ft) 1.000 coefficient 3.300 invert (ft) 389.500 multi pl e L discharge through dam 1 Inflow Hydrographs Hydrograph 0 Modified_Rational name: post dev captured C 0.820 Area (acres)1.440 IDF file: al_0 tittle of Concentr'l'-ican `iIlirl i reeding factor i) time increment 0.50 time limit (min)350.00 fudge factor 1.00 storm: crit. duration 65 iterations) volume (cy)475.94 peak flow (cfs)1.269 intensity (in /hr)1.075 time to peak (min)5.000 duration of peak (min)162.04 routed true OUTPUT: Routing Method: direct Hydrograph 0 Routing Summary of Peaks inflow (cfs) discharge (cfs) water level (ft) storage (cy) post dev captured 1.270 at 5.00 (min) 0.946 at 168.50 (min) 389.935 at 168.50 (min) 380.692 wed Apr 04 10:07:20 EDT 2007 Page 1 Basi nFl ow printout INPUT: Basin: Biofilter 1. 3 contour Areas 10- yr_peak Elevation(ft) Area(sf) computed vol.(cy) 388.50 5755.00 0.0 389.50 7773.00 249.6 390.00 8782.00 402.8 1 outlet structures outlet structure 0 weir name: emergency spillway length (ft) 1.000 coefficient 3.300 invert (ft) 389.500 11ultiple 1 discharge through dam 1 Inflow Hydrographs Hydrograph 0 modified—Rational name: post dev captured C 0.550 Area (acres)3.300 IDF file: a10 time of concentration iiiin?5.00 receding factor 70 time increment 0.25 time limit (min)350.00 fudge factor 1.00 storm: peak intensity (zero duration) volume (cy)179.45 peak flow (cfs)12.098 intensity (in /hr)6.666 time to peak (min)5.000 duration of peak (ruin)0.00 routed true OUTPUT: Routing Method: direct Hydrograph 0 Routing summary of Peaks inflow (cfs) discharge (cfs) water level (ft) storage (cy) post dev captured 12.098 at 5.00 (min) 0.000 at 0.00 (min) 389.248 at 13.25 (min) 179.478 wed Apr 04 09:49:28 EDT 2007 Page 1 Goitipany:NlcKee Desfgnei :; rajesft:..........: 4I212OO7;:: : d > ;;a;> DRAl GE AREA >:: <...- ::.:.. > :_: >:_:; >: Facility Drainage Area = 3 36 sf IhhPF'rV'0us Area = _ - 3cr) 00 sf Water Quality Volume Required (V 4445 1 Bioretention Treatm R = 4449_17 - FILTER BED DESIGN Bed Depth Idit -Filter Change Incremental Cumulative Elevation Area A rage C ., igir ocding d -pt h td-;j 7' Removal Rate =0 00_= in Elpvation LRequir -d Flt= -r Bed Area Aavg)34 ^ 2 44 - - -- fft I fn i Pic, ,! Filter Bed Area =7 -- 1t7 f "'I Provided Infiltration Volume 6604.00 cf 5 -4 ft) Treatment Volume Required = 1 4449.17 1 ft'3 STORAGE TABLE Treatment Volume Provided = lcf Change Incremental Cumulative Elevation Area Avg Area in Elpvation Volume Volume fft I fn i n IN 1t7 f "'I 38850 5,0800 38950 6,8000 5940 0000 1 0 5940 0000 5,94000 Treatment Volume Provided = lcf First Christian Church Drainage area 2 Short Version BMP Computations For Worksheets 1 -1 Modified Simple Method Plan The First Christian Chruch Water Resources Area Deveiopmen +Pea Preparer. Brajesh Date: 2- Apr -07 Project Drainage Area Designation Point B - Biofiiter -2 3 L storm pollutant expori in pounds L = (P(PpRvi12 ] ( G(A)2 72 ] Rv mean runoff coefficient. Rv = 0 05 + 0 009(1) Pj small storm correction factor 0 9 1 percent imperviousness P annual precipitation. 43" in Albemarle A protect area m acres in subject drainage area A = 11 53 C pollutant concentration n grI or ppn, target phosphorus f factor applied to RR V required treatment volu 1i in cy 0 S" over it per area = Ai 1)43560(0 5112);2RRequiredremoval . Lipost) - f x L(hi _) RR removal efficiency , RR1001(post) Impervious Cover Computation (values in feet & square feet) Item pre - development Area post - development AreaRoads '-- nctn U''Jidth :uhtotal L_ngti 'Jicth =',,I U U Drive Length Width no subtotal Length 4lidth no _c:b n`alandwalks - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G 0 n Park ng Lots Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 G G 0 0 0 0 0 Gravel areas Area 1 Area 2 subtotal Area 1 0 0 Area 2 subtotal G 0 0 0 0x0 70- 0 0 0 0 0StructuresAreanosubtotal O,G- Area no subtotal 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Actively- grazed pasture & Area 0 0 0 Area 0 0 10993 yards and cultivated turf 4904968 x 0 08 = 39239.74 460172.8 x 0 08 =36813.824ActivecroplandAreaArea 0 x025= 0 0 x025=0OtherImperviousAreasArea1Area2Area3Area1Area2Area3 0 0 0 0 Impervious Cover 0 0 0 0 10%13% Rv(post) V I(pre)I(post) 0 17 103.6 New Development (For Development Areas, existing impervious cover <= 20 %) C f I (pre)' Rv(pre) L(pre) L(post) RR % RR Area Type0.70 1.00 20% 023 16.28 12.05 -423 -35%Development Area0.35 1.00 0% 0.14 5.00 6.03 1 02 17%Drinking Water Watersheds0.40 1 00 1% 0 14 5.72 6.89 1 17 17%Other Rural Land min values Redevelopment (For Development Areas, existing impervious cover > 20 %) C If I (pre)' Rv(pre) L(pre) L(post) RR % RR Area Type0.70 0.90 20% 023 16.28 1205 -260 -22%Development Area0.35 085 0% 0 14 500 603 1 77 29%Drinking Water Watersheds0.40 0.85 1 % 0 14 572 689 203 29%Other Rural Land rev 30 May 2002 eo»apa »y..:M...... l3,esfgirer :Bra .... .... TtIS E CSC CONCEMTRAT C7N :(PRE DEVELOPMEN TI: ` Source Seelye Chart as modified in VDOT Drainage Manual (Appendix 6D-1) Notes. 1) Length of overland flow ahvays <= 300 ft 2) Calculate a separate Tc for each ground co er (-.onclitirn? along the flo.v path 300 00 -Enter Length rJ Stan 'fti 0 .35 Enter Rational Method "C" value Res Lilt Tc (minutes) S1 a :low Concentratod : I# T „ Source SCS Velocity Graph as published in Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, Third Edition Notes 1) Not intended for well- defined channels - see channel flow calculation 2) Calct&]te a separate Tc for each ground cover condition ,doog the flmv r?ath 635 00 Enter Length of Flow (ft) 4.00 Enter Slope ( °' or ft /100ft) 0.65 Velocity (ft/s) IF UNPAVED 0.81 Velocity (ft/s) IF PAVED 3.29 Result Tc (minutes) IF UNPAVED 2.56 Result Tc (minutes) IF PAVED Source: Kirpich Chart as modified in VDOT Drainage Manual (Fig. on Page 1 -14) Notes: 1) For small drainage basins. 2) For concrete channels, use 0.2'Tc 0.00 Bottom Width (ft) 0.10 Side Slope (Left) 0.10 Side Slope (Right) 10.00 Height (ft) 10.00 Cross Sectional Area (ft ^2) 20.10 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 0.50 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.01 Channel Slope 0.03 Manning 'n' 3.56 Velocity (ft/sec) 0.00 Length of Flow (ft) 0.00 Result Tc (minutes) Tc(TOTAL)= 1 15.33 1 mins ampaiii McKee: Paisiirr< cafe :::04ff?ZL20DT :: . RtIE;C)PMENT€ NDITIONS::. TYPE TOTAL PERCENT C CA _ Intensity (b /(d +Tc) ^e e b d Buildin 0.00 0 03/0 090 000 10 106 Gras & Dirt 487883.20 97 6 0.35 1 7 0759 12 Road and Parking Lot 1175000 2 4 0.90 10575 00 Use values outside this range at risk Sidewalk 000 0 0.90 000 Total 499633 20 0 100 0";/,131334 11 F---Average C = 0.36 F:CQNrEKTRA, , 1QN -tFR- Tc;TOTAr = - - - - -- 15.33 -- -- – niins r xxr 1 DischarPeak w CIA C = 036 A = 11.47 acres 2 -Yr Peak Discharge Q = 14.18 cfs 10 -Yr Peak Discharge Q = 18.74 cfs 100 -Yr Peak Discharge Qloo 24.69 cfs Return Enter Intensity Period Duration Intensity (b /(d +Tc) ^e e b d 2 106 34 082 4902 105 5 106 10 106 4 5 0.7 3 46 95 9.5 106 100 _ 103 5 9 F70.55 31 09 5 Acceptable values for duration are between 5 and 60 nunutes Use values outside this range at risk r xxr 1 DischarPeak w CIA C = 036 A = 11.47 acres 2 -Yr Peak Discharge Q = 14.18 cfs 10 -Yr Peak Discharge Q = 18.74 cfs 100 -Yr Peak Discharge Qloo 24.69 cfs Go --- -- M ---- - aisort:: 17esigner:;: Brajesh:.7i, .. ..:... . Date: 04MI2007:': TYPE TOTAL Buildings 1728.00 Grass & Dirt 447448 80 Road and Parking Lot 1175000 Sidewalk 000 Total 460926 80 TC(TOTAL) - PERCENT C CA 04 0.90 155520 97 1 '/0.35 156607 08 2 5%0.90 10575.00 0 0,0 .90 000 100 0 °% 100 168737 28 5 9 Average C = _0.37 15.33 - -- — - -_ — MIS Return Enter _ Intensity Period Duration Intensity (b /(d +Tc) ^ e 2 106 3 5 106 10 10.6 45 25 106 100 -Yr Peak Discharge Qioo= 1 50 106 100 106 5 9 Acceptable values for duration are between 5 and 60 rnrnutes Use values outside this range at risk Peak Discharge Q =CIA e h d —' 082 4902 10 10 -Yr Peak Discharge Q =17.44 cfs 0 73 4695 9.5 100 -Yr Peak Discharge Qioo= 1 22.98 cfs I u r'S'3 09 I C = 0.37 A = 10.58 acres 2 -Yr Peak Discharge Q = 1 13.20 cfs 10 -Yr Peak Discharge Q =17.44 cfs 100 -Yr Peak Discharge Qioo= 1 22.98 cfs First Christian Church Biofilter 2 tJesigne rajesfi:- - (wart ..... Qaie::% :D4IQZLZUO7: T TOTAL PE C CA Buildings 000 0 0.90 0 00 _ Grass & D 744900 +9 6'% 0.35 2607 1 Road and Parking Lot 7581 00 50 4'/1 0.90 6822 90 Sidewalk 000 — - - 0 () °, 090 0 co To - tal — 1503000 - - -- 100 0% 9430 05 ] Average C = 0.6 rTSt[#FC}NC[3R Tc (To rnr)= — 5.00 -- - - - - -- rains Acceptable values for duration are between 5 and 60 minutes Use values outside this range at risk Peak Discharge Q =CIA 082 49.02 Return Enter Duration Intensity Intensit (b /(d +Tc) ^ePeriod 10.6 5 2 0 55 10 106 25 50 106 106 100 --10.6 8 8 Acceptable values for duration are between 5 and 60 minutes Use values outside this range at risk Peak Discharge Q =CIA 082 49.02 105 073 4595 31.0 95 5055 C = 0.631 A jacres 2 -vr BasinFlow printout INPUT: Basin: Bi of! 1ter 3 Contour Arons Elevation(ft) Area(sf) computed vol.Ccy) 382.50 511.00 0.0 383.50 827.00 24.5 384 00 1000.00 41.4 Outlet Structures Outlet structure 0 Weir name: emergency spi l lwv; length (ft) 1.000 coefficient 3.300 invert (ft) 383.500 of r1ult:iple 1 captured discharge through dam, cfs) 1 Inflow Hydrographs 5.00 (min) Hydroaraph 0 c_fs)0.346 at 43.50 (min) name: ponv NY roplur, 383.723 at 43.75 (min) storage cy) time of concentration (min)5.00 receding factor 1.670 time increment 0.25 time limit (min)200.00 fudge factor L.00 storm: ci duration (68 iterations) volume (cy)40.93 peak flow (cfs)0.416 intensity (in /hr)1.888 time to peak (min)5.000 duration of peak (min)37.58 routed true OUTPUT: Routing Method: direct Hydrograph 0 Routing Summary of Peaks: post dev captured inflow cfs)0.416 at 5.00 (min) discharge c_fs)0.346 at 43.50 (min) water level ft)383.723 at 43.75 (min) storage cy)31.474 Tue Apr 03 17:09:29 EDT 2007 Page 1 OUTPUT: Routing Method: direct Hydrograph 0 2--yr_peak BasinFlow printout Routing summary of INPUT: captured inflow Basin: Biofilter 2 1.142 at 5.00 (min) 3 contour Areas cfs)0.000 at Elevation(ft)Area(sf) Computed vol.(cy) 382.50 511.00 0.0 383.50 827.00 24.5 384.00 1000.00 41.4 1 Outlet Structures Outlet structure 0 weir name:emergency spillway length (ft)1.000 coefficient 3.300 invert (ft)383.500 multiple 1 discharge through darn 1 Inflow Hydrographs Hydrograph 0 iodi (i ed Rati on,il name: post d (-v captured IDF file: a2 time of concentration min)5.00 receding factor 1.670 time increment 0.25 time limit min)200.00 fudge factor 1.00 storm: peak intensity (zero duration) volume cy)16.94 peak flow (cfs)1.142 intensity in /hr)5.180 time to peak (min)5.000 duration of peak (min)0.00 routed true OUTPUT: Routing Method: direct Hydrograph 0 Routing summary of Peaks: post dev captured inflow cfs)1.142 at 5.00 (min) discharge cfs)0.000 at 0.00 (ruin) water level ft)383.237 at 13.25 (min) storage cy)16.944 Tue Apr 03 17:09:48 EDT 2007 Page 1 10 -yr BaSinFloW printout INPUT: Basin: Biofilter 2 3 Contour Areas Elevation(ft) Area(sf) computed vol.(cy) 382.50 511.00 0.0 383.50 827.00 24.5 384.00 1000.00 41.4 1 outlet Structures outlet: structure 0 Wei r name: emergency spilli length (ft)1.000 coefficient 3.300 invert (ft)383.500 multiple 1 discharge through dam 1 Inflow Hydrographs Hydrograph 0 Modified Rational r(_, ,)o_ r d , captured IDF file: a10 time of concentration (min) 5.00 receding factor 1.670 time increment 0.25 time limit (min) 200.00 fudge factor 1.00 storm: crit. duration (74 iterations) volume (cy) 50.60 peak flow (cfs) 0.691 intensity (in /hr) 3.133 time to peak (min) 5.000 duration of peak (min) 26.29 routed true OUTPUT: Routing Method: direct Hydrograph 0 Routing summary of Peaks inflow (cfs) discharge (cfs) water level (ft) storage (cy) post dev captured 0.691 at 5.00 (min) 0.596 at 32.25 (min) 383.820 at 32.25 (min) 34.637 Mon Apr 02 1.2:39:44 EDT 2007 Page 1 FsasinFlow printout r.NPUT: Fusin: Biofilter 2 10- yr --- peak Contour Areas Elevation(ft) Area(sf) computed vol.(c_y) 382.50 511.00 0.0 383.50 827.00 24.5 384.00 1000.00 41.4 1 outlet Structures outlet structure 0 teir name: emergency spillway length (ft) 1.000 coefficient 3.300 invert (ft) 383.500 multiple 1 discharge through dam I Inflow Hydrographs Hydrograph 0 odi ' (-(! Rational na;nt ,post clev captur ud C 0.6.0 Area (acres)Ci.O IDF file: , , 10 time of concentration (min)5.00 receding factor 1.670 time increment 0.25 time limit (min)200.00 fudge factor 1.00 storm: peak intensity (zero duration) volume (cy)21.80 peak flow (cfs)1.470 intensity (in /hr)6.666 time to peak (min)5.000 duration of peak (rein)0.00 routed true OUTPUT: Routing Method: direct Hydrograph 0 Routing Summary of Peaks inflow (cfs) discharge (cfs) water level (ft) storage (cy) post dev captured 1.470 at 5.00 (min) 0.000 at 0.00 (min) 383.409 at 13.25 (min) 21.804 Mon Apr 02 12:40:10 EDT 2007 Page 1 COmplanyr. McKee Carson: `-:: 1111.. -... Design :-Brajesh::- - 1.1..1...1..... Date - :.04%212007: DRAINAGE= AREA DATA. Facility Drainage Area = 15246 00 1 sf Irn ervi Area -7531 00 sf Water Ouality Volume Pe uired IVJgI= _r - ,31_71 _f — Cumulative Bioretention Treatment Required = -1 6317 f — FILTER BED DES Filter Bed Depth (of) _ 2 5'J tt Area Avg Area Filter bed Elevation =1 00 ft Cumulative Ma ',n Pending Depth - -On Ft_ J _f --- - - - -- r ------ --- - - P .emoval Pate =u':0 IN h nl Rr- q a i red F rater Bed ALa (A.a a)aa,5 yr, 511 0 Provided Filter Bed Area -511 00 38350 Provided Infiltration Volume 664 30 cf 2 6 - -4 ft) 1' ma+ Treatment Volume Required = 631 75 ft 01941I.TACU tr_r»:11 Elevation Area Avg Area Change Incremental Cumulative In Elevation Volume Volume s1 fn']Ir:IN h nl In1 38250 511 0 38350 8270 6690000 1 0 6690000 66900 Treatment Volume Provided = 669.00 IcIf First Christian Church Biofilter 3 Average C = 1 0.54 - Tc(TOTAL) 5.00 mins A LL I i 11T E t -S. 1 Return Period Enter Duration TYPE TOTAL PERCENT C CA 5 106 Buildings 9275.00 35 3%090 8347 150 106 Grass & Dirt 1701500 647 035 5955.25 Road and Parking Lot Sidewalk Total 000 0,00 26290 00 0 0 0 0"' i00 0 0 90 0 _ 00 0 90 0 Fjo 14302 75 Average C = 1 0.54 - Tc(TOTAL) 5.00 mins A LL I i 11T E t -S. 1 Return Period Enter Duration lh,Ilsity Intensity (b/(cl+Tc)'(-d I08249.02 I U 5 1 1 0,73 46.95 9.5 31.09 106 2 5 106 10 10.6 6 7 25 106 50 106 100 106 Acceptable values for duration are between 5 and 60 minutes Use values outside this range at risk Peak Discharge Q = C = 0.54 A = 0.60 jacres CIA BasinFlow printout INPU F: Basin: tsiofilter 3 3 Contour Areas 2 -yr Elevition(ft)Area(sf) Computed vol.(cy) 398.50 1210.00 0.0 399.50 2050.00 59.7 400.00 2470.00 101.5 1 outlet Structures Outlet <rructure 0 Weir name:emergency spillu.!ay length (ft)1.000 coefficient 3.300 invert (ft)399.500` multiple 1_ discharge through dam 1 Inflow Hydrographs Hydrograph 0 Io 1 i fi od Kati ona IDF file: a2 time of concentration (min) receding factor time increment tii)e limit (min) fudge factor storm: crit volume (cy) peak flow (cfs) intensity (in /hr) time to peak (min) duration of peak (min) routed OUTPUT: Routing Method: direct Hydrograph 0 Routing Summary of Peaks inflow (cfs) discharge (cfs) water level (ft) storage (cy) W) 5.00 1.670 0.25 200.00 1.00 duration (89 iterations) 82.42 0.255 0.787 5.000 138.83 true post dev captured 0.255 at 5.00 (min) 0.200 at 144.75 (min) 399.654 at 145.25 (min) 71.659 Tue Apr 03 17:10:26 EDT 2007 Page 1 Bas1nF1oW printout INPUT: Basin: Biofilter 3 3 Contour Areas 2- yr_peak Elevation(ft) Area(sf) Computed vol.(cy) 398.50 1210.00 0.0 399.50 2.050.00 59.7 400.00 2470.00 101.5 1 outlet structures outlet structure 0 weir name: emergency spillway length (ft) 1.000 coefficient 3.300 invert (ft) 399.500 multiple 1 discharge through dam 1 Inflow Hydrographs Hydrograph 0 modified Pationil OUTPUT: Routing Method: direct Hydrograph 0 Routing Summary of Peaks inflow (cfs) discharge (cfs) water level (ft) storage (cy) post dev captured 1.678 at 5.00 (min) 0.000 at 0.00 (min) 398.982 at 13.25 (min) 24.897 Tue Apr 03 17:10:39 EDT 2007 Page 1 Area (acres')0.510 MF file: a2 time of concentration (min)5.00 receding factor 1.670 time increment 0.25 time limit (min)200.00 fudge factor 1.00 storm: peak intensity (zero duration) volume (cy)24.89 peak flow (cfs)1.678 intensity (in /hr)5.180 time to peak (min)5.000 duration of peak (min)0.00 routed true OUTPUT: Routing Method: direct Hydrograph 0 Routing Summary of Peaks inflow (cfs) discharge (cfs) water level (ft) storage (cy) post dev captured 1.678 at 5.00 (min) 0.000 at 0.00 (min) 398.982 at 13.25 (min) 24.897 Tue Apr 03 17:10:39 EDT 2007 Page 1 BasinFloW printout INPUT: Basin: Bioilter 3 3 Contour Areas 10 - -yr Elevation(ft)Area(sf)Computed vol.(cy) 398.50 1210.00 0.0 399.50 2050.00 59.7 400.00 2470.00 101.5 1 outlet Structures Outlet structure 0 v,l e i r name:emergency spillway length (ft)1.000 coefficient 3.300 invert (ft)399.500 multiple 1 discharge through dam 1 Inflow Hydrographs Hydrograph 0 urea (acres) IDF file: a10 time of concentration (min) receding factor time increment time limit (min) fudge factor storm: Grit volume (cy) peak flow (cfs) intensity (in /hr) time to peak (min) duration of peak (min) routed OUTPUT: Routing Method: direct Hydrograph 0 Routing summary of Peaks inflow (cfs) discharge (cfs) water level (ft) storage (cy) cif .' c p L L:; _ , M 1 0.540 5.00 1.670 0.25 200.00 1.00 duration (93 iterations) 103.29 0.578 1.783 5.000 73.79 true post dev captured 0.578 at 5.00 (min) 0.468 at 79.75 (min) 399.772 at 80.00 (min) 81.199 Tue Apr 03 16:26:02 EDT 2007 Page 1 BasinFlow printout INPUT: Basin: Biofilter 3 3 Contour Areas 10- yr__peak FIevation(ft) Area(sf) computed Vol .(cy) 398.50 1210.00 0.0 399.50 2050.00 59.7 400.00 2470.00 101.5 1 outlet structures outlet structure 0 name: emergency spillway length (ft) 1.000 coefficient 3.300 invert (ft) 399.500 multiple 1 discharge through dam 1 Inflow Hydrographs Hydrograph 0 r1lodified Rational 11 . i) Area (aCt - es )lr I f filer a10 time of concentration (min)5.00 receding factor 1.670 time increment 0.25 time limit (ruin)200.00 fudge factor 1.00 storm: peak intensity (zero duration) volume (cy)32.03 peak flow (cfs)2.160 intensity (in /hr)6.666 time to peak (min)5.000 duration of peak (min)0.00 routed true OUTPUT: Routing Method: direct Hydrograph 0 Routing summary of Peaks inflow (cfs) discharge (cfs) water level (ft) storage (cy) post dev captured 2.160 at 5.00 (min) 0.000 at 0.00 (min) 399.100 at 13.25 (min) 32.039 rue Apr 03 16:28:53 EDT 2007 Page 1 Gorrrparijr WfcKee Garso »- ::::::: 7esgner;::Hrajesh: liiill is -: Date : :: 641212007: tRA1tIAGE AREA DATA FacihtD Area =26290.00 sf Change nper:i , us Area =5275 00 sf Elevation Area W Ouallty Volu Pegwred (VV )=772 92 = f - -- BioretenUon Treatment Required =772.92 - _1cf FtLTER,BEI? DESIGN ... Filter Bed Depth (df =2 - so 1 Change Filter bed Elevation =1 00 Ift Elevation Area f•Aa Pol- dina Depth - a : [IFCl Pcrrlina, r_01h id 1 00 1- L -- — - - - -- R Rate =0 00 - - -- in Elevation Required Filter Bed Area (Aav =594 55 yf 1 Provided Filt Bed Area =1210 00 sf I el LProvided Infiltration V011,1111 00 jcf 2 5 -4 fti 1' mar t reatment Vo Required = 72 92 ft 3 STORAGE TABLE Treatment Volume Provided = 1 1630.00 cf — Change Incremental Cumulative Elevation Area Avg Area in Elevation Volume Volume 1 Inl I el 398 50 1,2100 39950 2,0500 1630 0000 1 0 1630 0000 1,630 00 Treatment Volume Provided = 1 1630.00 cf — First Christian Church Curb Inlet Calculation Wesigrier . a* — — h rwan Date: 04/4/07 Part I - Time of ConcentrationTCmmim— assume — 5 . Min, Part II - Rainfall Intensity 4 in/hr as per VDCT Recommendation Acceptable values for duration are be4veen 5 and 60 onnutes Use values oiutsrde this range at risk Part III - Rational Formula: peak discharge Contnbuhng Area A 0.34 ac Rational Valu e C 090 — CIA 010 1.22 cfs Part IV - Spread Width T =1 234" ((O'n) ^(3 /8))'(Sx^(- 5/8)) '(S ^(- 3/16)) eqtn 9 2 Longitudinal Slope S 00200 ft/ft Cross Slope Sx 0.02 ft /ft Mannin s number n 0.02 ft Spread width T 6.67 ft Part V - inlet Length Less than half of the parking lot length of 17ft) Normal cross slope of area defined by V`J Sw 0 10 ft/ft from cross slooe of pavement Equivalent Cross slope Se=0.13 fUft W 1.50 ft a) local depression 8.62 1 80 inches b) Depth of total inlet depression a=3 24 in c) Cross slope of gutter measure from Sw'0 18 cross slope of pavement W/T 023 Sw /Sx 5.00 d) Ratio of low in depressed Eo=060 a = 12 W r1w - -:i Sw'= a /(12'W) Appendix 9C -8 Note: Use DI -313 curb inlet with 9' throat Se= Sx +Sw' Eo eqtn 9 5EquivalentCrossslopeSe=0.13 fUft Inlet length Ifor 10yr I LT=Lt =( 0 6'(Q ^0.42) ^0.3)) /((n "Se) ^0 6) eqtn 9 48.62 ft Note: Use DI -313 curb inlet with 9' throat First Christian Church Storm Drain Calculation Com p an y . , McKe .ri ;: f " "` 'i M[ r' : n ° rte, e 8a" SOIf .. = cz s:..r < = ozv :a:. s n:.•.'...» ... , ..z. > > :', i «''03• A'eb • :a ..P,'»•; t:'":': t aa^:. t iw' r, W.. . ^.r.• a.= = <•.r.• .:`r.^ st. . . - a t s .-sue *. , - - „ ,,, . . G2estg rzer. :: Brajesii T' irvari :. C 9`< .,.. _.,: 'P., .':`. -z r4: . ......: y'... , . s e,. •....• . , .:.; . °„ a =d: R: '<F ` .. A r4s . . BASED ON 10 -YEAR DESIGN FLOW FREQUENCY MANNING' S "n" = 0. 010 UPGRADED PIPE SIZE FULL FLOW I IFULL FLOW I FULL OR PARTIAL SEQUENTIAL UPPER STRUCT.LOWER STRUCT. MANNING' S n" DRAINAGE AREA AC.) RUN -OFF COEFF C CA LOCAL Tc MIN.) RAINFALL INTENSITY I (IN /HR) RUNOFF Q) CFS) INVERT ELEVATION LENGTH FT) SLOPE ACTUAL) UNIT /UNIT) SLOPE MIN. REQ' D) UNIT /UNIT) MIN. DIA. REQ' D AT ACTUAL SLP. IN) DIA. ACTUAL IN) CAPACITY CFS) VELOCITY FPS) FLOW TIME (MIN.)REMARKS NO UNIT TYPE STRUCT.TYPE STRUCT.INCRE- MENT ACCUM- ULATED UPPER END FT) LOWER END FT) INC. 0 32 0 32 6 7C 2 11 i " 1 46'' 0 0 2062',' 0 8 3 i 56 2 7 0. 42 OK C 32 1 0 32 6 70 211 1 47%0 2062`/8 3 56 27 042 OK BASED ON 100 -YEAR DESIGN FLOW FREQUENCY MANNING' S "n" = 0.010 UPGRADED PIPE SIZE FULL FLOW I IFULL FLOW I FULL OR PARTIAL SEQUENTIAL UPPER STRUCT.LOWER STRUCT. MANNING'S n" DRAINAGE AREA AC.) RUN -OFF COEFF C CA LOCAL Tc MIN.) RAINFALL INTENSITY I (IN /HR) RUNOFF Q) CFS) INVERT ELEVATION LENGTH FT) SLOPE ACTUAL) UNIT /UNIT) SLOPE MIN. REQ' D) UNIT /UNIT) MIN. DIA. REQ' D AT ACTUAL SLP. IN) DIA. ACTUAL IN) CAPACITY CFS) VELOCITY FPS) FLOW TIME MIN.REMARKS NO.UNIT TYPE STRUCT.TYPE STRUCT.INCRE- MENT ACCUM- ULATED UPPER END FT) LOWER END FT) INC. 0 32 0 32 8 80 2 77 i "1 46 9 0 3558%92 56 35 0 32 OK 032 0 32 8 80 2 77 1 47%0 3558 °„9 2 56 35 0 32 OK USES TABLE BASED ON n =0 010 E PROJECT FILES FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH\ 051 P DESIGN ENGINEERING, STORMDRAIN DRAIN ANALYSIS 1 OF First Christian Church Cu tvert Dcsi H oiiipansy:: Mcflee. ;Gars ?rr:::; =: Desig »ers:Braj T`irvaxi:::. Date :0313012007 TIME OF CONCENTRATION .;: =: >' -::- <?• >: •:: : Source Seelye Chart as modified in VDOT Drainage %Ianual (AI_, i -1) Notes 1) Length of overland flo ^ al,v -,ys — 300 ft 2) Calculate a separate 1 for each ground cover condition along tho floe" path 300.00 Enter Length of Stnp (ft) 5.70 Enter Slope ( °/o or ft/ 100ft) 0.35 Enter Rational Method "C" value 112.16 Result Tc (minutes) Source: SCS Velocity Graph as published in Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, Third Edition 1`J 1) Not it den, for well- defined :.;h ,run !:. :, ,h<vurel flrnv coh ol'rt,on 2) Calculate a separate Tc for ea<h rrrouncl cover condition along the flotv pnth 155.00 Enter Length of Flow (ft) 3.20 Enter Slope (% or ft/100ft) 0.52 Velocity (ft/ s) IF UNPAVED 0.65 Velocity (ft/s) IF PAVED 0.90 Result Tc (minutes) IF UNPAVED 0.70 Result Tc (minutes) IF PAVED Source: Kirpich Chart as modified in VDOT Drainage Manual (Fig. on Page 1 -14) Notes. 1) For small drainage basins. 2) For concrete channels, use 0.2 "7 - c 0.00 Bottom Width (ft) 0.10 Side Slope (Left) 0.10 Side Slope (Right) 10.00 Height (ft) 10.00 Cross Sectional Area (ft ^2) 20.10 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 0.50 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.01 Channel Slope 0.03 Manning 'n' 3.56 Velocity (ft/sec) 0.00 Length of Flow (ft) 0.00 Result Tc (minutes) TC(TOTAL) 13.06 mins I G ampan y:: Mc Kee. ... ..... . Designer.:::Brajesti ........:::::: Date :.:041512007. F ° . ° ° =: E?CJSTDEVELORMENT:C TYPE TOTAL Build 8705.00 Grass & Di 155415.20 Road and Park Lot 26237.00 Sidewal 0.00 Total —190357 20 PERCENT C CA 46%090 783450 816%0.35 5439532 13 8 090 2361 30 00 ° io 090 000_ 100 ' 100 85P4,°, 12 6.3 Aver C = 0.45 9'Ml, `.Y E A IO ,F. j prr F.` `s`: j : F f 'Y ;.• TC(TOTAL)= 13.06 mins Return Period Enter Duration Intensity Intensity b /(d +Tc) ^e 1 10 loc 106 25 106 5 - -_106 100 106 6.3 Acceptable values for duration are between 5 and 60 minutes Use values outside this range at risk Peak Discharge Q =CIA e b d 9 012 100 0 73 46 95 9 5 0 55 31 09 o C = 0 45 A = 4.37 acres 2 -Yr Peak Discharge Q =7.24 cfs 10 -Yr Peak Discharge Q =9.51 cfs 100 -Yr Pea Discharge Qioo=12.48 cfs c - .... . . . bat6:' 0/28/2007::::- PIP DIAM D 0 La 8 1.75 5 5 00 525 6.75 1.5 PIP DIAM D 0 La C7 ro X 5' T. Q Plan Sh No Desigre Rev Ml*., AH% N ontr yr Fl,) ud p 'Im Desigi AHA depth___ S rj: ti, ttis eev 4 A ARGE3 _ W 3K_ASbL CFS De Avai la b e. P, C' , D r,u ny 37 Iigu Pla i Marager 0 04y 999 A a Sigri' icart lmoac!Crig hr E ev HF D, r,ATFR COMPUTATIONS CONT: I OU T LL i Lr, c 1 C,A VOJT'_ L I CON I RU HL ELOCIT oIhK, E - E c 1 2- 3 j o 2 e Flo d 1 Pr C7 ro X 5' T. Q 4/'- r-1 Aesi :Br 7'irvarl: .. , , ,...... ,- u - ....." ° Y:.. m,.• ; .... .. -., : k. : ,' .:` .=a... _...,;.: ;k;v;. BASED ON 10 -YEAR DESIGN FLOW FREQUENCY MANNING'S "n" = 0.010 SEQUENTIAL UPPER STRUCT.LOWER STRUCT. MANNING'S n" DRAINAGE AREA AC.) RUN -OFF COEFF C CA LOCAL Tc MIN.) RAINFALL INTENSITY I (IN /HR) RUNOFF Q) CFS) IN NO.UNIT TYPE STRUCT.TYPE STRUCT.INCRE- MENT ACCUM- ULATED UPPE I CfU 0 0 32 0 32 6 70 211 0 32 0 32 6 70 211 BASED ON 100 -YEAR DESIGN FLOW FREQUENCY MANNING'S "n" = 0.010 SEQUENTIAL UPPER STRUCT.LOWER STRUCT. MANNING'S n" DRAINAGE AREA AC.) RUN -OFF COEFF C CA LOCAL Tc MIN.) RAINFALL INTENSITY I (IN /HR) RUNOFF Q) CFS) IN No.UNIT TYPE STRUCT.TYPE STRUCT.INCRE- MENT ACCUM- ULATED UPPE I QO 0 32 0 32 8 80 2 77 0 32 0 32 8 80 2 77 E ,PROJECT FILES 1%,- FIRST CHRISTI , ld CHURCH'iW 18 DESIGN ENGINEERING STOP (DRAIN STORM DP.AIN ANAI YSIs.