HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200700053 Review Comments 2007-06-20o m
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126
Project: SDP - 2007 - 00053, Mill Creek Offices Phase II, Final Site Plan
WPO- 2007 - 00035, Mill Creek Offices Phase II, ESC & SWM Plans
Plan preparer: Mr. Eliot Fendig PE, Bent Tree Design [fax: 220 -2553]
Owner or rep.: Redlands LLC [fax: unknown]
Plan received date: 15 May 2007 (plan date 10 May 2007)
Date of comments: 20 June 2007
Reviewer: Andrew Lowe
The final site plan, erosion and sediment control and stonnwater management plans for Mill Creek
Offices Phase II, submitted on 15 May 2007, have been reviewed. The plans cannot be approved
as submitted and will require the following changes /corrections prior to final approval.
Engineering is available from 2 -4 PM on Thursdays to discuss these review comments. Please
contact Mr. Allan Schuck at 296.5832, ext. 3069, to schedule an appointment.
A. Final Site Plan (SDP- 2007 - 00053)
1. Please provide copies of easements for off -site work. Any proposed improvements or disturbance
within 5 feet of property lines, or any wall within one -half its height of a property line, requires a
construction easement. [Policy. Temporary easements may be plats, deeds, recorded documents,
or letter of permission signed by the owner.]
2. Plans need to have a professional seal, signed and dated. [18-32.6.1]
3. Please shade any existing critical (25 %) slopes. [18- 32.6.6, 14 -302]
4. Show the existing vegetation on all sheets. Describe how the trees will be relocated and protected.
5. All slopes greater than 3:1 need to have a low- maintenance (not grass) ground cover specified on
the plan. [Policy]
6. Show a permanent drainage easement with appropriate dimensions and labels for drainage through
adjacent property to the water quality BMP. [18- 32.7.4]
7. The entrance landing appears to exceed 4% for the first 40' from the intersected street (Five
Springs Road). [18- 4.12.17]
8. Show and label the available sight distance at the entrance to Five Springs Road on the plan.
9. The C -1 structure shows as a MH -1 on sheet 9 profile view but shows as a DI -2A in the schedule
table. Please revise accordingly.
10. We recommend the dumpster pad detail or specification to be a minimum 4000psi at 28 days, or
stronger. [Checklist]
11. Provide typical retaining wall details. [Design Manual]
12. The following comments are in reference to Sheet 7, stormwater management plan: [Checklist]
a. DA -1 is labeled as 0.7 acres but appears to be much smaller in area. Please revise
b. Show hydrologic coefficients used for each drainage area.
13. The following items are in reference to the storm drain table provided: [Checklist]
a. It is acceptable to use the table provided, VDOT table, or Albemarle County table as long
as all information is provided and consistent.
Engineering Review Comments
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b. Label the structure ID's using the same format as on the plan (B -8, C -1, etc...).
c. List the drainage area to each structure.
d. Provide the hydrologic coefficients for each area.
B. Erosion Control Plan (WPO- 2007 - 00035)
14. The narrative appears to be adequate with this submittal.
15. Show the existing vegetation and the required tree protection measures 5' outside of the actual drip
line for trees to be saved and /or relocated. [VESCH 3.38]
16. It appears that the limits of clearing and grading may need to be adjusted to allow adequate space
for grading the sediment traps and diversion dikes, retaining walls, installation of the water line to
the street, and the sewer hook -up.
17. Show temporary seeding symbol on the plan sheet. [VESCH 3.31]
18. Show stockpile location within the limits of clearing and grading. [Checklist]
19. Show a location for staging, parking and other related activities. [Checklist]
20. Show and label the proposed contours for the sediment traps with the necessary grading. [VESCH
21. Show the construction entrance on the plan sheet as 70' in length per detail. [VESCH 3.02]
22. Please show ESC and stabilization measures for the installation of the new water line to the street.
23. Final stabilization for slopes greater than 3:1 needs to be a low- maintenance ground cover not
general permanent seeding from ESC specs. Show permanent seeding on all other areas. [Policy]
C. Stormwater Management and Mitigation Plan (WPO- 2007 - 00035)
24. The water quality swale constructed with Phase I is not sized to treat the additional impervious
related to Phase 11, therefore water quality requirements need to be addressed with this plan. [17-
303, VSWMH]
a. The proposed stormwater management plan (sheet 7) shows a project drainage area of
1.75 acres to the existing water quality swale. Using 1.75 acres as the project drainage
area in the BMP computation worksheet we have calculated the impervious area to be
60% and the required removal rate to be 61 % at the location of the existing BMP. Water
quality swales have a target removal efficiency of 35% and is not adequate to treat for the
additional impervious associated with phase Il. [VSWMH 3.13, table 3.13 -1]
b. One option is to treat for water quality onsite and tie into the storm drain that runs along
the NE property line and bypass the existing water quality swale.
c. The second option is to upgrade the existing water quality swale to address the entire
build -out at 61 % RR.
d. A permanent drainage easement will need to be submitted for use of the storm drains and
the water quality BMP on the adjacent property if the second option is chosen. [18-
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To: Bent Tree Designs PLC via email — ellie @bentree- deisgn.com
From: Summer Frederick, Senior Planner
Division: Zoning & Current Development
Date: June 27, 2007
Subject: SDP2007 - 53 Mill Creek Office Park - Final
The Planner for the Zoning & Current Development Division of the Albemarle County
Department Community Development will approve the final site plan when the following
items have been satisfactorily addressed. (The following comments are those that have
been identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated
based on further review.) [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference to the
Code of Albemarle.]
1. [Sec. 32.6.1] A final site plan must be signed, sealed and dates by an architect,
professional engineer, land surveyor, or certified landscape architect, each of whom
shall be licensed to practice in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
2. [Sec. 32.6.6] All critical existing critical slopes must be clearly identified on plans.
3. [Sec. 32.7.9] All existing vegetation must be included in the landscaping plan, with
those trees and significant shrubs that are to be removed clearly labeled.
Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you have questions or require
additional information.
lJ rIII r
t tftrit
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone(434)296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126
Project: SDP -2007- 00053, Mill Creek Offices Phase II, Final Site Plan
WPO- 2007 - 00035, Mill Creek Offices Phase II, ESC & SWM Plans
Plan preparer: Mr. Eliot Fendig PE, Bent Tree Design [fax: 220 -2553]
Owner or rep.: Redlands LLC [fax: unknown]
Plan received date: 15 May 2007 (plan date 10 May 2007)
Rev. 1. 25 Juli 2007 (plum revision date 25 July 2007)
Date of comments: 20 June 2007
Rev. 1: 8.4ugust 2007
Reviewer: Andrew Lowe
Rci 1:.4ndretir Loire
The final site plan, erosion and sediment control and stormwater Management plans for Mill Creek
Offices Phase I1, submitted on 25 July 2007, have been reviewed.
A. Final Site Plan (SDP -2007- 00053)
1. Please submit a Final Plat showing the easements on both parcels 76M 1 -12 and 76M I -12A.
2. A "Letter of Intent" will be needed for the retaining wall constructed on parcel 76M 1 -12. [DM]
3. Engineering is still reviewing the format and language for the temporary construction easement. A
notification will be sent separately.
B. Erosion Control Plan (WPO -2007- 00035)
4. It appears all Engineering comments have been addressed.
5. The Erosion and Sediment Control portion of the bond estimate is $6,000.00.
C. Stormwater Management Plan (WPO -2007- 00035)
6. It appears all Engineering comments have been addressed.
7. The Stormwater Management portion of the bond estimate is $20,000.
1 r
J i
Department of Community Development
401 Nicintire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone(434)296 -5832 Fax(434)972 -4126
Project: SDP -2007- 00053, Mill Creek Offices Phase II, Final Site Plan
WPO -2007- 00035, Mill Creek Offices Phase II, ESC & SWM Plans
Plan preparer: Mr. Eliot Fendig PE, Bent Tree Design [fax: 220 -2553]
Owner or rep.: Redlands LLC [fax: unknown]
Plan received date: 15 May 2007 (plan date 10 May 2007)
Rey'. 1: 25 July 2()O7 (I)IaN revision date 25 All 20071
Date of comments: 20 ,tune 2007
Rev. 1: 8 August 2001'
Rev. 2. ?' August _ 007
Revie-vs er: Andrei Lowe
Rev. 1: Andrew Loire
Rev. 2. - Andrew Lowe
The final site plan, erosion and sediment control and stormwater management plans for Mill Creek
Offices Phase II, submitted on 25 July 2007, have been reviewed.
A. Final Site Plan (SDP -2007- 00053)
1. Please submit a Final Plat showing the easements on both parcels 76MI -12 and 76MI -12A.
2. A "Letter of Intent" will be needed for the retaining wall constructed on parcel 76MI -12. [DM]
3. Engineering is still reviewing the format and language for the temporary construction easement. A
notification will be sent separately.
Rev. 2: The language and format of this easement is acceptable.
B. Erosion Control Plan (WPO -2007- 00035)
4. It appears all Engineering comments have been addressed.
5. The Erosion and Sediment Control portion of the bond estimate is $6,000.00.
C. Stormwater Management Plan (WPO -2007- 00035)
6. It appears all Engineering comments have been addressed.
7. The Stormwater Management portion of the bond estimate is $20,000.
Rev. 2: M lieu of'Posting a new SIVAI bond n- this project the Comm will hold the Cvisting SII "Al
Bond fin• Alill Creek Offices Phase 1 until Phase 2 is eompIcted.
Jil `illli '
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 --35,96
Phone (334) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -3126
Project: SDP - 2007- 00053. Mill Creek Offices Phase 11, Final Site Plan
WPO -2007- 00035, Mill Creek Oftices Phase II, ESC & SWNI Plans
Plan preparer: Mr. Idiot Fendig PE. Bent free Design [tax: 220 -2553]
Owner or rep.: Redlands LLC [fax: unknoxt n]
Plan received (late: 15 May 2007 (plan date 10 May 2007)
Rev. 1: ?5 Add 2007 (plan re'vis'ion date 25 A1 2(107)
Rev. 3: 19 ,November 2007 (pan revi.ciull elate 19 /AOvember 'OO7)
Date of comments: 20 June'_007
Ref'. !: Y ' 111gli.q 'OO,'
Rev. ': 22,- Iuglrs't 'OO7
Rev. 3: 18 December 2007
Reviewer: /Andrew Lowe
The final site plan, erosion and sediment control and stormwater management plans for lvlill Creek
Offices Phase 1I, submitted on 25 July 2007, have been reviewed.
A. Final Site Plan (SDP -2007 - 00053)
1. Please submit a Final Plat showing the easements on both parcels 76M1 -12 and 76M1 -12A.
Rev. 3: This comment has not been addressed. Please provide legal verification of the
stul"nnt'uter c/ruinu,•e casement. ff the storinwater,dr'aimrge eascmellt 011 parcel ? 6aT!- 12hu.c not
been legal/v recorded lee can cu'cept « copy of t /te nnturied deed o / ecr.cemcnt. If the e «.cement
has been recor•detl through a plat it can he referenced on the Final Site Phin by deed book
number. The evidcrtce u/ rccordutu,lr mtrst he .cubnntted prior to l'n«l .5'ite Pktn «ppruvul.
11,cO note the ch•«tnage caselnent needy t(1 fr111r,w the Alhe'Ineirle C ounti, Design Manual lilt' lridih
O' minimum width) and building encruachnicrtt. Please !lute for future plans all tlraintlgc
structures He'e'd to remain at the center thirtl the easement per. /e ConlltV De.cig/I
11tintlell. "I''lli.c stalrtlarll cull be iraivctl lr)r this sitmition since the pipes and buildings lrcre built
1)1"e'l'iousll• lt'ithotlt case711CIII'S neet /ec/. Ii'c x'ill need to slttnr the casement at _W mt jlotctl fin• the
A "Letter of Intent" will he needed for the retaining wall constructed on parcel 76M 1 - 12. [DM]
Rev. 3: This cununcnt appccn's to be udeyuuh'Iv uc /dressed.
Fngincering is still reviewing the format and language for the temporary construction easement. A
notification will be sent separately.
Rev. ': The lan uml c and frwinat of this casement is acccprcthlc.
Rev. 3 _ This comment has not been adedueltelp «ddressc(L if the e(esemellt is not siEjnetl ht' the
neighboring propert1 Owner, ,rmling will nut he «11OIvecl On that propern• (lnd the tenlporar"v
C011SOWL'titnl etlSelnClIt sholdtl not be shoat - it. The C ceinne)t tlpprOIV (111 El "0 1'lOn rind
Seclimcnt Control Plan that shows irrtrtling on the « dja, -ell/ property without temporary
c.'onstruc•tiou easement. The ESC' -!beet shulcti glzr(1in,,[)r the sediment trap on ' adjacent
propertle.5' it'lth U111b' till easementdt)clllnent - Mll One On'110'. 11e /teed lt'l "lttell pel7iliN.etU11
ranting temJ)01*11)_V e«.cen 01t or the trap and grading mlist be ntnvcd off the udjac erlt property.
r,nglneering Review Comments
Pane 2 of 2
B. Erosion Control Plan (w'PO -2007- 00035)
T. It appears all Engineering comments have been addressed.
5. The Erosion and Sediment Control portion of the bond estimate is 56.000.00.
Rev. 3: Engineering will rccona end upproval when the Final Site Plan comments! ore addres.ccd.
C. Stormwater Management Plan ("'PO -2007- 00035)
6. It appears all I-.ngineering comment, have been addressed.
7. The Stormwater Managemcnt portion of the bond estimate is ` 20,000.
Rev. In licit of posting a new ,51111 hoed i)r this project the ('otrtrty Will held tltc "Xistinw Stt "If
Bond itr .Hill ('rack U1liccs Phase 1 until Phase ? is cnmplctccl.
Re 3: T nghiccring mill recommeml approval when the Final Site Plan commevtts are ctddrcssed.
Department of Community Development
40t h9clntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone(434)296 -5832
Plan preparer:
Owner or rep.:
Plan received date:
Date of comments:
Fax(434)972 -4126
SDP -2007- 00053, Mill Creek Offices Phase II, Final Site Plan
WPO -2007- 00035, Mill Creek Offices Phase II, ESC & SWM Plans
Mr. Eliot Fendig PE, Bent Tree Design [fax: 220 -2553]
Redlands LLC [fax: unknown]
15 May 2007 (plan date 10 May 2007)
Rev. 1. 25 Ady 2007 (plan revision date 25 Jult 2007)
Rev. 3: 19 November 2007 (pan revision date 19 November 2007)
20 June 2007
Rev. 1: 8 August 2007
Rev. 2: 22 August 2007
Rev. 3: 18 December 2007
Rev, 4: 20 December 2007
Andrew Lowe
The final site plan, erosion and sediment control and storinwater management plans for Mill Creek
Offices Phase Il, submitted on 25 July 2007, have been reviewed.
A. Final Site Plan (SDP -2007- 00053)
1. Please submit a Final Plat showing the easements on both parcels 76M1 -12 and 76M1 -12A.
Rev. 3: This continent has not been addressed. Please provide legal verification of the
storill 'ater /drainage easement. Il the ,57ornttit /drainage easement on parcel 76111 -12has not
been legally recorded we can accept (i copy of'the notari.:ed deed of casement. Ifthe casement
has been recorded through a plat it can he referenced on the Final Site Plan by deed hook
number. The evitleiiee of t'ecordatioti titlt.s't he .sabtititted prior• to Fitial Site Plan iipprovtil.
Also note the drainage easement steeds to the Albemarle County Design Manual fin width
20' IninimtIn? width) and building encroachntettt. Please note fbr fitture plans till drainage
structures need to remain in the center third of the easement per,41hetnarle County Design
Manual. This standard Can be waived for this .situation .since the pipes and buildings were bitilt
previously without easements needed. We will treed to show the easement at 20' adjusteil_fn- the
Rev. 4: We have received the plat front Commonwealth Land Surveying, with a revision date of
December 19, 2007. The easement width has been corrected and engineering has no objections
to the plat. .4s rioted above the Final Site Platt cannot he approved lentil the plat and easement
have been recorded. Once the plat is recorded please provide that itilbrination to Albemarle
County Community Development, for approval of the Final Site Plan.
2. A "Letter of Intent" will be needed for the retaining wall constructed on parcel 76M1 -12. [DM]
Rev. 3: This comment appears to he adequately addressed.
3. Engineering is still reviewing the format and language for the temporary construction easement. A
notification will be sent separately.
Rev. 2: The language and,format of this easement is acceptable.
knigineering Review Comments
Page 2 of 2
Rev. 3: This continent has not been adequately addressed.
Rev. 4 : This comment has been adequately addressed.
B. Erosion Control Plan (WPO -2007- 00035)
4. It appears all Engineering comments have been addressed.
5. The Erosion and Sediment Control portion of the bond estimate is $6,000.00.
Rev. 3: Engineering ivill recommend approval when the Final Site Plan comments are addressed.
C. Stormwater Management Plan (WPO -2007- 00035)
6. It appears all Engineering comments have been addressed.
7. The Stormwater Management portion of the bond estimate is $20,000.
Rev. 2: In licit ofposting a new STVM bond for this proicct the County will hold the existing SWAI
Bondfnr Mill Creek Ojfices Phase 1until Phase 2 is contpleted.
Rev. 3: Engineering hill recommend approval when the Final Site Plan comments are addressed.
Department of Community Development
401 Niclntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126
Project: SDP -2007- 00053, Mill Creek Ofticcs Phase II, Final Site Plan
W'PO- 2007 - 001135, Mill Creek Offices Phase II, ESC & SWM Plans
Plan preparer: Mr. Eliot Eendig PE, Bent 'Free Design [fax: 220 -2553]
Owner or rep.: Redlands LLC [fax: unknown]
Plan received date: 19 NoN ember 2007 (pan revision date 19 November 2007)
Date of comments: 15 January 2008
Reviewer: Andrew Lowe
The final site plan, erosion and sediment control and stormwater management plans for Mill Creek
Offices Phase II have been reviewed.
A. Final Site Plan (SDP -2007- 00053)
1. It appears all previous Engineering comments have been addressed and Engineering has no
objections with the approval of the Final Site Plan.
B. Erosion Control Plan (WPO -2007 -00035
2. It appears all previous Engineering comments have been addressed.
3. Engineering recommends approval of the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan.
4. The Erosion and Sediment Control portion of the bond estimate is $6,000.00. Please contact Pam
Shifflett at 434 -296 -5832 ext 3246 for more information concerning the posting of this bond.
C. Stormwater Management Plan (WPO -2007- 00035)
5. It appears all previous Engineering comments have been addressed.
6. Engineering recommends approval of the Stormwater Management Plan.
7. The Stormwater 'Management portion of the bond estimate is $20,000. Please contact Pam
Shiftlett at 434- 296 -5532 ext 3246 for more infonnation concerning the posting of this bond.
In lieu 01'1)O tin g (i uelr Stlal bond,lin this pr(ljcct the Cuunth mill hold the existing Slfal Bond
liar ,hill Creek 01 ices Phase l until Phase 2 is COMI)lete(1.