HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200700079 Application 2007-08-14County of AI amarle Planning Application 1 Comrr y Development Department, Zoning & Current Development Division 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 -4596 Voice : (434) 296 -5832 Fax : (434) 972 -4126 TMP 09200- 00- 00 -036EO Owner(s): FORSBERG, OSCAR & HELEN L Application # SOP200700079 Legal Description I ACREAGE Magisterial Dist. IScottsville Land Use Primary I Residential -- Single- family (incl. modular homes) Current AFD INot in A/F Di Current Zoning Primary I Rural Areas APPLICATION INFORMATION House # Street Name Apt / Suite City State Zip Street Address 2241 GOBBLERS RDG CHARLOTTESVILLE 22902 - Entered By: Carla Harris on 0811412007 Application Type Site Development Plans Project: NIX WAY (FORSBERG) VERIZON TIER II PWSF - FINAL 5,155.00 Received Date 08/13/2007 Received Date Final Total Fees $ 790.00 Submittal Date 08/13/2007 Submittal Date Final Total Paid $ 790.00 Closing File Date Revision Number Comments: Legal Ad Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Primary Contact Name STEPHEN WALLER, AICP Phone # (434) 825 -0617 Street Address 536 PANTOPS CENTER,PMB 320 Fax # (757) 282 -5811 City / State CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA Zip Code 22911 -0000 E -mail STEPHEN .WALLER @WIRELESSRESOURCES.CO Cellular # Owner /Applicant Name FORSBERG, OSCAR & HELEN L Phone # Street Address 2240 GOBBLERS RIDGE Fax # ( ) - City / State CHARLOTTESVILLE VA Zip Code 22902- E -mail Cellular # Applicant Name CELLCO PARTNERSHIP D /B /A VERIZON WIRELESS Phone # (434) 825 -0617 Street Address 1831 RADY COURT Fax # ( ) - City / State RICHMOND, VA Zip Code 23222 -0000 E -mail Cellular # Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Nix Way / Forsberg Property Personal Wireless Services Application For a Tier II - Treetop Facility Located at 2241 Gobblers Ridge Charlottesville, VA 22902 Submitted by tl7w AmokwqwrjOnwireless 1831 Rady Court Richmond, Y 23222 Contents Introduction / Project Description Site Photos Facility Details Topographic Map Plat Site Plan Antenna Specifications Paint Chip INTRODUCTION / PROJECT DESCRIPTION TIER-r1 PERSONAL NN IRELESS SEItN1('E F.kcILITY VERIZON WIRELESS NIX WAY (FORSBERG PROPERTY) Project Description Ccllco Partnership, operating as Verizon Wireless ( "). respectfulIN requests approval to allow the installation ofa Tier If Personal Wireless Service Facility (PW'SF) in Albemarle County. The proposed facility will consist ofa 1.000 square foot lease area on approximately 4.82 acres identified as 'l'ax Map Parcel 36F. and located in the Scottsville Magisterial District. The site is located at an elevation ofapproximately 440 feet Above Mean Sea Level (ANISL). The proposed PWSF kkill include a metal monopole, with a top height of 88 feet (528 AMSL.), that will be fitted with three (3) this]]- mounted antennas, a 2 -toot long lightning rod and coaxial cables that will be run within the monopole's interior. All ground -based transmitting equipment and an emergency generator will be housed within a prefabricated equipment shelter measuring 12' x 30.42' x 10.58' (W x L x H). The monopole, antennas and a proposed screening fence surrounding the shelter will all be painted with Sherwin Williams Java Brown - 6090, which is a matte enamel color that has been previously approved as an appropriate color for Tier II facilities at other sites inAlbemarle County. Access to the facility will be taken from Gobblers Ridge, an existing private gravel road that intersects with Thomas Jefferson highway (State Route 53), and then proceeds north to the site using the land owner's driveway. There are two other existing PW'SF's owned by AT &T Wireless and Alltel located across the road on the southern side of Route 53. Both of those facilities were approved with special use permits that allowed the monopole top heights to extend a minimum of 10 feet above their designated reference trees. Verizon originally targeted that location for a possible third facility. but found that the property owner was not interested in having a third I' VSF on the parcel. The subject property is zoned Rural Areas (RA), and it is located in the Entrance Corridor EC) overlay district. None of the resources that are defined as avoidance areas in Section 3,1 of the zoning ordinance are located on or within close proximity to this site. Network Objectives Verizon recently secured a license from the Federal Communications Commission to provide Personal Communications Services within a new market that includes the County of .Albemarle, Citv of Charlottesville and other surrounding counties. These services range from phones with voice, data, text. video and GPS capabilities, to wireless broadband solutions for personal and business computer systems. erZOn does not curnmtl% 011' ally se1'_1 lee iptioils lueall, prov dim limited services within this market only to existing customers from other areas through roaming agreements w ith another wireless carrier. There had been no opportunities for Verizon to offer the full range of services until the FCC license was obtained. Verizon Wireless PWSF Page I 1lechunls River (Barrel]) Verizon has identitied sc\eral sites thrttu11h0ut the market That will he integral to establishing this sere ice. Once all of the proposed sites are "un- air . Verizon will be able to provide potelltlallN scaliness Ill- blllldlll!_T. In -car and on- street co\erage the market. BN proxlding coN crage w ithin this market. It Is V erizoll s oblec'tl\ e to enSUl'e that the toll range of scrN ices will he a \aIIable to existing customers. while also aIIowin, an additional, coIII pet ItIve option liu access to \\ fireless serA ices h\ future customers. The specific I'acilit\ proposed with this application will establish in building co\crage for the nearby residential units. and will support in -car covcra (le for customers traveling o1 Route 53 by connectin its service with the other antenna sites that will be installed to the northwest heading toward the C'it} of C'harlottes\ life and to the southeast approaching Fluvanna County. Character of the Area The site of the proposed facility is located approximately 157.6 feet north of the right-of- way for Route 53 and adjacent heavily wooded area vvitllin the treeline that extends to the north. The location on the parcel is obscured front Route S by a row of tall trees on an embankment that runs parallel to the road. All of the surrounding properties are zoned Rural Areas, and the nearest off -site dwelling unit is approximately 2 _40 feet northeast of the proposed PWSF site. Compliance with Section 5,1.40 of the Zoning Ordinance: The County's specific design criteria for Tier II Facilities, set forth in Section 5.1.40(4), are addressed as follows: 5.1.40(d)(1) - The facility shall comply with subsection 5.1.40(b) and subsections 5.1.40(c)(2) through (9). Subsection 5. I .-10(b) (f -5) The setback regulations fora PW'SF are being mct and all other area and bulk regulations and minimum yard requirements are being met with this request. Verizon has selected a location for the proposed monopole that exceeds the required tower setback distance equal to 100 ? of the structure's height from all parcel lines shared with adjoining lots. Furthermore, there are no public road rights -of -way within a radius equal to 100 of the monopole's height. The attached site drawings, antenna and equipment specifications are being provided to demonstrate that the PW "SF regulations and the relevant site plan requirements, set forth in Section 12 of the zoning ordinance, hale been accounted liar in this application. i Subsection 5.1.40(c)(2) The proposed monopole does not require the installation 6vUAd(;10 VY Wo Of guyed wires, nor \g ill it he fitted with any whip antennas without any further j,Q County approvals –rova The o osed Tloundin rod lies w 'cons with the Countvs size I.el rl tiLnb 'rt'd/ PP p p g' p rlllirc nlc nts. Mlle 1 Cd*t'. ..ill c nl} have one outdoor light fixture attachesi to t t „ f ,2 J,, eh proposed shelter which will onIN he used fiv Verizon's technical staff during timc LWhQ when maintenance of the site is undertaken. Verizon is currently in the process of securing a design for a retrofit shield that will be installed on the light, to ensure Verizon Wireless PWSF Page 2 Mechurns River (Barrell) that the I I XtUrU is in lull compliance NNith Section 4.17 of the loning ordinance. I he shelter III he screened \ithin a «ood fence that \\ III match the existink lenccs that screen the other PWSFs located ncarhN on the subject parcel. SUh.S 5. 1.40ML31: The proposed antenna CollliaLnration N\ III Consist ol'one sector \\ 1111 thrcc pLtulCI antennas (Anphcnol Antel %lodcl .1 BNA- 185085'1 that nlCasurC 7 -'.44 x 0.O0" x 4.1 3". `ai\ in- each antenna an area ol'apprommatek 4 39 square- Liches. I hose antennas will be II1Stalled tiS111 - pipe InoUn1S that will allo ti)r an\ required amount of do\ n- tilting k011out exceeding the County's y tv1C requir'cnlentS fur Ilusll- nloutlts (1?- inches maximum between the face of the monopole and the lace of the / antenna). All antennas %\111 be painted to match theMU,CitJM color of the monopole. Subsection 5.1.40(lt4 and 5) : Construction ofthe dri extension fin' access to this site w ill require the removal of one (1) tree, which is identified as a 1-1 -inch Pine on Sheet Cl -A of the plan set. Verizon has already contracted Van Yahres Tree Company to provide a tree conservation pan that will be prepare y a V,(gA JbeQp_ certified ar orist. In order to ensure there is no significant impact to any nearby C " xt,6v, trees as a result of the construction activities, the conservation plan 1w e TwL h completed before a building permitt7 rocessil begins for this site. Recommendations of the conservation plan will be integrated into the Q CVA_ 6 construction process and followed on all portions of the site that are within nV 196A3 — erizon's contro . Subsection 5.1.40(c)(6) Should use of the antenna site in this location become discontinued at anytime in the future, Verizon and,'or its assignee(s) will be required to remove the facility within 90 days. Subsection 5.1.40(c)(7) Verizon shall submit an annual report updating the user status and equipment inventory of the facility in the required time period. t / Subsection 5.1.40(c)(8) No A or greater slopes will result from the construction of this facility. SUhSCCtlOn 5.1.40(c)(9) Because the facility will be located near the dwelling and access road on the parcel, Verizon proposes the installation of fence to secure the site from possible trespassing. The proposed fence will be made of wood so and it will be similar in design to the existing privacy fence at the property line shared «ith the adjacent parcel to the north. Instead of surrounding the full Cxterit ofthe lease area, Verizon Neill only tenc the _ equipment shelter, tower and surroundino area as needed to carry out service and maintenance actik ities within tile fmce. Therefore, the Verizon facility will not be detrimental to the character otthc area or t11e general \clfarc. safety and health Of tile surrounding properties 11111 th <;r residents. Verizon Wireless PNVSF Page 3 Mechums River (Barrel() Section 5.1.40(d)(2) - I he proposed facilit\ \\ill be located in a stand Of trees that ad1Oi11S the tree 11110 OI a hCa\ Il\ \ \OOdCd 11'Ca to the nortimcst u1 the sltc. OIIIN one tree \\ill he need to be remmed to install the lilcilil\, and the trees \\ill pro\ Ide a hackdrop to assist III Illltl`.!lltim \ Isibillt\ o1 the monopole \\ hell \ IC\ \Cd 11'O111 (iohhlcrs Ridge. 1 he cxlstlil! -' \C`,etatlon and d \ \ellill`._' bet\ \Cell the Site alld the lZoutc 3 I'I`_ht- 111- \1 a1 \\Ill assist 111 SCrCCi1111`_'. \ le \ \S o1 t11C 111011011010 Gild 21 equipment from the public road. Section 5.1.40(d)(3) - I'l1c proposed P1k1 SF should not impose any adverse impacts Upon Open space resources. Section 5.1.40(d)(4) - There are no Other PW'SF's within 200 feet of the site Ol'the proposed tacility. tj- QWd 7 ffMN? CKO A ` L`j 0`( WeJ W1404C55 aP,1(1I17SL - tn1fQ11 ( W t`lt t h 1914 KePL I iJ t V5, D.F 2od -- 0- 5.1.40(d)(5) - The monopole will have a base diameter that is no greater than 30 inches and a top diameter that is no more than 18 inches. ection 5.1.40(d)(6) - Verizon wireless requests permission to construct a monopoleL' X 'a top height that will be no more than 10 feet taller ANISL than the reference tree. This tree is being identified as a 40" caliper Maple that is approximately 45. feet away when measured from the trunk, but has a dripline that is approximately 3) Z5 " ee away rom t e monopole. Due to the proxmuty of the proposed facility tot 1e mature trees on the back side of the site and other vegetation between site and the Ayij ,c(rte Toads, Verzion is requesting permission to install a monopole that will be 10 feet higher than the tallest tree. Verizon anticipates that there will not be any materi difference in adverse in1 acts to resources identified in the county's opens ace Ian caused v a monopole at the propose height, rat her than seven ( )feet taller than the re ere ,ce t'e 3 o mU1y1c2 df1lnrN u.rn55 r Section 5.1.40(d)(7) - fhe monopole and all antennas will be painted in Sherwin Williams color .lava Brown #6090, a color that has been applied to previously approved P\VSF monopoles. The prefabricated shelter that will be installed at the facility has siccing that is a natural brown color with an aggregate stone finish. / \11 equipment associated with the facility will he screened within the fence \\hick will also be painted brown if necessary. dSection5.1.40()(8) -All coaxial cables and service lines rlmnin ? verticall, tr Ibu n the transmitting equipment to the antennas will be located inside the monopole. Section 5.1.40(d)(9 -13) - Verizon has reviewed and understands all of the remaining criteria for Tier 11 Personal Wireless Service Facilities and will provide any additional information or assistance to ensure that these standards are met. Verizon Wireless PWSF Page 4 Mcchums River (Barrell) Conclusion: Verizon Wireless is Confident that the proposed Personal Wireless Seri ice I icilit\ sleets the dcsi- criteria 101 aIppro\ al of a I'M II 1 "let Iit\ and does not conllict \\ ith the goals anJ ohjecties ufthe Conlprehensie flan. 1 he approval of this I'1 "Sl application ill Corltrihute to the (leplo\ nlcnt ofa reliahle personal Coil] Ill till ications s\ stem in this Ile\\ market. pro\ Ming Albemarle COMM residents and tra\ clers on Route 5 ; an additional optlllll 601 high Clllallt% pel'S011llel Co11 Ill Lill 1CatIOils Sel'y1Ces Sincerely. 1 step ell Waller, AICP Site Development Consultant Verizon Wireless. Charlottesville Market Sincerely, Stephen Waller. AICP Site Development Consultant Verizon Wireless. Charlottesville Market Verizon Wireless PWSF Page 5 Mcchums River (Barrell) SITE PHOTOS South to"\ard the proposed 1'.'Icli - ilte 0 View into the wooded area west of the PW'SF oq an k ip VA Viek from in f PA"'4 site to the southeast (this huilU _, , is on the suhjert hat View east toward the site at trees from east of the proposed PU SF ieN from in fi•oiit of P\k SF site to the north Tit yea Ali Err',,, Looking at some of the trees near the PWSF site j l Y, r a • y y4 i "i { 3 P M Y fi row Y VICN 11 III frontrollt ot , tile site to tlic C t IL I View toward the adjacent property located north of the sitre IUJ IlS 7:!' View of the access toward the north at intersection of Gobblers Ridge and Route 53 Vir\N of'the acces yard the south at intersection oFGohh' Ridge and Route 5; FACILITY DETAILS Topographic Map O ui UU6 CD I 1 Uf ll 'J Tax Map 64C 64 92-58 92-64A 103 I W It 1231 2006 V,,v S-i, ,-trd,,101' f. , 60 104-8 92 59 104 0 5 Tax Map: Albemarle County 092 77 -1 h 079 64C 64 92-58 92-64A 103 I W It 1231 2006 V,,v S-i, ,-trd,,101' f. , 60 104-8 92 59 104 0 5 Tax Map: Albemarle County 092 77 -1 h 92-4 92-1 3 1 (,B 17 5A 1 _ B ri 7A 02 -2 15 8 12 -2 92-2A l v 14 45A 8 10 19 23 ti 2B 45 26 4 ZD 4 2E 92-16 92-28 32 31 48 CS rQ 0 47 IE 92-30 49 50A 43 16A 67 65A 52 53 3P 7-35 Ae 40 92-30A 65 91-27 66 54 c, f 39 36 , Q 92 6;c-1<1 '36B 36E 37A Alf 56B 53 64E 56 Y 567 G 70 5 5G Nix Way Forsberg Property vi baP 56E 6 4B 56G 93-3f'l 64C 64 92-58 92-64A 103 I W It 1231 2006 V,,v S-i, ,-trd,,101' f. , 60 104-8 92 59 104 0 5 Tax Map: Albemarle County 092 Antenna Specifications rzuci<TOM, IL 61109 TOII-Free (888) 417 -9562 Tel (815) 399 -0001Fax (815) 399 -0156 Email antel @antelinc com www.antelinc.com Rc crs'roJr I)rrrr: l_' j 06 n... aaraiwsamersra+r Mechanical specifications tae Length 1840 mm 72 44 BxA -7 85085/12C F d oin Width 154 mm 6 06 in V1'7(Y7 Depth 105 mm 4 13 in Radiation - pattern') R'd;,l !n;hn;e _— W;'1 ';;7•;' '. 1- Weight 5 897 kg 13 Ibs Wind Area Fore Aft 0 283 or 3 05 ft'Side 0195 m` 21 ft' Rated Wind Velocity (Safety factor 2 0) 237 km /hr148mph Wind toad @ 100 mph (161 kmrhr)l , ForeJAft 460 N 1034 !bsSide372N 1 x 835 ibs Antenna consisting of aluminum alloy with brassfeedhnescoveredbyUVasafefiberglassradome Mounting & Downtilting:horizontal Wall mounted or pole tower mount with mountingbrackets C Mounting bracket kit #26799997 Downtdt bracket kit #26799999 The downtilt bracket kit includes the mountingbracketkit u J , C Electrical specifications Frequency Range 1850 -1990 MHz J IcImpedance505?1, ° si Connector NE, E -DIN Amphenol Antel's VSWR Exclusive 3T (True Transmission Line Polarization Slant t 45° Vertical l Technology)oogy Antenna Design:isolation Between Ports 30 d8 Gain 18 dBi Radiation patterns for all antan Watercut brass feedtine assembly forconsistentperformance.Power Rating 250 W are measured with the antennamounted Unique feedtine design Half Power Angle On a fiberglass pole.eliminates the need for conventional solder joints in H -Plane 85°Mounting on a metal the signal path E -Plane pole will typically Improve the Front -to-A non - collinear system with access to every radiating element5° Back Ratio. Electrical Downblt for broad bandwidth and superior performance4° Null Fill Air as insulation for virtually no internal 5%signal foss. Lightning Protection Direct Ground This Amphenol A(Itel antenna ,S under Patented Dipole Design: U.S. Patent No. 6,597,324 132 3f " - year limited a ^arrar,ty for re)ialr orePacement P "wer Rating ym,ted by connector only Antenna available with center -fedrnnnectoroicatesaneN ' onnector -E D;N ;rd an elorgated C!N only. Connector _rr,e antenna weight I above does not , ndude thebracketweight 0 - improvements to mechanical aad /oretectrical performance of theantennamaybemadewithoutnotice,I+ gat }A J'D:fJ# 1.'3nn rzuci<TOM, IL 61109 TOII-Free (888) 417 -9562 Tel (815) 399 -0001Fax (815) 399 -0156 Email antel @antelinc com www.antelinc.com Rc crs'roJr I)rrrr: l_' j 06 COUCI t Of Ahemar /e Comrr y Development Department, Zoning & Current Development Division 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 -4596 Planning Application 1 Voice : (434) 296 -5832 Fax : (434) 972 -4126 INER INFORMATIO TMP 09200 Op - 00' 036E0 Owner(s): FORSBERG. OSCAR & HELEN L Application # SDP200,700079 .... I .. ............... .. Legal Description I ACREAGE Magisterial Dist. IScottsville Land Use Primary I Residential -- Single- family (incl. modular homes) Current AFD Not in A/F District Current Zoning Primary R A APPLICATI • • House # Street Name Apt / Suite City State Zip Street Address 2241 GOBBLERS RDG CHARL 22 - Entered By: Carla Harris on 0811412007 Application Type Site Developmen Plans Project: NIX WAY (FORSBERG) VERIZON TIER II PWSF - FINAL 5,155.00 Received Date 08/13/2007 Received Date Final Total Fees $ 790.00 Submittal Date 08/13/2007 Submittal Date Final Total Paid $ 790.00 Closing File Date Revision Number Comments: Legal Ad Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Primary Contact Name STEPHEN WALLER, AICP Phone #434) 825 -0617 Street Address 536 PANTOPS CENTER,PMB 320 Fax #757) 282 -5811 City / State CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA STEPHEN .WALLER @WIRELESSRESOURCES.CO Zip Code Cellular # 22911 -0000 E-mail Owner /Applicant Name FORSBERG, O & HELEN L Phone # Street Address 2240 GOBBLERS RIDGE Fax # City /State CHARLOTTESVILLE VA zip Code 22902- E -mail Cellular # Applicant Name CELLCO PARTNERSHIP D /B /A VERIZON WIRELESS Phone # (434) 825 -0617 Street Address 1831 RADY COURT Fax # ( ) - City / State RICHMOND, VA zip Code 23222 -0000 E -mail Cellular # Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Application for Site Development Plans and Site Plan Waiver SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS SITE PLAN WAIVER O Preliminary Site Development Plan (Subject to Planning Commission Review) Site Plan Waiver O Residential = $1,190 plus $13 /dwelling unit Ordinance Section Number) = $270 O Non - residential = $1,580 plus $1311,000 sq. ft. of dev.8 fo1(led copies of sketch plan are 17 fol(led copies ofplan are required regaired O Final Site Development Plan (Administrative Review) Residential= $410 O Non - residential = $410 8.bided copies ofplan are regttired first submission OR X) Final Site Development Plan ( Subiect to Planning Commission Review) Prior to preliminary approval = $1,130 17 folded copies ofp1an are re(uired X) After preliminary approval = $790 — Tier lI PWSF 8 fol(led copies of plan are required for first submission Two (2) nhPlars and two (2) a her copies ofp1an are regaire(l or signing offinal plan For all Preliminary Site Plans, Final Site Plans prior to preliminary approval, and Site Plan Waivers Tier 3 Groundwater Review = $400 plus $25 per dwelling unit Required for all plans showin,j a use that uses less than 2,000 gallons of water per day avera,: =e) Tier 4 Groundwater Review = $1,000 Required for all plans showing a use that uses treater than 2,000 Lallons of water per (1a)' averaLze) Project Name: Nix Way (Forsber(i Property) / Verizon Tier II PWSF Tax map and parcel: 09200- 00- 00 -036EO Magisterial District: Scottsville zoning: RA and EC Physical Street Address (if assigned): 2241 Gobblers Ride Location of property (landmarks, intersections, or other): Heading southeast on Thomas Jefferson Highway (Route 53) turn left at the intersection of Gobblers Ridte (private) and make first left into driveway for the first home on the left Contact Person /Business Name ( Who Should \\c call /x\rite concerning this project ?): Stephen Waller, AICP Address 536 Pantops Center, PMB 320 Cite Charlottesville ... _- State VA _ /ip 22911 DaNtime Phone (434) 825 -0617 Fax # (757) 282 -5811 F -mail step hen.wallerr vvirelessresources.com Owner of Record Oscar and Hellen Forsber Address 2240 Gobblers Ride cit} Charlottesville State VA /ip - _ 22902 Da }time Phone (434) 295 -1297 Fax # ( ) - - - - _ _ F -mail Applicant ( Who is the Contact person rcpresrnting ?): Cellco Partnership d /b /a Verizon Wireless Address 1831 Rady Court City Richmond State VA dip 23222 Da} time Phone (434) 825 -0617 Fax # ( ) F. -mail FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SDP # Fee Amount $ 7 ( Dale Paid 13\ \ch i? ; — (C 1 - -- Receipt # 66 _ -- - Ck# - - - -- kv} _ - EX , County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296 -5832 Fax: (434) 972 -4126 1/06 PaEc I ot2 Type of Development Residential Type of unit(s): of building(s): Sq. ft. of building(s): of units per building: Total # of units: Resulting density: Acreage of site: Acreage in open space: Acreage in roads: Average gallons of water used per X) Non - residential X) Commercial Industrial Quasi- PuhIIC Sq. ft. of building(s): 360 square feet Acreage of site: 4.82 acres Acreage in open space: N/A Acreage in roads: 1,500 s.f. extension Average gallons of water used per day: N/A Intended use or justification for request: Please see attached Application Package Owner /Applicant Must Read and Sign This site plan as submitted contains all ofthe information required by Section 32.5 (Preliminary Plan) or Section 32.6 (Final Plan) of the Albemarle County Zonin Ordinance. I understand that plans which lack information required by said sections shall be deemed incomplete and shall be denied by the agent within ten (10) days of submittal as provided in Section 32.4 2.1 or Section as the case may be. For Final Plans Only: To the best of my knowledge, I have complied with Section and obtained tentative approvals for all applicable conditions from the appropriate agencies. Sign a ture of Owner, Contract Purchaser, Agent August 13, 2007 Date Stephen Waller Print Name 434 -825 -0617 Daytime phone number of Signatory x /1/06 I'agc 2 ot2 Nix Way / Forsberg Property Personal Wireless Services Application For a Tier II - Treetop Facility Located at 2241 Gobblers Ridge Charlottesville, VA 22902 Submitted by 1831 Rady Court Richmond, VA 23222 Contents Introduction / Project Description Site Photos Facility Details Topographic Map Plat Site Plan Antenna Specifications Paint Chip INTRODUCTION / PROJECT DESCRIPTION TIER 11 PERSONAL WIRELESS SERVICE FACILITY VERIZON WIRELESS NIX WAY (FORSBERG PROPERTY) Project Description Cellco Partnership, operating as Verizon Wireless ( "Verizon "), respectfully requests approval to allow the installation of a Tier 11 Personal Wireless Service Facilitv ( PWSF) in Albemarle County. The proposed facility will consist of a 1,000 square foot lease area on approximately 4.82 acres identified as Tax Map 92 / Parcel 36E, and located in the Scottsville Magisterial District. The site is located at an elevation of approximately 440 feet Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL). The proposed PWSF will include a metal monopole, with a top height of 88 feet (528 AMSL), that will be fitted with three (3) flush- mounted antennas, a 2 -foot long lightning rod and coaxial cables that will be run within the monopole's interior. All ground -based transmitting equipment and an emergency generator will be housed within a prefabricated equipment shelter measuring 12' x 30.42' x 10.58' (W x L x 1-1). The monopole, antennas and a proposed screening fence surrounding the shelter will all be painted with Sherwin Williams .lava Brown - 6090, which is a matte enamel color that has been previously approved as an appropriate color for Tier II facilities at other sites inAlbemarle County. Access to the facility will be taken from Gobblers Ridge, an existing private gravel road that intersects with Thomas .Jefferson llighway (State Route 53), and then proceeds north to the site using the land owner's driveway. There are two other existing PWSF's owned by AT &T Wireless and Al ltel located across the road on the southern side of Route 53. Both of those facilities were approved with special use permits that allowed the monopole top heights to extend a minimum of 10 feet above their designated reference trees. Verizon originally targeted that location for a possible third facility, but found that the property owner was not interested in having a third PWSF on the parcel. The subject property is zoned Rural Areas (RA), and it is located in the Entrance Corridor EC) overlay district. None of the resources that are defined as avoidance areas in Section 3.1 of the zoning ordinance are located on or within close proximity to this site. Network Obiectives Verizon recently secured a license from the Federal Communications Commission to provide Personal Communications Services within a new market that includes the County of Albemarle, City of Charlottesville and other surrounding counties. These services range from phones with voice, data, text, video and GPS capabilities, to wireless broadband solutions for personal and business computer systems. Verizon does not currently offer any service options locally, providing limited services within this market only to existing customers from other areas through roaming agreements with another wireless carrier. There had been no opportunities for Verizon to offer the full range of services until the FCC license was obtained. Verizon Wireless PWSF Page 1 Mechums River (Barrell) Verizon has identified several sites throughout the market that will he integral to establishing this service. Once all of the proposed sites are "on- air Verizon will be able to provide potentially seamless in- building, in -car and on- street coverage throughout the market. By providing coverage within this market, it is Verizon's objective to ensure that the full range of services will be available to existing customers, while also allovVing an additional, competitive option for access to wireless services by future customers. The specific facility proposed with this application will establish in- building coverage for the nearby residential units, and will support in -car coverage for customers traveling on Route 53 by connecting its service with the other antenna sites that will be installed to the northwest heading toward the City of Charlottesville and to the southeast approaching Fluvanna County. Character of the Area The site of the proposed facility is located approximately 157.6 feet north of the right -of- way for Route 53 and adjacent heavily wooded area within the treeline that extends to the north. The location on the parcel is obscured from Route 53 by a row of tall trees on an embankment that runs parallel to the road. All of the surrounding properties are zoned Rural Areas, and the nearest off -site dwelling unit is approximately 240 feet northeast of the proposed PWSF site. Compliance with Section 5.1.40 of the Zoning Ordinance: The County's specific design criteria for Tier lI Facilities, set forth in Section 5.1.40(d), are addressed as follows: 5.1.40(d)(1) - The facility shall comply with subsection 5.1.40(b) and subsections 5.1.40(c)(2) through (9). Subsection 5.1.40(b) (1 -5) The setback regulations for a PWSF are being met and all other area and bulk regulations and minimum yard requirements are being met with this request. Verizon has selected a location for the proposed monopole that exceeds the required tower setback distance equal to 100% of the structure's height from all parcel lines shared with adjoining lots. Furthermore, there are no public road rights -of -way within a radius equal to 100% of the monopole's height. The attached site drawings, antenna and equipment specifications are being provided to demonstrate that the PWSF regulations and the relevant site plan requirements, set forth in Section 32 of the zoning ordinance, have been accounted for in this application. Subsection 5.1.40(c)(2) The proposed monopole does not require the installation of guyed wires, nor will it be fitted with any whip antennas without any further County approvals. The proposed grounding rod complies with the County's size requirements. file facility will only have one outdoor light fixture attached to the proposed shelter which will only be used by Verizon's technical staff during times when maintenance of the site is undertaken. Verizon is currently in the process of securing a design for a retrofit shield that will be installed on the light, to ensure Verizon Wireless PWSF Page 2 Mechums River (Barrell) that the fixture is in full compliance with Section 4.17 of the zoning ordinance. The shelter will be screened within a wood fence that \kill match the existing fences that screen the other P\k'SFs located nearby on the subject parcel. Subsection 5.1.40(c)(3) The proposed antenna configuration will consist of one sector with three panel antennas (Anphenol Antel Model 9 BXA- 185085/1?) that measure 72.44 x 6.06 x 4.13 ", giving each antenna an area ofapproximatcly 439 square inches. These antennas will be installed using "pipe- mounts"" that will allow for any required amount of down - tilting without exceeding the County's requirements for flush- mounts ( L- inches maximum between the face of the monopole and the face of the antenna). All antennas will be painted to match the color of the monopole. Subsection 5.1.40(c)(4 and 5) : Construction of the driveway extension for access to this site will require the removal of one (1 ) tree, which is identified as a 14 -inch Pine on Sheet C1 -A of the plan set. Verizon has already contracted Van Yalhres Tree Company to provide a tree conservation plan that will be prepared by a certified arborist. In order to ensure there is no significant impact to any nearby trees as a result of the construction activities, the conservation plan will be completed before a building permitting process begins for this site. Recommendations of the conservation plan will be integrated into the construction process and followed on all portions of the site that are within Verizon's control. Subsection 5.1.40(c)(6) Should use of the antenna site in this location become discontinued at anytime in the future. Verizon and /or its assignee(s) will be required to remove the facility within 90 days. Subsection 5.1.40(c)(7) Verizon shall submit an annual report updating the user status and equipment inventory of the facility in the required time period. Subsection 5.1.40(c)(8) No 2:1 or greater slopes will result from the construction of this facility. Subsection 5.1.40(c)(9) Because the facility will be located near the dwelling and access road on the parcel, Verizon proposes the installation of a fence to secure the site from possible trespassing. The proposed fence will be made of wood so and it will be similar in design to the existing privacy fence at the property line shared with the adjacent parcel to the north. instead of surrounding the full extent of the lease area. Verizon will only fence the ground equipment shelter, tower and surrounding area as needed to carry out service and maintenance activities within the fence. Therefore, the Verizon facility will not be detrimental to the character of the area or the general welfare, safety and health of the surrounding properties and their residents. Verizon Wireless PWSF Page 3 Mechums River (Barrell) Section 5.1.40(d)(2) - The proposed facility will he located in a stand of trees that adjoins the tree line of a hem ilti wooded area to the northwest of the site. Only one tree will he need to be removed to install the facility. and the remaining„ tall trees \ill provide a backdrop to assist in nitigating x isibility of the monopole when N iewed from Gobblers Ridge. The existing vegetation and dxvelling between the site and the Route 53 right -of=way will assist in screening views of the monopole and (,round equipmeIt from the public road. Section 5.1.40(d)(3) - The proposed PWSF should not impose any adverse impacts upon open space resources. Section 5.1.40(d)(4) - There are no other PWSF's within 200 feet of the site of the proposed facility. Section 5.1.40(d)(5) - The monopole will have a base diameter that is no greater than 30 inches and a top diameter that is no more than 18 inches. Section 5.1.40(d)(6) - Verizon wireless requests permission to construct a monopole with a top height that will be no more than 10 feet taller AMSL than the reference tree. This tree is being identified as a 40" caliper Maple that is approximately 45.6 feet away when measured from the trunk, but has a dripline that is approximately 23 feet away from the monopole. Due to the proximity of the proposed facility to the mature trees on the back side of the site and other vegetation between site and the roads, Verzion is requesting permission to install a monopole that will be 10 feet higher than the tallest tree. Verizon anticipates that there will not be any material difference in adverse impacts to resources identified in the county's open space plan caused by a monopole at the proposed height, rather than seven (7) feet taller than the reference tree. Section 5.1.40(d)(7) - The monopole and all antennas will be painted in Sherwin Williams color Java Brown 46090, a color that has been applied to previously approved PWSF monopoles. The prefabricated shelter that will be installed at the facility has siding that is a natural brown color with an aggregate stone finish. All equipment associated with the facility will be screened within the fence which will also be painted brown if necessary. Section 5.1.40(d)(8) - All coaxial cables and service lines running vertically from the transmitting equipment to the antennas will be located inside the monopole. Section 5.1.40(d)(9 -13) - Verizon has reviewed and understands all of the remaining criteria for Tier II Personal Wireless Service Facilities and will provide any additional information or assistance to ensure that these standards are met. Verizon Wireless PWSF Page 4 Mechums River (Barrell) Conclusion: Verizon Wireless is confident that the proposed Personal Wireless Service FacilitN meets the design criteria for approxal of a "Fier II facility and does not conflict kN ith the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. The approx al of this P vVSF application xN ill contribute to the deployment of a highly reliable personal connnunications system in this nexv market, providing Albemarle County residents and travelers on Route 53 an additional option for high quality personnel communications services Sincerely, Step ten Waller, AICP Site Development Consultant Verizon Wireless, Charlottesville Market Sincerely, Stephen Waller. AICP Site Development Consultant Verizon Wireless, Charlottesville Market Verizon Wireless PWSF Page 5 MecllLims River(Barrell) SITE PHOTOS JiCXV south toward the proposed tacilitv°site Im View into the wooded area west of the PWSF View from in Cron PWSF site to the southeast (this buildi= is on the subject parcel) View east toward the site at trees from east of the proposed PWSF View from y front o[RWSFsitet the north 4 c; « 44 Looking at some o£ the tr e near the /WSEsi! x* ) fz a View from 6 front o£ the site Loth east FIN View toward the adjacent property locate north ofthe sitre 1 \ { y a AA FIN View toward the adjacent property locate north ofthe sitre 1 \ { y a AA View of the access ,..yard the south at intersection ofGobblms Ridge and Route 53 View of the access toward the north at intersection of Gobblers Ridge and Route 53 FACILITY DETAILS Topographic Map o v 1E0 ti Tax Map 077 078 ------- 377-31 !,3 92-4 92-1 3 17 5A 16B 17B' 5 6 17A 92-2 92-2 92-2A 9 14 Alf 7 45A 4,,A 2 28 45 26 7 2D 2E 66 92-16 29 28B 92-28 48 6,9 Q 32 31 Oz 6047c of 1W 92-30 49 50A 43 16A 65A 67 53 52 b,3-N, 35 e IN 40 92-30A 91-27 66 65 54' 36 39 Q 92 b36A -36BS CD 37A R, 56B CJ64E 56 56J 70 55G Nix Way Forsberg Property 3:4j 10 1 64B 56E 56G 93-3 64 C 64 92-58 1 91 3C 92-64A 60 104-8 92-59 Ic L I 103 104 105 ap: Albemarle County 092Scale ccc i "co 4GO Note Th,s map ,s /or display purposes only LIandsho- parcels as of 1213112006 I S- Map Book Woduao, for oddOo-I d&.ds Antenna Specifications a11Yrrr Mechanics! specifications B(A. 85085/1Length1840mm72.44 in 2CF 40Width15mm606in Depth 105 mm 4 13 In Weight 5.897 kg 13 Ibs Wind Area Fore /Aft 0.283 m` Side 0195 m2 3. 2. 1 ftft2 Rated Wind Velocity (Safety factor 2 0) 237 km /hr >148 mph Wind toad @ 100 mph (161 km /hr) Fore /Aft 460 N 103 4 IbsSide372N83.5 Ibs aluminumAntennaconsistingof eedl nes cove ed by aUV safe fiberglass adome Mounting & Downtilting:Wall mounted or pole tower mount with mountingbrackets. Mounting bracket kit # Downtilt bracket kit #26799999 The downtilt bracket kit includes the mountingbracketkit. Electrical specifications Frequency Range 1850 -1990 MHz Impedance 5052 3t Connector NE, E -DIN VSWR Patented Dipole Design: U.S. Patent No. 6,597,324 62 i ypi 'values Power Rating limited by connector onlyNEindicatesanelongatedNConnector The antenna weight listed above d es not include thebracketweight Improwementsto mechanical and /or electrical performance of theantennamaybemadewithoutnotice, Wlten ordering. replace with Connector typeRadiation - pattern'! o 14:1 Polarization Slant 145 Isolation Between Ports need for conventional solder joints in 11C / ^ U 30 dB Gain every radiating element for broadbandwidthandsuperior 2C, no 110 1UC „C 60 /G 18 dBi 2) Power Rating Air as insulation for virtually no internal 250 W Half Power Angle This Amphenol Antel antenna is under afive -year limited H -Plane 85' E -Plane 51 Electrical Downtilt connector only. o j 21 4- Null Fill im '° 5% Lightning Protection Direct Ground Patented Dipole Design: U.S. Patent No. 6,597,324 62 i ypi 'values Power Rating limited by connector onlyNEindicatesanelongatedNConnector The antenna weight listed above d es not include thebracketweight Improwementsto mechanical and /or electrical performance of theantennamaybemadewithoutnotice, Wlten ordering. replace with Connector typeRadiation - pattern'! o Watercut brass feedfine assembly forconsistentperformance, Ir r 1 pole.need for conventional solder joints in 11C / ^ U the signal path. A non - collinear system with access to 0 every radiating element for broadbandwidthandsuperior 2C, no 110 1UC „C 60 /G performance. Horizontal Air as insulation for virtually no internalsignalloss r, - cC 60 -]C1:C i:Cco This Amphenol Antel antenna is under afive -year limited 14C I•n ar warranty for repair orreplacement i; C Antenna available with center -fedCFDnc;.es S Ce: ; i- U connector only. o j 21 sn 3 im '°Amphenol Antel's C, vc C Exclusive 3T (True Vertical Transmission Line logy Technology) Antenna Design: Radiation patterns for all antennas Watercut brass feedfine assembly forconsistentperformance,are measured with the antenna mounted on a fiberglass 0 Unique feedfine design eliminates thepole.need for conventional solder joints in Mounting on a metal pole will typically improve the Front the signal path. A non - collinear system with access toto-Back Ratio.every radiating element for broadbandwidthandsuperiorperformance. Air as insulation for virtually no internalsignalloss This Amphenol Antel antenna is under afive -year limited warranty for repair orreplacement Antenna available with center -fedCFDnc;.es S Ce: ; i- U connector only. i:t 6Cf 13nn r ..,,F.,r 1— rwcKrord, IL 61109 Toll -Free (888) 417 -9562 Tel. (815) 399 -0001Fax. (815) 399 -0156 Email: ante! @antelinc.com www.antelinc.com Amphe Antel,inic. l?"isinrl Dnrc: 12 4 (16