HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200700105 Calculations Major Amendment, Final Site Plan 2008-04-02COLLIN -- 800 E JEFFERSON CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22902 434 293 371 9 ' 434 293 3719 www_collins- engrneering.com BROWNSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT April 2, 2008 JSN TIF OF O S — c T R. COLLINS Lic. No. 035791 = r EO COLLINS 800 E JEFFERSON CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22902 434 293 3719 >' 434 293 3719, www. collins- engineer ing.com 13ROWNSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT Table of Contents Comment Response Letter Storm Drainage Descriptions Pipe Design Table Sump Inlet Design Tables Drop Inlets Tables Raintank Routing Calcs COLLINS 800 E .JEFFERSON CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22902 434 293 3719 434 293 3719 www.collins- ongineei April 2, 2008 Megan Yaniglos Planner Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: SDP - 2007 -105- Brownsville Elementary School- Major Site Plan Amendment Dear Megan: Thank you for your comments dated January 24, 2008. Revised plans are hereby submitted incorporating the following changes in response to the items in your letter, and to those items in the engineering comments dated February 8, 2008: Planning Comments: 2. The landscaping plan now includes a low hedgerow between the street and the parking lot. 3. The updated signature panel is provided on the cover sheet. 5. The cut sheets for the lighting plan have been provided, using full cut off luminaires with a LLF of 1.0. Final Site Plan Comments: 3. A signed, dated, professionally sealed set of computations for the pipe system is included in the plans. 4. The storage system has been modified to include emergency overflow, downstream pipes have been resized, and a control weir has been added downstream from the raintank system. 7. Drainage computations are provided for all related drainage structures. 8. IS -1 has been required on all drainage structures. 14. The parking aisles and stall lengths and widths have been revised to comply with requirements for 60 degree angled parking. 16. This comment has been noted. 17. The detail for the rain tank system has been updated to match proposed use. 18. Rain tank system has been moved from under playground to new location in sediment trap. 19. This comment has been noted. Please contact me if you have any questions or require any further information. Sinc el Scott Collins DRAINAGE DESCRIPTIONS STR. NO. PIPE INFORMATION INLET INFORMATION COMMENTSDIA. in. LENGTH" ft. SLOPE INVERT IN INVERT OUT MATERIA L INLET TYPE Curb Type INLET STATION SLOT LENGTH RIM" ELEVATION 2 DI -213 CG -6 1000. 0 6 683. 00 IS -1 REQ' D 3 15 6. 90 0. 54% 678. 40 678. 36 HDPE 4 1 DI -213 CG -6 1006. 9 6 683. 40 IS -1 REQ' D 5 15 65. 39 0. 50% 678. 26 677. 94 HDPE 6 DI -71 1072. 3 684. 58 IS -1 REQ' D, TYPE 3 GRATE INLET 7 18 127. 01 0. 50% 677. 84 677. 20 HDPE 8 MH -1 1199. 3 683. 12 IS -1 REQ' D 9 18 44. 95 1 0. 66% 677. 10 676. 80 HDPE 10 DI -71 1244. 3 683. 22 IS -1 REQ' D, TYPE 3 GRATE INLET 11 18 130. 50 0. 57% 676. 70 675. 95 HDPE 12 DI -71 1374. 8 683. 23 IS -1 REQ' D, TYPE 3 GRATE INLET 13 18 151. 52 0. 50% 675. 85 675. 09 HDPE 14 DI -71 1526. 3 683. 00 IS -1 REQ' D, TYPE 3 GRATE INLET 15 24 30. 04 0. 50% 674. 99 674. 84 HDPE 16 MH -1 1556. 3 682. 93 IS -1 REQ' D 17 24 141. 81 2. 04% 674. 74 671. 85 HDPE 18 MH -1 1698. 1 681. 67 IS -1 REQ' D 19 24 5. 30 0. 49% 671. 75 671. 72 HDPE DET MH -1 1702. 1 674. 52 RAIN TANK 21 42 4. 00 0. 50% 669. 92 669. 90 HDPE 22 MH -1 1731. 6 674. 52 IS -1 REQ' D 23 24 24. 16 0. 50% 669. 80 669. 68 HDPE 26 DI -71 1640. 1 683. 14 IS -1 REQ' D, TYPE 3 GRATE INLET 25 15 107. 41 0. 90% 676. 92 675. 95 D. I. CL. 52 Table 8: Pipe Design Table PIPE DESIGN n = 0. 025 for CMP n = 0. 013 for RCP n = 0. 01 for HDPE Pipe Hy drology Pip N 2 E U C E ouEE1°3 p c o c a o L n W 10 U U U d 51 to O u_ti Pipe run 2 -OUT 2 4 061 075 0. 458 0. 458 5. 00 7 10 325 3. 25 678. 40 67836 6. 9 0 013 00054 15 5. 12 4. 40 0, 03 4 6 038 059 0 224 0 682 8.00 650 1 46 4.43 67826 67794 654 0 013 00050 15 4. 93 454 027 6 8 0. 54 0 82 0 443 1 125 824 643 285 7. 23 677. 84 677. 20 127. 0 0 013 0. 0050 18 8. 08 5 16 068 8 10 000 000 0 000 1. 125 865 630 000 7. 23 677 10 67680 450 0 013 0. 0066 18 9. 23 577 0. 81 10 12 033 072 0 238 1 362 8. 78 627 1 49 8. 53 67670 675. 95 1305 0. 013 00057 18 8. 63 5. 57 1 20 12 14 021 0. 41 0 086 1. 854 1000 6. 00 052 1 11. 13 67585 1 67509 151 5 1 0. 013 00050 1 18 16. 10 4. 91 1. 71 14 16 161 052 0 837 2 691 12. 00 5. 70 4. 77 15. 34 67499 674. 84 30. 0 0 013 00050 24 17. 38 623 1 79 16 18 000 000 0 000 2 691 1208 5. 68 000 15. 34 674. 74 671. 85 141. 8 0 013 00204 24 34. 99 1074 201 18 DET 000 0. 00 0. 000 2 691 12. 30 564 000 15. 34 67115 671 72 53 0 013 0. 0050 24 17. 33 623 2. 03 DET 22 0. 00 000 0 000 2 691 1231 564 000 9. 45 669. 92 669 90 40 0 013 00050 42 77. 07 535 204 22 OUT 000 0. 00 0 000 2 691 12. 33 563 000 9. 45 66980 66968 24. 2 0. 013 0. 0050 24 17. 27 559 1 211 Pipe run: 26 -12 26 12 0. 58 0. 70 0 406 0 406 500 7 10 288 1 2. 88 1 67692 675. 95 1 107. 4 1 0 013 1 00090 1 15 6. 65 1 5. 22 1 034 Table 6: Sump Inlet Design Table INLETS IN SUMP, DESIGN (CURB SPREAD AND INLET SPREAD AND DEPTH) Intensity 4. 00 Intensity is 4 in hr for spread, and 6. 5 in hr for capacity and depth) Mannin s Coefficient, n is 0. 013 Inlet Hydrology Curb and Gutter Inlet C iN ul O O c N V O e N d L N 0 tti 0 G o o a c CL Zl 0 3 o vN v L m m 75 c c 2, v m m CO m v c p Y N o s w E a U U ci nG 0"ui «W 3 ai rn N w o H left 0. 20 075 1 0. 150 0. 60 0. 00 0. 60 0. 0010 0. 0500 2. 0 0. 0830 1. 6600 4. 78 0. 80 right 1 0. 41 1 0. 75 1 0. 3081 1. 23 1 0. 00 1. 23 0. 0010 0. 0500 2. 0 0. 0830 1. 6600 6. 26 0. 68 combined flow 1. 8 0. 19 0. 415 3. 80STR22B6. 0 all 1 0. 38 1 0. 59 1 0. 2241 0. 90 1 0. 00 0. 90 0. 0010 0. 0500 2. 0 0. 0830 1. 6600 5. 56 0. 74 0. 9 0. 12 J 0. 258 2. 36STR42B6. 0 all 1 0. 54 1 0. 82 1 0. 4431 177 0. 00 1. 77 1. 8 0. 09 n/ a 0. 61STR67n/ a all 1 0. 33 1 0. 72 1 0. 2381 0. 95 0. 00 0. 95 STR 10 7 n/ a 1. 0 0. 08 n/ a 1. 04 all 1 0. 21 1 0. 41 1 0. 0861 0. 34 0. 00 034 0. 3 0. 04 n/ a 1. 83STR127n/ a all 1 1. 61 1 0. 52 1 0. 8371 3. 35 1 0. 00 3. 35 3. 3 0. 20 n/ a 6. 67STR147n/ a all 0. 58 0. 70 0. 406 1. 62 0. 00 1. 62 1. 6 0. 13 n/ a 6. 25STR267n/ a gutter longitudinal slope of 0. 001 should be used in a sump condition grate inlets (DI -7) in open pavement areas will not have a curb spread, but will have inlet spread and depth for inlets draining to stormwater management facilities, the 6. 5in /hr check storm will suffice for the 1 0yr conveyance to the facilities Table 6: Sump Inlet Design Table INLETS IN SUMP, DESIGN (CURB SPREAD AND INLET SPREAD AND DEPTH) Intensity 6. 50 Intensity is 4 in /hr for spread, and 6. 5 in /hr for capacity and depth) Mannin s Coefficient, n is 0. 013 Inlet H drolo Curb and Gutter Inlet x 3 F ul N CL O m N U U N N C O C C y N O 2 E O- t m co d J 0 U C Z U O O wR O cn w x N rn x rn E- C O W v u v CL H 0 left 0. 20 0. 75 0 150 0. 98 0. 00 0. 98 0 0010 0 0500 2. 0 0. 0830 1. 6600 5. 74 0. 73 right 0. 41 0. 75 0. 308 2. 00 1 0. 00 2. 00 0. 0010 0. 0500 2. 0 0. 0830 1. 6600 7. 51 0. 61 STR 2 2B 1 6. 0 combined flow 3. 0 0. 26 0. 573 5. 25 all 0. 38 0. 59 0. 224 1. 46 0. 00 0. 0010 0. 0500 2. 0 0. 0830 1. 6600 6. 67 0. 54 STR 4 2B 6. 0 R2. 8 0. 16 0. 356 3. 27 all 0. 54 0. 82 0. 443 2. 88 0. 00 STR 6 7 n/ a 2. 9 0. 18 n/ a 1. 17 alt 1 0. 33 0. 72 10, 2381 1. 54 0. 00 1. 54 1. 5 O. t2 n/ a 1. 50jrSTR107n/ a all 0. 21 0. 41 0. 086 0. 56 0. 00 0. 56 STR 12 7 nla 0. 6 0. 06 n/ a 2. 52 all 1. 61 0. 52 0. 837 5. 44 0. 00 5. 44 5. 4 0. 28 n/ a 9. 33 STR 14 7 n/ a all 0. 58 1 0. 70 10. 4061 2. 64 0. 00 2. 64 2. 6 0. 17 n/ a 1 8. 35 STR 26 7 n/ a gutter longitudinal slope of U. UU1 snoula De usea In a sump conwuun grate inlets (DI -7) in open pavement areas will not have a curb spread, but will have inlet spread and depth for inlets draining to stormwater management facilities, the 6. 5in /hr check storm will suffice for the 1 0yr conveyance to the facilities Drop Inlets STRUCTURE DRAINAGE D IN) FLOW TYPEINLETTYPEAREA FT') PERIMETER FT) A ACRES) C I IN/ HR) Q CFS) 26 DI -71 6. 23 12. 84 0. 58 0. 70 4. 00 1. 62 1. 5 WEIR FLOW 14 DI -71 6. 23 12. 84 1. 61 0. 52 4. 00 3. 35 2. 4 WEIR FLOW 12 DI -71 6. 23 12. 84 0. 21 0. 41 4. 00 0. 34 0. 5 WEIR FLOW 10 DI -71 6. 23 12. 84 0. 33 0. 72 4. 00 0. 95 1. 0 WEIR FLOW 6 DI -7I 6. 23 12. 84 0. 54 0. 82 4. 00 1. 77 1. 5 WEIR FLOW Drop Inlets STRUCTURE DRAINAGE D FLOW TYPE INLET TYPE AREA PERIMETER A C I Q FT'')FT)ACRES)IN/ HR)CFS)IN) 26 DI -7I 6. 23 12. 84 0. 58 0. 70 6. 50 2. 64 2. 0 WEIR FLOW14DI -7I 6. 23 12. 84 1. 61 0. 52 6. 50 5. 44 3. 3 WEIR FLOW12DI -7I 6. 23 12. 84 0. 21 0. 41 6. 50 0. 56 0. 7 WEIR FLOW10DI -7I 6. 23 12. 84 0. 33 0. 72 6. 50 1. 54 1. 4 WEIR FLOW6DI -7I 723 12. 84 0. 54 0. 82 6. 50 2. 88 2. 1 WEIR FLOW Job File: C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RAINTANKS - 3RD SUBMI Rain Dir: C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield\ JOB TITLE Project Date: 12/20/2007 Project Engineer: Graham Murray, PE Project Title: Brownsfield Project Comments: SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Job File: C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RAINTANKS - 3RD SUBMI Rain Dir: C:\ Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield\ t + + + + + + + + + + + * * + + + + * + ++ MASTER SUMMARY + * + + + * + + + + + + * + + * * + + + ++ Watershed....... Mod. Rational Grand Summary ........ 1.01 Master Network Summary ............. 1.02 DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY * + + + + + * * + + + * + + # * *+ Albemarle Co. De Rational Storms .................... 2.01 TC CALCULATIONS + + + + * * + + * * + * * + * + + + + ++ DRAINAGE........ POST Tc Calcs ........................... 3.01 POND VOLUMES * + * + + + + + + + + * + + + + + + * + + ++ RAINTANKS....... Vol: Elev - Volume ................... 4.01 OUTLET STRUCTURES } + + + * + + + + + + + + + + + * + + ++ Controlling MH.. Outlet Input Data .................. 5.01 Composite Rating Curve ............. 5.04 POND ROUTING + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + * ++ RAINTANKS....... Pond E -V -Q Table 6.01 S /N: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley Pond Pack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Table of Contents i RAINTANKS OUT Dev 2 Pond Routing Summary ............... 6.06 Pond Routing Calcs (Total Out) ..... 6.07 RAINTANKS OUT Dev 10 Pond Routing Summary ............... 6.10 Pond Routing Calcs (Total Out) 6.11 RAINTANKS OUT Dev100 Pond Routing Summary ............... 6.14 Pond Routing Calcs (Total Out) ..... 6.15 RATIONAL METHOD CALCS * + + * + + + + + + * + * * + + * *+ DRAINAGE........POST Cand Area .........................1.01 DRAINAGE........Dev 2 Mod. Rational Graph ................7.02 Mod. Rational Storm Calcs ..........7.03 DRAINAGE........Dev 10 Mod. Rational Graph ................7.04 Mod. Rational Storm Calcs ..........7.05 DRAINAGE........Dev100 Mod. Rational Graph ................7.06 Mod. Rational Storm Calcs ..........7.07 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Table of Contents ii MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD Grand Summary For All Storm Frequencies - - -- Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 3600) SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2006 Area =4.260 acres Tc 2033 hrs Freq. Adjusted Duration I Qpeak Allowable(Inflow Storage years 'C'hrs in /hr cfs cfs I ac -ft ac -ft 2 .610 2033 3.7802 9.91 9.42 (166 OOB 10 .610 2033 4.9604 13.00 12.36 )218 011 100 .610 2033 8.1406 21.33 20.2B I 358 018 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2006 Type.... Master Network Summary Name.... Watershed Page 1.02 File.... C:\ Consulting \PPACK \Alh County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit SIN: Bentley PondPack {} 2:15 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 3/27/2008 Type.... Mod. Rational Grand Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Default Network Design Storm File, ID Rainfall Return Event Type Dev 2 I -D -F Curve Dev 10 I -D -F Curve DevI00 I -D -F Curve Albemarle Co. De IDF ID Albemarle Co- 2 Albemarle Co- 10 Albemarle Co- 10 MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY Modified Rational Method Network Node- Outfall; +Node = Diversion;) Trun- HYG Truncation: Blank =None; L =Left; R =Rt; LR= Left &Rt) SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2 :15 PM 3/27/2008 Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID Type Event ac -ft Trun hrs cfs ft ac -ft DRAINAGE AREA 2 167 2035 9.90 DRAINAGE AREA 10 219 2035 12.98 DRAINAGE AREA 100 359 2035 21.31 OUTFALL JCT 2 257 2500 7.74 OUTFALL JCT 10 309 2500 9.45 OUTFALL JCT 100 449 3000 13.19 RAINTANKS IN POND 2 166 2000 9.73 RAINTANKS IN POND 10 218 2000 12.76 RAINTANKS IN POND 100 358 2000 20.95 RAINTANKS OUT POND 2 257 2500 7.74 672.47 088. RAINTANKS OUT POND 10 309 2500 9.45 672.90 105 RAINTANKS OUT POND 100 449 3000 13.19 674.42 164 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2 :15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.02 Name.... Watershed File.... C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit Title... Project Date: 12/20/2007 Project Engineer: Graham Murray, PE Project Title: Brownsfield Project Comments: I -D -F DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Storm Queue File,ID - Albemarle Co. De Storm Tag Name = Dev 2 File: Type, ID = : I -D -F Storm... Albemarle Co- 2 Storm Frequ. = 2 yr Storm Tag Name = Dev 10 File: Type, ID = I -D -F Storm... Albemarle Co- 10 Storm Frequ. = 10 yr Storm Tag Name = Dev100 File: Type, ID = : I -D -F Storm... Albemarle Co- 10 Storm Frequ. = 100 yr SIN- Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley Pond Pack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Rational Storms Page 2.01 Name.... Albemarle Co. De File.... C:\ Consulting\PPACK\Alb County\Brownsfield\RainTanks- 3rd Submit TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #l: Tc: User Defined Segment 41 Time: .2033 hrs Total Tc: .2033 hrs SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/2712008 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... DRAINAGE Tag: POST Page 3.01 File.... C:\ Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit USER DEFINED VOLUME RATING TABLE Elevation Volume ft)ac -ft) 670.22 000 670.65 017 671.08 034 671.51 050 671.94 067 672.37 084 672.80 101 673.23 117 673.66 134 674.09 151 674.52 168 S /N Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Vol: Elev - Volume Name.... RAINTANKS Page 4.01 File.... C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 670.22 ft Increment = .05 ft Max. Elev.= 674.52 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall El, ft E2, ft Orifice - Circular 01 BL 670.220 674.518 Weir - Rectangular W2 BL 671.750 674.518 Orifice - Circular 02 BL 672.420 674.518 Culvert- Circular BL TW 670.110 674.518 TW SETUP, DS Channel SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... outlet Input Data Name.... Controlling MH Page 5.01 File.... C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID Structure Type of Openings Invert Elev. Diameter Orifice Coeff. Structure ID Structure Type If of Openings Crest Elev. Weir Length Weir Coeff. 01 Orifice- Circular 1 670.22 ft 1.0000 ft 600 W2 Weir - Rectangular 1 671.75 ft 4.00 ft 3.333000 Weir TW effects Use adjustment equation) Structure ID = 02 Structure Type = Orifice- Circular of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 672.42 ft Diameter = 2.0000 ft Orifice Coeff.. _ .600 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Controlling MH Page 5.02 File.... C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID BL Equation form = Structure Type Culvert - Circular No. Barrels 1 2.0000 Barrel Diameter 1.2500 ft Upstream Invert 670.11 ft Dnstream Invert 670.00 ft Horiz. Length 22.15 ft Barrel Length 22.15 ft Barrel Slope 00497 ft /ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .2000 Kb = .023225 Kr = .2000 HW Convergence = .001 forward entrance loss) per ft of full flow) reverse entrance loss) ft INLET CONTROL DATA... TW Equation form =1 Inlet Control K =0018 Inlet Control M =2.0000 Inlet Control c -02920 Inlet Control Y =7400 T1 ratio (HW /D) =1.060 T2 ratio (HW /D) =1.205 Slope Factor =500 Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and'submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At Ti Elev = 671.43 ft - - -> Flow = 4.80 cfs' At T2 E1ev = 671.62 ft - - -> Flow = 5.49 cfs Structure ID = TW - Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES... Maximum Iterations= 40 Min.TW tolerance =01 ft Max.TW tolerance =01 t Min.HW tolerance =01 ft Max.HW tolerance =01 ft Min.Q tolerance =00 cfs Max.Q tolerance =00 cfs SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley Pond Pack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Controlling MH Page 5.03 File.... C:\ Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY * * ** WS Elev,Total Q Notes Converge Elev.Q TW Elev Error ft cfs ft ft Contributing 670.22 00 Free Outfall no Q:01,W2,02,BL) 670.27 01 Free Outfall 01,BL no Q:W2,02) 670.32 03 Free Outfall O1,BL no Q:W2,02) 670.37 08 Free Outfall 01,BL no Q:W2,02) 670.42 13 Free Outfall 01,BL no Q:W2,02) 670.47 20 Free Outfall 01, BL no Q:W2,02) 670.52 29 Free Outfall O1,BL no Q:W2,02) 670.57 39 Free Outfall O1,BL no Q:W2,02) 670.62 47 Free Outfall 01,BL no Q:W2,02) 670.67 56 Free Outfall 01,BL no Q:W2,02) 670.72 65 Free Outfall 01,BL no Q:W2,02) 670.77 75 Free Outfall 01,BL no Q:W2,02) 670.82 86 Free Outfall 01,BL no Q:W2,02) 670.87 98 Free Outfall 01,BL no Q:W2,02) 670.92 1.11 Free Outfall O1,BL no Q:W2,02) 670.97 1.24 Free Outfall O1,BL no Q:W2,02) 671.02 1.38 Free Outfall 01,BL no Q:W2,02) 671.07 1.50 Free Outfall O1,BL no Q:W2,02) 671.12 1.67 Free Outfall 01,BL no Q:W2,02) 671.17 1.83 Free Outfall 01,BL no Q:W2,02) 671.22 2.02 Free Outfall O1,BL no Q:W2,02) 671.27 2.12 Free Outfall O1,BL no Q:W2,02) 671.32 2.21 Free Outfall O1,BL no Q:W2,02) 671.37 2.30 Free outfall 01,BL no Q:W2,02) 671.42 2.40 Free Outfall 01,BL no Q:W2,02) 671.47 2.49 Free Outfall O1,BL no Q:W2,02) 671.52 2.57 Free Outfall 01,BL no Q:W2,02) 671.57 2.66 Free Outfall 01,BL no Q:W2,02) 671.62 2.75 Free Outfall O1,BL no Q:W2,02) 671.67 2.83 Free Outfall O1,BL no Q:W2,02) 671.72 2.91 Free Outfall 01,BL no Q:W2,02) 671.75 2.96 Free Outfall 01,BL no Q:W2,02) 671.77 3.02 Free Outfall 01,W2,BL no Q: 02) 671.82 3.24 Free Outfall-01,W2,BL no Q: 02) 671.87 3:53 Free Outfall O1,W2,BL no Q: 02) 671.92 3.87 Free Outfall O1,W2,BL no Q: 02) 671.97 4.25 Free Outfall O1,W2,BL no Q: 02) 672.02 4.66 Free Outfall 01,W2,BL no Q: 02) SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Controlling MH Page 5.04 File.... C:\ Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd submit COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY * * ** WS Elev, Total Q Elev. Q ft cfs 672.07 672.12 672.17 672.22 672.27 672.32 672.37 672.42 672.47 672.52 672.57 672.62 672.67 672.72 672.77 672.82 672.87 672.92 672.97 673.02 673.07 673.12 673.17 673.22 673.27 673.32 673.37 673.42 673.47 673.52 673.57 673.62 673.67 673.72 673.17 673.82 673.87 673.92 5.11 5.56 6.03 6.41 6.72 6.99 7.26 7.50 7.73 7.96 8.18 8.40 8.60 8.81 8.99 9.18 9.36 9.50 9.66 9.82 9.96 10.13 10.27 10.42 10.56 10.70 10.84 10.96 11.09 11.21 11.32 11.43 11.56 11.67 11.79 11.90 12.01 12.12 Converge TW Elev Error ft + / -ft Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Notes Contributing Structures 01,W2,BL (no Q: 02) 01,W2,BL (no Q: 02) 01,W2,BL (no Q: 02) O1,W2,BL (no Q: 02) Ol,W2,BL (no Q: 02) Ol,W2,BL (no Q: 02) Ol,W2,BL (no Q: 02) Ol,W2,BL (no Q: 02) 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL 01,W2,02,BL SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Controlling MH SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM Page 5.05 Bentley Systems, Inc. 3/27/2008 COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY * * ** WS Elev,Total Q Notes Converge Elev.Q TW Elev Error ft cfs ft + / -ft Contributing Structures 673.97 12.23 Free Outfall 01,W2,02,BL 674.02 12.34 Free Outfall 01,W2,02,BL 674.07 12.45 Free Outfall 01,W2,02,BL 674.12 12.55 Free Outfall 01,W2,02,BL 674.17 12.65 Free Outfall 01,W2,02,BL 674.22 12.76 Free Outfall 01,W2,02,BL 674.27 12.85 Free Outfall 01,W2,02,BL 674.32 12.97 Free Outfall 01,W2,02,BL 674.37 13.05 Free Outfall 01,W2,02,BL 674.42 13.18 Free Outfall 01,W2,02,BL 674.47 13.28 Free Outfall 01,W2,02,BL 674.52 13.37 Free Outfall 01,W2,02,BL SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM Page 5.05 Bentley Systems, Inc. 3/27/2008 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Controlling MH Page 5.06 LEVEL POOL ROUTING DATA HYG Dir = C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield\ Inflow HYG file = NONE STORED - RAINTANKS IN Dev 2 Outflow HYG file = NONE STORED - RAINTANKS OUT Dev 2 Pond Node Data = RAINTANKS Pond Volume Data = RAINTANKS Pond Outlet Data = Controlling MH No Infiltration INITIAL CONDITIONS Starting WS Elev -672.55 ft Starting Volume -091 ac -ft Starting Outflow -8.10 cfs Starting Infiltr. =00 cfs Starting Total Qout=8.10 cfs Time Increment -0500 hrs Elevation Outflow Storage Infilt.Q Total 2S /t + O ft cfs ac -ft cfs cfs cfs 670.22 00 000 00 00 00 670.27 O1 002 00 01 95 670.32 03 004 00 03 1.92 670.37 08 006 00 08 2.91 670.42 13 008 00 13 3.91 670.47 20 010 00 20 4.93 670.52 29 012 00 29 5.96 670.57 39 014 00 39 7.00 670.62 47 016 00 47 8.03 670.67 56 018 00 56 9.06 670.72 65 020 00 65 10.10 670.77 75 021 00 75 11.14 670:82 86 023 00 86 12:20 670.87 98 025 00 98 13.26 670.92 1.11 027 00 1.11 14.34 670.97 1.24 029 00 1.24 15.42 671.02 1.38 031 00 1.38 16.49 671.07 1.50 033-00 1.50 17.56 671.12 1.67 035 00 1.67 18.67 671.17 1.83 037 00 1..83 19.78 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Pond E -V -Q Table Page 6.01 Name:... RAINTANKS File.... C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit LEVEL POOL ROUTING DATA HYG Dir = C:\ Templates \Civil'Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield\ Inflow HYG file = NONE STORED - RAINTANKS IN Dev 2 Outflow HYG file = NONE STORED - RAINTANKS OUT Dev 2 Pond Node Data - RAINTANKS Pond volume Data = RAINTANKS Pond Outlet Data = Controlling MH No Infiltration INITIAL CONDITIONS Starting WS Elev =672.55 ft Starting Volume =091 ac -ft Starting Outflow =8.10 cfs Starting Infiltr. _00 cfs Starting Total Qout=8.10 cfs Time Increment =0500 hrs Elevation Outflow Storage Infilt.Q Total 2S /t + 0 ft cfs ac -ft cfs cfs cfs 671.22 2.02 039 00 2.02 20.92 671.27 2.12 041 00 2.12 21.96 671.32 2.21 043 00 2.21 22.99 671.37 2.30 045 00 2.30 24.03 671.42 2.40 047 00 2.40 25.07 671.47 2.49 049 00 2.49 26.11 671.52 2.57 051 00 2.57 27.14 671.57 2.66 053 00 2.66 28.17 671.62 2.75 055 00 2.75 29.20 671.67 2.83 057 00 2.83 30.23 671.72 2.91 059 00 2.91 31.26 671.75 2.96 060 00 2.96 31.87 671.77 3.02 061 00 3.02 32.31 671.82 3.24 062 00 3.24 33.47 671.87 3.53 064 00 3.53 34.71 671.92 3.87 066 00 3.B7 35.99 671.97 4.25 068 00 4.25 37.32 672.02 4.66 070 00 4.66 36.68 672.07 5.11 072 00 5.11 40.06 672.12 5:56 074 00 5.56 41.47 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Pond E -V -Q Table Page 6.02 Name.... RAINTANKS File.... C:\_Templates\Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit LEVEL POOL ROUTING DATA HYG Dir = C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield\ Inflow HYG file = NONE STORED - RAINTANKS IN Dev 2 Outflow HYG file = NONE STORED - RAINTANKS OUT Dev 2 Pond Node Data = RAINTANKS Pond Volume Data = RAINTANKS Pond Outlet Data = Controlling MH No Infiltration INITIAL CONDITIONS Starting WS Elev =672.55 ft Starting Volume =091 ac -ft Starting Outflow =8.10 cfs Starting Infiltr. _00 cfs Starting Total Qout=8.10 cfs Time Increment =0500 hrs Elevation Outflow Storage Infilt.Q Total 2S /t + 0 ft cfs ac -ft cfs cfs cfs 672.17 6.03 076 00 6.03 42.88 672.22 6.41 076 00 6.41 44.20 672.27 6.72 080 00 6.72 45.45 672.32 6.99 082 00 6.99 46.68 672.37 7.26 084 00 7.26 47.88 672.42 7.50 086 00 7.50 49.07 672.47 7.73 088 00 7.73 50.25 672.52 7.96 090 00 7.96 51.42 672.57 8.18 092 00 8.18 52.59 672.62 8.40 094 00 8.40 53.75 672.67 8.60 096 00 8.60 54.90 672.72 8.81 098 00 8.81 56.05 672.77 8.99 100 00 8.99 57.18 672.82 9.18 102 00 9.18 58.31 672.87 9.36 103 00 9.36 59.44 672.92 9.50 105 00 9.50 60:52 672.97 9.66 107 00 9.66 61.63 673.02 9.82 109 00 9.82 62.73 673.07 9.96 All 00 9.96 63.82 . 673.12 10.13 113 00 10.13 64.93 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Pond E -V -Q Table Page 6.03 Name.... RAINTANKS File.... C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit LEVEL POOL ROUTING DATA HYG Dir ='C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield\ Inflow HYG file = NONE STORED - RAINTANKS IN Dev 2 Outflow HYG file = NONE STORED - RAINTANKS OUT Dev 2 Pond Node Data = RAINTANKS Pond Volume Data = RAINTANKS Pond Outlet Data = Controlling ME No Infiltration INITIAL CONDITIONS Starting WS Elev 672.55 ft Starting Volume 091 ac -ft Starting Outflow =8.10 cfs Starting Infiltr. _00 cfs Starting Total Qout=8.10 cfs Time Increment =0500 hrs Elevation Outflow Storage Infilt.Q Total 2S /t + O ft cfs ac -ft cfs cfs cfs 673.17 10.27 115 00 10.27 66.02 673.22 10.42 117 00 10.42 67.11 673.27 10.56 119 00 10.56 68.19 673.32 10.70 121 00 10.70 69.28 673.37 10.84 123 00 10.84 70.36 673.42 10.96 125 00 10.96 71.43 673.47 11.09 127 00 11.09 72.50 673.52 11.21 129 00 11.21 73.56 673.57 11.32 131 00 11.32 74.63 673.62 11.43 133 00 11.43 75.68 673.67 11.56 135 00 11.56 76.75 673.72 11.67 137 00 11.67 77.81 673.77 11.79 139 00 11.79 78.87 673.82 11.90 141 00 11.90 79.93 673.87 12.01 143 00 12.01 80.98 673.92 12.12 144 00 12.12 82.04 673.97 12.23 146 00 12.23 83.09 674.02 12.34 146 00 12.34 64.14 674.07 12.45 150 00 12.45 65.20 674.12 12.55 152 00 12.55 66.25 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Pond E -V -Q Table Page 6.04 Name.... RAINTANKS File.... C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit LEVEL POOL ROUTING DATA HYG Dir ' = C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield\ Inflow HYG file = NONE STORED - RAINTANKS IN Dev 2 Outflow HYG file = NONE STORED - RAINTANKS OUT Dev 2 Pond Node Data = RAINTANKS Pond Volume Data = RAINTANKS Pond Outlet Data = Controlling MH No Infiltration INITIAL CONDITIONS Starting WS Elev =672.55 ft Starting Volume =091 ac -ft Starting Outflow =8.10 cfs Starting Infiltr. _00 cfs Starting Total Qout=8.10 cfs Time Increment =0500 hrs Elevation Outflow Storage Infilt.Q Total 2S /t + 0 ft cfs ac -ft cfs cfs cfs 674.17 12.65 154 00 12.65 87.29 674.22 12.76 156 00 12.76 88.35 674.27 12.85 158 00 12.85 89.38 674.32 12.97 160 00 12.97 90.44 674.37 13.05 162 00 13.05 91.47 674.42 13.18 164 00 13.18 92.54 674.47 13.28 166 00 13.28 93.59 674.52 13.37 168 00 13.37 94.58 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Pond E -V -Q Table Page 6.05 Name.... RAINTANKS File.... C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit LEVEL POOL ROUTING SUMMARY HYG Dir = C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield\ Inflow HYG file = NONE STORED - RAINTANKS IN Dev 2 Outflow HYG file = NONE STORED - RAINTANKS OUT Dev 2 Pond Node Data = RAINTANKS Pond Volume Data = RAINTANKS Pond outlet Data = Controlling MH No Infiltration INITIAL CONDITIONS Starting WS Elev =672.55 ft Starting Volume 091 ac -ft Starting Outflow 8.10 cfs Starting Infiltr. _00 cfs Starting Total Qout=8.10 cfs Time Increment =0500 hrs INFLOW /OUTFLOW HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY Peak Inflow =9.73 cfs at .2000 hrs Peak Outflow =8.10 cfs at .2500 hrs Peak Elevation =672.97 ft Peak Storage =OBS ac -ft MASS BALANCE (ac -ft) Initial Vol =091 HYG Vol IN =166 Infiltration =000 HYG Vol OUT =257 Retained Vol 001 Unrouted Vol =000 ac -ft (.000% of Outflow Volume) SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Pond Routing Summary Page 6.06 Name.... RAINTANKS , OUT Tag: Dev 2 Event: 2 yr File.... C:\ Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit Storm... Albemarle Co- 2 Tag: Dev 2 S /N: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Pond Routing Summary Page 6.06 Name.... RAINTANKS OUT Tag: Dev 2 Event: 2 yr File.... C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit Storm... Albemarle Co- 2 Tag: Dev 2 LEVEL POOL ROUTING CALCULATIONS HYG Dir = C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield\ Inflow HYG file = NONE STORED - RAINTANKS IN Dev 2 Outflow HYG file = NONE STORED - RAINTANKS OUT Dev 2 Time Inflow 2S /t - 0 2S /t + 0 Infilt hrs cfs cfs cfs cfs 0000 00 35.98 0500 2.44 29.25 1000 4.87 28.49 1500 7.31 30.06 2000 9.73 32.93 2500 7.63 34.81 3000 5.19 33.23 3500 2.76 30.24 4000 32 26.90 4500 01 22.07 5000 00 17.81 5500 00 14.73 6000 00 12.41 6500 00 10.64 7000 00 9.24 7500 00 8.09 8000 00 7.13 8500 00 6.33 9000 00 5.67 9500 00 5.14 1.0000 00 4.69 1.0500 00 4.32 1.1000 00 3.99 1.1500 00 3.72 1.2000 00 3.47 1.2500 00 3.26 1.3000 00 3.07 1.3500 00 2.90 1.4000 00 2.75 1.4500 00 2.61 . 1.5000 00 2.49 1.5500 00 2.37 116000 00 2.27 1.6500 00 2.17 1.7000 00 2.08 1.7500 00 2.00 1.8000 00 1.93 1.8500 00 1.86 1.9000 00 1.79 1.9500 00 1.73 2.0000 00 1.68 2.0500 00 1.62 52.19 38.42 36.55 40.67 47.10 50.28 47.63 41.18 33.32 27.23 22.07 17.81 14.73 12.41 10.64 9.24 8.09 7.13 6.33 5.67 5.14 4.69 4.32 3.99 3.72 3.47 3.26 3.07 2.90 2.75 2.61 2.49 2.37 2.27 2.17 2.08 2.00 1.93 1.86 1.79 1.73 1.68 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 oa GO OD 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Outflow cfs 8.10 4.59 4.03 5.31 7.09 7.74 7.20 5.47 3.21 2.58 2.13 1.54 1.16 88 70 58 48 40 33 27 22 19 16 14 12 11 10 08 07 07 06 06 05 05 04 04 04 03 03 03 03 03 Storage Elev. ac -ft ft 091 672.55 070 672.01 067 671.94 073 672.09 083 672.34 088 672.47 084 672.36 074 672.11 062 671.81 051 671.52 041 671.28 034 671.08 028 670.94 024 670.83 021 670.75 018 670.68 016 670.62 014 670.58 012 670.54 011 670.51 010 670.48 009 670.46 009 670.44 008 670.42 007 670.41 007 670.40 007 670.39' 006 670.38 006 670.37 006 670.36 005 670.36 005 670.35 005 670.34 005 670.34 004 670.33 004 670.33 004 670.32 004 670.32 004 670.32 004 670.31 004 670.31 003 670.31 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Pond Routing Calcs (Total Out) Page 6.07 Name.... RAINTANKS OUT Tag: Dev 2 Event*: 2 yr File.... C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit Storm... Albemarle Co- 2 Tag: Dev 2 LEVEL POOL ROUTING CALCULATIONS HYG Dir C:\_Templates\Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield\ Inflow HYG file NONE STORED RAINTANKS IN Dev 2 Outflow HYG file NONE STORED RAINTANKS OUT Dev 2 Time Inflow 2S /t - O 2S /t + O Infilt.outflow Storage Elev. hrs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs ac -ft ft 2.1000 00 1.57 1.62 00 03 003 670.30 2.1500 00 1.52 1.57 00 02 003 670.30 2.2000 00 1.47 1.52 00 02 003 670.30 2.2500 00 1.43 1.47 00 02 003 670.30 2.3000 00 1.39 1.43 00 02 003 670.29 2.3500 00 1.35 1.39 00 02 003 670.29 2.4000 00 1.31 1.35 00 02 003 670.29 2.4500 00 1.27 1.31 00 02 003 670.29 2.5000 00 1.24 1.27 00 02 003 670.29 2.5500 00 1.21 1.24 00 02 003 670.28 2.6000 00 1.18 1.21 00 02 002 670.28 2.6500 00 1.15 1.18 00 01 002 670.28 2.7000 00 1.12 1.15 00 01 002 670.28 2.7500 00 1.10 1.12 00 01 002 670.28 2.8000 00 1.07 1.10 00 01 002 670.28 2.8500 00 1.05 1.07 00 01 002 670.28 2.9000 00 1.03 1.05 00 01 002 670.27 2.9500 00 1.01 1.03 00 01 002 670.27 3.0000 00 99 1.01 00 01 002 670.27 3.0500 00 97 99 00 01 002 670.27 3.1000 00 95 97 00 01 002 670.27 3.1500 00 93 95 00 01 002 670.27 3.2000 00 92 93 00 01 002 670.27 3.2500 00 90 92 00 01 002 670.27 3.3000 00 88 90 00 01 002 670.27 3.3500 00 87 88 00 01 002 670.27 3.4000 00 85 87 00 01 002 670.27 3.4500 00 84 85 00 01 002 670.26 3.5000 00 82 84 00 01 002 670.26 3.5500 00 61 62 00 01 002 670.26 3.6000 00 79 81 00 01 002.670.26 3.6500 00 78 79 00 01 002 670.26 3.7000 00 77 78 00 01.002 670.26 3.7500 00 75 77 00 01 002 670.26 3.8000 00 74 75 00 01 002 670.26 3.8500 00 73 74 00 01 002 670.26 3.9000 00 71 73 00 01 001 670.26 3.9500 00 70 71 00 01 001 670.26 4.0000 00-69 70 00 01 001 670.26 4.0500 00 67 69 00 01 001 670.26 4.1000 00 66 67 00 01 001 670.26 4.1500 00 65 66 00 01 001 670.25 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Pond Routing Calcs (Total Out) Page 6.08 Name.... RAINTANKS OUT Tag: Dev 2 Event: 2 yr File.... C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Hrownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit Storm... Albemarle Co- 2 Tag: Dev 2 LEVEL POOL ROUTING CALCULATIONS HYG Dir C: \_Templates Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Hrownsfield\ Inflow HYG file NONE STORED RAINTANKS IN Dev 2 Outflow HYG file NONE STORED RAINTANKS OUT Dev 2 Time Inflow 2S /t 0 2S /t + 0 Infilt.Outflow Storage Elev. hrs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs ac -ft ft 4.2000 00 64 65 00 01 001 670.25 4.2500 00 63 64 00 01 001 670.25 4.3000 00 62 63 00 01 001 670.25 4.3500 00 61 62 00 01 001 670.25 4.4000 00 60 61 00 01 001 670.25 4.4500 00 58 60 00 01 001 670.25 4.5000 00 57 58 00 01 001 670.25 4.5500 00 56 57 00 01 001 670.25 4.6000 00 55 56 00 01 001 670.25 4.6500 00 54 55 00 00 001 670.25 4.7000 00 53 54 00 00 001 670.25 4.7500 00 52 53 00 00 001 670.25 4.8000 00 52 52 00 00 001 670.25 4.8500 00 51 52 00 00 001 670.25 4.9000 00 50 51 00 00 001 670.25 4.9500 00 49 50 00 00 001 670.25 5.0000 00 46 49 00 00 001 670.25 5.0500 00 47 48 00 00 001 670.25 5.1000 00 46 47 00 00 001 670.24 5.1500 00 45 46 00 00 001 670.24 5.2000 00 45 45 00 00 001 670.24 5.2500 00 44 45 00 00 001 670.24 5.3000 00 43 44 00 00 001 670.24 5.3500 00 42 43 00 00 001 670.24 5.4000 00 42 42 00 100 001 670.24 5.4500 00 41 42 00 00 001 670.24 5.5000 00 40 41 00 00 001 670.24 5.5500 00 39 40 00 00 001 670.24 5.6000 00 39 39 00 00 001 670.24 5.6500 00 38 39 00 00.001 670.24 . 5.7000 00 31 38 00 00.001 670:24 5.7500 00 37 37 00 00 001 670.24 5.8000 00 36 37 00 00 001 670.24 . 5.8500 00 35 36 00 00 001 670.24 5.9000 00 35 35 00 00 001 670.24 5.9500 00 34 35 00 00 001 670.24- 6.0000 00 34 34 00 00 001 670.24 6.0500 00 33 34 00 00 001 670.24 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley Pond Pack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Pond Routing Calcs (Total Out) Page 6.09 Name.... RAINTANKS OUT Tag: Dev 2 Event: 2 yr File.... C:\ Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit Storm... Albemarle Co- 2 Tag: Dev 2 LEVEL POOL ROUTING SUMMARY HYG Dir = C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield\ Inflow HYG file = NONE STORED - RAINTANKS IN Dev 10 Outflow HYG file = NONE STORED - RAINTANKS OUT Dev 10 Pond Node Data = RAINTANKS Pond Volume Data = RAINTANKS Pond Outlet Data = Controlling MH No Infiltration INITIAL CONDITIONS Starting WS Elev =672.55 ft Starting volume =091.ac ft Starting Outflow =8.10 cfs' Starting Infiltr. _00 cfs Starting Total Qout=8.10 cfs Time Increment =0500 hrs INFLOW /OUTFLOW HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY Peak Inflow 12.76 cfs at .2000 hrs Peak Outflow =9.45 cfs at .2500 hrs Peak Elevation =672.90 ft Peak Storage =105 ac -ft MASS BALANCE (ac -ft) Initial. Vol = .091 HYG Vol IN = .218 Infiltration = .000 HYG Vol OUT .309 Retained Vol = .001 Unrouted Val = -.000 ac -ft (.000% of Outflow Volume) SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley Pond Pack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/200B Type.... Pond Routing Summary Page 6.10 Name..,. RAINTANKS OUT Tag: Dev 10 Event: 10 yr File.... C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit Storm... Albemarle Co- 10 Tag: Dev 10 LEVEL POOL ROUTING CALCULATIONS HYG Dir C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield\ Inflow HYG file NONE STORED RAINTANKS IN Dev 10 Outflow HYG file NONE STORED RAINTANKS OUT Dev 10 Time Inflow 2S /t - O 2S /t + 0 Infilt.Outflow Storage Elev. hrs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs ac -ft ft 0000 00 35.96 52.19 00 B.10 091 672.55 0500 3.20 29.53 39.18 00 4.82 071 672.04 1000 6.39 29.51 39.12 00 4.81 071 672.04 1500 9.59 32.04 45.49 00 6.72 080 672.27 2000 12.76 37.37 54.39 00 8.51 095 672.65 2500 10.01 41.24 60.14 00 9.45 105 672.90 3000 6.82 39.78 58.07 00 9.14 101 672.81 3500 3.62 34.76 50.21 00 7.73 088 672.47 4000 42 29.39 38.80 00 4.70 070 672.02 4500 01 24.24 29.83 00 2.80 056 671.65 5000 00 19.59 24.24 00 2.32 045 671.38 5500 00 15.98 19.59 00 1.80 037 671.16 6000 00 13.36 15.98 00 1.31 030 671.00 6500 00 11.38 13.36 00 99 026 670.87 7000 00 9.83 11.38 00 77 022 670.78 7500 00 8.57 9.83 00 63 019 670.71 8000 00 7.53 8.57 00 52 017 670.65 8500 00 6.67 7.53 00 43 015 670.60 9000 00 5.95 6.67 00 36 013 670.55 9500 00 5.37 5.95 00 29 012 670.52 1.0000 00 4.B8 5.37 00 24 011 670.49 1.0500 00 4.48 4.88 00 20 010 670.47 1.1000 00 4.13 4.48 00 17 009 670.45 1.1500 00 3.84 4.13 00 15 008 670.43 1.2000 00 3.58 3.84 00 13 008 670.42 1.2500 00 3.35 3.58 00 11 007 670.40 1.3000 00 3.15 3.35 00 10 007 670.39 1.3500 00 2.97 3.15 00 09 006 670.38 1.4000 00 2.82 2.97 00 08 006 670.37 1.4500 00 2.67 2.62 00 07 006 670.37 1.5000 00 2.54 2.67 00 07 005 670.36 1.5500 00 2.42 2.54 00 06 005 670.35 1.6000 00 2.31 2.42 00 05 005 670.35 1.6500 00 2.21 2.31 00 05 005 670.34 1.7000 00 2.12 2.21 00 05 004 670.33 1.7500 00 2.04 2.12 00 04 004 670.33 1.8000 00 1.96 2.04 00 04 004 670.33 1.8500 00 1.89 1.96 00 04 004 670.32 1.9000 00 1.82 1.89 00 03 004 670.32 1.9500 00 1:76 1.82 00 03 004 670.31 2.0000 00 1.70 1.76 00 03 004 670.31 2.0500 00 1:64 1.70 00 03 003 670.31 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Pond Routing Calcs (Total Out) Page 6.11 Name.... RAINTANKS OUT Tag: Dev 10 Event: 10 yr File.... C:\ Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit Storm... Albemarle Co- 10 Tag: Dev 10 LEVEL POOL ROUTING CALCULATIONS HYG Dir C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield\ Inflow HYG file NONE STORED RAINTANKS IN Dev 10 Outflow HYG file NONE STORED RAINTANKS OUT Dev 10 Time Inflow 2S /t - 0 2S /t + 0 Infilt.Outflow Storage Elev. hrs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs ac -ft ft 2.1000 00 1.59 1.64 00 03 003 670.31 2.1500 00 1.54 1.59 00 03 003 670.30 2.2000 00 1.49 1.54 00 02 003 670.30 2.2500 00 1.45 1.49 00 02 003 670.30 2.3000 00 1.40 1.45 00 02 003 670.30 2.3500 00 1.36 1.40 00 02 003 670.29 2.4000 00 1.33 1.36 00 02 003 670.29 2.4500 00 1.29 1.33 00 02 003 670.29 2.5000 00 1.25 1.29 00 62 003 670.29 2.5500 00 1.22 1.25 00 02 003 670.29 2.6000 00 1.19 1.22 00 02 002 670.28 2.6500 00 1.16 1.19 00 01 002 670.28 2.7000 00 1.13 1.16 00 01 002 670.28 2.7500 00 1.11 1.13 00 01 002 670.28 2.8000 00 1.06 1.11 00 01 002 670.28 2.8500 00 1.06 1.08 00 01 002 670.28 2.9000 00 1.04 1.06 00 01 002 670.28 2.9500 00 1.01 1.04 00 01 002 670.27 3.0000 00 99 1.01 00 01 002 670.27 3.0500 00 98 99 00 01 002 670.27 3.1000 00 96 98 00 01 002 670.27 3.1500 00 94 96 00 01 002 670.27 3.2000 00 92 94 00 01 002 670.27 3.2500 00 91 92 00 01 002 670.27 3.3000 00 89 91 00 01 002 670.27 3.3500 00 87 89 00 01 002 670.27 3.4000 00 86 87 00 01 002 670.27 3.4500 00 84 86 00 01 002 670.27 3.5000 00 83 B4 00 01 002 670.26 3.5500 00 81 63 00 01 002 670.26 3.6000 00 80 B1 00 01.002 670.26 3.6500 00 79 80 00 01 002 670.26 3.7000 00 77 79 00 01 002 670.26 3.7500 00 76 77 00 01 002 670.26 3.8000 00 74 76 00 01 002 670.26 3.8500 00 73 74 00 01 002 670.26 3.9000 00 72 73 00 01 001 670.26 3.9500 00 71 72 00 01 001 670.26 4.0000 00 69 71 00 01 001 670.26 4.0500 00 68 69 00 01 001 670.26 4.1000 00 67 6B 00 01 001 670.26 4.1500 00 66 67 00 01 001 670.26 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.,.. Pond Routing Calcs (Total Out) Page 6.12 Name.... RAINTANKS OUT Tag: Dev 10 Event: 10 yr File.... C:\ Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit Storm... Albemarle Co- 10 Tag: Dev 10 LEVEL POOL ROUTING CALCULATIONS HYG Dir C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield\ Inflow HYG file NONE STORED RAINTANKS IN Dev 10 Outflow HYG file NONE STORED RAINTANKS OUT Dev 10 Time Inflow 251t - O 2S /t + 0 Infilt.Outflow Storage Elev. hrs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs ac -ft ft 4.2000 00 64 66 00 01 001 670.25 4.2500 00 63 64 00 01 001 670.25 4.3000 00 62 63 00 01 001 670.25 4.3500 00 61 62 00 01 001 670.25 4.4000 00 60 61 00 01 001 670.25 4.4500 00 59 60 00 01 001 670.25 4.5000 00 58 59 00 01 001 -670.25 4,5500 00 57 58 00 01 001 670.25 4.6000 00 56 57 00 01 001 670.25 4.6500 00 55 56 00 00 001 670.25 4.7000 00 54 55 00 00 001 670.25 4.7500 00 53 54 00 00 001 670.25 4.8000 00 52 53 00 00 001 670.25 4.8500 00 51 52 00 00 001 670.25 4.9000 00 50 51 00 00 001 670.25 4.9500 00 49 50 00 00 001 670.25 5.0000 00 48 49 00 00 001 670.25 5.0500 00 48 48 00 00 001 670.25 5.1000 00 47 48 00 00 001 670.24 5.1500 00 46 47 00 00 001 670.24 5.2000 00 45 46 00 00 001 670.24 5.2500 00 44 45 00 00 001 670.24 5.3000 00 43 44 00 00 001 670.24 5.3500 00 43 43 00 00 001 670.24 5.4000 00 42 43 00 00 001 670.24 5.4500 00 41 42 00 00 001 670.24 5.5000 00 40 41 00 00 001 670.24 5.5500 00 40 40 00 00 001 670.24 5.6000 00 39 40 00 00 001 670.24 5.6500 00 38 39 00 00 001 670.24 5.7000 00 38 38 00 -00 001 670.24 5.7500 00 37 38 00 00 001 670.24 5.8000 00 36 37 00 00 001 670.24 5.8500 00 36 36 00 00 001 670.24 5.9000 00 35 36 00 00 001 670.24 5.9500 00 34 35 00 00 001 670.24 6.0000 00 34 34 00 00 001 670.24 6.0500 00 33 34 00 00 001 670.24 6.1000 00 33 33 00 00 001 670.24 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Pond Routing Calcs (Total Out) Page 6.13 Name:... RAINTANKS OUT Tag: Dev 10 Event: 10 yr File.... C:\ Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit Storm... Albemarle Co- 10 Tag: Dev 10 LEVEL POOL ROUTING SUMMARY HYG Dir = C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield\ Inflow HYG file = NONE STORED - RAINTANKS IN DeV100 Outflow HYG file = NONE STORED - RAINTANKS OUT Dev100 Pond Node Data = RAINTANKS Pond Volume Data = RAINTANKS Pond Outlet Data = Controlling MH No Infiltration INITIAL CONDITIONS Starting WS Elev = 672.55 ft Starting Volume = .091 ac -ft Starting Outflow = 8.10 cfs Starting Infiltr. _ .00 cfs Starting Total Qout= 8.10 cfs Time Increment = .0500 hrs INFLOW /OUTFLOW HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY Peak Inflow =20.95 cfs at .2000 hrs Peak Outflow =13.19 cfs at .3000 hrs Peak Elevation =674.42 ft Peak Storage =164 ac -ft MASS BALANCE (ac -ft) Initial Vol = HYG Vol IN = Infiltration = HYG Vol OUT = Retained Vol = dnrouted Vol = 091 358 000 449 001 000 ac -ft (.000% of Outflow Volume) S /N: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Pond Routing Summary Page 6.14 Name.... RAINTANKS OUT Tag: Dev100 Event: 100 yr File.... C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit Storm... Albemarle Co- 10 Tag: Dev100 LEVEL POOL ROUTING CALCULATIONS HYG Dir C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield\ Inflow HYG file NONE STORED RAINTANKS IN Dev100 Outflow HYG file NONE STORED RAINTANKS OUT Dev100 Time Inflow 2S /t - 0 2S /t + O Infilt.outflow Storage Elev. hrs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs ac -ft ft 0000 00 35.98 52.19 00 8.10 091 672.55 0500 5.25 30.25 41.23 00 5.49 074 '672.11 1000 10.49 32.32 45.99 00 6.84 081 672.29 1500 15.74 40.10 58.55 00 9.22 102 672.83 2000 20.95 53.66 76.79 00 11.56 135 673.67 2500 16.43 65.01 91.04 00 13.02 161 674.35 3000 11.18 66.25 92.62 00 13.19 164 674.42 3500 5.94 58.85 B3.37 00 12.26 147 673.98 4000 69 45.08 65.45 00 10.20 114 673.15 4500 02 32.21 45.80 00 6.79 081 672.28 5000 00 26.20 32.21 00 3.01 060 671.77 5500 00 21.21 26.20 00 2.49 049 671.47 6000 00 17.11 21.21 00 2.05 040 671.23 6500 00 14.21 17.11 00 1.45 032 671.05 7000 00 12.02 14.21 00 1.10 027 670.91 7500 00 10.34 12.02 00 84 023 670.81 8000 00 8.99 10.34 00 67 020 670.73 8500 00 7.88 8.99 00 55 017 670.67 9000 00 6.96 7.88 00 46 015 670.61 9500 00 6.1B 6.96 00 39 014 670.57 1.0000 00 5.56 6.18 00 31 012 670.53 1.0500 00 5.04 5.56 00 26 011 670.50 1.1000 00 4.61 5.04 00 21 010 670.48 1.1500 00 4.25 4.61 00 15 009 670.45 1.2000 00 3.94 4.25 00 16 008 670.44 1.2500 00 3.67 3.94 00 13 008 670.42 1.3000 00 3.43 3.67 00 12 007 670.41 1.3500 00 3.22 3.43 00 10 007 670.40 1.4000 00 3.03 3.22 00 09 006 670.39 1.4500 00 2.57 3.03 00 08 006 670.38 1.5000 00 2.72 2.B7 00 07 006 670.37 1.5500 00 2.59 2.72 00 07 005 670.36 1.6000 00 2.47 2.59 00 06 005 670.35 1.6500 00 2.35 2.47 00 06 005 670.35 1.7000 00 2.25 2.35 00 05 005 670.34 1.7500 00 2.15 2.25 00 05 005 670.34 1.8000 00 2.07 2.15 00.04 004 670.33 1.8500 00 1.99 2.07 00 04 004 670.33 1.9000 00 1.91 1.99 00 04 004 670.32 1.9500 00 1.55 1.91 00 03 004 670.32 2.0000 00 1.78 1.85 00 03 004 670.32 2.0500 00 1.72 1.78 00 03 004 670.31 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Pond Routing Calcs (Total Out) Page 6.15 Name.... RAINTANKS OUT Tag: Dev100 Event: 100 yr File.... C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit Storm... Albemarle Co- 10 Tag: DevlOO LEVEL POOL ROUTING CALCULATIONS HYG Dir C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield\ Inflow HYG file NONE STORED RAINTANKS IN DevlQO Outflow HYG file NONE STORED RAINTANKS OUT Dev100 Time Inflow 2S /t - 0 2S /t + 0 Infilt.Outflow Storage Elev. hrs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs ac -ft ft 2.1000 00 1.66 1.72 00 03 003 670.31 2.1500 00 1.61 1.66 00 03'003 670.31 2.2000 00 1.56 1.61 00 03 003 670.30 2.2500 00 1.51 1.56 00 02 003 670.30 2.3000 00 1.46 1.51 00 02 003 670.30 2.3500 00 1.42 1.46 00 02 003 670.30 2.4000 00 1.38 1.42 00 02 003 670.29 2.4500 00 1.34 1.38 00 02 003 670.29 2.5000 00 1.30 1.34 00 02 003 670.29 2.5500 00 1.27 1.30 00 02 003 670.29 2.6000 00 1.23 1.27 00 02 003 670.29 2.6500 00 1.20 1.23 00 02 003 670.28 2.7000 00 1.17 1.20 00 02 002 670.28 2.7500 00 1.14 1.17 00 01 002 670.28 2.8000 00 1.12 1.14 00 01 002 670.28 2.8500 DO 1.09 1.12 00 01 002 670.28 2.9000 00 1.07 1.09 00 01 002 670.28 2.9500 00 1.04 1.07 00 01 002 670.28 3.0000 00 1.02 1.04 00 01 002 670.27 3.0500 00 1.00 1.02 00 01 002 670.27 3.1000 00 98 1.00 00 01 002 670.27 3.1500 DO 96 98 00 01 002 670.27 3.2000 00 95 96 00 01 002 670.27 3.2500 00 93 95 00 01 002 670.27 3.3000 00 91 93 00 01 002 670.27 3.3500 00 90 91 00 01 002 670.27 3.4000 00 88 90 00 01 002 670.27 3.4500 00 86 88 00 01 002 670.27 3.5000 00 85 86 00 01 002 670.27 3.5500 00 83 85 00 01 002 670.26 3.6000 00.82 83 00 01 002 670.26 3.6500 00 80 B2 00 01 002 670.26 3.7000 00 79 BO 00 01 002 670.26 3.7500 00 78 79 00 01 002 670.26 3.8000 00 76 78 00 01 002 670.26 3.8500 00 75 76 00 01 002 670.26 3.9000 00-74 75 00 01 002 670.26 3..9500 00 72 74 00 01 002 670.26 4.0000 00 71 72 00 01 001 670.26 4.0500 00 70 71 00 01 001 670.26 4.1000 00 68 70 00 01 001 670.26 4.1500 00 67 68 00 01 001 670.26 SIN-- Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Pond Routing Calcs (Total Out) Page 6.16 Name.... RAINTANKS OUT Tag: Dev100 Event: 100 yr File.... C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit Storm... Albemarle Co- 10 Tag: DevIO0 LEVEL POOL ROUTING CALCULATIONS HYG Dir C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield\ Inflow HYG file NONE STORED RAINTANKS IN Devl00 Outflow HYG file NONE STORED RAINTANKS OUT DevIO0 Time Inflow 2S /t - 0 25 /t + O Infilt.Outflow Storage Elev. hrs cfs cfs Cfs cfs cfs ac -ft ft 4.2000 00 66 67 00 01 001 670.26 4.2500 00 65 66 DO 01 001 670.25 4.3000 00 64 65 00 01 001 670.25 4.3500 00 63 64 00 01 001 670.25 4.4000 00 61 63 00 01 001 670.25 4.4500 00 60 61 00 01 001 670.25 4.5000 00 59 60 00 01 001 670.25 4.5500 00 58 59 00 01 001 670.25 4.6000 00 57 58 00 01 001 670.25 4.6500 00 56 57 00 01 001 670.25 4.7000 00 55 56 00 00 001 670.25 4.7500 00 54 55 00 00 001 670.25 4.8000 00 53 54 00 00 001 670.25 4.8500 00 52 53 00 00 001 670.25 4.9000 00 51 52 00 00 001 670.25 4.9500 00 50 51 00 00 001 670.25 5.0000 00 50 50 00 00 001 670.25 5.0500 00 49 50 00 00 001 670.25 5.1000 00 48 49 00 00 001 670.25 5.1500 00 47 48 00 00 001 670.25 5.2000 00 46 47 00 00 001 670.24 5.2500 00 45 46 00 00 001 670.24 5.3000 00 45 45 00 00 001 670.24 5.3500 00 44 45 00 00 001 670.24 5.4000 DO 43 44 00 00 001 670.24 5.4500 00 42 43 00 00 001 67.0.24 5.5000 00 41 42 00 00 001 670.24 5.5500 00 41 41 00 00 001 670.24 5.6000 00 40 41 00 00 001 670.24 5.6500 00 39 40'100 00 001 670.24 5.7000 00 39 39 00 00 001 670.24 5.7500 00 38 39 00 00 001 670.24 5.8000 00 37 3B 00 00 001 670.24 5.8500 00 37 37 00 00 001 670.24 5.9000 00 36 37 00 00 001 670.24 5.9500 00 35 36 00 00 001 670.24 6.0000 00 35."35 00 00 001 670.24 6.0500 00 34 35 00 00 001 670.24 6.1000 00 33 34 00 00 001 670.24 6.1500 00 33 33 00 00 001 670.24 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Pond Routing Calcs (Total Out) Page 6.17 Name.... RAINTANKS OUT Tag: Dev100 Event: 100 yr File.... C: \ Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd submit Storm... Albemarle Co- 10 Tag: Dev100 RATIONAL C COEFFICIENT DATA Area C x Area Soil /Surface Description C acres acres Post- Development .6100 4.260 2.599 WEIGHTED C & TOTAL AREA - - -> .6100 4.260 2.599 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... C and Area Name.... DRAINAGE Tag: POST Page 7.01 File.... C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... C and Area Name.... DRAINAGE Tag: POST Page 7.01 File.... C:1_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD Graphical Summary for Maximum Required Storage Method I Q - CiA Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) RETURN FREQUENCY: 2 yr I Allowable Outflow: 9.42 cfs C' Adjustment: 1.000 I Required Storage: .008 ac -ft STORM DURATION = Tc for Max.Storage Peak Inflow: 9.91 cfs HYG File: Dev 2 Q I l Tc= .2033 hrs I I = 3.7802 in /hr Area = 4.260 acres Q = 9.91 cfs Weighted C = .610 I Adjusted C = .610 1 I Required Storage I .----- - - - - -- .008 ac -ft I I I I. I - 1 I I o 0 o Q= 9.42 cfs I o I. (Allow.Outflow) I 0 I i o I NOT TO SCALE I 1 - -- I o I ----------- - - - - -. - - - - - -- 2133 hrs T SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/20D8 Type.... Mod. Rational Storm Calcs Page 7.03 Name.... DRAINAGE Tag: Dev 2 Event: 2 yr File.... C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit Storm... Albemarle Co- 2 Tag: Dev 2 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 rnpc'.'. Mod. Rational eznpb Page 7.02 mama'''' DRAINAGE rag; oev 2 Event: 2 Yr File'''' c:\_rouplotes\civil 00000ltiog\PeacK\Azu 000ntv\ozowoofi=Id\nuioraoku- azu Submit storm.'' Albemarle Co- 2 rag: oev 2 emozrzEo ueTzmxAu »mET000 Summary for Single Storm Frequency D ~ cia ° Units Conversion; Where Conversion ~ 43560 / <12 ° 3600> nocoRm roEOoouor: u yr 'n' Adjustment - z'000-Azzowauza O ~ . y'«u ofo Hydzogcapu Storm Duration,zu ~ . 2033 bzs rc ~ ' 2033 hro oydrogcaph rile:oev z voLoMoo wtd. Adjusted ouc=ti6o zoteoa.Area Qpeuk | Inflow Storage o'bro in/hr acres cfo | ac-ft ac-ft 810 '610 2500 3.4000 4'260 8.91 | Oneab < Qallow o/m: Bentley Systems, zoc. Bentley eooupacu (10,00.023,00) 2:15 ru 3/27/2008 Type.... Mod. Rational Graph Page 7.04 Name.... DRAINAGE Tag: Dev 10 Event: 10 yr File.... C:\ Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit Storm... Albemarle Co- 10 Tag: Dev 10 S /N: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley Pond Pack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Mod. Rational Storm Calcs Page 7.03 Name.... DRAINAGE Tag: Dev 2 Event: 2 yr File.... C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit Storm... Albemarle Co- 2 Tag: Dev 2 MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD Graphical Summary for Maximum Required Storage - - -- Method I Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where = 43560 / (12 * 3600) RETURN FREQUENCY: 10 yr ( Allowable Outflow: 12.36 cfs C' Adjustment: 1.000 I Required Storage: .011 ac -ft STORM DURATION = Tc for Max.Storage Peak Inflow: 13.00 cfs HYG File: Dev 10' M 0 0 To= .2033 hrs I = 4.9604 in /hr Area - 4.260 acres Q = 13.00 cfs Weighted C - .610 Adjusted C = .610 Required Storage 011 ac -ft I. I . 1 0 0 a o o ( . o I I I=---- 2133 hrs Q = 12.36 cfs Allow.Outflow) NOT TO SCALE T SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Mod. Rational Storm Calcs Page 7.05 Name.... DRAINAGE I Tag: Dev 10 Event: 10 yr File.... C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Bzownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit Storm... Albemarle Co- 10 Tag: Dev 10 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2006 Type.... Mod. Rational Graph Page 7.04 Name.... DRAINAGE Tag: Dev 10 Event: 10 yr File.... C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting\PPACK\Alb county\Brownsfield\RainTanks 3rd Submit Storm... Albemarle Co- 10 Tag: Dev 10 MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD Summary for Single Storm Frequency ---- Q - CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 1 (12 * 3600) RETURN FREQUENCY: 10 yr "C' Adjustment = 1.00OAllowable Q = 12.36 cfs Hydrograph Storm Duration,Td = .2033 hrs Tc = .2033 hrs Hydrograph File:Dev 10 VOLUMES Wtd. Adjusted Duration Intens.Area Opeak I Inflow Storage Cl ICI hrs in/hr acres cfs I ac-ft ac-ft 7 ----------------------------------------------------- 610 .610 2500 4.5000 4.260 7 -------- 11.79 I Qpeak < Qallow SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Mod. Rational Graph Page 7.06 Name:... DRAINAGE Tag: DeV100 Event: 100 yr File.... C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit Storm... Albemarle Co- 10 Tag: DeV100 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Mod. Rational Storm Calcs Page 7.05 Name.... DRAINAGE Tag: Dev 10 Event: 10 yr File.... C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit Storm... Albemarle Co- 10 Tag: Dev 10 MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD Graphical Summary for Maximum Required Storage Method I Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) RETURN FREQUENCY: 100 yr I Allowable Outflow: 20.28 cfs * C' Adjustment: 1.000 1 Required Storage: ac -ft STORM DURATION = Tc for Max.Storage Peak Inflow: 21.33 cfs HYG File: Dev100 Q I I l I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I . I I 1 0 Tc= .2033 hrs I - 8.1406 in /hr Area = 4.260 acres Q - 21.33 cfs Weighted C = .610 Adjusted C = .610 Required Storage 018 ac -ft I- I - I 0 a Im o a o Q = 20.28 cfs a 1. (Allow.Outflow) f• 1" NOT TO' SCALE I • 1- ------- - --- - ----------- 2133 hrs T S /N: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Type.... Mod. Rational Storm Calcs Page 7.07 Name.... DRAINAGE Tag: Devl00 Event: 100 yr File.... C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit Storm... Albemarle Co- 10 Tag: Dev100 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley Pond Pack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2006 rvpe...' Mod. Rational Graph Page 7.06 mame.... onAoxAGa Tag: oevIOO Event; lOO yz . riIe.... c,\`reoplateo\oiviz conaultioo\prAzo\alb Cnnuty\aro°osfi=ld\Rnioraoka- 3rd Submit Moozrzoo eeTzomaL MoT000 Summary for Single Storm Frequency ---- O ~ oiA ° Units Conversion; Where Conversion ~ 43560 / (Iu ° 3600) RETURN nREQoomor' 100 yr `c' Adjustment ~ 1,00OAlluwabze Q = 20'28 ofo oydzograpb otorm Duration, rru ~ . 3033 hhza TTo - '2033 hrs aydrograph File' ooevIuO voLoMon Wtd' Adjusted ooozatino zzoteos' AArea ggpeau | Inflow Storage o' bbzs iin/hr aacres ccfs | ac-ft ac-ft o/m: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley gonur=cx (lU,OO,uzs.00) 2;15 p* 3/27/2008 Appendix A Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names A -1 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2006 Type.... Mod. Rational Storm Calcs Page 7.07 Name.... DRAINAGE Tag: DeV100 Event: 100 yr File.... C: \_Templates \Civil Consulting \PPACK \Alb County \Brownsfield \RainTanks - 3rd Submit A - - - -- Albemarle Co. De... 2.01 C - - - -- Controlling MH... 5.01, 5.04, 3.01, 7.01, 7.02, 7.03, 7.04, 7.05, 7.06, 7.07 R - - - -- RAINTANKS... 4.01, 6.01 RAINTANKS OUT Dev 2... 6.06, 6.07, 6.10, 6.11, 6.14, ' 6.15 W - - - -- Watershed... 1.01, 1.02 S /N: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:15 PM 3/27/2008 Drop Inlets STRUCTURE DRAINAGE D IN) FLOW TYPEINLETTYPEAREA FT') PERIMETER FT) A ACRES) C I IN /HR) Q CFS) 26 DI -7I 6. 23 12. 84 0. 58 0. 70 4. 00 1. 62 1. 5 WEIR FLOW 14 DI -71 6. 23 12. 84 1. 61 0. 52 4. 00 3. 35 2. 4 WEIR FLOW 12 DI -71 6. 23 12. 84 0. 21 0. 41 4. 00 0. 34 0. 5 WEIR FLOW 10 DI -71 6. 23 12. 84 0. 33 0. 72 4. 00 0. 95 1. 0 WEIR FLOW 6 DI -7I 6. 23 12. 84 0. 54 0. 82 4. 00 1. 77 1. 5 WEIR FLOW STRUCTURE DRAINAGE D IN) FLOW TYPEINLETTYPEAREA FT ^) PERIMETER H) A ACRES) C I IN /HR) Q CFS) 26 DI -71 6. 23 12. 84 0. 58 0. 70 6. 50 2. 64 2. 0 WEIR FLOW 14 DI -7I 6. 23 12. 84 1. 61 0. 52 6. 50 5. 44 3. 3 WEIR FLOW 12 DI -71 6. 23 12. 84 0. 21 0. 41 6. 50 0. 56 0. 7 WEIR FLOW 10 DI -71 6. 23 12. 84 0. 33 0. 72 6. 50 1. 54 1. 4 WEIR FLOW 6 DI -7I 6. 23 12. 84 0. 54 0. 82 6. 50 2. 88 2. 1 WEIR FLOW Table 6: Sump Inlet Design Table INLETS IN SUMP, DESIGN (CURB SPREAD AND INLET SPREAD AND DEPTH) Intensity 6. 50 Intensity is 4 in /hr for spread, and 6. 5 in /hr for capacity and depth) Mannin s Coefficient, n is 0. 013 Inlet Hydrology Curb and Gutter Inlet F u N 0 3 N i n O N a N rn C 0- C N O d O_ m O 0 NO U L N 0 C C U C N C O N 6 Y J C F 0 O L 6 O U O N 3 01 Ol U)O. N w 03 L CL N N E a 0 Q 6 Q 9 0 0 0 0 u) x W 3 1) 3 cn 0 w a H left 0. 20 0. 75 0. 150 098 0. 00 0. 98 00010 00500 2 0 00830 1. 6600 574 0. 73 right 1 0. 41 1 0. 75 10. 3081 2. 00 0. 00 2. 00 0. 0010 00500 20 0. 0830 1. 6600 7 51 061 STR 2 F 2B 6. 0 combined flow 30 0. 26 0. 573 5. 25 all 0. 38 1 059 1 02241 1 46 1 000 1. 46 0 0010 0. 0500 2. 0 00830 1 6600 6. 67 054 1 5 016 0 356 3. 27STR42B60 all 054 082 0. 443 2. 88 0. 00 288 29 0. 18 n/ a 1. 17STR67n/ a all 1 0. 33 1 072 1 02381 1 54 0. 00 1. 54 STR 10 7 n/ a 1. 5 0. 12 n/ a 1. 50 all 1 0. 21 1 041 1 0. 0861 0. 56 0. 00 056 0. 6 0. 06 n/ a 2. 52STR12F7n/ a all 1. 61 0 52 1 0 8371 544 1 000 5. 44 STR 14 7 n/ a 5. 4 0. 28 n/ a 933 all 1 0. 58 1 0. 70 1 0. 4061 2. 64 1 0 00 2 64 STR 26 1 7 1 n/ a 1 26 0. 17 n/ a 8. 35 gutter longitudinal slope of 0. 001 should be used in a sump condition grate inlets (DI -7) in open pavement areas will not have a curb spread, but will have inlet spread and depth for inlets draining to stormwater management facilities, the 6. 5in /hr check storm will suffice for the 10yr conveyance to the facilities H1 ch -aulic Grade Line Calculation Design Year: 10 Proiect: Brownsville Elementary School Job #: 72009 Prepared by: KMK INLET OUTLET WATER i „ D„ Q„ S,„ H, JUNCTION LOSS FINAL INLET WATER RINI STATION SL RFACE ELEV ZW K, H„ Q11 A", Q," A'. V, 2g H, ANGLE H, H, 1 ,H, SH, H SURFACE ELEV ELEV 671. 28 24. 16 24 7. 91 0. 001 0. 03 5. 4 0. 1 22 7. 9 5. 4 42. 5 0. 4 0. 16 0 0 0. 27 N/ A 0. 13 0. 16 671. 44 675. 97 671. 50 4. 00 24 7. 91 0. 001 0. 00 5. 4 0. 1 DET I 1 1 15. 3 6. 2 95. 5 0. 6 0. 21 0 0 0. 32 N/ A 0. 16 0. 17 671. 67 674. 52 673. 32 5. 30 24 15. 34 0. 004 0. 02 6. 2 02 18 15. 3 10. 7 165 1. 8 0. 63 0 0 0. 78 N/ A 0. 39 0. 41 673. 73 681. 67 673. 73 141. 81 24 15. 34 0. 004 0. 56 10. 7 0. 4 16 15. 3 6. 2 95. 5 0. 6 0. 21 47 0. 229 0. 89 N/ A 0. 44 1. 00 674. 73 682. 93 676. 44 30. 04 24 15. 34 0. 004 0. 12 6. 2 0. 2 14 5. 6 4. 9 27. 3 0. 4 0. 13 46 0. 142 0. 42 0. 55 0. 28 0. 39 676. 83 683. 00 676. 83 151. 52 18 5. 56 0. 002 0. 36 4. 9 0. 1 12 8. 5 5. 6 47. 5 0. 5 0. 17 44 0. 183 0. 44 0. 58 0. 29 0. 65 677. 48 683. 23 677. 48 130. 50 18 8. 53 0. 006 0. 73 5. 6 0. 1 10 7. 2 5. 8 41. 7 0. 5 0. 18 46 0. 196 0. 50 0. 65 0. 32 1. 06 678. 54 683. 22 678. 54 44. 95 18 723 0. 004 0. 18 5. 8 0. 1 8 7. 2 5. 2 37. 3 0. 4 0. 14 90 0. 289 0. 56 N/ A 0. 28 0. 46 679. 00 683. 12 679. 00 127. 01 18 7. 23 0. 004 0. 51 5. 2 0. 1 6 4. 4 4. 5 20. 1 0. 3 0. 11 65 0. 176 0. 39 0. 51 0. 25 0. 77 679. 77 684. 58 679. 77 65. 39 15 4. 43 0. 004 0. 26 4. 5 0. 1 4 32 4. 4 14. 3 0. 3 0. 11 36 0. 084 0. 27 0. 35 0. 17 0. 44 680. 21 683. 40 680. 21 6. 90 15 3. 25 0. 002 0. 01 4. 4 0. 1 2 0. 00 0 0 0. 08 0. 10 0. 05 0. 07 680. 28 683. 00 677. 48 107. 41 15 2. 88 0. 002 0. 18 5. 2 0. 1 26 0. 00 71 0 0. 11 0. 14 0. 07 0. 25 677. 73 683. 14 Pipe 21 is a 12" low flow pipe with a 30" overflow pipe above; together they provide the capacity of a 24" pipe. Hydraulic Grade Line Page 1 Table 6: Sump Inlet Design Table INLETS IN SUMP, DESIGN (CURB SPREAD AND INLET SPREAD AND DEPTH) Intensity 4. 00 Intensity is 4 in hr for spread, and 6. 5 in hr for capacity and depth) Mannin s Coefficient, n is 0. 013 Inlet Hydrology Curb and Gutter Inlet y C C C d C O O 0 N d rn N 0 0 O. N01 N C N O J O O N p C D m o o O u 3 t a s m f6 0 cu C C c c0 NM C 0 0 N w YJOOV0 ElII o Q J Q U Q U a 0 Ol V) .n 0)W F W a o H o left 0.20 0 75 0 150 0.60 0.00 060 0. 0010 00500 2. 0 0. 0830 1. 6600 4. 78 080 right 041 1 075 10 3081 1.23 0 00 1 23 0. 0010 0 0500 2. 0 0 0830 1 6600 6. 26 068 combined flow 1 8 0. 19 0 415 3. 80STR2F21360 all 038 0. 59 0. 224 0. 90 0. 00 0. 90 0. 0010 00500 2. 0 0. 0830 1. 6600 556 0. 74 09 0. 12 0. 258 7 2. 36STR42B6. 0 all 1 0. 54 1 082 1 0, 4431 1 77 0. 00 1 77 STR 6 7 n/ a 1. 8 0. 09 n/ a 1 0. 61 all 1 0. 33 1 0. 72 1 02381 095 1 0. 00 095 STR 10 7 n/ a 1 0 0. 08 n/ a 1. 04 all 0. 21 041 1 0 0861 0. 34 0 00 034 STR 12 7 n/ a 03 0. 04 n/ a 1. 83 all 1 61 052 0. 837 3 35 0. 00 3 35 STR 14 7 n/ a 33 0. 20 n/ a 6. 67 all 0. 58 070 0. 406 1. 62 1 __ 2 _ 00 162STR267n/ a 0. 13 n/ a 6. 25 gutter longitudinal slope of 0. 001 should be used in a sump condition grate inlets (DI -7) in open pavement areas will not have a curb spread, but will have inlet spread and depth for inlets draining to stormwater management facilities, the 6. 5in /hr check storm will suffice for the 1 0yr conveyance to the facilities DRAINAGE DESCRIPTIONS STR. NO. PIPE INFORMATION INLET INFORMATIO COMMENTSDIA. in. LENGTH* ft. SLOPE INVERT IN INVERT OUT MATERIA L INLET TYPE Curb Type INLET STATION SLOT LENGTH RIM* ELEVATION 2 DI -26 CG -6 1000. 0 6 683. 00 IS -1 REQ' D 3 15 6. 90 0. 54% 678. 40 678. 36 HDPE 4 1 DI -213 CG -6 1006. 9 6 683. 40 IS -1 REQ' D 5 15 65. 39 0. 50% 678. 26 677. 94 HDPE 6 DI -71 1072. 3 684. 58 IS -1 REQ' D, TYPE 3 GRATE INLET 7 18 127. 01 0. 50% 677. 84 677. 20 HDPE 8 MH -1 1199. 3 683. 12 IS -1 REQ' D 9 18 44. 95 0. 66% 677. 10 676. 80 HDPE 10 DI -71 1244. 3 683. 22 IS -1 REQ' D, TYPE 3 GRATE INLET 11 18 130. 50 0. 57%67670 675. 95 HDPE 12 DI -71 1374. 8 683. 23 IS -1 REQ' D, TYPE 3 GRATE INLET 13 18 151. 52 0. 50% 675. 85 675. 09 HDPE 14 DI -7I 1526. 3 683. 00 IS -1 REQ' D, TYPE 3 GRATE INLET 15 24 30. 04 0. 50% 674. 99 674. 84 HDPE 16 MH -1 1556. 3 682. 93 IS -1 REQ' D 17 24 141. 81 2. 04% 674. 74 671. 85 HDPE 18 MH -1 1698. 1 681. 67 IS -1 REQ' D 19 24 5. 30 0. 49% 671. 75 671. 72 HDPE DET MH -1 1702. 1 674. 52 RAIN TANK 21 4. 00 0. 50% 669. 92 669. 90 HDPE PIPE 21 IS A 12" LOW FLOW PIPE WITH A 30" OVERFLOW PIPE ABOVE 22 MH -1 1731. 6 67597 IS -1 REQ' D 23 24 24. 16 0. 50% 669. 80 669. 68 HDPE 26 DI -71 1640. 1 683. 14 IS -1 REQ' D, TYPE 3 GRATE INLET 25 15 107. 41 0. 90% 1 676. 92 675. 95 D. I. CL. 52 Table 8: Pipe Design Table PIPE DESIGN n= OO25 for CMP n= OO13 for RCP n= O01forHDPE Pipe Hydrology Pipe OJ C N U J o 2 om E m of m c o E m t S o 2 N o E o o m m C m L E 5 U LL N o iu U)w U O O cn O tc LL Pipe run 2 -OUT 2 4 061 0 75 0 458 0 458 500 7 10 325 1 325 67840 678 36 69 0 013 00054 15 5. 12 440 003 4 6 038 059 0 224 0 682 800 650 1 46 443 67826 677 94 654 0 013 00050 15 493 454 027 6 8 054 082 0 443 1 125 824 643 285 7. 23 67784 67720 1270 0 013 00050 18 8. 08 5 16 068 8 10 000 000 0 000 1 125 865 630 000 723 677 10 67680 450 0 013 00066 18 923 577 081 10 12 033 072 0 238 1 362 8 78 627 1 49 853 67670 67595 1305 0 013 00057 18 8. 63 557 1 20 12 14 021 041 0 086 1 854 1000 600 052 11. 13 67585 67509 151 5 0 013 00050 18 16. 10 491 1 71 14 16 1 61 052 0 837 2 691 1200 570 477 15. 34 67499 67484 300 0 013 1 00050 24 1738 623 1 79 16 18 000 000 0 000 2 691 1208 568 000 15. 34 67474 671 85 141 8 0 013 00204 24 34. 99 1074 201 18 DET coo 000 0 000 2 691 1230 564 000 15. 34 671 75 671 72 53 0 013 00050 24 17. 33 623 203 DET 22 000 000 0 000 2 691 1231 564 000 7. 91 66992 66990 40 0 013 00050 24 17. 33 537 204 22 OUT 000 000 0 000 2 691 1233 563 000 7. 91 66980 66968 242 0 013 00050 24 8. 17 5 35 2 11 Pipe run 26 -12 26 12 058 070 0 406 0 406 500 7 10 288 2. 88 67692 67595 1 1074 0 013 1 00090 15 6. 65 522 1 034 Pipe 21 is a 12" loo, flow pipe with a 30" o% erflov, pipe abo-, together they pto, de the capacity of a Z4" pipe