HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200800020 Staff Report 1958-05-20ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING STAFF REPORT SUMMARY Project Name: SDP 2008-0020 Whitehouse Staff: Patrick Lawrence, Jonathan Sharp, Commercial Preliminary Site Plan Lisa Glass Planning Commission Public Hearing: Board of Supervisors Hearing: May 20, 2008 Not applicable Owners: Hurt Investment Company, Inc. Applicant: Virginia Land Company Acreage: 4.74 ac. Rezone from: Not applicable Special Use Permit for: Not applicable TMP: Tax Map 78, Parcels 11 & 9 By -right use: HC, Highway Commercial Location: Proposed access from proposed Olympia Drive in the Pantops Development Area. Magisterial District: Rivanna Proffers/Conditions: see recommendation in report Requested # of Dwelling Lots: NA DA — YES RA — Proposal: Applicant proposes construction of Comp. Plan Designation: commercial office space in three two-story office The Comprehensive Plan designates this buildings totaling 65,120 square feet. property as Regional Service in Urban Area 3. Character of Property: This property is mostly wooded Use of Surrounding Properties: and fairly steep. No existing structures are on the site. Adjacent to multiple residential subdivisions, including Fontana and Pavilions on Pantops. Factors Favorable: Factors Unfavorable: Waiver of Section 4.2.5: Critical Slope Analysis: None identified 4.2.5 (a) Satisfactorily addressed. 4.2.5 (b) Planning finds this particular case meets at least one of the criteria as required Waiver of Section 21.7.3: Buffer Zone disturbance: Disturbance needed for the path results in improved site design RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Ordinance Waiver: 1. Waiver of Section 21.7.3- disturbance of buffer zone (Approval recommended) 2. Waiver of Section 4.2.5 — disturbance of critical slopes (Approval recommended) Phone (434) 296-5832 To: From: Division Date: Subject: COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Fax (434) 972-4126 Memorandum Planning Commission Lisa Glass, Principal Planner Zoning and Current Development May 20, 2008 SDP 08-0020: Whitehouse Commercial Site Development Plan- Preliminary This letter is to provide additional information regarding the Whitehouse Commercial Site Plan. On March 25, 2008 the Commission accepted the applicant's request for deferral in order to provide additional information. The original March staff report is attached. The following addresses the two main areas of concern discussed at the March meeting: 1) disturbance of the buffer zone and 2) critical slope waiver. A revised site plan has been submitted to address the Commission's concerns. Revisions to the plan include: moving the wall out of the buffer, changing the screening fence to evergreen trees and reductions to building size and parking (Attachment A and site plan sheet C7). New diagrams are attached to clarify the conditions of the existing buffer, the encroachment of easements from prior approved plans onto this site and the limit of this applicant's request (Attachments D, E and G). 1) Disturbance of the buffer zone between residential and commercial: The Whitehouse site plan has been revised so that the walls are not in the buffer. The plan addresses the required screening in the buffer with a double row of screening trees, as allowed in Section A sidewalk connection between the residential area and the Whitehouse commercial development, as requested by the County, crosses the buffer. Staff recommends approval of the waver to allow disturbance in the buffer zone (Section 21.7.3 analysis follows). 2) Critical Slope waiver: The Whitehouse site plan will disturb existing critical slopes and therefore requires a Critical Slope Waiver, as discussed in the March staff report. A slope waiver analysis and additional graphics are included in this letter to clarify the limits of disturbance by the Whitehouse site plan. A large portion of the site is already disturbed, or allowed to be disturbed, as allowed by easements given to other approved projects. Staff recommends approval of the critical slopes waiver. (Section 4.2.5 analysis follows) Recommended actions: A) Approve the waiver to allow disturbance in the buffer zone B) Approve the critical slope waiver request 1. WAIVER TO ALLOW LAND DISTURBANCE IN A BUFFER BETWEEN ZONING DISTRICTS Section 21.7.3 provides the method of requesting a waiver: "Bu%kr zona utljacent to residential and rural areas districts: No constniction activity including grading or clearing gf'vegetation shall occur closer than rirenty (20) feet to arty residential or rural areas district. Screening shall be provided as required in section 32.79. Except, the comn1iSSiOn tmv waive this requirement in a particular case where it has been demonstrated that grading or clearing is necessat:v or would result in an improved site design, provided that: u. Mininnan screening requirements are met; and h. Existing landscaping in excess of'inininnun rcquirementc is substantially restored. " Disturbance in a Buffer Zone Waiver: The applicant has revised the plan to minimize the disturbance in the buffer zone. The current plan shows a wall outside of the buffer. This wall will have a railing at the top which supplements screening. The wall currently proposed has a maximum height of 10 feet. The improvements proposed within the buffer are the screening trees required by code and a pedestrian path. A large portion of the buffer strip along the Whitehouse property line will be disturbed and vegetation removed by drainage and grading casements granted to other approved developments, such that approximately 22 % of the length will contain existing vegetation (Attachment E). The drainage easement runs up the property line starting at Rolkin Road for about 100 feet then overlaps the grading easement which runs for approximately another 130 feet, leaving only the last 65 feet undisturbed. Section allows screening to be met by maintaining existing vegetation, the addition of a planting strip, a fence or a combination thereof. New evergreen trees are proposed to supplement the existing vegetation that remains outside of easements. The plan shows a double row of evergreen trees to provide screening in the areas where the existing vegetation is removed by other projects. The pedestrian path was the result of staff requesting an inter -parcel connection . The applicant worked with staff to find the most functional location for a path. Staff was aware that the proposed path location crosses the buffer, but supports the goal of walkablity. The proposed path connects near the road at the Pavillions and part of the path will be within the grading easement already approved for that development. (Pavilions Preliminary Site Plan approved by the Commission on March 14, 2006). The portion of the path that falls in the undisturbed area of the buffer can be located to minimize disturbance of existing vegetation. The grading and clearing required for the pedestrian connection will result in an improved design that allows inter -parcel pedestrian connectivity. The plan shows the minimum screening requirements and the existing vegetation left undisturbed by other projects will be maintained and supplemented by adding evergreen screening trees. STAFF COMMENT: Staff recommends approval of the waiver to allow disturbance in the buffer zone with one condition, Condition (1) staff approve the final alignment of the pedestrian path within the buffer zone to minimize impact on existing vegetation. 2. CRITICAL SLOPES MODIFICATION The request for a modification has been reviewed for both the Engineering and Planning aspects of the critical slopes regulations. Section of the Zoning Ordinance restricts earth - disturbing activity on critical slopes, while Section 4.2.5(b) allows the Planning Commission to waive this restriction. The applicant has submitted a request and justification for the waiver (Attachment C) and staff has analyzed this request to address the provisions of the ordinance. Critical slopes cover approximately 0.9 acres, or approximately 15 percent of the 6.4 acre site. Roughly 75% of the critical slopes on site are exempted from needing a critical slopes waiver (0.7 acres). These critical slopes are exempted because they have already been approved for disturbance by adjacent projects under prior approved critical slopes waivers, or they were created by an approved site plan (Attachment D).This request is for approval of a waiver to allow disturbance of the remainder of the critical slopes on site, totaling 0.2 acres. The critical slopes in the area of this request appear to be natural. Staff has reviewed this waiver request with consideration for the criteria that are set forth in Section 4.2 of the Zoning Ordinance, entitled "Critical Slopes." A request to allow disturbance of critical slopes must also be reviewed in accord with the requirements of Section 42.5. This section requires a two part analysis. Section 4.2.5(a) is a review of the technical performance standards. If these technical standards are not met the disturbance of critical slopes cannot be approved by the Planning Commission. If these technical standards are met, the Planning Commission may then consider the disturbance of critical slopes. The criteria for the Planning Commission's review of the disturbance of critical slopes are found in Section 4.2.5(b). Staff presents the analysis of the request to disturb critical slopes in two parts. Section 4.2.5(a) Review of the technical performance standards: Description of critical slope area and proposed disturbance: The non-exempt critical slope areas within TMP's 78-9 and 78-11 appear to contain natural slopes. The critical slope disturbances are in the form of commercial construction which include parking spaces, landscaped curb islands, and buildings. Areas Acres Total site area 6.4 acres approx. Total critical slopes on site 0.9 acres approx. 15 % of development Proposed critical slope disturbance, Exempt 0.7 acres approx. 75 % of critical slopes Proposed critical slope disturbance, Non-exempt 0.2 acres approx. 25 % of critical slopes, 100% of non-exempt critical slopes on site Exemptions to critical slopes waivers for driveways, roads and utilities without reasonable alternative locations: As previously mentioned, and shown in the chart above, 75% of proposed critical slope disturbance is exempt (0.7 acres) as the critical slopes shown are the result of a previously approved plan (Town & County Drive Phase II and Olympia Drive, Car Max, Luxor, Pavilions Phase I). All of the aforementioned projects received critical slope waivers for any critical slope 4 disturbance on this site. The remaining 25% of proposed critical slope disturbance is not exempt (0.2 acres). Below, each of the concerns of Zoning Ordinance section 18-4.2 is addressed: "rapid and/or large scale tnovement ofsoil and rock": The areas of existing critical slopes on this site are relatively small and scattered. There is a mixture of cut and till over the critical slopes. Large scale movement of soil and rock is not anticipated to occur as a result of this construction. 2. "excessive storniwater run-off"': The site drains to Luxor Stormwater Management Pond # 1, which has been designed to handle the runoff from the proposed site for both Stormwater Quality and Detention. 3. "siltation of natural and man-made bodies of tirater ": Inspection and bonding by the County will address siltation control during construction. Proper stabilization and maintenance will enhance long term stability. 4. "loss of aesthetic resource ": Although the disturbance will be visible from adjacent parcels and future public roadways. The Open Space Plan is used to evaluate the loss of aesthetic resource. This site has no resources identified in the Open Space Plan. Staff find that disturbance of the critical slopes on this site are not a loss of aesthetic resource. 5. "septic effluent ": No septic systems or drainfields are proposed in this project. This site is accessible to the public sanitary sewer system. This site does not drain into a waterway that is a public drinking water supply for Albemarle County. No portion of this site plan is located inside the 100 -year flood plain area according to FEMA Maps, dated 04 February 2005. Based on the above review, the applicant has satisfactorily addressed the technical criteria for the disturbance of critical slopes. Section 4.2.5(b) Recommendations on the findings that must be made by the Planninp, Commission in order to allow disturbance of critical slopes. The connnission rnav inodifv or waivc any requirement of section 4.2 in a particular case upon finding that: 1. Strict application of the requirements ofsection 4.2 tii•ould not fortiti�ard the purposes of ty ti1• this chapter or otherwise serve the public health, safeor el fare, or that alternatives proposed by the developer would satisfy the ptaposes of section 4.2 to at least all equivalent degree; or (Added 11-15-89) The property is an existing undeveloped parcel neighbored by proposed roads and residential areas to the north and east and by existing commercial areas to the south and west. The site plan indicates both cut and fill in the areas of existing critical slopes. The applicant has proposed protective and restorative measures intended to minimize erosion and siltation both during and post construction. These measures will satisfy the purpose of Section 4.2 to at least an equivalent degree. Granting the waiver forwards the purposes of this chapter by providing the type of commercial development anticipated in the development area while addressing erosion control concerns. Approval of this request would accommodate the expansion of an infill property within the development area of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff finds strict application of the requirements of Section 4.2 would not forward the purposes of this chapter in allowing commercial infill development 2. Dice to its unusual size, topography, shape of the property, location of the property or other unusual conditions, excluding the proprietary interest of the developer, the requirements of section 4.2 would effectively prohibit or unreasonably restrict the use of the property or would result in significant degradation of the site or adjacent properties. Such modification or waiver shall not be detrimental to the public health, safety or wee /are, to the orderly development of the area, or to adjacent properties, or be contrary to sound engineering practices; or (Added 11-15-89) Denial of this modification would not prohibit or unreasonably restrict the use of the property or result in significant degradation of the site or adjacent properties. However, since the existing critical slopes occur near the middle of the site, denial would significantly alter and reduce the type of development that could occur on this site. The modification of this section will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, to the orderly development of the area or to adjacent properties, or be contrary to sound engineering practices. Granting such modification or waiver would serve a public purpose ofgreater import than would be served by strict application ofsection 4?. (Added 11 -IS -89) This property is in the development areas and represents a commercial development in accord with the Comprehensive plan designation. As such, grading the site as one unit would more effectively provide for commercial development. RECOMMENDATION: Staff review has resulted in only favorable findings: Favorable factors: 1. The measures proposed by the applicant will satisfy the purpose of Section 4.2, at least to an equivalent degree, meeting the requirement for 4.2.5 (b) (1). 2. The overall grading of the site is consistent with the type of commercial development intended for this designated commercial area, meeting the requirement for 4.2.5 (b) (3). Unfavorable factors: None found. The Planning Commission may grant the modification if it finds that the request has met at least one of the three requirements in Section 4.2.5 (b). Staff has found that the request for modification meets two of the three requirements, and therefore recommends approval. Response to Commission Questions at the PC Meetinp, 3/25/08 With responses in italics ACTION: Deferral for staff to get more information: a) What other approvals allow grading in the Whitehouse buffer? Several approved projects have easements ort the Whitehouse property (Attachment E) In regard to the requited bt ffer• between residential and commercial sites at the Pavilions/Whitehouse property line, off site drainage and grading easements tivere given to the Pavilions. This grading onto the Whitehouse site is shown on the Pavillions preliminary site plan approved by the Commission Match 14, 3006. b) What are the existing conditions in the buffer? As ofMay 5, 3008 when the property line between Pavilions and Whitehouse was staked in the field, there was onlv a small amount ofgrading on the Whitehouse site in the grading easement as shown on the preliminary site plan approved by the Commission on March 14,3006. The drainage casement has not been disturbed. The majority of the buffer strip currently consists of hardwood trees and undergrowth. (Attachment G) However, an offsite drainage easement and a grading easement were given to Pavillions and their construction is not complete. As a result of the grading easement, for Rolkin Road, the grading easement for Pavilions and the drainage easement, vegetation will only remain ort about 2 percent of the length of the property line (Attachment E). The nein evergreens proposed by the Whitehouse site plan will be planted to supplement the existing trees. c) What will be established as screening The plan proposes a double row of evergreen trees where there is no existing vegetation. As stated above, about 33 per cent of the length of'the buffer will contain the original undisturbed trees. Supplemental evergreens are proposed to be added in the areas of existing vegetation to remain. d) Will planting constitute disturbance? Staff proposed that the required double row of planting be allowed without a buffer n,aivcr since it only occurs within the areas disturbed by other• projects and thereby by need screening added. The supplemental evergreen trees that will be installed in the remaining areas of existing vegetation will be placed to minimi.7e disturbance. The pedestrian connection requested by staff at Pre -Application conference for inter parcel connectivity will be located between any existing trees and will be installed with minimal disturbance. Staff proposes that a waiver be granted to allow this path. Attachments: A. Vicinity Map B. Applicant's letter regarding plan changes and withdrawal of the buffer waiver, dated April 10, 2008 C. Applicant Request and Justification of Slope Waiver D. Site Plan with Critical Slopes E. Areas on the Site with previously approved Critical Slope Waivers F. Areas of Critical Slopes on Site that need a Waiver G. Photo of Site (showing existing buffer) H. Site Plan (revised 4/10/08 per PC comments) 1. Staff Report for March 25, 2008 PC Meeting ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING STAFF REPORT SUMMARY Project Name: Whitehouse Commercial Preliminary Site Plan Planning Commission Public Hearing: KAarrh 7r, )nnu Staff: Patrick Lawrence, Jonathan Sharp Board of Supervisors Hearing: P11 + . ; L., i-- Owners: Hurt Investment Company, Inc. i V app 1%,auit5 I Applicant: Virginia Land Company Acreage: 4.81 ac. Rezone from: Not applicable Special Use Permit for: Not applicable TMP: Tax Map 78, Parcels 9 & 11 By -right use: HC, Highway Commercial and 1 Location: Route 250 east behind Carmax. EC, Entrance Corridor Overlay District Access will be from Olympia Drive. Magisterial District: Rivanna Proffers/Conditions: See recommendation in report Requested # of Dwelling Lots: NA DA — NA RA — NA Proposal: Applicant proposes construction of Comp. Plan Designation: commercial office space in three two-story The Comprehensive Plan designates this office buildings totaling 65,120 square feet. property as Regional Service in Urban Area 3. I Character of Property: This property is ; Use of Surrounding Properties: Adjacent to mostly wooded with some areas of critical 1 multiple residential subdivisions, including j slopes. No existing structures are on the site. 1 Fontana and Pavilions on Pantops and 1 commercial development fronting Route 250. Factors Favorable: see report li Factors Unfavorable: see report KEGUMMENDATION: 1 Zoning Ordinance Waivers: 1. Waiver of Section 4.2.5 — disturbance of critical slopes (recommendation, approval) 2. Section 21.7.3 — disturbance of land within the buffer between commercial and residential property (recommendation approval) Attachment I STAFF PERSON: Patrick Lawrence; Jonathan Sharp PLANNING COMMISS[ON: March 25, 2008 AGENDA "T][TLE: SLB 2008-020 Whitehouse Commercial Preliminary Site Plan APPLICANT: Virginia Land Company PROPERTY OWNER(S): Hurt Investment Company, Inc. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: Request for preliminary site plan approval for construction of conuncrcial office space in three two-story office buildings totaling 65,120 square fcct on 4.81 acres zoned 11C - highway Commercial and EC, Entrance Corridor Overlay District. "rhe property, described as Tax flap 78 Parcel 1 1 and part of Parcel 9 are located in the Rivanna Ma`risterial District on the proposed Olympia Drive in the Pantops Development :area between the Pavilions roNN nhonnes development (currently under construction), the Carltax and Free Bridge Auto sites. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: File Comprelnensixe Plan designates this property as Regional Service in Urban Area 3. REASON FOR PLANNING COMMISSION REVIENV: The applicant requests waivers to allow disturbance of critical slopes and disturbance within the buffer adjacent to residentially zoned property. PLANNING AND ZONING HISTORY: This area has been subject to multiple subdivision plats resulting in the current lot configuration. Approval of adjacent projects has extended Olympia Drive (a new public street) to this site. DISCUSSION: The Planning Commission will need to act on two waiver requests. This staff report is organized to address each issue separately. "File Commission must act on both of the items. The items to be addressed are: Zoning Ordinance 1. Waiver of Section 4.2.5 —disturbance of critical slopes 2. Waiver of Section 21.7.3 — disturbance of land within a buffer zone CRITICAL SLOPES WAIVER A modification to allow critical slopes disturbance is necessary before the preliminary site plan can be approved. The request reviewed for both the Engineering and Planning aspects of the critical slopes re"ulations. Section of the Zoning Ordinance restricts earth -disturbing actix'ity ort critical slopes, while Section 4.2.5(b) allows the Planning Commission to wane this restriction. File applicant has submitted a request and justification for the waiver (Attachment C), and staff has anal . zed this request to address the pro-, isions oft lie ordinance. Critical slopes cover approximately 0.9 Acres, or 19 percent, of the 4.8 acres included in this request. This request is to disturb 0.3 acres, or 33 percent, of these critical slopes. The critical slopes in the area of this request do not appear to be man-made. Tile deternnination of which critical slopes are man-made could not be determined. Staff has reviewed this «aiver request with consideration for the concenis that are set forth in Section 4.2 of the Zoning Ordinance, entitled "Critical Slopes." These concerns have been addressed directly through the analysis provided herein, which is presented in two parts, based ori the Section of the Ordinance each pertains to. Applicant's Request for Critical Slopes Waiver: The Applicant states: "The Pi-eli1111nm-v 5 to Develolmient Plan 'w IT'hitehouse Commercial Shows (ilei-' at -e aI)pro.C1111tIteJV 37,650 square feet Of crib ell , II(Tes° on the 4.81 acre site. These CTlh(All slol)es ltY)uhl require grading as part elf this project. Of the 37,6iO .YF of'c•riticell slopes: 11,795 SF were crcclted cls a result of grading, fin' Rolkin Road and Olvinpia Drive, 1,393 SF uvere orated as c1, result of grading.fin- the Pavilions totirnhome development, and 16,630 SF were created as a result of gradinO Ior the Car•nra_s- ,Site Dcve'lopmnent Plan, and 7,832 SF of the' critical slopes appear to be part of the original site topograph ti . 1. The proposed grading is minor• amu/ nrcu.sures will he taken to ensure' rapid or lar ;c-scerk' irtorenre'nt of soil and rock does not oc czar. '. .t Sediment Basin c.ii.sts to prevent eACCssirc.stornncater• 1,1111-ojl ji•orn occurring. 3. The sediment Basin prol-Ocs erosion protection jor all natural and mall -)rade bodies of gate]•. 4. The proposed grading would assist in stahili_ing tfrc ,�Trctdirt, that civatecl tire critical .slopes along Rolkin Rote/and (�It urpiu Urine. Surjirec' rano/% u•u11/d he renune'd ccs port o% the p1,opnsed grading. ?. Ae propo,scd grading irould lin-ther .stahili_e erosion alt(I .stornnratcr• rwrolf from the Carma.t and Pavilions sites hr relieving critical .slopes and c•apt11rin, rano!/ in all rmdc1,,rorrml storm system. h. B11ilclill"s and rrtainimtg iizrlls have he'evr prurided to c l-cate .steps i p the site, /Urther n'ehrcin, S111•flce ranoff velocities on the site. 7. There etre no .sCptic .srslcnrs on this property. S. The property does not lie in time Ill0-i�c'ar flood plain. The reasons ,gi.v'n above demonstrate that the grading Of C'I.1tiCtIl Slopes 017 /111.4 p1•oje(_t 11'111 /lot he detrimental to the health, .salute, and'or we/fore of the public. ' Section 4.2.5(a) Review of the request by Current Development Planning staff: The Open Space Plan is the primary mol used by staff to identity aesthetic resources. 'rhe maps in the Open Space Plan include inventory maps which show all resources. The composite map indicates those resources that are ofthe highest significance or are part of system forming a significant resource, such as a stream Salley or mountain range. The Open Space Plan shows "slopes > 25%" on this property on the "Inventory Map l". However, they are not reflected on the "Composite Map". Based on this staff does not find that the disturbance of the critical slopes would result in the loss of an identified aesthetic resource. Section 4.2.5(a) Review of the request by Current Development Fngineerina staff: The critical slope waiver request has been reviewed. The engineering analysis of the request follows: Description of critical slope area and proposed disturbance: Che non-exempt critical slope areas on this site are wooded. 'rhe applicant is proposingcommercial office space, and the critical slope disturbance includes buildings, parking areas, grading, etc. Areas - --- Cotal site i 4.8 acres approximately � Critical slopes 0.9 acres 1900 of site Critical slopes disturbed 0.3 acres i 330o of critical slopes i Below, each of the concerns of Zoning Ordinance section 13-4.2 is discussed: Compliance with "Zoning Ordinance 18-4.2: .1 movement of soil and rock Proper Slope C011strnCtloll, control of dl•ailla( e, (11141 l'e'getalll'C .ctahlh=atlas will prevent ally Inovelllc'ilt of Soil. -excessive smrniwater runoff' The Site drains to Luxor Storinivater AI(JllUgelllelit Poll(l #1, which he'S hCell designed to handle the rltnolf 11.0)1 the proposed site for both Storrinrater Oualitl• and Detention. "siltation" 1i,q)eC•tioll and hoilding by the Count ,v it -ill ensure siltation control dill•!ng construction. Proper stahlll=Utloll and /n(lintentilice will ensill-t long tel -Ill .Stahilitl'. "loss of aesthetic resource" The distill-hanc'e will he visihle.fi-oln a(lac•entparc'cls and public ro(uht-a s. "septic effluent" This site is served by public selrel•. Exemptions to critical slopes waivers for driveway's, roads and utilities without reasonable alternative locations: One-third of proposed critical slope disturbance is exempt (().1 acres), as the critical slopes shown are the result of a previously approved plan (Town & County Drive Phase 11 and Olympia Drive, Car Nlax, Luxor, Pavilions Phase 1). The remaining two-thirds of proposed critical slope disturbance are not exempt (0.2 acres). Based on the above review, Frigineering recommends approval to the critical slope waiver. Review of the request by Current Development Planning staff: Summary of review of modification of Section 4.2: Section 4.2.5 establishes the review process and criteria for granting a waiver of Section 4.2.3. The preceding connnents by staff address the previsions of Section 4.2.5(a). Staff has included the provisions of Section 4.2.5(b) here, along with staffconunent on the various provisions. The conllilisslon Indy 117odl4, of 11'aivc (1111' I-e(lnn-C•lncnt of section 4.2 ill a particular eel,ve npoll fllldillg 111(!1 I. ".Strict application of thc requil 'melts of scctloll 4.2 wouh/ /N)t fin -ward the purposes of this chapter (Il• otherlt•ise seri' the public health, SclItty or welf.ire, or that alternatives proposed by the developer would stlti.efv the ptu7)oses of section 4.2 to at /east an eytlil'alent degree; oI• (: I(lcle(l / 1-15 This parcel is relatively visible fi-oln adjoining developments. hl addition, there are a large number of proposed critical slopes disturbances that are to be graded and landscaped to the benefit of the project and adjoining properties. Staff finds that a strict application of the requirements set forth in Section 4.2 would not forward the purposes of this chapter and otherwise serve the public health, safety or welfare. "Due to its IIIIIIS11(il si_e, topography, shape of the property, location of'the lwoperti• or other unnsual c'ollditlolls, d'.1-cludillg the proprietary interest of the developer, the !•c'[lllll'CllleltLl' Uf sC('tloil lt'(ll/I(1 c'ffc'cti�ell prollihit or ttln•c'asoltahh' re.chic't the use of the property or notr!(l res'tllt in .significant degradation of fire .trite or tit faccilt properties. Such inoclific•ation ol• Iraiyer shall not he detrilnerltal to the public health, .tia/lett' or lye/fare, to the ordcrll• development of the area, or to ad%cicent properties, or he contrarl, to .rottll(l c'rt �incc'r11t,�■l)ruc'tic'c'.c; or tAddc'cl 11-15-89) " Denial of this waiver would not prohibit or unreasonably restrict the use of the property. Ifowever, the adjacent residential property inay suffer both from the lack of grading aIld lack of landscaping were the waiver to be denied. That is to say, approval of this modification will allows the impact to be better mitigated. 3. Glcnitiili� such nlodifieatk)n or hailer Irould serve a pup/ic pallu).ce of gl•c'atc'r iny)oIt tha/1 would he �en'ed h1 strict application of .,eetiun 4.2. (.Idled 11-15-S)) This property is in the Development .'areas, and represents a conunercial development in an area designated on the Comprehensi,,e Plan for commercial development. Granting the modification would allow for the level of development recommended by the Comprehensive Plan. 4 ,/J 4 RECOMMENDATION: Staff is able to Find that the provisions of Section 4?.5(b) have been met. The grading and landscaping proposed enhance the environmental issues of reducing the movement of soil and rock through proper slop[c reduction; reducing siltation and sediment transfer from this site to adjoining properties by providing a root mass by applying appropriate landscaping technique: and, with landscaping enhancing the buffering of commercial and residential uses. Thus, staff is able to recommend approval to the Commission of a waiver of Section 4.2.3. If the Commission concludes that the findings in the previous section have been met and therefore approves the requested waiver, staff recommends the following conditions: 1. Disturbance of additional critical slopes would allow additional approval. WAIVER TO ALLOWLAND DISTURBANCE INA BUFFER BETWEEN ZONING DISTRICTS Section 21.7.3 prop ides the method of requesting a waiker: "t31r/ler zone a(Ijarerlt to 1-es'idelitial (!n(l l-aral al-cas &.O-icts: No constl'aetion (activity incllalilig gi-a(ling of C'leal-ing (lf vegetation shall occul- closet- thall t1 vilty (20) feet to alio I-es1(lential ol• 1'la'al UPC'11,5' (lls'trlrt. Ycivetiitig shall be pt•ovi(le(l (GS I-egjti1•C'[/ 111 A'ec'tlon ;" /.��. EC.-ept, the collllnl.l'sio)7 may il'aivc this rc'yu/rcment ill a 1)articular rase whci-e it he's heell (lenumstrate(l that ,i,Trading of cleal-ing is liccessart' ol• iroul(1 result ill WI iMPI-orr(l site tlesi n, 1wovidc(l that: a.:1'tlilitmiill scl-Cellillg I-equirC'mc'llts (ire 1nct; Galli h. Existing, lamiscal)ing Ill e Y'eti's of lil(J imittll l'eyllll'Cments Is subsialltlallt' I-estore(l. " Applicant's Request for Disturbance in a Buffer Zone Waiver: The applicant states in the request for waiver: "The Pi-clintinat-v site Development P/(Il1 fi)l• ti llitrhouse C olmllercial shows a ste1)lle(l j*etalJling wa11 that inti -mics alyn-oximatc'h' 6 fCC't into the Dill/et' zone. The ma.T1/11um height of each livid/ is 10 ft an(l the walls' are s'telyw(1 to pi-ovi(le a 5-fi himiscal)e sil,i1) to hi-eak tate aly)ral-anre of the Wall lure. .4 railing at the tol) of the il'(II/ (/11(1 a(hhtlonal himlSeal)111g within the butfel' =olle will be 1)rovide(l to mili,galc the imj)act.S of the diS11irb(IIICC. . fs a(hlltlomllllt.l'tlllc'atio)1 fill' the (1t.%7lli-!)aper, il'elu'ovi(/e the.fi)lloirimg: 1. The 1m#el' =0110 in question has bCe11 (h,1'tltl-becl by cical-in amt (,fading ill ac'co1'11ance with the U1)lJi'olvil (1e1'Clolmictlt1)hm fol• the Pavilions toll Whomes. �. 11)('( estriall connection i.S 1)rol)osed (Is 1)(117 u f lhC (Ii.Stlll•haure. 3. AS i)litigcaion I.s not a lvq!(hvmc'nt of i-csi(lelitio/ (!el'r/o1 mellt a(Ijaeenl to a n ronuercia! e1/.Sn'irt, the 1)1-o1)0s'e'(/ 41i.StIll•hance, ane/ r—cslllting reyail-rmrnt filr mitigation, would of Cctil'e!r 11111)1'ove the health, s'aletl', aml welf(ii-e of the C.0/.Stl)lg C'oll(lltioll (iii(11J1'ol'l(IC a ViSII(il .Sc'IVOI hetlreen the two (lei'elol)ments. The 1'easons gi1vit above clelllon.ctrate that the 1)1-o1)os'C(1 gr(nling, site 1rol•k, am/1)lalltill,Ts wolthl re.1'111t 111 (111 Imin-olvd site (les gn. STAFF CONENIEN"r: Based upon the proposed grading and construction plans, granting a modification to the requirement of no construction would prevent erosion and sedimentation to adjoining property by providing a retaining„ wall and plantings between the commercial and residential properties. In addition, the planting of conifers, tlowcrinl,> and deciduous trees, as shown on the landscaping plan, further separates the uses and provides a pleasant view from the lower, adjacent, residential property to the higher, in elevation, commercial property. Allowina disturbance in the buffer zone allows for the grading and construction of retaining walls and plantings enhances the aesthetics and separation of the two uses. REC0MMENDATION: Staff has recommended approval of the two waivers requested by the applicant. The plan has been reviewed by the Site Review Committee and may be approved administratiN ely if the Commission approves the two modlbeatlolls. RECOMMEDED :ACTION: 1. waiver of Section 4?.5 — disturbance of critical slopes (recommendation, approval) 2. Section 21.7.3 - disturbance of land within the buffer between commercial and residential property (recommendation, approval) A1TACII111 ENTS: A. Location/Detail [daps 13. Applicant's Request and Justification for both Critical Slopes and Buffer Disturbance C. Excerpt from Review by Jonathan Sharp, Engineer ZC=� V-1 is, za;e . � q x oma. t q PS a: ^ 1 AN s x4 z f , : i n ss s r �x a � ty ¢ i �I Area Topo raph LgowW 190 (N. sane *w- 7 ar . E f \ r 675 78 78 78-34 _ _ �= _ ` \\� ;7$F 300 v �H _ � ��. ` �... ,vim tt r �P(��fi f _ F r` w. ...__ ._. `• O 43! i f7840A 78-14 3 A cis Wt,b J t 550 �`y'' i y`. "`,• _ --..i � �� - �,-t R;�` /�°!�,��j' i Gea3raymc i aea Serv,:es 1A40 J° v,v -_ .--�• -� J % 1`��Fl ! (4,4,296-5832 41 Vim &I Iry +``., t 'Q� ,, " f' � �.`_ `� j :'i,...-- ,.- " .r,` \ 7•�ry�V1��i _ 250;7PF 78-11$ 78'7 �' i ( i78'=124 �; i 7t�i !►7 ;, 1462ug r em-, 78-M41,r:S F- 0; ` /�'?r. epF t:' f N Q.a Attachrnent A Marr ,.2008 %5 `c �oiq Dominion yDevelopment Resources, LLC !� cts s January 28, 2008 Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: Whitehouse Commercial Site Development Plan Request for Waiver of Section 21.7.3 To Whom It May Concern: 172 South Pantops Drive Charlottesville, VA 22911 434.979.8121 (p) 434.979.1681 (f) DDRVA.com In accordance with section 21.7.3 (a) and (b) of the County Zoning Ordinance, this letter is to request a waiver for the requirements of Section 21.7.3 Buffer zone adjacent to residential and rural areas districts. The Preliminary Site Development Plan for Whitehouse Commercial shows a stepped retaining wall that intrudes approximately 6 feet into the buffer zone. The maximum height of each wall is 10 ft and the walls are stepped to provide a 5 -ft landscape strip to break the appearance of the wall face. A railing at the top of the wall and additional landscaping within the buffer zone will be provided to mitigate the impacts of the disturbance. As additional justification for the disturbance, we provide the following: 1. The buffer zone in question has been disturbed by clearing and grading in accordance with the approved development plan for the Pavilions townhomes. 2. A pedestrian connection is proposed as part of the disturbance. 3. As mitigation is not a requirement of residential development adjacent to a commercial district, the proposed disturbance, and resulting requirement for mitigation, would effectively improve the health, safety, and welfare of the existing condition and provide a visual screen between the two developments. The reasons given above demonstrate that the proposed grading, site work, and plantings would result in an improved site design. Please call me or Kelly Strickland from our office if you have any questions or concerns. Sin ely, JJ�at Miller, ASLA Dominion Development Resources, LLC 1350 Stony Point Road Charlottesville, VA 22911 (434) 984 - 1599 R Attachment B . � ee5 �5 Dominion IC,JQ'`+o, Development y 1 ev\esources, LLC e Ixecp s s January 28, 2008 Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: Whitehouse Commercial Site Development Plan Request for Waiver of Section 4.2 To Whom It May Concern: 172 South Pantops Drive Charlottesville, VA 22911 434.979.8121 (p) 434.979.1681 (f) DDRVA.com In accordance with section 4.2.5 of the County Zoning Ordinance, this letter is to request a waiver for the requirements of Section 4.2 CRITICAL SLOPES. The Preliminary Site Development Plan for Whitehouse Commercial shows there are approximately 37,650 square feet of critical slopes on the 4.81 acre site. These critical slopes would require grading as part of this project. Of the 37,650 SF of critical slopes: 11,795 SF were created as a result of grading for Rolkin Road and Olympia Drive, 1,393 SF were created as a result of grading for the Pavilions townhome development, and 16,630 SF were created as a result of grading for the Carmax Site Development Plan, and 7,832 SF of the critical slopes appear to be part of the original site topography. 1. The proposed grading is minor and measures will be taken to ensure rapid or large-scale movement of soil and rock does not occur. 2. A Sediment Basin exists to prevent excessive stormwater run-off from occurring. 3. The sediment Basin provides erosion protection for all natural and man-made bodies of water. 4. The proposed grading would assist in stabilizing the grading that created the critical slopes along Rolkin Road and Olympia Drive. Surface runoff would be removed as part of the proposed grading. 5. The proposed grading would further stabilize erosion and stormwater runoff from the Carmax and Pavilions sites by relieving critical slopes and capturing runoff in an underground storm system. 6. Buildings and retaining walls have been provided to create steps up the site, further reducing surface runoff velocities on the site. 7. There are no septic systems on this property. 8. The property does not lie in the 100 -year flood plain. The reasons given above demonstrate that the grading of critical slopes on this project will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and/or welfare of the public. Please call me or Kelly Strickland from our office if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Janet Miller, ASLA Dominion Development Resources, LLC 1350 Stony Point Road Charlottesville, VA 22911 (434) 984 - 1599 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To: Patrick Lawrence, Current Development planning and zoning review From: Jonathan Sharp, Current Development engineering review Date: 31 Jan 2008 Subject: Whitehouse Commercial Preliminary Site Plan (SDP200800020) critical slope waiver request The critical slope waiver request has been reviewed. The engineering analysis of the request follows: Description of critical slope area and proposed disturbance: The non-exempt critical slope areas areas on this site are wooded. The applicant is proposing commercial office space, and the critical slope disturbance includes buildings, parking areas, grading, etc. Areas Total site 4.8 acres approximately Critical slopes 0.9 acres 19°,0 of site Critical slopes disturbed 0.3 acres 1 33°No of critical slopes Below, each of the concerns of Zoning Ordinance section 18-4.2 is discussed: Compliance with Zoning Ordinance 18-4.2: "movement of soil and rock" Proper slope construction, control of drainage, and vegetative stabilization will prevent any movement of soil. "excessive stornwater runoff' The site drains to Luxor Stormwater Management Pond #l, which has been designed to handle the runoff from the proposed site for both Stonnwater Quality and Detention. "siltation" Inspection and bonding by the County will ensure siltation control during construction. Proper stabilization and maintenance will ensure long term stability. "loss of aesthetic resource" The disturbance will be visible from adjacent parcels and public roadways. "septic effluent" This site is served by public sewer. Exemptions to critical slopes waivers for driveways, roads and utilities without reasonable alternative locations: One-third of proposed critical slope disturbance is exempt (0.1 acres), as the critical slopes shown are the result of a previously approved plan (Town & County Drive Phase II and Olympia Drive, Car Max, Luxor, Pavilions Phase 1). The remaining two-thirds of proposed critical slope disturbance are not exempt (0.2 acres). Based on the above review, Engineering recommends approval to the critical slope waiver. Attachment C %'� County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To: Patrick Lawrence, Current Development planning review From: Jonathan Sharp, Current Development engineering review Date: 31 Jan 2008 10 Mar 2008 (Revl) Subject: Whitehouse Commerical (SDP200800020) Before Engineering can recommend preliminary approval to the site plan, the following comments must be addressed: 2. Please provide easements or letters of intent to dedicate for all offsite site work. Revl: comments not addressed. 3. There are three ditches shown on the previous plans that drain through the site (Olympia Drive, Rolkin Road, Pavillions Phase 1). These ditches are not contained with the proposed plans and appear to drain into the site or spill over into the right-of-way. Please tie the ditches into the storm sewer system. Revl: continents not addressed. 4. A critical slopes waiver must be approved by the Planning Commission prior to preliminary site plan approval. Rev]: Preliminary approval pending PC action. 5. The parking garage must meet all standards of the parking ordinances. Any necessary waivers (sight distance, etc.) must be approved prior to final site plan by the Zoning Administrator. Revl: This must be addressed prior to final site plan approval. ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING STAFF REPORT SUMMARY Project Name: SDP 2008-0020 Whitehouse Staff: Patrick Lawrence, Jonathan Sharp, Commercial Preliminary Site Plan Lisa Glass Planning Commission Public Hearing: Board of Supervisors Hearing: May 20, 2008 Not applicable Owners: Hurt Investment Company, Inc. Applicant: Virginia Land Company Acreage: 4.74 ac. Rezone from: Not applicable Special Use Permit for: Not applicable TMP: Tax Map 78, Parcels 11 & 9 By -right use: HC, Highway Commercial Location: Proposed access from proposed Olympia Drive in the Pantops Development Area. Magisterial District: Rivanna Proffers/Conditions: see recommendation in report Requested # of Dwelling Lots: NA DA — YES RA — Proposal: Applicant proposes construction of Comp. Plan Designation: commercial office space in three two-story office The Comprehensive Plan designates this buildings totaling 65,120 square feet. property as Regional Service in Urban Area 3. Character of Property: This property is mostly wooded Use of Surrounding Properties: and fairly steep. No existing structures are on the site. Adjacent to multiple residential subdivisions, including Fontana and Pavilions on Pantops. Factors Favorable: Factors Unfavorable: Waiver of Section 4.2.5: Critical Slope Analysis: None identified 4.2.5 (a) Satisfactorily addressed. 4.2.5 (b) Planning finds this particular case meets at least one of the criteria as required Waiver of Section 21.7.3: Buffer Zone disturbance: Disturbance needed for the path results in improved site design RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Ordinance Waiver: 1. Waiver of Section 21.7.3- disturbance of buffer zone (Approval recommended) 2. Waiver of Section 4.2.5 — disturbance of critical slopes (Approval recommended) Phone (434) 296-5832 To: From: Division: Date: Subject: IRCJ X COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Fax (434) 972-4126 Memorandum Planning Commission Lisa Glass, Principal Planner Zoning and Current Development May 20, 2008 SDP 08-0020: Whitehouse Commercial Site Development Plan- Preliminary This letter is to provide additional information regarding the Whitehouse Commercial Site Plan. On March 25, 2008 the Commission accepted the applicant's request for deferral in order to provide additional information. The original March staff report is attached. The following addresses the two main areas of concern discussed at the March meeting: 1) disturbance of the buffer zone and 2) critical slope waiver. A revised site plan has been submitted to address the Commission's concerns. Revisions to the plan include: moving the wall out of the buffer, changing the screening fence to evergreen trees and reductions to building size and parking (Attachment A and site plan sheet C7). New diagrams are attached to clarify the conditions of the existing buffer, the encroachment of easements from prior approved plans onto this site and the limit of this applicant's request (Attachments D, E and G). 1) Disturbance of the buffer zone between residential and commercial: The Whitehouse site plan has been revised so that the walls are not in the buffer. The plan addresses the required screening in the buffer with a double row of screening trees, as allowed in Section A sidewalk connection between the residential area and the Whitehouse commercial development, as requested by the County, crosses the buffer. Staff recommends approval of the waver to allow disturbance in the buffer zone (Section 21.7.3 analysis follows). 2) Critical Slope waiver: The Whitehouse site plan will disturb existing critical slopes and therefore requires a Critical Slope Waiver, as discussed in the March staff report. A slope waiver analysis and additional graphics are included in this letter to clarify the limits of disturbance by the Whitehouse site plan. A large portion of the site is already disturbed, or allowed to be disturbed, as allowed by easements given to other approved projects. Staff recommends approval of the critical slopes waiver. (Section 4.2.5 analysis follows) Recommended actions: A) Approve the waiver to allow disturbance in the buffer zone B) Approve the critical slope waiver request 1. WAIVER TO ALLOW LAND DISTURBANCE IN A BUFFER BETWEEN ZONING DISTRICTS Section 21.7.3 provides the method of requesting a waiver: "Bmf fi r zone adjacent to residential and rural areas districts: No construction activity including grading or clearing of vegetation shall occur closer than twenty (20) ,feet to anv residential or rural areas district. Screening shall he provided as required in section 32.79. Except, the commission may waive this requirement in a particular case where it has been demonstrated that grading or clearing is necessary or would result in an improved site design, provided that.- a. hat:a. Mininuini screening requirements are met; and b. Existing landscaping in excess of inininnan requirements is substantially restored. " Disturbance in a Buffer Zone Waiver: The applicant has revised the plan to minimize the disturbance in the buffer zone. The current plan shows a wall outside of the buffer. This wall will have a railing at the top which supplements screening. The wall currently proposed has a maximum height of 10 feet. The improvements proposed within the buffer are the screening trees required by code and a pedestrian path. A large portion of the buffer strip along the Whitehouse property line will be disturbed and vegetation removed by drainage and grading easements granted to other approved developments, such that approximately 22 % of the length will contain existing vegetation (Attachment E). The drainage easement runs up the property line starting at Rolkin Road for about 100 feet then overlaps the grading easement which runs for approximately another 130 feet, leaving only the last 65 feet undisturbed. Section allows screening to be met by maintaining existing vegetation, the addition of a planting strip, a fence or a combination thereof. New evergreen trees are proposed to supplement the existing vegetation that remains outside of easements. The plan shows a double row of evergreen trees to provide screening in the areas where the existing vegetation is removed by other projects. The pedestrian path was the result of staff requesting an inter -parcel connection . The applicant worked with staff to find the most functional location for a path. Staff was aware that the proposed path location crosses the buffer, but supports the goal of walkablity. The proposed path connects near the road at the Pavillions and part of the path will be within the grading easement already approved for that development. (Pavilions Preliminary Site Plan approved by the Commission on March 14, 2006). The portion of the path that falls in the undisturbed area of the buffer can be located to minimize disturbance of existing vegetation. The grading and clearing required for the pedestrian connection will result in an improved design that allows inter -parcel pedestrian connectivity. The plan shows the minimum screening requirements and the existing vegetation left undisturbed by other projects will be maintained and supplemented by adding evergreen screening trees. STAFF COMMENT: Staff recommends approval of the waiver to allow disturbance in the buffer zone with one condition; Condition (1) staff approve the final alignment of the pedestrian path within the buffer zone to minimize impact on existing vegetation. 2. CRITICAL SLOPES MODIFICATION The request for a modification has been reviewed for both the Engineering and Planning aspects of the critical slopes regulations. Section of the Zoning Ordinance restricts earth - disturbing activity on critical slopes, while Section 4.2.5(b) allows the Planning Commission to waive this restriction. The applicant has submitted a request and justification for the waiver (Attachment C) and staff has analyzed this request to address the provisions of the ordinance. Critical slopes cover approximately 0.9 acres, or approximately 15 percent of the 6.4 acre site. Roughly 75% of the critical slopes on site are exempted from needing a critical slopes waiver (0.7 acres). These critical slopes are exempted because they have already been approved for disturbance by adjacent projects under prior approved critical slopes waivers, or they were created by an approved site plan (Attachment D).This request is for approval of a waiver to allow disturbance of the remainder of the critical slopes on site, totaling 02 acres. The critical slopes in the area of this request appear to be natural. Staff has reviewed this waiver request with consideration for the criteria that are set forth in Section 4.2 of the Zoning Ordinance, entitled "Critical Slopes." A request to allow disturbance of critical slopes must also be reviewed in accord with the requirements of Section 4.2.5. This section requires a two part analysis. Section 4.2.5(a) is a review of the technical performance standards. If these technical standards are not met the disturbance of critical slopes cannot be approved by the Planning Commission. If these technical standards are met, the Planning Commission may then consider the disturbance of critical slopes. The criteria for the Planning Commission's review of the disturbance of critical slopes are found in Section 4.2.5(b). Staff presents the analysis of the request to disturb critical slopes in two parts. Section 4.2.5(a) Review of the technical performance standards: Description of critical slope area and proposed disturbance: The non-exempt critical slope areas within TMP's 78-9 and 78-11 appear to contain natural slopes. The critical slope disturbances are in the form of commercial construction which include parking spaces, landscaped curb islands, and buildings. Areas Acres Total site area 6.4 acres approx. Total critical slopes on site 0.9 acres approx. 15 % of development Proposed critical slope disturbance, Exempt 0.7 acres approx. 75 % of critical slopes Proposed critical slope disturbance, Non-exempt 0.2 acres approx. 25 % of critical slopes, 100% of non-exempt critical slopes on site Exemptions to critical slopes waivers for driveways, roads and utilities without reasonable alternative locations: As previously mentioned, and shown in the chart above, 75% of proposed critical slope disturbance is exempt (0.7 acres) as the critical slopes shown are the result of a previously approved plan (Town & County Drive Phase II and Olympia Drive, Car Max, Luxor, Pavilions Phase I). All of the aforementioned projects received critical slope waivers for any critical slope disturbance on this site. The remaining 25% of proposed critical slope disturbance is not exempt (0.2 acres). Below, each of the concerns of Zoning Ordinance section 18-4.2 is addressed: 1. "rapid and/or large scale movement ofsoil and rock ": The areas of existing critical slopes on this site are relatively small and scattered. There is a mixture of cut and till over the critical slopes. Large scale movement of soil and rock is not anticipated to occur as a result of this construction. 2. "excessive stortnivater run-off": The site drains to Luxor Stormwater Management Pond #1, which has been designed to handle the runoff from the proposed site for both Stormwater Quality and Detention. 3. "siltation of natural and rnan-made bodies of 'vti,ater ": Inspection and bonding by the County will address siltation control during construction. Proper stabilization and maintenance will enhance long term stability. 4. "loss of aesthetic resource ": Although the disturbance will be visible from adjacent parcels and future public roadways. The Open Space Plan is used to evaluate the loss of aesthetic resource. This site has no resources identified in the Open Space Plan. Staff find that disturbance of the critical slopes on this site are not a loss of aesthetic resource. 5. "septic effluent ": No septic systems or drainfields are proposed in this project. This site is accessible to the public sanitary sewer system. This site does not drain into a waterway that is a public drinking water supply for Albemarle County. No portion of this site plan is located inside the 100 -year flood plain area according to FEMA Maps, dated 04 February 2005. Based on the above review, the applicant has satisfactorily addressed the technical criteria for the disturbance of critical slopes. Section 4.2.5(b) Recommendations on the findings that must be made by the Planninp, Commission in order to allow disturbance of critical slopes. The commission nrav nrod{& or waive any requirement of section 4.2 in a particular case upon .finding that: Strict application of the requirements of section 4.2 mould not.forn'ard the purposes of this chapter or otherx,ise serve the public health, safety or welfare, or that alternatives proposed by the developer vi•ould satisfy the purposes gfsection 4.2 to at least an equivalent degree; or (Added 11-15-89) The property is an existing undeveloped parcel neighbored by proposed roads and residential areas to the north and east and by existing commercial areas to the south and west. The site plan indicates both cut and fill in the areas of existing critical slopes. The applicant has proposed protective and restorative measures intended to minimize erosion and siltation both during and post construction. These measures will satisfy the purpose of Section 4.2 to at least an equivalent degree. Granting the waiver forwards the purposes of this chapter by providing the type of commercial development anticipated in the development area while addressing erosion control concerns. Approval of this request would accommodate the expansion of an infill property within the development area of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff finds strict application of the requirements of Section 4.2 would not forward the purposes of this chapter in allowing commercial infill development 2. Dice to its unusual size, topography, shape of the property, location of the property or other unttstral conditions, excluding the proprietary interest of the developer, the rcquiremctats of section 4.2 would effectively prohibit or unreasonably restrict the use of the property or would result in significant degradation of the site or adjacent properties. Such modification or waiver shall not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, to the orderly development of the area, or to adjacent properties, or be contrat.v to sound engineering practices; or (Added 11-I5-89) Denial of this modification would not prohibit or unreasonably restrict the use of the property or result in significant degradation of the site or adjacent properties. However, since the existing critical slopes occur near the middle of the site, denial would significantly alter and reduce the type of development that could occur on this site. The modification of this section will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, to the orderly development of the area or to adjacent properties, or be contrary to sound engineering practices. 3. Granting such modification or• waiver would serve a public purpose ofgrcuter import than would be served by strict application of section 4.2. (Added 11-15-89) This property is in the development areas and represents a commercial development in accord with the Comprehensive plan designation. As such, grading the site as one unit would more effectively provide for commercial development. RECOMMENDATION: Staff review has resulted in only favorable findings: Favorable factors: 1. The measures proposed by the applicant will satisfy the purpose of Section 4.2, at least to an equivalent degree, meeting the requirement for 4.2.5 (b) (1). 2. The overall grading of the site is consistent with the type of commercial development intended for this designated commercial area, meeting the requirement for 4.2.5 (b) (3). Unfavorable factors: None found. The Planning Commission may grant the modification if it finds that the request has met at least one of the three requirements in Section 4.2.5 (b). Staff has found that the request for modification meets two of the three requirements, and therefore recommends approval. Response to Commission Questions at the PC Meeting 3/25/08 With responses in italics ACTION: Deferral for staff to get more information: a) What other approvals allow grading in the Whitehouse buffer? Several approved projects have easements on the Whitehouse property (Attachment E) In regard to the required bziffcr between residential and commercial sites at the Pavilions/Whitehouse property line, offsite drainage and grading easements were given to the Pavilions. This grading onto the Whitehouse site is shown ort the Pavillions preliminary site plan approved by the Commission March 14, 2006. b) What are the existing conditions in the buffer? As oj'May 5, 2008 when the property line between Pavilions and Whitehouse was staked in the field, there was only a small amount ofgrading on the Whitehouse site in the grading easement as shown on the preliminary site plan approved by the Commission on March 14, 2006. The drainage easement has not been disturbed. The majority of the buffer- strip currently consists of hardwood trees and undergrowth. (Attachment G) However, an offsite drainage easement and a grading easement were given to Pavillions and their- construction is not complete. As a result of the grading easement, for Rolkin Road, the grading easement, for- Pavilions and the drainage easement, vegetation will only remain on about 22 percent of the length of the property line (Attachment E). The neer evergreens proposed by the Whitehouse site plan will be planted to supplement the existing trees. c) What will be established as screening The plan proposes a double row of evergreen trees inhere there is no existing vegetation. As stated above, about 22 per cent of'the length of the buffer will contain the original undisturbed trees. Supplemental evergreens are proposed to be added in the areas of' existing vegetation to remain. d) Will planting constitute disturbance? Staffproposed that the required double row of planting be allowed without a buffer- waiver since it only occurs within the areas disturbed by other projects and thereby by need screening added. The supplemental evergreen trees that will be installed in the remaining areas of existing vegetation will be placed to minimise disturbance. The pedestrian connection requested by staffat Pre -Application conference for inter parcel connectivity will be located between any existing trees and brill be installed tivith minimal disturbance. Staff proposes that a waiver be granted to allow this path. Attachments: A. Vicinity Map B. Applicant's letter regarding plan changes and withdrawal of the buffer waiver, dated April 10, 2008 C. Applicant Request and Justification of Slope Waiver D. Site Plan with Critical Slopes E. Areas on the Site with previously approved Critical Slope Waivers F. Areas of Critical Slopes on Site that need a Waiver G. Photo of Site (showing existing buffer) H. Site Plan (revised 4/10/08 per PC comments) I. Staff Report for March 25, 2008 PC Meeting 101 ;S -Web Geographic Data Services www alb—ad. .,g (434 296-5832 y from Commonwealth of Virginia May 8, 2008 Attachment A � ee5I5 Dominion c i - Development .� _. Resources. LLC April 10, 2008 Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: SDP 2008-00020 Whitehouse Commercial Site Development Plan - Preliminary Revised waiver request To Whom It May Concern: 172 South Pantops Drive Charlottesville, VA 22911 434.979.8121 (p) 434.979.1681 (f) DDRVA.com At the March 25, 2008 Planning Commission review of the Whitehouse Commercial Site Development Plan, it was generally agreed by the Commission that a waiver of Section 21.7.3 (granting disturbance of land within the buffer between commercial and residential) should not be granted to the applicant. The applicant, in submitting the attached revised preliminary plan, does hereby withdraw his request for a waiver of Section 21.7.3. The applicant still seeks Planning Commission approval for a waiver of Section 4.2.5 (granting disturbance of critical slopes); and we hereby request that the application be rescheduled before the Planning Commission at the earliest possible date. Revisions to the Preliminary Site Development Plan include the following: 1. relocation of the parking lot travelway adjacent to the Pavilions townhouse development, 2. adjustments to the retaining walls and vegetative screening adjacent to the Pavilions townhouse development, 3. elimination of 7 (seven) parking spaces and 1,620 SF of gross floor area, 4. adjusting the retaining wall and grading to accommodate runoff behind the sidewalk along Rolkin Road, 5. and adjusting the grading and providing a drop inlet to accommodate runoff between the southernmost parking area and the Carmax site. Please note that evergreen screening, the 6 FT high Board on Board fence, and the 5 FT compacted stone pedestrian path have been left in the 20 FT undisturbed buffer. Please let us know when this project can be rescheduled with the Planning Commission and let us know if you have any further questions or comments regarding this plan. Sincerely, Janet Miller, ASLA Dominion Development Resources, 1350 Stony Point Road Charlottesville, VA 22911 (434) 984 - 1599 LLC Attachment B j J�' Dominion Development - /'Resources, LLC 172South PanxopsDrive Charlottesville, VA228i1 ^� 484.979.8121 (p) 434,979.1681 (f) ~ DDRVA*zm January 28.20O8 Albemarle County Department nfCommunity Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA22Q02 RE: Whitehouse Commercial Site Developmentplam Request for Waiver mf Section 4.2 To Whom It May Concern: In accordance with section 4.2.5 of the County Zoning Ordinance, this letter is to request a waiver for the requirements nfSection 4.2 CRITICAL SLOPES. The Preliminary Site Development Plan for Whitehouse Commercial shows there are approximately 37,650 square feet ofcritical slopes onthe 4.81acre site. These critical slopes would require grading ospart ofthis project. Of the 37.05OSFofcritical slopes: 11.7Q5SFwere created maaresult of grading for Rolkin Road and Olympia Drive, 1,393 SF were created as a result of grading for the Pavilions townhome development, and 16,630 SIF were created as a result of grading for the Carmax Site Development Plan, and 7,832 SF of the critical slopes appear to be part of the original site topography. 1, The proposed grading is minor and measures will be taken to ensure rapid or large-scale movement of soil and rock does not occur. 2. ASediment Basin exists toprevent excessive atormmmVerrun-off from occurring. 3 The sediment Basin provides erosion protection for all natural and man-made bodies of water. 4. The proposed grading would assist in stabilizing the grading that created the critical slopes along Ro|kin Road and Olympia Drive. Surface runoff would beremoved aspart o/the proposed grading. 5 The proposed grading would further stabilize erosion and stormwater runoff from the Carmax and Pavilions sites by relieving critical slopes and capturing runoff in an underground storm system. 0 Buildings and retaining walls have been provided to create steps up the site, further reducing surface runoff velocities onthe site. 7. There are noseptic systems un this property. 8. The property does not lie iothe 100-yoarflood plain. The reasons given above demonstrate that the grading ofcritical slopes onthis project will not be detrimental to the hom\\h, safety, and/or welfare of the public. Please call me o/ Kelly Strickland from our office ifyou have any questions orconcerns. Sincerely, Janet MUler,ASLA Dominion Development Resources, LLC 1350Stony Point Road Charlottesville, VA 22911 (434)S84 -15S8 Attachment C Areas on Site with previously approved Critical Slopes Waivers note: any critical slopes in blue area needs a critical slopes waiver c' Attachment E Areas of Critical Slopes on Site that need a Waiver' (in Rei:) note: all other critical slopes on site already have critical slopes waiver _ p IL tv •117. �I t / r - r� � � .. ..� .� � �r � - � V ,..:•'SSC �/1�' iii M1. r — -� � • ��� '� ~� � i Owl'" I v!► maw XA .Tri �`� • ' , + •. `l w �y by Attachment F L ril- Of M ia gi � VA � ,�► t r. �"'� L.::. "'�.; ate'++``_ -T`-;;•: s _ d" Jo,� r r" PRELIMINARY SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR WHITEHOUSE COMMERCIAL ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA TAX MAP 78 PARCELS 9 AND 11 J ' J C E ` - T CL C 0 0 o > E Q { 0 �y a f PITH OF � Pc TIMOTHY RAY MILLER;. Llc No. 30542 C1 - Cover Sheet w Abbreviations, & Le end - C2 -Notes, g C3 - Parcel Map - - - C4 - Existing Conditions & Demolition Plan Y una - C5 - Site Plan - z T,p Tp mo $ - Utilities Plan _ SITF C6 Grading and E2 C7 - Landscape Plan C8 - Lighting Plan C9 - Details 1 CURRENT DEVELOPMENT PLANNER CURRENT DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY FIRE OFFICIAL ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD BUILDING OFFICIAL VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORATION z6 z x H � w � o E- o J Q w c 4 H Z q W ¢ w E-- 0 a a L1' a DDR PROJECT NO 70456 INDEX TITLE C1 SHEET NO 1 OF 9 Attachmen CH H ) (xA J SITE DATA & GENERAL NOTES SIIE DATA CONTR%C IOR'SC'OORDIVAI'ION Rr SPOWH 11,111 F.S(P4RT 1N 01 (.E.VERAI C ONSIRICIIONNOTE.S-1P\PEI IUOI GE%EPWL CON S ERI,CTION NOTES (PARTTAIO)('ONT'D E 6 CUT AND PATCH WORK IN EXISITING PUBLIC STREETS MUST BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH WOT AND ALBEMARLE C Q _ Q (UNLLSS OiHERWSE NOTED ON PLAINT) INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED 9 CO, ALL UT SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE SIG ALL TRAFFIC TE POLES ETC AS ALL WORK SHALL TO, ALL UTILII IN ACCORDANCE STORM DRAINAEU, SIGNS iAND COUNTY STANDARDS AND SPECOCATIGNS O C - O) WITH WARNING P OACT S CNS AND D AND PROJECT SIEWORI( SPECIFlCAIONS AND SMALL BE APPROVED BY SUCH ALL 7 ALL EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER ALONG THE FRONTAL{ O THIS SIZE IN POOR CONDITION OR DAMAGED WRING N C J 6L HALLBEMTHDD IN ASE 8ENENTS COSI SNP11 BE INCLUDED IN BASE BID CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED TO THE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY 10 CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIBLE STREPAIRIRE RUNOFF DAMAGES, ,IF M ,ATN i0 PREVENT ADVERSE IMPACTS TO OFF SHE AREAS AND SHALL RESPONSIBLE i0 REPAIR RESULTING DMALES IF MY, AT NO COST i0 OWNER. B IN THE EVENT THAT SUSPECTED CONTAMINATED SOIL, GROUNDWATER, LFA AND OTHER MEDIA ARE ENCOUNTERED DURING EXCAVAORK AND CONSTRUCTION BASED OLFACTORY, SHALL OTHER EVIDENCE, THE CONIAL, INTO Q Q O 11 THIS PROdCi DISTURBS MORE NM ONE ALOE OF LAND AND FALLS WARN ME NRCAWA S70RMWAIER NMACFAENi PROGRAM F HEACTIVITIESSUSPECT RI A S AND SH STOP WORK IN ME VICINITY OF THE SUSPECT MATERIAL TO AVOID FURTHER SPREADING O THE MATERIAL, AND SHALL (VSWP), GENERAL CONSTRUCTIDN PERMT (GCP) PROGRAM AS ADMINISTERED BY THE WRGIMA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND NOTIFY THE OWNER IMMEDIATELY SO THAT THE APPROPRIATE TESTING AND SUBSEQUENT ACTION CAN BE TAKEN -- RECREATION (DCR) LINER THE JURISOICBON OF THE EPA PRIOR TO ME START OF CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FILE (. F,VERAI. SIDLES a N y A "'NOTICE OF INTENT WN THE DCR AND PREPARE A STORMWATFR PREVENTION PUN IN ACCORDANCE WN THE VSMP REOAATKNS a4'1 12 CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WN ALL UTILITY COMPARES FOR INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIFlCAPgIi 1 ACCESSIBLE ROUTES PARKING SPACES. RAMPS, SIDEWALKS AND WAL%WAYS SHN1 BE CONSTRUCTED N CONFORMANCE WTH ME FEDERAL AMERKlNS NTH DISABILITIES ACT AND NTH STATE AND LOCAL LAWS AND REOAAIIONS (WHICHEVER ARE MORE STRN ENT) !yV 13 CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SHE SECURITY AND JOB SAFETY CONSTRUCPON ACTIVITIES SHALL BE N ACCORDANCE 2 ALL STAIRS WTH THREE OR MORE RISERS ARE TO HAVE HAFIDRALS ON BOTH SIDES WTH OSHA STANDARDS AND LOCAL REOUIRELENIS 3SDEWALXS ADJACENT TO PMgNC 91AL HAVE A WNMUY WDM O 6 FEET 14 CONTRACTOR SHALL DISPOSE OF DEMMON DEBRISIN ACCORDANCE NM APPLICABLE FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS, A TO ME BEST OF OUR PEUEF AND KNOWLEDGE, MERE ARE NO KNOWN MAY£ SITES ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY ORDINANCES AND STATUTES S PLANTINGS WILL BE PROVIDED WN WNW ADJUSTMENTS IN ME FIELD TO ELNWATE COEUCTS WITH OTHER STRUCTURAL FEATURES 15 EXISTING UMJXS SHALL BE TERMINATED, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, IN COFORMANCE WTH LOCAL STATE AND INDIVIDUAL WN COMPANY STANDARDS SPEtliMA110NS, AID DETAEI HTE CONNACidV IMALL [OORDNAIE UTILITY SERVICE gSCONNECISWITH ,FE U,�" REPRESQJTATIVESABBREVIATIONS LEGENDP�(,ENERAI aEXIST \\ ATER R SENN ER ( ONDITIO,NS e R PROP DESCRIPTION EXIST PROP DES( RIPTION Np it %LMAX PROPERTY LINE TOP OF CURB ELEVATION��Cl MAXIMUM T.- 'ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE BOTTOM OF CURB ELEVATION MIN MINIMUM - - - - VACATED PROPERTY LINE FLOW LINE ELEVATION MON MONUMENT CONCRETE - FL NIC NOT IN CONTRACT - _ EASEMENT 2D _ EDGE OF PAVEMENT ELEVATION NES NOT TO SCALE - -I - - BUILDING SETBACK SPOT ELEVATION OC ON CENTER ---� PARKING SETBACK _ N TOP OF WALL ELEVATION OR OVERHEAD ZONING LINE 8070M OF WALL ELEVATION N Generd OK a BAidinq (]IO) PE POLYETHYLENE TEST P17 IOCAION/BORING LOCATION Z ]i] T,,pe/Coy ■ 1 LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE • 1 O w 959 Tri"/doy PERF PERFORATED BENCHMARK owoge doily boffic = B38 Tdy R, doy - FLOODPLAIN LIMIT m EeO,eed tR,. h- ITS Trip Ge ti M .d, 7U Edb.. GENFR IL I'TILI 11 NFII'ES PROP PROPOSED PRVD PROVIDED -- z. IRON FOUND BUFFER ZONE PWW PAVED WATER WAY - --- RMA - RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AREA - UNDERORMN RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE - - --- RPA - RESOURCE PROTECTION AREA DRAINAGE UNE REM REMOVE RDOF DRAIN _ EDGE OF GRAVEL REDID REWIRED -- - SEWER LINE EDGE O PAVEMENT — ' — z - RET RETAIN _ TRENCH DRAIN - RT RIGHT - _ - - STANDARD 6' CURB WATER UNE R/W RIGHT OF WAY _ STANDARD 4" CURB -" o _ FIRE PROTECTION LINE R&D REMOVE AND DISPOSE - COMBINATION e" CURB 8 CUTTER -- -_-- -z :. WATER SERVICE LINE R&R REMOVE 4 RESET - -- -- COMBINATION 4" CURB k GUTTER -- GAS LINE Ll SO SQUARE FRE LANE STRIPING - OVERHEAD ELECTRIC WIRE Z o 3 STA STATION""- O SW SIDEWALK �" BUILDING ENTRANCE - UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC Cn S v � SWEL SOLID WHITE EWE LINE '- LOADING DOCK — -- OVERHEAD TELEPHONE UNE a cJ a SWEL SOLID WHITE LANE LINE • BOLLARD - --- UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE mR i` TBA TO BE ABANDONED OUMPSTER PAD _ CABLE TV i TBR TO BE REMOVED - .-- Slp! .� DRAIN INLET w m TBS TO BE SAVED - - " w A TC TOP O CURB -�_ STEEL GUARDRAIL DRAIN MANHOLE N6 a TS TOPOF SLOPE ---- WOOD GUARDRAIL L PLUG OR STUB Z 17P TYPICAL .-__-- j FLARED END SECTION Z, PATH UG UNDERGROUND HEADWALL �-o Q TREE LINE - - - - - - -- �- -- - - VESCHVA E&S CONTROL HANDBOOcFENCE SEWER MANHOLE E— W -- z YDS YARDS -------- STONE WALL - - SEINER CLEANOUT -- - -- - -- - .--7 - RETAINING WALL C) WATER VALVE 8 BOX O STREAM / POND / WATER COURSE l'TII.IT1 O FIRE HYDRANT - -- - - DETENTION BASIN WATER METER MH MANHOLE PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE -- SILT FENCE D WATER WELL Q W RIM RIM ELEVATIONCONTOUR -_ -, GAS VALVE H 6 � SAN SANITARY y INDEX CONTOUR- GAS METER '�' E' SCC STORMWATER CONVEYANCE CHANNEL - -- - ----- ---- U SD STORM Iv, PARKING COUNT N�B ELECIAIC MANHOLE E- N7"O E- E - Q'z STR DRAINAGE STRUCTURE CROSSWALK - ELECTRIC METER HTTP Z - Q W HSV TAPPING SLEEVE &NAIVE ACCESSIBLE CURB RAMP } LIGHT POLE z F" CD GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOFE.S (PARE ONE) UP UTILITY POLE HANDICAP PARKING u7 TELEPHONE MANHOLE F= a Z FZ 1 PRIOR N ANY CONSTRUCTION WNW MY EXISTING PUBUC RIGNT-O-WAY, INCLUDING CONNECTION TO ANY EXISTING ROAD, A PERMIT SHALL BE WE WATER LINE VAN -ACCESSIBLE HANDICAP PARKING r w Z V- CONTR V TAR'S IPI IORDIN ATION RESPONSIBILITIES. (PART (INE) OBTANED FROM ME VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTAMN (VDOT) THIS PLM AS DRAWN MAY NOT ACCURATELY REFLECT ME REOUREMENTS OF ME PERMIT WHERE ANY DISCREPANCIES OCCUR ME REQUIREMENTS O THE PERMIT SHALL GOVERK WM WATER METER L TRANSFORMER PAD Yj w Qi F I RE CONTRACTOR IS REWIRED TO OBTAIN ANY/ALL PERMITS REWIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION O FINAL PWNS - - U71UTY POLE C, h 2 ANY TIME WORK IS PERFORMED OF -SHF OR NMN AN EXISTING EASEMENT, THE CONTRACTOR IS TO NOTIFY ME HOLDER O SAID 2 ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS SHALL CONFORM TO CURRENT SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS OF VON UNI OTHERWISE NOTED Wy WATER VALVE , ' CONCRETE PAVEMENT / SIDEWALX EASEMENT AS TO ME NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK AND TO FOLLOW MY GUIDLEUNES OR STANDARDS WHICH ME ASSOCIATED WM 3 EROSION AND SLTATION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE ON ME APPROVED EROSION CONTROL PUN AND SHALL BE r-{�*, +� • GUY POLE RIPRAP OR REFERENCED IN THE RECORDED EASEMENT INSTALLED PRIOR i0 PINY CLEARING. (RARING OR OVER CONSTRUCTION. 6V 6 VALVE .__ �_ _ DDR PROJECT NO 70456 3. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO CHECK MAT ALL EASEMENTS, LETTERS O PERMISSION, ETC, ARE RECORDED/007ANED PRIOR TO THE START NEW ASPHALT O MY CONSTRUCTION 4 All SLOPES MD DISTURBED AREAS ARE TO BE FERTIUZED, SEEDED AND MUCIED MATCHUNE INDEX TITLE 4. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL SITE BINS AND PROFILES AND DETAILS FOR CONSISTENCY AND IF CONFLICTS FASTS CONTACT ENGINEER FOR CLARIFCATIOI AND/OR DIRECTION INTERPRETATION DETERMINED BY CONTRACTOR SHALL BE CONE AT HITHER OWN 5 ME MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SLOPE IS 2.1 (HORIZONTAL VERTICAL). WHERE REASONABLY OBTANABLE, lESSUR POPES OF 3:1 OR BETTER ARE TO BE ACHIEVED rT-. L �_ - GRASS COMPACTED STONE PATH ('1 RISK F'?>''F I EC -2 BLANKET MATING S THE CTRACTOR IS VERIFY MAT THE RELOCATION O ALL ENISUNG U1NllES AND UTILITY POLES IN CONFLICT WITH PROPOSED ON STABILIZATION T DO DITCH MAY BE REWIWENRED EN ME ORNOF THE COUNTY ENGINEER, OR DESIGNEE, IT IS 6 PAVED, MRM OR SR TMNN NAUN N ION '� -am u_:�K. F"/`JJ WORT( NM BEEN COMPLETED. DEEMED NECESSARY IN ORDER i0 STMWZE A DRAINAGE CHANNEL GROINDCOVER EC -3 TYPE A 6 CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH FENCING MO TREE PRESERVATION M SIGNAGE REQUIRED BY ALBEIIARLE COUNTY CODE ] ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS WALL CONFORM WN THE WI MANUAL FOR UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DE'VCES ` SHEET NO Z OF 9 7 ONMACTDR SHALL NOT RELY SOLELY ON ELECTRONIC VERSIONS OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND DATA FILES MAT ARE OBTAINED EC -3 TWE B NOTES' , FROM ME DESMERS. BUT SHALL VERIFY LOCATION OF PROJECT FEATURES IN ACCORDANCE WTH THE PAPER COPIES O THE PLANS B UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CONCRETE PIPE SHALL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE - CUSS IN - 1. THE SIZE OF THE SYMBOLS MAY VARY FROM THOSE SHOWN Attachment AND SPECETCAROIS NAT ARE SUPPLIED AS PART OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 9 ALL EXCAVATION FOR UNDERGROUND PIPE INSTALLATION MOST COMPLY NTH OSHA STANDARDS FOR THE CONTRUCTOH INDUSTRY IN CFR PART WETLAND 2. ALL ABBREVIA710NS AND SYMBOLS SHOWN MAY NOT BE USED B CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WN ALL NE1LM0 PERMIT REQUIREMENTS, IF 9�EgFTED. — 1926) _- H ) (xA FI I I F TIMI E � I ` T = a + r- —t - i— 1W 7qF - --' 4 "— 1 4' _ s Ianed R 15 v _ 4. - + ea TMP ME F 3 F r rmt¢ 'C --1 4 4� 11 1 L TNP 7A i AI `-vArra ,Y _!, + — t _� w - '3 F_ 4 m LSC ' 'i 1 - A l'nrtvs of + + I'�' G —t L - _ r , T - DB 087-.'4R _ �'r ` _ _'',N pnrrr! it -- -- + -- -- - - - 1 �� 1. rn �I _ o �n Arrns +, + r _ _ _ _ ,N ,� 3 rr nk R tit,a! l TMP 78F-4 _" ^ °• , 'i 4'w - '_�'�v rNorlh Pnni p 7tnnhmr.,�s LLC ,aha A Z nrd H B Ir.cn 0p", 'pure 7'Nf' 78 -Far 8R R—d., Wlton Fnn !1' - - _ - _ ,,,/ r �� •p V(h"1i NP 8 Oso Rr, ulurttn( 1 I H t l ZLr 1'Fr U 31 DB ,411 769 Rr "tduc 0J fir' 1 nt I lnlnrzl - I Hr t / c,tmrnt Cn .1 `,t',-- _ �`1. '� '/DB 1 1 J(64 784 j 00 113 15 3; Ar J d HC /.. Ti. -11 N Nom—- Arra ^I 41 4 Pnrrd l I ♦r, .Of Acre, __r7� N TMP _I I'd /J -. i _ _ Nonfr,,,n rnmmuntiy rel , Irrhon n( _ 1.—I Y TNF' ."8 10 DR ­ R .'4.5" ,479 104,424 : F rnnnax auto ctcrrs LLC -a¢rd, Hr -EC OB n;Jn 9-4 d '%NP 8 'B 1%:« IufomnM(r HC Zrr rz(rr.htp Bndge 4,d,n r Zd HC -Ar a l nrrrl 9 TM{ 78 14 T.Mp 18-11B , - - 5,,,4,.1 : F fl �ndn,, lL'' Am. ncnn /.r yu,n Pn;t 7! L�,dyr U8 i RL Fc r.r n^,r r,htrr x+-547 ..onrd Hr -FC TM.n '8-» - f:undnln/nrrz — - Wnrrrn 4 Bushey - Cryurntren IV '- PN F;v iL,i I fIB i 44J 111 -7 -"- - 7,,rr,i Ill' -FC - ucd 11( -E(," - U;, Autnmu',tl, l).u(.r-A,p ';I n P.rcAmnnl Rend I', '01, Width H, W (PITH OF o� o, o Pc NOTHY RAY MILLER Lic No 30542 CHc'� IL 0 e Z, 6 Z E— 7 Z W 0 C, O W W 04 o a W U D4 Q DDR PROJECT NO 70456 ` INDEX TITLE C3 t /1 CL 7 + O O N > \� C > N ,.I, ,A' E N V -` - --_� ___ .,v— .. _ _— --_— _— — ♦"_ ___ - mom. �__[�. "—' _- �'(i,l`116�1{ ��pLiH OF TH RAY MIL c ERZ Y L a ------ - Llc No 30542 TIM rt UPO`� ` N 1 , 7-1 tff ., 'ti, A IF + W I r. -1"E — 4 I,. _ TIII RI, r aNL -NE fl a, _ — - 4, F -'I _ •'� • '\ W IF r � _II Cis ' -E E _ \- DrI .r lr .. -- - iy r.T LIF,=a L: � — IN -dvl a E \ a ELL P11 AT �FWFC - '_EMEr' :LL ,, AIL f- _ C) `\ 11-Ilr, 1'"' �I',{ATE l arr ... a n:EPraT / �. S rl \ Ai' aI l„ / f ['ININ, CD Q —Ea -TIWr: iF4h. - a[r 'FIPoIN,. w O U �-. F ''nulla;c watt '.I L,v�Fr n� ,-� w " W N R \F C4 wl_tll % E O \ { / O F U Ca E- a o P7 z r w w d w r' DDR PROJECT NO 70456 INDEX TITLE C4 SHEET NO 4 OF 9 --- Attachment EAG i 114' LIC >. /Gia>a✓'TT T 0 _ P�HF i/�C�� ,p ` IPS, 17 sp' .� Ll VANi`8 N IL2', ,gVAN At, ' �Py \ ° ; _ ' •_ � I '� -ND 3�bql 11L 1� 'p -'s fly _y — � y I'i -� - — nl - ip I `� 2. 7P Ar<.5, r .✓� �. \ .J n,'1._P... 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FNf—N_1NCE PROFILE — -- - 1" 10 Ho 1' - 40' Wit DDIR PROJECT No 70456 INDEX TITLE C6 Attachment r, rr�. 00 �iltffC3T.Lt4ws -y{�� .•~•`•--'�� \ �� ', _ _ 52��.'`—sti:rx+R�' _- ��,_. � .,�1/,1 L 1� BUILDING A NEW 2 -STORY -BUILD B OFFICE BUILDI,JG ME 10,500 SF) try i� r•i�I--%G���S! • , \ - LDI '�■; ��` ��.I ori/v L- P • • •� , a Iri `�`sr•-Cw��3i�++lra'stL3's_� i.� Rs�i� rs,164 OVER PARKING-' fir�r YAM I� II • 1 L _ �:�. _�.... - _ .�,.,,� \ �� gee■■ I II I' 014 �-► I1► _ i���® Vt/__�► ./��,_�� I�� j",�..//!/����.II � �I� IIII III �� `� .- _ gg IM 0110 /�0/ A /moi-� , /���%7� %v__ • _ — — tee= �div_,• •%����1 . �Yi� \'' is t� r . 0.0 010 0.0 0.0 � d z E- a o � O w a 7 C4 w 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 OA OA Q �:D � E ---h z O d w E ElEl Q w 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 Oe 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 J 6 r~ DDR PROJECT NO 70450 INDEX TITLE C8 0.0 0.0 OA) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 010 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 DA QO 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 010 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 010 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:b 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o,o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 00 0.0 00 0.0 bb 0.0 O.o.;., OC OC 0.0 eo OC 0.0 ao- -h =--=a,o oA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.o 0.0 oA o.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o,0 0.0 CC 0.0 0.0. o.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 oA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0,-, oo - 0}2_l-� --o.� �� a.o 0,0 0.0 0.0 OA 9r0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 �O.0 -d:Q-_' `=&4 0.0,- 0.0 0.0 0.0 OA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 00 00 -ga i 0=-=16A-� --7t "dor -9.&- CF 13II -00 00 00 c 0.0 00� 0.0 OA 0.0 OA 0.0 0.0 - - 0 o.0 o.o. b.o 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 00 00 Oo OV $o---=tJJ.B'- 'Dfl't`- __��""� I'= F flii- O0 po 00 Oo 0.0 OA 0.0 0.0 9.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 O0 0.0_ 0'0 0.0 0.0 0.0 O.o OA '` .0 0.0 0:o O.o 0.0 Clll,l/1F11(1 )7'17''C' _-__� • i � ,9A. 0-0 0.0 0.0 o.o aA 0.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 a00.0 4 � �' i 1 �) l i r' R {ti o,o 0.0 o.o o,o 0.0 0.0 Uo.o - e -oa -�6- O �� . 0.0 6.0 0.0 o 0.0 0.0 o,o oA ao --�_, - -0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 ,.--__ 0.0 00 00 - - .0 0.0 b0 '� .0` 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - Q 0 04 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ® rl A i ' I,��II'', _ 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Oro 4` �� '�' ` O.0 0.0 0.0' 0;0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 ,F- __ _ •r , ,4 fir' 6_-_e3- �- N Ec --. _--_____ O \ .0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 �I. , +`f��I III \ 0.0 D.0 0. 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LTH OF Li o Pc -TIMOTHY RAY MILLERa Lic. No. 30542 ol �SS'ONAL El% ri , w ti LL I A F, 4 IN _` BE ' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0A. 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. -I 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ✓.9 r/ 0.0 0.0 0.0 OC 0.0 0.0 0.0 b.o b.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.D 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0, o p - - - -- --- - ---- - r�, - T l _ ao 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 oro 0.0 010 010 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00\ba _ Fl, L-1- Attachment H I� � d z E- a o � O w a 7 C4 w Q zi Q �:D � E ---h z O d w E ElEl Q w � v z w J 6 r~ DDR PROJECT NO 70450 INDEX TITLE C8 Attachment H I� T r _ c'l'' ' Fr riL -- S. 4_ _1 F IF, F -Hl i r I I f Lr— _ r 1 IC ICH - i 1 :EWFR TT67CE L1TFRV, ('(11'VFCT/o,1_' C9 '.OI TO -'ALE r Ni> CF 1 irl f rI rn, H- � I mr; - 1 F F EF E I -I r' 1 I F It THIrI r I HIl. )l _ T F --T E- A' • H° H• liv nl.; Nl'II- 14 F IT, lj I Fl NE T ITT, + r THE L F - --- Lf111=' a ITT,E'- k' EE - - rl'. Hal ''L 1 N' F -���I L 11' -^'I L, °FF HILL 6I- Ill 'T=1_L_,-r ri'V, 'IH : F 7 1T)PIC.41 ,'TWAR PIPE LNST ILLA FIA IN TPENCH C(3 NUT TO T%CALI _8 Completed_ Mone Path C9 NOT TO "'qLE 1 k H u._- ­JP ,r 1, � I TFT[CAL V.4%110LE PL1N' W(A-ING' 2 DFIA NCII ; IG-I.V----__- -- C9- NOT TO ctAlf, - ,I FFH TEFL HE I I SII — - 1 -r .. F I 4 vf F rr r„ r -_ t-61 AT I LLL 1�- a 1_ IUI . ,F IT L EF. ill I TE I�I�rI FIT',,: : rF ._ - 'L-•' IT 'N 'I_TE I Y T IT A[ TI IF I I- "I '' F' F IE TYPIC4L VANHOLF .HAcTIO.N 3�.�HOA7NG HR1NCH TIL' IV_ `C(9 NOT TO SCALE O -F E --_n I o - --- f--Vll 1 — I -- FanMEaC-r�cry slc Oln 9 TIPI(AL AIANHOLE FRA11F (c COVER -C9 NOT TO S:'ALE AG NOTE I I' _I:F- -FLITTED .. ,ISI l I .. FCLL u._- ­JP ,r 1, � I TFT[CAL V.4%110LE PL1N' W(A-ING' 2 DFIA NCII ; IG-I.V----__- -- C9- NOT TO ctAlf, - ,I FFH TEFL HE I I SII — - 1 -r .. 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W W 6 --I Q IE O I x U ix -- Red Rock Internal oral z w F ,81ock Setback I W Q 0 w Ed DDR PROJECT NO 70456 INDEX TITLE R!' tal7t_1_l�A''Ill C`9 NOT TO SCALE Rt/011 yyy ///��� ( J 1`J Attachment H 2 .3 ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING STAFF REPORT SUMMARY Project Name: SDP 2008-0020 Whitehouse Staff: Patrick Lawrence, Jonathan Sharp, Commercial Preliminary Site Plan Lisa Glass Planning Commission Public Hearing: Board of Supervisors Hearing: May 20, 2008 Not applicable Owners: Hurt Investment Company, Inc. Applicant: Virginia Land Company Acreage: 4.74 ac. Rezone from: Not applicable Special Use Permit for: Not applicable TMP: Tax Map 78, Parcels 11 & 9 By -right use: HC, Highway Commercial Location: Proposed access from proposed Olympia Drive in the Pantops Development Area. Magisterial District: Rivanna Proffers/Conditions: see recommendation in report Requested # of Dwelling Lots: NA DA — YES RA — Proposal: Applicant proposes construction of Comp. Plan Designation: commercial office space in three two-story office The Comprehensive Plan designates this buildings totaling 65,120 square feet. property as Regional Service in Urban Area 3. Character of Property: This property is mostly wooded Use of Surrounding Properties: and fairly steep. No existing structures are on the site. Adjacent to multiple residential subdivisions, including Fontana and Pavilions on Pantops. Factors Favorable: Factors Unfavorable: Waiver of Section 4.2.5: Critical Slope Analysis: None identified 4.2.5 (a) Satisfactorily addressed. 4.2.5 (b) Planning finds this particular case meets at least one of the criteria as required Waiver of Section 21.7.3: Buffer Zone disturbance: Disturbance needed for the path results in improved site design RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Ordinance Waiver: 1. Waiver of Section 21.7.3- disturbance of buffer zone (Approval recommended) 2. Waiver of Section 4.2.5 — disturbance of critical slopes (Approval recommended) COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 Memorandum To: Planning Commission From: Lisa Glass, Principal Planner Division: Zoning and Current Development Date: May 20, 2008 Subject: SDP 08-0020: Whitehouse Commercial Site Development Plan- Preliminary This letter is to provide additional information regarding the Whitehouse Commercial Site Plan. On March 25, 2008 the Commission accepted the applicant's request for deferral in order to provide additional information. The original March staff report is attached. The following addresses the two main areas of concern discussed at the March meeting: 1) disturbance of the buffer zone and 2) critical slope waiver. A revised site plan has been submitted to address the Conunission's concerns. Revisions to the plan include: moving the wall out of the buffer, changing the screening fence to evergreen trees and reductions to building size and parking (Attachment A and site plan sheet C7). New diagrams are attached to clarify the conditions of the existing buffer, the encroachment of easements from prior approved plans onto this site and the limit of this applicant's request (Attachments D, E and G). 1) Disturbance of the buffer zone between residential and commercial: The Whitehouse site plan has been revised so that the walls are not in the buffer. The plan addresses the required screening in the buffer with a double row of screening trees, as allowed in Section A sidewalk connection between the residential area and the Whitehouse commercial development, as requested by the County, crosses the buffer. Staff recornrnends approval of the waver to allow disturbance in the buffer zone (Section 21.7.3 analysis follows). 2) Critical Slope waiver: The Whitehouse site plan will disturb existing critical slopes and therefore requires a Critical Slope Waiver, as discussed in the March staff report. A slope waiver analysis and additional graphics are included in this letter to clarify the limits of disturbance by the Whitehouse site plan. A large portion of the site is already disturbed, or allowed to be disturbed, as allowed by easements given to other approved projects. Staff recommends approval of the critical slopes waiver. (Section 4.2.5 analysis follows) Recommended actions: A) Approve the waiver to allow disturbance in the buffer zone B) Approve the critical slope waiver request 1. WAIVER TO ALLOW LAND DISTURBANCE IN A BUFFER BETWEEN ZONING DISTRICTS Section 21.7.3 provides the method of requesting a waiver: "Buffer zone adjacent to residential and rural ureas districts: No construction activity including grading or clearing of vegetation shall occur closer than twenty (20) feet to any residential or rural areas district. Screening shall he provided as required in section 32.7.9. Except, the commission may waive this requirement in a particular case where it has been demonstrated that grading or clearing is necessary or would result in an improved site design, provided that: a. Minimum .screening requirements are met; and b. Existing landscaping in excess of mininwin requirements is substantially restored. " Disturbance in a Buffer Zone Waiver: The applicant has revised the plan to minimize the disturbance in the buffer zone. The current plan shows a wall outside of the buffer. This wall will have a railing at the top which supplements screening. The wall currently proposed has a maximum height of 10 feet. The improvements proposed within the buffer are the screening trees required by code and a pedestrian path. A large portion of the buffer strip along the Whitehouse property line will be disturbed and vegetation removed by drainage and grading easements granted to other approved developments, such that approximately 22 % of the length will contain existing vegetation (Attachment E). The drainage easement runs up the property line starting at Rolkin Road for about 100 feet then overlaps the grading easement which runs for approximately another 130 feet, leaving only the last 65 feet undisturbed. Section allows screening to be met by maintaining existing vegetation, the addition of a planting strip, a fence or a combination thereof. New evergreen trees are proposed to supplement the existing vegetation that remains outside of easements. The plan shows a double row of evergreen trees to provide screening in the areas where the existing vegetation is removed by other projects. The pedestrian path was the result of staff requesting an inter -parcel connection . The applicant worked with staff to find the most functional location for a path. Staff was aware that the proposed path location crosses the buffer, but supports the goal of walkablity. The proposed path connects near the road at the Pavillions and part of the path will be within the grading easement already approved for that development. (Pavilions Preliminary Site Plan approved by the Commission on March 14, 2006). The portion of the path that falls in the undisturbed area of the buffer can be located to minimize disturbance of existing vegetation. The grading and clearing required for the pedestrian connection will result in an improved design that allows inter -parcel pedestrian connectivity. The plan shows the minimum screening requirements and the existing vegetation left undisturbed by other projects will be maintained and supplemented by adding evergreen screening trees. STAFF COMMENT: Staff recommends approval of the waiver to allow disturbance in the buffer zone with one condition; Condition (1) staff approve the final alignment of the pedestrian path within the buffer zone to minimize impact on existing vegetation. 3 2. CRITICAL SLOPES MODIFICATION The request for a modification has been reviewed for both the Engineering and Planning aspects of the critical slopes regulations. Section of the Zoning Ordinance restricts earth - disturbing activity on critical slopes, while Section 4.2.5(b) allows the Planning Commission to waive this restriction. The applicant has submitted a request and justification for the waiver (Attachment C) and staff has analyzed this request to address the provisions of the ordinance. Critical slopes cover approximately 0.9 acres, or approximately 15 percent of the 6.4 acre site. Roughly 75% of the critical slopes on site are exempted from needing a critical slopes waiver (0.7 acres). These critical slopes are exempted because they have already been approved for disturbance by adjacent projects under prior approved critical slopes waivers, or they were created by an approved site plan (Attachment D).This request is for approval of a waiver to allow disturbance of the remainder of the critical slopes on site, totaling 0.2 acres. The critical slopes in the area of this request appear to be natural. Staff has reviewed this waiver request with consideration for the criteria that are set forth in Section 4.2 of the Zoning Ordinance, entitled "Critical Slopes." A request to allow disturbance of critical slopes must also be reviewed in accord with the requirements of Section 4.2.5. This section requires a two part analysis. Section 4.2.5(a) is a review of the technical performance standards. If these technical standards are not met the disturbance of critical slopes cannot be approved by the Planning Commission. If these technical standards are met, the Planning Commission may then consider the disturbance of critical slopes. The criteria for the Planning Commission's review of the disturbance of critical slopes are found in Section 4.2.5(b). Staff presents the analysis of the request to disturb critical slopes in two parts. Section 4.2.5(a) Review of the technical performance standards: Description of critical slope area and proposed disturbance: The non-exempt critical slope areas within TMP's 78-9 and 78-11 appear to contain natural slopes. The critical slope disturbances are in the form of commercial construction which include parking spaces, landscaped curb islands, and buildings. Areas Acres Total site area 6.4 acres approx. Total critical slopes on site 0.9 acres approx. 15 % of development Proposed critical slope disturbance, Exempt 0.7 acres approx. 75 % of critical slopes Proposed critical slope disturbance, Non-exempt 0.2 acres approx. 25 % of critical slopes, 100% of non-exempt critical slopes on site Exemptions to critical slopes waivers for driveways, roads and utilities without reasonable alternative locations: As previously mentioned, and shown in the chart above, 75% of proposed critical slope disturbance is exempt (0.7 acres) as the critical slopes shown are the result of a previously approved plan (Town & County Drive Phase II and Olympia Drive, Car Max, Luxor, Pavilions Phase I). All of the aforementioned projects received critical slope waivers for any critical slope disturbance on this site. The remaining 25% of proposed critical slope disturbance is not exempt (0.2 acres). Below, each of the concerns of Zoning Ordinance section 18-4.2 is addressed: 1. "rapid and/or large scale movement o f soil and rock".- The areas of existing critical slopes on this site are relatively small and scattered. There is a mixture of cut and fill over the critical slopes. Large scale movement of soil and rock is not anticipated to occur as a result of this construction. 2. "excessive stormwater run-off": The site drains to Luxor Stormwater Management Pond #1, which has been designed to handle the runoff from the proposed site for both Stormwater Quality and Detention. 3. "siltation of natural and man-made bodies of water- ": Inspection and bonding by the County will address siltation control during construction. Proper stabilization and maintenance will enhance long term stability. 4. "loss of aesthetic resource ": Although the disturbance will be visible from adjacent parcels and future public roadways. The Open Space Plan is used to evaluate the loss of aesthetic resource. This site has no resources identified in the Open Space Plan. Staff find that disturbance of the critical slopes on this site are not a loss of aesthetic resource. 5. "septic effluent ": No septic systems or drainfields are proposed in this project. This site is accessible to the public sanitary sewer system. This site does not drain into a waterway that is a public drinking water supply for Albemarle County. No portion of this site plan is located inside the l 00 -year flood plain area according to FEMA Maps, dated 04 February 2005. Based on the above review, the applicant has satisfactorily addressed the technical criteria for the disturbance of critical slopes. Section 4.2.5(b) Recommendations on the findings that must be made by the Planning Commission in order to allow disturbance of critical slopes. The commission may rnodifi, or waive anv requirement of section 4.2 in a particular case upon finding that: 1. Strict application of the requirements of section 4.2 would not forward the purposes of' this chapter or otherwise serve the public health, safety or welfare, or that alternatives proposed by the developer would satisfy the purposes o -section 4.2 to at least an equivalent degree: or (.4ddcd 11-15-R9) The property is an existing undeveloped parcel neighbored by proposed roads and residential areas to the north and east and by existing commercial areas to the south and west. The site plan indicates both cut and fill in the areas of existing critical slopes. The applicant has proposed protective and restorative measures intended to minimize erosion and siltation both during and post construction. These measures will satisfy the purpose of Section 4.2 to at least an equivalent degree. Granting the waiver forwards the purposes of this chapter by providing the type of commercial development anticipated in the development area while addressing erosion control concerns. Approval of this request would accommodate the expansion of an infill property within the development area of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff finds strict application of the requirements of Section 4.2 would not forward the purposes of this chapter in allowing commercial infill development 2. Due to its unusual size, topography, shape of the property, location of the property, or other unusual conditions, excluding the proprietary interest of the developer, the requirements of section 4.2 would effectively prohibit or unreasonably restrict the use of the property or mould result in significant degradation of the site or adjacent properties. Such modification or waiver shall not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, to the orderly development of the area, or to adjacent properties, or be contrary to sound engineeringpractices; or (Added 11-15-89) Denial of this modification would not prohibit or unreasonably restrict the use of the property or result in significant degradation of the site or adjacent properties. However, since the existing critical slopes occur near the middle of the site, denial would significantly alter and reduce the type of development that could occur on this site. The modification of this section will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, to the orderly development of the area or to adjacent properties, or be contrary to sound engineering practices. 3. Granting such rnodi fication or waiver would serve a public purpose of greater import than would be served by strict application of section 4?. (Added 11-15-89) This property is in the development areas and represents a commercial development in accord with the Comprehensive plan designation. As such, grading the site as one unit would more effectively provide for commercial development. RECOMMENDATION: Staff review has resulted in only favorable findings: Favorable factors: 1. The measures proposed by the applicant will satisfy the purpose of Section 42, at least to an equivalent degree, meeting the requirement for 4.2.5 (b) (1). 2. The overall grading of the site is consistent with the type of commercial development intended for this designated commercial area, meeting the requirement for 4.2.5 (b) (3). Unfavorable factors: None found. The Planning Commission may grant the modification if it finds that the request has met at least one of the three requirements in Section 4.2.5 (b). Staff has found that the request for modification meets two of the three requirements, and therefore recommends approval. Response to Commission Questions at the PC Meetinp, 3/25/08 With responses in italics ACTION: Deferral for staff to get more information: a) What other approvals allow grading in the Whitehouse buffer? Several approved projects have easements on the Whitehouse property (Attachment E) In regard to the required buffer between residential and commercial sites at the Pavilions/Whitehouse pr open ry line, off site drainage and grading easements were given to the Pavilions. This grading onto the Whitehouse site is shown on the Pavillions preliminary site plan approved by the Commission March 14, 2006. b) What are the existing conditions in the buffer? As of May 5, 2008 when the property line between Pavilions and Whitehouse was staked in the field, there was onlv a small amount of grading on the Whitehouse site in the grading easement as shown on the preliminary site plan approved by the Commission on March 14,2006. The drainage easement has not been disturbed. The majority of the buffer strip currently consists of hardwood trees and undergrowth. (Attachment G) However, an of drainage easement and a grading easement were given to Pavillions and their construction is not complete. As a result of the grading easement for Rolkin Road, the grading easement_for Pavilions and the drainage easement, vegetation will only remain on about 22 per -cent of the length of the property line (Attachment E). The new evergreens proposed by the Whitehouse site plan will be planted to supplement the existing trees. c) What will be established as screening The plan proposes a double row of evergreen trees where there is no existing vegetation. As stated above, about 22 per cent of the length of the buffer will contain the original undisturbed trees. Supplemental evergreens are proposed to be added in the areas of' existing vegetation to remain. d) Will planting constitute disturbance? Staff proposed that the required double row of planting be allowed without a buffer waiver - since it only occurs within the areas disturbed by other projects and thereby by need screening added. The supplemental evergreen trees that mill be installed in the remaining areas of existing vegetation will be placed to minimize disturbance. The pedestrian connection requested by staffat at Pre -Application conference,for inter parcel connectivity will be located between any existing trees and will be installed with minimal disturbance. StaI.ff'proposes that a waiver be granted to allow this path. Attachments: A. Vicinity Map B. Applicant's letter regarding plan changes and withdrawal of the buffer waiver, dated April 10, 2008 C. Applicant Request and Justification of Slope Waiver D. Site Plan with Critical Slopes E, Areas on the Site with previously approved Critical Slope Waivers F. Areas of Critical Slopes on Site that need a Waiver G. Photo of Site (showing existing buffer) H. Site Plan (revised 4/10/08 per PC conunents) I. Staff Report for March 25, 2008 PC Meeting M V "I&&®T:!'!�'M!� %S 0 ops Dominion c Development N Resources, LLC April 10, 2008 Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: SDP 2008-00020 Whitehouse Commercial Site Development Plan - Preliminary Revised waiver request To Whom It May Concern: 172 South Pantops Drive Charlottesville, VA 22911 434.979.8121 (p) 434.979.1681 (f) DDRVA.com At the March 25, 2008 Planning Commission review of the Whitehouse Commercial Site Development Plan, it was generally agreed by the Commission that a waiver of Section 21.7.3 (granting disturbance of land within the buffer between commercial and residential) should not be granted to the applicant. The applicant, in submitting the attached revised preliminary plan, does hereby withdraw his request for a waiver of Section 21.7.3. The applicant still seeks Planning Commission approval for a waiver of Section 4.2.5 (granting disturbance of critical slopes); and we hereby request that the application be rescheduled before the Planning Commission at the earliest possible date. Revisions to the Preliminary Site Development Plan include the following: 1. relocation of the parking lot travelway adjacent to the Pavilions townhouse development, 2, adjustments to the retaining walls and vegetative screening adjacent to the Pavilions townhouse development, 3. elimination of 7 (seven) parking spaces and 1,620 SF of gross floor area, 4. adjusting the retaining wall and grading to accommodate runoff behind the sidewalk along Rolkin Road, 5. and adjusting the grading and providing a drop inlet to accommodate runoff between the southernmost parking area and the Carmax site. Please note that evergreen screening, the 6 FT high Board on Board fence, and the 5 FT compacted stone pedestrian path have been left in the 20 FT undisturbed buffer. Please let us know when this project can be rescheduled with the Planning Commission and let us know if you have any further questions or comments regarding this plan. Sincerely, dQ a4 Janet Miller, ASLA Dominion Development Resources, LLC 1350 Stony Point Road Charlottesville, VA 22911 (434) 984 - 1599 Attachment B 1 �5 oig jo"'f�ittnlOrl L evelopment esources, LLC January 28, 2008 Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 172 South Pantops Drive Charlottesville, VA 22911 434.979.8121 (p) 434.979.1681 (f) DDRVA.com RE: Whitehouse Commercial Site Development Plan Request for Waiver of Section 4.2 To Whom It May Concern: In accordance with section 4.2.5 of the County Zoning Ordinance, this letter is to request a waiver for the requirements of Section 4.2 CRITICAL SLOPES. The Preliminary Site Development Plan for Whitehouse Commercial shows there are approximately 37,650 square feet of critical slopes on the 4.81 acre site. These critical slopes would require grading as part of this project. Of the 37,650 SF of critical slopes: 11,795 SF were created as a result of grading for Rolkin Road and Olympia Drive, 1,393 SF were created as a result of grading for the Pavilions townhome development, and 16,630 SF were created as a result of grading for the Carmax Site Development Plan, and 7,832 SF of the critical slopes appear to be part of the original site topography. 1. The proposed grading is minor and measures will be taken to ensure rapid or large-scale movement of soil and rock does not occur. 2. A Sediment Basin exists to prevent excessive stormwater run-off from occurring. 3. The sediment Basin provides erosion protection for all natural and man-made bodies of water. 4. The proposed grading would assist in stabilizing the grading that created the critical slopes along Rolkin Road and Olympia Drive. Surface runoff would be removed as part of the proposed grading. 5. The proposed grading would further stabilize erosion and stormwater runoff from the Carmax and Pavilions sites by relieving critical slopes and capturing runoff in an underground storm system. 6. Buildings and retaining walls have been provided to create steps up the site, further reducing surface runoff velocities on the site. 7. There are no septic systems on this property. 8. The property does not lie in the 100 -year flood plain. The reasons given above demonstrate that the grading of critical slopes on this project will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and/or welfare of the public. Please call me or Kelly Strickland from our office if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Janet Miller, ASLA Dominion Development Resources, LLC 1350 Stony Point Road Charlottesville, VA 22911 (434) 984 - 1599 Attachment C ; L Areas on Site with previously approved Critical Slopes Waivers note: any critical slopes in blue area needs a critical slopes waiver Critical Slopes Disturbance approved under Pp WPO200600075 • Town and Country (Phase 2) & Olympia Drive (Phase 2) — 1 — Critical Slopes Disturbance • approved under SDP200500117 : ;4s.•, c. r l � ro i Luxor (Pavilions at Pantops) Critical Slopes Waiver needed %�. for slopes in this area under p -' SDP200800020 Whitehouse Commercial< tiY Critical Slopes Disturbance approved under Dra1'4eiQ� " SDP200500057 - ,EaSernP,n� x Car Max X -0- Cl ..s a �� Attachment E Areas of Critical Slopes on Site that need a Waiver (gin Red) note: all other critical slopes on site already have critical slopes waiver `�� Attachment F ■ 10 ToTi,:inw Ar 1p 17 A CURRENT DEVELOPMENT PLANNER CURRENT DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY FIRE OFFICIAL ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD BUILDING OFFICIAL VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORATION PRELIMINARY SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR WHITEHOUSE COMMERCIAL ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA TAX MAP 78 PARCELS 9 AND 11 - „ ----- . i F Cl - Cover Sheet C2 - Notes, Abbreviations, & Legend C3 - Parcel Map C4 - Existing Conditions & Demolition Plan CS - Site Plan C6 - Grading and Utilities Plan C7 - Landscape Plan C8 - Lighting Plan C9 - Details r�EpI.TH OF f/`od �i TIMOTHY RAY MILLER Dc No. 30542 p �� oeSS�Ouai £NGS z 6 z E~ wE- v � z a O U E - w CID W w CD U) o W U � w a a4 DDR PROJECT NO 70456 INDEX TITLE C1 SHEET NO 1 OF 9 Attachmcn It 14 15 SITE DATA & GENERAL NOTES EXIST PROP DESCRIP ----_— -- ,.� SITE DATA CONTRACTOR'S COORDINATION RESPONSIBILITIES (P ART TWO) GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES (PART TA OI GENERAL CONSTRICTION NOTES (PART TWO) CONT'D _ TOP OF CURB ELEVATION 6 CUT AND PATCH PUBLIC STREETS MUST BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE MTH VDOT AND ALBEMARLE 9 CONTRACTOR SHALL SE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL RELOCATKANS, (UNLESS OTHERNSE NOTED ON PLANS) INCLUDING, BUT NOT Laim '_ DS A D PECIIING COUNTY STANDARDS AND SPECIf1CATI0NS TO. ALL UFUTIES, STORM DRAINAGE, SIGN£ TRAFFIC SIGNALS & POLES, ETC AS REWIRED ALL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNING AUTHORTIES REQUIREMENTS AND PROJECT SITENORK SPEOFNCATIONS AND SHALL BE APPROVED BY SUCH. ALL ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE 7. ALL EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER ALONG THE FRONTAGE OF THIS SITE IN POOR CONDITION DR DAMAGED DURING COST SHAH BE INCLUDED IN BAY BID MIN MINIMUM CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED TO THE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS ON ALBEMARLE COUNTY 10 CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTROL STORMWATER RUNOFF DINNING CONSTRUCTION TO PREVENT ADVERSE IMPACTS TO OF SITE AREAS. 30.1 -ARD B IN THE EVENT THAT SUSPECTED CONTAMINATED SOIL, GROUNDWATER, AND OTHER MEDIA ARE ENCOUNTERED DURING AND Stull BE RESPONSIBLE TO REPAIR RESULTING DAMAGES F ANY, AT NO COST TO OWNER —� EXCAVATION AND CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES BASED ON VISUAL, OLFACTORY, OR OTHER EVIDENCE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL 11 THIS PRAECT DISTURBS MORE THAN ONE ACRE OF LAND AND FALLS MINN THE VIRGINIA STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE UNE STOP WORK IN THE HGNITY OF THE SUSPECT MATERIAL TO AVOID FURTHER SPREADING OF THE MATERIAL, AND SHALL (VSHP), GENERAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT (GCP) PROGRAM AS ADMINISTERED BY THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND NOTIFY THE OWNER IMMEDIATELY SO THAT THE APPROPRIATE TESTING AND SUBSEQUENT ACTION CAN BE TAKEN RECREATION (DCR) UNDER THE AAISOICTION OF THE EPA PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FILE A GOP NOTICE OF INTENT ON THE DCR AND PREPARE A STORMWATER PREVENTION PLAN IN ACCORDANCE NTH THE VSMP EDGE ON PAVEMENT ELEVATION GENERAL NOTES REGULATIONS 12' EDP 1 ACCESSIBLE ROUTES, PARKING SPACES, flAMPS SIDEWALKS AND WALKWAYS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED M (CONFORMANCE WITH THE FEDERAL 12 CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE NIH All UTUTY COMPANIES FOR INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS — -I BUILDING SETBACK AMERICANS WN DISABILITIES ACT AND NTH STATE AND LOCAL LAMS AND REGULATIONS (WHICHEVER AAE MORE STRINGENT) 13 CONTRACTOR STALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR WE SECURITY AND JOB SAFETY CONSTRUCTION ACIIVIBES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE OC ON CENTER 2 ALL STAIRS WITH THREE OR MORE RISERS ARE TO HAVE HANDRAAS ON BOTH SIDES NIH OSHA STANDARDS AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS TOP OF WALL ELEVATION S SIDEWALKS ADJACENT TO PARKING SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM WO1H OF fi FEET. 14 CONTRACTOR SHALL DISPOSE OF DEMOUTION DEBRIS IN ACCORDANCE NIH APPEUCABLE FEDERAL STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS, 4 TO THE BEST OF OUR BEUEF AND KNOWLEDGE, THERE ARE NO KNOWN GRAVE SITES ON THE SUMCT PROPERTY ORDINANCES AND STATUTES S PLANTINGS CULL SE FRONDED WITH MNOR ADASTNENTS M THE HE1D i0 ELIMINATE CONVICTS MTH OTHER STRUCTURAL FEATURES 15 EXISTMC UTILITIES STALL BE TERMINATED. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. IN CONFORMANCE WIN LOCAL STATE AND INDI\IDIJ l PE POLYETHYLENE UTUTY COMPANY STANDARDS SPECIFICATIONS, AND DETALS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE UTILITY SERVICE DISCONNECTS WIN THE UTILITY RERRESENTATIV6 ABBREVIATIONS LEGEND GENERAL WATER & SEWER CONDITIONS CT TION CXIST PROP DESCRIPTION Tru G—Pi General Off a Buidu9 (710) 717 7r /day 959 Trips/doy Average miy traffic = BSB Try, PN Wy E'D"tcA taken ftw ITE THP GenerRllm W—I, 7th WRIP, CONTRACTOR'S COORDIN MON RESPON SIBIL ITIEN, (PART ONE) 1 THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO OBTAIN ANY/ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF FINA PLANS 2 ANY TIME VORN 5 PERFORMED OF-STE OR WITHIN AN EXISTING EASEMENT, THE CONTRACTOR IS TO NOTIFY THE HOLDER O SAD EASEMENT AS TO THE NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK AND TO FOLLOW ANY GUIDLEUNES OR STANDARDS WHICH ARE ASSOCIATED WTH OR REFERENCED M THE RECORDED EASEMENT 3 ME CONTRACTOR IS TO CHECK THAT A.L EASEMENTS, LETTERS OF PERNISSON, ETC. ARE RECORDED/OBTAINED PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY CONSTRUCTOR 4 CONTRACTOR TO VITRIFY ALL SITE PLANS AND PROFILES AND DETAILS FOR CONSISTENCY AND I CONFLICTS EXISTS CONTACT ENGINEER FOR CLARNICATION AND/W DRECTON INTERPRETATION DETERMINED BY CONTRACTOR SHALL BE DONE AT HIS/HER 0% RIS( E THE CONTRACTOR 15 TO VERIFY THAT THE RELOCATION O AL EXISTING UTUTES AND UTUTY POLES IN CONFUCT NTH PROPOSED WORK HAS BEEN COMPLETED 6 CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WIN FENCING AND TREE PRESERVATION AS SIGNAGE REQUIRED BY ABEMARLE COUNTY CODE 7 CONTRACTOR SNAIL NOT RELY SOLELY ON ELECTRONIC WRSONS O PIN£ SPECIFICATIONS, AND DATA FILES THAT ARE OBTAINED FROM THE DESIGNERS, BUT SHALL VERIFY LOCATION O PROJECT FEATURES IN ACCORDANCE WTH THE PAPER COPIES OF THE INNS AND SPECIFICATIONS THAT ARE SUPPLIED AS PART OF THE CONTRACT DO UMENTS B CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WIN ALL WETLAND PERMIT REQUIREMENTS IF SPECIFIED GENERAL I'TILITI NOTES GENERAL CONSTRICTION NOTES (PART ONE) I PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION WITHIN MY EXISTNG PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, INCLUDING CONNECTOR TO ANY EXISTING ROAD, A PERMIT STALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE VRGNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (VDOT) THIS PUN AS DRAWN MAY NO ACCURATELY REFLECT THE REQUREMENTS O ME PERMIT WHERE ANY DISCREPANCIES OCCUR THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PERMIT SHALL GOVERN 2 ALL MATERIALS ATN CONSTRUCTION METHODS SHALL CONFORM TO CURRENT SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS OF VDOT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, 3 EROSION AND SILTATION CONTROL MEASURES SHAH BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE MFH THE APPROVED EROSION CONTROL PIAN AND SHALL BE INST&UO PRIOR TO MY CLEARING, GRADING OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION 4 ALL SLOPES AND DISTURBED AREAS ARE TO BE FERTILIZED. SEEDED AND MULCHED 5 THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SLOPE IS 21 NOR120NT&WRTICAL) WHERE REASONABLY OBTNNA3LE, LESSER SLOPES OF ]I ON BETTER ARE TO BE ACHIEVED 6 PAVED, MR RAP OR STABILIZATION MAI LINED DITCH MAY BE REWIRED MEN M THE OPINION O THE COUNTY ENGNEEF, OR DESIGNEE, IT IS DEEMED NECESSARY IN ORDER TO STABWUZE A DRAINAGE CHANNEL 7 ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL SONS SHALL CONFORM WM THE NRGMA MANUAL FOR UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES 8. UNLESS OTHERNSE NOTED ALL CONCRETE PIPE SHALL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE - CLASS 10 9 ALL EXLAVATION FOR UNDERGROUND PIPE RSTALLATION WEST COMPLY WIN OSHA STANDARDS FOR THE CDNTRICTON INDUSTRY (29 CFR PART 1926) GENERAL---- EXIST PROP DESCRIP ----_— -- ,.� __ __ _ G __ PROPERTY LINE _ TOP OF CURB ELEVATION MAX MAXIMUM COMBINATION 6' CURB k GUTTER '_ COMBINATION 4' CURB & GUTTER r= ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE BOTTOM OF CURB ELEVATION MIN MINIMUM LOADING DOCK 1 30.1 -ARD — — — — VACATED PROPERTY LINE —� FLOW LINE ELEVATION MON MONUMENT CONCRETE UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE UNE .2:FL CABLE TV -- EASEMENT EDGE ON PAVEMENT ELEVATION NIC NOT IN CONTRACT DRAIN MANHOLE 12' EDP PLUG OR STUB N6 NOT TO SCALE — -I BUILDING SETBACK 12„ SPOT ELEVATION OC ON CENTER - - = PARKING SETBACK M1 t.'TW TOP OF WALL ELEVATION ON OVERHEAD ZONING LINE BOTTOM OF WALL ELEVA71DN ,Ow PE POLYETHYLENE 7 TEST PIT LOCARON/BORING LOCATION PERF PERFORATED FMN OF DISTURBANCE CT BENCHMARK ---- -- FLOODPLAIN UNIT PROP PROPOSED � IRON FOUND L ITEM PRYD PROVIDED PWW PAVED WATER WAY RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE REM REMOVE REDD REWIRED RET RETAIN RT RIGHT R/W RIGHT OF WAY R&D REMOVE AND DISPOSE R&R REMOVE & RESET SO SQUARE STA STATION SW SIDEWALK SWELL SOLID WHITE EDGE UNE SILL SOUD WHITE LANE UNE TBA TO BE ABANDONED TBR TO BE REMOVED TBS TO BE SAVED TC TOP OF CURB IS TOP OF SLOPE TYR TYPICAL UG UNDERGROUND VESCHVA E&S CONTROL HANDBOOK YDS YARDS MH MANHOLE PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE RIM RIM ELEVATION SAN SANITARY SCC S70RMWATER CONVEYANCE CHANNEL SD STORM SIR DRAINAGE STRUCTURE TSV TAPPING SLEEVE & VALVE UP UTIUTY POLE WL WATER LINE WW WATER METER ---- WV WATER VALVE 6'V 6' VALVE BUFFER ZONE RMA - RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AREA RPA - RESOURCE PROTECTION AREA STEEL GUARDRAIL WOOD GUARDRAIL PATH TREE UNE FENCE STONE WALL RETAINING WALL STREAM / POND / WATER COURSE DETENTION BASIN SILT FENCE LUN IWK INDEX CONTOUR PARKING COUNT CROSSWALK ACCESSIBLE CURB RAMP HANDICAP PARKING VAN -ACCESSIBLE NANDICAP PARKING CONCRETE PAVEMENT / SIDEWALK RIPRAP NEW ASPHALT GRASS EC -2 BLANKET MATTING EC -3 TYPE A EC -3 TYPE 8 WETLAND w EDGE OF GRAVEL ,.� EDGE OF PAVEMENT G __ STANDARD 6' CURB - STANDARD A- CURB COMBINATION 6' CURB k GUTTER ___- -- COMBINATION 4' CURB & GUTTER r= FIRE LANE STRIPING BUILDING ENTRANCE v --- LOADING DOCK • 30.1 -ARD PUMPSTER PAD —� SIGN STEEL GUARDRAIL WOOD GUARDRAIL PATH TREE UNE FENCE STONE WALL RETAINING WALL STREAM / POND / WATER COURSE DETENTION BASIN SILT FENCE LUN IWK INDEX CONTOUR PARKING COUNT CROSSWALK ACCESSIBLE CURB RAMP HANDICAP PARKING VAN -ACCESSIBLE NANDICAP PARKING CONCRETE PAVEMENT / SIDEWALK RIPRAP NEW ASPHALT GRASS EC -2 BLANKET MATTING EC -3 TYPE A EC -3 TYPE 8 WETLAND w UNDERORAN ,.� DRAINAGE UNE w _ _ ROOF DRAIN e _ SEWER UNE TRENCH DRAIN r WATER UNE r= FIRE PROTECTION LINE WATER SERVICE UNE v --- GAS UNE --- '^w OVERHEAD ELECTRIC WARE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC OVERHEAD TELEPHONE UNE -- UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE UNE --- .*— CABLE TV DRAIN INLET DRAIN MANHOLE PLUG OR STUB _�J FLARED END SECTION ,—/ HEADWALL SEWER MANHOLE SEVER CLEANOUT- ® WATER VALVE & BOX O FIRE HYDRANT a WATER METER J WATER WELL GAS VALVE GAS METER IID ELECTRIC MANHOLE ,.� ELECTRIC METER + LIGHT POLE 1� TELEPHONE MANHOLE TRANSFORMER PAD r UPUTY POLE GUY POLE MATCHUNE COMPACTED STONE PATH t GROUNDCOVER fEpLT11 pF� 'TIMOTHY RAY MILLER a Lit. No 30542 e Pp "'ONAL "I E N `z y LL 6 z 6 � Q E -- E4 W E -I v � a w 0 OU W CD W 6 O ci Z:� w C Imo. CJ w Gl EE- - DDR PRO IECT NO 70456 INDEX TITLE e/^/', C2 SHEET NO 2 OF 9 NOTES 1 THE SIZE OF THE SYMBOLS MAY VARY FROM THOSE SHOWN Attachment 2 ALL ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS SHOWN MAY NOT BE USED U r'LF,IE T:1RLE J -— CL c - — s o T 4' ak 4°- E 1-7 =° o� r 1 c t_ 4 y —4 [_— B os P\a"r, 4a a 4 +�_Aa? F h_'C4 4LLT } ST i, - y ., a F e a ' S 7 - A i ,FbPC t TMP 7sF-Zs ER4, _= 4a _1 4 - W tct J5 F„ntnna ,7r i I r 4 "4 \ 3 Ea f 4�� 4 t -1' v E c , `v S JI, ',:, lh' ';4 5' H . W „7 � 4 4 �, y 4 3 4 ;a r•, _ rf3 r TMP "8E 97vn s; ;� 14 C on 1 - �4 _ F -� `C Ftana 4 4, T - _4 4� f: _µv17 W - to o _ e� ,r. = 4LT ,F� jt° 7 11 a � t '_J - _ 1 W _ C4A z -�J TMP 73-58/ f �i4rea '.r" 06' _ 03 z e yR 1E iLb F A,e , LLC - _ - A P,rtton of DB r^OB7 - - - - 048 � Parce! 11 ned F-1., 0.. t7 Arres 4r. _ ':I'' 7=' 1 J: - -_— r 1: W _� -_ ,.J� ,1, e r7 (!.e Revi, ntrnr ` c855 TMP 78F -A _ i .r eq 1 - t"w - N OP'S:. _='W North Pantors Tau nhou�.s LLC 45,',0 nB 35L0-661 _ 1',. r - "!¢T`ad R II Zoned R-6 /r `fin 0" Open _F,are k 3. � r r ? v _ 4 p 7MP 78 -Far 8B W,O- Farm LP TMP r8 v 416em¢r1e 11,1e1 LLC - 9B 25?2-Z01 = - Z DB 911-359 _ ° - f R, -,d,,, Of z' r d NC E(' _ - 7MP - -Cur f L 4ara t - _ Hurt /11-1-11ment Ca ' 9 _ D5 1:,,G4 lea �' N — f �1 r / DB 1965-3: W 0. ed Hr -EC �r \ ,6r IMF 'N 1 E 20 ars - N fi PI,�S 4, 2 rF 4 _ �. r A 14 �T W _> j,_ F 4L s w a " u _ 194 ' W q-�)° --�-- �. Area F r! - _ q A Purtr in cf d / Purrer e E+ a E 9 j,(,,,,_ <0H Ars -�3"JJ 41 L_E - - o a °R 6aF"lY - TMP 78-12A '� Z r _ - Mcntrc,on community zi ' o+, ,1 A Prtrof - ,4'b, ra VS Parcel" Erhnl w O 9 - TMP 78-10 - - - DB ?482-333 if44:4 5'F -S' �a Auto Fiares LLC U an Acres .� '/ _ rm LrB 3369-66,3 Zuned, Hf -FC W t _r F f5P son d HC' dutnmcble Dea(ersnip 0 ,7 4rr,e FBndgc 4utun(.> r, _ r1s5�_�e7 r_ DB rass-w.: N3_'095 -"A '31- Toned HC -EC LlL'sc Autorr 1, D-I—h:F - _ 9 -}�, <'_' TMP' '8-9A TMP ;8- IIB Q N4, 4' i5,4zr SFS—d,, LLC American Ly— Post 7 E--' 1 �7 Acres ien.513:-EC-201 '4 Ladgc DB "F - ed N 83- 31 iJ7 ,t1 tamab,re ed Hr -FC ° r_ _ - _rale*sh,r .,o x Tum and Cnur,!ry Lane ;+' Pubhr R W TVP TMP 18 - _ - W¢rren A Pushey Carporat,on /V - L'L iz r a Z r rGB 659--76'5 DB 3359-701 ned HC -FC cd HC- FC 'sc �utomnMte Dcutersh,p,I O � N ,cL q a Qi L Y Faut, ti _rl DDR PROJECT No 70456 R,rhmnnd Read ` INDEX TITLE banabla W,dth R,'W 0 5'.I - Attachmen -,.FLS 1 r F/ET �6' s p ter` a - -'�- - — asn - - - - - - - - 5r;' -R Cc - - _ - _ - _ - - _ _ - - - - --�•' - - - �.ra-- T' 7t=-42 P,� Dr'Lti: oa a< i - 1 nti H,; tb Ci'�"1 �EpLTH of. o Z_ �TIMOIHY RAY MILLER, �_— _ — -_ --- /- - - - _ _ - uc No. 30542 - — m is Driilc — - o P _ ;.'`may--..,• _ r µm =:�� -17 Pt bl u: R ' 1M1' - -- - - �� _ s, _T E ,rNr, .. _ �,ci J: `�. CEM✓dER Ai rl_, , .. F�,� Bn f Wv� �a'�'1 O W 'TAll E1R_ M -IP THE BRI ✓E adr '`NN 4Nir 4- '-H 1'� BE _-yl' - - \ANT 9 Q PBPNDNFI"ut ,4NI'4F. �_- r PE Mn -4 `'.b 3n"1 T'.,--_. _ _'"� nc. SCAT-.', i" E T 1 F' ,f. r�`,,pr �, 0 ANI AFr YC' AEF ' EF _ F4C MEN" ' h lA CD " - - AI- 'N.. E FN a.'E ,, PE --> - (HPNNE„T a, \ - ♦_ _�� _ BE REWI-ATEDI ')BINACE-EA-,EMEN' \.,` \ yi-,�, Ir. - � i A - (D BE Rd:_CATED 0 'O iRAF' TD B_ FCMa VEC >-E'_ iYJi ;ANITA Ex"�:N: 1C' PR:vb TE - \ IATEFA. IrFSI P1 - - - - - DPA,NAGE EASEQENi x z N6 \ r Ir T, '. TEMP gSAF.P _ Z 14C c -Ec-7,N," r-ARMAv ✓.: PG,ICINIUC- �;'T.WiF'r W6 oo 'PENT` I w E- 0 o \ DDR PROJECT NO 70456 INDEX TITLE _ SHEET NO 4 OF 9 Attachment a N NC S! - C 0 N C >� Q I O ON111pla l�lh til C, 111 - ,KLTH OF Gi TIMOTHY RAY Z MILLER a ` �;_ __ --�I _-' - •`" _ 9 - _ - _ l No 30542 {a PCLi]17( R [1- E _ = _'-_teeeSSrONAL ENG\ N-ONEk.I: 'C'W4yr' = C • AG - - _ ;INC 6 (,yHtkEiG AEw4' 1 I��-y it X11 _ - _ 36' Al fi i 1 1 VI, N'.NN..vM1 - � NMS -` -I_IL �J'. E •r7 i' _ EI -.I 'I r 'J` N' - T�aF1 \ W z ATF. E IyrA }R 'A• ,�' 'n �` .�-"'"'�_ _Irl.l' PET 3 LEr48 . ��e ' ' • 4 , r s2'RiT[ .�r�En,Lt . -a 'a '- ' - , fn E �I�evra� \ _ L12 . 25' J -,-fi:� r ,� `�- - T � � ,--"4" r T T. ' I DOW PAD IT 1 : � � � 1 � _- 1. R i I' `MI e n /)v PADMT� Ns bu til ta'"s �'il� r11 I117spuces� \ /EN Q OSVRE �''1. P_ F e �,fj' li SJ'- r. '�1 L 1 1 1 J 1 112 111 'JAN VAN VAN VAN n W1�S7EP w I PAD NTH k[1P;N:Nt, � � I _ __ ✓ EJaOowRE \ wAL. �\ ca I I jLi 16 ,spotisAll k. r . '- -_ - X y z $ .AJC, �_ - - n % ss f 9'> I 9 .:Ta'Nn. \ wa',L \\ �' Ell, . TrF,, I ^ ices b - f � - .. _CI I ,sP I c- 9 - — a ' I i�, - W LEN' g .., L 12- _ "F F H �6x= JP Y y t \ ^\ cuL�SiFF ,�5',Y (+ r '1� N "r'1' v <P ✓q '�-I 1 I \ .p 7i l✓l .. 'PAS M'H 27 / spo�:es ' 5 �l m I I i NC 41 F ddd J Rmlr RA RETNMLI I i1 ' Z N� JAN VAN /kE[,-P;Ek \ 4 F?PININb EE -r 5'N b'R \ \ trite sPa�es, 171 sp,icesl I i \ \ d W Ems- \ ro CG-2RMIl 11T.'l 1.1 LI `\ N a„r �:D -I2ANNE;E F+WI Q U \ I ANNFI N' k y' F' ARC W z f-AlNlhl ON A'?AFL \ u- wa,L P ®sPy^cesj ✓ O W 0.', 0. \ \,[T FEAA,.,rrA' wA'.. °gyp W r W \ I - to 0o= LL I �1 i cl- 211 E— \ RETAININ,\ '. wAl\�\ F 6 w \\ z DDR PROJECT NO 70456 INDEX TITLE C5 SHEET NO 5 OF 9 Attachment H r 7 - - - _ - - - - - O O - I J O - - - - - - - 4'r _ 2e L21e so I o,�r ON30,542 o45' Public R. 11 - J 0 _ _ &— • - v r - 5 CANIIARY ctA ,Cys AFI -\-- 4� de's \ - L sWALL SL KR P.EIa.Nm Wk - I 4a' � 3 �,o F DO \ r r r FF E Cc tILD N , \ ti^ AkACF r Fc 16610 �i JyA _ NLTarcaNc wAtt CfuWNEI ZI AW E— � U] E; C-1) —! I WHITEHOU:'k, COMMERCIAL ENTEANCIL FROF!LE - l�U r1 10 Hort, Y='JOvert - E :Me TFt ¢/ O \ I DDR PROJECT NO 70456 INDEX TITLE -. / `'- �� ,.x *�� \\\$ Ate:•\ —?:(� 4"•r nc o ��� --- Attachment \ 39 tea\ \�\ ��� �/ / - -400' _ - - \ _Ji N, \� \\f.?o \ \ \� �\ �_ -J� ,390-�/ CL C _ - 400_-_--_— _ //� -----_------_---�--- --- �\\\\ _ _ C Nii _ __- _ -_--_----_ _ _---410-_---- _--_-_--_— �\\\� --.- -�/.--=10--� - ��-;_—_-_�---_---_--_ - �; _- _ _---_----_ - - - - - - -----_ -- _--_ _— ---- _---j' -- D`rwe spa at�� - - _ --- _-4330=-- -- — \ ----- _--__ - - --- -� IiLpti R W 0111 `th --- --- - -- -- -_-- _ ------ - - — --__ = --._�` able , --- -- - =440- - — - - _ - - __-- -__-_------------ -_ - - _- - - - �a --__-__ _-- ` - - -_ --- -- - - --- - - - \\, �[- ----- - -_ ---450 -_ ------__-_ -_- -- ---� _i-� �- - i- ------ j- ice% - - �nan'n �r \ ------------ - - ----- - - -- \\ 11e Na 30642 - — -- �. ` \ 051 \ � + Olympia Drive -- - -- - r ; -��, ) ("•'� ;zo 7� ). �.�_ �°�s avu 50' Public R W ENw \ � BUILDING A t - '� � \ ,a 'oL \ \ NEW 2 -STORY 1 - NI! \ BUIL-0 B - .�� OFFICE BUILDING - .,}G �' .�� w - ��, • (+/- 10.500 SF - - - \ 4 RGi- \ \\ \ I _ fir' B D \ \ WP WP- / • a ` - - •i•. �/`00 F) WP SOF \ d \\ \\\A \ \\ \\ \ \ - -ice s. k 4 r 14;gp -_ I T `� 1� df •.. 1P ,v s t \ . '. L ! I U\ I I U I I U Ii r- j1 1 �. �, \ a o �y \ -r / i - 0 spaces ! 16 spaFes, i1 \ D• I�I� SII II i _ _ \ \\ �\ _LJ� \ 1 \ ♦ \ of I \ �• - T__=� / I ! � � —, - � `,�_ - I -I _, _ I � ��\\\ �_ BUILDING C _ -_ \ 142spdces'_ -- 1). �\ • (�. \ \ \\\ \ \ NEW--2� STgqRS' Bti(LDING OVER PARKING _ J +--I-6AHA�€. 44`1 CESS) n ! I I \ -- -- - _ �� �• <� / \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ � � I t+/- 42,$00 ISF) -4�J-- -J= _ L L J L ro �_� � `\ of - /�J� I + • : i.. \:_ _ 1 � � v � \ \ . \ \ . __-498 ---_ -- •�aAi l spaces - 201spdcesF 9spokee 1 171apac FLAN T 1:5, .0>•, r , c. a ,.. c,. c= r,. .. , r ,aRRs caucrr re r r`,., \\ 490_ b, •r.i \ - - - --_ \ -5 LANDSCAPIfJG CANOPY REOtJIRED �/ _ MF � - - � 101 0: T-1 5,te Area Total Ste Area 209,524 5F (4 81 209,524 5f' 10 - 20,_ 52 SF Re d r _ -- "- - -- -- - IAND5CAFING CANOPY PROVIDEDurr- -' Tctal Canop. rcv�ded = 50,939 SP � a w _: -. ---- - -- - - -- 5TREET TRees QZZ r Olymp a Drve and Rolkn P,cad � � — I �/ `ZQ - \ DDR PROJECT NO 70M -' -' Requred 79 r`)50LF ,spat ng) 5 9 Trecc ' JV 5 �50i- IO Proposed Trees + 3 f•�sting Tees 13 I / X510-- — -- ,r" 1'_ INDEXTITLE De. to conflld with eGllhes along R 1 1 l _ \ Ee '' / > 'o / ` • I _ okn Road) a o C `7 INTERIOR -- -- - 152/10 = Is 2 Trees ! --- _ - . , \ \ /./ `• F `•'r' 'r P,o a,d 45 Trees 30 0 30 60 90 Attaehmen A, ea Required 5% of Tota. Parting Area J 05.79,483 5r = 3.974 5F Area - 18,616 5F SCALE:1 " = 30' _J CC 0 C p p 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q N p C > N 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ao 0.0 6.0 oQ ao 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 a0 0.o 6.0 0.0 00 Q ' to 71 0. _ 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 OA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 �a a tiy�y - Aa 0.0 0.0 0 DO O,o 0.0 0.0 0.0 OA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 O.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 b,0 O.0 0:0 D.0 0.0 0.0 ;" rq C _- r1c��l��� 0.0 QA D.0 6.0 0.0 06 ;Q.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 OA 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 D.0 D.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 OA- d-- �0 0.0 OA �b LLL �F,PLTH p� 0.0 h.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 O.0 OA -O.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 0,o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 oz O.o 0.0 bA o.0 0.0 0.0 D.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 oA 0.0 010 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -�__ v.�_ o� p� o.o D,o 'so o.o b,o 00 Do 00 0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 00 -o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.o 0.0 Doff-o.o -0.0 0.0 0.0 h.g_ o o.o bo 00 00 0.0 b.o o.o 'o.o o,o 0.0 jg_--eA 'TMOTHY RAY MILERa 1; \ _ Lic. No, 30542 f AQ_ OC OA to 6.0 D.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 OA . D,0 0.0 0.0 OA 0.0 0.0 b.0 b.0 D.0 0.0 oz 0.0 D.0 b.0 0.0 Do 0.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 •a. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 y))lj)1(Y r7�P---"--� -' 00 0.0 0,01 bA 0.0 b.0 0.0 0.0 0-0 b.0 45' Public R W 0.0 0A o.e 0.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.O__U - O \d.'', o,o b,o 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 010 0'0 `SS,omAL ENc� 0 a b.o__OC oA o.o o.0 0. - - - - g / - o D.o o.0 0' b.o o.o o.0 0.0 0.0 � O 0 6A D.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0., 010 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 �6 °45 °39 ��, O � D,0 0.0 0.0�'� 0.0- 0.0 0.0 b.0 0.0 0.0 Z o � y iF 11 h � O LLA 9a 3.6=�4 �7 4s � is 5��\ -W If_T - O - .0 00 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 O.o rt7j m o �.3 � - i I 1. >r w_ b.a 'o.o d 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 bbd f'" �.': 6 ; ��l�YR •. .� ��� :L • . \ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 D.o x 1 /5 s3 o '' 9 �'c �a '�� 1 9 -�� �rs4 6' s a zs MSI 1 9d a 0X96 l 2 B \ 0 6A b.D b. 0.0 6,0 0.0 0.0 �. 'Li 0.0 9a 36 ° 0 32 6i) i9 °a 69 9e i9 is 51 "� i 9, Se o 1.2- b.7 be -'6e 8'9 9r .90 9,3 is 93o g2. °aa I°� b.0 0.0 0.0 o.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 WL }1-... 3.2 %5 • I Ie 3z °/6 9;0 92 6a `i.: 39 9'.2 °'6 ,'929 _ �b.8 94 17 93 96 °21 2� °26 31 46 °20 33 v=i 0.0 `;?:� Y ° - _ _ ' ° 0 0.0 O.0 6:0 0.0 D•0 I r`' I I � I � i i I I, , I, i 0.0 0.0 C,-� �°a `� .91 '.4 �� 95 4;9 °75 38', - 5 3�4( ,a - �i 9.3 926 iil� 9Jl °7,5 i'/i�4I R33 lg 3113'' O \\ 0.0 0.0 OA 0.0 0.0 0.0 a 0.0 0.0 OA 0.0 \B y--{� I b.0 b.o o0.0 oz 3 9 7 0.0 o.o 0.0 oo 0.0 0.0 0.0 iLv ���nr A 6.a 6A s 0.o zo> 0Q w - - F S l<i_ -r ' s 4L�s r ki[j" 62 32 r.9 21 19 �: 36 �, 3s 3o a23 �6 '1 ss ° 8 B b.D o.o b.0 0 0.0 a0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 U DA 0.0 1`\ L OA 0.0 0.0 0.0 a DA 0.0 0.0 6.0 o.0 \ \ . � � 4 �^ 6 l + 1 F' 4' ^, ri - JI _ _ t,8 - .9 °2 5 °3 4 °d 4 fit °i $ 5 r5i3 a'�i °�I3 3 °EI° •, � �p i � 0.0 O.0 0.0 D. m ^0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 O.0 0.0 0.0 OA '\ \ ' 3 �D - °' 9 - iY 8 0.0 0.0 0.o b:0Z C0`i¢ w a B 2 a,i .. ,92 41 a3 96 ';9'2 qa Y j90 9z3' 1.7 iu9 Yo 5 131 92i 4 11 '!z �'� s / OC b.0 ao 0.0 0.0 O.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.o \ cS' 9 4 0.o b.o 0.0 0.0 ao dem z \ei`g 0.a -7� 33 9R `69 149 9C' 91.• 93 30 3n 9'c1 '22 926 37 a3 44 °<6 a3 3e 6 92. 92365 U' '�0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 � �� '' •0.0 0.0 d.0 0.0 0.0 b.O; 0. +� B^\\` -3o 9 `71 3.3 9 `21 9.6 9.8 °26 3.6, 9.3- .1 -�9� �b9 92 �9.7 95 ._9s_ Y9 92 2 �.3 '� 0.0 bA 0.0 OA 0.0 0.0 0.0 OA 0.0 0.0 \ - - - ._ _ 0.0 0,0 OA 0.0 OA 0.0 0.0 0.0 E- l.0 010 010 010 040 010 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 g I 3.1 3 5 ¢ 5 t I 9 s; 9 a 9 9 � 1 19 9 } E 9 G ', 9 6' aK I s 9 9 °z I.z \ B oA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 U� O 0.0 OA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0, 0.0 D.0 -- 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 OA 0.0 W O Z }/ W a N:0 O.0 0.0 0.0 OC O.0 Co 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ® e ea2f �2 49 1_g16 - 'S `- i 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 oA � C7 32 45 48 3, 3; ,�a c8 3T i£3 W Z 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 '0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 W 6s ul i5 '3a 93c 317 93 1 •� E--• bA o,0 ox DA o.0 O.o o.0 6.0 6.0 O.p 0.0 -4.0 ° °/ 0.0 a 0.0 0.0 6.0 6.0 CC 0,0 � 4 6.0 0.0 0.0 OC 0.0 0.0 0.0 b.b 0.0 b.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0a_ 00 0,0 0.0 o.a OC/ \ Lae C' (1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 O.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9< 0.0,Co OA 0.0 F 40L L -cc TLi I- - +_M r_FN"r,i_E _ -. -Al 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 OA oA D.0 0.0 \ 0.0 0.0 DA 0.0 0.0 U 0.0 a,b`-.�D.D J •�' Z w wF_-_+EIrJGi-`` T I'- I _K­c 'kIDI, 0.0 0.0 0.0 010 010 0.0 0.0 OD 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 O.0 0.O� y OA 0.0 010 6.0 OA 0.0 6.0 0.0 m WWN 6 w' _.nT L-•'�RE��_ _r.'.rl ML. [ P P,F.Nl.-cL CP47E '\ O F---� -5E_nMH•.E'JF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0`.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 OA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. \ 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 :'✓.0 - r/I 0.0 0.0 DDR PROJECT NO 70¢56 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 OA 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 6:0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 O.0 6.6, 0 0 ��.iRa 0.0 INDEX TITLE OA 0.0 0.0 0.0 OA 0.0 0.0 0.0 a0 O.0 0.0 OA O.o OA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 d,a AO OR - s\ 7:a 1 U --" EFL - 't r' - JF ) ., -'F! .iE cu _!Ni M »._ , _`. � FLL - - Attachment H F T -r '- F 1 Ft f L 1 . �5vr ..-L� I,' 11 PAL I AF h F M WE - 1 111 E TI I E 5 - -, ­' E I IfF " E ry • -,". F PIJL"r- lF Retaining Block FIF �1 'IN'- LL' .F.�•Lg15 --- .f �R 4TE Ili I-10 0' it0 5"5y r^C alr, _srJ-TS -� -,I �., rFF.Ffi�I _ w O —I - ek'F- I-16 75 _ I EWER SERVICE LATERAL C ONNECT11�a -- _ C9. NOT 10 S(A . —EP- rllrl F -a ^ 1 FALLK- J -T NTIIN r AH cL I F .EF THP^1 G' P. IP, V 41'Ir� _ N'ILL 5A * IOr, Fr IA EE -J q... i<' '.fvl HAHL F A F AE, --a NI _�L 14M ­E I.0 'T F FI -FE - JF ,X A DITE J W4PE ,r S-AE F � J.�;:�.•>,. „>:+' its IE ' F EF, 4 E WI's t I '- 1 k ,n A -HII 5E F -ELL E W N N, -IP IF F T E IN 'N F'F T]N HE TFEN AHP E =P- CL ^�:q TED PJC AL -rv�, C• ,'F,: N T„^IF SHALL PE •P�VIDE': WHF°E °Oi F e AIa1EPEC FIFE ="AI, F' INSTPL,E1, N A rM'NI�1'Jr., c SErCI rlI , F IJ bE' '=-1 'NE 7 ,TIPIi:AL SEWER PIFE INSTALLATION IN TRE'Al NfT TO v1 ALE 8 Compacted Stone Path_ ,- C,9 NOT TO SCALE TYPICAL MANHOLE PLAN t4!047NC 2 _ RR,ANCH TIE-IN C9 NOT TV SCALE fc r1E 1. r,. F. F - , TEFLF R T -En F-TFP F Il r IurJ _ Ol Ir F• - - -FF F- �f - F Fi il'F'J E'E , - ;.�JE 6L — 15 n C S,11T F F T h tP, NAIH 'FF A 1j, F INF SEr F.I r^- FF NP� FF.'I.'. r• �W•, - !,tlrllY�I lrI -IEC +-P1:_ 'E`.VJr,EC P!'r',t L - �TA FF - IL _ 111P ll 'j' 'NF.,�N A' T N _ "c TEF'/raE VIE -Hc- J„ F Si_L -„',E �1L ,,.T'-'r.F- E. .�. E SNE -I, TYPICAL AIANHOI,E SECTION 3 1 SHOWLAC BRANCH TIE-IN -- - C(q NOT TO SCALE O. ­LCl- - - r --`-'-r. FL -11 o �I - 15— 'FAME SCmT ON �F - a,, iECrlO^l 9 T}'f'IC4L V4NINLE FRAME k COYER C9 N0T TO SCALE AF =N NOTE: PIP -IF 7PFPTFr: -FIE _NEE^i 'rJ ELi .F RE IF CIS I'IN, y - _�MFn_TEC F.,A IJ- i TFIPL a,. - -TJ F HNIF.H ,:RAFE- 10' Board on Bodrd-Fence C9 NOT TO SCALE _J [ N _._._• .__M y a� E U a 0 c of C > 00 TVplcT11 Paving -�ec•tion 0 _ 4 Paik-ing arca C9 N - s"� oa � at EpLTH O� _ 1 F .. , _jp off' �i ` 1 o C I — — -- r TIMOTHY RAY MILLER> EGPA- LIC No 30542 q» T`rprcal Paving �ectron 'r 5 ' Concrete Pavement lu Dii Pad Cg NOT TO SCALE ---� - - Z z `ISI 1 o a Tvptcol Paving Section 6Concrete :Sidewalk- ' C9 NOT Tn SCALE IS N 175--1,4 {I SOS' e 1 ISLSlandard Retaining Block t, Ili I-10 0' it0 5"5y w O 1 r-110" - I-16 75 Slandard Ref BI -k Sitiack- T E Z T Tt- ''��� I I T' lamer Bloc W Q U t U d Planter Block Setback � w w E-" III W � �:D w Q E— d Q Retll-Rock Intemallonal ^—�-”--Settiack JII, a Z w w r- d w DDR PROJECT NO 70456 INDEX TITLE 11 \ T1�kiCa RP{alP1� Wal! Deta1l //�� C9,1 NOT TO SCALE Attachment H% 4 N ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING STAFF REPORT SUMMARY Project Name: Whitehouse Commercial Preliminary Site Plan Planning Commission Public Hearing: March 25, 2008 Owners: Hurt Investment Company, Inc. Acreage: 4.81 ac. TMP: Tax Map 78, Parcels 9 & 11 Location: Route 250 east behind Carmax. Access will be from Olympia Drive. Magisterial District: Rivanna Staff: Patrick Lawrence, Jonathan Sharp Board of Supervisors Hearing: Not applicable Applicant: Virginia Land Company Rezone from: Not applicable Special Use Permit for: Not applicable By -right use: HC, Highway Commercial and EC, Entrance Corridor Overlay District Proffers/Conditions: See recommendation in report Requested # of Dwelling Lots: NA I DA—NA RA — NA Proposal: Applicant proposes construction of commercial office space in three two-story office buildings totaling 65,120 square feet. Character of Property: This property is mostly wooded with some areas of critical slopes. No existing structures are on the site Factors Favorable: see report Comp. Plan Designation: The Comprehensive Plan designates this property as Regional Service in Urban Area 3. Use of Surrounding Properties: Adjacent to multiple residential subdivisions, including Fontana and Pavilions on Pantops and commercial development fronting Route 250. Factors Unfavorable: see report RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Ordinance Waivers: 1. Waiver of Section 4.2.5 — disturbance of critical slopes (recommendation, approval) 2. Section 21.7.3 — disturbance of land within the buffer between commercial and residential propertv (recommendation. aoorovah Attachment I STAFF PERSON: Patrick Lawrence, Jonathan Sharp PLANNING COMMISSION: March 25, 2008 AGENDA `TITLE: SUB 2008-020 Whitehouse Commercial Preliminary Site Plan APPLICANT: Virginia Land Company PROPERTY OWNER(S): Hurt Investment Company, Inc. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: Request for preliminary site plan approval for construction of commercial office space in three two-story office buildings totaling 65,120 square feet on 4.81 acres zoned HC - Highway Commercial and EC, Entrance Corridor Overlay District. The property, described as Tax Map 78 Parcel 11 and part of Parcel 9 are located in the Rivanna Magisterial District on the proposed Olympia Drive in the Pantops Development Area between the Pavilions Townhomes development (currently under construction), the CarMax and Free Bridge Auto sites. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan designates this property as Regional Service in Urban Area 3. REASON FOR PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW: The applicant requests waivers to allow disturbance of critical slopes and disturbance within the buffer adjacent to residentially zoned property. PLANNING AND ZONING HISTORY: This area has been subject to multiple subdivision plats resulting in the current lot configuration. Approval of adjacent projects has extended Olympia Drive (a new public street) to this site. DISCUSSION: The Planning Commission will need to act on two waiver requests. This staff report is organized to address each issue separately. The Commission must act on both of the items. The items to be addressed are: Zoning Ordinance 1. Waiver of Section 42.5 —disturbance of critical slopes 2. Waiver of Section 21.7.3 — disturbance of land within a buffer zone CRITICAL SLOPES WAIVER A modification to allow critical slopes disturbance is necessary before the preliminary site plan can be approved. The request reviewed for both the Engineering and Planning aspects of the critical slopes regulations. Section of the Zoning Ordinance restricts earth -disturbing activity on critical slopes, while Section 4.2.5(b) allows the Planning Commission to waive this restriction. The applicant has submitted a request and justification for the waiver (Attachment C), and staff has analyzed this request to address the provisions of the ordinance. Critical slopes cover approximately 0.9 acres, or 19 percent, of the 4.8 acres included in this request. This request is to disturb 0.3 acres, or 33 percent, of these critical slopes. The critical slopes in the area of this request do not appear to be man-made. The determination of which critical slopes are man-made could not be determined. Staff has reviewed this waiver request with consideration for the concerns that are set forth in Section 4.2 of the Zoning Ordinance, entitled "Critical Slopes." These concerns have been addressed directly through the analysis provided herein, which is presented in two parts, based on the Section of the Ordinance each pertains to. Applicant's Request for Critical Slopes Waiver: The Applicant states: "The Preliminary Site Development Plan.for 0iitehouse Commercial shows there are approximately 37,650 square feet of critical slopes on the 4.81 acre site. These critical slopes would require grading as part of this project. Of the 37,650 SF of critical slopes: 11,795 SF were created as a result of grading for Rolkin Road and Olympia Drive, 1,393 SF were created as a result of grading for the Pavilions totivnhonie development, and 16,630 SF were created as a result of grading for the Carmax Site Development Plan, and 7,832 SF of the critical slopes appear to be part of the original site topography. 1. The proposed grading is minor and measures iyill he taken to ensure rapid or large-scale inoventent of•soil and rock does not occur. ?. .4 Sediment Basin exists to prevent excessive stonrnvater run-off fi-ont occurring. 3. The sediment Basin provides erosion protection for all natural and roan -made bodies of grater. 4. The proposed grading irould assist in stabilising the grading that created the critical slopes along Rolkin Road and Olt ntpia Drive. Surface runoff ivould he removed as part of the proposed grading. 5. The proposed grading uvould.further stabili.:e erosion and stormuvater runoff ftom the Carmax and Pavilions sites by relieving critical .slopes and capturing runoff in un underground stortn s}stem. 6. Buildings and retaining tircdls have been provided to create steps up the site, further reducing surface runoff velocities on the site. 7. There are no septic systems on this property. 8. The property does not lie in the 100 -year flood plain. The reasons given above demonstrate that the grading of critical slopes on this project will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and/or welfare of the public. " Section 4.2.5(a) Review of the request by Current Development Planning staff - The Open Space Plan is the primary tool used by staff to identify aesthetic resources. The maps in the Open Space Plan include inventory maps which show all resources. The composite map indicates those resources that are of the highest significance or are part of a system forming a significant resource, such as a stream valley or mountain range. The Open Space Plan shows "slopes > 25%" on this property on the "Inventory Map I". However, they are not reflected on the "Composite Map". Based on this staff does not find that the disturbance of the critical slopes would result in the loss of an identified aesthetic resource. Section 4.2.5(a) Review of the request by Current Development Engineering staff.• The critical slope waiver request has been reviewed. The engineering analysis of the request follows: Description of critical slope area and proposed disturbance: The non-exempt critical slope areas on this site are wooded. The applicant is proposing commercial office space, and the critical slope disturbance includes buildings, parking areas, grading, etc. Areas Total site 4.8 acres approximately Critical slopes 0.9 acres l 99"o of site Critical slopes disturbed 0.3 acres 33% of critical slopes Below, each of the concerns of Zoning Ordinance section 18-4.2 is discussed: Compliance with Zoning Ordinance 18-4.2: "movement of soil and rock" Proper slope construction, control of drainage, and vegetative stabilization will prevent any movement of soil. ``excessive stormwater runoff' The site drains to LiLyor Stormwater iVlanagement Pond #1, which has been designed to handle the runofffrom the proposed site.for both Storintivater Quality and Detention. V "siltation" Inspection and honcling by the Cot(nty will ensure siltation control daring construction. Proper stabilization and maintenance will ensure long term stability. "loss of aesthetic resource" The Clrsturbance will be visible from adjacent parcels and prtblic roadways. "septic effluent" This site is served by public sewer. Exemptions to critical slopes waivers for driveways, roads and utilities without reasonable alternative locations: One-third of proposed critical slope disturbance is exempt (0.1 acres), as the critical slopes shown are the result of a previously approved plan (Town & County Drive Phase II and Olympia Drive, Car Max, Luxor, Pavilions Phase 1). The remaining two-thirds of proposed critical slope disturbance are not exempt (0.2 acres). Based on the above review, Engineering recommends approval to the critical slope waiver. Review of the request by Current Development PlanninL, staff.• Summary of review of modification of Section 4.2: Section 4.2.5 establishes the review process and criteria for granting a waiver of Section 4.2.3. The preceding comments by staff address the provisions of Section 4.2.5(a). Staff has included the provisions of Section 4.2.5(b) here, along with staff comment on the various provisions. The conte fission may modify or waive any requirementof ,Section 4. 2 n7 U pat trcular Case uponfinding that "Strict application of the requirements of section 4.2 would not forward the purposes of this chapter or otherwise serve the public health, safety or- til'elfare, or that alternatives proposed by the developer would satisfy the proposes of section 4.2 to at least an equivalent degree; or (Added 11-15-89) " This parcel is relatively visible from adjoining developments. In addition, there are a large number of proposed critical slopes disturbances that are to be graded and landscaped to the benefit of the project and adjoining properties. Staff finds that a strict application of the requirements set forth in Section 4.2 would not forward the purposes of this chapter and otherwise serve the public health, safety or welfare. 2. "Due to its unusual size, topographv, shape of the property, location of the property or other umrsrtal conditions, excluding the proprietat y interest of the developer, the requirements of section 4.2 would effectively prohibit or unreasonably restrict the use of the property or would result in .significant degradation of the site or adfacent properties. Such modification or il'aiver shall not he detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, to the orderly development of the area, or to adjacent properties, or" he Contrary to sound engineering practices; oi" (.I(lde(111-15-89) Denial of this waiver would not prohibit or unreasonably restrict the use of the property. However, the adjacent residential property may suffer both from the lack of grading and lack of landscaping were the waiver to be denied. That is to say, approval of this modification will allows the impact to be better mitigated. Granting such modification or M'ail'er WOUN serve a public purpose of greater import than would he served by strict application ofsection 4.2. (,-Idcled 11-15-89) This property is in the Development Areas, and represents a commercial development in an area designated on the Comprehensive Plan for commercial development. Granting the modification would allow for the level of development recommended by the Comprehensive Plan. 14 RECOMMENDATION: Staff is able to find that the provisions of Section 4.2.5(b) have been met. The grading and landscaping proposed enhance the environmental issues of reducing the movement of soil and rock through proper slop[e reduction; reducing siltation and sediment transfer from this site to adjoining properties by providing a root mass by applying appropriate landscaping technique; and, with landscaping enhancing the buffering of commercial and residential uses. Thus, staff is able to recommend approval to the Commission of a waiver of Section 42.3. If the Commission concludes that the findings in the previous section have been met and therefore approves the requested waiver, staff recommends the following conditions: 1. Disturbance of additional critical slopes would allow additional approval. WAIVER TO ALLOW LAND DISTURBANCE IN A BUFFER BETWEEN ZONING DISTRICTS Section 21.7.3 provides the method of requesting a waiver: -B[[tfLx zone adjacent to residential and rt[ral areas districts: No construction activity including grading or clearing of vegetation shall occur closer than Nvnty (20) feet to any residential or 1-111-al areas district. Screeningc'reening shall be provided (is required in section 32.7.9. ECc'ept, the commission may waive this requirement in a particular case where it has been denionstrated that grading or clearing is necessary or would result in an improved site design, provided that.- a. hat:a. itlinirnutn screening requirements are inet; and b. Existing landscaping in excess of ininimtan requirements Is substantially restored. Applicant's Request for Disturbance in a Buffer Zone Waiver: The applicant states in the request for waiver: "The Prelintinaty Site Development Plan for tVhitehouse Conunercial shows a stepped retaining wall that intrudes approximately 6 feet into the buffer zone. The nuixitman height of each Tull is 10 ft and the walls are stepped to provide a 5 -ft landscape strip to break the appearance of the tia'all face. A railing at the top of the wall and additional landscaping within the ht[f fer zone will he provided to tnitigate the inipac't.S of the disturbance. As additionalJL[5'tlf[C'Ut1on f01 the disturbance, provide the follutiving: 1. The buf fer zone in question has been disturbed by clearing and grading in accordance with the approved development plan for the Pavilions townhoines. 2. A pedestrian connection is proposed as part of the disturbance. 3. As nntigation is not a rcgnireinent of residential developinent adjacent to a coininercial district, the proposed disturbance, and resulting regtarenient for initigation, would effectively iniprove the health, safety, and welfare of the existing condition and provide a visual screen between the hi•o developments. The reasons given above detnonstrate that the proposed grading, site work-, and plantings would result in all unproved site design. STAFF COMMENT: Based upon the proposed grading and construction plans, granting a modification to the requirement of no construction would prevent erosion and sedimentation to adjoining property by providing a retaining wall and plantings between the commercial and residential properties. In addition, the planting of conifers, flowering and deciduous trees, as shown on the landscaping plan, further separates the uses and provides a pleasant view from the lower, adjacent, residential property to the higher, in elevation, commercial property. Allowing disturbance in the buffer zone allows for the grading and construction of retaining walls and plantings enhances the aesthetics and separation of the two uses. RECOMMENDATION: Staff has recommended approval of the two waivers requested by the applicant. The plan has been reviewed by the Site Review Committee and may be approved administratively if the Commission approves the two modifications. RECOMMEDED ACTION: 1. Waiver of Section 4.2.5 — disturbance of critical slopes (recommendation, approval) 2. Section 21.7.3 — disturbance of land within the buffer between coinmercial and residential property (recommendation, approval) ATTACHMENTS: A. Location/Detail Maps B. Applicant's Request and Justification for both Critical Slopes and Buffer Disturbance C. Excerpt from Review by Jonathan Sharp, Engineer 1.111, 1., CWd rte- y—.1Va'. `ce o5 re Dominion ��i�e�' Development � y i \esources, LLC n s`ec't s s January 28, 2008 Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: Whitehouse Commercial Site Development Plan Request for Waiver of Section 21.7.3 To Whom It May Concern: 172 South Pantops Drive Charlottesville, VA 22911 434.979.8121 (p) 434.979.1681 (f) DDRVA.com In accordance with section 21.7.3 (a) and (b) of the County Zoning Ordinance, this letter is to request a waiver for the requirements of Section 21.7.3 Buffer zone adjacent to residential and rural areas districts. The Preliminary Site Development Plan for Whitehouse Commercial shows a stepped retaining wall that intrudes approximately 6 feet into the buffer zone. The maximum height of each wall is 10 ft and the walls are stepped to provide a 5 -ft landscape strip to break the appearance of the wail face. A railing at the top of the wall and additional landscaping within the buffer zone will be provided to mitigate the impacts of the disturbance. As additional justification for the disturbance, we provide the following: The buffer zone in question has been disturbed by clearing and grading in accordance with the approved development plan for the Pavilions townhomes. A pedestrian connection is proposed as part of the disturbance. As mitigation is not a requirement of residential development adjacent to a commercial district, the proposed disturbance, and resulting requirement for mitigation, would effectively improve the health, safety, and welfare of the existing condition and provide a visual screen between the two developments. The reasons given above demonstrate that the proposed grading, site work, and plantings would result in an improved site design. Please call me or Kelly Strickland from our office if you have any questions or concerns. Sin ely, JJ�at Miller, ASLA Dominion Development Resources, LLC 1350 Stony Point Road Charlottesville, VA 22911 (434) 984 - 1599 Attachment B �`? CS `*e�OIS Dominion � ia� Development " I Resources. LLC January 28, 2008 Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: Whitehouse Commercial Site Development Plan Request for Waiver of Section 4.2 To Whom It May Concern: 172 South Pantops Drive Charlottesville, VA 22911 434.979.8121 (p) 434.979.1681 (f) DDRVA.com In accordance with section 4.2.5 of the County Zoning Ordinance, this letter is to request a waiver for the requirements of Section 4.2 CRITICAL SLOPES. The Preliminary Site Development Plan for Whitehouse Commercial shows there are approximately 37,650 square feet of critical slopes on the 4.81 acre site. These critical slopes would require grading as part of this project. Of the 37,650 SF of critical slopes: 11,795 SF were created as a result of grading for Rolkin Road and Olympia Drive, 1,393 SF were created as a result of grading for the Pavilions townhome development, and 16,630 SF were created as a result of grading for the Carmax Site Development Plan, and 7,832 SF of the critical slopes appear to be part of the original site topography. 1. The proposed grading is minor and measures will be taken to ensure rapid or large-scale movement of soil and rock does not occur. 2. A Sediment Basin exists to prevent excessive stormwater run-off from occurring. 3. The sediment Basin provides erosion protection for all natural and man-made bodies of water. 4. The proposed grading would assist in stabilizing the grading that created the critical slopes along Rolkin Road and Olympia Drive. Surface runoff would be removed as part of the proposed grading. 5. The proposed grading would further stabilize erosion and stormwater runoff from the Carmax and Pavilions sites by relieving critical slopes and capturing runoff in an underground storm system. 6. Buildings and retaining walls have been provided to create steps up the site, further reducing surface runoff velocities on the site. 7. There are no septic systems on this property. 8. The property does not lie in the 100 -year flood plain. The reasons given above demonstrate that the grading of critical slopes on this project will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and/or welfare of the public. Please call me or Kelly Strickland from our office if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Janet Miller, ASLA Dominion Development Resources, LLC 1350 Stony Point Road Charlottesville, VA 22911 (434) 984 - 1599 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To: Patrick Lawrence, Current Development planning and zoning review From: Jonathan Sharp, Current Development engineering review Date: 31 Jan 2008 Subject: Whitehouse Commercial Preliminary Site Plan (SDP200800020) critical slope waiver request The critical slope waiver request has been reviewed. The engineering analysis of the request follows: Description of critical slope area and proposed disturbance: The non-exempt critical slope areas areas on this site are wooded. The applicant is proposing commercial office space, and the critical slope disturbance includes buildings, parking areas, grading, etc. Areas Total site 4.8 acres approximately Critical slopes 0.9 acres 1911/.of site Critical slopes disturbed 0.3 acres 33%0 of critical slopes Below, each of the concerns of Zoning Ordinance section 18-4.2 is discussed: Compliance with Zoning Ordinance 18-4.2: ,'movement of soil and rock" Proper slope construction, control of drainage, and vegetative stabilization will prevent any movement of soil. "excessive stormwater runoff' The site drains to Luxor Stonnwater Management Pond #1, which has been designed to handle the runoff from the proposed site for both Stormwater Quality and Detention. "siltation" Inspection and bonding by the County will ensure siltation control during construction. Proper stabilization and maintenance will ensure long term stability. "loss of aesthetic resource" The disturbance will be visible from adjacent parcels and public roadways. "septic effluent" This site is served by public sewer. Exemptions to critical slopes waivers for driveways, roads and utilities without reasonable alternative locations: One-third of proposed critical slope disturbance is exempt (0.1 acres), as the critical slopes shown are the result of a previously approved plan (Town & County Drive Phase II and Olympia Drive, Car Max, Luxor, Pavilions Phase I). The remaining two-thirds of proposed critical slope disturbance are not exempt (0.2 acres). Based on the above review, Engineering recommends approval to the critical slope waiver. Attachment C �� County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To: Patrick Lawrence, Current Development planning review From: Jonathan Sharp, Current Development engineering review Date: 31 Jan 2008 10 Mar 2008 (Revl) Subject: Whitehouse Commerical (SDP200800020) Before Engineering can recommend preliminary approval to the site plan, the following comments must be addressed: Please provide easements or letters of intent to dedicate for all offsite site work. Rev]: comments not addressed. There are three ditches shown on the previous plans that drain through the site (Olympia Drive, Rolkin Road, Pavillions Phase 1). These ditches are not contained with the proposed plans and appear to drain into the site or spill over into the right-of-way. Please tie the ditches into the storm sewer systern. Rev1: comments not addressed. 4. A critical slopes waiver must be approved by the Planning Commission prior to preliminary site plan approval. Rev]: Preliminary approval pending PC action. 5. The parking garage must meet all standards of the parking ordinances. Any necessary waivers (sight distance, etc.) must be approved prior to final site plan by the Zoning Administrator. Rev1: This must be addressed prior to final site plan approval.