HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201600036 Application 2016-03-16 ,..,
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Albemarle 'ounty401 AkIntire Community Development Departrr
Road Charlottesville;VA 22902-4!
Voice:(434)296-5832 Fax:(434)972-4
'14:•--- 94 Planning Application
TMP 03200-00-00-03800 Owner(s): AIRPORT PLAZA LIC
Application # ARB201600036
Legal Description I ACREAGE
1 .
Magisterial Dist. RIO V Land Use Primarj Commercial
Current AFD Not in A/F District ', Current Zoning Primary Cl Commercial
Street Address 3500 SEMINOLE TRL CHARLOTTESVILLE, 22911 Entered
— Judy Martin [
Application Type Architectural Review Board
' 13/16/2016
Project Molly Maid- Sign
Received Date 03/11/16 Received Date Final Submittal Date 03/21/16 Total Fees —
Closing File Date Submittal Date Final Total Paid
Revision Number
Legal Ad
Type Sub Application Comment
SIGN 03/21/16
7ontactType Name Address CityState Zip Phone f PhoneC
Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date
,41c, a ,,',,' --- i i ii,
Application and Checklist for Sign Permit
Part A: Applicant and Parcel Information
Project Name: Mo1I8 Melia 03560 Sem;fele Smtl) \ddr( s: 3500 SEf'ns6if T(t>VI es+.rt°41GSeielteeVb
;n map and parcel)%r 63100 - a0' O0- 438007 /Quint: C 1 CoMMCrc141
Contac) Person 1\1 h,n.I,udd u cell nt rue n lic.rnmu this prnlrcl''): Robe* FZhodt'S
\,lure.. ),t(S Seminole -TrOil ( rt, ChcolAtsvlile VA ,,I, 7.29O1
I)atln;li I'h,al.l tom 1 919-79)0 i100 I,ls ,.1434, 914 - 6898 1 ,,ill r'r lodes Q hisva.con
Owner of Record: Air?or+ 'P14.24,
\,I,hess 3510 semiflok Trail c'n} ebo•rlot}esville SI:,I; VA u,p 219'\\
Phi INC 18091 ` 1 ^ t310 1':1.:1 I h nl,u1 cOJ vie} @ msn.Con',
`_LRCL ------ -
Contractor Namelliusiness Name: 14 lel I el (St QCs -
\,hlr, ').‘65 5eminolc Teal1 ( ii, Ch•sleri+es'tlle `1.n,' VA
9-14-"Moo *too er19 - L898 I -1n,l, rr6OGe3 hT5va.corn
Part B: Determining application requirements and fees
sign Permit Please indicate rrhie/e sign t1/rr t' a are applpuz.z,' or:
❑ I reestantiin>,',,r Monument Sign `t)I fr4
❑ III,I Iirutn1L Is require& an aelJniunal Ice is IL-quiretl. '.i,,}
12/ `tall S,II.'•ii iln,'iti./II7�Ill':,1,,'�'!'�',rill.lift .liin f primp rain,/,y tl girt l: S91.64
S; ii Itelaeuhe SSn)(lu
2. Electrical Permit-- 'fill the.sign he illuminated?
❑ 1'es rilhanaiwc,1 t/c,n r,',/:nre sur rip,iiir,il permit,ml n/ i tt erre/schematic I $4S.95
3. ,1811 Review— Hill the permanent sign(%)he crrnslrurtrd in an Entrance Corridor?
'J',',•i!r,-Lamm,r( ill nlu/,roe ale.1'!t11 firm(' Ilyn/r,,lti,ar pile Err lrnr,1!itt„!):meant r t.drid,,r,
❑ 1'e'. r I/tin ii,n irlll Is Coll 41'11r ted err rill linntu7rr( ,n rrrhu rued it dire.%nut»err!rh, ,,nolur,nm,n/,r ti 12 29.01)
t „nrinr,'hrntn'r.liin/1'1/,'W .1',•r IRR n',Inrrrrnrnl.t Pirv/n,rstrt 1
lyes Il/ret i)Ln 11 ill hr c rnlsn-u erd err ern l:MmPtce( „rndor and rr due%ulrr!Nr,';undln,nr.t nl a 11.11s'e I Cc
I',woo rhrntn'r Sty,//{rime .1'r,' 11,-li r r,Irur,'rnrrrrt.nett/n ee%)
❑ N,r rfit i null 'It//Hod her,nn\lelir I4'r1 ii frit,,rrrrrl urrr,h1r1 \V III)
1'F.E 1T(Yf.11.(Picamc'etdd u/I th, ,unuunt.t checked ui ne'ntuur.t I $i: s 150 .64
SI I,K I II I It I 1 sI i' ( \ tkviiko e 1ltltn v)16 ,2 /J�_ -
Ir, \nwuu, ra Iia,cI'.u,l 15'1 It} t+ln,'�r � l Itccrrpl16
�hr'A:r qssy
Count'of Albemarle I)epartment of Community 1)evclopment
401 1N1clntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) ')72-4126
I I I -201,II, I'•ILn. I nil 4
Part C: Submittal Items Required
Note Submittal packages must contain 4 collated copies of all information unless otherwise indicated. Additional submittal
materials may be required if review by the Architectural Review Hoard is necessary. Applicants will be notified i f additional
materials or ARB review are requital.
A. Submittal Requirements
Ftilts plan or latest approver)plat showing. to scale.the proposed location of the sign(,)ss ith dimensions.
Ilistance from the sign to the property lines arrdi,r edge of the VD()I right-of-csay.
❑ A footing/foundation diagram rtsh w how the base or pole will be anchored in the ground.
LJ If the sign will he located in an it t. a letter of approval from the easement holder will he required.
:\ to-scalc color illustration ofihe proposed sign showing
IIWDimensions ofthe sign. Including overall height from the ground;cabinet size. Iengdr, width and depth, base
siie. et'. pH, ,cur r,ohr,un lulu th,:rr rl,nrrrsuun„rr Mc rhuvrarns l'im'n/'./III rlu,.:•11:11 I'rrrr,rr If,rrllr ulr,nr 1„r(6,v,
Proposed lettering and:or graphics In their proposed location.
Entrance Corridor Requirements: II lie shin is to he constructed in an I'mrance Corridor. also pon ides a color
illustration oldie front and side elesatnms of the sign showing:
It internally illuminated, indicate which areas oldie sign are opaque and which are illuntin:ncd. lntern;ill\
illuminated cabinet signs must have opaque backgrounds.(Opaque materials don't allow light to pass through.
When hi only feint behind,the color nfan opaque material cannot he detected nor can obic.•ts he seen through it.)
kb:milicauon of proposed materials and colors. Include standard color id number;t l'antone. licnlanill Mourc,
Asn Inc.etc.) fur all material:.test,graphics, base. laces, trim caps,returns.ere.
Pro\uie accurate physical samples of all colors proposed. preferably in the nm.uw'ial proposer.(I';uni chips that
accurately reflect the proposed colors ate acceptable.)
Provide a site plan showing proposed landscaping orotund the sign, including botanical tames and planum ,lies.
Additional submittal materials may he required Ifre'vuen by the Architectural Ito.e,a Board is necess,uv.( I Ile
applicant will be notified 'Rhus requirement applies.)
B. Inspection Requirements for Freestanding, Subdivision or Directory Signs
❑ Applicant mush mark the location ofihe properly lines and the location oldie sign wide stakes in preparation or a
preliminary zoning inspection. r.t11/our cur,?. 1 u/Ilrq•.cr•t;n/least he marked with shrkr' that arc•04%11 Iaril/ 11. ,III
lreslrcco,r.5 l
❑ A preliminary/lining inspection mustcoiipl t to verily the location oldie sign before the permit can he
❑ I reeitanding slims are required In have footing inspections. of I,,Ylnl,d Ian ,7I+1,11r11(11/
❑ Freestanding signs are required to have electrfral inspections I f illumm;ued. (n h.•rhrlrll 1,1 r11,p1n olio
(J Freestanding signs ale required to have final building and zoning inspections. r.s.h,tluI, ilr•,rl,l:hcvrnr
I ! I .rul'l';igs'.'„I I
sh:c"rtoN 2: WALL SICNS
A. Submittal Requirements
A drawnre,t„scale, show Mg dinteusionti oflhe sign(length. height.depth).
RI/Elevation drawing(s)or modil icd photograph of the entire building.to scale and in color. show rig
Mi I he sign location on the huihding,sign height chose grade.and the length of building frontage.r/t, ,,, n,
n Gast,'Nees drinernr,vo., the druerrrnr%Irr„rrrlrrl rn:I/r/pends I //1
[/Sign lettering and of graphics III thew proposed location.
RI/Entrance Corridor Requirements: Il the sign is to he conslnicicd in an Lntrance(Au-rutin.also pro%rrle a color
illustration oldie front and side eletiations oldie sign showing:
Indication of sign type(channel letters.cabinet, panel.etc.i.
Indicate on the drays togs the proposed material%and colors. Include standard color udentilieauon numbers
I('intone. Benjamin Moore. Acrylic.etc.) Ior all materials. text.graphics, laces, trim caps,etc for channel letter
signs, indicate on the droving th;d the raceway color shall match the color elf the wall to which use raccNJ4 is
Provide accurate physical samples of all colors proposed in the sign.preferably in the material proposed.(paint
chips that accurately tellect the proposed colors arc acceptable.)
Location of proposed light fixtures and manufacturer cul sheets describing illlinunauon type. intensity.slylc.
shielding.color,and height. All lighting must meet ordinance requirements as olnlined in Section 4.17.
For internally illuminated signs, indicate which areas ofthe sign are opaque and which are illununaled.(()pique
materials don't allow light to pass through. When lit only from behind,the color ol'an opaque material cannot he
detected not can ohlccis he seen through it. Internally illuminated cabinets must have opaque backgrounds.)
B. Inspection Requirements for Wall or Projecting Signs
❑ Wall and projecting signs atiAt'!r t teed to have electrical inspection%if illuminated. (.c,h,,Lrl,,I h, ,r/,rrrr,,mr+
Wall and itulerung signs are required to have final huilding and coning inspections./.ti'<It',/riled hi-rr/f/Jrr,rn!)
A. If the proposed sign is to he illuminated,the applic t mutt proside the following:
❑ I leetncal permit
❑ I'lectrical schematic
❑ I he location of proposed light fixtures tdenuti t on a plan chit or elcsauon
❑ Manufacturer cut sheets describing illuminant 1 type. Intensity. style. shielding,color,and height. All lighting must
meet ordinance requirements as outlined in Section 4.17 of the toning Ordinance.
I I ;of-1
Nor vire
:1. Work Valuation , (,8M1 sC
Part D: Applicant Agreement
Applicant must read and sign
• Foch application package nw.tit contain-I !Wiled copies ol'all plans and documents hemg nuhmittcd. t Irl} I scl oI
material color sampies is required. All submittal items hcconle the property of:\ b* nt;trlc('runt). .1{yl,liiants ate
encouraged to m;tintain (hyplic;ue copies in tlicir oysn Ides.
• The application package is not complete without this checklist,completed,signed.and included with the required
submittal materials indicated on the checklist.
!h,,ehr-rertih Heat flu ialrrrinrytaat/rrrdrigic l.nr du.+u11hlrrrnirr11 u11r1 neuter/rurn.111K tn!urn1,11t<,Ht t, ,t,crrr<rt<', /nil <iytrl
crwreel Ar the he11 a nunl,vlr;,'and belle//and« attain.%all rnlnt'rnatiun re(llrir,v/by 111,,,,-ch,.,l hot.,
- - 3I / 16
Signal son completing checklist Date
? Dec-k- e5 Acco�(n{-
�xecviive y34 ' 9`19- 1900 x 100
Printed Na:ntc I itle Daytime plume number of Signal ny
County of:Uhemarle I)epartment of('ommunily l)esclopment
do I McIntire!toad, North Wing.Charlottesville, VA 2291e-4'7.9h
(434)296-5512 fel.(434)972-4126 Fax
kis s ,iIh-ituule.oi;,
tl.I _ll tslr:osc4or-1