HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200800040 Review Comments 2006-04-21County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To: Mark Graham, Tamara Ambler, Phil Custer
From: Glenn Brooks, County Engineer
Date: 21 Apr 2006
Subject: Final Touch site plan (SDP200800040)
In response to the questions concerning the stream buffers on this property, a site determination was made
by Tamara Ambler, Phil Custer, and me on Friday, 18 April 2008. As a result, the stream buffer has been
further refined and a determination made as to the impacts to the current site plan for Final Touch.
Field inspections indicate that the stream's actual location is as shown below. The darker blue line is
where the stream has been piped, through approvals which apparently took place before the current Water
Protection Ordinance took effect. The dashed lines are where seeps and water channels were found, but it
did not appears as if these were intermittent streams. Likewise, the ditches coming from Rt. 240, shown
with buffers on the right side of this image, are not actually streams, and should not have the buffers
shown. The blue line is an intermittent stream, which is flowing strongly through the pipe system (and
The GIS layer provided on the County Web site provides this initial picture. Upon field inspection, the
buffers in this picture are obviously incorrect. This is also an older photo, before the storage building site
was construction at the trucking facility.
Albemarle County Community Development
Engineering Review comments
Page 2 of 4
may be perennial at that point), and has a defined channel and banks further upstream.
Below are pictures of the stream channel on TM 56 -85, two properties upstream of the proposed site.
Albemarle County Community Development
Engineering Review commentsPage3of4
The actual stream buffer will be approximately as shown below (with the former stream buffer no longer
applied); -
Impacts to the current site plan will be accord321.4. sections
The st rmwo through
t fco be
for the travelway can be allowed by sectio consi f proposed
according to section 17 -320B. The remainders of ththin the outer
development in tb
cording to section17-
parking lots and travelways, could be permitted
321.2, if it is considered "necessary infrastructure ", and it is minimized to the greatest extent practical.
On the site plan below, the stream buffer's shown, as well as one possible scenario of how this plan g
be affected.
Albemarle County Community Development
Engineering Review comments
Page 4 of 4
I o 2r.
Some of this depends on the depiction of the stream, which by the straight line on the plan seems only
approximated, and notrimi
l , It is also unclear, with
and travelways cannocannot
out of the buffer, as shown
hown onthe
the parking areas, s Y
scenario below.
4s ;
qtr rf ' - „
Thomas Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District March 17, 2008
2134 Berkmar Dr
Charlottesville, VA 22901
975 -0224
TO: Summer Frederick
Planning Department
RE: Soils Report and Comments for:
y r'
ry4U f ,4ev
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USDA United States Natural
Department of Resources
Agriculture Conservation
Prepared by: Thomas Jefferson Soil & Water
Conservation District
434 -975 -0224
Soils Report
Soil Survey Area: Albemarle County, Virginia
Survey Status: Published
Correlation Date: 12/01/1981
Distribution Date: 10/21/2002
Map Unit: 51113elvoir loans, 2 to 7 percent .elopes
Description Category: Virginia FOTG
Belvoir is a gentle sloping to moderatelx sloping. verx deep. someNthat poorh drained soil. Tvpically the surface
laver is loam about 12 inches thick. The surface la er has a moderately lo\v content of organic matter. The slo\N est
permeability is slow. It has a ver-N loNN available «ater capacit\ and a moderate shrink sNwIl potential. This soil
is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high \\ater table is at 18 inches. The land capabilit\
classification is ,n. The Virginia soil management group is BB. This soil is not hydric.
Map Unit: 3613 Huyesville loam, 2 to 7 percent slopes
Description Category: Virginia FOR;
Havesville is a gcntly sloping to moderately sloping. \ ery deep_ «ell drained soil. Typically the surface layer is
loam about 7 inches thick. The surface la-er has a moderate content ofor(yanic matter. The slo\\cst permeability
is moderate. It has a high available water capacity and a logy shrink s \yell potential. This soil is not flooded and is
not ponded. The seasonal high a ater table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The land capabilitx classification is
2e. The Virginia soil management group is X. This soil is not hydric.
Map unit: 3703 HaVesville clay loam. Ito 13 percent slopes, severely eroded
Description Category: Virginitt FOR;
Havesville is a strongh sloping to moderatelx steep. , very deep. NNell drained soil. TNpicalh tile surface layer is
clay loam about 7 inches thick. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest
pernieability is moderate. It has a high mailable «atcr capacity and a logy shrink swell potential. This soil is not
flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high Nyater table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The land capability
classification is 4e. The Virginia soil management group is X. This soil is not h\dric.
Map Unit: 8113 Thurmont loam, 2 to 7 percent slopes
Description Category: Virginia FOR;
Thurmont is a gentl} sloping to moderately sloping. ycry deep. «ell drained soil. Typically the surface layer is
loam about 10 inches thick. The surface layer has a moderately loN\ content of organic matter. The sloNycst
permeability is moderate. It has a moderate mailable Nxatcr capacity and a lo« shrink sv cll potential. This soil is
not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high eater table is at 60 inches. The land capabilit\
classification is 2e. The Virginia soil management group is L. This soil is not hydric.
Map Unit: 91 Urban lane!
Description Category: Virginia FOR;
No description mailable for Urban Land.
Shallow Excavations - Dominant Condition
Thomas Jefferson SWCD t i/ 17/08
Soil Survey: Albemarle County, Virginia
Survev Status: Published
Correlation Date: 12/01/1981
Distribution Date: 10/21/2002
Symbol Soil Name Rating
B Bel oir loam. 2 to 7 VeR limited
percent slopes
36B Hayesv ille loam. 2 to 7 Somewhat limited
percent slopes
3703 Ha\cs\ lle clac loans, 7 to Somewhat hnted
15 percent slopes, seN ereh
81B Thurniont loam. 2 to 7 Somc\x hat linutcd
percent slopes
91 Urban land Not Rated
Mapunit Hydric Rating
Soil Survey: Albemarle County, Virginia
Survey Status: Published
Correlation Date: 12101/1981
Distribution Date: 10/21/2002
Symbol Soil Name Rating
B Bel oir loam, 2 to 7 Partially In_ dric
percent slopes
3613 Haccsv ille loans. 2 to 7 Not htidric
percent slopes
3703 HaNesillc clan loans_ 7 to Not hNdric
1; percent slopes, scvereh
81B Thurmont loam. 2 to 7 Not liNdric
percent slopes
91 Urban land Not hvdric
Soil Shrink -Swell - Dominant Soil
Top Depth : 0
Bottom Depth : 0
Soil Survey: Albemarle County, Virginia
Survey Status: Published
Correlation Date: 12/01/1981
Distribution Date: 10/21/2002
Symbol Soil Name Rating
B Bel oir loam. 2 to 7 1.5
percent slopes
36B HaN esi ille loam. 2 to 7 Lii
percent slopes
3703 Havesville clay loam. 7 to 1.
Thomas Jellerson SWOD 2 ;/17/08
15 percent slopes_ severely
SIB Thurnlont loam. 2 to 7 l . i
percent slopes
91 Urban land 11
Corrosion Concrete - Dominant Condition
Soil Survey: Albemarle County, Virginia
Survey Status: Published
Correlation Date: 12/01/1981
Distribution Date: 10/21/2002
Symbol Soil Name Rating
5B Belvoir loans_ 2 to 7 High
percent slopes
GB Hai esv ille loam_ 2 to 7 Moderate
percent slopes
170 Ha_\esville cla\ loam. 7 to Moderate
15 percent slopes. see ercIN
81B Thunnont loans. 2 to 7 High
percent slopes
fllonlas Jellerson Sib CD , 3 / 17/08
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126
April 2, 2008
Dominion Development Resources, LLC
Via fax: 434.979.1681
RE: SDP2008 -40 Final Touch - Preliminary
Dear Sir or Madam:
The Site Review Committee has reviewed the development proposal referenced above.
Preliminary comments for the following divisions of the Department of Community Development
and other agencies, as applicable, are attached:
Albemarle County Division of Zoning & Current Development (Engineer)
Albemarle County Division of Zoning & Current Development (Planner)
Albemarle County Division of Planning (E911)
Albemarle County Division of Planning (Architectural Review Board)
Albemarle County Division of Planning (Historic Preservation)
Albemarle County Division of Planning (Water Protection)
Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue
Albemarle County Service Authority
Virginia Department of Health
Virginia Department of Transportation
Comments reflect information available at the time the development proposal was reviewed,
and should not be considered final. However, the Site Review Committee has attempted to
identify all issues that could affect approval of the proposed project.
Please make the revisions that have been identified as necessary for preliminary approval by
the Site Review Committee. If you choose not to make the requested revisions, please submit
in writing justification for not incorporating such revisions. Submit eight (8) full size copies and
one (1) 11" x 17" copy to the Department of Community Development including responses to
each of the attached comments of the Site Review Committee by April 14, 2008. Failure to
submit this information by this date will result in suspension of the review schedule. Review will
resume when revisions are submitted along with a reinstatement fee of $65.
Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you have questions or require additional
Summer Frederick
Senior Planner
Zoning & Current Development
OF Ar,g
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To: Dominion Development Resources, LLC
From: Summer Frederick, Senior Planner
Division: Zoning & Current Development
Date: April 2, 2008
Subject: SDP2008 -40 Final Touch - Preliminary
The Planner /Engineer for the Zoning & Current Development Division of the Albemarle
County Department Community Development will recommend approve the plan referred
to above when the following items have been satisfactorily addressed. (The following
comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments or
conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.) [Each comment is
preceded by the applicable reference to the Albemarle County Code.]
1. [Sec. 1 8-32.5.6(a)] Please include all relevant information for adjoining parcels,
including those on opposite sides of major roadways and rail lines.
2. [Sec. 18- 32.5.6(b)] Please include information regarding maximum building
height allowed in zoning district.
3. [Sec. 18- 32.5.6(i)] If any private easements are associated with parcel (e.g.
access easements for adjoining parcel), please include all relevant information.
Please contact Summer Frederick at the Department of Community Development 296-
5832 ext. 3565 for further information.
f 11N11^' 1
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To: Summer Frederick, Current Development Project Planner
From: Phil Custer, Current Development engineering review
Date: 31 March 2008
Subject: Final Touch Tree Service (SDP- 2008 - 00040)
The preliminary site plan for Final Touch Tree Service has been reviewed. The engineering review for
current development recommends denial to the plan at this time. The following items must be addressed
before approval can be recommended:
1. The applicant must show water protection butters over all water resources on the parcel. The
site appears to contain several water resource areas. It is clear that at least one intermittent stream
is present on the parcel and, because the site is located in a water supply area, a 100ft buffer exists
on this stream. Therefore, the piping of the stream as shown on the plan is not permitted by the
Water Protection Ordinance. [17 -321]
Please see the attached letter from the County Natural Resources Manager Tamara Ambler. A
professional delineation of the water resources on the parcel is recommended before any revision
is submitted so that all protected areas are known before redesign.
2. The site appears to have critical slopes. Please identify all critical slopes on the plan. Any
disturbance of critical slopes will require a waiver.
3. The site does not appear to be designed to capture stormwater runoff to the maximum extent
possible. It appears that close to half of the proposed impervious surfaces leave the site without
any treatment. [I 7-312C]
4. The applicant needs to provide preliminary stormwater management calculations to
demonstrate that the available area for the SWM facility is adequate.
5. Please provide a letter of intent from the owner of TMP 56 -87 permitting work to take place on
the property. The letter should also show that owner of the parcel is willing to allow a permanent
access easement through the property for the Final Touch site to Route 240.
6. Please show adequate sight distance from the existing entrance onto Route 240.
7. Please provide traffic generation figures for the combined entrance for the self storage facility
and the Final Touch Tree Service site.
8. If used for access by the Final Touch site, the aisle on the self storage property will need to be
upgraded to the current design standards in the ordinance. Please show all pertinent information
regarding this aisle on this preliminary set showing that the aisle will be brought into compliance.
9. Please show a stubout at each end of the parking lot so that vehicles in the last spaces can back
Current Development
Engineering Review Comments
Page 2 of 3
The following final site plan comments have been provided as a courtesy to the applicant and will not needtobeaddressedtoreceivepreliminaryapproval.
1. An analysis of the downstream stormwater conveyance system will be required during the final siteplanperMS -19.
2. The fire hydrant and an electric pole appear to need relocation because of the proposed wideningon240. Please show this utility work in the upcoming revisions.
3. All parking lots have a maximum allowable grade of 5 %.
4. The 25ft parking space next to the 18ft handicap spaces will need to be protected by a curbed
island or the handicap parking spaces must also be 25tt deep.
5. Drainage easements will need to be shown over all pipes carrying offsite water.6. Please provide a curb radius near stormwater structure 4.
Current Development
Engineering Review Comments
Page 3 of 3
Philip Custer
From: Tamara Ambler
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 4 52 PM
To: Philip Custer
Cc: Amy Pflaum
Subject: water resources on TMP 56 -86
As you are already aware, TMP 56 -86 does not have a stream identified by USGS, and does show not a stream
on the County's GIS stream layer. However, the County's Design Standards manual provides that streams that
may not appear on USGS mapping resources may exist in the field if the feature has a drainage area of at least 5
acres or originates from a spring, and has a defined streambed and defined stream banks where the bed /channel
materials and vegetation are distinct from the surrounding valley or swale (e g the channel has a rocky stream
bed versus matted down grass or an eroded ditch)
Based on my field review today I noted that there are two features on the site that appear to meet the criteria
above. A well defined stream flows west to east across the site and discharges into a culvert under the asphalt
lot This stream would require preservation of the 100 -foot buffer, and piping would be discouraged Piping
would also require permits from both the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Virginia Department of
Environmental Quality A smaller feature joins this stream immediately upstream of the culvert under the asphalt
lot A portion of it meets the criteria of a stream discussed above, but it not clear if this is a spring, seepage, or
other discharge emanating from the adjacent property Before applying buffer requirements I would want to
understand if this is a stream resource or something else
I also noticed that the site was pretty wet - I'd recommend that the applicant obtain a professional delineation of
the water resources on the parcel, to make sure that wetlands aren't present
Tamara Jo Ambler, CPESC
Natural Resources Manager
Albemarle County- Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville VA 22902
434) 296 -5832 x 3264
tambler @albemarle org
Service uh r
TO: Summer Frederick
FROM: Gary Whelan, Civil Engineer
DATE: March 28, 2008
RE: Site Plan Technical Review for: Final Touch - Preliminary
TM 56 -86
The below checked items apply to this site.
X 1.This site plan is within the Authority's jurisdictional area for:
X A. Water and sewer
B. Water only
C. Water only to existing structure
D. Limited service
X 2.A 6 inch water line is located on site.
3.Fire flow from, nearest public hydrant, located distant from this site plan, is
Gpm + at 20 psi residual.
X 4.A 8 inch sewer line is located approximately 190' distant.
5.An Industrial Waste Ordinance survey form must be completed.
X 6.No improvements or obstructions shall be placed within existing or future
7.and plans are currently under review.
8.and plans have been received and approved.
9.No plans are required.
X 10.Final sewer plans are required for our review and approval prior to granting
tentative approval.
11.Final site plan may /may not be signed.
12.RWSA approval for water and /or sewer connections.
13.City of Charlottesville approval for sewer.
Comments: Sewer dedication for Crozet Mini Storage must be completed.
The site plan does not show or incorrectly shows:
meter locations water line size
waterline locations sewer line size
sewer line locations expected wastewater flows
easements expected water demands
I ,t i 1 1 ._ !`+ i I 1_ 4 :) 4 1 1 • F, x l ) ? .
Application #:SDP200800040 , ( Short Review Com ents
Project Name: Final Touch - Prel Preliminary — Non - residential
Date Completed:03/24/2008
Reviewer:Andrew Slack E911
Review Status:No Objection
Reviews Comments:NO OBJECTION.
Date Completed:03/17/2008
Reviewer:Margaret Maliszewski ARB
Review Status:Requested Changes
Reviews Comments:This site falls within the Route 240 Entrance Corridor. Consequently, ARB review and approval are
required prior to final site plan approval. ARB applications, checklists, guidelines and schedules are
available on line at www.albemarle.org. -
Date Completed: 03/31/2008
Reviewer: Philip Custer Engineer Z &CD
Review Status: Requested Changes
Reviews Comments: iStream cannot be piped.
Page: 1.00 County of Albemarle Printed On: Wednesday, April 02, 2008
MY 't ( .. )1 I Y" ,l f l . _ 91 J1 '_ 1' . _I`\ r 1 N it A
1601 Orange Road
Culpeper, Virginia 22701
David S. Ekern, P.E.
April 3' 2008
Mr. Glenn Brooks
Department of Engineering and Development
401 McIntire Rd.
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Subject: Site Review Meeting Comments April 3' 2008 site review meeting
Dear Mr. Brooks:
Below are VDOT's comments on the Site Plans for the April 3'` 2007 Site Review Committee
SDP - 2008 -00038 Flow Automotive -Final (Megan Yaniglos)
Adjacent property TMP -78 -15 has a site plan to continue the right turn lane. Effort
should be made to coordinate the construction of these sites to minimize traffic
interruption and construction costs.
The radius of 13 feet at the east end of the property should be 25 feet and CG -6 should be
The flow line at the eastern entrance should be adjusted to allow for future extension of
the right turn lane. Sight distance towards the east needs to be shown at this entrance.
The drainage areas need to be checked on the road sections. It appears that the centerline
of the road is the divide and this section of road is in a full super section. Structure EX5
needs to be relocated instead of removed and because the spread on EX -4 is greater than
the allowable spread.
SDP - 2008 -00039 Durkin Property / Verizon Wireless Final (Gerald Gatobu)
No comments
SDP - 2008 -00040 Final Touch — Prel. (Summer Frederick)
The sight distance at the existing entrance needs to be shown.
Show the proposed ROW lines.
The final plan will need road and drainage plans.
Any work within the VDOT ROW will need a Land Use Permit.
9 6 1 0 0 6
SDP - 2008 -00041 North Pointe - Northwest Residential -prel. (Gerald Gatobu)
Proffered items under phase III road construction are supposed to be complete prior to
this site plan approval.
Proffer V- 5.3.1 -ci is missing from the proffers at the begimling of the plan.
The ingress to the site off route 29 should either be a yield condition or accommodate a
proper merge according to AASHTO standard merge lengths.
The egress onto route 29 needs to have a lane configuration and lengths to accommodate
the queue from the traffic study queue analysis.
The lane shifts on route 29 need to be a minimum of 720 feet in length. The lane shift on
Northwest Passage needs to be in accordance with the design speed of the road.
The CG -6 on the north side of the entrance needs to have a minimum 12 foot offset and
an appropriate taper to tie back into the pavement on route 29.
Road and drainage plans will be needed with the final site plan.
A Land Use Permit will be needed for any work within the VDOT ROW.
SDP - 2008 -00042 Buck Mountain Episcopal Church / Verizon (Mean Yani2los)
Sight distance needs to be shown for the connection to Earlysville Road.
SUB - 2008 -00076 Old Trail- Ballard Field Townhomes -Phase III (Summer Frederick)
No comments
Please request the applicants provide a written description of revisions with re- submissions. If you
have any questions or comments, please contact me prior to sharing these comments with the
Joel DeNunzio, P.E.
Residency Program Manager
VDOT Charlottesville Residency
434 -293 -0011
cc Bill Fritz, David Benish, Juan Wade, Elaine Echols, Joan McDowell, Judith Wiegand,
Margaret Maliszewski, David Pennock, Francis McCall, Jon Sharp, Summer Frederick, Patrick
Lawrence, and John Giometti
SDP - 2008 -00040 Final TouchFrom: Denunzio, Joel D., P.E.
Joel .Denunzio @VDOT.virginia.gov]
Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 1:38 PM
To: Summer Frederick
Cc: Amy Pflaum
Subject: SDP - 2008 -00040 Final Touch
SDP - 2008 -00040 Final Touch
I received a copy of the above site plan directly from DDR and have the
following comments:
Previous comments have been addressed.
The proposed ROW line falls outside of the back of the curb but in the
middle of the sidewalk. VDOT prefers that the ROW be placed 1 foot outside of
the sidewalk. If this is not possible due to the setback requirements of the
existing structure, the sidewalk will need a maintenance agreement, permit and
bond with VDOT.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Joel DeNunzio, P.E.
Staff Engineer
434 -293 -0011 Ext. 120
joel.denunzio @vdot.virginia.gov
John Paul Diez
From:John Paul Diez
Sent:Tuesday, June 14, 2011 10:01 AM
To:Megan Yaniglos
Subject:Final Touch - SDP200800040
Engineering is approving the preliminary site plan for Final Touch with the condition that the future 18' gravel driveway
is outside of the 50' boundary of the existing stream buffer. Please refer to Section 17 -321.2 of the Albemarle County
Thank you,
John Diez
Engineering Technician
Dept. of Community Development
434) 296 -5832 Ext. 3025