HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200800060 Assessment - Groundwater 2008-03-13Virginia Groundwater Science -based Well Drilling Virginia Groundwater LL Nick H. Evans PhD CPG 4609 Burnley Station Road Barboursville, Virginia 22923 www.virginiagroundwater.com March 13, 2008 Pastor Bill Willis Charlottesville First Church of the Nazerene 1011 Elliot Avenue Charlottesville, VA 22902 Dear Pastor Willis: I have completed investigations on the Edgehill Property (TM 79- 10 -B), intended to identify environmental conditions that could negatively impact the proposed construction and subsequent operation of a church on that site. The focal points of the investigation were: Evaluate the hydrogeologic setting of the parcel with respect to groundwater recharge and flow paths Examine historical land uses on site and on adjoining parcels to identify environmental conditions that pose threats to groundwater Determine the Specific Capacity of an existing well on the Edgehill parcel by conducting a 48 -hour pumping test Assess likelihood of contamination of the existing well from documented petroleum releases on two adjoining properties Assess possible impacts of the proposed church on existing users of groundwater on adjoining parcels. My findings are summarized below. Supporting documents are included as attachments under separate cover. Summary of findings: 1) Groundwater flow on the parcel is in a southerly direction, with recharge to the north, on the flanks of Southwest Mountain, and discharge to the south, into the Riivanna River. 2) The parcel under study has been in light agricultural land use for many decades, and has not undergone any development. There are no existing environmental conditions on the parcel itself that could negatively impact groundwater either on site or on adjoining parcels. Adjoining properties to the south have been developed for retail and light industrial uses. There are documented petroleum releases on two of these properties, within 1000 feet of the parcel under study. Each of these releases is listed as a "closed case" by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, meaning clean -up and mitigation actions are complete. 3) A continuous 48 -hour pumping test was conducted on the existing Edgehill well at the northeast comer of the parcel. During the test, drawdown in the well stabilized at 96 feet (128 feet below top of casing), at a discharge rate of 11.2 gallons per minute (GPM). The Specific Capacity of the well is 0.12 GPM per foot of drawdown. The maximum safe pumping rate for this well is 23 GPM, at which rate the stabilized drawdown would be about 191 feet (223 feet below top of casing), which is just above the depth of the water bearing zone reported by the driller. 4) Following the continuous 48 -hour pumping test, samples were collected and transported to Pro Chem Analytical, Inc. in Roanoke, VA for analysis. Three different analyses were performed, testing presence of petroleum hydrocarbons. No trace of petroleum hydrocarbons was found in any of these samples. 5) The proposed use of groundwater by the church is not consumptive, in the sense that much of the water pumped from the ground will be returned to the ground through a drain field. No impacts are to be anticipated from the proposed church for existing users of groundwater on adjoining properties. No negative long -term impacts are anticipated for regional groundwater resources from development of the proposed church. In conclusion, I have found no environmental conditions related to this site that would negatively impact the proposed construction and subsequent operation of the church. Please contact me if you have questions or would like to discuss these findings. Virginia Groundwater LLC Attachments: 1) Hydrogeologic Assessment 2) Report, Pumping Test of Existing Well 3) Certificate of Analysis, ProChem Analytical, Inc. Virginia Groundwater Science -based Well Drilling Virginia Groundwater LLC Nick H. Evans PhD CPG 4609 Burnley Station Road Barboursville, Virginia 22923 www.virginiagroundwater.com March 11, 2008 Pastor Bill Willis Charlottesville First Church of the Nazerene 1011 Elliot Avenue Charlottesville, VA 22902 Attachment 1: Hydrogeologic Assessment, future site of Charlottesville First Church of the Nazerene, Edgehill Farm, Shadwell (TM 79 -10 -B) Virginia Groundwater LLC has performed a hydrogeologic assessment of the proposed church site at Shadwell. The purpose of this study was to Examine historical land uses on site and on adjoining parcels to identify environmental conditions that pose threats to groundwater Evaluate the hydrogeologic setting of the parcel with respect to groundwater recharge and flow paths Assess possible impacts of the proposed church on existing users of groundwater on adjoining parcels. In particular, the study focused on groundwater management concerns specified in Article 4 of the Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance (Groundwater Assessment). Key Findings Albemarle County hydrogeologic unit: IE (Blue Ridge East). Albemarle County Groundwater availability zone: Class 2 (medium relative groundwater availability). Is the site within a designated Albemarle County groundwater sensitivity zone? Yes, two LUST sites are within 1000 feet. Groundwater flow pattem: Generally southerly, with recharge to the north on the flanks of Southwest Mountain, and discharge to the south into the Rivanna River. Contamination threats on record: Petroleum releases documented at Shadwell Grocery and GOCO fuel depot, both within 1000 feet. These are both listed as closed cases by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. Additional contaminant threats observed in field reconnaissance? No. Impacts of proposed development on existing users of groundwater? None are anticipated. Are hydrogeologic conditions favorable to proposed use? Yes. BMP recommendations for proposed development: Implement runoff - neutral site planning and development insofar as practicable. Location map showing proposed site of Charlottesville First Church of the Nazerene, existing well, estimated groundwater flow paths, and sites of known petroleum releases h, (' <\ ,,` I 1, ,_ •, i (ms I 1 ~ / l r`_ \`' ( 'f -- j rte. t. r 1 f t '\ o ` \ _ ``N '• \. Discussion Historical land uses: The site of the proposed church is a 7.3 -acre parcel that has been a part of Edgehill Farm for many years. The parcel was cut off from the major holdings of Edgehill by site of proposed church e existing well a site of historic petroleum release y estimated groundwater flow paths construction of Interstate Highway 64 in the 1960's. The land has been in use for hay or grazing for many years. No other historic uses are known. No environmental conditions have been identified on site that would pose threats to groundwater. The parcel is bounded on the north by 1 -64, and Edgehill Farm, beyond that highway. To the south, the property is bounded by State Route 22. Parcels to the south of Rt. 22 are in commercial use. Releases of petroleum from underground storage tanks have been documented on two of these parcels: DEQ #19891392, GOCO Bulk Plant, 23 June 1989, case closed DEQ #19941266, Shadwell Food Mart, 14 December 1994, case closed. The fact that these cases are classified by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality as "closed" means that clean -up and mitigation activities have been carried out in accordance with DEQ standards. Hydrogeologic setting: The site is located within metamorphosed volcanic rocks (greenstone) of Catoctin Formation. The contact between the greenstone and overlying metamorphosed siltstones is immediately southeast of the parcel. The greenstone bedrock underlying this parcel does not contain primary intergranular porosity through which groundwater might pass. Groundwater flow is confined to bedrock fractures and fissures. No significant linear features, fracture traces or structural features were identified on air photos or other maps that provide definitive indicators of bedrock fracture orientation on this parcel. However, the parcel is positioned directly south of Southwest Mountain, in an area where north -south bedrock fractures serve as conduits for groundwater that recharges on the flanks of the mountain. Groundwater flow beneath the parcel is estimated to be generally southerly, with recharge to the north on the flanks of Southwest Mountain, and discharge to the south into the Rivanna River. The predicted groundwater flow direction suggests that it is unlikely that any residuum from petroleum releases on nearby parcels to the south will impact groundwater on the church parcel. In order to be more confident that this is indeed the case, a multi -day pumping test was conducted on the existing well, and water samples were analyzed following the test. No traces of contaminants were found (attachments 2 and 3). Impacts of the proposed church on existing users of groundwater: Existing users of groundwater that would potentially be impacted by the church are those situated down the hydraulic gradient from the church, which include businesses directly to the south of the parcel. Given the relatively large capacity of the existing well on the Edgehill parcel, it is not anticipated that there will be any adverse impact on existing groundwater users on adjacent parcels. The proposed use of groundwater by the church is not consumptive, in the sense that much of the water pumped from the ground will be returned to the ground through a drain field. At 20+ gallons per minute capacity (28800 gallons per day), the existing well on the parcel is capable of supplying far more water than will be pumped by the church under normal circumstances. This over - supply of capacity means that the aquiferfeedingthechurchwellwillnotlikelybedrawndownbythechurch's use of water, to the extent that existing users of groundwaerWgroundwater lresourpCesfrnm development long -term impacts are anticipate d o regional of the proposed church. CPG :0 0 ' r Virginia Groundwater Science -based Well Drilling Virginia Groundwater LLC Nick H. Evans PhD CPG 4609 Burnley Station Road Barboursville, Virginia 22923 www.virginiagroundwater.com March 11, 2008 Pastor Bill Willis Charlottesville First Church of the Nazerene 1011 Elliot Avenue Charlottesville, VA 22902 Attachment 2: Report, pumping test of existing well at future site of Charlottesville First Church of the Nazerene, Edgehill Farm, Shadwell Between January 28 and February 8, 2008, Virginia Groundwater LLC conducted pumping tests on the existing well at the northeast corner of the Edgehill Property (TM 79- 10 -B). The purpose of this effort was to continuously pump the well over a period of 48 hours while monitoring water levels in order to (a) determine the specific capacity sustainable yield) of the well, and (b) collect samples for analysis in order to determine whether contaminants from nearby petroleum releases would be drawn into the well by such an extended period of pumping. As it turned out, there were two pump failures during attempts to complete the test, which resulted in the well being pumped for a total of about 84 hours, with two recoveries, between January 28 and February 8, 2008. The first attempt was aborted when the pump failed after 35 hours of pumping (no samples collected); the second pump failure occurred one hour into the test. The third attempt was begun on February 6 and successfully completed February 8. Details of that test are presented below. 2/6/08, 09:15: The well was plumbed with at tape and total depth measured at 314 feet below top of casing (BTC). Static water level was measured at 32 feet BTC. At this point the well was fully recovered following the second pump failure. A continuous water level recorder (INSITU Mini - Troll) was lowered into the well and positioned at the bottom of the well. A Digital flow meter was installed on the field hydrant adjacent to the well. The pumping portion of the test was started at 09:37. The discharge at the hydrant was fully opened. The initial flow rate from the discharges was 11.8 gallons per minute (GPM). Water levels were recorded every 60 seconds throughout the test. The complete data set is available on request; the following are representative drawdown data: 10 :37: total drawdown = 24' flow rate = 11.8 GPM 11:37: total drawdown = 38' 12:37 total drawdown = 47' 14:37 total drawdown = 60' 16:37 total drawdown = 69' 20:37 total drawdown = 80' 2/7/08 0:37 total drawdown = 87' 06:37 total drawdown = 91' 12:37 total drawdown = 93' 18:37 total drawdown = 94' 2/8/08 0:37 total drawdown = 96' 09:37 total drawdown = 96' flow rate = 11.2 GPM end of pumping portion of test) 15:37 total drawdown = 24' end of recovery portion of test). Discussion The Specific Capacity of a well, generally expressed as gallons per minute per foot ofdrawdown, reflects the yield of a well per unit of drawdown, and enables calculation of the maximum sustainable yield of a well. Maximum sustainable yield is the largestamountofwaterthatcanbepumpedfromawellonalongtermbasiswithoutdrawingdownthewellbelowsafelimits (commonly defined as below the level of water entering the well). In the case of the Edgehill well, the Specific Capacity relative to this 48 -hour pumping test equals 11.4 GPM (average) / 96 feet drawdown, or 0.12 GPM per foot drawdown. If the well were pumped at 20 GPM for 48 hours, it can be predicted on the basis of thisSpecificCapacitythatdrawdownwouldstabilizeatabout166feet, or 198 feet BTC (20 GPM / 0.12 GPM/ft). Under these conditions, water levels would be about 32 feet above the major water- bearing zone reported by the driller at 230 feet. A pumping rate of 23 GPM would result in drawdown of 191 feet, or 223 feet BTC. Thisisjustabovethewater - bearing zone at 230 feet, and represents the maximum sustainable yield of this well. It would be prudent to size the pump in this well at a maximum of 20 GPM. Testing conducted & data analyzed y Nick H. Evans PhD Virginia Groundwater LLC 434 - 466 -1280 Certificate of Analysis HEM PCAOrder No. 417759 ( 71-C (4 -( (-T" Rlncorrk'Final Report Prepared for: Mr. Nick Evans Virginia Groundwater LLC 4609 Burnley Station Road Barboursville, VA 22923 Report Date: February 19, 2008 Date Received: February 12, 2008 Project: First Church of the Nazarene Comments: Analytical data are presented on the following pages of this report. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact your project manager at (540) 268 -9884. Respe lly Submitted by: rk- Reviewed and Approved by: Ch I M. Daniel QA/QC Manager Unless otherwise Indicated, all analyses were conducted according to Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th Edition, Test Methods for Evaluation Solid Waste (Physical/Chemical), 3rd Edition, and Methods for the Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, EPA. This report sets forth the results of our analysis of samples delivered to our laboratory and shall not be construed to be a representation by ProChem Analytical Incorporated as to the source or method of procuring such samples_ All reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients and authorization for publication of any statements contained in our reports Is reserved pending our written consent 6040 North Fork Rood Elliston, Virginia 24087 Phone: (540) 268 -9884 Fox: (540) 268 -2755 Page 1 of 2 BRO HEM Anolvti(:ollncorporoLedE Final Report 0/49/01108PCAOrderNo.: 417759 Report Date: Client: Virginia Groundwater LLC Project: First Church of the NazalIne Sample Number:417759-01 Date Collected:218/2008 Time Collected:09:30 Description: ShadwelI#1 Matrix: Drinking Water Sample Type. Grab Surrogates for this sample met acceptance criteria. 6040 North Fork Road Elliston, Virginia 24087 Phone: (540) 268-9884 Fox: (540) 268-2755 Page 2 of 2 Reporting Date Time Analwis Result Limit Units Analyzed Analyzed An. alyst Method Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons-DRO 0.10 0.10 mgA-2/17/2008 01:03 MAB SW-846 80158 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons-GRO 0.05 0.05 mg/-2114/2008 12:11 DJH SW-846 80156 Surrogates for this sample set met acceptance criteria. pH of sample aliquot was <2 at time of analysis. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons -ORO 0.30 0.30 MgA-2/18/2008 10:42 MAB SW-846 8015B Surrogates for this sample met acceptance criteria. 6040 North Fork Road Elliston, Virginia 24087 Phone: (540) 268-9884 Fox: (540) 268-2755 Page 2 of 2 6040 North Fork Road Phone VA 24087 Phone (540) 268 -9884 Rnolyticol Incorporocmd FAX( 540) 268- 2755 Analytical Request and Chain of Custody Form Please Print. See Chain of Custody Instructions for additional help it corresponding 1. Mail Report to: 4. Project Name ul tPt 7 e Ut V 1 C V 6. Sample Type Check One Company Name:tz6 G Ra U P ( 'z— Attention:Mr Ms.C (, N Address: PR at S 7 iA ( 06f 0 City, State, Zip:U xV /,.C, V to Z 7- q 2, Telephone: Crab 12AU I FAX: Email:N l 116t M1, 4 G fZ QU PCA Order ID # "I I `1 6 9 Page I of Is Order Complete? Yes []No 2. Bill to: Company Name: Attention: Mr. / Ms. Address: City, State, Zip: h. Purchase Orde No.:Quotation No.: 3. Turn Around Time Request Standard Business Day 34 Business Day Rush 2 Business Day Rush Note. All rush tam around times are subject to ProChem Analytical approval and additional fees. LAB USE ONLY 4. Project Name ul tPt 7 e Ut V 1 C V 6. Sample Type Check One 7. Collection Datesfrimes I! n tj u Z m"12. Requested AnalysesPRat B y Composite Composite Crab PCA Sample ID Receipt O 4* _C 1: 4 H Begin End Date( s) /a d o r Number in Lab 6. U.) It Q +r 8 J Date /Time Date /Time Time( s) 5. Sample Location or 1Drn "I 1 C U U c7 l bt' o S U nw - z 1,Neu a 2 gyro k C- <Te q tir Rd Matrix Key:Preservative Key: 13. QA/ QC Package Request (please circle one): 1 It III IV V (Custom) DW - Drudcing Water of -Od ST -Storm Water aw groundwater OT other SU - surface water Noac - Na Preservative NaOH - Sodium Hydroxide H RRcceive iid iCHX%): ZN -Zinc Acetale LE - Leaehato SL - Sludge SO -Solid W" y H CtnHt, OaN:Noz -EDTA l6. Sampter( s) (Printed Name and Signature): 14. Request for Additional Reporting (please check all that apply): via Fax (extra fee after 1" fax) Ovia Email (no extra fee) Ovia CD -ROM (extra fee)G 15. Comments:17. Relinquished by ( Signature): Datefrime ign 7rc): py Datcfrime Lab Use Only: r 17. Relinquished by (Signature): Date/ Time Signature): Datefrime Temperature upon receipt in lab = ` °C Samples Transported on ice? EpYes QNo QN /A 17. Relinquished by (Signature): Dateffimc 18. Received by (Signature): Date/ Time PCA Project Manager: Method of Shipment: 0 PCA Personnel 0 Client Personnel UPS 1 1 { FedEx Airborne USPS Other i