HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200800002 Plan - Approved 2008-08-18MINOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT - ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUPER 8 MOTEL CHARLOTTESVILLE V IA f+ } ' v Y X1.1 n ti Y • ` f t r- n, ? 0 try 7 f 3Ir„ , x t rt f„ R it 1, SHEET N Mu DRAWING TITLE Q- Ti TITLE SHEET 1<1)vV T.:2 GENERAL NOTES, AND ABBREVIAMONS lJ CML \ 0.0.0 SITE SURVEY - PREPARED BY TERRA ENGINEERING uJuEXISTINGCONDITIONSDEMOLITIONSITEPLAN " IS j SITE LAYOUT GRADING PLAN 1 ENLARGED SITE LAYOUT GRADING PLAN ( A 3.0 LANDSCAPE PLAN (/ • o STRUCTURAL NOT INCLUDED - TO BE RELEASED AT A LATER GATE ARCHITECTURAL AV CANOPY PLAN A1.2 ROOF PLAN ( A13 PHOTOMETRICS AND LIGHTING PLAN ton17DEPARTMENT APPROVALS 27 t PROCESS (ARB 2008 -00021 SUPER 8 MOTEL - NEW ENTRANCE CANOPY). THE ARB HAS "APPROVED" THIS PROJECT. OF COMMUNITY DEVL.EOPMENT PLANNER/ZONING ENGINEER sip ARCHITECTS PLC (DRAWINGS DATED 12/12/07). INSPECTIONS e. SHEET N Mu DRAWING TITLE Q- Ti TITLE SHEET 1<1)vV T.:2 GENERAL NOTES, AND ABBREVIAMONS lJ CML \ 0.0.0 SITE SURVEY - PREPARED BY TERRA ENGINEERING uJuEXISTINGCONDITIONSDEMOLITIONSITEPLAN " IS j SITE LAYOUT GRADING PLAN 1 ENLARGED SITE LAYOUT GRADING PLAN ( A 3.0 LANDSCAPE PLAN (/ • o STRUCTURAL NOT INCLUDED - TO BE RELEASED AT A LATER GATE ARCHITECTURAL AV CANOPY PLAN A1.2 ROOF PLAN ( A13 PHOTOMETRICS AND LIGHTING PLAN 1% OMER BUILDING AREAS & PARKING: N-l Y MEHTA Approximate Existing building size........ +/- 7,400 SF CHAXU, INC.. Reference. SDP- Minor Site Plan Amendment X EAST 29TH STREET (assume 3 stories ® 144 x 50 inside exterior BUENA VISTA, V4 Owner: CHAXU, Inc. walls - plus 1 story space ® 23' x 8') 434- 913 -OW (Sups 8 - CWID"") P Number of existing motel rooms............ 64 rentable Tax Map ;: 61W, Section 1, Block A, Parcel 5A rooms A Approximate new construction Covered unenclosed space ....................... 460 SFZoning: Highway Commercial Route NorthMITCHELL / MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS E PLANNERS g g y / R 29 Nh Q, v _ Enclosed space .......... ............................... NPRCIJ. hUNAGER MARK BRMICKERHOFF Entrance Corridor Overlay District A P o sox 5603 P /Y Q Uses MotelCHARLOTTESVILLE, A 71905 y 434.797550 - W 434".00 - 400thdma com Parking required for motel use ................. 64 spaces sAcreage: 1.2 +/- (based on 2008 survey) cn spaceace Pe r motel room) E—' Total parking available ............................ M spaces 5nkCR- ENC" 4 Location: 390 Greenbrier Drive approximately SITE AREAS: f ., r WNW, MIM WILLIAMS, PRTMAN II: Vk*HN 225 feet west of U.S. Highway 29. PRCU. MANAGER -STEVE BARBER C7 Z TOTAL 1986 impervious site area.......... +/- 27,640 SF 110 THIRD STREET• N.E. CHARLOTTESVILLE, MNIA 71901 '-•+ 434.199.5m FAX 434 .9T /.5191- >fborbrrldnNgv TOTAL site within 1986 can Z ARB : Albemarle County ARB reviewed &approved. Q property lines.. + /- 1.23 acres Z ARB2008 -00021 Super 8 Motel - New Entrance r.-a 04 0 Canopy ............................. +/- 2, 45 SFProposedNewAsphalt2 LAND SuRVEt'R N Magesterial District: Rio TOTAL impervious site area .................... + /- 29,885 SF TOTAL site within 2008 property lines.. +/- 1.2 acres TERRA ENGINEERING AND LAND SOLUTIONS, PC 8 PRCU. MANAGER - STEVE D MR f Y ' 415 4TH STREET, NE Z PROJECT DESCRIPTION GHARLOTTE9VILLE,YAl2901 BUILDING CODE: 2003 VUSBC ( 2003 IBC (Note: S eet widen' g between 1986 & 2008 reduced 434.144.0600 - FAX 434.9'15.0900 O site by +(- 0.03 acres R -1 a New entrance canopy & associated site work:USE GROUP: GEM& COHTRAM Q Selectively remove existing pavement & sidewalk r. w CONSTRUCTION TYPE: 5B U •Construct new foundation &canopy structure Q Re -grade & construct new pavement & sidewalk O w • Install new landscape plant materials U Q • Refurbish existing trash enclosure f V 1 MITCHELL / MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS 1W t 434 9". 7550 Fox 454 . 5220 r V , ton17DEPARTMENT APPROVALS MATE THERE IS AN ARB SUBMITTAL THAT HAS BEEN AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS MINOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS (ARB 2008 -00021 SUPER 8 MOTEL - NEW ENTRANCE CANOPY). THE ARB HAS "APPROVED" THIS PROJECT. OF COMMUNITY DEVL.EOPMENT PLANNER/ZONING ENGINEER sip ARCHITECTS PLC (DRAWINGS DATED 12/12/07). INSPECTIONS 8 Z • ARB r DEPARTMENT OF FIRE RESCUE 3. SECOND SUBMITTAL PRESENTED TO COUNTY ON OR ABOUT 7/2/08. REVISIONS TO PLANS DEVLOPED BY ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY lV MITCHELL MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS, WITH CHANGES BASED ON REVIEW COMMENTS FROM COUNTY VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING, P&Z AND THE ARB. SUBMITTAL'S SHEET SIZE IS A 24X36 FORMAT AND IN CONJUNCTION HEALTH DEPARTMENT r 1% OMER BUILDING AREAS & PARKING: N-l Y MEHTA Approximate Existing building size........ +/- 7,400 SF CHAXU, INC.. Reference. SDP- Minor Site Plan Amendment X EAST 29TH STREET (assume 3 stories ® 144 x 50 inside exterior BUENA VISTA, V4 Owner: CHAXU, Inc. walls - plus 1 story space ® 23' x 8') 434- 913 -OW (Sups 8 - CWID"") P Number of existing motel rooms............ 64 rentable Tax Map ;: 61W, Section 1, Block A, Parcel 5A rooms A Approximate new construction Covered unenclosed space ....................... 460 SFZoning: Highway Commercial Route NorthMITCHELL / MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS E PLANNERS g g y / R 29 Nh Q, v _ Enclosed space .......... ............................... NPRCIJ. hUNAGER MARK BRMICKERHOFF Entrance Corridor Overlay District A P o sox 5603 P /Y Q Uses MotelCHARLOTTESVILLE, A 71905 y 434.797550 - W 434".00 - 400thdma com Parking required for motel use ................. 64 spaces sAcreage: 1.2 +/- (based on 2008 survey) cn spaceace Pe r motel room) E—' Total parking available ............................ M spaces 5nkCR- ENC" 4 Location: 390 Greenbrier Drive approximately SITE AREAS: f ., r WNW, MIM WILLIAMS, PRTMAN II: Vk*HN 225 feet west of U.S. Highway 29. PRCU. MANAGER -STEVE BARBER C7 Z TOTAL 1986 impervious site area.......... +/- 27,640 SF 110 THIRD STREET• N.E. CHARLOTTESVILLE, MNIA 71901 '-•+ 434.199.5m FAX 434 .9T /.5191- >fborbrrldnNgv TOTAL site within 1986 can Z ARB : Albemarle County ARB reviewed &approved. Q property lines.. + /- 1.23 acres Z ARB2008 -00021 Super 8 Motel - New Entrance r.-a 04 0 Canopy ............................. +/- 2, 45 SFProposedNewAsphalt2 LAND SuRVEt'R N Magesterial District: Rio TOTAL impervious site area .................... + /- 29,885 SF TOTAL site within 2008 property lines.. +/- 1.2 acres TERRA ENGINEERING AND LAND SOLUTIONS, PC 8 PRCU. MANAGER - STEVE D MR f Y ' 415 4TH STREET, NE Z PROJECT DESCRIPTION GHARLOTTE9VILLE,YAl2901 BUILDING CODE: 2003 VUSBC ( 2003 IBC (Note: S eet widen' g between 1986 & 2008 reduced 434.144.0600 - FAX 434.9'15.0900 O site by +(- 0.03 acres R -1 a New entrance canopy & associated site work:USE GROUP: GEM& COHTRAM Q Selectively remove existing pavement & sidewalk r. w CONSTRUCTION TYPE: 5B U •Construct new foundation &canopy structure Q Re -grade & construct new pavement & sidewalk O w • Install new landscape plant materials U Q • Refurbish existing trash enclosure f V 1 MITCHELL / MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS 1W t 434 9". 7550 Fox 454 . 5220 r V , THIS SUBMITTAL IS INTENDED TO FULFILL THE COUNTY'S REQUIREMENTS FOR A MINOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT. THERE IS AN ARB SUBMITTAL THAT HAS BEEN AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS MINOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS (ARB 2008 -00021 SUPER 8 MOTEL - NEW ENTRANCE CANOPY). THE ARB HAS "APPROVED" THIS PROJECT. CHRONOLOGY OF PAST SUBMITTALS: 1. ORIGINAL SUBMITTAL PRESENTED TO COUNTY ON OR ABOUT 1/4/08. PLANS PREPARED BY RGL ARCHITECTS PLC (DRAWINGS DATED 12/12/07). 2. REPLACEMENT SUBMITTAL PRESENTED TO COUNTY ON OR ABOUT 3/26/08. NEW PLANS DEVEOLPED BY MITCHELL MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS - (DRAWINGS DATED 3/24/08) AND REPLACE RGL ARCHITECT'S ORIGINAL SUBMITTAL. SUBMITTAL'S SHEET SIZE IS AN 11X17 FORMAT AND IN CONJUNCTION WITH AN ARB SUBMITTAL. 3. SECOND SUBMITTAL PRESENTED TO COUNTY ON OR ABOUT 7/2/08. REVISIONS TO PLANS DEVLOPED BY Cz MITCHELL MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS, WITH CHANGES BASED ON REVIEW COMMENTS FROM COUNTY ENGINEERING, P&Z AND THE ARB. SUBMITTAL'S SHEET SIZE IS A 24X36 FORMAT AND IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. r 4. FINAL SUBMITTAL - THIS CURRENT SUBMITTAL - PRESENTED TO COUNTY ON OR ABOUT 8/5/08. WITH MINOR REVISIONS BASED ON COUNTY COMMENTS. THIS PROJECT CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING SIGNIFICANT ISSUES: NEW ENTRANCE CANOPY ADDITION TO THE EXISTING MOTEL. NEW GRADING & RE- PAVING TO FACILITATE ENTRY DRIVE TO CANOPY. P IMPROVEMENTS TO EXISTING LANDSCAPE. QV Z REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING BUILDING'S ROOFING WITH NEW METAL ROOF. - RE- PAVING OF THE TRASH DUMPSTER PAD AND APRON. OTHER MINOR ITEMS. O 1% OMER BUILDING AREAS & PARKING: N-l Y MEHTA Approximate Existing building size........ +/- 7,400 SF CHAXU, INC.. Reference. SDP- Minor Site Plan Amendment X EAST 29TH STREET (assume 3 stories ® 144 x 50 inside exterior BUENA VISTA, V4 Owner: CHAXU, Inc. walls - plus 1 story space ® 23' x 8') 434- 913 -OW (Sups 8 - CWID"") P Number of existing motel rooms............ 64 rentable Tax Map ;: 61W, Section 1, Block A, Parcel 5A rooms A Approximate new construction Covered unenclosed space ....................... 460 SFZoning: Highway Commercial Route NorthMITCHELL / MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS E PLANNERS g g y / R 29 Nh Q, v _ Enclosed space .......... ............................... NPRCIJ. hUNAGER MARK BRMICKERHOFF Entrance Corridor Overlay District A P o sox 5603 P /Y Q Uses MotelCHARLOTTESVILLE, A 71905 y 434.797550 - W 434".00 - 400thdma com Parking required for motel use ................. 64 spaces sAcreage: 1.2 +/- (based on 2008 survey) cn spaceace Per motel room) E—' Total parking available ............................ M spaces 5nkCR- ENC" 4 Location: 390 Greenbrier Drive approximately SITE AREAS: f ., r WNW, MIM WILLIAMS, PRTMAN II: Vk*HN 225 feet west of U.S. Highway 29. PRCU. MANAGER -STEVE BARBER C7 Z TOTAL 1986 impervious site area.......... +/- 27,640 SF 110 THIRD STREET• N.E. CHARLOTTESVILLE, MNIA 71901 '-•+ 434.199.5m FAX 434 .9T /.5191- >fborbrrldnNgv TOTAL site within 1986 can Z ARB : Albemarle County ARB reviewed &approved. Q property lines.. + /- 1.23 acres Z ARB2008 -00021 Super 8 Motel - New Entrance r.-a 04 0 Canopy ............................. +/- 2, 45 SFProposedNewAsphalt2 LAND SuRVEt'R N Magesterial District: Rio TOTAL impervious site area .................... + /- 29,885 SF TOTAL site within 2008 property lines.. +/- 1.2 acres TERRA ENGINEERING AND LAND SOLUTIONS, PC 8 PRCU. MANAGER - STEVE D MR f Y ' 415 4TH STREET, NE Z PROJECT DESCRIPTION GHARLOTTE9VILLE,YAl2901 BUILDING CODE: 2003 VUSBC ( 2003 IBC (Note: S eet widen' g between 1986 & 2008 reduced 434.144.0600 - FAX 434.9'15.0900 O site by +(- 0.03 acres R -1 a New entrance canopy & associated site work:USE GROUP: GEM& COHTRAM Q Selectively remove existing pavement & sidewalk r. w CONSTRUCTION TYPE: 5B U •Construct new foundation &canopy structure Q Re -grade & construct new pavement & sidewalk O w • Install new landscape plant materials U Q • Refurbish existing trash enclosure f V 1 MITCHELL / MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS 1W t 434 9". 7550 Fox 454 . 5220 r V , O V John F. Matthm Cent. No. 6769 This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be repro- duced or used without the express permission of the Architect. The contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report any discrepancies to the Architect COVER SHEET PROJECT DATE Aua 5,2W8 DRAWN MB CHECKED REVIEWED - Cz a r O W H Z Z O W W U W x E"'z U O O O1 W M 00 W W za D C/) O V John F. Matthm Cent. No. 6769 This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be repro- duced or used without the express permission of the Architect. The contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report any discrepancies to the Architect COVER SHEET PROJECT DATE Aua 5,2W8 DRAWN MB CHECKED REVIEWED - DRAWING NUMBER SHEET NUMBER WHERE DRAWING 15 LOCATED SHEET NUMBER WHERE DRAWING 15 TAKEN i DRAWING NUMBER 2 SHEET NUMBER WHERE SECTION DRAWING 15 LOCATED SHEET NUMBER WHERE DRAWING 15 TAKEN DRAWING NUMBER SHEET NUMBER WHERE DRAWING 15 LOCATED A1.0 A1.4 L AV SHEET NUMBER WHERE DRAWING 15 TAKEN ADDITIONAL SHEET REFERENCES i DETAIL ENLARGEMENT I I ELEVATION NUMBER, TYP. X INTERIORXX 2 GRID UNES I i ROOM ROOM NAME AND NUMBS O ABBR LABEL ABBR LABEL ABBR LABEL drawings and other trades. The contractor shall adhere to the lighting layout and fixture type ABV ABOVE FLR FLOOR (LNG)PL PLATE 0 AFF ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR FD FLOOR DRAIN PLUMB PLUMBING 4 A.P.ACCESS PANEL FTG FOOTING PLWD PLYWOOD GLAZING TYPE ACT ACCUSTK.AL TILE FR FRAME (D) (PIG)PNT POINT pre paration, prior to construction No extra charges shall be allowed for the contractor's ADD ADDENDUM FS FLOOR SINK PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE AQJ AtI.IAGENT FBO FURNISHED BY OTHERS PGF POUNDS PER CUBIC FEET Z W A/C AIR CONDITIONING and lighting issues. All other trades - including electrical system design - is Design - Build, and PLF POUNDS PER LINEAL FOOT is the responsibility of the contractor. The Desi n Build work includes electrical - but maPtY9 - y AHU AR HANDLING UNIT GA GAUGE PSI POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH ALUM ALUMINUM GALV GALANIZED PGc PRECAST CONCRETE AQA AMEX/NS WITH DISABILITIES ACT GG GENERAL CONTRACTOR PT PRESSURE TREATED A.B.ANCHOR BOLTS GB GRAB BAR PROD.PRODUCT ARA AREA OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE OD GRADE, GRADING ARCH ARCHITECT (URAL)GYP GYPSUM QT QUARRY TILE ASPH ASPHALT GYP. BD,GYPSUM DRY WAIL AWI ARCHITECTURAI. WOODWORK INSTITUTE RAD RADIUS BSMT BASEMENT HDWR HARDWARE RWL RAN WATER LEADER SM BEAM HDR HEADER REF REFERENCE BRG BEARING HTG HEATING RFL REFLECT (ED) (IVE) (OR) BLK BLACK HVAC HEATINGNENTILATING AR CONDITIONING REFR REFRIGERATOR BLKG BLOCKING RGP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE BD.BOW HT HEIGHT REQ D REQUIRED BOT BOTTOM HM HOLLOW METAL RA RETURN AIR BLDG BUILDING HOR HORIZONTAL REV REVISION (5), REVISED HB HOSE BIB RH RIGHT HAND GAB CABINET H \VH HOT WATER HEATER P.O.W.RIGHT OF WAY GSMT CASEMENT HR HOUR FRO ROOF DRAIN CL a CEILING RFG ROOFING GL CENTER LINE INGL INCLUDING RM ROOM GM CENTIMETER INS INSULATE (D) (ION)R.O.ROUGH OPENING CT CERAMIC TILE I.J.INSULATION JOINT RS RISER CIR GRCLE INT INTERIOR CIRC GRGUMFRENCE Jc JANITOR'S CLOSET SCH SCHEDULE COL COLUMN JT JOINT SECT SECTION Gomm COMMUNICATIONS JST JOIST SHT SHEET CONC.CONCRETE Sim SIMILAR CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT K.F KRAFT FACED SG SOLID GORE cONST CONSTRUCTION S SOUTH CONT.CONTINUOUS OR CONTINUE LBL LABEL SPED SPECIFICATION (5) G.J.CONTROL JOINT LAB LABORATORY SO SQUARE GS COUNTER SINK LB LAG BOLT STD STANDARD COOR COORDINATE LAM LAMINATED ST STEEL GORR.CORRIDOR LAV LAVATORY STO STORAGE GFT CUBIC FOOT L.H.LEFT HAND SO STORM DRAIN CYD CUBIC YARD LT LIGHT STRUCT.STRUCTURAL LL LIVE LCIAD SYM SYMMETRY (ICAL) DL DEAD LQAD SYN SYNTHETIC DEMO DEMOLISH OR DEMOLITION MFR MANUIWWRE (ER)SYS SYSTEM D DEPTH MAS MASONRY OTL DETAIL M.O.MASONRY OPENING TEL TELEPHONE DIA.DIAMETER MTL MATERIAL (5)TV TELEVISION DIM.DIMENSION MAX MAXIMUM TEMP I TEMPORARY OR DOOR MECH MECHANIC (AL)THK THICK (NESS) DH DOUBLEHUNG MED MEDIUM TPO TOILET PAPER DISPENSER DS DOWNSPOUT MET MEW TOL TOLERANCE DI DRAIN INTLET M METER TOM TOP OF MASONRY DWG DRAWING MM MILJMETER T $ G TONGUE AND GROOVE OF DRINKING FOUNTAIN MIN MINIMUM TB TOWS. BAR EA EACH MN MINUTE TRD TREAD E EAST 1-1I5c MISCELLANEOUS TRTO TREATED ELEC ELECTRIC MR MOISTURE RESISTANT TS TUBULAR STEEL EWH ELECTRIC WATER HEATER MLA MOULDING TYP TYPICAL. EL ELEVATION MT MOUNT ) (ING ELEV.ELEVATOR UL UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES EMER.EMERGENCY N.E.R.NATIONAL EVALUATION REPORT UFAS UNIFORM FEDERAL ACCESSIBUTY STANDARD ENG ENCLOSE (URE)NOM NOMINAL EQ EQUAL.N NORTH USBC UNIFORM 5rATEWIDE BUILDING CODE EQUIP.EQUIPTMFJNT N.I.G.NOT IN CONTRACT UON UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ETC.ET CETERA N.T.G.NOT TO SCALE UR URINAL EXG EXISTING NO. NUM #NUMBER E.B.EXPANSION BOLT VB VAPOR BARRIER E.J.EXPANSION JOINT O.G.ON CENTER V.I.F.VERIFY IN FIELD V!ll EXT.EXTERIOR OPG OPENING VERT I VERTICAL zE.I.F.5.EXTERIOR INSULATION FINISH SYSTEM OPP OPPOSITE VAT VINYL ASBESTOS TILE OPP. H.OPPOSITE HAND VB VINYL BASE O FB FACE BRICK OD OUTSIDE DIAMETER VT VINYL. TILE FOG DACE OF CONCRETE CA OVER ALL FOB FACE OF BLOCK WSCT WAINSCOT FOS FACE OF 5TUD PINT PANT WG WATER CLOSET FOW FACE OF WALL PTO PANTED WP WATER PROOFING FGU FAN COIL UNIT PNL PANEL WWM WELDED WIRE MESH FT FEET, FOOT PANIC BAR W WEST FIN.FINISH PAR PARALLEL W WIDTH, WIDE FFE FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION PK PARKING WIN WINDOW FFL FINISH FLOOR LINE PVMT PAVEMENT W/WITH FRT FIRE RETARDW TREATED PERF PERFORATE W/o WITHOUT DRAWING NUMBER SHEET NUMBER WHERE DRAWING 15 LOCATED SHEET NUMBER WHERE DRAWING 15 TAKEN i DRAWING NUMBER 2 SHEET NUMBER WHERE SECTION DRAWING 15 LOCATED SHEET NUMBER WHERE DRAWING 15 TAKEN DRAWING NUMBER SHEET NUMBER WHERE DRAWING 15 LOCATED A1.0 A1.4 L AV SHEET NUMBER WHERE DRAWING 15 TAKEN ADDITIONAL SHEET REFERENCES i DETAIL ENLARGEMENT I I ELEVATION NUMBER, TYP. X INTERIORXX 2 GRID UNES I i 1) Provide a finished, complete and watertight building as described and illustrated in these construction documents. Fully complete all portions of the work, Including those Items of work, finishes, flxtures, equipment or materials that may not be shown but would reasonably be included in a finished project of this nature. Careful and comprehensive coordination of all design -build subcontractors is imperative to ensure that design -build systems are accommodated within the proposed design and without need to request changes to the proposed design. Special attention should be given to coordination with the proposed structural system, proposed ceiling and soffit heights, garage level ceilings, and an extremely tight and restricted site layout Design -build subcontractors are to provide clear and comprehensive design documents for the Owner and Architects review prior to ordering materials or beginning work. 2) Attention is called to the requirements set forth in the project manual dated prepared by Mitchell /Matthews Architects . Planners. 3) All components, systems and all other manufactured articles, materials, components, coatings and equipment shall be applied, Installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned, stored, handled, conditioned and maintained, etc. as per manufacturers recommendations. THERE SHALL BE NO EXCEPTION TO THIS REQUIREMENT WITHOUT THE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE ARCHITECT. Any conflict discrepancy or question concerning these documents or manufacturers' recommendations should be brought in writing, to attention of the Owners Representative before proceeding with the work. All assemblies required to be flre railed must be UL listed or Factory Mutual ratted unless noted otherwise. 4) Equal materials or components to those specified may be considered. Refer to the Project Manual for the required procedure for substitutions and submitting samples or information to Mitchell/Matthews for review before ordering or proceeding with work. 5) All flnished work shall be properly protected from damage by subsequent work or trades. All damage shall be repaired or replaced at the expense of parties responsible for damage. Any surfaces, , ,10 A viols, or equipment developing cracks, tears, dislocations, blemishes, or problems of like nature shall be replaced, repaired or relieved in a manner acceptable to the Owner's Representative. All cost related thereto shall be paid by the contractor without additional cost to Owner. 6) The contractor is responsible for carefully and thoroughly reviewing all drawings and specifications before beginning any work or ordering any materials. Any discrepancies in the drawings should immediately be brought to the attention of the Owners Representative for clarification before proceeding with the work. It Is expected and required that the General Contractor, separate specialized contractors and all sub - contractors be experienced in their trades and shall use workmen who are skilled in their particular field. Quality workmanship and trouble - free construction will be the standard of acceptance. "Standard of the Trade" may not be on acceptable standard. 8) It is further expected that construction shall proceed in compliance whth what is considered to be good building practices. IF THERE IS ANY QUESTION CONCERNING NEED FOR ADDITIONAL DETAIL, METHOD, SUBSTITUTION OF MATERIAL OR EQUIPMENT, ETC.... THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE FOR ADDITIONAL DRAWINGS OR CLARIFICATION OF THE INTENT OF THE DOCUMENTS BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. 9) Do not scale these drawings. Where dimensions are incomplete or directions are not clear, contract the Owner's Representative for clariflcation. 10) All communication with the Architect shall be addressed to: OWNER: PROJECT MANAGER: Vijay Mehta Mark BrinckerhofF GHAXU, Inc. Mfthell / Matthews Architects 447 East 29th Street P0. Box 5603, Charlottesville, Virginia 22905 Buena Vista, VA Tel: 434.979.7550 Fax: 434.979.5220 email: mbOmitchellmaithews.com 11) Where the word "certliy or "certiflcotion" Is used or implied, It shall mean a document signed and/or sealed by a w professional member of the flrm of Mltchell/Matthews Architects $ Planners, attesting that professional services r have been performed by on architect or engineer. The opinions or certiflcotions" rendered are based on that person's r knowledge and information, and In accordance with commonly accepted procedures consistent with applicable Ostandards of professional practice, and is NOT a guorantlee or warranty, either expressed or implied. Z12) IFG 1404.1 - Smoking to be allowed only in designated spaces with proper receptacles. 13) IFC 1404.2 - Waste disposal of combustible debris shall be removed from the building at the end of each workday. 14) Access to the site during demolition and construction shall be maintained. 15) IFG 1404.6 - Cutting and welding: Operations involving the use of cutting and welding shall be done in accordance with Chapter 26 of The International Fire Code, addressing welding and hot work operations. W Z 16) IFG 1414.1 - Fire extinguishers shall be provided with not less than one approved portable flre extinguisher at each stairway on all floor levels where combustible materials have accumulated. U W ROOM ROOM NAME AND NUMBS O WNDOW TYPE i 101 DOOR NUMBER O 911111IRMIO drawings and other trades. The contractor shall adhere to the lighting layout and fixture type Cie)WkL TYPE W O CONCRETE (PLAN) 0 F MOULDING TYPE CMU governing jurisdiction. PLYWOOD / 0513 4 INTERIOR R RRE/ ACCESSORIES EARTH 0 FINISHED WOOD V)G3 GLAZING TYPE 1) Provide a finished, complete and watertight building as described and illustrated in these construction documents. Fully complete all portions of the work, Including those Items of work, finishes, flxtures, equipment or materials that may not be shown but would reasonably be included in a finished project of this nature. Careful and comprehensive coordination of all design -build subcontractors is imperative to ensure that design -build systems are accommodated within the proposed design and without need to request changes to the proposed design. Special attention should be given to coordination with the proposed structural system, proposed ceiling and soffit heights, garage level ceilings, and an extremely tight and restricted site layout Design -build subcontractors are to provide clear and comprehensive design documents for the Owner and Architects review prior to ordering materials or beginning work. 2) Attention is called to the requirements set forth in the project manual dated prepared by Mitchell /Matthews Architects . Planners. 3) All components, systems and all other manufactured articles, materials, components, coatings and equipment shall be applied, Installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned, stored, handled, conditioned and maintained, etc. as per manufacturers recommendations. THERE SHALL BE NO EXCEPTION TO THIS REQUIREMENT WITHOUT THE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE ARCHITECT. Any conflict discrepancy or question concerning these documents or manufacturers' recommendations should be brought in writing, to attention of the Owners Representative before proceeding with the work. All assemblies required to be flre railed must be UL listed or Factory Mutual ratted unless noted otherwise. 4) Equal materials or components to those specified may be considered. Refer to the Project Manual for the required procedure for substitutions and submitting samples or information to Mitchell/Matthews for review before ordering or proceeding with work. 5) All flnished work shall be properly protected from damage by subsequent work or trades. All damage shall be repaired or replaced at the expense of parties responsible for damage. Any surfaces, , ,10 A viols, or equipment developing cracks, tears, dislocations, blemishes, or problems of like nature shall be replaced, repaired or relieved in a manner acceptable to the Owner's Representative. All cost related thereto shall be paid by the contractor without additional cost to Owner. 6) The contractor is responsible for carefully and thoroughly reviewing all drawings and specifications before beginning any work or ordering any materials. Any discrepancies in the drawings should immediately be brought to the attention of the Owners Representative for clarification before proceeding with the work. It Is expected and required that the General Contractor, separate specialized contractors and all sub - contractors be experienced in their trades and shall use workmen who are skilled in their particular field. Quality workmanship and trouble - free construction will be the standard of acceptance. "Standard of the Trade" may not be on acceptable standard. 8) It is further expected that construction shall proceed in compliance whth what is considered to be good building practices. IF THERE IS ANY QUESTION CONCERNING NEED FOR ADDITIONAL DETAIL, METHOD, SUBSTITUTION OF MATERIAL OR EQUIPMENT, ETC.... THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE FOR ADDITIONAL DRAWINGS OR CLARIFICATION OF THE INTENT OF THE DOCUMENTS BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. 9) Do not scale these drawings. Where dimensions are incomplete or directions are not clear, contract the Owner's Representative for clariflcation. 10) All communication with the Architect shall be addressed to: OWNER: PROJECT MANAGER: Vijay Mehta Mark BrinckerhofF GHAXU, Inc. Mfthell / Matthews Architects 447 East 29th Street P0. Box 5603, Charlottesville, Virginia 22905 Buena Vista, VA Tel: 434.979.7550 Fax: 434.979.5220 email: mbOmitchellmaithews.com 11) Where the word "certliy or "certiflcotion" Is used or implied, It shall mean a document signed and/or sealed by a w professional member of the flrm of Mltchell/Matthews Architects $ Planners, attesting that professional services r have been performed by on architect or engineer. The opinions or certiflcotions" rendered are based on that person's r knowledge and information, and In accordance with commonly accepted procedures consistent with applicable Ostandards of professional practice, and is NOT a guorantlee or warranty, either expressed or implied. Z12) IFG 1404.1 - Smoking to be allowed only in designated spaces with proper receptacles. 13) IFC 1404.2 - Waste disposal of combustible debris shall be removed from the building at the end of each workday. 14) Access to the site during demolition and construction shall be maintained. 15) IFG 1404.6 - Cutting and welding: Operations involving the use of cutting and welding shall be done in accordance with Chapter 26 of The International Fire Code, addressing welding and hot work operations. W Z 16) IFG 1414.1 - Fire extinguishers shall be provided with not less than one approved portable flre extinguisher at each stairway on all floor levels where combustible materials have accumulated. U W W ELECTRICAL i W The electrical systems design and installation shall be fully coordinated with the architectural BOA x drawings and other trades. The contractor shall adhere to the lighting layout and fixture type CONCRETE •r • W O CONCRETE (PLAN) f COPPER FLASHING (R.AN) specified light fixtures - and shall comply with all applicable codes and requirements of the CMU governing jurisdiction. PLYWOOD / 0513 4 EARTH 0 FINISHED WOOD Z METAL O r F" locations shall referred t the Architect for resolution / coordination during h win W pre paration, prior to construction No extra charges shall be allowed for the contractor's Z W GRAVEL ALAI KATERIALS LIST FOR GENERAL GUIDk MATERIAL SYMBOL MAY NOT BE SHOWN IN ALL INSTANCES. CONSULT • CLARIFICATIO Z U x 1) Provide a finished, complete and watertight building as described and illustrated in these construction documents. Fully complete all portions of the work, Including those Items of work, finishes, flxtures, equipment or materials that may not be shown but would reasonably be included in a finished project of this nature. Careful and comprehensive coordination of all design -build subcontractors is imperative to ensure that design -build systems are accommodated within the proposed design and without need to request changes to the proposed design. Special attention should be given to coordination with the proposed structural system, proposed ceiling and soffit heights, garage level ceilings, and an extremely tight and restricted site layout Design -build subcontractors are to provide clear and comprehensive design documents for the Owner and Architects review prior to ordering materials or beginning work. 2) Attention is called to the requirements set forth in the project manual dated prepared by Mitchell /Matthews Architects . Planners. 3) All components, systems and all other manufactured articles, materials, components, coatings and equipment shall be applied, Installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned, stored, handled, conditioned and maintained, etc. as per manufacturers recommendations. THERE SHALL BE NO EXCEPTION TO THIS REQUIREMENT WITHOUT THE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE ARCHITECT. Any conflict discrepancy or question concerning these documents or manufacturers' recommendations should be brought in writing, to attention of the Owners Representative before proceeding with the work. All assemblies required to be flre railed must be UL listed or Factory Mutual ratted unless noted otherwise. 4) Equal materials or components to those specified may be considered. Refer to the Project Manual for the required procedure for substitutions and submitting samples or information to Mitchell/Matthews for review before ordering or proceeding with work. 5) All flnished work shall be properly protected from damage by subsequent work or trades. All damage shall be repaired or replaced at the expense of parties responsible for damage. Any surfaces, , ,10 A viols, or equipment developing cracks, tears, dislocations, blemishes, or problems of like nature shall be replaced, repaired or relieved in a manner acceptable to the Owner's Representative. All cost related thereto shall be paid by the contractor without additional cost to Owner. 6) The contractor is responsible for carefully and thoroughly reviewing all drawings and specifications before beginning any work or ordering any materials. Any discrepancies in the drawings should immediately be brought to the attention of the Owners Representative for clarification before proceeding with the work. It Is expected and required that the General Contractor, separate specialized contractors and all sub - contractors be experienced in their trades and shall use workmen who are skilled in their particular field. Quality workmanship and trouble - free construction will be the standard of acceptance. "Standard of the Trade" may not be on acceptable standard. 8) It is further expected that construction shall proceed in compliance whth what is considered to be good building practices. IF THERE IS ANY QUESTION CONCERNING NEED FOR ADDITIONAL DETAIL, METHOD, SUBSTITUTION OF MATERIAL OR EQUIPMENT, ETC.... THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE FOR ADDITIONAL DRAWINGS OR CLARIFICATION OF THE INTENT OF THE DOCUMENTS BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. 9) Do not scale these drawings. Where dimensions are incomplete or directions are not clear, contract the Owner's Representative for clariflcation. 10) All communication with the Architect shall be addressed to: OWNER: PROJECT MANAGER: Vijay Mehta Mark BrinckerhofF GHAXU, Inc. Mfthell / Matthews Architects 447 East 29th Street P0. Box 5603, Charlottesville, Virginia 22905 Buena Vista, VA Tel: 434.979.7550 Fax: 434.979.5220 email: mbOmitchellmaithews.com 11) Where the word "certliy or "certiflcotion" Is used or implied, It shall mean a document signed and/or sealed by a w professional member of the flrm of Mltchell/Matthews Architects $ Planners, attesting that professional services r have been performed by on architect or engineer. The opinions or certiflcotions" rendered are based on that person's r knowledge and information, and In accordance with commonly accepted procedures consistent with applicable Ostandards of professional practice, and is NOT a guorantlee or warranty, either expressed or implied. Z12) IFG 1404.1 - Smoking to be allowed only in designated spaces with proper receptacles. 13) IFC 1404.2 - Waste disposal of combustible debris shall be removed from the building at the end of each workday. 14) Access to the site during demolition and construction shall be maintained. 15) IFG 1404.6 - Cutting and welding: Operations involving the use of cutting and welding shall be done in accordance with Chapter 26 of The International Fire Code, addressing welding and hot work operations. W Z 16) IFG 1414.1 - Fire extinguishers shall be provided with not less than one approved portable flre extinguisher at each stairway on all floor levels where combustible materials have accumulated. U W N3 0 _-v o MITCHELL / MATTHEM ARCHITECTS PLANNERS Mr.i. -- r;. "C%W6ar.w v+r ra.:2m TW : 434.979.7340 Pax : 434.979.62 00 W ELECTRICAL W The electrical systems design and installation shall be fully coordinated with the architectural x drawings and other trades. The contractor shall adhere to the lighting layout and fixture type as shown in the plans developed by Mitchell Matthews Architects. The contractor is W O responsible for engineering and design of power supply system and installation details for the f specified light fixtures - and shall comply with all applicable codes and requirements of the governing jurisdiction. Z 4 0 The contractor shall be responsible for thoroughly reviewing the architectural drawings for Z coordination of equipment, piping and access panel locations. Conflicts and access panel O W locations shall referred t the Architect for resolution / coordination during h win W preparation, prior to construction No extra charges shall be allowed for the contractor's Z W failure to comply with this requirement Z U x Q OTHER TRADES J Z W The plans prepared by Mitchell Matthews Architects address architectural, structural, site and lighting issues. All other trades - including electrical system design - is Design - Build, and 0 a, is the responsibility of the contractor. The Desi n Build work includes electrical - but maPtY9 - y L Z also include the following: mechanical, plumbing, flre suppression, telecommunications, A/VZsecurity, and flre alarm systems - as well as other systems, devices, components, and accessories. w w Q Give consideration to all other trades. Make arrangements to avoid conflicts and interferenc Q with other work. N3 0 _-v o MITCHELL / MATTHEM ARCHITECTS PLANNERS Mr.i. -- r;. "C%W6ar.w v+r ra.:2m TW : 434.979.7340 Pax : 434.979.62 00 f O O V John F. Matthews Cert. No. 6769 This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be repro- dwed or used without the express permission of the Architect. The contractor is responsible fix checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report any discrepancies to the Architect GENERAL NOTES SYMBOLS & ABBREVIATIONS PROJECT - DATE Aug 5, 2008 DRAWN MB CHECKED REVIEWED - 4S r tllwob W O z Ct 4 O W H zzo U x 0 0 a, 00 W M DF+1 C/) f O O V John F. Matthews Cert. No. 6769 This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be repro- dwed or used without the express permission of the Architect. The contractor is responsible fix checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report any discrepancies to the Architect GENERAL NOTES SYMBOLS & ABBREVIATIONS PROJECT - DATE Aug 5, 2008 DRAWN MB CHECKED REVIEWED - 4S r tllwob IRON FOUND 0.05' NE OF INV. IN 455.28 / CORNER CDI \ \ ~`\ \ TMP 61W -01 -0A -2 TOP 480.89 Now or Fd~y INV. IN 454.72 \ -- - \ \ •aoAa \ \ PGED, \ \ \ Ad Spode UQ INV. OUT 454.68 \ \\ \\ , \ \ QB 563 PG 359 (PLAT) MIA NIA, ZONED C1 IA \ \ 7•S STORMWATER DB 403 PG 304 \ DUMPSTER I \ \ \` \ ` ~ \ \ -\ & \ \ GAS ENCLOSURE ; \. \C;S, \ \\ \ \\ PED CDI ;i 15" MAPLE v I TOP 459.67 ( ICED 1 Q \ .\ PED DB 290 PG441 DS 417 PG 347 I T 461.73 ` \\ \ \ H I OUT 457.2 • \\ k\ `. \` \ \ 20' DRAINAGE 40' UTILITY (GAS) I \ , ` EASEMENT EASEMENT DETENTION EASEMENT GASMH + \ \\\ \ \ \\ \ ir OAK AfII ; / ii 18" MAPLE MULCH CURB FLUSH 'l. i- . 4600II1i 12" MAPLENTW/ PAVEME 4_5' CONC. SIDEWALK I 1 u . •• .. 40.28 \ \I PLANTING I FFE i 1 \\ \\ I BED J ao 481.20 ; I MULCH \`\` a I i I 14" OAK \`\ \\ \ \- '\' PARKING IISLAND TMP 61 W -01 -OA-5A I IBASEMENT I Now or Famedy IDo853PG730IIChaxuInc., I / 12" MAPLE ti I ! I DB 853 PG 730 (Plat) ;I I IIII t l l l l I I ZONED HC I I I STORMWATER I I L7 TMP 61W-01-OA-5 { I I 1 .205 ACRES I DETENTION NOW Or FORnerly I I ASPHALT :. I O I EASEMENT Greenbrier Drive LLC, I PARKING I , co I // DB 2970 PG 392 (PLAT) ItIII > ( I i --F. IZONEDHCI ASPI PARKING I I • Ilf I II.I111 LP !IIII! I P 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT DS 443 PG 117 j l BED 11 I GM G I ._._ T IIEM •. I C1 i II I I I J•.I I j i 1IiIIII .I 1 1 fi 1 IIII I •I• rIo .. I .•• , I I I I I ; ill {I I ! 1111111 ll I \ i I CD I I FFE ) r \ FLUSH I I { I I I I ' I I I I OUTLET i T 458.87 I CURB I { LO STRUCTURE TMP 61W-01-OA-420SANITARYSEWER OUT 453 22 461.21 J WYPAVEMENT 02 I 10.98' . 5' ( III I I TOFF 456.661 Now or FormeriAND/OR WATER LINE : • I - - . . • / } I I I .l I I Z6.5" IA. ORIFICE y EASEMENT ( Sheou, long Chiang and Li Yun Chiang, J 20' DRAINAGE ; I I I I I I I I ORtFt INV. 452.46 DB 1548 PG 039 (PLAT)I 18.OT A . - «n / ( I ( INV. 448.51I / / / ' : - - -- -• - +'" - - - ._: EASEMENT/ ; II \ I LP \ ZONED C1CRRPE IIANDICAP - • - + \ / RTLE RAMP -- - - NEW DI pHALT \ c+ TOP 455.16 SSMH i ` ' I " & NEW ASPHALT RAMP r \ PED/ INV. IN 440.21 RCP TOP 461.18 \ ' TOP 45 OUT 440.07F J - 7L = _ / INV. INV. IN 456.58 (E) I IN,/1N 45 (N) O = - 42• RcP - M - 4r 1N1T. `mT 1 O - INV. OUT 456A3 OUT - PLANTII`ED ^fib 15' GASLINE \_ - EASEMENTCDI - - / I SHRUB ,T,) DS 417 PG 347 \TOP 456.33 I / i I ` M mp ASPHALT PARKING % --INV. IN 444.28 ills GUTTER W MINV. IN 450,W (S) INV. OUT 444.23 : ,---(WEST ( O T 455.1 ENTRANCE) ' I OUT 2 . CU GU ER vein itsr -• 1r ' FHA BENCHMARK -- - --=-- _ UGEUGT i i l i O FLAG E LIGHT I Lp TMP 61 W -01 -0A-3 Now or Formerly Univluslfv of Virainis Foundation. DB 408 PG 355 (PLAT) ZONED C1 ROOF OVERHANG CORNER 0.08' SE OF SOUTH EDGE OF BUILDING PLANTING BED INV. 452.82 `- CONCRETE CHANNEL JB-1 TOP 456.72 INV. IN 449.47 (N) INV. IN 440.77 (W) INV. IN 441.87 (S) INV. OUT 440.67 455 - \ IRON W/ CAP I FOUND PK NAIL - - = r DFOUN _ •t DI -313 40' JOINT ENTRANCE ESMT 5.5' C -• TOP 455.26 DB 853 PG 730 HANDICAP I SIDEWALK INV. OUT 450.41 10' VEPCO' EASEMENT RAMp _ -' f TOP 454.16 DB 549 PG 16 _ - - WV 10" GV ' -` G G - INV. OUT 446.41ILW HANDICAP -r -' - -- - _RAND - w - R = 905.13' A - 179.89' SSMH A - 11 TOP 453.39 T - 90.24 GREENBRIER DRIVE (VAR WIDTH R/W) INV OUT445 . 32 CH 4 455.. 24 CS =INV. OUT 4N4332'21"W r TIC r TICS ---*- S - _ - GAS PED IRON FOU 0.18' NE OF ADDITIONAL RIGHT -OF -WAY GRANTED CORNER TO THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DB 1271 PG 316 LEGEND W WATER LINE (EX.) WV® WM WATER VALVE / METER FHA - &FIRE HYDRANT YH-•YARD HYDRANT BOA •SLOW-OFF ASSEMBLY 3 SANITARY SEWER LINE (EX.)SETBACK LINE CO O CLEANOUT SEWER MANHOLE STORM DRAIN LINE CDI [2 CURB DROP INLET JB ®JUNCTION BOX DS O I O IIII IIIIIII Gve GM O L7 GREENBRIER SQUARE" UTILITY POLE LP LIGHT POLE GUY r GUY WIRE SUPER ELECTRIC METER MB o R F I O RHAHNG m Ilf Ifilll UGE I UGT UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATIONS (EX.) I 8 MOTEL"1 :OFFICE / WAREHOUSE ti 24 JOINT 1 I 3 STORY I I V I I I I I I I 1 STORY I PARKING 11 I STUCCO BUILDING I I I CDI BRICK BUILDING f EASEMENT 1 I I TOP 457 I a DB 853 PG 730 1 I N I INV. OUT 79 I I 1 I I L 1 I I I !i3 I i y 11 II PLANTING I 1 'I I I I I I I i LP IIIIIIIIIxIIIILLII i 1 I I I/ 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT DS 443 PG 117 j l BED 11 I GM G I ._._ T IIEM •. I C1 i II I I I J•.I I j i 1IiIIII .I 1 1 fi 1 IIII I •I• rIo .. I .•• , I I I I I ; ill {I I ! 1111111 ll I \ i I CD I I FFE ) r \ FLUSH I I { I I I I ' I I I I OUTLET i T 458.87 I CURB I { LO STRUCTURE TMP 61W-01-OA-420SANITARYSEWER OUT 453 22 461.21 J WYPAVEMENT 02 I 10.98' . 5' ( III I I TOFF 456.661 Now or FormeriAND/OR WATER LINE : • I - - . . • / } I I I .l I I Z6.5" IA. ORIFICE y EASEMENT ( Sheou, long Chiang and Li Yun Chiang, J 20' DRAINAGE ; I I I I I I I I ORtFt INV. 452.46 DB 1548 PG 039 (PLAT)I 18.OT A . - «n / ( I ( INV. 448.51I / / / ' : - - -- -• - +'" - - - ._: EASEMENT/ ; II \ I LP \ ZONED C1CRRPE IIANDICAP - • - + \ / RTLE RAMP -- - - NEW DI pHALT \ c+ TOP 455.16 SSMH i ` ' I " & NEW ASPHALT RAMP r \ PED/ INV. IN 440.21 RCP TOP 461.18 \ ' TOP 45 OUT 440.07F J - 7L = _ / INV. INV. IN 456.58 (E) I IN,/1N 45 (N) O = - 42• RcP - M - 4r 1N1T. `mT 1 O - INV. OUT 456A3 OUT - PLANTII`ED ^fib 15' GASLINE \_ - EASEMENTCDI - - / I SHRUB ,T,) DS 417 PG 347 \TOP 456.33 I / i I ` M mp ASPHALT PARKING % --INV. IN 444.28 ills GUTTER W MINV. IN 450,W (S) INV. OUT 444.23 : ,---(WEST ( O T 455.1 ENTRANCE) ' I OUT 2 . CU GU ER vein itsr -• 1r ' FHA BENCHMARK -- - --=-- _ UGEUGT i i l i O FLAG E LIGHT I Lp TMP 61 W -01 -0A-3 Now or Formerly Univluslfv of Virainis Foundation. DB 408 PG 355 (PLAT) ZONED C1 ROOF OVERHANG CORNER 0.08' SE OF SOUTH EDGE OF BUILDING PLANTING BED INV. 452.82 `- CONCRETE CHANNEL JB-1 TOP 456.72 INV. IN 449.47 (N) INV. IN 440.77 (W) INV. IN 441.87 (S) INV. OUT 440.67 455 - \ IRON W/ CAP I FOUND PK NAIL - - = r DFOUN _ •t DI -313 40' JOINT ENTRANCE ESMT 5.5' C -• TOP 455.26 DB 853 PG 730 HANDICAP I SIDEWALK INV. OUT 450.41 10' VEPCO' EASEMENT RAMp _ -' f TOP 454.16 DB 549 PG 16 _ - - WV 10" GV ' -` G G - INV. OUT 446.41ILW HANDICAP -r -' - -- - _RAND - w - R = 905.13' A - 179.89' SSMH A - 11 TOP 453.39 T - 90.24 GREENBRIER DRIVE (VAR WIDTH R/W) INV OUT445 . 32 CH 4 455.. 24 CS =INV. OUT 4N43 32'21"W r TIC r TICS ---*- S - _ - GAS PED IRON FOU 0.18' NE OF ADDITIONAL RIGHT -OF -WAY GRANTED CORNER TO THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DB 1271 PG 316 LEGEND W WATER LINE (EX.) WV® WM WATER VALVE / METER FHA - &FIRE HYDRANT YH-•YARD HYDRANT BOA •SLOW-OFF ASSEMBLY 3 SANITARY SEWER LINE (EX.)SETBACK LINE CO O CLEANOUT SSMH O SEWER MANHOLE STORM DRAIN LINE CDI [2 CURB DROP INLET JB ®JUNCTION BOX DS O DOWNSPOUT O GAS LINE (EXISTING) Gve GM O GAS VALVE / METER UP.C7 UTILITY POLE LP LIGHT POLE GUY r GUY WIRE EM o ELECTRIC METER MB o MAILBOX m TRANSFORMER UGE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC (EX.) UGT UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATIONS (EX.) UGTV UNDERGROUND TELEVISION (EX.) PED 0 UTILITY PEDESTAL BOUNDARY / RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE IF IRON PIN FOUND IS IRON PIN SET SETBACK LINE EASEMENT LIMITS CENTERLINE CONTOUR LINE (EX. / PROP.) 3:1- E- 2.5091-DEGREE / DIRECTION OF SLOPE 479.70 SPOT ELEVATION HP HIGH POINT LP LOW POINT f -f- 111--M DITCH WITH LINING DITCH / SWALE WATER COURSE BM BENCHMARK DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE PVC POLYVINYLCHLORIDE PIPE FIFE FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION I UW4EY & TOPOGRAPHY 1. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PREPARED BY TERRA ENGINEERING AND LAND SOLUTIONS, PC, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA, MAY 6, 2008. 2. ELEVATION DATUM: TOP OF FIRE HYDRANT LOCATED BEHIND SIDEWALK APPROXIMATELY 300' WEST OF WEST ENTRANCE. ELEVATION 468.49.7. BENCHMARK REFERENCE IS "ALTERNATE SITE PLAN PREPARED BY RICHARD SHANK ASSOCIATES, PC., DATE JUNE 10, 1985, LAST REVISED JULY 22, 1985. 3. BASIS OF BEARINGS: PLAT: DB 853 PG 730 4. CONTOUR INTERVAL: 1'. 5. THIS PLAN DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE EXISTENCE OR NON - EXISTENCE OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION OR EXCAVATION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION OF, OR THE NON - EXISTENCE OF, UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR NOTIFYING "MISS UTILITY" (14800 -552- 7001). 6. NO TITLE REPORT FURNISHED. OTHER EASEMENTS, ETC. MAY AFFECT PROPERTY. 7. TOPOGRAPHIC BASE MAP DOES NOT REPRESENT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. BOUNDARY LINES ARE SHOWN IN APPROXIMATE LOCATION ONLY. 8. WATER SERVICE AS SHOWN VIA VDOT PLANS. PROJECT W29-002-Fl 9,C501; 6029- 002- 119,RW201, LAST REVISED 9 -9-93. 9. EASEMENT LOCATIONS ARE BASED ON THE PLATS OF RECORD. VICINITY MAP 1" = 2000' s SITE ROADewr 4 GRAPHIC SCALE m 0 10 10 40 so IN FEET) 1 Mch = 20 II. Z 2 zm vl 4 Z a x 6 04 4 Do 00 x a a aU' o F SCALE: 1 " =20' ISSUED: 05 -23 -08 DRAWN: RME DESIGN: CHECKED: REVISIONS: 1. 05 -24-M GENERAL REVISIONS 2. 06 -30-08 BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT Al rob eosrwd No pet s(de mm&m d peeled by dd p17 40, pbom, w., dwlps, eaba" ar dW& m*mmW an de pb* my be apr.d.w I • b""pd or wrwd in aq 1ee or by @" e.a abimwio ar mild spree w1d wt w I I lire Toe" Rogbom g r"d Lind 9sWdma, Pc. Ab% pW ..cbsaripWesa*Wp"w III wtGowrWaa awbeletlw e[Tsrs B"wlnp a"d Land Bddse, PC. o TMMA MWIMMMIG AND LAND WLUTX)M PC SHEET J.N. C16060 ae» 8 H A Ul0 8 ob SITE NOTES ADJACENT EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING MANHOLE TO I \ JOINT ASPHALTREMAIN. PROTECT FROM PARKING ASPHALT DAMAGE. I ACCESS PAVING TO EASEMENT REMAIN N 40 23 28 E 333.87 REMOVE EXISTING EDGING 8 PLANTS IN SHADED AREA REMOVE 3 EXISTING TREE STUMPS EXISTING SIDEWALK TO REMAIN W r DEMOLITION SITE PLAN REMOVE EXISTING PRECAST WHEELSTOP 0 SPACE 54 ONLY EXISTING DROP INLET (TYP.) / STORMWATER DETENTION EASEMENT % EXISTING FENGE --` / M'IOIAdT OFANFA D15RJN6ED FOR WiORADN19 3,248 SF FOR ENTRY (ANOPY DRIVE IE WALKS 515 SF FOR REVISED PARKING 236 SF FOR DUMPSTER PAD REPLACEMENT 3" 9F VOL SCALE: 1" = 20' -0" NORLIM 1 ALL CONBrWCTION W M N AOCAN *a ww PEN'1i5 i:16 w MD iPRJCIrd,E CODES` 2. M CONrIMiC1DR SHALL OBfMi MD W FOR ALL N5PEC11M CERrNTG1 ft E FBd Ins MJAIMI S THE COMMLWR SHALL WPM AN A6 BULT SET OF MMW V WM THE EXACT LOCA110N OF ALL URM PNOR W C0NCE UW. 4, OMMr6 HRVV& M115 D PMM OR DE91NtMD lAM CON51E1L110N 9wLL M N3 Mw 0R NiM 1U TI1W ON6MML CGipr10N./M0 T011E 5A>R4RAGT10N OF TIE 011AER S CONiMG10R SIWl DN31e79E DUE DLI6lNCE DUNN6 GONSfNJGT10N AROUND AM' E>u6rN6 FEAa DIES W4NCIf ARE 10 WVM N PLACE R 5 TIE R9PCN6lLirl' Of THE COMMCR7RR NO E1IPBEE 1G OMAItR TO NAJiCf ANY SUM FfaNJ%%ftVMU5,A6PHALT COMM RAN K PLMN W ANK ORANY OrM MM FMQIMIES A6 A WTSII<.T OF W MA 91,11900 PJ1W CON911 OPEM1M TOM S4119PO10N OF TIE OM M Q THE 6ENMAL CONMA41DR 6 901 9 IiESPUWAZ FOR TIE CoIlSTWCTION MEAN6 AN61UR METHODS A660cL= NAM THE FN=A6 SET FORM N THESE PUK9 1 IF DEMWUITES FROM THE 9 100 A IM OR DMM#M ARE DBSAW NECESSARY BY THE 0MMACR7R MMS OF SUCH OLIMRI M AID 11111511601116 TIIBIEOF SHALL W 91E IM TO MARQ#rEGT FOR MOM NO DERWJMS F110M THE CONI W DOCaJMlt O SHALL BE MADE NMMOIIr THE WTII M P!N'15 M OF TIE AtaQIIr= S THE CO ffW0 R M K A ALL TM K! TIE PN9'19E9 CLEAN FWM TIE ACCIN'1AAiOIK OF W OM Maus OR NEBi6IL ALL MM SHALL BE MOM MM THE 9iM ON A OALY W& COMRACIUR SWU CLOW LOM W61E MWA9l1'W AIIrHOAlr V COOIMM WARE 140#49W NIZAVIM 001110 M11a=Ai*D C IN9fR Cw DIMENSIONING & GEN. LAYOUT NOTES L NOT ALL CO V M W 6E ACCUMiELY RMAESB M MNCCURACIEa, OMi56DN5AMD N0MM MAR' W R 6 THE NJP0N9 IN OF TIE C MwA M 51b4OMIMCi *V A66OMM MMWU W MINTY COiDIrgN MV 1WOVJSW COOS WU ALL DL9Ci1.NES MM W C01461WL1<X IINORS AND am= Spu BROUw W THE A'TW ON OF THE MICIIT6LT A6 SOON A6 DLSCOVMUND NAMOUT MM.. 2. M% %W AM% WSW LOTS ETC., AM DN'EN91 IM M MCE Man U.O:N. ELB M SUCH A6 BUT NOT MW W Mft 5MM AT MWL1M MUSE EE CON91RUGW TO MMT All. 6BA ®CODE 4, ME1MNIM MN' 8W CONiRA = MUSE MW VffYALL 16L61N6'EN15 MDI%V PNOR V COMM OR THE OF ANY MERMLS. CONR=*C= DiSG1ONM MM !E BilOUiilr 1D THEA11BilI0N OFiIEARdM.. s CON9flpJL110N STIYDrrM 6 THE RESPD 8UN OF TIE COMIAM e Ail MW 100ftECGASETO M MUMMKINI NACCARt OWi N THE MIN WaW 11*W OF UMON'r TMRTO CONrtiOL DEVICI!b', MD W COMPLY NAM ALL AMEMILLE COUNTY 91461AROS TRAFFIC AND PUB SAFETY 1. SEE PLAN NOTES ON SW Ala FOR RaX SMErY 69 ES 2. WUNK SOEMPM9161Ei CUTEA4D6UfMANDANYOTHERSUNK SDWASMWNN6C01b1AUCTU 9HML M Mww W FN 0I3dIWGTION COIDRION6 BE= PROECT q.OSEOUG 36 ANY 1RM49C COMROL DEVICES Pft QAIMADES` E'ICj MD RAVE W MANlN85 WaM WA JIM OF CWR C110N WOK OR mum" CO VILU ON OF THE PI M WLL KIM IfY OF THE CON RAMMM0 MII4f 6EA9ROVFD W LOCALIWTHON11ft 46 PROTECTS) FINS" AICC56 AAOUID THE CO ONWION SIM iOR 16 PR12W MIST W PTGVDED NAM TIE APPROPTEMrE OE'tOUR 516N5, FEICNG AND 6MNCJDES S ALL SI6iM6E W BE NLSPUM ON THIS PROAf.7 MOLL BE N ACCO CNN NAM THE MOST N5aW KW4AL OF UMW WM DEViCE6"AND 1U COMPLY NAM VDOT 5D4itA M I ANY 90lIMW THAT A1E A RARE OF TIE PW 5l%* GNi MArON AROUND THEi PROECT THAT AN° DWASM BY CQLgfWG110N ACiMMS SIMLL BE WkACED "IVWBY UPON COMPLETION OF UM N W AREA Z KW ALL NEW NMLK C0149TWG110N NW 011SiM16 %KXL S CONEW OR SHALL CW MATE CONSIWCiiON NAM A M MU COUNTY MMOMIK W DETEMEE COLOR K4ffAOL. M DL E DLi6WCE 9IWl 6E DERGISlD W K4M NEW WL* 10 BL91N6 %ALK 0I A Ift TWMISi 0G MUST MMT APPLICABLE 000ES TEMPORARY FACILITIES/UTILITIES L COIrWM WLL BEA I MIED W UM ELEGINCAL POWER FROM M EXERN6 BULDN6 W F" comet CTION T00LS, FEED VENFY AMMIMI SBa+M CONSULT NAM M0 FORALLONMBLE UrArI0N5 2. CONIINCIDR WLL BE ALLOW V U= FVVM NM1S1 FROM THE E%51MI6 BIJr W V MACI.iM CON6TrLiC110N ACrTVI t BBD VMff A WABIJE SERVICE. CWW WRH ONAO 1UR AL10MM M LOC4M eBeRAL coNTMIGIDR 9HAr1 PICVOE1Er°MURARY DNaaNb NMIERAPD TU1.ET riAalrrlES PURCOIerWCTaN Wa1I= 0 10 2a 30' 40' SCALE: 1" - 20' F 1 EXISTING PLANTS TO REMAIN. PROTECT I ; i FROM DAMAGE. TYP. i THIS PLANTER. EXISTING SIDEWALK E STAIRS TO REMAIN 39 1 40 1 41 1 42 ROOFED CAREFULLY REMOVE ALLSIDEWALKICURBSUPER8MOTEL I I REMOVE 2 EXISTING PLANTS A!, REMOVE EXISTING UNDER. SLAB DRAIN dA A. . 25 I ' : EXISTING CLEAN OUT (FL O. VER. SAN. SEWER). PROTECT FROM DWAGE.Q I i Uf SIDEWALK CURBSA" UT EXISTING SIDEWALK TO REMAIN REMAIN. PROTECT FROM I TO BE DEMOLISHED MT)DAMAGE. TYR 0 5 PLACES DRAINAGE EASEMENT i HC HC q !I 61 I $6 - -64•-- -. 63 62 61 60 .9 58 57 iw cmkmw REMOVE EXISTING ASPHALT4 0 EXISTING STORMWATER DETENTION 5451N I CONCRETE PAD (BELOW (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) — ASPHALT) EXISTING FLAGPOLES E LIGHTS 5 40 28 33 W 2%09' t - - - - -- -- _- --` ---------- " "' \ EXISTING HC PARKING TO BE RELOCATED I EXISTING PLANTS TO SAW -CUT PAVEMENT • \— REMOVE PAVEMENT STRIPES Il' MARKINGS PERIMETER EDGE OF AREA 0 SPACES 33 f 34. REMOVE EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT E / OVER- EK(w"TE A5 REM REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT I OVER- EXC•AWATEAS READ —\ 13 1 12 1 11 1 10 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 EX ZiDER y EXISTING BUILDING SHALL BE PF, I ) t PLAN MNUIN'WIOII DE MME FWM RZWOiK SIZE SURVEY MLZM 1C M ACOANF, Bur 16 NOr 6IMAMIM 9HN L VlNFYALL D1'EN90N51 SuNIAtr<AND Ui1JTY L0119 LEA BlWION9 AND E>a61M16 SrNJGTUNMI 6A6E Ml1'WIOI1 TA1<ZN F1f01'i dliL1110<iC SIrE SURVEY NIrUN'WION FEW0 BY TW B49NEIIIII116 AND LAND - 900IONS, PG, OVILOINE&W 106 2. BBUIE B lt" DB'IOIf I10N, CON611iUL110N M O L WSC.~ ACTMrE'r - THE MW CMW UR 9W L CONPGT f SGiI1D U "66 UrLIIY' 10 MARK ALL EIIt M SiZE UMM PNDR W CGNffft' 10W WAN& - "DU6ENCE SHALL BEAMS 10 ?NM WVff6 W THE UME'i A THE AAA OF TIE NEW sawn CWOPf. CONSTRUCTION NOTES L MLY Cp49rNJL110N E DlM10I1rI0N AICIiVRlS SHALL NOT BE PllIhN11ED BBUIE PM M1. 2. CGN6TRUGIM VGUS SHALL NOT M Ur WO MMES MM" WIRE MW Wag M NEEDS) FOR HfDIM11UC LIM AbD OTTER o" Um 3 DELNEII6:5 OF HEAW M1r!' 4U AID WAI'ENr SHALL 6E SOW= FOR NON FM Y MFiC HOUR4 4, COISIAM M TIE SOL UNDBt RAVED ARIiA6 SWIM OF PN7PB1 M0151UAE CONTENT 50 A610 A00 M OF M SWrM PROCTOR MAi6MUM DRY DM6fTY. MODIFY CURB - SEE NOTES ON AC2.0 SHEET NOTES i EXISTING ROORNG. SEE A1.1 IE A2.1 / FOR EXTENT OF NEW WORK. .- I x i ` EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN. PROTECT FROM DAMAGE. TYP. 0 THIS AREA. 43 44 45 46 \ \ \ _ h X EXISTING ASPHALT PAVING TO REMAIN — EXISTING LIGHTPOLES 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 118 O I c M - 5 0 I 0 1 0 / MITCHELL / MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS a•• TWO •YMAWM Laws • Ch600MV11614 Mrlk" nM Tel: 434. 979. 7550 Pax: 451.979. 5220 V W O 2 Ct 4 V4 V z z U W 0 W W U W x Z U 0 O a, 00 W M WWZ C/) TH w v John F. Matthews Cart. No. 6769 This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be repro- duced or used without the express permission ofthe Architect. The contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report any discrepancies to the Architect EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION SITE PLAN PROJECT - DATE Aug 5, 2008 DRAWN MB CHECKED - REVIEWED - i 00 SITE NOTES s 1 — I Lam 1 II I I I , T _ a — CONC. CURB E GUTTER ( ( \ \ \ \ \ JOINTNC") \ r \ \ \ PROTECT EXISTING GwwEMYRTLE TO REMAIN R4 4* RESET EXISTING MANHOLE \ \ \j ACCESS FLUSH WNEW FINISHED V^ / / ' EASEMENT GRADE I \ a T \. \ CONC. CURB 1\ .I I/1 M 1G L 177 GT SCENT EXISTING BUILDING ' I III SEE AKIA FOR —4ENLWAVPLAN 1. PLMI MN'MiION VMS MM RMCiT W 511E %WAY BLEW W IEACAM KIT 5 NOT SU# M = coNTTMCTOII SHILL FN3D vEI "ALL DNT019 a 9APa AND 91Ie5JWAM Fig JW^ UT18Y LOGNaN5, al1M1 M MD EJa W 9TWC = V& NrFORMANION 7 MI MM e.ECT1IOFIC 911E 9UW N F0*WION PHWRMIlD OY IM DdN MMS MD LAID 50LUT10F45i PC, GVADTTE9aW 1A 2 W= M #M16D10WION,CO SMIV110NANDOL*V9CAPNi6AMD- TIM ONKC0RI WO 91OLCOW "96UMVTDWMALL D09U911EUUM P1W10CWWM DiCMIION - D1iM DLI6EJiCT: 5111L1 M APPL ®R7 hMN16 E 1t161pN61FE URifIS Af TFE N61 Of THE NEW ENTMa &A M. CONSTRUCTION NOTES 0W c,ON91i1JM 9 DEI1O1JfloN ACiMIES SHALL NOT NE PFM"l 1 W C E 9A0 AM. 2. COGM XIUN VEJIa.E4 SHILL NOT NE LJ:Fr WiTH ENSNES WMM16 WHU NM KWr A6 NEED® FOR HYMULIC LMPb AND OTHER MN' MUSK S DELJVEI S OF HEADY MAQUAIS AND EaPMIr SWU BE SCIM M FOR NON PEAK TMMC HOURS. l C0110GIION OF THE SOL LWM WM AMM SHALL NE OF PiIOPIR MOHAUIE COMM SO A6 TO AGIVA M OF THE wow MC1OR MAJI"DRY offay. SHEET NOTES 1. ALL C06 XnAl W 1E N ACCA WTTH P11M15 rA MAD APPIrAM CODES 1 THE CANIIMICIOR SHrM.L OdfANd AND fl1t' FiDRALL N19PECiHOFER C!!!TN'Ki E PERM115 RH3GIJNW{1 S THE CONiMCM SHALL KWM MI A6 SULT SET OF DMWNW TO HTE M THE EXACT LIOCIr" OF All. V LBWS PAOR W CONCll!AL N . 4, I50SIN16 N'MROVT9SM DAMM W OR =MOW OW CON51W= SKALL OE IMLACW M 13 U If TO TM ORI6NML COIwOIHON,MD TO TIE 5RI51 TIM OF THE Ovw S GONTMCHOR 511ALL EJm1Cl5E DUE DLI6WCE DUAN6 CONS1xJC110N AWISD ANt' EIiSTNJS FfJINUMS WHICH AAE TO Ri1AJN N PLACE IT H5 THE R9PON9N]IJTY Q THE cONIMC1 h ND emw TO ovak To wL/1GE ANY SI MI6 RMftW#AMMMZC0i=W=KRWWANK0RAWOWWW M3101JR1:5 A6 A IWSIA"T OF OWAM MOO DUIN16 CONSTWCTiON MW %10 THE S4 5lMGTION OF THE OM M HI TIES190 0MCIM a 50I N Al5PMW FOR THE C NM WCiION MW S *M M rt=S A66 OAM MTN THE PRQW AS SET PiOW N1 THE RAN& I P DBwl M MM THE SPICIMC 10141 OR DW Wf6 AM Dom'® MWSW SY THE C IRMACTOR DENS OF SIGH 0SWITIJWSAPD ITEA6Q15 I 'NSWOF SHMLL M 91E01nm TO THEAiCIN16f.T FOR REVIMI NO 9110 MM THE CON W DOCIN'EM5 9HMLL EE MADE WMOUr THE WtI1TTEJN PNI'i56M OF TIE A6dNTECT. d TIE CONTMACIOR M X R ALL TN H6 K!P THE PHEME+L'S GEM FROM THEACCUMIAAIONS OF WA6TE hWERML5 OR W9EEJH. ALL DLL'OIE9 911MJ- EE HHEPIOVED WM THE 311E ON A OW Vft CONMVU 914ALL CONPCr LOCAL WASFE MANAs'!M AurHOH w TO COON*MIiE WASTE K404601T I11513m ims Dim DIt1111 I AND COPIMC110N. EXISTING / x + ' ': t •: / \ x SIDEWALK AREA OF REBUILT SIDEWkX: i ' X DIMENSIONING & GEN. LAYOUT NOTESIa:: '•'•il' 4" THICK CONCRETE 9 WIRE MESH. ' ^ % / ' PROTECT EXISTING PLANTS To REMAIN / / / / / t. NOTALL GoNDrrlDFe MAr I>EAtouaagx OMI56IOIMD IAA' AREA OF REBUILT PAVEMENT: 11/7 5M. 95A SURFACE COURSE. Y BM.25.0 D15GMRVrGMS SWUM DRUM TO THE ATMNTION OF THEARCFN W A6 SOON AS DISL'OVEMIMD WITHOUTBASECOURSE. 6" 71A A GG. BASE 1SUPER8MOTELMATERIAL. COMWTED SUBGRADE. , , X ; / / / / / 1211M. I - - - - NEW FINISHED GRADE CONTOUR LINE 1 DW* on AIM POW L01196 MAIM "WOW TO Mk OF GUM u alt 75 \ I II ' :.. _ _ _ REW S SUCH A4 NJJT NOT LMM TO TMMPS, 9HiMWM MAAD STWCi M MST EE CO SW W W MEET ALLo \ --i + I f \ I I ' r .`' ` I Sce a l MR EXISTING CONTOUR LINE 0 AREA TO BE • /' i // ' ' / /' ' i I Neuo>mGOOEa10NOerr1 EX CONTOUR LINE / `/ ' ' / / / ' / / 4, DI9CIWBMM PW IR CONIIMU MST PRD VMY ALL MEASJMWM NDICAM PRIOR TO C4NSRlG11ON OR THE OF ANY aMal> &U 0MMUCI9 ANDJOR DL9rJWAWCIE9 MiSr BE X / ' / / / / / L / lRDU6NT R91HE ANTQAIDN OF TiEAACINiECT. S 0N9nt CTION STAIff -W 6 THE 111E5RONS RY OF TIE CONTNACW AL 516NA6E. MM KAMMM M ARE TO EE N ACCORIMI E Wi W THE MOW 1111151011W f 6 - Zr - YMA OF Mw TwM CONTROL DEVICES'. AM TO Ca"y VMN ALL Ndli w" C wry 35 36 37 3 4e0 I CON CURB 4 \ ( coNCT C JRB I I X _ --- - /29 CUTTER TRAFFIC AND PUBLIC SAFETY PLAN NO125 ON 9W AJ FM PUEUC SAFETY 10 WE 2PARKINg OVERHANG C : ' PROTECT EXISTING TREES (TYP.) / / ; / i / / / / 1 RMwSDEMMiLK9, sea anAIIVMMANDANI' OTHBt0FALESDAlM6FDDU1w6COFSTWC110N SNAI.L M 1p RMCONSiW1C11oN COPDI110115 PRQJECi QA6EOUC PROTECT EXI6TING NAGS EASEMENT I \ - - - - - - - - - - - -- / / / / / // / j / / S MYwftwMawSPftvffKADK EP AV wow MAi mum WCOM OF PLANTS TO R"N M..) I 5% +/- GRADE I E M ® EXISTING WHEELSTOPS TO REMAIN // COPL4TIUJLIHON WOK OR UPON COMPLVM OF THE PHA= WU BE rrE IVSFMSKN OF THE I EXISTING 4-41E STRIPES EXISTING EXISTING I ® 0 059WALK • EJIBr 9011TH 9IDl9 CF DNN6 (TYP - U.N.O.) \ / / /, / / / CONflMC1ORM0 MUSr OEAPPIIOVFD IW LOGAIAAAUTHORTTES y j / / /, - -37 4 STI "RIDGE' DEFIN \ ® EXISTING LIGHT POLES / I // / ( // / /j / / // - _ AS HALT PATCH DAMAGED ASPHALT 4` PROTH3riPD P®FAPYMd ACCE56 A41W TIE CON9MJC110N 511E FM THNS PROJECT MUST EE PIAOV= W N THE TED HC SYMBOLS (1YP- / 4 / // / /j / /// - T THICK WIRE REINF. 3000 PSI CONC. OVER AAVING TO D BAST _ / / / // / // / \ 4" COMPACTED GRAVEL &ASE. SET TOP REMAIN S ALL 516NA6E TO IJE NIMI US ON THIS PigJ6CT SOU EE Nr ACCAWMa W N THE MOST H16CENr KWK OFFLUSHWEXISTINGACLNCENTSURFACES. MM WMC DEVICES MM AND TO COMPLY WTN VDOr 9GMi> &I 1 STIHIG E _ I , / MODIFY EXISTING CURB TO ALLOW TRUCKS w S THIS PRQJECr THMTAIE DAMA6®dY TO DRIVE ONTO DUMPSTER PAD AT < ' ON51WGTgN AGINRES 5H1MJ. EE IIMIAGID M'N'Mat<iY UPbM COMPLETION OF WORK NI THi4 AAAr676160595B57565554535251504A48 \OJT CS 0 0 0 0 0 e CIW#G OG M Sr MEffr AFRYOLK8 qF CANTRAGTORSOPTION - SAN -GUT 11 GRIND „ ` A EI9D ALL ilWWYICCOIEr1AUGTIONNAC EW5TNI6WV.KWlr5 GONINAG117R9HW1COOADNIATEGOPIS1WC110NSMOOTH +/ -13' LONG PORTION OF EXISTING c , s: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - // v // / / F F ;. _tX WtM ALEB'MWF COINAY TO DE1lR EE COLGR MNIt'JMI. ETC. DUE DNJ6ENt 9WILL NEyW X OVERI4WG 1 / , / /, j CURB - OR REFUGE PORTION of EXISTING , • . , ` pa r I Ff TO K NEW 1110W TO DIM M r. IF CM45611:1111115111 CURBRoF--- -- - - / , / / % / / E GUTTER. (VDOT C5 -9A)rIPARK) PE5 Q -= — — — — — -- i 9 _ r j RUEMENT ' EXISTING 1 — _— ; // // , / / / REMOVE EXISTING CONC. SLAB 8 OVER- , • * . .. ,az ±a b ,,:. TEMPORARY FACILITIES/UTILITIES 1 I LIGHTS \ \ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / / I / / r\ EXCAAATE AS READ INSTALL T THICKICONC. RB I GUTTER - - - - - - - - - / I 3000 PSI COWWIREREINF. . 3GG-6 _ PAD ON 4”t CONTNACIOR WLL EE MOWED TO U110 NACiTIA PAVIR PROM TIE E1 11% aILDN16 W POWI \ (VDOT ) / LL M M M M M I M M M M - -- -- -- -- J 1 r \ COMPACTED 604SL BASE. . •, • t y i Lr CHNNLINK FENCE TO MATCH EXISTING E EXISTING FENCE I / / / \ + + 4 1 1 GOP1911WCiION TOOLS FBD VFJrf AAPiAELE SlRMCE. COFlStlLT WHTH OWNet PORAU.011MDLE LOGITIONS C0MR ET ENCLOSURE ENYJSSnER ,TEr. III / / / \ EXISTING CURB I; GUTTER TO REMAIN + • .: ' ,PR 4' GATES DETENTION BASIN. EXISTING FLAGPOLES COF G4TES AS SHOWN. R8N- I I I I I r \ 6 TALL CEDkR SLAT PR WY FENCE ' , • ' ,. Of14111UGTI0N ACTIMTIS F8D valrrAA111 A6LE SERVICa< CON91JI7 wnH oan F+DRAU oAwELE I.orAioFl SITE FENCING MATERIAL IF FEASIBLE -- F lEI -- - - I I I l GATE. SET POSTS TO THICKENED S 69M' =W= SHALL PR M T@1PORW DW0W WW AND 1MU 19 S FOR C IN ffXC11ON CONCRETE SUB W' SIMP50N COLUMN 5 4078 33 W 25909 - - - - - - - - — - - FBASECBQ44 -SD52. TAIL WOOD G4TEDE ( VER.) GU.V. STEEL FRAME. PROVIDE W5.5 THROW A BOLT E 5.5 RETAINER IN;VtONC. SLAB. ALL OTHER HA5WkRE TO BE GALVANIZED CONTIIQGOU517'x17THICKENED SLOB , EDGE UNDER FENCE PLANRDINGSITEA Y 0 i • , / / SCALE: 1" = 20' -011 z M • '• {. , < ; •. '' ` ,/ t o\ 0 V 2' 3' 4' 8' SCALE: 1/4" - 1'-0" A ENLARGED TRASH ENCLOSURE PLAN 0 10' 2 30' 40 C2.01 c2.o SCALE: 1/4" = 1' -0" 2 SCALE: 1" - 20' MITCHELL / MATTHEM ARCHITECTS PLANNERS Tel: 434.979. 7550 Pax : 434.979. 5220 v il W O z Cz q 1--. O z O W W U c x z U O M y 00 M F D vJ TH OP U John F. Madam Cert. No. 6769 This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be repro- duced or used without the express permission of the Architect. The contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report any discrepancies to the Architect SITE LAYOUT GRADING PLAN PROJECT - DATE Aug, 5, 2008 DRAWN MB CHECKED REVIEWED - C2.0 Im L9 I I • r I 4• DIA. M. PIPE FROMSS OTTHaU f I I I I I 1 I I I II I II 1 i1 + i i + M + i r k t f r FLUSH W NEW J J J v" FINI GRADE / i AREA OF REBUILT SIDE%ALK: 4" THICK CONCRETE IE WIRE MESH. 4" COMPICTEO GRAVEL BASE. AREA OF REBUILT PAVEMENT: 1 la SMASA SURFACE COURSE. 3" BM. 25.0 BASE COURSE. 6 A66 B49E MATERIAL. COMPACTED SUBGRADE. NEW FINISHED GRADE CONTOUR LINE zQ - EXISTING CONTOUR LINE 0 AREA TO BE RE- GRADED W EXISTING CONTOUR LINE EXISTING CLEAN OUT. RESET FLUSH W SIDEWALK. H.C. CURB CUT W EXPOSED AGG. FINISH A S i CONC.CURB VDOT C5-2) W 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I I I O z r i 1 t r r a r J 1e!I. • e r Ar 0 w t z i .f yy i'. W 0 U Z k O t------------------------ - - - - -- 00 w M W W Z r . i R WCM O'rrEj t R i 1 / 1 1 / ENLARGED GRADING SITE PLAN SCALE: 1/4 = 1 -0" NORTH P: Q 9Opo 0 1' 2' 3' 4' 8' SCALE: 1/4" - V -0" MITCHELL / MATTHEW'S ARCHITECTS KANNEN M TwM '- --- Lw • ChrblMwriw, ViSMM 22M TW : 434.979.7M Pau : 434.97'9. S220 1)W O z r i 1 t r r a r J R 1e!I. • e r ArY. 0 w t z i .f yy i'. W 0 U Z k U O t------------------------ - - - - -- 00 w M W W Z r . R WCM O'rrEj t R V— — — — — — — — — — r rrt ' •. •. -r Syr . a. " T i R V '. -ice T .zr R r: H r . . n a. . ., ,... . . , _.. .. a M 't. .... ... N,. . .J'.. .. F,. ..,T b..... -.... :'h r .V 5 . .. .. 1. F n l.} .. r `• 1''_4 1 / 1 1 / ENLARGED GRADING SITE PLAN SCALE: 1/4 = 1 -0" NORTH P: Q 9Opo 0 1' 2' 3' 4' 8' SCALE: 1/4" - V -0" MITCHELL / MATTHEW'S ARCHITECTS KANNEN M TwM '- --- Lw • ChrblMwriw, ViSMM 22M TW : 434.979.7M Pau : 434.97'9. S220 1)W O z U 0 w z U W 0 U Z U O 00 w M W W Z v'hLX op Lrfi ' John F. Matthews U rY W. No. 6769 This drawin is the property of theBP Y Architect and may not be repro-PI'o- duced or Used without the express permission ofthe Architect. The contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report discrepanciesanydiscies to the Architect ENLARGED SITE LAYOUT GRADING PLAN PROJECT - DATE Aug 5, 2008 DRAWN MB CHECKED - REVIEWED - r EXISTING SIDEWALK n t y • i r n ' 1 eI t . lsrr , LANDSCAPE PLAN E SCALE. 1" — 20' -0 ` GENERAL PLANTING NOTES 1. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE AND VERIFY THE EXISTENCE OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO STARTING WORK. 2. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL PLANT MATERIALS IN SUFFICIENT QUANTITIES TO COMPLETE THE PLANTINGS SHOWN ON ALL DRAWINGS. 3. PLANT MATERIALS TO BE GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR FROM PROJECT ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER. PLANT MATERIALS THAT DO NOT FULFILL THE GUARANTEE PERIOD SHALL BE REPLACED 4. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL PLANT MATERIAL. QUANTITIES SHOWN ON PLAN WITH TOTALS IN PLANTING SCHEDULE. NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO BID SUBMISSION. 5. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLEY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL WATERING, CARE AND UPKEEP OF PLANT MATERIAL DURING CONSTRUCTION AND UNTIL APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER. 6. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROTECTION OF ALL UTILITIES AND SHALL MAINTAIN A CURRENT MISS UTILITY NUMBER AT THE WORK SITE THROUGHOUT THE WORK PERIOD NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IF ANY CONFLICTS OCCUR. Z ALL PLANT MATERIALS, TOPSOIL, MULCH, FERTILIZERS, SOIL AMENDMENTS, PLANTING SUPPLIES AND METHODS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT APPROVAL. REJECTED MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE WORK SITE WITHOUT DELAY IN A LEGAL MANNER. 8 NO PLANT SHALL BE PUT INTO THE GROUND UNTIL ALL ROUGH GRADING HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 9. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE BALLED AND WRAPPED OR G"NER GROWN AS SPECIFIED, BALLS SIZES TO CONFORM WITH ANSI Z60.1 STANDARDS . NO CONTAINER GROWN STOCK WILL BE ACCEPTED IF IT 15 ROOT BOUND ALL SYNTHETIC OR PLASTIC ROOT WRAPPING MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED AT TIME OF PLANTING. 10. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL LAYOUT AND MARK LOCATIONS FOR PLANT MATERIALS PRIOR TO THEIR INSTALLATION FOR VERIFICATON AND APPROVAL BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 11. ALL SELECTIVE THINNING AND PRUNING SHALL BE DONE AT THE DIRECTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 12 LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROTECTION OF ALL EXISTING VEGETATION THAT 15 TO REMAIN FROM ANY DAMAGE DUE TO LANDSCAPE WORK. 13. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER ACCEPTED STANDARD PRACTICES. 14. ALL PLANTS AND STAKES SHALL BE SET PLUMB UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED 15. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL INCLUDE PROVISIONS FOR SEASONAL REQUIREMENTS AND OTHER RESTRICTIONS RELATED TO THE TIME OF PLANTING. 16. ALL SUB57UTIONS OF PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE REQUESTED IN WRITING TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR APPROVAL. Tl. ALL PLANTING OPERATK)NS SHALL BE UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF AN EXPERIENCED PLANTSMAN. 18. FIELD ADJUSTMENTS MAY BE NECESSARY DUE TO SITE CONDITIONS (I.E. ROOT BALL - UTILITY CONFLICTS). NOTIFICATION OF SUCH CONFLICTS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO BE RESOLVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, 19. ROUGH GRADING AND FINE GRADING (DISTRIBUTION OF TOPSOIL) SHALL BE DONE BY LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR. 20. UPON SIGNIFICANT COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION, THE LANDSCAPE GONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO SCHEDULE A FINAL SITE INSPECTION. 21. THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY PLANTS AND MATERIALS THAT ARE IN AN UNHEALTHY, UNSIGHTLY, OR LESS THAN VIGOROUS CONDITION, OR THAT DO NOT CONFORM TO ANSI Z60.1 STANDARDS. xx 10, oP Go y 0 10' 20' 30' 40' SCALE: 1" - 20' 111111111111119 ADJACENT EXISTING BUILDING A le 0" 25) Bur* Bush 365) Uriope -17ox, 90) UHM - 17o.c. I r 11 • C) C 8) Blue Mist Fotlie 26 ,— 7 PARKING OVERHANG 27 28 (23) Conpocr Burelep Bust' 29 0) Crape Myrtk 70) Urlope - 17o.c. - 30 Myrtk to n 7 existing plants to Homo N 40 23 28 E 333.87 19 1 18 1 Tl 1 16 1 15 1 14 1 13 1 12 1 11 1 10 1 9 35 1 36 1 37 1 38 1 39 1 40 1 41 1 42 1 43 1 44 1 45 29) Shamrock Holly (4) t I 3 — v*ng pbft to main I Burning Bush I 32 EXISTING FLAGPOLES It LIGHTS 01 00) Lido" - 17o.c. I I EXISTING LIGHT POLES — I MACE I I 66 65 1 64 63 62 I 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 A 54 53 1 52 51 7 PARKING OVERHANG I — — -- -- — C I CURET mk4H r: I EXISTING 5TORMW DETENTION BASIN 3) Rediwd CHAINUNK FENCE t GATES - SEE C2.0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 I \ xI1 x \ -- I / i X $ v I \A7 I (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) EXISTING DROP INLET (1YP.) n Mkt gib STORMWATER DETENTION EASEMENT sh -- r - --- -_____ - - - --- - - - - - --L EXISTING FENCE — 5 40 28 33 W 259.09 awng trees to main MITCHELL / MATTHEW'S ARCHITECTS PLANNERS Tel : 434.979.7550 Paz: 434. 979. 5220 TREES BOUNKAMMMON N"QTY.SPACING CAL.SIZE CONDITION/QUALITY L*ntroemio Indko "Natchez" / "NATCHEZ" CRAPEMYRTLE 2 AS SHOWN 1304 2"BB Cards condenks / EASTERN REDBUD 3 A5 SHOWN 13C - 2"BB Frmdnus arericano / WHITE ASH 2 AS SHOWN 3" - 31/7 BB M W z z 0 SHRUBS Q Fofhergtib gardeM 'Bkie Mkt' / BLUE MIST FOTHERGILLA 20 3-0"NIA 24" - 36"3 COW.. Euammus ak tus'Compactus/ COMRACT BURNING BUSH 52 3' -0"NIA 24" - 36"3 CONT. 00 Ikx glabro 'Shanrock' / SHAMROCK HOLLY 28 4' -0"NIA 24" - 36"3 CONT. UForsythla Cn intermek F.joponlm wt sodlis / FORSYTHIA'ARNOLD DWARF'6 5'-0 NIA 24" - 36"3 COW. C/) Z GROUNDGOVEReSRA5SESMERLiACEOUS Urim ffwAH 'Si1w M /'SILVER MIDGET' LIRIOPE 1 SF 12" o.C.NIA 4" POTS xx 10, oP Go y 0 10' 20' 30' 40' SCALE: 1" - 20' 111111111111119 ADJACENT EXISTING BUILDING A le 0" 25) Bur* Bush 365) Uriope -17ox, 90) UHM - 17o.c. I r 11 • C) C 8) Blue Mist Fotlie 26 ,— 7 PARKING OVERHANG 27 28 (23) Conpocr Burelep Bust' 29 0) Crape Myrtk 70) Urlope - 17o.c. - 30 Myrtk to n 7 existing plants to Homo N 40 23 28 E 333.87 19 1 18 1 Tl 1 16 1 15 1 14 1 13 1 12 1 11 1 10 1 9 35 1 36 1 37 1 38 1 39 1 40 1 41 1 42 1 43 1 44 1 45 29) Shamrock Holly (4) t I 3 — v*ng pbft to main I Burning Bush I 32 EXISTING FLAGPOLES It LIGHTS 01 00) Lido" - 17o.c. I I EXISTING LIGHT POLES — I MACE I I 66 65 1 64 63 62 I 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 A 54 53 1 52 51 7 PARKING OVERHANG I — — -- -- — C I CURET mk4H r: I EXISTING 5TORMW DETENTION BASIN 3) Rediwd CHAINUNK FENCE t GATES - SEE C2.0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 I \ xI1 x \ -- I / i X $ v I \A7 I (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) EXISTING DROP INLET (1YP.) n Mkt gib STORMWATER DETENTION EASEMENT sh -- r - --- -_____ - - - --- - - - - - --L EXISTING FENCE — 5 40 28 33 W 259.09 awng trees to main MITCHELL / MATTHEW'S ARCHITECTS PLANNERS Tel : 434.979.7550 Paz: 434. 979. 5220 oax" O V John F. Matthews Cart. No. 6769 This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be repro- duced or used without the express permission of the Architect. The contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report any discrepancies to the Architect LANDSCAPE PLAN PROJECT - DATE Aug 5.2008 DRAM JIB CHECKED - REVIEWED - O z 4C/G 0-4 CZ 4 1---I a M W z z 0 W Ux z U O 0 00 W M 1 w C/) oax" O V John F. Matthews Cart. No. 6769 This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be repro- duced or used without the express permission of the Architect. The contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report any discrepancies to the Architect LANDSCAPE PLAN PROJECT - DATE Aug 5.2008 DRAM JIB CHECKED - REVIEWED - ot;V*!. AMZ e • * 40 tzVR.' I --------------- - -------------------- ---------------- AIM rya• vja 1tat.ry4 i •t Jy'St13tW4 irtTSb' .. , ° .6°A.r ti •v ,• a 3--. A. w Q.&-Q -AA, oaev"+e. Siv,.•.cC'btii•'y,:_..,.lski,t .I:..li.d.!' - : 'Y.><v.4TV4`•Y .'N.. 2, P DOUGLAS FIR Tows PROPO POMM 99 fArm N a Wmw C -1 CJ PJQ5$yPSDPI C -1 I NEW ROOFING TO EXISTING WALLS - SEE DETAIL 31A1.2 MAIN ROOF - ABOVE 3 STORY BUILDING LOWER ROOF - AT STAIR WELL MITCHELL / MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS M Twin 0 ) a wrw Lw1' C wieftwvill/, VislWa 22M AI : 434.979. 7360 Pax: 434.979.3220 r i. :.f' ,'r:F .tip 1. a T: , >., .... ._ . _.. s .... sv ., ''-;:: , tom,'' IL, M < : .. .11 W 3 ... ,z r.s e 1. < rv' r ! I ' 1/ /v : x <. < 11 x , ,,. 11 _. , , 'rrF ..S desk. .< G. I L, , ` R 0 ::•Mnd ":n •5 R. : -. ..i' r , 4,:,:p x;: x " : . ,. . :a Y >." mss', I ' I ! I ' I /s i. .r' -tx: 4 • HT' ,rn;,11 , E,.xr.. .. ... ., .. .. , .. r. .... f,. .: x,... , i. r .v Fa , .: i 9 .:.:.< n : ...,:1. J.; ; Ke , F ;4:. f ::: fix.n: 11 , \ a m. e ,'.: f.b.[:9 ,:r to < •. <. a ..'y<v.3 :t 5., a.:. ` t <a R , , S'" C3ar I h.. ,., . ..,. r :., , „ . . x.ti s'r I o.. ,. :::. _ I: ._, ;, 'i. is o.. .. ;i,.... ,_ ., _.. .,t _. .. .. _T.,j _ .a_'. „ ,o: `@` _. 3 \ ass _ ..... c l;:a x „ . v a xY ' r... _ M z._. D a _... ,:.. _. ..z.v .wI2: - - .. F.. .. . ., T11 w r r tisr r ... ... .. 1. L. YY // / /p 3 s a >r >, % c' TAO:' I LL rq: a y ' R? o .. :... :,o•. 'i If# . u zaS < rf . : t ":t.: 1. y a. ... ., <. 5. G. I . - I 4 : r_4 b r. - r <. .. .. : .v.: .. , ..._ , . - ..:fit ., " ^: .rc + r. C _ ..._c ;a . > A a ;: Via : 11 a s sit<_` a ; r r, \ _L ri t T :.: ,. :. .u.. .. ,., _ :C :, Y _ _b. .. \...M:.. w„ ,a .., x._ . ,.::..., Kt; zuA.,.. +F n r< ¢ g . . F . . . 4 I r':.- , „ r ,; <; s ., _:? ,u, x. :. _,._c, ? . a > n.. ` ? c,r '3z"' r :.3 >: ., ., 'c c - `- .. _.. .:.. :, .: , -< y ,,., : .. '" '. -. .r. , _. ;, ,. .< < . . )Y 2. 3" °,tt. Avl:<?! }"?v I I L .. I I . I , , , - I , , , , . - I I I - I I 0 ( D1 ' I I f / I / 11 '11' ] „• I I '11 I! /' 'I I 1 / '1' '11 1 I' I 'II I '/I P-4 EXISTING VENT PIPE EXISTING EIFS OVER OLDER WALL STRUCTURE - FIELD VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS REMOVE PORTION OF EXISTING EIFS To ALLOW FOR FLASHING RERNR I[ PATCH EIFS AFTER FLASHING RECEIVER IS INSTALLED LOW PROFILE MANUFACTURED VENTED ROOF CAP ICE I WWTER SHIELD MEMBRANE CLEAT STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFING PANEL STANDING SEAM BEYOND STANDING SEAM W RAPIEL CLIPS E "' PER MANUFAGTUREttS 1. REGOMMENQATIONSSTANDINGSEAMMETALROOFINGPANELRECOMMENDATIONS ICE IE WATER SHIELD MEMBRANE 3 L, I II , 1 I / 1' LINE OF ICE I %ATER SHIELD MEMBRM SUBSTRATE SUBSTRATE rt?QD hp 30N FELT 300 FELT AT ENTRY CANOPY REMOVE EXISTING EIFS TO ALLOW FOR NEW STRUCTURE A VENTED ROOF RIDGE B ROOF / WALL FLASHING A1.3 A1.3 A1.3 A1.3 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1' SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1' -0"0" W -MAA '11 MR-- RIDGE CAP CLEAT STANDING SEAM BEYOND STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFING PANEL ICE It WATER SHIELD MEMBRANE LINE OF SUBSTRATE All F 30M FELT C NON - VENTED ROOF RIDGE A1.3 A1.3 SCALE: 1 1/2' = 1' -0" 30p FELT VALLEY FLASHING RAN F D ROOF VALLEY 3 1 Al.3 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1' -0 METAL FLASHING RECEIVER METAL FLASHING ICE 6, WATER I SHIELD MEMBRANE PANEL CUP STANDING SEAM BEYOND STANDING SEAM ROOF PANEL I. BOOT FLASHING UNDER ROOFING I METAL ROOFING OVER FLASHING I BOOT FLASHING IOVER ROOFING I J 11 LIMIT OF ICE It WATER SHIELD MEMBRANE UNDER ROOFING EXISTING VENT PIPE - FIELD VERIFY SIZE, NUMBER t LOCATIONS WATER GUT -OFF MASTIC STAINLESS STEEL CLAMPING RING TWO -PIECE METAL BOOT 1W FLASHING INSTALL BOOT PER STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF OVER EXISTING ROOF STRUCTURE HORIZONTAL FLASHING SEAM TO EXTEND FROM VERTICAL SEAM TO VERTICAL SEAM STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF UNDER FLASHING) BOOT FLASHING UNDER ROOFING HORIZONTAL FLASHING SEAM TO i VERTICAL SEAMERTICAL SEAM TO F 11 r E ROOF PENETRATION A1.3 A1.3 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1''0" EXISTING ROOF STRUCTURE P' o S paoP SoPyoe 0 it 2' SCALE: 1 1/2" - 1'-0" 0 1' 2 4' 8' 16' SCALE: 1/8" 1. DO NOT SCALE THESE DRAWINGS. 2. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE ALL ARCHITECTURAL GENERAL NOTES WITH THE GENERAL NOTES RELATED TO SITE WORK AND STRUCTURAL AS WELL A5 MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, AND ELECTRICAL DESIGN -BUILD REQUIREMENTS. 3. SUBCONTRACTORS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF MECHANICAL, PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS TO CAREFULLY STUDY ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL AND CIVIL DOCUMENTS TO ENSURE NO CHANGES TO THE PROPOSED DESIGN INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO MAINTAINING THE FOLLOWING: THE INTEGRITY OF U.L. LISTED FIRE -RATED FLR.6I.6. ASSEMBLY AND WALL ASSEMBLIES. 4.. ANY PENETRATIONS OF RATED CONSTRUCTION TO BE FIRE - STOPPED W U.L. APPROVED FIRE- STOPPING MATERIAL AS REQUIRED BY CODE. 5. ROOF DETAILS SHOWN ARE NOT SPECIFIC TO ANY ROOF MANUFACTURER. CONFIRM DETAILS OF ROOFING SUPPLIER CHOSEN WITH ARCHITECT DURING SUBMISSION OF SHOP DRAWINGS. THE INTENT OF ALL DETAILS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS MUST BE ADHERED TO - CUSTOM WORK MAY BE REQUIRED. 6. THE ROOFING CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO INSTALL FLASHING TO WALL SHEATHING (UNDER SYNTHETIC STUCCO SYSTEM). THIS WILL REQUIRE THE ROOFING CONTRACTOR TO BE ON SITE DURING 2 SEPERATE PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION. ONCE TO INSTALL METAL RECEIVER FLASHING TO WALL SHEATHING - AND LATER TO INSTALL FLASHING 11 ROOFING (AFTER SYNTHETIC STUCCO WORK 15 COMPLETE). 7. PROVIDE METAL DRIP EDGE AT dj, ROOF EDGES - AT BOTH RAKE SLOPE EDGES ANDE EAVE EDGES. 8. ALL ROOF FLASHING CONDITIONS INCLUDING VALLEYS, EAVES, SIDEWALL CONDITIONS AND ALL TYPES OF ROOF PENETRATIONS TO INCORPORATE HIGH- TEMPERATURE ICE AND WATER SHIELD AS AN INTEGRAL COMPONENT OF THE REQUIRED WATER PROOFING SYSTEM TO ENSURE THAT WATERPROOF INTEGRITY OF THE ENTIRE ROOF SYSTEM IS MAINTAINED INSTALL ICE AND WATER SHIELD PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. Z9. PROVIDE HIGH - TEMPERATURE ICE AND WATER SHIELD AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: A. VALLEYS: 18" ON EACH SIDE OF ALL VALLEYS. Z B. EAVES: 24" ALONG ENTIRE EA/E. G. SIDEWALL CONDITIONS: 18" ON ROOF FROM FACE OF WALL I: 6" MIN. UP WALL. a D ROOF PENETRATIONS: 18" AROUND ALL SIDES OF PENETRATIONS. Q+ E. RIDGES: 18" ON EACH SIDE OF RIDGE. w Q 10. ALL RAIN WATER LEADERS TO BE EXTENDED BELOW GRADE AND CONNECTED TO STORM WATER o MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. PROVIDE COLOR COORDINATED ACCESSORIES, TRANSITIONS I ATTACHMENTS AS REM FOR A COMPLETE PRODUCT. 11. PROTECT EXISTING RAIN WATER LEADERS AND GUTTERS THAT ARE TO REMAIN. REPAIR ANY DAMAGES f CAUSED BY CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION ACTIVITIES. REPAIR DAMAGES AT NO EXTRA COST TO W OWNER. REPAIRS SHALL. BE TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER. W12. ALL ROOF PENETRATIONS (VENTS, VENT STACKS, ETC.) OR ROOF MOUNTED COMPONENTS TO BEWRAPPEDINPRE - FINISHED ALUMINUM BREAK METAL, OR EQUAL, IN A COLOR TO MATCH THE ROOF. PROVIDE SAMPLES FOR ARCHITECTS APPROVAL. COORDINATE WITH PLUMBING CONTRACTOR AND ALL OTHER SUBCONTRACTORS RESPONSIBLE FOR ROOF PENETRATIONS OR ROOF MOUNTED COMPONENTS. p,LTH O o P.- p' John F. Matthews S U Cent. No. 6769 This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be repro- duced or used without the express permission ofthe Architect. The contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report any discrepancies to the Architect ROOF PLAN PROJECT - DATE Aug. 5, 2008 DRAWN MB CHECKED - REVIEWED - Ib•ob 0 X a 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0x S ( >> X I X X I X 6. X - 1 X1 X e't I X X 1 ?0 I 1 ?0 X X 0 0 X X 0 X s X 7 2 j k5o "0119 X A1 X X A<i Polished Brass X X M3 X X X M X X 0 X 6 tj 6 9j X X 0 X X6 .9 B>0B X A X X A08 Bs 6 9,1 o X X X X X X CALCULATED FOOTGANDLES 0 GROUNDLEVEL THE CALCULATED LIGHT LEVELS ACCOUNT FOR ONLY NEW LIGHTS A550GIATED WITH THE NEW ENTRY CANOPY. LIGHT LEVELS FROM EXISTING 51TE LIGHTING 15 NOT INCLUDED THE SPECIFIED CANOPY LUMINAIRE (LUCIFER DL4X)15 FULL CUTOFF DARK SKIES COMPLIANT. THE FIXTURE 15 FULLY RECESSED IN THE LIGHT FIXTURE 0 GLG. ABOVE CANOPY CEILING, ELIMINATING ANY P0551BLE UP LIGHTING. O W SYMBOL: A-1 LABEL: A QUANTITY 8 TRIM COLOR: MATTE WHITE D CATALOG No: LUCIFER DL4X, 4" DIA. RECE55ED DOWNLIGHT WITH INTEGRAL TRANSFORMER QDESCRIPTION: STEEL HOUSING WITH ALUMINUM STIPPLED REFLECTOR f OPEN BOTTOM x LAMP: ONE SU 39 WATT FAR 16 CMH (QUARTZ HALOGEN) LAMP FILE: DLAX_39w_60.IE5 LUMENS: fil LLF:1.00 WATTS: 42 S DL4XM se Fixed Deep Cone Modified RECESSED DOWNLIGHT PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Cat. No. Finish DL4XMW -*Matte White DL4XMB *Matte Black DL4XMC -*Polished Chrome DL4XMG -*Polished Brass Specify SR (strippled reflector); CR (clear reflector); BA (black olzak reflector) IT 94mm 040" 3.13 " -80mm 1 M 4.92' -125mm —- DL4XM MODIFIEDTRIM i ao o uiris T L s.so• 'es1nsTT DHT /P HOUSING o a T JS"'" ilTp 117y'.4r I— W DHX - I HOUSING d DHI HOUSING 1 S IIeM' 1 0 DHM HOUSING TOM (TYP.) GENERAL DESCRIPTION ACCESSORIES This Lucifer recessed downlight is a fixed low voltage fixture which is modified from the Trim may be accessorized with Honeycomb Louvre (HCL -2), Frosted Glass Lens (FGL -2), standard unit (oL4X) to have a flush trim plate with no return and slightly smaller Spread Glass Lens (SGL -2), Linear Spread Glass Lens (LSL -2), and Ultra Violet Glass Lens 2 CANOPY REFLECTED CEILING PLANoutside &mew. This trim is for use in straight and true ceding conditions which require (UVL -2). fine finish out. When these concitions are met, the trim profile is almost invisible against the ceiling plane, Round aperture with deeply recessed lamp in aluminum reflector. Uses a LABEL ' SCALE: 1/4 = 1 -O quartz halogen lamp for superior color rendition and beam control. Clear glass lens is U.L. listed trim and housings for dry and damp locations. File No. E 115025, z supplied with fixture. ELECTRICAL MOUNTING Trim is pre-wired for use in housing assembly. Use with DHTIP housing and remote transformer (50w maximum) for non- insulated, accessible ceilings only. DHT /P housing includes 5 foot conduit with leads and pre -wired TRANSFORMER mating connectors for quick trim connection. Use with DHX- I housing with integral DHX -1, DHI, DHC, and DHM housings are supplied with an integral 120v or 277v magnetic or electronic transformer, 120v primary, 12v secondary (75w maximum) or primary, 12v secondary magnetic transformer. DHX- I can also be supplied with an integral magnetic transformer 277v primary, 12v secondary (50w maximum). The DHX- I integral 120v primary, 12v secondary electronic transformer. DHT /P housing is powered is for use with non - insulated, accessible or non - accessible ceilings. Distinguishing by remote transformer sized to load (order separately). All transformers are fully characteristic of DHX- I housing is shallow construction, under 4 inches in depth, U.L. dimmable, listed for through branch circuit wiring. Use with DHI housing with integral magnetic transformer (50w maximum) for insulated, accessible or non- accessible ceilings. Use with LAMP DHM housing with integral magnetic transformer (50w maximum) for non - insulated 12v MR -16 halogen lamp (order separately). Specify lamp beam spread. See Mounting remodel and existing construction. DHC City of Chicago listed plenum housing with section for maximum lamp wattage per housing. integral magnetic transformer (50w maximum) not shown, but available. Hanging bars and brackets are Included for all housings. ENERGY CONSERVATION Manufacturer recommends use of Osram Sylvania's energy saving 37w Tru -Aim` IR MATERIAL halogen lamps which convert more energy into light than conventional MR -16 lamps, Trim 5 constructed of steel. Fixture housings are riveted aluminum or spot welded steel. Tru -Aim' IR halogen lamps can be ordered from Lucifer Lighting for use inin fixture. See luciferiighting.com for lamp specification guide. ` nn WARRANTY 41 GO J Ov Manufacturers one year warranty of product is conditioned on use of manufacturer ; 0 .0 Ljc *4T YVO Y supplied transformers. ` 414 Live Oak Street m2004 Lucifer Lighting Company San Antonio, Texas 78202 As part of its policy of continuous research and product development, the Phone 210 227 -7329 Company reserves the right to change or withdraw specifications without FAX 210 227 -4967 prior notice. www.Iuciferlighting.com 0936-1004 0 1' 2' 3' 4' 8' 16' SCALE: 1/8" - 1'-0" 0 1' 2' 3' 4' 8' SCALE: 1/4" - 1'-0" 0 X 1 CANOPY PHOTOMETRICS PLAN Al .3 SCALE: 1/8"1111 1 Z MITCHELL / MATTHEM ARCHITECTS PLMNL"RS Tel: 434.979.7550 Fax: 434.979. 5220 Q Z 7 W 0 fx x U p,LTH o v John F Matthfswa Cart. No. 6769 e This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be repro- duced or used without the express permission of the Architect. e The contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report any discrepancies to the Architect REFLECTED CEILING PLAN & PHOTOMETRICS PROJECT _ DATE Aug 5. 2008 DRAWN MB CHECKED _ REVIEWED W x Q W x w z wwwz w w u a piece W C)C/) aM U w U o Z M za Q Z 7 W 0 fx x U p,LTH o v John F Matthfswa Cart. No. 6769 e This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be repro- duced or used without the express permission of the Architect. e The contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report any discrepancies to the Architect REFLECTED CEILING PLAN & PHOTOMETRICS PROJECT _ DATE Aug 5. 2008 DRAWN MB CHECKED _ REVIEWED W x Q W x w z wwwz w w u a piece