HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200800004 Review Comments 2008-10-03SDP -2006 -00056 Luxor Comn- - vial Center Patrick Lawrence From: Denunzio, Joel D., P.E. [ Joel .Denunzio @VDOT.virginia.gov] Sent: Friday, October 03, 2008 10:15 AM To: Patrick Lawrence Subject: SDP - 2006 -00056 Luxor Commercial Center SDP - 2006 -00056 Luxor Commercial Center Pat, Page 1 of 3 We have reviewed the latest plan for the subject site plan and all VDOT comments have been addressed. Please let the applicant know that a Land Use Permit will be required for work within the VDOT Right of Way. Thanks, Joel Joel DeNunzio, P.E. Staff Engineer 434 - 293 -0011 Ext.120 joekdenunzioCa v_dot.virginia.ov From: Denunzio, Joel D., P.E. Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 02:58 PM To: 'plawrence @albemarle.org' Subject: FW: SDP - 2006 -00056 Luxor Commercial Center Pat, I have reviewed the above plan and have the following comments: Sight distance on route 250 is 645 feet. ROW needs to be shown 1 foot behind the sidewalk on route 250. Also, the at the entrance to the site from route 250 should be offset from being placed directly behind the curb. The ROW at the roundabout needs to be placed a minimum of 1 foot behind the sidewalk. The sight lines for the roundabout also need to be shown in this quadrant of the intersection and is the proposed ROW does not contain the sight triangle, sight easements will be necessary. The sidewalk that ties into the existing drugstore entrance needs to have a CG -12. A CG -12 also needs to be added to the western side of this entrance. The sidewalk at this location should also wrap up a connect to the entrance within the existing Eckerd parking lot for continuity. The CG -12 at the entrance off route 250 goes nowhere across the entrance along route 250. 10/27/2008 SDP -2006 -00056 Luxor Commercial Center Show entrance profiles at entrances for route 250 and Rolkin Road. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks, Joel Joel DeNunzio, P.E. Staff Engineer 434 - 293 -0011 Ext. 120 joel.denunzio@vdot .virgnia.goy From: Denunzio, Joel D., P.E. Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 9:35 AM To: 'Patrick Lawrence' Subject: FW: SDP - 2006 -00056 Luxor Commercial Center Pat, Page 2 of 3 I have discussed the sight distance requirement with the design engineer and we have concluded that the sight distance will not be an issue. I do not need to see the sight distance changed on the preliminary plan but it will need to be shown correctly on the final site plan. Thanks, Joel Joel DeNunzio, P.E. Staff Engineer 434 - 293 -0011 Ext. 120 joeI . den unzio (cbvdot.v_wginia.go_v From: Denunzio, Joel D., P.E. Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2007 11:37 AM To: David E. Pennock Cc: 'Allan Schuck'; Glenn Brooks Subject: SDP -2006 -00056 Luxor Commercial Center David, We have reviewed the above plan and have the following comments Please show proposed ROW lines and indicate if Luxor is public or private. 10/27/2008 SDP -2006 -00056 Luxor Commercial Center Page 3 of 3 The ROW line around the roundabout need to show sight lines and possible sight easements. ROW line cannot be in the middle of a sidewalk. If the Luxor Road proposed section is public then it needs to be designed in accordance with the Minimum Standards of Entrances to State Highways. Need road plans, drainage plans, pavement design, entrance profiles, etc. Sight distance on route 250 needs to be 645 feet in both directions. Sight distance on Rolkin needs to be in accordance with the design speed. If you have questions or comments, please let me know. Thanks, Joel Joel DeNunzio, P.E. Staff Engineer 434 - 293 -0011 Ext. 120 o el.denunzio VirginiaDOT.org 10/27/2008 tip\ 1LBb•t -.., lti1A COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126 Project: Luxor Commercial Center [SDP200800004] Plan preparer: Justin Shimp, DDR [fax 979 -1681] Plan received date: 14 Jan 2005 Date of comments: 22 Feb 2008 Reviewer: Jonathan Sharp A. Final Site Plans 1. Please provide public road plans. Road improvements from Rolkin Road must be a public street. 2. Please provide an E &S plan, WPO application, and associated fee. 3. Please provide all necessary offsite easements for parcels 78 -12, 1213, and 55D. 4. Please provide the date of the topoinaphic information. 5. Please show all existing easements with deed book references, locations, and dimensions on the existing conditions sheet. 6. Proposed slopes steeper than 3:1 require low maintenance (non grass) ground cover. 7. Please show all proposed easements, dimensioned and labeled. Examples of easements are: sidewalk easements for sidewalks to be maintained with streets, access easements for 78 -55D and proposed lot A. 8. No structures or trees can lie within drainage easements. 9. There is a grading break for contour 530 near the roundabout. 10. The entrances into Aunt Sarah's are too close together. Please consolidate the entrances. 11. The entrances into the site are too close together. Please remove the middle entrance and provide internal circulation between the parking areas so traffic will not have to exit onto the street to get from the lower to middle parking area. 12. Entrances must maintain a minimum of 12.5' radius (or per VDOT requirements, typically 25-35'). 13. VDOT approval is required. 14. Parking places must be separated from entrances and streets (to prevent queuing onto streets) a minimum 18' from back of the entrance radius. 15. Parking spaces extend over the property lines. A boundary line adjustment or shared parking agreement is required. 16. Please provide overland relief for structure 12X L 17. Please show all required sewer line requirements. 18. Please provide traffic generation and distribution summary (ADT's) 19. Please show pavement calculations. 20. Please provide typical retaining wall details. 21. Please show all utility crossings on the storm sewer profiles. 22. Please specify the grate type for all grate inlets. 23. Please provide pipe calculations for the pipe system all the way to the outfall to pond #2. 24. Please provide inlet capacity calculations (6.5" intensity). 25. All spreads must be less than 10'. 26. Please show the time of concentration for each drainage area as used in the computations. 27. Additional comments will be necessary upon resubmittal. A. Final Site Plans 1. Please provide public road plans. Road improvements from Rolkin Road must be a public street. Revl: The plans still indicate that the proposed Luxor Rd will he private. The street must be a public road;vaV, to be reviewed and approved bl' VDOT. 2. Please provide an E &S plan, W'PO application, and associated fee. Revl: comments not addressed. 3. Please provide all necessary offsite easements for parcels 78 -12, 1213, and 55D. Revl: It appears construction easements are needed from 78 -12B. Easement plats should be approved and deeded prior to . final site plan approval, 1 It tit 11; 1, cif J'r 7. Please show all proposed easements, dimensioned and labeled. Examples of easements are: sidewalk easements for sidewalks to be maintained with streets, access easements for 78 -55D and proposed lot A. Rev]: Several necessary drainage easements are missing. Additional easements are needed on the follorving: Line 12C to 12A; Line 12X1 to 12X1 Line 12 Y2 to 12 Y1; Line 12 Y5 to 12Y; Line 12Z2 to 12Z]. V 8. No structures or trees can lie within drainage easements. Revl: Proposed trees are still shown within drainage easements. 1 13. VDOT approval is required. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126 Project:Luxor Commercial Center [SDP200800004] Plan preparer:Justin Shimp, DDR [email: jshimp(u)ddrva.com Plan received date:14 .Ian 2008 07 April 2008 (Rev I) Date of comments:22 Feb 2008 15 April 2008 (Rev I) Reviewer:Jonathan Sharp [phone: 566 -2578] A. Final Site Plans 1. Please provide public road plans. Road improvements from Rolkin Road must be a public street. Revl: The plans still indicate that the proposed Luxor Rd will he private. The street must be a public road;vaV, to be reviewed and approved bl' VDOT. 2. Please provide an E &S plan, W'PO application, and associated fee. Revl: comments not addressed. 3. Please provide all necessary offsite easements for parcels 78 -12, 1213, and 55D. Revl: It appears construction easements are needed from 78 -12B. Easement plats should be approved and deeded prior to . final site plan approval, 1 It tit 11; 1, cif J'r 7. Please show all proposed easements, dimensioned and labeled. Examples of easements are: sidewalk easements for sidewalks to be maintained with streets, access easements for 78 -55D and proposed lot A. Rev]: Several necessary drainage easements are missing. Additional easements are needed on the follorving: Line 12C to 12A; Line 12X1 to 12X1 Line 12 Y2 to 12 Y1; Line 12 Y5 to 12Y; Line 12Z2 to 12Z]. V 8. No structures or trees can lie within drainage easements. Revl: Proposed trees are still shown within drainage easements. 1 13. VDOT approval is required. Albemarle Count}' Community Development Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 2 Rer1: conunents not aticlressed. 20. Please provide typical retaining wall details. Rent: The plan .vpeeifles « segmented block wall. The details specify a poured concrete wall. 21. Please show all utility crossings on the storm sewer profiles. Reid: The sanitary sewer line crossing between 12 -ZIA and 12 -Z2 is not shown on the prgfiles. 21 Please specify the grate type for all grate inlets. Real: Please specify the grate type (Tjy)e I or III) on the DI -7s. 27. Additional comments will be necessary upon resubmittal. A. Final Site Plans Fax(434)972 -4126 3. Please provide all necessary offsite easements for parcels 78 -12, 12B, and 55D. Rcvl: It appears construction casementy arc nccciccl fi 78 -I2B. Ect.tcmcntl/lut5 slrotrld he approved and deeded prior to final site plan approval. Rev2: Grading easements are required. Use of the alllacent pond for ESC and SiUM requires easements. The second interconnection to Eckerd should be shown on the plans. Access easements should be provided to Aunt Sarah's at the entrance locations provided JilIllll COUNTY OF ALB Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 Phone(434)296 -5832 Project:Luxor Commercial Center [SDP200800004] Plan preparer:Justin Shimp, DDR [email: jsh_ii71 - cr dch_a_ coin] Plan received date:14 Jan 2008 07 April 2008 (Rev] ) 28 April 2008 ( Road Plans) 15 May 2008 (ESC Plans) 12 .tune 2008 (Rev2 Final Site Plan) Date of comments:22 Feb 2008 15 April 2008 ( Rev l ) 18 June 2008 (Rev 2 FSP, ESC, Road Plans) Reviewer:Jonathan Sharp [phone: 566 -2578] A. Final Site Plans Fax(434)972 -4126 3. Please provide all necessary offsite easements for parcels 78 -12, 12B, and 55D. Rcvl: It appears construction casementy arc nccciccl fi 78 -I2B. Ect.tcmcntl/lut5 slrotrld he approved and deeded prior to final site plan approval. Rev2: Grading easements are required. Use of the alllacent pond for ESC and SiUM requires easements. The second interconnection to Eckerd should be shown on the plans. Access easements should be provided to Aunt Sarah's at the entrance locations provided Albema -.. ,'ounty Community Development Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 3 13. VDOT approval is required. Rcrl: commcnts not addressed. Rev2: comments not addressed. B. Road Plans 28. The road plans are not shown on the latest submitted Final Site Plan (dated 6/12/08) 29. Horizontal curve and vertical curve design of the roadway should meet VDOT requirements. 30. Signs for traffic control must be shown and labeled. Street name sign locations must be shown and labeled. 31. All pipe and utility crossings must be shown and labeled on the road profiles. 32. Cross drain locations must be shown and labeled with VDOT designations at every major cut Albema,___,'ounty Community Development Engineering Review Comments Page 3 of 3 and till transition or sag curve. 33. Proposed slopes sleeper than 3:1 must have low maintenance not grass ground cover specified on the plans. 34. A road bond will be computed by the County once the plans have been approved. The bond must be posted prior to the approval of the pending subdivision plat. A schedule of completion and bond estimate request must be provided once the plans have been approved. C. Erosion Control Plans 35. The ESC Plans do not match the latest Final Site Plan. 36. 'rhe dust control (DC), temporary stabilization (TS), and final stabilization (PS) symbols must be shown ou the plans. 37. Please show existing drainage divides on the plans. 38. Please show existing vegetation on the plans. 39. Please show existing soil boundaries with labels on the plans. 40. An ESC bond will be computed by the County once the plans have been approved. nor Ar.t, COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 Phone (434) 296 -5832 Project:Luxor Commercial Center [SDP200800004] Plan preparer:Justin Shimp, DDR [email: jshimp(cnddrva.com Owner or rep.:Luxor, LLC Plan received date:14 Jan 2008 07 April 2008 (Revl) 28 April 2008 (Road Plans) 15 May 2008 (ESC Plans) 12 June 2008 (Rev2 Final Site Plan) 15 July 2008 (Rev3) 27 August 2008 (Rev4 Final Site and Road Plan) Date of comments:22 Feb 2008 15 April 2008 (Rev 1) 18 June 2008 (Rev2 FSP, ESC, Road Plans) 04 Aug 2008 (Rev3) 13 October 2008 (Rev4 Final Site and Road Plan) Reviewer:Jonathan Sharp (Rev 1) Phil Custer (Rev4) Fax (434) 972 -4126 After the fourth review of the plan, the remaining comments are listed below from Jon Sharp's August 4"' letter. The fifth submittal by the applicant contained just the road and site plan. A. Final Site Plan 3. Please provide all necessary offsite easements for parcels 78 -12, 12B, and 55D. Revl: It appears construction easements are needed_fi-om 78 -12B. Easement plats should be approved and deeded prior to final site plan approval. Rev2: Grading easements are required. Use of the adjacent pond for ESC and SWM requires easements. The second interconnection to Eckerd should be shown on the plans. Access easements should be provided to Aunt Sarah's at the entrance locations provided. Rev3: All necesssan offsite easements are required prior to final site plan approval. AJZy pending on site easement plats must be approved prior to final site plan approval. Rev4: Approval of all of the of easements listed above is still required. 13. VDOT approval is required. Revl: comments not addressed. Rev2: comments not addressed. Rev3: We are currently sending a copy of the plans to 1'DOT for review. Rev4: Comment has not been addressed. B. Road Plans Albemarleunty Community Development Engineering, Review Comments Page ? of 34. A road bond will be computed by the County once the plans have been approved. The bond must be posted prior to the approval of the pending subdivision plat. A schedule of completion and bond estimate request must be provided once the plans have been approved. Rei A road bond will be required for the pending subdivision plat If the proposed Luxor Road is providing adequate any of the proposed subdivision parcels. If Luxor Rd is not reduired_for accessfii no road bond is required. Rev4: No road bond appears to be required. C. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan 40. An ESC bond will be computed by the County once the plans have been approved. Rev3: An ESC bond will be computed bP the County once the plans have been approved. Page 1 of 1 Philip Custer From: Philip Custer Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 11:55 AM To: 'Justin Shimp' Cc: Patrick Lawrence Subject: RE: Luxor Commercial Easements /Etc Thanks for the email Justin. It definitely helps to have these items listed out like you have them. I agree with youregardingitems1, 3, and 4. And I trust that Pat's review of the access easements on the Rite Aid -Eckw -p TMPfitem5._ r ion, we nee a etter of intent from Eckerd /Rite -Aid for the construction on TM79 -12B to install the curb tie -ins and necessary grading. I s re rdin " re going to get with Bill tomorrow afternoon to discuss what we'll need for the futuLuxorRoaddedicationsinceitisasomewhatuniquesituation. Also, just to clarify, the parcel in question regarding theLuxorRoadissueis78F -01 - -A according to our records. As far as I can tell, TMP 78 -12B (Rite - Aid /Eckerd) needs noROWdedicationfortheLuxorCommercialDevelopmenttotakeplace. From: Justin Shimp [mailto:jshimp @ddrva.com] Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 11:13 AM To: Philip Custer Cc: Patrick Lawrence Subject: Luxor Commercial Easements /Etc Phil, as a follow up to our conversation Jon had made this comment: 3. Please provide all necessary offsite easements for parcels 78 -12, 12B, and 55D. Revl : It appears construction easements are needed from 78 -12B. Easement plats should beapprovedanddeededpriortofinalsiteplanapproval. Rev2: Grading easements are required. Use of the adjacent pond for ESC and SWM requireseasements. The second interconnection to Eckerd should be shown on the plans. Access easements should be provided to Aunt Sarah's at the entrance locations provided. Rev3: All necessary offsite easements are required prior to final site plan approval. Anypendingonsiteeasementplatsmustbeapprovedpriortofinalsiteplanapproval. Based on that comment and our conversation it is my understanding that the following is required: deeds of dedication for public drainage easements Letter of intent from the owner of parcel 12B indicating agreement to allow the ROW dedication as shown on the finalsitsplan. opy of the plat showing drainage easements from the site to the existing regional stormwater facility ICopy of the stormwater management agreement for the luxor commercial site to use the regional SWM facility.Letter of intent/signed easement plat showing the second connection to Rite -Aid on the north side of the site. (the firstnnectionclosestto250hasbeenremovedfromthesiteplan) Access easements to Aunt Sarah's have been provided on the easement plat that I submitted most recently. I doublecheckedthegradingplanandcanconfirmthatnoconstructionwilltakeplaceontheAuntSarah's parcel. Please let me know if anything is missing from the list above. I will try to pull as many of these things together as I cantodayandtomorrow. I am trying very hard to have this plan signed by the end of next week so if you'll can think ofanythingelsethatmaybeneededbeforetheplancanbesignedpleaseletmeknow. Thanks! Justin eeea 1/6/2009 Page 1 of 2 Philip Custer From: Philip Custer Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 9:52 AM To: 'Justin Shimp'; 'Tucker Hurt'; 'Denise LaCour' Cc: Patrick Lawrence Subject: RE: Luxor Commercial Easements /Etc I have reviewed the documents regarding the offsite easements for use of the SWM basin, drainage, and access All of the outstanding engineering concerns have been addressed for the site plan and we grant tentative approval pending the approval of the plats which Pat is currently reviewing. I have also not seen an approval letter from VDOT for this project, though I believe I recall VDOT as having no objections. An approval letter from VDOT should be kept on file before the County requests that mylars be submitted. A WPO bond amount will be calculated for the ESC plan by engineering review and will be relayed to the applicant once it is completed. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Phil From: Philip Custer Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 11:55 AM To: 'Justin Shimp' Cc: Patrick Lawrence Subject: RE: Luxor Commercial Easements /Etc Thanks for the email Justin. It definitely helps to have these items listed out like you have them. I agree with you regarding items 1, 3, and 4. And I trust that Pat's review of the access easements on the Rite Aid - Eckerd property (TMP 78 -12B) will take care of item 5. In addition, we'll need a letter of intent from Eckerd /Rite -Aid for the construction on TMP 79 -12B to install the curb tie -ins and necessary grading. I spoke with Pat regarding item 2. We're going to get with Bill tomorrow afternoon to discuss what we'll need for the future Luxor Road dedication since it is a somewhat unique situation. Also, just to clarify, the parcel in question regarding the Luxor Road issue is 78F -01 - -A according to our records. As far as I can tell, TMP 78 -12B Rite- Aid / Eckerd) needs no ROW dedication for the Luxor Commercial Development to take place. From: Justin Shimp [mailto:jshimp @ddrva.com] Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 11:13 AM To: Philip Custer Cc: Patrick Lawrence Subject: Luxor Commercial Easements /Etc Phil, as a follow up to our conversation Jon had made this comment: 3. Please provide all necessary offsite easements for parcels 78 -12, 12B, and 55D. Revl : It appears construction easements are needed from 78 -12B. Easement plats should be approved and deeded prior to final site plan approval. Rev2: Grading easements are required. Use of the adjacent pond for ESC and SWM requires 1/7/2009 Page 2 of 2 easements. The second interconnection to Eckerd should be shown on the plans. Access easements should be provided to Aunt Sarah's at the entrance locations provided. Rev3: All necessary offsite easements are required prior to final site plan approval. Any pending on site easement plats must be approved prior to final site plan approval. Based on that comment and our conversation it is my understanding that the following is required: 1) deeds of dedication for public drainage easements 2) Letter of intent from the owner of parcel 12B indicating agreement to allow the ROW dedication as shown onthefinalsiteplan. 3) Copy of the plat showing drainage easements from the site to the existing regional stormwater facility 4) Copy of the stormwater management agreement for the luxor commercial site to use the regional SWM facility.5) Letter of intent /signed easement plat showing the second connection to Rite -Aid on the north side of the site. the first connection closest to 250 has been removed from the siteplan) Access easements to Aunt Sarah's have been provided on the easement plat that I submitted most recently. I double checked the grading plan and can confirm that no construction will take place on the Aunt Sarah's parcel. Please let me know if anything is missing from the list above. I will try to pull as many of these things together as I can today and tomorrow. I am trying very hard to have this plan signed by the end of next week so if you'll canthinkofanythingelsethatmaybeneededbeforetheplancanbesignedpleaseletmeknow. Thanks! Justin 1/7/2009 SDP -2006 -00056 Luxor Commercial Center Philip Custer From: Justin Shimp Ushimp @ddrva.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 9:59 AM To: Philip Custer Subject: FW: SDP - 2006 -00056 Luxor Commercial Center FYI: From: Patrick Lawrence [ma i Ito: plawrence @albemarle.org] Sent: Friday, October 03, 2008 10:52 AM To: Justin Shimp Subject: FW: SDP - 2006 -00056 Luxor Commercial Center Justin, VDOT Comments hot off the wire. P From: Denunzio, Joel D., P.E. [mailto: Joel .Denunzio @VDOT.virginia.gov] Sent: Friday, October 03, 2008 10:15 AM To: Patrick Lawrence Subject: SDP - 2006 -00056 Luxor Commercial Center SDP - 2006 -00056 Luxor Commercial Center Pat, Page 1 of 3 We have reviewed the latest plan for the subject site plan and all VDOT comments have been addressed. Please let the applicant know that a Land Use Permit will be required for work within the VDOT Right of Way. Thanks, Joel Joel DeNunzio, P.E. Staff Engineer 434 - 293 -0011 Ext. 120 o el.denunzio @vdot,virginia.gov From: Denunzio, Joel D., P.E. Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 02:58 PM To: 'plawrence @albemarle.org' Subject: FW: SDP - 2006 -00056 Luxor Commercial Center 1/7/2009 SDP -2006 -00056 Luxor Commercial Center Page 2 of 3 Pat, I have reviewed the above plan and have the following comments: Sight distance on route 250 is 645 feet. ROW needs to be shown 1 foot behind the sidewalk on route 250. Also, the at the entrance to the site from route 250 should be offset from being placed directly behind the curb. The ROW at the roundabout needs to be placed a minimum of 1 foot behind the sidewalk. The sight lines for the roundabout also need to be shown in this quadrant of the intersection and is the proposed ROW does not contain the sight triangle, sight easements will be necessary. The sidewalk that ties into the existing drugstore entrance needs to have a CG -12. A CG -12 also needs to be added to the western side of this entrance. The sidewalk at this location should also wrap up a connect to the entrance within the existing Eckerd parking lot for continuity. The CG -12 at the entrance off route 250 goes nowhere across the entrance along route 250. Show entrance profiles at entrances for route 250 and Rolkin Road. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks, Joel Joel DeNunzio, P.E. Staff Engineer 434 - 293 -0011 Ext. 120 j From: Denunzio, Joel D., P.E. Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 9:35 AM To: 'Patrick Lawrence' Subject: FW: SDP - 2006 -00056 Luxor Commercial Center Pat, I have discussed the sight distance requirement with the design engineer and we have concluded that the sightdistancewillnotbeanissue. I do not need to see the sight distance changed on the preliminary plan but it will need to be shown correctly on the final site plan. Thanks, Joel Joel DeNunzio, P.E. 1/7/2009 SDP -2006 -00056 Luxor Commercial Center Page 3 of 3 Staff Engineer 434 - 293 -0011 Ext. 120 ioeI.denunzio@vdot. From: Denunzio, Joel D., P.E. Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2007 11:37 AM To: David E. Pennock Cc: 'Allan Schuck'; Glenn Brooks Subject: SDP - 2006 -00056 Luxor Commercial Center David, We have reviewed the above plan and have the following comments Please show proposed ROW lines and indicate if Luxor is public or private. The ROW line around the roundabout need to show sight lines and possible sight easements. ROW line cannot be in the middle of a sidewalk. If the Luxor Road proposed section is public then it needs to be designed in accordance with the Minimum Standards of Entrances to State Highways. Need road plans, drainage plans, pavement design, entrance profiles, etc. Sight distance on route 250 needs to be 645 feet in both directions. Sight distance on Rolkin needs to be in accordance with the design speed. If you have questions or comments, please let me know. Thanks, Joel Joel DeNunzio, P.E. Staff Engineer 434 - 293 -0011 Ext. 120 joel. den unzio(o)Virginia DOT. org 1/7/2009