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SDP200800081 Calculations 2009-09-21
Enaineerinp Compan Downstream Channel Evaluation for J.W. Townsend Landscaping, Inc. 2009 Site Improvements County of Albemarle, Virginia Contents: y- , ' Section Description A. Cross Section Photos B Section Plan Drawing kf71 C Section Profile drawing D. Predeveloped Hydrology E. Post Developed Hydrology C" F. Cross Sections- 2 Year Event Hydraulics G. Cross Sections- 10 Year Event Hydraulics H. Field Notes I V 00i 0 AV O ' x-dr, JIM L. TAGGART Lic. No, -W 22841 Ilk REV. 01 JLJN09 N TCS Job No. 07-044 000 SSIONAL1s4 ` P.O. Box 306 Nellysford, Virginia 22958 Ph.434/361-1215 Fax 434/361-1216 Email: JTagg2@,AOL.com K a_ i,.,, fi «"i ,,• i-- `'"` rt { y z,Y ` » •`yiW A _ , :. aR ,_$,_. .yam •. 9 Channel Section XS-2 A s y 1 l' -' % l J' ` liJ' 'IJi ; I J % lI ,J r i , i ''I / I ll, 1, i','r I' l% ` l l l/ l '/ Il/ 'ill /Ir lJI !J / %/' li / % if r iJ / / // / r jji Ir J %i 1 ' / Jl I I1)`I ) I 11 j l ' l l f ', I / /ll Il 1 / J f ( I iii ,I I,i , ( ; \, iII1,I I,I I II ii LC; r, / / /' / , I pre pol113.6 t Downstream Channel Evaluation Section Plan April 17, 2009 1 in.= 50 ft. Sheet I of I S C-t e I gratqsse — E6 — s ' ion (Typ.) I LO 01 XS V4,44 4444+#000 ol" JMMY L. 1AGGA TJ FICATE) No 4WW I IVAV A' April 17, 009 Ar 090oo IONAL 4 %%00#wt Very nse Vegetation USGS TCS X 3 ELI i x 0 VA 215 I J.W. Townsend t'andsca Inc. 0 Z 6 V4,44 4444+#000 ol" JMMY L. 1AGGA TJ FICATE) No 4WW I IVAV A' April 17, 009 Ar 090oo IONAL 4 %%00#wt Very nse Vegetation USGS TCS X 3 ELI i x 0 VA 215 I J.W. Townsend t'andsca Inc. 430 420 siri. C 2 Na O XO Qa Q DATUM ELEV 400.00 Iq It N 10+00 Downstream Channel Evaluation J.W. Townsend Landscaping, Inc. Section Profile April 17, 2009 1 in.= 20 ft. Sheet 1 of 1 11+00 0T1101"100 0 JMMY tTAGG — v (CERTIFICATE) No. y+ 22841 April 17, 2009 0 00 000111111, `\ F9ineerin ggg Co.,L.L.C. rd, VA34 -361 -1215 1 Xs -1 8.0 S- CD N 10+00 Downstream Channel Evaluation J.W. Townsend Landscaping, Inc. Section Profile April 17, 2009 1 in.= 20 ft. Sheet 1 of 1 11+00 0T1101"100 0 JMMY tTAGG — v (CERTIFICATE) No. y+ 22841 April 17, 2009 0 00 000111111, `\ F9ineeringgg Co.,L.L.C. rd, VA34 -361 -1215 1 Watershed Model Schematic Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve-v9.2 I - DA1 2 - DA2 3 - DA3 J4 2 ' 4 ; 64 Total South end 6 - XS-1 Drainage area CK2- e'5 -Total Offsit 11.7 8-XS-2DA 0.3< w . -Total XS-1 10 - XS-3 DA ab - Total XS-2 L .-',w o. 44 01C 6 w * " I 1 - Total XS-3 Project: Townsend2008PRE.gpw Friday, Apr 17, 2009 Watershed Model Schematic Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve v9.2 1 - DAI- POST 2 - DA2-POST 3 - DA3-POST 0 J - Total South end 5 - Total Offsite 6 - Detention Pond 7 - XS-1 DA 17 49 1 9 - XS-2 DA 8 - Total XS -1 0. 11 -XS-3DA 210 - Total XS -2 7. 2 - Total XS-3 Project: Townsend2 008 POST. g pw L Friday, Apr 17, 2009 Downstream Channel Summary Table J.W. Townsend Landscape 1-Jun XS -1 Pre developed XS -1 Post developed XS -2 Pre developed XS -2 Post developed XS -3 Pre developed XS -3 Post developed 2 Year Event 10 Year Event Q2 n "Velocity 010 Depth Top width CFS)averaged)fps)CFS)ft.)ft) 9.00 0.074 1.73 12.20 0.58 28.59 2.58 0.074 1.03 7.23 0.51 27.23 9.35 0.072 2.04 12.63 0.73 22.7 2.74 0.054 3.32 7.60 0.65 20.12 9.70 0.073 1.99 13.14 0.75 2413 2.96 0.071 1.56 8.05 0.67 21.69 Channel Report Hydraflow Express by Intelisolve Monday, Jun 1 2009 XS -1 PreDev 2 yr. User - defined Highlighted Invert Elev (ft) = 422.00 Depth (ft)0.54 Slope ( %) = 8.00 Q (cfs)9.000 N -Value = 0.074 Area (sgft)5.20 Velocity (ftls)1.73 Calculations Wetted Perim (ft)28.11 Compute by: Known Q Crit Depth, Yc (ft)0.50 Known Q (cfs) = 9.00 Top Width (ft)27.81 EGL (ft)0.59 Sta, E1, n) -(Sta, El, n)... 0.00, 423.40)- (10.00, 422.44, 0.075) - (22.00, 422.30, 0.075) - (22.25,422.00, 0.050) - (23.25, 422.00, 0.050) - (23.50, 422.30,0.075)-(35.50, 422.40, 0.075) 45.50, 423.50, 0.075) Elev (ft) 424.00 423.50 423.00 422.50 422.00 421.50 5 Section 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Depth (ft) 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 we] 0.50 35 40 45 50 55 Sta (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express by Intelisolve Monday, Jun 1 2009 XS -1 PostDev 2 yr. User - defined Highlighted Invert Elev (ft)422.00 Depth (ft)0.44 Slope ( %)8.00 Q (cfs)2.580 N -Value 0.074 Area (sgft)2.51 Velocity (ft/s)1.03 Calculations Wetted Perim (ft)26.15 Compute by:Known Q Crit Depth, Yc (ft)0.41 Known Q (cfs)2.58 Top Width (ft)25.86 EGL (ft)0.46 Sta, El, n) -(Sta,El, n)... 0.00, 423.40) - (10.00, 422.44, 0.075)-(22.00, 422.30, 0.075) - (22.25.422.00, 0.050) - (23.25, 422.00, 0.050) - (23.50, 422.30,0.075)-(35.50,422.40, 0.075) 45.50, 423.50, 0.075) Elev (ft) 424.00 0 5 Section Depth (ft) 2.00 423.50 423.00 422.50 422.00 421.50 5 1.50 1.00 0.50 KIM 0.50 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Sta (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express by Intehsolve Monday, Jun i 2009 XS -2 Pre®ev 3"-yr. Bev (ft) 423.00 0 5 Section Depth (ft) 5.40 422.00 421.00 420.00 419.00 418.00 417.00 416.00 5 4.40 3.40 2.40 1.40 0.40 01M. 1.60 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Sta (ft) User - defined Highlighted Invert Elev (ft)417.60 Depth (ft)0.68 Slope ( %)8.00 Q (cfs)9.350 N -Value 0.072 Area (sqft)4.58 Velocity (ft/s)2.04 Calculations Wetted Perim (ft)21.55 Compute by:Known Q Crit Depth, Yc (ft)0.65 Known Q (cfs)9.35 Top Width (ft)21.09 EGL (ft)0.74 Sta, El, n) -(Sta, El, n)... 0.00, 420.00)- (20.00, 418.50, 0.075)- (35.00, 418.00, 0.075)- (35.25,417.60, 0.050)- (37.25, 417.60, 0.050) - (37.50, 418.00,0.075)- (47.50, 418.20, 0.075) 57.50, 422.50, 0.075) Bev (ft) 423.00 0 5 Section Depth (ft) 5.40 422.00 421.00 420.00 419.00 418.00 417.00 416.00 5 4.40 3.40 2.40 1.40 0.40 01M. 1.60 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Sta (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express by Intelisolve Monday, Jun 1 2009 XS -2 Post®ev 2 yr. User - defined Highlighted Invert Elev (ft)417.60 Depth (ft)0.37 Slope ( %)8.00 Q (cfs)2.740 N -Value 0.054 Area (sqft)0.83 Velocity (ft/s)3.32 Calculations Wetted Perim (ft)2.87 Compute by:Known Q Crit Depth, Yc (ft)0.38 Known Q (cfs)2.74 Top Width (ft)2.46 EGL (ft)0.54 Sta, El, n) -(Sta,El, n)... 0.00, 420.00) - (20.00, 418.50, 0.075)- (35.00, 418.00, 0.075) - (35.25,417.60, 0.050) - (3725, 417.60, 0.050) - (37.50, 418.00,0.075)- (47.50, 418.20, 0.075) 57.50, 422.50, 0.075) Elev (ft) 423.00 0 5 Section Depth (ft) 5.40 422.00 421.00 420.00 419.00 418.00 417.00 416.00 5 4.40 3.40 2.40 1.40 040 1 .1 1.60 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Sta (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express by Inteksolve Monday, Jun 1 2009 XS -3 Pre®ev 2 yr. User - defined Highlighted Invert Elev (ft) = 415.35 Depth (ft)0.70 Slope ( %) = 8.00 Q (cfs)9.700 N -Value = 0.073 Area (sqft)4.86 Velocity (ft/s)1.99 Calculations Wetted Perim (ft)22.83 Compute by: Known Q Crit Depth, Yc (ft)0.66 Known Q (cfs) = 9.70 Top Width (ft)22.60 EGL (ft)0.76 Sta, El, n)gSta, El, n)... 0.00, 420.00)- (20.00, 416.00, 0.075)- (32.00, 415.75, 0.075) - (32.70,415.35, 0.050)- (34.00, 415.35, 0.050)-(34.70, 415.75,0.075)- (50.00, 416.35, 0.075) 70.00, 420.00, 0.075) Elev (ft) 421.00 Section Depth (ft) 5.65 420.00 419.00 418.00 417.00 416.00 415.00 414.00 5 0 5 4.65 3.65 2.65 1.65 0.65 0.35 1.35 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Sta (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express by Intelisolve Monday, Jun 1 2009 XS -3 Post®ev 2 yr. User - defined Highlighted Invert Elev (ft)415.35 Depth (ft)0.54 Slope ( %)8.00 Q (cfs)2.960 N -Value 0.071 Area (sqft)1.90 Velocity (ft/s)1.56 Calculations Wetted Perim (ft)13.21 Compute by:Known Q Crit Depth, Yc (ft)0.50 Known Q (cfs)2.96 Top Width (ft)12.99 EGL (ft)0.58 Sta, El, n) -(Sta,E1, n)... 0.00, 420.00)- (20.00, 416.00, 0.075) - (32.00, 415.75, 0.075)- (32.70,415.35, 0.050) - (34.00, 415.35, 0.050) - (3470, 415.75,0.075) - (50.00, 416.35, 0.075) 70.00, 420.00, 0.075) Eiev (ft) 421.00 420.00 419.00 418.00 417.00 416.00 415.00 414.00 5 0 Section 1.35 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Depth (ft) 5.65 4.65 3.65 2.65 1.65 0.65 0.35 Sta (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express by Intelisolve Monday, Jun 12009 XS -1 PreDev 10 yr. User - defined Highlighted Invert Elev (ft) = 422.00 Depth (ft)0.58 Slope ( %) = 8.00 Q (cfs)12.20 N -Value = 0.074 Area (sqft)6.32 Velocity (ft/s)1.93 Calculations Wetted Perim (ft)28.89 Compute by: Known Q Crit Depth, Yc (ft)0.54 Known Q (cfs) = 12.20 Top Width (ft)28.59 EGL (ft)0.64 Sta, El, n) -(Sta, El, n)... 0.00, 423.40)- (10.00, 422.44, 0.075) - (22.00, 422.30, 0.075) - (22.25,422.00, 0.050)- (23.25, 422.00, 0.050)- (23.50, 422.30,0.075) - (35.50, 422.40, 0.075)45.50, 423.50, 0.075) Elev (ft) 424.Oo Section Depth (ft) 2.00 423,50 423.00 422.50 422.00 1.50 5 1.50 1.00 0.50 i I i 0.500510152025303540455055 Sta (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express by Intelisolve Monday, Jun 1 2009 XS -1 PostDev 10 yr. User - defined Highlighted Invert Elev (ft) = 422.00 Depth (ft)0.51 Slope ( %) = 8.00 Q (cfs)7.230 N -Value = 0.074 Area (sqft)4.37 Velocity (ft/s)1.65 Calculations Wetted Perim (ft)27.52 Compute by: Known Q Crit Depth, Yc (ft)0.48 Known Q (cfs) = 7.23 Top Width (ft)27.23 EGL (ft)0.55 Sta, El, n) -(Sta, El, n)... 0.00, 423.40) - (10.00, 422.44, 0.075) - (22.00, 422.30, 0.075) - (22.25,422.00, 0.050)- (23.25, 422.00, 0.050) - (23.50, 422.30,0.075) - (35.50, 422.40, 0.075) 45.50, 423.50, 0.075) Elev (ft) 424.00 423.50 423.00 422.50 422.00 421.50 5 Section 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Depth (ft) 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 XI o s, 0.50 50 55 Sta (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express by Intelisolve Monday, Jun 1 2009 XS -2 PreDev 10 yr. User - defined Highlighted Invert Bev (ft)417.60 Depth (ft)0.73 Slope ( %)8.00 Q (cfs)12.63 N -Value 0.072 Area (sqft)5.68 Velocity (ft/s)2.22 Calculations Wetted Perim (ft)23.18 Compute by:Known Q Crit Depth, Yc (ft)0.69 Known Q (cfs)12.63 Top Width (ft)22.70 EGL (ft)0.81 Sta, El, n) -(Sta,El, n)... 0.00, 420.00) - (20.00, 418.50, 0.075) - (35.00, 418.00, 0.075)- (35.25,417.60, 0.050)- (37.25, 417.60, 0.050)-(37.50, 418.00,0.075) - (47.50, 418.20, 0.075) 57.50, 422.50, 0.075) Elev (ft) 423.00 422.00 421.00 420.00 419.00 418.00 417.00 416.00 Section Sta (ft) Depth (ft) 5.40 4.40 340 2.40 1.40 0.40 1.60 50 55 60 655051015202530354045 Channel Report Hydraflow Express by Intelisolve Monday, Jun 1 2009 XS -2 Post®ev 10 yr. User - defined Highlighted Invert Elev (ft) = 417.60 Depth (ft)0.66 Slope ( %) = 8.00 Q (cfs)7.600 N -Value = 0.072 Area (sqft)3.97 Velocity (ft/s)1.92 Calculations Wetted Perim (ft)20.58 Compute by: Known Q Crit Depth, Yc (ft)0.62 Known Q (cfs) = 7.60 Top Width (ft)20.12 EGL (ft)0.71 Sta, El, n) -(Sta, El, n)... 0.00, 420.00) - (20.00, 418.50, 0.075) - (35.00, 418.00, 0.075) - (35.25,417.60, 0.050) - (37.25, 417.60, 0.050)- (37.50, 418.00,0.075) - (47.50, 418.20, 0.075) 57.50, 422.50, 0.075) Elev (ft) 423.00 422.00 421.00 420.00 419.00 418.00 417.00 416.00 Section Depth (ft) 5.40 4.40 3.40 2.40 1.40 0.40 1.c 1.60 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Sta (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express by Intelisolve Monday, Jun 1 2009 XS -3 Pre®ev 10 yr. User - defined Highlighted Invert Elev (ft) = 415.35 Depth (ft)0.75 Slope ( %) = 8.00 Q (cfs)13.14 N -Value = 0.073 Area (sqft)6.03 Velocity (ft1s)2.18 Calculations Wetted Perim (ft)24.36 Compute by: Known Q Crit Depth, Yc (ft)0.71 Known Q (cfs) = 13.14 Top Width (ft)24.13 EGL (ft)0.82 Sta, El, n) -(Sta, El, n)... 0.00, 420.00) - (20.00, 416.00, 0.075)- (32.00, 415.75, 0.075) - (32.70,415.35, 0.050)- (34.00, 415.35, 0.050) - (34.70, 415.75,0.075) - (50.00, 416.35, 0.075) 70.00, 420.00, 0.075) Elev (ft) 421.00 420.00 419.00 418.00 417.00 416.00 415.00 414.00 5 0 Section 1.35 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Depth (ft) 5.65 4.65 3.65 2.65 1.65 0.65 0.35 Sta (ft) Channel Repay Hydraflow Express by Intehsolve Monday, Jun 1 2009 XS -3 PostDev 10 yr. User - defined Highlighted Invert Elev (ft)415.35 Depth (ft)0.67 Slope ( %)8.00 Q (cfs)8.050 N -Value 0.073 Area (sgft)4.20 Velocity (ft/s)1.92 Calculations Wetted Perim (ft)21.91 Compute by:Known Q Crit Depth, Yc (ft)0.64 Known Q (cfs)8.05 Top Width (ft)21.69 EGL (ft)0.73 Sta, El, n) -(Sta,El, n)... 0.00, 420.00) - (20.00, 416.00, 0.075) - (32.00, 415.75, 0.075) - (32.70,415.35, 0.050) - (34.00 415.35, 0.050)- (34.70, 415.75,0.075) - (50.00, 416.35, 0.075) 70.00, 420.00, 0.075) Elev (ft) 421.00 420.00 419.00 418.00 417.00 416.00 415.00 414.00 Section Depth (ft) 5.65 4.65 3.65 2.65 1.65 0.65 0.35 1.35 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Sta (ft) L - 01 a:l a L) 17 14 , yve x c. tv ?,IV J ,2 n fit LG'i `' / S/ " — s r G 7 4:o.o 7s ec Virginia Department of Transportation — Pavement Design Guide © 1996 (rev2000) on nr mnrc SSV Scale 30, 000 20, 000 Example 10 000 1, 0000 00D = 10. 7 (interpolated) for design parameters 00. 0 SSV = 11 and Design ADT = 489- ' 00 interpolated) ' -- 1, 000 800 1600 Z , 4 - 606 ..................... 300 200 100 L 50 Design ADT Scale 25. 0 24. 0 23. 0 20. 0 19. 0 18. 0 17. 0 16. 0 15. 0 14. 0 13. 0 12. 0 11. 0 10. 0 9. 0 8. 0 7. 0 6, 4 Minimum 6. 0 D R Thickness Index Scale Please refer to Appendices II and V for the application of this diagram in the design of pavement. 33 BasinFlow printout INPUT: Basin 4 Contour Areas Elevation(ft) 428.00 430.00 432.00 434.00 Start—Elevation(ft) 4 Outlet Structures Outlet structure 0 Orifice 428.00 Vol.(cy) name: name area (sf) 0.049 diameter or depth (in) 3.000 width for rect. (in) 0.000 coefficient 0.600 invert (ft) 428.000 multiple 1 discharge into riser Outlet structure 1 weir name: name diameter (in)36.000 side angle 0.000 coefficient 3.000 invert (ft)432.000 multiple 1 discharge into riser transition at (ft)1.203 orifice coef.0.600 orifice area (sf)7.069 outlet structure 2 Culvert name: name multiple 1 discharge out of riser D (in)15.000 h (in)0.000 Length (ft)50.000 Slope 0.010 mannin s n 0.013 Inlet coeff. Ke 0.500 Equation constant set 0 Invert (ft)425.000 Outlet structure 3 weir name: name length (ft) 20.000Meangle0.000 coefficient 3.000 invert (ft) 433.000 multiple 1 discharge through dam 3 Inflow Hydrographs Hydrograph 0 modified—Rational name: post dev captured C 0.580 Area (acres)5.270 IDF file: a2 time of concentration (min)10.00 receding factor 1.670 time increment 1.00 time limit (min)200.00 fudge factor 1.00 storm: specified duration volume (cy)833.70 peak flow (cfs)1.940 final proposed_winter.txt Area(sf) computed vol.(cy) 3764.00 0.0 4824.00 317.3 5988.00 716.9 8408.00 1247.6 MM Page 1 intensity (in /hr) 0.635 time to peak (min) 10.000 duration of peak (min) 180.00 routed true Hydrograph 1 modified—Rational final proposed_winter.txt name: post dev captured C 0.580 Area (acres)5.270 IDF file: a10 time of concentration (min)10.00 receding factor 1.670 time increment 1.00 time limit (min)200.00 fudge factor 1.00 storm: specified duration volume (cy)999.39 peak flow (cfs)5.396 intensity (in /hr)1.765 time to peak (min)10.000 duration of peak (min)70.00 routed true Hydrograph 2 modified—Rational name: post dev captured C 0.580 Area (acres)5.270 IDF file: a100 time of concentration (min)10.00 receding factor 1.670 time increment 1.00 time limit (min)200.00 fudge factor 1.00 storm: specified duration volume (cy)1187.43 peak flow (cfs)11.052 intensity (in /hr)3.616 time to peak (min)10.000 duration of peak (min)35.00 routed true OUTPUT: Routing Method: storage - indication Hydrograph 0 Routing summary of Peaks inflow (cfs) discharge (cfs) water level (ft) storage (cy) Hydrograph 1 Routing summary of Peaks inflow (cfs) discharge (cfs) water level (ft) storage (cy) Hydrograph 2 Routing summary of Peaks inflow (cfs) discharge (cfs) water level (ft) storage (cy) post dev captured 1.940 at 10.00 (min) 0.457 at 198.00 (min) 431.869 at 199.00 (min) 687.960 post dev captured 5.396 at 10.00 (min) 4.641 at 82.00 (min) 432.279 at 82.00 (min) 780.341 post dev captured 11.052 at 10.00 (min) 9.966 at 47.00 (min) 432.482 at 47.00 (min) 828.754 Fri Sep 18 11:51:29 EDT 2009 Page 2 BasinFlow printout final proposed summer empty.txt INPUT: Basin: 4 Contour Areas Elevation(ft) Area(sf) Computed vol.(cy)428.00 3764.00 0.0 430.00 4824.00 317.3 432.00 5988.00 716.9 434.00 8408.00 1247.6 Start—Elevation(ft) 428.00 Vol.(cy) 0.00 3 outlet Structures outlet structure 0 weir name: name diameter (in) 36.000 side angle 0.000 coefficient 3.000 invert (ft) 432.000 multiple 1 discharge into riser transition at (ft) 1.203 orifice coef. 0.600 orifice area (sf) 7.069 Outlet structure 1 culvert name: name multiple 1 discharge out of riser D (in) 15.000 h (in) 0.000 Length (ft) 50.000 slope 0.010 Manningg s n 0.013 Inlet coeff. Ke 0.500 Equation constant set 0 Invert (ft) 425.000 Outlet structure 2 weir name: name length (ft) 20.000 side angle 0.000 coefficient 3.000 invert (ft) 433.000 multiple 1 discharge through dam 3 Inflow Hydrographs Hydrograph 0 modified—Rational name: post dev captured c 0.580 Area (acres) 5.270 IDF file: a2 time of concentration (min) 10.00 receding factor 1.670 time increment 1.00 time limit (min) 400.00 fudge factor 1.00 storm: specified duration volume (cy) 850.94 peak flow (cfs) 1.795 intensity (in /hr) 0.587 time to peak (min) 10.000 duration of peak (min) 200.00 routed true Hydrograph 1 modified—Rational name: post dev captured C 0.580 Area (acres) 5.270 IDF file: a10 Page 1 time of concentration (min) receding factor time increment time limit (min) fudge factor storm: volume (cy) peak flow (cfs) intensity (in /hr) time to peak (min) duration of peak (min) routed Hydrograph 2 modified—Rational f nal 10.00 1.670 1.00 200.00 1.00 specified duration 979.70 5.627 1.841 10.000 65.00 true name: post dev captured C 0.580 Area (acres)5.270 IDF file: a100 time of concentration (min)10.00 receding factor 1.670 time increment 1.00 time limit (min)200.00 fudge factor 1.00 storm: specified duration volume (cy)1187.43 peak flow (cfs)11.052 intensity (in /hr)3.616 time to peak (min)10.000 duration of peak (min)35.00 routed true OUTPUT: Routing Method: storage - indication Hydrograph 0 Routing summary of Peaks inflow (cfs) discharge (cfs) water level (ft) storage (cy) Hydrograph 1 Routing summary of Peaks inflow (cfs) discharge (cfs) water level (ft) storage (cy) post dev captured 1.795 at 10.00 (min) 1.678 at 211.00 (min) 432.152 at 211.00 (min) 751.150 post dev captured 5.627 at 10.00 (min) 4.981 at 76.00 (min) 432.314 at 76.00 (min) 788.672 Hydrograph 2 Routing summary of Peaks: post dev captured inflow (cfs) 11.052 at 10.00 (min) discharge (cfs) 10.148 at 46.00 (min) water level (ft) 432.505 at 46.00 (min) storage (cy) 834.255 Fri Sep 18 11:54:07 EDT 2009 proposed summer empty.txt Page 2 final proposed summer half full.txt BasinFlOw printout INPUT: Basin: 3 Contour Areas Elevation(ft) Area(sf) Computed vol.(cy) 430.23 4957.86 0.0 432.00 5988.00 358.3 434.00 8408.00 888.9 Start—Elevation(ft) 430.23 vol.(cy) 0.00 3 outlet Structures outlet structure 0 weir name: name diameter (in)36.000 side angle 0.000 coefficient 3.000 invert (ft)432.000 multiple 1 discharge into riser transition at (ft)1.203 orifice coef.0.600 orifice area (sf)7.069 outlet structure 1 Culvert name: name multiple 1 discharge out of riser D (in)15.000 h (in)0.000 Length (ft)50.000 slope 0.010 Manning s n 0.013 Inlet co- . Ke 0.500 Equation constant set 0 Invert (ft)425.000 Outlet structure 2 weir name: name length (ft) 20.000 side angle 0.000 coefficient 3.000 invert (ft) 433.000 multiple 1 discharge through dam 3 Inflow Hydrographs Hydrograph 0 modified—Rational name: post dev captured C 0.580 Area (acres) 5.270 IDF file: a2 time of concentration (min) 10.00 receding factor 1.670 time increment 1.00 time limit (min) 200.00 fudge factor 1.00 storm: crit. duration (125 iterations) volume (cy) 588.91 peak flow (cfs) 5.770 intensity (in /hr) 1.888 time to peak (min) 10.000 duration of peak (min) 32.58 routed true Hydrograph 1 modified—Rational name: post dev captured C 0.580 Area (acres) 5.270 IDF file: a10 time of concentration (min) 10.00 Page 1 receding factor time increment time limit (min) fudge factor storm: crit volume (cy) peak flow (cfs) intensity (in /hr) time to peak (min) duration of peak (min) routed Hydrograph 2 modified—Rational final proposed summer half full.txt 1.670 1.00 200.00 1.00 duration (1 iterations) 701.13 10.368 3.392 10.000 17.08 true name: post dev captured C 0.580 Area (acres) 5.270 IDF file: a100 time of concentration (min) 10.00 receding factor 1.670 time increment 1.00 time limit (min) 200.00 fudge factor 1.00 storm: crit. duration (1 iterations) volume (cy) 891.51 peak flow (cfs) 15.179 intensity (in /hr) 4.966 time to peak (min) 10.000 duration of peak (min) 13.08 routed true OUTPUT: Routing Method: storage - indication Hydrograph 0 Routing summary of Peaks inflow (cfs) discharge (cfs) water level (ft) storage (cy) Hydrograph 1 Routing summary of Peaks inflow (cfs) discharge (cfs) water level (ft) storage (cy) Hydrograph 2 Routing summary of Peaks inflow (cfs) discharge (cfs) water level (ft) storage (cy) post dev captured 5.773 at 10.00 (min) 4.850 at 45.00 (min) 432.309 at 45.00 (min) 428.695 post dev captured 10.377 at 10.00 (min) 8.385 at 30.00 (min) 432.445 at 30.00 (min) 460.987 post dev captured 15.191 at 10.00 (min) 13.309 at 25.00 (min) 432.605 at 25.00 (min) 500.102 Fri Sep 18 11:55:21 EDT 2009 Page 2 BasinFlow printout final proposed summer full.txt INPUT: Basin: 2 Contour Areas Elevation(ft) Area(sf) Computed Vol.(cy)432.00 5988.00 0.0434.00 8408.00 530.7 start—Elevation(ft) 432.00 Vol.(cy) 0.00 3 outlet structures outlet structure 0 weir name: name diameter (in) 36.000 side angle 0.000 coefficient 3.000 invert (ft) 432.000 multiple 1 discharge into riser transition at (ft) 1.203 orifice coef. 0.600 orifice area (sf) 7.069 Outlet structure 1 Culvert name: name multiple 1 discharge out of riser D (in) 15.000 h (in) 0.000 Length (ft) 50.000 slope 0.010 Manningg s n 0.013 Inlet coeff. Ke 0.500 Equation constant set 0 Invert (ft) 425.000 outlet structure 2 weir name: name length (ft) 20.000 side angle 0.000 coefficient 3.000 invert (ft) 433.000 multiple 1 discharge through dam 3 Inflow Hydrographs Hydrograph 0 modified—Rational name: post dev captured C 0.580 Area (acres) 5.270 IDF file: a2 time of concentration (min) 10.00 receding factor 1.670 time increment 1.00 time limit (min) 200.00 fudge factor 1.00 storm: crit. duration (125 iterations)volume (cy) 404.35 peak flow (cfs) 11.422 intensity (in /hr) 3.737 time to peak (min) 10.000 duration of peak (min) 2.58 routed true Hydrograph 1 modified—Rational name: post dev captured C 0.580 Area (acres) 5.270 IDF file: a10 time of concentration (min) 10.00 receding factor 1.670 Page 1 time increment time limit (min) fudge factor storm: crit volume (cy) peak flow (cfs) intensity (in /hr) time to peak (min) duration of peak (min) routed Hydrograph 2 Modified_Rational final proposed summer full.txt 1.00 200.00 1.00 duration (1 iterations) 505.96 15.778 5.162 10.000 1.08 true name: post dev captured C 0.580 area (acres) 5.270 IDF file: a100 time of concentration (min) 10.00 receding factor 1.670 time increment 1.00 time limit (min) 200.00 fudge factor 1.00 storm: crit. duration (1 iterations) volume (cy) 684.14 peak flow (cfs) 19.952 intensity (in /hr) 6.528 time to peak (min) 10.000 duration of peak (min) 2.08 routed true OUTPUT: Routing Method: storage- indication Hydrograph 0 Routing summary of Peaks inflow (cfs) discharge (cfs) water level (ft) storage (cy) Hydrograph 1 Routing summary of Peaks inflow (cfs) discharge (cfs) water level (ft) storage (cy) Hydrograph 2 Routing summary of Peaks inflow (cfs) discharge (cfs) water level (ft) storage (cy) post dev captured 11.439 at 10.00 (min) 9.564 at 15.00 (min) 432.486 at 15.00 (min) 112.577 post dev captured 15.801 at 10.00 (min) 12.800 at 14.00 (min) 432.590 at 14.00 (min) 138.012 post dev captured 19.978 at 10.00 (min) 16.161 at 15.00 (min) 432.737 at 15.00 (min) 174.880 Fri Sep 18 11:56:44 EDT 2009 Page 2 Two Year Critical Storm 10 9 Winter 8 40- Summer -Empty v 7 Summer -Half Full 6 Summer -Full ca 4 3 2 1 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Storm Duration (min.) Ten Year Critical Storm 14 13 12 - — Winter 11 Summer -Empty 10 -- Summer -Half Full cn 9 Summer- Full a g ION - - - -- a' 7 6 - -- — 0 5 4- 3 2 1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Storm Duration (min.) J. W. Townsend Water Usage Records Summary 2006 -2008 See Tabs Below for individual monthly records) All Quantities in "Gallons per month" Source: J. W Townsend Inc. Domestic Usage estimated at 1/ 2 design flow for 22 days each month Cumulative totals shown on tab sheets 2006 2007 2008 Yearly Average 120, 283 142, 208 147, 400 Summer Avg (May thru Sep) 211, 500 238, 120 275, 360 Highest Month 241, 500 280, 600 782, 500 Lowest Month 800 6, 900 11, 300 Month: December 13 - January 11 January 11 - February 09 February 09 - March 10 March 10 - April 12 April 12 - May 10 May 10 - June 08 June 08 - July 11 July 11 - August 10 August 10 - September 11 September 11 - October 13 October 13 - November 15 November 15 - December 14 Yearly Total: Total Amount Used: 4, 100 6, 100 5, 000 77, 100 136, 900 211, 800 190, 900 187, 900 238, 600 244, 800 137, 400 42, 400 1, 483,000 Approx Domestic Usage 3, 300 3, 300 3, 300 3, 300 3, 300 3, 300 3, 300 3, 300 3, 300 3, 300 3, 300 3, 300 112 of design flow 300 GPD x 22 Days) Yearly Average Summer Avg (May thru Sep) Highest Month Lowest Month Water Cost per Gallon Report Approximate Irrigation Usage 800 2, 800 1, 700 73, 800 133, 600 208, 500 187, 600 184, 600 235, 300 241, 500 134, 100 39, 100 1, 443,400 120, 283 211, 500 241, 500 800 2006 Month:Amount Used:Approx Domestic Usage Approximate Irrigation Usage December 14 - January 18 19, 900 3, 300 16, 600 January 18 - February 19 10, 200 3, 300 6, 900 February 19 - March 20 28, 400 3, 300 25, 100 March 20 - April 19 139, 000 3, 300 135, 700 April 19 - May 21 157, 000 3, 300 153, 700 May 21 - June 20 179, 700 3, 300 176, 400 June 20 - July 20 233, 600 3, 300 230, 300 July 20 - August 20 268, 200 3, 300 264, 900 August 20 - September 19 241, 700 3, 300 238, 400 September 19 - October 19 283, 900 3, 300 280, 600 October 19 - November 19 110, 600 3, 300 107, 300 November 19 - December 19 73, 900 3, 300 70, 600 Yearly Total:1, 746,100 1l2 of design flow 300 GPD x 22 Days)1, 706,500 Yearly Average 142, 208 Summer Avg (May thru Sep)238, 120 Highest Month 280, 600 Lowest Month 6, 900 Water Cost per Gallon Report 2007 Month:Amount Used:Approx Domestic Usage Approximate Irrigation Usage December 18 - January 17 20, 400 3, 300 17, 100 January 17 - February 18 24, 200 3, 300 20, 900 February 18 - March 19 24, 200 3, 300 20, 900 March 19 - April 18 159, 700 3, 300 156, 400 April 18 - May 20 84, 600 3, 300 81, 300 May 19 - June 18 89, 500 3, 300 86, 200 June 18 - July 21 785, 800 3, 300 782, 500 July 21 -August 20 303, 500 3, 300 300, 200 August 19 - September 19 96, 500 3, 300 93, 200 September 19 - October 19 118, 000 3, 300 114, 700 October 19 - November 19 87, 400 3, 300 84, 100 November 19 - December 19 14, 600 3, 300 11, 300 Yearly Total:1, 808,400 1/ 2 of design flow 300 GPD x 22 Days)1, 768,800 Yearly Average 147, 400 Summer Avg (May thru Sep)275, 360 Highest Month 782, 500 Lowest Month 11, 300 Water Cost per Gallon Report 2008 Month: December 18 - January 19 January 19 - February 18 February 18 - March 19 Amount Used: 3, 600 6, 400 22, 000 Approx Domestic Usage 3, 300 3, 300 3, 300 Approximate Irrigation Usage 300 3, 100 18, 700 Yearly Total: 32, 000 ( 1/ 2 of design flow 300 GPD x 22 Days) 22, 100 Yearly Average Summer Avg (May thru Sep) Highest Month Lowest Month 7, 367 18, 700 Yearly Percentage Comparison i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Month 2005 —2006 2007 - -- 2008 — Average Year I 0. 20 0. 18 0. 16 0. 14 L 0. 12 0. 10 0. 08 ca 0. 06 0. 04 CL 0. 02 0. 00 Yearly Percentage Comparison i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Month 2005 —2006 2007 - -- 2008 — Average Year I 9 Yearly Rainfall Comparison 8 z c i R 6 i 4.. 4 i e p 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Months of the Year 2005 —2006 2007 -- 2008 — Typical Year j Volume Runoff Comparisons for 5. 27 acres 100000 90000 80000 70000 60000 E 50000 M 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Rain P ( in) Runoff for CN of 80 Runoff for CN of 60 I S Yearly Rainfall Comparison 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 I 0, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Months of the Year 2005 - 2006 2007 2008 - Typical Year 43 Consumption Month 2005 2005%2006 2006%2007 2007%2008 2008%2009 Average Typical Year Month 2006 gal 2006 cf 2007 gal 2007 cf 2008 gal 2008 cf 1 January 4. 01 0. 10 2. 57 0. 06 2. 28 0. 09 0. 48 0. 01 1. 56 0. 07 2. 81 1 January 2800 374 6900 922 17100 2286 2 February 1. 65 0. 04 1. 79 0. 04 1. 91 0. 07 1. 69 0. 05 0. 51 0. 05 2. 22 2 February 1700 227 25100 3356 20900 2794 3 March 3. 74 0. 09 0. 22 0. 01 1. 57 0. 06 2. 18 0. 06 2. 28 0. 06 2. 39 3 March 73800 9866 135700 18142 20900 2794 4 April 3. 38 0. 08 3. 04 0. 07 2. 22 0. 09 3. 79 0. 11 0. 09 3. 77 4 April 133600 17861 153700 20548 156400 20909 5 May 2. 48 0. 06 1. 67 0. 04 2. 53 0. 10 5. 52 0. 16 0. 09 3. 87 5 May 208500 27874 176400 23583 81300 10869 6 June 1. 64 0. 04 8. 48 0. 20 4. 47 0. 17 2. 14 0. 06 0. 12 5. 09 6 June 187600 25080 230300 30789 86200 11524 7 July 4. 43 0. 11 2. 77 0. 06 0. 89 0. 03 2. 94 0. 09 0. 07 3. 16 7 July 184600 24679 264900 35414 782500 104612 8 August 4. 31 0. 11 2. 68 0. 06 4. 21 0. 16 4. 48 0. 13 0. 12 4. 99 8 August 235300 31457 238400 31872 300200 40134 9 September 0. 76 0. 02 5. 75 0. 13 0. 54 0. 02 3. 91 0. 11 0. 07 3. 08 9 September 241500 32286 280600 37513 93200 12460 10 October 7. 42 0. 18 7. 35 0. 17 3. 01 0. 12 1. 86 0. 05 0. 13 5. 64 10 October 134100 17928 107300 14345 114700 15334 11 November 3. 99 0. 10 5. 37 0. 12 0. 34 0. 01 2. 57 0. 08 0. 08 3. 34 11 November 39100 5227 70600 9439 84100 11243 12 December 2. 74 0. 07 1. 71 0. 04 1. 58 0. 06 2. 66 0. 08 0. 06 2. 65 12 December 16600 2219 17100 2286 11300 1511 40. 55 43. 4 25. 55 34. 22 Yearly Rainfall Comparison 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 I 0, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Months of the Year 2005 - 2006 2007 2008 - Typical Year Yearly Percentage Comparison 0. 20 0. 18 0. 16 0. 14 0. 12 0. 10 0. 08 0. 06 0. 04 0. 02 a 0. 00 d 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Month 2005 2006 2007 2008 Average Year j l Yearly Percentage Comparison 0. 20 0. 18 0. 16 0. 14 0. 12 0. 10 0. 08 0. 06 0. 04 0. 02 a 0. 00 d 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Month 2005 2006 2007 2008 Average Year SILTSIZ SEDIMENT BASIN SIZING Project:Townsend Sediment Basin No.1 Date:22- Aor-09 AREA=5.25 ACRES TOTAL REQ'D VOL.=703.5 C.Y. OR 18994.5 C.F. Bottom of Pond Elev=429.0 Top of wet Storage and bottom of Dry Impervious Area=31% % from WRPO worksheet or 70893.9 WET STORAGE REQ'D VOL.= 9497.3 C.F. FOR A SURFACE AREA OF 4348 S.F. at Elev= 429.0 AND A TYP. SIDE SLOPE OF 2 TO 1 A wet depth of 3 ft. yeilds a wet bottom area of 2909 s.f. at Elev= 426.0 and a volume of 10886.2 c.f. OK DRY STORAGE REQ'D VOL.= 9497.3 FOR A BOTTOM AREA OF 4348 AND A TYP. SIDE SLOPE OF A dry depth of 2 yeilds a dry surface area of 6075 and a volume of 10422.5 C.F. S.F. TO 1ft. s.f. at Elev= 431.0 c.f. OK Riser dia= Riser top Elev. Orifice Elev. Orifice Dia (in.) Outfall Pipe Dia Outfall Pipe elev. 3.0 431.0 429.0 3.0 18.0 426.0 Dewatering Orifice Calculations: h) Head (Riser elev less orifice elev.)1 s)= dry storage area 10422.5 c.f. Q) required orifice flow rate (S/21600)0.482525222 cfs A) Required area= Q/(64.32 x h/2) ^0.5 x 0.6=0.051052057 s.f. d) diameter= 2 x (A/3.14159) ^0.5=3.059448263 in. Use 4 in. Pipe Bottom of Wet Area 426.0 Top of Wet Storage 429.0 Dewatering Orifice 429.0 Top of Dry Storage 431.0 Top of Riser 431.0 Top of berm 433.0 Forebay design (0.25" per acre of impervious) Required Volume= design depth= with side slopes of and approximate provided volume = 1477 C.F. (Imperv. Area x 0.25" / 12) 3 ft. 2 :1 yeilds average area of 533 1599 c.f. OK! Page 1 Pond Report Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve v9.2 Monday, Apr 20, 2009 Pond No. 1 Detention Pond Pond Data Contours - User defined contour areas. Average end area method used for volume calculation. Begining Elevation = 426.00 ft Stage / Storage Table Stage (ft)Elevation (ft)Contour area (sqft)Incr. Storage (cuft)Total storage (cult) 0.00 426.00 2,671 0 0 1.00 427.00 3,135 2,903 2,903 2.00 428.00 3,627 3,381 6,284 3.00 429.00 4,148 3,888 10,172 4.00 430.00 4,698 4,423 14,595 5.00 431.00 5,276 4,987 19,582 6.00 432.00 5,883 5,580 25,161 7.00 433.00 6,519 Es'6,201 31,362 fir` Culvert / Orifice Structures Weir Structures 9gg A]B]C]PrfRsr]A] [B]C]D] t Rise (in)18.00 Inactive 3.00 0.00 Crest Len (ft)9.42 20.00 0.00 0.00 Span (in)18.00 8.00 3.00 0.00 Crest El. (ft)431.00 432.00 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels 1 1 1 0 Weir Coeff.3.33 2.60 3.33 3.33 Invert El. (ft)426.00 428.00 429.75 0.00 Weir Type Riser Broad Length (ft)46.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 Multi -Stage Yes No No No Slope ( %)0.20 0.50 0.00 n/a N -Value 013 013 013 n/a Orifice Coeff.0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 Exfil.(in /hr)0.000 (by Wet area) Multi -Stage n/a No Yes No TW Elev. (ft)0.00 Note: Culvert/Orifice outflows are analyzed under inlet (ic) and outlet (oc) control. Weir risers checked for orifice conditions (1c) and submergence (s) Stage (ft) 8.00 6XiI42 4.00 - 2.00 - 0.00 0 3,000 Storage Stage / Storage 6,000 9,000 12,000 15,000 18,000 21,000 24,000 27,000 30,000 Elev (ft) 434.00 432.00 430.00 428.00 426.00 33,000 Storage (cuft) n 6,000 9,000 12,000 15,000 18,000 21,000 24,000 27,000 30,000 Elev (ft) 434.00 432.00 430.00 428.00 426.00 33,000 Storage (cuft)