HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200800096 Calculations Minor Amendment 2008-06-18STORM DRAIN CALCULATIONS, PROFILES AND FIGURES Hydraflow Storm Sewers Plan Project File: Moores Creek 1.stm I Number of lines: 17 I Date: 06-18-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 v12.01 Line To Line Incr, Total Runoff Incr Total Inlet Time Rnfal Total Adnl Total Capac Pipe Pipe Inv Elev Inv Elev HGL HGL Grnd/Rim Line Length Area Area Coeff. C x A C x A Time Conc Int Runoff Flow Flow Full Veloc Size Slope Dn Up Dn Up Dn (ft) (ac) (ac) (C) (min) (min) (in/hr) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/s) (in) (%) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 Outfall 110 0.00 4.77 0.00 0.00 2.09 0.0 92.3 1.4 2.88 0.00 2.89 304.33 3.32 36 20.82 313.74 336.72 314.28 337.26 316.75 2 1 39 0.10 0.84 0.45 0.05 0.52 5.0 91.8 1.4 0.71 0.00 0.72 21.88 2.13 18 4.34 337.00 338.70 337.44 339.02 344.72 3 2 93 0.20 0.66 0.41 0.08 0.40 5.0 14.3 3.9 1.56 0.00 1.56 26.34 4.32 18 6.29 338.80 344.65 339.13 345.13 346.20 4 3 153 0.20 0.40 0.41 0.08 0.26 5.0 10.9 4.4 1.14 0.00 1.14 15.29 2.42 18 2.12 344.75 348.00 345.31 348.41 349.10 5 4 153 0.07 0.15 0.90 0.06 0.14 5.0 6.7 5.1 0.69 0.00 0.69 12.17 2.18 15 3.55 348.10 353.55 348.55 353.88 352.45 6 5 32 0.08 0.08 0.90 0.07 0.07 5.0 5.0 5.5 0.40 0.00 0.40 6.74 1.84 15 1.09 353.65 354.00 354.00 354.25 358.00 7 1 34 0.00 3.93 0.00 0.00 1.57 0.0 88 4.7 7.40 0.00 7.40 15.99 4.95 24 0.50 336.85 337.02 337.81 337.99 344.72 8 2 70 0.08 0.08 0.90 0.07 0.07 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.01 0.01 3.56 0.93 12 1.00 339.30 340.00 339.34 340.04 346.20 9 3 32 0.06 0.06 0.90 0.05 0.05 5.0 5.0 5.5 0.30 0.00 0.30 6.71 1.27 15 1.08 344.75 345.10 345.31 345.33 349.10 10 4 32 0.05 0.05 0.90 0.05 0.05 5.0 5.0 5.5 0.25 0.00 0.25 6.70 1.29 15 1.08 348.10 348.45 348.55 348.65 352.45 11 7 83 0.34 0.50 0.78 0.27 0.41 5.0 6.6 5.2 2.11 0.00 2.11 12.79 2.37 18 1.48 336.87 338.10 338.48 338.65 344.27 12 11 95 0.16 0.16 0.90 0.14 0.14 5.0 5.0 5.5 0.80 0.00 0.80 2.59 1.89 12 0.53 338.10 338.60 338.89 339.02 342.10 13 7 112 0.22 3.43 0.68 0.15 1.16 5.0 7.7 4.9 5.70 0.00 5.70 15.98 3.06 24 0.50 337.02 337.58 338.48 338.54 344.27 14 13 106 0.17 3.21 0.90 0.15 1.01 5.0 6.7 5.1 5.19 0.00 5.19 15.99 3.71 24 0.50 337.58 338.11 338.65 338.92 343.87 15 14 94 0.12 0.32 0.90 0.11 0.29 5.0 5.9 5.3 1.53 0.00 1.53 3.27 2.59 12 0.84 338.11 338.90 339.29 339.48 343.47 16 15 68 0.20 0.20 0.90 0.18 0.18 5.0 5.0 5.5 1.00 0.00 1.00 2.89 2.39 12 0.66 338.90 339.35 339.61 339.78 343.14 17 14 11 2.72 2.72 0.21 0.57 0.57 5.0 5.0 5.5 3.16 0.00 3.16 6.51 8.82 10 8.84 339.78 340.77 340.19 342.46 343.47 Hydraflow DOT Report 1 Line Profile (Line 1) Page 1 of 1 Elegy (ft; Manhole Line 1 345 00 346 00 337 00 337 00 329 00 a 329 00 )� 4 f� 4 - „ � . 321 00 ,12100 wy � 313 00 313 00 306 00 305 00 0 10 20 30 4ii 50 60 70 60 90 100 110 120 130 140 Reach (.ft'! Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # Q On Up On Up Hw On Up Jnct On Up On Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 1 2.89 313.74 336.72 0.54 0.54 0.72 314.28 337.26 337.44 i 3.32 3.32 0.01 5.00 Project File: No. Lines: 17 Run Date: 06-18-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 Line Profile (Line 2) Page 1 of 1 Flee A: Line 2 �fc�mf3ination 348 04 348 00 345 00 345 00 342 00 -- 342 00 339 00 339 00 3 -)Lf - 18" 4.34q 336 00 336 00 333 40 333 00 0 5 10 15 20 26 30 35 40 45 610 Reach ift Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # Q Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 2 0.72 337.00 338.70 0.44 0.32 0.43 337.44 339.02 j 339.13 i 1.69 2.57 6.22 6.00 Project File: No. Lines: 17 Run Date: 06-18-2008 HydraFlow Storm Sewers 2008 Line Profile (Line 3) Page 1 of 1 Elev (ft. Line 3 354 00 3.64 00 r o177h natio 350 00 350 00 3=16 00 ► 3=1) 00 342 00 3-2 00 3�- 330 00 330 00 33:100 334 00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 10 5 ��� �,�, 60 r,5 ?i1 , 8 C 65 tlll S15 100 105 Reach (ft'! Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # Q Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Jnct� Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 3 1.56 338.80 344.65 0.33 0.48 0.66 339.13 345.13 345.31 i 5.42 3.23 5.90 2.95 Project File: No. Lines: 17 Run Date: 06-18-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 Line Profile (Line 4) Bev M 3513 00 353 00 350 00 347 00 344 Oil Line 4 00I111JIlatI0 11 3513 00 353 00 350 00 347 OCC 344 00 3:11 00 311 00 0 10 �Q '10 4O 50 60 7 0 `0 �I�l 100 110 1.'0 130 1:10 15,0 161) 170 130 Reach (ft: Page 1 of 1 Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # Q Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 4 1.14 344.75 348.00 0.56 0.41 0.55 345.31 348.41 j 348.55 i 1.90 2.94 2.85 2.95 Project File: - - ---- No. Lines: 17 - - - --- -- . i -- - Run Date: - - ---- - - -- - -- - — 06-18-2008 — -- --- --- - - - - - - - - - -- -- — ----- H draflow Storm Sewers 2008 v Line Profile (Line 5) Elev M.: 31310 OC 35? 00 3-64 00 35,1 00 34u 00 Line b C0111bin atlOn :�4 i 1 35' 00 351 00 351 CI ID 343 00 345 00 315 00 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 30 90 100 110 120 130 110 150 100 1'0 100 Reach (ft", Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Line # 0 Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 5 0.69 348.10 353.55 0.45 0.33 Project File: Page 1 of 1 Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Hw Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 0.45 348.55 353.88 j 354.00 i 1.73 2.64 3.10 3.20 1 No. Lines: 17 Run Date: 06-18-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 20( Line Profile (Line 6) Ele,, (ft; Line 6 361 00 361 00 � Il1i3111c�t1o11 35)9 00 369 Oil i 3�i' [ISI yii7 Q0 rt n; 3h3 00 - - �, 373 00 3h1 00 3,51 00 0 7 10 13 0 2-; 30 36; .0 5 Reach (ft Page 1 of 1 Hydraflow Storm Sewers Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # Q Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 6 0.40 353.65 354.00 0.35 0.25 0.33 354.00 354.25 j 354.33 i 1.43 2.25 3.10 2.75 Project File: No. Lines: 17 Run Date: 06-18-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers Line Profile (Line 8) Elev (ft; 3-50 00 347 00 3-4-100 341 00 338 00 Line 8 Gr e —��F-- 70U - 12"' 1,00%" 3611 C10 347 111.1 344 Cl 1) 341 00 338 00 33.5 00 3 36, I;1Q 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 38 40 45 80 7 1111 85 711 7 E, 8LJ r o , 3 Reach ift; Page 1 of 1 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 200 Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # Q (cfs) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Hw (ft) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Jnct (ft) Dn (ft/s) Up (ft/s) Dn (ft) Up (ft) 8 0.01 339.30 340.00 0.04 0.04 0.05 339.34 340.04 340.05 i 0.99 0.87 5.90 2.87 Project File: No. Lines: 17 Run Date: 06-18-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 200 Line Profile (Line 9) Elev i:ft 352 00 350 00 3.8 00 316 00 344 00 Line 9 � oml�inatic�n 15" r1.0 (�f; 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 352 011 350 00 310 00 346 00 344 00 40 45 Reach (ft Page 1 of 1 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2( Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line #— Dn Up D Up H D Up Jnct D Up D Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 9 0.30 344.75 345.10 0.56 0.23 0.27 345.31 345.33 j 345.37 i 0.56 1.98 3.10 2.75 Project File: TNo Lines: 17 Run Date: 06-18-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2( Line Profile (Line 10) Elev (ft; 3656 00 3651 00 3652 00 3650 00 3.48 00 Line 10 32U - 15" 1.03% 365r 00 3653 00 362 00 3650 00 348 00 318 00 1 1 1 1 1 1 Zlr, rli) 0 0 10 165 20 265 30 365 30 465 Reach ift Page 1 of 1 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2C Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # Q (cfs) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Dn (ft) Up (ft) --- Hw (ft) ------ Dn (ft) ---- Up (ft) -- Jnct (ft) --- -- Dn (ft/s) Up (ft/s) Dn (ft) Up (ft) 10 0.25 348.10 348.45 0.45 0.20 0.26 348.55 348.65 j 348.71 i 0.62 1.97 3.10 2.75 --TProject File: No. Lines: 17 Run Date: 06-18-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2C Line Profile (Line 7) Page 1 of 1 Ele fft; Line 7 348 00 3=1 c. 00 Manhole 3 -ti 1.10 35 00 31.4 12 00 3.12 00 339 00 13101 336 00 n A I _ � 330 00 333 017 333 CIO 0 3 10 15; 20 3-5 -lid 43 Reach ift; Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # Q Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 7 I 7.40 336,85 337.02 0.96 0.97 1.46 337.81 337.99 338.48 i 4.99 4.91 5.87 5.25 Project File: No. Lines: 17 Run Date: 06-18-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2' Line Profile (Line 11) Ele-., (ft; 348 00 346 f0 342 CII] 339 00 338 00 Line 11 348 00 345 00 3-2 00 339 CIO 336 00 333 00 ' 1 ' ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 333 00 11 6 10 13 20 23 30 36 40 46 50 --7 f;il83 '0 ;� SLI 8:1 X111 J� Reach (ft: Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Line # Q Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 11 2.11 336.87 338.10 1.50 0.55 Project File: Page 1 of 1 Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover H Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 0.79 338.48 338.65 j 338.89 i 1.19 3.55 5.90 2.50 No Lines: 17I Run Date: 06-18-2008 - - - -- --- -- [ - - - --.- Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 Line Profile (Line 12) Ele, (.ft 3.6 00 34- 00 342 00 340 00 338 00 Line 12 � 95L1-1 0."3'0 346 00 344 00 342 00 340 00 338 00 336 � 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 336 00 0 5, 10 15 20 25 30 36 40 35t 60 56 60 66 7 CI 5 80 85, 90 95 100 106 Reath (ft: Page 1 of 1 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 20( Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # Q Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 12 0.80 338.10 338.60 0.79 0.42 0.48 338.89 339.02 339.08 i 1.20 2.58 3.00 2.86 Project File: No. Lines: 17 Run Date: 06-18-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 20( Line Profile (Line 13) Page 1 of 1 Ede (ft; Line 13 349 00 349 00 3:10 00_7 Gr to 346 00 I 313 00 313 00 310 00 310 00 337 00 _ 337 I'll 12Lf 24" (T� 0. )0 331 01 331 CIO 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1111 110 120 130 110 Reach (ft Invert Elevation — -- Depth of Flow -- Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # Q ------ Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 13 5.70 337.02 337.58 1.46 0.96 1.07 338.48 338.54 338.65 i 2.32 3.80 5.25 4.29 Project File: _ — No. Lines: 17 _ Run Date: 06-18-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 Line Profile (Line 14) Elev (ft 344 00 342 00 340 01 338 00 336 00 11,111 111 0 in& 1A 11 20 30 41 50 60 344 00 342 00 340 10 33"u 00 336 00 334 111 71 80 90 1CID 110 121 131 Reach fft; Page 1 of 1 Line # Q Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 14 5.19 337.58 338.11 1.07 0.81 1.18 338.65 338.92 339.29 i 3.05 4.37 4.29 3.36 Project File: �No. Lines: 17 Run Date: 06-18-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 20 Line Profile (Line 15) Elev i,ft; 316 00 341 00 342 00 340 00 338 00 Line 15 Cir I,Gra e I Ct Z47.—', - 3463 00 314 00 342 00 340 00 333 00 336 00336 00 0 5 10 1 5 2025 30 3540 45 50 55 60 65 ?Cl ?5 811 ;6t tn1 SI t-, 1110 105 Reach (ft.: Page 1 of 1 Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # Q Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) ( ft/s ) (ft) ( ft ) 15 1.53 338.11 338.90 1.00 0.58 0.71 339.29 339.48 339.61 i 1.95 3.22 4.36 3.24 Project File: No. Lines: 17 TRun Date: 06-18-2008 — Hydralow storm sewers ZU Line Profile (Line 16) Page 1 of 1 Be,; (ft; Line 16 3fir, 00 3-6 00 D op -Gra e 3:41 00 344 00 3J2 00 312 00 3140 00 340 Ciel � 68Lf 12" (71' 0. 6 , 0, 338 00 —' 338 00 336 00 333 00 0 5 10 1 2i) 25 30 3n 40 4h 0 5, t;11 r3 E, 70 'S 80 Reach (ft Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # Q Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (fUs) (ft) (ft) 16 1.00 338.90 339.35 0.71 0.43 0.61 339.61 339.78 339.96 i 1.67 3.12 3.24 3.38 Project File: �No. Lines: 17 Run Date: 06-1$-2008 HydraFlow Storm Sewers 201 Line Profile (Line 17) Ele, (ft: 346 00 341 00 342 00 340 011 338 00 Line 17 G ate r 331; Cn1 1) 7 j Invert Elevation Line # Q Dn Up Dn (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) 17 3.16 339.78 340.77 0.41 Project File: 10 'r 0 344 00 3:12 00 L40 CIO 338 00 33133, 00 3f Reach (.ft: Page 1 of 1 Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Up (ft) Hw (ft) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Jnct (ft) Dn (ft/s) Up (ftls) Dn (ft) Up (ft) 0.83 1.77 340.19 342.46 342.54 i 11.84 5.79 2.86 2.31 Lines. 17 Run Date 06-18-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 20 STORM DRAIN CALCULATIONS, PROFILES AND FIGURES Moores Creek 2 outran Project File: Moores Creek 2.stm Number of lines: 8 1 Date: 06-18-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 v12.01 Line To Line Incr. Total Runoff Incr Total Inlet Time Rnfal Flow Line Length Area Area Coeff. C x A C x A Time Conc Int (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ac) (ac) (C) (ft) (ft) (ft) (min) (min) (in/hr) 1 Outfall 150 0.20 2.74 0.90 0.18 1.25 5.0 8.5 4.8 2 1 71 0.81 1.24 0.29 0.23 0.32 5.0 7.3 5.0 3 2 82 0.43 0.43 0.20 0.09 0.09 5.0 5.0 5.5 4 1 107 0.12 1.30 0.55 0.07 0.75 5.0 7.9 4.9 5 4 69 0.00 1.18 0.00 0.00 0.68 5.0 7.5 4.9 6 5 46 0.10 1.18 0.90 0.09 0.68 5.0 7.3 5.0 7 6 34 0.90 0.90 0.48 0.43 0.43 5.0 5.0 5.5 8 6 100 0.18 0.18 0.90 0.16 0.16 5.0 5.0 5.5 Total Adnl Total Capac Pipe Pipe Inv Elev Inv Elev HGL HGL Runoff Flow Flow Full Veloc Size Slope Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/s) (in) (%) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 5.95 0.00 5.95 37.65 5.16 18 12.85 302.68 322.00 303.61 322.93 1.60 0.00 1.60 19.84 2.09 18 3.57 322.10 324.63 323.54 325.11 0.48 0.00 0.48 4.53 1.83 12 1.62 324.79 326.12 325.30 326.41 3.65 0.00 3.65 4.32 2.97 15 0.45 322.00 322.48 323.54 323.89 3.38 0.00 3.38 17.15 3.63 15 7.05 322.50 327.40 324.11 328.14 3.42 0.00 3.42 13.53 3.77 15 4.39 327.50 329.50 328.59 330.24 2.39 0.00 2.39 12.47 3.17 15 3.73 329.75 331.00 330.70 331.62 0.90 0.00 0.90 8.90 1.88 15 1.90 329.75 331.65 330.70 332.03 Grnd/Rim Dn (ft) 305.00 329.65 330.59 329.65 330.19 332.00 334.20 334.20 Hydraflow DOT Report 1 Line Profile (Line 1) Page 1 of 1 HydraFlow Storm Sewers 2008 Grate Elev (ft; Line 1 330 00 330 00 323 00 323 00 316 00 316 00 r 309 00 309 00 1� 302 00 302 00 296 00 295 00 0 10 20 30 10 60 60 70 SO 90 101:1 110 J ",o 130 140 160 160 170 180 Reach (ft Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # Q Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 1 5.95 302.68 322.00 0.93 0.93 1 1.54 303.61 322.93 323.54 i 16 5.16— 0.82 6.15 —5 Moores Creek 2 I No. Lines: 8 Run Date: 06-18-2008 HydraFlow Storm Sewers 2008 Line Profile (Line 2) Page 1 of 1 Elev f.ftl: Line 2 33-4 00 334 00 Drops. rate - 331 00 331 00 328 00 328 00 325) 00 1125) 00 1-4 322 00 711 1 8 .15 79.`0 322 00 319 CIO 319 00 0 10 115 20 2 5 30 3 1G5) -5) 0 5) 1;11 r 7FI ,5) 80 U5) Reachf.ft,: Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # Q Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (cf S) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 2 1.60 322.10 324.63 1.44 0.48 0.67 323.54 325.11 j 325.30 i 0.92 3.26 6.05 4.46 Moores Creek 2 8 Run Date: 06-18-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 Line Profile (Line 3) Elev ift; 33100 329 00 327 00 326 00 323 00 331 00 329 00 327 CIIJ 3265 00 323 00 32100 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 32100 0 7 10 17 20 27 30 365 40 465 60 76 60 6- 70 6 t30 6 go 96 Reach (ft" Page 1 of 1 Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # Q Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (fus) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 3 0.48 324.79 326.120.51 0.29 0.40 325.30 326.41 j 326.52 i 1.18 2.49 4.80 3.87 Moores Creek 2 No. Lines: 8 Run Date: 06-18-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 200 Line Profile (Line 4) Page 1 of 1 Ele,r (ft; Line d 334 00 334 00 t. rate 331 CIO I 331 00 321 00 328 011 320 00 325 00 _Lj 322 011 -- - 322 00 10 7 L f - .5 4 319110 1 319 11O 0 10 20 30 40 -50 011 70 80 ':10 11111 110 120 1311 Reach Ift Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line# Q � — --- ---------- ---- —----- - — —- Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 4 3.65 322.00 322.48 1.25 1.25 1.61 323.54 323.89 324.09 2.97 2.97 6.40 6.46 Moores Creek 2 No. Lines: 8 Run Date: 06-18-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 20 Line Profile (Line 5) Page 1 of 1 Elev (ft; Line a 334 00 I'danhole 33.4 00 331 00 1 331 00 328 t:n_i -- 328 00 325 00325 00 322 00 322 00 319 00 319 00 0 10 165 20 2�, 30 3 40 6 6, Cl 6; , Ij0 i;; 70 '5 80 Reach (ft: Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # Q -- ------ ---- Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 5 3.38 322.50 327.40 1.25 0.74 1.19 324.11 328.14 j 328.59 i 2.76 4.50 6.44 3.35 Moores Creek 2 No Lines: 8 FIRun pate: 06-18-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 200 Line Profile (Line 6) Page 1 of 1 Eler fft; Line 6 339 00 33..► 00 on- bination 336 CIO 33G 01:1 333 00 333 00 330 00 330 00 32? 00 46Lf - 15" 4.399,0' 3i7 IJLJ 32.3 00 32100 0 3 10 1. 20 25 30 30 40 40 00 0 Reach fft Invert Elevation — - -- Depth - - of Flow ------ Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line# Q -- — - ------- -_---- ------ ---------- --- Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (Ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 6 3.42 327.50 329.50 1.09 0.74 1.20 328.59 330.241 330.70 i 3.02 4.52 3.25 3.45 Moores Creek 2 No. Lines: 8 Run Date: 06-18-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 Line Profile (Line 7) Page 1 of 1 Elev fft; Line 7 Drop -Grate 336 00 336 00 I 33:1 00 33=1 00 332 011 - ._....... 332 00 331 00330 00 3 4 L f - 15tt . 3. 7 3''� 328 00 320 00 326 00 326 00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 36 40 4.5 Reach I;ft; Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # (� - -- -- ----- ---- ---- — Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (f#) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 7 2.39 329.75 331.00 0.95 0.62 0.94 330.70 331.62 j 331.94 i 2.40 3.94 3.20 3.50 Moores Creek 2 No. Lines: 8 Run Date: 06-18-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2C Line Profile (Line 8) Bev (ft: 330 00 33. 00 332 00 330 00 3281 00 336, 00 334 00 332 00 33100 320 00 320 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 320 CIO 0 0 10 10 20 27 31 30 1f1 5) 50 Oh 01 130 'Il 71 3� SI0 �1-� 101 10� 111 Reach ift; Page 1 of 1 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 20C Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # Q Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 8 0.90 329.75 331.65 0.95 0.38 0.52 330.70 332.03 j 332.17 i 0.90 2.85 3.20 2.75 Moores Creek 2 No. Lines: 8 Run Date: 06-18-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 20C Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority Moore's Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Nutrient Removal Improvements Site Development Plan Submittal Including Erosion Control Narrative and Calculations, Storm drainage Calculations, Stormwater Quality Calculations, and Related Specifications Revision 2 Submitted to: County of Albemarle January 2009 /0 e`HAR 5S T ?� JOH SON a Lic. No, 43610 A�S`10NAL Hazen and Sawyer Environmental Engineers & Scientists Proiect Descriation The Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority is proposing improvements to their Moores Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The existing 15 million gallon per day (MGD) WWTP is being upgraded to provide removal of nitrogen and phosphorus (nutrients) which will include several new buildings and structures. New buildings include the following: Bulk Chemical Storage Facility 1, Boiler Facility and electrical power centers. New structures, which are in - ground concrete tanks open to the atmosphere, consist of an aeration basin, a secondary clarifier, tertiary filters, UV disinfection/post, septage receiving, and odor control. All new construction will be located on the existing site within the property boundaries. In addition to the above, internal modifications will be made to several existing buildings to accommodate new process - related equipment, as well as the relocation of the existing RWSA Engineering trailers. The disturbed area for these new additions and improvements is approximately 12 acres. The excess and unsuitable soil will be stockpiled onsite by the contractor with the option of unsuitable material to be disposed of in an approved location with all required permits. Temporary measures will be used to limit erosion and contain sediment from cleared areas prior to the establishment of vegetation. Once construction is complete and vegetative cover has been established, these measures may be removed and appropriate permanent measures will be installed. Temporary and permanent vegetative cover for disturbed areas will consist of grasses as recommended by the Soil Conservation Services. See Specification Section 02910 -Final Grading and Landscaping for the proposed Seeding Schedule. After completion of the project, the disturbed area will be stabilized by permanent vegetation as specified in the specification section attached. The proposed vegetation will prevent long-term erosion after project completion. See Specification Section 02276 — Erosion Control and Section 02910 — Final Grading and Landscaping as well as the Erosion Control Drawings for details on these temporary and permanent measures. Existing Site Conditions The proposed improvements to this site are to be implemented to the existing Moore's Creek WWTP. The existing site consists of approximately 89.5 acres, home to an operating WWTP, which includes roadways, various tanks and structures, basins, buildings, and administrative offices. A previous site plan was approved by Albemarle County for the existing WWTP. The property is divided in two sections, bisected by Moores Creek, with each portion of the property draining to and discharging into Moore's Creek, which eventually discharges into The Rivanna River. The developed portion of the site is vegetated with maintained grasses. Adiacent Areas The Moore's Creek WWTP exists in the Scottsville Magisterial District, in a Light Industrial area. The site is bounded to the north by Moore's Creek and several adjacent property owners, and to the south by Interstate 64. Since there are no other properties between the WWTP and Moore's Creek, no adverse stormwater effects are anticipated as a result of the development associated with this project. Soils The project site is located in an upland area of the Piedmont Plateau, at the western edge of the Piedmont Physiographic Province, an area underlain by ancient metamorphic rocks. This area is underlain by the Catoctin Formation, of the Precambrian or Cambrian Age. The virgin soils encountered in this area are the residual product of in-place chemical and mechanical weathering of the parent bedrock formation that underlies the site. These materials consist of stiff to very stiff consistency SILT and hard consistency disintegrated rock. Existing fill soils were encountered at several locations, generally overlaying the residuum. Existing fill soils may include any materials deposited by man. Erosion and Sediment Control Measures All erosion and sediment control devices and measures have been designed and placed in accordance with the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook (VESCH), Third Edition, 1992. Temporary measures will be used to limit erosion and contain sediment from cleared areas prior to the establishment of vegetation. Once construction, including any structural measures, is complete, and permanent vegetative cover has been established, these measures may be removed with approval from the engineer. Vegetative cover for disturbed areas will consist of grasses as recommended by the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. See the Plans and Specification Section 02910 — Final Grading and Landscaping for the proposed Seeding schedule, attached. The temporary measures proposed for this site includes silt fence, temporary diversion dikes, a temporary sediment basin, construction entrances, inlet erosion control, turf reinforcement matting and temporary seeding measures as required. The above devices will filter sediment from run-off to prevent sediment from being deposited off-site, while the temporary seeding will limit erosion during construction activities. Permanent measures proposed include permanent vegetative plantings. See Specification Section 02276 — Erosion and Sedimentation Control and Section 02910 — Final Grading and Landscaping for further details on these temporary and permanent measures. Temporary Stabilization All temporary sediment and erosion control measures where designed and chosen based on criteria from the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. Stabilization construction entrances/exits and silt fence are designed in accordance with the guidelines established in VESCH Sections 3.02 and 3.05. Temporary diversion channels shall be installed and maintained as per Section 3.12. Storm drain inlets will be protected with block and gravel filters or as specified in Section 3.07. Temporary seeding measures were chosen as per the recommendations of VESCH Section 3.31. Temporary rolled erosion control mat was designed in accordance with the procedures outlined in Section 3.36. Permanent Stabilization Upon completion of the project, permanent vegetative plantings will be used to achieve stabilization of the site. All temporary erosion and sediment control measures will be removed once the site has been stabilized. All permanent vegetative plantings conform to those specified in the VESCH Section 3.32. See Specification Section 02910 — Final Grading and Landscaping, attached, for the proposed seeding schedule. Storm water Runoff Considerations This site will have an increase in impervious surface in the post -developed condition. The proposed improvements will contribute a net increase of impervious surface by 0.9 acres. The increase in peak flow due to the additional impervious area is negligible. Detention is not necessary for this site because the drainage area of the site is relatively insignificant compared to the drainage area of Moore's Creek. A detention waiver has been requested, and granted, by the County of Albemarle. There are no downstream properties that could be adversely impacted by the proposed development because the property drains directly to Moore's Creek and then to The Rivanna River. See Appendix II for stormwater system calculations. For water quality purposes, a sand filter is proposed for the area in which an increase in impervious surface will occur. This sand filter will treat the phosphorus loading increase caused by the new impervious area. Please see Appendix III for a narrative detailing the procedure for stormwater quality considerations, as well as supporting calculations. This project also disturbs areas within the Moores Creek stream buffer. However, this plan is exempt from mitigation under sections 17-319.B and 17-320.13 of the Albemarle County Code. All stream buffer areas disturbed by construction measures will be replanted to existing vegetation or equivalent. Critical Slopes Critical slopes, as defined by the County of Albemarle, are areas of topographic inclines that exceed a 25% slope. By definition, if these slopes exist naturally, no disturbance or impact are to be made to these slopes without approval by the County. Critical slopes do exist on this site, however it appears these slopes were created when the plant was originally constructed and/or expanded. Some of these areas will be minimally impacted as a result of the proposed improvements, although it has been deemed necessary to seek a Critical Slope waiver as a result of these slopes existing in a previously approved site plan. A waiver request and figure has been provided illustrating the critical slopes areas which exist on the plant site, provided in Appendix V. Erosion Control Sequence 1) No demolition, construction or land disturbance activities may begin until all perimeter erosion control measures have been installed in locations as shown on the Contract Drawings. If clearing is required for installation of a particular measure, all other measures shown shall be installed first. The clearing of the land necessary for installation of the particular measure may then proceed. 2) Once all measures have been installed, the site shall be cleared and grubbed as necessary within the limits of disturbance as shown on the Contract Drawings. Efforts shall be made to minimize the amount of cleared area exposed at any given time. 3) Once clearing and grubbing is complete, any necessary topsoil stripping may begin. Topsoil shall be stockpiled on site in the stockpiling areas shown on the Contract Drawings. Stockpile shall receive such temporary seeding measures as may be required. Any soil taken offsite shall be stockpiled at locations with all required permits. If offsite location does not have all required permits, the contractor is responsible for obtaining any required permits. 4) Demolition, earthwork and construction operations may begin once topsoil has been removed and stockpiled. 5) All pipes shall be installed in accordance with standard construction techniques. Only the length of trench in which pipe can be installed in one days time shall be open at any time, with spoil material placed on the uphill side of the trench. Piping shall be capped at end of each days work to prevent sediment from entering. Trench shall be backfilled at end of each days work and disturbed area seeded and mulched within seven (7) days of backfill. 6) Temporary soil stabilization shall be applied within seven (7) days to denuded areas that may not be at final grade but will remain dormant for longer than fourteen (14) days, except for that portion of the site on which work will be continuous beyond fourteen (14) days. 7) Once construction activities are complete, final grading may begin. 8) Upon completion of final grading, permanent seeding, mulching and fertilizing measures shall be employed on all disturbed areas as per Section 02910 — Final Grading and Landscaping. Permanent soil stabilization shall be applied within seven (7) days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site. All erosion control measures shall remain in place until entire site has been stabilized. 9) Once permanent stabilization has occurred, temporary sediment control measures shall be removed. Any areas disturbed by the removal of these measures shall be returned as closely as possible to original condition and seeded, mulched and fertilized as per Specification Section 02910. Maintenance and Sediment Disposal All sediment and erosion control measures shall be inspected upon installation, at least once every fourteen (14) days and within 48 hours following any runoff producing rainfall event. Repairs to, or replacement of, measures shall occur immediately if necessary and accumulated sediment removed as needed. Sediment shall be removed from the temporary sediment traps when the design volume is reduced by 25%. Sediment shall be removed from all other erosion control measures when the sediment storage volume of the measure has become 50% full. All removed sediment shall be disposed of in an approved manner at the stockpile location or a location to be designated by the Engineer or Owner. Steps shall be taken at the disposal site to insure that further sediment transport does not occur. All disturbed areas shall be permanently seeded as soon as possible, but in no case later than seven (7) calendar days after construction activities are complete. Areas shall be seeded, fertilized and mulched in accordance with the Seeding schedule in Section 02910 — Final Grading and Landscaping, of the Specifications. Appendices Appendix I — E&S Calculations Appendix II — Stormwater Capacity Calculations and Figures Appendix III — Stormwater Quality Narrative and Calculations Appendix IV - Specifications Section 02050 — Demolition Section 02100 — Clearing, Grubbing, and Site Preparation Section 02200 — Earthwork Section 02207 — Aggregate Materials Section 02276 — Erosion and Sedimentation Control Section 02500 — Surface Restoration Section 02910 — Final Grading and Landscaping Appendix V — Contract Drawings (Separate Attachment) Appendix I E&S Calculations ffiZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists #F! #REF! ELEV AREA (FT -2) VOLUME (FT ^3) ACC. VOLUME (FT -3) S STAGE Z Zest (FT) 330.00 329 0 0 0.0 0.00 331.00 697 513 513 1.0 0.91 332.00 1201 949 1462 2.0 1.70 333.00 1842 1522 2984 3.0 2.61 334.00 2591 2217 5200 4.0 3.64 335.00 3391 2991 8191 5.0 4.78 336.00 4217 3804 11995 6.0 6.00 337.00 5067 4642 16637 7.0 7.30 338.00 5943 5505 22142 8.0 8.66 B= 1.67 Ks= 601 DRAINAGE AREA = 2.8 ac. /olume OK', Area OK? yes yes yes yes 1' Freeboard WEIR/OUTLET & BERM LENGTH: 17.0 FT WIDTH OF BERM: 5 FT Total Storage Volume NOTE: The elevation at 334.00' provides the wet storage requirement of 5065 ft"3 The elevation at 337.00' is the crest of the weir say Side Slopes 2 :1 D = 6 6 -- REQUIRED TOTAL STORAGE VOLUME = 10130 ft ^3 W = 45.0 45 375 yd -3 L = 90.0 90 S= 2 2 REQUIRED WET STORAGE VOLUME = 5065 ft ^3 VOL = 16308.0 16308 188 yd^3 Min Width Min. Length A 26.4 52.7 Depth of Wet Storage Area (D1) = (,2 ft 27 54 1458 Wet Surface Area (A1) = 1.986 ft^2 Wet Storage Volume say REQUIRED DRY STORAGE VOLUME 1 5065 ft^3 D = 3 3 188 yd^3 W = 40.0 40 L = 80.0 80 Depth of Dry Storage Area (132) = 3 ft S = 2 2 Dry Surface Area (A2) = 1390 ft^2 VOL = 7656 7656 Min. Width Min. Length A REQUIRED SEDIMENT STORAGE VOLUME =1 25331 ft^3 31.5 63.0 941 yd^3 32 64 2048 NOTE: The elevation at 334.00' provides the wet storage requirement of 5065 ft"3 The elevation at 337.00' is the crest of the weir E o N .7 AC E] LO 000 z�— S( 42 Environmental HAZEN AND SAWYER Env lronmental Engineers & SclentjsW C) �7A -A AERAIM BASN I (300) AERA7W "M 2 (30D) ROKR mtj*4 .»... ON) m :50'-om 50 25 0 50' MOORES CREEK WWTP - RIVANNA WATER & SEWER AUTHORITY SEDIMENT TRAP DRAINAGE AREA DELINEATION Appendix II Stormwater Capacity Calculations and Figures AREA ONE (SOUTH OF MOORES CREEK) S i Sewer Inventory Report Page' Line Alignment Flow Data Physical Data Line ID No. Dnstr Line DO Junc Known Drng Runoff Inlet Invert Line Invert Line Line N J -loss Inlet/ line length angle type Q area coeff time EI Dn slope EI Up size shape value coeff Rim El No. (ft) (deg) (cfs) (ac) (C) (min) (ft) N N (in) (n) (K) (ft) 1 End 110 43 MH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 313.74 20.82 336.72 36 Cir 0.013 0.59 344.72 2 1 39 -32 Comb 0.00 0.10 0.45 5.0 337.00 4.34 338.70 18 Cir 0.013 1.50 346.20 3 2 93 -27 Comb 0.00 0.20 0.41 5.0 338.80 6.29 344.65 18 Or 0.013 1.50 349.10 4 3 153 0 Comb 0.00 0.20 0.41 5.0 344.75 2.12 348.00 18 Or 0.013 1.50 352.45 5 4 153 0 Comb 0.00 0.07 0.90 5.0 348.10 3.54 353.53 15 Cir 0.013 1.50 358.00 6 5 32 -90 Comb 0.00 0.08 0.90 5.0 353.65 1.09 354.00 15 Or 0.013 1.00 358.00 7 1 34 30 MH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 336.85 0.50 337.02 24 Cir 0.013 0.82 344.27 8 2 70 -119 Grate 0.01 0.08 0.90 0.0 339.30 1.00 340.00 12 Or 0.013 1.00 343.87 9 3 32 -90 Comb 0.00 0.06 0.90 5.0 344.75 1.08 345.10 15 Cir 0.013 1.00 349.10 10 4 32 -90 Comb 0.00 0.05 0.90 5.0 348.10 1.08 348.45 15 Cir 0.013 1.00 352.45 11 7 83 52 DrGrt 0.00 0.34 0.78 5.0 336.87 1.48 338.10 18 Or 0.013 0.53 342.10 12 11 95 17 DrGrt 0.00 0.16 0.90 5.0 338.10 0.53 338.60 12 Cir 0.013 1.00 342.46 13 7 112 -1 Grate 0.00 0.22 0.68 5.0 337.02 0.50 337.58 24 Cir 0.013 0.50 343.87 14 13 106 0 DrGrt 0.00 0.17 0.90 5.0 337.58 0.50 338.11 24 Or 0.013 1.50 343.47 15 14 94 92 DrGrt 0.00 0.12 0.90 5.0 338.11 0.84 338.90 12 Or 0.013 0.50 343.14 16 15 68 -1 DrGrt 0.00 0.20 0.90 5.0 338.90 0.66 339.35 12 Or 0.013 1.00 343.73 17 14 11 -87 Grate 0.00 2.72 0.21 5.0 339.78 8.84 340.77 10 Cir 0.013 1.00 343.91 Project File: Moores Creek 1.stm Number of lines: 17 Date: 07-24-2008 S _ ture Report Struct I Structure ID No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Project File: Moores Creek 1.stm Page 1 Junction Rim Structure Line Out Line In Type Elev. Shape Length Width Size Shape Invert Size Shape Invert (ft) (ft) (ft) (in) (ft) (in) (ft) Manhole 344.72 Cir 4.00 4.00 36 Cir 336.72 18 Cir 337.00 24 Cir 336.85 Combination 346.20 Rect 3.00 3.00 18 Cir 338.70 18 Cir 338.80 12 Cir 339.30 Combination 349.10 Rect 3.00 3.00 18 Cir 344.65 18 Cir 344.75 15 Cir 344.75 Combination 352.45 Rect 3.00 3.00 18 Cir 348.00 15 Cir 348.10 15 Cir 348.10 Combination 358.00 Rect 3.00 3.00 15 Cir 353.53 15 Cir 353.65 Combination 358.00 Rect 3.00 3.00 15 Cir 354.00 Manhole 344.27 Cir 4.00 4.00 24 Cir 337.02 18 Cir 336.87 24 Cir 337.02 Grate 343.87 Rect 4.00 4.00 12 Cir 340.00 Combination 349.10 Rect 3.00 3.00 15 Cir 345.10 Combination 352.45 Rect 3.00 3.00 15 Cir 348.45 DropGrate 342.10 Rect 4.00 4.00 18 Cir 338.10 12 Cir 338.10 DropGrate 342.46 Rect 4.00 4.00 12 Cir 338.60 Grate 343.87 Rect 3.00 3.00 24 Cir 337.58 24 Cir 337.58 DropGrate 343.47 Rect 4.00 4.00 24 Cir 338.11 12 Cir 338.11 10 Cir 339.78 DropGrate 343.14 Rect 4.00 4.00 12 Cir 338.90 12 Cir 338.90 DropGrate 343.73 Rect 4.00 4.00 12 Cir 339.35 Grate 343.91 Rect 4.00 4.00 10 Cir 340.77 Number of Structures: 17 I Run Date: 07-24-2008 Hydraftow Storm Sewers 2008 A 2.01 Stq Sewer Summary Report Page 1 Line No. Line ID Flow Line Line Line Invert Invert Line HGL HGL Minor HGL Dns Junction rate size shape length EL Dn EL Up slope down up loss Junct line Type (cfs) (in) (ft) (ft) (ft) N (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) No. 1 3.21 36 Cir 110 313.74 336.72 20.822 314.31 337.29 n/a 337.48 i End Manhole 2 0.80 18 Cir 39 337.00 338.70 4.341 337.48 339.04 n/a 339.151 1 Combination 3 1.77 18 Cir 93 338.80 344.65 6.294 339.15 345.16 n/a 345.361 2 Combination 4 1.27 18 Cir 153 344.75 348.00 2.120 345.36 348.43 n/a 348.591 3 Combination 5 0.73 15 Cir 153 348.10 353.53 3.539 348.59 353.87 n/a 353.991 4 Combination 6 0.41 15 Cir 32 353.65 354.00 1.088 353.99 354.26 n/a 354.34 i 5 Combination 7 8.05 24 Cir 34 336.85 337.02 0.500 337.85 338.03 n/a 338.561 1 Manhole 8 0.01 12 Cir 70 339.30 340.00 0.998 339.34 340.04 n/a 340.051 2 Grate 9 0.31 15 Cir 32 344.75 345.10 1.079 345.36 345.36 0.04 345.41 3 Combination 10 0.26 15 Cir 32 348.10 348.45 1.077 348.59 348.66 n/a 348.711 4 Combination 11 2.23 18 Cir 83 336.87 338.10 1.484 338.56 338.67 n/a 338.911 7 DropGrate 12 0.82 12 Cir 95 338.10 338.60 0.528 338.91 339.03 n/a 339.081 11 DropGrate 13 6.12 24 Cir 112 337.02 337.58 0.499 338.56 338.63 n/a 338.65 i 7 Grate 14 5.49 24 Cir 106 337.58 338.11 0.500 338.65 338.94 n/a 339.33 i 13 DropGrate 15 1.60 12 Cir 94 338.11 338.90 0.843 339.33 339.52 n/a 339.601 14 DropGrate 16 1.03 12 Cir 68 338.90 339.35 0.659 339.60 339.78 n/a 339.971 15 DropGrate 17 3.26 10 Cir 11 339.78 340.77 8.842 340.20' 342.48' n/a 342.631 14 Grate Project Fite: Moores Creek 1.stm Number of lines: 17 Run Date: 07-24-2008 NOTES: Return period = 10 Yrs. ; 'Surcharged (HGL above crown). ; I - Inlet control. Hydreflow Stam Sewers 2008 02.01 Lirs Irofile (Line 1) Page 1 of 'I E I ev 1�, Une 1 '37 110 1 per.7n 33� OF, 329 Orl -T r" 313 1) 0 n n 7 J it 0 11-,, Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 1 3.21 313.74 336.72 0.57 0.57 0.76 314.31 337.29 337.48 i 3.42 3.42 -L 0.01 5.00 Project File: No. Lines: 17 RUn D.ate: 07-24-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 Lin, 'refile (Line 2) Page 1 of 9 hlydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 Lin rofile (Line 3) Page I of I "I H 0 00 314 � 0r, "I0 � 3 " � j Une ') F, 0 f1l (I ';A ` i1i^i 33A n 1,7 IF, Invert. Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # Q Dn Up Dn Up H"f Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft.) (ft) (ft) (ft) (T (ft) (ft1s) (fus) (ft) (ft) 3 1.77 338.80 344.65 0.35 0.51 0.71 339.15 345.16 345,36 j 5.56 3.36 5.90 2.95 Prqiect File: NO Lines: 17 Run Date: 07-24-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 domb nafin F, 0 f1l (I ';A ` i1i^i 33A n 1,7 IF, Invert. Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # Q Dn Up Dn Up H"f Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft.) (ft) (ft) (ft) (T (ft) (ft1s) (fus) (ft) (ft) 3 1.77 338.80 344.65 0.35 0.51 0.71 339.15 345.16 345,36 j 5.56 3.36 5.90 2.95 Prqiect File: NO Lines: 17 Run Date: 07-24-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 Lim rofile (Line 4) Page 1 of 1 E1e53 {ft, Ling t i w n. 1 a 3L{ , 311 llfi 3.11 1-10 I �0 r!I 1{V' A C, es r, l 1� Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # O Dn Up Dn Up I-lw Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 4 1.27 344.75 348.00 0.01 0.43 0.59 345.36 348.43 i 348.59 i 1.87 3.03 2.85 I 2.95 Project File: No. Lines: 17 Run Date: 07-24-2008 Hydratlow Storm Sewers 2008 Lin rofile (Line 5) page I of I Elft' Line 5 r,, n ti o n- mbination-1 — ------------ ------ T A I'l rf 311c"a 3 a L -J 0 11,1 70 Line # a Invert Elevation Depth or Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover On Up On Up Hiry On Up Jnck, On Up On tJp 00 (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) ([US) (,t) (Cf S) 5 0.73 (ft) (1`0 (ft) 349.10 353.53 0.49 0.34 0.46 348.59 353.87 1 353.99 i 1.66 2.68 3.10 3.22 Project File: No. Lines: 17 Run Date: 07-24-2008 myoratiow storm Sewers zwo Lin, 'ro ile (bine ) Page 1 of 4 j 4t ri it }� }71iilcltifll? 17 i1 Q 43151; Reach ift Invert Elevation Depth of Flow HydraUlic Gracie Line Velocity Cover Line Dn Up On Up Hw Dn Up ,Inct Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (fit) (fit) (ft) (ft/s) MIS) (ft) (ft) 6 0.41 353.65 354.00 0.34 0.26 0.34 353.99 354.26.i 354.34 i 1.50 2.27 3.10 .2.75 Project File: No. Lines: 17 -:[f;Un Date: 07-24-2008 I-lydraflow Storm Sewers 20- } S tl t } K 3 i k p c t Page 1 of 4 j 4t ri it }� }71iilcltifll? 17 i1 Q 43151; Reach ift Invert Elevation Depth of Flow HydraUlic Gracie Line Velocity Cover Line Dn Up On Up Hw Dn Up ,Inct Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (fit) (fit) (ft) (ft/s) MIS) (ft) (ft) 6 0.41 353.65 354.00 0.34 0.26 0.34 353.99 354.26.i 354.34 i 1.50 2.27 3.10 .2.75 Project File: No. Lines: 17 -:[f;Un Date: 07-24-2008 I-lydraflow Storm Sewers 20- Liry 'rofile (Line 7) Page I of 'I E I n e 7 illi3 0 4m � l � � k J, A 1� Invert Elevation Depth of Flow G Hvdraulic Grade Line Velocity )10 Cover Line # Q On IJp On Up On up Jnct Cin Up On Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) 00 (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (111s) (fus) (ft) — (ft) 7 8.05 336.85 337.021.00 - 1.01 1,54 L337.85 338.03 338.56 i 5.110 5.06 5.87 5.25 ENO. Lines: 17 Run Dater. 07-24-2008 Project File: Lin 'rofile (Line 8) Page I of '# E Line 8 34.1 1,10 J- ILrr A OIL 1) e 11 335 00 331,5 0 1 Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # Q Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Jnrt Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (fus) (ft1s) (ft) (ft) 8 0.01 339.30 340-00 0.04 0.04 0.05 339.34 340.04 340.05 i 0.99 0.87 5.90 2.87 Project File: No. Lines: I'- ftun Date: 07-24-2008 Lin� 'rofile (Line 9) Page I of I Hydratim, storm 9em,erS 2UU6 Une n P onihm at 1011 31- Fir; n i j Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydr-FlUliC Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # Q On Up On Up Hens On Up And -D n Up On Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 9 0.31 344.75 345.10 0.61 0.26 0.31 345.36 345.36 345.41 0.52 1,63 3.10 2.75 ProJect File: o. Lines: 17 Run Date: 07-24-2008 Hydratim, storm 9em,erS 2UU6 Lire 'rofiie (Lias 10 j-1 0l? U 0 t" Lige 10 �t{ 71 ad13 Page 1 of 1 Invert Elevation DQpth of Flow Hydraulic Grade twine velocity 1 rover Line # 0 Dn Up On Up Hw On {!p Jnct On tap On Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ftls) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 10 0.26 048.10 344.45 0.49 0.20 0.26 1344.50 L34-8.66 j 348.71 i 0.53 1.95 3.10 2.75 Pro)ect File: ------ -- No. Lines: 17 � Run Date: 07-24-2008 Hgdraflow Storm Sewers 2008 j if9 � a J.x.. _a. ..... __ _� _ ., ._.......,...._ _.... d ..... �t{ 71 ad13 Page 1 of 1 Invert Elevation DQpth of Flow Hydraulic Grade twine velocity 1 rover Line # 0 Dn Up On Up Hw On {!p Jnct On tap On Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ftls) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 10 0.26 048.10 344.45 0.49 0.20 0.26 1344.50 L34-8.66 j 348.71 i 0.53 1.95 3.10 2.75 Pro)ect File: ------ -- No. Lines: 17 � Run Date: 07-24-2008 Hgdraflow Storm Sewers 2008 Lin roffle (Line 11) Page I of I Ele- fft: 11 31 6 rill A l 3 8 8 Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # CJ Dn UP tin UP 1 I,nr Ian ljp Inct Ian I.Jp On Up (cf S) (ft) (ft) (ft) (rt) (ft) (ft) (It) (fus) (fl1s) (ft) 00 11 2.23 336.8 7 338.10 1.50 0.57 0.8'1 338,56 338.67 j 338.91 i 1 26 3.62 5.90 ?.50 Project File: No, Lines: I RUn Date: 07-24-2008 lycmfl—, S-- S-- 2008 Lh, ''rofile (Lane 12) Page 1 of 1 E1?,, ;ft. 346 00 3�t � i11i Line 12 A .i 4 i 1 11`! I .j 1NI 11, i i1 y. j Ihl 7 i. 1 i I`i f"y �ial� i�fl in or, Invert Elevation Depth of (Flow Hydraulic Grade Bine Velocity Cover Line # Q Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (f#) (ft) (ft) (ft1 (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 12 0.82 .338.10 338.60 0.81 0.13 0.18 L338.91 339.03 339.081 1.20 .2.53 3.00 2.861 Project File: No. Lines: 17 Run Date: 07-24-2008 -- Hydretlow Storm Se A,ers 2008 d p�, a i I LL Ll A .i 4 i 1 11`! I .j 1NI 11, i i1 y. j Ihl 7 i. 1 i I`i f"y �ial� i�fl in or, Invert Elevation Depth of (Flow Hydraulic Grade Bine Velocity Cover Line # Q Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (f#) (ft) (ft) (ft1 (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 12 0.82 .338.10 338.60 0.81 0.13 0.18 L338.91 339.03 339.081 1.20 .2.53 3.00 2.861 Project File: No. Lines: 17 Run Date: 07-24-2008 -- Hydretlow Storm Se A,ers 2008 Lit Irofile (Line 13) Une 13 A 7 Page I of *1 Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Fl�tdraUlic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # On Up On U p H\ftf On Up,Inst On Up On Up (Cfs) (ft) 'ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) Ort/s) ft/s) t) (ft) 13 6.12 337.02 337.58 1.54 1.05 1.07 338.56 338.613 333.65 i 2.36 3.68 5.25 14, "', 9 Project File: No. Lines: 17 I Run Date: . 07-24-2008 Hvdraflow Storm Seimers 2008 IF A 7 Page I of *1 Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Fl�tdraUlic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # On Up On U p H\ftf On Up,Inst On Up On Up (Cfs) (ft) 'ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) Ort/s) ft/s) t) (ft) 13 6.12 337.02 337.58 1.54 1.05 1.07 338.56 338.613 333.65 i 2.36 3.68 5.25 14, "', 9 Project File: No. Lines: 17 I Run Date: . 07-24-2008 Hvdraflow Storm Seimers 2008 Lir, 'roffle (Line 14) inn D r or G r t1 t 'i? —1 I I� ff i Page I of I Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity I Cover -7- H Line # a Dn Up On lip w On Up Jnrt On Up Dn tJp (Cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) 14 5.49 337.58 338,11 1.07 0.83 1.222] 338.65 338.947 1913-11 3.21 4.46 4.29 3.3 ---- 1--1 ---T PNfaun Bate: 07roject File: o. Lines: 17 -24-2008 Hydraflom, Storm Sewers 2008 Lir 'rofile (Line 15) p1ge I of 1 '�Ia rift Unp 15 '34-1 I'W� 34, V - , 7, 1IIt .' 0 , , Invert Elevation Depth of Flom., Hydraulic Grade Line I Velocity Cover Line # 0 On Up On Lip Hw lin lip Inrt L On Up On l_)p II (cfs) (ft) (ft) (rt) (€t) (ft) (ft) Y0 (rtj�_ (f US) (ft) _(ft) 15 1.60 338.11 338.90 1.00 0.6.11 0.70 339.33 339.52 33-9.60 i 2.03 3.11 4.36 3.24 Project File: Pilo. Lines: 17 in Date- 07-24-20( !�L : 07 24 2008 HVdraflo,, Storm Sewers 2008 Drr 03r� i? '34-1 I'W� 34, V - , 7, 1IIt .' 0 , , Invert Elevation Depth of Flom., Hydraulic Grade Line I Velocity Cover Line # 0 On Up On Lip Hw lin lip Inrt L On Up On l_)p II (cfs) (ft) (ft) (rt) (€t) (ft) (ft) Y0 (rtj�_ (f US) (ft) _(ft) 15 1.60 338.11 338.90 1.00 0.6.11 0.70 339.33 339.52 33-9.60 i 2.03 3.11 4.36 3.24 Project File: Pilo. Lines: 17 in Date- 07-24-20( !�L : 07 24 2008 HVdraflo,, Storm Sewers 2008 Lir "roffle (Line 16) 111� r, ilii'� — 3 r. 1 A Pam 1 of 'I Invert Elevation Depth of Flom Hydraulic Grade Line. Velocity Cover Line # Cl -A Up On ljp H\Af On Up Jnct On Up 0 n Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (Ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 7FI- I A 111� r, ilii'� — 3 r. 1 A Pam 1 of 'I 1+,dranow Storm Sewers 2008 Invert Elevation Depth of Flom Hydraulic Grade Line. Velocity Cover Line # Cl On Up On ljp H\Af On Up Jnct On Up 0 n Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (Ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (Ws) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 16 1.03 338.90 339.35 0.70 0.43 0.62 339.60 339.78 339.97 i -1.74 3.18 3.24. 3.38 Lines: 17 D, Run Date: 07-24-2008 1+,dranow Storm Sewers 2008 Lir, Irofile (Line 17) Elan. if}. ."W6 4111 "110 ,if) Ljtjs? 17 "A'Id 'If, 3.10 1"41' -, , I ;'4I Page I of I Invert Elevation Depth of Flow FlydraLlk. Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # G Dn Up On Up Flkp,-0 n Up Jnc; F) n Up Ian r ( (fYs) (RIS) 0 0 to (Tt) 11.30M) (cfs) ('ft) (ft) ( 17 3.26 339,78 340.77 0.42 0.83 1.V6 340.20 ^42.43 342,63 i 11.9!' 5.97 2.86 2.31 -\un Date: 07-24-2008 (Project File: o. Lines: 17 €g un Storm Sewers 2008 Init "'ection (Line 2 - CombinationInle page 1 of 1 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 ;11l , . t ollibination Inlet "r 1. r,rjp _ f , r ,.r Q Inlet Cutter Depth Spread Ryp Line # Catch Carry Capt Byp Length Oepr -fhroai Width Slope Sw Sx Gutter Inlet Cutter Inlet Line. (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (it) (in) (in) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 2 0.26 0.00 0.26 0.00 Sweep 0.0 0.0 1.500.046 0.00' 0.02'1 0.10 0.10 1.2a 1.25 Offsite Project File: ---- - I No. Lines: 17 Run Date: 07-24-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 ink' section (Line 3 _ Combination In Page 3 of 1 u�� ilRl!I1SIgll:a IIS tr�pt 11 ,.r r r A/�p"kt l� Inlet Gutter depth aoread F3yp Line 4 Catch Carry Capt 13VP Length Depr Throat Width lope Mr Sx Gi tttter Inlet Gutter Inlet Line (cis) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (in) (in) (ft) (ftlft) (furl) gvrt) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 0.47 f n 0.0 5.0 1.5CJt 0.025 0.08 ; g.0 2 4 0.14 0.14 Pro.lect File: — :i::No.. Liner: 4 a Run Date: 07-24-200P Hydrailow Storm Sewers 2008 Init -)ection (Line 4 - Combination Inic . paae 1 of I Hydraflow Storm S—ers 2008 "JIMP I I.Mler ren Grade IT Inlet Gutter Depth Spread Byp Line ft Catch Carry Capt gyp Length Depr Throat Width Slope Sw Gutter Inlet Gutter Line (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (in) (in) (rt) (Tuft) (ft/.ft) (ft) (n) (ft) 4 0.47 0.00 0.47 0.00 sweep 0.0 5.0 1.50 0.030 0.083 8.021 0.14 0.14 2.24 2.2A 3 Prqject File: No. Lines: 17 Run Date: 07-24-2008 Hydraflow Storm S—ers 2008 AWS ',ection (Line 5 - Combination Inle In, fcef Page 'I of I 0 Inlet Gutter Depth Spread Byp Line # Catch Carry Capt Bvp Length Depr Throat IAfidth SIOPSlopeSim GLItter Inlet Gutter Irolet Line (efs) (Cfs) (Cfs) (rfs) (ft) (in) (in) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 5 0.36 0.00 I 0.36 I 0.00 � sweet � 0.0 5.0 I 1.50 0.040 0.083 1 0.021 0.12 1 0.12 1.45 1 1.45 E 4 Project File: No. Lines: 17 I RLM nate: 07-24-2008 HydrafJOIA1 Storm SOIA'erS 3008 fg fi Page 'I of I 0 Inlet Gutter Depth Spread Byp Line # Catch Carry Capt Bvp Length Depr Throat IAfidth SIOPSlopeSim GLItter Inlet Gutter Irolet Line (efs) (Cfs) (Cfs) (rfs) (ft) (in) (in) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 5 0.36 0.00 I 0.36 I 0.00 � sweet � 0.0 5.0 I 1.50 0.040 0.083 1 0.021 0.12 1 0.12 1.45 1 1.45 E 4 Project File: No. Lines: 17 I RLM nate: 07-24-2008 HydrafJOIA1 Storm SOIA'erS 3008 ect ion (Line 6 - Combination Inle Page 1 of 1 All diMenstnns il, feat _ 1111or nxi Gr- ?P r Q I inlet Gutter Depth Spread Byp Line # Catch Carry Capt Byp Length Depr Throat Width Slope Sw Sx Gutter Inlet Gutter :nlet Line (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (in) (in) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 6 0.41 0.00 0.41 0.00 Sweep 0.0 5.0 1.50 0.04.0 0.083 [0.02J1_O. 13 0,13 1.57 1.5+ 10 :Project File: -- No, Lines: 17 Pun Date: 07-24-2008 VlVdraflow Storm Se,,ers 2008 InV lection (Dine 8 - Grate Inlet) I rage of 1 ;Il {eet 4_itip " _ Grate hilot in Sint! mss.. x:• !i Q Inlet Gutter Depth Spread Gyp Line #t Catch Carry Capt (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) Byp Length D?pr area VVidth Slope SW sx Gutter Inlet Gutter Inlet Mine (cfs) (ftp (in) (sqf?) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/fit) (ftJft) ('ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) — 0 0.01 0.00 0.01 0 0.020 0.01 0.01 0.17 0.17 Sac1 0.00 0.30 0.0 2.10 2.00 Sacs 0.:No. Project Fele: Lines: 1 a Run Date: 07-24-2008 lnl( ')ection (Line 9 - Combination Int e Cage I of I ,4 dimensions In feet Une 9 - Combination IMP Inlet Gutter Depth Spread Byp Line # Catch Carry Capt B Length ngth �epr Throat Width Slope, Sw Sx tter Inlet Gutter Inlet Line (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) on)T (in) (ft) (flirt) (ft ft) (ftift) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 9 0.31 0.00 0.31 0.00 Sweep 0.0 5.n 1,50 0.020 0.083 1 0.021 0.1-1 0.13 1,71 8 Project File: No. Lines: 17 Run Dqte: 07-24-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 Ini, 'ection (Line 10 - Combination Wi Page 1 Of I -w- -0- ay Inlet Gutter Depth T Spread Oyp Line # Line Catch Carry Capt Bvp Length 0 P, ry r threat Width Slope Sw S,( Gutter I n le t Gutter Inlet (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) M) (in) (in) (10 (11/ft) (ft/ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) t) 10 0.26 0.00 0.26 0.00 Sweep � 0.0 5.0 1..,'-)0 0.030 0.083 0.0"'1 0.11 0. 1 -1 1.39 Project File: No. Lines: 17 =R=unD:ate-. 07-24-2008 Ip W section (Line 11 - Drop Grate Inle Wage I Of ,4 dllrcmnsinfls !n tPq.T Linn 11, Dr,'T GrWp, 1111pt i"I- 11.00 19,00 11 00 Inlet Gutter Depth Spread BYP Line Catch Carry Capt Byp Length Depr Width Mdth Slope SW Sy Gutter Inlet Getter Inlet Line (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (in) 00 (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (rt/ft) (it) (it) (it) (ft) (ft) 11 1.51 0.15 0.54 1.1- 2.00 400 2.00 0.005 0.010 [0.0 -10 n.1 -1 OM L224.00 24.0 '12 Project File: 0. Lines: 17 Run Date: 07-24-2000 H,,draflow Storm Sewers 2008 In i jection (Line 12 - Drop Grate Iniel, P-wge I 11111en s in nq In fee' I P 1r Drnp f ?0190 0 2 00 20.00 IMO Gutter Depth Spread BYP Line # Catch Carry Capt Syp Length Depr Width Width Slope. Sw sy, Gutter Inlet GLItter Inlet Lin(, (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (in) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (f1t(t) (ft) (ft) (ft) 12 0.82 1.12 0.48 1.47 ] 2.00 .... 2.00 2.00 0.005 0,005 0.005 0.10 0.10 42.00 42.00 0rfsRe -- Project File: 1\10. Lines: 17 Run Date: 0-1-24-2008 In ',ection (Line 13 - Grate Inlet) 411 dinip'nqvis In feet ljnii V'- Grnte lnlcr, ^!i r,ig(, I of 1 Inlet Gutter Depth Spread Byp Line# Catch Carry Capt F3yp Lem th nppr Width Aliclth Slope sw S. x GLOW Inlet Gutter Inlet Line (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (r, -f s) (ft) (in) (ft) (4) (fort) (ftift) (ti/ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft.) 0.005 0.050 0-0 10.'q 6.45 6,45 0.00 3.00 0 1.50 2-00 0 13 0.85 � 0.70 0.15 1 -.0 1 1 No. Lines: 17 R,,n n --,,e., C17 �24-20�011� Project File: Hydraflow Storm Sem,ers 2008 InI ( 'ection (Line 14 - Drop Grate Inlet: ( Page 1 of 1 all dimensions in feet Line 14 - Drop Grate Inlet. on Grade 1 {ri 1 1 V 22.00 � '2.00' 22,00 C Inlet Gutter Depth Spread Byp Line # Catch Carry Capt Byp Length Depr Width Width Slope Sw Sx Gutter Inlet Gutter Inlet Line (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (fit) (in) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (fuft) (ft/ft) (ft) (ft) (fit) (ft) (ft) 14 0.87 2.14 0.57 2.44 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.11 0.11 46.00 46.00 15 Project File: No. Lines: 17 Run Date: 07-24-2008 Init f 'lection (Line 15 - Drop Grate InleO All 6111e11$I011s in feet Z4. UV Line 15 - Drop Grote Inlet on Grade 1 Page 1 of 1 Project File: No. Lines: 17 I Run Date: 07-24-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 4 Inlet Gutter I Depth Spread Byp Line # r pn ti V y � Catch Carry Capt Byp Y^ji5e'i'. i._.__—,�. _ .._ ___77_.�_�_�...__._..._ Width Slope SW 2.00 �:.-t�_ •6!0„r r �,�, .>... 'iT'� J,Yy Y' 't},bf..` 22 00 x Gutter Inlet Line (cfs) (cfs) i Q t R (cfs) (ft) (in) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) 00 Project File: No. Lines: 17 I Run Date: 07-24-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 4 Inlet Gutter I Depth Spread Byp Line # Catch Carry Capt Byp Length Depr Width Width Slope SW Sx Gutter Inlet Gutter Inlet Line (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (in) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) 00 (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 15 0.62 2.44 0.57 2.49 2.00 .... 2.00 2.00 I 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.11 I 0.11 I 46.00 46.00 16 Project File: No. Lines: 17 I Run Date: 07-24-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 Inl+ Jection (Line 16 - Drop Grate Inlet( All dimelisions in feet Line 16 - Drop Grate Inlet on Grade I- Q Inlet Gutter Depth Spread Byp Line # Catch (cfs) Carry (cfs) Capt (cfs) Byp (cfs) Length (ft) Depr (in) Width (ft) Width (ft) Slope (ft/fit) SW (Ft/ft) Sx (ft/ft) Gutter (ft) -- - 24 OV .. {. Page 1 of 1 1 I, n m 7 - .. 2.00 2.00 4 L 1T a Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 Q Inlet Gutter Depth Spread Byp Line # Catch (cfs) Carry (cfs) Capt (cfs) Byp (cfs) Length (ft) Depr (in) Width (ft) Width (ft) Slope (ft/fit) SW (Ft/ft) Sx (ft/ft) Gutter (ft) Inlet (ft) Gutter (ft) Inlet (ft) Line (fit) 16 1.03 2.49 0.65 2.87 2.00 .... 2.00 2.00 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.12 0.12 50.00 50.00 Offsite Project File: No. Lines: 17 Run Date: 07-24-2008 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 InI ( 'Oection (Line 17 - Grate Inlet) Page 1 of, All dimensions in feet Line 17 - Grate Inlet an Grade 25.5 - - -#V t Q Inlet Gutter Depth Spread Byp Line # Catch Carry Capt Byp Length Depr Width Width Slope SW Sx Gutter Inlet Gutter Inlet Line (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (in) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft/.t) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 17 3.26 0.00 1.12 2.14 3.00 0.0 1.50 1.50 0.005 0.083 0.005 0.25 0.25 27.00 27.00 14 Project File: No. Lines: 17 Run Date: 07-24-2008 Hydreflow Storm Sewers 2008 AREA TWO (NORTH OF MOORES CREEK) Hvd'. Flow Storm Sewers Plan Outfall Project File: Moores Creek 2A.stm I Number of lines: 6 I Date: 01-19-2009 I HydraFlow Storm Sewers 2008 v12.01 ®J E m w 16. E.,07-, -- 1Wk! �==-----------_ X J a J HA -ZEN AND SAWYER o Environmental Engineers & Scientists 0 ,-� ". l 10 I l�..! 1'=60'-0" DRAINAGE AREA DATA STRUC. ID DRAINAGE AREA (ACRES) COMPOSITE "C" Tc MIN CB -17 0.18 0.95 5 CB -16 0.81 0.44 5 CB -15 0.08 0.95 5 CB -14 0.11 0.95 5 MH—C N/A N/A N/A CB -13 0.06 0.95 5 JB -12 0.81 0.29 5 CB -11 0.12 0.55 5 CB -10 0.20 0.95 5 EX—CB 0.42 0.20 5 MOORES CREEK WWTP RIVANNA WATER & SEWER AUTHORITY UV FILTER ROAD STORM DRAIN DRAINAGE AREA DELINEATIONS Stogy- . Sewer Inventory Report Page 1 Line Alignment Flow Data Physical Data Line ID No. Dnstr Line Defl Junc Known Drng Runoff Inlet Invert Line Invert Line Line N J -loss Inlet/ line length angle type Q area coeff time EI Dn slope EI Up size shape value coeff Rim EI No. (ft) (deg) (cfs) (ac) (C) (min) (ft) N (ft) (in) (n) (K) (ft) 1 End 74 -176 DrGrt 0.00 0.06 0.95 5.0 325.50 0.54 325.90 15 Cir 0.013 0.50 332.00 CB 13 to JB 12 2 1 32 0 MH 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.0 326.00 2.80 326.90 15 Cir 0.013 0.96 332.00 MH -C to CB 13 3 2 35 72 Comb 0.00 0.11 0.95 0.0 327.00 1.30 327.45 18 Cir 0.013 1.39 334.00 CB 14 to MH C 4 3 37 49 DrGrt 0.00 0.08 0.95 0.0 327.70 5.34 329.70 15 Cir 0.013 0.90 336.00 CB 15 to CB 14 5 4 51 -33 DrGrt 0.00 0.81 0.44 5.0 329.80 11.15 335.50 15 Cir 0.013 1.00 342.50 CB 16 to CB 15 6 3 99 -66 Comb 0.00 0.18 0.95 5.0 327.70 3.73 331.40 15 Cir 0.013 1.00 335.65 CB 17 to CB 14 Project File: Moores Creek 2A.stm Number of lines: 6 Date: 01-19-2009 nyaranow storm sewers zuuo v i z.0 i Struf.wre Report Page 1 Struct Structure ID Junction Rim Structure Line Out Line In No. Type Elev. Shape Length Width Size Shape Invert Size Shape Invert (ft) (ft) (ft) (in) (ft) (in) (ft) 1 DropGrate 332.00 Rect 4.00 4.00 15 Cir 325.90 15 Cir 326.00 2 Manhole 332.00 Cir 4.00 4.00 15 Cir 326.90 18 Cir 327.00 3 Combination 334.00 Rect 4.00 4.00 18 Cir 327.45 15 Cir 327.70 15 Cir 327.70 4 DropGrate 336.00 Rect 4.00 4.00 15 Cir 329.70 15 Cir 329.80 5 DropGrate 342.50 Rect 4.00 4.00 15 Cir 335.50 6 Combination 335.65 Rect 4.00 4.00 15 Cir 331.40 Project File: Moores Creek 2A.stm Number of Structures: 6 Run Date: 01-19-2009 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 02.01 Storm sewer Summary Report Page 1 Line Line ID Flow Line Line Line Invert Invert Line HGL HGL Minor HGL Dns Junction No. rate size shape length EL Dn EL Up slope down up loss Junct line Type (cfs) (in) (ft) (ft) (ft) M (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) No. 1 CB 13 to JB 12 4.04 15 Cir 74 325.50 325.90 0.541 326.30 326.84 n/a 327.04 i End DropGrate 2 MH -C to CB 13 3.76 15 Cir 32 326.00 326.90 2.802 327.04 327.68 n/a 328.18 i 1 Manhole 3 CB 14 to MH C 3.79 18 Cir 35 327.00 327.45 1.299 328.18 328.19 n/a 328.58 i 2 Combination 4 CB 15 to CB 14 2.43 15 Cir 37 327.70 329.70 5.339 328.58 330.32 n/a 330.65 i 3 DropGrate 5 CB 16 to CB 15 2.03 15 Cir 51 329.80 335.50 11.150 330.65 336.07 n/a 336.35 i 4 DropGrate 6 CB 17 to CB 14 0.97 15 Cir 99 327.70 331.40 3.726 328.58 331.80 n/a 331.94 i 3 Combination Project File: Moores Creek 2A.stm Number of lines: 6 Run Date: 01-19-2009 NOTES: Return period = 10 Yrs. ; i - Inlet control. Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 02.01 Storm sewer Tabulation Page 1 Station Len Drng Area Rnoff Area x C Tc Rain Total Cap Vel Pipe Invert Elev HGL Elev Grnd / Rim Elev Line ID coeff (1) flow full Line To Line Incr Total Incr Total Inlet Syst Size Slope Dn Up Dn Up Dn Up (ft) (ac) (ac) (C) (min) (min) (in/hr) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/s) (in) (%) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 End 74 0.06 1.24 0.95 0.06 0.76 5.0 7.5 5.3 4.04 4.75 4.45 15 0.54 325.50 325.90 326.30 326.84 331.50 332.00 CB 13 to JB 12 2 1 32 0.00 1.18 0.00 0.00 0.71 5.0 7.3 5.3 3.76 10.81 4.07 15 2.80 326.00 326.90 327.04 327.68 332.00 332.00 MH -C to CB 13 3 2 35 0.11 1.18 0.95 0.10 0.71 0.0 7.1 5.4 3.79 11.97 3.44 18 1.30 327.00 327.45 328.18 328.19 332.00 334.00 CB 14 to MH C 4 3 37 0.08 0.89 0.95 0.08 0.43 0.0 5.5 5.6 2.43 14.92 3.29 15 5.34 327.70 329.70 328.58 330.32 334.00 336.00 CB 15 to CB 14 5 4 51 0.81 0.81 0.44 0.36 0.36 5.0 5.0 5.7 2.03 21.56 3.01 15 11.15 329.80 335.50 330.65 336.07 336.00 342.50 CB 16 to CB 15 6 3 99 0.18 0.18 0.95 0.17 0.17 5.0 5.0 5.7 0.97 12.46 1.99 15 3.73 327.70 331.40 328.58 331.80 334.00 335.65 CB 17 to CB 14 Project File: Moores Creek 2A.stm Number of lines: 6 Run Date: 01-19-2009 NOTES: Intensity = 174.25 / (Inlet time + 26.60) ^ 0.99; Return period = 10 Yrs. ; c = cir e = ellip b = box Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 v12.01 Hydra.-Jc Grade Line Computations Page 1 Line Size Q Downstream Len Upstream Check JL Minor coeff loss Invert HGL Depth Area Vel Vel EGL Sf Invert HGL Depth Area Vel Vel EGL Sf Ave Enrgy elev elev head elev elev elev head elev Sf loss (in) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (sgft) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) (%) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (sqft) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) (%) (%) (ft) (K) (ft) 1 15 4.04 325.50 326.30 0.80 0.83 4.84 0.36 326.67 n/a 74 325.90 326.84 0.94 0.99 4.06 0.26 327.10i n/a n/a 0.176 0.50 n/a 2 15 3.76 326.00 327.04 1.04 1.09 3.45 0.18 327.22 n/a 32 326.90 327.68 j 0.78- 0.80 4.70 0.34 328.02i n/a n/a n/a 0.96 n/a 3 18 3.79 327.00 328.18 1.18 1.49 2.54 0.10 328.28 n/a 35 327.45 328.19 j 0.74" 0.87 4.34 0.29 328.49i n/a n/a n/a 1.39 n/a 4 15 2.43 327.70 328.58 0.88 0.93 2.62 0.11 328.69 n/a 37 329.70 330.32 j 0.62" 0.61 3.97 0.24 330.57i n/a n/a n/a 0.90 n/a 5 15 2.03 329.80 330.65 0.85 0.89 2.29 0.08 330.73 n/a 51 335.50 336.07 j 0.57" 0.55 3.72 0.22 336.291 n/a n/a n/a 1.00 n/a 6 15 0.97 327.70 328.58 0.88 0.93 1.05 0.02 328.60 n/a 99 331.40 331.80 j 0.40" 0.33 2.93 0.13 331.931 n/a n/a n/a 1.00 n/a Project File: Moores Creek 2A.stm Number of lines: 6 Run Date: 01-19-2009 Notes: ; " Critical depth.; j -Line contains hyd. jump. ; c = cir e = ellip b = box Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 v12.01 Line Ff +file (Line 1) - CB 13 to JB 12 ( age 1 of Elev (ft) Line 1 - CB 13 to JB 12 337.00 337.00 334.00 DropGrate 334.00 331.00 331.00 328.00 ----- ------ ----- ----- ------ --- 328.00 325.00 325.00 Line 322.00 322.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Reach (ft) Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # Q Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 1 4.04 325.50 325.90 0.80 0.94 1.14 326.30 326.84 327.04 i 4.84 4.06 4.75 4.85 Project File: No. Lines: 6 Run Date: 01-19-2009 HydraBow Storm Sewers 2008 Line a ►file (Line 2) - MH -C to CB 13 ( ( ege 1 of 1 Elev (ft) Line 2 - MH -C to CB 13 337.00 337.00 334.00 Dr�c� Gr to Manhole 334.00 331.00 331.00 328.00 ----------------- ----------------------------------- ----------- 328.00 L 32U - 1 2.8 % Lin 3 325.00 325.00 Line 1 322.00 322.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Reach (ft) Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # Q Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 2 3.76 326.00 326.90 1.04 0.78 1.28 327.04 327.68 j 328.18 i 3.45 4.70 4.75 3.85 Project File: No. Lines: 6 Run Date: 01-19-2009 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 Line Fj file (Line 3) - CB 14 to MH C ( t age 1 of 1 Elev (ft) Line 3 - CB 14 to MH C 338.00 338.00 Combi ation 335.00 335.00 Manhol 332.00 332.00 329.00 I --__ - -------- " - .-,---- 329.00 EEk 326.00 �� ° L326.60 Line 2 323.00 323.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Reach (ft) Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # Q Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 3 3.79 327.00 327.45 1.18 0.74 1.13 328.18 328.19 j 328.58 i 2.54 4.34 3.50 5.05 Project File: No. Lines: 6 Run Date: 01-19-2009 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 Line Pk Mile (Line 4) - CB 15 to CB 14 i 'age 1 of 1 Elev (ft) Line 4 - CB 15 to CB 14 339.00 339.00 ropGrate 336.00 omhi attor: 336.00 17 333.00 ---------------- 333.00 330.00 330.00 L Lie 37U - 15" Ca 5.34% 327.00 327.00 Line . 324.00 324.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Reach (ft) Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # Q Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 4 2.43 327.70 329.70 0.88 0.62 0.95 328.58 330.32 j 330.65 i 2.62 3.97 5.05 5.05 Project File: No. Lines: 6 Run Date: 01-19-2009 rtyaranow acorn sewers Zwo Line R Mile (Line 5) - CB 16 to CB 15 1 'age 1 of 1 Elev (ft) Line 5 - CB 16 to CB 15 DropGrate 345.00 345.00 341.00 341.00 337.00 -- -- 337.00 333.00 333.00 J _ 15' @ 11 15°/a 51 329.00 329.00 325.00 325.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Reach (ft) Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # Q Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up -T (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (f /s) (ft) (ft) 5 2.03 329.80 335.50 0.85 0.57 0.85 330.65 336.07 j 336.35 i 2.29 3.72 4.95 5.75 Project File: No. Lines: 6 Run Date: 01-19-2009 Hydreflow Storm Sewers 2008 Line Fi Mile (Line 6) - CB 17 to CB 14 'age 1 of 1 Elev (ft, Line 6 - CB 17 to CB 14 339.00 339 00 Coni inati n 1 336.00 ron 336 00 333 00 333.00 330 00 330.00 E .731 9L-15 327 00 -- 327.00 324.00 1 1324.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 Reach (ft) Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Line # Q Dn Up Dn Up Hw Dn Up Jnct Dn Up Dn Up (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 6 0.97 327.70 331.40 0.88 0.40 0.54 328.58 331.80 j 331.94 i 1.05 2.93 5.05 3.00 Project File: No. Lines: 6 Run Date: 01-19-2009 Hydraflow, Storm Sewers 2008 Inlet 5 ,,tion (Line 1 - Drop Grate Inlet) 'age 1 of 1 All dimensions M feet Line 1 - Drop Grate Inlet in Sag Q Inlet Gutter Depth Spread Byp Line # CatchCarry (cfs) (cfs) Capt (cfs) Byp (cfs) Length (ft) Depr (in) Area (sqft) Width (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Sw (ft/ft) Sx (ft/ft) Gutter (ft) Inlet (ft) Gutter (ft) Inlet (ft) Line (ft) 1 0.32 0.01 0.33 0.00 2.00 .... 0.11 2.00 Sag 0.010 0.010 0.31 0.31 64.36 64.36 Sag Project File: No. Lines: 6 Run Date: 01-19-2009 MyorErnow Jlorm OU -5 GVvo Inlet 3 -,tion (Line 3 - Combination Inlet) ( 1 13ge1of1 All dimensions in feet Line 3 - Combination Inlet on Grade 0.19 2.0 1.0 Q Inlet Gutter Depth Spread Byp Line # Catch Carry Capt Byp Length Depr Throat Width Slope Sw Sx Gutter Inlet Gutter Inlet Line (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (in) (in) (ft) Oft) Oft) (ft/ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 3 0.00 0.74 0.73 0.01 Sweep 0.0 5.0 2.00 0.016 0.083 0.020 0.19 0.19 3.00 3.00 2 Project File: No. Lines: 6 Run Date: 01-19-2009 Inlet Vl ction (Line 4 - Drop Grate Inlet) Page 1 of 1 All dimensions in feet Lin 4 - Drop Grate Inlet on G de 0.0 0. T5 5.00 0. 5 Q Inlet Gutter Depth Spread Byp Line # Catch Carry Capt Byp Length Depr Width Width Slope SW Sx Gutter Inlet Gutter Inlet Line (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (in) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 4 0.00 1.23 0.49 0.74 2.00 .... 2.00 5.00 0.130 0.330 0.330 0.05 0.05 5.30 5.30 3 Project File: No. Lines: 6 Run Date: 01-19-2009 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 Inlet 8 tion (Line 5 - Drop Grate Inlet) age 1 of 1 All dimensions in feet Lin 5 - Drop Grate Inlet on G de 0.07 0. 1 5.00 0. 1 Q Inlet Gutter Depth Spread Byp Line # Catch Carry Capt Byp Length --[De ength Depr pr Width Width Slope Sw Sx Gutter Inlet Gutter Inlet Line (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (in) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 5 2.03 0.00 0.80 1.23 2.00 .... 2.00 5.00 0.133 0.330 0.330 0.07 0.07 5.42 5.42 4 Project File: No. Lines: 6 Run Date: 01-19-2009 nyorariow ororui oewers zuuo Inlet 4 -.tion (Line 6 - Combination Inlet) ( 4 'age1of1 All dimensions in feet Line 6 - Combination Inlet on Grade 0.21 Z. 2.0 0. Q Inlet Gutter Depth Spread Byp Line # CatchCarry Capt Byp Length Depr Throat Width Slope SW Sx Gutter Inlet Gutter Inlet Line (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (in) (in) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 6 0.97 0.00 0.97 0.00 Sweep 0.0 5.0 2.00 0.016 0.083 0.210 0.21 0.21 2.20 2.20 3 Project File: No. Lines: 6 Run Date: 01-19-2009 Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 Appendix III Stormwater Quality Narrative and Calcuations Stormwater Quality Calculations The Moore's Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant drains into Moore's Creek at several drainage points. The relatively small size of the drainage areas in relation to the large tributary area of the creek indicates that detention will have an insignificant effect on peak flows, and is therefore unnecessary. Water quality measures will be necessary at two discharge points, one on the south side of Moore's Creek and one on the north side of the creek. Proposed buildings, pavement, maintained lawn, and improvements require analysis of the drainage areas. Three drainage areas were analyzed for water quality. In DA -1, on the south side of the creek, some structures will be removed and others built in their place. The post - development impervious area will be smaller than the pre -development impervious area (37 to 31 percent), resulting in a net decrease in phosphorus loading. Water quality measures are not required in DA -1, which is described as Situation 1 in Chapter 5, Section 10 of the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook. On the north side of Moore's Creek, new structures and impervious area will drain to a proposed storm drainage system that will connect to an existing storm drainage system and outlet into the creek. The junction of the existing and proposed systems serves as a common drainage point for both DA -2 and DA -3. As shown on the attached figure, DA -2 covers the proposed buildings, improvements, and storm drain network, while DA -3 will collect runoff from an existing parking lot and two existing buildings. There is no net change in impervious in DA -3 from pre- to post -development (18 percent), which falls under Situation 1 (VSMH), so BMPs are not required. DA -2 will require stormwater quality measures, as the impervious area increases from 32 to 55 percent. According to the formula developed on the Modified Simple BMP Worksheet, DA -2 will require a 44 percent reduction in phosphorus loading. The site is classified as a Development Area, and the existing impervious percentage (32 percent) is greater than 20 percent. To meet this removal requirement, a sand filter with a removal efficiency of 65 percent is proposed. The sand filter will be an underground, Delaware - style sand filter. The sand filter was sized using the worksheet printed in Section 3.12B of the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook, using the water quality volume (WQV) calculated on the Modified Simple BMP Worksheet. The design WQV is 49.9 cubic yards, or 1347 cubic feet. To satisfy the design requirements, a 70' long sand filter with two 4' wide chambers is proposed. This will provide an area of filter chamber (Af) of 264 square feet, and an equivalent area of sediment chamber (A,). A bypass structure will be provided upstream of the sand filter. As shown on the site plans, the bypass curb inlet will allow runoff from DA -3 to flow unobstructed, and runoff from DA -2 will be routed to the off-line sand filter. A bypass weir inside the curb inlet structure will route small storms into the sand filter through an eight inch pipe, and larger storms will crest the weir and proceed downstream. The sand filter has an internal overflow structure above the maximum head elevation that prevents the sand filter from creating tailwater on the entire system. Short Version BMP Computations For Worksheets 2 - 6 Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance: Modified Simple Method 01an: Moores Creek WWTP Water Resources Area: Development Area Preparer: Hazen and Sawyer, P.C. BFT Date: 23 -Jul -08 Project Drainage Area Designation DA -1 (south side of Moores Creek) L storm pollutant export in pounds, L = [P(Pj)Rv/12 ) [ C(A)2.72 Rv mean runoff coefficient, Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(1) Pj small storm correction factor, 0.9 1 percent imperviousness P annual precipitation, 43" in Albemarle A project area in acres in subject drainage area, A = 8.26 C pollutant concentration, mg/I or ppm target phosphorus f factor applied to RR V required treatment volume in cy, 0.5" over imperv. area = A(1)43560(0.5/12)/27 RR required removal , L(post) - f x L(pre) %RR removal efficiency, RR100/L(post) Impervious Cover Computation (values in feet & square feet) Item pre -development Area post -development Area Roads Length Width subtotal Length Width subtotal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Driveways Length Width no. subtotal Length Width no. subtotal and walks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Parking Lots 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 81350 81350 79140 0 79140 Gravel areas Area Area x0.70= 0 x0.70= 0 Structures Area no. subtotal Area no. subtotal 41738 1 41738 21039 1 21039 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41738 0 21039 Actively -grazed pasture & Area Area yards and cultivated turf 127110 x 0.08 = 10168.8 157928 x 0.08 = 12634.24 Active crop land Area Area x0.25= 0 x0.25= C Other Impervious Areas 0 C Impervious Cover 37% 31 I(pre) I(post) Rv(post) V 0.33 174.1 New Development (For Development Areas, existing impervious cover <= 20%) C f I (pre) * Rv(pre) L(pre) L(post) RR % RR Area Type 0.70 1.00 20% 0.38 19.44 16.84 -2.59 -15% Development Area 0.35 1.00 0% 0.38 9.72 8.42 -1.30 -15% Drinking Water Watersheds 0.40 1.00 1% 0.38 11.11 9.63 -1.48 -15% Other Rural Land * min. values Redevelopment (For Development Areas, existing impervious cover > 20%) C f 1(pre) * Rv(pre) L(pre) L(post) RR % RR Area Type 0.70 0.90 20% 0.38 19.44 16.84 -0.65 -4% Development Area 0.35 0.85 0% 0.38 9.72 8.42 0.16 2% Drinking Water Watersheds 0.40 0.85 1% 0.38 11.11 9.63 0.18 2% Other Rural Land Interim Manual, Page 70 rev. 16 Feb 1998 GEB Short Version BMP Computations For Worksheets 2 - 6 Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance: Modified Simple Method 'Ian: Moores Creek WVVTP Water Resources Area: Development Area Preparer: Hazen and Sawyer, P.C. BFT Date: 23 -Jul -08 Project Drainage Area Designation DA -2 (north side of creek, to BMP) L storm pollutant export in pounds, L = [P(Pj)Rv/12 ) [ C(A)2.72 Rv mean runoff coefficient, Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(1) Pi small storm correction factor, 0.9 1 percent imperviousness P annual precipitation, 43" in Albemarle A project area in acres in subject drainage area, A = 1.35 C pollutant concentration, mg/I or ppm target phosphorus f factor applied to RR V required treatment volume in cy, 0.5" over imperv. area = A(1)43560(0.5/12)/27 RR required removal , L(post) - f x L(pre) %RR removal efficiency, RR100/L(post) Impervious Cover Computation (values in feet & square feet) Item pre -development Area post -development Area Roads Length Width subtotal Length Width subtotal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Driveways Length Width no. subtotal Length Width no. subtotal and walks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Parking Lots 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 15072 15072 16550 0 16550 Gravel areas Area Area x0.70= 0 x0.70= 0 Structures Area no subtotal Area no. subtotal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13742 1 13742 13742 Actively -grazed pasture & Area Area yards and cultivated turf 49409 x 0.08 = 3952.72 25905 x 0.08 = 2072.4 Active crop land Area Area x0.25= 0 x0.25= 0 Other Impervious Areas 0 0 Impervious Cover 32% 55% 1(pre) I(post) Rv(post) V 0.55 49.9 New Development (For Development Areas, existing impervious cover <= 20%) C f I (pre) " Rv(pre) L(pre) L(post) RR % RR Area Type 0.70 1.00 20% 0.34 2.83 4.52 1.69 37% Development Area 0.35 1.00 0% 0.34 1.41 2.26 0.85 37% Drinking Water Watersheds 0.40 1.00 1% 0.34 1.62 2.58 0.97 37% Other Rural Land * min. values Redevelopment (For Development Areas, existing impervious cover > 20%) C f I (pre) " Rv(pre) L(pre) L(post) RR % RR Area Type �. 0.70 0.90 20% 0.34 2.83 4.52 1.97 44% Development Area 0.35 0.85 0% 0.34 1.41 2.26 1.06 47% Drinking Water Watersheds 0.40 0.85 1% 0.34 1.62 2.58 1.21 47% Other Rural Land Interim Manual, Page 70 rev. 16 Feb 1998 GEB Short Version BMP Computations For Worksheets 2 - 6 Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance: Modified Simple Method plan: Moores Creek WWTP Water Resources Area: Development Area. Preparer: Hazen and Sawyer, P.C. BFT Date: 23 -Jul -08 Project Drainage Area Designation DA -3 (north side of creek, bypass BMP) L storm pollutant export in pounds, L = [P(Pj)Rv/ 12 ] [ C(A)2.72 j Rv mean runoff coefficient, Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(1) Pi small storm correction factor, 0.9 percent imperviousness P annual precipitation, 43" in Albemarle A project area in acres in subject drainage area, A = 1.24 C pollutant concentration, mg/I or ppm target phosphorus f factor applied to RR V required treatment volume in cy, 0.5" over imperv. area = A(1)43560(0.5/12)/27 RR required removal , L(post) - f x L(pre) %RR removal efficiency, RR100/L(post) Impervious Cover Computation (values in feet & square feet) Item pre -development Area post -development Area Roads Length Width subtotal Length Width subtotal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Driveways Length Width no. subtotal Length Width no. subtotal and walks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Parking Lots 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 2639 2639 2639 0 2639 Gravel areas Area Area x0.70= 0 x0.70= 0 Structures Area no. subtotal Area no. subtotal 1605 1 1605 1605 1 1605 1804 1 1804 1804 1 1804 0 0 0 3409 0 0 0 3409 Actively -grazed pasture Area Area yards and cultivated turf 47757 x 0.08 = 3820.56 47757 x 0.08 = 3820.56 Active crop land Area Area x0.25= 0 x0.25= 0 Other Impervious Areas 0 0 Impervious Cover 18% 18% [(pre) I(post) Rv(post) V 0.22 15.2 New Development (For Development Areas, existing impervious cover <= 20%) C f I (pre) * Rv(pre) L(pre) L(post) RR % RR Area Type 0.70 1.00 20% 0.23 1.74 1.63 -0.11 -7% Development Area 0.35 1.00 0% 0.22 0.82 0.82 0.00 0% Drinking Water Watersheds 0.40 1.00 1% 0.22 0.93 0.93 0.00 0% Other Rural Land * min. values Redevelopment (For Development Areas, existing impervious cover > 20%) C f I (pre) * Rv(pre) L(pre) L(post) RR % RR Area Type 0.70 0.90 20% 0.23 1.74 1.63 0.06 4% Development Area 0.35 0.85 0% 0.22 0.82 0.82 0.12 15% Drinking Water Watersheds 0.40 0.85 1% 0.22 0.93 0.93 0.14 15% Other Rural Land Interim Manual, Page 70 rev. 16 Feb 1998 GEB WORKSHEET 3.12E SIZING COMPUTATIONS FOR STANDARD DELAWARE SAND FILTER Page I of 2 Pall 1: Select maximum ponding depth over filter, —`� h == f, From Pollutant Load Shccis� —OPTIONA!, FilTEF -dg UO DF r 'T PER, D S — c7 E C I I WQV p3 outflow by grp vity Effliaer-A pump recto red Fart 2: COMV-Utc Minimum Area of Fdies -(&,j an6 Scdimtat_Eool (A .): P) If 2b -- 2.67 feet, use the fomuje-i° A31, = Afy, = 5451,,d (c1; -11 IA) [545 x ft2 b) If 2b < 2.67 feet, use the formula: A,ri = Af,, = 1816 1,,— = _YQV (4.1h + 0.9) (4 1 h + 0.9) [(4.1 x 0,9-1 ft 3,1213-15 MINIMUM STANDARD 3.12 CHAPTER 3 WORKSHEET 3.128 SIZING COMPUTATIONS FOR STANDARD DELAWARE SAND FILTER Page 2 of 2 Part 3. Considering Site Constraints. Select Filter Width (W I 2nd Sediment Pool Width and Compute Filter Lcn2d. (L,) and Adusted Filter Area (A) and Sediment Chamber Area V/, = Vis = ft: L, = Li = ArT') W!, A., =A; W,, L, Part 4: D"tsign Structural Shell tc accommodate Soil and Load Conditions at Site: (Separate computatic.)n's by F. structurall eilgineei) Part 5: Design LMuent Pump if RYtrire.cl I I ' Since pui-rip musit. be capable of handling fiONA! WbCD fihel- is DeW, use k = 12 feel/day = 0.5 Q = kA�df h d, L= W,/hi /3600 = c -s; x 448 = gpm 3,12B-16 Page: 1 0ldcastle Precast' Contract & Proposal 11 Rotondo p Quote No. ....: S024365-3 5115 Massaponax Ch Rd Telephone : 540-898-6300 Fredericksburg, VA 22407 Fax .......: 540-898-2389 Quote To .....:. Ship To ................: Hazen and Sawyer Charlottesville, VA 22904 Reference Contact: Phone: Order No Date Customer N Terms Cash discount F.O.B. Quote is Va S024365 1 7/29/2008 002023 Cash on Delivery I FOB Job Site 30 day Group: a Qty Unit Item Description Mark Unit price Amount 1.00 Ea 0000001 @CMF 80 OF Delaware style Sand Filter with 33,814.00 33,814.00 dual 4' wide chambers. Manufactured in 10' sections. Includes concrete covers with (4) manhole access, cast iron frames and covers. Maximum section weight approx. 10.4 tons. 1.00 Ea 1906000@CMF 4X5 DSF IN (10') Section 1 6.00 Ea 1906120@CMF 4X5 DSF MID w/ KO (10) 1.00 Ea 1906200@CMF 4X5 DSF EFF/CW (10') Sect #2 1.00 Ea 1906225@CMF 4'x6.75' Sediment Baffle DSF 6'-9"x4'- 1/2"x3" 1.00 Ea 1906245@CMF 4'x6.75' Filtration Baffle DSF 6-9"x4'-1 /2"x3" 1.00 Ea 1906230@CMF Install DSF Baffle 2.00 Ea 1906320@CMF End Sec. Cover w/Frame DSF 4.00 Ea 1906300@CMF Solid Mid Sect. Cover DSF 4X5 2.00 Ea 1906340@CMF Mid Sect.Cover w/Frame 1.00 Ea 2932010@CMF On-site Technician Group: x Qty Unit Item Description Mark Unit price Amount 1.00 Ea 0000001 @CM F 01deastle Precast' Contract & Proposal Page: 3 Rotondo Quote No. : S024365-3 5115 Massaponax Ch Rd Telephone : 540-898-6300 Fredericksburg, VA 22407 Fax .......: 540-898-2389 Quote To Ship To ................: Hazen and Sawyer Charlottesville, VA 22904 Reference Contact: Phone: Order No Date Customer N Terms Cash discount F.O.B. Quote is Va S024365 1 7/29/2008 1 002023 Cash on Delivery I FOB Job Site 30 day Qty Unit Item Description Mark Unit price Amount 2 hour unloading time per trailer is included. Additional unloading time will be billed at $100 / hr. 1.00 Ea 0000011@CMF Note: Due to the extreme volatility of the steel market, quoted prices are only valid for a period of seven (7) days. 1.00 Ea 0000010@CMF Note: Any product which remains unshipped five (5) days after the agreed upon delivery date will be invoiced in full. Any product which remains unshipped thirty (30) days after the agreed upon delivery date will be subject to a monthly storage fee of 1 1/2% Tax Code Taxable amount Tax Rate VA 32,580.00 5.00 1,629.00 QUOTATION TOTAL US 35,443.00 IMPORTANT: This proposal is Lased on standard terms and conditions. Items and quantities shown are the basis for the quotation, and we are not responsible for any discrepancies between this list and actual items or quantities. (Accepted by) (Position) (Date) Sales Person: Rick Samulevitch By: Short Version BMP Computations For Worksheets 2 - 6 Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance: Modified Simple Method 'Ian: Moores Creek WWTP Water Resources Area: Development Area Preparer: Hazen and Sawyer, P.C. MDB Date: 16 -Jan -09 Project Drainage Area Designation Engineering Trailers L storm pollutant export in pounds, L = [P(Pj)Rv/12 ] [ C(A)2.72 ] Rv mean runoff coefficient, Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(1) Pj small storm correction factor, 0.9 1 percent imperviousness P annual precipitation, 43" in Albemarle A project area in acres in subject drainage area, A = 3.52 C pollutant concentration, mg/I or ppm target phosphorus f factor applied to RR V required treatment volume in cy, 0.5 over imperv. area = A(1)43560(0.5/12)/27 RR required removal , L(post) - f x L(pre) %RR removal efficiency, RR100/L(post) Impervious Cover Computation (values in feet & square feet) Item pre -development Area post -development Area Roads Length Width subtotal Length Width subtotal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Driveways Length Width no. subtotal Length Width no. subtotal ,nd walks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 603 Parking Lots 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 0 0 1867 0 1867 Gravel areas Area Area x0.70= 0 x0.70= 0 Structures Area no. subtotal Area no. subtotal 0 1 0 3219 1 3219 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3219 Actively -grazed pasture & Area Area yards and cultivated turf 45085 x 0.08 = 3606.8 39396 x 0.08 = 3151.68 Active crop land Area Area x0.25= 0 x0.25= 0 Other Impervious Areas 0 0 Impervious Cover 2% 6% I(pre) ((post) Rv(post) V 0.10 13.6 New Development (For Development Areas, existing impervious cover <= 20%) C f I (pre) * Rv(pre) L(pre) L(post) RR % RR Area Type 0.70 1.00 20% 0.23 4.97 2.20 -2.77 -126% Development Area 0.35 1.00 0% 0.07 0.77 1.10 0.33 30% Drinking Water Watersheds 0.40 1.00 1% 0.07 0.88 1.26 0.38 30% Other Rural Land * min. values Redevelopment (For Development Areas, existing impervious cover > 20%) C f I (pre) * Rv(pre) L(pre) L(post) RR % RR Area Type 0.70 0.90 20% 0.23 4.97 2.20 -2.27 -103% Development Area 0.35 0.85 0% 0.07 0.77 1.10 0.45 41% Drinking Water Watersheds 0.40 0.85 1% 0.07 0.88 1.26 0.51 41% Other Rural Land Interim Manual, Page 70 rev. 16 Feb 1998 GEB N t f i I it A, It LO N M K Q C O d 100 50 0 100 N 0 1 4=100-0' n MOORES CREEK WWTP RIVANNA WATER & SEWER AUTHORITY J SEDIMENT TRA HAZEN AND SAWYER DRAINAGE AREA DELINEATION 0 Environmental Engineers & Scientists rn 0 0 N