HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200800098 Review Comments 2007-05-15rA
1601 Orange Road
Culpeper. Virginia 22701
V rgimaDOT org
David S. Ekern, P.E.
May 15th, 2007
titr. Glenn Brooks
Department of Engineering and Development
401 McIntire Rd.
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Subject: Site Review Meeting Comments May 17th, 2007 site review meeting
Dear. tilr. Brooks:
Below are VDOT's comments on the Site Plans tur the %lay 17th, 2007 Site Review Committee
SDP- 2007 -00044 Montessori Community School - PreGminary (Patrick Lawrence)
The entrance has recently been improved with road improvements and is adequate fur this use.
Please request the applicants provide a written description of revisions with re- submissions. If you
have any questions or comments, please contact me prior to sharing these comments with the
Joel Detiunzio. P.E.
Residency Program Maria -cr
VDOT Charlottesville Residency
cc :Alan Schuck, Bill Fritz, David Benish, Juan W ade, Elaine Echols, .loan :McDowell,
Judith Wie -and, %lar-aret llaliszewskt, David Pennock, Francis McCall, .ion Sharp, Summer
Frederick, Patrick Lawrence, and John Gtometti
7 ,
1 `
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126
Project: SDP - 2007 - 00044, Montessori Community School, Preliminary Site Plan
Plan preparer: Mr. Hunter McCradle, McKee Carson Engineers (fax 434.977.1194)
Owner or rep.: Ms. Wendy Fisher, Montessori Community School (fax 434.979.6258)
Date received: 23 April 2007 (plans dated 23 April 2007)
Date of Comment: 16 May 2007
Lead Engineer: Allan Schuck, Engineer
The preliminary site plan for Montessori Community School, received on 23 April 2007, has been
reviewed. The engineering review for current development requests changes to this preliminary site plan.
Some of the following review comments are final site plan comments but need to be addressed with the
preliminary site plan because the changes could affect the layout of the site:
1. Please show all the proposed phases on a full size sheet. annot confirm that the information shown
on each phase meets code requirements. I Le.Z 30sceX
2. The conceptual SWM plan appears fine for the final design. How will SWM be addressed going from
one phase to the next phase? This needs to be adequately addressed with the preliminary plan. [ 18-
3. Please show sheet 02 of 09 at a scale of 1 " =30' to show the entire topography of property. [I 8-32.5.6d]
4. Please show the final grading incorporated with each phase and the final overall layout. [.18- 32.5.6d]
5. Please label the existing adjacent street names, state route numbers, etc... on the plans. [18- 32.5.6i]
Please provide curb and gutter along the entire length of the parking and travelway. Curb and gutter in
parking areas and along travelways are required per County Code section 18- 4.12.15g. The applicant
may request a waiver for the. construction of curb and gutter section in accordance with County Code
Section 18- 4.12.2c2.
7. Please label the types of the proposed paths, trails, and sidewalks on the plans. [18- 32.5.6n]
8. Please show existing and proposed traffic signage on the plan sheets. [18- 32.5.6n]
9. All storm sewer pipes need to be a minimum size of 15 ". [DM, section 505.E -5]
10. The following relates to the proposed drainage of the parking areas, interior swales, and travelway. It
appears that the proposed drainage will not get to the DI as shown in the proposed grading. The
interior swales appear to hinder the flow of the proposed swales. It appears that additional drop inlets
or pipes are needed in these areas. [I 8-32.5.6k]
11. The applicant has submitted a SWM plan to the County for review. This plan cannot be reviewed until
the preliminary site plan has been approved by the County. [Policy]
SP- 2006 -00038 was approved by the County on 14 March 2007.
File: El — Psp_ADS_07 -044 Montessori Community School.doc
r IIn l
Department of Community Development
401 'McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832
Plan preparer:
Owner or rep.:
Date received:
Date of Comment:
Lead Engineer:
Fax (434) 972 -4126
SDP -2007- 00041, %lontessori Community School, Preliminary Site Plan
Mr. [hinter McCradle, Tepee Carson Engineers (fax 43.1.977.1 191)
Ms. w'endy Fisher, Montessori Community School (fax 131.979.6258)
Rev. I : 01 June 2007 (plans rev. date 29 May 2007)
23 ;April 2007 (plans dated 23 April 2007)
Rev. 1: 27 June 2007
16 May 2007
Allan Schack, Engineer
7'lle preliminary site plan for Montessori Community School, received on 01 June 2007, has been
reviewed. The engineering review for current development recomnlends approval to this preliminary site
plan with the following items to be addressed with the final site plan:
Please provide curb and gutter along the entire length of the parking and travelway. Curb and gutter in
parking areas and along travelways are required per County Code section 18- 4.12.1 fig. The applicant
may request a waiver for the construction of curb and gutter section in accordance with County Code
Section 18-4.1 2 2c2.
Rev. 1: Engineering recommended approval to this waiver because the curb and gutter removal is
used in conjunction with the SVti,\,I plan for this site plan.
2. Please label the types of the proposed paths, trails. and sidewalks on the plans. [ 18- 32.5.6nl
Rev. 1: Please define the trail type per Design 'Manual.
3. Please show existing and proposed traffic signage on the plan sheets. [ 18- 32.>.6n]
Rev. 1: Please show one war traffic and DO NOT ENTFA signs for the one wav traffic circle.
SP -2'006 -00038 «as approved by the CouWN on 14 'March 2 _007.
l ile: 1 2 1 "p_ 11)~_11' -014 `luntr,>uri C'unun Lill it\ SC11001
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126
To: Patrick Lawrence, Senior (Tanner
From: Allan SChuck. Engineering Rey WWI
Subject: SDP - 2007 - 00044. L1ontessori Community School, Waiver Request
Date received: 01 June 2()07 (plan rev. date 29 !stay 2007)
Date of Comment: 151 .lone ?007
The applicant has requested a waiver for the new Construction proposed on l ti1P 78 -12A. The waiver
requCSt was received on 01 June 2007. It is heing rcvic\Ned in conjunction with the site plan, rev. date 1 -9
MaN 2007.
The engineering analysis of the requests is as follows:
Waiver of the requirement for curb and gutter:
The applicant has requested a waiver for the construction of curb and gutters for the parking lots and
trayelway access to this site as required per County Code Section 5g.
The proposed access to this site is fi•om existing Rolkin Road.
In accordance w ith County Code section 18-4.1 2.15g. the County Engineer may waive or ni ofity this
requirement if deemed necessary to accommodate SWtii;(3MP facility design or the existing use is located
in the Rural Areas (RA) zoning district.
The site plan is located entirely within a de\clopment area. l he use otcurh and gutter would assist with
the containment otthe trayelway drainage.
I low e er. the site layout without Cush and putter. in the locations shox\n on the plan sheets, would
accommodate the proposed Sw'Nl ;BtilP facility for this site plan.
h;ngineering recommends approval to this waiver request.
Copy: SDP - 2007- 00044 'vtontessori Community School
File: E - w\ r ADS 07 -04-t \lontessori School
g it
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
June 27, 2007
Bridget Belkacemi
McKee Carson & Field Sport Concepts, Ltd.
301 East High Street
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
RE: SDP -07 -0044 — Montessori Community School — Preliminary Site Plan
Dear Ms. Belkacemi,
The Department of Planning and Community Development hereby grants administrative approval to the
above - referenced site plan.
The approval of the preliminary site plan is valid for (1) one year in accordance with Zoning Ordinance
Section Therefore, the preliminary approval shall expire June 26, 2008. If the preliminary site plan
approval expires, a new application must be filed and processed.
Please address all of the requirements and conditions listed below and submit eight (8) tentative plan copies to
the Department of Planning and Community Development. This letter must be submitted with the tentative
plans, as a checklist, to document that you have addressed all requirements or conditions, or the tentative plan
will be denied. A submission and review schedule is attached for your information.
The Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and the BMP Stormwater Management Plan, with the associated
applications and fees, may also be submitted with the eight (8) tentative Plans. Failure to do so will result in a
separate application to be filed at a later date.
After the initial tentative plan submittal, each department /agency will contact you to discuss any remaining
conditions. After all aforementioned department /agencies have granted a tentative approval, you may submit
the final mylars (l set), three paper copies, final site plan application, final site plan fee, and a copy of all
written tentative approvals to the Department of Planning and Community Development. Assuming that the
final site plan mylar reflects all tentative approvals, signing of the plans will occur within one week.
The final site plan will be subject to all final site plan requirements (Zoning Ordinance Section 32.6), in
addition to the following conditions.
The Community Development Department shall not accept submittal of the final site plan for signature until
tentative approvals for the following conditions have been obtained. The final site plan shall not be signed
until the following conditions are met:
Zoning & Current Development approval to include:] A conservation plan checklist must be completed and incorporated into the site
plan with notes to show how any individual trees and groups of trees designated to remain
will be protected during the construction of this project. The locations of any tree protection
fencing that coincides with the limits of clearing and other methods of protection from the
checklist must be shown on the plan for clear identification during field inspections
Conservation Plan format also available from Planning Staff).
Sec. 4.17.4] Should the decision be made for on -site lighting, please provide specification
sheets and photometric layouts for proposed new lighting.
Please contact me at 296 -5832 x.3297 if you have questions or require additional information.
En2ineerin2 approval to include:
The engineering review for current development needs to review and approve all applicable
items as specified in the Design Standards Manual, before recommending approval to the
final site plan.
Please contact Alan Schuck at 296 -5832 x.3069 if you have questions or require additional information.
Albemarle Count, Service Authoritv approval to include:
Approval of construction drawings for water service infrastructure, meters, easements.
Please contact Gary Whelan at 977 -4511 if you have questions or require additional information.
Fire & Rescue approval to include:
Approval is subject to field inspection and verification.
Please contact James Barber at 296 -5833 if you have questions or require additional information.
VDOT approval to include:
All accesses and roadways shall be designed in accordance with the current Subdivision
Street Standards, The Minimum Standards for Entrances to State Highways and the Road
Design Manual;
Please contact Joel Denunzio at 293 -0014 if you have questions or require additional information.
Architectural Review Board Certificate of Appropriateness required prior to final site plan
approval. The Architectural Review Board is currently scheduled to review this plan on July
end' 2007
Please contact Margaret Maliszewski at 296 -5832 x.3276 if you have questions or require additional
Very truly yours,
Patrick Lawrence,
Senior Planner
Zoning & Current Development
File: SDP 07 -044
Engineering Analysis for Curb and Gutter Waiver
SDP - 2007 - 000044 Montessori Coma - nity School Page 1 of 1
Patrick Lawrence
From: Denunzio, Joel D., P.E. [ Joel .Denunzio @VDOT.virginia.gov]
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 7:54 AM
To: Patrick Lawrence
Cc: Allan Schuck; Glenn Brooks; David E. Pennock
Subject: SDP - 2007 - 000044 Montessori Community School
SDP - 2007 - 000044 Montessori Community School
I have reviewed the above site plan and have no comments. There is no changes proposed for the access to Rolkin
Road and the existing entrance is adequate.
Joel DeNunzio, P.E.
Staff Engineer
434 -293 -0011 Ext. 120
joel.denunzio @VirginiaDOT.org
ti pF ALB
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (4341296-5832
February 27, 2008
Neal R. Deputy Architect
134 10th Street N.W.
Charlottesville, VA 22903
RE: ARB2007 -00080 Montessori Community School
Tax Map 78, Parcel 12A
Dear Mr. Deputy:
Patrick Lawrence, Current
Fax (434) 972 -4126
The Albemarle County Architectural Review Board reviewed the above noted item at its meeting on Monday,
February 4, 2008. The Board approved the request, by a vote of 4:0, pending staff administrative approval of
the following conditions:
1. A 4' x 6' Hardiplank panel sample illustrating the proposed siding colors should be put up for review
by the Board to confirm that the red is a good color as viewed from the EC.
2. Provide confirmation on whether the fence is to be white or black. Black would be preferable on the
3. The windows with the center panels on the second floor facing the EC should be divided into 3
transoms instead of 2 transoms to continue the rhythm of the side transoms.
4. Revise the plan to resolve the following issues:
a) The "2 FG" label at south end of Rolkin frontage points to no trees.
b) The tree between the LT and the SA in the north end of the planting area is without a label.
c) The plant list lists 1 LS but 3 are on plan.
d) The plant list lists 5 QC but 7 are on plan.
e) The plant list lists 3 OV but 2 are on plan.
I) The plant list lists 5 IV but 7 are on plan.
g) The locations of several ground /shrub layer plants in the list are not specified on the plan. These
were part of bioretention and were not removed from the plan, but should be.
h) At the south end of the slope, provide shrubs in the area where trees cannot be planted due to
existing utilities. A mix of tall shrubs would be appropriate.
i) Provide the White Ash at 3 ' /2" caliper at planting.
j) One of the White Ash is proposed outside the limits of phase I construction. It should be within
limits of construction.
k) It appears that the White Ash will conflict with the overhead line. Relocate the trees so they can
grow without conflicts.
1) Regarding the 36" Pecan tree in the parking lot, the tree protection fencing and the demolition
aren't coordinated.
m) Proposed grading extends into the forsythia shrub mass located south of the existing LE -1
n) The demolition plan shows a water line to be demolished. It extends outside the Phase l area and
under a cherry tree that is not identified for removal.
Please provide:
1. Two full sets of revised drawings addressing each of these conditions. Include updated ARB revision
dates on each drawing.
2. A memo including detailed responses indicating how each condition has been satisfied. If changes
other than those requested have been made, identify those changes in the memo also. Highlighting the
changes in the drawing with "clouding" or by other means will facilitate review and approval.
3. The attached "Revised Application Submittal" form. This form must be returned with your revisions to
ensure proper tracking and distribution.
When staffs review of this information indicates that all conditions of approval have been met, a Certificate of
Appropriateness may be issued.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Margaret Maliszewski
Principal Planner
Cc: Montessori Community School of Charlottesville
1538 Richmond Rd
Charlottesville, Va 22911
Patrick Lawrence, Zoning and Current Development
ARB File
nF ALg
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fa (434) 972 -4126
May 19, 2008
Neal R. Deputy Architect
134 10th Street N.W.
Charlottesville, VA 22903
RE: ARB2007 -00080 and ARB- 08 -17: Montessori Community School
Tax Map 78, Parcel 12A
Dear Mr. Deputy:
I have reviewed the revised drawings for the above - referenced project, including:
Landscape Plan sheet SP -6 with revision date of 4/10/08
Site plan sheets SP -1 through SP -5 and SP -7 through SP -8 with revision date of 2/27/08
Architectural sheets Al -A3 dated 26 Mar 2008
Hardiplank panel painted with Cabot Stains #C3 "Baked Brick Red"
The revisions included in these drawings address the outstanding conditions of ARB approval. You may consider this
letter your Certificate of Appropriateness. This approval is predicated on the fact that the design and materials, as
proposed and exhibited for review, will be used. The acceptance of approval implies that the applicant has agreed to
execute the design as indicated on the site plan, attachments, materials, samples, and other submittal items outlined
above and presented for review. Any change in the approved design or materials will require an amendment to the
plan and must be reviewed and approved by the Architectural Review Board.
Please note the following:
1. This application is approved with the condition that mechanical equipment shall not be visible from the Entrance
2. Changes made to the site or architectural plans after issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness can delay the
signing of mylars and the approval of building permits. It is in the applicant's best interest to notify ARB staff of
such changes and to initiate the review of amendments to ARB - approved plans to avoid future delays.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
Margaret Maliszewski
Principal Planner
Cc: Montessori Community School of Charlottesville, 1538 Richmond Rd, Charlottesville, VA 22911
Patrick Lawrence, Zoning and Current Development
ARB File
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126
Project: SDP200800098, Montessori Community School of Charlottesville
Final Site Plan
Tax Map 78 Parcel # 12A
Primary Contact: Alex Fornste
c/o McKee Carson
301 E. High Street
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Phone: (434) 977 -7522
E -mail — aforneste @mckeecarson.com
Owner or rep.: Wendy Fisher
c/o Montessori Community School of Charlottesville
1538 Richmond Road
Charlottesville, VA
Phone: (434) 979 -8886 Fax: 979 -6258
E -mail — wendvfisher @motessoripantops.com
Date received: June 23, 2008
Date of Comment: July 24, 2008
Planner: Patrick Lawrence, Planner
The current Development Planning Division of the Albemarle County Community Development
Department has reviewed the above referenced final site plan received on June 23, 2008 has been reviewed.
The Planning division recommends approval of the final site plan upon the resolution of the following
comments. [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Zoning Ordinances
Chapter 18 of the Albemarle County Code) unless otherwise specified.]
1. 32.6.6 The final site plan shall reflect conditions of approval of the preliminary site plan. The final
site plan shall contain the following information in addition to all the information required on the
preliminary site plan:
The final site plait requires compliance to Special Use Permit 2006 -038, which calls for the design
offences to have "no indentations that can be used as a ladder. " The detail shown on sheet 8 of* 13
shows a fence that nzm be used as a ladder by small hands azd,feet.
Albemarle County Community Development
Engineering Review Comments
Sheet 2 of 2
2.[23.6.6(f)] Please add this signature panel for Department of Planning and Community
Development to the Title Sheet:
3. [32.6.6(g)] Please provide a parking study indicating but not limited to the size, angle of stalls
width of aisles, as currently shown, but also, the specific number of spaces required and
provided; method of computation; and the surfacing of all paved or gravel areas.
4. [23.6.6(1)] Your landscape plan will require a signed conservation checklist (enclosed) attached
to the landscape plan.
5. Please verify that all building footprint and heights are within County guidelines.
Please review the comments and revise the plan of the proposed development accordingly. Your revisions should be
resubmitted directly to the reviewer who commented along with the attached revised application submittal form.
If you have any questions about the comments of a specific agency please contact that agency directly. If you
have any questions about the review process please feel free to contact me.
Patrick Lawrence, Planner
Zoning K Current Development
File: SDP -2008 -098
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126
Project: SDP200800098, Montessori Community School of Charlottesville
Final Site Plan
Tax Map 78 Parcel # 12A
Primary Contact: Alex Fornste
c/o McKee Carson
301 E. High Street
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Phone: (434) 977 -7522
E -mail — aforneste @mckeecarson.com
Owner or rep.: Wendy Fisher
c/o Montessori Community School of Charlottesville
1538 Richmond Road
Charlottesville, VA
Phone: (434) 979 -8886 Fax: 979 -6258
E -mail _ wend yfisher@motessoripantops corn
Date received: June 23, 2008
Date of Comment: July 24, 2008
Planner: Patrick Lawrence, Planner
The current Development Planning Division of the Albemarle County Community Development
Department has reviewed the above referenced final site plan received on June 23, 2008 has been reviewed.
The Planning division recommends approval of the final site plan upon the resolution of the following
comments. [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Zoning Ordinances
Chapter 18 of the Albemarle County Code) unless otherwise specified. J
V 1. 32.6.6 The final site plan shall reflect conditions of approval of the preliminary site plan. The final
site plan shall contain the following information in addition to all the information required on the
preliminary site plan:
The final site plan requires compliance to Special Use Permit 2006 -038, which calls for the design
offences to have "no indentations that can be used as a ladder. " The detail shown on sheet 8 of 13
shows a fence that ntay be used as a ladder by small hands and feet.
Albemarle County Community Development
Engineering Review Comments
Sheet 2 of 2
2.[23.6.6(f)] Please add this signature panel for Department of Planning and Community
Development to the Title Sheet:
32.6.6(g)] Please provide a parking study indicating but not limited to the size, angle of stalls
width of aisles, as currently shown, but also, the specific number of spaces required, and
provided; method of computation; and the surfacing of all paved or gravel areas.
23.6.6(1)] Your landscape plan will require a signed conservation checklist (enclosed) attached
to the landscape plan.
Please verify that all building footprint and heights are within County guidelines.
Please review the comments and revise the plan of the proposed development accordingly. Your revisions should be
resubmitted directly to the reviewer who commented along with the attached revised application submittal form.
If you have any questions about the comments of a specific agency please contact that agency directly. If you
have any questions about the review process please feel free to contact me.
Patrick Lawrence, Planner
Zoning & Current Development
File: SDP - 2008 -098
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126
Project: Montessori Community School [SDP200800098, WP0200800065]
Plan preparer: Alex Foraste [email: aforaste @mckeecarson.com
Owner /Applicant: Wendy Fisher [ email: wendyfisher @montessoripantops.com
Plan received date: l 1 June 2008
Date of comments: 29 July 2008
Reviewer: Jonathan Sharp
A. Final Site Plan — Phase 1
1. All final site plans and stormwater management plans require a professional seal, signed and
dated. [18-32.6.1]
2. Proposed slopes steeper than 3:1 require low- maintenance (not grass) ground cover specified on
the plans. [DM]
3. The proposed guardrail should be extended 40 -50 ft north along the steep slopes for safety. [ 18-
4. The following ordinance requirements are not met for the temporary parking area: [18 -4.12, DM]
a. proposed parking spaces exceed 5% in slope
b. proposed travelways exceed 10 %n in slope
c. proposed parking area does not meet surface material requirements
d. curb and gutter is not proposed on all parking /travelway areas
e. sidewalks are not concrete, do not maintain 5' in width
I understand that the proposed parking area is temporary. However, waivers must be approved in
order to approve the site plan as shown. I cannot find any previous waivers addressing these items.
Please provide copies of existing waivers addressing the proposed parking layout, if any.
Otherwise, please submit a waiver request, or meet all ordinance requirements. If required, the
waiver process is administrative (does not require Planning Commission action.)
5. A portion of the parking area drains uncontained down the steep hillside as it bypasses the
proposed curbing. Please direct all drainage away from the steep hillside to avoid potential
drainage and erosion problems. [18- 32.6.6d]
6. Typical sections for proposed channels with locations referenced from plan view sheets are
required on the plans. [DM]
7. The Albemarle County general construction notes are required on the plans. [DM]
8. Grate types for drop inlets must be specified on the plans. [DM]
9. Roof drain locations, profiles, and calculations are required. See also comment 12. [DM]
10. Drainage profiles for proposed channels, existing pipes, and proposed pipes must be provided on
the plans. [DM]
11. Drainage computations are substantially incomplete. The drainage areas provided for the pipe
computations are incorrect. Inlet drainage area maps are required. Drop inlet calculations are
required. Culvert calculations are required. Ditch computations are required. Outlet protection
calculations are required. [DM]
B. Stormwater Management Plan
12. In order to utilize the cistern for detention, details and calculations for the gutter system must be
provided to ensure that the system will actually convey the 2 and 10 year storm into the cistern. If
Albemarle County Community Development
Engineering Review Comments
Page 2 of 2
the 2 and 10 year storm does not make it into the cistern, the cistern is not providing any detention.
Detention storage and routings must be over and above the assumed initial storage volume and the
required stormwater quality volume (i.e., storage and routing begins above assumed volume of
40% and also above the required water quality volume, in this case about 7 cu yds, or about 1500
gallons. [DM]
13. No details of the cistern have been provided. Cistern details are required, matching stormwater
compuations. The details should be to scale, provide all invert elevation information, outlet
structures, etc. An adequate depth of soil cover should be provided over the facility. [DM]
14. It appears that the overflow pipe for the cistern will be running uphill. [DM]
15. The routing model and results are required for the cistern. No hydrographs have been provided.
16. The critical duration computations are incorrect. The calculations provided in the VSMH are only
for preliminary facility sizing, and are not based on the facility volume or outlet structures. The
critical duration storm is also dependent on the areas bypassing the facility (as you are calculating
the critical duration storm causing the peak rate of runoff for the entire watershed, not simply the
facility). In this case, the area bypassing the facility represents 95% of the drainage area. In cases
like this, the critical duration storm that represents the peak rate of runoff over the watershed will
almost always be 0 minutes (because almost all of the runoff is unrouted, and the peak rate of
runoff for an unrouted watershed always occurs at a critical duration of 0 minutes). [DM]
17. Albemarle County general stormwater notes are required on the plans. [DM]
18. The stormwater maintenance agreement associated with Montessori School may need to be
updated. The proposed SWM facility appears to be located on TMP 12A. Please contact Pam
Shifflett to verify whether or not the agreement requires to be updated.
19. A SWM bond will be computed by the County once the plans have been approved. Please provide
a cost estimate for the proposed cistern.
C. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
20. The limits of clearing and grading must include all proposed demolition. [DM, VESCH]
21. A parking area, staging area, and stockpile location are required. [DM]
22. The embankment for the proposed trap must be flat. [VESCH]
23. An adequate channel analysis [MS -19] must be provided for the site. The existing pipe system
from structure OF -3 to the outfall into the Luxor Pond must be analyzed for adequacy. Existing
drainage structure information and drainage area maps should be included with the approved
Pavilions at Pantops Site Plans and Luxor Road and SWM plans, and can be made available upon
request at the County Office Building Department of Community Development. [DM, VESCH]
24. An ESC bond will be computed by the County once the plans have been approved.
ON' Al,
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126
Project: SDP200800098, Montessori Community School of Charlottesville
Final Site Plan
Tax Map 78 Parcel # 12A
Primary Contact: Alex Fornste'
c/o McKee Carson
301 E. High Street
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Phone: (434) 977 -7522
E -mail — aforneste @mckeecarson.com
Owner or rep.: Wendy Fisher
c/o Montessori Community School of Charlottesville
1538 Richmond Road
Charlottesville, VA
Phone: (434) 979 -8886 Fax: 979 -6258
E -mail — wends , fisher @motessoripantops.com
Date received: June 23, 2008
Date of Comment: July 24, 2008
August 11, 2008 — Revised Comments: Green house & Stairwell Canopy
Planner: Patrick Lawrence, Planner
The current Development Planning Division of the Albemarle County Community Development
Department has reviewed the above referenced final site plan received on June 23, 2008 has been reviewed.
The Planning division recommends approval of the final site plan upon the resolution of the following
comments. [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Zoning Ordinances
Chapter 18 of the Albemarle County Code) unless otherwise specified.]
1. 32.6.6 The final site plan shall reflect conditions of approval of the preliminary site plan. The final
site plan shall contain the following information in addition to all the information required on the
preliminary site plan:
The final site plan requires compliance to Special Use Permit 2006 -038, vvhich calls for the design
of fences to have "no indentations that can be used as a ladder. " The detail shown on sheet 8 of'13
shows a fence that ma be used as a ladder b.A small hands and feet.
Albemarle County Community Development
Engineering Review Comments
Sheet 2 of 4
It has come to the attention of staff that a "green house " has been proposed for the north- easterli
portion of the property. It mould benefit the prgject to add that proposal to this set of plans. This
should be shown on this set of plans to determine if Architectural Review will be required and
complete this site plan review. This element was not shown on the prelininaf1• site plan as
It has also been brought to the attention of staff that a building permit has been sought for an
addition to one of the structures on this .site,for a canopy covering a stairta This should be shown
on this set ofplans to determine i fArchitectural review will be required and complete this site plan
review. This element was not shown on the preliminary site plan as approved.
2. [23.6.6(f)] Please add this signature panel for Department of Planning and Community
Development to the Title Sheet:
3. [32.6.6(g)] Please provide a parking study indicating but not limited to the size, angle of stalls
width of aisles, as currently shown, but also, the specific number of spaces required and
provided; method of computation; and the surfacing of all paved or gravel areas.
4. [23.6.6(1)] Your landscape plan will require a signed conservation checklist (enclosed) attached
to the landscape plan.
5. Please verify that all building footprint and heights are within County guidelines.
Please review the comments and revise the plan of the proposed development accordingly. Your revisions should be
resubmitted directly to the reviewer who commented along with the attached revised application submittal form.
All tentative final approvals must be granted prior to submitting the plan for signatures. If all tentative approvals
have been received the final site plan may be signed. You must verify with the planner that you may submit
the mylars for signing. You will need to submit the $410 fee with two signed and sealed mylar copies of the
site plan (the original and a copy for County records) and two paper copies. Once submitted the plan should be
signed within one week.
If you have any questions about the comments of a specific agency please contact that agency directly. If you
have any questions about the review process please feel free to contact me.
Albemarle County Community Development
Engineering Review Comments
Sheet 3 of 4
Patrick Lawrence, Planner
Zoning & Current Development
File: SDP -2008 -098
Albemarle County Community Development
Engineering Review Comments
Sheet 4 of 4
Department of Community Development
This form must be returned with your revisions to ensure proper tracking and distribution. County staff has
indicated below what they think will be required as a resubmission of revisions. If you need to submit additional
information please explain on this form for the benefit of the intake staff. All plans must be collated and folded
to fit into legal size files, in order to be accepted for submittal.
Submittal Type Requiring Revisions c indicates Submittal Code County Project Number Copies
Erosion & Sediment Control Plan (E &S)
Mitigation Plan (MP)
Waiver Request (WR)
Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP)
Road Plan (RP)
Private Road Request, with private/ public comparison (PRR)
Private Road Request — Development Area (PRR -DA)
Preliminary Site Plan (PSP)
Final Site Plan (or amendment) (FSP)
Final Plat (FP)
Preliminary Plat (PP)
Easement Plat (EP)
Boundary Adjustment Plat (BAP)
Rezoning Plan (REZ)
Special Use Permit Concept Plan (SP -CP)
Reduced Concept Plan (R -CP)
Proffers (P)
Bond Estimate Request (BER)
Draft Groundwater Management Plan (D -GWMP)
Final Groundwater Management Plan (F -GWMP)
Aquifer Testing Work Plan (ATWP)
Groundwater Assessment Report (GWAR)
Architectural Review Board (ARB)
Other: Please explain
SDP200800098 Montessori
Patrick Lawrence
Page 1 of 1
From: Gary Whelan [gwhelan @serviceauthority.org]
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 10:19 AM
To: Patrick Lawrence
Subject: SDP200800098 Montessori
The ACSA requires that the applicant provide backflow prevention (note on plan) and label the sanitary sewer as private.
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To: Pat Lawrence, Planner
From: Amelia McCulley, Zoning Administrator
Division: Zoning
Date: October 16, 2008
Subject: SDP 2008 -98 Montessori Community School Parking Waiver Request
Please be advised that I have not reviewed the 5 parking waivers which have been submitted. As is
our practice, the Planner and Engineer should conduct their review first and make a recommendation
to me. Please be advised that the majority of the parking is existing and may be legally nonconforming
to the regulations.
I have reviewed the information relating to the number of parking spaces proposed for phase 1. 1
support the applicant's proposal of 43 spaces to serve phase 1 of 200 children. Utilizing the agreed -
upon ratio of one space per 5.6 students, the proposed number is slightly above the number
calculated for 200 students (36 spaces). We do not object and do not find this to exceed the
maximum allowed. We understand that there may be higher parking needs for phase 1 when most of
the faculty and staff are first established.
Page 1 of 1
Patrick Lawrence
From: Amy Pflaum
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 11:52 AM
To: Amelia McCulley
Cc: Patrick Lawrence; John Paul Diez
Subject: Montessori School waivers - SDP200800098
Current Development Engineering reviewed the five waiver requests submitted with this site plan. Engineering does notrecommendapprovalofanyofthefivewaivers, despite the application stating that the parking area is "interim ". None oftheexistingnon - conforming parking is remaining in it's existing location, and therefore is not exempt from the new parkingrequirements.
Please contact me if you have questions.
Amy D. Pflaum
Senior Civil Engineer
Albemarle County Department of Community Development434) 296 -5832 x3069
apflaum a@albemarle. org
l\ t
r / ! ,
Application #: I SDP2O08O0098
Project Name: I Montessori Communi
Date Completed:
Amelia McCulley
Review Status
Reviews Comments:
W Approved
hort Review Co .. Its
School - Final I Final - Non - residential - Administrative
Admin Zoning Review
The review of 5 parking waivers is outstanding
Need to confirm preliminary plan is still valid.
Date Completed. 11/03/2008
Reviewer: Margaret Maliszewski ARB
Review Status Requested Changes
Reviews Comments:At the July 21, 2008 ARB meeting, it was the consensus of the ARB that the proposed geodesic dome
Patrick Lawrence Planner Z &CD
Igreenhouse, 33' in diameter and 14' in height, would be acceptable if additional evergreens were
Requested Changes
planted along the fence line to eliminate visibility from the EC in winter. The ARB indicated that trees
Have drafted Comment Letter awaiting Engineering Comments 11/6/08
should be a minimum of 6' in height at planting, and should be spaced 8' to 10' on center.
Awaiting engineering comments to Parking Waiver Request — Denied 12/15/08 JPL
The site plan (SDP- 08 -98) with revision date of 9/29/08 includes the greenhouse in the southwest
Icorner of the site, with two Red Maples proposed along the EC side of the site.
Patrick Lawrence Planner Z &CD
The plan does not include the evergreen trees specified by the ARB, nor does it indicate the height of
Requested Changes
Ithe greenhouse.
IThe applicant should revise the plan to add evergreen trees along the fence line to eliminate visibility
from the EC in winter. These trees should be a minimum of 6' in height at planting, and should be
spaced 8' to 10' on center. The plan should also be revised to include a note that indicates that the
greenhouse will not exceed 14' in height.
Date Completed: 02/18/2009
Reviewer: Margaret Maliszewsk ARB
Review Status: Requested Changes
Reviews Commentse'At the July 21, 2008 ARB meeting, it was the consensus of the ARB that the proposed geodesic dome,
greenhouse, 33' in diameter and 14' in height, would be acceptable if additional evergreens were
planted along the fence line to eliminate visibility from the EC in winter. The ARB indicated that trees
should be a minimum of 6' in height at planting, and should be spaced 8' to 10' on center.
The site plan (SDP- 08 -98) with revision date of 1/30/09 includes the greenhouse in the southwest
corner of the site, with two Red Maples proposed along the EC side of the site.
The plan does not include the evergreen trees specified by the ARB, nor does it indicate the height of
the greenhouse.
The applicant should revise the plan to add evergreen trees along the fence line to eliminate visibility
from the EC in winter. These trees should be a minimum of 6'_ heightLa _planting,_ and should be
f' !spaced 8' to 10' on center. The plarr should alsobe Fevised to include a note that indicates`tTl
greenhouse will not exceed 14' in height.
IFurthermore, proposed grading is shown in this area, into the wooded area that is to remain, but no
Itree protection fencing is shown. The plan should be revised to maintain grading outside the tree line
land toprov tree rop tecti fencing in the area of the geodesic greenhous
Date Completed:11/06/2008
Reviewer:Patrick Lawrence Planner Z &CD
Review Status.Requested Changes
Reviews Comments:Have drafted Comment Letter awaiting Engineering Comments 11/6/08
Awaiting engineering comments to Parking Waiver Request — Denied 12/15/08 JPL
Date Completed:12/19/2008
Reviewer:Patrick Lawrence Planner Z &CD
Review Status:Requested Changes
Reviews Comments: (Please see Docs. & Picts. for Chain Link Fence Extention 12/22/08 JPL
Page: 1.00 County of Albemarle Printed On: Thursday, March 12, 2009
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126
March 3, 2009
Hunter McCardle
111 3rd Street SE
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: SP2009 -00001 Montessori Community School - Expansion
TMP 78 -12A and 12A1
Dear Mr. McCardle:
The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on February 17, 2009 recommended
approval of the above -noted petition to the Board of Supervisors, by a vote of 6:0.
Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions:
1. Maximum enrollment shall be three hundred (300) students.
2. Development of the use shall be in conformity with the "Montessori Pantops Mountain Community
School Sheets SP01- SP -03 ", prepared by Neal R. Deputy, Architecture & Master Planning, last
revised January 16, 2007, as determined by the Director of Planning and the Zoning Administrator. To
be in conformity with the plan, development shall reflect the general size, arrangement, and location
of proposed Buildings A, B, C, D, and E, Central Lawn, Amphitheatre, playgrounds and ball fields,
wooded natural area, and parking areas. Minor modifications to the plan which do not conflict with the
elements above may be made to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance.
3. Fencing shall be provided at a minimum around the perimeter of the Central Lawn, Lower Elementary
Playground, and Children's House Playground, or at other locations as required by the County to
ensure safety of children adjacent to Route 250 and Rolkin Road. Final design of the fence shall be
subject to review and approval by the Architectural Review Board. However, to address safety
concerns, the fence details shall include:
a. At least forty -eight (48) inches tall;
b. No more than a two (2) inch gap under the fence;
C. Openings shall be small enough that a four (4) inch sphere will not pass through;
d. No ornamental indentations that can be used as a ladder;
e. Maximum mesh size for chain link fences is two and one - quarter (2 -1/4) inches; and
f. Maximum mesh size for diagonal lattice fences is one and three - quarter (1 -3/4) inches.
4. The existing chain link fence shall be replaced with a new fence that satisfies the requirements of the
Architectural Review Board by September 1, 2009. Alternately, planting shall be installed by
September 1, 2009 that will screen the fence from the Entrance Corridor. That planting shall be in
accord with an approved landscape plan that satisfies the requirements of the Architectural Review
5. Construction of proposed buildings as shown on the concept plan shall commence on or before March
11, 2015 or this special use permit shall expire.
Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and receive
public comment at their meeting on March 11, 2009.
If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to
contact me at (434) 296 -5832.
Rebecca Ragsdale
Senior Planner
Planning Division
cc: Montessori Community School
305 Rolkin Road
Charlottesville, VA 22911
Off' Af.p
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126
Plan preparer:
Owner /Applicant:
Plan received date:
Rev 1:
Rev 2:
Date of comments:
Rev 1:
Rev 2:
Rev 1 &2:
Montessori Community School [SDP200800098, WP0200800065]
Alex Foraste [email: aforasteCtimckeecarson.coml
Wendy Fisher [email: wendyfisher @montessoripantops.com
11 June 2008
2 October 2008
4 February 2009
29 July 2008
24 November 2008
9 March 2009
Jonathan Sharp
John P. Diez — Engineering Technician
A. Final Site Plan — Phase 1
Albemarle County Community Development
Engineering Review Comments
Page 2 of 4
B. Stormwater Management Plan
Albemarle County Community Development
Engineering Review Comments
Page 3 of 4
C. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
Albemarle County Community Development
Engineering Review Comments
Page 4 of 4
24. An ESC bond will be computed by the County once the plans have been approved.
The Erosion & Sediment Control and Stormwater Management Plans submitted 4 February 2009
have received Engineering Review and meet Albemarle County minimum checklist items for
approval. Please submit 5 paper copies of the Plan to Current Development Engineering.
The E&SC bond amount is $18,100. The SWM bond amount is $54,784
Page 1 of 5
Patrick Lawrence
From: Margaret Maliszewski
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 9:38 AM
To: Alex Foraste
Cc: Patrick Lawrence
Subject: Planting around Montessori greenhouse
I've looked over your sketches and I have the following suggestions regarding the holly planting:
1. If you're going with the American Holly, you may need to space the trees a little wider apart depending on the
anticipated mature spread of the tree. The ARB is looking for screening, but 10' spacing is probably not the best thing for
a tree that grows 20' wide or wider. Check your sources for the variety you'll be proposing and the recommended spacing.
2. For a more natural appearance, please stagger the row, particularly the upper end (the end nearest the greenhouse) a
bit more.
3. Extend the row up to the 5" cypress.
4. Be sure to update the plant list/schedule to include these plants. The note reading "Note: Minimum height of proposed
evergreen trees....." won't be necessary once the schedule is updated.
5. Your revised grading shows the 114' topo line very close to the 4" spruce. If the spruce is drawn as a symbol rather
than at actual size, the proposed grading will likely extend into the drip line of the tree. If that is the case, the grading
should be revised to avoid the drip line.
From: Alex Foraste [mailto:aforaste @mckeecarson.com]
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 5:13 PM
To: Margaret Maliszewski
Cc: 'Ellie Grinspun'; 'Wendy Fisher'
Subject: RE: Planting around Montessori greenhouse
As a follow up to our phone call this morning, attached are two exhibits that I believe addresses the ARB memo that Pat
forwarded to me this morning (included as attachment with original most recent comment letter). Could you please
provide any feedback on the tree protection fencing for the greenhouse? We will be planning to resubmit these plans for
approval early next week. Two exhibits from the previous submittal, upon which the comments were based, are included
below for reference and comparison.
The changes include the following:
1.) Places Note on the plan stating that the max height of the greenhouse is to be 14'
2.) Eliminates the two red maples that were previously proposed
3.) Adds several newly proposed evergreens (American holly) along the fence line to be at a minimum height of 6' at
planting and to be spaced at a minimum of 8 -10' on center.
4.) Pulled grading tighter so that the grading did not enter the existing treeline. In addition, tree protection fencing
was added along this existing treeline.
Previous Proposed_ Planting
Below is the most recently submitted planting plan (which includes the two red maples)
Page 2 of 5
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Modified Pro_ posed Planting
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C9wtOYr IweryYt : Z•
The two Red Maples have been removed and additional evergreens (American Holy) have been added:
Page 3 of 5
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TREE 70 BE 9 0 ON CENTER '`•. 1
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Previous Grading Plan:
Below is the most recently submitted grading plan (which includes grading within the existing treeline)
1' --
z:::7 ---------------------------------------------
Modified Grading Plan:
Page 4 of 5
The grading has been modified so that it does not enter into the existing treeline, in addition, the silt fence has been
pulled out of the treeline area.
r '
o.t: - -• -• -- -i
Alex Foraste, P.E.
Civil Engineer
McKEECARSON and Field Sport Concepts, Ltd.
301 East High Street
Charlottesville, VA 22902
434.979.7522 tel
434.977.1194 fax
Landscape Architects • Consulting Fngineers - Land Planners
From: Patrick Lawrence [ mailto:plawrence @albemarle.org]
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 9:26 AM
To: Alex Foraste
Cc: Ellie Grinspun
Subject: Re: C'ville Montessori School
Mornin' Alex,
Page 5 of 5
Please find enclosed the documents you requested found in County View:
The first document contains the comments from ARB by Margaret Maliszewski. You may wish to contact her for further
comment, particularly the final paragraph. She may be reached at 296 -5832 ext. 3276.
The second document is the action letter concerning the Special Use Permit [SP200900001]. Please note there are small
differences between the current SP and the previous one.
Please don't hesitate to call, if I may be of further assistance.