HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200900030 Plan - Other (not approved) 2009-04-15OWNER Highlife LLC C' o Benton Downer P. O. Box 1-1 Charlottesville, VA 22402 DEVELOPER Some as the owner. LEGAL REFERENCE Rivama Magisterial District Tax mop—parcel: 04684-00-00-00'1AO ZONING R-15, Residential with SUP - See below. S.U.P. FOREST MAJOR These pro ertles (TMP 4684-"1, '1A, -0 4 "i0) were reviewed and approved as a 5 pedal Use Permit by the Board of supervisors at its meeting on July 2d, 1444 (5P-44-16). This approval allowed 65,240 sq?cre feet for professional offices. The conditions of approval were subject to the following conditions. a) compliance with the provisions of Section 21.0; b) Provisions of landscaping ad scent to Timberwood Boulevard consistant with that provldedl on Timberwood Boulevard In the developed commercial area; cJ Provision of vegetative screening designed to minimize visibility of the site from Arbor Lake Townhomes; d) Provision of a walkway to connect the existing walkways adjacent to the lake to the shopping area. BENCHMARK Benchmark 513.84 chiseled ssgqw.are on top of curb at south end of median at the lntersecilon of Timberwood Boulevard 4 Worth Grossing. This benchmark is tied to USES disk Z-155, NGVD 24, Elev. 552.11 located at the NW corner of Route 24 North d Rt. 644, Profflt Road at old Crenshaw Garage. current status of Disk 1s unknown, SOURCE OF BOUNDARY & TOPO Roudabush, Bale 4 Associates, Inc. 414 Monticello Road Charlottesville, VA 22402 434) 4T1-0205 BUILDING HEIGHT 20' maximum height to midpoint of highest roof for the buildings adjacent to Timberwood Boulevard and Worth Crossing. SETBACKS setbacks, I n/accordance with the special use permit. 50' front building setback from public right of ways. 15' side bulldinqq setback. 20' rear buildfrig setback. 10' parking setbacks from all property Imes. EXISTING USE Vacant PROPOSED USE New office building LAND USE SCHEDULE LAKES OFFICE PARK SITE PLAN AMENDMENT niterrorie ca*nY Vo-gmw SHEET INDEX 5HEET I - GOVER SHEET SHEET 2 - EX 15T1 NG TOP06RAPHY 4 DEMOLITION PLAN SHEET 3 - S 1 TE PLAN SHEET 4 - LANDSCAPE PLAN TMP 4684-7 5.8681 acres HIyhllfe LLG Zoned: R-15, Residential Use: Vacant / r " lopdip TMP 4684-7 5.8661 acres HI hlife LLG Zoned: R-15, Residential TMP 4654-7B \ Use: Vacant • I.O0i72 acres •/' Hl q hlife LLGq / / Zoned: R-15, Residential / /.0' Use: Vacant ; = " .0. t i i i i i a 0000. 0 TMP 4684-8 \\ \ ' V—_' 1 _ —«_ _ r I ------ ------------- FOREST LAKES SHOPS LLG \ \ .' 6: PDSGZONIN USE: SHOPPING CENTER TMP 4684-7C 1 1.7414 acres likTMP g6Bq.--1 Existina Area Building 0.000 ac. 0 Pavement 0.000 ac. 0 Proposed Area Sidewalk 0.015 ac. 5 Building 0.142 ac. 52 % Impervious area D-M5- ac . --5- Pavement 0.000 ac. 0 % Open space 0.259 ac. 95 Sidewalk 0.022 ac. VY 8 % Total- 0.274 ac. Impervious area IMF ac. space 40 % Total - Open 0.ac. PARKING SCHEDULE Ex. building (Porcel 10; 12,424 sf) Divato'Dialyysis (maximum field monitored use) = 10 spaces Family Medrelne (maximum field monitored use) = 20 spaces New bulldin 'A' (Parcel 1A; 6,142 sf) Offices= rspace per 200 sf - 6,142 sf x 80% = 25 spaces Total required = 55 spaces Total provided on Parcel 70 = 57 spaces STORMWATER Stormwater detention d water quality treatment is handled by the existing adjacent lake. CRITICAL SLOPES There are not any critical slopes on this property. Hlqhllfe LLG0.2"14 Acres1IZoned: R-15, Residential Use: Medical Office Building! NEH II --STORY r ' i ----------- RR--R- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TIMBERWOOD B30ULEVARD TTI I 1 11 1111 I TMP 4684 -014W -I THRU 8 I I FOREST LAKE5 'TOWNHOUSES ZONING: R-15, RRE51DENTIAL USE: TOWN}!HOUSES NEW 4" THICK CONCRETE 5,000 P51 O 28 DAYS 00000000000000 4" COMPACTED 5TONE—'0 0 0 0 0 0 VDOT 021ATi GOMPACTED SUBGRADE TYPICAL SIDEWALX DETAIL GON5TRUCTION JOINTS TO BE 6' OXL, 1/4" WIDE, I" DEEP. EXPANSION JOINTS TO BE 50h' O.G. OR LESS. STAMPED CONCRETE PATTERN AND GOLLOR SELECTION BY OWNER. TMP 46B3 -B Forest Lakes Community Association, Inc. Zoning: R-4, Residential Use: Soccer field ALBEMARLE COUNTY ENGINEERING GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR SITE PLANS I. Prior to any construction within any existinci public right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be o6talnedrom the Vfrgtnla Department of Transportation NDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit. Where anydiscrepanciesoccurtherequirementsofthepermitshallgovern. 2. All avt , drainagge related materials and construction methods shall conform to current s epctf=ions andstandards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be Installed prior to any clearing, grading, or other construction. 4. All slopes an disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. The maximum allowable slope is 2,1 (horizontalivertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 4e I or better are to be achieved. 5. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditches my be reaylred when In the opinion of the Albemarle County Director of Engineering, or the Directors designee, It 1s deemed necessary In order to stabilize a drainage channel. 6. All traffic control signs shall conform witlh the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Gontrol Devices. 1. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe -Glass III. 8. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with 05HA Standards for the Construction Industry (24 GFR Part 1426). OTHER CONSTRUCTION NOTES 4. The location of existing utilities across or along the line of the proposed work are not necessarily shown on the plans and where shown are onlyapproximately correct. The contractor shall on his own Initiative locate all underground Imes and structures as necessary. 10. The contractor shall verify the locations of all boundaries, buildings, vegetation and other pertinent site elements. 11. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying "MISS UTILITY" - 1-800-552-1001. WATER & SANITARY SERVICES Public water and sanitary sewer. Fire flow=5,'165 gpm at 20 psi residual. All materials and construction methods are to complyy with the requirements as outlined in both the BOLA Code and the regulations used by the Albemarle County Service Authority. ELECTRIC / TELEPHONE / CABLE TV All service Imes for electrlclty, telephone and cable T/ are to be installedunderground. Gare is to be taken to assure their location does not conf Ilct with any other aspects of the proposed site plan. Olt - As noted and to accordance with Section 4.15 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. FIRE PROTECTION Available fire flow, The buildings will have sprinkler systems. LIGHTING Exterior County ghtting shall OrdinanceIng In cordance with Section 4.1'1 and 32.7 of the Albemarle Each outdoor luminaire aqutpped with a lamp which emits 5,000 or more maximumlumensshallbeafullcutoffluminaireandshallbearrangedorshieldedtoreflect Ilght away from adjoining residential districts and away from ad Iacent roads. No outdoor luminalre shall be mounted or placed at a location that Is more than twenty (20) feet in height. The spillover Ilght from luminaires on public roads and on property within any low-density residential district shall not exceed one-half ( 1/2) foot candle. FLOOD ZONES This property Is not located within a defined 100 year flood zone or f loodway. rDeeu Multiple screened dumpsters. IMPACT AREAS The site 1s not within a reservoir watershed. This site Is not located within a defined 100 -year flood zone. This site Is within the Airport Impact Area. This site 1s within a Development Area. DATE June 10, 2008 REVISIONS July G, 2008 April 15, 200G SCALE AI, T SPP 3 J 1Z PLic. 15d. oi45gi 41- 0 0 w s`S10NALo N Y Z w aoaZ W W LL Q LL0 Z Y a gLU w o 0 LL LLI LU co W O U BRIAN P. SMITH, PE CIVIL 00NEEIZIIVG, INC. WE 000H - WD PWRA11 105 WE5T HIGH STREET GHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22802 TEL: (434) 2%-3644 FAX: (434) 2g6-2041 s e®embar mail.com JOB NUMBER DWG. NAME Site Plan I bldg A.pro SHEET 1 of 4 Sprinkler 3g' ' 15" RGP Ex I 5A 5torm ontr-sL \ x. Storm / / / 5 Inv. t 4,511.35 3 28 Valve 9 of 24 RGPCO 90 \ \ 1 779b / // X010 / TMP 4664 7 p\ _ -3A / / / 2.757 Acre / TMP 46134 , \ = ornr 133, Top -463.71 _ p / / D 1 097 Acres % \ o>c IS' RGA Inv iri=488.55 v0 p / z /, c, Q / .B. 1451 p, oql (plat) i 0 2.11 Inv o?ut=488.45 6 AA % ` // Exo. DIg2 57 TMP 4684 - BI Ex. to of curb A 'Co off' / „p FOREST LAKES GOMMUNITY A ' 15 Inv. I n 487.4pp / ASSOCIATION INC. 483.53 a \ 0 2 / 24 Inv. Int 4b5 4gegp7 \ \ Ion ra ZO UISE: SOG ER FIELD IAL 6 \ / 24 Inv. Out 485.7 S` 9- X. e \ Ind t` D.B. 187ci p. 157, E Son.M.H. ,11 \ N 15 i \ \\ \ =485.112 \ \ p. 164-165 (plat) To 483.85 (buried 4 .41 2 \ \ \ / REMOVE EXISTING TREI=S i 0 \ ; top of curb \ i i \ \ 18 I nv.l n 484.1 \ \ 6\ ° .i S i' \ \ \ \ \ IF -OR NEW DUMPSTER PSo \ \ \ 18 Inv. Out 484.0 I s 9 \ o \ \ \ S \ 1 \ 9 \ sa9 A Ex. top of curb c 3 i.o\ Ex. 20' Sa itary Sewer Easement \ 4O D.B. 1071 . 485 (p lot) o \ _.-- - \ // D.B. 1071 p. I562 ( Iat) \ \ s \ \ \ - \ \ S \ D.B. 1088 pl. 213 (plat) \ \ G / ' ' \ - \ \ S \ S 6- \ \ \ Ex. San. MH i i \ -- Iron \\\ \ \\ \ \ I _ _ \ - i dpi \ \ "DIP 0.6 \\ \\ \ _ Top 4Q 1.81 Round _ \ S X. 5 in. 325 of 18 \ \ =\ _ --\- \ \ 18' Inv. Int 481. ZS\ S S \ \ \ \ - - \- \ \\\ \\ \ / 18 Inv. Out 481.75 hx S\,, rant \ S 0Q \i\ y ' \ \ Sprinkler saemb \ \ \ \ S '\\ \ ` % - \\ \\ \\ \\ rc \ Control y \ \ \ - - ,\ m, \/ // f o• \ \\ \ \ / zt \\ \ Valve Ex.8 DI\ \ \ \ _ \ \ \ 2 \ \ \ 496 \ Ex. Storm 130' of 24" RGP @ 1.770 water eExisting Dumpsterapprox. \ \ \ S \ Enclosure \ D 3Alocationo \ \ ( \ \ Ex. O \ A . iiIBEr\ \ \ \ \\ \ To -7.66 15"' Inv. Out 462.4 qa6Ex. D1 -3B, L=6 498. \ Top 4,516.60 O , P \ \ \ \\ \ 15 Inv. In (N) 4x1.15 A tICING10 \\ \ \\ \\ 15" Inv. In. (W) 481.x5 24" Inv. In 488.15 24" Inv Out 488.1 r- Ex. G-6 r---- T- \\\\ - \ DI -313, L=10' p ?t\\ ' \ } + 0 2 \ II I I II I Io \ \ \ Ex. round / \ ` II 1 II Top 488.14 Ex. light 9 1 11 I I I I I I I 1 I I II \ 12' Inv. In 413.75 pole (typ.) Light \\\ \\ II \ _, I I I I \ I I I I I II / \\ 15" Inv. Out 483.65 O \ \ o\ \ 502 _ \ \\\ \\ ' ' I I I I I \\ . N Ex. Fire hydrant assembly (TO BE RELOCATED) J \ '' ELIMI TE EXISTI \ \ \\ \ \ 40'-15" RGP J \ Ex. 10° bend (`TO BE REMOVED) 6 - -y PAINT 5 IPE5 \ \ \ \ @ 5.15% - Ex. avem ot 48' 15" RGP 8, p 2 \ ' \ \ 20 spaces \ 5.54%\ \ 3 \ o \ \ \ 50 " \ \ Gleanouts 14 Dia. \ 11 S\ . Golumns _ O \ A • % j % / o _ - _ _-- _ _ -, I I ( typ-) Ex. 10" sycamore - Ex. Storm 200' of 24" RGP O. 9 \ I \I I 1 I 0.,5115% 0 \ . 6 - "000, I 1 I I \ o 530 X C91 o I II ll I I I I I I I II \ Ex_jGG-2 NO °21 2 " W 83 Ex. 8 tree \ Ex. sidewalk \ \ Seo O I Stor Brick Medical o 01 1 ° o 0 0 4+a_ X \ Office Building_° ° \ \\ I \ \ \ 12,424 sf -- I \ Ex. evergr.en trees11, r25DONTBUILINGSETBACK9^ A 55 # I 1 12 ADS p, '\\ 1800 I _Roof Drain \ \ \ \ 9r \ \ TImBlvd. lO.00 FROM NEXT OCATE IP F1 NOT, \ \\ Ex. Pole qht SO \ I Ex. viburnum (3) USE F NEW BUILDING. N59 °32 ' 10 " E 3 \ \ / SAVE / 40.48' Transformer \ I o \\\ \ \ \ \ Pa - TMP 4664 - 7C Ex. jappanese hollies I / T•B•R• \\ Ex.to M.H. El Acres r ao Ex. 8" cherry \ / \\ I \ \ _ I , \ \ \1 ` Ex. 22.5° bend \ \ 24p Inv. Out 480.0L11Ex. tree \ \ Ex. heat pumps I CQ TMP 46,E 7A SAVE \ 11 II I x. 6" DI (class 51) water line 0.4 Acres27 I II 3 II I I sIIWitII 111 1 I Ex. inkberries m T$•R• i 6 Iron \ S M Ex. 8 cherry / N I,,' N I found 1xo \ I I a 11 Irrigation TB.R. I 1 0 Ss, Va Ives I \1 Te I e \ \ Ex. tree M 1 ° I1 x 1 / 1 Ped. 08 _ Ex. heat pumps z00I wlI w I - "v . / 5., Sprinkler Line Easement Iron I II XII ' ' O 0 v D.B. 1548 pp. 288/2gg (plat) 1.5 x 7found \ - _ \ Iis S 25 FRONT BUILDING 5ETBALK ` i II Sign m m Z. -- Ex.cre e m rtles (3) I--- 4.00'---i I Base O" Irri ation Ex. Street sign Vo / g \ - Ex: -groupings of trees _ I u t J'--- Iron - - iy413-41-213"W !] foundEx. 8" \ . - - - - - ---A n NO3 °41 ' 28"W 103_71_- _ % water lin - NO3 °41 ' 28 " W 143.82 approx. \ Iron - - - - = = = = = = =-= location -•- - - - - - - _ _ _ - Ex, water meter Ex. Ex. GO -2 \ for 1800 Timberwood Irrigation Boulevard Box Brant S06 3 GAUTIONII 3 \ S10 \ Ex. fire by \ EXISTING WATER SERVICE LINE TO 1800 MAY CROSS, Ex. 8 x 6 TSV THE BUILDING SITE. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCATION AND RELOCATE AS NECESSARY. W W Benchmark 515.84 Chiseled Square on Top of Curb at SouthEndofMedian Site Benchmark Is tied to U5G5 disk Z=11k5 NGVD 2cl, Elev. 552.11 Located at the NW corner of Route 2cl NI and Rt. 641, Proffit Road at old Grenshaw Gara . Current status of Disk is unknown, W 1M W W Route 1721) UMBERWOOD BLVD. ( 901) W W Ex. 8" PVG water line assumed location only AV The locations of the existing landscape features area approximate This drawina does not show all of the landscopinai. DATE June 10, 2008 REVISIONS July g, 2008 Sept. 1, 2008 April 15, 2008 SCALE I "=20' AL T H p ksl;4,01 Lic. Nd. 014511 o pQ'w O s` JONAL S X LU BRIAN P. SMITH, PE CIVIL O GINEEMNG, INC. WLF =ME BMW 9NE DONE - LMD RM01% 105 NE5T H161-1 STREET GHARLOTTE5VILLE, VA 22x02 TEL: (434) 2169-3644 FAX: (434) 216-2041 5pe@embarqmdI.com JOB NUMBER 06-004-00 DWG. NAME Site Plan I bldg A.pro WEEr 2 of 4-1 f I \ StormExp3A \ 361 15 RGP \ / / / To .18 \ x. Storm / / / I5 Inv.ut 4611.35 X28 of 24 RGP 90// Ex. IDI -3A / O --- x. Sto \ \ / V / i \ mr 133 \ Top 4613.71 \ / O G \ Inv irn=488.55 -- f' x.1156 =v c.,ut=488.45 040 h ` q / p \ \ \ / ii i \ \ \ Ex. top of curb ii 4613. 3 .12 /. Ex. ep , . 000 4G1.-7 .. x E Son.M.H. / \ / \X. 4-45p3 \ To 4CO, P5 (buried 1.31) I \ \ / \ \ top of curb \ 00 \ \\ =4G3.12 18 Inv.in 484.1 18 Inv. Out 4b4.01 Ex. top of curb Ex. 20' So itary Sewer Easement \ c \ =4x8• \ \- D.B. 1071 p. 4615 (pp at)_- D.B. 1071 p. 562 ( lot) \ ` i s \ \ !i i \ \ \ D.B. 10618 pL 213 (plat) \ \G - \ - \ \ \ S \ f 18" DIP ®0.66% S \ Ex. Son. 325 o\ s s \\ \ \ \ _ - -- \ \ \\ x, r ntC. S I / S -_ y vqoter e approx. location \ \ o NEW 6" PVC \ SANITARY LATERAL 55 O 10' PAkKING AGhC \ I \` l \\ \ X g98, r- i- -- o \ \ \ \ TO PROVIDEA2 II I Ex. G-6 3 8 SPACES C\ i I I I I II502- _ \ V 9 O \\ \ \ 40'-15" RGP 00, 6 \ Y ` \ 13ot Ex. pavemt 48' 15" RGPX I 3 \ \10 \ \ - \ \ 2C spaces \ 3.54 0,r \ 5 \ Gleanouts 14" Dia. - - columns - I I I I ( typ I I Ex. 10" sycamore 0- 0 I I IIJ \ \ \ / i NErN SIDwALI °' \ r I / o I i I IoPI- -d\ I / O° 4`° \ ` Aad \ I I Ex. sidewalk I Stor Brick Medical o of I • o a ex. 46161. - OfflGe Building L _, y - -° ° o 25 'FRONT BUIL" SETBACK 12,424 sf ._r I 9 # 1800 r NEW E71DEWALK 9 \ Timberwood 10.00 : aw 1 1 = MAL Blvd. 3 \ \ \ /. fix, viburnum (3) E . \ / SAVEc Transformer \ Pa Ex. japanese ho 11 ies I I Ex. heat pumps 3s \ I fix. inkberrles Tele. a \ Ped • Ex. heat pumps \ m _ 25' FRONT BUILDING SETBACK r Ex. Street sign p --Ex-gropings of trees Ex. \ 8,11 A A A A A A L_j water l in approx. location- Ex. G6-2 C s, \ Benchmark 515.84 Chiseled Square on Top of Curb at South End of Median Site Benchmark Is tied to U5G5 disk Z=15,5 NGVD 241, Elev. 552.11 Located at the NW corner of Route 261 NoO h and Rt. 6441, Proffit Road at old Crenshaw Gara . Current status of Disk Is unknown, W W Ex. f ire hydrant W Route 1721) TIIMBERWOOD BLVD. (90') W Ex. DI -3A rL / Top 4612.570b% 15' Inv. In 487.4 24" Inv. In 485.8 24" Inv. Out 485.7 Ex. San. MH Top 4611.81 18' Inv. In 481.85 18" Inv. Out 481.75 Ex. 8" FVC, water line assumed location only D.B. 1451 p. Oql (plat) TMP 46154 - BI FOREST LAKES GOMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, ING. ZONING: R-4, RESIDENTIAL USE: SOGGER FIELD D.B. 18761 p. 157, p. 164-165 (plat) Ex. Storm 200' of 24" RGP @ 0.c[5% Soo Ex. everg,c@en trees Ex. Pole L+ght \So2 \ N19H. HATER tyP•) \ S \ I O SIZED \ Ex.o n Q_M.H. 1 ` Ex. 22.5° bend \ Top 46161.613 --- Ex. 1 \ 24 Inv. Out 4610.0 Zx. 6" DI (class 51) water line Z I Irrigation it 0 I \/ a Ives LU II II --t Srinkler Line Easement 5' II / 1 x 7' (3 Z Dp15. 1548 pp. 2618/26161 (plat) II Sign m Z m. 4.00' --SII Base m Irrigqation Vault 0 Ex. water meter Ex. for 1800 Timberwood Irrigation Boulevard Box CAUTIONII 3 Ex. 8"x 6" T5aV EXISTING WATER SERVICE LINE TO 1800 MAY OR055 THE BUILDING SITE. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY 1 LOCATION AND RELOCATE AS NEGE55ARY. NV The locations of the existing landscape features area approximate This drawing does not show all of the landscaping. DATE June 10, 2008 REVISIONS July 61, 2008 Sept. 1, 2008 April 15, 20061 SCALE 30' ALTH p, S•• PP ` a 0 L)TH fc.d0145g1 4. 0 aS OSIONAL H Y Z Ly W aoaZ LU w oQ LL Oz 15co . Y a N cn LU rw 00-- j- LL2 Z g a W BRIAN P. SMITH, PE CIVIL ENGINEEMNG, INC. WWWUNEDMOR ITE DOW ° WD pLMHI]H@ 105 WEST HIGH STREET GHARLOTTE5VILLE, VA 22q02 TEL: (434) 2x6-3644 FAX: (434) 2616-2041 bp5pe@embarqmoiI.com JOB NUMBER 06-004-00 DWG. NAME Site Plan I bldg A.pro WEEr 3 of 4Gonter of Va I ve Ex. Storm 130' of 24" RGP 1@ 1.77% I Ex. E -3A To 4617.66 I " Inv. Out 4612.4 Ex. DI -3B, L=6' Top 4x6.60 15' Inv. In (N) 4x1.15 15" Inv. In. (W) 4611.615 24" Inv. In 488.15 24" Inv Out 488.1 DI -315, L =10' Top 46161.14 12' Inv. In 4613.75 15" Inv. Out 4613.65 Ex. 8" FVC, water line assumed location only D.B. 1451 p. Oql (plat) TMP 46154 - BI FOREST LAKES GOMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, ING. ZONING: R-4, RESIDENTIAL USE: SOGGER FIELD D.B. 18761 p. 157, p. 164-165 (plat) Ex. Storm 200' of 24" RGP @ 0.c[5% Soo Ex. everg,c@en trees Ex. Pole L+ght \So2 \ N19H. HATER tyP•) \ S \ I O SIZED \ Ex.o n Q_M.H. 1 ` Ex. 22.5° bend \ Top 46161.613 --- Ex. 1 \ 24 Inv. Out 4610.0 Zx. 6" DI (class 51) water line Z I Irrigation it 0 I \/ a Ives LU II II --t Srinkler Line Easement 5' II / 1 x 7' (3 Z Dp15. 1548 pp. 2618/26161 (plat) II Sign m Z m. 4.00' --SII Base m Irrigqation Vault 0 Ex. water meter Ex. for 1800 Timberwood Irrigation Boulevard Box CAUTIONII 3 Ex. 8"x 6" T5aV EXISTING WATER SERVICE LINE TO 1800 MAY OR055 THE BUILDING SITE. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY 1 LOCATION AND RELOCATE AS NEGE55ARY. NV The locations of the existing landscape features area approximate This drawing does not show all of the landscaping. DATE June 10, 2008 REVISIONS July 61, 2008 Sept. 1, 2008 April 15, 20061 SCALE 30' ALTH p, S•• PP ` a 0 L)TH fc.d0145g1 4. 0 aS OSIONAL H Y Z Ly W aoaZ LU w oQ LL Oz 15co . Y a N cn LU rw 00-- j- LL2 Z g a W BRIAN P. SMITH, PE CIVIL ENGINEEMNG, INC. WWWUNEDMOR ITE DOW ° WD pLMHI]H@ 105 WEST HIGH STREET GHARLOTTE5VILLE, VA 22q02 TEL: (434) 2x6-3644 FAX: (434) 2616-2041 bp5pe@embarqmoiI.com JOB NUMBER 06-004-00 DWG. NAME Site Plan I bldg A.pro WEEr 3 of 4 Ex.. DI - 3A 4Top4g7.18 15" Inv. Out 481.35 0000\( ND 4q3 J \ 1 \ \ 7- 5 \ \ Q-00i i' S \\-- \ \ \ \ \ moi' \ ii" dQ O \ \\ ` ( \\ \ ii'X J Go lumps 1000, 0 0 I II—__ 1= 1_= Ex. Sidewalk X I StOfgiceBrick Medical L0 01 1. 0 0 0,..— 0 0 L 1 G ldin 12,424 5f g i ?-- - L I I # 1800 r q Timberwood Blvd. r 3 \ /, E=x. viburnum (3) SAVE I Transformer Pa Ex. jopoane5e hoIIles 1 F !. Ex. heat pumps 3 00 1 h I\ I E: -x. InkberrleS Ex. Street Sign 3 Tele. Fed. 0 Ex. heat pumps Ex. groupings of trees C / foo SHRUBS AND PLANTS I / BOTANICAL NAME ome D.B. 145-1 p. oq1 (plat) LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE COMMON NAME REMARKS QUANT. ILEX CRENATA COMPACTA I.IAPANEE E HOLLY 15-18" OAK MULCH PLANTER 4-7 ILEX GRABRA I SHAMROCK I NKBERRY 24" HEDGE, TRIM TO 48" 1? s Ex. 8" tree \ 3 W W W— W—— W--- W------ W W W W W W TOTAL =360 Ex. evergreen trees Ex. Light \ Q Pole \ ILEK CRENATAJ 3 Route 1-121) TIIMBERWOOD BLVD. (90') ------- The Ior-ations of the existing landscape features area approximate This drawing does not show all of the landscaping. DATE Sept. 1, 2008 REVISIONS April 14, 200q SCALE r=30' TH p, ON o_ Lic. 1 0145G1 0 0 SIONAL Z g a BRIAN P. SMITH, PE CIVIL ENGINEERNG, INC, @@LF mm9 DCS%Qm WE DONE o LMD RmOmil 105 WEST H16H STREET GHARLOTTE5VILLE, VA 22802 TEL: (434) 286-3644 FAX: (434) 286-2041 bp5pe@embcirqmaIl.com JOB NUMBER W •• 1 •• DWG. NAME Site Plan I bldg A.pro SHEET 4 of 4