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SDP200900085 Plan - Other (not approved) 2011-06-14
I _Pa Ito PIN allom HouaNb SM•t -.. �. owner ... UASIE -. ur - z fee Parking O °C7.a °p•°' T o _ 058A2Uf00W]00 58A2.O1_) 1100 CROZETAVE (SUBJECT PARCEL)It00,C ET 0.VENUE LLC _ _ °• 340 duce Dovezown OrxetDM_nd Code Section: 20B.4.8.2 (Downtown Crozet District) 65600000001046 WIM 941 HADEN W CHAMBERS NANO/ N veterinary hospital; SUBGRADE COMPACTED TO 0821ResMenhal R-2 Requirement. 4 1 Space et 1000 s.f. net floor area Pa p DSBDDDODD ion 53-108 947 HADEN LN DAM ERIxd ERNEST B 6 9ETTY J or approved equal. SIDEWALK SECTION 092 esdenlwl R-2 R Dever. Or.zua District Unit 2400 s.f(Gross) of bldg 056A1010111i SBAtO1-48A lave Ga FOx CLIFFORDH JR c o 294,U,aasgned . G N r 0560000000 1900 56- BID 929 HADEN LN - MARKEy KE V N M (3R WM4A W (an 0 51 Resda%i_e' R-2 h m m Required Ha U U 4 2.4 spaces Pe SW0011000t top - Wil - - ... d% U OF ALBEMARLE- O arc vc 55 1 Format R-2 �1 1 Sawwow zoo Ns -12 5932 C ATHAROSS LN ULC SAZ LLC _._.. --_,-- -- 2] 59 Resdea•I R-2 _ . --- . _._.. .... 2Op ResltleMlal DowRawn CrxN D,9mt Existing Std Spaces= 0 retainer 05&12010000]AO 5842-01 ]A 1109 CROL£TAVE SMITM,�G4YENDOLYNH makleloexi) 56A1 -01-A6 5955 JARMANS GAP FATOSTO, LEONARD C ORJESSIr:A DyHAR 2.00, Once oowrseen Clue Dahau. Existing H.C. Spaces= 0 retained Predeveloped Additional PonDevelopea New Std Spaces= 8 (9'x 18') standard spaces site Coverage s s I - % - s.l. s f % Ac. - - - - - New H.C. Saces- P 1 i h contiguous 8' x 18' Loading area 8'x 18 wt co ( 9 9 ) Builtlinga/canopy 2414 2°k 160 2,5]4 2% 0.06 - � Paiking/DnwM/alks 7,495 5% 699 %194 55A 0.19 Ooen/gress 140,32 93% 139,470 93% 3.20 Total Spaces Required= 3 Parking Spaces Taal 150,238 Wo% 15o,23e 100% 345 Total Spaces Provided= 9 Parking Spaces Existing impervious Coverage: 7% Proposed Impervious Coverage: 7% No Landscaping Plan Req'd at Prelim. Maximum Structure Haiti 20 Ft. Paving Type: Asphalt TMP 56A1-106 Max. NumberofEmployees a (Anticipated) Zoned R-2 N/F Dumeron \ TMP 56AT-01-46A Use: Residential Zoned: Downtown Crozet Dist. N/F Fox \ Use: Residentiol TMP 56A1-01-46 / Zoned: Downtown Crozet Dist. I N/F Toslo Use: Office TMP 56A1-1 DA - Zoned R-2 N/F Chambers \ Use: Residential w\ TMP 56Al-10D Zoned R-2 N/F Markey ! Use: residential Ne 2' SM 2A \ �i- 8ck21-At \ 1 11 ror 11 W-4041- iIi SUBGRADE COMPACTED TO I 957 MAX DRY DENSITY PER ASTM -D-698 Interior Parking and and Travetways PAVEMENT SECTION N. T. S, HIGH HOW EtEV=81.1] PVI STA=10.25 HILI PoIM STA=ION)2.90 Px4 epy=690,6 NISTA=10105 Act,°.70000 NIEIEV=61,25 K=4.26] TMP 5642-11 Zoned R-2 N/F Moyer Use: Forest A- 4' 4000 psi • 1 • • Reinforced Coiner, SP2008.009-An:nal Wellness- Srdewolk 4' wld 1. Development of the use shall be in accord with the concept plan, entitled -Animal Wellness••prepar ' o O °C7.a °p•°' T o _ and the Zoning Administrator. To be in conformity with the plan, development shall reflect the followin -3 elements only and all other elements of the plan may be modified during site plan review and approval: entrance relocation, general location of parking areas, and outside area for walking animals, Minor _ _ °• -T compliance with the Zoning Ordinance; 0- RO V o O o- g, V O • V O � O - _ C require a new special use permit; .1 bn fro Designations nt$ veterinary hospital; SUBGRADE COMPACTED TO 4. The building shall be soundproofed In accordance with Section 5.1.11(b) and air-condltianed; 95% MAX DRY DENSITY PER S. No outdoor exercise area shall be permitted. However, walking of animals is Permitted and shall be ASTM -D-698 separated from access by the public and limited to the area behind the building as identified in Reinforcement to be Attachment D; and 6'x6' Welded wire 6. Use shall not commence until the building is served by public sewer. or approved equal. SIDEWALK SECTION S A w N. T. S, coo F E 5 4 a (he M lave Ga Z - c o m G N r u Q o` U (an � C Z I m I a cces m ti O arc vc �1 BE tial PV PVI A.12.100 A=1 : •rS % W1C ABL io � 8 y�y55 1 60 E. Fir n eGa i g(1" 2') 3g �� \ HeltFba. Arta Oero/M J / Aplxm. Lawton al /� Fba4 Zones (see note) l I,P. \ t �rA /e k TMP S6A2-n Zoned R-2 \ N/F County of Albemarle Use: Forest \ Geek) foliar. 100 flxwpldn W ex. Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority (RWSA) General Water & Sanitary Sewer Notes March 2008 1) All materials and methods of construction shall comply with the latest version of the General Water and Sewer Construction Specifications as adopted by the Albemarle County Service Authority on Jan 15 1998 except as modified below or modified in Special Notes. January P Pe 2) All construction materials and methods of construction must be approved by RWSA prior to the start of work. A preconstruction conference with RWSA is required prior to the start of work. 3) The contractor shall be responsible for notifying Miss Utility (1-800-552-7001). 4) RWSA Engineer (Michelle Simpson at (434) 977.2970 ext. 202) must be notified three business days prior to the start of construction. 5) All work is subject to the inspection and acceptance by RWSA. No tie-ins to the existing system shall be made without coordination with and the presence of RWSA staff. No work shall he conducted on RWSA facilities on weekends or RWSA holidays unless permitted otherwise by RWSA in writing. 6) For sanitary sewer line construction: RWSA may require bypass pumping for fie -ins to the existing system. All doghouse manholes must be pressure tested prior to connecting to the system. 7) The location of existing utilities is shown on the plans from data available at the time of design and is not necessarily complete or correct. The Contractor shall be responsible for the verification of the location, size and depth of all existing milifies, both surface and subsurface. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any discrepancies between the plans and field conditions. The Contractor shall use due diligence to protect all utilities and structures from damage at all times, whether shown on the plans or not, Damage to any existing utilities shall be repaired by the Contractor to the original condition at no additional east to the Owner. 8) Erosion and sediment control facilities shall not be permitted in the RWSA easement unless permitted otherwise by RWSA in writing. No grading or filling shall be permitted in the RWSA easement unless permitted otherwise by RWSA in writing. 9) No blasting shall be permitted within 100 feet of RWSA facilities without written permission and approval of the blasting plan from RWSA. Ground monitoring during blasting and a pre -blast survey may be required. Damage due to blasting to any utilities shall be repaired by the Contractor to the original condition at no additional cost to the Owner. 10) In addition to minimum separation requirements for utility crossings, when a crossing is made under an existing facility, adequate structural support shall be provided for the existing pipe. Backfilling the area of the crossing with compacted 57 stone to the springline of the existing pipe will be required. 11) New water main installations shall be tested, chlorinated, flushed and water samples approved prior to making any permanent connection to the public waters stemApproved methods of filling and flushing new water mains will be required to eliminate any possible cross -connection to the public water system. 12) AN easements for new RWSA facilities shall be recorded prior to placing the new facilities into service. 13) No permanent structural facilities will be permitted in the RWSA easement. This includes building �. overhangs, retaining walls, footer, for any structure, drainage structures, etc. Trees ate/not permitted in the RWSA easement. 1 I TMPA2-01-7A Zoned mown Crozet Dist. N/F 5 nth (TM 56A2-01- � Zoned C-41 I I 3.449 Ad I SUaam � / Wier (a, / Pv.-i clew) / r/ Prop F rouows ,00 naayepa�a / ' / Pioqq/. mal Walla IArea / \ \ F ■ \It \ , for \ =o $J/tie 11 Z' V*�*\ End CG-6\Wi Note: Requirements of �'SeaS�w%lasm(,de 1 a the Water Protection Owner by Attie ode Cot sS Ordinance (WPO) will he the I! nz mwYa a a, //LSeT ss. mwewa,tr .I qLt� �tl!aeoa�x e?Rd \Ah �J�{4gySa e t�k " • ,a`a[.'� less this asz aaY ua2 "e ' PAa y ohl i9a aA • L v1C l•• si8a. w9 a_ ,xa • ii"' afar ,nes atbr a� i8 ,�aae • y `�✓ it sfb °•x rA'{ Location Map (no scale) Site Data: R.... .Marro Project: Crozet Animal Walhalla Center Alteema re county Owner: 1100 Cru a Ave. LLC CtO Gwendolyn H. Smith P.O. Box 475 Grove. VA 22932 Contact: Centra Virginia Bunkers Henry Smith P.O. Box 475 Cruet, VA 22935 434-a23S655 Tax Map S Parcel TMP 56A2-01-7 Acreage 3.45 Acres P r n a9 (e Recent survey) Dead Book: 3613/454 Zoning: Downtown Cruet District Magisterial District, Whitehall District Owday Districts: TAZ 243, WateraSewer Jurisdictional area, water supply area, Development Area Waivers Requested Omit Sldewalk along RL 240; Omit Relegated parking Fusion Watershed: Uckirghole Creek Datum: USGS Benchmark: k1li Y-550 659.8 NW comer of concrete sidewalk in front of building. survey: S.L. Key Inc. Topographic Information: Field me -S. L. Key Inc. March 2008 Trash management Commercial pickup savor, to be contracted NOTE: drainage improvements by This project will generate Albemarle County (36" pipe along 75 trip ends evenly crozet Ave. and channel distributed North and South easmt/improvements in rear) are on Crozet Ave. (Per Alb. shown for reference only and are Engr. from ITE Clinic not a part of this development "- plan. section 630) ,J5 562.OD � E _ w 4•' by a contribution to DB 3% Page. 142\- \ e Lickinghole Creek asm. 74 L.F. 4' Schad 40 PVC Bldg. Sear. 2.06% New inv out= 646.2Ex. MH o P� / (Top of Bench) / \ 'Ad connections tho rh 'fit ` with a flexion rubberer boot All wring ,* ng 5 contractor and all materials for construction sha ALBEMARLE COUNTY \Top 655. RWSA in writing prior to construction. RWSA Engineering \ FINAL PLAN GENERAL NOTES lae 647.2 shall be present for all mores Into the manholes. Bypass pumping Oil may be required at the sale allocation at RWSA staff. Grouting of General Construction Notes the manhole bench or interior may be required, at the sole 1. Prior to any construction within any existing public right-of-way, including connection to dis«etion of RWSA staff, for a smooth transition of now. Existing any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of manholes shall be hackallea to original grade to the satisfaction of Transportation (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of RWSA Contact RWSA Engineering a minimum of 3 business days the permit Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern. In advance to schedule a core of manhole.' 2. All materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be ferill:zed, seeded and mulched. S. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontal:verticai). Where reasonably obtainable, APPROVALS 4' 4000 psi • 1 • • Reinforced Coiner, SP2008.009-An:nal Wellness- Srdewolk 4' wld 1. Development of the use shall be in accord with the concept plan, entitled -Animal Wellness••prepar ' o O °C7.a °p•°' T o _ and the Zoning Administrator. To be in conformity with the plan, development shall reflect the followin -3 elements only and all other elements of the plan may be modified during site plan review and approval: entrance relocation, general location of parking areas, and outside area for walking animals, Minor _ _ °• -T compliance with the Zoning Ordinance; 0- RO V o O o- g, V O • V O � O - _ C require a new special use permit; O bn fro Designations nt$ veterinary hospital; SUBGRADE COMPACTED TO 4. The building shall be soundproofed In accordance with Section 5.1.11(b) and air-condltianed; 95% MAX DRY DENSITY PER S. No outdoor exercise area shall be permitted. However, walking of animals is Permitted and shall be ASTM -D-698 separated from access by the public and limited to the area behind the building as identified in Reinforcement to be Attachment D; and 6'x6' Welded wire 6. Use shall not commence until the building is served by public sewer. or approved equal. SIDEWALK SECTION S A w N. T. S, I! nz mwYa a a, //LSeT ss. mwewa,tr .I qLt� �tl!aeoa�x e?Rd \Ah �J�{4gySa e t�k " • ,a`a[.'� less this asz aaY ua2 "e ' PAa y ohl i9a aA • L v1C l•• si8a. w9 a_ ,xa • ii"' afar ,nes atbr a� i8 ,�aae • y `�✓ it sfb °•x rA'{ Location Map (no scale) Site Data: R.... .Marro Project: Crozet Animal Walhalla Center Alteema re county Owner: 1100 Cru a Ave. LLC CtO Gwendolyn H. Smith P.O. Box 475 Grove. VA 22932 Contact: Centra Virginia Bunkers Henry Smith P.O. Box 475 Cruet, VA 22935 434-a23S655 Tax Map S Parcel TMP 56A2-01-7 Acreage 3.45 Acres P r n a9 (e Recent survey) Dead Book: 3613/454 Zoning: Downtown Cruet District Magisterial District, Whitehall District Owday Districts: TAZ 243, WateraSewer Jurisdictional area, water supply area, Development Area Waivers Requested Omit Sldewalk along RL 240; Omit Relegated parking Fusion Watershed: Uckirghole Creek Datum: USGS Benchmark: k1li Y-550 659.8 NW comer of concrete sidewalk in front of building. survey: S.L. Key Inc. Topographic Information: Field me -S. L. Key Inc. March 2008 Trash management Commercial pickup savor, to be contracted NOTE: drainage improvements by This project will generate Albemarle County (36" pipe along 75 trip ends evenly crozet Ave. and channel distributed North and South easmt/improvements in rear) are on Crozet Ave. (Per Alb. shown for reference only and are Engr. from ITE Clinic not a part of this development "- plan. section 630) ,J5 562.OD � E _ w 4•' by a contribution to DB 3% Page. 142\- \ e Lickinghole Creek asm. 74 L.F. 4' Schad 40 PVC Bldg. Sear. 2.06% New inv out= 646.2Ex. MH o P� / (Top of Bench) / \ 'Ad connections tho rh 'fit ` with a flexion rubberer boot All wring ,* ng 5 contractor and all materials for construction sha ALBEMARLE COUNTY \Top 655. RWSA in writing prior to construction. RWSA Engineering \ FINAL PLAN GENERAL NOTES lae 647.2 shall be present for all mores Into the manholes. Bypass pumping Oil may be required at the sale allocation at RWSA staff. Grouting of General Construction Notes the manhole bench or interior may be required, at the sole 1. Prior to any construction within any existing public right-of-way, including connection to dis«etion of RWSA staff, for a smooth transition of now. Existing any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of manholes shall be hackallea to original grade to the satisfaction of Transportation (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of RWSA Contact RWSA Engineering a minimum of 3 business days the permit Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern. In advance to schedule a core of manhole.' 2. All materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be ferill:zed, seeded and mulched. S. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontal:verticai). Where reasonably obtainable, APPROVALS i� • 1 • • 8 f t, SP2008.009-An:nal Wellness- II 1. Development of the use shall be in accord with the concept plan, entitled -Animal Wellness••prepar z � • �,n. r.•�F1t _ori _ lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be achieved. 6. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may, be required when in the opinion of the County Engineer, or designee, it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices, 8. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe ° -glass IN. 9. All excavation for underground pipe installaton must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926). I✓ Planning Conditions of Approval G Critical slopes (Ty fn spaces(Bru ffJ 18 ft, 8 f t, SP2008.009-An:nal Wellness- II 1. Development of the use shall be in accord with the concept plan, entitled -Animal Wellness••prepar z � by TCS Engineering Co., LLC and last revised July 14, 2009, as determined by the Director of Planning _ and the Zoning Administrator. To be in conformity with the plan, development shall reflect the followin -3 elements only and all other elements of the plan may be modified during site plan review and approval: entrance relocation, general location of parking areas, and outside area for walking animals, Minor _ _ modifications to the plan which do Fiat conflict with the elements above may be made to ensure -T compliance with the Zoning Ordinance; -5 2. This special use permit applies to the existing building and any new buildings for the veterinary use will _ C require a new special use permit; - 3. No overnight boarding use, other than for those animals under medical care shall take place at the Designations nt$ veterinary hospital; x e 4. The building shall be soundproofed In accordance with Section 5.1.11(b) and air-condltianed; x 6 S. No outdoor exercise area shall be permitted. However, walking of animals is Permitted and shall be V separated from access by the public and limited to the area behind the building as identified in fi v • Attachment D; and z a 6. Use shall not commence until the building is served by public sewer. �, z tx.closed ce to closed U.P. T ' nrc� Proposed 8' Concrete , hymns. sidewalk IAW DCD. 3' grassed strip to remain between Crozet Ave. and M/ sidewalk ag"yu�4 Is, A R25 o ? CG -11 Entrance to be modified to Re elude placement of curbing to south. / G-12 will be included on north edge of / the entrance. Van Accessible fn spaces(Bru ffJ 18 ft, 8 f t, i Van Leading z � a (81ae Space (8x18 ft.) 8 f t, 18 f t, starkest Space (gals aJ 9 ft, 18 i't, 1 Bump, Black to be i6ft• concrete a treated umbar, _ C and Typical Parking Space Dimensions and each and by Min. 30' No. each by Min, 0' 5 Rebar, Designations nt$ o x e s w fn z � N � T -1 c _ C Re z G y = v E o o x e R � 0 x 6 � i V a v+ fi v • C O O A z a `•t A` �, z o c5' S A w A- 4 s coo F E 5 4 a (he M Q Ga Z - c o m G N r u Q o` U (an � C Z I m I a cces m ti O FINAL Dra wing 14JANII n R a29 v al Z re SHEE- Nli 1 OF 1 LNG. NO, 08-012 fn N T -1 i _ C _ U G y a o > n X y a' Ci2 z cc N CO CO W ? d' Oaf (he M a ~'7 'lft Z - c o rte. N r u Q � � U (an � C Z I C Z SHEE- Nli 1 OF 1 LNG. NO, 08-012 fn N � to oma a o > n X y a' F cc N CO CO N ? d' Oaf (he M w 'lft CV rte. N L U h � � a SHEE- Nli 1 OF 1 LNG. NO, 08-012 fn > 0 00 y a' G CO CO •� CV (an � S N O �1 SHEE- Nli 1 OF 1 LNG. NO, 08-012 Location Map (r h1.'ipso � � I 11y6999��y981 972 � 9T-4# L� 11155 1 379Y2. 9 7r 11c22L1W i'1AS .: ��g W0,5600 1 - �4 OR•� 578 LL4148Q+V92515903 57,99 .f 962 � •' I1?ds �66i7�96 = 1Rb7 I _ i.051093 _ 5#2 15 UIlvbt 16636n 1 a L 4059,• C. 571 ;6lVY1 991 1�. fir✓ 5736 5731 E&S Symbol Legend ® O//S�P Outlet Protection Y1/Q IPSI Permanent Seeding ------------------- Limits of Construction Sediment Trap Criteria SILT TRAP SIZING O.W Pm1eat Animal W88per Slit mp W. t Dar: t6.lum 3 AREA= 088 ORES TOTAL REOO VOL.= 1318 C OR 3558.5 CF_ Bosom of Weir Eley- 887.0 WETSTORAGE 4 01 REDOVOL, 11188 CF FOR A SURFACE AREA OF ,F AND A NP, SIDE SLOPE OF 1 0, A vet depth of a ye,tds a net ooktom area of 48) s f and avolume of 1521.7 c.f M 2.5 alta awlume of 20113 cf OK 35 2.5 3 desired oatom l roz ®0.. 4 3 3 v Bovom of W61, 45 3.5 4 or Wfi.W ,SF Mosel 8570 OK / P R Top a Been. H a 2S or 1377.88 S.F, atelee 3600 OK F - h / a It Location Map (r h1.'ipso � � I 11y6999��y981 972 � 9T-4# L� 11155 1 379Y2. 9 7r 11c22L1W i'1AS .: ��g W0,5600 1 - �4 OR•� 578 LL4148Q+V92515903 57,99 .f 962 � •' I1?ds �66i7�96 = 1Rb7 I _ i.051093 _ 5#2 15 UIlvbt 16636n 1 a L 4059,• C. 571 ;6lVY1 991 1�. fir✓ 5736 5731 E&S Symbol Legend ® O//S�P Outlet Protection Y1/Q IPSI Permanent Seeding ------------------- Limits of Construction Sediment Trap Criteria SILT TRAP SIZING O.W Pm1eat Animal W88per Slit mp W. t Dar: t6.lum 3 AREA= 088 ORES TOTAL REOO VOL.= 1318 C OR 3558.5 CF_ Bosom of Weir Eley- 887.0 WETSTORAGE 4 01 REDOVOL, 11188 CF FOR A SURFACE AREA OF ,F AND A NP, SIDE SLOPE OF 1 0, A vet depth of a ye,tds a net ooktom area of 48) s f and avolume of 1521.7 c.f M ORYSTORAGE O.W Std. C4menaroos from VESCht NEW VOL.= 17788 CF d fb ff FOR A BOTTOM AREA OF 754 S F 15 05 2 AND A TYP. SIDE SLOPE OF 4 01 2 _ f 2 A dry depth of 0! 488.40 25 I'S 25 yeids a do surface arae of 1251 of 3 2 2.5 alta awlume of 20113 cf OK 35 2.5 3 desired oatom l roz ®0.. 4 3 3 v Bovom of W61, 45 3.5 4 dalnagpAna• O.W A<. -h L. .. L•aprA. 1._ N N C O © M BpCom oI EXGV. WeAna• 10 a 14 0! 488.40 SF et elev. B[AO 014 Depth of Wat Stong� 3 h N . can W td nnaot E1... 888.8 4 D V li tV1 W 4da Q v Bovom of W61, 48 a to or Wfi.W ,SF Mosel 8570 OK NpM of Dry SM. 1.- P R Top a Been. H a 2S or 1377.88 S.F, atelee 3600 OK F - h ia. a It The sewer lateral is being constructed to the RWSA line. Its installation should be the first step on site after placing the construction entrances. The trench should only be partially backfilled and sediment trap No. 1 constructed on top. w z z W w s m 1 FINAL Dra wing 30SEP10 d..a ,zmm SHEET No 1 0= D4A;. N0 08-0 Z O Y U - S O L. N N C O © M _W T O M O g (J ( O N _ - •� N can p�p a'• 4 D V li tV1 W 4da Q v c• .- v Z — Z 0- SHEET No 1 0= D4A;. N0 08-0 N N C O. 000 M W O M O g N ( O N _ - •� N can p�p a'• 4 D V li tV1 W 4da Q C 0- U � 0- SHEET No 1 0= D4A;. N0 08-0 0 O O O _ - •� N can N Q SHEET No 1 0= D4A;. N0 08-0 1. Set the stakes. Max Flow 2" upslape clong"thxe 4l 11 inerench of the stakes 3. Staple filter material to stakes 4. Backfill and compact and extend It into the trench. the excavated soil. Sheet Flow Installation IA MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES Narrative I ° 1.a Arens which are not to be disturbed shall be dearly marked by flags, sighs,. etc. IIIA'-/ J�IiIL t the owner's discretion, 2. The Contractor shall be responsible for the installation and mnfntennnce of all erosion and sediment control measures. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:AND The purpose of this project is the development of an existing office building as a veternary clinic. 1.3 acres are scheduled far disturbance. Measures Measures Eshow CONTROL he accompanying drawings are to be Installed In accordance with the specifications and standards of the Virginia Erosion and EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS: The topography of the site is rolling within all reaches. The area landoover is mixed wooded and open yard. $edimentntion Control Handbook, 3rd Edltlon 1992. ADJACENT AREAS:MAINTENANCES rot measures will be checked The project area is bounded by 81.240 (Crozet Ave.) to the East, Powell Creek to the West, and by unimproved err rural properties on all other In general, all Erosion and Sediment cont dally and after each signiflcant rainfall. The following Items wilt be checked in particular: sides. a) should sediment basins or traps be required, they will be cleaned and maintained SOILS: according to the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. Soils in this area are generally described as Loams of the Braddock, craigsville, and hayesville varieties. b) All a gravel outlets will be checked regularly for sediment buildup that wilt prevent drainage. If the gravel Is clogged by sediment, It shall be CRITICAL AREAS: removed and cleaned or replaced. c) All silt barriers will be checked regularly for undermining or deterioration Critical areas are those (such as creek channels) subject to concentrated stamflows a subsurface springs. In topography such as this, of the Fabric and repaired as required. Sediment shall be removed when source control a sediment is critical to erosion control. Connector should use care in scheduling and sequencing to minimize excavation exposure in the level of sediment deposition reaches half way to the top of the barrier, these areas. d) All Seeded areas will be checked regularly to see that a good stand Is EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES: maintained � Areas should be fervat I lied and reseeded as needed. Measures shown on the accompanying drawings and in this narrative are to be installed in accordance with the specifications and standards of te) The acceptance of approval mplies that the applicant has agreed to use he materials as Indicated on the Erosion Control Plan, attachment the Virginia Erosion and Sedimentation Contro3rd Edition 1992 l Handbook, and samples submitted. Any change to the approved design or mnterlats will require approval by the Engineer. STABILIZATION PACTICESCALCULATIONS: (Adapted from State Minimum Standards as effected, 13 SEP95). Standards listed here, are in summary farm. In cases of question or controversy. None. the Virginia Regulation VR 625.02.00 shall govern, April Ms -1 Permanent or temporary Soil stabilization shall be applied to denuded areas within seven (7) days after final grade Is reached on any portion PERM. SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS- (All units in Pounds per acre) Feb. 16 thru AApril 3 of the site. Temporary soil stabilization shall be applied to denuded areas within seven (7) days to Kentucky 31 Fecuee - per acre IRed Top Gross2 lbs., Annual Rye- 20 lbs. denuded areastttal may not be at final grade, but will remain dormant for longer than 30 days. Permanent stabilization shall be Fertilize at 1,000 (b, per acre or as determined by soil test applied to those areas which will remain dormant for longer than ane year. For Slopes steeper than 31, add 20 (b. Crownvetch MS -2 Soil stock piles shall be stabilized or protected with sediment trapping measures. The applicant is resporrsible fa the temporary protection May I thru August 15; and permanent stabilization of all soil stockpiles on site as well as soil intentionally transported from the site. ntucky 31 Fecue- 128 lbs./ Red Top Grass- 2 lbs.) Foxtnil Millet- 20 lbs. Ke MS -3 A permanent vegetative cover shall be established on denuded areas not otherwise stabilized. Permanent vegetation shall not be considered Fertilize at 1,000 16. per acre or as determined by soft test established until a ground cover is achieved that, in the opinion of the local program administrator. or his agent, is uniform, mature enough to For Slopes steeper than 3:1, add 20 On, Crownvetch survive, and will inhibit erosion.Aug. 16 thru Oct, 311 MSA Sediment basins and traps, perimeter dikes. sediment barriers and Other measures intended to trap sediment cn-site must be constructed as Kentucky 31 Fecue- 128 lbs.l Red Top Grass- 2 lbsd Annual Rye- 20 lbs. a first step in grading and be made functional before upslope, land disturbance takes place. Fertilize at 1,000 Ib. per acre or as determined by soil test MS -5 Stabilisation measures shall be applied to earthen structures such ss dams, dikes and diversions Immediately after installation. FOr Slopes steeper than 3d, add 20 Ib, Crownvetch MS -6 Surface runoff from disturbed areas that is comprised of flow from drainage areas greater than or equal to, three (3) Nov. 1 thru Feb. 15, acres, shall be controlled by a sediment basin. The sediment basin shall be designed and constructed to accommodate the anticipated sediment Kentucky 31 Fecue- 128 Ibs.y Red Top Gross- 2 lbs.1 Winter Rye- 20 lbs, loading from the land disturbing activity. The outfall device or system design shall take into account the total drainage area fiawing through the Fertilize at 1,000 lb. per acre or as determined by soft test disturbed area to be served by the basin. For Slopes steeper than 3:1, add 20 Ib. Crownvetch Mi Cut and fill slopes shall be constructed in a manner that will minimize erosion. Slopes that are found to be eroding excessively within one year of permanem stabilization, shall be provided with additional slope stabilizing measures urdil the problem is corrected. MS.8 Concentrated runoff shall not flow down of or fill slopes unless contained within adequate temporary or permanent channel, flume or slope drain structure. GENERAL REMARKS, MSA Whenever water seeps from a slope Nice, adequate drainage or other protection shall be provided. 1. Line shall be applied at 3 tons per acre unless otherwise noted. MS -10 All stone sewer inlets that are made operable during construction shall as protected so that sedimenbladen water cannot enter the 2. Fertilizer shalt be Type 10-20-10 unless otherwise noted. 0 conveyance system without first being filtered or otherwise treated to re . move MSd 7 Before constructed stormwater conveyance channels are made operational, adequate cullet protection and any required temporary or / newly permanent channel lining shall installed in both the wmeyarxw channel and receiving channel. TEMP. SEEDING SPECS. (Y(J/sedimen en. M5i12 When work ea alive watercourse ispedssible precautions shallbe takento diminimize encroachment, contra) sedimenton ofcau and to material shall be used (or the construction of causeways and For Planting Dates of Sepp.1 to Feb. 15 Rye Winter Rye - the work area to Me greatest extent possible during consWdion. Nonerodibie Use a 50/50 Mlx of Annunll and nstabil@e r - u coffeMams. Earthen fill may be used for these structures ff armored by nonerodible cover materials. at 50 to 100 tb. per acral. _ U MS -13 when a live watercourse must be crossed by construction vehicles mare than twice in any six-month period, a temporary stream crossing G coreWded of nonerodible material shall be provided. MS -14 All applicable federal, slte and local regulation pertaining to working in a crossing live watercourses shall be met. For Planting Dates of Feloo. 16 to April 30 Use Annual Ryegrass at 6io to 100 lb. per acre. MSd5 The bad and banks of a watercourse shall da stabilized immediately after work in the watercourse is completed. m MS -i6 Underground utility lines shall be installed in accordance with thee following standards in addition to other applicable For Planting Dates of Mayy 1 to Aug. 31 m s beta; Use German Millet at 50 If= per acre. 70, a. No more than 5DO linear feet of trench may be opened at one time. Z b. Excavated material shall be placed an the uphill side of trenches. f\ z^ c. Effluent from dewatering operations shall be filtered or passed through an approved sediment trapping device, or both, and discharged in a manner that does not adversely affect flowing streams or off-site property. d. Reslabillzation shall be accomplished in accordance with these regulations. Z Points "A" should be higher than Point "811 e. Applicable safety regulations shall be complied with. MS Where construction vehicle access routes intersect paved public roads, provisions shall be made to minimize the trareport of sediment by Drainageway Installation -17 vehicular tracking onto the paved surface. Where sediment is transported onto a public road surface, the road shall be cleaned thoroughly at the and Sediment be removed from the roads by shoveling or sweeping and transported to a sediment control disposal area. Street of each day. shall washing shall be allowed only after sediment is removed in this manner. This provision shall apply to Individual subdivision lots as well as to larger S l l t Fence Installation land -disturbing activities. MS -IG All temporary erosion and sediment control measures shalt be removed within 30 days after final site stabilization or after the temporary Trapped measures are no longer needed, unless Otherwise authorized by the local program administrator. from the disposition of temporary measures shall be permanently stabilized to prevent further erosion sediment and the disturbed soil areas resulting and sedimentation, MS -19 Stormwater management for this project is to be handled by a proposed regional facility immediately south of the prolecl. Mulch Specifications SMas a Ibr- 15 to 20 too ps an (2A min for ries tae)- free Iran wed' ad mise new, Ws be wxhad. speed by IOnd a News. Ran Yin- VA 1500 K at axe- th ed ue a weer mer a dicing not, dry Voles' Md)' a sury. Cam Adis - 4-6 tan pa aa- Cd or shddd ale 4-6r trgtm. Ar died. Do not ax b fine hA arm. apply by had or Oars. Wind Chips - 4-6 ton per con- Fra of mix mdiler. Ar dried. Trod wb 12 b. nitrogen/tar th not use in in bot sees. Mpy ty Iwrd, Maser a clip fender. fiat Cho a 9MMW Bolt- s-70 C.T. pe are- his of Cama mofler. Ar Orad. Do not a in IN taf wax Moly by Iwd, blower or dip handle Alan lbs gWrh a the Only amlabw aden dadng pi wsn W. should be and, owly at rale of ZODD bper a. a OFFSITE AREA& All soil sourced from off site will come from a borrow area with an active grading permit. Outlet Protection Filter Cloth w / Key in 6-9" recommended for entire perimeter 1. Apron Muting May be lap Rap, grouted Riprap Gabion Basket, or concrete. 2. La= length of ripmp apron as specified. 3. d= Istime max atone diameter but not less than 6 in. General construction notes for Erosion and Sediment Control plans 1. The plan approving authority must be notified one week prior to the pre -construction conference, one week prior to the commencement of land disturbing activity, and one week prior to the final inspection. 2. All erosion and sediment control measures will be constructed and maintained according to minimum standards and specifications of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook and Virginia Regulations VR 625-02-00 Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations. 3. All erosion and sediment control measures are to be placed prior to or as the first step in clearing. 4. A copy of the approved erosion and sediment control plan shall be maintained on the site at all times. 5. Prior to commencing land disturbing activities in areas other than indicated on these plans (including, but not limited to, off-site borrow or waste areas), the contractor shall submit a supplementary erosion control plan to the owner for review and approval by the plan approving authority. 6. The contractor is responsible for installation of any additional erosion control measures necessary to prevent erosion and sedimentation as determined by the plan approving authority. 7. All disturbed areas are to drain to approved sediment control measures at all times during land disturbing activities and during site development until final stabilization is achieved. 8. During dewatering operations, water will be pumped into an approved filtering device. 9. The contractor shall inspect all erosion control measures periodically and after each runoffproducing rainfall event. Any necessary repairs or cleanup to maintain the effectiveness of the erosion control devices shall be made immediately. Albemarle County Engineering Final Plan General Notes Page 3 of 4 10. All fill material to be taken from an approved, designated borrow area. 11. All waste materials shall be taken to an approved waste area. Earth fill shall be inert materials only, free of roots, stumps, wood, rubbish, and other debris. 12. Borrow or waste areas are to be reclaimed within 7 days of completion per Zoning Ordinance section 5.1.28. 13. All inert materials shall be transported in compliance with section 13301 of the Code of Albemarle. 14. Borrow, fill or waste activity involving industrial -type power equipment shall be limited to the hours of 7:00am to 9:00pm. 15. Borrow, fill or waste activity shall be conducted in a safe manner than maintains lateral support, or order to minimize any hazard to persons, physical damage to adjacent land and improvements, and damage to any public street because o slides, sinking, or collapse. 16. The developer shall reserve the right to install, maintain, remove or convert to permanent stormwater management facilities where applicable all erosion control measures required by this plan regardless of the sale of any lot, unit, building or other portion of the property. 17. Temporary stabilization shall be temporary seeding and mulching. Seeding is to be at 75 lbs/acre, and in the months of September to February to consist a 50/50 mix of Annual Ryegrass and Cereal Winter Rye, or in March and April to consist of Annual Rye, or May through August to consist of German Millet. Straw mulch is to be applied at 801bs/100sf. Alternatives are subject to approved by the County erosion control inspector. 18. Permanent stabilization shall be lime and fertilizer, permanent seeding, and mulch. Agricultural grade limestone shall be applied at 90lbs/l000sf, incorporated into the top 4.6 inches of soil. Fertilizer shall be applied at 1000lbs/acre and consist of a 10-20-10 nutrient mix. Permanent seeding shall be applied at 180lbs/acre and consist of 95% Kentucky 31 or Tall Fescue and 0-5% Perennial Ryegrass or Kentucky Bluegrass. Straw mulch is to be applied at 80lbs/100sf. Alternatives are subject to approved by the County erosion control inspector. 19. Maintenance: All measures are to be inspected weekly and after each rainfall. Any damage or clogging to structural measures is to be repair immediately. Sift traps are to be cleaned when 50% of the wet storage volume is filled with sediment. All seeded areas are to be reseeded when necessary to achieve a good stand of grass. Silt fence and diversion dykes which are collecting sediment to half their height must ae cleaned and repaired immediately. 20. All temporary erosion and sediment control measures are to be removed within 30 days of final site stabilization, when measures are no longer needed, subject to approval by the County erosion control inspector. 21. This plan shall be void if the owner does not obtain a permit within i year of the date of approval. (Water Protection Ordinance section 17.204G.) 22. Permanent vegetation shall be installed on all denuded areas within nine (9) months after the date the land disturbing activity commenced. (Water Protection Ordinance section 17- 201 FINAL Drawing 30SEPI0 ii Ir ?l, SHEET No 2 OF 2 I DWI, NO 08-012 Z m s - i r - u _ U G m T m s x Z z^ Z ii Ir ?l, SHEET No 2 OF 2 I DWI, NO 08-012 Z _- ii Ir ?l, SHEET No 2 OF 2 I DWI, NO 08-012 Hatched Area Denotes Floodway 10 TMP dDowntTA Zane Downtown Crozet D1et, N/F S Ith Use: i2 eldentlal� IF 56,42-0 -Z dried C-1 I' 449 � O L \1V ((DN 662.00 4 3' dvl 661.00 l 9 `1 \ eamc9 r ` I , ,\ a44a 1 It O i M Fenee " \ i 660.06 TMP 56A2-11 `\ ��\1 Pence Zoned R-2 N/F County of 'r , `` s"' n• f°' `' Albemarle m Use: Forest 1 4s PVC Roof drain 6132 6. w BFIUOO K° All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach and be maintained at mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant. V Off alte trsee proving shade for proposed Dogwoods X ;k A a w• i e�nn o/c, E rg /on A O_ D A N \�O 2,1 y vmp. so' �a G r wets, s-vt L°7 b" rw lb OG /� `ot Fir Y sirs^ j'- qI " PI ( d Ex. � o` PROPOSED LANDSCAPE PLAN ti- pp m oEe Dave. y cm t=m a eU'r% m lE nn30 W "' ZQO+ CD O W%N V m d N � y o y rw L 0 O d00 >CD Q N � a -4 V o 4 0 IL Q W V Z, �vto T N co Q F s„� N N N N O U N 0 CD O a SYMBOL KEY EXISTING SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME A Ju fans highs Black Walnut B Picea abies Noma Spruce C Magnolia grandfflora Sothem Ma nolia D Ilex connote Chinese Holl E Cornus florida Flowering Dogwood F Prunus serotina Wild Cherry M Juni erus virginiana Eastern Redcadar N Rhododendron Azalea PRORPOSED SYMBOL BOTANICALNAME COMMON NAME I CITY. I SIZE iijit PLANTING G Platanus aceritolia London Plane "Blood cod" 3 1 3-1/2"Caliper H Cornus x'Constellation' woodooH Ded 3 5' Ht. 1 O endrum arboreum d 3 B Ht J Acer wbrum'Red Sunset' .rd Maple ov 2 8-10' Ht. K Taxodium distichum Bald C ress 1 1 6-8' Ht. L Buxus sem ervirens jAmencam Boxwood 13 1 24" Ht. All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach and be maintained at mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant. V Off alte trsee proving shade for proposed Dogwoods X ;k A a w• i e�nn o/c, E rg /on A O_ D A N \�O 2,1 y vmp. so' �a G r wets, s-vt L°7 b" rw lb OG /� `ot Fir Y sirs^ j'- qI " PI ( d Ex. � o` PROPOSED LANDSCAPE PLAN ti- pp m oEe Dave. y cm t=m a eU'r% m lE nn30 W "' ZQO+ CD O W%N V m d N � y o y rw L 0 O d00 >CD Q N � a -4 V o 4 0 IL Q W V Z, �vto T N co Q F s„� N N N N O U N 0 CD O a