HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200900076 Application 2009-09-15Community Development Department tlfr County Albemarle McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 -4596 Voice : (434) 296 -5832 Fax : (434) 972 -4126 a , • Planning Application 1 PARCEL / OWNER INFORMATION TMP 055E0- 01- 00 -000A1 Owner(s): MARCH MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES LLC Application # SDP200900076 PROPERTY INFORMATION Legal Description OLD TRAIL PARENT TRACT Magisterial Dist. Whitehall Land Use Primary Commercial Current AFD Not in A/F District Current Zoning Primary Neighborhood Model District APPLICATION INFORMATION House #Street Name Apt / Suite City State Zip Street Address [494 GOLF DR CROZET 122932 - Entered By: Todd Shiflett on 09/15/2009 Application Type Site Development Plans Project: Old Trail Village Phase 9 (Blocks 4,11,13,14) - Prelim.6,923.00 Received Date 09/14/2009 Received Date Final Total Fees $ 3,965.50 Submittal Date 09/14/2009 Submittal Date Final Total Paid $ 3,965.50 Closing File Date Revision Number Comments: Legal Ad i SUB APPLICATION(s) Type Sub Application Date Comments: Preliminary - Non - residential 09/14/2009 APPLICANT / CONTACT INFORMATION Primary Contact Name SCOTT COLLINS - COLLINS ENGINEERING Phone # (434) 293 -3719 Street Address 800 E. JEFFERSON ST.Fax # 434) 245 -0300 City / State CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA Zip Code 22902 -0000 E -mail scott@collins- engineering.com Cellular # ( ) Owner /Applicant Name MARCH MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES LLC Phone # ( ) Jj Street Address 800 EAST JEFFERSON STREET Fax # City / State CHARLOTTESVILLE VA Zip Code 22902- E -mail _1 Cellular # ( ) Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date C' 1 / t C Vi ' Application for rtVariationsfromApprovedPlans Codes and Standards of Development DATE:9/14/09 Nnn or PLANNED DISTRICT: OLD TRAIL VILLAGE l,9n Nl 11131?R(s): ZMA -04 -024 Contact Person: SCOTT COLLINS, COLLINS ENGINEERING padres 800 E. JEFFERSON ST City CHARLOTTESVILLE State VA Zip 22902 Daytime Phone 434 293 -3719 Fax 4 ( 434 293 -3719 scott @collins- engineering.comDaytime What type of change is requested ?: Variation to the Plan 11 Variation to the Code or Standard Provide a copy of the existing plan (may be a reduced copy) illustrating the area for which the change is requested. Provide a graphic representation of the requested change. Describe the variation being sought (play attach separate sheets): Allow reductions in approved right of way widths for streets within Old Trail Village NMD as listed on the attached table and as shown on the attached exhibit. What is the reason for each of the requested variations ?: The general development plan was established to show conceptually how the proposed density and scale of development would fit within the parcel. During the site plan phase, specific building and unit types are more defined and the detailed design can be determined. Based on the units and parking lot designs proposed within the lots, it has been determined that some locations of originally proposed on- street parking are no longer necessary, and a tighter street right -of -way is desired to improve the streetscape and encourage pedestrian mobility. County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296 -5832 Fax: (434) 972 -4126 7/24/06 Page 1 of 2 In accordance with § c) of the Zoning Ordinance, in order to grant the variation, the Planning Director must make positive findings under 5 criteria. Please provide information about these criteria for the Director's consideration (may attach separate sheets). 1. Is the variation consistent with the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan? yes - the Neighborhood Model District will not be compromised in any way 2. Does the variation increase the approved development density or intensity of development? No - approved densities and non - residential uses is not proposed to change. 3. Does the variation adversely affect the timing and phasing of development of any other development in the zoning district? No 4. Does the variation require a special use permit? No 5. Is it in general accord with the purpose and intent of the approved rezoning application? yes VARIATIONS FROM APPROVED PLANS, CODES, AND STANDARDS OF DEVELOPMENT The director of planning and community development may allow a site plan or subdivision plat for a planned development to vary from an approved application plan, standard of development and, also, in the case of a neighborhood model district, a general development plan or code of development, as provided herein: a. The director is authorized to grant a variation from the following provisions of an approved plan. code or standard: 1. Minor variations to yard requirements, maximum structure heights and minimum lot sizes; 2. Changes to the arrangement of buildings and uses shown on the plan, provided that the major elements shown on the plan and their relationships remain the same; 3. Changes to phasing plans; 4. Minor changes to landscape or architectural standards; and 5. Minor variations to street design. d. Any variation not expressly provided for herein may be accomplished by rezoning. 7/24/06 Page 2 of 2 V)WzJ CO Z ( N 0 0 0 0 0 C CW axt CO0C LL O F- um) In In Ln Ln ao p w 00 4 cr 00 00 O1 4. Ln Ln ct 4 Lnz0 N w ULL J O 7 1 Z N r- 1 N N N <- 1 N 1- I m ›- Q p CC O r O a) Ln I- Y = O u a O Q um mJ O Hp 0 dim 0 0 0 dm O v cC O Ln U L D Lc) L Ln o CfCCzOf— v Q 0CD M T C o o?$ • 1 06 o0. S fC a1 v NC L J 0C 0 0 CC 0 DA C O C to ro ro cc • QJ QJ U I I I LL W CO O CC 0 cC 0cC r. gaiii:. 1 ; ei 1 - 1 , p Wild NOIIVI/ J0dSNV21.1. 2 i 2,,-- - 1- Tr,- i i 2 ; , 9 ,,, i P 4 4, DNINOZ911 39V lIVi_ l_ alo Abovouvpay 1 unp.•• PI I i.. eptven 1 1... ... a nis t h.„ / 1-;, r, 74144. V.:=,.;: f,''':„==: V, dflOIJD SNOWIAIIJL s• o , I' lli i .< 3: vtic , 19. siov, NeR.v vvv v,,,,, l il. ! v' - 1 ' v• I ','• F,', L Y 1 f ' LI w ,,-- , ----,,-- 1 1 f' r a; Jf j_ l gl5 1,-. nekElf21 ttl ' ' I 4,, , , ;:., ••','' 4 4 ?., F.. 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L") 0''''''''..- ": , 1 . 1 -. 1 L., Z C,, i 1 i t_ LOINt, RUN Z,, - , „-,,..,-, ,„ 4- 1 1 i 1 i f 1. 1- - I I m---- II 1 A t i' i i, Application for JCI iplpr'r Site Development Plans and Site Phan Waiver M, SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS SITE PLAN WAIVER Preliminary Site Development Plan (Subject to Planning Commission Review)Site Plan Waiver Ordinance Section Number) = $270 Residential = 51,190 plus $13 /dwelling unit 8 folded copies of sketch plan are required Non - residential = $1,580 plus $13/1,000 sq. ft. of dev. 17 folded copies of plan are required Final Site Development Plan (Administrative Review) ) . c L) c 5 _ `Residential = $410? ?? 11S' v Non - residential = $410 8 folded copies ofplan are required for first submission OR Final Site Development Plan (Subject to Planning Commission Review) Prior to preliminary approval = $1,130 17folded copies ofplan are required After preliminary approval = $790 8 folded copies ofplan are required for first submission Two (2) mylars and two (2) paper copies ofplan are required for signing offinal plan GROUNDWATER ASSESSMENT Required for all non - residential site plans not serviced by public watc'i) If the plans show a use less than 2,000 gallons per day Tier 3 Groundwater Review = $400 If the plans show a use greater than 2,000 gallons per day Tier 4 Groundwater Review = $1,000 Project Name: OLD TRAIL VILLAGE PHASE 9 BLOCKS 4, 11, 13, 14 Tax map and parcel: 55E1 - portion)Magisterial District: WHITEHALL Zoning: NMD Physical Street Address (if assigned): N/A Location of property ( landmarks. intersections, or other): east side of Old Trail Drive, Crozet Contact Person (Who should we call /write concerning this project ?): SCOTT COLLINS - COLLINS ENGINEERING Address 800 E. JEFFERSON ST City CHARLOTTESVILLESt VA Zip 22902 Daytime Phone ( 431 - 293 - 3719 Fax #(434)-245-0300 p- ,,, scott @collins - engineering.cc Owner of Record MARCH MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES, LLC 800 E. JEFFERSON ST.CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22902 Address city Stat Lip Daytime Phone ( Fax # ( E -mail Applicant (Who is the Contact person representing ?): BEIGHTS DEVELOPMENT CORPORAT Address 800 E. JEFFERSON ST.ci CHARLOTTESVILLE State VA zip 22902 Daytime Phone p4i -245-0100 Fax #( 434 - 245 - 0300 E -mail FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SDP #fJi. r`C v j Fee Amount $ J 145, je=' Date Paid -et 13y vs ho? etie L d'-_Receipt # G f Ck# £2 3() By:5 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296 -5832 Fax: (434) 972 -4126 11/119/07 Page 1 oft Type of Development Residential Non- resIttential Type of unit(s):VARIES I] Commercial Industrial Quasi- Public of building(s): Sq. ft. of building(s): VARIES Sq. ft. of building(s): of units per building: VARIES Acreage of site: Total # of units:Acreage in open space: Resulting density:Acreage in roads: Acreage of site:Average gallons of water used per day: Acreage in open space: 0 Acreage in roads: 0 Average gallons of water used per day: Intended use or justification for request: DEVELOPMENT CONSISTENT WITH APPROVED NEIGHBORHOOD MODEL DISTRICT FOR OLD TRAIL VILLAGE Owner /Applicant Must Read and Sign This site plan as submitted contains all of the information required by Section 32.5 (Preliminary Plan) or Section 32.6 (Final Plan) of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. I understand that plans which lack information required by said sections shall be deemed incomplete and shall be denied by the agent within ten (10) days of submittal as provided in Section or Section as the case may be. For Final Plans Only: To the best of my knowledge, I have complied with Section and obtained tentative approvals for all applicable conditions from the appropriate agencies. 9/14/09 Signature of Owner, C t Purchaser, Agent Date SCOTT COLLINS, PE 434 - 293 -3719 Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory 11//19/07 Page 2 oft Application for Variations from Approved Plans, Codes and Standards of Development DATE: 9/14/09 - revised 1/13/10 NAME OF PLANNED DISTRICT: OLD TRAIL VILLAGE ZMA NUMBER(s): ZMA -04 -024 Contact Person: SCOTT COLLINS, COLLINS ENGINEERING Address 800 E. JEFFERSON ST City, CHARLOTTESVILLE State VA Zit 22902 Daytime Phone t 434 293 -3719 Fax # ( 434 293 -3719 E -mail scott @collins- engineering.com What type of change is requested ?: n Variation to the Plan n Variation to the Code or Standard Provide a copy of the existing plan (may be a reduced copy) illustrating the area for which the change is requested. Provide a graphic representation of the requested change. Describe the variation being sought (may attach separate sheets): Allow flexibility to modify road descriptions, dimensions & classifications during final site plan review. What is the reason for each of the requested variations ?: The general development plan was established to show conceptually how the proposed density and scale of development would fit within the parcel. During the site plan phase, specific building and unit types are more defined and the detailed design can be determined. The overall development will be better served if the street specifications listed in the code of development are utilized as a guideline and allowed to change based on uses and building types proposed, always subject to VDOT and Albemarle County approval. County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296 -5832 Fax: (434) 972 -4126 7 Page I oft In accordance with § c) of the Zoning Ordinance, in order to grant the variation, the Planning Director must make positive findings under 5 criteria. Please provide information about these criteria for the Director's consideration (may attach separate sheets). 1. Is the variation consistent with the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan? yes - the Neighborhood Model District will not be compromised in any way 2. Does the variation increase the approved development density or intensity of development? No - approved densities and non - residential uses is not proposed to change. 3. Does the variation adversely affect the timing and phasing of development of any other development in the zoning district? No 4. Does the variation require a special use permit? No 5. Is it in general accord with the purpose and intent of the approved rezoning application? yes VARIATIONS FROM APPROVED PLANS, CODES, AND STANDARDS OF DEVELOPMENT The director of planning and community development may allow a site plan or subdivision plat for a planned development to vary from an approved application plan, standard of development and, also, in the case of a neighborhood model district, a general development plan or code of development, as provided herein: a. The director is authorized to grant a variation from the following provisions of an approved plan, code or standard: 1. Minor variations to yard requirements, maximum structure heights and minimum lot sizes; 2. Changes to the arrangement of buildings and uses shown on the plan, provided that the major elements shown on the plan and their relationships remain the same; 3. Changes to phasing plans; 4. Minor changes to landscape or architectural standards; and 5. Minor variations to street design. d. Any variation not expressly provided for herein may be accomplished by rezoning. 7;24/06 Page 2 oft ri LU • a In In LO LO Ln In In LO LO In LO LO Lf) LO Lo CO LO In In LO LO CO In LO LO A- e r r r r r c- r r r r e- r r r r- r r C n" le0 CO CO CO L() CO Lo CO Ln CO LO Co to L) co to to to Lip to to to to to to to Ce vi a bC Y y N O s 3 4- 1 O, 0 i0 LO LO LO LO LO LO LO in LO LO LO in LO LO LQ in LO LO in in LO TO LO - LO UE. 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