HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200900006 Plan - Approved 2009-05-04SITE DEVELOPMENT DATA EXISTING USE: VACANT TAX MAP ID#: TM 32-41 D5 VIA DEED BOOK: D.B. 3667, PG. 685 PROPOSED USE: HOTEL (77 UNITS) COMFORT SUITES INN AT HO.LLYM.EA.D TOWN CENTER ZONING: PLANNED DEVELOPMENT MIXED COMMERCIAL (PDMC) ZONING CASE #: ZMA 01-019, 01-20, 02-02 BUILDING (PER ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE, CHAPTER 18, SECTION 21.4) NOT TO EXCEED 65' PROVIDED ANY STRUCTURE EXCEEDING 35' SHALL BE SET BACK FROM ANY STREET RIGHT OF WAY, IN ADDITION TO MINIMUM YARD REQUIREMENTS, A DISTANCE OF NOT LESS THAN 2' FOR EACH 1' OF HEIGHT IN EXCESS OF 35' PROVIDED: 3 -STORY HOTEL = 49-3 1/2" MINIMUM YARD REQUIREMENTS: (PER ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE, CHAPTER 18, SECTION 21.7.1) ADJACENT TO PUBLIC STREETS: STRUCTURES (EXCEPT SIGNS) - 30' MIN. HEIGHT IN EXCESS OF 35' - PROVIDE ADDITIONAL 30' SETBACK OFF STREET PARKING OR LOADING SPACE - 10' MIN. MAX. EMPLOYEE COUNT - 14 , TYPICAL = 6 PARKING REQUIREMENTS: PARKING SPACE.- 1 PACE: 1 SPACE PER ROOM(77 ROOMS) = 77 SPACES REQ'D 1/75 S.F. OF CONFERENCE ROOM(800 S.F CONFERENCE ROOM): =10 SPACES REQ'D TOTAL SPACES REQUIRED: =87 SPACES REQ'D ONSITE PARKING PROVIDED(INCLUDING 4 HANICAPPED): =87 SPACES PROVIDED ON/OFFSITE PARKING PROVIDED(FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT): =68 SPACES PROVIDED TOTAL ON/OFFSITE SPACES PROVIDED = 155 SPACES PROVIDED OFFSITE PARKING REQUIRES SPECIAL USE PERMIT -AS FILED 3/2/09) ACREAGE USE AREA: PARCEL SIZE: 1.97 AC. (85,813.20 S.F.) TOTAL S.F. OF BUILDING: 49,734 S.F.(3 STORY) BUILDING FOOTPRINT: 16,706 S.F.(FIRST FLOOR) GREENSPACE 23128.31 S.F. (27%) STORAGE/PARKING (HOTEL): 15,876 S.F. USS 19% HOTEL 18% PARKING IMEERVIOUS EXISTING CONDITIONS = 0 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT = 629685 S.F (73.0%) TRAFFIC TRIP GENERATION PER ITE 8TH EDT. 7L ROOM HOTEL; LAND USE CODE 310: HOTEL AM PEAK: 44 VPD PM PEAK: 46 VPD DAILY: 630 VPgDROPOSED LEGEN D ASPHALT PAVEMENT 0•••• SANITARY SEWER LINE z WATER LINE ter STORM PIPE Q DRAINAGE STRUCTURE NUMBER 174,_1 PROPOSED FINISHED GRADE CONTOUR ELEVATION P DENOTES EDGE OF PAVEMENT TIC DENOTES TOP OF CURB f/C DENOTES FACE OF CURB MEASURED TO BACK OF ANY ROLL FACE CURB) S/C DENOTES BACK OF CURB RIO DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN EXISTING PAVEMENT PROPERTY LINE 0---- SANITARY SEWER WATER LINE 0/E-- POWER LINE U DENOTES UNDERGROUND u. G. E. ELECTRICA LINE —0 DENOTES OVERHEAD GAS--- GAS LINE CULVERT OR STORM SEWER PIPE FIRE HYDRANT 174--- EXISTING CONTOUR ELEVATION NOTES: t. ALL STORM PIPE LENGTHS ARE MEASURED FROM CENTER OF DRAINAGE STRUCTURES (D.I. OR M.H.) 2. ALL SAN. SEWER PIPE LENGTHS ARE MEASURED BETWEEN INSIDE SURFACES OF MANHOLES UPPER STATION— LOWER STATION -4' =LEITH) 3. CONTRACTOR IS TO MAKE HIS OWN TAKE—OF ON THESE PLANS AS ANY QUANTITIES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY TO SHOW SCOPE OF WORK - 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLETION AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF ALL CONSTRUCTION AND UTILITY LINES. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH VIRGINIA STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PERMITS. A STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SHALL BE DEVELOPED AND IMPLEMENTED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR THIS CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. 0 VICINITY MAP Scale: 1' = 20010' BEFORE YOU DIG CALL t-800-552-7001 PROTECT YOURSELF. GIVE 17HREE WORKING DAYS NOTICff BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY AND BENCHMARKS PROVIDED BY OWNER PER RIVANNA ENGINEERING & SURVEYING,PLC. DATED 07-03-08 OWNER,/DEVELOPER.- HOLLYMEAD TOWN CENTER HOTEL LLC. 8350, BROOK ROAD, RICHMOND, VA, 23227 PHONE NO.: (804)-985•-0149 FAX: (804)-262-5180 CONTACT: TEJAS PATEL EMAIL: tejas234©comcast.net ENGINEER: RUMMEL, KLEPPER, & KAHL, LLP 801 E. MAIN STREET, SUITE 1000 RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23219 PHONE NO. : (804)782--1903 FAX NO. (804)782-2142 E—MAIL mmills@.rkk.com ATTN. : MALACHI M. MILLS, PE SHEET NQ. 1 OF 10 2 OF 10 3 OF 10 4 OF 10 5 OF 10 6 OF 10 7OF10 8OF10 9OF10 9A OF 10 10 OF 10 ReSubrrhttal Type viewed and -. by the Community D- elopment -.. D; • _ r+ 1 INDEX TITL COVER SHEET GENERAL NOTES & TYPICAL DETAILS OVERALL EXISTING CONDITION PLAN EROSION CONTROL NOTES AND DETAILS OVERALL EROSION CONTROL PLAN OVERALL LAYOUT AND DEMO PLAN LAYOUT PLAN UTILITY PLAN GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN PROFFERS AND CONDITIONS LANDSCAPE PLAN -- C2• -LANDSCAPE PLAN (CONCCPTUAL ONLY) LIGHTING & PHOTOMETRIC PLAN -SHEET 1 (CONCCPTUAL ONLY) SHEET 2 APPROVALS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNER / ZONING ENGINEER INSPECTIONS ARB DEPARTMENT OF FIRE RESCUE ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY, VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HEALTH DEPARTMENT DATE 5*DT'q-2m9-0oco(o z n O U W G - ca Ln o W in z o) Q 00 a o w W Z o CL 0 W W J tz i— LLJW V) Li 0 0 N zw ZW e!' Z Z N W z V) Z Q N W 0 f-- Q Z i W U U I Q U W W Q:x J 0. M J?ov>E J 0W m O I J c= 00 Q W J tz i— LLJW V) Li 0 0 moo ` j X00 n NJOe!' O O N W z 0 WW z Q N W W F" U Q z Q i W U U moo ` j X00 n z wm" . -V x_40 NJOe!' O O N Von N W F" V— N 00 N w 4 O I w W 0. 0 M J?ov>E w O I J c= 00 Wwx.. o O 0o a. v z wm" . -V x_40 GENERAL NOTES 1, EXISTING UIILITIFS THE LOCATION OF EXISTING SEWER, WATER, POWER, GAS, TELEPHONE, AND 10. ELEVATIONS ON THE PLANS ARE TO DATUM ESTABLISHED BY THE N.G.S. OF OTHER UTILITIES AND STRUCTURES WHICH ARE LOCATED ACROSS, UNDERNEATH, THE N.OAA. ALONG AND WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE PROPOSED WORK ARE NOT NECESSARILY 11. A LONGITUDINAL DROP INLET (ON GRADE) SHALL BE POURED WiTH THE SHOWN ON THE PLANS, AND WHERE SHOWN ARE ONLY APPROXIMATELY CORRECT. S THE CURB AND GUTTER UNLESSTHROATTM PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE UNDERGROUND OTHERWISE E PLANING NS. PROTECTION CENTER ("MISS UTILITY-) Y-) AT 1-800-552-7001 AND, AT HIS OWN 12. ALL CONSTRUCTION STAKING WILL BE AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE UTILIZING COST, VERIFY THE LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES A VIRGINIA CERTIFED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR LAND SURVEYOR UNLESS AGREED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION. HE SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER UPON BY THE OWNER IN WRITING. COPIES OF ALL SlTEWORK CUT SHEETS ARE TO IMMEDIATELY iF THERE APPEARS TO BE A CONSTRUCTION CONFLICT OR UPON BE FURNISHED TO ENGINEER FOR HIS REVIEW PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR DISCOVERY OF ANY UTILITY NOT SHOWN ON THE PLAN. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY ADVERSE CONSEQUENCES IF CUT SHEETS ARE NOT BE LIABLE FOR ALL DAMAGE DONE TO ANY STRUCTURES OR PROPERTY THROUGH PROVIDED TO ENGINEER FOR HIS REVIEW PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. COST OF THIS HIS CARELESSNESS OR NEGLIGENCE. ANY GRADE STAKES, HUBS, ETC. DESTROYED REVIEW TO BE BORNE BY CONTRACTOR. WILL BE REPLACED AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE APPLICABLE GOVERNMENTAL PUBLIC GENERAL WATER SEWER CO N D iTI O N S WORKS AND PUBLIC UTILITY DEPARTMENT AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRiOR TO START 1 WORK SHALL BE SUBJECT TO INSPECTION BY ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY INSPECTORS. THE OF WORK ON THE PROJECT. CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR NOTIFYING THE PROPER SERVICE AUTHORITY OFFICIALS AT THE 2. MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP ALL MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE START OF THE WORK. 2. THE LOCATON OF EXISTING UTILITIES ACROSS THE LINE OF THE PROPOSED WORK ARE NOT NECESSARILYLATESTEDITIONSOF: L VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONS "ROAD DESIGN SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND WHERE SHOWN, ARE ONLY APPROXIMATELY CORRECT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ON HIS OWN INITIATIVE LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND LINES AND STRUCTURES AS NECESSARY. STANDARDS" AND "ROAD BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS". B) APPLICABLE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 3. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE GENERAL WATER C) THE LATEST RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING CONSTRUCTION DEMOLITION AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS AS ADOPTED BY THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY. AND EXCAVATION AS ADOPTED BY THE SAFETY CODES COMMISSION OF THE 4. DATUM FOR ALL ELEVATIONS SHOWN IN NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY. COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA AND OOSHA. 5• THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSINBLE FOR NOTIFYING "MISS UTILITY" (1-800-552-7001). 3. DEVIATION FROM PLANS 6. ALL WATER AND SEWER PIPES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF 3 FT. OF COVER MEASURED FROM THE TOP OF NO DEVIATION FROM THESE PLANS WILL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PIPE. OVER THE CENTERLINE OF PIPE. THIS INCLUDES ALL FIRE HYDRANT LINES, SERVICE LATERALS APPROVAL OF THE OWNER, ENGINEER AND AFFECTED GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES. AND WATERLINES. ETC. 4• CLEARING AND GRUBBING 7. ALL WATER AND SEWER APPURTENANCES ARE TO BE LOCATED OUTSIDE OF ROADSIDE DITCHES. A ALL GROWTH OF TREES, OTHER VEGETATION AND OBJECTIONABLE DEBRIS 8. VALVES ON DEi1DEND ONES SHALL BERODDED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE RESTRAIN FOR THE VALVE DURINGSHAMBECLEAREDANDGRUBBEDFROMTHEPROPOSEDPAVEDANDBUILDING J AREAS AS WELL AS AREAS INDICATED TO BE GRADED ON THE PLANS A FUTURE EXTENSION OF THE LINE. B. ALL CLEARING AND GRUBBING WITHIN THE UTILITY EASEMENTS AND SPECIAL FILL AREAS SHALL BE TO THE LENGTH AND WIDTH NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT GENERAL CO N STR U CTI ON NOTES THE IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. w C. ALL TREES, BRANCHES, VEGETATION AND DEBRIS SHALL BE DISPOSED OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY E N G I N E ER I N G IN A LEGAL MANNER ACCEPTABLE TO THE OWNER AND ENGINEER. BURNING PERMITS WILL BE OBTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT HIS EXPENSE. 1. PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTON WITHIN ANY EXISTING PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, INCLUDING CONNECTION D. ALL TREES AND VEGETATION WHICH OBSTRUCT SIGHT DISTANCES AT ROAD TO ANY EXISTING ROAD, A PERMIT SHALL BE OBTMED FROM THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF INTERSECTIONS SHAH. BE REMOVED SO AS TO OBTAIN THE MAXIMUM SIGHT TRANSPORTATION (VDOT). THIS PLAN AS DRAWN MAY NOT ACCURATELY REFLECT THE REQUIREMENTS DISTANCE AT EACH INTERSECTION OF THE PERMIT. WHERE ANY DISCREPANCIES OCCUR THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PERMIT SHALT. GOVERN. 5. TOPSOIL STRIPPIN 2. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRCTION METHODS SHALL CONFORM TO CURRENT SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE TOPSOIL TO ITS ENTIRE DEPTH FROM ALL OF V.D.O.T. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. AREAS TO BE GRADED AND OR FILLED. HE SHALL STOCKPILE OR REMOVE 3. EROSION AND SILTATION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVEDTHETOPSOILFROMTHESITEATOWNERSDIRECTION. EROSION CONTROL PLAN AND SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY CLEARING, GRADING OR OTHER 6. GRADING CONSTRUCTION. A. ROADWAYS, EASEMENTS, AND SPECIAL FILL AREAS TO BE GRADED AND 4• ALL LOPE AND DISTURBED AREAS ARE TO BE FERTILIZED, SEEDED AND MULCHED. COMPACTED TO THE FINISHED SUBORNS OR GRADES AS SHOWN ON THE L» 5. THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SLOPE IS 2:1 (HORIZONAVERTICAL). WHERE REASONABLY OBTAINABLE, LESSER PLANS. CONTRACTOR OR OWNER SHALL HAVE REPRESENTATIVE SUBGRADE SLOPES OF 3:1 OR BETTER ARE TO BE ACHIEVED. CBR TEST RUN AND SHALL REPORT TO THE OWNER, ENGINEER, AND ANY 3.33 AFFECTED GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES ANY TEST WHICH SHOW A CBR OF LESS 6. PAVED, RIP -RAP OR STABILIZATION MAT LINED DITCH MAY BE REQUIRED WHEN IN THE OPINION OF THE THAN 10. IN SUCH CASE ROAD PAVEMENT DESIGN MAY HAVE TO BE RE- COUNTY ENGINEER, OR DESIGNEE. iT IS DEEMED NECESSARY IN ORDER TO STABILIZE A DRAINAGE CHANNEL DESIGNED TO MEET WITH THE ACTUAL SOIL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED 7. ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS SHALL CONFORM WiTH THE VIRGINIA MANUAL FOR UNIFORM TRAFFIC B. IF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL IS ENCOUNTERED WITHIN THE ROADWAY, PARKING CONTROL DEVICES. AREA OR ANY SPECIAL FILL AREA, IT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE ENTIRE PROPOSED PAVED AREA OR FILL AREA AND REPLACED WITH SELECT BACKFILL 8. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CONCRETE PIPE SHALL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE -CLASS III. WHICH IS SUITABLE FOR ROADWAY (OR BUILDING SIZE) CONSTRUCTION AS 9. ALL EXCAVATION FOR UNDERGROUND PIPE INSTNIATION MUST COMPLY WITH OSHA STANDARDS FOR PER 'VDOT' REQUIREMENTS AND ANY SPECIAL REQUIREIri M OF THE COUNTY THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY (29 CFR PART 1926). OWNER, ENGINEER. AND ANY AFFECTED GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES. C. FILL AND BACKFILL MATERIA. SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 95% STD. PROCTOR DENSITY AT OPTIMUM MOISTURE +-2% UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE ON THE t 8.1 Pte• NOTE: D. ALL GRADING OPERATIONS SHALL BE DONE IN SUCH A MANNER SO AS TO PROVIDE TRANSVERSE CONTRACTION JOINTS EVERY PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AT ALL TiMES. 5' AND EXPANSION JOINTS AT NO MORE THAN INTERVALS. 20' E. AT ALL ROM INTERSECTIONS IN A CUT SECTION, THE BACK SLOPES AND JOINT SEALILINN G JOINT VEGETATION SHALL BE CUT BACK WITH AT LEAST 3:1 BACK SLOPES SO AS TO MATERIAL TERIALN PROVIDE THE BEST POSSIBLE SIGHT DISTANCE VARIES FACE OF F. STANDARD SPRING BOXES (SB -1) AND UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM (UD -1 UD -2) CURBIN 5 CQN9RETE BROOM FINISHED BUILDING WILL BE INSTALLED AT LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND WHEREVER FIELD 0-4.25 :1 MIN. CONDITIONS WARRANT. 1 +/ • t • l 7. ARSE STRUCTLRES AND MIN98 UWAM N y ISOLATION JOINT W/ 0.5" A. ALL PIPE CULVERTS AND STORM SEWER SYSTEMS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER NEWPAVEMENT W/0.5"THICK PREFORMED OF 1 FOOT AND BE MADE OF THE MATERIAL. SPECIFIED ON THE PLANS. IF S COMPACTED SUBGRAD&- JOINT FILLER THIS PROJECT IS LOCATED IN ALBEMARLE COUNTY, ALL STORM SEWER SHALL 4" GRANULAR FILL HAVE A MINIMUM OF 4" INCHES AGGREGATE BEDDING MATERIA.. 0.5" THICK PREFORMED B. BACKFILL FOR ALL UTiL ITIES WITHIN PROPOSED STREETS SHALL BE PLACED J JOINT FILLER GENERALLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALBEMARLE COUNTY UTILITY SPECIFICATIONS. SIDEWALK DETAILANDTHEFOLLOWINGCRITERIA: 1) NO TRENCH SHALL BE BACKFILLED UNTIL AUTHORIZED BY THE INSPECTOR NO SCALE OR OWNER OR HiS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. MATERIALS USED FOR BACKFILL FROM THE TRENCH BOTTOM TO 12 INCHES ABOVE THE PIPE SHALL BE SELECT MATERIAL, FREE FROM FROST, LARGE CLODS, STONES, AND DEBRIS. IT SHALL BE THROUGHLY AND CAREFULLY COMPACTED TO INSURE A SOUND BACKFILL AROUND AND OVER THE PIPE. 2) BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED BY MECHANICAL TAMPING THROUGHOUT THE DEPTH OF THE TRENCH TO OBTAIN 95% DENSITY AT OPTIMUM PLAC9 W WV. r WY TNESS "POST PA N7W MOISTURE+ -2%. THIS IS TO INSURE A SUITABLE SUBBASE Kcr TE vN' kOC7 1ION '" DNiEC1m• . . LQCA1101I .MAY @E: ;SN16ACT ACCEPTABLE FOR PROPOSED STREETS AND PARKING AREAS. T01141110. NN YY ARTk1Elf APPR RAL• 3) IF IN THE OPINION OF THE OWNER, THE ENGINEER OR ANY AFFECTED GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY THE MATERIA. TAKEN FROM THE DLTCH IS NOT (>RAOE SUITABLE FOR BACKFILL, IT SHALL BE REMOVED AND ACCEPTABLE MATERIAL USED FOR BACKFILLING SHALL BE OBTAINED. C. TRENCHES SHALL BE EXCAVATED TO A MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES BELOW THE II .. ADJUSTABLE VyALVE 80X W/ LID BOTTOM OF THE BARREL OF THE PIPE AND A BEDDING SHALL BE PROVIDED II A TA1ftAR Flt:: Aro: 4!406 AND INSTALLED OF SELECT MATERIAL SUITABLE TO MEET VDOT P8-1 PIPE u (SrAI T1fPE) OR APPRovEo EQ4tAWL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS. TRENCHES SHALL NOT BE CUT OVER 16 INCHES WIDER THAN THE OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE UNLESS AN UNSUITABLE " FOUNDATION MATERIAL IS ENCOUNTERED 8. BASE AND PAVEMENT TTEMSP&WEE 9WS N A. SUBGRADE MUST BE CHECKED BY AFFECTED GOVERNMENTAL OFFICIALS, AND OWNER FOR GRADE, TEMPLATE AND COMPACTION BEFORE BASE IS APPLIED. --- M:a GATE VALVE B. BASE AND PAVEMENT MATERIALS SHALL MEET ALL 'VDOT' SPECIFICATIONS AND SHALL BE APPLIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT 'VDOT' SPECI- FICATIONS. ALL MATERIALS MUST BE TESTED AND APPROVED BY 'VDOT' OR APPLICABLE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY OFFICIALS PRIOR TO EMPLACEMENT. C. PAVING OPERATIONS SHALL NOT BE STARTED BETWEEN NOVEMBER 15 AND WATER LNE r APRIL 1 WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY OFFICIALS AND THE OWNER. - 2500 P.S.I. D. WHEN USING PUG MILLED AGGREGATE BASE MATERIAL WHICH IS TESTED vDl csETE t , s'x r BEARING AREA. 1a1[ttrST"BIaw ,aBY 'VDOT' OFFICIALS AT THE PLANT, THE TEST WILL BE GOOD FOR 90 DAYS • ,, • ` ONLY. ADDITIONAL IN PLACE" TEST SHALL BE MADE AFTER 90 DAYS. . ; ` ' E. WHEN LOCAL BASE MATERIAL (TYPE 11) IS PROPOSED FOR ROAD BASE. IT ` SHALL BE TESTED AND APPROVED BY 'VDOT' OFFICIALS PRIOR TO BEING USED. OWNER AND ANY AFFECTED GOVERNMENTAL OFFICIALS SHALL ALSO CHECK AND APPROVED LOCAL BASE MATERIALS FOR DEPTH. COMPACTION, NOTE : IN REMOTE AREAS, %VC eOXES SHALL EXTEND SEC (e)• INCHES AW& GRA0E. AND CONSISTENCY ONCE IT HAS BEEN PLACED iN ROADWAYS. 9. ALL ENTRANCE PERMITS TO PUBLIC ROADS MUST BE OBTAINED BY THE TYPICAL GATE VALVE CONTRACTOR AT HIS EXPENSE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ALL OTHER PERMITS trrs NECESSARY TO UNDERTAKE THIS PROJECT MUST BE OBTAINED BY THE w-5 CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION (AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE). 2" FM -12.5A ASPHALT 6" VDOT #21-8 STONE 4"'BGRADE TO BE COMPACTED j 0 95% STD. PROCTOR DENSITY--' O 2t OPTIMUM MOISTURE PAYEMENT DETAIL PA' NO SCALE ( DRIVE AISLES) 2" FM -12.5A ASPHALT 4" BM -25 Llf 8" VOOT STONE SUBGRADE TO BE COMPACTED 0 95% STD. PROCTOR DENSITY O 2t OPTIMUM MOISTURE PAVEMENT DETAIL _'B' NO SCALE (MAIN DRIVE ACCESS) PRECAST CONC. NEW BITUM. CONC. CURB STOP PAVEMENT 7.5" 7' l I 18 #8 ANCHOR ip 10' PER 10' RAMP DOWN PLAN RAMP DOWN QNOS5 SECTION 7" AIR ENTRAINIED 3000 PSI CONCRETE IWITH LCG-2/6 (TYP. W4.OxW4.0, 6"x(6" OR MONOLITHIC WELDED WIRE FABRIC POUR SIDEWALK CURB HP CUR CUT a• o el'• 5" _ • 8" r _ n " y CQNCR : S(t1E1lVi4 10 i,R ti ,.RLAN CRUSHED AGGREGATED BASE COURSE VQOT# 21B\_ .PLAN COMPACTED SUBGRADE pI'APPED ACCESS (HP CURB CUT CONCRETE PAVEME,T DETAIL NO SCALE NO SCALE NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO MAINTAIN MAXIMUM 2% GRADE IN ANY DIRECTION IN PARKING AREA. ALSO THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CROSS SLOPE Of ANY ACCESSIBLE ROUTE TO BUILDING FROM PARKING AREA IS 2X. HANDICAPPED PARKING HANDICAPPED SPACES SHALL BE IDEENTIFiED BY ABOVE GRADE SIGNS AS RESERVED FOR PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED PERSONS. THE LOWER EDGE OF SIGNS SHALL BE AT LEAST FOUR (4) FEET ABOVE -GRADE, BUT NO HIGHER THAN SEVEN (7) FEET ABOVE -GRADIS. HANDICAPPED PARKING SIGN USE "VAN" ACCESSIBLE SIGN WHERE DESIGNATED ON PLANS) 14 Wenn A. ^1 IT•rrn NOTE: HYDRANT MUST BE KENNEDY GUARDIAN (K -SIA) EQUIPPED WITH CHARLOTTES- MUEt LER CENTURION (A-423) VILLE THREADS WHICH IS Q OR APPROVED EQUAL THE LOCAL 'STANDARD. LENGTH OF BRANCH VARIES 270•) MIN2' TO 10' ONTCU. FT. la" ALVE B GRAVEL. S' GATE VALVE TEE 25M P.S.I. CONCRETE •• BASE AND THRUST t a ;• . +•• ; BLOCK AGAINST UNDISIURBEO STABLE SOIL STEEL PILE 3/4" THREADED RODS TO WHEN THE SOIL IS DISTURBED OR YIiIEN MAIN IN ALL INSTALLATIONS. A HYDRANT IS LOCATED IN A FILL, ANCHOR RODS SHALL BE GALVANIZED THE VALVE TO THE HYDRANT WITH 2-3/{' OR ASPHALT COATED THREADED RODS IN ADDITION TO POURNNO CONCRETE. IF NECESSARY. A STEEL PILE SHALL BE USED AS ADDITIONAL SUPPORT UM : 1. SURROUND WEEP HOLES WITH GRAVEL AND KEEP FREE OF CONCRETE. 2. MAINTAIN A 3' MIN. COVER FROM THE MAIN TO THE FIRE HYDRANT IJCLUDBIG DITCHES ) 3 FINISHED GRADE SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM THE FIRE HYDRANT AND VALVE BOX. 4. THE GATE VALVE IS ALLOWED IN SHOULDER OR BEHIND THE DITCH. IT IS NOT ALLOWED IN THE DITCH. S. Fire hydrants shall be installed at locations where veep holes are above the pretailing grooadvater elevation. If required to be in vet areas. the weep holes shall be plugged and the hydrast shall be puvped dry. TYPICAL FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY DETAIL H.T.S. Bffective. August 19. 2005 FTG. W-4 N 2" RADIUS CONC. TO BE CLASS A-3 a co s; IF CAST IN PLACE, 0 ,''. SURFACE CLASS A4 IF PRECAST BASE A4 SUBBASE 6 V.D.O.T. STD. CG -2 NO SCALE 45' •r- I PWO FOR ALL BENDS f- TEE OR WYE T'1iN_GS M•DEN ?BENGAL To ACCOMODATE ANCHOR IF t NEOUIREO. M1 BOOM AS RCQIpREO x r N T SECTION 1-1 SECTION -2 Ow 1, "MST BLOCKS ARE RNEOUI = 1MQIEV" TIE mum : cHANGES DIAECTiOI, cHAN BBiC, DEAD OLDS AND AT VJUM Z = 25M P,S„1. CONMR. i NO 1 cmWi tTE SHALL or POURED ON ANY PART or ENE ."T. A IHSS 0DNSWm0 ENOWEER "" BE 10 iNE VERIFY THE TYPE & SIZE OF ALu nNRusT eLoacs. CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS IOU no. WWF -3 OREE BET q OILNENSIONS VO iEE. AND PLUGS . AflID L H T L T i0 ZS0 250 3.01 0.24 2.00 2• 2.60 416 2,00 2.20 Y.00 0.15121/2 1.50 200 2,62 0/0 ti 1/4 1. ILfs 2.11111, 30 2.00 2.0 0.10 so s.ae &16 asi as d. DIS 2.46 A.64 2.77 0:2i 221/2 1.66 2.14 2.04 ata 3.16 2.01 2.i6 0.32 n 1/4 t.Nt6 sae 2.67 au 110 4.10-1 Top VNew a•, 6` M(iwfMUM. 4' MIWIM(NI 4" MINIMUAA 4 • • 44 4 6 v Side V4•nr J' tdln3mUm I J C4NIUi•at1•a of N16lL ! 'I'". ea e•Ual r•vuV d • , a , A ° j 4 , Gnlvonized Steil Stan. ' (I ' .• + W12 x 14 (min. sl}d) .a 3' min. penetration Into undisturixld 4F sol! , of s ppprowld by the < • ervke Authority. 011 TYPICAL THRUST BL004C IN FILL AREA NTS F1li: Mt3-8 Z o J wvim Z Q04 3.1R X42 403 10'r Jt 12" 45 3.33 3.Sa tB5 0.A3 383 4.00 263 0.52 0.15111/ t 8.1 2.33 2.41 FIRE LANE LOCATIONS SHAD. BE CLEARLY INDICATED ON THE SUBMITTED SITE PLAN. YELLOW CURB MARKING AND APPROVED SIGNS, POSTED AT 75' TO 100' INTERVALS ARE THE STANDARD MEANS BY WHICH TO DELINEATE FIRE LANES. 12" NO PARKING FIRE _ LANE N REFER TO THE VIRGINIA MANUAL TOWING OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL ENFORCED DEVICES FOR STREETS AND HIGHWAYS SIGN COLORS: RED LETTERS do BORDER ON A WHITE REFLECTORIZED BACKGROUND LETTERS: 1 f TWO (2) INCH "C" YELLOW CURB MARKINGSERIES FIRE LANE DESIGNATION DETAILS NO SCALEFFAn. A 6" 2" 2' 0" 3000psi AIR I 2" RADIUS ENTRAINED CONCRETE 4" X57 STONE BEDDING V.-D.O.T. S.TD,t 0.-5 NO SCALE N B" ANCHOR BELT ON COM UNE oR BENDS to' THlzouaH 12" USE z s1T:APs ON 4eNDs ADJACENT TG eE1Ls. FOR 18" @END USE 3 STRAPS AS SHCVM. ELEVATION PAINT Old, EXPOSED STE61 WNTH 2 COATS OF @iTUMWOUS PAINT. ART FOR PPER RTiCAL BLOCKING 3" .( 4/MI N aTj,N WM STANDARD TOD FACE (. fNTENiN ? F @LOCKS. C11011 r r r r r a U W D '- V) O I W D z 00 O i Zv' W Z O s^ oIL +- U 0 W L+•• _ J W J 7 Q W Z Z (e) LLJ V) Z > W O O 0wv J LLLd Z o J wvim Z Q04 Z T- O 00 t0 O 1 w z o W Q W CO LLI Q Z Q = O w U U --) Z o J wvim Z Q04 kb,* A,0`3 i H limo uu ES -1. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, ALL VEGETATIVE AND STRUCTURAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES WILL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED ACCORDING TO MINIMUM STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK AND VIRGINIA REGULATIONS VR 625-02-00 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REGULATIONS. ES -2. THE PLAN APPROVING AUTHORITY MUST BE NOTIFIED ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE, ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY, AND ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE FINAL INSPECTION. ES -3. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES ARE TO BE PLACED PRIOR TO OR AS THE FIRST STEP IN CLEARING. ES -4 A COPY OF THE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN SHALL BE MAINTAINED ON SITE AT ALL TIMES. ES -5. PRIOR TO COMMENCING LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES IN AREAS OTHER THAN INDICATED ON THESE PLANS (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, OFF-SITE BORROW OR WASTE AREAS), THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A SUPPLEMENTARY EROSION CONTROL PLAN TO THE OWNER FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE PLAN APPROVING AUTHORITY. ES -6. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF ANY ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES NECESSARY TO PREVENT EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION AS DETERMINED BY THE PLAN APPROVING AUTHORITY. ES -7. ALL DISTURBED AREAS ARE TO DRAIN TO APPROVED SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES AT ALL TIMES DURING LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES AND DURING SITE DEVELOPMENT UNTIL FINAL STABILIZATION IS ACHIEVED. ES -B. DURING DEWATERING OPERATIONS, WATER WILL BE PUMPED INTO AN APPROVED FILTERING DEVICE. ES -9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES PERIODICALLY AND AFTER EACH RUNOFF -PRODUCING RAINFALL EVENT. ANY NECESSARY REPAIRS OR CLEANUP TO MAINTAIN THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. SILT FENCE NOTES Silt fence and filter fabric must be entrenched. Post for silt fences shall be either 2.5 x 2 inch diameter wood or 1.25 pounds per linear foot steel with a minimum length of 5 feet. Steel post shall have projections for fastening wire to them. Wire fence reinforcement for silt fences using standard strength filter cloth shall be a minimum of 42 inches in height. a minimum of 14 gauge and shall have a maximum mesh spacing of 6 inches. Post shall be spaced a maximum of 10 feet apart at the barrier location and driven securely into the ground (min. of 12 inches) when extra strength fabric 13 used. Without the wire support fence, post shall not exceed 6 feet. When extra strength filter fabric and closer post spacing are used, the wire mesh support fence may be eliminated. In such a case, the filter fabric is stapled or wired directly to the post. Sediment must be removed when deposits reach approximately one-half the height of the barrier. Any sediment deposits remaining in place after the slit fence or filter barrier is no longer required shall be dressed to conform with the existing grade. prepared and seeded. Under no circumstances should silt fence be constructed in live steams. Silt fence shall be removed upon completion of the project. E & S UTILITY NOTES All excavated material is to be place on the uphill side of trench. All storm and sanitary sewer lines not in streets are to be mulched and seeded within 7 days after backfill, no more than 500 feet are to be open at one time. Construction access roads shall be boated on the uphill side of the trench or over the trench whenever possible. All construction discharge water shall be adequately filtered to remove slit prior to discharge into waterways and wetlands. All streams crossing and stream diversions require environmental approval prior to any instream construction (see IN -STREAM NOTES). SEEDING NOTES All stabilization/seeding will be accomplished in accordance with the Virginia Erosion and Sedimentation Control Handbook. Any disturbed area not paved, sodded, or built upon, will have a minimum of 80% vegetative cover prior to final inspection, and in the opinion of the Environmental Engineer will be mature enough to control soil erosion satisfactorily and survive severe weather conditions. Stream diversion areas, waterways, banks and related areas will be seeded and mulched Immediately after work In watercourse is completed. In no case shall wetland areas be reseeded with any species of fescue. Winterization - any disturbed area not paved, sodded or built upon by October 15 Is to be seeded and mulched on that date unless waived by the Environmental Temporary seeding will be applied within 7 days to denuded areas which may not be at final grade but will remain dormant (undisturbed) for longer than 30 days. For temporary se*ding use 50% of the recommended rates of fertilizer, lime and full amount of seed and mulch required for regular seeding. Electric power, telephone. and gas supply trenches aro to be compacted, seeded and mulched within 7 days after backfill. All temporary earth berms, diversions. and silt dams are to be mulched and seeded for vegetative cover Immediately after grading. Straw or hay mulch is required. The some applies to all stockpiles, on site as well as soil intentionally) transported from the project site. LIME AND FERTILIZER Uma and fertilizer needs should be determined by soil tests. Soil tests may be performed by the Cooperative Extension Service Soil Testing Laboratory at VPI&SU, or by a reputable commercial laboratory. Information concerning the State Soil Testing Laboratory is available from county extension agents. Under unusual conditions where it is not possible to obtain a soil test, the following soil amendents will be applied: Limo. 2 Piedmont and Appalachian Region: 2 tons/acre pulverized agricultural grade limestone (90 lbs./1000 ft. ). Note: An agriculturaigrade of limestone should always be used. Fertilizer 2 Mixed grasses and legumes: 1000 lbs./acre 10-20-10 or equivalent nutrients (23 lbs./1000 ft. ). 2 Legume stands only: 1000 lbs./acre 5-20-10 (23 lbs./1000 ft. ) is preferred; however, 1000 lbs./acre of 10-20-10 or equivalent may be used. Gross stands only: 1000 lbs./acre 10-20-10 or equivalent nutrients, (23 lbs./1000 ft. ). Other fertilizer formulations, including sio*-release sources of nitrogen (preferred from a water quality standpoint), may be used provided they can supply the some amounts and proportions of plant nutrients. Incorporation - lime and fertilizer shall be incorporated into the top 4-6 inches of the soil by discing or other means whenever possible. For erosion control, when applying lime and fertilizer with a hydroseeder, apply to a rough, loose surface. GENERAL DESCRIPTIONS TEMPORARY STONE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE; A stone pod, located at points of vehicular ingress and *gross on a construction site, to reduce the soil transported onto public roads and other paved areas. SILT FENCE: A temporary sediment barrier constructed of posts, filter fabric and, in some cases. a wire support fence, placed across or at the toe of a slope or in a minor drainage way to intercept and detain sediment and decrease flow velocities from drainage areas of limited size; applicable when sheet and rill erosion or small concentrated flows may be a problem. Maximum effective life of 6 months. STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION; The installation of various kinds of sediment trapping measures around drop inlets or curb Inlet structures prior to permanent stabilization of the disturbed area; limited to drainage areas not exceeding one acro, and not intended to control large, concentrated stormwater flows. CULVERT INLET PROTECTION: A sediment filter located at the inlet to storm sewer culverts which prevents sediment from entering. accumulating in and being transferred by the culvert. it also provides erosion control of culverts during the phase of a project where elevations and drainage patterns are changing, causing original control measures to be ineffective. TEMPQRARY DIVERSION DIKE: A ridge of compacted soil constructed at the top or base of a sloping disturbed area which diverts off-site runoff away from unprotected slopes and to a stabilized outlet, or to divert sediment -laden runoff to a sediment trapping structure. Maximum effective life is 18 months. TEMPORARY FILL DIYERSION: A channel with a supporting ridge on the lower side, constructed along the top of an active earth fill constructed In order to divert runoff away from the unprotected fill slope to a stabilized outlet or sediment trapping structure; applicable where the area of the top of the fill drains toward the exposed slope and continuous fill operations make the use of a TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE infeasible; maximum effective life is one week. TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP: A small ponding area, formed by constructing an earthen embankment with a stone outlet across a drainage swats, to detain sediment -laden runoff from small disturbed areas for enough time to allow most of the suspended solids to settle out. Maximum effective life is 18 months. OUTLET PROTECTION: The installation of riprop channel sections and/or sttNtng basins below storm drain outlets to reduce erosion and under -cutting from scouring of outlets and to reduce flow velocities before stormwater enters receiving channels below these outlets. RIPRAP: A permanent. erosion -resistant ground cover of large, loose, angular stone installed wherever soil conditions, water turbulence and velocity, expected vegetative cover, etc., aro such that soil may erode under design flow conditions. jK QI{EQK, DAMS Small, temporary stone dams constructed across a drainage ditch to reduce the velocity of concentrated flows, reducing erosion of the swale or ditch. Limited to use in small open channels which draln 10 acres or less; should not be used in live streams. TOe3WLING: Preserving and using topsoil to provide a suitable growth medium for vegetation used to stabilize disturbed areas. Applicable where preservation or importation of topsoil is most cost-effective method of providing a suitable growth medium; not recommended for slopes steeper than 2:1 unless additional measures aro taken to prevent sloughing and erosion. TEMPORARY SEEDING: Establishment of temporary vegetative cover on disturbed areas that will not be brought to final grade for periods of 30 days to one year by seeding with appropriate rapidly -growing plants. PERMANENT SEEDING: Establishment of perennial vegetative cover by planting seed on rough -graded areas that will not be brought to final grade for a year or more or where permanent, long-lived vegetative cover is needed on fine -graded areas. TREE PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION: Protecting existing trees from mechanical and other injury during land -disturbing and construction activity to ensure the survival of desirable trees where they will be effective for erosion and sediment control and provide other environmental and aesthetle benefits. DUST CONTROL• Reducing surface and air movement of dust during land disturbance, demolition or construction activities In areas subject to dust problems in order to Prevent soil loss and reduce the presence of potentially harmful airborne substance. MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES I. Construction will be sequenced so that grading operations can begin and end as quickly as possible. 2. Sediment trapping measures will be installed as a first step in grading and will be seeded and mulched immediately following Installation. 3. Temporary seeding or other stabilizaton will follow Immediately after grading. 4. Areas which are not to be disturbed will be clearly marked by flags, signs, *to. 5. The job superintendent shall be responsible for the installation and maintenance of all erosion and sediment control practices. MAINTENANCE In general, all erosion and sediment control measures will be checked daily and after each significant rainfall. The following items will be checked in particular. 1. The sediment traps will be checked regularly for sediment cleanout. 2. The gravel outlets will be checked regularly for sediment buildup which will prevent drainage. If the gravel is clogged by sediment, it shall be removed and cleaned or replaced. 3. The silt fence barrier will be checked regularly for undermining or deterioration of the fabric. Sediment shall be removed when the level of sediment deposition reaches half way to the top of the barrier. 4. The seeded areas will be checked regularly to ensure that a good stand is maintained. Areas should be fertilized and reseeded as needed. EROSION CONTROL NARRATIVE THIS PROJECT CONSISTS OF A 3 STORY HOTEL BUILDING WITH 98 PARKING STALLS AND AN ACCESS DRiVE FROM ROUTE 29 (SEMINOLE TRAIL) AS WELL AS FROM TIMBERWOOD BOULEVARD. APPROXIMATELY 1.97 AC. OF THE 1.97 AC. PROJECT AREA WILL BE DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION. THE PROJECT IS LOCATED WEST OF THE INTERSECTION OF ROUTE 29 (SEMINOLE TRAIL) AND AIRPORT ROAD. CRITICAL EROSION CONTROL AREAS: THE FIRST MEASURE OF EROSION CONTROL WILL BE THE INLET PROTECTION AND THE PAVED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE. DUST CONTROL: IF DUST BECOMES A PROBLEM DURING CONSTRUCTION, A WATER TRUCK WiLL BE REQUIRED ON-SITE AT ALL TIMES, AND DUST MUST BE CONTROLLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH STD. do SPEC. DUST CONTROL, IN THE LATEST VERSION OF THE VA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK. NIE= ALL TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE REMOVED WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER FINAL SITE STABILIZATION OR AFTER THE TEMPORARY MEASURES ARE NO LONGER NEEDED UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY THE LOCAL PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR. TRAPPED SEDIMENT AND THE DISTURBED SOIL AREAS RESULTING FROM THE DISPOSITION OF TEMPORARY MEASURES SHALL BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED TO PREVENT FURTHER EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION. NOTE: NO OFF-SITE AREAS WILL BE DISTURBED AS PART OF THIS PROJECT. NOTE: EXISTING STORM PIPES O ROUTE 29 SHALL BE CHECKED FOR SEDIMENT BUILD-UP AND FLUSHED AS NEEDED PRiOR TO RELEASE OF BONDING. EROSION CONTROL QUANTITIES FOR COUNTY BOND PURPOSES ONLY) 1 TEMP. CONSTR. ENTRANCE 1210 LF SILT FENCE 12 EA INLET PROTECTION 1 9 EA INLET PROTECTION 2 L18-- alI EXTRA STR WITHOUT WIRE) 2 TOTAL ESTIMATE ESTIWATED E.C. BOND AMOUNT MIN. VDOT #1 RS AGGREGATE g' MIN. FILTER 0 SIDE ELEV,ATIQ_N EXIST. GROUMID 12•' MIN.* POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE PLAN VIEW SEE PLATE 3.012-1 OF THE VA. ROSION AND SIMIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK (199111) FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS.) 0 S 1500/EA= $ 1500 0 S 4/LF= S 4840 0 S 50/EA= $ 600 0 S 50/EA= S 450 S 7390 CC 9400 ZLLJ 1 MOUNTABLE BERM OPTIONAL) I. EXIS . PAVEMEN STANDARD STRENGTH FILTER CLOTH FABRIC O TEMPORARY SILT FENCE STD. & SPEC. 3.05-2 General construction noun for Stormwoter Mapagement plans 1. All dams and conamated `fill to be within 9.51A Of maximum dry density and 2% of optip - moisture content. A111 fill material to be approved by a geotechnical. engineer. A. geotechnical engineers is to be present dwrutg constrt>action of dams. 2. Pipe and riserjoints acre to be watert ghtlwithiostomw.a w numgen.mt facilities.. 3. For temporary sedimaat traps or basins which are to be converted to permanent stormwater management facilities!; conversion is not.to take. place until, the site is stabilized, and pei7aguion has been obtained from the County erasion control inspector. DROP INLET WITH GRATE XX -=- x X ELEVATION OF STAKE AND FABRIC ORIENTATION STAKES. WATERED iRUNOFF WATER XX AT CORNERS I SILT FENCE OROP INLET PROTECTION BU IE1 FABRIC BLOCK AND GRAVEL IP -2 CURB INLET SEDIMENT FILTER STD. & SPEC. 3.07-1 DROP INLET PROTECTION CURB IN mm BLOCK I VO,-A?'- 4 224&tA r-I RUNOFFGRAVEL FILTER WITH SEDIMENTx . •; WIRE SCREEV"X41' WOOD STUD Spsoifia A"lioatlon This method of Inist protection Is appitoabie at curb Inlets where overflow capabift Is necessary to prevent sxcashe ponding in front of the streahwe. sGrwml shall be VDOT #3. #357. or #5 ooarn aggregate. BLOCK AND GRAVEL IP -2 CURB INLET SEDIMENT FILTER STD. & SPEC. 3.07-8 MIN. r,IKdt;''10 1W, 2 x 4 WOOD FRAME General constructions nates for Erosion and Sediment Control plains L The plan approving authority must be notified one week prior to thepre-construction conference, one weekprior to thecommencement of land disturbing activity, and one week prior to :tbe final inspection, 2. All erosion and. sediment control measures will be constructed and maintained according to minimum standards and speciAcations of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook: and: Virginia- Regulations VR 625-02-00 Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations. 3. All erosion and sediment control measures are to be placed prior to or as the first step in clearing. 4. A. copy of the approved erosion and sediment control .plan shall be maintained on the site at all tinges.. S. Prior to commencing land disturbing activities in areas other than indicated on these plans including, but not limited to, off-site borrow or waste areas), the contractor shall submit a supplementary erosion control plan to the owner for review and approval by the plan approving authority. 6. The contractor is responsible for installation. of any additional erosion control measures necessary to: prevent elrosion and sedimentation as determined by the plan approving. authority. 7. All disturbed areas ars to drain to approved sediment control measures at all times during land disturbing activities aud.during: site development until final.stabilization is achieved. 8. During dewatering operations, water will be pumped into an approved filtering device. 9. The contractor shall inspect all erosion control measures periodically and after each runoff producing rainfall event. Any necessary repairs or cleanup to maintain .the effectiveness of the erosion control devices shall, be made. immediately. 10, All fill material to be taker from an approved, designated borrow area. 11. All waste materials shall be taken to an approved waste area. Earth .fill shall be inert materials only, free of roots, stumps, wood, rubhish, and other debris. 1.2. Borrow or waste.areas are to be reclaimed within 7 days of completion per Zoning Ordinance section 5.1.28. 11.3. All inert materials shall be transported in compliance with section 1.3-341 of the Code of Albermarle. 14. Borrow, fill or waste activity involving industrial -type power equipment shall be limited to the hours of 7:00am to 9:00prn. 15. Borrow, fill or waste activity shall be conducted in a safe manner than maintains lateral support, or order to minimize any hazard to persons, physical damage to:adjacentland and improvements, and. damage to any.public .street. because o slides, sinking, or collapse. 16. The developer shall reserve the right to.install, maintain, remove or convert to permanent stormwater management facilities where applicable all erosion control measures required by this plan regardless of the sale of any lot, unit, building or other portion of the property. 17. Temporary stabilization shall be temporary seeding and mulching. Seeding is to be at 75 lbs/acre, and in the .months of September to February to consist a 50150 mix of .Annual Ryegrass and Cereal Wittier Rye, or. in March and April to consist.of Annual Rye, or May through August to consist of German Millet. Straw mulch is lobe applied ;at. 801bs/100sf. Alternatives are subject to approved by the .County erosion control inspector. IS.. Permanent stabilization, shall be lime and fertilizer, permanent seeding, and mulch. Agricultural: grade limestone shall be applied at 90lbs/1000sf,. incorporated into the top 4-6 inches of soil, Fertilizer shall be applied at I0001bs/acre and consist. ofa 10-20-10 nutrient mix. Permanent seeding shall be applied at 180lbs/acre and consist of 95% Kentucky 31 or Tall Fescue and 0.5% Perennial Ryegrass or Kentucky Bluegrass. Straw mulch is to be applied at 801bs/100sf. Alternatives are subject to approved by the County erosion control inspector. 19. Maintenance: All measures areto be inspected weekly and. after each rainfall. Any damage or clogging, to sttucw ral measures is to be repair immediately. Silt traps are to be cleaned when 50% of the wet storage volume is filled with.sediment. All seeded areas are to be reseeded when necessaryto achieve a good stand ofgrass. Silt fence and diversion dykes which are collecting:sediment to half their height must be cleaned and repaired immediately. 20. All temporary erosion and sediment control measures are to be removed within 30 days of final site stabilization, when measures are no longer needed, subject to approval by the County erosion.control inspector. M U tY W O C4 O I W C3 Z O Q 001 C O V) IWZo a V tT ce- o W 0 to 1- a O 0 Z N ZLLJ Y V Q Z CC n ZLLJ 0 Z Q 0 w Q CO Z V)=) Z WW oc L V IQ L 0MLJ W 0A a Z O r wV0 m I'- n V 00 eJ Iii a OR H Q O tT o 0 to t O 0 N Y w Q W•• Z W N 00 0 Z Q W w A \ Do F Z W • U~ n Z to J dbl n-1, 0 Z J 0 W F - Z 0 V Z 0 W 0 X W O 1 o i o 00 W O Y 00 W Co U O--) 1 11111C ss 1 40 NJ0t O 0 N J 0 N W N 00 0 M w Q CO W Z WW oc L L tI M W Z 0 OsAQZ O r I'- n V 00 eJ Iii W OR O 00 IZ v 11111C ss 1 40 00 r Wo ifflul-0. j Pi - fir ZAP L- '`•'' ';`'`' a lil:.'!+\[.v.i:Cr..itiT.y^_LT•f`litl'.Wr4w Wi t,+" t,` t`_ r /i N: r go- • ttf . law ilk EVER "M4 . ; 0, MAL Art 3 vim~ ,i • rrrrr ' TMP 3241 D3r , i' AAr • CONTINUES AS STANDARD BASIN ka- Now News 1 a 1 a+ r,• - - r Nwi1'f?'r 1 ... .. :: .,r...,.._: w..+,.... ,..-:, ....•.:....-.. _...:..•. _ rw..wrr.... .......,.. ,._. arllrs ;. 'ww.r - .:. .,_... A r t t ~ + t a SCALE MikNIAMMIJAR INIIIIAL EROS CONTROL PLAN CONSIBU!QTION SEQUENC 1. THE SITE CONTRACTOR, ONCE RELEASED BY ALBEMARLE COUNTY ISPECTIONS, SHALL INSTALL THE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE OFF EXISTING ACCESS FROM TIMBERWOOD BLVD. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE THE EXISTING ENTRANCE AT TIMBERWOOD BLVD. 2. TREE SAVE PROTECTION AND BARRIERS SHALL BE INSTALLED ALONG/AROUND DESIGNATED TREE LIMITS. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL SILT FENCING ALONG OUTER PERIMETER OF PROPERTY LINE AND/OR TOE OF FILL SLOPE LIMITS. 4. PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO DENUDED AREAS WITHIN SEVEN DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADE IS REACHED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE. TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS TO DENUDED AREAS THAT MAY NOT BE AT FINAL GRADE BUT WILL REMAIN DORMANT (UNDISTURBED) FOR LONGER THAN 30 DAYS. PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO AREAS THAT ARE TO BE LEFT DORMANT FOR MORE THAN ONE YEAR. 5. ONCE SILT FENCE AND INLET PROTECTION IS IN PLACE, ALL AREAS OF CUT AND FILL SHOWN ON GRADING PLAN SHALL BE COMPLETED WITH APPROPRIATE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES INSTALLED ONCE EACH CONSTRUCTION TASK IS COMPLETED. 6. ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED PER THE LATEST EDITION OF THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK. 7. ENGINEER AND ALBEMARLE COUNTY INSPECTIONS SHALL BE NOTIFIED OF ANY EXCESS DIRT MATERIALS TO BE STOCKPILED ON SITE TO MODIFY EROSION CONTROL PLAN. NOTES: 1. ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE REMOVED WITHIN 30 DA YS AFTER FINAL SITE STABILIZATION OR AFTER THE TEMPORARY MEASURES ARE NO LONGER NEEDED, UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY THE LOCAL PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR. TRAPPED SEDIMENT AND THE DISTURBED SOIL AREAS RESULTING FROM THE DISPOSITION OF TEMPORARY MEASURES SHALL BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED TO PREVENT FURTHER EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION. 2. NO OFF-SITE AREAS TO BE DISTURBED AS PART OF THIS PROJECT. 3. THE DEVELOPER SHALL RESERVE THE RIGHT TO INSTALL AND MAINTAIN ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES REQUIRED BY THIS PLAN REGARDLESS TO THE SALE OF ANY LOT. 4. ALL ACCESS TO SITE EXCEPT FOR THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE BLOCKED IN A MANNER THAT WILL NOT ALLOW ACCESS TO THE SITE. OVERALL EROSION CONTROL PLAN CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1. ONCE INITIAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES ARE COMPLETED CONTRACTOR CAN BEGIN OVERALL PROJECT EXCAVATION. 2. INSTALL STORM PIPE AND INLET SYSTEM WITH APPROPRIATE INLET PROTECTION. AFTER THE AREA IS STABILIZED, THE TEMPORARY SILT TRAP CAN BE FILLED. 3. MAINTAIN CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE, SILT FENCE AND TREE PORTECTION. 4. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, SITE UTILITIES, CURB AND GUTTER INSTALLATION SHALL BE COMPLETED. 5. BACK FILL OF CURB AND FINE GRADING OF SITE SHALL BE COMPLETED CONTRACT BASE STONE AND PAVEMENT INSTALLED. 6. ALL SITE STABILIZATION AND LANDSCAPING TO BE COMPLETED. ONCE RELEASED BY ALBEMARLE COUNTY INSPECTOR, ANY REMAINING EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE REMOVED AT INSPECTOR'S DIRECTIONS. 7. ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED PER LATEST EDITION OF THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HAND BOOK. E & S LEGEND U&—LMLIMITS OF DISTRUBANCE X--- X— SILT FENCE CE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE IP -- 1 SILT FENCE DROP INLET PROTECTION IP -- 2 BLOCK & GRAVEL CURB INLET PROTECTION EROSION CONTROL QUANTITIES FOR COUNTY BOND PURPOSES ONLY 1 TEMP. CONSTR. ENTRANCE @ S1500/EA= S 1500 1210 LF SILT FENCE @ S 4/LF= S 4840 12 EA INLET PROTECTION 1 @ 50/EA= S 600 9 EA INLET PROTECTION 2 @ $ 50/EA= S 450 TOTAL ESTIMATE = S 7390 ESTIMATED E.C. BOND AMOUNT -- S 9400 F- U W IL L4 O 1 p W 00 D W 04I a I W Z s•, O a• r- 0 U O O U Z W H Z Z Zw0 J owZ w F- 0 U D F— Z Z co 0 V y) w W 0 _j m 0 - J 0sm a Q O W Q 0 O O 000 to m O N.. La Y W I 00 0 W Z Q Y w a0 a C7 o m o OA04 0 J x 14 Q h Z y X00 I NJO 0 N N w 00 N E5 M N 0MM w Q 00 W Z w LLJ 0::_ YL M WZ o cp Z r o N 00 W Of O 00 coc v X r A 1F DEMO PLAN 60 0 60 120 SCALE IN FEET V, .. OVERALL LAYOUT PLAN 40s 0 40 80 SCALE IN FEET W 0_ cD o v - NN 0 W L16W o 00 a yo w IX W Z0 S^ O v 0 LAJ W 4- a Z DC WCL1— Q Z w z 0 Z V wce. WZ Z D Z Q no U Z) o W o J o --a U = M Q W 0 v-- 0 o MrnM00 0 cV Y V 1 00 W Z Q Y 00 a D z W a U z U 0 J x J Q Z NOD L NJOW- v N W CO M n ca .< 00 L, Z W a v IL L > Z 0 o 20 v- 2O 1 F- = 00 J W W W 41t O 0 00 00 a I t D 7-r" iri C) L. CD X Qt Cn CD Fri ST ' SIGN' . 2.4 QPBAR' R • . • 4 a• •.II/ GSEING ATES: I iATCH•'; •BIDG C f i "•... , 7 9•i • f j: 4 • f';:• Tf i .t, •.h •^ tia•. f•'.•• : T.• '•.Lt•••i • : W n w :: ii/1 t f .: it:i i tai• 4 .-ii•• tat,. .f» . .. ! is i.. i l.• t tib•:.• . , ..3. • 7 i . ., 5 •i, i ?:•i"I tt•.i•• •ter,•/,,,y fyL .}•t•• ,t• iC+' i•y'•l.', .,_, .•. .• •3 MECH./ 3 STORY is ELEC. 77 ROOM Ilk -HOTEL w/800 S.F . Z . CONE. ROOIw! Eov 77-28 0. Q M. 4 `'' Now 24 t RB FLUSH ,,,, s•a r. . } t :• .•, vim• t , . ,,.:^S.ti, , r , •.• y t .;A,, l't; a tq=••yfy ?•til at p•Y. ''`t+• •d '•, ..Ya. Y.r tt Ftt3.•. } .iL..'' s ., + r. ;,.•.,• QO: l •. • ,t p',« •1 .t.y•. ••, . :.r '•{••'• '..•} •'h ,'.I..'w i ' .. -..a.• t a i•a,• i ,.';.' r • i s, IDEW • • Vit. - ' . !; } W ' TORN' two, W,IrSP.Hiut :• x U) F_ T] f i 11. 1re i - INEE110 mom MENEMbin-M Tevom =m1nommmail U d 1 lz W 0 L 0 I W Ln C4 f Q W not Now omm N W N j z W g 0. V_ O U ISS W J O W O v N E! ST ' SIGN' . 2.4 QPBAR' R • . • 4 a• •.II/ GSEING ATES: I iATCH•'; •BIDG C f i "•... , 7 9•i • f j: 4 • f';:• Tf i .t, •.h •^ tia•. f•'.•• : T.• '•.Lt•••i • : W n w :: ii/1 t f .: it:i i tai• 4 .-ii•• tat,. .f» . .. ! is i.. i l.• t tib•:.• . , ..3. • 7 i . ., 5 •i, i ?:•i"I tt•.i•• •ter,•/,,,y fyL .}•t•• ,t• iC+' i•y'•l.', .,_, .•. .• •3 MECH./ 3 STORY is ELEC. 77 ROOM Ilk -HOTEL w/800 S.F . Z . CONE. ROOIw! Eov 77-28 0. Q M. 4 `'' Now 24 t RB FLUSH ,,,, s•a r. . } t :• .•, vim• t , . ,,.:^S.ti, , r , •.• y t .;A,, l't; a tq=••yfy ?•til at p•Y. ''`t+• •d '•, ..Ya. Y.r tt Ftt3.•. } .iL..'' s ., + r. ;,.•.,• QO: l •. • ,t p',« •1 .t.y•. ••, . :.r '•{••'• '..•} •'h ,'.I..'w i ' .. -..a.• t a i•a,• i ,.';.' r • i s, IDEW • • Vit. - ' . !; } W ' TORN' two, W,IrSP.Hiut :• x U) F_ T] f i 11. 1re i - INEE110 mom MENEMbin-M asmosw1*1 a•R FUTURE PARKING BUILDING a EL - S, 10, flE WALK PA" wv os SjottA 14 1 go C. V. HURT BASIN #1 TMP 32-41D3 RELOCATED STORM PIPE INFO PROVIDED BY DOMINION DEVELOPMENT RESOURCES,LLC DATED 06--24--08 20 0 U d 1 lz W 0 L 0 I W Ln C4 f asmosw1*1 a•R FUTURE PARKING BUILDING a EL - S, 10, flE WALK PA" wv os SjottA 14 1 go C. V. HURT BASIN #1 TMP 32-41D3 RELOCATED STORM PIPE INFO PROVIDED BY DOMINION DEVELOPMENT RESOURCES,LLC DATED 06--24--08 20 0 U lz W 0 L 0 W Ln C4 Q W N W N j z W g 0. V_ O U O W J O W O v N 1 W Z — Z W Z Z U Z Z > W 3w O >- a- F" Z O D E-- v OW W'aOMj JO 0 W. m a a 0 OO) M 00 M W Z W 00 O W Z Q Y Op 1W- 0 o W m W U U 0 A q +' 0 V AmoZ L N Q N J 0 f N W N N COwQW a,nr W Z e -s W 0a v L V)>M W Z o mJRZ N IW_U^ W w tr 00 92 .— o00 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dcpe vncgt of Planning A Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 218 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 434) 2% - 5523 Fax (434) 972 - 4012 August i8, 2003 Katurah Roell 196 Riverbend Drive Charlottesville, VA 22911 RE: ZMA-01-20 Hollymead Town Center; Tax Map 32, Parcels 41D, 43A, 44, 4b, and 46 (Area C) SP -03.30 Hollymead Town Center, Tax Map 32, Parcels, 410,43A, 44, 45, and 46 Dear Mr. Roell: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on August 6, 2003, by a vote of 6:0, took the following actions: ZMA-01-20 Holyrnead Town Center - Approved by a vote of 6:0, as proffered (copy attached). SP -03-30 Hollymead Town Center - Approved by a vote of 6:0. In the event that the use, structure or activity for which thii special use permit is issued shall not be commenced within twenty-four (24) months after the issuance of such permit, the same shall be deemed abandoned and the authority granted thereunder shall thereupon terminate. For purposes of this section, the term "commenced' shah be construed to include the commencement of construction of any structure necessary to the use of such permit within two (2) years from the date of the issuance. Before beginning this use, you must obtain a zoning clearance from the Zoning Department. Before the Zoning Department will issue a clearance, you must cemply with the conditions in this letter. For further information, please call Jan Sprinkle at 296-5832. if you should have any questions or comments regarding the above -noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, * munky U. V. Wayne C berg Director of Planning & Coelopment VWCfjcf Cc: Amelia McCulley Jack Kelsey Tex Weaver Steve Allshouse GOUNTX OF ALBEMARLE DetpafnW of Buileiing Code and Zoning Setvieers 401 Mclndm Road, Roan 227 Chatfotsesvele, Vao" 22902.4596 FAX (434) 972-4126 TELEPHONE (434) 296.5832 Tt'D (434) 972.4012 September 8, 2003 Katurah Roell Virginia Land Company 195 Riverbend Drive Charlottesville, VA 22911 RE: ZMA-2001-020 Hollymead Town Center Area C Tax Map 32, Parcels 41 D, 43A, 44, 45 and 46 Dear Mr. Roell: There is a typographical error in the proffers for this rezoning. Proffer 43 refers to an entranoe permit at the Timberwood Boulevard intersection with Route 20. This should be read as Route 29. Please' file this letter with your copy of the • - proffer.,No further action is required. Please contact me if you have questions. Sincerely, John Shepherd Manager of Zoning Administration COPIES: Amelia McCulley, Zoning Administrator; Janice Farrar, Planning Assistant; Greg Kamptner; Assistant County Attorney; Melvin Breeden, Director of Finance, Ella Washington Cary, Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. C-WilesiPwftersliWy=xd C Typo were cdmdw ZMA.-01-020 Attachment E ZMA-01-020 Attacbmeantli: I3ollymead Town Center Area C Hollymead Town Coater Area C The road improvements listed in p vft 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E and 2F above shall shall contribute the unpaid balance within 30 days upon the request ofs County. If the be cortstnretexl, in actor dame with road plans submitted by the Owner and 5md is not exhausted within 10 years from the date the last contribution is trade, such 46 approved by VDOT. All ofthe foregoing improvements dudl be i) constnrcted to unexpended fluids shall be refunded to the Owner. VDOT design standards pursuant to deed plans agreed to between the Applicant and VDOT, and 4) accepted by VDOT for public use or bonded for 6. Upon the request of the County, for any parcel used for non-residential purposes in the VDOT's sexAptance as a condition for issuance of airy certificate of occupancy portion that is currently zoned Light Industry that will be rezoned to PDMC the Owner for Arra C improvements (ea cept as otherwise provided is proffer Zr The shall petition for and consent to a Cora maityDeveelopment Authority ('YEA") width, lerlgth, location, (inside median or outside ext W* pavementX type of established pursuant; to Section 152-S152, at aq. of fire Code ofVagi nk (`Codd') to be section (e g., urban vs. ern X and geometriat of all lane improvements shall be as created for the purpose offinancing,Amiling. PlanninB, min& constiidln& required by VDOT design standards and detained plans submitted by the Owner nfl, otutruow& eta VW adeoding or manitanung Route 29 and roads and otha and approved by VDOT. associated therewith, which shall Include, but way not be limited to improvements to Route 29 f vi n tiro South ]Bork ofthe Rivamna River to AirportRoad, the 3. All road improvements listed in proffer 2 above shall be substantially completed prior to radetnsion ofRidge Road as depicted on the Master Plan, to the South and across the the issuance ofthe first Certificate ofOccupancy in Area C; aorWithstanding the Rivanna River to conced to Berkmanr Drive. foregoing, the road proffers descn1W in pri r 2 above shahh be satisfied if the Owner has wed plans for all such road improvements for review by VDOT, and although Submitted as of the 2P day of July 2003, by: Post Office Land Trust such improvements are not fully completed by lite issuance of a Certificate ofOccupancy / for Area C, sufficient bond has been supplied to satisfy all costs to complete such improvements is ac-ccidacee with plans approved by VDOT. Substantially complete for By: - the y: the purposes ofthese proffers shall mean approved sub -base gravel, curb and gutter, Charles W. Hurt, Twstee Shirley L. Fi , '1'ruste e intermediate surf"a and necessary storm water management improvements and satisfacxary completion of road improvements required for public safety, and signaiizadon; but shall not include final activated signals which aero subjeot to testing and synchrmtiztim according no VDOT inspection. All profibcs to make road improvements contained in proffer 2 ofthese proffers are conditioned upon VDOT's approval ofan entrance permit at the Timbetwood Boulevard intersectlion. with Route 20 as shown on the Application Plan The Owner sball submit to VDOT plans for such road improvements within 30 days of the rezoning and shall diligently pursue such approvals from VDOT. 4.. Upon request of the County, the Owner shall contribute $10,000.00 to the Caway or VDOT for the purposes of funding a regional mon study for the Route 29 Corridor. The $10,000.00 coranibution shall be made within 30 days after requested by the County after the first final site plata or subdivision plat is approved in Area C and, if not expended for such pe{aposes within three years from the date the fiends were contributed, such, funds shall be refunded to the Owner. 5. The Owner shall coutstibute $200,000.00 (the "toted contribution") to the County Ic the purpose of bufing capital improvements related to the Hollymead Town Center The contribution shall be paid as follows: $100,000.00 shall be contributed to the County within 30 days attar the first final site plan or subdivision plat containing dwelling waits is approved in Area C; the remainder oefthe contribution shall be paid on a pro rata basis at the time a cordo c ate of occit" leay is issued for each dwelling unit; the pro ra" coMibuaon shall be based upon the number of dwelling units approved as part of the first final site plan Or subdivision plat. if five years after the date of approval ofthe first Mfinal site plan or stiAvisionplat the total contribution has not been fully paid, the Owner 3 4 t L, I a t- Fir 2MA-01-20 PROFFERS HA=W TWO Ceater Area C dab A 2003 TAX MAP 32, Pareey 41D, 43A, 44,4.% 46 37.1 Acres pure AW to Section 33.3 ofthe Albemarle County Code (the "Code"), the owners, or shall only be p e' hereby y proft the conditions listed below which e crpt as speci8catily set forth herein to the area identified asRegionalServiceArraContheApplicationPlan, (defined below)comprising an, or some ofthe aboveM&renced tax map parcels (tbe "Propel'). These conditions are proffered as part ofthe requested zarirezoninghaWfgivesrisetotheneedforritec(o didons• it is agreed that: 1) the reasonable relation to the . and 2) conditions have arezoningrequest: I. Development shall be in geerrl W accord with the Application Flan entitled RezoningApplicationplansforHollymeadTownCenterRegionalServiceAreaC, (Sheets A-1, A2, only), prepared by Rivamra P.rtgineerittg 3% Surveying, , revs7, 2003 ("Application Plan"•). The standards of dtveleapndPLCand centrsallafeat revised, July Jtures andmajorelementswithinthepropawessentialtothedesigna dev pment shall be ingeneralaccord Code of Dwith the Blade Exhibit, s Code ofDevelop sarraUvo and theebpmerot's tables and appendices set forth in the attached AplgkwouBooklet, entitled `Vollymead Town Cents., Application Booklet, 2MA.01 20 (Area C)." The Owners have preaented, as part of their rezoaiv$ aPPuc:aaun, a number of coneagMWPlansandillustrationsforvariouspurposes, btu pt ipagy to provide justification for therezoningactionstheyarewddng. Unless specifically referenced in these proffers, all the andill plan s submitted as 1 of Applicant's reaonigg application, other than and illustrations shall not dasdefined above, shall be deemed illustrative only, and such pleas block i_ Proms. The Owners reserve the right to aisle window ffeatnr ass onthe Application parking and drive to: 1) comply with conditions int Application Pian in order with ARB requirements iir and Pce Spial Use Permit, and ii) assure compliance s as be OY- provide all necessary storm water management and 2. Tru Owners ofArea C, as shown on the Application Plan (the "Owner") "I causeCompletionofthe &Wm ing and improvements that shati be roads cogstrilcted to VDOT fog nda s s either be accepted by VDOT or be bonded for VDOrs acceptanceas A- COnstruction Of Timberwood Boulevard, 83 depicted On the Application Planandfirsdesmibedasfollows. i) from the intersection at US Route 29 to a newtenuomuswithinHallymicadTenaCederthatisshownattheextensionofthe Jull 28 2000 8:48Ph HP t.R36R,WT FAX 434-994-99C%4 P . l A V COUNTY OF ALOVAl3AKLE Pepo"Meol of Community Development 40 f Meiatile hood, Rnom 227 Charmseesvillea Virginia 2290?-4596I'exte L-04)24h-502?ax (434) 91211 Zb July 28, 2007 Bill MRF.faw 1117 E, Market Street, Suite 8 Charlottesviile, VA 22902 RE: ZMA 2001-20 Hollymead Tower Center Area C, l3lock 1 Dear Mr. Morrow. T* is to verify that the Code of Development for ZMA-2001-20 allows thct development of a 3 story, 48,9004qualEre foot hotel on Block 1. Ther :project must be devie loped in accord with the approved rezoning. Please contact me if you have further questions. Sincerely, f John Shepherd Manager of Zoning Administraticr U 2MA-01-020 Attachment EHollymeadTownCenterAreaC VDOT fidure road improvement project ofAirport Road, this will provide the connection to Airport Road from Route 29 as previously proffered as part of 2MA-94-08. The constructed improvements shall include two Eastbound lanes in co*nction with the improvements designed for TM 32 Parcels 41D1 and 41A to the fest dual lane roundabout at access road B and Westbound lanes of dual left lanes, one thru lane and one continuous right turn lane from the roundabout at access road B to the intersection with Route 29, from the roundabout at access road B a two lane section shall be constructed to the VDOT wension, with additional turn lanes at intersections located in Area C pursuant to road plans approved by the Virginia Department of Transportation ("VDOT") and theCountyaspartoftheAreaCsiteplan: B - of" left turn'lanes at the intersection of Route 29 and Th"berwood Boulevard, from northbound Route 29 into Timberwood Boulevard. The turn lane and taper lengths will be determined with final road plans to be reviewed and approved by VDOT. C- Signalization at Timberwood Boulevard and Route 29 shall include reeonswWon at the Forest Lakes Subdivision entrance location, as scheduled in coordination with VDOT. All turn movements shall be signaled at the intersection ofRoute 29 and Timberwood Boulevard as approved by VDOT. The exiisting intersection exiting Forest Lakes shall be nmrist acted to maintain the dual left lanes, the continuous right turn lane and add a through have accordingtothefinaldesigninthe, previous paragraph. D, The Owner proffers to dedicate land and construct a third through Ione on Route 29 (consisting of lane width, shoulder and drainage improvements) southbound from the entrance road, Mm*e wood Boulevard) at the Property'sNorthernboundary. The Owner also shall dedicate land or cause to be dedicated and construct: i) a continuous through lane 500 -feet to the Southern boundary ofAreaC, 4) a taper harm consisting of a 200 foot taper beginning at the SouthernboundaryandRoute29 (in the event area B is not rezoned and their proffers accepted), and iiri) a Continuous right turn lane starting at the night -in at the Northers boundary of TM 32 Parcel 41A to the rightin at rim Southern entt'anceofAreaC. L. COAsernctioa ofone additional continuous right turn Northbound have starting1090feetsouthofTimberwoodBoulevardatthelocationofthebeginningofthe turn and taper ofWorth Crossing and Route 29, and terminating at TimberwoodBoulevard. F. Access Road C, between Area A and its intersection with Timberwood will be built or bonded before the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy withinAreaB. If bonded„ the road will be constructedted for aeoptance by VDOT within one year ofthe first rati&AW of occupancy. j Conceptual Plan July 21, 2008 2 F.. Conceptual Pian Only Ir. 1 i Z - - - - - - - - - 1 r:. Area C, Block 1, Hollymead Town Center rt Z n O U oW CL N N O i CK W Z Q 0 Ol r7 p I— W W Z 0 OL U ofI-- V) W Uj LLI y O Z J W ( n L) Z J V) W Z Z Q O ZW V. N W H Z V) Z Q LLJ 3:: d V Q mom Z N f— Z C, V) 00 CrCL IL 0 M Q W W 0V) X Q Z 0 V- 0 J N r.e Nv W XJ W Q Lai., O 1 L`' U m 0 G Q CL H Q 0 o 00 rp o 041 V cr-00Y WW Z Q Y 00 1— D 0 w U W m O 1 U N oo O oo Vj) J H o 0 J N V' O N IV. N W H V! N 00 O M N w d O W W mom Z N iii CeLA- CrCL IL 0 M W Z oJQZ 0 V- N r.e Nv W W M o 00 G BMW= ell _ LEGEND r I 0 00cx) •. ,. / • - • yl a. CANOPY CALCULATIONS INTERIOR LAND5CAPING: TMP 32-'41 D4 Kaqu n .d: I Tree pier 10 Pariung spaces 21/10 — 2.1 Trap Provided: 6 Trees (QP 4 U) Area Regwred: 5% of Total ParWM Area 5F — 156 5F Area Provided: — I.830 5F TMP 32-41 D5 Regwred: I Trm per 10 Parka 125/10 - 12.5 Treeel Provided: 16 Trees (QP. UP. 4 U) Area Rb wred: 5% of Total Parinng Area 0.05'54.1 19 5F - 2.706 5F Area Provided: - 6.028 5F TMP 32-41 DG R+egwred: I Tree per 10 Parlung Spaces 35/10 — 3.5 Tmm Provided: 7 Tram (QP) LAND5CAPING CANOPY REQUIRED: TMP 32-41 D5 10% of Total gate Area' TOW 5ata Ar8a 86.247 5F (1.98 Acres) 86.247 5F • .10 - 8.625 Sr R wpred LAND5CAPING CANOPY PROVIDED; New Canopy = 12.682 5P Total Canopy Provided o 12.682 5F It molud" n9 larwocarn provided thin the Open space and stormwater nonagallift pond ares+ on TMP 32-41 D3) a. ry 1 I c. rll r " • - r Aso a ii d///r/fir . 1 +i h \ f uu•re A• ll trr II O a •- - `• i .'1r 1 r='1ri Ir1 1•Ir, . 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Ln 13M Petll" ALL TECHNICAL INFORMATION II FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS UPWAPa 2Is o NTBfDEDIIiE- Fee triMkg•tadwal4bombdapplicators. 2 A*&Wall-Motlated Llmmaosla CONSMUCTION -- No$K dia-caK, Imglrpiece akmaurn baring• ei0•cast EM{arywM120tl1 ti\ fora[*reMtiOpact-niNad.anparaLracMnaoaaMlaeisaA/swNdwih. 71)hil . N91)i1lN dwN fdad caNgadnL J. 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NotaveleMewsissCWA CSANOMorYN EmotlmdlapGMwn AWWAIWd00dt4US.C4t a WbaidalmlpsasomowmrdNferosekl Standard dbwaskas,AM 2611 ME f so*@.fmcwAar*sapsriorcabrrm6tlm.twammaManawnldlmONu•MDb t x•UabT u atria%t 124A'11140ap ti! OAF %N corpISSTAUATgN-u1*01cdmanin001abwilAnlapwlmGwlenibdla pwtsthe oloawl,lt:owa4slo 0,12s swryeerieOUfsottl Se- I LOW lisbdselahlokrdavilxatonsinupadptwod0afliatULUM414 191 e USendWWWsselsbadwdsimeOPM61Will CIWWWtm*OPI"4 M NdswNbMwekxhwkWkMM)WdWA0 ItimAWe164. ren/. USFellow No. OM WCoadlrrlPOAMft101 1. 3 i 4Ax2W ORDERING INFORMATION Example: ASW1100o1 SRT ito SF LPI Orator da bdYYake nbWCMW tbolar bads Na 011011S Md orb 0 m the "MODMO tow. a *t 1226130 02 ASW[ 42TRT SR3 MYOLT w 30xNx3 nine W6waphoorw DfNriWbM Vt1Nag6 tift316C 3 OPUeu 125 Ag*l VoLb k Mt %itkaror/ qpo up 6NYOYLwmdm16.tbc WA Y Skhdth"IN• Z77,21N.rye W CSAC "w NO NUAC&IMM im 67307[' NM SeYriourN typo xv, TTai,,iTaeYY ML Ard "(*f m pom wa am]*Tar PL OF 00"koomg 4w.N s" , OOWAOOr Us. tar 21KTM' alMt sa•rmge Ir" 263 LooA am N,lawr/tlwr M ale 7eVY las boprotelewalNh&VWk tlq Lnv bwhldN W Lusk" love tlterp f711Ir, GZ YM +dura 7RtOlT Mbuft'P Crewel It inwomwttertfmv=04 21.41 tails EP Tiede nI Wap ow kx,dwr Htelr Erempny Naar P•tk• 401414 t.Pa cwk pd-lw bwot NdLmmmm am3~4*boon ypck IVSRdOwrll as 0wav wtk(a IMWea Ira& apowtlrylaw. NO'R:far dipawx0N11.4.ItpYNa.fpWt matimall NWaiMNrwMtICA 1MS DVAMS RbmwM•drOodYNrP411K 16 NOYIttl/*ditl/° ties a PSK IOWANbaaairpetk itlgp14l.Maxfsht H lTuw ark eat Mabrdet McAc tt . maAtf batt bar 083642 2T let et"N" u*i71a MtYMO Ymn turd 0.10 Ott[f•waawY that Of AAeIOg vandal pert 7.7 a OMMIaa•IMkdadiw" a1f11bixOLillwe' NOTIM 1 AtaaONrebSW eels. 2 OC13 OGK2 aN OZ trw M adr" reOetbN. 20Ca --eyrie boo* Mw eve Naw lla.l 2 rw«pwt+ruCorpactyYaaNaa. am tawsary cbcth 12 talk pwbwkKbood)- ase- ornlwaa ORLOC12.00x4 ap4cta almod Woollor. 1 EGua moral[ ENraerhey taeW l7wd for am NtaNdaMtllam 7 ekdaNlw' OottMs (' 12p.2OL DNI IL.7/1.3(N hQnaat•'dlbt91207ON OK Oaaartobaerywa 11001 ma; lra ap lacYlNfl' FFD book WSaaLLtaxudidflf Comis t% Vk *Ofwk bete[ ON cmem asatlalt a"cape, ofestimateestimatetit3006otraW barred twmdm sedsoco last alonm 0!0 Wall a ograNrdop kali NW277V. a AvNNtla cwaatlarartaaaw;MtevteeWrA0nI12tIRI.2N2tAT.fT1ATtl7f11tT.W dad NMl wt1M c91Yt MU Livies" WK Ilea t1 Aloopla0 tri catl"cl Soaatar OW ria waatbb VIM UM N TOalr. UpUaWoo r6tUnrapMp,akNaftf.S9WrotenoaiiryehaatpNtYpye. PE tstpga,tak sailboats T4,TW.bMOLTar ped Oak red e1K MegUAtstoicbOsrahWafaasooesOft9rotdtlWADYW.UMOF7*IT. IeIYY Off RNNNNetaeMewkN6.Ot:e14stlax. ro Cw^e 1Nary ar wiamm NID%wopw "s ftmvb 00" tx36x4 210 KMontaachedwainto"#& o•eIoMtea"". 35 1 4Ax3a 1) Ava" a* wKt= ad 4M"kvfaN, 7 6A IEO N "Alerd orf" al atlas sobbW W waw.ENadsew IN tow* kdomodoa 10 Lt IS 0•Itdoot Siena: ASW[ AS2 Metal Halide, High Pressure Sodium Area Lighting cowociw al twllsawl NM 1 Nwaarbk for for cow 4406w,ro can be saps" N wwwAb)gnb cL 2 pa W"icA clw opWt:s tante tKhrdc/14W ave-. 2 Tap" to catrav EMU NO N6AM stageNb ear $&"ad mcbw.lay c0aa10rh• VadpN "Waft War m cam fNrommas baltaen,laNaY sw atanY gd1 ararwws ek wtdan ad wdkw m ore bum maw ted wawa 40 mod we miliect to eearta AIMIIUMM L/Wfi MM" MCw7 M ShIaRtAS!•1111.61 am ACWV bm"flooding, YN.Rw. 1YAY0t SSS Square Straight Steel Poles Moawtiwg 11010 Ctthdbal Factor IW Win dr k,vtl M b taNedm haorl art • Us ISR . 3A 2•IL • IS sal • in Opt9dslelas•w IIIwMNrifhR LilidalafJgilaq for iMNrde Wa,Gmw%MSM2 Flrle:77af".IMFtc MSM120 vAwJIMletlasw ASWI MRS illi MT N0. LTL 13819P ASi SW OWI: TEST NO. Ln 13M P 130f,LU11110"E PLOT (Fa04tgnda) TECHNICAL INFORMATION MW LUMNANCE PLOT O%okmndfo) ELOWR UPWAPa 2Is o ad .j 2 3 i1 EM{arywM120tl1 ti\ 71)hil . N91)i1lN MONO NZ,1 l J. m11..t I alM via/ ( M Ma a Mac w 1Nx sokCock @as" x App199M6 aelvatgrl SM 04C x I 4Ax101 NE sill 306 19 no 316 639 42 H 311Ua0 75 9591210 12 i 1.0x120 ails 11 24A /M NS A 141 6112 N 314x/Sr3 a 1211111419 R 4A00 0.125 190 M jn1_41M 0 O q SE NIS, N 0xars INS Ik3l r,A1t\ tlN 0I1011 N OC i\i) GriIINMM 2611 ME rl i 11 ri;l JJ1ENO u atria%t 125 ) ti! OAF %N 19F555 0,12s 11 as 20 Se- I e-7 45 191 w tl4xax3 140 69046 3 i 4Ax2W 0.107 CYNarNa:lMarttOtf(MOtwy0hN11 FOl 163 as 1226130 02 30 w NM 1 Nwaarbk for for cow 4406w,ro can be saps" N wwwAb)gnb cL 2 pa W"icA clw opWt:s tante tKhrdc/14W ave-. 2 Tap" to catrav EMU NO N6AM stageNb ear $&"ad mcbw.lay c0aa10rh• VadpN "Waft War m cam fNrommas baltaen,laNaY sw atanY gd1 ararwws ek wtdan ad wdkw m ore bum maw ted wawa 40 mod we miliect to eearta AIMIIUMM L/Wfi MM" MCw7 M ShIaRtAS!•1111.61 am ACWV bm"flooding, YN.Rw. 1YAY0t SSS Square Straight Steel Poles Moawtiwg 11010 Ctthdbal Factor IW Win dr k,vtl M b taNedm haorl art • Us ISR . 3A 2•IL • IS sal • in Opt9dslelas•w IIIwMNrifhR LilidalafJgilaq for iMNrde Wa,Gmw%MSM2 Flrle:77af".IMFtc MSM120 vAwJIMletlasw BASE DETAN. i k 9trw col ads oral bgba ILWtleaa To" SON caw 1 ave" 9gor ora Amor crag nrrop iW A I 9 Patio" on*" CC I•la 2-W.r r MM - C AIIFB I'M01141 IT3 Ola 1.341•4' r AIDS -4 AN" PAi00M r 10•-tt 3.2014' al• A St4 A931-0 PANIO 4' Ir -Ir 4-W.4' It -fir AMSid A$* AISOOn 16"watol" WiNtM9Ek a wort PIW rlaeor arrse IM.w IaaNW. ow"ff." ON Ilrrlomnftm M ail womov so axW 6" [port Idt lit MIN In11rIw irtr.n.alw.w Ot"M" 4" to Irr+r On I."" trtrlt a*rr w rr rvr• N rrrrtsa w.stla ver r.arN Y.ae•Nrr N Iraaaltlle 4l.aw Iarlml. r N1 r.r/.nmb eve tri /.I. W .Ory enaasew aaYw tow rr"eW.sw a.r r ors at wrOrl rah b.arlm rraam: tri..grlft.ap"wW."towardprameft Oho&r..Ir " rllr r rawre rI1Mtl r Nye- sAaat rM we• ore reaaaq caw r were r r•r ttm IA dLtfTHO/VG4 L/Li/'li/VOe ShlswtkPala•SSS OIa4M.Rr•aMstwa••rt.aa. ItrD/sT UfoM.W nsg allpr4aa1. waw. Caws.431w IMa W 710ig1MFt7aN101aw Iwr.AlhrNaea. ASW1 Metal Halide, High Pressure Sodium, Fluorescent Building Mounted AM 16163 sass TEST NO. LTL 13117F ASWI MRS illi MT N0. LTL 13819P ASi SW OWI: TEST NO. Ln 13M P 130f,LU11110"E PLOT (Fa04tgnda) TECHNICAL INFORMATION MW LUMNANCE PLOT O%okmndfo) ELOWR UPWAPa 2Is o ad .j 2 3 i1 EM{arywM120tl1 01 0 ar1 Gab* payer N Ibm,N abed i PpbskNs bawx WIN 9 M Ma a Mac w 1Nx sokCock @as" x App199M6 aelvatgrl SM 04C x I 4Ax101 0x71 N 306 19 no 316 639 42 H 311Ua0 75 9591210 12 i 1.0x120 ails 11 24A /M NS A 141 6112 N 314x/Sr3 a 1211111419 R 4A00 0.125 tl 190 M 1St 11.7 20 N 0xars 0 txttt C mw$C x M j lOxt6l.. 4AXISA OYAS 6116 11 11 ISS :I lei s1S Its35 t2 to u to a atria%t 125 ) 9ftMf0 10 4Ax2Ds 0,12s 11 as 20 Se- I e-7 45 191 w tl4xax3 140 69046 3 i 4Ax2W 0.107 CYNarNa:lMarttOtf(MOtwy0hN11 FOl 163 as 1226130 02 30 w 30xNx3 IM I tift316C 3 Ssx204 125 1t I" 4e- IVI 38 e-4 225 10.42 tx3x4 116 21TA 3 i 5s%els 410 7 291 300 21.41 60 632 Ie- la•12 lx3Ix4. 266 9iax46 3 i 4Sx26a VS 11 as in 2A lM is 90 H 74xax3 la 083642 25 i 4Dx260 0.10 7 as 21e 7.7 t0 as tis w WeXXX3 241 fsSX9c 25 5sx2Ss 1 86126 11 s So 167 37 10 10-12 1x35x4 226 Sit3f9 3 I 501260 e-1 7 190 ISO 12S 0 u 260 63••12 tx36x4 210 IMS40 35 1 4Ax3a 0.10 7 6A IEO 40 10 Lt IS w 1lr4xmx3 21S l ass3esc 30 SAx30A alis tt e-7 150 U SS 10-2 1x3%4 i5 fssaot0 30 i SAx700 410 7 10.7267 e-1 Ki 2s t0 10-2 1%26x4 sID fSt000 30 ED%3014 0.10 7 157 363 1E 29 0.1 160 it 13 louse 520 9Mi56 3s 50050 410 7 I 51 150 25 0-12 1080441 tx3x4 41D 991>6i0 3S fDxSSD 910 7I 951 237 SD I0 is 50 1143 tx3r4 510 S nsr. 3e Ursa SO I 7 1,1 YAI 12 33 - 11-13 1x3x4 t BASE DETAN. i k 9trw col ads oral bgba ILWtleaa To" SON caw 1 ave" 9gor ora Amor crag nrrop iW A I 9 Patio" on*" CC I•la 2-W.r r MM - C AIIFB I'M01141 IT3 Ola 1.341•4' r AIDS -4 AN" PAi00M r 10•-tt 3.2014' al• A St4 A931-0 PANIO 4' Ir -Ir 4-W.4' It -fir AMSid A$* AISOOn 16"watol" WiNtM9Ek a wort PIW rlaeor arrse IM.w IaaNW. ow"ff." ON Ilrrlomnftm M ail womov so axW 6" [port Idt lit MIN In11rIw irtr.n.alw.w Ot"M" 4" to Irr+r On I."" trtrlt a*rr w rr rvr• N rrrrtsa w.stla ver r.arN Y.ae•Nrr N Iraaaltlle 4l.aw Iarlml. r N1 r.r/.nmb eve tri /.I. W .Ory enaasew aaYw tow rr"eW.sw a.r r ors at wrOrl rah b.arlm rraam: tri..grlft.ap"wW."towardprameft Oho&r..Ir " rllr r rawre rI1Mtl r Nye- sAaat rM we• ore reaaaq caw r were r r•r ttm IA dLtfTHO/VG4 L/Li/'li/VOe ShlswtkPala•SSS OIa4M.Rr•aMstwa••rt.aa. ItrD/sT UfoM.W nsg all pr4aa1. waw. Caws.431w IMa W 710ig1MFt7aN101aw Iwr.AlhrNaea. ASW1 Metal Halide, High Pressure Sodium, Fluorescent Building Mounted AM 16163 sass TEST NO. LTL 13117F ASWI MRS illi MT N0. LTL 13819P ASi SW OWI: TEST NO. Ln 13M P 130f,LU11110"E PLOT (Fa04tgnda) 150"UMINANCE PLOT (FWWandle) MW LUMNANCE PLOT O%okmndfo) ELOWR UPWAPa 2Is o ad .j 2 3 i1 01 0 ar1 sA 1! I Is tf /1j 3"e- (ahs lamp) s t.f • URTAT Yllolrhl' OwO INM pi e-4 3 021 3` 7(42TRT no N row, j -M'1MY 4 0 t 2 • f • 6 1 2 S 4 a 4 4 0 1 2 3 4 6 • 1541110 Won del Otto! Nato wen. I" mm OWWNra OMhditkwAraW"M IfOWprretrN atdNeMrtsRltlra [•0120 YOpala. a....Nrwr.ar.erm Mar. Foaea" %wombaoleemae IwOm Farrellt.lrebara00blP CWtara*t Taer *,are, FaeGaof rAmoomm Tolle, ueata someaar CtyllMetat 7y"N,iMA haCr/toa ASM 81M w TEST N0. Ln, blip AM 16M10Z TEST NO. Ln 1314311 NaN W4LLUNIMANCEPLOT (FoolunflM) IEiO"WANSANCEPLOT (FoolANW) Inlw mass In ltTi fx a vim 3dw 2lb s bum 40w NANDNOU ORIENTATION y a i iN r C N let bomwoMNMwe.RN«a00Tai"oft Oars ok*v$L INf 11 rlrew.reawwaartrNobhr terRMtLlotaN r 1 Q movAL law 2 2s 4 sorb Iwdm wad akmadw.A m "Pow tor. 2LLU 1 4 0 t 4 i • f • 4 0 t 2 3 1 1 • NS OOWWppNM NreItlaMN right Fred 1.000 roowt%rrgewtlrNaatrsawlN 1a4o1 9tmarrLaaAarr9r WtN FOaIOnMvruN NNew2r 0rr0• htlmeMM610= 6a2T MYMrR. Ilia• man mrsep Itltli MML 114IM Glarauaoa MldOtratl (1Y0•t VNYt0r0.FMCNr• CYNarNa:lMarttOtf(MOtwy0hN11 FOl ekt%M lm IF tm!mnvr hell LAW CONk Trp Lamp Options it al an sNwtow) ELOW ELOWR UPWAPa 25OTT lam lwpl 2126DTT 26TAT tom lamp) 2126TRT 3"e- (ahs lamp) URTAT Yllolrhl' OwO INM 42TRT tons em) 7(42TRT no N row, j -M'1MY wap ragwl' A NffVIA LroNrX0 1 low Mailfp r6dF d SIBDY oe'"iMrfe''IMtfcwwmOA3wu4w fMaw77f•If =1ac7**&=o SAeet6: ASWI•RhS-F SM Anal SaN1 urAw ba. longe- A ,MVO crab• AS2 35000 SR4W TB SPA wwA LPI FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS"`°"8BP0LE 0B-1 INTENDED M - SaaNs, wwltwal,r, padirlp fors and evolo"p am& ' 1a CONSO CTION - am", die-cast **.pill" s avbaa hotleleg wide rlowied wore tllkkeru d In'. Oh•c.a daft it"*MeiolpecMerlst*r. lomp"44 glass hat PAS' Wahl Doe- fate Is hay g•1k6Nd west *W- oo trbrler oliconw Us. from No. DWAI9 COMWO Paso M•. am AraNlecMral Arae A fto*A W UM O IF" FORST - Stafford rack is d•dr bans• pdf~ Powder 411131. Adddoral eli,montural colon ore aysd•ble; for WNwj*mlo.sadaskvwom AS. OPTICAL 9M84 - Anoofod sawrol ed nrmtOm Ire saNdfr odba* end control. Rtbclors earth wddh bol -low ledwert aid rt tNaeW orad Io10pMegaW. fore let cv" disudArim &""Mtc Type If Hadwed. Type Ni letymn0altt Type N larweNd thaw). JW IV bMIM, bMFA *AVM ffi and Type V W maatdc squasol ELECTRICAL SVSTW - tall"t CwwW,,rawgo sulouabtlaner 6aWK METAL HALIDE TDIIAh400WK61wsa. Sopor CWA pwve•Kan begat agaaAA INOW. S20W wa360dW 43CWA OPOoe1 94#4a is capp9-4tomp wad 150% IaetaY•fboNd AS b& $WpkbNaw NIGH PRE RE30DILIM: win we operated on ta cold* posw tray wilt tosl•lass Irish *ad haw 10' to 35' MOWAing positive locking diSCOM et Pipe SOON CWA PAW S»d b kft, M% 'M"201 efficient and HSA I*sllation eOop sail NO npvim d to 2*4MW (meet LSOM AS rail) order SCWA optial) for US aAfPMatte 011010, cSA. Nom or INn rsgrlred aN Wft- 17.1(1141 MplebNordddpnwnswileOfIOoUSDollar: &.3 (21.01 iSocha: PercN1ia, Aori2bfNNymorard *lapel -bast socket wilb copper sitar, nickof-plKed screw shell sod "Of talact 'WWW[ 461b 116.1 k91 I- INSTALLATION - leNpel elm for polo or well movaUng. Optional 1NoyaowthwNM0t9ohbelow. aaonlirpe weuaNO. taiN10 - U UKId 1•uedanl CSA GrOed tsw OPdm61 ut Ssted for 26°C Ag dYaonan, wt IrK11N Icor fmNeal aa119 arawas tpce re. aabbM tow wet Wass" ra *Nod. NOTE SPed Coelom eNea b chowwiAoal aOdN. ORDERING INFORMATION Far Ibortest Iliad tares, configure product Using /ItalaN aplim IsborrR if bow). FJumple:AS2260i1 SRSTO SCWASPA LPI SPA LPI Sa,e L MSR4W VAaB MawY+1 ANNAe AR Ilmtholds f1 am 8 aq reed iOlenkl Nora pWb iaesdJoddWJeLara iWsq Oared LPI taeP y,d =I wiuMlaf Medea O rw*ba1391M.30V SOL bfw lesvbe Mai 214 RPA • a Oaw-fw-M.aoow (/truss raw) J vm sawbuka No or A1,aralabf ud ( w owc' erN'de a1C gwcod gOf® ® Ec EwNwncr ,tate (IMt MNIa* wow eewP A90MI Mw tow *kfm" DM Comm ra-Ib wstettl kola Ig14wea)as now eDtat mOwlLewesw. phs savA W°", A fNA 1TV mNqqww M Own too" s l oo, 2Nt aa17u INN* A"* tyf an KAM CNAC&dw OWN Whlo w mwwwdtrw Os.1lnrMeASOWA IaM NOMCatl1" al conom awlMafatetda MVR AvWWabrM$Po"mn ("bill" 0Mm*NMa veaallrMlAttSA. s-1 - maelMbau.O. W sauna" twoNgo"AtT SOaeeLueeotel2'I IS $awarded type IIIminnawk fel brrilsckN(17asx Shost gyp. N t«Ww4 fEa OM NoW40tkFEtx7r) SRgN > OtMaMIfW14R K4klEMadtlaetfENlW1 grew IbWr *pet Arbor bee orow Nt N7MArnY-,et fEi777f) we $" M M sue V "Sora /stip rumba am rwkN W valid stood 1pgagf Ins m.. w Alb #Mbt pm* a be SC Obwn up v NCAr•m 1 Lew, w+N"..vaaeb. aOnA bmq. 1piaN. ttlWt N6da. e 0616[' 6` Wa• 2 Most N Olfaef NW WAPA EWMO*UAM46ax M2Medanomflmi )no" * 4 ger ewtMb wkb KWA S am sa.eg ceA IN waw, GNfs. rw M Norm a2g 763 ]I0. bled 1falAt l w 163 Mau a7f1 714 Slh/ tri 410,d1k gMMM 2 N O delft" Atcassed c Iver A4Md4 SOWNeCawhad" be ever6t w•w$O ICOM 2 N M dsrsa 0 eore NN s•M soinve N room a Aa ga"W 4&1104"N" Oldw N t+PNeN wrW nellw. Mom be d Y Nin arweW NfAI IO u101011 N"narP aMaAt 4.~w +.yl TagnOA tial TwbtlM• TuaR' 7lardafM'ttreetfl' ,- tl Mab.Or Nrwaw vapor. wv Neater. I 0 ASp01M ASN1.1M ASfM•Zf1 AtfNM Ml3i now IsIt Mq w erwN N u e.t0tsery. Dye ATFitM A9t*= AV*= Maki Mll" AtQFM n Ada11NN 4.04to wl..ttl.wi"1 tw wwwAeesN.e.ad.n wta r A6T><•lM A9f6.7M MIi711 AgMi AtaNes tb0fK111 N Mat M opooikt AIM vont war• OttAW Sb.asak A024" AL -iso IA`nra ow FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS toasrtluDTMp WtloeooyreM. AeOard caaMetltl•NwM [once- sled uuae v*i It NaNMn y1N at 66K0 Pel (l lyl.pl M,1M tl 17•eeapt Ik4Ne rrf adtNw tl .121 a .1•t. Ment am taeelr" vele a,apgarrk does. 4W dd" retloaw* vera. IIeR0111A/ y9w b trors•9dm wM M tol. ISAsa tap„Nil ad aweow rats ArsNYM 11ea MINT w P, ram T. AWA*, ban it ebd"bd alae MWWM "" NW Wb eW *law or ouWp m mWmm vW Nares d XAM putilea wAlw NNk Ps~ wMI WIW dila. tow Near k sddri• a aNb IIMb A ImaawN Woke aooda dwesl0ae N r %r bead dNla VAk4M is a cover WIN ttl9haMt [Aria. Us t9 plteN «an W *M4-0 vd1a Sawars aro mNmerPtb won*" awyhne a orta,w slot FOW - ark Worn Will PWWW PWAW 5WA14L Ow atbww oral nbri 9sbeble. So I' , f duawh kdw. 6a01wllrle - A Not Mlbr talW bWWMdy WO w h90101P tla Is PrOrle9 WOW Nin are eN PO"" 111''11 I ApOMgrain - toppaaaelmdwatear9ee"tNAIrTMA•IIL Mob At shad w MNse a e MOM dill MMM d SUN PIL tow IMa•a 11as 20lac cums ms ec aria Trp aI OB -2 Aswka Dew Pons SSS SOWItESTARIONTSTEft ORDERI NG INFORMATION tffd Nor aver p't' to °a01i aWea f>o1xd1 vwlh yew tyles r•pfaerdelivl, cwatipa aomwoxm Fullytedgnke. Examlph: SSS 2060 OM19000 SS8 20 4G am tqo aNalmla9lotaeg ' N A'a"t ODD BIG apNear ' wfe Mw lass K Inr•Ifaaal xhlrAaerr wart a.+r Mar lawN.Pr1.1 f7 t1ssM ell 30rrawatb w Int. NN but Pawl l sar"S we- M err" NOW OIL rxk Capedtar son w fllppeod. Derming (4% and 411oMonic (.96) Musa n6 k2reA 1rt O it we as ta.o k"wo thalttte. See opNns, Cook dAa. b". Soca» Otis. W41 r ws•atMarNwa Ra rbraraomm VOID* and U* tlrwm a M coww• 174 LVrO. wmm 111mOa tore a b..w 4" 34x11 prNwy. RanovwDts. Afdf saMCkp v 1'ea.p4TRn1 reaW wM Mr NeFtrwNe d 16 till gekroro*oY0 saM rad aalds ruu(xool Yllolrhl' OwO INM Kora /geola •p+s0r less printer coo: (lack atemw OIOh OA IN IM t,I PEI hftta14i01, we 6aeSamiN star w no N row, j -M'1MY tmr* eve !rM wap ragwl' 0 Y INK' lees er a.t14N .rrtlt Ur14s Oie 14130' 3elw air aawrd abet' ISO I tow. ram" OW IRREE wlaU IrfM cera No blaawMl S4xax7 NaN WOMEM out Inlw mass In ltTi f x 1 wMladrM l.shr.r.apa .rr pix a..pl7 t. a.rw vim 3dw WIL!S . O(I I)1 tMleTu trtrdrr4wrsraww bum 40w NANDNOU ORIENTATIONw.ek 1 744, exp trPrn gi be ON#w l pwtdm halt+ do" a i iN r C N let bomwoMNMwe.RN«a00Tai"oft Oars ok*v$L INf 11 rlrew.reawwaartrNobhr terRMtLlotaN r 3 M.al'1'a7a/aa001rwiaty Bum= movAL law w 341xax3 4 sorb Iwdm wad akmadw.A m "Pow tor. MMOL. 241 g 1 war. 3wewalwabw.Nwer.rweL WIarlrfLIrfM NS w sed arrr/a K•3tNM6-sP 9tmarrLaaAarr9r w fa Twl.% ofrw.eaMl*111rINMNp MAem MYMrR. Ilia• man RrMwWrwtw Od rrra.. rraa•reWree MML 114IM A f xalwm arh M lf 24w".Wmant*a ekt%M lm IF N•NhNo 1 cwYwlenrrwnaw.N4wa*anl.rretw.ktalsa. OkmawL ONM 4-12 1 Almltrtd frrr..dMrr pl+wwM%Ws.easrwhtlra ltdaat. I8110' sorsa Pawat MO wrhNN. 60x789 410 Or4oat Stwtd:PeledSS PL -20 SSS Square Straight Steel Poles I IRLIN 4,Aav1895 FeaUm and opeom Recessed Lensed 11« 1Dar HRS -11182 E -Lamp "Pulse Start" Concrete Pour Downlight: 50 to 100 Watt LOW Fe8UM DesglNa fcr trac0um base neull haute ED -17 cwatipa aomwoxm Fullytedgnke. antpf. Soo char[ stir wrlaerd 6310 GPtbnW da1M haws Entte bwrdtl•ka i9rvICW etlovgMt ranontDa 1. Sot OpW1111t d3 and chat far bwor wattage a 0 Core and ed 1BD C rw0 NPF pubo curt t OuOM OIYs pywAnd 14 GA *NEC) 900**d etw ULMPSwaabtp. iaoket elle-• QM t4, high feeculftoo for 120 vok and Sued: wall removable boulaad I cover. HaCoaat Pubo rand. GloW poresk*n. Options -66..66: Over reactor for 277 vok. 11r end Y4' ko0Ck0ft K&A•palOd brace screw shat. SMeaN higom Nefsala Capedtar son w fllppeod. Derming (4% and 411oMonic (.96) Musa Roitis hoop, ou13Da k Ipolra absSurlecalmmub-locotedspeeder akxrNllumn. thalttte. See opNns, Cook dAa. b". Soca» Otis. naawyllge. cac o fl(, Cil[ 1Cettn1R11bw0e TAumift• W VOID* and U* tlrwm a M coww• Par tree h pared caro/*. Through aaKh ckcvk =WuMM N d14tamperedprWrlokMOCK34x11 prNwy. RanovwDts. Afdf saMCkp Cw== t Ru pw' olshod dcRW uarsogs door 004-L) and caw thumb sawv. Concealed hinges NeFtrwNe d 16 till gekroro*oY0 saM rad aalds ruu(xool bmmdlfYewWIefleeYen • Reee adl I* 98"0d. printer coo: (lack atemw OIOh Par emeN NEC. Wass" /MaUbBty and Cutolo R 0bundanl 1NaEla a q"1Sfa61a a fdW.314w1d1gr No Rhes ARt .tl 011lA tM AN i10 _ - - HRS 11162 CO -1744W 100 100 I 60.70 36.70 100 1226- I Sq taiVav3 bwxMwd S0a lob" ria aabw wmpL spa*" toga. Waft" ane- reltte u Lowatwtage-swopw.43dwtomfa OWbO Iberia *00809.308* oo0aga• 13D 120%VLOOMb a t 272 277 vdL oo"x ba11a1. 047 341vaa.60ak.bdaal. 07 Oewvftp aWLCwtadaetay. a" CMO 49 ckoAD D De ahrigYm dnulaaateywalalbsoup AlafaJS lab 11 FdwtgFpapy3* Food MimMsws/N tad fW IaM1w-AIN fors 46 aM AS, odomtip sakaLtgeMpnags ypode*gltltldllf0 nrJNs7014oeot0pILLAs"1"Opow•LS. LP 1Ys11atn41iPK"Swaw.WOVA Aodw valaarnareIWK 6xt ntl" rdlm p 45 NM1T•40011andolow lelalsatldayea ussts W"Op•onl •4Y. Gf 4a. too" ow 16 pAloplcCl'7x3torl*MaMrred 2e- TaMpwpnts!VWoMklPOUMb MAbu opeon.n. 21 C1wllrampascglsabrn0a/ets9taad r•viame, M" esOOR-3L lwrloM Lt GoombsevamMmewelDrg. 46 GOOK. . ataknlallla4)0 ppqa Od nhsdsMI.YfiM'efOq/66 isM.''' OM OropNdoplrns*Mpalaaltehalewed• 011 $F$CW Modr""& CmbkWvw*. IRLIN 3401 E KIRSTJEFF RS COMPANY 3401 FAS7JEFFERSON AVEPNIE • DETROIT, MICPMGMI 49207.4232 rya"{ I' TN(t(LNLppy Aa u r 1p(. ( 313) 200.6100 • Fal: p13) 260.9109 of (3131260.3121 - naWwXgfAofp Om pD710f. RTML40aY 1 1! O IIt OTOte10 AS2 Metal Halide, High Pressure Sodium Area Lighting Cook" al wwwo 1pT1s; t MONO" fre Yr.Nw Iblraotlehr sea be ea99/ at wwwAktw&taa 2 fir 6endad ehNwaatles cowls awbelcel doe all, 3 Tor" to #AN" no era MMA wants safer sabxrae t"owy seaM 1e' ' wad t1eEW1'*'wwn'wa aa:a we of opwdMk#m we ore" 48 00 old area dee- ON an &bbd r tlwga 44 L/f75/0/K/1 L/Q/Y17/VO' Ant(AI 9l1r8Xr4Q1g3aV SbeatwAS2 M•S 47MMAtW*lkw*Lttltl%• kr.,Ave.IY»s1 cwatipa aomwoxm Elam ple:AS22EOM MISTS SCWA SPA LPI sA 49.0 WO Ila•* f0 0 TECHNICAL INFORMATION awl Mw ]fed 3m 3111 t 3106 s12a Ma NO 639 117113 MEN mK 2312 NO fa/ x12 laid34113T3] 1163 1630 lora 1" _%, N ONES Y111./l l/ . lA 19 310 7e- eta Wilk ME iif N0 NIMMM moo" sba M Jl N EBBE r/ Od$ w NEN E Y.fr•N a 40X126 636 11 164 = PEI hftta14i01, weeNdaIVPeletw4udfes1YlwNA94akFE067V) no N row, j -M'1MY H0XIOXI notAcdea IN a ootwe 0 lit 14 K M Ur14s 9171 It ISO fat letltkl"cadiaw"m wsplob low. IRREE NSNOMaSNE S4xax7 WOMEM uM Qx111 Asvas ltTi fx S it?111i N WIL!S . O(I I)1 aMkly rrri;r Irrli Ii E w Iver»e-3 e-6 . aisle I IVAIH P x I M 0 0MOM CJJJ NE 11 Of 263 1931 r ii N w 341xax3 Is i9t7yN 70 44x790 1pT1s; t MONO" fre Yr.Nw Iblraotlehr sea be ea99/ at wwwAktw&taa 2 fir 6endad ehNwaatles cowls awbelcel doe all, 3 Tor" to #AN" no era MMA wants safer sabxrae t"owy seaM 1e' ' wad t1eEW1'*'wwn'wa aa:a we of opwdMk#m we ore" 48 00 old area dee- ON an &bbd r tlwga 44 L/f75/0/K/1 L/Q/Y17/VO' Ant(AI 9l1r8Xr4Q1g3aV SbeatwAS2 M•S 47MMAtW*lkw*Lttltl%• kr.,Ave.IY»s1 geed Id1 ave Aatbw MhnMnMTiallw 101 alfa ftWM Irma cell AsrwwN Wft to A t a Osldlem Onribre 4C 6.14 1314'-1' r An" AM" Nam fa OfR I-V" r AOS>'14Q .4134 RIa1N r tri -Ir 3.36+3 11' Aaa4 AMFO tJOW r tri -tri 342,-r (1.117AIOW A176e NMI I W OrAmamrAllAl1 W p01K: Mer a«e"INId*me twW raw Ierlvra wrPMtr MOO N ail row Nil ria* NIA tMWo tell w ownt14. Nea01ar1Nem.tr 4v0 r Nlom r wfoaorr Parr wN.r areae- ria atsret•+wr/p N rr*rr0a0weMrba tYNre M r.re.uN. M W IeWaN Ntya r.ItYM lrnarrl.Iatd rlw Nraaw+Ml.rarltrM aROKA1g1 1trr rWraw w whet w worst ws«wa+t IWd.IrrwseN rIMWa pogo" a*eatwssNtw"I,IS&$&*4"0O9wKU fA"y ,am4 L/Yl1Efi1T1W1ti' ARlOk 1 "Grdk P40V SMO#,Fsb4 S NMM+wa1e61Mee1.Y*.tM, WAIN Lw4d@ oft 606. areww.N A%*OA IO Pima 1NtesPMP/Or A NFNII r.waaarttw mow" W* Ca sled" Fortes RAs7NM dr a kv11 M Ma Isrroc•eo law) as 123 ak . l4 O . 111 ak .an a M« 7e . CmaldaaParlr aaweaaartal UWeRloUgtlfiRf On LbW"waw,CarveM2esIM Nrea 711,e211•MKFat11MWuw WAWJ NkAm KIRLIN 895 Parkmgma at a Glame COrssFusaf07 c HRS -11182 f0ea': wtl*« '1` D,. ewaaa.+atal rc 661 earl• • .IYt1111h ICrM• MI21a1YiftrMsM aabGµ(COr6ama.tl laaalNal TaNw ar wueW anrpwot PINK Naw y.W Kratttpwa+tla• NRs-»>n laaw 2FJ-W 1.11 NRS•111fY (CooNdLAxnq 0. t 73. clawat 1rM• b6 i] 211011 46.uaW at 0.0 W all' 3001 N a nA IS7WSIMHe-9 N• Ut g0'tA 1 1.1 1p681MN to EFFIC: 47.7% at still Pest• ult.3e.4 McC.ff2f fJM0tO0aRa Om7lntlls0"_ _ -.... e6 4" We 1360 100.01 a Ma 7aa Mab 2420 f 3" law 2011 743 7wr K NIl 7411 MN x12 l41• as lora 1•e- IIw 201 tri K a» 1017 tow a» eta w 1In tow 1463 Nt1 149 M w •x 101 eN M IK• m 143 112 1164 ala Ila w w N 36 M s 12 N • NRS•/11112.16 (CwNdLamp) IV 1200 n Cw*dt.lgw FC a• 2 1 14 41,2 42 W 311 a 17.• 142, O'S1gaN 09 sO Sl6El 10 1fMSA1N4 /0 EFFIC: 66.6% 1ILTESTOM4 1A.%IA .Amc."M cwatipa aomwoxm Elam ple:AS22EOM MISTS SCWA SPA LPI sA 49.0 WO Ila•* f0 0 TECHNICAL INFORMATION awl Mw ]fed 3m 3111 t 3106 s12a Ma NO 639 117113 Me 3143 301 230• mK 2312 NO fa/ x12 laid34113T3] 1163 1630 lora w W tow w on 411311421la4" 31l ElAanedmt.ttw lA 19 310 7e- eta mK lel /w in sty 1a9xa x M eo lattau moo" sba M IAmw ft4sbaft lbal ou NORIall 1%+Ad Ux1AS 0.25 11 p (for AMA logo lei 70 1111. 701 1440 IM hbx 6awake M ifs t Od$ w aMxaxs AfpKfMKr wewt 7e- D39194C a 40X126 636 11 164 = PEI hftta14i01, weeNdaIVPeletw4udfes 1YlwNA94akFE067V) no N row, j -M'1MY H0XIOXI notAcdea IN a ootwe 0 lit 14 K M Ur14s 9171 It ISO fat letltkl"cadiaw"m wsplob low. 11. Mod IOtd ill LISTED - UL UKed (saedad). CSA "ad Iwo Optme. UL Usual for 26+C S4xax7 Stant and wed hcatlons. To Rand. OwnsM iiiiiii uM Qx111 Asvas ltTi f x 11 11 0its stun e-7 3e- v = w Iver»e-3 e-6 . aisle I a astas 418 11 Of 263 1931 w 45 0 w 341xax3 Is i9t7yN 70 44x790 4LIM M X= 1 u>a deaaa NS w sed u 30 w f4r0w3 163 man a Ursa 0.26 11 nor 40 IWI 91 '3 4-12 11Mx4 0 sorsa s 60x789 410 1 341 711 121oll 0 IM 4L 10-12 xMX4 34 so as I 4Ax2U Jkla 11 42 w 12.111 ISI IIA 0 w OINIIX3 131 Sauer 3 46x66 910 7ION 263 7.71 163 I SA 131 1 w 1161100 310 sa lsoc 35 g1268 913 11 u 3 q I W e-7 w 10-2 lx*x4 81111111111911 s 1OX3111 ala 7 sty 1 s Ds 3 10-2 31x4 170 sn3le 30 4ex3W 0.41 7 6.4 163 las IM 3s a W Masks 3e- 9tSSI9C m 6axa0A If 11 471 0 is M 1612 Ix0x4 SU31M 30 SAx3a0 91637 tt >A e-7 Ip 100 4-2 1130x4 ip 11[000 e Ux00 am 7 19 se- 632 20 U 0 11-13 Ix0r4 310 1i9s6so a Ultsw oral 7 e-1 w u 111 0-12 1080441 spored 76 ux3N ala 7 al 214 Y 111 Is M 113.4Ix r4 fill man 31 Urge 9163 7 S.11f 10 1131 33 1•• 11-13 1x3ox4 1 geed Id1 ave Aatbw MhnMnMTiallw 101 alfa ftWM Irma cell AsrwwN Wft to A t a Osldlem Onribre 4C 6.14 1314'-1' r An" AM" Nam fa OfR I-V" r AOS>'14Q .4134 RIa1N r tri -Ir 3.36+3 11' Aaa4 AMFO tJOW r tri -tri 342,-r (1.117AIOW A176e NMI I W OrAmamrAllAl1 W p01K: Mer a«e"INId*me twW raw Ierlvra wrPMtr MOO N ail row Nil ria* NIA tMWo tell w ownt14. Nea01ar1Nem.tr 4v0 r Nlom r wfoaorr Parr wN.r areae- ria atsret•+wr/p N rr*rr0a0weMrba tYNre M r.re.uN. M W IeWaN Ntya r.ItYM lrnarrl.Iatd rlw Nraaw+Ml.rarltrM aROKA1g1 1trr rWraw w whet w worst ws«wa+t IWd.IrrwseN rIMWa pogo" a*eatwssNtw"I,IS&$&*4"0O9wKU fA"y ,am4 L/Yl1Efi1T1W1ti' ARlOk 1 "Grdk P40V SMO#,Fsb4 S NMM+wa1e61Mee1.Y*.tM, WAIN Lw4d@ oft 606. areww.N A%*OA IO Pima 1NtesPMP/Or A NFNII r.waaarttw mow" W* Ca sled" Fortes RAs7NM dr a kv11 M Ma Isrroc•eo law) as 123 ak . l4 O . 111 ak .an a M« 7e . CmaldaaParlr aaweaaartal UWeRloUgtlfiRf On LbW"waw,CarveM2esIM Nrea 711,e211•MKFat11MWuw WAWJ NkAm KIRLIN 895 Parkmgma at a Glame COrssFusaf07 c HRS -11182 f0ea': wtl*« '1` D,. ewaaa.+atal rc 661 earl• • .IYt1111h ICrM• MI21a1YiftrMsM aabGµ(COr6ama.tl laaalNal TaNw ar wueW anrpwot PINK Naw y.W Kratttpwa+tla• NRs-»>n laaw 2FJ-W 1.11 NRS•111fY (CooNdLAxnq 0. t 73. clawat 1rM• b6 i] 211011 46.uaW at 0.0 W all' 3001 N a nA IS7 WSIMHe-9 N• Ut g0'tA 1 1.1 1p681MN to EFFIC: 47.7% at still Pest• ult.3e.4 McC.ff2f fJM0tO0aRa Om7lntlls0"_ _ -.... e6 4" We 1360 100.01 a Ma 7aa Mab 2420 f 3" law 2011 743 7wr K NIl 7411 MN x12 l41• as lora 1•e- IIw 201 tri K a» 1017 tow a» eta w 1In tow 1463 Nt1 149 M w •x 101 eN M IK• m 143 112 1164 ala Ila w w N 36 M s 12 N • NRS•/11112.16 (CwNdLamp) IV 1200 n Cw*dt.lgw FC a• 2 1 14 41,2 42 W 311 a 17.• 142, O'S1gaN 09 sO Sl6El 10 1fMSA1N4 /0 EFFIC: 66.6% 1ILTESTOM4 1A.%IA .Amc."M tatadeaktea'a9 wgrtatiltl• • AEC.AmW Er+apG9Por taOD warata ! sopasro (baeW anSMOwrralw*41OeAIM1Ol9 • SUBMITTAL DATA APPROVAL STAMP ge-6 JOB NAkt TYPE WATTAGE VOLTAGE t CATALOGNUI4DEa !. fAl AffMOWA LAoi r MPAW FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS N MIG*, an - SweetA waft "& P+dbg fele and swr otooke ares. 0001120011110 - %904 db -cast •klgb•pfet Waeleaa haw" rdd mww wall Nsiom of W. Di"M dot kap* Mt impeKN rsdtNnt arepeMd, lace bbl INN 6ecN. Door (now;o; lady 94d*ad with era phew Uk ki dkw* U. Paler Nor 01UAK Coaea Facer Ila MM F"N - StsNad "A If deet kum P*"w Poled" SAW mase" aaklasaid Won on weeft ae ywrfx6almb caalarohcobn. WWAL MM -- An" aegaro*e NNKtaa ler UPWK mike* sell aMaL NWWcere 4" with Wd40sa f"Wssn orad w N4aebb and b"xhiop•W. Mae bed caw 41"OdO68 wobblot Type 11 Im"WOO. iW* M 14*Kw ick TV" N If, 911-1. TTN 1V (cella [•nerd [bowl ale 7W V (at»a•4rb "I". . ELECFNN'AL SUM -- blest conarostAvelatio, alacenattfoloor ballast osbded Sepw UNA pob•••emt begat gamed 3MW. M11N wad 3WW ISC1161 opaoal Sam Is capptvamoe tad i(M% iera7V•IrKod. AN hot - ISM oro MWA@d m a MMWSW para VW MMI Wd4"$ I" 4141 haw perHiv , locking db9as•et play Supe CINA MOO Start ballasts, M% duent ad MI 0 I , coneduat we loetwood to 21M1M (goo ala 3WA opi cal W f 1MPa1Ma ally. CSA, NOM Al Wt -A*W ler phi orad dnlpw m •otdM al tho u9 Seket Itwedsh, hodmAAv.nenad, oogw•base s*oket AIM tapper sllvg, okk*O000d WOW ebb aM WWI ember UWAL&AT10M - Ia16gFW aria lot lilt or wed momating. OpgonN mavo/eap a m"O. LWM - wLuwd aaadaedl CSA C*Mod tna Opdo* UL§dW 1e- 8+0 alltiwM Ord wed hcaema. IM Rales. NOTE Sped&odow •oN•tt a ehsage tdtroal nodes. TWIN 0110 AS2 MM SRMAI TB SPA SCWA LPI hnta4roNm tsBPGLyoMm 0BA2 Ar-[KIJ., Ambit satanl Aron J< Rt1Rdway LOMloalres AS2rE: METAL NWDE =W-60OW SpseMt/*Dlpps NIGNP1E1iY1ESODDIM: 4om LTA ,.2Rt IV to 96' M(wndng Lepel ,*6 Inp WHOP 11.11/7.41 N OopOE at ("Al 1 9V•ight b lb 1111.2 ke) I--- WoWt w erdlptmN h anon* bdw. An Yr.asbM w MNrwe IeolwewaN twat topera4N ePeeeta ^ ORDERING INFORMATION Foe shortest load tames, configure product u:ag GUWRW 0ptiop IsioYra is bold), cwatipa aomwoxm Elam ple:AS22EOM MISTS SCWA SPA LPI sA 49.0 WO Ila•* f0 0 6 awl Mw ]fed 3m 3111 t 3106 s12a Ma NO 639 117113 Me 3143 301 230• mK 2312 NO fa/ x12 laid34113T3] 1163 1630 lora w W tow w on 411311421la4" 31l K lA 19 310 7e- eta mK lel /w in sty 1a9xa x M 0 O 0 O 0 tatadeaktea'a9 wgrtatiltl• • AEC.AmW Er+apG9Por taOD warata ! sopasro (baeW anSMOwrralw*41OeAIM1Ol9 • SUBMITTAL DATA APPROVAL STAMP ge-6 JOB NAkt TYPE WATTAGE VOLTAGE t CATALOGNUI4DEa !. fAl AffMOWA LAoi r MPAW FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS N MIG*, an - SweetA waft "& P+dbg fele and swr otooke ares. 0001120011110 - %904 db -cast •klgb•pfet Waeleaa haw" rdd mww wall Nsiom of W. Di"M dot kap* Mt impeKN rsdtNnt arepeMd, lace bbl INN 6ecN. Door (now;o; lady 94d*ad with era phew Uk ki dkw* U. Paler Nor 01UAK Coaea Facer Ila MM F"N - StsNad "A If deet kum P*"w Poled" SAW mase" aaklasaid Won on weeft ae ywrfx6almb caalarohcobn. WWAL MM -- An" aegaro*e NNKtaa ler UPWK mike* sell aMaL NWWcere 4" with Wd40sa f"Wssn orad w N4aebb and b"xhiop•W. Mae bed caw 41"OdO68 wobblot Type 11 Im"WOO. iW* M 14*Kw ick TV" N If, 911-1. TTN 1V (cella [•nerd [bowl ale 7W V (at»a•4rb "I". . ELECFNN'AL SUM -- blest conarostAvelatio, alacenattfoloor ballast osbded Sepw UNA pob•••emt begat gamed 3MW. M11N wad 3WW ISC1161 opaoal Sam Is capptvamoe tad i(M% iera7V•IrKod. AN hot - ISM oro MWA@d m a MMWSW para VW MMI Wd4"$ I" 4141 haw perHiv , locking db9as•et play Supe CINA MOO Start ballasts, M% duent ad MI 0 I , coneduat we loetwood to 21M1M (goo ala 3WA opi cal W f 1MPa1Ma ally. CSA, NOM Al Wt -A*W ler phi orad dnlpw m •otdM al tho u9 Seket Itwedsh, hodmAAv.nenad, oogw•base s*oket AIM tapper sllvg, okk*O000d WOW ebb aM WWI ember UWAL&AT10M - Ia16gFW aria lot lilt or wed momating. OpgonN mavo/eap a m"O. LWM - wLuwd aaadaedl CSA C*Mod tna Opdo* UL§dW 1e- 8+0 alltiwM Ord wed hcaema. IM Rales. NOTE Sped&odow •oN•tt a ehsage tdtroal nodes. TWIN 0110 AS2 MM SRMAI TB SPA SCWA LPI hnta4roNm tsBPGLyoMm 0BA2 Ar-[KIJ., Ambit satanl Aron J< Rt1Rdway LOMloalres AS2rE: METAL NWDE =W-60OW SpseMt/*Dlpps NIGNP1E1iY1ESODDIM: 4om LTA ,.2Rt IV to 96' M(wndng Lepel ,*6 Inp WHOP 11.11/7.41 N OopOE at ("Al 1 9V•ight b lb 1111.2 ke) I--- WoWt w erdlptmN h anon* bdw. An Yr.asbM w MNrwe IeolwewaN twat topera4N ePeeeta ^ ORDERING INFORMATION Foe shortest load tames, configure product u:ag GUWRW 0ptiop IsioYra is bold), ate`md " t omWboleple NMF. awed~ Elam ple:AS22EOM MISTS SCWA SPA LPI AM l.J L=J$ 11141111111 vaM M SPA r gw6p op6o9 An uKdbdla 0 WA Sere p•le iWek1 al• k athUMlb-Adkb414840 fork LPI ung o Mf,qt IMM K4tYY1lMg DeNW 211 OPA Ro 41,11 cva comfort aF NMaaaa121.277.101 IF kL#Aoi maw4 W OOL tach wacu melt 20 areae-[ waaliea egR Lxac*el INoppart 3wo 30 vm woe k 6" Itv w a+wM O iMihsactl'au So:1taNtewy c•aW' OIOf Aiwa ueM1 Attgelt MwanatlMetarN IDI[! O"Anomcolor m m sow ors uarrkrssYaasvriso ONA Mewrei Acawal": UMP af9admd Ad/atet 23Kflllt rawpd* airaam b6NWAY4 a w9waglNWlt.6tt1 .wort• ewe 246 101ISM Daraoam olav6/ w7E: Fa tlfpOWON M Ca1GItl w OWN Whta sIM uatmw o* abp us.IwekM0A4QNA Kill Owes" Ea clwalm sat be $mow a OWthwm coaflyraAtNA RAL AAI MalerMD paw sap rwlNreO dljpblga•oIMAeUA 111111 sopmwtwxm*jm a SU Sesalaby FWD 111 IITAKdrk PEI hftta14i01, weeNdaIVPeletw4udfes1YlwNA94akFE067V) no N row, j -M'1MY 064 FiOAA1w10,AK11EN1 ftnotAcdeaINaootwe WN6.,17.1(43.41 H M N M *404 ekMta7N1 SINS g"mW" Imv para Socket porcelain. beduntallymotwved, aotel•b4se soskst with copper SROC Sa0*ea•d " Ca N f~d a vestal pan leaflrl[ QF OOtEh N Apdo silo "tow N N letltkl"cadiaw"m wsplob low. sC swift to 1 [crier wHsew .orisb. Gw+w OrNhF ate`md " t omWboleple NMF. awed~ i1}rsnrw t hhm N Mo" to tLWA EreNW3MMICNIMetB06 CR I S o atw se- wfwN lath" lwr. n t tip tos>ti1N wW %WA ank pace ahalar d6corw. Vs. papa Ns. 007,9a. Corea pats* Na WK 6 Mw avers OM M we b Sawa. IIa11At I x a 4sNNs e gdwal tw1*p Nam am 2e- at mN CewAl eexw 1 w 1e- dalr. OPTICAL SYSTEM - AnoNad Ngaonto l reaeto» ler superior sodbetelty a7L iia. M MmAa I N K Nww Acawal": UMP af9admd Ad/atet MaCOetaete11n tri Ma1N va"lle flet 3 al M Mete" 44 Ind Are e' lit wrdp alfA1Oraw [«Para[ NaW apmler, keNNeaioS16Waod"Ad" arra, dome IMxAt t N * f1rW darpge M 130ow 40"leder/. arAlm 3 at I201aarr fq.N al.e NM TwmeA. Q" TwbOIM' ItvesM• TNe 17a' flhr*4M0'. IOatesO' 11 Mobum rr*v00oa a•wp wane bet4ad. ISCWA opOmt Balled k copper -wound and 104% fHWV4ft" AN bol- tae' AOMM A31*311 A413b1M ASTA&M At7" ATMtl1 12 sty N .aril u r Nrr•ry. 10' t0 35' Mounting IM AUS M ATf630 AU* M AST" AU* M A4Rf410 u Aalltwl NOIu"tw.I ..tri awasbr se- tA1WArNet.eteWreNetn. indent and EISA legislation compliant as required fa 200.40W most r M010 ASfX 30 ASF21410 AIM40 A9040 ANWO H ked" N Il.tlP14 ASW Va dol lJ94 OyMoa Sb4Y t ASI -M -S AL -130 A"im nvul L ommovAr FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS Dallas KW" A32 350M SR48C T13 SPA SCWA LPI Naw homold s" Typo 0A-1 INTENDED USE - Shrew, *Wwaln, Vol" las owl su110a0449 NaaR Example: AS2 250M SR3T6 SCWA SPA LPI CONSmaloe - aeged, die-caAftelo-puce alwaiawhawed wih HAr-KIS. CR I SnorintwellthicknessofUr. Die-cast door aaaw has n tawpead, glass Was MCI diad. Dow (lane is lady "*KW with orw t: flnreWa110.277.3gY bents I pace ahalar d6corw. Vs. papa Ns. 007,9a. Corea pats* Na WK Arcbfwcterol Ards &Roadway lam(aaitesFINISH - Stanford 9WA is do* Immo o pdyecter powder 6" Addl6unel arcNasturd colon aro waiabb; se- WAwlithonis.ccmlatchcdorc. 1ltP LossMNEMAbdn•fetltrveaPl+tb I6C Gwrcoel lamp OPTICAL SYSTEM - AnoNad Ngaonto l reaeto» ler superior sodbetelty A and ow6L AOtoowm arab with lad•lpa failMNa and as mhbbla ltd MMI IaaafNegoebk Rve fail eutoR &sforbaioes available- Type 11 (toedway7• EC barsoMy tbcuko brsare Type- 01 infloomark), Type IV lforwaN thaWl. Type IV iwldo. lonasrd thwwl OrJltt Orawyot:Oref SCWA SosorCWA and Typo V Itymarotdm tgaant And oor btt0 Is abdcalod tram h*(" carbon skid plate, Set locate or ELECiWAL SYSTM1- edea Constant-Wetbga 401MO IWW beWst METAL HAE68E TOOIM *BOWftond•186 Sam CWA pabw-slort baDpt agakod nK rAN and NoW p OCA9er OxaNNOtwved NOES;FNohlpmeaste ISCWA opOmt Balled k copper -wound and 104% fHWV4ft" AN bol- WON PRESSURE SODIUM: 200W409W SpetlOc/NonrNmtomountedtoaFavorablepawntraywNhW*14M Ntch and haw 10' t0 35' Mountingpositivelakingdbcobwctphos• Super CWA Pate San balbee, a% EPA 1.2111 indent and EISA legislation compliant as required fa 200.40W most L goarc 20.61726) S sh)pma tidy. CSA, NOM or INTL ffgvbW fororderSCWAopkn) for Um WN6.,17.1(43.41 Hprobeelanddpwaabowtide, of Ike uS Doptlh 8312101 JSocketporcelain. beduntallymotwved, aotel•b4se soskst with copper SROC Sa0*ea•d " Ca N f~d alloy, nickel -plated 601001 Ibd and $*Wf canacL alNolrlt 40 ills (16.2 kg) INSTALLATION - Integral arm tot polo or wall mound". Optimal letltkl"cadiaw"m wsplob low. Imr46AIS awNaMO. Mod IOtd ill LISTED - UL UKed (saedad). CSA "ad Iwo Optme. UL Usual for 26+C AN dbantan at Won let I m aa) aNw NrrrwN. spxard. Stant and wed hcatlons. To Rand. to" horror an atter NOTE Spedlkaams tublea to chanes without notice. W Ycratl port ttmalrR ORDERING INFORMATION For shortest load times, configure product using slaadald oplioas (shows im bold). Example: AS2 250M SR3T6 SCWA SPA LPI WSSOM SR48C Te SPA SCWA vaRas h4*aott LP1 owe- A92 fdefiri " 163 SPA Sewn Nb iblookl Meggpaofie tank) Dark LPI Lamp ave 631 KOw4klg hilted t: flnreWa110.277.3gY bents I Wddableynds, hot•rolfed, corOrrrclal•gnawN cerbao st6W Ihdiag wkh o APA a Wsm OF Doweimatut4w DOL Back ad AsKoeconasbelated 1ltP LossMNEMAbdn•fetltrveaPl+tb I6C Gwrcoel lamp rAAU YM well; bmtka tow a30 I armed arm fee plrlaeatNd) DMB M*4tWaMMIKO) AWW Matsmira+pN a a W+ EC barsoMy tbcuko brsare tonerre4l and account ton" AvaN00b daft whilbs aro r, r orad 6% OrJltt Orawyot:Oref SCWA SosorCWA ORS duentta.rlp sysrem't DMA Nawpl And oor btt0 Is abdcalod tram h*(" carbon skid plate, Set locate or UNDOIgar0ed0 7NNtan 16 IIowNWasNNIWO.Sef. Nameawl Zai p OCA9er OxaNNOtwved NOES;FNohlpmeaste neo OWN Wake 1406 wm,revedpolo atf tJXNr w1s*,SCWA 14004 OMC4dt" ted tMIN A Madllal• lanin9 RW*41 dkMW 6t of T x r br d iMlle. 104" IS a WAN 66$WNW/w VOL Av* Wtkrieap(ONwn mdetwo, a1ldhlt,n com*vd isk sale sass ""We the U.S. SSsgKeK•0 17 SR7 tvp• AI ftVKwtrk KI kM(IMUL SROC Sa0*ea•d " Ca N f~d ubvi dYOYr, dare erelt NUKSNEMAe%Yd4sekrttam 11141011 ty N Will., mktAttAa-bekt4(Ito11) Mod IOtd ill IIN Aurae11" s +riferNOW Piz NElda ftan-i tk K dam M e sopmew 4" V sows to" horror an atter W Ycratl port ttmalrR Nam: 6 N Ault, ANCHON EDLTS - Top portion W ander bolt M ga rhud W ASTM A-167. tt ' ow Lwnr •Farb.[ NeM1N. cNt.11 teary. atr "deft ' aw NOTES Y 1+++ 2 M+r s6 e I "IOWA tamewi4AxlCeWfet006 armlMaOAWet saw U. 3 JAM on NeoN1 )NNt bow ata. M"NI.. 1 MN trim. red] 40411,ae111 HANDHOLE ORIENTATION oxieNa rp.aloZTMdtOOlptorplmsabeusedletapettkNrh 0 S Most Inew CM hr ow is QNat eIINAa 1 N M Mrs.r ma_ I sl w U e paep.l meow MMM aM. 210 214 yTN M X= 1 u>a deaaan2aJ77, MIY N Cases a m" 7 4 M 401 em Aaosolubs: row Mveafeo b Wof1auNWteryNr0"iib wewtw• 9 1a' aa. t•.p .10066k Aawe N trtN W"W 3 "110""I N WAOJ 1 atM "„w MN W* *«rap qMlpotrne1"rea NaW apNNr. 639( kNw6NeitMaPMw1tat114/saes. devtk to slip"/NpntNy. ItwN 6N.c N TeMn0.0. 0, 7wNCiNC TweOx• t1r*aRUO• Thr"sar fauts3a' 11 k{..b..a +iwN. wwo rmo 1"MCN. 2.K AsmiM Amiga An*= ASTIsm AIM&Mr AgawamNM" N .da.4.s cs Ncus+ry. b NA:WI no hwtr" NNn eNilN: no I -W ASMIN AB724•IM AV&= AST16421 ATI&M Agri" wlvwAa"N.e*ahrtavewt. r ASTJd•l* At1x-all MSS -0 AV*= AMO* At0*M N Mat N [awl,µ AM Vu" NNN Oumm Short: Ill: AS241" AL -130 IA "MVIA Al aaWffffa* * baa Nw.N SSS 2040 DMiOAS DOS BC deding on options solectrit Conflult with your tabs representative. ORDERING INFORMATION Lead times will varypen Example: SSS 205C DM19 DDB FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS L°A'''oa' DDB Sc Options Adshf i 0A.1341 CONaTNuciH1N Aaaba Base Pales Wddableynds, hot•rolfed, corOrrrclal•gnawN cerbao st6W Ihdiag wkh o 16-331M(sed Oath peal n Dpat No minimum vlald of ISM pd 4;)-gaw), 60,050 pd 0-Sioupl Unit" *off ped batt Owl Ta 2 N'g.airlR'SI 126' a .iM'. SMI* an ON -0000 Whin s W414dled •lectee USthicknessW Wet fl, OWrNkuacOweld. UNlanly tglNmO In cro"011on et dam wo tonerre4l and account ton" AvaN00b daft whilbs aro r, r orad 6% J T20 3-uroaliNfs) And oor btt0 Is abdcalod tram h*(" carbon skid plate, Set locate or 725 4*0.0.f-UZNK) auseds a ndmpmu n v1Wd *008#0 of 26.0 0 pat The subw bar* is PON" J s1ulaKDtafl wain stolled holes. Be" coves is Sashed to match polo. w SaUARE STBAIOHTSTEfI A Madllal• lanin9 RW*41 dkMW 6t of T x r br d iMlle. 104" IS a Oka* lawel"ukel' cove wish aluNxnpa screws. Q UAW 241 lW M& om Top cls pmvwod va am dr4148ounl polar. L W we ostow Forearm aro high-slovP0 galvanized zinc -plated of amnion deal. ala 2otw ENbN - Dark Dlolmo 11106) pavest r powder slmaard. Odwt addwe- abort S N w eta colors evaaba. See WwwA1h4fd6.eaNaenodors. so 4 N w GNOUNOING - A out holder nwtme kanedlat•iy inside the hoOdo tam Is provided (ground hall maid and 1401444 by 01111031l SMMS 1 Kai' ANCHON EDLTS - Top portion W ander bolt M ga rhud W ASTM A-167. eal7Mt isllw Med4 of sloal mod having a mlalrlsa Md saaoodi of 66M pd. NOTES PAW2 a deding on options solectrit Conflult with your tabs representative. ORDERING INFORMATION Lead times will varypen Example: SSS 205C DM19 DDB SSS 20 4G S t typo Ho .m NaN tx elle- DMiSAS Moanutg' DDB Sc Options Adshf ass itwpl itMnJdarNka dpoalJNhadol Oa Dtk cram 16-331M(sed Oath peal n Dpat No uAe Lar antlmr Im•a vel 1041014, ped batt Owl Ta 2 N'g.airlR'SI w vows" dow DOL [lath TA 2.71r0.0.43•ur it T6apor poli fA Medan brown wo lu tbNNmtl am bracka OM Matrtl attanbw J T20 3-uroaliNfs) If knomAl *ALV OetvOrdraf Mak 725 4*0.0.f-UZNK) Wo Foam am less J s1ulaKDtafl w w Dula 1 a w Fan FeraOr al mato 1041 Oka* lawel"ukel' C Q UAW 241 lW M& om 1ZCt1x frit tohrprtt L W we ostow 34CMc W coopl g' ala 2otw 1tt rarwgnal abort S N w 12a4Aot Vr evne" row so 4 N w vma 314average nww soot r threaded tlpphl SMMS 1 Kai' OW Ears MNhd*" eal7Mt isllw NOTES PAW2 a 1 "" treating 1ma aNwakt sed Ma ftw rkol la ab limp armlMaOAWetsaw U. O" IdwmlO a supw orewf2a illi capMNdmta4ak9 m ata. M"NI.. aA*ai 4 HANDHOLE ORIENTATION oxieNa rp.aloZTMdtOOlptorplmsabeusedletapettkNrh 0 C on "r Nmmwl Otal, vat. Raw to"Tochoksl Over, Mt,n ma_ I sl w U W 1118 Oatdm 6111daf ler *I" ummm 1011MaF- Z w 1w 3 1Mtlt'1'a7adotlelWagosatlw; ba OMIMTR a/7MST_ law 4 CpNNy bCNWt age aNNalm tdrn [[sorb osdaL NM9LST_ SN f0• O 9 FW 1pY: Spooky an INION In Iwl obam have Or Waft, DAO%g 4 N W cook w-OsadiM-ID wow For. bd•rr: SpwlN t%10oati0t11ran t/aMNN 1AS CA1 obillm_ law ROW to tAp Readhob DidWAbn dpraa e-1 tit PO/A ommw_ 2 N IM• A O ageanwlaaklraly'Os.tOnmaraNf. aomgL 21KW HOa0Ad0 S Coo6MUm at looser ad MN wows raper 9*4 MMIMIL aWAFIL Saw 7 Addk we- wlcolorswelbble; 6akroodeAeo tockolat fAnbelf_ 444 e1• f&wow IYdw standard. Oetdoor Sbo6to:PoIrSSS PL -320 LU C) W G J a 0 J w w 3: Ow C Q UIL W L W zO CD W w U U. 0 U Designer JPM, LC Date JAN. 7,2009 Scale 1 to = 50' Drawing No. COMFORT@HOLLY 2