HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200900006 Application 2009-01-27Community Development Department 6 County of lbemarle 40 a :;intire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 -4596 a Voice : (434) 296 -5832 Fax • (434) 972 -4126 k <.; ' Planning Application 1 PARCEL / OWNER , NFORMATION t'D 03200- 00- 00 -041D5 Owner(s): HTC HOTEL LLC & BEF REIT INC Application # SDP200900006 PROPERTY INFORMATION Legal Description ACREAGE C1 B HOLLYMEAD TOWNCENTER Magisterial Dist. iRio I Land Use PrimarylOpen PCurrentAFDNotinA / F District Current Zoning Primary[Planned Development Mixed Commercial APPLICAt ON INFORMATION House #Street Name Apt / Suite City State Zip Street Address Entered By: Todd Shifflett on 01/27/2009 Application Type Site Development Plans Project: Comfort Suites Inn At Hollymead Town Center - Prelim.116 465.00 Received Date 01/26/2009 Received Date Final Total Fees I ;$ 2,228.00 1 Submittal Date 101/26/20096/2009 Submittal Date Final Total Paid [$ 2,228.00 Closing File Date Revision Number Comments: Legal Ad SUB APPLICATION(s) Type Sub Application Date Comments: Preliminary -Non residential i 01/26/2009 APPLICANT / CONTACT INFORMATION YPrimar Contact Name RK &K 1 Phone # (804) 782 -1903 Street Address 801 EAST MAIN STREET. SUITE 1000 Fax # 804) 782 -2142 City / State 1RICHMOND, VA Zip Code 23219 -0000 E -mail mmills @rkkengineers.com Cellular # ( ) I Owner /Applicant Nam HT HOTEL LLC & BEF REIT INC Phone #804 ) -986 0149 Street Address 8302 BROOK RD Fax # 804) 262 -5180 City /State RCHMOND VA 3 ) 27E -mail te-as234 a Cellular # 1tejas234@comcast.net.1 Applicant Name HOLLYMEAD CORNER LLC.Phone # (434) 220 -0020 Street Address 1117 E. MARKET ST. #B 1 Fax # 434) 984 -9969 City / State CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA I Zip Code 22902 -0000 E-mail bill @vawelcome.com J Cellular # ( ) 1 X- L i i` 4-: 5 Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Application for wsM1[FJ ,t Site Development Plans and Site Plan Waiver SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS SITE PLAN WAIVER Lreliminary Site Development Plan (Subject to Planning Commission Review)Site Plan Waiver Ordinance Section Number) _ $270 R sidential = $1,190 plus $13 /dwelling unit 8 folded copies ofsketch plan are requiredPWNon- residential = 51,580 plus $13/1,000 sq. ft. of dev. 17 folded copies ofplan are required Final Site Development Plan (Administrative Review) Residential = $410 Non - residential = $410 8 folded copies ofplan are requiredfor first submission OR Final Site Development Plan (Subject to Planning Commission Review) Prior to preliminary approval = $1,130 17folded copies ofplan are required After preliminary approval = $790 8 folded copies ofplan are requiredfor first submission Two (2) mylars and two (2) paper copies ofplan are requiredfor signing offinal plan GROUNDWATER ASSESSMENT Requiredfor all non - residential site plans not serviced by public water) If the plans show a use less than 2,000 gallons per day Tier 3 Groundwater Review = $400 If the plans show a use greater than 2,000 gallons per day Tier 4 Groundwater Review = $1,000 Project Name: COm7oYt S v iJi. inn At HoIlyniQo 1 1 UAW' Tax map and parcel: TM 32 -'t 1 5 Magisterial District: R10 Zoning: r j) Physical Street Address (if assigned): n Location of property (landmarks, intersections, or other): ni1f ' s ' ehbn n pOt' K 01] 2q 11 rnhti w oo d Blvd Contact Person (Who should we call/write concerning this project?):P.4 k Address 3 0 E M pin Vila. 501, moo Cit -g! r'.li mo n d .State VA Zip 23 21 Daytime Phone (OW 18 2 - I q 03 Fax # (Q01 -7S 2 -- 1142. E -mail to 1 n Owner of Record HOI1VMEOA Town eniti 14 061 lLe Address 83 81.00 Rd.City iehm0nc State V4 Zip 2322 Daytime Phone (2Oj) - 9 R - ot4 q Fax #(10)0 - 2. 6' 5180 E -mail L s ell t Applicant (Who is the Contact person representing ?): Holly M tad. Co r n e.r Address 11 {T E. 14 OYkek , $1~ City C // . hayb.1-1 - ts vii IL State VA- Zip 2 Daytime Phone Mil) - 2x0 - 002,0 Fax # (lt3q) - QQ1{ - qQ 61 E -mail bill( yowtlrorn COT71 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SDP #t Fee Amount S ), C Date Paid 1 By who? fir?-- IIC. -}C. >L Receipt #Ck# r 6 By: Vie, County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296 -5832 Fax: (434) 972 -4126 11/!19/07 Page 1 of 2 Type of Development E Residential residential Type of unit(s):fommercial Industrial of building(s):Quasi Public Sq. ft. of building(s):Sq. ft. of building(s): zi q, 734 S.F. of units per building:Acreage of site:1 - q 7 A G Total # of units:Acreage in open space:0 . A' Resulting density: Acreage in roads:0 Acreage of site:Average gallons of water used per day: 10 0 I D Acreage in open space: Y ND Acreage in roads: Average gallons of water used per day: Intended use or justification for request: fhi3 pTQ'Prl- cnn.11.1 Of 0 A ,lknY1 ko1'Ol B ii)ifh cjr il'inmc 1 l X 1 1 is Is 1 a i u 90 u . .11 Cu will 04 frnm 1tmboiteanri 81'v pYnr;rgol -Ply Pitt. AC m(- The_ Fri - pTp arl- arort will he d l.tivill'A dtirin hh,lhru r 'nn. Owner /Applicant Must Read and Sign This site plan as submitted contains all of the information required by Section 32.5 (Preliminary Plan) or Section 32.6 (Final Plan) of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. I understand that plans which lack information required by said sections shall be deemed incomplete and shall be denied by the agent within ten (10) days of submittal as provided in Section or Section as the case may be. For Final Plans Only: To the best of my knowledge, I have complied with Section and obtained tentative approvals for all applicably conditions' from the appropriate agencies. 1 A Signature of er, Contract Purchaser, Agent Date 1 7 r_.-1-741 IA- i_...g , i - 7s - 0 /0 Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory 11/J19/07 Page 2 of 2 Application for Variations from Approved Plans, Codes and Standards of Development DATE:3- 2- O9 NAME OF PLANNED DISTRICT: C7 D 11 yr"'" AO> 10 L fv7't i( ZMA NI IMBER(s): Z M 1 Z D Contact Person:9 tit MOiLtZov.r 14°21 Y% - " a ' 1/4 ` t, C,.ORNZ.tT LG. C. ! 1 Address 7 • e • r1-2 1 5 S Cit d h4,..1. -H-r S V , 11 State V/.Zip 22g0Z, Daytime Phone ( c0 O Z@ Fax # ( 9f'/ 9 G 4/ E -mail 73 d/1 A! Lc w >; , cc What type of change is requested ?: Variation to the Plan Variation to the Code or Standard Provide a copy of the existing plan (may be a reduced copy) illustrating the area for which the change is requested. Provide a graphic representation of the requested change. Describe the variation being sought (may attach separate sheets): bh z, °oo S9 u t£ 71-v. 3 /9cX ON£, 7 Z mto , 5 dos i,'v •ar+-r 73 /b474 .5 A/ (P7 - CI 4.!' t f 7y 4 6 neTZ, S C4 "Sre ' 407E o7' Acei4 C What is the reason for each of the requested variations ?: I e s Tjc /Dr.. 9ti G.57 3 of e'ck ONE. County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296 -5832 Fax: (434) 972 -4126 7/21/06 Paee I of 2 In accordance with § c) of the Zoning Ordinance, in order to grant the variation, the Planning Director must make positive findings under 5 criteria. Please provide information about these criteria for the Director's consideration (may attach separate sheets). 1. Is the variation consistent with the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan? YE 2. Does the variation increase the approved development density or intensity of development? N0 3. Does the variation adversely affect the timing and phasing of development of any other development in the zoning district? 4. Does the variation require a special use permit? No 5. Is it in general accord with the purpose and intent of the approved rezoning application? y 5 VARIATIONS FROM APPROVED PLANS, CODES. AND STANDARDS OF DEVELOPMENT The director of planning and community development may allow a site plan or subdivision plat for a planned development to vary from an approved application plan, standard of development and, also, in the case of a neighborhood model district, a general development plan or code of development, as provided herein: a. The director is authorized to grant a variation from the following provisions of an approved plan, code or standard: 1. Minor variations to yard requirements, maximum structure heights and minimum lot sizes; 2. Changes to the arrangement of buildings and uses shown on the plan, provided that the major elements shown on the plan and their relationships remain the same; 3. Changes to phasing plans; 4. Minor changes to landscape or architectural standards; and 5. Minor variations to street design. d. Any variation not expressly provided for herein may be accomplished by rezoning. 7/24/06 Page 2 of 2 TMP 32 -41D1 2483 -139 I TMP 32 -41D I TIKI, LLC oned: C1 Post Office Land Trust 1 DB 2483 -139 Use: Retail i DB 2672 -727 Zoned: Cl iDB2125 -333 Use: Vacant DB 1661 -116 iDB1659 -183 Plat 1 Zoned: PD –MC i j cg c.) L = 0.11' Z, 5 6.B9 " 18.89'TMP 32 - D3 Open Space t`N , °, N50'13',1 6 "F ti N28'33'05"1I 21.70v•, 18.89' I C26 C28 L= 57.41'AREA SUMMARY i L= 43.49'Parcel 41D4 1.31 Acres S39'46'44 "E Less Area X 0.18 Acres 1 wood Blvd esidue 1.13 AcresC25103.52'IWidthR/W L= 16.65' TMP 32 -41 D6 TMP 32 -41 D5 C2 6s S39'46'44 "E Lot C Lot B L =39.47 p129.63' Block C1 t!--1 Block C1 a'OAS 48'12'38 "WHollymeadCorner, LLC r ` ° Hollymead Corner LLC.N 24.15' r DB 3098 -1 TMP 32 -41 D4 DB 3098 -164 r w Lot ANI AREA SUMMARY lo Block C1 In i 1 ',Z Parcel 41 D5 1.79 Acres BE Reit Inc.d co Plus Area X 0.18 Acres o DB 3165 -197 N Existin 30'DB 3098 -164 I 9 Total 1.97 Acres Z Access Easement A XArea 33.50' 1 DB 2916 -22 1. - -A Portion of 0. Existing o r Existing Drive Lane,i Parcel 41D4 Landscapin 0110Constructionand1Easemen nt Cross – Access Easement 0.18 Acres L I DB 2678 -425 22 DB 2678 -425 N39'46' 4-"W.--"... 9s i L7 I 5- ._.._ - . -. -.._ LF 0 J 69.00'l IS 125.00'S 174.21' g .N 39'46'44 "W 345.18'ntrance Area, v Existing Building Construction andIRestrictionAreaCross– AccessDB2678 -42525 Easement 15 ,i DB 2678 -425 i ent 122 L ; \___ ITMP 32 -43B Target Corporation i Exist. 30'DB 2896 -171 1 Access Zoned: PD –MC I I Easement Use: Retail L T H I DB 2678 - 425 A 0o P of /,\ l,P o 0 9, TWA RAY MILLER D 6 ' ' 0 No. 2065 4/0 t 0 cDc.,mil A.oR- / DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS TRANSFER AGREEMENT This document constitutes a Development Rights Transfer Agreement Agreement ") by and between Hollymead Corner LLC, with a place of business at 1117 East Market Street, Suite B, Charlottesville, VA 22902, hereinafter referred to as "Grantee," and Post Office Land Trust with a place of business at 195 Riverbend Drive Charlottesville, VA 22911 hereinafter referred to as Grantor," (collectively the "Parties "). WHEREAS, Grantor elects to transfer development rights from Grantor's allocation of developable square footage permitted under a certain Code of Development in Hollymead Town Center, Area C located in Albemarle County, Virginia. WHEREAS, Grantor's transfer of development rights from one of Grantor's land blocks originates from the aggregate sum of 275,000 square feet allocated for all of Area C by the Code of Development and such transfer does not increase or decrease the 275,000 square foot allotment for Area C. NOW THEREFORE, Grantor transfers development rights from Block 2, for 12,000 square feet of building space to Grantee to be utilized on Block One of Area C in Hollymead Town Center. Grantee shall pay to Grantor the sum of ten dollars ($10) as compensation for said transfer. Grantee shall have complete authority as to how the square footage is used on Block One. Grantee agrees to indemnify Grantor from all claims, losses, fees, expenses, costs or judgments that may be asserted against Grantor as a result of this rights transfer. IN WITNESS WHE, f3EO , th P av' /-)tecuted this Agreement to be effective as of r Grantor: Post Office Land Trust 6)//-6. Title:k/2e--e---€.> Grantee: Hollymead Corner, LLC: By: Title: 0 0 1 , ,:2 ,, ?.; 2 (1)SI 2 (not l - zm fl.. T. 3,' Is 0 0 2 2 E 1 ,-, ul cn 9. T.• -,, -. w ,,, 0 00 0 rl -0 r 0 2,rjr 3:13:.>0 0 ,,,o°• -0 A P.m. : rn 7 F1 Ca' = I 0 0 0 • 2 0 -, v. K m o n P ci S O o r n r o33Nrr., 8 I' 2 II 5_,,,,ii 0 rn v-,co g ° 6, '' ,z 1 m qIrn . C, irn -,:,a3 2 5 rcg y 44,Ib Cic: . ----- ---z' 4.4 , - ,.•p W ;tr 4. Z.- .Z. ' f rNr l Z 10'W s 41.I, A 1 z i 4 s,s,re41. 0.,„1/4 NS v 'Ia. 0._ • 0 . NiNV 1 , i•,,,10Q444:,1. i , /t-•40 4 1 , 1 „.,,,, v I I i 1 I 1 7*, 11"I Alt i N 4 . f' 1111111•4) 14: 2 ridlide, Ap, 1 1i-„,..,-0,§'th, , 4c'vP 414 'A. 4 bc 04t r. - i I i,_ i NN 4 .,, 4 -. -4s,,•;,..,,,,,,,dok )...* ., 2 01, t.";‘1ikoristalt 7 - ----- - 7 a • --\ \-- /". t O ------. II IF,o 0 414' e(5 z q,, ( s0 1. 0', s \\z , o c 0 \_ -Z r ..- z m z n m cs z , 0, KZ"--0> ,--"H-7.--,-, K -1 - 0 1 ,--, I::x.• z z K rn m ., K 7_ ZK.:----< rs' 2 ,. u; 0 K - • Z 6 o K 'i 4,.. z 1 •ic ) zZTV 3 o 0m<004-u) > 1 0 p 0 Cy_ 3 ',S,', .. < z r7-1 CO , • - < zi 0 2. -1 1 - < ° -I _ -7 4•1 oc7J 0 1 0 Z r;71 I LA .P Z L' I 4 cA 0 Z V' , e'O ' 4 . ,',=' 0 0 K - 1 co - 5 K (. 4 M 4 -a a, •,--- N > Z 0 U)7 " I q Q.. co > 0 ...._... < CT ) 7:) F 7Z1 0 ., 1 `.. , > 71 0 > -• Iv D C) ,-,-, c''c ) V c K CD I 00 r \ ..) 0 ai 4, " r- o --I Co (.° --.,1 41op R rrp 1 co 3 r- 1)c•-•53'1 1•3 rn a, -, Fri cr) 5 - P• _. - I 0 an0unC.0 0 C-)a N) 0 (13 1 o0I0 0 o CD C,4 0 co 0 NJ NJ I, 0 -••• . V \ On CS)m 7)75 0 c •-• 7-1-71--:CO . to _ .,,V \ C., i' c"--• ...,-, L L L L L 0 TY C - C.Lt; -- -• ' i.) 0 c .)K Co .., i•• N CO C •••••• • r'' , C 1 0 :‘ C' RUMMEL KLEPPER & KAHL, LLP N,, ,- 1,1,1,TH o DATE: 8/4/08 SHEET L REVISIONS - 4 HOTEL AT HOLLYMEAD TOWN CENTER LAN 801 EAST MAIN STREET, SUITE 1000 1‘aMILLS RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23219 LIC. No. 1980 I P) 804 782-1903 F) 804 782-2142 CAD• ANK ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIAI8 )A.M. 11\ I 4.,, ENGINEER: MMM I CHECKED: MMM ARB REVIEW PLAN SCALE 1:40 C-N N. ...- JOB#:808 OVERALL LAYOUT PLAN