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SDP200800154 Plan - Approved
op 4-E31- IR41 GO U N V TAX Mp October I 3, 200P> FRELIMIN/4RY SITE PLAN PFFLIC,//4TION, SDP 2008 -00I 54) NDEX OF SHEETS DRAWING NO. SHEET NO. TITLE G -I I OF 12 GOVER SHEET G -2 G -5 2 OF 12 NOTES 5 OF 12 EXISTING CONDITIONS 6 DEMOLIT!0N PLAN 0-4 4 OF 12 RTE 250 - ENTRANCE PLAN G -5 5 OF 12 51TE LAYOUT PLAN G -6 6 OF 12 GRADING PLAN G -'7 7 OF 12 SEPTIC, 4 UTILITY PLAN G -8 8 OF 12 D I MEN51 ON PLAN G -9 9 OF 12 DETAIL SHEET G -10 10 OF 12 LAN05GAP I NG /51 TE LIGHTING PLAN G -II II OF 12 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN G -12 12 OF 12 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN DETAILS DEPARTMENT OF GOMMUN I T'r DEVELOPMENT SITE DATA: OWNER/APPL I CANT: 51TE ADDRESS: EN61 NEER: SOURCE OF SURVEY: SOURCE OF TOP06RAPHY: DATUM OF SURVEY: GOUNTY, STATE: MAC715TERIAL D15TRIGT: TAX MAP REFERENCE: ZONING: SETBACK REQUIREMENTS: JEFFRIE5 II LLG PO. BOX 910 GROZET, VA 22932 RE5TORE'N STATION 61!x- ROCKFISH 6AP TURNPIKE CIPIOZET, VA 22932 NP ENGINEERING 680 IVY FARM DRIVE GHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 TELEPHONE - (434) 531 -1551 ROGER W. RAY 4 ASSOCIATES, ING. ROGER W. RAY 4 ASSOCIATES, ING. NAVD 88 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA WHITE HALL 5513 - 1 HG HIGHWAY - COMMERCIAL FRONT - BUILDIN6: 30' PARKING: 10' REAR - BU I LD I N6: 50' PARK I N6: 20' (UND I5TURBED BUFFER) WEST 51DE (ADJACENT TO RA ZONING) - BUILDIN6: 50' PARKING: 20' (UNDI5TURBED BUFFER) EAST SIDE (ADJACENT TO HG ZONING) - BUILDIN6: 0' PARKING: 10' EXISTING USES: VACANT PROP05ED USES: COMMERCIAL ((5A5 STATION 4 CONVENIENCE STORE) Proposed "byright" use for up to 1,624_g well water usage. Well water 15 restricted to this limit. Well will tie metered to confirm usage. (Water source for landscaping Is re-uee of storm water) VDH Sewage Disposal 5y5tem construction Permit ID# 101 -001 -0311 Issued Sept I6, 200 for 1600 gpd PLANNER/ZON I NG Q rw z 0 a DATE LAND 5 SCHEDULE;PROPOSED C+FZIC D BY V 1 QLz 8 ROUTE 260 ENGINEER YANCEY will to PAVED (OR GRAVEL) 53, 06.10 50 FT. (30.34 %) DRAWING PLor G -1 0 OPEN SPACE 120,290.49 50. FT. (6 %) QaT -1°' SITEv`WIESVIM DATE 4 SCHOOLOOL BUILDING OFF I G I AL i PA rz W w REQU I RED PARKING fLl X 100 RETAIL (Ist Floor) ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD as DATE OFFICE (2nd FLOOR) SITE DATA: OWNER/APPL I CANT: 51TE ADDRESS: EN61 NEER: SOURCE OF SURVEY: SOURCE OF TOP06RAPHY: DATUM OF SURVEY: GOUNTY, STATE: MAC715TERIAL D15TRIGT: TAX MAP REFERENCE: ZONING: SETBACK REQUIREMENTS: JEFFRIE5 II LLG PO. BOX 910 GROZET, VA 22932 RE5TORE'N STATION 61!x- ROCKFISH 6AP TURNPIKE CIPIOZET, VA 22932 NP ENGINEERING 680 IVY FARM DRIVE GHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 TELEPHONE - (434) 531 -1551 ROGER W. RAY 4 ASSOCIATES, ING. ROGER W. RAY 4 ASSOCIATES, ING. NAVD 88 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA WHITE HALL 5513 - 1 HG HIGHWAY - COMMERCIAL FRONT - BUILDIN6: 30' PARKING: 10' REAR - BU I LD I N6: 50' PARK I N6: 20' (UND I5TURBED BUFFER) WEST 51DE (ADJACENT TO RA ZONING) - BUILDIN6: 50' PARKING: 20' (UNDI5TURBED BUFFER) EAST SIDE (ADJACENT TO HG ZONING) - BUILDIN6: 0' PARKING: 10' EXISTING USES: VACANT PROP05ED USES: COMMERCIAL ((5A5 STATION 4 CONVENIENCE STORE) Proposed "byright" use for up to 1,624_g well water usage. Well water 15 restricted to this limit. Well will tie metered to confirm usage. (Water source for landscaping Is re-uee of storm water) VDH Sewage Disposal 5y5tem construction Permit ID# 101 -001 -0311 Issued Sept I6, 200 for 1600 gpd PLANNER/ZON I NG Q rw z 0 a DATE LAND 5 SCHEDULE;PROPOSED C+FZIC D BY V 1 QLz BOLDING 3,000.00 50 FT.(1.69 5K) ENGINEER LU PAVED (OR GRAVEL) 53, 06.10 50 FT. (30.34 %) DRAWING PLor G -1 0 OPEN SPACE 120,290.49 50. FT. (6 %)DATE 4 TOTAL 176,996.59 50. FT. (4.06 Ac.) BUILDING OFF I G I AL i PARKING SCHEDULE:REQU I RED PARKING fLl XDATERETAIL (Ist Floor) ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD 3,000 G5F x 0.80 ® 1 5PAGE /100 65F = 24 5PAGE5 DATE OFFICE (2nd FLOOR) 3000 C75F x 0.80 ® 1 5PAGE /200 65F = 12 5PAGE5 FIRE OFFIGIAL DATE TOTAL PARK I N6 REQUIRED FOR TH 15 51TE = 24 + 12 = 36 5PAGE5 ALBEMARLE COUNTY 5ERVIGE AUTHORITY TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED = 35 SPACES + 3 HANDICAP = 38 SPACES DATE WATER RE50URGE AREA:THE 51TE LIES WITHIN A WATER SUPPLY PROTECTION AREA VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTAT RESERVOIR WATERSHED:THE 51TE LIES WITHIN THE BEAVER GREEK RESERVOIR WATERSHED DATE FLOODPLAIN:THE 51TE DOES NOT LIE WITHIN A FLOODPLAIN MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT:MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 15 35' 516NA6E:ALL 516N5 MUST BE APPROVED BY ARB EMPLOYEES:MAXIMUM NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES = 10 TH Vi ParkftNPE0aW. 4 680 Ivy Farm Drive Gharlotte5vi I le, Virginia 22Q01g 434) 331 -531- SPG 1A T SUP VICINITY MAP SCALE: E "= 2000' LQ `> DESI6F® BY Q rw z 0 a DATE w C+FZIC D BY V 1 QLz J 8501 LU 1 " =30' DRAWING PLor G -1 0 J 0 4 sEffT Ho. I i fLl X j 5 DESI6F® BY Q rw z 0 LU DATE w C+FZIC D BY V 1 QLz J 8501 LU 1 " =30' DRAWING PLor G -1 0 J 0 OF 12 sEffT Ho. I I fLl X DESI6F® BY DATE rw IIA8io8 M&M BY DATE w g/181o8 C+FZIC D BY DATE FILE EDIT 8501 W ' X 1 " =30' DRAWING PLor G -1 FWJWT OF 12 sEffT Ho. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR SITE PLANS I. Prior to any construction within any existing public ri -wa , Including connection to any existlng road, a permit shall be obtained from the Vir inia Department of Transportation MV OT). This plan as drawn may not accurately relect the re irements of the permit. Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern. 2. All paving drainage related materials and construction methods shall conform to currentspecificationsandstandardsoftheCityofCharlottesvilleunlessotherwisenoted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. The maximum allowable sloe is 2:1 (horizontal: vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be achieved. 5. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required when, in the opinion of thetheEngineers, or the Engineer 's designee, it is deemed necessary In order to stabilize a drainage channel. 6. All traffic control signs shall conform to the Virginia manual for Uniform traffic Control Devices. 7. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Glass III. b. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industryy (2r-I GFR Part lcl36). Q. The location of existin utilities across or along the line of proposed work are not necessarily shown on tFie pplans and where shown are only approximately correct.The contractor shall on his own initiative locate all underground lines and structures as necessary. 10. The contractor shall verify the locations of all boundaries, buildings, vegetation and other pertinent site elements. 11. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying "MISS UTILITY" 1 -800- 552 - - 1001 prior to any excavation. 12. All concrete within the pubic right of way shal I be at least 3,500 psl. 13. Prior to any construction, Contractor shall field verify all existing conditions and notify the owner of any discrepancies. GENERAL NOTES I. Areas on which fill is to be placed shall be cleared, grubbed, and stripped of topsoil. Soil materials shall be free of debris, roots, wood scrap material, vegetation, refuse, soft unsound particles and frozen deleterious or objectionable materials. The maximum particle diameter shall be one -half the lift thickness. Maximum particle diameter shall be one -half the lift thickness. Common fill material shall be unclassified soil material with the characteristics required to compact to the soil density specified for the Intended location. Backfill and fill material: ASTM D 48 - 7, classification 6W, 6P, 6M, 6G, SW, 5P, 5M, 5G with a maximum ASTM 04318 liquid limit of 35 maximum ASTM D 4318 lasticit4 index of 12 and maximum of 25 percent by weight passing ASTM D 1140 No. 200 sieve. Select material ASTM D 2481, classification bhl, 6P, SW, SP with a maximum of 10 percent by weight passing ASTM D 1140 No. 200 sieve. 2. Use select material under buildings and structures; use fill and backfill material under parking areas, roads, sidewalks, and other concrete and paved surfaces; use common fill material for general site grading. Place material In maximum 6" lifts. 3. Compact layers of fill to c15 percent by ASTM D bq8 beneath pavements and walks including areas that may be used for future construction. In other unpaved areas compact to q0 percent by ASTM D bib. If the density of the adjacent soil Is more than the density specified, then compact to a density not less than the density of the adjacent soil. 4. The structure tops are to be set after fine grading is finished to avoid unnecessary rework. 5. All finished rading seedin and sodding shall be done In such a manner to preclude the ponding of the water on the site, articuFarly adjacent to thebuildings or storm inlets. 6. All streets outside public rights of way are to be privately owned and maintained. 7. Contractor Is to verify that all utilities i.e. water sewer, gas, electric, telephone, cable, etc., are In place prior to construction of subbase and /or paving. 5. Proposed underground utilities such as electric, telephone, cable and gas, which serve this facility, shall be locatedwithaminimum5-foot separation from public water mains and sanitary sewer. q. Gut and patch work in existing public streets must be performed in accordance with VDOT and Albemarle county standards and specifications.10. To the best of our belief and knowledge, there are no known grovesites on the subject propertyy. 11. These plans and profiles and all the new construction with this plan shall be In accordance with tFie current approvedAlbemarlecountyserviceauthority's general water and sewer construction specifications, any amendments thereof and the standards and specifications of VDOT. SUP 200q-000 Requirements 0 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 229024596 Phone(434)296 -5832 Fox(434)9724126 November 12, 2010 NP Engineering 1850 Browns Gap Turnpike Charlottesville VA 22901 RE: SP200900034 RE- STOREW STATION Tax Map 55B Parcel 1 Dear NP Engineering: On November 3, 2010, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors took action on SP #200800056 to allow use of more than 400 gallons of groundwater per site -acre per day for convenience store on Tax Map 55B, Parcel 1 In the White Hall District. This special use permit was approved based on the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall install and maintain a meter on the well head to monitor water consumption. Prior to installation, the model of the meter shall be subject to approval by the Zoning Administrator in conjunction with the County Engineer. Results of dally water consumption shall be made available within forty -eight (48) hours of a request from the Zoning Administrator, 2. Water consumption from all wells on site shall not exceed one thousand six hundred twenty-five 1,625) gallons per day in the aggregate; 1 The applicant shall Install and maintain a tamper -proof, flow restriction device limiting water flow to not more than one thousand six hundred twenty-five (1,625) gallons per day. Prior to Installation, the model of the flow restriction device shall be subject to approval by the Zoning Administrator in conjunction with the County Engineer; 4. The total building footprint square footage shall not exceed three thousand (3,000) square feet; 5. The hours of business operation shall not exceed sixteen (16) hours per day; 6. There shall be not more than seven (7) pump stations and twelve (12) nozzle dispensers, with not more than eight (8) nozzles for four (4) pump stations for gasoline (or equivalent fuel), with not more than two (2) nozzles for one (1) pump station for diesel fuel (or equivalent fuel), with not more than one (1) nozzle for one (1) pump station for off -road diesel fuel, and with not more than one (1) nozzle for one (1) pump station for kerosene fuel ; 7. If rainwater is collected from roof tops of the pump station canopies or the building, it shall be stored in a lined underground storage tank and utilized for on -site landscaping purposes only; 8. Overnight customer parking on -site shall not be permitted between the hours of 12:30 a.m. and 4:30 a.m. The applicant shall post signs indicating no such overnight parking In such places designated by the Site Plan Agent as a condition of final site plan approval; and, 9. Development of the site shall be in general accord with the submitted preliminary site plan dated December 6, 2009. Permitted modifications may include those required by the Architectural Review Board, those necessary to satisfy the conditions of this special use permit, and additional landscaping /screening approved by the Site Plan Agent. Please be advised that although the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors took action on the project noted above, no uses on the property as approved above may lawfully begin until all applicable approvals have been received and conditions have been met. This Includes: compliance with conditions of the SPECIAL USE PERMIT; approval of and compliance wfth a SITE PLAN amendment, and approval of a ZONING COMPLIANCE CLEARANCE. In the event that the use, structure or activity for which this special use permit Is issued is not commenced within twenty-four (24) months from the date of Board approval, it shall be deemed abandoned and the permit terminated. The term "commenced` means "construction of any structure necessary to the use of the permit' If you have questions or comments regarding the above -noted action, please do not hesitate to contact Ron Higgins at 296 -5832. Sincerely, Summer Frederick Senior Planner Current Development Division cc: Jeffries II LLC PO BOX 910 Crozet VA 22932 Email CC: Elise Hackett, GDS Johnathan Newberry, Zoning GENERAL UTILITY NOTES I. Contact Miss Utilit at 1(800) 552 -7001 45 hours p to an grading or di ggin to have undergcround utilities marked. The contractor shall verify all utility information prior to cons -t gruction - to incluude ype and sizes of pipe and services to his own satisfaction. 2. All existing utilities shown on this plan have been taken from available records. The contractor Is required to dig test pits in advance of trenching in order to determine the exact location and elevation at crossings. If a conflict is discovered, notify NP Engineering at 434 -531 -7387. Prior to beginning installation of utilities, contractor shall verify inverts at all connections with existing utilities prior to purchasing or ordering any precast structures. 3. All hydrant locations to be approved by the Albemarle County Frre Marshal prior to final approval by the county and are to be installed accordlny to standards. 4. All blasting requirements to install utilities shall require a permit and shall be performed in accordance with the Albemarle County standards and the project specifications. 5. All storm sewer shall be cons ructed in accordance with VDOT specifications section 302 and section 240 and as specified on the drawings. 6. The contractor is required to perform all tests required by the Albemarle County Service Authority to secure acceptance of all utilities. i. All concrete used in utility construction shall be 4000 PSI concrete in accordance with DOT specification section 21cl. 8. No plantings or erection of other obstructions shall be made within ten feet of any fire hydrant. cf. All utilities to be placed under existing county streets must be bored or jacked unless specifically approved otherwise or noted on the plans. 10. For utilities installed under roadways and /o r easements planned for future roadways, backfill, shall be compacted to not less than c15% of maximum density; in accordance with VDOT specifications sections 523.03, 302, 303.10 and 200.02 per P.F.M. 11. A 10 -foot horizontal separation shall be maintained unless otherwise specified between all water lines and sanitary sewer lines in accordance with state health department standards. 51 TE PLAN NOTES I. All paving drainage related materials and construction methods shall conform to VDOT current specifications and standards 2. Site I ightrng 1s shown on the photometric plan. 3. On -site dumpster enclosure will match the proposed building. 4. The location of existing utilities across or along the line ofproposed work are not necessarily shown on the plans and where shown are only approximately correct The contractor shall on his own Initiative locate all underground lines and structures as necessary. 5. The contractor shall verify the locations of all boundaries, buildings and other pertinent site elements. 6. All site drains a is to be diverted Into the stormwater detention facility (rain tank). 1. Pavement morkFng color is to be white (except blue markingcs shall supplement white markings for parking spaces for persons with disablRies). V k II DESIONED SY 2 ,LU 0 4L DATE rw V5105 C+15C4MD BY k 1 PILE EDIT Z O SGALE o PROJWT J. LO j 1 5 LU W CD x N 111 2 DESIONED SY 2 ,LU aneioe 4L DATE rw V5105 C+15C4MD BY k 1 PILE EDIT Z O SGALE J ) PROJWT J. LO 1 LU W CD x DESIONED SY DATE NP aneioe DRANK BY DATE rw V5105 C+15C4MD BY DATE PILE EDIT 8501 SGALE DRAKINO G -2 PLOT PROJWT 2 OF 12 SIFT NO. T.M. 55 -105A BRUCE W. OR BONNIE M. KIRTLEY DB. 3323/416 1oq.r1 I&'GONGREfE PIPE INVERT OUT= 102.16 W* 10e84 91TGH MAILBOX PAS TOP = 106.10 T T T R16FIT OF VJXY LINE T.M. 55E -01 -AI MARCH MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES LLG-- - S ZONEDr fe&1 I50RAOGV MODEL p15TRIGT - POLE _ - slopFl.+j -- - -- . ............ r. FIRE Taz - arm ---------------------- - - - - -- - ----- - - - - DIW --- 250 ----11 R/15. ROUislLVEBURSw INVERT IN= los.2a y '107.1 PAVEMENT I 6111' hm PAD 104A1 E _ _. , r.r _ T.M. 55 -104A EAN M. PATTERSON DB. - n5/'225 ZONED RA I —OPP ' I 1 H - w.- J W T 7 I AF'F'KVA. ALII91'CMKI) , -rOLW - - - DATE NO 0 7 NO NO `RAVEL PARKIN& w:.M.07.16 = I :.waw/r:" x.. 115, GMP PARKING P SI6NISIGN ____ __ _ ----------------- IRON ND _FOU bde DITCH I DITCH _ ANVERT 6FAVE_,, , 906 I 1088 G 8E - - - i \,our. 1 / POLE PO i" G - . -7—f 1 i i /', y. • ': 907A6 AM POLE I I POLE ll I 1 , I I I I 1 T.M. 55-IOCI FROEHLIN6 a ROBERTS, INC. OB. 1124 -313, 311 a 318 PLAT 102.14 DATE NP 0 DRAWN BY DATE NP q/18/08 OMC4aD BY DATE FILE EDIT R501 SCALE 1 I , 1 1 4 1 Yo I 3 1 1 1 - - - - - -- 1 II q 1 i 1 T.M. 55 -IOg5 GROZET LODGE NO. 2164, LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE INC. lo D.B. 578 -3018 '•: +:::. ; +: I ` `, '1 `. DB 34 Usa s 1dge T.A 555-1 4.061AGRES - - --' I ; +:•::• ; ; ; '., `, ` ` ..IEFFR II LLC1 ,DB. 318A -017 1 i i i DB 403 -2t1 PLAT '1 - Zoning. WG ,- SLOPE % 70.• .: "X:: - , / / / 1 1 ` , / / / 1 % , , 1 a IRON 610 _ _ _ _ ' 1441 .48 W 380 .1Oft 1 I •Y / ' .''' Tom '---- --'' -__ _ --- 1 i I.: 1 '' • ' / T j" I 558-3 I ` 1 ` 1 E 6LE / ,REST HOW5 a , - - -- 568 1 1 DEVXLOPMW; tC - _ _ _ _ - LAND- 1 05/P6 36434282 ` L Zoning . RA 1 B. 125 PI`AT1 Uses Residential DB. 146 -465 DESG. 1 •• ....... -- .8 . 121 -305 DE-50. Zonings RAUsesResidential 1 , I 1 1 11 1 1 • T.M. 558-15 R.A. YANCEY LUMBER CORP. DB. 363-88 DB. 342 -4 DE5C. D.B. 2q5 -I1q PLAT Zonings HG Uses Aaaribtive shop F X.Ta:':= : w.NY• -- .i.N: -i.W.Y: ........ : ::::.•: • •w• N: Y... ...............................N.W. ............................... I M GRAPHIC SCALE 1 " =50' 0 50 100 150 W. Nc&mlel D. Perkks GERT. NO. 032304 no iGl. X.N'.N'N.N'M'X:.4'AJ. M'. Y.:' :.: .......................... N' ....":'.'.............N .............................................X.Y.: .-' ................. ............................... pdqeffwnt-- - - \ \ -` 11 NDOT RM V l V J LQ U- Z z-1 z O W W Z mm Lu O, z W _O 0 O Q Z 1 w1 o X z l— N X Lu DES46NED BY DATE NP 0 DRAWN BY DATE NP q/18/08 OMC4aD BY DATE FILE EDIT R501 SCALE PLOT DRAWN& G -3 PRO WT 4 4 4 4 Yo 3 n n r Z z-1 z O W W Z mm Lu O, z W _O 0 O Q Z 1 w1 o X z l— N X Lu DES46NED BY DATE NP q/18/08 DRAWN BY DATE NP q/18/08 OMC4aD BY DATE FILE EDIT R501 SCALE PLOT DRAWN& G -3 PRO WT 50F 12 5FffT NO. M214 I8 G VERT O PI INVERT OUT= PE 702.1 L 700.42vEL I T IN- 706A0 23 VE1H MAILBOX —• — 15 OUT. 611Y Y4RE C4NGRETE J PAVB•gff 7067 TOP = 7 PAD 50AM FEW T.M. 55E -OI -AI ZONEV t ,, I P - _TrlODEL pI51'RIGT 1 POLE -- - - - - -- - _ ,JJ JO J 706J'ii 911 U-5. ROUTE 250 (110' RAW) APPROX. ALW*4-E T) "LL Wx4b MPH 516N 7 07.16 No _ „• DITGHt bITGH 0-V • PARKING 7063 lINV13tT q+VH3 --------i 516N - - CBE i- - - - _ _ • - - - i 702.14 iT'3•D i `PblF . i - % % BRUCE K OR NNIEM. KIRTLEYD.B. 3323/416 ZONEDI T.M. 55 -104A JEAN M. PATTERSON D.B. 773/225 ZONED, RA J: /.: D.B.3323 _- - - - - -- , - -- F•IG 1 - - TER PRO.EGT 125-<7' (PL.AN5 PROVIDED BY VD-O-T E)% PainVi Ex Edge Pa 1----- — 3triping NO NO PARKING GRAVEL P - 4MPOLE --- ---------------------------------- - FO „ - - - - --POUND C6-- --K- ) -- I - -IVDOT RAW i EXISTING ROAD CONDITIONS M- 04 IeI PIPE 702.16 4707. 700+42Vf - - INVERT IN. 705.29 Drc ' 15' 7071 PAVEHNr VEh1EiNT MAILBOX ITT GUY YIf;m OONGFeTEDROPIOUT. PAD T T TOP.706.70 70407- j10ARP PELAGE - POLE 1NV 698.10 U RO NN -- meeeeiwwlouo®eeeb i Vic_ :• 1) Gontractor to verify /locate both ends of 15" GMP for abandonment! 2) Abandon $ remove 15" GMP. 3) Extend 15" concrete pipe 10' and reconstruct concrete headwall. 4) Relocate ditch under gravel driveway and regrade ditch to 15" pipe. 4 ----------------------------------------------------- ii. `- - ---------- - - - - -- ;-_,------------------ IRON FOLW VDOT RAW 1777 - - - - - -- - i - -- PROPOSED ROAD IMFROVE_M.ENTS TOTAL TRANSITION LENGTH = 1,300' NEST TRAN51TION LENGTH = 6-5.00' EAST TRANSITION LENGTH = 625.00' WEST TAPER = 600.00' I STORAGE T - 15.00' STORAGE = 1100.00' I LEFT TURN TAPER = 200.00' LEFT TURN TRANSITION = 325.00' RT. TURN TAPER = 140.00' I RT. TURN LANE = 200.00' ZT TAPER 0 - Ill TACK COAT THE PROPOSED EDGE OF EI PAVEMENT 1 I AS DETERMINEDED N HELD) CONSTRUCTION JOINT EXISTING ASPHALT LAYERS - PROPOSED ASPHALT LAYERS EXISTING SUBBASE PROPS SUBBASE CO O SUB(RADE CONSTRUCTION JOINT DETAIL REMOVE EXISTING ASPHALT LAYERS TO EXISTING SUBBASE AND REPLACE WITH PROPOSED ASPHALT WIDENING LAYERS PROPOSED MNRAId 1 A NCH THICK ASPHALT SURFACE COURSE (SEE NOTE 5) MNIi M 12 INCHES. OR GREATER AS NECESSARY TO ABUT THE FULL THICKNESS OF EXISTING ASPHALT LAYERS AS DETERMINED BY CORES (SEE NOTE 3) NOTES= 1. ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIDENING SHALL HAVE A PAVEMENT DESIGN IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT VDOT PROCEDURES AM BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 2. THE PAVEMENT DESIGN FOR ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIDENING SHALL MEET OR EXCEED THE DEPTHS NO TYPES OF THE LAYERS OF EXISTING PAVEMENT.SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE OF THE EXISTING NO PROPOSED PAVEMENT SHALL BE ADDRESSED IN THE PAVEMENT DESIGN 3. A MINIMUM OF THREE CORES SHALL BE TAKEN ALONG THE CENTER OF THE ADJACENT TRAVEL LANE TO DETERMINE THE TYPE AND THICKNESS OF EXISTING PAVEMENT LAYERS. THESE CORES SHALL BE SPACED NO MORE THAN 500 FEET APART. 4. THE ADJACENT TRAVEL LANE SHALL BE MLLED A MIIMUM DEPTH OF 1 A INCHES IDINCHESA REPLACED WITH AN ASPHALT SURFACE COURSE TO MATCH THE PROPOSED PAVEMENT WDENNG SURFACE COURSE. UNLESS WAIVED BY THE ENGINEER. S. THE ENGINEER MAY REOUI(E THE YLLNG DEPTH OF THE EXISTING PAVEMENT TO BE ADJUSTED TO ACHIEVE AN AOCEPTAa.E PAVMENT CNN -SLOPE AND EFFECTIVE SURFACE DRANALiE. 6. EXMTIHIG PAVEMENT MARKINGS Me MARKERS WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS SHALL BE RESTORED SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE ENODEER. 7. FINAL TRANSVERSE PAVEMENT TE-IN SMALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 315.05(e) OF THE SPEOIICATI010 EXCEPT THAT ALL JOINTSATTIE-N LOCATIONS SHALL BE TESTED USING A 10 FOOT STRAIGHTEDGE N ACCORDANCE WiTH THE REQUIREMENTS OF SEC, 315.07(a) OF THE SPECFICATiONS. ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIDENING REV 11/07 FOR W101 BJiSUECT TO TRAFFIC 3 303.02 VINMA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIMENSION PLAN PAVEMENT 5EGTION ALONC-7 RTE 250 TO BE VERIFIED 2" 5M -12..5 surface mix BY VOOT 3" BM -25.0 intermediate mix I i P TO BE FIIELD VERIFIED RTE. 1) Sight Distance East = 500'(45 mph) 2) 51ght Distance West = 610' (55 mph) BOO- -' -' "- II NOTES FOR TH15 PLAN I. The arrows at the entrance are for informaton only. They are not pavement markings. 2. The tie -In to Rte 250 pavement structture needs to be determined by Note 3 in the WP -2 5tandard. 3. The milling and overiau section in the typical sections needs to be in accordance with Note 4 in the WP -2 5tandard. 4. G6-1 is to be used in VDOT right -of - Hay along Route 250. GG -6 is to be used on the site. TYPICAL 5HOULDER SECTION NP RTE 250 RTE 250 Ik NP 9/18/08 HS EASTBOUND EASTTOORV LANE LANE LANE SFIOWAR DITCA 12'12'12'1 10. PRO.6GT - Z4OF 12 LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 1 12' 6' sw-i 3/O'I I•,IJ 2' MILL 4 v OVERLAY PAVEMENT SECTION PER DETAIL 21 HILL $ YO BE slow" IJw BY VDOT) BOO- -' -' "- II NOTES FOR TH15 PLAN I. The arrows at the entrance are for informaton only. They are not pavement markings. 2. The tie -In to Rte 250 pavement structture needs to be determined by Note 3 in the WP -2 5tandard. 3. The milling and overiau section in the typical sections needs to be in accordance with Note 4 in the WP -2 5tandard. 4. G6-1 is to be used in VDOT right -of - Hay along Route 250. GG -6 is to be used on the site.GRAPHIC SCALE 1 " =50' 0 50 100 150 K Nathaniel D. Perkl 5 CERT. NO. L V V IL D TYPICAL CURB SECTION NP 4/18108 RTE 250 DATE NP 9/18/08 CHECKED BY DATE EX.EX_ PROP. PROP . I xALJ< /1" =40 DRAMINS 0 -4 PLOT PRO.6GT - Z4OF 12 LANE 12' LANE 12' LANE 1 12' LADE 1 12' Q v 3/8'.I 21 HILL $ OVERLAY PAVEHEW SWTIONI PER DETAIL TO BE CONFIRMED BY VDOV GRAPHIC SCALE 1 " =50' 0 50 100 150 K Nathaniel D. Perkl 5 CERT. NO. L V V IL D Z 0 < 5_ vOLz zMCD w OOL O X11 < < N I W X lY DES16NM BY DATE NP 4/18108 V 0 DATE NP 9/18/08 CHECKED BY DATE FILE EDITI xALJ< /1" =40 DRAMINS 0 -4 PLOT PRO.6GT - Z4OF 12 SFffT NO. o Q Z 0 < 5_ vOLz zMCD w OOL O X11 < < N I W X lY DES16NM BY DATE NP 4/18108 DRAM BY DATE NP 9/18/08 CHECKED BY DATE FILE EDITI xALJ< /1" =40 DRAMINS 0 -4 PLOT PRO.6GT - Z4OF 12 SFffT NO. INV _ __ - -- - - - - -- — TER T` — - M TER BLUE • PAINT '' PROJE GT (PLANS pROVIDED 'BY V.D.O.T, ROUTE 250 01 - A f T. GG -1 GG -1 IRON FOUND IF I I I GG 6 a RIN t I IIII 11 I 1 Ir I r I I ^ r ' I IIIIa 2 NAL SET I PALE ~ ELEVRIFli118" RGP Extension INV41 POL I 3fWheadwallOUT= N86 °45134"F- 38q.2 Inv = 10253 - 702.14I 1 T k IRON I I FOUND I I 3 Buildingsk Drainfield G I , I . 505G Reserve - I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I d) r N 0 Z IRON FOUND i i IRON FOUND I B" I I I w I o , IOII II I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 4 I I 5OxWell Permit 101- 8-1I I r Propose 3B Well ' Location Primary, I I 5c ' C2o 1'U I I 1 If Uldb I 1 wnt OUND I 1 1 N8 °48'25" W 330.1 Of t I1 I 1 i II GRAPHIC SCALE 1 " =30' 0 30 60 90 0 ® (b) 4s FM 1 I I PAvINS 0xgb I 1 Q I C ' < I TG&AW Pr Two C = = I O ' Q'FIFE f03.00' ° Ist FI. =5poo ill) 0. 1 I t I e (2nd FI. =3000 So ' . 0 _ I tr O ; o c : :::=1 ,I 0 I I I EQIJI + I X ,, LO I I I 6ra/el I , o 1 G /. /. k I X .. ?s ....... ... / j x ........ I x x I 1 X x I Additional ' I1 Reserve - x l I X I 16 - 2 I I I Roof IV*I M ub nil (2O' x 24') Dralnf I d k , I W X-94 - - - - - - - -I X ' IDrainfieldb' R"IvaGy A I 1 I.II i II 'I 'I II'I I 50 — _J 1 II V II IL DE516NED BY NP z ozLLJ 0 DRANK BY v DATE NP C4*rAa.D BY I-QL CL zoo R501 M O I - vL OLun a AA p 5OF 12 Lu MX I- 5 DE516NED BY NP z ozLLJ g/18 /o8 DRANK BY v DATE NP C4*rAa.D BY I-QL CL zoo R501 M O I - vL I " = 501 OLunOL PR JWT W 5OF 12 Lu MX I- DE516NED BY DATE NP g/18 /o8 DRANK BY DATE NP g/18 /o8 C4*rAa.D BY DATE PILE EDIT R501 I - SCAL.E I " = 501 DRAMM PLOT G -5 PR JWT 5OF 12 SHEET No. A I.. :'::'.... 15I \ IRON GMP ,+ FOUND _ Z NA LS SET IN BAuE I 1 I - r - - - • POL POL1Ij81 `'fGP Extension ' INV \ - - - ' _ 1- - - 7 , W headwal I OUT N$6 °48'34 "EInv = 10253 702.14 ` 1) contractor to verfu/loc ite both qn of ISM GMP for aband \ \ ` \ 2) Abandon d remove 15 G> . 3) r true ete headwal I. F) locate ditch under el drgravl)ewal and ditch to 18'2n. Ick+9 , ` l tom° I I I ' / 1 / IKON . FUND r ` 2! 8ull sul =k n I \ Dra Inf le ld G 505K• Reserve . \ . I r :'i ti , , I I I I ( \\ \ 1 I 1 ^f I _ .............. m ,A \\ I / N I II I/ End of Fw I I \ I </ I I I 1 . ... . . - \ \ Il Ui 15s1 I J I II 1 {•'•'• • / \ Jai i _ _ . _ - _ _ _ . \. ,. _ \ • -3 \ - 1 , , •., \ ` f / 1 f. 1 'b ' I •1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I ( I 1 ! ( 1 1 . I I I / J N GRITICAL SLOPES . 25%) typ. ice' I I 91 1 1 I I '•' 1 / / \ X N . 04 N J. I 1 Xj Addtlonall , ----- . . RA Septic 5ystI , + +)' 1 O I •' 1 Tart - - - - - - , / " d/t a f \ 6 I 1 \ fit 8ermI01 I I ZIT r, ro T— \T_ -+- • \ \ \ \ \- - - - - -' .' I I , 3B 1Ne I I , _ 5Y llLOGtion I I I / I' / ' End ofF " \ ' - - - - -\ LIIIIN '. / / ,I duffer ......... ... FOUND 1 I / / I Uttl &.wm u - • . . 1 1 _ _ OUND I 1 . \ may .... .' .... 4825` - _W 330. I Of t ' ' • : ::I• ' IN GRAPHIC SCALE 1 " =30' 0 30 60 90 V II LL DATE wP O INV y ... /TER \\ / wP V5108 rte""M TER \ __ - - - - -- -_ FILE GRITIGRL - } "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 688.10 _ RITI .: .'.'.' y . ...y:::•:• - - - - - - - MALE rtyp - -- —'. , r ........... . BLUE O.T.) PRO,EGT AN5 PRO7236PL S EU NO. 1 -- - -r ..................PRO GT GRADING NOTES FOR TH 15 PLAN ROUTS 2= I1O RM)w I. Septic fields are to be Installed prior to grading. 2. Surveyor to locate drainfield f corners prior to an site work commencipy9 A I.. :'::'.... 15I \ IRON GMP ,+ FOUND _ Z NA LS SET IN BAuE I 1 I - r - - - • POL POL1Ij81 `'fGP Extension ' INV \ - - - ' _ 1- - - 7 , W headwal I OUT N$6 °48'34 "EInv = 10253 702.14 ` 1) contractor to verfu/loc ite both qn of ISM GMP for aband \ \ ` \ 2) Abandon d remove 15 G> . 3) r true ete headwal I. F) locate ditch under el drgravl)ewal and ditch to 18'2n. Ick+9 , ` l tom° I I I ' / 1 / IKON . FUND r ` 2! 8ullsul =k n I \ Dra Inf le ld G 505K• Reserve . \ . I r :'i ti , , I I I I ( \\ \ 1 I 1 ^f I _ .............. m ,A \\ I / N I II I/ End of Fw I I \ I </ I I I 1 . ... . . - \ \ Il Ui 15s1 I J I II 1 {•'•'• • / \ Jai i _ _ . _ - _ _ _ . \. ,. _ \ • -3 \ - 1 , , •., \ ` f / 1 f. 1 'b ' I •1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I ( I 1 ! ( 1 1 . I I I / J N GRITICAL SLOPES . 25%) typ. ice' I I 91 1 1 I I '•' 1 / / \ X N . 04 N J. I 1 Xj Addtlonall , ----- . . RA Septic 5ystI , + +)' 1 O I •' 1 Tart - - - - - - , / " d/t a f \ 6 I 1 \ fit 8ermI01 I I ZIT r, ro T— \T_ -+- • \ \ \ \ \- - - - - -' .' I I , 3B 1Ne I I , _ 5Y llLOGtion I I I / I' / ' End ofF " \ ' - - - - -\ LIIIIN '. / / ,I duffer ......... ... FOUND 1 I / / I Uttl &.wm u - • . . 1 1 _ _ OUND I 1 . \ may .... .' .... 4825` - _W 330. I Of t ' ' • : ::I• ' IN GRAPHIC SCALE 1 " =30' 0 30 60 90 V II LL z <zLij QL Z O 1-D Z L Lf> Q oO WU X DESISHM BY DATE wP O DRAWN BY DATE wP V5108 ChVC42V BY DATE FILE EDIT l MALE 111 = 501VV O PRO,EGT 6OF 12 S EU NO. f z <zLij QL Z O 1-D Z L Lf> Q oO WU X DESISHM BY DATE wP an8io8 DRAWN BY DATE wP V5108 ChVC42V BY DATE FILE EDIT l MALE 111 = 501VV DRAWING G-6 PLOT PRO,EGT 6OF 12 S EU NO. l 5EPT I G/UT I L I TY NOTES FOR TH 15 PLAN INV TER 1. Kitchen and sanitary plumbing to be separated. f3 - = -- ,,........• ......_::•....•'• M TER '`,_ ____--- - - - --- 2 Se Ic f le Ids arept in plumbing, grading.r to be sta pr t 0 bg8.lo _ _ 3. All site development runoff from mpervious areas to be directed to the rain tanks. C -- - - - - - - - - - - - - . :y .y. 1f' ....'.... - . BLUE TENT - LJ ..... ..... •' , i .— .. .. _ 025%) yT. — — T y• _ ''— ' PAINT N Or... _ / DNS i"'ROV 11 SYFLAIGTOBEJ _ _ PR a - - -- l w OUTS 250 (I 10 / ---- -- T - TU.5. ; 27- ' i 1 A 4G ;_ 15r- GMP Inv. Out - 101.10' A 2 NAILS SET IN BIUE - •OF TELEFHOM 8 " ZZ - P Extension INV \ - , _ c - - - PeIF POL 9 > /e, POL -- =T 7 w/ headwall OUT= N66 48 34 E 3Sq •23 - 1 \ I Inv = '102.53 '702.14 \ /' l0 6B111 I:llterra Box 1 T • , \ Now 2 00' 69TI / \ AtIL1Lr Ebfll't IKON FOUND J, 1` \ \ . 1.06% 1 +I I -- - - - - - - _ . . . . . . . . I , \ Drainfield G \ $ \ 50%* Reserve Diet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ \ BOX G ` . . . . . . . . . . . . .A I I y \ \• \ . . . . \ I lam End of Fens ` \ \ \ ` 115.14'0 I WTWI 10'x:14) I III lY I + ....................70 `. _ TER 'RAIN' \rr: ST 1OAWtWLINBZT I l I I ' ' ; ilC'A.gotEdn \ \ 1F :• I X ' \ 'O' 1 T! NO -_ I I ' ` \ 1 L / 1 If : :'l':' ::: I :.i.:.j: 1 , 4 \ ® \ Propowd Two story Bid b . (2nd F4 =5p00 of) Ji. If di a 1 • I I I I , I 1x . '1 ! ' \ • / .::,) lot. , . 001 . .' ' , i'•:•:•••i•::• ' I ':•x l /' / x SLOPE5 1'':..r.... ' ' I/' I , / , - ` \ \ ` \.. - , Y00, II I/ / , , \ 1 1 \ Additional 5ep? 5yst6im \ \ \ . \ ±+) I I ' ,' / ' _ ` \ x ) • \ N us ItiN (20 x 24') II I, , // , \ \ \ \` \\• 010s+ _----- r-- $.28'e 22"1X+ / I IRON FOUND 1 lip r' ! r \' 1 ' V I Q I J f 1 . 4V 4 t / f.*..*..*.'.*.*.*.*.'.*.'.*.'.'.*.*.*.'.'.'.*.'.*..*..*..*..*..* ................... T BE c4wez TO •• 1 ` \ \ \ , I I I , / X I / / / /' I ST 'RAW, , \ \ , ' , Q Y ,' 50' x 50 1.: : :: d TANKS IT Permit 101 -08 ki ss ^: ^:: t ti : :::::: ..... 3B Fr:!. tiY:vecxss ILOGtlonl / ':: l:r • 'i // 532 sanlrlg \ ` ` - - - - - - lrr,lr Ial .• »if.•:: ':i OR F) b' PVG (OutlstJ Bid of Fence Ile le LL I IIN / / + 20L me I RON I / FOUND l utlltj Bsln't ` \ \ :. ,:., r :, . _ It FOUND f , 610 - ` - , '1& _7 04&'25nA 330.1Oft GRAPHIC SCALE i " =30' 0 30 60 90 N DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE NOMINAL, REFER TO MODULE DATA MODULE DATA FOR CONCEPTUAL ASSEMBLY, SEE EXPLODED VIEW FOR SINGLE MODULE GEOMETRY: LENGTH "20.97 IN. (000 MM)LOAD RATING: 34 PSI, (MODULE ONLY) WIDTH -10.00 IN. (405 MM)H-K (WITH ACF COVER SYSTEM) HEIGHT - 51.57 IN. (1310 MM) DATE STORAGE VOLUME - 12.25 CF (348 L)MATERIAL: 85% RECYCLED VOID INTERNAL VOLUME: 95%POLYPROPYLENE VOID SURFACE AREA: 90% CURB INI TIi RAT CUTTER ffl 11 D- RAINTANKTM - TRIPLE MODULE Mlrtr Water Management ftorLlfe' FatAMTIONALINwnMnnONPLEAmcoNTAcT :ACFENVIRONMENTAL 1- 800.448-3636 www.acfenvironmental.00m CATCH BASIN DRAINING INTO RAINTANK; SYSTEM ROOF DRAIN LINKED DIRECTLY TO BACKFILL COMPACTED TO RAINTANKI- SYSTEM 95% MODIFIED PROCTOR DENSITY GEOGRID ON GRAVEL OR PERMEABLE GEOTEXTiLE PAVED ON SANDUTILITYMARKERSATrsURFACE TRIPLE MODULE RAINTANKT- UNITS ` ^I "^ WRAPPED IN GEOTEXTILE LINE AND LOAD RATING: 34 PSI (MODULE ONLY) IMPERMEABLE H -20 (WITH ACF COVER SYSTEM) LINER WHEN REQUIRED SUITABLE STRUCTURAL BACKFILL COMPACTED TO RAIN TANK PARKING LOT ELEV = 702' (MIN.) TOP ELEV = bc14.0' BOTTOM ELEV = 68q.-' 95% MODIFIED PROCTOR NOTE: FOR COMPLETE MODULE DATA,DENSITY SEE RAINTANKT- - TRIPLE MODULE D- RAINTANKTm - PARKING LOT DESIGN G11i 1YQeioelil®IU4 Wafer Management fiDr Llf+B" FOR ADDITIONAL INFORWTION PLEASE cONTAcT: ACF ENVIRONMENTAL, 1. 800 - 448 -3636, www.acfe FlLTERRA DAT CURB INLET I p /O pQ/ IV V DRAWN BY DATE PLAN VIEW WDARD TRANSITION FROM EL" IN MUST 1B AND STANDARD TO BE HIOINIiIGUTTERDEPRESSED TYP) GUTTER (TYP) THAN ELM IV FlLTERRA ThIMT CURB INI TIi RAT CUTTERFLOW GUTTERFLOW DEPRESSED GUTTER AT FILTERRA BYPASS CURB INLET THROAT OPENING (TYP) o RV IN FLOWUM Wr V ELEVATION VIEW KING FILTERRA UNIT STORMWATER m STRUCTURE SHWT NO. 0 OUTLET PPE 6M OTHERS CONNECT tO STORY & N PERFORATED 76 NNM Our .2 UNDERDRAN SYSTEM (x' SrRICR.NE BY AMERICAST ETrLUO(r N YUer eE OVrt1p CROSS SECTION DNS OF DRAWINGS ARE ONLY PERMITTED N AUTHORIZATION FROM FILTERRA DATE: 07 -07 -06 DWG: FLP -2 k /aff ° aQw ,FILTEMAe TYPICAL FLOIMLINE OpPlwto2l"IbyA --1-6 AND OULET PIPE RELATIONSHIP us PAT 6.277,274 AND 6.566.321 V V U . D z Z O Z l`U V F_ - < kj) D_ z Z 1 1 1 111 --- LU 1 n 40 V 1 < OL I W is) X 1 DE516N D BY DAT NI I p /O pQ/ IV V DRAWN BY DATE NP 4/18/08 CHECKED BY DATE FILE EDIT I CIA11.ECS III =-1/11 DRANN6 G -7 PLOT FWJWT - OF 12 SHWT NO. O O z Z O Z l`U V F_ - < kj) D_ z Z 1 1 1 111 --- LU 1 n 40 V 1 < OL I W is) X 1 DE516N D BY DAT NI I p /O pQ/ IV V DRAWN BY DATE NP 4/18/08 CHECKED BY DATE FILE EDIT I CIA11.ECS III =-1/11 DRANN6 G -7 PLOT FWJWT - OF 12 SHWT NO. onsu .7871TI " .3 SIDE VIEW D I MEN51 ON I N(5 NOTES FOR TH 15 PLAN I. The arrows at the entrance are for informaton only. They are not pavement markings.2. The width of the entrance at the RM is 42'. 3. Gurb radius dimensions are to the face of curb. l V V J LL GRAPHIC SCALE 1 " =30' immmmm -- W, 0 z UJ v z Q Z CD o l..l_I v z w w 0 Q t!1 < Q 1 LU x DE IGHM BY DATE w gn8i08 A DATE w gn8108 C+W:C* D BY DATE FILE EDIT R501 I - SCALE DRANUN6 G -8 PLOT PROJWT - E 12 e$r WO. o o j GRAPHIC SCALE 1 " =30' immmmm -- W, 0 z UJ v z Q Z CD o l..l_I v z w w 0 Q t!1 < Q 1 LU x DE IGHM BY DATE w gn8i08 DRAM BY DATE w gn8108 C+W:C* D BY DATE FILE EDIT R501 I - SCALE DRANUN6 G -8 PLOT PROJWT - E 12 e$r WO. NOTES 1. THIS ITEM MAY BE PRECAST OR CAS' M PLACE 4 t_,2" RADIUS KVIIAI SURF) X. riMA n BASEI . WEOMTFOMIEFEW."M 105502 1_,_.4 2 R I a ° i _a 6" A SEENOTE 4 • °' ' ° .n - A a ' n STANDARD 6" CURB VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION N01 =S: I. THIS ITEM MA` BE P111 AS' UR CAS! IN PACE LSPFG ON PEFERFN F_ OME3IJAT''i N 6" C- )RE GAT DER 0S S(I,I VIRGINA DEPARTMENT O TRANSDRTATON REV. 9/06 1992 311 LEVEL SPREADER DIVERSION a Y • 2. CONCRETE TO BE C_A55 N IF CAST IN PLACE. Q DATE w 4000 x511- PREC45T. GFEGKED BY DATE I. 3. COMO NAT 0'+ CURB A GUTTER HAVING A RADIUS 8501 OF 3CO FEF' OR LESS !ALONG FACE OF CURB) SHALL ks) PLOT BE PAD FOR AS RADIAL COMBINATION CURB 6 zZED o GUTTER. a a _ 4 FOR USE WIT- STABILIZED OPEN-GRADED BRik UNDISTURBED:00t 7 DRAINAGE AYER,THE BOTTCM OF THE CURB ANC GUTTER SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED -AI uU a 0 THE SLOPE OF SUBBASE COURSES AND TO THE CEPTH OF THE PAVEMENT, i— 5, A.;. CWABLF CRI'FRIA FOR T -E USE OF CG -6 IS BASED ON ROADWAY CL ASSIFCATION AND DESIGN SPEED AS SHOWN IN APPENDIX A y 4'2 ' R O THE VGO' ROAD DESIGN MANUAL. T 0 T D '. I t D .U D w.4y_THE BOTTOM CF THE CURB AND MAI BE CONSTRUCTEDPUTTERPARALLEL 'O THE SLOPE 0 SUBBASE COURSES PROVDED A MINIMUM DEPTH CF 7" 1 IS MANTAINEC. TAT AREA MAYTf•E O'TICN BL CONCRETEOF 'HE CONTRACTOP LSPFG ON PEFERFN F_ OME3IJAT''i N 6" C- )RE GAT DER 0S S(I,I VIRGINA DEPARTMENT O TRANSDRTATON REV. 9/06 1992 311 LEVEL SPREADER DIVERSION a Y • Q DATE w 9/18/08 GFEGKED BY DATE I. w . 8501 lu_^1/1t ks) PLOT PRO,cr zZED o ks) a a _ BRik UNDISTURBED:00t 7 lu Q d . uU a i—PERSPECTIVE VIEW NOTE: ALL TEMPORARY BERMS, SWALES AND LEVEL SPREADER DITCH MUST RECEIVE TEMPORARY SEEDING IMMEDIATELY AFTER INSTALLATION Source: Adapted from N.C. Erosion and Sediment Control Planning nd Desim Manual Plate 3.21 -1 Ill- 193 CC -I NUIESI I, THIS ITEM MAY BE PRFCA9T OR CAST IN 'I ACE 7. CONCRETE TO OF CL. ASS A} IF CAST IN PI. ACT, 4000 PSI F PRECAST. 3. COMBINATION CURB A CLITTFR HAVING A RADUS OF 300 FFFT OR LESS (;J ONG FACE OF CJRB7 SITA.'. BE PALO FOR AS RADIA COMBINATION CURS 6 GUTTER. 4. FOR LSE WITH SIABILIZLC Of' N GRAULU RAINAGC IPYE R. IHE BOTTOM q THE CURB AND GUTTER SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PARALLEL TO THE SLOPE OF SJBBASL COURSES AND TO THE DFPTH OF THE PAVEMENT. 5 ALLOW'AULE CRI'LRIA FOR IHE USL Of CG / IS UASLD ON ROADWAY CLASSIFICATION AND DESIGN SPEED AS SHOWN IN APPENDIX A OF TEL VDOT ROAD DESIGN MANUAL. 6. WHEN IHIS STANDARD IS 10 BE TIED INIO EXISTING BARRIER CURB, THE TRANSITION 15 TO BE MADE WITHIN TUTOR TELL CHANGE IN STANDARDS MADE AT REGULAR OPENINGS. 7. WHEN COMBINAT ON MOUN IABtF CURB AND GU I TER IS USED, THC STANDARD ENTPANCE GUTTERS OR STANDARD C ONNECTION'Of? STRECI INIEIRSECIICNS ARE TO HAYS THE MOUNTABLE CURB CONFIGURATION NCORPORATEJ. R 5jI-- -I R THIS AREA MAI BE. CONCRE'F AT THE OPTION J 'HE CONTRACTOR 7'2' 0" THE HOI!OM OF 11If CURD AN'I7 CUTTER MAY BE CONSTRUCTF PARALLEL TO TIE SLOPE OF SUBBASE COURSES PROVIDED A MIN. DEPTH OF 7" IS MANTAINLC q p p 7 - FOE 610 CCMBINA.T ON 4 CU1 & 8 CU I iy REFERE 9 /C6 10S VIRGINIA DFOAR - MENT OF TRANSOORTATION 502 0A CC 12 GENERAL NOTE,. 1 THE DE FCTAR -E WARN.NG SHAT. HE 'PROVIDED BY TRUNCATED DOMES. 2. DETECTABLE WARNING TO BE GLASS A -3 CONCRETE (CLASS A -4 IF PRECAST)WITH SLIP RESISTANT TO SURFACE COVERING THE FULL WIDTH OF THE RAMP FLOOR BY 2 FOOT IN LENGTH IN 'HE DIRECTION OF PEDESTRIAN RAVEL. OTHER TYPES 0' MATERIAL WITH THE TRUNCATED DOMES DETECTABLE WARNING MAY BE JSED WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER. 3. SLOPING SIDES OF CURB RAMP MAY BE POURED MONOLITHICALLY WITH RAMP FLOOR OR BY USING PE MISSIBLE CONS'RUCTON JOINT WTH REOUIRMD BARS. 4. IF RAMP FLOOR IS PRECAST, HOLES MUST BE PROVIDED FOR DOWEL BARS 50 THAT ADJOINING FLARED SIDES CAN BE CAST N PLACE AFTER PLACEMENT OF PRECAST RAMP FLOOR. PRECAST CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS A -4. 5. REQUIRED BARS ARE TO BE NO.` X 8' P-ACED 1'CENTER TO CENTER ALONG BOTH SIDES OF THE RAMP FLOOR, UIC -DEPTH OF RAMP FLOOR. MINIMUM CONCRETE COVER 1' /z'. 6. CURB / CURB AND GUTTER 51_01'_ TRANSITIONS ADJACENI TO CURB RAMPS ARE INCLUDED IN PAYMENT FOR CURB !CURB AND GUTTER. 7. CLRU RAMPS ARL TO BE LOCATED AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS OR AS DIRECIED BY THE ENGINEER. THEY ARE TO BE PRCVIDED AT INTERSECTIONS WHEREVER AN ACCESSIBLE ROUTE WITHIN TFF RIGHT OF WAY OF A HIGHWAY FA TTY CRO CT SSES A CURB RECARD. FSS OF A.ETHER SIDEWALK IS EXISTING, PROPOSED, OR NONEX STENT. THE- MUST BE 'OCATEO WITHIN PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALKS P HASSHOWNONCANSOFASDIRECTEDBYTE ENGINEER, AND SHOULD NOT BE LOCAT_D BEHIND VEHICLE STOP LINES, EXISTING LIGHT POLFS,FIRF HYDRANTS, )P RiO OP INLETS. ETC . ACCESSIE ROUTES PROVIDE A CONTINUOUS LBSTRUCTED, STARLF, FIRM AND SLIP RFSISTANT PATH CONN AECTING .L ACCESSIBLE ELEMENTS OF A FACIU TY "HAT CAN BE APPROACHED, L:NILRED AND USED BY PEDESTRIANS. B. RAMPS MAY BE PLACED ON RADAL OR TANGENT& SECTIONS PROVIDED THAT HE CURB OPENING IS PLACED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CROSSWALK AND FAT THE SLOPE AT IHE CONNECTION OF THE CURB OPENNG 15 PERPENDICULAR TO THE CURB. 9. TYPICAL CONCRETE SIEEWALK IS 4" THICK W HEN THE ENTRANCE RADIICANNOT ACCOMMODATE THE 'URNING REQUIREMENTS OF ANTICIPATED HEAVY TRUCK TRAFFIC. REFER TO STANDARD CG -13, COMMERCIAL ENTRANCE (HEAVY TRUCK TRAF FIC) [OR CONCRETE DEPTH. 10. WHEN CURB RAMPS ARE USED IN CONJl1NCTICN WITH A SHARED USE PATH, T}•E MINIMUV WIDTH SHALL BE THE WIDTH OF THE SHARED USE PATH 7 J TYPE A F RPENDICULAR offlewo r1111 , '7 "1 l TYPE .9 ARAN l_FL LIMA 12 1 MAY PARA l I _ T. pa J 12 1 MP,X AT * 2' HIGHER THAN EDGE OF PAVEMENT AT )V,. .' , SAME AS T01 01 CUHI TYPE C N PERPENDICJLAR 7.4" TRUNCATED DOME O C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 T ou000000000000000 V 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 O U O O C O O O T0.2" I _I 5O% 095% O DIANE TER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 O C O O S O O O C O O O O O O 0 U C U O TER i - 4 MINIMUM,BASE DIAME MINIMUM PAY IIMITS TRUNCATED DOVE DETECTA ©LE WARNINGDFTA,I_ DE TAI).. T I OF 4 CG -12 DETECTAB WARr,I'G SURF ACE _wERENCE 7/05 GENERA. -. NOT FS _ IDS50^ 05 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF fRANSPORTANON Intentionally Left Blank 2. CONCRETE TO BE CLASS A3 IF CAS' IN PLACE. 4000 PSI F PRECAST. CUR3FACE OFHA ARBI WILL BE PAID FOR ASOR ti CUR 4. THE GEP'H OF CURB MAr BE REWCED AS MUCH AS 3"115' DEPTH) OR INCREASED AS MUCH AS 3" (21" DEPTH)N ORDER THAT THE BOTTOM OF CURB WILL COINCIDEWITHTHETOPOFACOURSEOFTHEPAVEMENTSUBSTRUCTUREOTHERWISETHEDEPTHISTOBE18" AS SHOWN. NO ADJUSTMENTNTHEPRICESOIS '0 BE MADE FOR A DECREASE OR AN INCREASE IN DEPTH. 5. THIS CURB IS TO BE USED W14EN DESIGN SPEEDIS40MPHORLEISONRURALNIGMVArSAND45MPHORLESSNDEVELOPEDURBANAND EXCEEDED S TCNGE33 ISEREOURED EDS ARE SURFACE BASE 4 - 41000 PSI GONGRETE d m GOMPAGTED SUB6RADE GBR =10 TO BE FIELD VERIFIED BY GONTRAGTOR S I DENALK DETAIL Gonstruction Joints to be 6 o.r, , 1/4" wide, I" deep Expansion Joints to be 50' o.c. or less Light broom f finish 2" SM -125 surface mix E" BM -25.0 intermediate mix 4" - VDOT #21 A Base stone GOMPAGTED SUE36RADE GBR =10 TO BE FIELD VERIFIED T1'P I GAL- "L I G DUTY/' PAVEMENT SECT ALL_ PARKING SWAGES) 2" SM -12.5 surface mix E" BM -25.0 intermediate mix VDOT #21A Base stone GOMPAGTED SUBORADE GBR =10 TO BE FIELD VERIFIED T'A'P I GAL "HEAV T" DUTY" PAVEMENT SECTION ALL TRAVELHA'I'S) 4 PSI GONGRETE C:3 4" - \VDOT #21A BASESTONE o-- 4" - VDOT #21A BASESTONE GOMPAGTED SUB(5RADE GBR =10 TO BE FI VER BY GONTRAGTOR DU1"iPSTER PAD GONGRETE FAA I NO DETAIL Gonstruction Joints to be 6 o.c., 1/4" wide, I" deep Expansion Joints to be 50' o.c. or less Light broom finish 1 L IL a Y • Q DATE w 9/18/08 GFEGKED BY DATE FILE EDIT 8501 C:3 4" - \VDOT #21A BASESTONE o-- 4" - VDOT #21A BASESTONE GOMPAGTED SUB(5RADE GBR =10 TO BE FI VER BY GONTRAGTOR DU1"iPSTER PAD GONGRETE FAA I NO DETAIL Gonstruction Joints to be 6 o.c., 1/4" wide, I" deep Expansion Joints to be 50' o.c. or less Light broom finish 1 L IL zJ DATE w V8108 Q DATE w 9/18/08 GFEGKED BY DATE FILE EDIT 8501 lu_^1/1t ks) PLOT PRO,cr zZED o ks) a a _QQ OL lu Q uU a i— zJ DATE w V8108 DRANK BY DATE w 9/18/08 GFEGKED BY DATE FILE EDIT 8501 lu_^1/1t ks) PLOT PRO,cr zZED OF 12 ks) r 1d0. OL lu Q uU a i— DES16NED BY DATE w V8108 DRANK BY DATE w 9/18/08 GFEGKED BY DATE FILE EDIT 8501 5GALE lu_^1/1t DRAYVIl16 PLOT G —Q PRO,cr OF 12 r 1d0. INV - -- - -- / TER pa - -- ','' /'' M TER \`'---- - - - - -- - - - -- BLUE • PAINT .O.T.)O\(IDED E3Y V.DPROJEGT - 125-6 (PLANS PO \ / 11 U ROUTE 250 (I 10 ~ IN 5 IRON FOUND _ s NAILS SET IN pl ntings . OPOLE nnials) — _ I _ I OUT= N66 °48'34 E 38q. - n ' I I I - 702.14 I 1 T ,' I l ' =2%9Mt / o 0 IMON I 11 o FOUND I ° o el,lld 3) Red-Maple \ ' 1 A I O -- - -- ' . . . . . . . . . . .\ II I `\ ( _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ D of le fd 0). zol ° 0 I 1 II I _1X0O - - - _ serve . . \\ 0 I I I I O - . \ . . . . . I I (y Fled . . . . . . . . . . . \IO O `.. . . . . . . . . . • \ A ° +\ m / ' ' 1 O \ I I I ( V O Abellaf)) 0)bella . O a ` \ (2) Rod Abolla O ` 90 O. 00 0O 0 Ehd a Fence . 0 . POLE O0 Tj 0 00000 W U0 PRA I S) pww It Z I J cVl I , _ _ J , Map ° ,y , eI X \ r- (V Red le A r 1 I I I i \ I I III 11 ' 70c). . \` Abella I I LI -III it 0 0 N , o o ' I / / I I / 6 / , I I I \Red Maple I I 1r l II' I I lO /' I /' - \ \\ \\ + ' • • . . •I ' L I I l 1 I , I , I , / , \ \ ••'....„,.'2 51P \ Gam_ ,'./ I IRON , ( I // ,/ , ' ' ` M ... t ;..' : . . • . ,. I % 1F7UND/ ' / / / x \ ` / / / N / I I I / / I I %Z / I I ` It IF It It X IF It It It It It It It It It ,' I {' ,/ / I / ,' ` + '` Ah ditl•Onall I ----- . . . / ' / ' I m III + ++ It / / / \ i / to I + i ; ' fi 'SepfC 5y5t6m `\ x X N U0 row X It a f \ 6' I \ P I Q Y / x(50',I I i \ \ \ l I perfYl 101- 8 -011) 4. 77 1 LoctionPfjllllarlg) /' , / Pence 20'0f? PQ Did of FW" 0 Lsykrid Gyf7Peee //' \ l 1 I I I IRbN I I F / I I / / - I utll EMIT, 10 _ - - --I I It I ire- 5tore'n Station Plant Schedule QTY BOTANIG& O 0 ABEI.IA graxlFbra f1 -056Y ABE:LIA caped Site Area Gods Requirement Frontage or Area Required Total Provided comments 5treetocape Property Line I Lq Shade Tree/50' 2'75 LF available of 24vailable13IO 9 Trees min 35" Gal.Adacer to Rt. X50 I Nrd.Treat/40' (reduced due to septic field) 8 Med. Interspersed +• Trees min 2.5 Col. 6 Ornamental Poking Areas Interior Parking La Shade Trae/10 es 40 Spaces 4 13 Med. Shade Parking area trees shall beSFrubs36' min 5' O 25' Gal. at time of planting Exceeds Requirements Evergreens planting 4' -5' O.G. Screening Along West adem Screening Commercial use West Edqa West = 35 6' PrNacy Fence Mixture of Screening EvergreensAlongSouthedgeatbolxtCJarywithRASouthEdgeSouth = 26 Upver level t West, 4 double fencing32.7.9.8 partial South and has 21 Screen Trees IS Screen E>ushas Tree canopy Entire site IOAS Tree Gariopu site Area" b 10% =1p00 of canopy provided Approx. 12,708 of canopy whichforcommercialSitesWOOof (woodecU exceeds IOS, sitisgreaterthanHoodede area. Exceeds raqutrements Area of existing site deducted per 32 :1.1 (c) LANDSG/4PE PLINTINC NOTES I. The planting layout shall be consistent with the layout shown. 2. Planting shall be limited to the period between September IS to November 15, or March 15 to Ma 30. Landscapp shall be seeded and planted during the first period ollowin 9 com of site develo 3. The landscape plantings shall follow the planting schedule. 4. The contractor shall warrant that a minimum of 1009b of all p I antings shallsurviveforaperiodofoneyearfollowingplantingcompletion. 5. The contractor shall furnish nursery gown plants conforming to AN51 260.1, with healthy root systems developed by transplantingg or root pruning . TreesandshrubsshallbewellShaped, f u l l t branched, health v1 orous stck free from disease, insects, larvae, and defects such a knots, gun scald, In abrasions and di5fi 9 urements. J 6. Nursery stock shall come from a local nursery or be adapted to Iota growing conditions and be guaranteed by the nursery as such. 7.The contractor shall cleathetopsoilof roots, sods, stones, clay lumps, and other extraneous materials harmful to plant growth. R8 NOTES I. No accessory structures or mechanical equipment shall be visible from the entrance corridor. 2. All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at mature height; the toppin of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minima I ly and to su the overall health of the plant. pp GRAPHIC SCALE 1 " =30' 0 30 60 90 J g 3 0 OfO o n n •r QL LU z Z V ) DE516f ' BY DA7f PIP 4/18/08 DRAWN BY DATE NP 9/I GfE G1D BY DATE FILE EDIT SCAN -E I DFiAWIN6 G -10 PLOT PRO.Bcr - OOF 12 l•5T roo. NAME GortoN NAME slzE GoND AREA GovERA6E LAME 5FU1DE TI LKOVA somata tram Vase' froen Vase Zelkova 35' Gal. B t B 443 4,443 MEDIUM TREES 21 AGER nrbrum 'Autum Flans' AUTUMN F1J1ME RED MAPLE 25' Gal. B t B 24 5,148 fiOhERIN6 TREES 6 Gornls florlda Fl.QYERl1r6 DOf,Ni00D b' - 7' ht. 545 124 744 17 +pre:eoupar'Is leylaldll LEYLAND 4'' hk 945 2 391GYPRE56 5GREtldIN6 TREES 5 Ph* syMestrb SGOTGH PINE 4'' ht. B ! B b 50 SHRUB6 138 30' NO 3 14 1,92 TOTAL 12,E PLINTINC NOTES I. The planting layout shall be consistent with the layout shown. 2. Planting shall be limited to the period between September IS to November 15, or March 15 to Ma 30. Landscapp shall be seeded and planted during the first period ollowin 9 com of site develo 3. The landscape plantings shall follow the planting schedule. 4. The contractor shall warrant that a minimum of 1009b of all p I antings shallsurviveforaperiodofoneyearfollowingplantingcompletion. 5. The contractor shall furnish nursery gown plants conforming to AN51 260.1, with healthy root systems developed by transplantingg or root pruning . TreesandshrubsshallbewellShaped, f u l l t branched, health v1 orous stck free from disease, insects, larvae, and defects such a knots, gun scald, In abrasions and di5fi 9 urements. J 6. Nursery stock shall come from a local nursery or be adapted to Iota growing conditions and be guaranteed by the nursery as such. 7.The contractor shall cleathetopsoilofroots, sods, stones, clay lumps, and other extraneous materials harmful to plant growth. R8 NOTES I. No accessory structures or mechanical equipment shall be visible from the entrance corridor. 2. All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at mature height; the toppin of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minima I ly and to su the overall health of the plant. pp GRAPHIC SCALE 1 " =30' 0 30 60 90 J g 3 0 OfO o n n •r QL LU z Z V ) DE516f ' BY DA7f PIP 4/18/08 DRAWN BY DATE NP 9/I GfEG1D BY DATE FILE EDIT SCAN -E I DFiAWIN6 G -10 PLOT PRO.B cr - OOF 12 l•5T roo. NAME GortoN NAME slzE GoND AREA GovERA6E LAME 5FU1DE TI LKOVA somata tram Vase' froen Vase Zelkova 35' Gal. B t B 443 4,443 MEDIUM TREES 21 AGER nrbrum 'Autum Flans' AUTUMN F1J1ME RED MAPLE 25' Gal. B t B 24 5,148 fiOhERIN6 TREES 6 Gornls florlda Fl.QYERl1r6 DOf,Ni00D b' - 7' ht. 545 124 744 17 +pre:eoupar'Is leylaldll LEYLAND 4'' hk 945 2 391GYPRE56 5GREtldIN6 TREES 5 Ph* syMestrb SGOTGH PINE 4'' ht. B ! B b 50 SHRUB6 138 30' NO 3 14 1,92 TOTAL 12,E cr - OOF 12 l•5T roo. NAME GortoN NAME slzE GoND AREA GovERA6E LAME 5FU1DE TI LKOVA somata tram Vase' froen Vase Zelkova 35' Gal. B t B 443 4,443 MEDIUM TREES 21 AGER nrbrum 'Autum Flans' AUTUMN F1J1ME RED MAPLE 25' Gal. B t B 24 5,148 fiOhERIN6 TREES 6 Gornls florlda Fl.QYERl1r6 DOf,Ni00D b' - 7' ht. 545 124 744 17 +pre:eoupar'Is leylaldll LEYLAND 4'' hk 945 2 391GYPRE56 5GREtldIN6 TREES 5 Ph* syMestrb SGOTGH PINE 4'' ht. B ! B b 50 SHRUB6 138 30' NO 3 14 1,92 TOTAL 12,E NAME GortoN NAME slzE GoND AREA GovERA6E LAME 5FU1DE TI LKOVA somata tram Vase' froen Vase Zelkova 35' Gal. B t B 443 4,443 MEDIUM TREES 21 AGER nrbrum 'Autum Flans' AUTUMN F1J1ME RED MAPLE 25' Gal. B t B 24 5,148 fiOhERIN6 TREES 6 Gornls florlda Fl.QYERl1r6 DOf,Ni00D b' - 7' ht. 545 124 744 17 +pre:eoupar'Is leylaldll LEYLAND 4'' hk 945 2 391GYPRE56 5GREtldIN6 TREES 5 Ph* syMestrb SGOTGH PINE 4'' ht. B ! B b 50 SHRUB6 138 30' NO 3 14 1,92 TOTAL 12,E LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE 21 4/18108 DRANK BY DATE No. Symbol Label tatty Catalog N1mlber Description Lamp File Lumens LLF Watts A 4 Llthonla ALX2 2800 Ski2500 ALX 51ze2 Four IIOW Engines ALX2 28000LAbsolute 1.00 440 o 20.0 20.0 WA Type3 280001- 3 SR3 MVOLT.I as 3852 308.6 20.0 B 266.2 Llthonla ALX2 28000E c 42800 ALX SIze2 Four IIOW Engmeg ALX2 28000LAbsok*e 1.00 440 Of 86.0 OA MVOL Type4 25000L 2'155 SR4 MVOLT.i 20.0 20.0 El G I Llthonla ALX2 28000L SR4 ALX SlzeZ T 260001-F IIOW Engines ALX2 28000LAbsolute 1.00 440 n 7 B MVOLT HS 322.4 20.0 SR4 MVOLT 40.1 OA 8 B 51 Llthonla ALED ALED 1800 LUMEN 6'ONE 35 -WATT LUMILED ALED 35 18 1766 I.0O 3850D 73.4 35/18 6AR APERTURE SEMI LED, VW DOWNLIGHT bAR MVOLT.I 10 B 354.8 132.0 20.0 MVOLT SPEGULAR TRIM, 3500K P05. as II A LUMINAIRE LOCATIONS D-21 4/18108 DRANK BY DATE No.Label X Location Y Z MH Orientation Tilt I B 261.4 3'76.6 20.0 20.0 176.6 OA 2 A 284A 225.4 20.0 20.0 WA 0.0 3 G 3852 308.6 20.0 20D 266.2 0.0 4 A 333.1 3841.6 20.0 20.0 86.0 OA 5 A 2'155 3245 20.0 20.0 88.0 OA 6 B 11 3"11.4 20.0 20.0 176A OA 7 B 178.4 322.4 20.0 20.0 40.1 OA 8 B Igg.4 1242 20.0 20.0 MA 0.0 01 B 2782 73.4 20.0 20.0 0.4 0.0 10 B 354.8 132.0 20.0 20.0 80A OA II A 371.1 202.6 20D 20.0 76.1 0.0 12 D 210.6 2415 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 13 D 210.0 251.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 14 D 204.4 260:1 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 15 D 208.8 2705 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 16 D 208.3 2802 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 17 D 207.4 240.1 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 18 D 2073 24101.7 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 ICI D 216.8 3003 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 20 D 226.6 300.8 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 21 D 2363 301.4 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 22 D 246.1 3022 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 23 D 255.8 302.6 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 24 D 265.6 303.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 25 D 266.1 2432 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 26 D 2665 2835 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 27 D 267.0 273.8 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 28 D 267.6 264.1 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 241 D 2683 254.4 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 30 D 268.7 2445 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 31 D 2645 234.7 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 32 D 25'7.4 234.1 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 33 D 247.0 233.4 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 34 D 235.7 233.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 35 D 332A 2372 14.0 14.0 72.6 0.0 36 D 342.4 237.4 14.0 14.0 72.6 0.0 37 D 352.8 238.6 14.0 14.0 72.6 0.0 38 D 331.1 244.8 14.0 14.0 72A 0.0 341 D 341.7 250.6 14.0 14.0 72A 0.0 40 D 351.7 2512 14.0 14.0 72A 0.0 41 D 331.0 254.8 14.0 14.0 72A 0.0 42 D 341.0 2605 14.0 14.0 72A 0.0 43 D 351.0 2612 14.0 14.0 72.4 0.0 44 D 330.4 2601.8 14.0 14.0 72A 0.0 45 D 340.4 2705 14.0 14.0 72.4 0.0 46 D 3503 2712 14.0 14.0 72A 0.0 47 D 3241.0 286.0 14.0 14.0 735 0.0 48 D 338.0 286.6 14.0 14.0 735 0.0 44 D 344.0 287.1 14.0 14.0 735 0.0 50 D 328.4 2416.0 14.0 14.0 735 0.0 51 D 338.4 2416.6 14.0 14.0 735 0.0 52 D 348.4 287.1 14.0 14.0 735 0.0 53 D 327A 306.0 14.0 14.0 735 0.0 54 D 337.4 3065 14.0 14.0 735 0.0 55 D 347.8 307.1 14.0 14.0 735 0.0 56 D 327.8 3165 14.0 14.0 73A 0.0 57 D 337.8 317.0 14.0 14.0 73.4 0.0 58 D 347.8 3175 14.0 14.0 73.0.0 54 B 203.4 206A 20.0 20.0 40.1 0.0 60 D 276.1 1102 14.0 14.0 72.6 0.0 61 D 274A 122A 14.0 14.0 72A 0.0 62 D 284.8 1235 14.0 14.0 72A 0.0 63 D 286.0 110.4 14.0 14.0 72.6 0.0 Notes I. ALL FOOTCANDLE LEVELS ARE INITIAL, U51NO 1.00 LLF. 2. ALL FOOTCANDLE LEVELS ARE MEASURED AT GRADE. 3. ALL LUMINAIRES ARE IES AND INTERNATIONAL DARK5KIE5 FULL CUTOFF KITH HORIZONTAL LAMP AND FLAT GLA55 4. THE ATTACHED PROPOSED LAYOUT 15 REPRESENTATIVE OF ONLY THE PRODUCTS L15TED IN THE LUMINAIRE 5C IEDULE. ANY SUBSTITUTIONS OR DEVIATIONS FROM THIS LAYOUT WILL REQUIRE THE CONTRACTOR TO REWORK AND RESUBMIT SAME TO ALBEMARLE COUNTY FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT. 5. EACH OUTDOOR LUMINAIRE EQUIPPED WITH A LAMP THAT EMITS 3000 OR MORE INITIAL LUMENS SHALL BE A FULL CUTOFF LUMINAIRE. 6. THE SPILLOVER OF LIGHTING FROM LUMINAIRES ONTO PUBLIC ROADS AND PROPERTY IN RESIDENTIAL OR RURAL AREAS ZONING DISTRICTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 1/2 FOOTGANDLES. 1. THE BOTTOM OF THE CANOPY FIXTURES ARE TO BE FLUSH WITH THE CANOPY CEILING. 5TAT15TIG5 D-21 4/18108 DRANK BY DATE NP Description Symbol Avg Max Min max/min Avg/Min 8uiidhq Campy x 15.1 fc 223 fc 2.4 fc 7.7 1 5201 Property Line 4-OA fc 0.4 fc OA f N/A N / A Restoren 51:atior 4.1 fc 173 fc 0.1 fc 173.011 41.021 Inset Around Building 5Gale I" = 15' GRAPHIC SCALE 1 " =30' 0 30 60 90 K Nathaniel 0. Perkins GM. NO. 052304 l Q Q IL V L D-21 4/18108 DRANK BY DATE NP i. o _, x 1i'.` &o 12 x x . 22 6x i ., lo•q D -24 t FILE D-18 Z0.5.Iq;4 x x •xa a1b.0 6 1 x xe' x r• x 16. + . x x x x. 111=401 Z z 0 21.6 2t). 1 I I O 11 1 SHEET NO. i x I D -20 D -22 I) 5 x 2.4 D -25 0OLUO I w1 1"75. = a z - MX 18. x 15.5 x x i , .ci 1-7. x U11 Cl 15.6 x x i 4 13.E :. x 6 ry x x 4i 16.7 r D - I 13.& x 16.7 IJJ 6 c11.4 15.1 D -14 11. x is: .0 X . x .6 q.5 x x cl ,,145 x a - D-XK 2 x 1. 03 7.E5 x 2 .4 0x 8. - Q 3.G D -12 D -34 -p 5.7 2.a 0 5.0 z , 8.5 D -5172.4IS.l 13.6 0 x x x x 1 E5. 6 x x x 2 12.3 8. 12. 1 .5 1 q D -32 2 Inset Around Building 5Gale I" = 15' GRAPHIC SCALE 1 " =30' 0 30 60 90 K Nathaniel 0. Perkins GM. NO. 052304 l Q Q IL V L DE516HED BY z UU 4/18108 DRANK BY DATE NP z 04OVa D BY FILE EDIT RSOI I - OL 111=401 Z z PWJWT V I I O 11 1 SHEET NO. Q nnOL 0OLUO I w1 MX ry en r DE516HED BY z UU 4/18108 DRANK BY DATE NP z 04OVa D BY FILE EDIT RSOI I - OL 111=401 Z z PWJWT V I I O 11 1 SHEET NO. nnOL 0OLUO I w1 MX DE516HED BY DATE NP 4/18108 DRANK BY DATE NP 4/18/08 04OVa D BY DATE FILE EDIT RSOI I - WAX 111=401 DRAKW PLOT G -I I PWJWT I I OF 12 SHEET NO. ALIO I 28000L IA L /THON /A LIGHTING vxxhw ALX2 28800L SR3 MVOLT SPA DDBXD FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS MOUNT ON 20 ' SSS POLE p IMIMMO USE - Sheets, walkwgs, PAdJng lots aadwrmuMag areas. ALX2 r design - I al Aoudn . UI11 ow•mrwOMSTII49N si9CONSTRUCTIONellstoolsineareaWL994P A xlavn ease of mmaenance and potential far futurethermalmomnit. MOddar design fgem4otn11bM pP raure90 Mount upgrade, bmgral arm pmw Allow imv4dan w. a pole. A1eaMc colas she tall of Oa m _ i arrohwsag, pavmagdeontbuildupaanedlowinglaalHlow .xwslmgustakdmtlplxeyagaemmetNrtat H ` , / Z ` and envlanmmal cmtammants L°w ivotae design mlnimbe wind lading LED Luminaires Fnish'. Sandal finish is mncomm- asistam powder at Aw4W itdekbreme,Was,Mheanaa W Area l umlmintelMnum.Teytuyed mdnon- mnutdfinishes rvMaWe. L.anmr sitma MnYtslaw te6fm Oprltl -- IrrdMdual pholi.makf d Lear .M . provide oplmm kmmaln span and N@!m"d SI4 Tell NlmMw1 I I T eN bmvrdtlrP mdT YNdOwedhvbukmrvelalRe1 ( etmeon, ( YPe bYmnael(1•u mm Y Yttr aN 1p mO.aYn9 Htlnxside shield is wMlAMe mNmitlyMtsspass (Type 111 and lV any).AELEMKAL - uDYlrs NghPmden ry lFD s mmmkAto a tend tae scull head and dumnlm htaN( 460 PA kwWPOe 7 1101 Mau tT1V S0emwlmaplimaimemlalmmagemAm , S100KCQ (BL O. SardaMdrlwnw qA ONAM Natual M1IAreugA id Ha opnanor.Opamal 347V sad 4Aw p(kage araAabk. Bntronk dAwrs mraaesbir 7 MVb,.drde,K Sheep: f > ardTHD<1096. integral UDdliar idoa.l Oddwnhaw area 90% xaaalonhdlgeSPowerthahiME9 Prtmwor:,lu enmehna.ma:anon pasidd Rxamt vdtagt paw(tbn!n accadMU with IFt[ /AMA (62A'..2 gleidelilic SF singlefine 020, 277,347Y) Optbnal sold stale photp(mttal: Sµtdially degyned to aderss (m(enrs of 1-[0 lurridnalres. Imegn t a§ MOYs with addlmnMFa1IXPha0.rt elNrinate5layhumni 5ugepMnta (Alsace wit 3201 ,50th v , 1f H in stain reams and leg"itraymer protecting dnver tom eleanaltrengmn. EnhancedmeWMt It I _-- _... -._ ) oemirg provides reduced MnVdAfty to LED suminadm. OWI01D White mS7AUAT10M - Hnuyduty mmsMag 61x11 stomas to Pale to Amide ease elivallaamm well as fanuauaxNeaAteS. 9 wmwewmHn elwred aNgnmMtand kuelin¢ A111 pale -rmnt IumaalrtsutllRme hHOS lairs pdedr6irg pxtem.50aYamprn LISTING - .SA(adAedluitS, And (drudian standards for 4Vtambket Deslynrd to provide man own EPA:1.2h' s 4°r 40' . Down mlmmlua only. SO,OW hairs tdperlan!nu (1-0, a am61ML dmpaaNrm up m 10 ( Q Y Irlgm:ls -3A 169.71 LtMadl! Is F65 rand. Lqm engine MP67 rated mdth: UI (46.91 NOIE: Speahcmbm sstjtttm change without naticc.Drieth:5-7161149) tapped saoaatelJ YMght Q10001).74 Rn (33.6log) NOTE Spm6reareswblxt k &.91 11110101K Mid. W Un00L1:87 Its D9.4 Is) aWH(Jn YMA0elGtaed Weight a correlated te examplebeluw, LISTING -(ML W,.dToILS, d(.who ano"Ax40'C ambient. Des" to pal* -it than MI d- worse rerm 4o vim PmeMwnoaa DNAI01 Natural 4WNght as r a an* IIs ow. LeaataMtSxO wry mkPalddlgm opU0mlAKlee . t4euanwlnyant .esnxam _ Elf OW.ALX228g0 SMMVDLTSPADDBX0 ALIO I 28000L SR3 hildroll SPA t' ".. DDBXD ALX2 sit? iiii IA 00 raure90 shah IA9maes, a degre am panda easy insuAaum To a 9de, Metallic me, covers the top of the s,.e 7 ASixLt59 A9r7d.7M A517a19D A3TA1•rn are)- a 210001.Set Typalwmff M(MV011'SDA SlpwX SlLggedlnsalMm6rt!ae i DDMD Durkin" L.anmr sitma MnYtslaw te6fm 2900TH SI4 Tell NlmMw1 347 mO.aYn9 PER NOM tw•Ist- bae(ephde slide (don PO -M=W)DBLXO Black ALX2 rWaAS 1a'.m 4yat grow 460 PA kwWPOe HS Houseslde shield IS13, SR40'ONAM Natual W1Nagh 6016 WMim. OPIW4347V and Mp,,ka,9..91.bk.Babmkdrhmim -,s bk 7 MVb,.drde,K Sheep: SRS Tmywmxhie Prtmwor:,lu enmehna.ma:anon 0nq SF singlefine 020, 277,347Y)aluminsm Aai Mr2a0CC I wNwadtllAhda ,el®%mrnNkMdrdhdrw[Ma Ne PlNOplgn FRIENDLYaAllle ,1'.A13rynetiramd xinmly:t Ike, axl, d , wttA34Nxe]yprea em, Aaaly amw(w.ak a W.'rcnHNpld'+..wn, le ertbedxa,a.Mrh.hn. Of Doubkkae :23,24a4ioyl OWI01D White fanuauaxNeaAteS. 9 wmwewmHn L -_... 48i r#xx'• fors, Fplt e.0,11 thassm INSTMIAT1011 -- Xlsevy -entry mxmtlngteallxtxhe mpde a preylde eaxKbstakldan n svNl as ITS DuaHMUhag4 DDBTAD Dad bemateveadl A&waesmk UST06- CS4(neWt$U,S,and(aNdin Ot didstr4 0"LmMkM.Devgmdmp,,Odarnoathan Efhl] perfomunce m 104'F 40'(. Down afer!Wan o .i0,W0housd 0. 1ery.m rq70' b artlm'em awns 1 1 MY i5- 7 1Lengare (N tapped saoaatelJ DRUM Black tatured NOTE Spm6reareswblxt k &.91 11110101K Mid.Depth: - 7, 11(146Dept: 5- (14.91 aWH(Jn YMA0elGtaed Weight(21p00p: 74 N 1316 Led LISTING -(ML W,.dToILS, d(.who ano"Ax40'C ambient. Des" to pal* -it than TIPS WOU MI2 NEIAAkASMlxka'DNAI01 Natural 4WNght as r a an* IIs ow. Ih: 35 (89.7) MfgwdesNld,mmxom mrakew!.wmd lennermet w6d WMnalrt IT INS rxal UgMengine N IN7 send ALX2 280DDL SR3 MVOLT ALX2 28000L SR4 MVOLT XU Slartlngop`alwmnun RepA: i 719 (11.91 180ILLUMINANCE PLOT (FOotcaradb) ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT (F9r3WNKUe)ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT (FATOtcandle) a a V6 vandal Post tatmed nqutr.d oxen sinews..DM40 S 4.,90- Right in(arorgured In exampt below. 2 Tha dnpinp amps - m 6d, wed for a pemculsr Iummein deDantls 2 025 AS ko4o na tsptkse DWHBAD With leaMed OUTDOOR AIR2 -LEO fA L/THON/A LISHTI/VG-N ,etc ALX2 280001- SR4 MVOLT SPA DDBXD 83 Trle Magoanemlt 210001 330 366 RST41 O . r, r111s :tl'f e t' ".. Immm rA- Sheets larj"NA pang lots and xpraUam alias,last sit? 2811007 140 4th reason 0.11 One TwM180° twe30' 7htcee120' ThrMa90"raure90 shah IA9maes, a degre am panda easy insuAaum To a 9de, Metallic me, covers the top of the dad: MX maul alpatadkeN mmmxa er {m1 "tun/ONtw`tyMAet 7 ASixLt59 A9r7d.7M A517a19D A3TA1•rn are)- a Asfa84911 and elwlptanelxn (mamhteaL 'in w -prank deepmirdrnues Mrs! loading. nnwlw.: ratHnwwadwhm s, mapkb.ow 1 -am' mtU -lm ASrril14 ASI35-00 Ur7SJ20 Mtp -m 11517 iknk -.k&nd ndwM odmW*,m4We. L.anmr sitma MnYtslaw te6fm 4 Anti AstW20 A9i1F7'a1 ASMIN A1115-190 Af4M-eN ueknae .11m&jb*masslatle Type 11 (xytm W, Type N*mddeaw)mlit Type YUwmmad. NdudAumNMI" Iu1,14n f' AST15 -tM 45773 -ND ASli Nns1N AST73-3 Iaeligln Iers RAo and N a1lwsaldeldda "fish to 1L9p ny).ALX2 rWaAS 1a'.m 4yat Nahrnone. nestle .toe!rrtw,ueaap•,mlm,Pra,..a , gr..nllw -?n 1 uN rnnf.Thee&MbuumareaW .TweIu Lagwmmbkj, Type NOmwmdtllswl "Fri Homeskle shield is a uldide b lend M 11 and ny).ilp dapaM 7YPe Dk MS .'aladNea Na!mrvde,M .mutta,ar. W1Nagh 6016 WMim. OPIW4347V and Mp,,ka,9..91.bk.Babmkdrhmim -,s bk 7 MVb,.drde,K Sheep: D"AS lnmdNrm Prtmwor:,lu enmehna.ma:anon txt.gh lEEF/Ax51 062./12 krcs.paNtstansieme wdtagrproaatbnaxarda 9 NIGHTTIMEmm, ',rKdry.n Aai Mr2a0CCI wNwadtllAhda ,el®%mrnNkMdrdhdrw[Ma Ne PlNOplgn FRIENDLYaAllle ,1'.A13rynetiramd xinmly:t Ike, axl, d , wttA34Nxe]yprea em, Aaaly amw(w.ak a W.'rcnHNpld'+..wn, le ertbedxa,a.Mrh.hn. insebfndamraNNgh- hequengnkayratMltga1arfamaemldams.ems EnNnmd airmen cpnewwns via+ LLLJ'g:ret fanuauaxNeaAteS. 9 wmwewmHn L -_... 48i r#xx'• fors, Fplt e.0,11 thassm OUTDOOR AIR2 -LEO fA L/THON/A LISHTI/VG-N ,etc ALX2 280001- SR4 MVOLT SPA DDBXD 83 Trle Magoanemlt MVNT I SPA S*awpok FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS Nab MOUNT ON 20' SSS POLE p Immm rA- Sheets larj"NA pang lots and xpraUam alias,last CONNNATION - Bo'ged, III asgkSkce akmdmm Wag. Unique ndw tha gh design br B opdwzed thermal am mhxwst. Mnddardetgn allows to, w ofmaime.naar and potential hr aside DRUM Nark shah IA9maes, a degre am panda easy insuAaum To a 9de, Metallic me, covers the top of the wutirrgpllrenulgddxaWklupwlMe hnnot. . HodMgasaakdcarPlxebagmmtmdstureasson" and elwlptanelxn (mamhteaL 'inw -prank deepmirdrnues Mrs! loading.LED Linn In lint arnxoilFk'a,: Stallard finimaorroNae •eNned powdetax.Awbhkl darkmmae, Nan, h Arm llndrilhoiknk -.k&nd ndwM odmW*,m4We. OPM - aBdkld, MKWm qn" has .... m pnwdt opumal kddk spa!kg AId impro,M aanlinml ueknae .11m&jb*masslatle Type 11 (xytm W, Type N*mddeaw)mlit Type YUwmmad. whmMKaaiM30wMdsaNrAifmm f' AST15 -tM 45773 -ND ASli Nns1N AST73-3 Iaeligln Iers RAo and N a1lwsaldeldda "fish to 1L9p ny).ALX2LEU( TAKAL- UdbniM9aeIrkl „ iYLOhaaxmdfoam *W-"bw dandak~heatsM. 1 uN rnnf.Thee&MbuumareaW .TweIu Lagwmmbkj, Type NOmwmdtllswl "Fri Homeskle shield is a uldide b lend M 11 and ny).ilp dapaM 7YPe enerMg Iplknal llwmM mrdgarllmt.51t0 A UT, Otl>70. Samad drhn w ilOYtlmngh 2779,50 Ds Dualswitrhilg' W1Nagh 6016 WMim. OPIW4347V and Mp,,ka,9..91.bk.Babmkdrhmim -,s bk 7 MVb,.drde,K Sheep: throughahkgmdam.L®dm.ahwpo * tDr >9D%aWTHD<lMkkOgalIEDdrtmprmedw makexlna Grim -a.y. txt.gh lEEF/Ax51 062./12 krcs.paNtstansieme wdtagrproaatbnaxarda 9 91Waldve aald3' UptbnM sekditlN pho mTtW: SpeMloly tk5lgxd to address moans at LED lumk!akes. Integra 1 nrexw::h AA.I,n nkAng a n amnrry. FAR Whom Surge somMm kmlTetwo 32WI950 M05's"mmom f I7 N insebfndamraNNgh- hequengnkayratMltga1arfamaemldams.ems EnNnmd airmen FRIENDLY sensteg paAdaslelaaM lanatlsttym UD ll,mbubn L -_... INSTMIAT1011 -- Xlsevy -entry mxmtlngteallxtxhe mpde a preylde eaxKbstakldan n svNl as MsdedallgmnaltaM Le'<1,N. ALX pdemwmfe.euukes wka the AfRn series Ale JilUeq p!mn. A&waesmk UST06- CS4(neWt$U,S,and(aNdin Ot didstr40"LmMkM.Devgmdmp,,Odarnoathan Efhl] perfomunce m 104'F 40'(. Down afer!Wan o .i0,W0housd 0. 1ery.m rq70' b artlm'em awns 1 1 MY i5- 71Lengare (N Lumine F65rmd. LightingkleklP67aled. a Fllace-wh,rxw, 1,aa saw. M 2d, „wee. Faraurnd. vPw,ea twaes wTrl NOTE Spm6reareswblxt k &.91 11110101K Mid.Depth: - 7, 11(146Dept: 5- (14.91 aWH(Jn YMA0elGtaed Weight(21p00p: 74 N 1316 Led LISTING -(ML W,.dToILS, d(.who ano"Ax40'C ambient. Des" to pal* -it than Itar 08=):871m (39.418) 0.125 4WNght as r a an* IIsow. Ih: 35 (89.7) MfgwdesNld,mmxom mrakew!.wmd lennermet w6d WMnalrt IT INS rxal UgMengine N IN7 send ALX2 280DDL SR3 MVOLT ALX2 28000L SR4 MVOLT Lwti- wlMwry n , ,ItlonssekLad (andtwM Earsakst( ersemawe ENamyk: 1 SR5MY0LT SPA ODBXD ALn I 20000E I SR4 MVOL SPA I DDBXD Atli ZIODI 83 Trle Magoanemlt MVNT I SPA S*awpok I Asses mm Dekkunte ALX2 21000L SR5 MVOLT 2NDOL 24 Ypem4mwed 347 amt"PFA NEA4A flow talk ndrptadeonylm plammlW)DRUM Nark p 3 IAmw 40 APA Rennie HS Hpasalded (SR3Strait'DNATD Nava 2 - IT' ASTM IM A924-M A3rd4290 An745a AST20 h Ae20e0 SIS YmTopyAN1,x SF fla<e1179, 277, 347YiSMQe aanlinml Al 140 blip -MI ASTp•2101 190 IM A554SAid lSTts -NDwhmMKaaiM30wMdsaNrAifmmf' AST15 -tM 45773 -ND ASli Nns1N AST73-3 UM DP DoMReave(108,OVMZD wNteI rout 1 uN rnnf.Thee&MbuumareaW .TweIu Lagwmmbkj, Type NOmwmdtllswl "Fri Homeskle shield is a uldide b lend M 11 and ny).ilp dapaM 7YPe ledaaf 74."1 ws Ds Dualswitrhilg'00914) Oak lxanaetxuvM 7 MVb,.drde,K Sheep:Imetl 1a50dreR+ RWU 9MN aa makexlna Grim -a.y. 2d, 91Waldve aald3'PRLRtm Bled tedwd 1 nrexw::h AA.I,n nkAng a n amnrry. FGHTTIMNIGHTTIME own 1alIDbDa4lawdtalms•nl RPSMV(LTM12 WMAIns(a -laid'ONATSO Nrtwd FRIENDLY a 5 sea Nltk.0MN ArAm"I ", e.Aa(eaas fi ktA.mfatq*. amne nrk.daa,m,nk Nrcmm n scu 5honmil'gr durnarturn her, wroonsdwalkKill e A&waesmk i A Vandal gilds'W-1 bA9AtaaRira.+vex4w OUTDOOR a Fllace-wh,rxw, 1,aa saw. M 2d, „wee. Faraurnd. vPw,ea twaes wTrl 8 -9 BS Bhd-0ehnam spNas'aWH(Jn YMA0elGtaed AW LED Area lighting 4 "e8e ALA 2 SR4 MVOLT SPA HIS DDBXD Noss 211011 370 366 n FEATURES III SPECIFICATIONS ALX2 21000L SR5 MVOLT NMI — 4th 4th 4811 3 d p 3 Temp O.D. 0. Tonsillar Twelff ThreMUO' Thm.@90'FOlaW - Mex. weight eaedAllon.WWin"pelemMA em lax',NrWLAa'f..2 - IT' ASTM IM A924-M A3rd4290 An745a AST20 h Ae20e0 25 This fn..ekwekwdwawalwaHaeala 5aeemlr bd,e,7.718• Asr25 -190 A us A92s-m MT2f-AIO A572S 191 Jef21AM Al 140 blip -MI ASTp•2101 190 IM A554SAid lSTts -NDwhmMKaaiM30wMdsaNrAifmmf' AST15 -tM 45773 -ND ASli Nns1N AST73-3 UM Ana LlenhWm a .aN/pm rout 1 uN rnnf.Thee&MbuumareaW .TweIu Lagwmmbkj, Type NOmwmdtllswl "Fri Homeskle shield is a uldide b lend M 11 and ny).ilp dapaM 7YPe ledaaf 74."1 ws argapaaeYimbpaaA eelaMCeweNarp .naxnegArt wlswemrtlbamv EUCTIKAL -LR6m -tNn. 1[DSmaumOmalmteleare man bWrdatd Aaewm bursaIrghmry k 7 MVb,.drde,K Sheep:Imetl 1a50dreR+ RWU 9MN aa makexlna Grim -a.y. 2d, N44W 4daap.,1 nrexw::h AA.I,n nkAngan amnrry. FGHTTIMNIGHTTIME own 1alIDbDa4lawdtalms•nl arw.wtn aaant.n w. std. tin. xnrL® ,en.nkwdrdwm,aLwraaw..MN.nawm.. provides wit fonts aardalawith IRUANO 062.11.1 imLDageplDlM9eNd FRIENDLY a 5 sea Nltk.0 MN ArAm"I ", e.Aa(eaas fi ktA.mfatq*. amne nrk.daa,m,nk Nrcmm n L' aa.'+rm.Ma'1•(,G.D'Wok her, wroonsdwalkKill e A&waesmk s D M.eNMN4mr unmgpawdaweaM 14ntIMry a UDIIIMmldae. bA9AtaaRira.+vex4w OUTDOOR a Fllace-wh,rxw, 1,aa saw. M 2d, „wee. Faraurnd. vPw,ea twaes wTrl 8 -9 AlN2AEC AW LED Area lighting 4 "e8e ALA 2 SR4 MVOLT SPA HIS DDBXD Noss Example: SSS 205C OMi9 DDB ALX2 21000L SR3 MVOLT Ali 21000L SR4 REVOLT FEATURES III SPECIFICATIONS ALX2 21000L SR5 MVOLT IS ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT (Focitcandle) ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT (Feoteandle)ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT (Footcandle) 3 d p 3 2 2w Mex. weight SCCC a 0 O 25 I 1.5 raii Standard mm is camgm- repxam power mat AwNaae in dark ftnae, Mask white or natural Al 140 blip -MI ASTp•2101 190 IM A554SAid lSTts -ND Sit Vitirldiku. damper DAN Mike 5 0 Ana LlenhWm S rout 1 uN rnnf.Thee&MbuumareaW .TweIu Lagwmmbkj, Type NOmwmdtllswl "Fri Homeskle shield is a uldide b lend M 11 and ny).ilp dapaM 7YPe It ALX2EUCTIKAL -LR6m -tNn. 1[DSmaumOmalmteleare man bWrdatd Aaewm bursaIrghmry k 7 MVb,.drde,K Sheep: J( 2is (:grp 2d, id, 2_ 0. }555 U.6O.TS A FGHTTIM mrough ahbged door. LED drkcnNwpmw0a tor>90%mIdTHD <1 ON, Integral LED oil-pani'mm A NMade>tAaea.Mnrkoerrdaa HHwMAwr o provides wit fonts aardalawith IRUANO 062.11.1 imLDageplDlM9eNd fhAnnra Aimi a a n T-- p / 2 3 4 s a o 1 ] 3 4 s e o 1 .: a a s s 21.=LPvWP.aad1n43.1t 21,]0.11 ga(M.pe. a!ni ttli unmgpawdaweaM 14ntIMry a UDIIIMmldae. 21p0ct. Tsai n'.d 190a3.C1 INSTALLMM- Heavy -duty maudMgbbdl mxArsm pale to privde lase of NnaOmlan as well w a Fllace-wh,rxw, 1,aa saw. M 2d, „wee. Faraurnd. vPw,ea twaes wTrl 8 -9 I v nlu -,enA ,ms °anrm .n,.a naeM p 2(1' sl mo -9 Two asim b.ahat LISTING -(ML W,.dToILS, d(.who ano"Ax40'C ambient. Des" to pal* -it than r "1mgm. 0.125 C.awarat'.m: Typos NI, SMn c: sor ClwwAreres Ty. N SrA Setw,AM Ih: 35 (89.7) Choadook. Tape N, Shop, CL'nh WMnalrt IT INS rxal UgMengine N IN7 send ALX2 280DDL SR3 MVOLT ALX2 28000L SR4 MVOLT 8.9 ALX2 28DDOL SR5 MVOLT RepA: i 719 (11.91 180ILLUMINANCE PLOT (FOotcaradb) ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT (F9r3WNKUe)ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT (FATOtcandle) a a o.zs a nqutr.d oxen sinews..DM40 S 4.,90- Right in(arorgured In exampt below. 2 Tha dnpinp amps - m 6d, wed for a pemculsr Iummein deDantls 2 025 2 uNdmawNWtyMDer!oLLan AomrArcM.trlordt our nwrMkaa - Unit* ALX2 2A0 SAS MVOIT VA DWX 3 d, 5 +os TG o4 1 MVOLT EPA 1.62 DDBXD 6 tF of AIRO11 i For let.': Specify the height in (.at low$ base o` polo. U 150 ALD P 1[' wall VA Seem Pole 5Ww4kwkwm MM Dark lamtt 2Z 2 2.5 21 $ 5y 60AWO Traditional)PEA NfNM bass to& rt(Ppa( k my (no hotomMmd DfUD Black 8--9 7 Additional color. oveilaae; eel www.IMmk.coMercACalon or three 00 IRA bww P1ae pFWyy' aYd,O standard. 17,7 4 4 e101M a 0 1 2 ] 4 5 9 0 1 ] 1 d 5 6 a 1 2 3 4 5 D 20.0001. Porsaa. ntrd 23657,43 2a 0rhx. rn,cNape. MM 228RI.c4 M 20 , 00401, r•t. fs s rates 26444.01 DWHAO While mAn'a, FOdanM -lowed on 2d, colons F-. whew boom m s!r 28.1 Wmana. Fnuymllw vMUw twar,A on 2U' 21,4 a I ralual h hlY pS Dualswitchag' mar narq nnlpl1. 10 -12 cleaelsomrt boa m. amt, (ASO Type N, Start. Samkvaln 785 CWp.ul'en Tsai IV Shist limn 25 NaYS tedional D flatudil d MawmN 9ag1. (.mnke Nam 4.8 I IAKan(vir a+ ta4ahan6aArs6prls(wkaraae4Aamlk lidrMal111fk ,9wddte lw.aw.ldana(anl 2.6 IwJnpN me F -tend tlae;a1a11(nk(ml TLPSMYWM12 NERIMndu-loa" 2 f.deld:d rkxaMpkl temads wmrwwdMa,M'MrMr twrsm wooshmM+rxn 5--9 ah. - 4 770 yehdvA.Mrg4MUr rrxe/nmm bamvnlaMsaryad ataal Ardmrmewrmenl ;. seem: nit 25 15r. _ !78 aWmuNm mdeadMMOnsekxama: lroa raven aan3waga maape lsadnNAhl UL7fM 10.8 30, -: 444 0 A"d' W Yards quad'lfAufto 8 - -B 3/4 x 30 x 3 245 Eaktlng Mwrtlra Xelalrt , D,m„a„ ovoids, 25 B5 Batldxaraxgdds' Nnv Mw 11 I L/THON /A L/GHTIYNG' 245 6.3 157 3,7 150 10- -12 M.12 LED An VdW&Calr&V SSS 2550 25 5.0 AT 25.0 OUTCOOR: Ouiida Wep CM9as,GA80012 Plom. 7@.922A000 Fr: 1 @918.1209 Mnw.ithnuLOm 7 02010 k!xy 8rordslkTarg, ac A/rgharmerved. On.12r14110 SITE L I OHTI NCG NOTES LITH=*vl L /GHT /Nl 4 "e8e ALA 2 SR4 MVOLT SPA HIS DDBXD Noss Example: SSS 205C OMi9 DDB 21W0. FEATURES III SPECIFICATIONS mmar MOUNT ON 20' SSS POLE IS NMNMDgg -nations, walkways, parking bb.msuroadlg arts for 440 486 CONSTAOCTN - (lugged, me -rest sagk•pete akaMlum housing, unique Oowshough des* rd,C Wait Thickness inches correlated mllrtid lldlli ML MDaIIY allows bfsuaf maintenance and .dal for futurepqandeseFlpool' Tma10.0. One I%am180' 11ype907' TMa@110' 1 Fourp70" _ Mex. weight R( xrtM n tee' of thestrrnupImmaeaaaxlxMmae. Meal mwePlodmu9r+ pavid r pal °r sin evemin damn R walle raamaw.HOUA ux L'l!I a aaAmai,tattaudap9kIkeSn9WY9 CIO, W,Zan• ASn4n0 AA2Dga Iaiga0lN ASR43A ,Mf71 as A5T.44m Rte\and emarmmemal mntminanh Lowliolt deign mRdlt!he(Mnd ImdMg. IrA' air-I% MIN M rai1L'20 Asl"v M see A%Mm LED L- umirrFee raii Standard mm is camgm- repxam power mat AwNaae in dark ftnae, Mask white or natural Al 140 blip -MI ASTp•2101 190 IM A554SAid lSTts -ND Sit Vitirldiku. damper DAN Mike allmiwl. handled and arn•tmaN r"tm syllable, T25 2- IffD.O.it-1rr Ana LlenhWm OpM - kted A pe 3imdl Lm assmUm WA ppMW k"aih M!adg and EnPOrd rout H1 19So Hanametol arm bracket OW Medron brante 1 exturep OK lateral .!.mloem uN rnnf.Thee&MbuumareaW .TweIu Lagwmmbkj, Type NOmwmdtllswl "Fri Homeskle shield is a uldide b lend M 11 and ny).ilp dapaM 7YPe uo .*.it town Akaewetanaetlmwllnea:m tend 270Iopmc, w ALX2EUCTIKAL -LR6m -tNn. 1[DSmaumOmalmteleare man bWrdatd Aaewm bursaIrghmryk 7 MVb,.drde,K Sheep: electrical' r > e s rt17DVm n7v meeremmslmemW ,.5100 R CC CNI 70. Standad dvm agdpomeegrmm' through F.erwN.11neh.,u elan muss id, Id, rAnA* 6D Its opemm. Optional 347 anal 40 polagrsmxhbk. Bemmd( dawn w we,dMr f FGHTTIM mrough ahbged door. LED drkcnNwpmw0a tor>90%mIdTHD <1 ON, Integral LED oil-pani'mm A NMade>tAaea.Mnrkoerrdaa HHwMAwr Arost3:tm!rxnlEEO'4.dA provides wit fonts aardalawith IRUANO 062.11.1 imLDageplDlM9eNd fhAnnra Aimi irawn6 kda Opened soW-juds, mrm3M: SperMaly desigmd m address rearm of UO kWooes. In T-- Fd Wrosin d mhats Va39uls.' Sage pmnwkmesTm 1101N,50M MWcMth additional N11h.mrkllnnlae and Ina ro ekertean elaablalbemkmA Enhanced emblemNgwaiMtyy eg unmgpawdaweaM 14ntIMry a UDIIIMmldae. aids plugged omm 2 x s0° INSTALLMM- Heavy -duty maudMgbbdl mxArsm pale to privde lase of NnaOmlan as well w 293 8 -9 anaeda 9 M a IewRrg AU polls meant k.wekuudaeUS ARaSwide$ paid ddWq Pxtan.sl wDYW3at ' LISTING -(ML W,.dToILS, d(.who ano"Ax40'C ambient. Des" to pal* -it than TAI: 1) m 0.125 50000 homes d ansalme .70 in ambient ,b a 1NY . Doves orlematbn only,pct I taupe Iw dally)Ih: 35 (89.7) Hondhola WMnalrt IT INS rxal UgMengine N IN7 send Winn'. 111,1112469) 8.9 MITE: SperWratlorsnelea7o morel wNhan amide.RepA: i 719 (11.91 1 When omitting tenon =owing and dml mdurc ng for ma .eme OM78AS 2 at 90° WN91d (2100011', 746s (73a 441 pole follow this - xamsra: DM2BTr20. Th. coma nsdm to also a OM31AS 3 at 90° WeIght (1R00g1 I: 811n IDA kgl nqutr.d oxen sinews..DM40 S 4.,90- Right in(arorgured In exampt below. 2 Tha dnpinp amps - m 6d, wed for a pemculsr Iummein deDantls AEB1S'!.:.S mD dna All asmwaA1. Antra mrmewss) saim offienewhavall . uNdmawNWtyMDer!oLLan AomrArcM.trlordt our nwrMkaa - Unit* ALX2 2A0 SAS MVOIT VA DWX AW 28000E SRA MVOLT EPA HS DDBXD 11 4 Specify location and aaienatbn when omerag opdon.OM39A5T_ 3 et 90' 6.7 For let.': Specify the height in (.at low$ base o` polo.0144MST_ 4 at 90' 150 ALD 21000L 593 type lllaspn,td(wall VA Seem Pole 5Ww4kwkwm MM Dark lamtt DMI9Mm - hat so- 180001 S94 Type NAxwgm 347 60AWO Traditional)PEA NfNM bass to& rt(Ppa( k my (no hotomMmd DfUD Black 8--9 7 Additional color. oveilaae; eel www.IMmk.coMercACalon or three 00 IRA bww P1ae HS Hm.wbt ohWd (SRS, SN4)c'TWO) Natural standard. 17,7 595 Typelfrydrmeme 127 e101M SF Sb9define1120,777 317)1-1.m 10--12 1 At 36 x 4 185 sss m 6D M or Oawbra (NB,240,4nY)DWHAO While 7 28.1 703 21,4 535 pS Dualswitchag'DOR7)W DATA lolls 10 -12 J 1 AT 36 IT 4 785 SSS 25 4C 25 4.0 x 25.0 tedional D flatudil d 11 4.8 150 2.6 100 TLPSMYWM12 NERIMndu-loa"DNATA Numrel 5--9 3/4 x 18 x 3 770 SSS 25 4G 25 5(D Shang uV aWmuNm 7 10.8 VID 0 186 W Yards quad'lfAufto 8 - -B 3/4 x 30 x 3 245 SS_S 25 6C 25 B5 Batldxaraxgdds'DWK,RD Whlteredlxed I. Each outdoor luminaire equi with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminalre. The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads yandproperty in residential and rural areas zonin disricts sha not exceed one -halffootcandle. g A "rv= /A L/GHT/NGe FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS CONSTRUCTION - Weldable- grade, hot - rolled, commercial - quality carbon steel tubing ith a minimum of 55000 i (11-gauge), or 50000 ipYIWpsi 1 au e . Uniform wall thickness of .125" or .180". Shaft is one-piec e fu9Iswish N-9 length longitudinal high- frequency electric resistance weld. Uniformly square in cross -cacti n with flat sides, small corner r excellentqocal. o air edli and a cal ant torsional qualities. Available start widths ere 4, 5 and 6 inches. Anchor base is fabricated from hot-rolled carbon steel plate conforming to ASTM A38 that Imes or exceeds a minimum- field strength mNg 38,000 paL Base plate and shaft ale cireumare tually welded top and bottom. Base cover is finished to match pole. A handhold, having nominal dimensions of 3" x 5' for all shahs. Included is a cover with Attachment screws. To ca provided with all drill -mount ales.P PP D Fasteners are high- sad,ngth galvanized, zinc - plated or stainless steel. Finish: Must speci finish.P Grounding: Provision located immediately inaida handhole rim. Grounding hardware is not included rovid d othersie ) .P by Anchor Botts: Top portion of anchor bolt is galvanized per ASTM A -153. Made of steel rod having a minimum Yield strength of 55,0009 psi. SQUARE STRAIGHT STEEL Lead times will v depending on options selected. Consult with your sales representative.ORDERING INFORMATION vary D 9 P W P 666 20 4c DMIO DOB Noss Example: SSS 205C OMi9 DDB 21W0.330 366 aIA g 4fPIF , t ,7 5eriat Nominal fixture Nominal s w3. 9¢S 2 440 486 tai ht wall thickness9 Wait Thickness inches Gouda Tma10.0. One I%am180' 11ype907' TMa@110' 1 Fourp70" _ Mex. weight Nw:AtXJMm„xl.adtlnn Mth AaaS'end OMfe; "hx,Wayaemw CIO, W,Zan• ASn4n0 AA2Dga Iaiga0lN ASR43A ,Mf71 as A5T.44m 501Dg4dJDWalhd Smndem Galen It' M11.a mead beuw WalrpCg:nppan- harokepw IrA' air-I% MIN M rai1L'20 Asl"v M see A%Mm UAB Lou anchor belle DOB Dark Oronre m.npM SG de'RgrtslAaa Al 140 blip -MI ASTp•2101 190 IM A554SAid lSTts -ND Sit Vitirldiku. damper DAN Mike lam 1.964ol n T25 2- IffD.O.it-1rr TP Transit, proof OAR Back MMML 2aundegwn rout H1 19So Hanametol arm bracket OW Medron brante 1 exturep OK lateral .!.mloem OKM 2.01/artn uo .*.it town Akaewetanaetlmwllnea:m tend 270Iopmc, w am: 9a90dann 7 MVb,.drde,K Sheep: electrical' ON" 40000hein F.erwN.11neh.,u elan muss id, 11aaM 1M1RIgwrs6wdpen..jyl a ka4Newm7xmlan. w. dwenlHNlwlal. haMa .AHlmrhutMxaMaMewannlMrpxan 5 eelweLW nit a4T /.aw.OrdarmnAdgeneWlNh.FGHTTIM 610 A NMade>tAaea.Mnrkoerrdaa HHwMAwr Arost3:tm!rxnlEEO'4.dA 14.6 fhAnnra Aimi irawn6 kda D WmlldMMfyMNnw,A kregld yduenn rtyalalal OUTDOOR PAWL 2 et 1110 with ono AU(t -CCD I. Each outdoor luminaire equi with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminalre. The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads yandproperty in residential and rural areas zonin disricts sha not exceed one -halffootcandle. g A "rv= /A L/GHT/NGe FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS CONSTRUCTION - Weldable- grade, hot - rolled, commercial - quality carbon steel tubing ith a minimum of 55000 i (11-gauge), or 50000 ipYIWpsi 1 au e . Uniform wall thickness of .125" or .180". Shaft is one-piec e fu9Iswish N-9 length longitudinal high- frequency electric resistance weld. Uniformly square in cross -cacti n with flat sides, small corner r excellentqocal. o air edli and a cal ant torsional qualities. Available start widths ere 4, 5 and 6 inches. Anchor base is fabricated from hot-rolled carbon steel plate conforming to ASTM A38 that Imes or exceeds a minimum- field strength mNg 38,000 paL Base plate and shaft ale cireumare tually welded top and bottom. Base cover is finished to match pole. A handhold, having nominal dimensions of 3" x 5' for all shahs. Included is a cover with Attachment screws. To ca provided with all drill -mount ales.P PP D Fasteners are high- sad,ngth galvanized, zinc - plated or stainless steel. Finish: Must speci finish.P Grounding: Provision located immediately inaida handhole rim. Grounding hardware is not included rovid d othersie ) .P by Anchor Botts: Top portion of anchor bolt is galvanized per ASTM A -153. Made of steel rod having a minimum Yield strength of 55,0009 psi. SQUARE STRAIGHT STEEL Lead times will v depending on options selected. Consult with your sales representative.ORDERING INFORMATION vary D 9 P W P 666 20 4c DMIO DOB Noss Example: SSS 205C OMi9 DDB S 20 4C DM1B DDB 5eriat Nominal fixture Nominal s Mounting' Options Finishr Cetelop Number m0umin 9 tai ht wall thickness9 Wait Thickness inches Gouda SSS Mex. weight 90 mph men,Irnen mow nu 501Dg4dJDWalhd Smndem Galen 10- 39feet (See back Page.)PT nip UAB Lou anchor belle DOB Dark Oronre lead back pege.l T20 23J6'O.D.12'NPS)Sit Vitirldiku. damper DAN Mike 4.0 x 10.0 T25 2- IffD.O.it-1rr TP Transit, proof OAR Back HANDHOLE ORIENTATION NP3) T30 3 - vr O.D(3 NPS) H1 19So Hanametol arm bracket OW Medron brante 1 exturep OK lateral .!.mloem C T35 4'O.D.4 -I1T NPS)FDLxx Feemon aut st Isis Day 6.1-had finish 8 -9 Ong m ,Miw electrical' SSS 12 4C id, 0,125 Gong 1 x90'O 1CPLIZxx 2 ' coupling'CluOSS SoDSSandstone 610 18.6 470 14.6 OM7 l et lBO'CP13 XI' conplinq'DOC Charcoal prey D 90 58 1140 B PAWL 2 et 1110 with ono I.Cos. xx I' coa dag4 mR rnaa V. pu 11 MI aids plugged omm 2 x s0° thleaded nipple4NPL12.x 12 B NPL34xx 314" threaded nippier DM HpM rag 293 8 -9 314 x 18 At 3 100 wDYW3at 'NPLI.x 1' m rude l nipple4 0.4B Sbm blue A 0.125 Om O at son A mnl cokeEHFhxEwahendhWa4 powderppowder fission) Hondhola AERISna /OMERD- Drdi- andne DM19AS 1 et 90" 295 8.9 D"2ASDMAS 2m 190° 11 1 When omitting tenon =owing and dml mdurc ng for ma .eme OM78AS 2 at 90° SSS 1e, 41C pole follow this - xamsra: DM2BTr20. Th. coma nsdm to also a OM31AS 3 at 90° 0.125 nqutr.d oxen sinews..DM40 S 4.,90- 315 2 Tha dnpinp amps - m 6d, wed for a pemculsr Iummein deDantls AEB1S'!.:.S mD dna 16.7 on the lumburm that Is used. Refer m me Technical Date Section OMIa4ST- 1 at so- 3/4 is 18 IT 3 of the Outdoor Binder for Drilling Tempates.Dm2mT_ 2 at 180' M 3 In.wI ml''or 7 designer. fixture oil., aµ 0M19AST1 OM20AS1_ tat 90' 11 4 Specify location and aaienatbn when omerag opdon.OM39A5T_ 3 et 90' 6.7 For let.': Specify the height in (.at low$ base o` polo.0144MST_ 4 at 90' 150 E.-Ii SR =S.nd Xfr =20 D mrs Swoendyiral 140 For2ntl - K: Specify orientation from bmdhea fko,C,01 IDguRRagc° 4.0x20.D R.ler m she NunNroy 0nrna0on die0rom above.DMI9Mm - hat so- 1 14.0 5 Hadsomal arm is IB x Z-318'0 D. tenon x.ndam.DNtZ"T -, 2 at 180' 2T5 6 Combination of tenon -top and dell[ mount Induced extra handhole.D&WART, 21190° 8--9 7 Additional color. oveilaae; eel www.IMmk.coMercACalon or DM39MRT_ 3 at 90• SSS 20 SC Ardrit.0-1 Colo. bruchun IFann Nu. 794.31. Powder finish DM49Mm_ . a x 911° 0.125 standard. 17,7 40 Outdoor Shoe. Polei PL -320 SSS Square Straight Steel Poles TECHNICAL INFORMATION 666 20 4c DMIO DOB Noss Type Polo Data ALL EPA Iftrl wtth 13 Oust Shaft Bolt Boll Cetelop Number Nominal shaft length (feet) Polo Shaft Size InxR Wait Thickness inches Gouda 80 m h Mex. weight 90 mph Max weight 100 mph Max. ht Soft Circle inches I Bolt Site i in_xin.xin. Approximate ship weight I 33 10 4C 10 4.0 x 10.0 0.125 11 30.8 765 23.8 5%16.9 473 8 -9 3/4 x 18 x 3 75 SSS 12 4C 12 4.0 x 12.0 0,125 11 24.4 610 18.6 470 14.6 370 B -9 314 A 18 IT 3 90 58 1140 14 4.0 x 14.0 0.125 11 19,9 498 MI 378 11.7 293 8 -9 314 x 18 At 3 100 SSS 16 4C 18 4.0 AT 18.0 0.125 11 15.9 398 11.8 295 8.9 113 11 3/4 x 18 x 3 115 SSS 1e, 41C 18 4.0 x 18.0 0.125 11 12.6 315 9.2 230 16.7 168 8--9 3/4 is 18 IT 3 125 SSS 20 4C M 4.0 x 20.0 0.125 11 16 240 6.7 167 14.5 150 9--9 304 x 18 x 3 140 S$2040 M 4.0x20.D BASS 7 1 14.0 350 11. 0 2T5 0 20D 8--9 3/4x30x3 198 SSS 20 SC 20 5.0 x 20.0 0.125 11 17,7 40 127 30 1/235 10--12 1 At 36 x 4 185 sss m 6D M 5.0 x 20.0 0.188 7 28.1 703 21,4 535 102 405 10 -12 J 1 AT 36 IT 4 785 SSS 25 4C 25 4.0 x 25.0 0.125 11 4.8 150 2.6 100 1.0 50 5--9 3/4 x 18 x 3 770 SSS 25 4G 25 4.0 x 25.0 0.100 7 10.8 VID 7.7 186 5.4 135 8 - -B 3/4 x 30 x 3 245 SS_S 25 6C 25 5.0 IT 25.0 0.125 11 9.8 245 6.3 157 3,7 150 10- -12 1 x 36 x 4 225 - - SSS 2550 25 5.0 AT 25.0 0.188 7 18.5 463 133 333 9.5 238 10-42 1 x 36 x 4 360 S33 30 40 30 4.0 x 30.0 1 0.188 7 6.71 16B 4.4 1 110 216 65 a -9 3/4 x 30 x 3 295 SSS 30 SC 30 50 is 30.0 D.125 11 4.71 150 2.0 1 50 10•-12 1 x 36 x 4 265 SSS 30 50 30 5.0 x 30.0 0.188 7 10.7 267 6.7 197 3,9 100 14 -12 1 IT 3 AT 4 380 SSS 30 GG M 5.0 At 30.0 0.188 7 19.0 475 13.21 3M 9.0 225 11••13 t AT 36 is 4 520 SSS 35 50 35 5.0 AT 35.0 0.188 7 5.9 150 2.5 100 10 72 1 x 38 x 1 440 SO 35 GIG 35 6.0x35.0 0.188 7 124 310 7.6 190 1.2 106 1 1Ad 38x4 540 Ss5 38 SG 39 6.0 x 39.0 0.188 7 7.2 180 3.0 75 11 - -13 1 1 x 36 x 4 605 BASE DETAIL IWWTANTINSTP&UTIONNOTBS: Do ml mad polea without b nd.,; fusses inmxl.d. Factory supplied competes must be used when sang anchor bobs. Utrcnia 4gMlnp will not accept claim for incorrect anchorage parnm at due to figure to tree behold Lighting factory completed, II poke are staid outelda, all protective wrapping must be removed immediately upon delivery To prevent enter, damage, Liberia Laghtag Is not nspmslWe for the foundation design M&MMAN1 These specifications ere !mended to general purposes only, Umon(a reserves the auln to change mol rhil or design. watiour prior notice!. In a commas ig effort to upgrade hx prmluca. A L /THON l LIGHTING® An QAsa ft8fands COrrlpar ry Sheet6:Pole -SSS 01984.2010ACuay Broad, Lighting, Inc. All rights resolved. Nov. IIAIfIO Litbools Lighting a. m.,Once LHhonlre Way, Canyon, GA 30012 Phone: 770 T2Ana Fax: 770 918 -1218 wi- ifthania.cam GRAPHIC SCALE 1 " =30' 0 30 60 90 K Nathadsl D. Perkins GERT. NO. 032304 Catalog Illustrate, 666 20 4c DMIO DOB Noss Type Polo Data ALL appeal . LED Downlights LEDs in a proprietary mixing chamber provide consistenterfgTonsalanclnloreuniform' an efficiency.P 9 g uniformity d e ency. 1 ALEDPatentedBoundingRay" Optical Principle deli n IU.S. Patentg 6 Shaft Bolt Boll Aperture MECHANICAL SYSTEM Open Reflector Anchor both base circle prolection Base Template Anchor bolt and template ize A B squar description description number 4'0 8-1 2-3i4' 4'8'ABTEMPLATE PJ50004 AB58 -0 ABSSS -4C 4'G 8 -1!2'2 -314' 4"8'ABTEMPLATE PJ50004 AB30 -0 ABSSS -4G 5'10' -12'3-3 ;8'-4'11'ABTEMPLATE PJ50010 AB36.0 ABSSS -5 6'I1 "- 13_318'_4 12 -1/2'ABTEMPLATE PJ50011 AB38 -0 WA IWWTANTINSTP&UTIONNOTBS: Do ml mad polea without b nd.,; fusses inmxl.d. Factory supplied competes must be used when sang anchor bobs. Utrcnia 4gMlnp will not accept claim for incorrect anchorage parnm at due to figure to tree behold Lighting factory completed, II poke are staid outelda, all protective wrapping must be removed immediately upon delivery To prevent enter, damage, Liberia Laghtag Is not nspmslWe for the foundation design M&MMAN1 These specifications ere !mended to general purposes only, Umon(a reserves the auln to change mol rhil or design. watiour prior notice!. In a commas ig effort to upgrade hx prmluca. A L /THON l LIGHTING® An QAsa ft8fands COrrlpar ry Sheet6:Pole -SSS 01984.2010ACuay Broad, Lighting, Inc. All rights resolved. Nov. IIAIfIO Litbools Lighting a. m.,Once LHhonlre Way, Canyon, GA 30012 Phone: 770 T2Ana Fax: 770 918 -1218 wi- ifthania.cam GRAPHIC SCALE 1 " =30' 0 30 60 90 K Nathadsl D. Perkins GERT. NO. 032304 Catalog Illustrate, 666 20 4c DMIO DOB Noss Type LEDs are completely concealed providing superior aesthetic ALL Ashchor Bee* Poles SSS FEATURES OPTICAL SYSTEM Type cal.lognuenber l 41. r/ 1e3 G/ 't 7 Self- flanged, semi - specular, matte - diffuse or specular lower reflector utilized In combination with a highly transmissive lens. LEDs are completely concealed providing superior aesthetic appeal . LED Downlights LEDs in a proprietary mixing chamber provide consistenterfgTonsalanclnloreuniform' an efficiency.P 9 g uniformity d e ency. 1 ALEDPatentedBoundingRay" Optical Principle deli n IU.S. Patentg 6No. 5800D50 rovldes 15° curt-off to aorta end source i1simage9vans2tien V for tsm erona for a smooth from top of the reflector to bottom. Aperture MECHANICAL SYSTEM Open ReflectorHousingaccommodatesamaximum7/8" tailing thickness. See CTA Accessory note below.an Light engine and driver are accessible from above or below ALED 3a/ 35(di 10 1000 lumen$ 6 telling. SF Single fuse 16 -ga ad uge galvanized steel mounting bars wait continuous 4 dNCal adjustment are shipped pre- installed. Post installationCaladjustmentwithoutfromprotheuseoftoolsoaboveor IT ceiling. Galvanized steel junction box with hie ed access covers and I rim latch. Three combination 1 1 "2 % g34" and one R knockoutiePlatch. Three conduit runs. Capacity . 8 join, flout) No. 1212AWGcanductolsratedfor90 °C. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Solid state LED fight engine available in 3500° or 4100°K color temperatures. Class P, thermally protected solid -state O.10V dimming driver. Rated system life of 50,000 hours at 7D% output Emergency battery pack with remote test switch available. Luminaires should be installed in applications rwhere ambient temperatures via not exceed 40 °C. Ambient temperatures that exceed 40 °C will result in reduced lamp life and will void warranty. LISTING Fixtures are listed and labeled to comply with US and Canadian standards. Wet location listed. WARRANTY 3 -year limited warranty. 36.01 Apenteru: 6-114 (15.91 Chili O m : 7 -1 ' --- - - - - --n9 Pa 'n9 R 18.11s Overlap Trim: 74/2 09.0 i 7 -718 i All dimensions ore whas(cena oratarsl. ORDERING INFORMATION Example: ALED 35/10 SAM 120 Chooarthe boldface catalog nomsenclaure thattre rt tuna yuurneeds and write IT Dn the appropriate line. Q Order erxeseories as seoerd,m catalog numbem (shipped separatelyl. v Series V for tsm erona Nombml lumenvaluss Aperture Trlmwbr Hniah Voltage Driver Optioro ALED 3a/ 35(di 10 1000 lumen$ 6 AR Clear (blank) Sami- 120 (blank) 0 -IOV SF Single fuse 411 41001 14 1400 lumona PR Pewter specular 277 dimming LRC Lithonia Reloc 18 1800 lumens WTA Wheat ED Matte- .1 driver system d,3 95 OR Gold diffuse NSD Sonsorswitch Jb` n.1 4x2 al" }76 aaP WR White LS specular nLight° dimming d 0U d6 W(nmq Cent AI n, 19 F' 50Y b°w• 1aX Ceam relay 0 lm an t.a 6 M Ip '4 5 70 1d, 69 aN r3 74Alb TRW White painted rah ten Ile x09 M 3fi n5• 1 Ilange 11 ea tl4 T2 e 53 110 ..tl 5.5 •.e tE.t 5 TRBL Bieck oeinted T9' tl 0 tl6' 0 0 aU U Amssorles flan e9 as 6J 59 aa.0 1e. 175 $,1 181 94 6G 6B I'd 1,n 1-,5 a.r 11.5 0.e al Ale 52 aid. epam. auto runner.ELR Emergency 0' -ibU• 0.1 Ims. SCAB Sloped coiling adapter. Degme caldron battery peck al 11 ), B.D ;d,8 mustbespscihedp0o ,15D,200,25D,3M)with remote tea; DA• „' 1 2 Ex SCA81DO switch 16 13 e6 CTASYK LED Cellingthiclmess idapnrlaxterms CP Chicago plenum mouMingfri m Lis accommodate ceiling T 74 da 0d, e 7U M 90 micknesaupto2'. J] PI 69 14.0 72 w 61 Sa a..a 6.1 11.1 3A ui, Y72t.S G,5 GVRT vandal 'eeiataoltr(maccessory.Refert0 btu' 0 fl NOTES ZA-A. e5 fie 66 I Not- ilehlewahfiniahee 130 SC 0- I0Vwdlbaxd(m i- lbefern 10 -FIC. 2 One 5A relaywith one 410 VDC dimming output, shipped installed. 1a 62 9G 52 Regares sddaonsi nLightbus powersupply. Al Se fit 3 Nutevalablawnhwhitereflectu, h sult- ledise EOTtater. DOWNlas -NG ALED B DLED -510gotam'14lxa Lee, Ro.d C°nvvn G,rurab 3x0 am 1800 315 4982 r 770 860:3129 An`•4werd,'s,tru+ pal www.aahamlignh n6.cvn 6th ALED Open Reflector Distribution Curve Distribution Data Owput Data Coefficient of Utilization Illuminance Date N 3D' A Floor for a Single Luminakre ALED 35/10 BAR LS, 38W LEO, 1867 delivered lumens, 1.0 R/mh, Input watts: 37,6, Test no. LTL19044, tested in accordance with IESNA LM -79 -06 y MY M ally 0'A L %Lwamp t _ 8Y8 tow .m IFIfm' a; uW Lum.n. - w• i7 loo a 10 tM se, - sitf % nit tie tt t-+ 114 tow a,m. rw, n.emtoo1. or I 1TR5 ape o• -ell' m m efill' I6 A- a 103 a. rat ta, As ' Ale Ina Inner ad,• 14th wit m-M' nth to. s m at 67 em Aa al 99 art as M r-a Gam, X Ni aye llv I- 0 eJ 9d, aY d,2 79 N• Seem a!emaw !L ulxmeu, r an 45 , o -tar ,era too w e ad w la 9 ! e4 'is 17 nn it n ra 311 7.d, 1]C sa eG' 1 1011onw 40 b 11 9r d,3 0 .e oA n 0 J , a, nU W m E9 d,9 m 6 tie +wit d 14 1A4 5 RS• 0 0 Ale f,0 5d, 66 ac 5d, .4 6e Re 1x,0 10., '33 SA as 0 It nit SF e,2 w9 eo V all SB 52 ALED 35/14 9th I.S. 3OW LED, 1399 delivered lumens, 1.0 B/mh, Input watts: 30A, Test no. LTL19045, tested in accordance with IESNA LM -79 -08 NP 4/18/08 Q DATE v 20% CHECKED BY a Aw l tuna Lunar ',elm pr, %1gtf EDIT etYYamltpµ tape gO'90' -- 11.0 a 1M to lla lee tt 111 tt Stu% m ,'aa' tat, 1w tumdam1]22 . , 1 1m enV9ea -m O 1Me 1]S ra3 107 SOY. meant a°on.s' ow 50 %3aurS e,0 s0' 1, fate 67c 0• M 13eA ter 109 96 re d,3 95 w e6 MIhI It, 53. +'as F oAyndAA d,0• Jb` n.1 4x2 al" }76 aaP P Ad, tea. lode J on -ten• 0 ou . w .( m 9D tlr m ea ea d 0U d6 W(nmq Cent AI n, 19 F' 50Y b°w• 1aX Ceam m• dab' It el 56' 9 2 0 lm an t.a 6 M Ip '4 5 70 1d, 69 aN r3 74Alb e1 7' 73 11.a 2'd, 7.5 12.7 +1.8 5 rah ten Ile x09 M 3fi n5• 1 7 ?a 66 5d,11 ea tl4 T2 e 53 110 ..tl 5.5 •.e tE.t 5 U - -ow w1 India W -1PO o on T9' tl 0 tl6' 0 0 aU U a ]U eA d,0bM 10 m 56 52 Ra ea ell as PO fie d,9 5d, w as 6J 59 aa.0 1e. 175 $,1 181 94 6G 6B I'd 1,n 1-,5 a.r 11.5 0.e al Ale 52 ALED 2510 OAR LS, 22W LED, 941 delivered lumens, 1.0 slmh, Input watts: 22.3, Test no, LTL19043, tested in accordance with IESNA LM -79 -08 NP 4/18/08 Q DATE NP 4/18/08 CHECKED BY a.Y EDIT FZ501 I - SCAI.E a. DRAM8NEI Stu% cl -11 PROJECT l.r,m.w 2xm. (urmm %Loa,ow 50 %3aurS e,0 50 % 30xt5 I .o'a_._.-x19 - 3 %IJh 4 oAyndAA d,0• o• -sv em '11 0 119 'd 110 taeI % n 119 1 1. 1x01 50Y b°w• 1aX Ceam5' goal d,0 IA' era x61 D' -40' sae 95.2 0• -m` Wa teo,v t a.a t 1 ,Or 1.9 ass 9d, Be rah ten Ile x09 M 3fi m 0105109 I9e9d, &f A- rC I- 77.0' ell•95 723 3211 3e• let 221 U - -ow w1 India W -1PO o on 3 9d, A` e1 4 fe Ad, d,0 95 all ,7 PP ea PO P2 B0 eM Mounnn0 QMDr6762aPnewerSenn,ar,uler Fc awLa.ip f4 d,6' 46 4d,0' -ibU• 0.1 Ims.5 ea 7e 7e,vial )e - rA al 11 ), B.D ;d,8 A.6 tl6 89t.aDA• „' 1 2 111 6 m 13 66 16 13 e6 11 12 w 10.0 Ira 12,0 10,6 n RSBB6.3 'S+ e5• o 0 IS' 0 0 T 74 da 0d, e 7U M 90 73 w 64 59 el OC J] PI 69 14.0 72 w 61 Sa a..a 6.1 11.1 3A ui, Y72t.S G,5 t btu' 0 fl A der BO 56 e5 fie 66 w S9 Se m a ra 1a 62 9G 52 W 5d, 5a Al Se fit For expanded opUOns and updated photometric Information, please Nita Www.golham hting.com or contact the factory directly. 1. For 11.114C.1 che-1.0111m mfar 1. Technical Bulletin, tab. 2. Trieste to content IES wd NEMA ...boards undue atiosoud k6aalory candlllons. Various operating factors con cause diffnrAmoco between boundary data and actual field meeauramenis. Dimensions and specifications are based on lAe man tuna. ovailshl, data and an Subject the change wnhom ndk:a 3 consuls InPtury of ITS fee for mi<rogmmyn bemn, Muck cone and labor phnmmekic rapers, DLE.D -610 GDTHAM A.cwnrcrUNAt aownuGNTiNa oath a m . 00 ,!., conwn G lie 3d, l2 02010 Acuity Hirano. UgMing. Inc. All Rights 9eaerved. . ono v5 4'!x2 r 77n pet +.zit txww.pdna nl,An MWG49'mnu Ft v K `, Z o - LU Q OL z Q zoo OL W OHO of o I wy ou 1: DE5W PNW BY DATE NP 4/18/08 Q DATE NP 4/18/08 CHECKED BY DATE FILE EDIT FZ501 I - SCAI.E 111 = i9 /11 DRAM8NEI PLOT cl -11 PROJECT 12 O 444 tr 111 t!F Z o - LU Q OL z Q zoo OL W OHO of o I wy ou 1: DE5W PNW BY DATE NP 4/18/08 PRAM BY DATE NP 4/18/08 CHECKED BY DATE FILE EDIT FZ501 I - SCAI.E 111 = i9 /11 DRAM8NEI PLOT cl -11 PROJECT 12 OF 12 5FffT NO.