HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200800146 Review Comments 2008-11-03y r7 - kGIN COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126 DATE: November 3, 2008 Johnny Drumheller 195 Riverbend Drive Charlottesville, VA, 22911. RE: SDP -2008 -00146 Hollymead Town Center Area C, Block 9 Preliminary Site Plan Dear Sir, The Site Review Committee has reviewed the development proposal referenced above. Preliminary comments for the following divisions of the Department of Community Development and other agencies, as applicable, are attached: Albemarle County Division of Zoning & Current Development (Planner) Albemarle County Division of Zoning & Current Development (Engineer) Albemarle County Division of Planning (Principal Planner Development Areas) Albemarle County Division of Planning (Principal Planner ARB) Albemarle County Division of Inspections (Building Official) Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA). Albemarle County Geographic and Data Services (GDS) Comments reflect information available at the time the development proposal was reviewed, and should not be considered final. However, the Site Review Committee has attempted to identify all issues that could affect approval of the proposed project. Please make the revisions that have been identified as necessary for preliminary approval by the Site Review Committee. If you choose not to make the requested revisions, please submit in writing justification for not incorporating such revisions. Submit eight (8) full size copies and one (1) 11 " x 17" copy to the Department of Community Development including responses to each of the attached comments of the Site Review Committee by Monday November 17th 2008. Failure to submit this information by this date will result in suspension of the review schedule. Review will resume when revisions are submitted along with a reinstatement fee of $65. Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you have questions or require additional information. Sincerely, "` Gerald Gatobu, Senior PlannerCountyofAlbemarle Department of Community DevelopmentCurrentDevelopment 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 -4596Phone: ( -5832 Ext 3385Fax: (434)972 -4126 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To: Johnny Drumheller From: Gerald Gatobu, Senior Planner Division: Zoning and Current Development Date: November, 3` 2008 Subject: SDP2008 -00146 Hollymead Town Center Area C, Block 9 Preliminary Site Plan The County of Albemarle Division of Zoning and Current Development will grant or recommend approval of the preliminary site plan referred to above once the following comments have been addressed: [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision/Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise specified.] 32.5.6 The preliminary site plan shall contain the following information: a. The name of the development; Correct the spelling of Preliminary on the Cover Palze. Zoning; descriptions of all variances, zoning proffers and bonus factors applicable to the site: Show on the site plan the approved proffers per ZMA -0 1 -20 The proffers can be scanned/shown on the site plan [Refer to SDP2005 -00 1 04 for guidancel County and State; Add the County and State where this property is located. b. Written schedules or data as necessary to demonstrate that the site can accommodate the proposed use, including: Maximum square footage for commercial and industrial uses; Include on this preliminary site plan a revised "Table A" — Hollymead Town Center Area "C" overall use tabulation table. [Refer to the cover sheet for SDP2005 -00104 for ouidancel Schedule of parking including maximum amount required and amount provided; Include on this preliminary site plan a revised "Table B" — Hollymead Town Center Area "C" overall parkin tabulation table. [Refer to the cover sheet for SDP2005 -00104 for guidancel e. Existing landscape features as described in section Include an existing; conditions page on the site plan. n. Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed improvements including: Dumpster Pad: Each site plan that depicts a commercial or industrial building of four thousand (4,000) gross square feet or more shall provide a dumpster pad that does not impede any equired parking or loadingspaces nor any pedestrian or vehicular circulation aisles. Please add a dumpster pad location on the site plan. Please contact Gerald Gatobu at the Division of Zoning and Current Development at 296 -5832 ext.3385 for further information. JEl I y s I kGI`vl County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To: Gerald Gatobu, Current Development Project Planner From: Phil Custer, Current Development engineering review Date: 22 October 2005 Subject: Hollymead Towncenter Area C -9 (SDP -2008- 00146) The preliminary site plan amendment for Hollymead Towncenter Area C -9 has been reviewed. The engineering review for current development cannot reconunend approval at this time. The following items must be addressed before approval can be recoimnended: Temporary easements will be necessary in order to construct this project. Please provide letters of consent from adjacent property owners giving permission for temporary construction on their parcels. 2. The parking lot should have no grades greater than 5 %. 3. A loading space appears to be needed in the new parking area. The following final site plan comments have been provided as a courtesy to the applicant and will not need to be addressed to receive preliminary approval. 1. An analysis of the downstream stormwater conveyance system will be required during the final site plan per MS -19. 2. In order for the SWM plan to be approved, an analysis of the existing pond will be required to confirm that the pond will meet the quality and quantity requirements for the project. t. r - f 14 " Service A r':, TO: Gerald Gatobu FROM: Gary Whelan, Civil Engineer DATE: October 14, 2008 RE: Site Plan Technical Review for:Hollymead Town Center — Area C — Block 9 - Major SDP200800142 TM 32 -41 R The below checked items apply to this site. X 1. This site plan is within the Authority's jurisdictional area for: X A. Water and sewer B. Water only C. Water only to existing structure D. Limited service X 2.A 6 inch water line is located on site. 3.Fire flow from, nearest public hydrant, located distant from this site plan, is Gpm + at 20 psi residual. X 4.An 8 inch sewer line is located on site. 5.An Industrial Waste Ordinance survey form must be completed. X 6.No improvements or obstructions shall be placed within existing or future easements. 7.and plans are currently under review. 8.and plans have been received and approved. X 9.No plans are required. 10.Final and plans are required for our review and approval prior to granting tentative approval. 11.Final site plan may /may not be signed. 12.RWSA approval for water and /or sewer connections. 13.City of Charlottesville approval for sewer. Comments: Backflow prevention is required. Provide a plumbing fixture count to size the meter. The site plan does not show or incorrectly shows: meter locations water line size waterline locations sewer line size sewer line locations expected wastewater flows easements expected water demands 168 Spotnap Road • Charlottesville • VA 22911 • Tel (434) 977 -4511 • Fax (434) 979 -0698 www.serviceauthoriy.org x COMMONWEALTH of V1RQ1 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CHARLOTTESVILLE RESIDENCY OFFICE 701 VDOT WAY CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22911 DAVID S. EKERN, P.E. COMMISSIONER October 21 ", 2008 Mr. Glenn Brooks Department of Engineering and Development 401 McIntire Rd. Charlottesville, VA 22902 Subject: Site Review Meeting Comments October 23"', 2008 site review meeting Dear Mr. Brooks: Below are VDOT's comments on the Site Plans for the October 23` 2008 Site Review Committee Meeting: SDP - 2008 -00134 The Meadows Expansion — Final (Summer Frederick) 1. All connections to Rte. 1230 need to be designed in accordance with VDOT's Road Design Manual and The Minimum Standards of Entrances to State Highways. The plans needs to include all dimensions of proposed roads and entrances along with horizontal and vertical data. 2. Sight distances need to be shown on the plans. 3. All work within the VDOT R/W needs to be permitted by VDOT's Charlottesville Office. 4. The ROW around the cul -de -sac needs to be checked for accuracy. The ROW should not include private structures. 5. Detectable Warning needs to be added to the crosswalk. SDP -2008 -00142 Hydraulic Wash — Maior (Elizabeth Marotta) 1. The entrance needs to be constructed to The Minimum Standards of Entrances to State Highways. Throat widths, setbacks and grades in accordance with the CG -11 standard need to be shown on the plan. 2. Show the locations of the CG -12's SDP- 2008 -00146 Hollymead Town Center -Area C Block 9 -Maior (Gerald Gatobu) 1. Indicate whether Laurel Park Lane is proposed to be public or private. If it's public, the entrances will need to be evaluated. SDP -2008 -00147 St. Anne's Belfield Lower / Middle School — Prelim. ( Summer Frederick 1. Pipe and ditch computations need to be submitted on the section of Route 855 that is being proposed for widening. 2. Drainage structure 17 is being proposed to be modified to accept water from the ditch in the back of the DI. This design needs to be revised to eliminate this modified structure for maintenance reasons. 3. Show existing and proposed ROW on the plans. 4. Show sight distance triangles at all intersections. WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING Entrance design must be in accordance with VDOT standard CG -I I and The Minimum Standards of Entrances to State Highways. Profiles need to be shown on the plans. All proposed pavement widening must be in accordance with VDOT's WP -2 standard. Assumed CBR values for design purpose is 5. Materials and pavement design must be in accordance with VDOT's Secondary Roads Pavement Design Guide. Sheet C1.3 shows 2 proposed DI -Ts without an outlet. Please explain this design. Remove the second point of access at the eastern entrance to route 855 that accesses the middle lot. This design does not meet the Minimum Standards of Entrances to State Highways and will increase conflict points at the entrance and cause a dangerous situation. SUB - 2008 -00240 Little Yellow Mountain —Final Plat (Megan Yanidos) 1. Show sight triangles in accordance with The Minimum Standards of Entrances to State Highways at the proposed access to Route 684. Please request the applicants provide a written description of revisions with re- submissions. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me prior to sharing these comments with the applicants. Sincerely, Joel DeNunzio, P.E. Staff Engineer VDOT Charlottesville Residency 434 -293 -0011 cc Bill Fritz., David Benish, Juan Wade, Elaine Echols, Joan McDowell, Judith Wiegand, Margaret Maliszewski, David Pennock, Francis McCall, Jon Sharp, Summer Frederick, Patrick Lawrence, and John Giometti WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING Application #: SDP200800146 Short Review Comm nts Project Name: IHollymead Town Center -Area C -Block 9-Preli Major Amendment Preliminary— Non - residential Date Completed:10/20/2008 Reviewer:Andrew Slack Review Status:No Objection Reviews Comments:INO OBJECTION. E911 Date Completed: 10/20/2008 Reviewer: Andrew Slack Review Status: No Objection Reviews Comments: INO OBJECTION. Date Completed: Reviewer: Review Status: Reviews Comments: E911 11/03/2008 Elaine Echols Planning Requested Changes Fhe variation request will be approved if /when the applicant demonstrates how record - keeping will ake place to ensure that the minimum square footage can be met in all blocks if maximum square ootage is achieved in several blocks. Date Completed: 10/22/2008 Reviewer: Jay Schlothauer Inspections Review Status: No Objection Reviews Comments: I Based on plans dated October 6, 2008. Date Completed: Reviewer: Review Status: Reviews Comments: No comments or conditions. 10/10/2008 Jay Schlothauer Inspections No Objection 3ased on plans dated September 29, 2008. Vo comments or conditions. Date Completed:10120/2008 Reviewer:Margaret Maliszewski ARB Review Status:Requested Changes Reviews Comments:Architectural review of the building (Building C) proposed in this amendment was suspended at the applicant's request on May 12, 2006. A resubmittal of architectural and site drawings is required. See the attach letter. Date Completed:10/22/2008 Reviewer:Philip Custer Engineer Z &CD Review Status:Requested Changes Reviews Comments Page. 1.00 County of Albemarle Printed On: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 Thomas Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District October 24, 2008 706 Forest St, Ste G Charlottesville, VA 22903 975-0224 TO: Gerald Gatobu Planning Department RE: Soils Report and Comments for ror= •j w 2t#C3 3y 56B 1 36C -- — ` 4C 366 36D 56B0.J 7! 36B 4C v 370 djr 368 4E 14E 50 / 66E ! \ 37C3 4D y \ 4C 13 36C 3 ;D 14C 3 56C 27C36C 37C3 4D w / 3616 s6c _ 9 36B 203 15036B ,1 4D 19B 4D 3 37C3 O 37C3 36B 39E 36C 14E -3C' 278 37D3 27D 1 . y v l 3703 368 36C 34E G - \ 36C 11 36B water 47D 88 36C 278 36C \ 61F 2D 3 , D 14C / w a ' 41E - 58 27C 4EJ. 3 ; _ 3 366 \ f / 36B f 88 65C 7D 88 ni) tit 656 65C 5B i 658A7D' 65C 2D 36B 6 i / / 47C \act .,,x366 / _--" \ 47C f / 21B 94C -- -- 47C b 47D ` 65C 94C 29D 7 94 21C \ \ 218 218 34U 4 ` 29C 56B 36B / // 65C a -- 298 4B f / 65B 21C 39D ii 14C l l 6Se / 946 i / 88 / 65B 946 cs 94C V. 948 94C / 0 / 34D.. /C z/ ,W. - 88 4 /C 656 /V, / 94C 94C 21B 2/C 7713 55C 366 / - 5B 27C 27D 65B / f7 65B 94C 94B 94B 278 l / r 94C 27B Lt 1 88 Laurel Hill Churc 65C f 65B \, 47C 28C3 1 J 94B 9 ople G q'+ c,' 65C 94B 27C 3 27B J 'i 27C Churc -tC — -_ 276 40 J J y 94C 3q S :54C /11 O \36B 606 P 94B a 346: ? 2C u 88 27B 65C C 65B -- CMG 88 ti 2B 27B i 65B lye _ / iAH32803 Ri no 946 ' 34C 27B Ho emo i rde n ofer SB Se / d 276 gp347D34C >g t \ 34D c 314C Joins sheet 11 SCALE 1:15 840 5000 Feet 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 200 0 1 Kllrnnala 1000 Meters 80 600 400 — USDA United States Natural Department of Resources Agriculture Conservation Service Prepared by: Thomas Jefferson Soil & Water Conservation District 434 - 975 -0224 Soils Report SOILS REPORT FOR: Hollymead Town Center - C 9 Soil Survey Area: Albemarle County, Virginia Survey Status: Published Correlation Date: 12/01/1981 Distribution Date: 10/21/2002 Map Unit: 27B Elioak loam, 2 to 7 percent slopes Description Category: Virginia FOTG Elioak is a gently sloping to moderately sloping, very deep, well drained soil. Typically the surface layer is loam about 8 inches thick. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderately slow. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The land capability classification is 2e. The Virginia soil management group is X. This soil is not hydric. Map Unit: 27C Elioak loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes Description Category: Virginia FOTG Elioak is a strongly sloping to moderately steep, very deep, well drained soil. Typically the surface layer is loam about 8 inches thick. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderately slow. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The land capability classification is 3e. The Virginia soil management group is X. This soil is not hydric. Map Unit. 28C3 Elioak clay loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes, severely eroded Description Category: Virginia FOTG Elioak is a strongly sloping to moderately steep, very deep, well drained soil. Typically the surface layer is clay loam about 8 inches thick. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderately slow. It has a low available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The land capability classification is 4e. The Virginia soil management group is X. This soil is not hydric. Map Unit: 65B Pacolet sandy loam, 2 to 7 percent slopes Description Category: Virginia FOTG Pacolet is a gently sloping to moderately sloping, very deep, well drained soil. Typically the surface layer is sandy loam about 6 inches thick. The surface layer has a moderately low content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The land capability classification is 2e. The Virginia soil management group is X. This soil is not hydric. Map Unit: 65C Pacolet sandy loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes Description Category: Virginia FOTG Pacolet is a strongly sloping to moderately steep, very deep, well drained soil. Typically the surface layer is sandy loam about 6 inches thick. The surface layer has a moderately low content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The land capability classification is 4e. The Virginia soil management group is X. This soil is not hydric. Thomas Jefferson SWCD 1 10/24/08 Map Unit. 94B Wedowee sandy loam, 2 to 7 percent slopes Description Category: Virginia FOTG Wedowee is a gently sloping to moderately sloping, very deep, well drained soil. Typically the surface layer issandyloamabout7inchesthick. The surface layer has a moderately low content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil isnotfloodedandisnotponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The land capability classification is 2e. The Virginia soil management group is V. This soil is not hydric. Map Unit: 94C Wedowee sandy loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes Description Category: Virginia FOTG Wedowee is a strongly sloping to moderately steep, very deep, well drained soil. Typically the surface layer issandyloamabout7inchesthick. The surface layer has a moderately low content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil isnotfloodedandisnotponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The land capability classification is 4e. The Virginia soil management group is V. This soil is not hydric. Dwellings With Basements - Dominant Condition Soil Survey: Albemarle County, Virginia Survey Status: Published Correlation Date: 12/01/1981 Distribution Date: 10/21/2002 Map Symbol Soil Name Rating 27B Elioak loam, 2 to 7 percent Not limited 65C Pacolet sandy loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes 9413 Wedowee sandy loam, 2 to 7 percent slopes 94C Wedowee sandy loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes Mapunit Hydric Rating Soil Survey: Albemarle County, Virginia Survey Status: Published Correlation Date: 12/01/1981 Distribution Date: 10/21/2002 Map Symbol Soil Name Rating 27B Elioak loam, 2 to 7 percent Not hydric slopes Somewhat limited Somewhat limited Not limited Somewhat limited Not limited Somewhat limited Thomas Jetterson SWCD 2 I0141 08 slopes 27C EElioak loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes 280 EElioak clay loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes, severely eroded 65B PPacolet sandy loam, 2 to 7 percent slopes Mapunit Hydric Rating Soil Survey: Albemarle County, Virginia Survey Status: Published Correlation Date: 12/01/1981 Distribution Date: 10/21/2002 Map Symbol Soil Name Rating 27B Elioak loam, 2 to 7 percent Not hydric slopes Somewhat limited Somewhat limited Not limited Somewhat limited Not limited Somewhat limited Thomas Jetterson SWCD 2 I0141 08 27C Elioak loam, 7 to 15 Not hydric Correlation Date: 12/01/1981 percent slopes Distribution Date: 10/21/2002 280 Elioak clay loam, 7 to 15 Not hydric Symbol Soil Name percent slopes, severely 27B Elioak loam, 2 to 7 percent 1.5 eroded 27C Elioak loam, 7 to 15 65B Pacolet sandy loam, 2 to 7 Not hydric 28C3 Elioak clay loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes 4.5 65C Pacolet sandy loam, 7 to Not hydric 15 percent slopes 1.5 94B Wedowee sandy loam, 2 to Not hydric 1.5 7 percent slopes 94C Wedowee sandy loam, 7 to Not hydric 15 percent slopes 1.5 Soil Shrink - Swell - Dominant Soil Top Depth : 0 Bottom Depth: 0 Soil Survey: Albemarle County, Virginia Survey Status: Published Correlation Date: 12/01/1981 Correlation Date: 12/01/1981 Distribution Date: 10/21/2002 Distribution Date: 10/21/2002 Map Map Symbol Soil Name Symbol Soil Name Rating 27B Elioak loam, 2 to 7 percent 1.5 slopes 27C Elioak loam, 7 to 15 27C Elioak loam, 7 to 15 1.5 percent slopes 28C3 Elioak clay loam, 7 to 15 28C3 Elioak clay loam, 7 to 15 4.5 percent slopes, severely eroded 65B Pacolet sandy loam, 2 to 7 1.5 percent slopes 65C Pacolet sandy loam, 7 to 1.5 15 percent slopes 94B Wedowee sandy loam, 2 to 1.5 7 percent slopes 94C Wedowee sandy loam, 7 to 1.5 15 percent slopes Corrosion Concrete - Dominant Condition Soil Survey: Albemarle County, Virginia Survey Status: Published Correlation Date: 12/01/1981 Distribution Date: 10/21/2002 Map Symbol Soil Name Rating 27B Elioak loam, 2 to 7 percent Moderate slopes 27C Elioak loam, 7 to 15 Moderate percent slopes 28C3 Elioak clay loam, 7 to 15 Moderate Thomas Jetterson SWCD 3 10/24/08 percent slopes, severely eroded 65B Pacolet sandy loam, 2 to 7 High percent slopes 65C Pacolet sandy loam, 7 to High 15 percent slopes 94B Wedowee sandy loam, 2 to High 7 percent slopes 94C Wedowee sandy loam, 7 to High 15 percent slopes Thomas Jefferson SWCD 4 10/24/08