HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200800139 Review Comments 2008-10-03lll' .3I,y
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To:Gerald Gatabu, Planner
From:Amy Pflaum, Engineering Review
Division:Current Development
Date:October 3, 2008
Subject:SDP200800139, Green House Coffee - Preliminary
The preliminary site plan for Green House Coffee, received on September 15, 2008, has been reviewed.
The engineering review for current development can recommend approval once the following items are
adequately addressed:
Current Development Engineering approves the waiver request for the use of porous concrete
pavement for the proposed parking lot. This parking lot will be treated as a stormwater
management facility. A Stormwater Management Maintenance Agreement and an easement
around and providing access to the parking lot will be required prior to approval of a Final Site
2. Current Development Engineering recommends approval of the waiver of a minimum 20'
travelway width for the existing 14' -7" travelway. Vehicular traffic on this travelway is expected
to be very low and speeds will be minimal. The additional width being added to the front and rear
of the travelway will provide for vehicle passing, and sight distance is not a concern. This
comment will be addressed when the Zoning Administrator grants approval of the waiver.
Approval granted by Zoning Administrator 10/6/08)
The applicant has also requested a waiver from the requirement of curbing of the existing
travelway and the proposed parking lot. Engineering recommends approval of the waiver for the
existing travelway because the travelway is already below the minimum 20 -foot width, and adding
curb (and possibly gutter) would decrease the width even further. The proposed parking lot will
be paved with porous concrete (Engineering has granted a surface material waiver) and stormwater
will permeate the surface rather than sheet flow off the lot. In this case, the requirement of curb
would neither hinder nor facilitate stormwater management. The proposed parking lot is also
located almost entirely within a stream buffer. The parking lot will have a pervious surface,
however, curb and gutter would not. Waiving the requirement of curb would allow for minimal
addition of impervious surface within and the least disturbance to the stream buffer. (Approval
granted by Zoning Administrator 10/7/08)
4. Plans need to be stamped and signed by a licensed professional.
5. Please label the existing right -of -way and edge of asphalt of Crozet Avenue.
6. Please add sight distance triangles and easements to the entrance onto Crozet Avenue. Also add a
note that existing vegetation in front of TMP 56A1 -1 -1 19 needs to be trimmed to allow proper site
distance to the crest of the hill on Crozet Avenue to the north.
7. Mitigation is required for the disturbance within the 100 -foot stream buffer. The addition of the
parking lot, although of porous concrete, is considered disturbance. The notes on the Planting
Plan indicate that 6500 sf of buffer is disturbed. Mitigation is required at 2 times the disturbed
area. Please recalculate the required plantings and revise the Planting Plan accordingly.
The following comments will need to be addressed before a final site plan can be approved:
A Water Protection Ordinance application will need to be submitted, reviewed and approved.
9. The owner of this site needs to be a party to the Stormwater Management Maintenance Agreement
for the parking lot.
10. VDOT approval is needed for the entrance and work within the VDOT right -of -way.
i ittc ;tw`
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126
DATF: October 6, 2008
Camille Philips
44621311,11 Road
Crozet, VA, _
RE: SDP- 2008 -00139 Green house Coffee Preliminary Site Plan
Dear Sit
The Site Review Committee has reviewed the development proposal referenced ahove. Preliminary
continents fur the billowing div isions of the Department of Community Devclopnlellt and other agencies,
as applicable, are attached:
Albemarle County Division of Zoning & Current Development ( Planner)
Albemarle County Division of Zoning & Current Development (Engineer)
Albemarle County Division of Zoning & Current Dev elopnlent ('Zoning administrator)
Albemarle County Division of Planning (Principle Planner Rural ;area)
Albemarle County Division of Inspections (Building Official)
Virginia Department otTransportation (VDOT').
Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA).
Albemarle County Firc and Rescue.
Albemarle County GeographiC and Data Sery ices ((jDS)
Comments reflect Intl)rlllation a allable at the time the developient proposal was reviewed, and should
not be Considered final. I lowe the Site Review Committee has attempted to identify all Issues that
Could affect approval oftllc proposed project.
Please make the revisions that ha been identified as necessary fur preliminary approval by the Site
Review Committee. If you choose not to make the requested revisions, please submit in writing
justification liar not incorporating SLICK rC1 isionS. Submit eight (8) bill size copies and one ( l ) l I" x 1
copy to the Department of Community Development inCluding responses to each ofthe attached
Comments of the Site Review Comnlince by ;Monday October 20th 2008. Failure to submit this
information by this date vv ill result in suspension of the rev iew SCI dole. Rev icw will resiune kv hen
revisions are submitted along with a reinstatement fee of 565.
Please contact ilie at your earliest con\enletice it you have gUCStions or require additional llitortllat1011.
Gerald Gatobu, Senior Planner
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
Current Developmcnt
401 McIntire Road
Charlottcsville, VA - 2 - 2902-4506
Phone: (434) -5832 Ert 3385
Fax: (434)972-41 26
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
Fo: Camille Phillips
From: Gerald Gatobu, Senior Planner
Division: Zoning and Current Development
Date: October, 7' "
Subject: SDP2008 -00130 Green Ilouse Coffee Preliminary Site Plan
The County of Albeniarle Division of Zoning and Current Development will grant or recommend approval of
the preliminary site plan referred to above once the following comments have been addressed: [Mach comment is
preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise
32.5.6 The preliminary site plan shall contain the following information:
Sheet number and total number of sheets; a cover sheet would be helpful. Include a legend with sheet
number and what each sheet depicts on the front cover.
Owner, zoning, tax map and parcel number and present use of adjacent parcels; it is difficu to
distinuuish adjacent properties. Clearly delineate departing list lines to better define adjacent rop-erty
hnuncirrries_ - —
Minimum setback lines, a parking setback of 3 feet is shown to the retaining wall on the adjacent
property. "I'he retaining; wall is shown as being on TNIP 56A1 -01 -121. T'lie parking setback needs to he
to the property line for'FNIP 5 \1 - -120 and not to the retaining wall on the adjacent property.
b. Written schedules or data as ncccssary to demonstrate that the site can accommodate the proposed use,
Maximum height of all structures: what i the height of the existing building:' Indicate, add this to the
site plan.
Maximum amount of imperious cover on the site, Please clarify
Existing topography (up to twenty 1201 percent slope, maximum tine 151 foot contours, over twenty
1201 percent slope, maximum ten 1101 foot contours). Include an existim- conditions page that will
show current site conditions.
areas of the site where existing slopes are twenty-Five (25) percent or greater. Sh o the sit plan
areas wliere existing slopes are - -25 percent.
c. Existing landscape features as described in section As menti above, an cxistin
conditions page should be included as a separate sheet on the site plan. 'I'llis sheet should inc o
show areas of the site where slopes are greater than 25 percent, therefore satisfying the a two
f, 'The name and location of all watercourses and other bodies of water adjacent to or on the site.
Indicate if the site is located within a reservoir watershed. Show the location of the 100 foo steam
buffer on the site plan. Thi site is located in the Beaver Creek Water Reservoir water su Iv watershed.
Add this note to the sitep
J. Location and size of: existing water and sanitary sewer facilities and easements; storm sewer
facilities, drainage channels; and drainage easements. Show the location of existing water facilities
and easements on the site plan. I can find existing sanitary sewer facilities, but cannot find existint
water facilities and easem
k. Proposed conceptual lay -out for water and sanitary sewer facilities and storm drainage facilities
including storm detention ponds or structures, indicating direction of flow in all pipes and
watercourses with arrows. Show the locati of exi water facilities an cas s
drainage facilities including storm detention ponds or structures , mdicat dircrtion_o flow in all oJoes
and wat with ar on the site clan.
1. Location of other existing and proposed utilities and utility easements. S the I o f cri
water facilities and easements on the siteplan.
n. Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed improvements including:
Buildings (maximum footprint and height) and other structures; as noted a what is the heir ht
of the stricture?
trash containers;
Section 208.71 Sidewalks and Street trees
A. ,Sidewalk desi,Wi. Each sidewalk proposed to be accepted for maintenance by the Virginia Department of
Transportation shall be designed and constructed according to Virginia Department of Transportation
standards or to the standards in the design standards manual, whichever is greater. Each sidewalk
proposed to be privately maintained shall be constructed using concrete, designed so that no
concentrated water flow runs over them, and otherwise satisfy the standards in the design standards
manual. Each sidewalk on Crozet Avenue, tvenue, Three Notch'd Read and the street identified in the Crozet
master plan as the new .plain Street shall be at least ten (10) feet wide. All other sidewalks shall be at
least eight (;() feet wide.
D. reyaireinents. In accordance with the procedures stated in subsection 2013.3 (I), the
agycnt may Nai,e the regUirements for a sideNalk and, or street trees Nvhere the deveIoper demonstrates that: (i)
the Virginia Dcpartnient of Transportation prohibits establishing sidewalks and'or planting street trees; or (ii)
existing utility easements prohibit establishing sidewalks and, or planting street trees.
The developer /applicant has not demonstrated that (i) the 6 irginia Department of Transportation prohibits
establishing sidewalks an(Vor planting street trees; or (ii) existing utilitt easements prohibit establishing
sidewalks and /or planting street trees, therefore the agent cannot approve (denies) the sidewalk design
Appeal to the commission or the board. The denial of a walN er, or the appros al of a waiver with conditions
objectionable to the applicant, may be appealed from the director to the commission and from the commission to
the board, as the case may be, as an appeal of a denial of the plat, as pro\ ided in section 14 - 226 of the Code, or
the site plan, as provided in sections or of this chapter, to which the waiver pertains. If
subdivision plat or site plan approval is not required, the applicant may file a written appeal with the clerk of'the
board of supervisors within ten (10) days of the date of the written action by the director or the commission. A
waiver considered by the commission in conjunction with an application for a special use permit shall be subject
to review by the board of supervisors without the tiling of an appeal. In considering a waiver on appeal, the
commission or the board may grant or deny the waiver based upon its determination of whether one or more
applicable circumstances exist or criteria are satisfied, amend any condition imposed by the director or the
commission, and impose any conditions deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety, or welfare.
appeal the Sidewalks waiver denial to the Planning Commission. The planning commission will hear the
appeal and act on the waiver.
Please contact Gerald Gatobu at the Division of Zoning and Current Development at 296 -5832 cxt.3385 for
further inforination.
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
1'o: Gerald Gatabu, Planner
From: Amy Ptlaum, Engineering Review
Division: Current Development
Date: October 3, 2008
Subject: SDP200800139, Green House Coffee - Preliminary
The preliminary Site plan for Green House Coffee, received on September 15, 2008, has been reviewed.
The engineering rev iew for current development ran recommend approval once the follow in.* items are
adequately addressed:
Current Development Engineering approves the waiver request for the use of porous concrete
pavement for the proposed parking lot. This parking lot will be treated as a stornmater
management Ficility. A Stornmater M1knagement Maintenance Agreement and an easement
around and providing access to the parking lot will he required prior to approval of a Final Site
Current Development Engineering recommends approval of the waiver of a minimum 20'
travelwav width for the existing 14' -7" travelway. Vehicular traffic on this travelway is expected
to he very low and speeds will be minimal. The additional width being added to the front and rear
of the travelway will provide for vehicle passing, and Sight distance is not a concern. This
continent will he addressed when the Zoning Administrator grants approval of the waiver.
approval `,rented by Zoning Administrator 10/6/08)
The applicant has also requested a waiver from the requirement of curbing of the existing
travelway and the proposed parking lot. Engineering recommends approval of the waiver for the
existing travelway because the tl Melway is already below the minimum 20 -Foot width, and adding
curh (and possibly gutter) would decrease the width even further. The proposed parking lot will
he paved with porous concrete (Engineering has granted a surface material waiver) and stornmater
w ill permeate the Surface rather than sheet tlovv off the lot. In this case, the requirement of curb
would neither hinder nor Facilitate stornmater management. The proposed parking lot is also
located almost entirely within a stream buffer. The parking lot vv ill have it pervious Surface,
however, curb and '_utter would not. Waivin,- the requirement Of curb would allow for minimal
addition of impervious Surface within and the least disturbance to the Stream hotter. (Approval
granted h} Zoning Administrator 10/7/08)
l. Plans need to he stamped and signed by a licensed professional.
Please label the existing right -of -way and ed"e of asphalt Of Crozet ;venue.
6. Please add sight distance triangles and easements to the entrance onto CrOZet Avenue. ,ISO add a
note that existing vegetation in front of TNIP 56A 1-1 -1 19 needs to he trimmed to allmv proper site
distance to the crest of the hill On CrOZet Avenue to the north.
7. Mitigation is required for the disturbance vv ithin the 100 -foot stream buffer. The addition of the
parking lot, although Of porous concrete, is considered disturbance. The notes on the Planting
Plan indicate that 0500 sf of buffer is disturbed. Mitigation is reLluired at ? times the disturhed
area. Please recalculate the reLluired plantings and revise the Planting Plan accordingly.
The following comments skill need to be addressed before a final site plan can he approved:
A Water Protection Ordinance application xill need to he submitted, re ie\ed and approved.
The owner of this site needs to he a party to the Stormwater Management Maintenance Agreement
f the parking lot.
10. VDOT appro%al is needed for the entrance and stork «ithin the VDOT right -of -Nay.
Application #: SDP200800136 - Short Review Comrtients
Project Name: Green House Coffee - Prelim. Preliminary — Non - residential
Date Completed: 10i06/2008
Reviewer: Amelia McCulley Admin Zoning Review
Review Status: Approved
Reviews Comments: Waiver of 20 -foot travelway requirement. Approved 10/6/08
Date Completed: 10/07x2008
Reviewer: Amelia McCulley Admin Zoning Review
Review Status: Approved
Reviews Comments: Waiver of curbing on parking lot and travelway. Approved 10/7/08
Date Completed: 10/012008
Reviewer: Amy Pflaum Engineer Z &CD
Review Status: Requested Changes
Reviews Comments: SRC 10/9/08
Date Completed: 10/03/2008
Reviewer: Andrew Slack E911
Review Status: No Objection
Reviews Comments: NO OBJECTION.
Date Completed: 09/24/2008
Reviewer: Jay Schlothauer Inspections
Review Status: Requested Changes
Reviews Comments: Based on plans dated September 15, 2008.
Rearrange the barrier -free parking space so that it is van - accessible. A van - accessible space has a
T wide adjacent access aisle.
Date Completed: 09/24/2008
Reviewer: Margaret Maliszewski ARB
Review Status: No Objection
Reviews Comments: It has been determined that this parcel does not fall within the Entrance Corridor. Consequently, ARB
review is not required.
Pare: 1.00 County of Albemarle Printed On: Tuesday, October 07, 2008
TO: Gerald Gatobu
FROM: Gary Whelan, Civil Engineer
DATE: September 26, 2008
RE: Site Plan Technical Review for:
Green House Coffee - Preliminary
TM 56A1 -1 -120
The below checked items apply to this site.
X 1. This site plan is within the Authority's jurisdictional area for:
X A. Water and sewer
B. Water only
C. Water only to existing structure
D. Limited service
X 2. An 8 inch water line is located approximately 30' distant.
3. Fire flow from, nearest public hydrant, located distant from this site plan, is
Gpm + at 20 psi residual.
X 4. An 8 inch sewer line is located on site.
5. An Industrial Waste Ordinance survey form must be completed.
X 6. No improvements or obstructions shall be placed within existing or future
7. and plans are currently under review.
8. and plans have been received and approved.
X 9. No plans are required.
10. Final and plans are required for our review and approval prior to
granting tentative approval.
11. Final site plan may /may not be signed.
12. RWSA approval for water and /or sewer connections.
13. City of Charlottesville approval for sewer.
Comments: Show existing water meter. Provide a plumbing fixture count to size
the water meter. A new water connection may be required.
The site plan does not show or incorrectly shows:
meter locations water line size
waterline locations sewer line size
sewer line locations expected wastewater flows
easements expected water demands
168 Spotnap Road • Charlottesville • VA 22911 • Tel (434) 977 -4511 • Fax (434) 979 -0698
October 7' 2008
Mr. Glenn Brooks
Department of Engineering and Development
401 McIntire Rd.
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Subject: Site Review Meeting Comments October 9' 2(X)8 site review meeting
Dear Mr. Brooks:
Below are VDOT's comments on the Site Plans for the October 9''', 2(X)8 Site Review Committee Meeting:
SDP- 2008 -00066 Hunters Way Site Plan A mend ment- Nlaior (Nleean Yanielos)
I. Stippled area needs to be shown to the edge of pavement on Route 1146.
2. All other comments provided in the June 19' 2008 site review letter from VDOT have been
adequately addressed.
SDP- 2008 -00135 BB &T Bank (Crozet) -i laior (Nieean Yanielos)
1. The proposed bank site will generate 592 weekday trips, 110 VPH in the PM peak hour, and 171
VPD on a Saturday according to the ITE trip generation numbers.
2. This site does not exceed the number of trips to require a Chapter 527 study
3. The site will use an approved entrance from Route 250 in connection with the Blue Ridge
Shopping site plan.
SDP -2008 -00136 Airport Road Office Plaza - Preliminary (Elizabeth Nlarotta)
I. This site will produce about 100 VPH in the peak hour into the site from the intersection at Airport
Road. The build out traffic for Timberwood needs to be added to the plan to determine if a right
turn lane is warranted. If the build Out traffic on Timberwood exceeds 150 VPH a right turn lane
will he warranted.
2. An entrance profile in accordance with the CO 1 I standard needs to he shown on the plan.
3. "rhe sidewalk needs to be adjusted with the shift in the entrance location and CG -12's need to be
added at the entrance.
SDP - 2008 -00139 Green House Coffee - Preliminary (Gerald Gatobu)
I. The existing slot drain needs to be replaced with curbing and tied into the curbing on the adjacent
2. The right of way on the southern Side of the property should be adjusted off the centerline of
Route 810 and lined tip with the right of way on the northern side of the property.
3. The length and width of the proposed entrance will cause accessibility issues for two way traffic
on the site.
SUB 2008 -00219 Kia Dealership -Final (:Megan Yaniplos)
1. No comments
Please request the applicants provide a written description of revisions with re- submissions. If you have any
questions or comments, please contact me prior to sharing these comments with the applicants.
Joel DeNunzio, P.F.
Staff Engineer
VDOT Charlottesville Residency
434 -293 -0011
cc Bill Fritz, David Benish, Juan Wade, F,laine Echols, Joan :McDowell, Judith Wiegand, Margaret
Maliszewski, David Pennock, Francis McCall, Jon Sharp, Summer Frederick, Patrick Lawrence, and John
October 7", 2008
Mr. Glenn Brooks
Department of Engineering and Development
401 McIntire Rd.
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Subject: Site Review Meeting Comments October 9" 2008 site review meeting
Dear Mr. Brooks:
Below are VDOT's comments on the Site Plans for the October 9' 2008 Site Review Committee Meeting:
SDP -2008 -00066 Hunters Way Site Plari Amendment -Maior ( Megan Yanielos)
1. Stippled area needs to be shown to the edge of pavement on Route 1146.
2. All other comments provided in the June 19 2008 site review letter from VDOT have been
adequately addressed.
SDP - 2008 -00135 BB &T Bank (Crozet) -Maior (Megan Yanialos)
1. The proposed bank site will generate 592 weekday trips, 110 VPH in the PM peak hour, and 171
VPD on a Saturday according to the ITE trip generation numbers.
2. This site does not exceed the number of trips to require a Chapter 527 study
3. The site will use an approved entrance from Route 250 in connection with the Blue Ridge
Shopping site plan.
SDP -2008 -00136 Airport Road Office Plaza- Preliminary (Elizabeth Marotta
1. This site will produce about 100 VPH in the peak hour into the site from the intersection at Airport
Road. The build out traffic for Timberwood needs to be added to the plan to determine if a right
turn lane is warranted. If the build out traffic on Timberwood exceeds 150 VPH a right turn lane
will be warranted.
2. An entrance profile in accordance with the CG -11 standard needs to be shown on the plan.
3. The sidewalk needs to be adjusted with the shift in the entrance location and CG -12's need to be
added at the entrance.
SDP - 2008 -00139 Green House Coffee - Preliminary (Gerald Gatobu)
1. The existing slot drai needs to be replaced with curbing and tied into the curbing on the adjacent
site. (3 yU C'V w Q5L \ - ". UI cJ C rt A F O
2. The right of way on the southern side of the property should be adjusted off the centerline of
Route 810 and lined up with the right of way on the northern side of the property.
3. The length and width of the proposed entrance will cause accessibility issues for two wa traffic
on the site. .4( -Y. `Cl`+tC- 0 p NT UWa 6
6ti&,0 -) ev
1;1 • s i
SUB 2008 -00219 Kia Dealership -Final (Megan Yanialos)
1. No comments
Please request the applicants provide a written description of revisions with re- submissions. If you have any
questions or comments, please contact me prior to sharing these comments with the applicants.
Joel DeNunzio, P.E.
Staff Engineer
VDOT Charlottesville Residency
434 -293 -0011
cc Bill Fritz, David Benish, Juan Wade, Elaine Echols, Joan McDowell, Judith Wiegand, Margaret
Maliszewski, David Pennock, Francis McCall, Jon Sharp, Summer Frederick, Patrick Lawrence, and John
i i :i7/1:ClIr31IYA >"Li1FlI CIrl
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To:Gerald Gatabu, Planner
From:Amy Pflaum, Engineering Review
Division:Current Development
November 21, 2008
Subject:SDP200800139, Green House Coffee -
The preliminary site plan for Green House Coffee, received on September 15, 2008, has been reviewed.
The engineering review for current development can recommend approval once the following items are
adequately addressed:
Comment will be addressed with jbial site 171(171.
Comment has been addressed.
Comment has been adcessed.
Comment has hecn addressed.
The following comments will need to be addressed before a final site plan can be approved:
A Water Protection Ordinance application will need to be submitted, reviewed and approved.
The owner of this site needs to be a party to the Stoniiwater Management Maintenance Agreement
for the parking lot.
10. VDOT approval is needed for the entrance and work within the VDOT right -of -way.