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SDP200800007 Calculations 2007-05-14
EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTR L NARRATIVEVE 11 , ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 14 May 2007 Devised 4 January 2008 Prepared by: TERRA CONCEPTS, P.C. 224 Court Square Charlottesville, Virginia 229 434) 295 - 4005 TIf pFLl Alan G. Franklin Lic. Pia. 35326 t Project Description This project proposes construction of 10,500 square feet of building to be associated with the existing Pollak Vineyards winery. Also proposed are an adjacent parking area, open grass area, and access drive to be constructed of crusher run. To date, construction of the access drive is complete and stabilized. The proposed building is near completion. The open grass area has been graded, and stabilized. Silt fence has been placed along the western perimeter of the site and 15" CMP pipes have been placed as shown on the plan. Existing Site Conditions The site sits on the west side of Newtown Rd (Rt. 690) in Greenwood, VA, just west of Crozet. The vineyard consists of 25 acres of vines, a pond, and various structures to facilitate the winery operations. The existing topography is relatively level and open with a gradual slope towards the pond. Drainage from the access drive is handled by grass lined ditches which outfall to an existing Swale which leads to an open field. Adjacent Property Adjacent properties are similar in character displaying rural countryside characteristics with a couple single family residence interspersed. Off-Site Areas No off -site areas are proposed to be disturbed. Soils According to the Soil Survey of Albemarle County, the following loamy soils are present on site: Name Code Erodibility Permeability Depth Shrink/Swell Strength Chewacla 16 slight moderate 60"low low Dyke 25B moderate moderate 60"moderate low Dyke 25C severe moderate 60"moderate low Hayesville 36C severe moderate 83"low low Hayesville 37D3 severe moderate 78"low low Unison 89B moderate moderate 60"moderate low Critical ]Erosion Areas No critical erosion areas are anticipated. It is important to quickly install proposed perimeter erosion control measures. Erosion & Sediment Control Measures In sight of the very small amount of earthwork that remains, ESC measures proposed will be limited to what is practically necessary. These measures include silt fence, seeding, topsoil, and mulching. Vegetative Practices After the majority of the grading program has been executed and, in particular, the cut and fill slopes for the project have been established, they should be redressed with an ample depth of topsoil from the stockpile and surface roughened. Thereafter, permanent seeding and mulch should be applied. If for some reason, construction is halted or delayed, exposed areas are to be treated with temporary seeding and mulch until such time as construction begins. Management Strategies 1. Construction will be sequenced so that grading operations can begin and end as quickly as possible. 2. Areas which are outside the construction limits and not to be disturbed shall be clearly marked. 3. Matting and seeding, whether temporary or permanent, will follow immediately after grading. 4. The site contractor shall be responsible for the installation and maintenance of all erosion and sediment control practices. 5. After achieving adequate stabilization, the temporary erosion and sediment controls will be cleaned up and removed and final grades established according to the grading plan for the project. Permanent Stabilization As mentioned above, permanent seeding is to be applied to all areas not proposed for hardscape or building improvements as soon as possible. Maintenance In general, all erosion and sediment control measures will be checked daily and after each significant rainfall. The following items will be checked in particular: 1. The gravel outlets will be checked regularly for sediment buildup which would prevent drainage. If the gravel is clogged by sediment, it shall be removed and cleaned or replaced. 2. The silt fence barrier will be checked regularly for undermining or deterioration of the fabric. Sediment shall be removed when the level of sediment deposition reaches half way to the top of the barrier. 3. The seeded areas will be checked regularly to ensure that a good stand is maintained. Areas shall be fertilized and reseeded as determined necessary by the county agent. State Minimum Standards An erosion and sediment control program adopted by a district or locality must be consistent with the following criteria, techniques and methods: 1. Permanent or temporary soil stabilization shall be applied to denuded areas within seven days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site. Temporary soil stabilization shall be applied within seven days to denuded areas that may not be at final grade but will remain dormant for longer than 30 days. Permanent stabilization shall be applied to areas that are to be left dormant for more than one year. 2. During construction of the project, soil stockpiles and borrow areas shall be stabilized or protected with sediment trapping measures. The applicant is responsible for the temporary protection and permanent stabilization of all soil stockpiles on site as well as borrow areas and soil intentionally transported from the project site. 3. A permanent vegetative cover shall be established on denuded areas not otherwise permanently stabilized. Permanent vegetation shall not be considered established until a ground cover is achieved that, is uniform, mature enough to survive and will inhibit erosion. 4. Sediment basins and traps, perimeter dikes, sediment barriers and other measures intended to trap sediment shall be constructed as a first step in any land - disturbing activity and shall be made functional before upslope land disturbance takes place. 5. Stabilization measures shall be applied to earthen structures such as dams, dikes and diversions immediately after installation. 6. Sediment traps and sediment basins shall be designed and constructed based upon the total drainage area to be served by the trap or basin. a. The minimum storage capacity of a sediment trap shall be 134 cubic yards per acre of drainage area and the trap shall only control drainage areas less than three acres. b. Surface runoff from disturbed areas that is comprised of flow from drainage areas greater than or equal to three acres shall be controlled by a sediment basin. The minimum storage capacity of a sediment basin shall be 134 cubic yards per acre of drainage area. The outfall system shall, at a minimum, maintain the structural integrity of the basin during a twenty - five year storm of 24 -hour duration. Runoff coefficients used in runoff calculations shall correspond to a bare earth condition or those conditions expected to exist while the sediment basin is utilized. 7. Cut and fill slopes shall be designed and constructed in a manner that will minimize erosion. Slopes that are found to be eroding excessively within one year of permanent stabilization shall be provided with additional slope stabilizing measures until the problem is corrected. 8. Concentrated runoff shall not flow down cut or fill slopes unless contained within an adequate temporary or permanent channel, flume or slope drain structure. 9. Whenever water seeps from a slope face, adequate drainage or other protection shall be provided. 10. All storm sewer inlets that are made operable during construction shall be protected so that sediment -laden water cannot enter the conveyance system without first being filtered or otherwise treated to remove sediment. 11. Before newly constructed stormwater conveyance channels or pipes are made operational, adequate outlet protection and any required temporary or permanent channel lining shall be installed in both the conveyance channel and receiving channel. 12. When work in a live watercourse is performed, precautions shall be taken to minimize encroachment, control sediment transport and stabilize the work area to the greatest extent possible during construction. Nonerodible material shall be used for the construction of causeways and cofferdams. Earthen fill may be used for these structures if armored by nonerodible cover materials. 13. When a live watercourse must be crossed by construction vehicles more than twice in any six -month period, a temporary vehicular stream crossing constructed of nonerodible material shall be provided. 14. All applicable federal, state and local regulations pertaining to working in or crossing live watercourses shall be met. 15. The bed and banks of a watercourse shall be stabilized immediately after work in the watercourse is completed. 16. Underground utility lines shall be installed in accordance with the following standards in addition to other applicable criteria: a. No more than 500 linear feet of trench may be opened at one time. b. Excavated material shall be placed on the uphill side of trenches. c. Effluent from dewatering operations shall be filtered or passed through approved sediment trapping device, or both, and discharged in a manner that does not adversely affect flowing streams or off -site property. d. Material used for backfilling trenches shall be properly compacted in order to minimize erosion and promote stabilization. e. Restabilization shall be accomplished in accordance with these regulations. f. Applicable safety regulations shall be complied with. 17. Where construction vehicle access routes intersect paved or public roads, provisions shall be made to minimize the transport of sediment by vehicular tracking onto the paved surface. Where sediment is transported onto a paved or public road surface, the road surface shall be cleaned thoroughly at the end of each day. Sediment shall be removed from the roads by shoveling or sweeping and transported to a sediment control disposal area. Street washing shall be allowed only after sediment is removed in this manner. This provision shall apply to individual development lots as well as to larger land - disturbing activities. 18. All temporary erosion and sediment control measures shall be removed within 30 days after final site stabilization or after the temporary measures are no longer needed, unless otherwise authorized by the local program authority. Trapped sediment and the disturbed soil areas resulting from the disposition of temporary measures shall be permanently stabilized to prevent further erosion and sedimentation. 19. Properties and waterways downstream from development sites shall be protected from sediment deposition, erosion and damage due to increases in volume, velocity and peak flow rate of stormwater runoff for the stated frequency storm of 24 -hour duration in accordance with the following standards and criteria: a. Concentrated stormwater runoff leaving a development site shall be discharged directly into an adequate natural or man -made receiving channel, pipe or storm sewer system. For those sites where runoff is discharged into a pipe or pipe system, downstream stability analyses at the outfall of the pipe or pipe system shall be performed. b. Adequacy of all channels and pipes shall be verified in the following manner: 1) The applicant shall demonstrate that the total drainage area to the point of analysis within the channel is one hundred times greater than the contributing drainage area of the project in question; or 2) (a) Natural channels shall be analyzed by the use of a two -year storm to verify that stormwater will not overtop channel banks nor cause erosion of channel bed or banks; and 1. (b) All previously constructed man -made channels shall be analyzed by the use of a ten - year storm to verify that stormwater will not overtop its banks and by the use of a two - year storm to demonstrate that stormwater will not cause erosion of channel bed or banks; and 2. (c) Pipes and storm sewer systems shall be analyzed by the use of a ten -year storm to verify that stormwater will be contained within the pipe or system. c. If existing natural receiving channels or previously constructed man -made channels or pipes are not adequate, the applicant shall: 1) Improve the channel to a condition where a ten -year storm will not overtop the banks and a two -year storm will not cause erosion to the channel bed or banks; or 2) Improve the pipe or pipe system to a condition where the ten -year storm is contained within the appurtenances; or 3) Develop a site design that will not cause the pre - development peak runoff rate from a two - year storm to increase when runoff outfalls into a natural channel or will not cause the pre - development peak runoff rate from a ten -year storm to increase when runoff outfalls into a man -made channel; or 4) Provide a combination of channel improvement, stormwater detention or other measures which is satisfactory to the plan- approving authority to prevent downstream erosion. d. The applicant shall provide evidence of permission to make the improvements. e. All hydrologic analyses shall be based on the existing watershed characteristics and the ultimate development of the subject project. f. If the applicant chooses an option that includes stormwater detention he shall obtain approval from the locality of a plan for maintenance of the detention facilities. The plan shall set forth the maintenance requirements of the facility and the person responsible for performing the maintenance. g. Outfall from a detention facility shall be discharged to a receiving channel, and energy dissipators shall be placed at the outfall of all detention facilities as necessary to provide a stabilized transition from the facility to the receiving channel. h. All on -site channels must be verified to be adequate. i. Increased volumes of sheet flows that may cause erosion or sedimentation on adjacent property shall be diverted to a stable outlet, adequate channel, pipe or pipe system, or to a detention facility. j. In applying these stormwater runoff criteria, individual lots or parcels in a residential, commercial or industrial development shall not be considered to be separate development projects. Instead, the development, as a whole, shall be considered to be a single development project. Hydrologic parameters that reflect the ultimate development condition shall be used in all engineering calculations. k. All measures used to protect properties and waterways shall be employed in a manner which minimizes impacts on the physical, chemical and biological integrity of rivers, streams and other waters of the state. DITCH CALCULATIONS 0) C U) N L U Q cu v lJ/ n E 0 0 _0 E co O` slJewaa O 0 0 v n ac E E io a a u) mold to 4ldaQ J oL 'p 19 o 0 0 4 J(Z 'q 0v coV1 o.Cl)M a 0 0 0 v n 4000 s6uluuew 'u o 0 0 3 000 v N a p au 6ulul lauuego zcow2 a H U 0 M CDQ N LOO>00oLOwO 0 0 adols leulpnll6uol 'g m o on c 0 0 0 glpinn wo;;oq L L:x) adols apls lg6u C?C? co co L:x) adols apls ual 0 0 0nco0o0 N M Mv s S O MO JAb) 0 OL OlD m o N rm ao ai ai of a s ;o) moll AZ 'ZD n rn rn om o MO 0 1sa;ul JAOL 'o [I OU'Oa O u c 0 0 co lsa;ul J(Z 'ZI o ooq v v v CL n uiw) 0u00 ;o awl; '0 0 LO 0 Lo 0 LO o Ln 00 pa;elnwn00e wns Vo LO 0 0 0 0 0 CY) c O u n oO T uawaJOUI yo o 0 0 0 0 Jjaoo leuogeJ 'o Lq0 0 0 0 0 saJOe)N o easy abeuleJd 'v o 0 0 Q N M I L e ;g JO '3al pue aweN F N M cn Q Q m U)U)U) U STATI N co 7 0 cxa t o S Ty' A co p* d C5 t DRAINAGE CALCULATIONSATIONS 1 Project: Pollak VineyardsIZAJLIO } AL METHOD WORKSHEET Y OR:L` [p SHEET Date: 1/3/2008 Designer: 1MOS Watershed ID: SD A2 Drainage Area: 3.58 Acres c- factor: 0.40 tc: 11.81 mins. Q(2): 5.50 cfs Q(10): 7.21 cfs Time of Concentration Worksheet Weighted c- factor Worksheet Overland Flow Time Source: Seelye Chart as modified in VDOT Drainage Manual (Fig. on Page 1 -13E) Notes: 1) Length of overland flow always - 200 ft 2) Calculate a separate Tc for each ground cover condition along the flow path 200.00 Enter Length of Strip (ft)Sample "C" values: 4.881 Enter Slope (% or ft/100ft)0.22 Dense grass 0.40 Enter Rational Method "C" value 0.28 Average grass 2 0.36 Poor grass 9.24 Result Tc (minutes)0.48 Bare soil 11.8 0.90 Pavement Shallow Concentrated Flow Time Source: SCS Velocity Graph as published in Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, Third Edition (Plate 5 -2 on Page V -12) Notes: 1) Not intended for well - defined channels - see channel flow calculation 2 Calculate a separate Tc for each ground cover condition along the flow path 503.35 Enter Length of Flow (ft) 4.131 Enter Slope (% or ft /1 2.56 Result Tc (minutes) IF UNPAVED 2.00 Result Tc (minutes) IF PAVED Channel Flow Time Source: Kirpich Chart as modified in VDOT Drainage Manual (Fig. on Page 1 -14) Notes: 1) For small drainage basins. 2 For concrete channels, use 0.2 *Tc 0.00 Enter Length of Flow (ft) 1.001 Enter Height of most remote point along flow path above outlet 0.00 Result Tc (minutes) Pipe Flow Time Assumes 10 ft/s velocity in pipe 0.00 Enter Length of Flow in Pipe (ft) 0.00 Result Tc (minutes) Rainfall Intensity (Albemarle County, Virginia) Return Duration Intensity Period mins.) I in /hr) 2 11.8 3.8 5 11.8 4.5 10 11.8 5.0 25 11.8 5.6 50 11.8 6.1 100 11.8 6.6 Cover Type Area c Undeveloped 3.58 0.40 c- factor = 0.40 Acceptable values for duration are between 5 and 60 minutes. Use values outside this range at risk. co F— C N b N CIO Q d. b ulw) 9wl1 MOI.3 0 0 n 0 o 0 N 0 0 0 sdl) AloOPA "'A to r v N v ad 0 o NCR sdl) A100 an "A co In ID s ;D) AllDedeo M01.J IIn:J o ho r a N o m N ui) jejeweld 'Q n In In In In Inwo_0x o adols'S rn m InV rn oo 0 c It ui N o1 W c2 4800 s,6uluuew 'u n o 0 n 0 0 In 0 0 In 000 In 0 In 0 0 4) 436u91 edld'1 0Nrn Nmri a 0 NIn rOro O_N 0 V UK 0 ainloruls ;o ul yanuQ C?o m o d 3 ;)1n0 119AUI m W N oW oW mA c d ainloruls ;o lno yanul)N 1° ia 0 rn 4) ul Uanul Nm Nw ao Om om w NO) Moll local '0,10 N1 O no N M C aC)U O NO) MOIl Ie304 11r)In v o m S ;O) JJUI MO'olU N WW 4 W LLNOO c 5 ;D) 'JOUI MOB; ' "to 7 0 ro 0 s 0 r 0 0 0 A41SOIL11 IlelUlel 'Ot O W sn tpD Dc0 t0D A!salul llelu1eJ 'zl CnM W In NoIn WT In E In W In ulw) DU004O8wll'oj In n ui iri Iri paleinwnooe cans y7 0 0 0 0 0 O O rm hlawa.lDUi V7 v o o 0 0 0 0 0 4800 euollej'o 0 z,0 p0 m 0 a o a d sajoe)N N o mIn ease a6euleJ, 'm 0 0 0 0 0 ainlonj3S 6ulpu3 m m U U o d a.lnloruls 6ullie3S 3 m m 3 U U 3 0 a I liz I I 1 14 C) GSAk- —\ n (- ,, 1 Ak A P APIt COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Albemarle County Health Department PO Box 7546 Charlottesville, VA 22906 434) 972 -6259 Professional Engineer Construction Permit Approval Letter — Level I Review July 12, 2007 David Pollack 8465 Eustis Farm Lane Cincinnati, OH 45243 Subject: Sewage Disposal System Construction Permit Health Department ID # 101 -07 -0368 Tax Map ID 6913-44 Dear Mr. Pollack, This letter, in conjunction with the approved plans dated July 12, 2007, which are attached, constitutes your permit to install a Type II Sewage Disposal System. The application for a permit was submitted pursuant to §32.1 -163.5 of the Code of Virginia which requires the Health Department to accept private soil evaluations and designs from an Authorized Onsite Soil Evaluator (AOSE) or a Professional Engineer working in consultation with an AOSE for residential development. The permitted site was certified as being in compliance with the Board of Health's regulations (and local ordinances if the locality has authorized the local health department to accept private evaluations for compliance with local ordinances) by: Michael Craun, Professional Engineer License Number 036859. This letter is issued in reliance upon that certification. The Board of Health hereby recognizes that the soil and site conditions acknowledged by this correspondence, and documented by additional records on file at the local health department, are suitable for the installation of onsite sewage disposal systems. The attached plat (or plats) shows the approved areas for the sewage disposal systems. This letter is void if there is any substantial physical change in the soil or site conditions where a sewage disposal system is to be located. If modifications or revisions are necessary between now and when you construct your dwelling, please contact the Authorized Onsite Soil Evaluator (AOSE) or Professional Engineer (PE) who performed the evaluation and design on which this permit is based. The name, address, and phone number of the AOSE /PE appears on the certification form attached to this permit. Should revisions be necessary during construction, your contractor should consult with the AOSE /PE that submitted the site evaluation. The AOSE or PE is authorized to make minor adjustments in the location or design of the system at the time of construction provided adequate documentation is provided to the Albemarle County Health Department. This authorization is null and void if conditions are changed from those shown on the application or conditions are changed from those shown on the attached construction drawings, plans and specifications. No part of any installation shall be covered or used until inspected, corrections made if necessary, and approved by the Albemarle County Health Department or unless expressly authorized by the Albemarle County Health Department. Any part of any installation which has been covered prior to approval shall be uncovered if necessary, upon the direction of the Department. This authorization to construct a sewage disposal system expires: January 12, 2009. Sincerely, Josh Kirtley Environmental Health Specialist Senior Project Manual Sewage Disposal System Design June 25, 2007 TMP 69B -45 Pollak Vineyard LLC 382 Newtown Road Greenwood, VA 22943 Albemarle County Owner: Pollak Vineyard LLC 382 Newtown Road Greenwood, VA 22943 Contents: In M 1. Engineer Certification 2. Calculations/Narrative lication 3. Soil work and Construction Permit App 4. Ksat Analysis 5. Zabel A300 Cut Sheet 6. Zoeller N 161 Flow Mate Installation and O &M Instructions a. Zoeller Effluent Submersible Pump 7. Orenco MVPS1PTRO Control Panel a. Float Arrangement b. Panel Wiring Diagram c. Setting Instructions d. Operation8. Orenco Float Switch Assembly and Float Collar Old Dominion Engineering 2036 Forest Drive Waynesboro, VA 22980 540) 942 -5600 ntelos.netEmail: olddomeng a MICHAEL F CRAUN No. 036859 ssONAL K CERTIFICATION STATEMENT County: Albemarle County Property Identification: Pollak Vineyard LLC• TMP 69B -45 382 Newtown Road Greenwood, VA 22943 Submitted by: Old Dominion Engineering I hereby certify that the evaluations and designs contained herein were conducted in accordance with the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations (12 VAC 5- 610 -10 et.seq., the `Regulations') n the policies of the Virginia Department of Health for osimplementationofthW #lations. Furthermore, I certify that the evaluations andb designs comply approved. Licensed PE: Michael Craun of the Regulations. I recommend a Permit e Z u7Date: of MICHAEL F. CRAUN No. 036859 Pollak Vineyard Narrative /Calculations Property Use Vineyard/Winery Meetings, receptions, events Building Occupancy load; 100 people (max) The building's primary use is for support of the winery and vineyard operations of PollakVineyardLLC. This would include full time workers, seasonal workers, and customervisitations. The building will also be used for meetings, receptions, and events. Largeoutdooreventswillbeheldoutdoorsduringthesummerandportabletoiletfacilitieswillbeusedexclusivelyfortheseevents. Meetings will be smaller affairs and be heldsporadicallyinthebuildingusuallylastinghalfdayorfullday. Food for meetings,events, and receptions will be catered and the building will not have a commercialkitchen. (There will be no facilities for cooking or dishwashing on the premises.) Design Restraints /Concepts The onsite sewage disposal system will be designed for sanitary waste only, nowinerywashdownorprocesswastewaterwillbeputintothesystem. Thebuildinghasaseparateplumbingsystemforsanitaryandwineprocesswaste.The winery /vineyard business is in its infancy. The wastewater system will besizedtoallowthewinery /vineyard to handle growth. The timer settings will besettohandleandefficientlydisperseeffluentduringthebeginningphaseofthe business. As the business grows will allow the winery / vflneyard operation manage changed. The control panel w to i monitor waste water flows.The facility will experience weekly and seasonal variations in flow. Flowequalizationwillbeusedtoregulatetheamountofeffluentflowtothedrainfield.Off season will serve as a resting time for the drainfield. The sewage system will be sized for maximum events loading. There will be no facilities for cooking or dishwashing on the premises n F ti MICHAEL F. CRAUN No. 036859 kS 10, A L EZ`l,' Estimated Daily Water Usage Water usage at the facility will be from several sources: Full time employees part time employees Seasonal Employees Meeting participants Visitors to the winery The business has a seasonal nature with peak visitor onhave sized the syemlto ewi estimating both the in season and out of season use, owth. The allow for water usage capacity exceedingtrackig the water usage r o future s not toas the winery /vineyard manager will b optimize the time dosing to the drainfie ld , permitted effluent dosing to the drainfield, and to monitor actual water usage. Employee Water Usage 4 full time and 8 part time. Seasonal The rojected number of employees isp employees will be used as needed. 4 full time employees — 4 x 15 gpd = 60 gpd Up to 8 part time 8 x 15 gpd =120 gpd Meeting Water Usage will be held during the week and will be les P* Meetings at the facilitypeople. Usually these meetings will be less than a day. 100 people per meeting (max — usually less) Low flush toilet 1. a gallonsonlonper flush Hand washing .2 g p er 100 people x 3 bathroom trips x 2.0 gallons per trip = 600 gallons Visitor Water Usage (Projected) Visitors to the winery will be on the premises for a relatively short per tour the winery and to partake in wine stasting. The number of visitors estimate is the projected number of visit In season Weekend 100 visitors x 2 gallon per visitor = 200 GPD Week day 50 visitors x 2 gallon per visitors = 100 GPD Off Season Weekend 50 visitors x 2 gallon per visitor = 100 GPD Week day 10 visitors x 2 gallon per visitors = 20 GPD Estimated Maximum Flow Rate per Day = 820 GPD Estimated Low Flow Rate per Day = 80 GPD Design Flow Rates Maximum Allowable Water Usage per Day = 1500 galloons Maximum Allowable Water Usage per week = 8400 gallons Maximum Equalized Flow to Drainfield = 1200 GPD MAX NO commercial Kitchen, NO washdown or process waste Waste Water Treatment Waste water treatment will be through septic tanks and drainfield. Use 2 septic tanks in series: First Septic Tank 1500 gallons Second Septic Tank 1500 gallons The tanks will behave as a larger baffle tank o Eliminate solids transfer to pump tank and to drainfield. o First tank to also act as a trash tank (paper cups, sanitary napkins, etc.) At 48 hr hydraulic retention time the allowable maximum daily flow = 1500 GPD The Septic tanks could handle a maximum flow of 1500 GPD and still maintain a 48 hr detention time. All Septic Tanks to have risers to allow for inspection and easy pump out. The septic tank will have a high quality effluent filter to remove any solids, BOD zg Maximum Allowable Daily Flow = 1500 GPD MfCHA F. CRAUN No. 036859 o NAL „ pump Tank and Enhanced Flow1E4ualized Flow gallon tanks 1500 g2 gallons — 6• Liqui D = 54 both tanks) 375 g Per inch (both 1500 GPDsP = inch = 440 gallons) 55.6 gallon 1 d124 hr anon/ ve alarm float 6 hr x e , 0 x 55.6) g e abO for additional storag ( Required storag 'Vert to allow Use 8 below undant off to protect pump 14 Red „onloff = 20 off 28,E de timer 0 Off de timer 46" =1445 gallonsovem "2 Fl equalization available = 54 ced flEnhan 6 gallons per foot full owingofpipeflowing full ^; e`' .; °,4 4" pipe has . rovideW ante flow need to p T enh n x 6 = .4 gallons per foot, 66 gallo 1050 LNFT prainfreld has 14 lines @ 751 420 gallons Per dose = 7.5 inches g4allons per foot x 1050 LNFT Pumping Rate ft test) ft (need to verify With x.2.5 GPM @ 41 tank will fill enoug settings ualizaump d opthe It will T inner an/off that the flow eq s will 1 set so 420 gallons } to be p Timer on/Off setting volume ( rate of the drainfield the equalized flo a imum loading b allow the actual mbesetbelow er dose = 420 gallons 1 doses per day = 9.88 minutes p tin 9.88 minutes on; 24 hrs off Timer set g vvv v 4AEL F. CRALUN No. 036859 Over Ride Time Setting Over ride timer on/off settings will be set so that the approximate equalized flow rate will be dosed to the drainfield at the drainfield design loading rate (420 gallons per dose 1200 gallons per day). 420 gallons /42.5 GPM = 9.88 minutes 1200 GPD / 420 gallons per dose = 2.85 doses per day = 8.4 hours Over ride timer setting = 9.88 minutes on; 8.4 hours off The timer settings and float heights will need to be adjusted as the business grows. The equalized flow rate to the drainfield shall: not exceed 1200 gpd dose the enhanced flow rate of 420 gallon per dose r FI ' 2 Drainfield Area Drainfield is designed based on a maximum daily equalized flow rate to the drainfield of 1200 GPD. The drainfield will not be heavily used during the start up phase of the winery /vineyard. Estimated Perc Rate = 50 min/in @ 60" = 251 ft /100 gallons 1200 GPD x 251 ft /100 gallons = 3012 SQFT Use 14 lines; 3' Wide; 75' long = 3150 SQFT Butterfly design — 50% each side Split flow to each side of the butterfly Depth of installation = 60" 13" of gravel NO SUBSTITUTED SYSTEMS ALLOWED MICHAEL F CRAUN a 036859 J Sr 0NAL E Distribution Box Flow Equalization f, pG' r MICHAEL F. CRAUN Noy. 036859 Ago G, a s -17 f OIVA L r` Number of D Percentage of Drainfield Trench Area Percentage of Total Box Effluent Flow from D Trench Area Ports Used to Box Ports Equalize Flow Area 1 1575 SQFT 50%1 50% Area 2 1575 SQFT 50%1 50% f, p G' r MICHAEL F. CRAUN Noy. 036859 Ago G, a s -17 f OIVA L r` Page 1 of 8 Commonwealth of Virginia Application for: ® Sewage System Water Supply VDH Use Only Health Department ID# Due Date: Owner:Pollak Vineyard LLC Phone:434 - 242 -3858 Mailing Address:382 Newtown Road Greeenwood, VA 22943 Phone: Fax: Agent:Old Dominion Engineering Phone:540- 942 -5600 Mailing Address:2036 Forest Drive Waynesboro, VA 22980 Phone: Fax:540- 213 -02970 Site Address:382 Newtown Road Greenville, VA 22943 Email: Directions to Property:250 west from Yancey Mill, right on 796, right on 690. Winery in on the left. Subdivision: Section: Block: Lot: Tax Map:6913-45 Other Property Identification: Dimension/Acreage of Property: 33 acres Sewage System Type of Approval: Applicants for new construction are advised to apply for a certification letter to determine if land is suitable for a sewage system and to apply for a construction permit (valid for 18 months) only when ready to build. For New Construction: Certification Letter ® Construction Permit Subdivision Review For Existing Construction: Repair Modification Expansion Replacement Proposed Use: Single Family Home (Number of Bedrooms ) Multi - Family Dwelling (Total Number of Bedrooms ) Other (describe) Bathroom facilities for Winery see engineered plans Will there be a basement: Yes ® No If yes, will there be fixtures in the Basement? Yes No Are any conditions proposed on this construction permit? ® Yes No If yes, please check or describe all proposed Conditions that apply: Reduced Water Flow Limited Occupancy Intermittent or seasonal use Temporary use not to exceed 1 year ® Other (describe) max daily equalized flow to drainfield of 1200 GPD. f Water Supply Will the water supply be Public or ® Private Is the Water supply ® Existing or Proposed ` If proposed, is this a replacement well? Yes No Will the old well be abandoned Yes No Have any buildings within 100' of the proposed well been termite treated? Yes ® No All Applicants Is this an AOSE/PE application? ® Yes No If yes, is the AOSE/PE package attached? ® Yes No In order for VDH to process your application you must attach a site sketch and plat of the property. The site sketch should show your property lines, actual and /or proposed buildings and the desired location of your well and /or sewage system. When the site evaluation is conducted the property lines, building location and the proposed well and sewage system sites must be clearly marked and the property sufficiently visible to see the topography, otherwise this application will be denied. w I give permission th Virginia Department of Health (VDH) to enter onto the property described during normal business hours for th pu processing th' a lic on and to perform quality assurance checks of evaluations and designs certified by an Authorized Onsite Soil AOS or a ro ssi nal Engineer (PE) as necessary until the sewage disposal system has been constructed and approved. O FL l Signature of Owner /Agent Date MICHAEL F. CRAUN No. 036859 Page 2 of 8 Soil Summary Report Pollak Winery, Route 691 Albemarle County Soil Information Summary 1. Position in landscape satisfactory? Yes ® No Describe: Sideslope 2. Slope 14 % 3. Depth to Rock or impervious strata: Max. 84" Min. 84" 4. Depth to seasonal water table (gray mottling or gray color): No ® Yes Inches 5. Free water present: No ® Yes range in inches Yes ® Texture Group I II III ® IV 6. Soil percolation rate estimated? No Estimated rate 50 min/inch @ 60" 7. Permeability test performed Yes ® No If yes, note type of test performed and attach Johnson Permeameter (KSAT) see engineer project manual KSAT analysis Site Approved Drainfield to be placed at 60" depth at site designated on permit Site Disapproved Reason for Rejection 1. Position in landscape subject to flooding or periodic saturation 2. Insufficient depth of suitable soil over hard rock 3. Insufficient depth of suitable soil to seasonal water table 4. Rates of absorption too slow. 5. Insufficient area of acceptable soil for required drainfield, and or reserve area 6. Proposed system too close to well 7. Other Specify r i t qJ ' Oc HUEL F. CRAUN No. 036859 CNAL E G Page 3 of 8 Soil Profile Reserve and Primary Areas Pollak Vineyard LLC Albemarle County Hole Depth Horizon Material Description Soil in)Texture Group 1 0 -12 B 2.5YR 4/6 Red Medium Clay Loam 3 12 -36 B2 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Clay Loam 3 with 10YR 5/8 yellowish brown parent mottles 36 -48 BC 1OYR 5/6 Yellowish Brown Light 2/3 Clay Loam to Sandy Clay Loam with 10YR 7/8 yellow & 10YR 6/1 parent mottles 48 -84 CB 10YR 5/4 Yellowish Brown Sandy 2 Loam with 7.5YR 5/8 strong brown and 7.5YR 8//4 pink parent mottles becoming a little dense g 84" 2 0 -14 B 2.5YR 4/6 Red Medium Clay Loam 3 14 -30 B2 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Clay Loam 3 30 -50 BC 10YR 5/6 Yellowish Brown Sandy 2 Clay Loam with 10YR 8/1 white and 7.5YR 5/8 strong brown parent mottles 50 -84 CB 7.5YR 6/8 Reddish Yellow Sandy 2 Loam with 7.5YR pinkish gray and 5YR 5/8 strong brown parent mottles f 3 0 -12 B 2.5YR 4/6 Red Medium Clay Loam 3 12 -33 B2 5YR 5/8 Yellowish Red Clay Loam 3 33 -48 BC 5YR 5/6 Light Clay Loam with 7.5 3 7/8 reddish yellow parent mottles 48 -84 CB 7.5YR 5/8 Strong Brown fine Sandy 2 Clay Loam with 2.5YR 4/6 Red and 7.5YR 7/1 light gray parent mottling r ICHAEL F CRAUN No. 036859 4 ONAL Ell GiAti N • • 4 0 -36 A 2.5YR 4/4 Reddish Brown Medium 3/4 Clay Loam capping with many rounded rocks 36 -50 B 2.5YR 4/6 Red Clay Loam with 3 graphite pebbles and 25% cobbles 50 -84 CB 7.5YR 6/4 Light Brown Sandy Loam 2 with 5YR 5/8 strong brown and 5YR 7/1 light gray parent mottles MICHAEL F. CRAUN No. 036859 w NAL E1'tiG` Page 5 of 8 Sewage Disposal System Construction Specifications General Information New ® Repair Expanded Owner Pollak Vineyard LLC Telephone 434 - 242 -3858 Address 382 Newtown Road, Greenwood, VA 22943 For a Type 3 sewage disposal system which is to be constructed on/at TMP 69B -45 Subdivision I Section Block Lot Actual or estimated water use 1200 gpd DESIGN NOTES Water supply, existing: (describe) 3B To be installed: Class Cased 50 Grouted 50 Building sewer: 4" I.D. PVC 40, or equivalent. Slope 1.25" per 10' (minimum) Other Septic tank: Capacity 2 -1500 gals. See engineered design Other effluent filter- see engineered design plans Inlet- outlet structure: PVC 40, 4" tees or equivalent. Other Pump and pump station: No I Yes ® Describe and show design.See engineered design If Yes see attached engineered design Gravity mains: 3" or larger ID, minimum 6 "fall per 100',1500 lb crush strength or equivalent Other 2" schedule 40 with long slip joints Distribution box: Precast concrete 3 with 12 ports See engineered design Other Header lines: Material: 4" plastic 1000 lb. Per foot bearing load or equivalent from distribution box to 2' into absorption trench. Slope 2" minimum. Other Percolation lines: Gravity 4" plastic 1000 lb per foot bearing load or equivalent, slope 2" 4" (min.max) per 100' Other SAL Absorption trenches: Square ft. required 3150 Depth from ground surface to bottom of trench 60" ; Trench width 36"Butt ystem FDepthofaggregate13" Trench length 75' Number of trenches 14 j La MF V 'c tAUN IV& 036859 1k' EI?G, Page 6 o 8 Abbreviated Design pollak Vineyard Albemarle Co Desigu ,gas's A Estimated Percolation Rate e feet B. Trench bottm 00gallonsRequiredper Table 5.4 gravity C. Estimated Water Usage Max Equalized flow to DF) D T a k( size 50 @ 60" 251 1200 GPD (see engineered design) 2 —1500 gal in serie Arca Calculatio 75 E Leng of trench (ft) 175 to 182 F Length of available area 3 G. width of trench (ft.) 7 y 14 (buttcrfly) H. N of trenches g 1 Center -to- center spacing (ft.)57 J Width required (ft -) 156 K• width of available area (ft) 3412 L. Total square footage required 3150 aced e in design yes, 100% provided within investigated Square footage rnllwired? * N , Is a reserve area req stem allowed , " NO substituted sy c F MICHAEL R CRAUN 436859 linli.11 0v t d N I 3 i= Lo 0 0 M 00 LO M Lf) N O V O 00 O LIQ M w N aU U w C C LO d O N D t. O N e- ICT T 00 LO ib C a ° 4 z o o >c . F- Z Q m U J W Ec u c o a w c ctl c o b 0. O Ec r c o a Cl. y o c 3 O C Ebll D U .U+G x W H CO LTa UO UO d v a.. Q v ( 2 9r9 1 o a 0 N C4 ct Q 1 i i i i i 3 o 0017O W N i= Lo i= tf) O M 00 LO M Lf) N O V O 00 O LIQ M w N LO M D t. O C14 N e- ICT T 00 LO O co 1- 1- T,- N CO) F- Z Q m U J W 0 0. 0. O i O r O t3 J O W N WO O O 00 N O O t~ cd O Q F s., O a . U +1 A7 M l 1307032 Page 8 of 8 Certification Statement County: Albemarle Date: June 25, 2007 Property Identification: TMP 6813-45 382 Newtown Rd; Greenwood Rd Submitted by: Michael F. Craun This is to certify according to §32.1 -163.5 of the Code of Virginia that work submitted for the referred property is in accordance to and complies with the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations of the Virginia Department of Health. 1 recommend a permit be approved 2 i AOSE Date: Soil Consultant Date: This blank must be filled in with one of the following terms: 'permit', 'certification letter', or 'subdivision approval'. 2This blank must be filled in either the term 'approved' or'denied'. If the submission contains a certification by a professional engineer in consultation with an AOSE, the following statement shall be signed and sealed: hereby certify that the evaluations and designs contained herein (refer to subdivision, lot, etc.) were conducted in accordance with the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations (12 VAC 5- 610-10 et seq., the "Regulations ") and the policies of the Virginia Department of Health for implementation of those Regulations. Furthermore, I certify that the evaluations and designs comply with the minimum requirements of the Regulations. I recommend Licensed PE: pproved z Date: Seal i This blank must be filled in with one of the following terms: 'permit', 'certification letter', or subdivision approval'. 2This blank must be filled in either the term 'approved' or'denied'. MICHAEL F. CRAUN No. 036859 ONAL50!G KSAT Analysis Pollak Vineya TMP 69B -45 Albemarle County 3une 25, 2007 Submitted by: Michael Craun PE Old Dominion Eu ineering 7,036 Forest Drive, Waynesboro, VA 27,98 540 -25 -1700 Contents: Calculatiol th ratTiest Locations Site Plan wth Ks Ksat Test Data Carl Peacock,Sat Conversion Table MICHAEL- F. CRAUN No. 036859 rj J 1SSWI(ONAL Areas of Ksat Tests The saturated permeability (Ksat) of the drainfield area was evaluated using a Johnson Permeameter to compare and verify the estimated perc rates used in the design of the drainfield. The Ksat tests were run at a depth of 60" to 72 ". The deeper tests were run one foot below installation depth and the shallower tests were run at installation depth. The locations of specific Ksat tests and the Ksat worksheet for each test location is attached at the back of the report. Summary of Ksat results The following tables present the Ksat test results for each area. Drainfield Area* Test Number Depth inches) Representative Ksat value cm /day) Al 72 24.5 A2 60 23.1 131 72 20.2 B2 60 27.9 C1 72 11.5 C2 60 4.3 All Ksats were evaluated with a Johnson Permeameter Representative Ksats for Test Areas The minimum number of Ksat tests to conduct in an area is 4. We conducted 6 Ksat measurements in the drainfield area. The representative Ksat for that area can be determined in two ways: 1. For 4 tests; the representative value is the second lowest value Ksat test result for an area. (For 6 tests; the representative value is the third lowest.) 2. The permeameter designer /manufacturer recommends using the geometric mean of the Ksat test results for an area as the representative value. Representative Ksat values for Drainfield Area We propose the more restrictive representative value of 15.8 cm/day as the appropriate ksat value for the drainfield area. Methods for Determining Loading Rates from Ksat Values There have been several methods developed by researchers to convert Ksat test results in to long term acceptance rates or hydraulic loading rates for drainfield/drip field design. Most models include the ability to modify the loading rate based upon the effluent strength of the wastewater being introduced into the drainfield/drip field area. The purpose of this Ksat analysis is to compare and verify the estimated perc rate used in our design, therefore we have only presented 2 methods for the analysis of the Ksat test results. Clear Water Permeability (unit conversion) Ksats can be reported in cm/days. To convert to a loading rate the following unit conversion calculation can be done. 15.8 cm r 1 ft P .4805gal 3 9 gal day 30.48cm ft day — ft 2 We refer to this loading rate as a clear water loading rate. This does represent a realistic acceptable long term Hydraulic Loading Rate (HLR) for treated wastewater effluent. We do not use this for HLR of drainfield or drip field design. Carl Peacock Table Virginia Department of Health has a table that has been developed by Carl Peacock. A copy is attached to the report. His table correlates Ksat test results to Table 5.4 of the Representative Representative Ksat Value Ksat Value Area cm /day)cm /day) 3rd lowest)geometric mean) Drainfield Area 20.2 15.8 We propose the more restrictive representative value of 15.8 cm/day as the appropriate ksat value for the drainfield area. Methods for Determining Loading Rates from Ksat Values There have been several methods developed by researchers to convert Ksat test results in to long term acceptance rates or hydraulic loading rates for drainfield/drip field design. Most models include the ability to modify the loading rate based upon the effluent strength of the wastewater being introduced into the drainfield/drip field area. The purpose of this Ksat analysis is to compare and verify the estimated perc rate used in our design, therefore we have only presented 2 methods for the analysis of the Ksat test results. Clear Water Permeability (unit conversion) Ksats can be reported in cm/days. To convert to a loading rate the following unit conversion calculation can be done. 15.8 cm r 1 ft P .4805gal 3 9 gal day 30.48cm ft day — ft 2 We refer to this loading rate as a clear water loading rate. This does represent a realistic acceptable long term Hydraulic Loading Rate (HLR) for treated wastewater effluent. We do not use this for HLR of drainfield or drip field design. Carl Peacock Table Virginia Department of Health has a table that has been developed by Carl Peacock. A copy is attached to the report. His table correlates Ksat test results to Table 5.4 of the Regulations and is based upon septic tank effluent with gravity distribution or low pressure distribution. This table is generally consistent with other models developed by researchers and is appropriate for both drip loading rates and septic tank effluent (gravity or low pressure distribution). Using the equivalent loading rates from the Peacock table and Table 5.4 of the Regulations we can find the perc rate equivalent. Equivalent Perc Rates using Carl Peacock Table Conclusions Based upon the Ksat analysis results for the drainfield area, the equivalent perc rate would be 25 min/in. This is a faster rate than was determined based upon field observation and classification of soil (50 min/in). The design perc rate used for the drainfield design is 50 min/in is adequate when compared to the field observation and as verified from Ksat analysis. Loading Rate Representative Equivalent Table 5.4) Area Ksat Vale Perc Rate cm /day)min /in)ft2 /100 gal) Gravity LPD Pad 15.8 25 158 158 Area Conclusions Based upon the Ksat analysis results for the drainfield area, the equivalent perc rate would be 25 min/in. This is a faster rate than was determined based upon field observation and classification of soil (50 min/in). The design perc rate used for the drainfield design is 50 min/in is adequate when compared to the field observation and as verified from Ksat analysis. c . KSAT Series LoEa pion 790.63 Qj A 803.37 V 1 I I 1 1 I 1 -1 1 1 CAD CD I IJ 1 1Fellce C I1 ' 1 790.39 t 803.34 KSAT PLAN Pollak Vineyard TMP 69B -45 Albemarle County, Virginia NTS 9 Old Dominion Engineeringcr 4 . 0 2036 Forest Drive Waynesboro, VA 22980 (540) 942 -5600 olddomeng(antelos.net 0 0 0 0 O N O ai O W cp 00 00 O O O O O 0 O V O N u Lp 00 M O O N N N o LQ NO v 1 V v v v v Z N O O O O O O O O O O a CO r a Ina!ca) N cn T c Ln 0 r rn v v u Ln N al M r CO v M M co N r N t N v N v N v N v 11 ccc pIt L C O 0 R ROgyp O1 tr VvOU3QUW v V V v V V v V v VLLBc3ppvNR W a)H O O O O O O O O O O N v C Y y W w W W W W W IL W W L N al T O M O M M 00 c0 0p N M V V M CO M Cl)N N N ai rn c p V O m R rn ZO3 o R C 3 u N M V N O f0 Q)p N N N N N II E O O O O O O O O O OFri N V 0 0 0 0 0 LO LO Ln in Ln M to Ln O O ti 1.N N N Q ZN M O (M N N N Cl)1 Q J E U C E LU v V 2 E:LL E J E E E W aiu0V Y E 0 0 0 0 O O O O O OQOOO aJ L o Ut 0 0 0 Q a Q v v t v v v v v V'v O c UJ cc 00 N ar E s s aWEca 2 <2 O O O O O O O O O O U) R tl O O O 0 O O O O O O 1 W y O O O O 0 O O O O O rL R m fn Si5i5 Oi a ii U Ln a d a d a_a_a_a_a.a_a.a_ei to o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o E to lJJ W O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N M M C 1 R N N N N N N N N N N N M N J CL cO O eC v v 5 U N Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ln u Ln p pj M N O O G7 00 tXl M C N a)Q c R O O O O O O Ln O Ln O In y N M O M M Ln O t-m O V O M r O M V M N O O L N w E R O i w al R R gD p R RLL x Z Z olrnalC"rn 0 VNC_H c_c C_ d d m c m m m Z q 00 00 00 O r r t`N0OOOOOOOO! v o U i LO N N CO fl O O O)O O p OO OlD OM NV V V M M Cl) Z p L i i 0 O O O O O O O O O O y O_Q =v n O O O R O N O O O O 17 17 17 1 :co C O co Oo 0 cfl o o 1)m c) O L 0)N t M N N N N N N N V LD U O ID lC O G0)O C 3 N 7Q V' O 0 m 3wo O a R t Iq W 0)a y V O O O O O O O O O O m c Y w w w w_w_w w w O7 ooq T7 7 O O w O O O p O y Y 0 R L V LO V'N M CO Cl)M N N N N N C O O m m y ZO O C '-O-O N LO M 00 00 co 00 D O CD Q U OU R O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m m E F-Y d 2 Y V oLO LON LON oLD OLO OLO OLO oO oO OO QCYPN7OIN'N N N O O O y Z y N N N N N N N Y T O c:s J E E LL J E E E LL w a E E vvpv Y 00 O Oo 0O o o o 00 0 o QQo00 c w Q LO o L17 v o v v v O v O v 0 v v O v 0 v E 0 0. o c c w 0 W 0 w w W E m a a oO 0 000O 0O 0O 0O 0O 0O oO OOy R tl0 O O O O O O O O O O W y O O O O O O O O O O cu CL E Lo 7 roCLO L)d Z D C R R d U U p E a i U LO y R O O O O O O O O O O O E H W O O O O O O O O O O O F-V OOONCO ICOO0ONNNCM y cu o y O E E O z LD CO 0 LO LO 0 O O O O O 0 O D m r N D d)O O)O)00 c0 00 V m v d Q v 0 O LO O O O O 0 O O O y N LD N M r-00 O O N V O V t`O Lo V M M N O N w y m E p d O Q R LL X z z p O R od d y X d m =m m m z H in Y O O rn cy,o o w o00000000000 Cl) p It 00 N O of O O V V 0 N00 mLn mcr InV NV NV wN oN MCl)MM MM MCl) Z O N L O O O O O O'O O O O O i O C Z CL N a) U)O O m Ln V O O M M N N N N NfnwC O p 0 N d m In M N N N N N N N N I N Ln R O O O m 0)O N O U O 3 3 w W C U O N NLJI0)U V O O O O O O O O O O O O r Y y :.:W W W W W W W W W W W W y }r-rl-O O V T V V U E LLB f co M h M LV N N N N N d! 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U 0 O O o a N UU C 0 Ln Ln O O O Ln Ln O LC)O Ln yan N r Ln Ln O j OO M M O OD V O (T N O)Q)a)OD W aD o0 OO a0 r-O E O y X t4 O C ad R to R U- Z z a'J rn y O a x V a N C C C C 7 5 a`m C m ca m z m u` 13va Table 2 Converting Ksat Vslues to Square FaotaoeA Area Requirements for AOsorption Trenches Area Requ.'red Area RcgOrWSaturatebHydraulic (Ft2 1100 0813) Conductivity RBtic (Ksat) (Ft2 /Bedroom} centfinetrs/dar) GravityrNfnj1 LPD Gravity LPD• 6 - 50.0 110 110 165 165 1 cJ 25.0 - 50.t* 120 120 180 1 ,80i .5 17.4-25.0 132 132 198 1982U15.9-17.4 146 146 218 218Z14.6 - 1 S Y 158 158 237 237 13.3-14.6 174 164 260 2653512.0 - 13. :' 191 170 256 260 11 11.0 - 12.1: 209 176 314 264 24 5 10.0 - 11.t'. 229 195 344 279 50 . - - 9.1 - 1C.0 251 193 376 293 Jr c 8.3-9.1 275 206 412 309 7.6-8.3 302 217 452 3256.9-7.6 331 228 496 342 7 U 6,4 - 6.9 363 240 544 259 7 5 .5.8-6.4 398 251 596 375 80 5.2 - 5.8 437 262 666 394 a 4.8- 479 273 718 409 4,4- 525 284 786 424 4,0-4.4 575 289 862 431vU3.8 - 4.0 631 316 %8 473iDS3.3 - 3.8 692 346 1038 5193.0 -3.3 5697595791135 2.6 - 3.0 632 416 1248 62422-2.6 912 456 1368 684 Low Pressure DISViL ution Vote: Carl Peseock, cf iS, VPI Stmt SuiI S&Mtist, 01'efopcd the contents of this tnblc. Sir Filter Packages Features Ideal for retrofitting an effluent filter to an existing onsite system Each "ZABEL in a Can" includes all nec- essary components required to install a filter outside of the septic tank Important When adding risers together for deeper installations Zabel does not recom- mend exceeding a maximum depth of 48" Neoprene gaskets must be installed as per instructions To prevent unauthorized entry install all tamper resistant fasteners as per instructions 8" Effluent Filters Part # Guide Filter Accessory Options ISF = Indoor SmartFilter i OSF = Outdoor SmartFilter FP = Filter Package Versa -Case GPD Options 18" = 1200 gpd 26' = 1800 gpd 32° = 2400 gpd a Diameter Filtration Options AIOO Series 1116" A300 Series 1132" A600 Series 1164" A300'- x Jd:VC" - !OSFI FP Patented effluent filter for residential or light commercial applications Average of 50% to 90% reduc- tion in TSS within 6 months of installation Average of 20% to 45% reduc- tion in BOD5 within 6 months of installation, reduction is dependent on the make -up of the { wastewater Patented effluent filter for light commercial, grease traps and in conjunction with advanced treatment systems Average of 50% to 90% reduc- tion in TSS within 6 months of installation Average of 20% to 45% reduc- tion in BOD5 within 6 months of installation, reduction is dependent on the make -up of the wastewater Average of 60% to 90% reduc- tion in FOG within 6 months of installation 1 :. .. : Specialty effluent filter with the finest level of filtration available in the industry Primarily used for final polishing of effluent or removal of very fine PParticles Due to potential service require- ments available only with a SmartFilter Alarm ZABEL does not recommend the A600 Series filter be utilized in a primary septic tank Versa -Case outlet hubs accept either 4" or 6" SCH 40 PVC pipe 8" Filter Packages Not sure which Filter you need ... See page 14 See page 15 for details. Each filter package includes two SDR 35 and SCH 40 4 "grom- mets. QL(4L /TY PUMPS 9NCE ,9J 11 Product information presented here reflects conditions at time of publication. Consult fac- tory regarding discrepancies or inconsistencies. COMPARE THESE FEATURES MAIL TO: P0. BOX 16347 • Louisville, KY 40256 -0347 SHIP TO: 3649 Cane Run Road • Louisville, KY 40211 -1961 502) 778 -2731 - 1 (800) 928 -PUMP • FAX (502) 774 -3624 SECTION: 2.20.050 FM0460 0504 Supersedes 1103 visit our web site: www.zoeller.com Non - clogging bronze vortex impeller design. Durable cast construction. Cast iron switch case, base, motor and pump housing. Castings - Cast iron class 25 -30 (25,000# tensile strength). Impeller, bronze class 85- 5 -5 -5. Corrosion resistant powder coated epoxy finish. 20 ft. UL Listed 3 -wire neoprene cord and plug. Longer cords available in lengths of 25 -35 -50 feet. Motor - 60 Hz, 3450 RPM, oil - filled, hermetically sealed, automatic reset thermal overload protection (1 Ph only). Upper sleeve bearing and lower ball bearing running in bath of oil. Carbon and ceramic shaft seal. Maximum temperature for effluent or dewatering, 130 °F - 54 °C (ED 140 °F - 60 °C). Major width 12 ". Height 18 /,6 ". (Single seal pumps) No screens to clog. Square Ring & Gasket - Neoprene. Stainless steel screws, bolts, float rod, handle guard, arm and seal assembly. Passes 3 / " spherical solids. 1'/2" NPT discharge with 2" or 3" flange available. Automatic units available with float operated, submersible (NEMA 6) 2 -pole mechanical switch. On point 14 - Off point 5 ". Available in single or double seal designs. 100% of units are computerized tested. MODELS 4161 - 4163 -4165 DOUBLE SEAL PUMPS (Nonauto only) Protects motor from seal leaks. Improved bearing lubrication. Helps eliminate seal and bearing damage from dry runs. Major width 12 ". Height 20 ". Note: The sizing of effluent systems normally requires variable level floats) controls and properly sized basins to achieve required pumping cycles or dosing timers with nonautomatic pumps. AUTOMATIC UNITS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR USE IN EFFLUENT SYSTEMS. 161 -163 -165 Single Seal Series 4161- 4163 - 4165 Double Seal Series For Pump Prefix Identification see News & Views 0052) HIGH HEAD JTY M UOJ m40 FLOW -MATE SRAF Tested to UL " Standard UL77e FOR SEPTIC TANK • LOW PRESSURE PIPE (LPP) AND ENHANCED FLOW STEP SYSTEMS Certified to CSA EFFLUENT Standard C222 No 108 OR DEWATERING PUMP • SUBMERSIBLE 1'/2" NPT DISCHARGE STANDARD • 2" AND 3" NPT FLANGE AVAILABLE SI SI PI MODELS AVAI Automatic (Single Seal Only) or Nonautomatic 161.163 and 4161 -4163 Series 165 and 4165 Series 2 HP, 1 Ph, 115V, 200 -208V or 230V 1 HP, 1 Ph, 200 -208V or 230V 2 HP, 3 Ph, 200 -208V, 230V or 460V 1 HP, 3 Ph, 200 -208, 230V or 460V NOTE. No UL listing or approval for 200 -208V 1 Ph or Extra Duty iED) pumps See back page for UL 8 CSA Listings C Copyright 2004 Zoeller Co. All rights reserved. POWDER COATED T000H SSPMA MEMBER SUMP AND SEWAGE PUMP MFRS ASSN. LL PUMP PERFORMANCE CURVE MODELS 161/4161- 163/4163 - 165/4165 90 MODELS 1 161/4161 163/4163 1 165/4165 24 80 Listings Single Seal Double Sea! Volts - Ph Mode Amps Simplex Duplex CSA Fee!Meters Gal Lbei Auto 15.5 1 Y I Y N161 5 15 100 371 2 or 3 & 5 4 & 5 Y yol D161 165;4165 Auto 7.5 1 10 30 93 351 230 1 70- 7.5 2 or 3& 5 4& 5 Y Y H161 15 4,6 65 3Z 20 163/4163 N 1161 14161 200 -208 1 Non 20 61 79 29'. 25 76 70 26160 3&5 4& 5 Y Y F161 F4161 230 3 Non 5.2 3& 5 4&5 Y Y 30 91 62 23:U 3&5 40 122 45 17(z 16 163 MODELS 4163 MODELS Control Selection Listings Single Seal Double Seal a 50 Amps Simplex Duplex CSA UL M163 50 15 z 2a 76 60 16.3 N4163 115 1 Non 15 0 2 or 3& 5 4& 5 Y Y( 0163 70 2131240 Y E163 E4163 230 1 Non 7.5 2 or 3 8 5 4& 5 60 24 4 H163 200 -208 1 Auto eaShuloBHd 5611 (17m) FY N 63 4163 200 208 1 Non 8 5 2 or 3& 5 4& 5 30 N J163 I J4163 200 -208 31 Non 1 6.0 1 3&5 4&5 Y Y F163 8 230 3 Non 4.8 3&5 4&5 Y Y 6163 64163 1460 3 Non 2.9 3& 5 4& 5 Y Y Standard all models - 20 ft. cord -1 HP 165 MODELS 14165 MODELS Control Selection Listings Single Seal Double Seal Volts - Ph 20 Amps Simplex Duplex CSA UL D165 230 1 16114161 10.2 4 Y Y E165 E4165 230 1 Non 10.2 2 or 3& 5 4&5 Y Y to 200.208 1 Auto 12.6 1 Y N 1165 14165 200.208 1 0 12.6 2 or 3& 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 GALLONS N LITERS 0 80 160 240 320 400 FLOW PER MINUTE 009920A 6 314 6 112 I 009920B B:F 4 I 6 11132 112' NPT STANDARD NPT 2 NPT AILABLE SK374 Standard all models - 20 ft. cord - 1 /2 HP 161 MODELS 4161 MODELS Control Selection Listings Single Seal Double Sea! Volts - Ph Mode Amps Simplex Duplex CSA UL M161 115 1 Auto 15.5 1 Y I Y N161 N4161 115 1 Non 15.5 2 or 3 & 5 4 & 5 Y yol D161 230 1 Auto 7.5 1 Y Y E161 E4161 230 1 Non 7.5 2 or 3& 5 4& 5 Y Y H161 200 -208 1 Auto 8.8 1 Y N 1161 14161 200 -208 1 Non 8.8 2 or 3& 5 4& 5 Y N J161 J4161 200 -208 3 Non 6.4 3&5 4& 5 Y Y F161 F4161 230 3 Non 5.2 3& 5 4&5 Y Y G161 G4161 460 3 Non 2.9 3&5 4& 5 Y Y Standard all models - 20 ft. cord - 1 /2 HP 163 MODELS 4163 MODELS Control Selection Listings Single Seal Double Seal Volts - Ph Mode Amps Simplex Duplex CSA UL M163 115 1 Auto 15 0 1 Y I Y N163 N4163 115 1 Non 15 0 2 or 3& 5 4& 5 Y Y( 0163 230 1 Auto 7.5 1 Y Y E163 E4163 230 1 Non 7.5 2 or 3 8 5 4& 5 Y Y H163 200 -208 1 Auto 8.5 1 FY N 63 4163 200 208 1 Non 8 5 2 or 3& 5 4& 5 N J163 I J4163 200 -208 31 Non 1 6.0 1 3&5 4&5 Y Y F163 F4163 230 3 Non 4.8 3&5 4&5 Y Y 6163 64163 1460 3 Non 2.9 3& 5 4& 5 Y Y Standard all models - 20 ft. cord -1 HP 165 MODELS 14165 MODELS Control Selection Listings Single Seal Double Seal Volts - Ph Mode Amps Simplex Duplex CSA UL D165 230 1 Auto 10.2 1 Y Y E165 E4165 230 1 Non 10.2 2 or 3& 5 4&5 Y Y H165 200.208 1 Auto 12.6 1 Y N 1165 14165 200.208 1 Non 12.6 2 or 3& 5 4& 5 Y N J165 J4165 200 -208 3 Non 7.5 3& 5 4&5 Y Y F165 F4165 230 3 Non 7.4 3&5 4& 5 Y Y 6165 64165 460 3 Non 3.7 3&5 1 4&5 1 Y Y BA165 BA4165 575 3 Non 3.0 3&5 4&5 N N 4 1 L 4 • r 1 1/7 NPT STANDARD 2' NPT OR 3' NPT AVAILABLE I I 207/16 m L I 67v7 SK1413 1 SELECTION GUIDE 1. Integral float operated mechanical switch, no external control required. 2. For automatic use single piggyback variable level float switch or double piggyback variable level float switch. Refer to FM0477. 3. See FM 1228 for correct model of simplex control panel. 4. See FM0712 for correct model of duplex control panel. 5. Variable level control switch 10 -0225 used as control activator, specify simplex (3) float or duplex (3) or (4) float system. No Molded Plug X UL Listed unit available with 20 Amp plug A CAUTION For information on additional Zoeller products refer to catalog or, Piggyback Variable Level Float All installation of controls, protection devices and wiring should be done by a qualified licensed • Switches, FM0477; Electrical Alternator, FM0486; Mechanical Alternator, FM0495;Alarm Package, electrician. All electrical and safety codes should be followed including the most recent National FM0732, and Sump /Sewage Basins, FM0487. Flprtrir r.nrlp rNFM anrt fhp n-inatinnal Safnty an 1 Hpalfh Art 1r1RHA1 RESERVE POWERED DESIGN For unusual conditions a reserve safety factor is engineered into the design of every Zoeller pump. Copyright 2004 Zoeller Co. All rights reserved. Notice to installing contractor: QLL4L /TY / J /NCE 7 Product information presented here reflects conditions at time of publication. Consult factory regarding discrepancies or inconsistencies. OIL NOS\O v Cy.14 SEOS \ONGNESONGE3 sE v4 4,0 ONPP Instructions must remain with installation. PUMP M. MAIL TO: P.O. BOX 16347 - Louisville, KY 40256 -0347 SHIP TO: 3649 Cane Run Road - Louisville, KY 40211 -1961 502) 778 -2731. 1 (800) 928 -PUMP - FAX (502) 774 -3624 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS RECOMMENDED MODELS SECTION: 6.10.001 FMO447 1004 Supersedes 0304 visit our web site: www.zoeller.com DATE INSTALLED: MODEL NUMBER: SEWAGE EFFLUENT*DEWATERING 211 Series 53, 55, 57, 59 Series 264 Series 72, 76 Series 266, 267, 268, 270, 4270 Series 98 Series 282,284,4282,4284 Series 137,139, 140, 4140, Series All Models 292, 293, 294, 295, 4292, 4293, 4294, 4295 Series 151,152, 153 Series 161, 163, 165, 4161, 4163, 4165 Series 185, 186, 188, 189,191, 4185, 4186, 4189 Series Effluent systems should specify that pumps should not handle solids exceeding three fourths inch ('/4 ") in order to prevent large solids from entering leeching fields, mound systems andetc. (70 Series have 3/8 ", 50/90 Series have %", 130 Series have 5/8 ", 150 Series have 3 /4" solids capability, 160/4160/180/4180 Series have' /." solids capability.) Where codes permit, sewage pumps can be used for effluent systems. Nonautomatic pump(s) with external level control recommended for septic tank effluent applications. PREINSTALLATION CHECKLIST - ALL INSTALLATIONS 1. Inspect your pump. Occasionally, products are damaged during shipment. If the unit is damaged, contact your dealer before using. DO NOT remove the test plugs in the cover nor the motor housing. 2. Carefully read the literature provided to familiarize yourself with specific details regarding installation and use. These materials should be retained for future reference. A WARNING I SEE BELOW FOR SEE BELOW FOR LIST OF WARNINGS I A CAUTION LIST OF CAUTIONS 1. Make sure there is a properly grounded receptacle available. All pumps are fumished with provisions for proper grounding to protect you against the possibility of electrical shock. SEE WARNING BELOW) 2. Make certain that the receptacle is within the reach of the pump's power supply cord. DO NOT USE AN EXTENSION CORD. Extension cords that are too long or too light do not deliver sufficient voltage to the pump motor. But, more important, they could present a safety hazard if the insulation were to become damaged or the connection end were to fall into the sump. 3. Make sure the pump electrical supply circuit is equipped with fuses or circuit breakers of proper capacity. A separate branch circuit is recommended, sized according to the "National Electrical Code" for the current shown on the pump nameplate. 4. Testing for ground. As a safety measure, each electoral outlet should be checked for ground using an Underwriters Laboratory Listed circuit analyzer which will indicate if the power, neutral and ground wires are correctly connected to your outlet. If they are not, call a qualified licensed electrician. 5. For Added Safety. Pumping and other equipment with a3 -prong grounded plug must be connected to a 3 -prong grounded receptacle. For added safety the receptacle may be protected with a ground - fault circuit interrupter. When a pump needs to be connected in a watertight junction box, the plug can be removed and spliced to the supply cable with proper grounding For added safety this circuit may be protected by a ground -fault circuit interrupter. The complete installation must comply with the National Electrical Code and all applicable local codes and ordinances. 6. FORYOUR PROTECTION, ALWAYS DISCONNECT PUMP FROM ITS POWER SOURCE BEFORE HANDLING. Single phase pumps are supplied with a 3 -prong grounded plug to help protect you against the possibility of electrical shock DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES REMOVE THE GROUND PIN. The 3 -prong plug must be inserted into a mating 3 -prong grounded receptacle. If the installation does not have such a receptacle, it must be changed to the proper type, wired and grounded in accordance with the National Electrical Code and all applicable local codes and ordinances. Three phase pumps require motor starting devices with motor overload protection. See FMO514 for simplex installations or FM0486 for duplex installations. Pumps must be installed in accordance with the National Electrical Code and all applicable local codes and ordinances. Pumps are not to be installed in locations classified as hazardous in accordance with National Electrical Code, ANSI /NFPA 70. T "Risk of electrical shock" Do not remove power supply cord and strain relief or connect conduit directly to the pump. 8. Installation and servicing of electrical circuits and hardware should be performed by a qualified licensed electrician. 9. Pump installation and servicing should be performed by a qualified person. 10. Risk of electric shock - These pumps have not been investigated for use in swimming pool areas. 11. According to the state of California (Prop 65), this product contains chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. 1. Check to be sure your power source is capable of handling the voltage requirements of the motor, as indicated on the pump name plate. 2. The installation ofautomatic pumpswith variable level float switches or nonautomatic pumps using auxiliary variable level float switches is the responsibility of the installing party and care should be taken that the tethered float switch will not hang up on the pump apparatus or pit peculiarities and is secured so that the pump will shut off. It is recommended to use rigid piping and fittings and the pit be 18" or larger in diameter. 3. Information - vent hole purpose. It is necessary that all submersible sump, effluent, and sewage pumps capable of handling vanous sizes of solid waste be of the bottom intake design to reduce clogging and seal failures If a check valve is incorporated in the installation, a vent hole (approx. 3/16 ") must be drilled in the discharge pipe below the check valve and pit cover to purge the unit of trapped air. Trapped air is caused by agitation and /or a dry basin. Vent hole should be checked periodically for clogging. The 50 or 90 Series pumps have a vent located in the pump housing opposite the float, adjacent to a housing lug, but an additional vent hole is recommended. The vent hole on a High Head application may cause too much turbulence. You may not want to drill one. If you choose not to drill a vent hole, be sure the pump case and impeller is covered with liquid before connecting the pipe to the check valve and no inlet carries air to the pump intake. NOTE: THE HOLE MUSTALSO BE BELOW THE BASIN COVER AND CLEANED PERIODICALLY. Water stream will be visible from this hole during pump run periods. 4. Pump should be checked frequentlyfordebnsand /or build up which mayinterfere with the float"on" or "off" position. Repair and service should be performed by Zoeller Pump Company Authorized Service Station only. 5. Dewatenng and effluent sump pumps are not designed for use in pits handling raw sewage 6. Maximum operating temperature for standard model pumps must not exceed 130 "F (54 °C). Except for 70 and 211 Series. The 70 and 211 Series max, temperature must not exceed 110 °F 43 °C). 7. Pump models 188/4188,189/4189, and 29514295 nonautomatic pump must run totally submerged and CSA certified pumps must be operated submerged with "off - on" level controls. 8. Pump models 266, 267, 268,137 and 139 must be operated in an upright position Do not attempt to start pump when tilted or laying on its side. 9. Do not operate a pump in an application where the Total Dynamic Head is less than the minimum Total Dynamic Head listed on the Pump Performance Curves. NOTE: Pumps with the "UL" mark and pumps with the "US" mark are tested to UL Standard UL778. CSA Certified pumps are certified to CSA Standard C22.2 No. 108. REFER TO WARRANTY ON PAGE 2. Copyright 2004 Zoeller Co. All rights reserved. Limited Warranty Manufacturer warrants, to the purchaser and subsequent owner during the warranty period, every new product to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service, when properly used and main - tained, for a period of one year from date of purchase by the end user, or 18 months from date of original manufacture of the product, whichever comes first. Parts that fail within the warranty period, one year from date of purchase by the end user, or 18 months from the date of original manufacture of the product, whichever comes first, that inspections determine to be defective in material or workmanship, will be repaired, replaced or remanufactured at Manufacturer's option, provided however, that by so doing we will not be obligated to replaceanentireassembly, the entire mechanism or the complete unit. No allowance will be made for shipping charges, damages, labor or other charges that may occur due to product failure, repair or replacement. This warranty does not apply to and there shall be no warranty for any material or product that has been disassembled without prior approval of Manufacturer,subjected to misuse, misapplication, neglect, alteration, accident or act ofGod; that has not been installed, operated or maintained in accordance withManufacturer's installation instructions; that has been exposed to outside sub- stances including but not limited to the following: sand, gravel, cement, mud, tar, hydrocarbons, hydrocarbon derivatives (oil, gasoline, solvents, etc.), or otherabrasiveorcorrosivesubstances, wash towels or feminine sanitary products, etc. in all pumping applications. The warranty set out in the paragraph above is in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied; and we do not authorize any representative or other person to assume for us any other liability in con- nection with our products. Contact Manufacturer at, 3649 Cane Run Road, Louisville, Kentucky 40211, At- tention: Customer Service Department to obtain any needed repair or replacement of part(s) or additional information pertaining to our warranty. MANUFACTURER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS LIABILITY FOR SPECIAL, CON- SEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES OR BREACH OF EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTY; AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND OF MERCHANTABILITY SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THE EXPRESSED WARRANTY. Some states do not allow limitations on the duration of an implied warranty, so the above limitation may not apply to you. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. EASY DO'S & DON'T'S FOR INSTALLING A SUMP PUMP 1. DO read thoroughly all installation material provided with the pump. 2. DO inspect pump for any visible damage caused by shipping. Contact dealer if pump appears to be damaged.3. DO clean all debris from the sump. Be sure that the pump will have a hard, flat surface beneath it. DO NOT install on sand, gravel or dirt. 4. DO be sure that the sump is large enough to allow proper clearance for the level control switch(es) to operate properly. 5. DO Always Disconnect Pump From Power Source Before Handling. DO always connect to a separately protected and properly grounded circuit. SSPMA DO NOT ever cut, splice, or damage power cord (Only splice in a watertight junction box). MEMBER DO NOT carry or lift pump by its power cord. DO NOT use an extension cord with a sump pump. su., 6. DO install a check valve and a union in the discharge line. AND SEWAGE DO NOT use a discharge pipe smaller than the pump discharge. PUMP MFRS. ASSN 7. DO NOT use a sump pump as a trench or excavation pump, or for pumping sewage, gasoline, or other hazardous liquids. YOUR ASSURANCE 8. DO test pump immediately after installation to be sure that the system is working properly. OF QUALITY 9. DO cover sump with an adequate sump cover. 10. DO review all applicable local and national codes and verify that the installation conforms to each of them. 11. DO consult manufacturer for clarifications or questions. 12. DO consider a Two Pump System with an alarm (Page 5) where an installation may become overloaded or primary pump failure would result in property damages. 13. DO consider a D.C. Backup System (See the Basement Sentry page 5) where a sump or dewatering pump is necessary for the prevention of property dam- ages from flooding due to A.C. Power disruptions, mechanical or electrical problems or system overloading. SERVICE CHECKLIST A WARNING ELECTRICAL PRECAUTIONS- Before servicing a pump, always shut off the main power breaker and then unplug the pump - mak-I A1111111111111 sure you are not standing in water and wearing insulated protective sole shoes. under Hooded conditions contact your local electric company or a LLLJJJ qualified licensed electrician for disconnecting electrical service prior to pump removal. O WARNING Submersible pumps contain oils which becomes pressurized and hot under operating conditions - allow 2 hours after disconnecting L...f.. Nmmfinn enrviro CONDITION COMMON CAUSES Check fuse, low voltage, overload open, open or incorrect wiring, open switch, impeller or seal bound mechanically, A. Pump will not start or run.defective capacitor or relay when used, motor or wiring shorted. Float assembly held down. Switch defective, damaged, or out of adjustment. B. Motor overheats and trips overload Incorrect voltage, negative head (discharge open lower than normal) impeller or seal bound mechanically, defec- or blows fuse.tive capacitor or relay, motor shorted. Float tight on rod, check valve stuck or none installed in long distance line, overload open, level switch(s) defec-C. Pump starts and stops too often.tive, sump pit too small. Debris under float assembly, float or float rod bound by pit sides or other, switch defective, damaged or out of D. Pump will not shut off.adjustment. Check strainer housing, discharge pipe, or if check valve is used vent hole must be clear. Discharge head exceeds E. Pump operates but delivers little pump capacity. Low or incorrect voltage. Incorrect motor rotation. Capacitor defective. Incoming water containingornowater. air or causing air to enter pumping chamber. F. Drop in head and/or capacity after Increased pipe friction, clogged line or check valve. Abrasive material and adverse chemicals could possibly a period of use.deteriorate impeller and pump housing. Check line. Remove base and inspect. If the above checklist does not uncover the problem, consult the factory - Do not attempt to service or otherwise disassemble pump. Service must be by Zoeller Authorized Service Stations. Copyright 2004 Zoeller Co. All rights reserved. TYPICAL SEWAGE INSTALLATION- RECOMMENDED INSTALLATION 1) Electrical wiring and protection must be in accordance with National Electrical Code and any other 13 ° applicable state and local electrical requirements. 2) Install proper Zoeller unicheck (combination union and check valve), preferably just above the basin to allow easy removal of the pump for cleaning or repair. On sewage, effluent or dewatering, if high 2 head or below cover installation is required use 30-0152 on 1 %2" and 2" pipe and 30-0160 on 3" pipe. See (6) below. 3) All installations require a basin cover to prevent debris from falling into the basin and to preventB accidental injury. I4 (4) Gas tight seals are required in all sewage installations to contain gases and odors. S 3 + (5) Vent gases and odors to the atmosphere through vent pipe. 6) When a Unicheck is installed, drill a 3/16 'dia. hole in the discharge pipe even with the top of the pump. NOTE: THE HOLE MUST ALSO BE BELOW THE BASIN COVER AND CLEANED PERIODICALLY High Head unit see #3 under "Caution' on front page). Water stream will be visible from this hole during pump run periods. T ( 7) Securely tape or clamp power cord to discharge pipe. TURN (8) Locate float switches as shown in sketch to left. The best place for the "ofr point is above the motore housing and positioned 180° from the inlet. Never put "ofP point below discharge on pump. B NOTE: FOR AUTOMATIC PUMPS, USE DEWATERING INSTALLATION SKETCH BELOW. 0 URN (9) Use full -size discharge pipe.OFF ( 10) Basin must be in accordance with applicable codes and specifications. 11) Pump must be level and float mechanism clear of sides of basin before starting pump. 12) Basin must be clean and free of debris after installation. 12 (13) Gate Valve or Ball Valve to be supplied by installer and installed according to any and all codes. SK290 NOTE: Always refer to Zoeller FMO551 and/or SSPMA Recommended Sewage Pump Installation and Maintenance TYPICAL EFFLUENT INSTALLATION - RECOMMENDED INSTALLATION TO LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM.1) Electrical wiring and protection must be in accordance with National Electrical Code and any other MOUNDSYSTEM, SANDS FILTER. a ll licable state and local electrical requirements.ER 2 s DISPOSAL SYONSITONSITE 2) All installations require a basin cover prevent debris from falling into the basin, and to minimizeGROUNDLINE accidental injury. TO 3 „3) Wire pump to power through a Zoeller watertight junction box or watertight splice. SOURCE NOTE: Watertight enclosure is a must In damp areas. See FM0732. See No. 8 on front page. U.F TYPE WIRE 4) Use full -sized discharge pipe. S 5) Install proper Zoeller unicheck (combination union and check valve), preferably just above the basin to allow easy removal of the pump for cleaning or repair. On sewage, effluent or dewatering, if high head or below cover installation is required use 30-0152 on 1 -1/2' and 2" pipe and 30-0160 on 3" 4 pipe. See (6) below. 6) When a Unicheck is installed, drill a 3/16" dia. hole in the discharge pipe even with the top of the pump. The 50 and 90 Series pumps have a built in vent hole. NOTE: THE HOLE MUST ALSO BE BELOW ALARM FLOAT TURN THE BASIN COVER AND CLEANED PERIODICALLY (High Head unit see #3 under "Caution" on ON I front page). Wafer stream will be visible from this hole during pump run periods. TURN °7) Securely tape or clamp power cord to discharge pipe.ww FILTER OFF 8) Refer to SSPMA Effluent Sizing Manual for determining "on" -'off' switches. g 6 9) Install blocks or bricks under pump to provide a settling basin. o O O 10) Basin must be clean and free of debris after installation. 11) Gate Valve or Ball Valve to be supplied by installer and installed according to any and all codes. 12) Septic tank nsers must be used for easy pump and filter access. SEPTIC TANK DOSING CHAMBER SK291 NOTE, See FM0531, FM0732 8 FM1420 for Alarms, Controls d Junction Boxes TYPICAL DEWATERING INSTALLATION - RECOMMENDED INSTALLATION 1) Electrical wiring and protection must be in accordance with National Electrical Code and any other Q applicable state and local electrical requirements. 2) Install proper Zoeller unicheck (combination union and check valve), preferably just above the basin 2 to allow easy removal of the pump for cleaning or repair. On sewage, effluent or dewatering, if high head or below cover installation is required use 30 -0152 on 1 -112" and 2" pipe and 30 -0160 on 3" pipe. See (6) below. 3) All installations require a basin cover to prevent debris from falling into the basin, and to prevent 12 _, accidental injury. 3 (4) Securely tape or clamp power cord to discharge pipe clear of the float mechanism. 4 5) Minimum 18" dia. x 24" deep basin. Larger depths may be required. 6) When a Unicheck is installed, drill a 3116" dia. hole in the discharge pipe even with the top of the pump. The 50 and 90 series pumps have a built in vent hole. NOTE: THE HOLE MUST ALSO BE BELOW THE BASIN COVER AND CLEANED PERIODICALLY (High Head unit see #3 under "Caution" onV7frontpage). Water stream will be visible from this hole during pump run periods. 7) Use a full -size discharge pipe. 8) Pump must be level and float mechanism clear of sides of basin before starting pump. O„ (9) Install blocks or bricks under pump to provide a settling basin. P ( 10) Basin must be clean and free of debris after installation. y R „ (11) Gate Valve or Ball Valve to be supplied by installer and installed according to any and all codes. OFF (12) Gas tight seals are required in all sewage installations to contain gases and odors. 1, D ., (13) Vent gases and odors to the atmosphere through vent pipe. SK292 NOTE See FMO531, FM0732 & FM1420 for Alarms, Controls 8 Junction Boxes. All installations must comply with all applicable electrical and plumbing codes, including, but not limited to, National Electrical Code, local, regional, and /or state plumbing codes, etc. Not intended for use in hazardous locations. Copyright 2004 Zoeller Co. All rights reserved. DOUBLE SEAL PUMPS (4000 SERIES ONLY) I 1) Double seal pumps offer extra protection from damage caused by seal failure. 2) Pumps should be serviced on a periodic preventative maintenance schedule. 3) Oil in the motor housing and lower seal cavity must be changed when pump is serviced. If oil from the motor housing contains water or other contamination, both seals should be replaced during maintenance. Always replace with new factory recommended oil and service parts. All repairs must be made by Zoeller Authorized Service Stations. I SINGLE PHASE WIRING INSTRUCTIONS I 0 WARNING FOR YOUR PROTECTION, ALWAYS DISCONNECT PUMP FROM ITS POWER SOURCE BEFORE HANDLING. Single phase pumps are supplied with a 3 -prong grounded plug to help protect you against the possibility of electrical shock. DO NOT UNDERANY CIRCUMSTANCES REMOVE THE GROUND PIN. The 3 -prong plug must be inserted into a mating 3 -prong grounded receptacle. If the installation does not have such a receptacle, it must be changed to the proper type, wired and grounded in accordance with the National Electrical Code and all applicable local codes and ordinances. I [I O WARNING "Risk of electrical shock" Do not remove power supply cord and strain relief or connect conduit directly to the pump. A WARNING Installation and checking of electrical circuits and hardware should be performed by a qualified licensed electrician. THREE PHASE WIRING INSTRUCTIONS A WARNING FOR YOUR PROTECTION, ALWAYS DISCONNECT PUMP FROM ITS POWER SOURCE NONAUTOMATIC AUTOMATIC BEFORE HANDLING. 3 PHASE 3 PHASE To automatically operate a nonautomatic three phase pump, a control panel is required. Follow the instructions provided with the panel to wire the system. For automatic three phase pumps see automatic 3 phase wiring diagram located to the far right. Before installing a pump, check the pump rotation to insure that wiring has been connected properly to power source, and that the green lead of power cord (See wiring diagram), is connected to a valid ground, Momentarily energize the pump, observing the directions of kick back due to starting torque. Rotation is correct if kick back is in the opposite direction of rotation arrow on the pump casing. If rotation is not correct, switching of any two power leads other than ground, should provide the proper rotation. All three phase pumps require motor starting devices with mo- tor overload protection. See FM0514 for simplex installations or FM0486 for duplex installations. Pumps must be installed in accordance with the National Electrical Code and all applicable local codes and ordinances. Pumps are not to be installed in locations classified as hazardous in accordance with National Electrical Code, ANSI /NFPA 70. 00848 013071 I WD & WH MODEL INSTALLATION I Determining Pumping Range in Inches (1 inch - 2.5 cm) Tether Length 5 10 15 20 22 min. max. Pumping Range 9 13.5 18 22 24 Use only as a guide. Due to weight of cable, pumping range above horizontal is not equal to pumping range below hor- izontal. Ranges are based on testing in nonturbulent conditions. Range may vary due to water temperature and cord shape. As tether length increases, so does the variance of the pumping range. Models WD & WH are fully automatic. Afloat switch is included and factory wired in the pump circuit to provide automatic operation once the float switch is secured properly to the outlet pipe. Use the diagram above to secure the float switch properly and obtain the proper tether to customize the on -off cycle to each application. MIN. T MAX. 20 ,AMP SWTCH (WD & WH MODELS) SK305 Note: Failure to keep within proper tether lim,ts may prevent reliable switch operation. Note: Cable must be mounted in horizontal position. Copyright 2004 Zoeller Co. All rights reserved. 4 WIRING DIAGRAM FOR MODELS WD - 230V, 1 PH, 60 Hz WH - 200/208V, 1 PH, 60 Hz SUGGESTED METHODS OF FLOAT INSTALLATION On some installations it may be desirable to install an independent hanger for the level control switches to avoid possible hang ups on the pumps, piping, valves, etc. Float hangers are available from Zoeller Company on Catalog Sheet FM0526 or can be fabricated from standard pipe and fittings. ANDARD PIPE WGE 10.1451 FLOAT TREE rH 3 FLOATS SHOWN SK1217 TYPICAL FLOAT HANGER ON CONCRETE PITS SK1218 OR SEPTIC TANK RISERS I "EXTRA PROTECTION SYSTEMS" I TWO PUMP SYSTEM The "Extra Protection" Two Pump system is an economical solution to the costly duplex alternating pump system and it's easy to install. The "Extra Protection" Two Pump Systems consists of: a. The two nonautomatic pumps with VLFS of your choice b. One Alarm System c. Two Unicheck Valves as required ADVANTAGES 1) The Two pump systems offers high pump performance without the high price. It is a system that fits your needs and your budget. 2) Delivers more dependability than a single pump system and greatly reduces the chance of costly and time consuming problems associated with wear out or damages and the resulting system failures. 3) Affords greater satisfaction and peace of mind to all concerned by providing state of the art protection for costly and expensive surroundings. 4) Ability to change lead and lag positions by changing pump plug connection. 5) Easy and economical to install. ALARM P'N 10-owe UUSTRATED JUNCTION BOX MO PLUG NOT INCLUDED) MINIMUM DISTANCE T BETWEEN PUMPS a 8t SKB7B THE BASEMENT SENTRY 12 Volt backup sump pump system model 507 & model 510 Application - For Clear Water, emergency backup usage when power is off or primary pump fails. Extra Protection - When the primary AC pump fails due to power outages or system problems. Storms Brownouts Wiring or electrical problems Extra Protection - When the primary pump fails to keep up with excessive water due to rain or overloading. Includes: Pump and control Charger Fittings Battery Case Battery Not Included) MODEL 507 TDH (ft) Flow (GPM) 5 23.2 10 12.5 14 Shut -off Head For submersible or pedestal installations. See FM1311 (507) or FM1139 (510) for information. Suitably sized basin required. MODEL 510 TDH (ft)Flow (GPM) 5 33.8 10 21.6 15 10.6 19.9 Shut -off Head v , ., opyrngni ZUU4 /_oener Go. All rights reserved. 5 TYPICAL FLOAT HANGER ON STEEL COVER PITS TYPICAL FLOAT RANGER ON CONCRETE PITS OR SEPTIC TANK RISERS PUM PERF PUMP PERFORMANCE CURVE MODELSEFFLUENT • PASSING evevaveee000o o ®veoeeeaveaeaooeveONNoo ®eeveviveoeoeeeooaeeoeoaaevevaveeveveovaeee oeeeeeivooveeeveoeovoeeveeeeeaveaveaaveive 11.1 7 No MEN m00maaommm 1 e00110om0ma v0m 1 Lim11 ZRIMENk I MEN 11 I mm0ae}0mi ohm 1111 aaee 0oo m aeee0oaa 00 es ° a ° eeeaamaees0®vNINK! 1\ \11 \ \ RO WINE a ... :.: ..... .: .. .1k.1 1. less MEMO explosion proof pump, see FMO219. m ©mv mvv o v v m oQ v0omommo omo 0_o0_om_o_ m mo 0vovm mv o oss mssmv mmo01111=00m miom movo vvo om moss ss ss sssasassss s as s saes aso sss o v v om0v0o 0© o sasssssasssssseaamassssssssvo sasassss00ov om oo sasssasssassssss ssssasas v sssasas asssasasssasess o Copyright 2004 Zoeller Go. All rights reservea. QV4[ /TY PUMPS ,IiNCE SECTION: 6.10.010 FMO157 1004 Product information presented rig SupersedesherereflectsconditionsattimePUMPofpublication. Consult fac- 0704 tory regarding discrepancies or inconsistencies. MAIL TO: P.O. BOX 16347 • Louisville, KY 40256 -0347 visit our web site: SHIP TO: 3649 Cane Run Road • Louisville, KY 40211 -1961 www.zoeller.com 502) 778 -2731. 1 (800) 928 -PUMP - FAX (502) 774 -3624 AUTHORIZED SERVICE STATIONS ALAZAMA Freeport Koym Elec. Mfrs.417 S. Locust Street 61032 815- 233-0611BirminghamB & D Elec Mtr. Co.2320 4th Ave. South 35233 205. 251.6241 Freeport Precision Drive & Control 207 South Galena 61032 815 - 233 -5000BirminghamBrannonElec. Mtr. Co.3022 6th Ave South 35233 205322-0495 Galesbtep Midland Elec.Mtr.Works 932 Monmouth Blvd. 61401 309- 3424125DothanRobbinsElec. Mtr. Serv.1305 S. Oates SL 36301 205792 -1555 Gray Lake Kraig- NoAhwest & Elec. Mir.123 Hawley St 60030 847- 2232410HuntsvilleKelseyElec. Mtr. Serv.4644 Commercial Dr. N.W. 35814 205- 837 -0150 Jot et Polders Industrial Elec.510 Ruby St. 60435 815726 -5919JasperMarlonElectric50818thStreet35501205- 221 -9852 Montgomery Industrial Motor Service Corp.2000 Albright Road 60538 630 -892 -9133MagnoliaArringtonElectric129So. Clay SL 71753 501- 234.8735 Mundelein P M B Battery Sales 666 Hawley St. 60060 847- 9704014MobileMagnetechIndustrialElectric1200Hutsonor36609251 - 3448496 North Brook Trans -Tel Sales, Inc.3680 Commercial Ave. 60062 847. 559.9&44MontgomeryJayElect.421 Randolph Street 36197 205263-0217 Peoria (East)Foremost Elec.& Trans. Inc.111 Carveriane 61611 309 -099.2200MuscieShoalsQuadCitiesElectricMir.102 Broadway 35661 2053857252 Rockford Imperial Mir. & Armature 2700 Potter Street 61109 815389 -2313OpelikaMidStateElectricMotor1801MarkelSt. 36803 334 - 7456838 Rode Island Rock Island Electric Motor Repair 211 31st Street 61201 309 - 788.9517ALASKASouthElginFloloElectric510StevensonRd. 60177 847- 6954734AnchorageAlaskaPump & Supply 261 East 56th Ave. 99502 907.563 -3424 Springfield First Electric Motor Shop Inc.1130 W Reynolds 62702 217 -098.0672ARIZONAStreatorD & D Service Co.1604 E. Main 61364 8156724569TucsonHemcoMotors3938E. Pima 85712 502 -881 -1108 W. Frankfort Sanders Electric Co.903 E. St. Louis SL 62896 618- 932 -2179ARKANSASWorthAccurateElec. Mir. & Pump 6955 W. 111th St. 60482 708448 -2792BellaVistaVillageWastewaterCo380BellaVelaWay72714479- 8557613 INDIANA Conway Evans Electric 1710 S Amity Rd. 72032 501- 327 -0125 Anderson Hobbs Electric Inc.544 Broadway 46012 765622 -9000EIDoradoRogersElectricCo.312 Industrial Rd. 71730 870-062.3322 Edinburgh EMR Corporation 111 E. Center Cros 46124 812- 526 -2327Ft. Smith Electric Motor Center 1231 South 11th St 72901 501- 7852536 Evansville Pump Consultants 6200 Maxwell Ave. 47715 812 - 477-0439Ft. Smith Evans Electric 4300 Planters Rd. 72906 479648 -1500 Gary Pm Pump, Inc.3750 Roosevelt St. 46408 219 - 884.6097HotSpringsVillageGranderPumpRepair44MagellanDrive710119501- 984 -1321 Greenfield Eastside Pump Co.6278 W. 400 No. 46140 317 - 894 -7141JonesboroDavisElectricMotor102MillerSt72401501- 935 -0056 Greenwood Quality Repair Services 411 Knight or 46142 317881 -0205LittleRockC & W Tod Equip 1417 Main 72202 501- 376 -2310 Hammond Mills Electric Co.4828 Calumet Ave. 46327 219 -931 -3114NLiteRockKeelingCo.4227 East 43rd SL 72117 501 - 945-4511 Highland JT Pump Repair 2543 Hwy Ave 46322 219 - 838-2772PineBlueJeffersonElectric2703PersimmonSt. 71603 501- 879.5180 Indianapolis Eskew Enterprises Inc.1447 N. Harding SL 46202 317 - 264 -9028RogerEvansElectric2001N. 13th St. 72756 501636-0721 Indianapolis Hydra-Serv.4303 S High School Rd. 46241 317487 -MRussellvilleElectricMotorCenterHwy7-T 72801 501- 968 -2532 Indianapolis Koch's Electric Inc.1301 East 10th SL 46202 317639 -5624SpringdaleToolHospital3670EiemSpnngRd72762501- 927-0400 Munster Roberts Plumbing & Repair 8328 Jackson 46321 219636 -9006VanBurenAlliedElectrical & Power 2320 Industnal Park Rd, 72956 501474 -5271 South Bend Northern Electnc Co.116 N Hill St 46617 219 - 289 -7791CALIFORNIAVanBurenWnghlNashRepairs106WestMainSt, 46991 7659343300BrisbaneSimondsMachineryCc304IndustrialWay94005415-4684830 IOWA Carson Dommquez Machine Shop 24418 S Main Street 90745 310 - 549 -3203 Ames Reese Elec. Mir. Co. Inc 202 East Ave. 50010 515232 -5081HawtlameRedondoElectric11808BrameAve. 90250 3106755452 Burlington Industrial Electric Mrs.1511 Ml Pleasant St. 52601 319 - 7524917MenloParkRotoRooter1205ChryslerDf94043415968 -5933 Burlington Lares Elec Mir Ser.802 Washington, Box 926 52601 319 -752 -3628LosAngelesArbuckleElec. Mfrs. Inc.7548 Santa Monica Blvd. 90046 323-076 -7100 Cedar Rapids Hupp Electric Mtr. Co 27533rd Ave S.W. 52404 319 - 366-0761LosAngelesSteve's Electric 4514 Fountain Ave. 90029 321666.6972 Cherokee Beal's Mtr. Rewinding 600 West Beach 51012 712 - 2256173OaklandEastBayPump4900E121hStreet94601510 - 532 -1800 Clear Lake Knorr Electric Motor Service 318 South 20th Street 50428 515357.3614PetalumaElectricalEquip. Co.300 East'0' St 707- 762 -2883 Des Manes Electric Pump & Tod Serv,4280 N E 14th Street 50313 5152652222 San Diego Barrett Engineered Pumps 1695 National Ave. 92113 619 - 232.7867 Fort Dodge Larsen Elec. Mtr. Serv.1229 First Ave. So. 50501 5155737331SantaAnaOrangeCountyPumps1310HarborBlvd. 92703 714 - 5541722 Iowa City Electric Mfrs.1518 Highway 1 West 52240 319 - 3544040COLORADOKeokukQualityElectricMotorR.R. k3 Box 253 52632 319-463 -7688BoulderBoulderElecMtr.3867 Walnut St 80302 303 - 4431331 Marshalltown Egleston Electric Co.1208 E. Main St 50158 515 - 152-4678FLCollinsLatimerElectricMtr.1808 E. Lincoln Ave. 80524 970484 -8411 Melvin Art Electric Co.17 1st Ave 51350 712 - 736 -2424PuebloSunriseMotorRepa1030NorthEne81001719- 543 -1746 New Hampton Mohawk Electric 925 North Linn 50659 641- 3943318CONNECTICUTOttumwaHellyerElectricCo402S. Iowa Ave. 52501 5154684 -7769AnsoniaB & J Elect Mtr. Repair 30 -38 Maple St 06401 2037341695 Sioux City Thorp Sales & Service 1024 Fifth St. 51101 712 - 258 -5515DanburyIndustrialElectricMfrs.50 Sheller Rock Rd. 06810 203 - 7439611 Tipton Tipton Eiec. Motor Inc.107 W. 2nd St 52771 319- 886 -3131EllingtonShaw's Pump Co.20 Lyons Pump Co 06029 806- 872.6891 Waterloo Motor Winding Inc.1819 Falls Ave. 50701 319 - 232 -0662HamdenBarCraftElectricCo.12 Alsirum St 06514 2036249815 KANSAS Hartford Reliable Elec Mir. Inc 285 Murphy Road 06114 860 -522 -2257 Hutchinson Gibson Industrial Controls Inc.125 West Ave F 79504 3166639114NewingtonGmlmartnElect. Mtr 108 Liberty St 06111 8606676024 Kansas City Allen Armature & Elec. Co.10 S 18th St 66102 913 -371 -9999StamfordPalmersElectricMtrInc.44 Garden St 06902 203348 -7378 Topeka F & F Elec. Mir Rpr.4004 West 21st St 66604 913- 272 -9504StratfordElectricEnterprise, Inc.1410 Stratford Ave. 06497 2033774960 Wichita B & B Elec Mir Co.332 Lulu 67211 316 - 267 -1238FLORIDAKENTUCKY Bradenton Lee Foss Electric, Inc.6111 15th St, East, Bldg C 34203 941 - 7501121 Alien Porter Industnes,lnc.Rail Road Street 41601 606 - 8742125ClearwaterBud's Electnc Motor Serv.405 S- Missoun Ave 33756 727446 -3130 Benton Semco, Inc 5060 Mayfield Highway 42025 270 - 5276099Fl. Lauderdale AAA Electnc 1131 NE 45th Street 33334 934772 -7501 Danville Indust-Elec Mfrs of Danville U.S 150 By -Pass 40422 600238 -7984JacksonvilleHallsPump3010WestBeaverSt32254904 - 3807867 Elizabethtown E -Town Electric 217 Ring Road 42701 502 - 737-0824KissimmeeKissimmeeElectncInc.2469 N Dixie Hwy. 34744 407 - 8466532 Hardinsburg Wheeler Electric 1016 Hillview 40143 502 - 756.6226MiamiCndySanCorp9270S.W. 58 Terr 3 3 Lexington ty Elect of Lexington 31 Kennedy Road 40511 6D6- 2545581MiamiDeruderElectricMotorCo.14261 So. Dixie Hwy. 33176 3052355000 Lexington Kentucky Serv. Co.622 S. Mill St. 40508 600254 -6310MiamiKingElectncMirSery280NW54thSt33127305754 -3482 Louisville Hall Pump & Supply 3954%, Cane Run Road 40211 502 - 7709669MiamiM & T Pool Service 7376 S.W. 42nd Street 33155 305269-0906 Louisville Morgan Electric Motor Sales 2537 Data Dr. 40299 502491-40188Ocala Orlando Marion Elec Mir Florida Electric Mir. Serv. 3159 S W. 5th St. 34474 1128 Alanta Ave 32806 352 - 732-0605 407-425 -8160 LouisvilieRyndon Loyall Quality Elec. Mtr. B 8 B Repairs 8020 Vinecresl Ave. 40222 502 -426 -3396 Panama City AAG Service 2312 Industrial Drive 32405 8507639386 Loyall Herren Electric 121 3rd St. Rio Vista 40854 169 Good Neighbor Road 40854 606 - 5732162 606- 5733678PanamaCityJemigan's Electric Mir. Serv.2630 E. 15th St 32405 8507632407 Middlesboro Kentucky Armature & Mir Work 209 Winchester Ave 40965 600248 -2930PensacolaM & W Elec. Mir Serv.1250 Babrancas Ave 32501 904433 -0400 Morehead Morehead Elec.6307 Flemingburg 40351 6007849320PortRicheyAcePumpCompanyInc6241RidgeRd. 34668 727- 8426343 Owensboro Electrical Equip, Repair 1330 East 2nd Street 42303 502684 -5357TampaUnitedElectricMir,4725 North Nebraska Ave 33603 813- 238 -0944 Owensboro Owensboro Armature Wks 609 East 14th St. 42301 5026839855GEORGIA Acworth Lake City Mir. Work 4676 S. Main Street 30101 770 - 974 -5171 Paducah Park Hibbs Warden Electric Co. A -1 Elec. Mir. Sery Inc 604 N 7th St 42002 1461 Dixie Hwy 41011 502-043.4622 859 -291 -1351AtlantaAAAElectricMtr.741 Edgewood Ave 30307 404- 521 -0763 Riovista B & B Repairs 121 3rd St 40854 6005732162AtlantaIndustrialElectricCo. of GA 1397 Blashfield St, SE 30315 404.622 -1441 Russellville Soufhem Electric Motors 183 E 4th SL 42276 270 - 726-0045AugustaBarrettSupply635BradStreet30902706. 727.5716 LOUISIANA Augusta Electric Equipment 1441 Green Street 30903 706 - 7226685 Baton Rouge Lastor Electronics 7724 Commerce Ave Ste B 70815 225- 927 -5607ColumbusHunterElect. Mtr. & Elect. Supply 628 South Oaknew Ave 31901 71x1. 322 -0648 Carencro Gulf Coast Montlonrig & Elec., Inc.617 Hector Connoly Rd. 70520 337696 -0029ElbertonAdamsElectric1748WashingtonHwy. 30635 706 - 2839599 Lawtell Thibodeaux Electric Hwy 190 West 70550 318 - 5432362FitzgeraldWynnElectricColonyDrive317509124235495NewOrleansG & M Electric 1725 Conti Street 70112 504 - 586 -8100MaconWilsonElectricCc557PineStreet31213912- 746 -5654 Scott Electrical Technologies Inc.104 P. Savonne Dr. 70583 318 - 237.6228ManettaPrecisionTool & Repair 1726 B Hazelwood or 30067 678568 -6811 Shreveport All -Phase Motors 1616 Market St 71101 318 -221 -8315NorcrossAquadlowService4220SteveReynoldsBlvd. 30093 770 - 935.8442 Sulphur tie's Elec. Power Tools 808 E Carlton St 70663 318 -527 -3020RomeSouthernIndustrialElectnc36ShorterIndustrialBlvd30165706 - 2353003 West Monroe Ouachita Elec Serv.122 Wassan SL 71292 3183232525WinstonJayElectric7940Highway #78 30187 404- 942 -2584 MAINE HAWAII Honolulu Stan 8 Co.680 Kakoi St. 96619 808 -839 -3002 Bangor Lewiston Errol Cleveland & Son Motor Power, Inc, 78 Harvard St. 04401 207 -942 -5326 IDAHO 1505 Lisbon St. 04240 207 -782 -7017 Boise Missmar. Elec Cc 7292 W Airway Court 83709 208- 322 -5822 Madison Portland Elholm Pumps Elecrnc Motor Works Rt 43 04950 1129 Forest Ave 04103 207474 -8037 207 - 780-6789CaldwellPnestElectric412SimplotBlvd. 83605 2084596351 MARYLAND Idaho Falls Rossiter Electric Motor 1501 S Capital Hwy. 83402 208 -529 -3665 Baltimore DSI, Inc.1701 Rdgely St. 21320 410 - 752 -2514ILLINOIS Bloomington Professional Electric Mir. Repair 1807 S Moms Ave 61701 309 -829 -3552 Cambndge Cumberland Hills Electric Mir. Service Alleghany Mtr & Pump Service 5203 Poplar Dr 21613 150 Wineow SL 21502 410 - 228-0447 301- 777 -0340Bloomington Chicago The Struck Co. All Elec Mir Repair 1106 E. Bed St 61701 3096274691 Mechanicsville Wengers Electric Motor Service 41175 Bishop Road 20659 301- 3735162 Danville Modem Machine Shop 6726 S. Ashland Ave 60636 123 -125 N. Hazel SL 61832 773 - 9252404 217446 -0742 MASSACHUSETTS Braintree Sandman Electric 530 West St. 02184 617- 8402111DecaturBuchananMotorWorks3825Mt. Zion Road 62521 217-864 -2040 Cambridge City Pump & Motor Service 48R New Street 01238 617491 -7111ElkGroveVillageFluidPumpServ.435 Bennett Road 60007 847- 228-0750 Dedham Boston Electric Motor Pump Co.200 Milton St. 02026 781461 -0303 Copyright 2004 Zoeller Co. All rights reserved. Dorchester Dorchester Electnc Motor Co Inc.79 Freeport 02122 617 - 2655828 Greenville Bengal Electric Motor Service 4672 S. R 121 45331 937 - 548-0772 Everett Williams New England Electric 111 Boston Street 02149 617-394-5060 Hanson 8etscher Electric Co.317 DairAvenue, 45030 513 - 367 -9641 Fairhaven Delta Elec.Mtr & Gen.Co.379 Alden Rd.02719 617. 997-0582 Lima Water Equipment Co.1335 Bellefontame Ave. 45804 419-228 -6921 Fitchburg Shepard & Parker Inc.18 Uncoln St. 01420 978. 343.3907 Medina J & J Sales & service, Inc.817 W Lafayette Rd. 44256 330-764-9211 Framington Waloo Electric Co. of Mass 10 Aaron SL 01702 50841725232 Piqua Jenkins Pump & Elec.816 E. Garbry Rd. 45356 931 - 7735080 Hudson Elect. Mtr. Sery 74 Apsley SL 01749 978- 562 -9977 Rocky River Hermings Quality Service 20800 Center Ridge Road 44116 216.9416490 Hyamis Osterville Elect 119 Thornton Rd. 02601 508- 778.5019 Toledo Lachmier Elec. Mtr. & Serv.5122 Lewis Ave. 43612 419476 -2121 Lenox Dale Berkshire Electric Mtrs.Crystal St. 01242 413-0375255 Toledo Lemscw - Gurkm 2056 Canton Avenue 43620 419. 242.4005 Needham Ht Williamson New EnglandElectnc 51 Freemont St 02494 781- 4445800 Vermilion Lorain Armature &Mtr Repair 960 Sunnyside 44089 216-967 -2620 North Quincy South Stare Electric Motor 93 Holmes Street 02171 617. 847 -1600 Warren Warren Elec. Co.Was Cortland Rd SE 44484 216. 6565735 Peabody Peabody Electric Motor 98 Foster St 01960 508 -531 -1409 Wooster Hackwarth Electric 4952 Cleveland Road 44691 330.345 -6049 Hancock 231 Williard Street 02169 617 -472 -5789 OKLAHOMA Boughton Kalman Electric Motor Inc 471 Page St. 02072 617- 344 -1090 Haskell G. & L. Electric 3465 N 335 Road 74436 918482.3502 MICHIGAN Oklahoma City Evans Electnc Motors 1536 S. Western 73109 405831 -1344 Auburn Hills Smiley Elec.3684 Auburn Road 48057 313 -852 -5135 OREGON Brighton Brighton Pump Rpr.1012 West Main 48116 313. 229 -4429 Eugene Wheeler Elec. Mtr. Serv.820 W. 1st Ave. 97402 503887 -2121 Detroit Howard Elec. Co.4801 Bellevue 48207 313 - 923-0430 Portland DeTemple Co. Inc.1951 Northwest Overton SL 97209 503. 227 -2641 Detroit Re-Nu Elec. Co.20163 John R. 48203 313 - 366 -1570 PENNSYLVANIA Dexter Turner Electric Motor Srv.1022 Baker Road 48130 3135624596 Aston Crane Pump Repair 12 Crozerville Rd.19014 610358.4687 Flint Moore Brothers 2602 Leith St. 48506 810 - 232 -1148 Bridgeport Deckman Electric, Inc.49 W. Front Street 19405 610. 272.6944 Gaylord Graham MtrAGenerator Srv.975 N. Center, Old 27 49735 517. 732 -5055 Chambersburg S & S Electric Motors 125 Falling Springs Rd. 17201 717 - 263 -1919 Grand Rapids Fa -Ail Elec.737 Butterworth S.W. 49503 616. 4546883 Clintonville Interstate Pipe & Spty Route 208 West 16372 814 - 3856633 Holland Holland Electra Motor 11269 E. Lakewood Blvd. 49424 616.392 -1115 Easton ACIDC Motors, Drives & Pumps 840 Line St. Area 5 18042 610438 -1404 Kalamazoo Heco Inc.3509 S Burdick 49001 616.381 -7200 Hermitage Won Machine 2319 Longview Rd. 16148 724 - 981.8474 Kalamazoo Kalamazoo Electric Motor 658 East Vine Street 49001 616.345 -7929 Philadelphia Ampere Electric Co.2200 E. Norris Street 19125 215426.5356 Jackson Kent Motors 204 Homewild St. 42901 517 - 789 -8131 Pittsburgh Snyder Electric Co.1500-02 Chateau 15233 412 - 231 -3100 Lensing AI's Elec Mtr. Works 2108 N. East St. 48906 517-485 -1647 Warminster Kufen Elec. Mfrs. Inc.27 N York Rd. 18974 215572 -5250 Madison Heights Any Pump, Inc.205 A West Lincoln 48071 248 -547 -5028 West Chester Winding Specialties 1607 Manley Rd. 19380 610431 -3859 Midland R.W Electric 510 Sixth Street 48640 517535 -1071 RHODE ISLAND Muskegon Jones Electric Co.1965 Sanford Street 49441 616 - 726-5001 Providence Walco Elec Co 303 Aliens Ave. 02905 4014675500 Pgeon Dietzel Electric 7176 Nitz SL 48755 517453 -2721 SOUTH CAROLINA Pontiac Electric Motor Sent.384 No. Saginau 48342 810 - 334 -3981 Charleston Rushton Motor Repair 1944 Beligrade Avenue29407 843.571 -3441 Port Huron Port Huron Elec. Motor 321 Court St. 48060 313- 985 -7197 Clinton Elect. Mtr. Serv. of Clinton Highway 72 & 56 N. 29325 803833 -3593 Riverside Riverside Elec Serv.3864 Riverside Rd. 49084 616549 -1222 Columbia Electric Motor & Repair 125 Huckabee Rd. 29169 803.791 -9000 Saginaw Lange & Leaman Elec. Co 300 W. Bristol 48602 517- 7545266 Conway Todd Electric Mtr. Repair 110 Laurel St. 29526 843- 248 -2444 Troy Coon Devisser Cc 1600 W. Maple Rd 48084 248 - 3995000 Conway Conway Elec. Mtr.402 Lewis St. 29526 803- 248 -5302 Utica Utica Pump 7775 Auburn Road 48087 313 - 7395733 Greenville Greenville Industrial Supply 100 Dixie Drive 29605 864 - 2774400 Ypsilanti Current Electric Motor Supply 2010 N Fourth St 48197 734 - 4845200 Lake City Lake City Elec. Mtr.140 C. Adore St 29560 8033945469 MINNESOTA Lexington A 0 Utilities Inc.285 Zenker Rd. 29072 803. 359-0245 Janesville Jermoo 208 South Mahn 56078 507- 2345392 Lexington W. P. Law, Inc.165 Center Drive 29072 803 -957 -7867 Minneapolis Elec. Mb Rpr Inc.2010 N 4th St. 55411 612 -522 -3318 Myrtle Beach Industrial Rewinding Inc.1420 Cannon Rd 29577 8038263536 North Mankato Reliance Eac Rpr.1110 No River Dr. Box 285 56001 507- 3454250 Olanta Riverside Electric Highway 301 North 29114 803346 -7777 MISSISSIPPI Orangeburg Lake Elec. Inc.135 Market S.E. 29115 803 -534 -1022 Columbus Eiec Mtr. Sales & Serv.232 Alabama Street 39702 601 -327 -1606 Spartanburg Sellars Elec. Serv.100 West Trayler St 29304 803 - 583 -8408 Gut Pat Power Source South 360 Tegarden Road 39507 601596 -9364 Sumter Industrial Elec. Rewinding Mayesville Rd 29150 803. 773 -9366 Hattiesburg Speed Electric Motor Co.511 North Street 39403 601 - 583-0388 West Columbia Electric Motor & Repair 125 Huckabee Rd. 29169 803 -791 -9000 Long Beach Bay Motor Winding Inc.125 N. Ocean Wave 39560 601563 -0666 Winsboro Collins Pump & Ctrl Serv.RL #3 Box 98A Landis Rd 29180 803835 -3100 Pascagoula Gibson Elec Mtr. Sec 3320 Old Mobile 39567 601 - 7624923 SOUTH DAKOTA Smithville Smhthville Electric Mtr 60014 Hwy 23 38810 6015511645 Aberdeen J.B Center 710 S.W 6th Ave 57401 605. 2295284 Tupelo Blaylock Electric 594 Robert E. Lee Dave 38801 601 -842 -7803 Milbank Roger's Electric Motor Service 205 East 22nd Ave. 57252 605432.6990 MISSOURI Rapid City Industrial Elect. & Sply 1130 W Omaha 57701 605.342 -1017 St Louis Missouri Mach. & Eng Co,918 S 4th St 63102 314 -231 -9806 Watertown Ron's Electric Mtr.512 10th SL, SE 57201 6058867893 MONTANA TENNESSEE Billing Electric Mtr. & Pump Repair 2098 B Hickory 59101 406 - 2525081 Chattanooga Chattanooga Arm. Works 1209E 23rd St. 37408 615 - 267.7665 NEBRASKA Clarksville Clarksville Electnc Motors 114 Kraft Street 37040 615 -552 -7262 Lincoln Colin Elec. Mtr Serv.520 West '0' SL 68528 4024762121 Cleveland Jenys Electric Motor Service 433 Broad Street 37311 423.472 -5959 Omaha industrial Electrical 1824 California St 68102 402 -342 -1191 Franklin Cothem Elec. Mtr.136 Reynolds Drive 37064 615- 7944312 NEW HAMPSHIRE Gallatin Max Electric Mtr,124 W. Winchester SL 37066 615452 -2970 Keene G &R Elec. Mr. Co.453 Winchester Rd. 03431 603 - 352 -3422 Kingsport Kingsport Armature &Electric 323 E. Market 37660 615 -247 -7189 Laconia New Hampshire Elec. Miss.Rt 107 08246 603 - 524 -3729 - -Knoxville Tenn Armature & Elec.308 W. Jackson Ave. 37902 615- 5243681 Manchester Fay Electric Motors 48 Huse Rd. 03103 603. 668.3811 Knoxville Southern Armature Works 1721 Potter Ave. 37917 615- 522 -8638 NEW JERSEY Memphis American Electra Mtr.3651 Cherry Rd. 38118 901- 3634558 East Brunswick Quality Elect, Mtr, Serv.396 Highway 18 08816 908- 2575655 Morristown Morristown Electric Mtr. Serv.3482 New Bnghts Park 37814 423 -581 -1126 Keyport Beacon Electric 145 3rd St. 07735 908 - 888-7888 Nashville Allied Electric Motor 924 3rd Avenue S. 37210 615.259 -3892 Plainfield Demco Eli Co.337 East 5th St. 07060 9067561395 Nashville Tech Industrial 115 A -2 Space Park South 37211 615 - 333 -2181 Trenton Electric Motor Repair 809 East State Street 08629 609.3925149 TEXAS Vineland South D' Elea Mtr. Sales 94 W. Sherman Ave. 08360 8565965959 Amarillo G E. Jones Elec. Co.208 -14 North Polk 79105 806 -372 -5505 NEW MEXICO Dallas Pierce Pump Co.3300 Dilido Rd 75220 214 -320 -3604 Albuquerque Telco Electric Inc.2906 Fourth St NW 87107 505- 345 -2426 Denton Fry's Motor Shop 801 Woodrow Lane 76205 817 - 387.9911 NEW YORK Houston Gull Supply Go.7721 Airline Dr. 77037 713-0458077 Albany Albany Bumer Control 20 Colvin Ave. 12206 5184595856 Houston Hyro Dyne Electric 4301 Laura Koppe 77016 713831 -0770 Albany Klahr Electric Co 1 B4 Central Ave, 12205 5181568510 Paris City Elec Mtr Sery 1480 NW 19th 75460 903 -784 -7671 Brewster D & S Mtrs Inc Sodom Rd. 10509 914 - 279 -3785 Victoria Horvath Elec Serv.1103 E Rio Grande 77901 361 - 575.2921 Bronx Star Elec Mtr Sery 1854 Archer St 10460 212 -828 -2820 UTAH Buffalo S -S Elec Shop Inc.2470 Seneca SL 14210 716523 -1232 Ogden Johnson Elec. Mir. Cc 2795 Industrial or 84401 801- 731 -0832 Larchmont B & D Elec. Mtr Rpr.2412 Boston Post Rd 10538 914434 -4841 Sall Lake City Steve Regan Cc 4215 South 500 West &4123 801 - 2684500 Plainview Nit -Craft Elect. Serv.33 North Mail 11803 516594 -8151 VERMONT Pestilent The Water Supply 7598 U.S Hwy 11 13676 315 - 265-0003 Montpelier Frank Allen - Montpelier Co.141 River St 05602 802. 223.7721 Queensbury Northeastern Electric Motors 442 Corinth Rd 12804 51B- 793 -5939 S. Burlington J & P Electric Mtr 397 Palchen Road 05403 8028565564 Staten Island Kerber & Son Sply.451 Jewett Ave. 1U302 718- 720 -5820 St. Albins n Valrty Repair Swanton Rd. 0547 8 Waterford G L L P Inc.35 Washington Avenue 12188 816238 -1852 Whole River Jct T & L Electric 35 N Main Street 05001 802 - 2953114 NORTH CAROLINA VIRGINIA Ahoskie Electric Motor Service Co Hwy 13 South 27910 252- 3324364 Red Ash Cole Electric Inc.Hwy. 460 24640 2769635067 Albemarle Hammond Elec. Mtr.R 3 Box 100 Concord Rd 28001 704 - 983 -3178 Richmond MSC Equipment 1823 North Hamilton St. 23230 804 - 355 -7491 Concord Purser Central Rewind. Co.lnc 865 Hwy 29 No 28025 704 - 7863131 Winchester Winchester Elect. Serv.120 Fort Collier Rd 22603 - 5775 540567 -2040 Dallas PCG Electric Repair 504 South Gaston St. 28034 704 - 923 -OD43 WASHINGTON Eden TlgerTek Industrial Services 602 Bridge Street 27288 336523 -1717 Centralia C & R Electric Motor 820 North Tower 98531 206. 7362521 Eden Rex Electric 625 Irving Ave. 27288 919523 -2983 Femdale Cannon Electric 6148 Portal Way 98248 206384 -3014 Fayetteville Electrotek 455 Hillsboro SL 28301 910483 -2581 Lacey Village Rental Center 4614 Lacey Blvd S.E. 98503 206491 -9424 Greensboro Electric Motor Repair & Sales 919 Warren Street 27403 336552 -6028 Seattle Poppleton Electric & Machinery 969 So Nebraska St. 98108 206- 762 -9160 Greensboro General Mtr. Repair 2206 Westbrook St. 27407 919- 292 -1715 Tacoma Center Elec. Inc 1212 South 30th St. 98409 206- 3834416 High Point Piedmont Elec. Rpr. Co. Inc 206 Lindsey 27261 919 -889 -0222 WEST VIRGINIA Horse Shoe Pump Cnil & Specialties 19 Wancck Rd 26742 704 -891 -2244 Accoville B & T Recharge Righthand Fork Buffalo 25606 304 - 583-8230 Monroe Randall Electric Motors 2409 Walkup Ave 28110 704 -289 -6479 Chapmanwlle B & R Jack Repair Bentley Stanch Rd. 25508 304 - 8553782 New Bern Banks Electric 120 First Street 28563 919- 637 -2119 Huntington Lawler Elec Mtr. Co.202 Adams Ave, 25701 304 - 522 -8297 New Bern New Bern Electric 1102 Hwy 70 West 28560 919537 -5522 Lavalette Eastern States Pump & Equip.4938 Route #152 25535 304 - 522.2687 Rocky Mount Bowden Elec Mtr. Serv.1512 Raleigh Rd. 27801 9194464203 Mammngton D & G Machine Co 115 Water St, 26582 304 - 9861020 Salisbury Della Electric 725 Demco Drive 28145 704533 -3709 Morgantown Nest Electric & Machine 8 West Electric Drive 26508 304.296.8201 Shelby Electric Motor Service 1143 AirpoR Rd 28150 704482 -9979 Mullens Tramco 411 Black Eagle Rd. 25882 304 -294 -7156 Thomasville Electric Drives Inc.16 Carolina Avenue 27361 910476 -6751 New Martinsville Dale's Repair & Service 219 Foundry St. 26155 304 -4555575 Wake Forest Electnc Motor Shop 1225 N While St 27587 919 -556 -3229 Parkersburg WWT Electnc 641 Hams St 26101 304428 -0242 NORTH DAKOTA Princeton MJ Electric Shelter Road 24740 304 -425.8987 Fargo S & W Elec Mtr Rpr.12 N 14'/: St 58102 701- 232 -7141 WISCONSIN Fargo Stack Electric Mtr & Cont 101 S 23rd St 58103 701- 298 -0311 Appleton Crescent Efec. Mir Ser.1727 N Richmond 54911 414 - 7335136 Grand Forks Acme Electnc Motor Inc 1705 13th Avenue North 58201 701 - 746 -6481 Green Bay Chnstianson Elec. Co, Inc 1138 State St 54304 4144356924 Nahpeton Big Woods Electnc Motor 875 8th Avenue South 58075 701542 -3145 Hudson Reliance Elect Mlrs 1621 Livingstone Rd 54016 7153863633 OHIO LaCrosse Elec Mtr. Rpr 222 Vine St 54601 608 - 784.6330 Akron Tvar Electric Mir. Rpr 1888 Copley Rd 44320 216- 836 -5537 LaCrosse Lackore Electric Motor Repair, Inc 520 South 3rd 54601 608 -782 -7635 Canton Ragon Elec 1240 Dustier Ave S,W. 44706 216453 -0181 Madison Elec, Mtrs. Unlimited 1000 Jonathan Dc 53713 606271 -2311 Cincinnati Rank's Elec Mtr. Sery 2640 Colerain Ave 45214 513- 542 -0342 Maple Birch Industrial 3864 S Hwy F 54854 715- 363 -2404 Cincinnati Wheatley Elec. Serv.2046 Ross Ave 45212 513 - 5314951 Plainfield Tn -County Elec. Motor RI 1 Box 48E 54966 715- 3354127 Cleveland Baumgardner & Sons 1380 East 170th SI. 44110 216-531-2800 Plover Motors & Controls LLC 1077 Meehan Drive 54467 715 - 344-0010 Cleveland Elec Mtr Rot.17616 S Waterloo Rd 44119 216- 531 -5995 Plover Risty's Elec.Mtr. Service Hwy #54, 1087 Meehen 54467 715- 344-0010 Columbus Ohio Electnc Motor Service 1854 South High 43207 614444 -1451 Racine Motoronics Electric Sales 2200 N, Western Ave. 53404 414534 -5827 Dayton M & R Elec. Mtr. Serv.1516 E. 5th St 45403 513- 2225282 Sheboygan Sixei & Schwinn, Inc.N 8725 Dairyland Dr. 53083 92D- 5652131 Findlay Electnc Mrt Serv.717 Western Ave 45840 419427 -2332 Waukesha Rusch Electnc 330 E North St 53188 262. 5474037 Findlay Findlay Armature Co.116 W. High St 45840 419422 -0434 Wausau Linder Electric Motor Inc.308 Adrian St 54401 715$42 -3725 Copyright 2004 Zoeller Co. All rights reserved Installation Manual Most Versatile Panel MVP -S1 PT RO Manual# EIN -CP -S -501 This Manual Contains: Description 1. Installation Instructions 2. Panel Wiring Diagram 3. Float Arrangement Diagram 4. MVP -S PT RO Operation 5. MVP -S PT RO Setting Instructions 6. MVP -Time & Date Setting Instructions Document Number EIN- CP -GEN -1 EDW- WD -S -93 EDW- FA -S -10 EIN- CP -OP -5 EIN -CP- SET -14 EIN -CP- SET -111 Orenco Systems® Incorporated 814 AIRWAY AVENUE SUTHERLIN, OREGON 97479 -9012 TELEPHONE: 541( 459 -4449 FACSIMILE: 541) 459 -2864 EIN -CP -S -501 Rev 2.1 © 09117/02 Panel Installation Before Installing Panel 1. Read all instructions before proceeding with the installation. Improper installation may void warranties. 2. Inspect your order for completeness and inspect each component for shipment damage. If something is missing or damaged, you will need to contact your supplier to obtain replacements. 3. Check to be sure the instructions and items supplied comply with state and local regulations. 4. A qualified electrician must be employed to install and service the panel and ancillary wiring. The equipment must be installed in compliance with the National Electric Code, as well as state and local codes. Placement of the Control Panel 5. Install the electrical control or alarm panel within view of the tank. The panel should be attached to a post or an exterior wall. Panels that contain motor contactors make a thumping sound, each time a pump is started or stopped Therefore, these panels should not be mounted to an exterior wall unless it is in a location away from living areas, such as on a garage wall. If possible, position the panel in the shade to protect it from weather. Extreme temperatures can cause inconsistent performance of the electrical components. Locate the panel at a convenient height (usually about five feet above the ground) and where it will be accessible for maintenance. Install Floats and Pumps 6. Install the electrical splice box(es) for the floats and pump(s) before installing the actual floats and pumping equipment. The splice box(es) are installed in the grommet(s) provided near the top of the riser. 7. Install the floats. Thread the float and pump cords through the cord grips into the PVC splice box, leaving adequate lengths of electrical cord coiled inside the riser to allow easy removal of the pump and float assembly. Do not remove the colored markers or the paper tags from the float cords, and do not try to thread the markers and tag through the cord grip. These should be left on the float cord, outside the splice box. Tighten the cord grips, using hand pressure or a wrench if necessary, until the cord will no longer move in the cord grip. If the cord grips are not tight enough, the seal will not be watertight, but overtightening may damage the cord or the cord grip, so use only as much force as necessary. Adequate lengths of cord should be left within the splice box to allow for easy removal for future disconnecting and re- splicing. 8. Run the wires from the control panel to the splice box. The wires can be brought through a conduit, or can be buried using suitable direct- burial wire. Conduit that enters the splice box must be sealed, even if the wires are direct- buried, to prevent the infiltration of water into the splice box. Use an electrically approved sealant to plug the wires coming in through the conduit hub. The number of wires required depends on the control panel and the number of floats and pumps used. This can be determined by consulting the Float Arrangement diagram appropriate for the control panel and float arrangement being used. 7t7 Orenco Systems® Incorporated 814 AIRWAY AVENUE SUTHERLIN, OREGON 97479 -9012 TELEPHONE 541)459-4449 FACSIMILE: 541) 459 -2884 EIN- CP -GEN -1 Rev 2.0 ©01110/05 Page 1 Wire should be sized at 14 AWG for the floats. Refer to Figure 1 to determine the proper size for the pump wires. When calculating wire size, the length and size of the branch circuit wires from the service entrance panel to the pump control panel must also be taken into account. Wire that's too small can cause an excessive voltage drop and poor pump performance. Wires should be color coded or otherwise marked to aid in wiring the control panel. Drawing EIN- SB -SB -1 lists recommended colors for each of the wires. Colors may refer to either the color of the wire's insulation, the color of a tag, or the color of an electrical tape marker. 9. All splices made in the splice box should use waterproof wire nuts or butt connectors and heat shrink tubing. The splices must be waterproof! Splices that are not waterproof may cause a malfunction of the pump controls if water should leak into the splice box. Refer to Drawing EIN- SB -SB -1 for instructions on making waterproof splices. Refer to the appropriate Float Arrangement diagram for instructions on how to connect the floats together. Connect Control Panel 10. Connect the wires coming from floats to the terminals in the control panel. Refer to the appropriate Float Arrangement diagram for the correct terminal connections. 11. Connect the wires coming from the pump(s) to the pump terminals. Refer to the panel wiring diagram for the correct terminal connections. 12. Connect the incoming power to the panel. Power to the panel must be appropriate to the control panel and pump motor (i.e. 120VAC, single phase for a 120 VAC motor, 240 VAC single phase for a 240 VAC motor, etc.) Insure that the panel is properly grounded and that the fuse or breaker and wire size, from the main power panel and to the pump, are sized correctly. Separate circuits for the pump controls and each of the pump motors is recommended. Note: Voltage for the controls in the panel is always 120VAC, although the pump voltage may be 120VAC or 240 VAC. 13. Use 60° minimum CU conductors only. Torque the terminal blocks to 15 LB -IN and the ground lugs to 45 LB -IN. Torque the circuit breakers to 20 LB -IN for 14 -10 AWG wire, 25 LB -IN for 8 AWG wire, and 27 LB -IN for 6 -4 AWG wire. 14. When power is applied to the control panel, the wires to the pump may be energized. Do not service the pump or any electrical wiring in the pump vault without disconnecting the power at the circuit breaker and the fuse. The pump vault area is a hazardous area, and may contain explosive gases. Take appropriate precautions before working in the pump vault. 15. If you have any questions please contact Orenco Systems, Inc. Figure 1. Recommended Breaker & Wire Size Pump Motor Size Breaker size Wire Size Max Distance* 120 VAC 1/2 hp 20 amp 10 AWG 105 ft 240 VAC 1/2 hp 15 amp 14 AWG 161 ft 3/4 hp 20 amp 14 AWG 130 ft 1 hp 20 amp 12 AWG 172 ft 1 1/2 hp 20 amp 12 AWG 126 ft This is the maximum distance from this subpanel to the pump motor for the recommended wire size. Distance is based on 3% maximum voltage drop from subpanel to load at maximum recognized pump motor amps at 75° C. EIN- CP -GEN -1 Rev 2.0 ®01/10/05 Page 2 N E 0 o 8 l IE cc CM MOTA c CL. CCc cc CL -a O O L C O V z a a U Y m 3m d LL tC._JroJC LcmeuU'g c iJ me NUU oEo oQooa- oadoTo - doOt - --E m3E d I_LL aQ ° , to 0:) m o m J Qaac iaa 1 •i qC1O Si0 i cO aN0c cL 00 ,)O a.•aU w LL q m.2C O ro v oU 0< s Q a ®< Cq O m1 d0:z j Z v Y m C E C N C o J ro R c rn Neutral O'O B B Z I o Y `m ` E O 0 B z yL ,2 o > E Q 6 LE 0m ONCEao Q 0 0 1 •i qC1O Si0 i cO aN0c cL 00 ,)O a.•aU w LL q m.2C O O C1 O C N O. C oU 0< o rna Q a ®< Cq O m1 d0:z j Z v e e 3 a W N O M 0 m 3 0a F m g e,O Y. OL 00 v o N ~ N Y -0OLO_ xQ t9 Ground N Na ° c ° c p c Q N C Z PURP Lt y CUN ID U .° c corrrrros EJJ J ro R c rn Neutral C,- B B Z I o Y `m ` E O 0 B z La - T c— 'p N m; cL o cJ U cJa'oc•_a 0 « C c E> n Ec E N oJ O EcaUOda L66i z NNth G ~ t_ 0D _ co F m g e,O P v o N C lo E2u mQ E JJ li d LL 3 C I u O La - T c— 'p N V4 cJ U t0 CD Q M>7 am E> n lid L66i CL Zz m_ Y z 1 I a m mH Ground C Pump L1 m o N Controls L1 Z , mm Pump Neutral ° m Controls Neutral LL c0 U L ga Eo a as h o>7m o> a m E Z c S4 E 70ID 0 16 00 C 0 0 L) d-O LA O 0 O O O O d) 6. a X O CL 0 6. 0. CL J5 L) FO Z E s E 2-n C)CD 69 V)m Q0C:) 73 > c —d C) So m C) L D 0 0 E 0 El gq 0- V) F CLS cr ce- CID m id G V) C2 Lu 0: g CL L E 3 E c o c (3 CL OR5ma E M E 0: cn V S a J tm mc, ro S c2 Lw E s E 2-n E 69 V)m Q0C:) 73 > c —d C) So m L D 0 0 E 0 El 0- F CLS cr ce- E M E 0: cn V S a J tm mc, ro S c2 Lw a E 0 C7, CD > CD 0T- CS 6Z 0aM,.. <. R.... , _ ,..,' rte nar L V) r,_ Ss 0- t.2 0F71 - -o LU 6 Z CD c A 7@ C m 0 U LLJ 0 oi; E 69 T 0 > b , 73 >So m F21 0- F CLS cr ce-G V) C2 Ef a E 0 C7, CD > CD 0T- CS 6Z 0aM,.. <. R.... , _ ,..,' rte nar L V) r,_ Ss 0- t.2 0F71 - -o LU 6 Z CD c A 7@ C m 0 U LLJ 0 oi; P , MVP -S PIT RO Operation Orenco's Most Versatile Panel (MVP) line of control panels includes an easy -to -use programmable logic unit that incorporates many timing and logic functions. The units have built in screens which show the time and date, digital input status, digital output status, analog input status (3 screens), analog output status, memory flag status and an ESC + Cursor key status. (The analog input status, analog output status, memory flag status andESC + Cursor key status screens are not used in this application.) Additionally, the following system data screens have been included in your panel: System Data Screens: 1. Pump Cycl CT & ETM 2. High Lvl CT & Override CT 3. Low Lvl CT & Timer Flt CT 4. Power Faults & Operating Hr To move between screens, below: Description: Pump cycle counter at top of screen and pump run time in minutes beneath High level alarm counter at top of screen and override cycle counter beneath Low level alarm counter at top of screen and timer float counter beneath Power fault counter at top of screen and operating hours beneath use the four arrow keys. The screens are accessed as shown System Data Screen l System Data Screen igital Digital Analog Analog Analo Analo MemoTDaie & • Inputs H Outputs H Input) H (npu) H (npu) Outpu)s H #I -24 ESC +C 1 -24) ( #] -16) ( #1 -3 #4 -6 #7 -8 #1 -2 ( ) Digital Input and Digital Output Screens: The unit will activate various inputs and outputs as it operates (please refer to the Liquid Crystal Display screens shown below). Knowing what conditions cause the inputs and outputs to activate can be a helpful installation and troubleshooting tool. The following inputs and outputs have been used with your controlpanel: Digital Input Functions: 1. Redundant Off & Low Level Alarm Float 2. Timer On & Off Float 3. Override Timer On & Off Float 4. High Level Alarm Float 5. Push To Silence Digital Output Functions: 1. Pump 2. Level Alarm Light 3. Audible Alarm 4. General Alarm Inputs 1 -9 Activated Inputs 10 -19 e:. 1234567 „ Input/OutputP1..6123156789 2..61231 „y y Inputs 20 -24 - ar Esc 8K x Input Screen Activation Conditions: Float in up position Float in up position Float in up position Float in up position Pushbutton is pressed Activation Conditions: Pump is activated Level Alarm Light is activated Audible Alarm is activated Alarm condition exists Outputs 1 -9 Q3156789 1..fitt3456 outputs 10 -16 ESL s etah'<':t.,Jt, Output Screen Orenco Systems® Incorporated 814 AIRWAY AVENUE SUTHERLIN, OREGON 97479 -9012 TELEPHONE: 541) 459 -4449 FACSIMILE: 541) 459 -2884 EIN- CP -OP -5 Rev 6.0 © 00/09/05 Page 1 of 2 Your control panel can perform the float functions listed below. Depending on the number of floats for your application, some functions may be omitted or combined. High Level Alarm: This float activates the alarm light (steady) and audible alarm when lifted for longer than the high level alarm delay. The audible alarm may be silenced by pressing the illuminated PUSH TO SILENCE button on the front of the control panel. The alarm light (steady) will remain on until the float is lowered, and the audible alarm will reactivate in 12 hours if condition is not corrected. Override Timer On & Off: This float activates the override timer function when lifted for more than two seconds. This timer function controls the pump cycles during high flow conditions. The override timer function will remain active until at least the set minimum number of override cycles have been completed and the float has lowered. When the override timer function has been completed, normal timer operation will resume. Timer On & Off: This float activates the timer function when lifted. The timer will be activated while the float is up and will be deactivated 30 seconds after the float is lowered. This timer function controls the pump cycles during normal flow conditions. Note: The timer will start with its off cycle. Redundant Off & Low Level Alarm: This float turns off the pump when lowered for more than two seconds. This float is a secondary off float which will operate if the Timer On & Off float fails. Pumping will be disabled in both the automatic and manual modes. This float also activates the alarm light (flashing) and audible alarm. The audible alarm may be silenced by pressing the illuminated PUSH TO SILENCE button on the front of the control panel. The alarm light will remain flashing until the float is lifted, and the audible alarm will reactivate in 12 hours if condition Is not corrected. EIN- CP -OP -5 Rev 6.0 ® 009/05 Page 2 of 2 MVP -S PIT RO Setting In uctions Orenco's Most Versatile Panel (MVP) line of control panels includes an easy -to -use programmable logic unit that incorporates many timing and logic functions. The unit has been programmed at the factory for the control functions required. The unit includes adjustable operational parameters and viewable monitoring information. Some operational parameters may need changing for your particular application. The unit uses block names to identify the various parameters (please refer to the Liquid Crystal Display screen shown in Step #3). The following block types have been used with your control panel: Block Factory Time Block Names Description Default Range Type HLA Dly High Level Alarm Delay 5 seconds MM:SS Timer Off Time Timer Off Time 60 minutes MM:SS Timer On Time Timer On Time 40 seconds MM:SS Timer OVR Off Override Timer Off Time 30 minutes MM:SS Timer OVR On Override Timer On Time 40 seconds MM:SS Timer MinOCycl Minimum Override Cycles 3 cycles Counter Timer blocks have three timebase units that can be used; s = seconds, m = minutes, h = hours. If an h appears after the timer setting then the time will be HH:MM (e.g. 01:55h = I hour and 55 minutes). If an m appears after the timer setting then the time will be MM:SS e.g. 05:00m = 5 minutes and 0 seconds). If an s appears after the timer setting then the time will be SS.ss (e.g. 25:13s = 25.13 seconds). All adjustable parameters DO NOT use the same type of blocks, check the block types above to determine which steps apply to your application. Changing Adjustable Parameter Blocks: Step 1: Press - repeatedly until the display does not change. To begin the configuration process, press the "ESC" key. Step 2: Press - on the unit to select "Set Param." Then press the "OK" key. Warning: Do not select "Stop." Doing so may erase the panel programming, which can not be restored without the use of an EEPROM card, which is not included with the panel. If this is selected by accident, a confirmation screen will come up. Select "No" and press the "OK" key immediately. 7t7 Orenco Systems® I ncorporated 814 AIRWAY AVENUE SUTHERUN, OREGON 97479 -9011 TELEPHONE: 15411 459 -4449 FACSIMILE: 5411459 -1884 EIN- CP- SET-14 Rev 6.0 © 06/09/05 Page 1 o13 Changing Adjustable Parameter Timer Blocks: Step 3: Press - or , to view the parameter values. In this example, "Off Time" is being viewed. Step 4: The first line indicates the set value for the parameter. In this example, the set time is 1 hour and 55 minutes, T= 01:55h." To change the set value for the parameter, press the "OK" key. The second line indicates, in real time, how much time has elapsed for the cycle that is currently in process. The current value of the parameter is 45 minutes, Ta= 00:45." Step 5: The cursor will appear in the set value. To select the digit to be changed, press 4 or . To change the value of a digit, press - or v . In this example, the set value has been changed from 1 hour and 55 minutes to 58 minutes and 15 seconds. (The timebase can be changed from hours = h to minutes = m or seconds = s by moving the cursor to the far right and pressing - or Step 6: When the desired time value has been entered, press the "OK" key. The new time value will now be in effect. Step 7: To exit parameter mode, press the "ESC" key twice. EIN- CP- SET -14 Rev 6.0 © 08109/05 Page 2 of 3 Changing Adjustable Parameter Counter Blocks: Step 3: Press - or v to view the parameter values. In this example, "MinOCycl" is being viewed. Step 4: The first line indicates the on threshold for the parameter. In this example, the "MinOCycl" is 3, "On = 3." To change the set value for the parameter, press the "OK" key. The second line indicates the off threshold. This value must be set to zero, "Off = 0." The third line indicates, in real time, how many counts have occurred for this process. The current value of the parameter is 2, "Cnt = 2." Step 5: The cursor will appear in the set value. To select the digit to be changed, press / or . To change the value of a digit, press - or - . In this example, the set value has been changed from 3 to 2. Step 6: When the desired counter value has been entered, press the "OK" key. The new value will now be in effect. Step 7: To exit parameter mode, press the "ESC" key twice. EIN- CP- SE7 -14 Rev 6.0 © 08/09/05 Page 3 of 3 MVP -Time &Date Setting Instructions Orenco's Most Versatile Panel (MVP) line of control panels includes an easy -to -use programmable logic unit that incorporates many timing and logic functions. The unit has been programmed at the factory for the control functions required. However, the time and date may need to be set. To set the time and date, use the four arrow keys located on the face of the unit (up, down, left, and right), along with the "ESC" key and the "OK" key. Follow the three easy steps, below. Setting The Time & Date: op"' 00OP - 0,()o0 0000 Step 1: The picture to the left shows the unit when it is in run5 ` Mo mode. Press the "ESC" and "OK" keys simultaneously to beginag q D 7 the configuration process. S . oov.,, coo. 00 0000, "6b0 O000 s4t `cio =k Step 2: Two options will be iven. The arrow on the LCDSetParam ; g display will point to "Set Clock." Press the "OK" key. OQ0 00 (D C)0 it ti3ss' t,)((757 ' +i:4.U,,: Step 3: Use the down arrow key to change the day. To change Set CloCk .` the time, month, day, and year values, scroll to the desired digit1110es:es ., p with the right and left arrow keys and change the digit with theMM. UP.YY 05. ` -'¢ `'° up and down arrow keys. When the desired day, time, and date now ; A have been entered, press the "OK" key. Orenco Systems® Incorporated 814 AIRWAY AVENUE SUTHERLIN, OREGON 97479 -9012 TELEPHONE: 541) 459 -4449 FACSIMILE: 541) 459 -2894 EIN -CP -SET -98 Rev 1.1 ©06/19199 PIP MVP - Control Panel Instructions Contrast Adjustment and Time & Date Settings Orenco's Most Versatile Panel (MVP) line of control panels includes an easy -to -use programmable logic unit that incorporates many timing and logic functions. The readability of the display may vary with temperature and ambient light. If the screen is difficult to read, adjusting the contrast is recommended. Instructions for adjusting the contrast are shown below. Setting the date and time is typically not necessary. However, if required, the time and date can be set by following instructions shown below. To adjust the settings, use the four arrow keys located on the face of the unit (up, down, left, and right), along with the "ESC" key and the "OK" key. Follow the steps, below: Changing Settings: Step 1: Press , repeatedly until the display does not change. To begin the configuration process, press the "ESC" key. Step 2: Select "Set..." (Press - or ), and then press the "OK" key. Warning: Do not select "Stop ". Doing so may erase the panel programming, which can not be restored without the use of an EEPROM card, which is not included with the panel. If this is selected by accident, a confirmation screen will come up. Select No" and press the "OK" key immediately. If adjusting contrast, continue with the steps below. If adjustingtime & date, skip to "Setting Time and Date:" on next page. Adjusting Contrast: Step 3: Select "Contrast" (Press - or ), and then press the OK" key. Step 4: Select the desired contrast (Press 4 or ), and then press the "OK" key. 7p C6 Orenco Systems' Incorporated 814 AIRWAY AVENUE SUTHERLIN, OREGON 97479 -9012 TELEPHONE: 541) 459 -4449 FACSIMILE: 1541) 459 -2884 EIN -CP- SET -111 Rev 7.0 © 009/05 Page 1 of 2 Step 5: To exit, press the "ESC" key once. Setting Time and Date: Step 3: Select "Clock..." (Press - or ), and then press the "OK" key. Step 4: Select "Set Clock" (Press - or ), and then press the OK" key. Step 5: Move the cursor to the desired position by pressing 4 or /. Step 6: Change the value by pressing - or w Step 7: To confim your entries press the "OK" key once. Then, press the "ESC" key twice. EIN- CP- SET -111 Rev 7.0 © 08/09/04 Page 2 of 2 1 "Float Collar Applications Orenco 's Float Collars for 1" schedule 40 pipe are the simplest, most reliable way to attach liquid level control floats. Tough ABS construction ensures long life, and the quick release clip requires no spe- cial tools to mount or adjust. Orenco's float collars make cable ties obsolete. More importantly, they make installing liquid level floats more reliable. APS -FC -1 Rev. 1.1 © 7/12100 Cord retainer keeps float cords from becomif7g tangled with floats. Standard Features & Benefits Constructed of tough ABS plastic, capable of withstanding corrosive septic tank environment; lasts years longer than commonly used cable ties Quick disconnect clip makes it easy to mount float cord and adjust tether length; no tools required Stainless steel set -screw positively locates float collar; no float slippage or orientation problems Two - position clip holds cable tight without chafing wiring sheath. Fits virtually all common cord diameters; best fit is 0.28" to 0.36" Integral cord retainer keeps float cords from becoming tangled Optional Features & Benefits Custom colors available in large quantities Model Code for Ordering MF COLLAR1 Each float collar kit includes 1 float collar, 1 clip, 1 stainless steel screw, and simple assembly instr- uctions. Bulk quantities of 100 kits also available. Call your nearest Orenco Systems, Inc. dis- tributor. For nearest distributor, call Orenco at 1- 800 - 348 -9843. Orenco Systems Incorporated Changing the Way the World Does Wutewater' www.orenco.com Float Collar Instruction Guide Float Collar Installation Step 1: Marking Float Cord Tether Length Using the manufacturers instructions provided with your floats, determine the proper float cord tether length, and mark the position on the cord. Step 2: Attaching Float Collar to Float Marking Float Cord Tether Length Insert the marked portion of the float cord into the slot in the float collar, and slide the clip onto the collar. The clip is secured by two retaining pegs molded onto the float collar. The clip is labeled with an "L" on one side, and an S" on the other, as viewed from the side facing away from the collar. The range of float cord diam- eters each clip position will clamp is listed below: L" Clip position: up to 0.35" S" Clip position: down to 0.28" Use the clip position that holds the cord the tight- est without distorting the clip. The cord should not slip when pulled moderately by hand. Step 3: Securing Float Collar to 1" Schedule 40 PVC Pipe Secure float collars in proper location, using stain- less steel set screw provided in the kit. Tighten the set screw until float collar is firmly clamped. Note: A cord retainer recess is built into the collar. The cords from lower floats can be tucked into the recess, keeping the cords from becoming tangled with floats. Float Collar Adjustments Adjusting Float Height Float height can be adjusted by loosening the stainless steel set screw and simply sliding the float collar up or down the float stem. Adjusting Float Cord Tether Length Float cord tether length can be adjusted by remov- ing the clip, adjusting the cord's position, and re- installing the clip. CQ Orenco Systems' Incorporated 1- 800 - 348 -9843 NIN- MF -MFC -1 Rev 1.19/01 Page 1 of 1 Attaching Float Collar Securing Float Collar to Float Stem Float switch function Tag color code 6 High level alarm Y (yellow) High level alarm, pump on YB (yellow -blue) High level alarm, lag pump on YP (yellow - purple) Lag pump on P (purple) Pump on B (blue) Pumps off R (red) Pumps on/off G (green) Redundant off, low level alarm W (white) 11iiq db' Hlgh level alarm Y (yellow) High level alarm, lag pump enable YP (yellow- purple) High level alarm, override timer on/off YG (yellow- green) Lag pump ort/off PG (purple- green) Lag pump enable P (purple) Override timer on/off G (green) Tlmeron/off R (red) Redundant off, low level alarm W (white) Floats in bold type indicate the float model used when factory- standard MIT in ain e in ica e e oa mo e use when alternate functions are desired. TABLE 38. SIGNAL- AND MOTOR -RATED FLOAT SWITCH MATRIX A Model Normally open Mercury Yes Na n/a n/a T Model Normally closed Mercury Yes n/a Na n/a G" iX=r i ed:1 s-(forpuhi,p w h appll! iOtis). B Model Normally open E Mechanical No 120V 13A 1/2 hp 230V 13A 1 hp 2.00"3.00"2.50" Model Normally open Mechanical No 120V 13A 1/2 hp 230V 15A 2 hp 5.00"4,50"4.00"8.50" 6.00"5.25"4,25"9,50" 2.00"D Model Normally open Mechanical No 120V 15A 3/4 hp 230V 15A 2 hp 3.50"7.50" 5,00"4.50"4,00"8.50" 6.00"5.25"4,25" G Model Normally open Mercury Yes 120V 15A 3/4 hp 230V 15A 2 hp 4.00"2.00"3.50" A, ASF S, SSF MRS MVP -SSF DAX MVP -OAX p «zW; ; pain y o r-„ s „ N.:.,r:,«•..,, w VCOM -S n/a n/a n/a 2.00"n/a n/a n/a 2.00"2.50"1.50"4.00" 3.00"3,00"1.50"4.75" 4.00"3.25"1.50"4.75" 2.00"3.00"2.50"5.50" 3.00"3.50"3.00"6.50" 4.00"4.00" oo° 7.50" 5.00"4,50"4.00"8.50" 6.00"5.25"4,25"9,50" 2.00"3.00"2.50"5.50" 3,00"3.50"3.00"6.50" 4.00"4.00"3.50"7.50" 5,00"4.50"4,00"8.50" 6.00"5.25"4,25"9.50" 2.00"1.50"3.00"4.50" 3.00"1.75"3.00"4,50" 4.00"2.00"3.50"5,50" CALL ORENCO SYSTEMS AT 800- 348 -9843 (FAX: 541- 459 -2884) PAGE 53 TABLE 37. CONTROL PANEL AND FLOAT SWITCH FUNCTION MATRIX 2 00"n/a n/a n/a 2.00"n/a n/a n/a 2.00"2.50"1.50"4.00" 3.00"3,00"1.50"4.75" 4.00"3.25"1.50"4.75" 2.00"3.00"2.50"5.50" 3.00"3.50"3.00"6.50" 4.00"4.00"3.50"7.50" 5.00"4,50"4.00"8.50" 6.00"5.25"4,25"9,50" 2.00"3.00"2.50"5.50" 3,00"3.50"3.00"6.50" 4.00"4.00"3.50"7.50" 5,00"4.50"4,00"8.50" 6.00"5.25"4,25"9.50" 2.00"1.50"3.00"4.50" 3.00"1.75"3.00"4,50" 4.00"2.00"3.50"5,50" CALL ORENCO SYSTEMS AT 800- 348 -9843 (FAX: 541- 459 -2884) PAGE 53 TABLE 37. CONTROL PANEL AND FLOAT SWITCH FUNCTION MATRIX ONO Float Switch Assemblies Orenco Systems' Incorporated 1- 800.348 -9843 Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions Model MF Installation Instructions The float switch assembly is typically mounted in the screened pump vault or effluent screen inside of a septic or dosing tank. The assembly is detachable without removal of the screened pump vault or effluent screen. A typical float switch assembly is shown below. Step 1: Each float cable is provided with a color marker. This marker indicates the function of the float. Make sure that your float cable color markers corre- spond with the wiring diagram provided. If the wiring diagram does not match your float cable marker colors, contact Orenco Systems® Inc. or your local dealer for assistance. i. >.....,.:: "3 inxi .:..a;.>....: ^a':'+ > :xsM.: aa. e.,atFC :a, s.....'` ». : ...., : ". >..:i. • ;t .` :a. >.,. =k.. ,..... To check for proper float switch operation, move each switch up and down and check for interference. Remove the assembly from its holding bracket by snapping it out of the holding bracket. O i Float function color marker i Float stem Adjustable float collar Stainless steel set screw Float 2003 Orenco Systems' Inc.NIN- MF -MF -1 Rev. 2.0, © 11/04 Page 1 of 4 Installation Instructions (continued) Step I If any float interferes with another, the float may be adjusted by loosening the stainless steel set screw provided in the float collar. Using a phillips screwdriver, slowly back the screw out of the collar to a point at which the collar may be adjusted. Be careful not to back the screw completely out of the collar. Carefully rotate the collar on the stem until the float switches can move freely past one another. Tighten the stainless steel set screw and recheck. Warning: Be careful not to alter the the tether lengths of any of the floats. Alteration of the tether length may affect proper operation of the float switch assembly. 0 4: Check the float settings with the project plans and specifications. If the set- tings need to be adjusted, loosen the set screw as described in step 3. Adjust the float switches to the desired level and tighten the set screw. Make sure float level settings do not violate any state or local regulations. Note: The float stem provided is the maximum length possible without interfering with the pump minimum liquid level or screened pump vault intake ports. Never lengthen the float stem without prior approval from Orenco. Lengthening of the float stem will void the warranty. Step_p.. Replace the float switch assembly in the holding bracket. Make sure the assembly snaps fully into the bracket. Step To allow for easy removal of a float switch assembly, a 1" diameter handle may be added to the top of the float switch assembly. Measure the distance from the top of the float switch assembly up to about one foot from grade level. Cut a 1" diameter PVC pipe to the measured length and glue it into the handle. NIN- MF -MF -I © 2003 Orenco Systems' Inc. Rev. 20, © 11/04 Page 2 of 4 Installation Instructions (continued) Step 7: When used with an Orenco electrical splice box: Push the level control wires through the watertight cord grips into the electrical splice box. Leave an adequate length of electrical cable coiled inside the riser to allow for easy removal of the pump and float switch assembly. Do not remove the colored markers or the paper tags from the float cables, and do not try to thread the markers and tag through the cord grip. Tighten the cord grips by hand, not by tool, then test the tight- ness of the cord grips by tugging on each cable. A cable is secure when the cord grip is tight enough to prevent slippage. Adequate lengths of cable should be left within the splice box to allow easy removal for future disconnecting and resplicing. Note: See the splice box instructions (EIN- SB -SB -1) and corresponding splice box diagram for connection instructions. 2003 Orenco Systems* Inc.NIN- MF -MF -t Rev. 20, © tt/D4 Page 3 of 4 Maintenance Instructions °a Orenco Systems' Incorporated 1- 800 - 348 -9843 During the annual inspection, follow the testing procedures provided to ensure that the system is operating properly. If a float is found to be faulty, either during the annual inspection or during troubleshooting after an alarm condition, see the section below titled Removing and Replacing Inoperative Floats. Removing and Replacing Inoperative Floats Important Before doing any work either on the wiring to the level control floats and pump in the vault or in the pump control panel, switch the circuit breakers in the panel to their "OFF" positions; then switch off the power to the system at the service entrance panel. 1. Remove the float assembly from the vault. 2. Using a Phillips screwdriver, remove the stainless steel screws from the splice box lid, being careful not to drop the screws into the tank. If the splice box was submerged, or if there is a crack in the conduit, there may be water in the splice box. If this is the case, remove water from the splice box with a syringe, sponge, or other appropriate method. Loosen the cord grip at the splice box and verify the appropriate splice for the float. Unscrew the wire nuts and remove the float. 3. Remove the inoperative float and replace it with a new one. Push the float cable through the watertight cord grip into the electrical splice box. Leave an adequate length of electrical cord coiled inside the riser to allow for easy removal of the float assembly. Do not remove the colored markers or the paper tags from the float cords, and do not try to thread the markers and tag through the cord grip. Tighten the cord grip by hand, not by tool, then test the tightness of the cord grip by tugging on the cord. A cord is secure when the cord grip is tight enough to prevent slippage. An adequate length of cord should be left within the splice box to allow for easy removal for future disconnecting and resplicing. 4. Refer to document EIN- SB -SB -1 for instructions to splice the float wire to the wire from the control panel. Attach the float wires using the waterproof wire nuts. It is necessary to replace this wire nut with a new watertight wire nut. Always use watertight wire nuts or heat shrink splice kits for all connections! 5. Replace the float and collar and return the assembly to the pump vault. 6. Reconnect power and test the unit. NIN- MF -MF -1 © 2003 Orenco Systems' Inc. Rev. 20, © 11/04 Page 4of4 Common ealth of Virginia PpA lication for: Sewage System Water Supply Owner ,)a vj j pd lla,- Mailing Address /is TS ' / Agenta i Mailing Address - u lv' - Nn,Y 1/A cRly3 Site Address Directions to Property: Subdivision 10 1 -0 -LW( VDH Use Only Health Department ID4 ttt Due Date Phone Phone Fax Phone Phone Fax Email Section Block Lot Tax Map 0699 Other Property Identification Vn Wd — Dimension/Acreage of Property Sewage System Type of Approval: Applicants for new construction are advised to apply for a certification letter to determine if land is suitable for a sewage system and to apply for a construction permit (valid for 18 months) only when ready to build. For New Construction: Certification Letter ® Construction Permit For Existing Construction: Repair Modification Expansion Replacement Proposed Use: Single Family Home (Number of Bedrooms _) Multi -Family Dwelling (Total Number of Bedrooms Other (describe) Will there be a basement: 'e No (circle one). If yes, will there be fixtures in Basement? No (circle one} Are any conditions proposed on this construction permit? Z 'No (circle one). If yes, P.1ease check or describe all proposed conditions that apply: Reduced water flow Limited occup cy Lj Intermittent of seasonal use Temporary use not to exceed 1 year Other (describe ,SP t; c vLl -un Water Supply Will the water supply be Public or rivat (circle one). Is the water supply stt or Proposed (' a one). Will the old well be abandoned? Yreplacementwell? Yes o 'circle one GsN one).If proposed, is this a p ) Have any buildings within 100' of the proposed well been termite treated? Yes & (circle one). All Applicants Is this an AOSE/PE application? Yes circle one) If yes, is the AOSE package attached? Y s/N ,9(circle one). In order for VDH to process your application you must attach a site sketch and plat of the property. The site sketch should show your property lines, actual and/or proposed buildings and the desired location of your well and/or sewage system. When the site evaluation is conducted the property lines, building location and the proposed well and sewage system sites must be clearly marked and the property sufficiently visible to see the topography, otherwise this application will be denied. I give permission to the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) to enter onto the property described during normal business hours for the purpose of processing this application and to perform quality assurance checks of evaluations and designs certified by an Authorized Onsite Soil Evaluator (AOSE) or a Professional Engineer (PE) as necessary until the sewage disposal system has been constructed and approved. 7 Sigma of Owner /Agen Date AOSE Form D Revised 9/29/04