HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200900075 Review Comments 2009-09-25a.nefte.nnf
Thomas Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District
706 Forest St, Ste G
Charlottesville, VA 22903
975 -0224
September 25, 2009
TO:Elizabeth Marotta
Planning Department
RE:Soils Report and Comments for:
Pleasant Grove New Sanctuary
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USDA United States Natural Prepared by: Thomas Jefferson Soil & Water
Department of Resources Conservation District
ill Agriculture Conservation 434 - 975 -0224
Soils Report
SOILS REPORT FOR: Pleasant Grove
Soil Survey Area: Albemarle County, Virginia
Survey Status: Published
Correlation Date: 12/01/1981
Distribution Date: 10/21/2002
Map Unit: 47C Louisburg sandy loan, 7 to 15 percent slopes
Description Category: Virginia FOTG
Louisburg is a strongly sloping to moderately steep, deep or very deep, well drained soil. Typically the surface
layer is sandy loam about 5 inches thick. The surface layer has a moderately low content of organic matter. The
slowest permeability is rapid. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This
soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The land
capability classification is 6e. The Virginia soil management group is FF. This soil is not hydric.
Map Unit: 65B Pacolet sandy loam, 2 to 7 percent slopes
Description Category: Virginia FOTG
Pacolet is a gently sloping to moderately sloping, very deep, well drained soil. Typically the surface layer is
sandy loam about 6 inches thick. The surface layer has a moderately low content of organic matter. The slowest
permeability is moderate. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is
not flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The land
capability classification is 2e. The Virginia soil management group is X. This soil is not hydric.
Map Unit: 65C Pacolet sandy loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes
Description Category: Virginia FOTG
Pacolet is a strongly sloping to moderately steep, very deep, well drained soil. Typically the surface layer is
sandy loam about 6 inches thick. The surface layer has a moderately low content of organic matter. The slowest
permeability is moderate. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is
not flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The land
capability classification is 4e. The Virginia soil management group is X. This soil is not hydric.
Map Unit: 88 Udorthents, loamy
Description Category: Virginia FOTG
No description available for Udorthents, loamy.
Map Unit: 94B Wedowee sandy loam, 2 to 7 percent slopes
Description Category: Virginia FOTG
Wedowee is a gently sloping to moderately sloping, very deep, well drained soil. Typically the surface layer is
sandy loam about 7 inches thick. The surface layer has a moderately low content of organic matter. The slowest
permeability is moderate. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is
not flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The land
capability classification is 2e. The Virginia soil management group is V. This soil is not hydric.
Map Unit: 94C Wedowee sandy loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes
Description Category: Virginia FOTG
Thomas Jefferson SWCD 1 9/25/09
Wedowee is a strongly sloping to moderately steep, very deep, well drained soil. Typically the surface layer is
sandy loam about 7 inches thick. The surface layer has a moderately low content of organic matter. The slowest
permeability is moderate. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is
not flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The land
capability classification is 4e. The Virginia soil management group is V. This soil is not hydric.
Small Commercial Buildings - Dominant Condition
Soil Survey: Albemarle County, Virginia
Survey Status: Published
Correlation Date: 12/01/1981
Distribution Date: 10/21/2002
Symbol Soil Name Rating
47C Louisburg sandy loam, 7 Very limited
to 15 percent slopes
65B Pacolet sandy loam, 2 to 7 Somewhat limited
percent slopes
65C Pacolet sandy loam, 7 to Very limited
15 percent slopes
88 Udorthents, loamy Not Rated
94B Wedowee sandy loam, 2 to Somewhat limited
7 percent slopes
94C Wedowee sandy loam, 7 to Very limited
15 percent slopes
Septic Tank Absorption Fields - Dominant Condition
Soil Survey: Albemarle County, Virginia
Survey Status: Published
Correlation Date: 12/01/1981
Distribution Date: 10/21/2002
Symbol Soil Name Rating
47C Louisburg sandy loam, 7 Very limited
to 15 percent slopes
65B Pacolet sandy loam, 2 to 7 Somewhat limited
percent slopes
65C Pacolet sandy loam, 7 to Somewhat limited
15 percent slopes
88 Udorthents, loamy Not Rated
94B Wedowee sandy loam, 2 to Somewhat limited
7 percent slopes
94C Wedowee sandy loam, 7 to Somewhat limited
15 percent slopes
Thomas Jefferson SWCD 2 9/25/09
Mapunit Hydric Rating
Soil Survey: Albemarle County, Virginia
Survey Status: Published
Correlation Date: 12/01/1981
Distribution Date: 10/21/2002
Symbol Soil Name Rating
47C Louisburg sandy loam, 7 Not hydric
to 15 percent slopes
65B Pacolet sandy loam, 2 to 7 Not hydric
percent slopes
65C Pacolet sandy loam, 7 to Not hydric
15 percent slopes
88 Udorthents, loamy Partially hydric
94B Wedowee sandy loam, 2 to Not hydric
7 percent slopes
94C Wedowee sandy loam, 7 to Not hydric
15 percent slopes
Soil Shrink - Swell - Dominant Soil
Top Depth : 0
Bottom Depth : 0
Soil Survey: Albemarle County, Virginia
Survey Status: Published
Correlation Date: 12/01/1981
Distribution Date: 10/21/2002
Symbol Soil Name Rating
47C Louisburg sandy loam, 7 1.5
to 15 percent slopes
65B Pacolet sandy loam, 2 to 7 1.5
percent slopes
65C Pacolet sandy loam, 7 to 1.5
15 percent slopes
88 Udorthents, loamy 0
94B Wedowee sandy loam, 2 to 1.5
7 percent slopes
94C Wedowee sandy loam, 7 to 1.5
15 percent slopes
Corrosion Concrete - Dominant Condition
Soil Survey: Albemarle County, Virginia
Survey Status: Published
Correlation Date: 12/01/1981
Distribution Date: 10/21/2002
Symbol Soil Name Rating
47C Louisburg sandy loam, 7 Moderate
Thomas Jefferson SWCD 3 9/25/09
to 15 percent slopes
65B Pacolet sandy loam, 2 to 7 High
percent slopes
65C Pacolet sandy loam, 7 to High
15 percent slopes
94B Wedowee sandy loam, 2 to High
7 percent slopes
94C Wedowee sandy loam, 7 to High
15 percent slopes
Thomas Jefferson SWCD 4 9/25/09
Fite uuN
7. 4"Cf AL e<<GLtel , v C v t
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126
October 6, 2009
AC Shelton
PO Box 92406
Atlanta, GA 30314
RE: SDP- 2009 -75 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church- Final
Dear Sir:
The Site Review Committee has reviewed the development proposal referenced above. Preliminary
comments for the following divisions of the Department of Community Development and other agencies,
as applicable, are attached:
Albemarle County Division of Zoning & Current Development (Planner)
Albemarle County Division of Zoning & Current Development (Engineer) - PeVA -4 hcit d 01,e)
Albemarle County Division of Inspections
Albemarle County Division of Planning (E911)- no objection
Albemarle County Division of Planning (Architectural Review Board)- Pending
Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue- no objection
Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA)- no objection
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)- Pending ix'mti e fyiee 1ttJ
Comments reflect information available at the time the development proposal was reviewed, and should
not be considered final. However, the Site Review Committee has attempted to identify all issues that
could affect approval of the proposed project.
Please make the revisions that have been identified as necessary for preliminary approval by the Site
Review Committee. If you choose not to make the requested revisions, please submit in writing
justification for not incorporating such revisions. Submit eight (8) full size copies and one (1) 11" x 17"
copy to the Department of Community Development including responses to each of the attached
comments of the Site Review Committee by October 19, 2009. Failure to submit this information by this
date will result in suspension of the review schedule. Review will resume when revisions are submitted
along with a reinstatement fee of $65.
Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you have questions or require additional information.
Elizabeth M. Marotta Senior Plar er
Zoning & Current Development
forAL .
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To:AC Shelton
From:Elizabpth M. Marotta, Senior Planner
Division' o g & Current Development
Date: October 6, 2009
Subject: ' SDP 2009 -75 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church- Final Prior to a Preliminary
The Planner /Engineer for the Zoning & Current Development Division of the Albemarle County
Department Community Development will recommend approve the preliminary plan referred to above
when the following items have been satisfactorily addressed. (The following comments are those that
have been identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based
on further review.) Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference to the Albemarle County
V This proposal has been submitted as a final prior to a preliminary. The ordinance contemplates
the approval of a preliminary site plan prior to the submittal of a final site plan. However, by
interpretation the ordinance does allow the submittal of a final prior to approval of a preliminary.
No mechanism exists in the ordinance for the County to approve with conditions a final site plan.
Therefore, if the site plan does not have all necessary approvals to allow signature by the
revision deadline the County will deny your application. You may request that this project be
changed from a final to a preliminary site plan which may allow the County to approve the plan
with conditions or you may request that the County defer taking a formal action on your
2. 32.5.6.a] Provide correct Tax map and parcel number as well as instrument.
3. 32.5.6.a] Provide graphic scale
4. 32.5.6.a] Provide datum reference for elevation
5. 32.5.6.a] Zoning: This property is also in the Airport Impact Area and subject to
ZMA200600010 and all conditions of SP200600024. Please add this information to the cover
sheet and provide a list of all conditions on the plans.
6. 32.5.6.a] Provide source of topography
7. 32.5.6.a] Provide source of the survey
8. 32.5.6.a] Provide use of adjacent properties
9. 32.5.6.a] Provide all departing lot lines. Currently none are shown along Earlysville road.
10. [32.5.6.a] Show all minimum setback lines, yard, and building separation requirements. Currently
callouts are provided, but lines are not shown. Refer to SP2006 -24 for setback requirements and
list these on the plans. Be sure to include legend for any abbreviations used, ie. SBL, etc...
11. [32.5.6.a] Vicinity map is incorrect. Revise vicinity sketch so roads are clearly labeled and
landmarks are accurately depicted.
12. [32.5.6.b] Provide maximum height of all structures
13. [32.5.6.b] Provide maximum impervious area data
14. [32.5.6.b] [32.6.6.g] Provide method for determining maximum required parking.
15. [32.5.6.d] Provide topography at least fifty (50) feet outside of the site.
16. [32.5.6.d] Indicate if there are critical slopes on the property.
17. [32.5.6.f] This property is in a water supply protection area (South Fork Rivanna- above
reservoir). Provide note as required by this section.
18. [32.5.6.f] This property is not within an agricultural forestral district. Provide note as required by
this section.
19. [32.5.6.i] [32.6.6.e] What is "20 ' callout dimensioning in the Earlysville Road right of way?
Provide /label limits of pavement and limits of right of way. Clearly show how project will tie into
existing road.
20. [32.5.6.j] Per Albemarle County Service Authority comments, provide information on the plan as
to water and sewer. If this site is not within the ACSA jurisdiction, please indicate with a note and
indicate how the site will be served.
21. [32.5.6.k] [32.6.6.j] Proposed drainfield may not be located under building or inside treeline.
Revise and provide required information pursuant to these sections.
22. [] Indicate all proposed utilities and easements.
23. [32.5.6.n] Dimension building (maximum footprint and height)
24. [32.5.6.n] [32.6.6.h.6] Show and dimension all walkways /sidewalks. See Inspections comments
for more.
25. [32.5.6.n] Show locations of all proposed outdoor lighting and provide a lighting plan in
conformance with Sec. 32.6.6.j.
26. [32.5.6.n] Provide paving material types and details for all walks, parking lots, and travelways.
27. [32.5.6.n] Indicate Location of trash containers.
28. [32.5.6.p] Show all proposed landscaping and provide a landscaping plan in conformance with
Sec. 32.7.9.
29. [32.6.6.f] Provide signature panel for Department of Current Development
30. [Comment] Sheet 2: Albemarle County does not have a Department of Public Works. Please
revise standard E &S notes.
31. [Comments] Sheet 3:
a. What is the "18" curb opening" callout referring to?
b. What is the thick black line connecting the eastern edge of the parking lot to the northern
corner of the building?
c. Delineate limits of clearing. [32.5.6.p] Because it appears trees are to remain on the site, a
Conservation Checklist is required to be completed and signed and provided on the
landscape plan.The checklist is available online at:
http: / /www. albemarle .org /upload/images /forms_center /departments /community develop
ment /forms/ applications /Checklist_Conservation_Pl an.pdf
d. It appears that the proposed contour 605 in the southern portion of the site does not tie -in
at all.
e. Provide details, spot elevations, and better labeling for the "5' retaining wall ".
f. Storm sewer description is not required on all sheets.
g. Sec. 4.12.16] All travelways must be a minimum of 24' wide.
32. Engineering, Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), Inspections Division, Planning
E911, Fire and Rescue, Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA), Health Department, and
Architectural Review Board (ARB) approvals are required prior to final site plan approval.
33. Please submit a completed Final Site Plan checklist with your resubmittal. Checklist can be found
at: http : / /www.albemarle.org /deptfonns asp ?section id= &depart ment =cda ps
Please contact Elizabeth M. Marotta at the Department of Community Development 296 -5832 ext. 3432
for further information.
Application #:SDP200900075 Short Review Comn;11ts
Project Name: Pleasant Grove New Sanctuary - Final Final — Non - residential — Commission
Date Completed:09/28/2009
Reviewer:Andrew Slack E911
Review Status:No Objection
Reviews Comments: NO OBJECTION.
Date Completed:10/05/2009
Reviewer:James Barber Fire Rescue
Review Status:No Objection
Reviews Comments: Must comply with the Statewide Fire Prevention Code. Final approval is subject to field inspection and
Date Completed:10/02/2009
Reviewer:Jay Schlothauer Inspections
Review Status:Requested Changes
Reviews Comments: Based on plans dated August 10, 2009.
Provide curb cuts at the heads of the barrier -free parking spaces' access aisles.
Clearly indicate the accessible route from the barrier -free parking spaces to a building entrance.
Page: 1.00 County of Albemarle Printed On: Tuesday, October 06, 2009
tRGIN ,/
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To:Elizabeth Marotta, Senior Planner
From: John P. Diez, Engineering Review
Division: Current Development
Date:October 6, 2009
Subject: SDP200900075 Pleasant Grove New Sanctuary - Final Site Plan
The final site plan for Pleasant Grove New Sanctuary, submitted on September 15, 2009, has been
reviewed. Current Development Engineering has the following comments:
General Final Site Plan Comments
1. Proposed contour lines must tie into existing contours. [18- 32.6.6]
2. Please provide date and source of the topographic information. All topography should be at least
field verified by the designer within the last year. [18- 32.6.6]
3. Benchmark location, elevation, and datum for topography must be provided. An existing utility or
other known position will suffice. [18- 32.5.6a]
4. Please provide all existing easements (access, drainage, sight, sanitary easements, etc.) with deed
book references, locations, and dimensions. [18- 32.6.6]
5. All proposed slopes must be 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) or flatter. [Policy]
6. The plans mention a private sewer and a private well, but are not shown on the plans. Please show
any existing and proposed utilities on the plans. [ 18- 32.5.61]
7. All entrances must have VDOT designations (PE -1, CG -9a, etc.)
8. Please show sight distance triangles at entrances. [ 18- 32.5.6]
9. Please note whether the culvert on SR 743 is existing or proposed. If it is a proposed culvert, then
please include it within the limits of disturbance.
10. VDOT approval must be obtained for any plan affecting public right -of -way.
11. Curbing on all parking areas and travelways must have VDOT designations (CG -2, CG -6)
12. Please label all edges of pavement (where there is no curbing).
13. Parking areas cannot exceed 5% grade anywhere, in any direction. [ 18- 4.15c]
14. Proposed parking width x depth x aisle width must be 9' x 18'x24' or 10' x 18'x20' (where a 2'
grass overhang is possible, parking spaces can be 16' deep). [18- 4.12.16]
15. Please indicate what material will be use for the parking area (gravel, asphalt, etc). [18- 32.5.6n]
16. Sidewalk detail or specifications must be provided. Sidewalk to be minimum 4" stone base and 4"
concrete of 3000psi at 28 days, or stronger. [18-]
17. Please provide a typical retaining wall detail. A typical manufacturer's drawing for segmental
block walls, or VDOT reference, is acceptable, with any applicable safety railings or guardrail
18. Please provide Albemarle County General Construction Notes. Please refer to the Design
Standards Manual.
19. Please provide drainage profiles and computations for the proposed storm sewer pipes.
20. Please provide curb inlet computations.
21. Please provide lines to all setbacks.
Water Protection Plan Comments
22. Final Site Plan cannot be approved until Water Protection Ordinance application and fee together
with Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control plans have been submitted,
reviewed, and approved.
23. The plans can possibly be exempt for detention per Section 17 -314. However, detention might be
required to address MS -19.
October 8 2009
Mr. Glenn Brooks
Department of Engineering and Development
401 McIntire Rd.
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Subject: Site Review Meeting Comments October 8 2009 site review meeting
Dear Mr. Brooks:
Below are VDOT's comments on the Site Plans for the October 8 2009 Site Review
Committee Meeting:
SDP - 2008 -00119 Treesdale Park - Preliminary (Summer Frederick)
1. The bus turn out may cause weave issues and sight distance problems on Rio
Road. These issues were discussed during the rezoning of this project and it was
decided that this turn out would be removed from the plan and shown as an
easement for a possible future turnout to be considered if appropriate after
Meadowcreek Parkway is constructed.
2. The minimum lateral setback for clear zone is 8 feet beyond the face of curb or 1
foot behind the sidewalk, whichever is greater in accordance with VDOT's Road
Design Manual Section A -2. This is the location where the right of way needs to
be shown.
3. Sight lines need to be within sight easements.
4. The width of the entrance may not accommodate the design vehicle with the
proposed radius on the curve. A single unit truck should be able to make this
5. The improvements shown to Rio Road do not appear to match the plan that was
submitted for the Stonewater subdivision and have improper transitions shown.
SDP - 2009 -00075 Pleasant Grove New Santuary -final (Elizabeth Marotta)
1. The location map shows the wrong location for this site.
2. The proposed site entrance needs to show sight lines in accordance with The
Minimum Standards of Entrances to State Highways.
3. The entrance needs to show an entrance profile.
4. Show the drainage area to the culvert and the design data to show headwater
elevation to pass the 10 year storm with adequate headwater in accordance with
chapter 8 of VDOT's Drainage Manual.
5. Indicate proposed materials for the entrance.
6. The geometry of the entrance needs to be in accordance with The Minimum
Standards of Entrances to State Highways and the dimensions need to be shown
on the plan.
SDP - 2009 -00065 Old Trail Village Phase 9 Prelim. (Megan Yaniglos)
1. Claremont Lane has a 20 mph design speed and the corresponding site distance
is 225'. The connections to Claremont do not have adequate site distances
shown. Sight distance triangles need to be contained within easements. The
sight lines shown appear to cross structures or be very close to structures.
2. In accordance with VDOT's Road Design Manual, Appendix B, page B -15,
intersections entering from the same side of the major street should have a
spacing of 500 feet but with lower traffic volumes can be spaced at 250 feet.
3. Show sight lines and distances for the roundabout to ensure that the proposed
building does not block the sight distances.
4. The final plans need to show entrance profiles for all proposed entrances to the
SDP - 2009 -00078 CTS Operation Center -Major (Summer Frederick)
1. This plan amendment does not appear to change the improvements to Avon Street or
the proposed site entrances.
SUB - 2009 -00129 Next Generation LLC — Final (Summer Frederick)
2. Will the new lot be developed and have an additional entrance on Boulders Road?
Please request the applicants provide a written description of revisions with re- submissions. If
you have any questions or comments, please contact me prior to sharing these comments with
the applicants.
Joel DeNunzio, P.E.
Staff Engineer
VDOT Charlottesville Residency
434 - 293 -0011
Application #:SDP200900075 Short Review Commw,ts
Project Name: Pleasant Grove New Sanctuary - Preliminary Preliminary - Non - residential
Date Completed:09/28/2009
Reviewer:Andrew Slack E911
Review Status:No Objection
Reviews Comments: NO OBJECTION.
Date Completed:10/05/2009
Reviewer:James Barber Fire Rescue
Review Status:No Objection
Reviews Comments: Must comply with the Statewide Fire Prevention Code. Final approval is subject to field inspection and
Date Completed:10/22/2009
Reviewer:Jay Schlothauer Inspections
Review Status:Requested Changes
Reviews Comments: Based on plans revised October 12, 2009.
Provide curb cuts at the heads of the barrier -free parking spaces' access aisles.
Clearly indicate the accessible route from the barrier -free parking spaces to a building entrance.
Date Completed:10/02/2009
Reviewer:Jay Schlothauer Inspections
Review Status:Requested Changes
Reviews Comments: Based on plans dated August 10, 2009.
Provide curb cuts at the heads of the barrier -free parking spaces' access aisles.
Clearly indicate the accessible route from the barrier -free parking spaces to a buildinig entrance.
Date Completed:10/22/2009
Reviewer:Margaret Maliszewski ARB
Review Status:No Objection
Reviews Comments: This site does not fall within an Entrance Corridor.
Date Completed:10/22/2009
Reviewer:Margaret Maliszewski ARB
Review Status:No Objection
Reviews Comments: This site does not fall within an Entrance Corridor.
Page: 1.00 County of Albemarle Printed On: Thursday, November 05, 2009
John Paul Diez
From:John Paul Diez
Sent:Monday, October 19, 2009 11:30 AM
To:downingsurveys @aol.com'
Cc:ac00 @comcast. net'
Subject:Pleasant Grove New Sanctuary - SDP200900075
Attachments:Eng _Checklist_pre_site_plan.pdf; Design Manual - Checklist (full).pdf
Mel Spain,
I've spoken with AC Shelton in reference to the above application. He asked me to contact and inform you about the
requirements for the
WPO application.
1) An Erosion and Sediment Control plan must be submitted with the WPO application. Attached, you will find the
checklist that the County
uses to meet the requirements for Final Site Plan/WPO approval.
2) Under Section 17 -314 of the Albemarle County Ordinance, a Stormwater Management plan must be submitted. Since
the applciation submitted will
be a prelimianry site plan, only a conceptual stormwater management plan must be submitted. It must show how
stormwater detention will be achieved.
I would advise that the WPO be submitted after the Preliminary Site Plan has been approved since many changes occur
during the preliminary process.
You can find any information regarding these issues on the County website at http: / /www.albemarle.org /.
Feel free to contact me should youhave any questions.
Thank you,
gi b"° DieZ
Engineering Technician
Dept. of Community Development
434) 296 -5832 Ext. 3025
of AL,*,III II
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To:Elizabeth Marotta, Senior Planner
From:John P. Diez, Engineering Review
Division: Current Development
Date:November 6, 2009
Subject: SDP200900075 Pleasant Grove New Sanctuary - Preliminary Site Plan
The preliminary site plan for Pleasant Grove New Sanctuary, submitted on October 16, 2009, has been
reviewed. Current Development Engineering has the following comments:
Preliminary Site Plan Comments
1. Benchmark location, elevation, and datum for topography must be provided. An existing utility or
other known position will suffice. [1 8-32.5.6a]
2. Please provide a proposed conceptual lay -out for a storm drain facility including a storm detention
pond or structure, indicating direction of flow in all pipes and watercourses with arrows.
18- 32.5.6k, 17 -303]
3. Removal rates must be met for each project drainage area. Please provide a Simple Method
Spreadsheet. [17 -315A]
4. Please provide a sight distance triangles at the entrance. [18- 4.12.17b]
5. All proposed slopes must be 2:1 or flatter. [DSM]
IIGI 1 -7,1
ir s
County of Albemarle G lr,t,
Department of Community Development
To:AC Shelton
Elizabethh M. Marotta, Senior Planner
t' Division: Zoning & Current Development
Date:November 9, 2009
Subject: SDP 2009 -75 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church- Preliminary
The Planner for the Zoning & Current Development Division of the Albemarle County Department
Community Development will approve the preliminary plan referred to above when the following items
have been satisfactorily addressed. (The following comments are those that have been identified at this
time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.) [Each
comment is preceded by the applicable reference to the Albemarle County Code.]
1. 32.5.6.a] Provide correct Tax Map and Parcel number, as well as instrument. Currently, the plans
state the subject parcel is TMP31 -27A. County GIS indicates the parcel is TMP31 -27A1. Please
address this discrepancy.
2. 32.5.6.a] Zoning:
a. AIA- This property is in the Airport Impact Area. While AIA was handwritten and added
to the plans, please be sure this information gets included on all future submittals.
b. This property is subject to ZMA200600010 and all conditions of SP200600024. This
information must be added to the cover sheet and a list of all conditions must be provided
on the plans.
c. 50' No- Distrurbance Zone" means there shall be NO DISTURBANCE of land within
that buffer. Revise plans so that no disturbance /clearing is proposed within this required
3. 32.5.6.a] Setback lines:
a. Revise northern 25' setback line to end where it meets the rear 35' setback lines.
b. Include legend for any abbreviations used, ie. SBL, etc...
c. 75' SBL" callout is provided twice on one general location; revise so that one callout
clearly labels the correct line.
4. 32.5.6.a] Vicinity map is deceiving, as the property immediately behind this site is not the
airport; it is a residential neighborhood. Also, the road behind this parcel has been abandoned.
Revise vicinity sketch so that all roads are clearly labeled and landmarks are accurately depicted.
5. 32.5.6.b] [32.5.6.e] [32.5.6.p] Landscaping:
a. Revise landscape calculations, as 5% of 19,600 is 980, not 960.
b. Provide legend or callouts indicating what dashed square areas are surrounding
c. Per Section, show existing landscape features (and treeline) and provide
canopy calculations.
6. 32.5.6.b] [32.6.6.g] Provide method for deteimiining maximum required parking.
7. 32.5.6.d] Indicate if there are critical slopes (slopes in excess of 25 %) on the property. This is
usually done by shading areas where slopes are in excess of 25% and providing a legend or
8. 32.5.61] This property is in a water supply protection area; explicitly provide which reservoir
watershed applies (South Fork Rivanna- above reservoir).
9. 32.5.6.i] [32.6.6.e] What is "20 ' callout dimensioning in the Earlysville Road right of way?
Pavement width? Provide /label limits of pavement and limits of right of way.
10. [32.5.6.k] [32.6.6.j] Water/ Sewer:
a. Proposed drainfield may not be located within required undisturbed buffer.
b. Drainfield location must be approved by Health Department. Please submit soils work to
this office.
c. Well location is not noted on plans, and staff was unable to see it on printed .pdf that was
emailed to this office. Provide proposed well location on the plans.
11. [32.5.6.n] [32.6.6.h.6] Clearly show and dimension the limits of all walkways /sidewalks. See
Inspections comments for more.
ll. [32.5.6.n] Show locations of all proposed outdoor lighting and provide a lighting plan in
conformance with Sec. 32.6.6.j. Provide required note on the cover sheet: "Each outdoor
luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff
luminaire. The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property in residential
or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one -half footcandle."
13. [32.5.6.n] Note on cover sheet says 50 parking spaces are provided, yet plans show 51. Please
address discrepancy.
14. [32.5.6.r] Dimension on the plans the travelways, parking spaces (northeastern most space
appears larger than the others), walkways, and building footprint. Building footprint was
dimensioned by hand on this set; please make sure the dimensions get added to all subsequent
15. [Comments] Sheet 3:
a. What is the "18" curb opening" callout referring to? Provide note or details to clarify.
b. Clearly call out limits of clearing. [32.5.6.p] Because it appears trees are to remain on the
site, a Conservation Checklist is required to be completed and signed and provided on the
landscape plan.The checklist is available online at:
http: / /www.albemarle.org /upload /images /forms_ centeridepartments /community develop
went/ forms / applications /Checklist_Conservation_Plan.pdf
c. Provide details /information and spot elevations for the "5" retaining wall ".
d. Sec. 4.12.16] All travelways must be a minimum of 24' wide.
16. Engineering, Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), Inspections Division, and Health
Department approvals are required prior to final site plan approval.
17. Submit a completed Preliminary Site Plan checklist with your resubmittal. Checklist can be found
at: http: // www.albemarle.org /deptforms.asp ?section id= &department = cdapps
Please contact Elizabeth M. Marotta at the Department of Community Development 296 -5832 ext. 3432
for further information.
John Paul Diez
From:John Paul Diez
Sent:Tuesday, November 24, 2009 10:03 AM
To:downingsurveys @aol.com'
Subject:Pleasant Grove - SDP200900075
Below are the following options available to you regarding stormwater detention:
1.) You may be able to achieve your detention requirements with 2 or 3 smaller pipes in parallel instead of one
large 48 -inch pipe. This could allow some flexibility with your pipe invert and cover elevations.
2.) The Health Department has previously approved asphalt parking over drainfields. This may allow you to
redesign your parking area, leaving room elsewhere for an above - ground detention facility.
3.) Under Section 17 -314G of the Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance, you may seek exemption of the
requirement to control peak run -off. If you feel your development meets the criteria outlined in Section 314G, a
written request for exemption must be submitted to the Program Authority (County Engineer Glenn Brooks),
detailing why the site should be considered for exemption. Include supporting calculations and detailed analysis
of the receiving channel. Exemptions of this requirement are rarely granted, except in extreme circumstances.
If you would like to go over potential designs of any of the above options, you may present them to staff during our
development meeting times (Thursdays from 2:30 -4pm). Please contact me to schedule.
Thank you,
John Diez
Engineering Technician
Dept. of Community Development
434) 296 -5832 Ext. 3025
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To:Elizabeth Marotta, Senior Planner
From:John P. Diez, Engineering Review
Division: Current Development
Date:November 6, 2009
Rev.1) December 10, 2009
Subject: SDP200900075 Pleasant Grove New Sanctuary - Preliminary Site Plan
The preliminary site plan for Pleasant Grove New Sanctuary, submitted on December 4, 2009, has been
reviewed. Current Development Engineering has the following comments:
Preliminary Site Plan Comments
4. Please provide a sight distance triangles at the entrance. [18- 4.12.17b]
Rev. 1) Comment has not been addressed.
6. Due to a recent site visit, it appears that no existing utilities are shown on the plans. Please show
the location of all existing and proposed utilities. [18- 32.5.6]
Elizabeth Marotta
From:Elizabeth Marotta
Sent:Wednesday, December 16, 2009 12:24 PM
To:AC00 @Comcast. net'
Cc:John Paul Diez; Carla Harris; Bill Fritz
Subject:Pleasant Grove Final
Attachments:PGBC -site plan application.pdf
Good news, I found your site plans, and I will proceed with reviewing them and distributing them to all commenting
department today, even without your completed application and check.
I DO need your application and fees soon though! If possible, please have them to my office by next Monday, 5pm. Our
Intake office has gone ahead and stared a new application number (SDP2009 -100) and project folder for your Final site
plan application, which normally they wouldn't do without an application and all fees, so please try to get them to me as
soon as possible!
I have attached the Application for Site Development Plans. Please fill it out and return it to me. I have gone ahead and
checked the two applicable parts of the application and circled the fee amounts for you.
Let me point out that the Tier III Groundwater Review is required. This involves you providing us with a Tier III
groundwater assessment (pursuant to Albemarle County Code Chapter 17- Sections 400, 403, 405) and then submitting
it to us for the review. I understand it might take you some time to get the report done and to us, but just go ahead and
pay the fee now and that way there is no delay in us accepting the report once it is ready. In a separate email I will send
you an example of a Tier III report that was done recently.
Please let me know if you have any questions,
Thank you,
Elizabeth M. Marotta
Senior Planner
County of Albemarle Community Development Department
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
434) 296 -5832 Ext. 3432
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