HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201600040 Staff Report 2016-04-26ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT
Project #/Name
ARB -2016-40: Mission BBQ Amendment to Architecture and Signage
Review Type
Amendment to an Approved Certificate of Appropriateness
Parcel Identification
On the west side of Rt. 29, south of Lenox Avenue, at the south end of Building G3
Neighborhood Model District (NMD)/Entrance Corridor (EC)
Albemarle Place EAAP LLC/Alan R. Hamm, AIA
Magisterial District
Jack Jouett
To revise the design of an ARB -approved building to accommodate a Mission BBQ restaurant and to install signage.
The Mission BBQ restaurant would occupy a tenant space in Block G of the Stonefield Town Center. The site is
surrounded by commercial and industrial development on all sides. COSTCO is located to the west. Northrup
Grumman/Sperry is located to the south. The main branch of the post office is located across Rt. 29 to the east. The
Comdial building is located to the north. Residential development is located further west.
The Mission BBQ location is approximately 325' from the EC. Both the east and south elevations of the building,
which include this tenant space, are visible from the EC. However, in addition to the distance, Building G3 will
eventually be somewhat obscured from view by buildings G1 & G2, which will front the EC.
ARB Meeting Date
May 2, 2016
Staff Contact
Margaret Maliszewski
A Certificate of Appropriateness for Block G (covering the site plan and the Comprehensive Sign Plan) was issued on April 20, 2015. On April 18, 2016,
the ARB directed staff to review and approve the amendment to the site plan for Mission BBQ site changes including a revised location for a loading
space and the addition of a patio with railing. The site plan amendment has been approved.
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1. Relocate entry doors; new doors to be stained wood and glass
2. Replace fabric awnings with corrugated metal awnings
3. Establish a patio on the south side; provide a railing around the patio; add a side entrance to access the patio
4. Remove some storefront windows and install wood panels with steel grilles in their place
5. Add a flagpole for the American flag; add lighting to the pole for the flag
6. Add signage (see details below)
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Structure design
The goal of the regulation of the design of development
As part of this proposal, three previously Revise the design to
within the designated Entrance Corridors is to insure that
approved black awnings would be removed and eliminate the wood
new development within the corridors reflects the
replaced with corrugated metal canopies, and a paneling with steel grille
traditional architecture of the area. Therefore, it is the
short corrugated metal canopy would be added and the EIFS with wood
purpose of ARB review and of these Guidelines, that
in a new location. The corrugated metal has a panel on the east (EC)
proposed development within the designated Entrance
different texture and very different overall elevation.
Corridors reflect elements of design characteristic of the
appearance than the fabric awnings. Corrugated
significant historical landmarks, buildings, and structures
metal has been used historically in buildings in
of the Charlottesville and Albemarle area, and to promote
the county, but not in the manner proposed here.
orderly and attractive development within these corridors.
The metal color, however, is compatible with
Applicants should note that replication of historic structures
the colors of approved materials in the shopping
is neither required nor desired.
Visitors to the significant historical sites in the
Charlottesville and Albemarle area experience these sites
One window on the east elevation would be
as ensembles of buildings, land, and vegetation. In order
removed and replaced with EIFS and a wood
to accomplish the integration of buildings, land, and
panel displaying the state flag. Two windows
vegetation characteristic of these sites, the Guidelines
would be removed and replaced with wood
require attention to four primary factors: compatibility
paneling and steel grilles. Wood is a historic
with significant historic sites in the area; the character of
building material and wood paneling is used
the Entrance Corridor; site development and layout; and
elsewhere in the shopping center. The wood
paneling proposed here has a different form and
detailing, but the wood itself is not completely
New structures and substantial additions to existing
structures should respect the traditions of the architecture
out of place. The removal of the windows
of historically significant buildings in the Charlottesville
disrupts the series, which diminishes the
and Albemarle area. Photographs of historic buildings in
connection to historic storefront window forms.
the area, as well as drawings of architectural features,
which provide important examples of this tradition are
contained in Appendix A.
The examples contained in Appendix A should be used as
a guide for building design: the standard of compatibility
with the area's historic structures is not intended to
impose a rigid design solution for new development.
Replication of the design of the important historic sites in
the area is neither intended nor desired. The Guideline's
standard of compatibility can be met through building
scale, materials, and forms which may be embodied in
architecture which is contemporary as well as traditional.
The Guidelines allow individuality in design to
accommodate varying tastes as well as special functional
Building forms and features, including roofs, windows,
doors, materials, colors and textures should be compatible
with the forms and features of the significant historic
buildings in the area, exemplified by (but not limited to)
the buildings described in Appendix A [of the design
guidelines]. The standard of compatibility can be met
through scale, materials, and forms which may be
embodied in architecture which is contemporary as well as
traditional. The replication of important historic sites in
Albemarle County is not the objective of these guidelines.
The overall design of buildings should have human scale.
The proposed changes do not change the scale
Scale should be integral to the building and site design.
of the building.
Any appearance of "blankness" resulting from building
A window, door and canopy would be added in
Revise the design to
design should be relieved using design detail or
one bay on the south elevation, thus reducing
eliminate the wood
vegetation, or both.
blankness in this bay. In one bay on the south
paneling with steel grille
elevation and one bay on the east elevation, a
and the EIFS with wood
window would be replaced with solid wood
panel on the east
panels, replacing transparent window glass with
an opaque material in these two bays. One
window on the east elevation would be removed
and replaced with EIFS and a wood panel
displaying the state flag, also replacing
transparent window glass with an opaque
material in this bay.
Arcades, colonnades, or other architectural connecting
The proposal is for one tenant space in one
devices should be used to unify groups of buildings within
building in the shopping center. As such, the
a development.
requirement for architectural connecting devices
doesn't apply. However, the addition of the
outdoor patio on the south side will help unify
the outdoors ace as an active, usable area.
Trademark buildings and related features should be
The proposed changes are all additions of
See recommendations,
modified to meet the requirements of the Guidelines.
branding elements, including the corrugated
metal canopies, the gooseneck light fixtures,
and the wood paneling.
Window glass in the Entrance Corridors should not be
One window is to be added on the south side of
Add the standard window
highly tinted or highly reflective. Window glass in the
the building. The window glass note does not
glass note to the
Entrance Corridors should meet the following criteria:
appear on the plan.
architectural plan.
Visible light transmittance (VLT) shall not drop below
40%. Visible light reflectance (VLR) shall not exceed
30%. Specifications on the proposed window glass should
be submitted with the application forfinal review.
Compatibility with the character of the Entrance
It is also an important objective of the Guidelines to
The addition of the proposed branding elements
Revise the design to
establish a pattern of compatible architectural
to the building moves the overall building
eliminate the wood
characteristics throughout the Entrance Corridor in order
design away from a cohesive whole and away
paneling with steel grille
to achieve unity and coherence. Building designs should
from unity and coherence within the shopping
and the EIFS with wood
demonstrate sensitivity to other nearby structures within
center. The visual impact is only somewhat
panel on the east
the Entrance Corridor. Where a designated corridor is
reduced by the location of the building
substantially developed, these Guidelines require striking
approximately 325' from the EC, and with
a careful balance between harmonizing new development
another building (G1) located between it and the
with the existing character of the corridor and achieving
compatibility with the significant historic sites in the area.
Eliminating some branding elements from the
Buildings should relate to their site and the surrounding
context of buildings.
EC facing elevation would help maintain a
higher degree of coherence in the shopping
Architecture proposed within the Entrance Corridor
should use forms, shapes, scale, and materials to create a
center. Removing the branding elements from
cohesive whole.
the south (side) elevation would have less
Accessory structures and equipment
Accessory structures and equipment should be integrated
A flagpole, 39' high, is to be added to the site.
into the overall plan of development and shall, to the
Up -lights would be installed on the pole to
extent possible, be compatible with the building designs
illuminate the American flag. Fixtures
used on the site.
illuminating the American flag are exempt from
cutoff requirements.
The following should be located to eliminate visibility from
the Entrance Corridor street. If, after appropriate siting,
these features will still have a negative visual impact on the
A site plan amendment was recently approved
Entrance Corridor street, screening should be provided to
to move a loading space from the south side of
eliminate visibility. a. Loading areas, b. Service areas, c.
the building into the parking lot, and to install a
Refuse areas, d. Storage areas, e. Mechanical equipment,
patio with railing on the south side of the
f. Above -ground utilities, and g. Chain link fence, barbed
wire, razor wire, and similar security fencing devices.
Screening devices should be compatible with the design of
the buildings and surrounding natural vegetation and may
consist of. a. Walls, b. Plantings, and c. Fencing.
Surface runoff structures and detention ponds should be
No changes to stormwater facilities are
designed to fit into the natural topography to avoid the need
for screening. When visible from the Entrance Corridor
street, these features must be fully integrated into the
landscape. They should not have the appearance of
engineered features.
The following note should be added to the site plan and the
The note does not appear on the plan.
Add the standard
architectural plan: "Visibility of all mechanical equipment
mechanical equipment
from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated."
note to the plan.
Light should be contained on the site and not spill over
The addition of building -mounted lights is not
onto adjacent properties or streets;
expected to impact spillover.
Light should be shielded, recessed or flush -mounted to
Gooseneck and pendant fixtures are proposed.
Eliminate the gooseneck
eliminate glare. All fixtures with lamps emitting 3000
The gooseneck fixtures would be installed over
fixtures from the
lumens or more must be full cutoff fixtures.
the corrugated metal canopies. The pendants
would be installed under the canopies and, as
proposal. Indicate on the
plan the color, lamp type,
Light levels exceeding 30 footcandles are not appropriate
for display lots in the Entrance Corridors. Lower light
illustrated in the drawings, would not hang
and wattage proposed for
levels will apply to most other uses in the Entrance
below the canopies, so would not be visible. Cut
the pendant lamps.
sheets have been provided, but lamp type and
wattage have not been identified for the fixtures.
Provide photometric
information showing the
Light should have the appearance of white light with a
warm soft glow; however, a consistent appearance
The intensity of the illumination at ground level
intensity of illumination
throughout a site or development is required.
has not been provided. Although the gooseneck
at ground level for the
Consequently, if existing lamps that emit non-white light
fixtures would be aimed back at the building
are to remain, new lamps may be required to match them.
wall, they are not full cutoff fixtures, so the
In determining the appropriateness of lighting fixtures for
lamps would be required to emit less than 3000
the Entrance Corridors, the individual context of the site
lumens. The pendants would shine on the
will be taken into consideration on a case by case basis.
sidewalk; the gooseneck fixtures would shine on
the corrugated metal canopies. Wall -mounted
lights have typically been limited to those
required for safety and security, such as those
illuminating sidewalks.
Dark brown, dark bronze, or black are appropriate colors
No changes to pole lights are proposed.
for free-standing pole mounted light fixtures in the
Entrance Corridors.
The height and scale of freestanding, pole -mounted light
fixtures should be compatible with the height and scale of
the buildings and the sites they are illuminating, and with
the use of the site. Typically, the height of freestanding
pole -mounted light fixtures in the Entrance Corridors
should not exceed 20 feet, including the base. Fixtures that
exceed 20 feet in height will typically require additional
screening to achieve an appropriate appearance from the
Entrance Corridor.
The following note should be included on the lighting
The note does not appear on the plan.
Add the standard lighting
plan: "Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that
note to the plans.
emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff
luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light
away from adjoining residential districts and away from
adjacent roads. The spillover of lighting from luminaires
onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas
zoning districts shall not exceed one half footcandle."
No changes to landscaping are proposed.
Site Development and layout
A site plan amendment was recently approved
to relocate a loading space from the south side
of the building to the parking lot, and to add a
patio and railing on the south side of the
19 :Z1] 000 04 M114451 -
Reverse channel letters, routed letters, graphic
Mission BBQ
The American Way
Aluminum, acrylic, paint, Lexan
Letter faces, returns
Medium gray and orange (Pantone 158)
Direct to wall
Overall Sign Size
10' 41h" long x 2'6" tall
Text — Mission BBQ
7' 63/4" long x 14" tall
Text — The American Way
4' 11/4" long x 4" tall
2'6" tall
Centered in sign band in entrance bays
Internal LED for halo -lit letters
FaVade Signs (*numbers correspond to illumination
The proposal includes reverse
letters as the primary sign and
1. Channel letters
individual routed letters as a
2. Reverse channel letters
secondary part of the sign.
3. Panel with push -through letters/graphics
• Signs shall not overlap architectural features.
The proposed signs would be
. Where possible, sign shall align with neighboring
centered in the sign band above
tenant signs for visual consistency.
the entrance bays. The sign
• Minimum 10" clearance to top/bottom of mounting
drawings note the required 10" of
area, and 8" around architectural features.
clearance. The signs would not
• Signs must be in proportion with other signs and the
overlap architectural features.
overall building.
As noted on elevations. Panel signs (fagade sign type 3)
limited to west elevation of each building which does not
front the Rt. 29 EC. Sign placement to be considered part
of the overall storefront design. Sign placement shall align
with or center on architectural features where possible.
Letter height max 30". Size is subject to ARB review for
Maximum proposed letter height
appropriate scale and proportion.
is 14".
• Sign colors must not clash with architectural materials
Black letter faces and returns are
or neighboring tenant signs.
proposed. This color will not
• Letterform color to contrast background.
clash with other features of the
• Use of corporate colors to be tasteful and constrained
building, but will appropriately
to a limited color palette; color palette to respond to
contrast with the wall color.
and work with the architectural materials and colors of
the tenant's storefront, the overall building, and
neighboring tenant signs.
• Subject to ARB review for compatibility.
Black, White, Warm Grays (Panton Warm Gra 1 — 11)
Trim cap color to match return color.
Return colors are Black, White, Warm Grays.
Black, White, Warm Grays (Panton Warm Gray 1 — 11)
Mounted to exterior wall
The proposed signs would be
mounted directly to the wall.
• Colors and illumination are subject to ARB review.
A star is proposed as part of both
Clarify on the drawings
• May be in tenant's corporate colors provided sign,
signs. It is not entirely clear from
whether black or warm
materials and colors of storefront and building, and
the drawings whether the star
gray will be used for the
neighboring signs are harmonious.
would be black and orange or
warm gray and orange.
The orange proposed for the star
will appear intense compared to
the shades of black, white and
gray in the center. The shade does
not fall in the range of generally
accepted Pantone colors for signs.
The orange is the tenant's
corporate color, but it is not an
approved sign color for Block G.
The amount of orange proposed is
relatively small in comparison to
the overall sign and it comprises
approximately 2/5 of the star,
which measures 2'6" tall. The
orange would not be internally
illuminated, so it would not have
significant impact on the EC at
External illumination shall be well integrated into the
No external illumination is
storefront design.
ro osed.
*Numbers correspond to sign type
LED halo illumination is
1. External building -mounted lights. External
illumination shall be well integrated into storefront
2. Internal LED halo Illumination
3. Internal LED halo -Illuminated push -through text with
opaque faces
Lamps used for external illumination shall not emit more
than 3000 lumens each. The level of illumination provided
by the LED lights will not exceed the illumination
produced by a single stroke of 30 milliamp neon.
Two letters styles are proposed.
Standard sign materials are
Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion:
1. The use of corrugated metal awnings; replacement of windows with EIFS and wood paneling
2. The use of orange in the sign
Staff recommends approval with the following conditions:
1. Revise the design to eliminate the wood paneling with steel grille and the EIFS with wood panel on the east elevation.
2. Add the standard window glass note to the architectural plan: Window glass in the Entrance Corridors should meet the following criteria: Visible
light transmittance (VLT) shall not drop below 40%. Visible light reflectance (VLR) shall not exceed 30%.
3. Add the standard mechanical equipment note to the plan: Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated."
4. Eliminate the gooseneck fixtures from the proposal. Indicate on the plan the color, lamp type, and wattage proposed for the pendant lamps. Provide
photometric information showing the intensity of illumination at ground level for the pendants.
5. Add the standard lighting note to the plans: Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full
cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent roads. The
spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one half footcandle.
6. Clarify on the sign drawings whether black or warm gray will be used for the star.
TABLE A This report is based on the following submittal items:
Sheet #
Drawing Name
Drawing Date
Exterior Elevations
Exterior Details
Existing and proposed site plans
Sign drawings (5)
Manufacturer's cut sheets for flag pole and light mounting kit
Material samples: Paint for canopy wood panel frames: Benjamin Moore 2124-10; stained wood, corrugated metal
Cut sheets for light fixtures: Angle Shade H-18112 and Warehouse Shade H-15116
Photos of details: Canopy, gooseneck fixture, wood panel, pendant lights, state flag on wood, single door, double door,
railing and gate, flagpole