HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201600035 Other 2016-05-03 (2)Basin Storage Volume Lowest NOTE: North Pointe Section 1 Elevation Area of Contour Volume 36.07 422.00 14564 0 424.00 17203 31,730 426.00 19941 68,841 428.00 22774 111,524 430.00 31380 165,449 432.00 34626 231,428 433.00 36279 266,878 434.00 37951 303,989 435.00 39643 342,783 436.00 41352 383,278 437.50 43914 447,218 438.00 454,537 Wet Volume of Interest = 68959 Corresponding Elevation = 426.01 Dry Volume of Interest = 137918 Corresponding Elevation = 428.98 Cleanout Volume of Interest = 34480 Corresponding Elevation = 424.15 31,730 68,841 111,524 165,449 231,428 266,878 303,989 342,783 383,278 447,218 454,537 422.00 424.00 426.00 428.00 430.00 432.00 433.00 434.00 435.00 436.00 438 438 424.00 426.00 428.00 430.00 432.00 433.00 434.00 435.00 436.00 437.50 438.00 Volumes area calculated using the Conic Method for calculating reservoir volumes. 17203.0 19941.0 22774.0 31380.0 34626.0 36279.0 37951.0 39643.0 41352.0 43914.0 (Top of Riser)Elevation of Interest = 435.50 Corresponding Volume = 363031 Corresponding area = 40497.5 wet provided= 7317.841 Other Elev. Of Interest = 1 430.00 Corresponding Volume = 165449 Corresponding area = 31380 Type in elevations with the lowest elevation at the top through to the highest. Leave zeros after the highest elevation. Volumes area calculated using the Conic Method for calculating reservoir volumes. dry provided= 6127.74 4/21 /2016 TOWNES SITE ENGINEERING North Pointe Section 1 1992 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN DESIGN DATA SHEET (With or without emergency Spillway) Project North Pointe Section 1 Basin # 2 Total area draining to basin 38.12 acres. Basin Volume Design Wet Storage: 3 Minimum required volume = 67 cu. yds. x Total Drainage Area (acres). 67 cu. yds. x 38.12 acres = 2554 cu. yds. 2 Available basin volume = 6128 cu. yds. at elevation (From storage - elevation curve) 3 Excavate 6128 cu, yds. to obtain required volume *. * Elevation corresponding to required volume = invert of the dewatering orifice. 430.00 dewatering device elevation 4 Available volume before cleanout required. 33 cu. yds. x 38.12 acres = 1258 cu. yds. 5 Elevation corresponding to cleanout level = 429.00 (From Storage - Elevation Curve) 6 Distance from invert of the dewatering orifice to cleanout level (ft)= (Min. = 1.0 ft.) 430.00 424.15 Dry Storage: 7 Minimum required volume = 67 cu. yds. x Total Drainage Area (acres). 67cu.yds.X 38.12 acres = 2554 cu. yds. III - 112 3.14 1.00 North Pointe Section 1 1992 Total available basin volume at 2ND Stage * = 13446 elevation 435.50 . (From Storage - Elevation Curve) * Minimum = 134 cu. yds./acre of total drainage area. 9 Diameter of dewatering orifice = 24 INCH 10 Diameter of flexible tubing = 26 INCH plus 2 inches). Preliminary Design Elevations 11 Crest of Riser = 435.50 Top of Dam = 437.50 Upstream Toe of Dam = 422.00 Basin Shape 12 Length of Flow L = Effective Width We 2.03 If > 2, baffles are not required Not Required If < 2, baffles are required Runoff 3.14 cu. yds. at 13 Q2 = 26.53 cfs (From Chapter 5) 14 Q25 = 41.63 cfs (From Chapter 5) Principal Spillway Design cfs. 15 With emergency spillway, required spillway capacity Qp=Q2 26.53 (riser and barrel) Without emergency spillway, required spillway capacity Qp=Q25 41.63 (riser and barrel) III - 113 North Pointe Section 1 1992 3.14 203 With emergency spillway: Assumed available head (h) = 0.00 ft. (Using Q2) h = Crest of Emergency Spillway Elevation - Crest of Riser Elevation 87.72 Without emergency spillway: Assumed available head (h) = N/A ft. (Using Q25) h = Design High Water Elevation - Crest of Riser Elevation 17 Riser diameter (Dr) = 48 in. Actual head (h) = 1.1 ft. (From Plate 3.14-8.) Note: Avoid orifice flow conditions. 18 Barrel Length (1) = 120.49 ft. Head (H) on barrel through embankment = 14.55 ft. (From Plate 3.14-7). 19 Barrel diameter = 42 in. (From Plate 3.14-B [concrete pipe] or Plate 3.14-A [corrugated pipe]). 20 Trash rack and anti -vortex device Diameter = 72 inches. Thickness gage 14 ga. Corrugated Height = 21 inches. (From Table 3.14-D) USE: 1-1/4"pipe or 1-1/4 x 1-1/4x1/4angle Emergency Spillway Design "Emergency Spillway is being designed for the ultimate SWM/BMP. See SWM/BMP 4 sheet for Emergency Spillway details" 21 Required spillway capacity Q. = Q25 - Qp = N/A cfs. 22 Bottom width (b) = - ft.; the slope of the exit channel (s) _ - ft./foot; and the minimum length of the exit channel (x) _ - ft. (From Table 3.14-C). III - 114 North Pointe Section 1 1992 23 Depth of water at principal spillway crest (Y) _ Slope of upstream face of embankment (Z)= Slope of principal spillway barrel (Sb) _ Length of barrel in saturated zone (Ls) _ 13.50 ft. 2 :1. 3.32 % 70.05 ft. 24 Number of collars required = 4 dimensions = (From Plate 3.14-12) 25 Top of Dam = 437.50 Design High Water = 436.55 Emergency Spillway Crest = 435.50 Principal Spillway Crest = 435.50 Dewatering Orifice Invert = 430.00 Cleanout Elevation = 429.00 Elevation of Upstream Toe of Dam of Excavated Bottom of "Wet Storage Area" (if excavation was performed) = 422.00 III - 115 3.14 5.8 X 5.8