HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201500102 Application 2015-12-07 Albemarle unty�
Community Development Departrr
Nor' Noe
401 McIntire Road Charlottesville.VA 22992-4;
Plannin A Iscation Voice :(434)296-5832 Fax:(434)972-4
9 PP
TMP 03200-00-00-041D1 Owner(s): PEQUA LLC
Application # WPO2O1500102
Legal Description ACREAGE - ---
Magisterial Dist. Rio Land Use Primary Open
Current AFD Not in A/F District Current Zoning Primary Planned Development Shopping Center
Street Address _ Enterec
Application Type Water Protection Ordinances Judy Martin
Protect Timberwood Commons- VSMP
Received Date 12/Q7J15 Received Date Final Submittal Date 12jQ7/15 Total Fees 2
Closing File Date Submittal Date Final Total Paid 2
Revision Number
Legal Ad __ .... ...
Type Sub Application Comment
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan 12/07/15
Stormwater Management/BMP Plan 12/07/15
ContactType Name ,gess
PEcitiALLC:; CityState Zip—1 Phone (�PhoneCe
620 1�d{)C5t?@RC3i714 DR sum CFi,4RL4TEU'II.L 22901
Primark Contact ROBBY KOLL 400 LOCUST
. ... �_50_ 4349776400
Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date
N.w ti.r
of A
Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) e� r
Application for Albemarle County
Project Name: T M C r r tO,n
(The name should be the same as it appears on plans)
Is this an amendment to an approved plan? Yes 0 No 0
Is this a revision or resubmission for review? Yes 0 No 0
County File Number: 20 t 2 000 (to be provided by the County for new applications)
The following are required elements of new applications[from code section 17-401]. For revisions or
amendments,please indicate which items are being amended. Signatures must be provided for any
0 A. Signature of the Property Owner for each parcel: (Required with every submission or revision,NOT
By signing this application as the owner,I hereby certify that all requirements of these plans and permits will be
complied with,and I have the authority to authorize the land disturbing activities and development on the subject
property. I hereby grant the County of Albemarle the right to enter upon the property as required to ensure
compliance with the approved plans andnnpermits.
7)1-14 l D1 -it emkTy'Ukxio� l�lmnvtun1- / -5/94.—
Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner igna ur f Own Dat
Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Date
Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Date
Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Date
Contact Information for the Owner(s)to receive correspondence:
Print Name2cbby N G l
Address It OD LOCA-) i/L . , 3
City Gn r-to'W v e-- State J/li Zip 2-Q-cic.J 'Z
Daytime Phone) -I CO A,(.j E-mail VO\o ( IOWA.Cor. CU"e‘
7/1/14,Revised:7/10/14, 1/7/14 Page 1 of2
0 B. All Fees [Code section 17-208]
For new or modified plans;Total acres proposed to be disturbed
Acres to be Total Fee Fee Due with this Fee with Transfer or
disturbed Application modification of permit
Less than 1 $290 $145 $20
1 and less than 5 $2,700 $1,350 $200
5 and less than 10 $3,400 $1,700 $250
10 and less than 50 $4,500 $2,250 $300
50 and less than 100 $6,100 $3,050 $450
100 and more $9,600 $4,800 $700
For(minor)amendments to an approved plan;$200 per review
Variances;$150(per request)
Mitigation Plan;$150
❑ C. Registration Statement on the official DEQ form.
❑ D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-402.
❑ E. Stormwater Management Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-403.
❑ F. Pollution Prevention Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-404.
❑ G. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-405.
❑ H. Mitigation Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-406 for any proposed disturbance of
stream buffers.
❑ I. Requested Variations or Exceptions as provided in code sections 17-407 and 408.
❑ J. Construction Record Drawings(as-builts) for any existing facilities in the proposal satisfying the
requirements of code section 17-422.
Provide 2 copies of all plans and any supporting documents. Professional seals must have original
Additional information if not provided on plans and documents:
Name of a Contact Person for correspondence(usually the plan preparer,consultant or agent)
Print Name SU S'F1 VA J t M e
Address //��2(3t E (tal,n S� Ste. M
City G(1.ro 1 Le t\(l e. State
vA zip 729o2
Daytime Phone(ite) L2' S 1 40 E-mail O—A- n ( (tl1G,.CUn'1
*When applications and plans are reviewed,but not approved,and a response to comments is not received within 6 months
from the date of county comments,the application will be deemed withdrawn. Applications without valid owner's
signatures will not be considered valid.
Fee Amount$ 2.-4.0. Date Paid tkW/slily who? 13/11C o 7€rc,1,in Receipt# 1 '? pp K�OCk# '- cM By:
7/1/14,Revised:7/10/14, 1/7/14 Page 2 of 2
Request for Pre-construction Meeting and Grading PermitAt
from Albemarle County �� v
Approved Plan Number: WPO- 2.0/S 00/02
Approved Plan Name: 7 — J4.1/430 eim ga/7f
(Plans must be approved prior to a pre-construction meeting.)
Bond approved date:
(Bonds must be approved and posted prior to a pre-construction meeting or permit.)
Responsible Land Disturber:
Print Name:i /�e • 1+h1 Lpfy /—
State Certification Number: i40 022,0Z—
Address L /a �j°� J 900 L-r I'C-C')p /Y't/G, PIOS
City C�f1 C_47'rC3 vtoes, State 14- Zip 2.2.-90L
Daytime Phone(t__ 96 L -0307 E-mail 7747
Primary Contractor:
Print Name / / iI .. `// •
Address 449t? Z.0C-4,Y7 ASI
City /`[p 'P'J�+r/lG State �A- Zip 2290 Z_
Daytime Phone( ' 9774 s'v 0 E-mail fet6yC°J' MG o, ,. Co."?
Permit Issuance and First Year Maintenance Fees: (Request must include payment)
Total acres proposed to be disturbed is contained on the approved plan and application:
Acres to be disturbed Fee Due at Grading Permit
Less than 1 . 98L $63.80
1 and less than 5 $594.00
5 and less than 10 $748.00
10 and less than 50 $990.00
50 and less than 100 $1,342.00
100 and more $2,112.00
For plans exempt from VSMP,VESCP fees were paid with the application.
7/1/14,Revised:8/29/14 Page 1 of 3
Person(s)to attend the Pre-construction Meeting:
Names(type or print) Firm Contact Number or email
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The second part of the application fee is required to be paid with this request. This fee amount is;
FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Permit Issued Dote
By who?
7/1/14,Revised:8/29/14 Page 2 of 3