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ARB201600023 Correspondence 2016-04-14
Margaret Maliszewski From: Patricia Arroyo <Patricia.Arroyo@WDPartners.com> Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2016 1:55 PM To: Margaret Maliszewski; Joan Leguay Cc: jared@goldenpd.com; Matt Martinez; Jay Schlothauer Subject: RE: BJs remaining issues Attachments: BJSBJ0269k_E01-0 LIGHTING PLAN (1).pdf; BJSBJ0269k_E03-3 LTG SCHED'L (1).pdf Margaret, We have removed the strip lighting and will continue to look for a replacement or propose to match the existing up lights at a later time. Thank you, Patricia Arroyo Project Manager D +1 949 223 9526 1M +1 949 241 6622 wd \v dpartncrs.com \\'hat's NNc't'or Vs I) From: Margaret Maliszewski [mailto:MMaliszewski@albemarle.org] Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2016 7:40 AM To: Joan Leguay; Patricia Arroyo Cc: jared@goldenpd.com; Matt Martinez; Jay Schlothauer Subject: RE: BJs remaining issues Sorry,Joan. I didn't copy you on this message I sent Patricia on Tuesday: I It P. .•nt,t t',trt.;, ,666,1 t!;. t.:f,, t,:'n'rn..;i€;rs. .q n,tsrna a',, ,.an.}i,i,'.,.., a.i:,4,. ,�,..:ttLA,,r, atw.. .,:,t i�•f„`}:,, ..r c f'.' r:.r , t. ' ... .. y^,a.^".. f;lt f-,' ! f.i','rn': 'tr. , .iri r`i7 rt , "t }' a^., t',ti'sr:S:fr; a:i•'. +:d.r a±-,;st., ,a C,t.ir,fn+rr.,. �r.'I'�r , ..u•.a,�rd r+.',art• ... , t:u', tnr!!,r,r„ ,t-v„c3„liil.,., ., f� ,-,(' *t, ,i' , ,4,P^At.+ :4"-., .,;'t at.r•t4 itu:,;' ;;t'rcr:,r ,r itC,iW P3trxtaArroyci, .t.-. r.:'t,:;., t::" i ...5r' f'ir,•'. tr1 Sent:"suegda•y,Atfr,l 12,'20162:39 PM to;Margvec Ma:>sze'wskar.^ '; t ;',)tan teSvaY`.. Cc::r:. ;. . r"'Matt Martinet•:r;. , 1:t: la"�Sit.Iri:h i' of .. ;› Subject:At:F#Sf rrma,n rp ry,ting ,-11^0.1“..,'1 ::s.tt:•t.-.r:rtt'rt,�'tra;tivrh tit.' :h!.r;;r:r .:t .,3 ,!f:r..,arae ILO:•,: :rtE .r 26....,16., =111,-'rt' rr iaii"1 it r,:,.:... ;.l; .!,•, ,,t,; . ., ;,„t}:Jrrxt.e¢e•vt^a'+',ttx;+.:,• WWI; rt,ix..r i<:•:'u”rt!:;;IH ti;' ,. 711. i'>::^,',(t'y1 1 h.r^t'r. Pauicia Arroyo .x! :rte• ..R, r ... From:Joan Leguay [mailto:ileguay@bisrestaurants.com] Sent:Tuesday, April 12, 2016 6:35 PM To: Patricia Arroyo <Patricia.Arroyo@WDPartners.com>; Margaret Maliszewski<MMaliszewski@albemarle.org> Cc: fared@ goldenpd.com; Matt Martinez<Matt.Martinez@WDPartners.com>;Jay Schlothauer <JSCHLOTH@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: BJs remaining issues Margaret, We can also pull the fixture off the plans for now until we find something that meets the criteria. If that is the fastest way to get your approval and the building permit we could do that. Please advise. Thanks Joan Joan Leguay ,Director of Tropetty De oe(>pnrent t13J's Westaurants, Inc. 7755('enterAcenue Suite 300 -luutingtou(Beach, CA 92647 Office 714.500.2410 2 • "N" **elle Car 949.295.6369 From: Patricia Arroyo [mailto:Patricia.Arroyo@WDPartners.com] Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 11:39 AM To: 'Margaret Maliszewski'; Joan Leguay Cc: jared@goldenpd.com; Matt Martinez; Jay Schlothauer Subject: RE: BJs remaining issues Margaret, Regarding the lighting for the trellis, we are coordinating with our lighting consultant for a new fixture to meet the requirements. Would it be acceptable to approve pending a revised fixture with a max 20 fc on the wall or we can up light it to match the existing buildings? Thank you, Patricia Arroyo Project Manager D +1 949 223 9526 1M +1 949 241 6622 wd wdpartners.ccnn WW hut'ti\c\1 tur NA I) From: Margaret Maliszewski [mailto:MMaliszewski©albernarle.org] Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 6:52 AM To: Patricia Arroyo; Joan Leguay Cc: jared@goldenpd.com; Matt Martinez; Jay Schlothauer Subject: RE: BJs remaining issues Patricia, 1. Regarding materials: Thanks for updating A2.0 Exterior Elevations. It looks like the materials on A0.2 "Finish Schedule" in the Building Permit drawing set don't completely match A2.0. The wood cladding and Orco block are different. Can you update A0.2? 2. Regarding the linear wall wash fixture and the intensity of illumination: I suspect the footcandles that are listed represent the actual cone of light, not the intensity of the light on the wall. If the intensity on the wall ranges from 140 fc to 3500 fc (the levels given in the diagram), I can't approve the fixture. I would need to see something showing a max of 20 fc on the wall. Thanks. Margaret From: Patricia Arroyo [mailto:Patricia.Arroyo@WDPartners.com] Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 8:17 PM To: Margaret Maliszewski<MMaliszewski@albemarle.org>; Joan Leguay<jleguay@bisrestaurants.com> Cc: iared@goldenpd.com; Matt Martinez<Matt.Martinez@WDPartners.com>;Jay Schlothauer 3 • <JSCHLOTH@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: BJs remaining issues Margaret, Please find revised A2.0 sheet with the exterior finishes updated and the note regarding the trellis per your notes below. On sheet six, the second row (3000K) on the right where the cone shows the light intensity, the footcandles (fc) are on the right hand column. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Patricia Arroyo Project Manager D +1 949 223 95261M +1 949 241 6622 vd wdpartners.com What's Next for WD From: Margaret Maliszewski [mailto:MMaliszewski@albemarle.ora] Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 1:41 PM To: Joan Leguay Cc: jared@goldenpd.com; Patricia Arroyo; Matt Martinez; Jay Schlothauer Subject: BJs remaining issues Joan, Regarding the ARB submittal/approval: 1. On the linear wall wash cut sheet, I do not see information on the intensity of illumination on the wall. I have contacted the manufacturer but have not heard back. I'm looking for intensity in footcandles. Regarding the Building Permit set: 1. It looks like the materials on sheet A0.2 haven't been updated to match the material sample board displayed at the 4/1/16 ARB meeting. Can you please send an update? 2. Sheet E3.3 was not updated to match the recently emailed revision. I will attach a copy of the emailed revision to the Building Permit set. 3. The approved trellis detail is copied below. Trellis note 20 on Sheets A2.0 and A2.1 should be revised to read, "Trellis to match decorative screen previously approved in Stonefield Phase land Block G." Can you please send an update? Thanks. Margaret 4 Margaret Maliszewski From: Margaret Maliszewski Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 3:51 PM To: 'Patricia Arroyo' Subject: RE: BJs remaining issues Patricia, I can approve a plan with revised sheets showing an approvable fixture—one that matches other Stonefield approved up-lights or a revised fixture for which I have manufacturer's information confirming the 20 fc maximum OR I can approve a plan from which the fixture and fixture locations are removed, and we can follow up with an amendment to add approvable lighting back in later. Either one works for me, but in both cases I need updated information for the ARB file AND updated building permit sheets. Thanks. Margaret From: Patricia Arroyo [mailto:Patricia.Arroyo@WDPartners.com] Sent:Tuesday, April 12, 2016 2:39 PM To: Margaret Maliszewski <MMaliszewski@albemarle.org>; Joan Leguay<jleguay@bjsrestaurants.com> Cc:jared@goldenpd.com; Matt Martinez<Matt.Martinez@WDPartners.com>;Jay Schlothauer <JSCHLOTH@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: BJs remaining issues Margaret, Regarding the lighting for the trellis, we are coordinating with our lighting consultant for a new fixture to meet the requirements. Would it be acceptable to approve pending a revised fixture with a max 20 fc on the wall or we can up light it to match the existing buildings? Thank you, Patricia Arroyo Project Manager D +1 949 223 9526 I M +1 949 241 6622 '\dpartners.com Next for t) From: Margaret Maliszewski [mailto:MMaliszewski@albemarle.orq] Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 6:52 AM To: Patricia Arroyo; Joan Leguay 1 Cc: jared@goldenpd.com; Matt Martinez; Jay Schlothauer Subject: RE: BJs remaining issues Patricia, 1. Regarding materials: Thanks for updating A2.0 Exterior Elevations. It looks like the materials on A0.2 "Finish Schedule" in the Building Permit drawing set don't completely match A2.0. The wood cladding and Orco block are different. Can you update A0.2? 2. Regarding the linear wall wash fixture and the intensity of illumination: I suspect the footcandles that are listed represent the actual cone of light, not the intensity of the light on the wall. If the intensity on the wall ranges from 140 fc to 3500 fc (the levels given in the diagram), I can't approve the fixture. I would need to see something showing a max of 20 fc on the wall. Thanks. Margaret From: Patricia Arroyo [mailto:Patricia.Arroyo@WDPartners.com] Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 8:17 PM To: Margaret Maliszewski<MMaliszewski@albemarle.org>; Joan Leguay<jleguay@bjsrestaurants.com> Cc:jared@goldenpd.com; Matt Martinez<Matt.Martinez@WDPartners.com>;Jay Schlothauer <JSCHLOTH@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: BJs remaining issues Margaret, Please find revised A2.0 sheet with the exterior finishes updated and the note regarding the trellis per your notes below. On sheet six, the second row (3000K) on the right where the cone shows the light intensity, the footcandles (fc) are on the right hand column. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Patricia Arroyo Project Manager D 4 1 949 223 9526 i M 4-1 949 241 6622 Mid wdpartners.com What's Next for WD From: Margaret Maliszewski [mailto:MMaliszewski@albemarle.org] Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 1:41 PM To: Joan Leguay Cc: jared(41oldenpd.com; Patricia Arroyo; Matt Martinez; Jay Schlothauer Subject: BJs remaining issues 2 Margaret Maliszewski From: Patricia Arroyo <Patricia.Arroyo@WDPartners.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 12:00 PM To: Margaret Maliszewski; Joan Leguay Cc: jared@goldenpd.com; Matt Martinez; Jay Schlothauer Subject: RE: BJs remaining issues Attachments: BJSBJ0269d_A00-02 A00-02 (1).pdf Margaret, Please see attached revised A0.2. Thank you, Patricia Arroyo Project Manager D 41 949 223 9526 1M +1 949 241 6622 wd wdpartncrs.com 1�hat's Next for\4'C7 From: Margaret Maliszewski [mailto:MMaliszewski@albemarle.org] Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 6:52 AM To: Patricia Arroyo; Joan Leguay Cc:jared@goldenpd.com; Matt Martinez; Jay Schlothauer Subject: RE: BJs remaining issues Patricia, 1. Regarding materials: Thanks for updating A2.0 Exterior Elevations. It looks like the materials on A0.2 "Finish Schedule" in the Building Permit drawing set don't completely match A2.0. The wood cladding and Orco block are different. Can you update A0.2? 2. Regarding the linear wall wash fixture and the intensity of illumination: I suspect the footcandles that are listed represent the actual cone of light, not the intensity of the light on the wall. If the intensity on the wall ranges from 140 fc to 3500 fc (the levels given in the diagram), I can't approve the fixture. I would need to see something showing a max of 20 fc on the wall. Thanks. Margaret From: Patricia Arroyo [mailto:Patricia.Arroyo@WDPartners.com] Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 8:17 PM To: Margaret Maliszewski <MMaliszewski@albemarle.org>; Joan Leguay<jleguay@bjsrestaurants.com> Cc: jared@goldenpd.com; Matt Martinez<Matt.Martinez@WDPartners.com>;Jay Schlothauer 1 Skew, Vert Margaret Maliszewski From: Margaret Maliszewski Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 4:41 PM To: 'Joan Leguay' Cc: 'fared@goldenpd.com'; Patricia Arroyo; Matt Martinez; Jay Schlothauer Subject: BJs remaining issues Joan, Regarding the ARB submittal/approval: 1. On the linear wall wash cut sheet, I do not see information on the intensity of illumination on the wall. I have contacted the manufacturer but have not heard back. I'm looking for intensity in footcandles. Regarding the Building Permit set: 1. It looks like the materials on sheet A0.2 haven't been updated to match the material sample board displayed at the 4/1/16 ARB meeting. Can you please send an update? 2. Sheet E3.3 was not updated to match the recently emailed revision. I will attach a copy of the emailed revision to the Building Permit set. 3. The approved trellis detail is copied below. Trellis note 20 on Sheets A2.0 and A2.1 should be revised to read, "Trellis to match decorative screen previously approved in Stonefield Phase land Block G." Can you please send an update? Thanks. Margaret 1 `, : p : (' 1 1\# 'I, k i ill 3i j i'. i' i I • 1 � l ii f 4 1i . i . 1111 \I I ti \,,f , ;ts, $ '' f- I t i i ilit! ii ;} I P 1 i y l4 i . s ti .i' •i' S•a ..,. '11- di": .iC't::7I rt`{ i- s'.. ., . , .-i, !•:i:4, :;i,i'1 . ;l;, Margaret M. Maliszewski,Principal Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road,Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3276 2 c Margaret Maliszewski From: Joan Leguay <jleguay@bjsrestaurants.com> Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2016 2:36 PM To: Margaret Maliszewski Cc: Jared Taylor; Patricia Arroyo; Matt Martinez Subject: RE: BJ's Restaurant Charlottesville Attachments: xBJSBJ0269d_A02-00.pdf Margaret, I attached sheet A 2.0 so you could see that the standard mechanical equipment note "Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated" was added to the architectural drawings. See bottom right hand corner. Please let us know if you need anything else for your sign off. Thanks Joan Joan Leguay Director of Property Development BJ's Restaurants, Inc. 7755 Center Avenue Suite 300 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Office 714.500.2410 Cell 949.295.6369 Original Message From: Margaret Maliszewski [mailto:MMaliszewski@albemarle.org] Sent:Thursday, April 07, 2016 10:31 AM To:Joan Leguay Cc: Patricia Arroyo; Matt Martinez; Robert Vranich;Jared Taylor Subject: RE: BJ's Restaurant Charlottesville adjacent building sconce lighting I am looking through this information and will get back to you as soon as possible. Original Message From:Joan Leguay [mailto:jleguay@bjsrestaurants.com] Sent: Tuesday,April 05, 2016 6:59 PM To: Margaret Maliszewski <MMaliszewski@albemarle.org> Cc: Patricia Arroyo <Patricia.Arroyo@WDPartners.com>; Matt Martinez<Matt.Martinez@WDPartners.com>; Robert Vranich <rvranich@bjsrestaurants.com>;Jared Taylor<jared@goldenpropertydevelopment.com> Subject: RE: BJ's Restaurant Charlottesville adjacent building sconce lighting Hi Margaret, Jay Schlothauer indicates he will be ready to issue the building permit in a 2-3 days. I want to make sure you have what you need to sign off. With regard to those six conditions: 1. We provided the revised color and material board at the ARB meeting 4/1/16. 1 MIZZ:=M t e 1 ii 1 i . 0 f,2 ° • , , i : ‘41 -- .,. fin' i 1 I II•-.,,,, ': '';-11 D 1 ihi € : 1 ''g I 1 ';•,?,.'x MU 1 1 iii 16 1 g O* i i ii%W'ic, q l': i ; 5 ; Pi Ali i,7 - iii ill hil a . , i ag -g.s-s,0 i gi gOsiir4.: i,; g g 6o. // i . 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' . ow /.:•!1:1;"1404k:,-;019:4tEppri,o,;:., ',4,--0:,,,',•,-,,:,,,,,.1.-..:_e El' Ch-- im numnlimorimmliti 0 01 1 , 1111111111111 ......!—In, , 1°111:1, . ci cE GT'. 7 ' le 1 1111111111tiMill !I ii ° . CD id"•• 7.7777777,1777:777777.77s, - oil . . I41;fIt4KIIII-!.7.4'',,q,,,,-,14,1,,,,,,,.:1,,.:,,, _ . • 0 . 4 _ 0 . p •4 . 0 C•1 . .., Margaret Maliszewski From: Patricia Arroyo <Patricia.Arroyo@WDPartners.com> Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 12:00 PM To: Margaret Maliszewski; Joan Leguay Cc: Robert Vranich; Matt Martinez; rumberger@wwassociates.net; RLorey@edens.com Subject: RE: BJ's Restaurant ARB Charlottesville- Staff Report Comments Addressed Attachments: BJSBJ0269b_SL01_20160330 SLO.pdf Hi Margaret, Please see attached revised photometric. I show all the lights including the corner wall sconces, the canopy down lights, the landscape trellis lighting and the emergency wall packs around the BJs proposed building. The legend denotes the landlord site lights previously approved and the proposed building lights. To clarify, all lights are down. Any up-lighting that remained on the elevations are not to be installed. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Best regards, Patricia Arroyo Project Manager D +1 949 223 9526 1M +1 949 241 6622 wi wdpartners.coni What's NCNt tor WI) From: Margaret Maliszewski [mailto:MMaliszewski@albemarle.org] Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 6:09 AM To: Joan Leguay Cc: Robert Vranich; Patricia Arroyo; Matt Martinez; rumberger@wwassociates.net; RLorey@edens.com Subject: RE: BJ's Restaurant ARB Charlottesville- Staff Report Comments Addressed Joan, Thanks for this information. I'm still confused about the photometric plan. There are no footcandle readings on the Rt. 29 side of the building, on the Rt. 29 end of the front and rear elevations, or on the back half of the elevation near the service area. The elevations show wall fixtures in those areas, so it seems there should be some level of light at the ground in those locations. Also, the footcandle readings that are shown are somewhat higher than those on the previously approved plan.The new plan does not carry the light levels out to the property line, so I'm not able to confirm that spillover meets requirements. Margaret From:Joan Leguay [mailto:ileguay@bisrestaurants.com] Sent:Wednesday, March 30, 2016 6:12 PM To: Margaret Maliszewski<MMaliszewski@albemarle.org> Cc: Robert Vranich <rvranich@bisrestaurants.com>; Patricia Arroyo <Patricia.Arroyo@WDPartners.com>; Matt Martinez 1 <Matt.Martinez@WDPartners.com>; rumberger@wwassociates.net; RLorey@edens.com Subject: FW: BJ's Restaurant ARB Charlottesville-Staff Report Comments Addressed Hi Margaret, Thank you for the staff report. In response to the six comments on page 8: 1. We will bring an updated color and material board to the ARC meeting.The color renderings we submitted reflect the lighter colors but we neglected to revise the call out of the wood cladding to read Dark Burma( instead of Walnut) and the Orco split face block to read Medium Cool Gray(instead of Tan). 2. I have attached the sections (3/A3.03 and 4/A3.04) for the wood slat/metal tube decorative frames. I also attached a photo of this detail installed at another location for reference. The metal trellis detail will match what is already in the center. 3. We can add this note to the architectural drawings. 4. I have attached an updated photometric plan showing the location of the exterior building mounted lights.The illumination of those lights had already been considered and was reflected on the photometric plan that was submitted. 5. The linear LED lighting will provide a continuous even soft wash of color down on the wood slat/metal tube decorative frames and the metal trellis detail. I have attached the spec sheet ( Solarban)for the lighting strip.The level of illumination will be the similar to the up lighting provided on the metal trellis detail being used in the center. 6. This fixture is not being used. We eliminated it from the fixture schedule. I have attached an updated E3.3 plan ( it is on the same attachment as the updated photometric plan). Please let me know if you have any questions.We look forward to seeing you Friday. Thanks Joan Joan Leguay Director o f(Property,Dent'[0pment 13J's Restaurants, Inc. 7755 Center Avenue Suite 300 :Huntington 13eac(a, Cyt 92647 Office 714.500.2410 Celt 949.295.63 69 From: Margaret Maliszewski [mailto:MMaliszewski@albemarle.orq] Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 12:16 PM To: Joan Leguay Subject: RE: BJ's Restaurant ARB Charlottesville Joan, Please find attached the staff report and tentative agenda for your item at Friday's ARB meeting. Please share these documents with your team. If you have questions, feel free to contact me. Thanks. 2 Now Margaret Margaret M. Maliszewski, Principal Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road,Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3276 From:Joan Leguay [mailto:ileguay@bisrestaurants.com] Sent: Friday, March 25, 2016 4:34 PM To: Margaret Maliszewski<MMaliszewski@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: BJ's Restaurant ARB Charlottesville Great. I look forward to seeing your report on our latest submittal. We believe we have met all of the concerns that were discussed at the last meeting. Have a nice weekend. Joan Leguay Director of Property(Deoefopment 43J's restaurants, Inc. 7755('ent.er.Avenue Suite 300 h/funtington43eacf, (,4 92647 Office 714.500.2410 011949.295.6369 From: Margaret Maliszewski [mailto:MMaliszewski@albemarle.org] Sent: Friday, March 25, 2016 12:41 PM To: Joan Leguay Subject: RE: BJ's Restaurant ARB Charlottesville Jared's went well and is moving along.They have resubmitted for a final review. I'll have their drawings available for reference at the meeting. From:Joan Leguay [mailto:jleguay@bisrestaurants.com] Sent: Friday, March 25, 2016 3:36 PM To: Margaret Maliszewski <MMaliszewski@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: BJ's Restaurant ARB Charlottesville Thanks. How did Jareds do at their ARB meeting? Joan Leguay ,Director c f Properly Development 431's Restaurants, Inc. 7755(enter.Avenue Suite 300 Ountington(Beach, CA 92617 Office 71 4.500.24 10 (Off 949.2 95.6.369 3 r✓ Noe From: Margaret Maliszewski [mailto:MMaliszewski©albemarle.orq] Sent: Friday, March 25, 2016 12:02 PM To: Joan Leguay Subject: RE: BJ's Restaurant ARB Charlottesville Yes. The meeting will begin at 1:00 PM on Friday, April 1. I hope to have the staff report completed and emailed to you on Monday. From:Joan Leguay [mailto:ileguay@bisrestaurants.com] Sent: Friday, March 25, 2016 3:01 PM To: Margaret Maliszewski <MMaliszewski@albemarle.org> Cc: Robert Vranich<rvranich@bisrestaurants.com>; rumberger@wwassociates.net; RLorey@edens.com Subject: RE: BJ's Restaurant ARB Charlottesville Hi Margaret, Is the meeting at 1 pm? When will the staff report be available? We look forward to seeing you next Friday. Thanks Joan ,loan Leguay (Director of(Property Deed-opulent 431's Westaurants, lnc. 7755 Center Avenue Suite 30(1 lluntingtou(Beach, CA 92647 Office 714.500.2410 ('e1(949.295.636.9 From: Margaret Maliszewski [mailto:MMaliszewski(aalbemarle.orq] Sent: Monday, March 21, 2016 2:33 PM To: Robert Vranich Cc: Joan Leguay; Matt Martinez; rumberger©wwassociates.net; Patricia Arroyo Subject: BJ's Restaurant at the ARB All, At today's ARB meeting I learned that we will not have a quorum on April 4,the date your item was scheduled for review. Without a quorum,the board can't take any official actions.The board has asked me to reschedule for the afternoon of Friday, April 1. Would someone be available to attend at that time? I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Margaret Margaret M. Maliszewski, Principal Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road,Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3276 4 BJ'S RESTAURANT saw' TYPE R4 ..r *...t r'7°� Y * DATE TYPE E gia. ., �! ., : „: PRDJ. 'j4 t EcoSpec inear ,r INT Wall ash -Standardwattage FIRM 'OVERVIEW SPECIFICATION ,, . CAa /• .1� . 6 +@-,,,,6„ t Features: ` S r11 fit- ,»' i1[ i'' ? �'•"z „+�C.e"i�res, ,re...,,z..ru.:i ` _ ,tn;:f- '.? 5f41� ,�, fp t �gg EcoSpec©New Linear HP INT Wall Wash-Standard Wattage is an energy efficient,high output,simple ''`"" ¢' `,' ,t installation fixture designed with superior optics,line voltage in-line connections,and others. ,g; >:':;:,•:::,J.. - A member of the New Linear Series,the EcoSpec New Linear HP INT Wall Wash-Standard Wattage • =_,Ntri*.p.,;a ",,,;<?.'€ ;',F=r{,•: ,"':,;,:::__;, boasts many improved electrical and mechanical features in an unchanged form factor. •.,'s. PERFORMANCE CCT(K) Optic Lumen Output Efficacy(Im/W) f J01T,GNAL,NECRMATION ON NEXT PACE 12" 48" 2700K 6'x6" 822Ire/LF 3,2881m 72,6In,tS/ 3000K 6'x5" rr72Im'LF 3,0881m 65,91maN 3500K 6'x6` 875Irr LF 3,500 lin 74 21m/W 4000K 6'x6' 909Iio'LF 3,636 lin 78.51w A' Color Rendering Index 80+ Color Consistency 2:,top MacAdam Ellipse Lumen Depreciation/Rated Life L10--1100 000 nours(d3 25-C1/L70 50,000 hours a',50`C" l"e4 Li.,t•VIf•• fiJSAurc.,:.,pi,'rc•i an r,,,,%,,,r,'n,,'i,•hz,[wnp4:,,Ti 1e x,',r S9;,ur'i4' ' no•.,,•;IF r1''ir, iia;.,. ELECTRICAL Power Consumption 11W Typical(The Typical input power range allows for a 47-10^',variation of all components) 12W Maximum(All fixtures are labelled with Maximum wattage) Max Fixture Run Length 50'(15m)'h1200AC 115'(35m)36,220'J,AC: 115 (35m)F2)277./AC, Power Factor 0,90 Operating Voltage 100-120VAC,220-240VAC,277VAC,50/60 Hz(all voltages) Driver Integral to Fixture.De-rated Power and Synchronous Start-up at Full Brightness Startup Temperature -4.F to 122'F(-20-C to 50`C) Operating Temperature -4'F to 122'F(-20:C to 50`C) Storage Temperature _40`F to 176`F(-40'C to 80.C) CONTROL Dimming 100-120VAC ELV type,Reverse Pnase Trailing Edge 220-240VAC ELV type,Reverse Phase,Trailing Edge 2771AC Ei-v type Reverse Phase Trailing Edge 120`JAC/2770I".C,0-10V with Linear Dimming Control Module(LDCM) PHYSICAL Dimensions W 2'x I-I 2 4"x: 12748' ,(50.2mrn x 60.3mm x 308mn)11219mm) Housing/Lens Extruded Aluminium Clear Polycarbonate;Stainless Steel Fasteners Plastic Endnapl,,with Plastic;Runber Overmoki for Carrie Assembly Weight 1 35lcs,'0,e2kg(1tr) 5.71bs.i 2 6kg(41t!alrpiox Connectors integral Male/Female 3 Pin Connectors on Pigtail Cable Assembly,IP40 Rated Environment Indoor,CE Ce,trtified IP40I ETL Critrtified for Dry/Damp Locations Beam Angle Native 6'x 6' ;0`x 15'r 10'x 60''17'a 35 1 30's 60'/60'x 60' Mounting Options: Interior Fixer!and A.diust.ible Hinge Brackets FIXTURE RATING& CE,ENEC,C-Tick Certified,CCC CERTIFICATIONS ETL Certified c E l r us c E <:150 Ro H S ROHS Compliant ® COMPLIANT Intertek .-;-r,s,:nye,i'n;/nRUSi',.'vont i'l,'i`iarlm PI6ais i,nr ni. Sr..,,o C5"9 I i(gtv,n9 5JI k6'CPr=&.;r,,,t.v^, IEcoSense Lighting Inc. Phone 212-228-8118 t'r,`,' ``" "I`-,'I, .,N,,,.,,'•",,,,,t,,. 80 Broad Street Fax 212-228-9113 ECGSENSEL.IGHTING.CGM 5th Floor Toll Frne 255-232-6736 h,. New York, NY 10004 BJ'S RESTAURANT TYPE R4 •,,,,.. ::...s ' 'E7 T . _' , a ,•',';:''.,:',. ,:::',,, ,'-.-.,.,:.-..:...•.,..:',,.r..''' ' .mo 4 y. -,- ••• , - . •„,, ,,-„,-...,-,_ ,- ,,,,..i,;4',. irseitiiiii,' : :DATE . .s 7 .,:„„to,,,„„•.c.,,, i, . R,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,....,-;m, ,,,,.,... ...a , . - TYPE w4°0411041s � RC1J i �y y��+ 'near . ,ai EcoSpec 'near I j sh t11 +t1C� `ttage FIRM s � ; r ;r iii, ,. ilrrr r y/ rr / y� p err i Choose, r ", f �% , , ,a , r" ,, I," rEr r .%�"{��� "✓F/ir'` 'rx„!�'r�y`+�Ys � �' =ay ' � .)f .4. .,. 3s � i,. �'-r.e / v�,Y', `�- ,#.�e.•t ��',�, , r �,#,��&'"` ,w.4..:.. ./ 1. g - — WWiS MODEL LENGTH COLOR VOLTAGE OPTIC 1 WWIS I 12- 12” 27 -2700K 120- 100-120VAC 6-6' x 6" 48-48" 30 - 3000K 220 -220-240VAC 6F -6'-, x 15" 35- 3500K 277-277VAC"" 10 - 10' x 60" 40 -4000K 17- 17' x35' 30 -30' x 60' EXAMPLE; WWIS* -48-40 - 120 -6 (*Wall Wash interior Standard } Watta9 e 60-60' x 60" I Wiring Options 'INT Leader Cable,3 Pin 1011. 110V .1INT3P-A-LDR-120-10 INT l cadet Cebl".3 Fin 10ft,220VINT3P-A-LDR-220-10 j INT Jumper Cable: 3 Pin.[ft. 110V iNT3P-A-JMP-120-05 INT Jumper Cable,3 Pin 5ft.220V lNT3P-A-JMP-220-05 INT Jumper Cable:3 Pin, 1ft`110V INT3P-A-JMP-120-01 INT Jumper Cable:3 Pin, 111,220V INT3P-A-JMP-220-01 1 , INT Jumper Cable 3 Pin 4in 110V tNT3P-A-JMP-120-4 INT Jumper Cable.3 Pin,4in,270V INT3P-A-JIViP-220-4 I .:r5;4'rn.nater me.iu-sea stanv.rd wvPr.,a.:h le,air r:t:;I r �r,�e'1✓:�,c:bi.:;s:�.%a17^:air-:�'cr i- `i.4i.;tse lControl Options , 100-120VAC 127TVAC Linear Dimming Control Module 0-10V LDCM-120-277-010V-GR [ Mounting Options ' I Hat[touriting Plate. interior Cove- INT-A-MNT-FLAT ! In.:Iu J-d Stai card�v,+It Fact.oro-si;<.t i,rr.^th Hinge Bracket,Interior Cove INT-A-DANT-ADuJ i rder 1(ortc)b'rcr e:i per 12';cc tri and 2(ron bre-^ektr pe:r 48 IFvng1/r ' LcoSense Lighting Inc. ' Phone 212-228-8118 „, r '„ ,',r,.,- 80 Broad Street Fax 212-228-9113 :k ,,.,,.r, ..-,, :„,. , .. .,�,, ECt�SENS�LIGHTING.C7M 5th Finer Toll Free 855-632-673F E .: °i-...,r '' New York,NY 10004 8;5-ri-I OS�:N R,,,.,. -,„ I BPS RESTAURANT Now, ,....." TYPE R4 ,. ,, !' ,' i',1,;;.:':...;.,,•,:•-zipc.;;:,• ' •:gii::4;,i;•.:•7-•:,., •,:7-:••:: --, -'.• •• • , -''• *** , : ,,, ,,,,,,it'ml.r7Erd,,, ,'.-•.,' . DATE TYPE E CA1000.0 j ! •-•.i.. ',:::;2,40rjr' ',5.:!'::,::;ear Series • 14104::: , .•: •:'• :.),!'': --47'14fil ',,,,::.")**, pRoi. s a f..s. .,.,, ;:,! ,,,E,,, ,,,::::,,,,,, ,,,,J:::,;"! -:,••• ' EcoSpec,Linear 4 P INT Wall Was -Standard Wattage FIRM For corroeti,,dimonsions,voci subm!tial drawings,. ' - - . : -. . : • . .... . . . . . . , . , .. DIMENSiONS .......__ , nseb hti .com.- . . '- .. ,,,,,,,,,,, , : . ....,c,, ,a 0 n9 , ,iFlat Bracket - Direct Mount N—Ii -1 ''1 " ii—si li j-1111.11111.11111M 111.1111.111=1111:4 : , -- "--------- 0 [ 1 6 . ° o o ... f , : 1111111111111MINK ., __ 1 OFC106.6!a ________ .1101111... 1 , .. „ . , 0 I i '..." ....... ...." ..in ..I. "11.1=i Adjustable Bracket - Direct Mount ' ' 111.11111MIIMIII ‘1111 =M:- . -- r, r------------"--- imingisommommilimmiimmil <----- , / , ® , ' 1 .- ,......® ® .. • - - foiL_E-T7JA, d E7J' I - I---- • - •,=-+----- t- — --1_ I - - __ _.... __.1 , ... . . . . , DIMENSION IN INCHES / [MM] I EcoSense Lighting Inc„ Phone 212-228-8118 r,„:,,,, h, , ,,, ,,,,,,,,,r.,4,,,,,,- 80 Broad Street 5th Floc)r , Fax 212-228-9113 ECOSENSELIGHTING.COM New York, NY 10004 855-6-ECOSEr4 BJ'S RESTAURANT '11.0 ioiri, TYPE R4 ,'•'E';',' ... 7).!..' ''r. -'':'''''1:-i''k:;,7'.+;',''.::'---' '''''''''','''':''''',,Y1;', 3,:': ''''''''+''''T'.'':'''''• ''.-''3'',....'E.3,-.3.'•. ''-' - y . • . A •.- 4'13"3-' ' -5 ''' ..1•A'','"'''''''l ;- ' ' '. DATE ' 3. . .. A-3'3, :3 4 k;4:::::'' M, " = eatSerier, . TYPE Ec 7 :..,1411: r. ., ;.. .',/, ffjp,,,;,.,‘:-.-,! , ,i,:,,.. . .- et,. e ,.::. .f 'l A-,3 ,;'",',' , ,3" ' 1kik* „ 43*.i, ,;;A ,,ti?,'''' :1';''',l'e. . FRO.). EcoSpe4 inear- ',,,i'' IN Will-W;ksh t.,. -S....:ridard Wattage FIRM .. ''t, -+-''''.:,e' "- e'-':':-.*'i;',.. . 6° 6° itVWIS-XY.--XXX30 30 30 30 •-',:7) 6° x (5° ;......... M 1&,.......(2)i C_–:11--1—"... ..elEMffiiiliITINIEFINElli i! I-11:h' AI[ _ 60° 10° WWIS'-XX-XXX):X--ei,C4 30° 30° 5 50 10C' x 5C;° 1r -, -c- i—..., ....,,–, ...... ...1 35° 17° '..,IVIiIVIS-XX-XX•-X)f:X-1.7 17° x 35° 17.5° 17.5° IIIF iiiMIEBEE! 1 MilliM "-- ''\ itmEim■ ww... . ,.., . .,,m,. ...,. .. ../ ...I 1 , I- I C=1---:11MiSMMISIIIE I EcoSense Lighting Inc. Phone 212-228-811 ; 1 ;;,:,,3'.:,3:,.:3,1„,:,13,3„33333;; ,;33„:;'.;`,:,':31,'„' 80 Broad Street l',Iow York,NY 10004 Fax 212-228-9113 3 3} „ „ , „,,,,,,,,„,.,,,,,.,1 Toil V"r P E., 955-632:t.)739, 3:33':',33-3,3 '1'3,3332,L33. i,3„.3„•,:i i:,1-31333':33/333-1,- 235-6-E CC).;E N , ,!';:,:,';',7::''':,'.:,::' ECOSEhISELIGFITING.COIVI 5th Floc)r I BJ'S RESTAURANT %oar, TYPE R4 .11:,: ''' ' :', '''' . . • '::''''''', 4:'',, : -: : ' , TYPE E ,.. , :::::4-, .:.ei:hear Series , CSI DATE ...... ' '4' ' .4 ,:4,,,,,L;*. .ii,40.,'• • , .4041:110. k ;'t ''. ::',....,::: ,•"y,N'',:::, PROJ. :::•11. #.1'••ij. . ••••! ':::::''''.10''::' ''• Ecs:oSpedPtinetar - ,* INT Wall Wash -Standard Wattage FIRM '•••,:gi,,,i, .':'', ' • . -... ....,....,i::,.• ., ,,,,,,..... ,-..,'. , , ;, ,.- . , , • • .... ,,:, : '•-,•, ,' .. - , ,, . ''.;;:;•:•'''..,'DISTRIBLITIONS • .•. Y,''''•• , i ..• •••••• -: .•'•, ••••,. i• ---.: • , . .. - : • . --:. ,.-......,: ...,:. ,'„. , .:,.. . .. ,.. , .... -.....,.. ; ... .... . .. -.. . , ... . . . .. ... .... :. , . .. ....„.. . ........ .... . .. . . . .,... ..„ .......... ,... ... . . :. .... ..,.. .. ... : ...... . . ..:. , . . .. 60° 30° W W IS-X X-X X-X X X-30 30° 30° 15° 15° 30° x 60° ir raiing=1Kiimmin mainali -- 60° 60° 1 Wlul IS-X X-XX-XXX-60 30° 30° 30° 30° 60° x 60° 1r 1 IF 15° 6° W liV IS-X X-X X-XXX-6F 3° , 3° 6° x 15° 7.50_ _,._ _ 7.5° --------------------=------------ - - MIMI ;..........m............,.,.....,,,...„, ,.......7 1 EcoSense Lighting Inc. Phone 212-228-8118 , ,:';`,‘;‘..:`,..: ; ;',1,`,',,:;;, ;,'; ,„`,",',:';',`,„.',,',':,n;;;;,,,,';:„`,,,,„,,,, 80 Broad Street F'ax 212-228-9113 ,,,,, ' 2„ E „„,,,,,,,,,„1,,,, ..,1 r.,,,,,,„,,,,, 5th Floor , Toll Free 855-632-6736 l i• 855-6-ECOSEN l '.2,;;;'_;,',1-.!,'Gr,`„,`,:.: ' '''''''''''"'''-- ECOSENSELIGHTING.COM New York,NY 10004 BJ'S RESTAURANT 'Ned TYPE R4 Er. a' i`m `k" i � TYPE a '` . ........ , ,....„. , „„,,,,,:„ . . .,:,,:,,,.. . . , ,, ... . �,. EcoSp3e inear .",,IN . ash $itx![t7€ CCI Waftage FIRM .t;"d r`�zi " ✓i/ ;r :.x r i "i�y/�Fo � +.r,, £�°' 3q " „ -Y`� Trty, . i ,T,z, -a,` a ;r� r 'i;„ "' 7 34 .1 7�# TomE r /r aca,z ,�haxsl� .: '✓x s%%',f "°ir�bese„�s t x:4,;,�,,ir ,.„r/ -> .,mss,.✓ ,�»";r, u /r Irl 1v l/.;;ate£._ s3mvc,x , ,n, /t fit”, „, 180° CHARACTERISTICS: `?'t,1,`' %/,/,,,,/'„,,' 1 _.—.1........_.___'.- .„_1. -'. . -_'__ i .r _ -.,`• ,3 anlm , 2 222i" _....... 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Cd -)(1 s; rf. ---C- I` + - les .- _ „. -_-_ Sc . . „_ ..__ _ 302 0° 30° -__L_-.._ +s as IES Direction 5.1640 0600,Emnx a,ya.rt.Uaeg Photortle'ttiCS by an incll1Ejerld-lilt lab in accordarc,e with current IES published Procedures. t omen measurz;rnents comply with IFS t M-79-02. IF'S data is available et vvvAv.ecosensellghtinn.rc;ii EcoSense Lighting Inc. Phone 212-228-8118 1 ,' •r 1.551 ', -'','r„ „ . 80 Broad Street Fax 212-228-9113 :G+'; .n':.r•.,,;, ,,1 ;!..,1. `.:1...,, ECOSENSE IGHTING.Ct7M 5th Floor toil Free 855-6;i<-6736 1..,: ,-.',.,..I .- -51 New Yolk,NY 10004 €355.6-LCC}58Ft "°. ' I BJ'S RESTAURANT ,..0.- Nikrof TYPE R4 :cito 0 . Lt, „,,. ,:mi41,-.:*:,-- -:. s -- '-- ''..?-- • .:''''''''.. 11111114,- l' '`,:',,,..',„-,, i.... :- DATE TYPE ' ft.. '' . .' Mge'-; •''' ' `Year Serie . • •• „ , ,,,,, ,41, ,,,,,.:. *ties* „ , ,. :- ..ir--1,4 '""` E s 7 „rio , . , ... ,s''.. e-• ' 7::' '' Ecospeco.,,tiriear ,.0 INT:Wall Wash -Standard Wattage FIRM .14?.. ..., . . . : : ..., '...: . . •., . .. .. :: :.• LIGHTING FAcTs LABELS, . . . - ( ,. . , -- .-. ..., , . . . . . , . . . , .. . . i.i...t-, , .-- ' ighting facts'D lighting facts A Program of the U S DOE A program of the U S SUE Light Output(Lumens) 753 Light Output(Lumens) 822 Watts 11 Watts 11.33 Lumens per Watt(Efficacy) 66 Lumens per Watt(Efficacy) 72 . ., Color Accuracy 81 81 Color Accuracy Color Rendering Index(CRI) Color Rendering Index(CRI) Light Color 2828(Warm White) Light Color 2824(Warm White) Correlated Coicir Tereperati.ire iCCTIjomprre ..,*., ..., Warm White Bright White Day,ent Warm White Bright Wilde Daylight 2700K 3000K 4500K 6500K 27001( 3000K 45001< 6500K A fir r , flrA lynn 'n Err Li " 'A'A'''''A"-1".°1s:'A.L'.I '''''' A;'''l::"yr if •"n:::::I,*.;'1 o i,, ;,i r .t,1,, ,,„,,,:t•NI k,,.. ,`•,, Visit www.lightingfacts.com for the Label Reference Guide. Visit www.lightingfacts.com for the Label Reference Guide. . . , X.,V. .•, ,1 2 `,, EcoSense lighting Inc, Phone 212-228-8118 ,,,.2..,.,,,,,,,g,p,,,, 80 Broad Street 5th Floor New York,NY 10004 Fax 212-228-9113 , ,,20,,,,,,eh,,,v,.x11,,,,, ,,,,,, Toll Free 855-632-6736 ' l.--',',,',,-- ,,:ll'±7;',,;'„`",,i',,,ll,f,,;;,r'' 855-6-ECOSEN 1, ',:,,,:,,,,,T;r::::.,-.../; ECOSENSELIGHTING.COM 0 SOLAR BAN p60 s! 6 >ocs >o c� y Solar Control Low-E Glass � Glass•Coatings• Paint Solarban®60 solar control, low-e glass by PPG was engineered to °F control solar heat gain,which is essential to minimizing cooling costs. iiiii..%it " ; r4 In a standard one-inch insulating glass unit(IGU), Solarban®60 glass offers an exterior appearance similar to clear, uncoated glass. 4.7,, ,.,,.... '�r,a. With a very good Solar Heat Gain Coefficient(SHGC) of 0.39, siom " Solarban® 60 glass blocks 66 percent of the total solar energy while allowing 70 percent of the visible light to pass through. , �� oti This combination produces an excellent Light to Solar Gain (LSG) ' �''� ratio of 1.79, along with exceptional insulating performance, as evidenced by its 0.29 winter nighttime U-value, Aesthetic Options . �..� , � . Solarban®60 glass can be coated on Starphire®glass and ' 'i paired with Starphire®glass to produce an IGU with exceptional *' 1 , clarity and solar control characteristics. For even more color and ` idlitiv performance options, it can be coated on the second (#2)surface , ......t,,et(if x t of nearly all PPG's wide range of tinted glasses, or combined Prudential CC 11 ter in an IGU with any PPG tinted glass, Solarcool®reflective Location:Newark, NJ glass or Vistacool®subtly reflective, color-enhanced glass(see Product:Solarban 60 Glass performance data on back page). Architect:Morris Adj:,:i Architects Glass Contractor:Josloff Glass Glass Fabricator:J.E.Berkowitz,LP Solarban&"60 Glass and Sustainable Design An energy modeling study conducted by an independent energy design and consulting firm showed that architects and building 11T TT--_,I, owners can potentially save millions of dollars during a building'sI s%IlRI 1 I I lifetime by specifying Solarban®60 glass instead of less advanced MO architectural glazings. iii0PPl IN .For instance, the study showed that, by substituting Solarban® , ' I i • ' , 60 glass in place of dual-pane tinted glass, the owners of a 1. s I l typical glass-walled, eight-story office building in Boston could ,i01141 ~o ` -i- i, I i_I ' 1111111 _au lower their initial HVAC equipment costs by nearly$350,000 i . ,, while realizing annual energy savings of more than $80,000. �Imakulnum I i I,,, � !'.�mika. Corresponding carbon emissions from the same building were �" � , `i '- also reduced by more than 300 tons per year, which eclipses the - iiP. i k. �`I I I-n i l: _who i total carbon emissions generated by 31,000 gallons of gasoline. ■1 • , i 77 ■ -! i_ ' ,0 mist,. In addition to making products that support sustainable design, ' 1 , , 'mu I: PPG has pioneered innovative technologies that reduce energy i , ; �--: i , ,: . i 3 a consumption during the glass-making process. PPG promotes Streeter Place environmentally responsible manufacturing by recovering and Location:Chicago,IL reusing virtually all of its glass manufacturing by-products and by Product:Solarban e0Gla,:, shipping its materials on reusable steel racks. PPG also facilitates Architect:Soln:rr„n Cordwell Bnen�and A sociater Owner/Developer:Golub and Cornpanv regional sourcing through its nationwide network of certified glass Glass Fabricator:Northwestern Industries,Inc. fabricators and laminators. Glazing Contractor:Custom Windows and JetDErectors With Solarban® 60 glass, sustainable design and LEED®credit opportunities are provided according to the following criteria: LEED/Green Design Category Feature Benefit Optimizing Energy Performance Excellent SHGC,U-value,and Tvis performance Enhance energy performance of building design Daylight&Views High VLT Connectivity to natural lighting and the outdoors Innovation in Design Cradle to Cradle CertificationcM Selection of environmentally-focused product evaluation 0 SOLARBAN'60 Solar Control Low-E Glass Solarban®60 glass is just one of many ecological Fabrication and AvailabilityEcological Solutions from PPGTM. For i,<,I(,tir,nr,hl.ro 11,J Solarban® 60 glass is available t,.(17-)c*PPG Certified more information, or to obtain samples exclusively through the FABRICATOR® NETWORK of this product, call 888-PPG-IDEA (774-4332), or visit www, PPG Certified Fabricator®Network. PPG Certified Fabricators ppgideascapes.com. can meet tight construction deadlines and accelerate the PPG is the first U.S. float glass manufacturer to have its delivery of replacement glass before, during and after products recognized by the Cradle to Cradle Certified"' construction. Solarban® 60 glass is manufactured using the program, and it offers more C2C-certified architectural sputter-coating process and is available for annealed, heat glasses than any other float glass manufacturer. strengthened and tempered applications. PPG IdeaScapes.®Integrated products, people and services to inspire your design and color vision. Additional Resources Solarban®60 Glass Performance-Commercial Insulating Glass Unit Comparisons Using 1/4" (6mm) Glass Insulatin1 Vision Unit Performance Com rarisons 1-inch(25mm)units with 1/2-inch(13mm)airs ace and two 1/4-inch(6mm)lites;as shown below Transmittance U-Value(Imperial) Solar Heat Light to Glass Type Ultra- Total Visible Total Winter Summer European Shading Gain Solar Visible Solar Solar U-Value Coefficient Gain violet Light Night- Day- Coefficient Energy Energy time time (LSG) SOLARBAN°60 Solar Control Low-E Glass III SOLARBAN 60(2)Clear I Clear 18 70 34 11 28 0.29 0.27 1.6 0.45 0.39 1.79 ■ SOLARBAN 60(2)STARPHIRE' 24 74 39 11 41 0.29 0.27 1.6 0.48 0.41 1.80 . SOLARBAN 60(7)ATLANT/CA+Clear 5 53 20 8 7 0.29 0.27 1.6 0.32 0.27 1.96 ■ SOLARBAN 60(2)AZURIA+Clear 13 54. .. 21 8 6 0.29 0.27. 1.6 0.32.......0.28 1.93 is SOLARBAN 60(2)OPT/GRAY+Clear Mal 50 8 14 Irra 0.27 NM 0.35 0.30 1.6/ 1 SOLARBAN 60(2)PACIFICA r Clear MINE 34 NM 6 6 0.2.9 0.27 1.6 0.26 0.22 Ma ■ SOLARBAN 60(2)SOLARBLUE+Clear 10 45 21 7 12 0.29 0.27 1.6 0.33 0.28 1.61 SOLARBAN GO(2)SOLARBRONZE I Clear 8 42 21 / 10 0.29 0.27 1.6 0.32 0.28 1.50 ■ SOLARBAN 60(2)SOLARGRAY+Clear 8 35 18 6 12 0.29 0.27 1.6 0.29 0.25 1.40 ■ SOLAR BAN 60(2)SOLEXIA 4 Clear 10 61 25 9 10 0.29 0.27 1.6 0.37 0.32 1.91 ■ATLANTICA"+SOLARBAN 60(3)Clear 5 53 20 9 7 0.29 0.27 1.6 0.36 031 1.71 ■AZURIA'+SOLARBAN 60(3)Clear 13 54 21 9 7 0.29 0.27 1.6 0.36 0.31 1.74 GRAYLITE®II+SOLARBAN 60(3)Clear 1 7 4 4 5 0.29 0.27 1.6 0.14 0.13 0.54 ® OPTIGRAY"+SOLARBAN 60(3)Clear 10 50 23 8 15 0.29 0.27 1.5 0.40 0.35 1.43 PACIFICA® r SOLARBAN 60(3)Clear 5 34 15 6 7 0.29 0.27 1.6 0.29 0.25 1.36 IIII So/ARBI UE°+SOLARBAN 60(3)Clear 10 45 21 7 13 0.29 0.2/ 1.6 0.38 0.33 1.36 i( SOLARBRONZE®+SOLARBAN 60(3)Clear 8 42 21 7 16 0.29 0.27 1.6 C.37 0.32 1.31 Kii� e SOLARGRAY' + SOLARBAN 60(3)Clear 8 35 18 7 13 0.29 0.27 1.6 0.33 0.29 1.21 . SOLEXIA® SOLARBAN 60(3)Clear 10 61 25 10 10 0.29 0.27 1.6 0.42 0.37 1.65 VISTACOOL®Glass with SOLARBAN°60 Solar Control Low-E(3) N VISTACOOL(2)AZURIA r Low-E 11 42 16 20 11 0.29 0.27 1.6 0.30 0.26 1.62 VISTACOOL(2)PACIFICA+Low-E 4 26 12 11 9 0.29 0.27 1.6 0.25 0.21 1.24 SOLARC00L®Glass(Reflective)with SOLARBAN°60 Solar Control Low-E(3) al SOLARCOOL(2)AZURIA+Low-E 4 21 8 19 10 0.29 0.27 1.6 0.19 0.17 1.24 SOLARCOOL(2)PACIFICA+Low-E 2 13 6 10 8 0.29 0.27 1.6 0.17 0.15 0.87 SOLARCOOL(2)SOLARBLUE+Low-E 3 17 9 14 15 0.29 0.27 1.6 0.21 0.18 0.94 SOLARCOOL(2)SOLARBRONZE i Low-C 2 17 9 14 18 0.29 0.27 1.6 0.21 0.18 0.94 SOCARCOOL(2)SOLARGRAY+Low-E 2 14 8 11 14 0.29 0.27 1.6 0.20 0.17 0.82 • SOLARCOOL(2)SOLEXIA+Low-E 3 24 10 24 15 0.29 0.27 1.6 0.22 0.19 1.26 "Data based on using STARPHIRE'®glass for both interior and exterior lites. All performance data calculated using LBNL Window 6.3 software,except European U-value,which is calculated using WinDat version 3.0.1 software.For detailed information on the methodologies used to calculate the aesthetic and performance values in this table,please visit www.ppgideascapes.com or request our Architectural Glass Catalog. ©2014 PPG Industries,Inc.All rights reserved.Atlantica,Azuria,Azurlite,Graylite,IdeaScapes,Oceans of Color,Optiblue,Optigray,Pacifica,Solarban,Solarblue,Solarbronze, Solarcool,Solargray,Soles,Solexia,Starphire,Sungate,Vistacool,the PPG logo and the PPG Certified Fabricator Network and the PPG Certified Programs are registered trademarks of PPG Industries Ohio,Inc.Cradle to Cradle Certified is a certification mark licensed by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute. Ecological Solutions from PPG is a trademark of PPG Industries Ohio,Inc. rrsiie- +cr. Bc, I i 1 I c o, o/✓V/1� Printed in U.S.A. i 7071 09/1410Mam-' =` , Glass•Coatings• Paint PPG Industries,Inc. Glass Business&Discovery Center 400 Guys Run Road Cheswick,PA 15024 1-888-PPG-IDEA www.ppgideascapes,corn IIIEIMMM- ... - iii i ri i ii ! i' i °' l'I. U5.", 4 - I ii; ffii i i . ' *', '•• .> " '''' ' ' t ...., . 'i;00..' i0 •! i -° 1 - W' . g 6 ' . Nliie q''ri'' F 71g a i , , e) ! - tu ,,, II c:} li-Z 0 -1 ,,,g e„.LES Ul I i , 9 is ;,--▪-' 0 3'2 ..▪Et Ili 0 CD :jg ',-,"± --±1; 4111.0, . // , / N \ // N N '43.• N ' • 1 N \ / // / \)/ N, ..•..' N • N 4P6. 7 t 1 \ N/ . , ,./ -, i C‘,.. ' z,<'/ N --„, \ 14. N N. .>Ns,..* , / N N - , r - , ..„, N„, 4ier -.‘ / Ch- /// N / - \ N , , / .. ,;... , ,, 7/;''' ' / . _- - , N ' , --, • %. - . ....,,, , \ .„ .... ..... , . : ............„ ........,..........,.„,.....,.................._. rcR I 'I! 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N m m 0» • ! . 1 i m of 4 Q i m5 m �-,, a a s s • o 0 0 E,' F s s No ,, 6 _ w R g m F., Cn 011 •� lG • o� �y I 2 e3c" a$"-8 0m m93N ', _ (2,x0 foo ri CD g Fn0 m3.• a ki 50� �� 0,22 �f€7; aP9 � i n F, ss§ om L m p s mm o Margaret Maliszewski From: Rob Umberger<rumberger@wwassociates.net> Sent: Friday, March 04, 2016 6:18 PM To: Margaret Maliszewski Cc: Sarah Baldwin Subject: RE: Stonefield - BJ's Site Plan Amendment Attachments: 215079.01 BJ's- BLOCK G SP AMEND_Markup.pdf Margaret, Attached is the marked up plan with the changes since last time. It is really only on Drawing Number C-3 I can print this out if you would like. Thanks, Rob Umberger Project Manager P4 p� Pr .'til kit ti Mkt Asst}C Ass,„.",,, , Office Phone: 434.960.7589 Main: 434.984.2700 Fax: 434.978.1444 3040 Atiemore Square Place Charlottesville, VA 2291 1 rumberger@wwassociates.net www.wwassociates.net www.facebook.com/WWAssociatesInc From: Margaret Maliszewski [mailto:MMaliszewski@albemarle.org] Sent:Thursday, March 03, 2016 10:35 AM To: rumberger@wwassociates.net Cc:Sarah Baldwin <sbaldwin@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Stonefield - BJ's Site Plan Amendment Rob, I can switch out this revised plan for the plan currently included in the ARB packages for the April 4 meeting. I think the ARB can work with 11 x 17 for this round of review but could you bring in 2 full size sets for my review?Also, if you could take another set and highlight the revisions, that would be a great help. Thanks. Margaret From: Rob Umberger [mailto:rumberger@wwassociates.net] Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2016 3:28 PM To: Margaret Maliszewski <MMaliszewski(Walbemarle.org>; Sarah Baldwin<sbaldwin@albemarle.org> Cc: 'Joan Leguay' <jleguay@bjsrestaurants.com> Subject: Stonefield - BJ's Site Plan Amendment 1 Nate NMI Margaret and Sarah, We just dropped off the revised plans to replace the previous submission. Attached is a PDF for your use. Please let me know if you have any questions with these plans. I can come by and go over the changes if that helps. Thanks, Rob Umberger Project Manager E.'.r.rtt I XN. giO 'sr tat r 7:'S% Ass x CA I ks Office Phone: 434.960.7589 Main: 434.984.2700 Fax: 434.978.1444 3040 ANemore Square Place Charlottesville, VA 22911 rumberger@_,wwassociates.net www.wwassociates.net www.facebook.com/W WAssociate sInc 2 N M:\215079 BJs Restaurants Ine\215079.01 BJs-02-FSPAmend\507901C_SP-1.dwg O N -. o m % o Ai c 26 o c g c z n o m z -u u, z 0 z n 0 c 8 0 E 2 o -< Sm u ' O i4, 0 P O m Iry I �-- 4-, A Do 8 --_-___ J- - -.V40-,,''L, u'.-u-,.V, no 3 a _ �iA00 a r ZL Z— .. >>m ; r_,- 6 mN Z - a6Do_ mczir✓ --- "- -.m Lf§ Opz2 cn -- __pp, = - - kur.iiiiEcciL vivism .:, -.,1.. _, I �'� r-,1 ,2 1 : 1.ci, _, !-_-H: /_:-;? , -4,'l;•-• -'. Es_53 i g '.-- ;00 N4% 'J ; /' aAi ii 33 yyC2�10 O G + r Iff1iV� ,_ A rn ti � � n to A y rn D J� - Tc U 2 � � / - a L " rI ' a N n0 Q �' p . 0 0. , � _, o N� � � . sa II' y�1 1 mZ * l - 4 r' 0 - N zm � 7I I O /�1. I A 1 \ . 1 I rl I o h 1 aIII � , la 'fid ti A _ = 1 �. �-�� � i �" 4' �� Rt+.2r iii - , IIIII `,1 E . -} o}' i,'- - f - - zLUiji ± 1If- K ll � - lr n 11 ® m �b /-------- r--f-1, lz7 C ' �I^ I 1 1' \ 1�yc i Tmyz _� ---fT- f -"� t- y b4 ,I I I d \\ ,__I--.=,-- - i I i I 4,..._. Pd/=-/. to n - ---,,,, >,,,,, 4 , 4-L11 L_ -- _- _—; _ ____ __\\>Ilk , . 7L--„ 'L- L7 , L-L 9,:j , 1 L 1 J` - "� � Cry ' OA o ( i f — \, _L- 1 ,� ill 2�� + 1 , '`_ — \ II i �� f `->fi / II ; ► x I i n Ni _ m � O C m g o O a � 0 a - '" r O O ➢ 12 n Hm 1 r� v 3 N co Om 7.n i2 no of c 3`4 A Acis it x. m 8 niz OA O OZ'1 $\ z-n In co z 2 OT FF D C0 oN mos ; f 9a n D y O A �r ,., a m ) z C� ro w -4,, s I z iv o c z z z W m p m A WOPARINERS.COM NNW' .000 19100 vON v,ARF,MA":AVENUE- T miry 7.-3;f,7f- SO IL ,=SOIL fY) ; NO 7,-, ;t'.rµ IR%INE.GA 92612 vI DATE: February 19, 2016 TO: Margaret Maliszewski County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 FROM: Matt Martinez WD Partners 19100 Von Karman Ave. - Ste. 600 Irvine, CA 92612 RE: BJ's Restaurant Inc. The Shops at Stonefield Rout 29 & Hydraulic RD. Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: ARB-2015-154: BJ's Restaurant SUBJECT: Response letter Enclosed please find a response to the board's preliminary review comments of the above-noted project by the Albemarle County Architectural Review Board at the meeting held Feb 1, 2016. Where applicable changes have been clouded and identified as PL1. 1. Revise the exterior material selections and colors to relate more consistently with the existing context established throughout the Stonefield development. Response: The building materials have been aligned with that of the center including the stucco color and 12x12 wainscot tile. The wainscot at the brick pilasters has been removed and the same material brought down to the ground to resemble the vertical pilasters of the development. The wood at the top has been lightened in color. 2. Eliminate the murals from the proposal. Replace the murals with the architectural detailing to relieve blankness. Response: The murals have been removed and replaced with a trellis. Two options are presented for this area, one with a metal trellis that resembles the ones installed on the other buildings and a wood version that is the same material and color as the wood above. New 3. Add the standard window glass note to the drawings. Window glass in the Entrance Corridors should meet the following criteria: Visible light transmittance (VLT) shall not drop below 40%. Visible light reflectance (VLR) shall not exceed 30%. Specifications on the proposed window glass should be submitted with the application for final review. Response: The note has been added to Sheet A2.0 4. Coordinate all site, grading, utility, landscape and lighting drawings with the new restaurant layout and the service yard. Response: The site, grading, utilities, landscaping and lighting have been coordinated with the new building and are shown in the current submission to Albemarle County. 5. Revise the size and/or location of rooftop mechanical equipment to eliminate visibility from the entrance corridor. Response: See two sightline studies that show the units are not visible from the entrance corridor. 6. Add the standard mechanical equipment note to the drawings. Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated. Response: The Mechanical Equipment Note is included in the notes on the cover sheet, Drawing Number C-1. See note 6. 7. Eliminate all exterior LED strip lighting from the building cornices. Response: LED strip lighting has been removed from the plans. Note 15 has been changed to read "not used". 8. Include all building-mounted lights in the photometric calculations. Response: Please see updated photometric on sheet SLO.1. 9. Clarify on the drawings the illumination intended for the murals. Provide additional information to clarify the night-time appearance of the murals. Response: Murals have been removed. The light will wash the landscape in a similar fashion to the existing landscape lighting in the center, with exception that it will be from the top. 10. Limit wall lights to down lights only. Response: Note#8 on Sheets A2.0 and A2.1 clarifies light fixtures are to be down lights only. 11. Clarify the location and appearance of the recessed mirror light (reference note#12 on the elevation sheets). Response: The note has been modified to read "trellis" light. These lights are hidden behind the wall as not to be seen however washing light onto the trellis. 12. Show on the elevations the locations of the arm mount bowl light fixture. Response: There are no arm lights. There are wall scones shown on the elevations and electrical plan. Fixture specifications are on E3.3 13. Submit a revised landscape plan that is coordinated with the revised site layout for the restaurant. Do not reduce the quantities, sizes or character of the previously approved landscaping. Include a plant schedule in the submittal. Response: The revised landscaping plan is included with the current submission to Albemarle County. The quantities, sizes and species have not changed. The location of the planting material has not changed with the exception of one tree that was relocated out of a parking island as noted on the landscaping plan. 14. Note that a separate application is required for all signage, that signs are subject to the previously approved comprehensive sign plan for this block, and no review of the illustrated signage has been completed at this time. Response:The note has been added to Sheets A2.0. Revised drawings addressing the comments listed above are herewith included with "clouded" and noted with delta PL1 and dated 02/19/2016 on each drawing. Do not hesitate to call should you have any questions or need any additional information during your review process. My office telephone is 949-223-9527. Thank you. Matt Martinez Project Manager WD Partners End of Document were ..e Margaret Maliszewski From: Robert Vranich <rvranich@bjsrestaurants.com> Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2016 10:08 PM To: Margaret Maliszewski; Joan Leguay; rumberger@wwassociates.com Cc: Matt Martinez; Patricia Arroyo Subject: BJ's Restaurant Charlottesville-follow up from ARB hearing 2/01/16 Attachments: BJSBJ0269_Charlottesville-VAColorElevations_16-0209_B.pdf; BJSBJ0269_Charlottesville- VA_ColorElevations_12x18_16-_0209_A.JPG; IMG_6898.jpg; IMG_6916.jpg; IMG_6917.jpg; I MG_6924.j pg Margaret, Please find attached the revised color renderings of the Exterior Elevations for BJ's Restaurant at Stonefield. I have included two Front and Rear Elevation options showing alternate architectural elements which have replaced the BJ's murals. Please refer to the bulletpoints below which identify the architectural materials and colors which have been revised based on the ARB comments discussed at the meeting held on Monday Feb. 1, 2016. • Lightened the stain color of the Resysta faux wood cladding (medium walnut), which is more consistent with the wood tones found at Stonefield. • Minimized the brick material and used primarily as an accent on columns and pilasters which is found on buildings G3 and G4. (see photo 6898) • Replaced the brick areas with a tan stucco color which is intended to match the stucco paint color found on Pottery Barn at Stonefield. (see photo 6916) • Added the black tile as the wainscot around the building which is consistent with many of the buildings at Stonefield. (see photos 6916, 6917) • Added the metal vertical architectural element to replace the mural which is consistent with elements found at Stonefield. (see photo 6924) We are forwarding the Exterior renderings to WW Associates and they will have the images mounted on 30"x42" foamcore so that they arrive to you undamaged and can be displayed on a larger format for the ARB to review. We request that these revised BJ's Exterior color rendering boards are on hand for reference during the ARB hearing 2/16 with Jared Jewelry. Thank you and feel free to email or call with any questions or comments. Robert Robert Vranich Sr. Architectural and Design Manager BJ's Restaurants, Inc. 7755 Center Ave., Suite 300 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 714-500-2459 o 310-383-2017 c 1 • ...... , ,, ._. .. , t., xi . , . .‹,i .14 ++',gar �?!, pnDj r m r IQ m " < Z � ` � b m -i DZ1 coZ Z m 1 . 7:11 ' L':: m 00 Z1 p �Zi . ._ . . . . m a.CO ■ � w X01 p z MIL �-; { �7} p,} _dry .� = z j IF Z 0 _ _� € D _ . . ,,, , ,,,,,,--.1:.I NI. i p =. err . i 4 .• ... _ 2 .. . D - CO m .- = 1 s4r Z cam ° � . 1 h' CD V1 = Zi :lGa`igir N m o pi. 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