HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201600047 Plan - Submittal (First) 2016-05-16GENERAL NOTES: OWNER: BELLEVUE REAL ESTATE, L.L.C. LOT SPACES PROVIDED 16 PINEY GLEN CT. 1-7 POTOMAC, MD 20854 14 (2 SPACES PER UNIT) AGENT: VITO CETTA DEVELOPER/CONTACT: DICKERSON HOMES LLC SFD W/2 OFFSTREET SPACES 925 E. JEFFERSON ST, SUITE B CLAY GREEN CONSULTING 16 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 1830 RIVER INN LANE 16-22 CONTACT: BEAU DICKERSON CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 14 (2 SPACES PER UNIT) CONTACT: CLAY GREEN PLAN PREPARER: ROUDABUSH, GALE & ASSOCIATES 3 BR TOWNHOUSE 914 MONTICELLO ROAD 0 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 TAX MAP PARCEL NO: 09000-00-00-03100 (D.B. 3786 P.G. 060) PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1960 AVON STREET EXT. 11 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 ZONING: PRD PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT PER ZMA 20120004 °C W 0o WITH ENTRANCE CORRIDOR OVERLAY (EC) EXISTING USE: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY SIZE: 5.262 ACRES MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: SCOTTSVILLE DISTRICT SETBACKS: VARY - REFER TO LAYOUT PLAN MAX. BUILDING HEIGHT: 35 FEET TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS: 32 PROPOSED DENSITY: 6.0 DU/AC PROPOSED USE: RESIDENTIAL DRAINAGE DISTRICT: RIVANNA RIVER WATERSHED: THIS SITE IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN THE WATERSHED OF A PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY RESERVOIR. SURVEY: BOUNDARY, TOPOGRAPHIC AND GROUND SURVEY BY LINCOLN SURVEYING DATED MAY 28, 2010. NAVD '88 VERTICAL DATUM W C3 2 (BENCHMARK IS SURVEY CONTROL POINT T-5000, NAIL AND FLASHER f/1 ELEVATION 586.27) FLOODPLAIN: THIS PROPERTY LIES IN AN AREA DESIGNATED AS ZONE X AS SHOWN TOTAL TRIPS GENERATED ON THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP COMMUNITY PANEL NO: 257 51003CO407D, DATED FEBRUARY 4, 2005. CRITICAL SLOPES: THERE ARE MANAGED STEEP SLOPES LOCATED ON ALBEMARLE GIS 26 FOR THIS PARCEL; ASBUILT FIELD CONDITIONS INDICATE THAT 267 THERE ARE NO SLOPES GREATER THAN 25%. SEE EXISTING 234 CONDITIONS SHEET. OTHER: THERE ARE NO WETLANDS OR HISTORIC FEATURES EXISTING W O ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. MAXIMUM IMPERVIOUS COVER: THE OVERALL SITE IMPERVIOUS COVER PROPOSED SHALL BE UNDER 0 37% OF IMPERVIOUS COVER. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: UNDERGROUND INFILTRATION WITH AN EXTENDED DETENTION - POND WILL BE PROVIDED TO OFFSET THE POST -DEVELOPED STORMWATER IMPACTS FROM THIS SITE. DETENTION SHALL BE PROVIDED TO ELIMINATE THE NEED FOR ANY OFFSITE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS. PARKING SCHEDULE: r4A-f, (0)], L1, I - I - I k1J 10 - &TvA FA Awl M M 19- -, A--- I 10)] LTA It'l i -i I UN M p jw�) I - - W -E 1� a LOT UNIT TYPE SPACES REQUIRED LOT SPACES PROVIDED ONSTREET PARKING 1-7 SFD W/ 2 OFFSTREET SPACES 14 (2 SPACES PER UNIT) 14 PER UNIT 8-15 SFD W/2 OFFSTREET SPACES 16 (2 SPACES PER UNIT) 16 'No Parking' 16-22 SFD W/ 2 OFFSTREET SPACES 14 (2 SPACES PER UNIT) 14 210 23-26 3 BR TOWNHOUSE 9 2 SPACES PER UNIT & 1 SPACE PER 4 UNITS) 0 11 27-30 3 BR TOWNHOUSE 9 2 SPACES PER UNIT & 1 SPACE PER 4 UNITS) 0 11 HATHAWAY U C EXIST. ONE-SIDED PARKING °C W 0o 5 @ >o SHARED PARKING g Q. Z i z 10 SUBTOTALS r` 0� 62 SPACES REQUIRED 44 32 TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED 47 7 76 TOTAL SPACES TRIP GENERATION CODE LAND USE AVGWEEKDAY . TRIPS ADJ. STREET PEAKS (AM) ADJ. STREET PEAKS (PM) SATURDAY SUNDAY 65,428 S.F. INSPECTIONS PER UNIT PROJECT PER UNIT PROJECT PER UNIT PROJECT PER UNIT PROJECT PER UNIT PROJECT 210 22 SFD UNITS 9.57 210 0.75 17 1.01 22 10.1 222 8.87 195 U C o 2 °C W 0o 5 @ >o TT^^ v1 g Q. Z i z Q r` 0� ;J w� 230 8 TH/APT UNITS 5.86 47 .44 4 .52 4 5.67 45 4.84 39 W C3 2 O U. f/1 L W TOTAL TRIPS GENERATED W 257 20 26 m 267 O 234 1.3 =. �; r' ' is fARRI t 742 r x' 875 j C?7S r�TN0 SCUi X sL €GE3F��'P �`��a;r• . P LAKE REYIdC> to ow Co r� :'`rk �kla� t� site X44, 2000 ft VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1"=2000 FEET APPROVALS DATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING / ZONING OPEN SPACE (REQUIRED 57,303 S.F. ENGINEERING OPEN SPACE PROVIDED 65,428 S.F. INSPECTIONS 0.43 AC. ARCHITECTUAL REVIEW BOARD PRIVATE RIGHT OF WAY 0.40 FIRE RESCUE (7.6%) OPEN SPACE ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY AC. (29%) VA. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION to NQ OPEN SPACE CALCULATIONS: TOTAL SITE AREA 229,211 S.F. OPEN SPACE (REQUIRED 57,303 S.F. (25%) OPEN SPACE PROVIDED 65,428 S.F. (28.5%) AREA CALCULATIONS: TOTAL SITE AREA 5.26 AC. (100%) LOTS 2.91 AC. (55.3%) PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY 0.43 AC. (8.1%) PRIVATE RIGHT OF WAY 0.40 AC. (7.6%) OPEN SPACE 1.50 AC. (29%) LTH OF Christo er C. M gan Lic. No. 16 031672 sv� G ��SS'I ONAL SHEET INDEX S H E E-7 2 ---------- OVERALL LAYOUT & DRAINAGE PLAN CONDITIONS CONDITIONS LAYOUT GRADING CONCEPTUAL- AND GRADING SHEET • - LAN LANDSCAPING GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION WITHIN ANY EXISTING PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, INCLUDING CONNECTION TO ANY EXISTING ROAD, A PERMIT SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (VDOT). THIS PLAN AS DRAWN MAY NOT ACCURATELY REFLECT THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PERMIT. WHERE ANY DISCREPANCIES OCCUR THE REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT SHALL GOVERN. 2. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS SHALL CONFORM TO CURRENT SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS OF VDOT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. EROSION AND SILTATION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED EROSION CONTROL PLAN AND SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY CLEARING, GRADING OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION. 4. ALL SLOPES AND DISTURBED AREAS ARE TO BE FERTILIZED, SEEDED, AND MULCHED. 5. THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SLOPE IS 2:1 (HORIZONTAL: VERTICAL). WHERE REASONABLY OBTAINABLE, LESSER SLOPES OF 3:1 OR BETTER ARE TO BE ACHIEVED. 6. PAVED, RIP -RAP OR STABILIZATION MAT LINED DITCH MAY BE REQUIRED WHEN IN THE OPINION OF COUNTY ENGINEER, OR DESIGNEE, IT IS DEEMED NECESSARY IN ORDER TO STABILIZE A DRAINAGE CHANNEL. 7. TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO THE VIRGINIA MANUAL FOR UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. 8. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL CONCRETE PIPES SHALL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE -CLASS III. 9. ALL EXCAVATION FOR UNDERGROUND PIPE INSTALLATION MUST COMPLY WITH OSHA STANDARDS FOR CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY (29 CFR PART 1926). GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR STREETS 1. CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION OF ALL PROPOSED ROADS WITHIN THE DEVELOPMENT WILL BE MADE BY THE COUNTY. THE CONTRACTOR MUST NOTIFY THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (296-5832) 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. 2. UPON COMPLETION OF FINE GRADING AND PREPARATION OF THE ROADBED SUBGRADE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE CBR TESTS PERFORMED ON THE SUBGRADE SOIL. THREE (3) COPIES OF THE TEST RESULTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE COUNTY IF A SUBGRADE SOIL CBR OF 10 OR GREATER IS NOT OBTAINABLE, A REVISED PAVEMENT DESIGN SHALL BE MADE BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER AND SUBMITTED WITH THE TEST RESULTS FOR APPROVAL. 3. SURFACE DRAINAGE AND PIPE DISCHARGE MUST BE RETAINED WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY OR WITHIN EASEMENTS PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE BY THE COUNTY. ALL DRAINAGE OUTFALL EASEMENTS ARE TO BE EXTENDED TO A BOUNDARY LINE OR A NATURAL WATERCOURSE. 4. GUARDRAIL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. EXACT LENGTH, LOCATION, AND APPROPRIATE END TREATMENTS WILL BE FIELD VERIFIED AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. ADDITIONAL GUARDRAIL MAY BE REQUIRED AT LOCATIONS NOT SHOWN WHEN, IN THE OPINION OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER, OR DESIGNEE, IT IS DEEMED NECESSARY. WHEN GUARDRAIL IS REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE INSTALLED FOUR (4) FEET OFFSET FROM THE EDGE OF PAVEMENT TO THE FACE OF GUARDRAIL, AND ROADWAY SHOULDER WIDTHS SHALL BE INCREASED TO SEVEN (7) FEET. 5. WHERE URBAN CROSS SECTIONS ARE INSTALLED, ALL RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY ENTRANCES SHALL CONFORM TO VDOT CG -9(A, B, OR C). 6. WHERE RURAL CROSS SECTIONS ARE INSTALLED, ALL RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY ENTRANCES SHALL CONFORM TO VDOT STANDARD PE -1. 7. COMPLIANCE WITH THE MINIMUM PAVEMENT WIDTH, SHOULDER WIDTH, AND DITCH SECTIONS, AS SHOWN ON THE TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION DETAIL, SHALL BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO. 8. ROAD PLAN APPROVAL FOR SUBDIVISIONS IS SUBJECT TO FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT VALIDATION. SHOULD THE FINAL PLAT FOR THIS PROJECT EXPIRE PRIOR TO SIGNING AND RECORDATION, THEN APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS SHALL BE NULL AND VOID. 9. ALL SIGNS OR OTHER REGULATORY DEVICES SHALL CONFORM WITH THE VIRGINIA MANUAL FOR UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES AND THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ROAD NAMING AND PROPERTY NUMBERING ORDINANCE AND MANUAL. 10. TRAFFIC CONTROL OR OTHER REGULATORY SIGNS OR BARRICADES SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE DEVELOPER WHEN, IN THE OPINION OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER, OR DESIGNEE, THEY ARE DEEMED NECESSARY IN ORDER TO PROVIDE SAFE AND CONVENIENT ACCESS. 11. THE SPEED LIMITS TO BE POSTED ON SPEED LIMIT SIGNS ARE TO BE 5 MPH BELOW THE DESIGN SPEED, OR AS DETERMINED BY VDOT FOR PUBLIC ROADS. 12. VDOT STANDARD CD -1 OR CD -2 CROSS -DRAINS ARE TO BE INSTALLED UNDER THE SUBBASE MATERIAL AT ALL CUT AND FILL TRANSITIONS AND GRADE SAG POINTS AS SHOWN ON THE ROAD PROFILES. 13. A VIDEO CAMERA INSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL STORM SEWERS AND CULVERTS THAT ARE DEEMED INACCESSIBLE TO VDOT OR COUNTY INSPECTIONS. THE VIDEO INSPECTION SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH VDOT'S VIDEO CAMERA INSPECTION PROCEDURE AND WITH A VDOT OR COUNTY INSPECTOR PRESENT. -7 M,�- -7614 -Gk(- 91: .n REVISIONS REVISIONS July 03, 2015 ZMA Comments Jan. 12, 2016 March 07, 2016 ZMA Comments DATE Feb. 10, 2015 V � O g U Z t0 o= . 2 to NQ ?O F-� Q0 X U C o 2 °C W 0o 5 @ >o TT^^ v1 g Q. Z i z Q r` 0� ;J w� Z UQ W W U QZ QLO 0. Q 0 ZO 0 �C6 . CMM 04 W C3 2 O U. f/1 L W W �,Orn Z CLW m O Z W O 0 W 0 - REVISIONS REVISIONS July 03, 2015 ZMA Comments Jan. 12, 2016 March 07, 2016 ZMA Comments DATE Feb. 10, 2015 FILE NUMBER 8188 .t SHEET 1 OF 10 Z g 0. I- Z - W W g a QZ (L W to Z Q W U 0 > 0. Q > O V Z Z O N FILE NUMBER 8188 .t SHEET 1 OF 10 I N � F--nF44 -_-- B WL PS T =RUI C T U R E FARIS, IAN EX. SAN, TMP 90F ZONING: —6 IGNACID OR TMP 9OF-8 OR LINbA ZONING: R-6 EX USE - ZONING: R— RESIDENTk RESIDENTIAL FX Is EASEM X. USE: OPEN SPACE SPAULS, ROBERT OR VIVIENNE TV S58 -48'09"E 1 '07 E 5.791 EX. USE: RESIDENTIAL", S4*48 00, EX. WOODS IN AND DISH RECREATION EXI A, CC i PEAT EX, USE: RESIDENTIAL UNIP C) W/ BASEMENT FRAME RESIDENCE K'SAN A6 RM RpjEL DIVE - .L -t 1.01 101 ANION PARK St ]eDINISICN co if 0 TMP 90E--OF42 ZONING: R-6 I SE- RESIDENTIAL CON JUSTIN D11 & KATHRYNIK TMP Z IN c^ oOL: n��uo".\"� ' "�"~ /"-. __-`L` ' ` \ ., LEE V0J OR BR|ANNE L SE''^'TIMID—� \ , \ \ \Ex' FENCE N5918'07'W 107299 // ^^. '\ ' � \\ \\ \ / = � - ~ ~. --��............ '~~' __. ___ ~__ | \ ` \ \ �tnACCESS ESMT.GARY D. BROOKS, SR. AND MYRTLET. ' "—' !TMP 90-30A ZONING: [X!US2 �' "��"�AL GARY D. BROOKS, �� AND '/ ��` BRENDA L BROOKS -- / TMP 90-30 /' / / / / | /EXSHED ZONING: R-1 / E� USE: RESIDENTIAL � / , / ' / �� , ` �,,^ 1, Ell Op RESIDENCE Christopher C. Mulligan Li1c. No 0316 SCALE 1"=30' J0 (J J0 6{) SCALE IN FEET K CONTOUR INTERVAL 2 FOOT FILE NUMBER 8188 le a. Y. 0 (L a FILE NUMBER 8188 41 GARAGit­ I RESIDENCE - - ----- ------ - ... .......... / ' \' ///( It S t jff / r // ,// 1 \ if ff MITH, JEANETTE D. SPAULS, ROBERT OR VIVIENNE TMP 90-25 SADLER ZONING: R TMP 90.,1-32A /EX. USE: RESID ZONI ` R-1 U��%ESIDWIAL \/'959'21'51 E,--' 370.94' BENCH MARK IS SURVE X El, TFREELI� CONTROL POINT T-5000, NAIL AND FLASHER. ELEVATION 586.27 6 VERGR�EN F GREEN '!GN ,j 1.4j 10"' SPR LEWIS,, NORMA M. TRUSTEE TMP 90-24 A ZONING: R-1 EX, EX.; USE: RESIDENTIAL Hip GARAGE > 0 A < 1 ST RAP -Ex. ir,"X20, A 1:11i A'� E Ct) [RE _QVT 7 EX. GARACE A �A (P STG 'bC 0 'NIE WA' C0 JJ I) - ;A T'- 0 G�T P tE E \-"O, SEE 0 F L�- W1 E R ;A W 11�1 TF 5" TRE� �A -,,l - S ` 1 I 1VL 0 TREE \1\5" 6 8 i�k:- E \-,',2" TREE EE I / T R 5" , � ,\; \ F ' `\ moo. �`, �-- --� , I . TREE\ . . ........... L , } \ }, \ \) ' , } TIL. H �;I. Y 3" BRAD X. I L 4" TRElf," X. '11 EX. I—STORY TREE W/ BA,S-E-MENT FRAK17 ill -rF"i;E-k 16"! TREE 4 E E ✓+ E RESIDENCE E - SMALL" PINE 3, BRAD P� EX. TIE.. LID. N59*18'07"Wf "I iPACE, GEORGE H. AND/ X j!P ------- 072.9 J NOBEL DORIS H. Ex. EX. GOAVEL QLR�L!fr- _"IGHTS T- E Pr: . ...... TMP 90-23 C� Ex - ----_-- ZONING: R-1 ---------- REE EX. USE: NTIA C) VARjAB'I..,E WIDTH /JOHN A AND RUBY T. BROOKS A -ASEME ENT f TMP 90=30B ZONING: R-1 EX. USE: RESIDENTIAL JOHN A. AND R 3Y T. /BROOKS 1 TMP 90-:30B tt EX. X. ZONING: IR -1 "ARDOR11 C PPO EX. USE: REST I'ITIAL E X. S HE D RFc: 1) E N C F.X. TH op RESIOENCE i 'Christopher C. Mulligan Lic. No. 031672 0�1 GARAGE RIA G E W P ACE DORS I TM P ZONING: EX . t ANAL SCALE 1 30' J0 Jo I\ 0 s 60 FEE SCALE IN *1 Oq,o REVISIONS June 03, 2015 ZMA Comments Jan. 12, 2016 March 07, 2016 ZMA Comments DATE eb.10(3 ,2015 EF_ SCALE 111=30'HORZ CONTOUR INTERVAL 2 FOOT Z CD Z Z 0 Z LU (0 C04 C f) C)) 5 C-4 Z < o g ON t'. °� C14 a r.L 1'*' � go 0 I= < rc LU 5 @) CD 0() LLLL Q. z 0 C> o C15:2C w 2 0 rC 4:z I 04 ¢C4 Cb c) CM 4 co (D LU Z 0 U - —'- ] Lon U� w LU rc rc z rL Oro,-) OL LU 2 4 CD w z 0 3: 0 P4 I.L. REVISIONS June 03, 2015 ZMA Comments Jan. 12, 2016 March 07, 2016 ZMA Comments DATE eb.10(3 ,2015 EF_ SCALE 111=30'HORZ CONTOUR INTERVAL 2 FOOT FILE NUMBER 8188 SHEET 40F10 Z CD Z Z W 0 :5 z Z rL LU z 0 0 Z < o 0(L >Q z P < CD Z Z 0 FILE NUMBER 8188 SHEET 40F10 I G O PROSSER, MARY FRANCES TMP 9OF--OF42 ZONING: R-6 EX. USE: RESIDENTIAL O CONGER, JUSTIN D & KATHRYN K TMP 90F--OF43 ZONING: R-6 EX. USE: RESIDENTIAL O LEE, BRIAN J OR BRIANNE L TMP 90F--OF44 ZONING: R-6 EX. USE: RESIDENTIAL N 29'06'41 "E 9.00' 4, COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA LINE Q DEPT. OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION TMP 90-6D SEE S ZONING: RA EX USE: RESIDENTIAL W U z w w I I I AVON PARK SUBDIVSION I ---EX. SAN. I SEW. ESMT. Y J / Rive ARDS FARIS, IAN TMP 90F-7 \ ZONING: R-6 EX. USE: RESIDENTIAL \ I Building Setback /Separation Table Lot Number DE CARDENAS, \ I I I II a } J I TO EX. CURB IGNACIO OR M 0 CONNOR, DENNIS �, TARA L i J II CLI TMP 90F-8 z II ,,. ( OR LINDA V I Li.i I v ZONING: R-6 \ I TIE INTO EX. CUR L TMP 90F cn II = uo ZONING: R-- EX. USE:6 I RESIDENTIAL I`' Q WI. RESIDENTIAL ALBEMARLE COUNTY I _ SERVICE AUTHORITY a TMP 90F -A2 � E ZONING: R-6 OO I —EX. 20' GRADING / AVON PARK COMMUNITY ASSOC., INC. EX. USE: WATER TOWER O o 3 N EASEMENT TMP 90F -Al 5' LANDSCAPE 2 -EX. 10' LANDSCAPE ESMT. ZONING: R-6 EX. ' LANDSCAPE E MT. EX. USE: OPEN SPACE EASEMENT TV % TELE. _ _ STACKED RETAININ WALLS " 1 SPAULS, ROBERT OR VIVIENNE SCR CE PED // PED. - - _ S30'38 09 W 3.10 15' PRIVATE DRAINAGE 15 PRIVATE SANITARY SADLER t 20 PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SEWER EASEMElIfi TMP 90-32A ..S58'48'09"E 114.92' :' : : - & LANDSCAPE ESMT. ' - --,-,-"- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ ZONING: R-1 20 PRIVATE DRAINAGE C EEN D RING SCRI-11 t -FEN -CE EX. USE: RESIDENTIAL & LANDSCAPE ESMT. -- S59'21'51 E 370.94' ." ------ C NSTRUCTION�_ ---- --- ------------- ---- I MT ------------- :.32':. ;=Fe: (SCREE DURING o wA Es . _ 10' LANDSCAPE ,NN 61.7' 56.2' EASEMENT PAIRKIN I :::� - - - — _ _ — _ _ _ _ _ CONST UCTION) STACKED RETAINING WALL IGN G: 3.5 30 30 30 30' 30' - - - - - - - \ 44 :: 24.3' .'w' 10 PR VATE DRAIN ES T. �` 3 6.7 ( 5' PRIVATE DRAIN ESMT. 'ti : i ^i•' & LAN SCAPE EASEM NT LOT 9 0 l I �W :: :.N:.:: • v3vi ' I _ OPEN SPACE 1': "' I I �I I" �I I�' dol I' �) m.... d I I- I I -� LOT 8 0 1 .1 : . • .:: Z °° �' I 1 F20 207 �20 —24 �` \ a} Q I LOT 7� � LOT 6 N LOT 4 LOT 3 1 N I I .. LOT 10 :.:: \ 2 CAR DRIVEWAY: ;: 1 � � I I � I I� LOT 5( LOT 2 �-1 I� LOT 1:,"Al 18'xl8' (TYPICAL) 1 : : � :':': o VAR. VWIDTH IN :12;:00': PRIV. SANITARY ARIBLE WIDTH I 0 0 NIVAR. WIDTH VAR. WIDTH SEWER ESM SIDEWALK & M/�INT ES T. I ( a -I -)/N — — IV Vr : .42. ; 6 ``RAIN ESMT. DRAIN ESMT. 30" 30' 3 ' 30' 30' I r IV N r tl ��j. II 0 I 0 y X4.9 ;.. 1.... �,..:.. �.... �1 ----- -- - ----R to 00 _FRIVA DR INSRdT.�' J -I I - , I, N L LOT 11 No :Q: cc=i _ _ z cp —�'A -- - ---- -- -- �I . I: . I UU - )NC. °sro ALK '` . • ::cc �. r2: � �. �. �. �. • ' ' 6 PLANT. STRIP 0 0 00 1• : Q N. 1 20 SA � • : I 1: 1 1 �o•: .o . o _ :o I: ®. SEW. ES MT 24• C�-FG •• AY 1LL - RD W �F� — — :T ,�. RA IGHT �. S. 5 0. - �S: 5 �S : I: .S 'N'' C lC: R 1N :: ' IN RS£CII .:.. . . .: . . . .: _ . . .:.:. : .. o60:VPD ...7-7-7, ...�...... '• . ... .... _ :•'. ::�: z R: Di�,acEw� .IVO PARKING.—. ... ' : ' :. .:. ; . . ' . • :Sta,=12+58 TFO�► 'i� 38' P ? IE . O 3B_ 7�tP T LVA1� :-:T - }g'x•. .T>fPFEA 1' Q. =1 +4$ / 3 N GA TYP: 0. ('' 5 1. . 5 F o ..... I o. 6' P S 7RlP . � . . I . N cG_'12 ;... — - NTIN o 0 •,9, - - - - 5 CONCRETE Sl E ALK, ` +• - � GRAVELED — ) I MAINTENANCE I, LOT 12 VARIBLE WIDTH :: : / > `. . ' I ( ACCESS � .. SIDEWALK & \\ '�� :�'��: :�::::::::, / •'':% .`.+ _ I� MAII�J�_ F�MT., VAR. WIDTH >... :.. ' �,J, >•..� ; L �.' / ,�:.:'>. / 33.3 \ ::113 00 : • :: ; / DRAIN ESM ; ` :. '`" ' ' `' . 20' W/L ESMT. 42'I SHARED ACCESS ' - -..I' : c� PARKING ESMT. NO 37' 34 VARIBLE WID 34 34.5' II VARIABLE WIDTH ARKING ,�I RV; : . . . • . • / hV. RIABLE WIDTH a O SIGN SIDEWALK & DRAIN ESMT. I 0 0 DRAINAGE ESMT. MAINT. ESMT.w -I -� N ; ::: LOT 13 — ^ 32 . ' e:: -Fc :: LOT 16 43* - LOT 15 ... I, I I LOT 18 j w °' 1E I / ^?� LOT 14 I Imo,I 18' N LOT N 7 LOT 19 I LOT 20 I I LOT 21 ( I LOT 22 ( I o Ili h �+ �i I I 20' 20' 24' 25' - J "� N? �� 18' MIN. I ;:::I:':::.: I I I ( ( ( I ( ( I I I d I I ( - - 20' W/L ESMT. / I DRI VE / /(TYPICAL) ' • 75.5- —� L- 48.8 — 426'— :. -1 L I L 340 J L —34' J L 34' L J I- = JJ 5 PR VATE DRAIN MT. S ---7:7--)c ------- ---------- ---------- in, i ANn�r.APE "'_'16' & VAR. WIDTH DOUBLE -SIDED VERTICAL N59'18'07"W 1072. EASEMENT GRADING ESMT. FENCING (BOARD ON BOARD) *HATCHED AREA)AR. WIDTH SEE NOTE FOR ROAD GRADING EXTENTION CRITERIA EASEMENT I GARY D. ROOKS, JR. ND I BREND L. BROOK TM 90-30 ZO NG: R-1 EX. USE: RESIDENTI L I F- - - - - - - - - --- - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - --- L 3 -BOARD FARM FENCE EX. GRAVEL DRIVE W/ 4"x4" W.W. FENCING No %0GOS /��-------- HATHAWAY ROAD EXTENSION NOTES: THIS HATCHED PORTION OF THE ROADWAY AND SIDEWALK WILL BE CONSTRUCTED AS CLOSE TO THE PROPERTY LINE AS POSSIBLE WITH NO CLEARING OR GRADING PERMITTED TO OCCUR ON THE ADJACENT PROPERTY, ALSO KNOWN AS TMP 90-30. UPON EXTENTION OF HATHAWAY STREET, THE DOUBLE—SIDED, VERTICAL BOARD—ON BOARD FENCING SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE LIMITS OF THE RIGHT OF WAY. _.__.._...-- ...... -...... EXISTING 30' ACI �.SS ESN/7. — '.- D.1B. 1191, PG. 396 - GARY D. BROOKS, SR. AND MYRTLE T. BROOKS TMP 90-30A ZONING: R-1 EX. USE: RESIDENTIAL SITE PLAN NOTES 1. SIGNS ARE NOT PART OF THE REZONING PROCESS AND WILL REQUIRE A SEPARATE PERMIT. 2. THE PROJECT IS TO AMEND AN EXISTING PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AND THE AMENDMENT SHALL REDEFINE THE CONDITIONS FOR THE ENTIRE AREA WITHIN THE DISTRICT. 3. THE LANDSCAPE EASEMENT WITHIN AVON I OPEN SPACE SHALL BE PLANTED AT THE FIRST GROWING SEASON FOLLOWING THE ISSUANCE OF THE FIRST CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. THE SCRIM FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED ALONG AVON I TO PROTECT THE PLANTINGS AND PROVIDE THE EXISTING RESIDENTS AN ADDITIONAL VISUAL SCREEN DURING CONSTRUCTION FOR LOTS 1-9. THE PROPOSED HEIGHT OF THE SCREEN SHALL NOT EXCEED 6 FEET. EX. TELE. PEU. 10' LANDS( 1 I JOHN A. AND RUBY T. BROOKS TMP 90-30B ZONING: R-1 EX. USE: RESIDENTIAL EX. GRAVEL. DRIVE _.___� NOBEL HEIGHT �AyTH OF t G>� Christopher C. Mulligan Lic. No. �df, 031672 wsv4 �SSIONAL E�G1 a SCALE 1"=30' 30 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET 01 Building Setback /Separation Table Lot Number Front Yard Minimum Building Setback Lines (BSL) Rear Yard Alternate Corner / side Minimum Minimum Side Building Separation Lot # 1 25 Feet 25 Feet ----- Lot 1/2 15' minimum side separation between buildings Lot # 2 25 Feet 25 Feet ----- Lot 2/3 15' minimum side separation between buildings Lot # 3 25 Feet 25 Feet ----- Lot 3/4 15' minimum side separation between buildings Lot # 4 25 Feet 25 Feet ----- Lot 4/5 15' minimum side separa tion between buildings Lot # 5 25 Feet 25 Feet ----- Lot 5/6 15' minimum side separation between buildings Lot # 6 25 Feet 25 Feet ----- Lot 6/7 15' minimum side separation between buildings Lot # 7 25 Feet 25 Feet 20 Feet Lot 7/8 ------- Lot # 8 25 Feet 25 Feet 15 Feet Lot 8/9 15' minimum side separation between buildings Q :5 L9 O Lot # 9 25 Feet 20 Feet ----- Lot 9/10 15' minimum side separation between buildings Lot # 10 25 Feet 20 Feet ----- Lot 10/11 10' minimum side separation between buildings Lot # 11 25 Feet 20 Feet ----- Lot 11/12 10' minimum side separa tion between buildings Lot # 12 25 Feet 20 Feet ----- Lot 12/13 10' minimum side separation between buildings Lot # 13 25 Feet 20 Feet ----- Lot 13/14 10' minimum side separation between buildings Lot # 14 25 Feet 20 Feet ----- Lot 14/15 10' minimum side separation between buildings Lot # 15 25 Feet 20 Feet 15 Feet Lot 15/16 ------- Lot # 16 25 Feet 20 Feet 20 Feet Lot 16/17 10' minimum side separation between buildings Lot # 17 25 Feet 20 Feet ----- Lot 17/18 10' minimum side separation between buildings Lot # 18 25 Feet 20 Feet ---- Lot 18/19 10' minimum side separation between buildings Lot # 19 25 Feet 20 Feet ----- Lot 19/20 10' minimum side separation between buildings Lot # 20 25 Feet 20 Feet --- Lot 20/21 10' minimum side separation between buildings Lot # 21 25 Feet 20 Feet ----- Lot 21/22 10' minimum side separation between buildings Lot # 22 25 Feet 20 Feet ----- Lot 22/23 15' minimum side separation between buildings Lot # 23 12 Feet 35 Feet ----- Lot 23/24 Attached dwellings shall have no side yard between units Lot # 24 12 Feet 35 Feet ----- Lot 24/25 10' minimum side separation between buildings Lot # 25 12 Feet 35 Feet --- Lot 25/26 Attached dwellings shall have no side yard between units Lot # 26 12 Feet 35 Feet 10 Feet Lot 26/27 Attached dwellings shall have no side yard between units Lot # 27 12 Feet 35 Feet 10 Feet Lot 27/28 Attached dwellings shall have no side yard between units Lot # 28 12 Feet 35 Feet ----- Lot 28/29 10' minimum side separation between buildings Lot # 29 12 Feet 35 Feet ----- Lot 29/30 Attached dwellings shall have no side yard between units Lot # 30 12 Feet 35 Feet ----- Lot 30/1 15' minimum side separation between buildings Note 1: There are no maximum front, rear, or side setbacks on any lot. Note 2: Porch, Roof & Architectural features may encroach into the front yard setback up to 5 feet where it does not interfere with the 18 foot minimum driveway depth or proposed easement locations. Note 3: * Overhangs may encroach into the side yard setbacks up to12", where the separation between buildings shall be a minimum of 10'. *HATCHED AREA)AR. WIDTH SEE NOTE FOR ROAD GRADING EXTENTION CRITERIA EASEMENT I GARY D. ROOKS, JR. ND I BREND L. BROOK TM 90-30 ZO NG: R-1 EX. USE: RESIDENTI L I F- - - - - - - - - --- - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - --- L 3 -BOARD FARM FENCE EX. GRAVEL DRIVE W/ 4"x4" W.W. FENCING No %0GOS /��-------- HATHAWAY ROAD EXTENSION NOTES: THIS HATCHED PORTION OF THE ROADWAY AND SIDEWALK WILL BE CONSTRUCTED AS CLOSE TO THE PROPERTY LINE AS POSSIBLE WITH NO CLEARING OR GRADING PERMITTED TO OCCUR ON THE ADJACENT PROPERTY, ALSO KNOWN AS TMP 90-30. UPON EXTENTION OF HATHAWAY STREET, THE DOUBLE—SIDED, VERTICAL BOARD—ON BOARD FENCING SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE LIMITS OF THE RIGHT OF WAY. _.__.._...-- ...... -...... EXISTING 30' ACI �.SS ESN/7. — '.- D.1B. 1191, PG. 396 - GARY D. BROOKS, SR. AND MYRTLE T. BROOKS TMP 90-30A ZONING: R-1 EX. USE: RESIDENTIAL SITE PLAN NOTES 1. SIGNS ARE NOT PART OF THE REZONING PROCESS AND WILL REQUIRE A SEPARATE PERMIT. 2. THE PROJECT IS TO AMEND AN EXISTING PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AND THE AMENDMENT SHALL REDEFINE THE CONDITIONS FOR THE ENTIRE AREA WITHIN THE DISTRICT. 3. THE LANDSCAPE EASEMENT WITHIN AVON I OPEN SPACE SHALL BE PLANTED AT THE FIRST GROWING SEASON FOLLOWING THE ISSUANCE OF THE FIRST CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. THE SCRIM FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED ALONG AVON I TO PROTECT THE PLANTINGS AND PROVIDE THE EXISTING RESIDENTS AN ADDITIONAL VISUAL SCREEN DURING CONSTRUCTION FOR LOTS 1-9. THE PROPOSED HEIGHT OF THE SCREEN SHALL NOT EXCEED 6 FEET. EX. TELE. PEU. 10' LANDS( 1 I JOHN A. AND RUBY T. BROOKS TMP 90-30B ZONING: R-1 EX. USE: RESIDENTIAL EX. GRAVEL. DRIVE _.___� NOBEL HEIGHT �AyTH OF t G>� Christopher C. Mulligan Lic. No. �df, 031672 wsv4 �SSIONAL E�G1 a SCALE 1"=30' 30 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET 01 REVISIONS June 03, 2015 ZMA Comments Jan. 12, 2016 March 07, 2016 ZMA Comments DATE Feb. 10 201 5 "- SCALE 1 —30 HORZ CONTOUR INTERVAL 2 FOOT FILE NUMBER 8188 SHEET 5 OF 10 �m a Qr U o °: W 0IOC Z C) 02 aZ �— �/1 Q 0` LL W J o w co J Z a' W Q :5 L9 O ZO UN y(D WZ LL LL O� O) LC LL > w 04 f=- 4 W OLW Orn Z �co T� O� �I Z w 0 2 0 W a hal REVISIONS June 03, 2015 ZMA Comments Jan. 12, 2016 March 07, 2016 ZMA Comments DATE Feb. 10 201 5 "- SCALE 1 —30 HORZ CONTOUR INTERVAL 2 FOOT FILE NUMBER 8188 SHEET 5 OF 10 IGA 54' R -O -W R/W TYPICAL SECTION HATHAWAY STREET STA. 11 +00 TO STRATFORD WAY INTX N.T.S. 54' R -O -W E R/W F NISOES PRIIH R -O -W l' BEYOND B.C. SIDEWALK & MAINT. ESMT. -I R VDOT STD R/W CONCRETE POINT OF T- -A I- R/W 4" 3000 V) 3 VDOT STD GRADE 1.5* SM VDOT ST*D OCR) N CONCRETE 3 1 3 e 3000 PSI CG -6 6' -9.5 C -6 C -6 CG -6 PARKING 15" SM -9.5 . CG -6 SIDEWALK CONCRETE 0.5' 2' LANE g CL:z _j z < 4 6' VDOT 21B =!] 6;;i! w � is 0 7��ETXOTNEND e VDOT 21B6' 1 4- VDOT 21A- 4* VDOT 21 A eONE BAS ETXTEND 1-36 2.5* BM -25 6* 21B 1 VDOT 21 B E BAS_� STONE BASE /111 4" UD -4 STONE BASE l' BEYOND B.C. SUB -BASE 4' UD -4 6* 21B AS REQUIRED ONE BASE 3� �ETXTEND STONE BASE UNDERDRAIN w . 04 UNDERDRAIN 1.0 ) 0 SUB -BASE 10.5' 14' 14' 5.5' 5' 10' PLANTING TRAVEL LANE TRAVEL LANE 5' PLANTING CONCRETE 6' PLANTING STRIP 0.5' 2' — TRAVEL LANE 2' 0.5' STRIP SIDEWALK SIDEWALK 27' 1 27' TYPICAL SECTION HATHAWAY STREET STRATFORD WAY INTX TO END N.T.S. 8' SIDEWALK8' & MAINT. ESMT. VDOT STD 33 R -O -W l' BEYOND B.C. SIDEWALK & MAINT. ESMT. 4' VDOT 21A VDOT STD R/W CONCRETE POINT OF T- -A I- R/W 4" VDOT 21 A V) 3 4" 3000 PSI CONCRETE BASE BEYOND B.C. VDOT ST'D FINISHED GRADE\� OCR) N VDOT STD e 3000 PSI - - - - -- - - - - 6' ,-5' CONCRETE CG -6 PARKING 15" SM -9.5 . CG -6 SIDEWALK CONCRETE 0.5' 2' LANE g CL:z _j z r1 4 cc, " co %j =!] 6;;i! w � is 0 ol r 1 4- VDOT 21A- 4* VDOT 21 A .0 -J - --------- 1 I B74 6" VDOT 21B D 2S1 A 4" VDOT 21 A /111 STONE BASE STONE BASE l' BEYOND B.C. 2.5" BM -25 6* 21B AS REQUIRED ONE BASE 3� �ETXTEND STONE BASE LLZ , w . 04 CC 11- A r .0 0 SUB -BASE 1.0') 2 0) N 5- 2- 4' 10' 10' W Z 0 4' 2' 5' CONCRETE 6' PLANTING TDA L LANE — TRAVEL LANE 1 6' PLANTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK STRIP 0.5' 2' 2' 0.5 STRIP SIDEWALK 11' SIDEWALK & MAINT. ESMT. 18.5' T 18.5' TYPICAL SECTION STRATFORD WAY (331 PUBLIC R/W) STA. 13+48 TO CUL—DE—SAC(R=36� N.T.S. W.-WIffiewd POINT OF FINISHED 1/4*: GRADE� 2.5* BM -25 91 TRAVEL LANE " SM -9.5 -----1/4":1' 6" 21B SUB -BASE 91 TRAVEL LANE 19' 1 19' TYPICAL SECTION STRATFORD (PRIVATE) STA. 10+00 TO 13+48 N.T.S. VDOT STD 3..l R/W l' BEYOND B.C. 4' 3000 PSI 4' VDOT 21A VDOT STD j CONCRETE PARKING PLANTING CG -6 -A 4' T 21A 4" VDOT 21 A V) W 2 STONE BASE1,STONE BASE BEYOND B.C. OCR) N 0.5'-\ - - - - -- - - - - 6' ,-5' CONCRETE PLANTING PARKING U C) z 0 SIDEWALK STRIP 0.5' 2' LANE 18.5' T 18.5' TYPICAL SECTION STRATFORD WAY (331 PUBLIC R/W) STA. 13+48 TO CUL—DE—SAC(R=36� N.T.S. W.-WIffiewd POINT OF FINISHED 1/4*: GRADE� 2.5* BM -25 91 TRAVEL LANE " SM -9.5 -----1/4":1' 6" 21B SUB -BASE 91 TRAVEL LANE 19' 1 19' TYPICAL SECTION STRATFORD (PRIVATE) STA. 10+00 TO 13+48 N.T.S. 11' SIDEWALK & MAINT. ESMT. R VDOT STD 4" 3000 PSI CG -6 CONCRETE I I 4* VDOT 21A VDOT STD 3..l CG -6 1.5" SM-<• l' BEYOND B.C. SEE GRADING 4' VDOT 21A STONE BASE 5 PARKING PLANTING l' BEYOND B.C. LANE 2' 0.5' STRIP SIDEWALK 6* 21B V) W 2 co SUB -BASE OCR) N 10' - - - - -- - - - - TRAVEL LANE 0.5, 11' SIDEWALK & MAINT. ESMT. R VDOT STD 4" 3000 PSI CG -6 CONCRETE I I 4* VDOT 21A -T VDOT 21A J STONE BASE STONE BASE l' BEYOND B.C. Z 5- 41 6 5 PARKING PLANTING CONCRETE LANE 2' 0.5' STRIP SIDEWALK -1 V) 42' ACCESS & PARKING EASEMENT POINT OF FINISHED ,GRADE MIN. 1/4-:11' 2.5" BM -25 12' TRAVEL LANE TYPICAL SECTION PRIVATE PARKING (HOA) N.T.S. 16' EMERGENCY ACCESS EASEMENT POINT OF ESMT. FINISHED GRADE 8" 21B ESMT. 1/4*: l' SURFACE l' PREPARED SUBGRADE 95% COMPACTION 7.5' 7.5' TYPICAL SECTION 15' EMERGENCY ACCESS ROADWAY STA. 8+28 TO 4+53.64 (AVON STREET EX-rD) N.T.S. CONC. WHEEL VDOT STD STOP \ CG -6 4* VDOT 21A STONE BASE 18' 1' BEYOND B.C. PARKING SPACE 1' 2' 0.5' . . ......... . i \ I f AVOI` SPAULS, ROBERT,,' OR MVIE;NNE ALOI\ /J / /SADLER $HAL TMP 9&-32A ZONING' R-1 VD0I EX. USE: RESIDENTIAL 0 0) MGN LEWIS,,NORMA M. TRUSTEE TMP 90-24 'ZONING: R-1 EX.: USE: RESIDENTIAL EX. 10'X20 EMERGEN Y ACCESS NTENA�NCE \.._ (p A (p \% ol 7 ;A LINE OF SIGHT (SEE SECTION) x ` \ �� 0 13 ;A ST. R IDSIDE DITCH ALONG PARC 'FRONTAGE SH LL\BE IMP VED TO ----.---,./'VDO TD'S, AS' REQUIRED V)l E X. 2 RECREATION AREAS BETWEEN AVON I & 11 ARE TO BE COMBINED. LJTII ESM f. CROSS HATCH AREA TO DENOTE ADDITIONAL RECREATION AREA IN THE EVENT THAT AVON 11 BECOMES INDEPENDENTLY MAINTAINED FROM AVON I C N59*18'07"W 1072.99' EX IJP\, IPACE, GEORGE H. AND rs 3—BQARD FARM FEN GE DORIS H. Ex. E. PED. --A TMP 90-23 E X. C; '111V - - ---- ZONING: R EX. USE: RESIDENTIAI_ ------ VARiAruj,`E VVIE)TH JOHN A. A AND RUBY T. BROOKS CCFSS`EASrf IVENI TMP 9G -30D ZONING;-' R-1 EX. USE: RESIDENTIAL I�kp rV El DO CA 05-T CARPO; Fx, F,ESIDE' E. L J,t \ H of VIA Q Christopher C.,,, ullig n Lic. No" 031672' Ac�. 0 ��17SIONAL 'i:tlr I _ SCALE 1"=30' ACCESS N \TEN A 30 0 -JO 0 SCALE IN FEET 0 U Z <40 2 cc V) W 2 co com Cl) :a OCR) N IM N < - - - - -- - - - - z 0 Q. y 33 cc U C) z 0 rc LU 00 E @) wo �1 g CL:z _j z r1 4 cc, " co %j =!] 6;;i! w � is 0 ol r OADSIDE DITCH §MITH, JEANETTE b .0 -J - --------- DEL FRONTAGE TMP 90-25 USCCR C6 0) C%l 4 /111 APROVED To ZONING: R-1 cc Uj AS REQUIRED EX. USE: RESIDENTIAL LLZ , w . 04 CC 11- A r .0 0 MGN LEWIS,,NORMA M. TRUSTEE TMP 90-24 'ZONING: R-1 EX.: USE: RESIDENTIAL EX. 10'X20 EMERGEN Y ACCESS NTENA�NCE \.._ (p A (p \% ol 7 ;A LINE OF SIGHT (SEE SECTION) x ` \ �� 0 13 ;A ST. R IDSIDE DITCH ALONG PARC 'FRONTAGE SH LL\BE IMP VED TO ----.---,./'VDO TD'S, AS' REQUIRED V)l E X. 2 RECREATION AREAS BETWEEN AVON I & 11 ARE TO BE COMBINED. LJTII ESM f. CROSS HATCH AREA TO DENOTE ADDITIONAL RECREATION AREA IN THE EVENT THAT AVON 11 BECOMES INDEPENDENTLY MAINTAINED FROM AVON I C N59*18'07"W 1072.99' EX IJP\, IPACE, GEORGE H. AND rs 3—BQARD FARM FEN GE DORIS H. Ex. E. PED. --A TMP 90-23 E X. C; '111V - - ---- ZONING: R EX. USE: RESIDENTIAI_ ------ VARiAruj,`E VVIE)TH JOHN A. A AND RUBY T. BROOKS CCFSS`EASrf IVENI TMP 9G -30D ZONING;-' R-1 EX. USE: RESIDENTIAL I�kp rV El DO CA 05-T CARPO; Fx, F,ESIDE' E. L J,t \ H of VIA Q Christopher C.,,, ullig n Lic. No" 031672' Ac�. 0 ��17SIONAL 'i:tlr I _ SCALE 1"=30' ACCESS N \TEN A 30 0 -JO 0 SCALE IN FEET REVISIONS June 03, 2015 ZMA Comments Jan. 12,2016 March 07, 2016 ZMA Comments DATE Feb. 10,2015 SCALE 1 11=30'HORZ CONTOUR INTERVAL 2 FOOT 0 U Z <40 2 cc V) W 2 co com Cl) :a OCR) N IM N < Z z 0 Q. y 33 cc U C) z 0 rc LU 00 E @) wo �1 g CL:z _j z r1 4 cc, " co %j =!] 6;;i! w � 0 ol r .0 -J 4 r Oj USCCR C6 0) C%l 4 0 0 cc Uj OLL _11 L� LLZ , w . 04 CC 11- A r .0 0 Ix LU 2 0) N W Z 0 REVISIONS June 03, 2015 ZMA Comments Jan. 12,2016 March 07, 2016 ZMA Comments DATE Feb. 10,2015 SCALE 1 11=30'HORZ CONTOUR INTERVAL 2 FOOT FILE NUMBER 8188 SHEET 60F10 ll_� Z 5 (L Z y W z 0 Zn iL Z 0 0 (L 0 0 z Z 0 N FILE NUMBER 8188 SHEET 60F10 ll_� REVISIONS June 03, 2015 ZMA Comments Jan. 12, 2016 March 07, 2016 ZMA Comments DATE Feb. 10, 2015 SCALE 1 "=30' HORZ CONTOUR INTERVAL 2 FOOT � z a r V w cc �. �- O U � W Z � tp Y rn om Y W z moo_ Q r � 5 (L Q 0 Ir U 0 °CW>o Q OZ�zJZ 0z� a a�W J v1 V O Z � 0� — J W Q UQ r Oo W Q� ¢Ln 0� N O� N�••j CO w Z - LL Co LZ 1118 V N W CL Zo Oti 4 //U^j V W Z O 2 W P4 --------------------------------- o. REVISIONS June 03, 2015 ZMA Comments Jan. 12, 2016 March 07, 2016 ZMA Comments DATE Feb. 10, 2015 SCALE 1 "=30' HORZ CONTOUR INTERVAL 2 FOOT FILE NUMBER 8188 SHEET 7 OF 10 z J �. �- z 5 z a Y W z moo_ Q J - 5 (L z W ~ Q U 0z� a a�W � z z z O� N FILE NUMBER 8188 SHEET 7 OF 10 LINE OF SIGHT PROFILE Car) C/L OF PROPERTY ' f AVON ST. ROADSIDE DITCH SMITH, JEANETTE D. - SPAULS, ROBERT OR VIVIE,NNE ALONG PARCEL FRONTAGE TMP 90-25 SADLER SHALL BE IMPROVED TO ZONING: R -i" f /TMP 90-32A VDOT STD, $, AS REQUIRED EX. USE: RESIDENTIAL j ZONING: R-1 EX. USE: RESIDENTIAL rn ; { ®60 �\ BENCH MARK IS SURVE 0 e CONTROL POINT T-5000, NAIL i AND, FLASHER. ELEVAT`ION 586.27 �61 _may-e"°•,a� �`� 6`*� ` � ; >r\ i i /r I LEWIS, NORMA M. TRUSTEE TMP 90-24 if ZONING: R-1 :\ EX.; USE: RESIDENTIAL b+� \ RAS fi'• *y amu_ EX. 1 "'X20 5 l DRAINAGE Et`4ERGEN Y ACCESS i mss: \ .:. # -SMT. &';BM P ANTENANCE IVfi,a iYa.I R� +_i/'•,•!,F�,. a \ , 3 a i -130 10 ON ST. R DSIDE DITCH 6' A ONG PARC FRONTAGE SH\2,0 BE IMP OVED TO ' .'VDTD'S, AS REQUIRED `14 -EX. I�6200 \ - i J?L. <{,Y 600 I ESM T. 6N0 HATCH DENOT POT TIA ; RECRE ON A A '�. a r_•SI i• � t - -{ 3 -BOARD FARM FEN N59'18'07"W 1072.99' EX.; UP` PACE, GEORGE H. AND 1 ! I DORIS H. , - =X. TMP 90-23 Er G}N\� ZONING: R-1 -" EX. USE: RESIDEN;i IAL -- ; bA?iADL.E 'VVI1)T 1 ~ JOHN A. AND RUB' T. BROOKS Ar,CE.S"-ML',-'P' + TMP 907308 ,' I ZONING: R-1 \ EX. USE: RESIDENTIAL ' 't. EY,. E.X. CARP -0 CARPO f 0 SCA L 1. 30' f 3 0 30 60 r Jt, , f" SCALE I FEET FX. RES, ) .NCF • i i � I � t 625 ...... ... ......... I � t --._._.......... _......... ..._..__ ...__..._._! I� I ... ... .......... ............ ` 610 k O � I i �W STORMWATER MANAGEMENT NOTES ............._.......__..._......._ �— '1 605 1. THE EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS MAY WARRANT GRADING CHANGES TO ACCOMMODATE SLOPE GRADING STABILIZATION, FUNCTIONALITY - -- z.................... ........ ................... . ..... . ....... & DESIGN OF THE BMP FACILITIES. THE GRADING WILL BE E — ............ .. '............ ..... _ .......... ..... ................ . ADJUSTED AS NECESSARY TO MEET SLOPE AND OTHER Q.___ ................_................ ........... STORMWATER COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS J -- — —............. i...... ......... ........................ ........._....' 1600 2. THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES WILL PROVIDE THE �:Z,TH of ADDITIONAL DETENTION NECESSARY TO ELIMINATE THE NEED FOR qty' Dj - OFFSITE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS. ............ _....... .... _... _--....._._.......... ?j 3. POOR SOIL INFILTRATION RATES MAY REQUIRE THAT UNDERDRAINS _..._..................:............_._... C BE INSTALLED FOR THE INFILTRATION AREA. ......... I..... 595 Christopher C. Mulligan I 4. AN EXTENDED DETENTION FACILITY SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ABOVE Lim. No. - GROUND ON THE SLOPE WHERE THE HIGH FREQUENCY STORM 031672 www '"............. ..... EVENTS SHALL BE PIPED INTO AN UNDERGROUND INFILTRATION °A`�ss ��Gti� ... .............. ......... ................... AREA TO MEET THE CURRENT VIRGINIA RUNOFF REDUCTION IONAL ! STANDARDS, THE TREATMENT TRAIN SHALL PROVIDE FOR THE I 1 590 PROPOSED 37% IMPERVIOUS COVER CONDITION. THE COMBINATION ' OF BMP'S WILL PROVIDE WATER QUALITY AND QUANTITY CONTROL 3.5 YE ...... ........... ...... ....... _ ......... FOR THE IMPACTS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS DEVELOPMENT. _ --IEIG T--_ 585 +50 5+00 +50 REVISIONS June 03, 2015 ZMA Comments Jan. 12, 2016 March 07, 2016 ZMA Comments DATE Feb. 10, 2015 SCALE 1 "=30' HORZ CONTOUR INTERVAL 2 FOOT T ` a vz W F–�U g °- a. 0 Tom^ W �— N Nm Z° y W z Q° U O Z (tW O U ;@) o '0 — g �Q� w i v1 O c 0co 5; J zc LU Q a. Q Oo W CC QZ a� 1 oWq 0 la 0 rN �� Z a (00 ,,- WL 0 LL O LUCC Ln W rc Orn W aft LU 2 0 0LU W Z o O W CL F+1 REVISIONS June 03, 2015 ZMA Comments Jan. 12, 2016 March 07, 2016 ZMA Comments DATE Feb. 10, 2015 SCALE 1 "=30' HORZ CONTOUR INTERVAL 2 FOOT FILE NUMBER 8188 SHEET 8 OF 10 Z Zg g °- a. 0 �— ? Z° y W z Q° s a.w ZO �Q� U O Q I.1. a. Q m oWq � Q Z Z O W N U Z O U FILE NUMBER 8188 SHEET 8 OF 10 a Original Proffers: 11/21/13 Amendment: 2/29/16 PROFFER STATEMENT ZMA No. 2014-00006 Tax Map and Parcel Number: 09000-00-00-03100(D.B. 3786 P.G. 060) Owner of Record: BELLEVUE REAL ESTATE, LLC Date of Proffer Signature: 5.262 acres to be rezoned from R-6 to Planned Residential District(PRD) Bellevue Real Estate LLC, a Maryland Limited Liability Company, is the owner (the "Owner") of Tax Map and Parcel Number 09000-00-00-03100 (the "Property") which is zoned as Planned Residential Development (PRD)subject to rezoning application ZMA No. 2014-00006, a project known as "Avon Park IP" (the "Project"). This current proffer statement (the "Proffer Statement") supersedes the proffer statement dated November 21, 2013 pertaining to ZMA-2012-00004. Pursuant to Section 33 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 18 of the Albemarle County Code), the Owner hereby voluntarily proffers the conditions listed below which shall be applied to the Property. These conditions are proffered as a part of the PRD zoning applicable to the Property and the Owner acknowledges that the conditions are reasonable. Each signatory below signing on behalf of the Owner covenants and warrants that it is an authorized signatory of the Owner for this Proffer Statement. 1) AFFORDABLE HOUSING The Owner will provide six (6) affordable housing units within the Project in the form of for lease or for sale affordable dwelling units (the "Affordable Dwelling Units" or"Affordable Units"). Each subdivision plat and site plan for land within the Property shall designate the lots or units, as applicable, that will, subject to the terms and conditions of this proffer condition, incorporate Affordable Units as described herein, and the aggregate number of such lots or units designated for Affordable Units within each subdivision plat and site plan shall be referenced in such subdivision plat or site plan. a) There shall be a maximum of 32 dwelling units on 30 lots in the development. The Affordable Dwelling Units shall be comprised of one or more of the following unit types: 1. Single family townhomes OR 2. Units that will be constructed and maintained as two-family dwellings as defined in the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. The Owner or his successor in interest reserves the right to achieve six (6) Affordable Dwelling Units utilizing the above mentioned unit types alone or in combination as outlined below. The Owner shall convey the responsibility of constructing the affordable units to any subsequent pprchaser ofothe Property. The current Owner or subsequent Owner shall create units affordable to households with incomes less than 80%of the area median family income(the"Affordable Unit Qualifying Income"), such'that housing costs consisting of principal, interest, real estate taxes and homeowner's insurance(PITI) do not exceed a, 30% of the Affordable Unit Qualifying Income; provided, however,that in no event shall the selling price of such Affordable Units be more than sixty-five percent (65%) of the applicable Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA) sales price/loan limits for VHDA's first-time homebuyer programs provided that the selling price will be equal to or less than the Albemarle County affordable housing home price. This home price will increase or decrease per year based on Albemarle County's designated affordable home pricing. All financial programs or instruments described herein must be acceptable to the primary mortgage lender. The value of Seller-paid closing costs shall be excluded from the selling price of such Affordable Dwelling Units. i) For-Sale Affordable Units - All purchasers of for-sale Affordable Units shall be approved by the Albemarle County Office of Housing(the"Housing Office")or its designee. The Owner shall provide the County or its designee a period of one hundred twenty (120) days to identify and pre-qualify an eligible purchaser for the Affordable Units. The 120-day period shall commence upon written notice from the Owner that the units will be available for sale. This notice shall not be given more than 90 days prior to the anticipated receipt of the certificate of occupancy. If the County or its designee does not provide a qualified purchaser during this one hundred twenty (120) day period, the Owner shall have the right to sell the Unit(s) without any restriction on sales price or income of purchaser(s); provided, however, that any Units(s) sold or leased without such restriction shall nevertheless be counted toward the number of Affordable Units required to be provided pursuant to the terms of this proffer. If these Units are sold, this proffer shall apply only to the first sale of each unit. Nothing herein shall preclude the then-current Owner/builder from working with the Housing Office prior to the start of the notification periods described herein in an effort to identify qualifying purchasers for Affordable Units. b) County Option for Cash in Lieu of Affordable Units. If at any time prior to the County's approval of any preliminary site plan or subdivision plat for the subject property which includes one or more for-sale Affordable Dwelling Units, the Housing Office informs the then-current owner/builder in writing that it may not have a qualified purchaser for one or more of the for-sale Affordable Dwelling Units at the time that the then-current owner/builder expects the units to be completed, and that the County will instead accept a cash contribution to the County to support affordable housing programs in the amount of Twenty Four Thousand Three Hundred Seventy Five Dollars($24,375.00) in lieu of each Affordable Unit(s),then the then-current owner/builder shall pay such cash contribution to the County prior to obtaining a certificate of occupancy for the Unit(s)that were originally planned to be Affordable Dwelling Units, and the then-current owner/builder shall have the right to sell the Unit(s)without any restriction on sales price or income of the purchaser(s). For the purposes of this proffer condition, such Affordable Dwelling Units shall be deemed to have been provided when the subsequent owner/builder provides written notice to the Albemarle County Office of Housing or its designee that the Affordable Units(s) will be available for sale. 2) CASH PROFFER a) The Owner shall contribute cash to the County in the following amounts for each dwelling unit constructed within the Property that is not an Affordable Dwelling Unit. The cash contribution shall be used only for capital improvements in the form of public facilities (i.e., schools, public safety, libraries, parks or transportation) located within the Scottsville magisterial district of the County and no funds shall be used for capital improvements to any public facility existing as of the date of this Proffer Statement, such as a renovation or technology upgrade, that does not expand the capacity of such facility. The cash contribution shall not be used for any operating expense of any existing or new facility such as ordinary maintenance or repair. The cash contribution for each individual dwelling unit shall be paid to the County after completion of the final building inspection and prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the individual unit. The cash contribution for each dwelling unit shall be based upon the type of the dwelling unit and in the amount set forth for each type of dwelling unit as follows: i) Three Thousand Eight Hundred Forty-Five Dollars ($3845.00) for each attached town home/condominium unit that is not an Affordable Dwelling Unit. ii) Four Thousand Nine Hundred Eighteen Dollars ($4918.00) for each single family detached dwelling unit. iii) Zero Dollars($0.00) for each Affordable Dwelling Unit. b) The applicant will NOT receive a cash proffer credit from Albemarle county for the number of dwelling units permitted under the prior by-right zoning of the Property (Tax Map and Parcel Number 09000-00- 00-03100),which would yield five(5)single family detached homes. 3) LANDSCAPE EASEMENT The Owner shall provide a variable width landscape easement behind lots 1-7 on Tax Map and Parcel Number 09000-00-00-03200 (known as Avon Park 1). The owner shall install plants as per the final approved landscape plan during the first fall planting season after the adjacent retaining wall is installed or prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the seventh completed dwelling unit located on Lots 1 through 7. 4) EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL The Owner shall provide additional erosion and sediment control measures beyond the standard regulatory requirements stated in the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook(VESCH) applicable on the date of approval of this Proffer Statement. These additional measures shall consist of the following: a) Silt Fencing(VESCH Standard 3.05): i) Contributing drainage area to non-wire reinforced silt fence shall be reduced from one quarter(0.25) acre per 100 feet of silt fence length to two-tenths (.20) per 100 feet of silt fence. Contributing drainage area to wire reinforced silt fence shall not exceed one quarter acre per 100 feet of silt fence; and ii) Maximum contributing drainage area to non-wire reinforced silt fence from minor swales or ditch lines shall be reduced from 1 acre and no greater than 1 cfs to 0.8 acre and no greater than .08 cfs. Maximum contributing drainage area to wire reinforced silt fence from minor swales or ditch lines shall be 1 acre and no greater than 1 cfs; and iii) The height of any silt fence shall be a minimum of 24 inches above the original ground surface and shall not exceed 34 inches above ground elevation; and iv) Post spacing for non-wire-reinforced silt fence shall be reduced from a maximum 6 feet apart to a maximum 5 feet apart. Post spacing for wire reinforced silt fence shall be reduced from a maximum 10 feet apart to a maximum 8 feet apart. b) Temporary Diversion Dike(VESCH Standard 3.09): i) The maximum allowable drainage area to a temporary diversion dike shall be reduced from five (5) acres to three(3)acres. c) Temporary Sediment Trap(VESCH Standard 3.13): i) Maximum total contributing drainage area shall be reduced from three(3)acres to two(2)acres; and ii) The storage volume requirement shall be increased by a factor of 1.2. d) Temporary Sediment Basin(VESCH Standard 3.14): i) A temporary sediment basin shall be provided where the total contributing drainage area exceeds two (2)acres; and ii) The permanent pool and dry storage volumes shall be increased by a factor of 1.2. 5) ALLOWED USES The use of the Property shall be limited to those uses allowed by right under section 19.3.1; and the use allowed by special use permit under section 19.3.2(7) of chapter 18, Zoning, of the Albemarle County Code, Zoning Supplement #91 dated 6-3-15 and in effect on the date of approval of this Proffer Statement, copies of which are attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment A. 6) RECREATIONAL AMENITIES The Owner shall provide and install the following recreational amenities in the existing "park" on Tax Map and Parcel Number 09000-00-00-03200 (known as Avon Park 1). These amenities are at the request of the Avon Park Homeowner's Association Board. a) A 40' x 50' fenced dog park area. This area will contain two small benches. b) Two(2)additional play structures for older children will be added to the existing tot lot area. 7) OVERLOT GRADING Overlot Grading Plan The Owner shall submit an overlot grading plan (hereinafter the Plan") meeting the requirements ofthis proffer condition with the application for each subdivision of the Property. The Plan shall show existing and proposed topographic features.The Plan shall be approved by the County Engineer prior to approval of an erosion and sediment control plan related to said subdivision. The land area within the subdivision shall be graded as shown on the approved Plan.No building permit shall be issued for any dwelling on a lot where the County Engineer has determined the lot grading is not in general conformance with the approved Plan. The Plan shall satisfy the following: a) The Plan shall show all proposed streets, building sites, setbacks, surface drainage, driveways, trails, and other features the County Engineer determines are needed to verify that the Plan satisfies the requirements of this proffer condition. b) The Plan shall be drawn to a scale not smaller than one(1) inch equals fifty(50) feet. c) All proposed grading shall be shown with contour intervals not greater than two(2)feet. All concentrated surface drainage over lots shall be clearly shown with the proposed grading. All proposed grading shall be designed to assure that surface drainage can provide adequate relief from the flooding of dwellings in the event a storm sewer fails. d) Graded slopes on lots proposed to be planted with turf grasses(lawns) shall not exceed a gradient of three (3) feet of horizontal distance for each one (1) foot of vertical rise or fall (3:1). Steeper slopes shall be vegetated with low maintenance vegetation as determined to be appropriate by the County's program authority in it approval of an erosion and sediment control plan for the land disturbing activity. These steeper slopes shall not exceed a gradient of two (2) feet of horizontal distance for each one (1) foot of vertical rise or fall (2:1) unless the County Engineer finds that the grading recommendations for steeper slopes have adequately addressed the impacts. e) Surface drainage may flow across up to three (3) lots before being collected in a storm sewer or directed to a drainage way outside of the lots. f) No surface drainage across a residential lot shall have more than one-half(1/2)acre of land draining to it. g) All drainage from streets shall be carried across lots in a storm sewer to a point beyond the rear of the building site h) The Plan shall demonstrate that for each dwelling unit, an area at least ten (10) feet in width abutting the primary dwelling entrance facing the street not be served by a stairway, has grades no steeper than ten percent (10%) should the primary dwelling entrance facing the street be less than ten (10) feet from the Lot's property line, then this grade requirement shall only extend to the area between the entrance and the lot line. This graded area also shall extend from the primary entrance to the driveway or walkway connecting the dwelling to the street. i) Any requirement of this proffer condition may be waived by submitting a request for special exception with the Plan. If such a request is made, it shall include a justification for the request containing a valid professional seal from a PE, LA or LS type B. In reviewing a waiver request, the County Engineer shall consider whether the alternative proposed by the Owner satisfies the purpose of the requirement to be waived to at least an equivalent degree. j) In the event the County adopts overlot grading regulations after the date this Proffer Statement is approved, any requirement of those regulations that is less restrictive than any requirement of this proffer condition shall supersede the corresponding requirement of this proffer condition. OWNER Bellevue Real Estate,L.L.C. Name: V 1-ry c'TT- Title: 01+1N REP. Tax Map and Parcel Number:09000-00-00-03100 Attachment A 19.3 PERMITTED USES 19.3.1 BY RIGHT The following uses shall be permitted by right in the PRD district,subject to the applicable requirements of this chapter: 1. Detached single-family dwellings. 2. Semi-detached and attached single-family dwellings such as duplexes, triplexes, quadraplexes, townhouses,atrium houses and patio houses provided that density is maintained,and provided further that buildings are located so that each unit could be provided with a lot meeting all other requirements for detached single-family dwellings except for side yards at the common wall. 3. Multiple-family dwellings. 4. (Repealed 9-2-81) 5. Parks,playgrounds,community centers and noncommercial recreational and cultural facilities such as tennis courts,swimming pools,game rooms,libraries and the like. 6. Electric, gas, oil and communication facilities, excluding tower structures and including poles, tines, transformers, pipes, meters and related facilities for distribution of local service and owned and operated by a public utility. Water distribution and sewerage collection lines, pumping stations,and appurtenances owned and operated by the Albemarle County Service Authority. Except as otherwise expressly provided,central water supplies and central sewerage systems in conformance with Chapter 16 of the Code of Albemarle and ail other applicable law. (Amended 5-12-93) 7. Public uses and buildings including temporary or mobile facilities such as schools, offices, parks, playgrounds and roads funded,owned or operated by local,state or federal agencies(reference 31.2.5); public water and sewer transmission,main or trunk lines,treatment facilities,pumping stations and the like, owned and/or operated by the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority (reference 31.2.5; 5.1.12). (Amended 11-1-89) 8. Temporary construction uses(reference 5.1.18) 9. Accessory uses and structures including home occupation, Class A (reference 5.2) and storage buildings. 10. Homes for developmentally disabled persons(reference 5.1.7). 11. Stormwater management facilities shown on an approved final site plan or subdivision plat. (Added 10-9-02) 12. Tier I and Tier II personal wireless service facilities(reference 5.1.40). (Added 10-13-04) 13. Family day homes(reference 5.1.56).(Added 9-11-13) (§20-19.3.1, 12-10-80;9-2-81; 11-1-89;5-12-93;Ord.02-18(6), 10-9-02;Ord.04-18(2), 10-13-04;Ord 13-18(5), 9-11-13) 193.2 BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT The following uses shall be permitted by special use permit in the PRD district,subject to the applicable requirements of this chapter and provided that no separate application shall be required for any such use as shall be included in the original PRD rezoning petition: (Amended 5-5-10) 18-19-2 Zoning Supplement#91,6-3-15 1. Day care,child care or nursery facility(reference 5.1.06). 2. Fire and rescue squad stations(reference 5.9). 3. Rest home,nursing home,convalescent home,orphanage or similar institution(reference 5.1.13). 4. Electrical power substations, transmission lines and related towers; gas or oil transmission lines, pumping stations and appurtenances; unmanned telephone exchange centers; microwave and radio- wave transmission and relay towers,substations and appurtenances(reference 5.1.12). 5. Home occupation,Class B(reference 5.2). 6. Churches. (Added 9-2-81) 7. Stand alone parking and parking structures(reference 4.12,5.1.41). (Added 11-7-84;Amended 2-5- 03) 8. Swim,golf,tennis or similar athletic facilities(reference 5.1.16). (Added 9-13-89) 9. Professional offices. (Added 6-8-94) 10. Tier III personal wireless service facilities(reference 5.1.40). (Added 10-13-04) 11. Historical centers,historical center special events,historical center festivals(reference 5.1.42). (Added 6-8-05) 12. Farmers'markets(reference 5.1.47). (Added 5-5-10) (§20-19.3.2, 12-10-80; 9-2-81; 11-7-84;9-13-89;6-8-94;Ord.03-18(1),2-5-03;Ord. 04-18(2), 10-13-04;Ord. 05- 18(7),6-8-05;Ord. 10-I8(4),5-5-10) 19.4 RESIDENTIAL DENSITIES The gross and net residential densities permitted in any PRD district shall be shown on the approved application plan therefor,which shall be binding upon its approval. The overall gross density so approved shall be determined by the board of supervisors with reference to the comprehensive plan,but shall,in no event,exceed thirty-five(35)dwelling units per acre. In addition,the bonus and cluster provisions of this ordinance shall be inapplicable to any PRD except as herein otherwise expressly provided. (§20-19.4,12-10-80) 19.5 MINIMUM AREA REQUIRED FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICT 19.5.1 Minimum area required for the establishment of a PRD district shall be three(3)acres. 19.5.2 Additional area may be added to an established PRD district if it adjoins and forms a logical addition to the approved development. The procedure for an addition shall be the same as if an original application were filed,and all requirements shall apply except the minimum acreage requirement of section 19.5.1. 19.6 MINIMUM AREA REQUIREMENTS FOR OPEN SPACE AND RECREATIONAL USES 19.6.1 Not less than twenty-five(25) percent of the area devoted to residential use within ail PRD shall be in common open space except as hereinafter expressly provided. (Amended 9-13-89) 18-19-3 Zoning Supplement#91,6-3-15