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September 6, 1978 (Regular-Night Meeting)
No one else fr<.m the public wished to speak either for or against this request, and
Mr Fisher declared the public hearing closed
Mr Fisher notEld having attended a conference on Solid Waste, where it was the general
opinion that former landfill areas were best suited for parks and non-populous uses, He
also reiterated the statements in the staff report saying that they did not recommend
building on certain areas of the former landfill because the land was not fully compacted
and hazards of explosion and fire from gas deposits was likely
Mr Dorrier saud he would support the rezoning because it would be making better use
of the land than at present, and he has also checked with neighboring property owners who
have no objections _0 the rezoning to M-l
Dr Iachetta said the gas problem is not something that will last only five years
He noted that initially the gas is methane which is explosive, but that in later years
it becomes C02 whic~1 causes the land above the gas deposit to collapse This would be
detrimental to any 3tI'Ucture built over it He then asked Mr Barnett if the 3 86 acres
was adequate to con tI'uct the New Holland Industries Mr Barnett said yes it would be
Mr Lindstrom 3al.d he could approve the 3 86 acres now, but not the entire acreage
requested, as there i only a limited amount of M-l land allowed to bel rezoned each year
in the Comprehensiv~ ]'lan, and this would use up a great amount of that quota
At 9 25 PM, ~r Fisher requested a brief recess Meeting was reconvened at 9 33 P M I
Motion was offered JY Mr Dorrier to approve the rezoning of ZMA-78-12 from A-l to M-l,
300 feet perpendiculal' from the right-of way of Route 742 and running parallel to Route 742
on Tax Map 77, Parcel 11; from the northernmost boundary, parcel 10, to Interstate Route 1-61,
for a total of 1,348 '5 feet ending along the southernmost boundary of the parcel along 1-64
owned by the State Highway Department 1,340 75 feet is a total of 366 feet + 883 feet +
91 07 feet which is the length as indicated on a plat of William S Roudabush dated
August 2, 1978 The notion was seconded by Mr Henley
Mr Lindstrom anll Dr Iachetta both said they could not support the motion because
there is already too nuch M-l zoning in the County which is not suitable industrial land
Mr Agnor noted ;hat when he worked for the City as Director of Public Works, the
landfill was one of h..s responsibilities He stated with authority that the distance of
virgin soil from Rout'! 742 was a minimum of 150 feet, but averaged about 200 feet, with a
maximum of around 300 feet
Roll was then called and motion carried by the following recorded vote
AYES Messrs Dorrie, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Lindstrom
ABSTAINING Mr Rcud;l.bush
Mr st John sugl~ested that the area approved for rezoning be shaded and noted on a
plat for the record
Agenda Item Nc SP-78-60 The Jaycees and Charles W
(circus) on II 67 acr~s zoned B-1 Property on the south side
feet south of Locust '}rove and behind the ,mobile home and used
Map 78, Parcel 7D, Ri{anna District (Advertised in the Daily
August 31, 1978 )
Mr Tucker read ,he County Planning Staff's report
Character of the Area
Hurt For an annual event
of Route 250 East about 600
car sales lot County Tax
Progress on August 25 and
This area is ~relominately zoned and developed in business uses
dwellings are in the vicinity of the site
Four single-family
Staff Comment
The Jaycees prop:>se an annual one-day circus event on this site
that this tem~oril use would not disrupt the area
Staff Opinion is
Mr Tucker noted the Planning Commission, by unanimous vote on September 5, 1978,
recommended approvE.1 l'1i th four conditions as follows
1 All signs b:>th on and off-site, advertising the circus, and all trash from
Route 250 to the site, shall be removed within 48 hours after the event;
2 Notificatlon in writing to the Sheriff and the Rescue Squad 30 days prior to
the event;
3 Health De.,artment approval of food services and restroom facilities;
4 Approval (If appropriate state and local agencies
Mr Dorrier sE.id he wished to abstain from discussion and vote on this item as he is
a member of the Jarcees
Mr Fisher declared the public hearing opened Mr David Konopelski representing the
Jaycees was present, but had no comments to make to the Board No one else wished to speak
either for or against this request and Mr Fisher declared the public hearing closed
Septembe. E 1978 (Regular-Night Meeting)
Mot.or for approval with the conditions recommended by the Planning Commission was
offered by Mr Lindstrom, seconded by Dr Iache.tta and carried by the following recorded
AYES ~;s rs Fisher, Henley Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush
Agelde. Item No 8 To rezone all properties owned by the County of Albemarle,
Universi'y of Virginia Shenandoah National Park and George Washington National Forest
lying wiJhin the watershed area of the South Fork Rivanna River Reservoir from their present
classifiJat:ions to the CVN-Conservation District (Advertised in the Daily Progress on
August 23 .nd August 30, 1978 )
Mr Tucker read the County Planning Staff's report
On Jillte 14, 1978 the Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution of intent to rezone
all properties owned by the County of Albemarle, University of Virginia, Shenandoah
National Park, and the George Washington National Forest lying within the watershed
are~ of the South Fork Rivanna River Reservoir from their present classifications to
the CVN-Conservation District classification
Com~rElhensive Plan
The Comprehensive Plan indicates that the "purposes of conservation are related to
environmental elements involving water quality hydrology, air quality, and minerals"
The P.an goes further to outline those categories where conservation practices should
be applied They include hillsides, flood hazard area. woodlands and impoundment
Staff Comment
Due to the vast acreages involved, staff recommendations are based on available data
(U S I} S maps Army Corps of Engineers flood plain delineation, SCS serial
photoi~raphy etc ) rather than a complete field investigation Staff deleted :from
corsileration those properties which would become non-conforming or require special
use p.;rmits under the GVN designation such as the City-County landfill and existing
sctools Staff has found that the following properties substantially conform to the
crite?ia for a Conservation designation as set,forth in the Comprehensive Plan and
recomnend their inclusion in the CVN District
An emll'le County
Mirt Springs Park
Bee.ve t' Creek Reservoir
Tax Map, Parcel
218 71
Univet'sity of Vir~inia
Univet'sity of Va Endowment Fund
34 67
BllLe"'Ridge Parkway
Untted States of America
She,nandoah National Park
19 45
273 59
15,892 88
In addition to these properties, the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries owns
88 08 acres (Tax Map 41A-72) at Lake Albemarle appropriate to the CVN designation
About 10 acres, belonging to the City of Charlottesville at Lake Albemarle, has
all'eady received Conservation designation
Mr ~ucker noted that the Planning Commission, at their meeting on August 1, 1978, by
a vote of 6-1, recommended approval of a rezoning of the properties listed in the staff's
report (Land at Albemarle Lake has not been advertised for a public hearing, therefore
cannot ]le considered tonight )
Mr Fisher declared the public heartng opened and first to speak was Ms Susie Sherwood
representing the League of Women Voters~V&aid they supported the change of zone to Conser-
No or.e else from the public wished to speak either for or against this:: rezoning and Mr
Fisher ieclared the public hearing closed
Mo Jic,n was promptly offered by Dr Iachetta, seconded by Mr Lindstrom, to accept the
recomme:lde.tion of the Planning Commission and approve the rezoning to conservation Roll
was callec., and motion carried by the following recorded vote
~e~srs Dorrier Fisher Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush
Mr Lindstrom offered motion to adopt the following resolution
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
do,;s hereby state its intent to rezone 88 08 acres (Tax Map 41A, Parcel 72) at
La.{e Albemarle owned by the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries lying within
th,; .'atershed area of the South Fork Ri vanna River Reservoir and property owned
by tt.e County of Albemarle at the Totier Creek Park lying within the Totier Creek
Im)oLndment watershed from their present classifications to the CVN-Conservation
Di tI'ict classification under the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Albemarle County Planning Commission is
her'et,y directed to hold public hearings on this matter and to return a recommendation
to the Board of Supervisors at the earliest possible date