HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP197900015 Action Letter 1979-05-16 .~ -"( ,( o\') C OF ALe~!~4 :~)~~~~~':f;\ t<? (<:' ~ f~?i-~~,'::\:- ';.J~~) \'., "''''''.' .} .,,,", J' 'i\':~:--: ",:(',:~.v"\;/i" ~1:Ei1\0/ Department of Planning ROBERT W. TUCKER, Jr~. PU"-lECTOR OF PLANNING aO.1/296-~3e23 414 CI...ST MAr<K~:T STREeT CHARLOTTESVILU:. VIRGINIA 22901 RONALD S. KEELER ASSIS:ANT DIRECTOR OF F"'L..Ar-~NING DOUGU,s W. ECKEL StNIQR: PLANNER Nay 21, 1979 NANCY MASON CAPERTON PL-ANNER Southern Capital Fund, Inc. Post Office Box J 5~'5 Richmond; Virgir,5.a 23213 /OETTf.: CHARUE KIMSEY Pl..AN'"'JL:R Ee: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION Request for SP-;9.-15 Dear Sirs: This is to advisE: :'01.1 that L.~'1e ~Ube!Uar18 Couni.:y Board. of Supervisors at its meetins May 16, :..9'19; app:.:ove:::' your req\,cost to CL.T,end Condit:ion #3 ofSP.-450 ( County Tax Map 1), Farcels S, 26, 26A tbr:::;ugh 26K, and 27A through 271 ) in the following fa.s;,ioT.!: 3. Da.shed rc.adv. dY:; on the pJ2.t enL i tIed "B'J.cY: l'lountain - Pr'21iminary Subc1ivisicl.n J.JG:!ou'l. I' ];'~(i},:};:'e';:: ".:ceceivec1 2/24/75" shall be suiJject to private road!;~rovisionE of the subdivision ordinance. All other roads shall bf.' bull t tc -'.'.'clginia Dep2:rt!".ent of Higl1,..lays and Transpo:t.tation s-':an6arc:s icY accept,mce into t.he State Secondar'y Systelll. jgj cc: File Sincerely, /) y' . / ""-""",, I I l..._~~ r), r' / (. ....1//".( L//,,:"- _" A: ~~_-'/""'" i-; :...-'-~ .....-...., - -. ._'~ ---... ,- -. // /"-J~e Gloeckner ( Planning Department , / \,-.-/" -----. ..