HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP197900063 Action Letter t. ~'OF ~~1" -vO Department of Planning ROBERT W. TUCKER. JR. OMCCTOA OP' "LANNING EJ04/2.1j6-l5B23 41e. EAST MARKET STREET CHARL.OTTESVILLE. VIRGINIA 221;01 RONAL-C S. KEEL.ER A..,.TANT D.AItC:TOA OP' "LANNING OOUGLAS W. ECKEL. .EN/O'" "LANNER November ').7, 1979 . NANCY MASON CAPERTON ..\.ANNI:A Adrian Pols Route 7, Box 250 Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 IcltTTlE CHARL.IE KIM6E:.1" "L.ANNI:" Re: Request for SP-79-63 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION Dear Mr. Pols: This is to inform you that the Alberoarle County .Board of Supervisors at. its meeting November 21, 1979, approved your request for a public garage on 1.69 acres zoned A-l ( County Tax Map 63, Parcel SA ) subject to the following conditions: 1. This special u~:e permi t and all authority granted. herein shall expire two (2) years after approval by the Board of Supervisors; 2. No signs shall be permitted; 3. No employees shall be permitted; 4. . All work is to be conducted within the garage; 5. No outside storage of parts including junk parts; 6. Fire and Building Official approval;. ..1 -'l-:-" Staff approval of site plan; ~" ..t'vl.CW;..::.d ~r , 8. Virginia Depar1Eent.o~ Highways and Transpdrtation standard commercial entrance a.pproval, wit.h no deceleration lanei 9. Not more thar. four (4) vehicles, awaiting repair, shall be parked on the property outc.oors at anyone time. Sincerely, .~ ) {11tV ~(t:-/~U/L/ jg/ cc: Pile Jane Gloeckner Planning Department