HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201400100 Plan - Stormwater Stormwater Management Plan 2014-11-20 • Nose Nene Farmington Regrading Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) For Construction Activities At: Farmington Country Club 1625 Country Club Circle Charlottesville, VA 22901 (434)245-5370 SWPPP Prepared For: Scott Kinnan Farmington Country Club 1625 Country Club Circle Charlottesville, VA 22901 (434)245-5370 SWPPP Prepared By: McKee Carson 301 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 979-7522 SWPPP Preparation Date: .> p1„TH opt+ November 20, 2014Gr ' :. Z Estimated Project Dates: $ B. (LARK CATI I?T N a d/(1 Project Start Date: January 2015 l I-2_5-I / A4 ' Project Completion Date: February 2015 Nor" Stormwater Polltiwr+h Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Farmington Regrading Contents SECTION 1: CONTACT INFORMATION/RESPONSIBLE PARTIES 5 SECTION 2: SITE EVALUATION, ASSESSMENT, AND PLANNING 6 SECTION 3: EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS 7 SECTION 4: POLLUTION PREVENTION STANDARDS 7 SECTION 5: INSPECTION AND CORRECTIVE ACTION 11 SECTION 6: TRAINING 11 SWPPP APPENDICES 12 ii Stormwaterllution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) some Farmington Regrading SECTION 1: CONTACT INFORMATION/RESPONSIBLE PARTIES Operator(s): Insert Company or Organization Name: Farmington Country Club Insert Name: Scott Kinnan Insert Address: 1625 Country Club Circle Insert City, State, Zip Code: Charlottesville, VA 22901 Insert Telephone Number: 434-245-5370 Insert Fax/Email: SKinnan@fccva.com Subcontractor(s): Insert Company or Organization Name: Insert Name: Insert Address: Insert City, State, Zip Code: Insert Telephone Number: Insert Fax/Email: Insert area of control (if more than one operator at site): Emergency 24-Hour Contact: Insert Company or Organization Name: Farmington Country Club Insert Name: Scott Kinnan Insert Telephone Number: 434-245-5370 SWPPP Certification Statement I certify under penalty of law that I have read and understand this document and that this document and all attachments were prepared in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personal properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those person directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. 50:44- 141.elN4r 61C Coirlt SV{►il.. Printed Name Title Signature Date 5 4441.1 Stormwater I' tion Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Farmington Regrading SECTION 2: SITE EVALUATION, ASSESSMENT, AND PLANNING 2.1 Project/Site Information Note-the project site shall be as identified and detailed on the project construction drawings included in Appendix A. Additional Project Information Is the project/site located on Indian country lands, or located on a property of religious or cultural significance to an Indian tribe? n Yes ® No Are you applying for permit coverage as a "federal operator" as defined in Appendix A of the 2012 CGP? n Yes ® No 2.2 Discharge Information Does your project/site discharge stormwater into a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)? n Yes ® No Are there any surface waters that are located within 50 feet of your construction disturbances? Yes ® No 2.3 Nature of the Construction Activity General Description of Project Provide a general description of the construction project: This project consists of re-grading an existing debris area and stabilizing the graded area with permanent vegetation. There will be no increase in impervious area. Size of Construction Project What is the size of the property (in acres), the total area expected to be disturbed by the construction activities (in acres), and the maximum area expected to be disturbed at any one time? Total Property: 271.29 Acres Total Area of Construction Disturbance: 1.63 Acres 2.4 Sequence and Estimated Dates of Construction Activities Refer to project Erosion &Sediment Control Plan. 6 StormwatetSllution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Farmington Regrading 2.5 Allowable Non-Stormwater Discharges List of Allowable Non-Stormwater Discharges Present at the Site Type of Allowable Non-Stormwater Discharge Likely to be Present at Your Site? Discharges from emergency fire-fighting activities ❑ YES ® NO Fire hydrant flushings ❑ YES ® NO Landscape irrigation ❑ YES ® NO Waters used to wash vehicles and equipment ❑ YES ® NO Water used to control dust ❑ YES ® NO Potable water including uncontaminated water line flushings ❑ YES ® NO Routine external building wash down ❑ YES ® NO Pavement wash waters ❑ YES ® NO Uncontaminated air conditioning or compressor condensate ❑ YES ® NO Uncontaminated, non-turbid discharges of ground water or spring water ❑ YES ® NO Foundation or footing drains ❑ YES ® NO Construction dewatering water ❑ YES ® NO SECTION 3: EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS Contractor shall comply with the requirements for installation, inspection and maintenance of erosion and sediment controls on this project, in accordance with the approved Erosion & Sediment Control Plan. SECTION 4: POLLUTION PREVENTION STANDARDS 4.1 Potential Sources of Pollution • Sediment from disturbed soil areas • Oil, grease, diesel fuel, gasoline, anti-freeze and other products used in construction equipment. 4.2 Spill Prevention and Response In the event of spill or leakage of any hazardous materials onsite, the Contractor shall immediately take the following response actions: 1. Immediately cease all construction activity in the area. 2. Assess the extent and severity of the spill or leak. 3. Take action to contain contaminants and prevent them from entering storm drains or adjacent gutters. In the event of a significant spill of flammable or other highly hazardous 7 Stormwater inion Prevention Plan (SWPPP). Farmington Regrading substances, the Contractor should evacuate the area and call 911 immediately. In the event that ANY QUANTITY of petroleum based contaminant enters the public storm drain system, the Contractor or Owner must contact the National Response Center at 1-800-424- 8802 immediately. 4. After the spill or leak is contained, clean up the area, including any contaminated soils or debris, and dispose of properly. Note that this may entail hazardous waste disposal requiring specially trained personnel. 5. Following cleanup operations, fully document the spill, cleanup and any disposal measures taken. 6. There shall be no fuel or chemical storage onsite. 4.3 Fueling and Maintenance of Equipment or Vehicles General ■ Contractor shall perform all equipment fueling and maintenance procedures offsite. Specific Pollution Prevention Practices Description ■ Maintain appropriate spill kit(s) for the fuel(s) and maintenance fluids being transferred on site. These kits should include, as a minimum, absorptive pads, containment booms, and disposal bags within them. Absorptive materials should be appropriate for the specific fluids (i.e.: use "oil only" materials for petroleum products). ■ Spill kits should be kept at the fueling/maintenance location for immediate access. ■ Appropriately sized containers should be placed under vehicles being fueled/maintained to capture any overflows, leaks or spills. Any materials captured materials should be disposed of properly. Maintenance Requirements ■ Spill kit contents should be replenished as soon as practical following a spill or leak. 4.4 Storage, Handling, and Disposal of Construction Products, Materials, and Wastes 4.4.1 Building Products General ■ Building products of concern include paints, adhesives, cleaning products, etc. that could potentially contaminate stormwater in the event of a spill or improper use. Specific Pollution Prevention Practices Description ■ No building products will be used on this project. 4.4.2 Pesticides, Herbicides, Insecticides, Fertilizers, and Landscape Materials 8 • Stormwaten.t`illution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Farmington Regrading General • Landscaping chemicals could potentially contaminate stormwater if stored or used improperly. Specific Pollution Prevention Practices Description • Landscaping chemicals shall not be stored onsite. • Landscaping chemicals shall be applied in accordance with the project Landscaping Plan and manufacturer's recommendations. • Cleanup of application equipment (sprayers) shall be done in such a manner as to prevent any potential stormwater contamination. Under no circumstances shall cleaning/washout water be discharged onto any portion of the site. 4.4.3 Diesel Fuel, Oil, Hydraulic Fluids, Other Petroleum Products, and Other Chemicals General • Contractor shall store no amount of petroleum products on site. Specific Pollution Prevention Practices Description • Contractor shall store no petroleum products on site. 4.4.4 Hazardous or Toxic Waste General • Hazardous/toxic waste materials may include spent or contaminated paints, solvents, petroleum- based products, wood preservatives, chemical additives, curing compounds, acids, adhesives, etc. The product labeling or Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) should identify specific hazards. Hazardous or Toxic Waste shall not be stored onsite. Specific Pollution Prevention Practices Description • Hazardous or toxic wastes generated onsite must be stored in accordance with federal hazardous waste regulations. These regulations require regular inspections of the storage area, secondary containment, protection from the elements, proper storage containers, storage away from incompatible materials, properly trained personnel, and proper packaging, marking, and shipping procedures for disposal. • Use of hazardous materials as defined by this section are not anticipated for use on this site. 4.4.5 Construction and Domestic Waste General • This waste stream consists of construction debris (lumber, masonry, sheetrock, etc.) and general domestic waste (paper, plastics, etc.) generated as part of the construction project. Specific Pollution Prevention Practices 9 Stormwater l+rp tion Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Farmington Regrading Description • Construction and domestic wastes shall be accumulated and stored onsite in a standard dumpster or roll off waste container. • Litter and other construction trash and debris shall be picked up daily and placed in the waste container. • Use of waste materials as defined by this section are not anticipated for use on this site. Any waste materials are excavated during grading will be disposed of in an approved landfill. Maintenance Requirements • N/A 4.4.6 Sanitary Waste General • Sanitary wastes include sewage and hand washing wastes generated by the contractor at the project site. Specific Pollution Prevention Practices Description • A totally enclosed chemical toilet shall be used for sanitary waste materials. • Toilet shall be located in an area protected from construction traffic. Maintenance Requirements • Chemical toilet shall be cleaned on a regular basis by a septic hauling contractor. 4.4.7 Concrete Truck Washout General • Wash water from ready mix concrete trucks typically exhibits a very high pH, and can create stormwater contamination. Specific Pollution Prevention Practices Description • Use of concrete as defined by this section is not anticipated for use on this site. 4.4.8 Fertilizers General • Excessive fertilizer applications can create significant increases in nitrogen and phosphorus pollution in stormwater runoff, and can be detrimental to plant establishment and overall health. Specific Pollution Prevention Practices Description 10 StormwateN.dllution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) • Farmington Regrading • Fertilizer applications shall be limited to the amounts required on the Landscaping Plan, or as recommended by the chemical manufacturer. • The use of compost and other slow-release natural fertilizers is highly encouraged. • To the extent possible, fertilizer shall not be applied during or immediately preceding rainfall. • Spills or other excessive applications of fertilizers shall be cleaned up as soon as possible. SECTION 5: INSPECTION AND CORRECTIVE ACTION Inspection Personnel and Procedures Personnel Responsible for Inspections The contractor shall designate the specific individuals responsible for performing inspections of the site erosion and sediment control practices. Designated individuals shall have the authority to ensure any required corrective actions are taken in a timely manner. Note: All personnel conducting inspections must be considered a "qualified person." A "qualified person" is a person knowledgeable in the principles and practices of erosion and sediment controls and pollution prevention, who possesses the skills to assess conditions at the construction site that could impact stormwater quality, and the skills to assess the effectiveness of any stormwater controls selected and installed to meet the requirements of this permit. Inspection Schedule Specific Inspection Frequency Erosion and sediment control practices on the site shall be inspected at least once per week, or within 24 hours following any significant rainfall (greater than 0.25" per storm event). Inspection Report Forms A sample inspection form is included in Appendix B. Corrective Action Forms A sample corrective action form is included in Appendix C. SECTION 6: TRAINING Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring the appropriate personnel are adequately trained to perform inspections and corrective actions, as required under this Plan. Documentation shall be maintained of the individuals trained, training dates, and the specific nature of the training. 11 Stormwatellution Prevention Plan (SWPPF) Farmington Regrading SWPPP APPENDICES Attach the following documentation to the SWPPP: Appendix A-Site Maps Appendix B -Inspection Form Appendix C-Corrective Action Form 12 Stormwater..e511ution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Farmington Regrading Appendix A-Site Plans 5 Stormwater lotion Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Farmington Regrading Appendix B-Copy of Inspection Form 6 Stormwaterdllution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Farmington Regrading Appendix C -Copy of Corrective Action Form 7