HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201500072 Plan - E&S 2015-10-09CONTRO � IT -1 T:) DIM fi AND -A-N- -r*.-OS VSMP WP0201500072 RIVANNA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SEPTEMBER 16,2015 REVISED: OCTOBER 5, 2015 VICINITY MAP SCALE 1"-5000' SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE [SHEET SHEET INDEX NO. DESCRIPTION I COVER SHEET 2 OVERALL PLAN 3 E$5 CONTROL NARRATIVE * MINIMUM STANDARDS E45 CONTROL DETAILS * MAINTENANCE NOTES 5 GRADING/EROSION t SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN 6 DRAINAGE AREA PLAN 6A SWM/BMP PLAN 63 SWM CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE * INSPECTION DETAILS 7 VRRM—SOILS PLAN 8 VRRM WORKSHEETS q VRRM TR -55 CALCULATIONS 10 CISTERN CALCULATIONS II MITIGATION PLAN 12 MITIGATION LANDSCAPE PLAN �ALTFIO I, JAMES R. ASHLEY, A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER IN THE �l �y COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TO THE BEST p� THIS TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY WAS COMPLETED UNDER THE p� OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THIS PLAN MEETS ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND Pw�Uft DIRECT AND RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OF, ERIC K. NISKANEN, LOCAL STANDARDS. LIC. NO 15246, FROM AN ACTUAL GROUND SURVEY MADE ff oimi'Esk UNDER MY SUPERVISION; THAT THE IMAGERY AND/OR E, ORIGINAL DATA WAS OBTAINED ON AUGUST 15 2015; ERIC K. NISKANEN J RSON AND LIC No. 1524—B 'ZAL' . 0211624 THAT THIS PLAT, MAP, OR DIGITAL GEOSPATIAL DATA d _ _ i s o�,6 . �ww INCLUDING METADATA MEETS MINIMUM ACCURACY 9� SURv�O Y(97 �STANDARDS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD &B SEAL & SIGNATURE JAMES /A. CARS6N, JR. NO. 021624 SEAL & SIGNATURE GENERAL NOTES PARCEL ID: 08000-00-00-16gCO THIS SITE IS LOCATED IN RIVANNA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. CURRENT ZONING: RURAL AREAS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY IN THE NAME OF: BSP FARMS, LLC C/O R.C. HOLSINGER DEED BOOK 4106 AT PAGE 35q/ 471.6100 ACRES ADDRESS: 32q BRIDLESPUR FARM KESWICK, VA 22847 BOUNDARY INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON WAS TAKEN FROM THE BOUNDARY OF RECORD TOPOGRAPHY FIELD RUN BY THIS FIRM. CONTOUR INTERVAL: 2' APPROVED by the Albemarle County Community Dev to ent D artment Date 7j File . EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN BRIDLESPUR FARM VSMP WP0201600072 RIVANNA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA LAST REVISED: OCTOBER 5, 2015 r CARSON 4&u ASHLEY ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS 45 Main Street • 1st Floor • Warrenton, Virginia 20186 Phone: (540) 347-9191 Fax: (540) 349-1905 www.carson—asniev.com SHEET I OF 12 PROJECT #2015-050-10 z Q J 0. N W LU Q m Parcel ID: 06400-00-00-00700 N/F STANDISH LIMITED PARTNERSHIP DB 1506, PG 542 u E 1335.0°1' 5 3�°06'1°1 S 16. �Icln E �� 1862.53► Parcel ID 06400-00-00-000100 N/F SALLIE BUSCH WHEELER FAMILY TRUST Parcel ID: •Aro`3q — DEBRA D D COYNER TRUSTEE 06400-00-00-007AO 5A% I DB 2207, PG 2qq N/F STANDISH LIMITED5•p3`\6� 1808'34" E PARTNERSHIP 5 283 a5 132.14' DB 1506, PG 542 5 29'15'25" E 1500.12' -- `ry044 d, 5 29.03'00" E o .� 10* 550.47' `� D PARCEL I D 08000-00-00-16gC0 471.6100 AC. Parcel I D: 08000-00-00-00100 N/F EAST BELMONT LLC s DB 2878, PG 209 N Parcel ID: 080010-00-00-176A0 N/F BSP FARMS LLC � C/0 R C HOLSINGER Parcel ID: _ DB 41061 PG 3501 08000-00-00-17600 _ N/F FRITZ R KUNDRUN �� N /83g'21" IN 416 3 - CLAUDINE KUNDRUN 6 5g 321-o3, S Lq „ C DB 3416, OPGI 185 R 23 E N ► " 8.4al 9.25 �0 5 28*3. 1 53 f 0' V, 4" Parcel ID: N 19'08134�� A2°Ig3d'� N 260310 W M �, _ �► 06400-00-00-008A0 W 1n y� N 53 0.00 N/F BEN-COOLYN CORP 833 85' N AI.23'S 5� w �' I Parcel ID: DB 601, PG 635 3p5 :33 - -_" ��TM'M�- �_ 08000-00-00-160100 g� mopmED - - IN/F BSP FARMS LLC LO �m STABLE I C DB 4106, PG 13501 R Z ESTRIAN., s BARN - I _ I s. N 2800546" W 2334 7r,1 5 41'52106" E 85.87' SEE SHEET 5 �5 32'12'25" E L6 o FOR DETAIL 331.85' l Parcel ID: m 5 24'00'00" W 110.00' 08000-00-00-16gB0 IS 57'47'35" W 135.00' N/F BROOMFIELD INCORPORATED DB 3124, PG 03q z 5 57°47'35" W 2gq.44' N 2527101 W 1687.54' A, 7 0 5 57047'35" W 7q.g8' 5 5q°25'47" W 35.01' N 32012'25" W 7.00' Q 3 ac o �a w m a J� 400 200 I 411 i11 5CALE IN FEET PROJECT #2015-050-10 z z lv r x w 0 a� Cd 0 tn N Cd U z U E--4 Q 0= z THOp- JA S A. CA JR.: LIC. NO. 0216 4 ° 10-5-15 QNAL —�� DESIGNED BY: DATE: OCT. 5, 2015 SCALE: 1"=400' SHEET 2 OF 12 z J CL 40.Lu Q LL w Z) CL Lu J _U co GENERAL EROSION & SILTATION MINIMUM STANDARDS AN EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PROGRAM ADOPTED BY A DISTRICT OR LOCALITY MUST BE CONSISTENT WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA, TECHNIQUES AND METHODS: 1. PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO DENUDED AREAS WITHIN SEVEN DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADE 15 REACHED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE. TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS TO DENUDED AREAS THAT MAY NOT BE AT FINAL GRADE BUT WILL REMAIN DORMANT FOR LONGER THAN 30 DAYS. PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO AREAS THAT ARE TO BE LEFT DORMANT FOR MORE THAN ONE YEAR. 2. DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT, SOIL STOCKPILES AND BORROW AREAS SHALL BE STABILIZED OR PROTECTED WITH SEDIMENT TRAPPING MEASURES. THE APPLICANT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE TEMPORARY PROTECTION AND PERMANENT STABILIZATION OF ALL SOIL STOCKPILES ON SITE AS WELL AS BORROW AREAS AND 501L INTENTIONALLY TRANSPORTED FROM THE PROJECT SITE. 3. A PERMANENT VEGETATIVE COVER SHALL BE ESTABLISHED ON DENUDED AREAS NOT OTHERWISE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. PERMANENT VEGETATION SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED ESTABLISHED UNTIL A GROUND COVER IS ACHIEVED THAT IS UNIFORM, MATURE ENOUGH TO SURVIVE AND WILL INHIBIT EROSION. 4. SEDIMENT BASINS AND TRAPS, PERIMETER DIKES, SEDIMENT BARRIERS AND OTHER MEASURES INTENDED TO TRAP SEDIMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AS A FIRST STEP IN ANY LAND -DISTURBING ACTIVITY AND SHALL BE MADE FUNCTIONAL BEFORE UPSLOPE LAND DISTURBANCE TAKES PLACE. 5. STABILIZATION MEASURES SHALL BE APPLIED TO EARTHEN STRUCTURES SUCH AS DAMS, DIKES AND DIVERSIONS IMMEDIATELY AFTER INSTALLATION. 6. SEDIMENT TRAPS AND SEDIMENT BASINS SHALL BE DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED BASED UPON THE TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA TO BE SERVED BY THE TRAP OR BASIN. A. THE MINIMUM STORAGE CAPACITY OF A SEDIMENT TRAP SHALL BE 134 CUBIC YARDS PER ACRE OF DRAINAGE AREA AND THE TRAP SHALL ONLY CONTROL DRAINAGE AREAS LESS THAN THREE ACRES. B. SURFACE RUNOFF FROM DISTURBED AREAS THAT IS COMPRISED OF FLOW FROM DRAINAGE AREAS GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO THREE ACRES SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY A SEDIMENT BASIN. THE MINIMUM STORAGE CAPACITY OF A SEDIMENT BASIN SHALL BE 134 CUBIC YARDS PER ACRE OF DRAINAGE AREA. THE OUTFALL SYSTEM SHALL, AT A MINIMUM, MAINTAIN THE STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY OF THE BASIN DURING A 25 -YEAR STORM OF 24-HOUR DURATION. RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS USED IN RUNOFF CALCULATIONS SHALL CORRESPOND TO A BARE EARTH CONDITION OR THOSE CONDITIONS EXPECTED TO EXIST WHILE THE SEDIMENT BASIN 15 UTILIZED. 7. CUT AND FILL SLOPES SHALL BE DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED IN A MANNER THAT WILL MINIMIZE EROSION. SLOPES THAT ARE FOUND TO BE ERODING EXCESSIVELY WITHIN ONE YEAR OF PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH ADDITIONAL SLOPE STABILIZING MEASURES UNTIL THE PROBLEM 15 CORRECTED. 8. CONCENTRATED RUNOFF SHALL NOT FLOW DOWN CUT OR FILL SLOPES UNLESS CONTAINED WITHIN AN ADEQUATE TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT CHANNEL, FLUME OR SLOPE DRAIN STRUCTURE. q. WHENEVER WATER SEEPS FROM A SLOPE FACE, ADEQUATE DRAINAGE OR OTHER PROTECTION SHALL BE PROVIDED. 10. ALL STORM SEWER INLETS THAT ARE MADE OPERABLE DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PROTECTED 50 THAT SEDIMENT -LADEN WATER CANNOT ENTER THE CONVEYANCE SYSTEM WITHOUT FIRST BEING FILTERED OR OTHERWISE TREATED TO REMOVE SEDIMENT. 11. BEFORE NEWLY CONSTRUCTED STORMWATER CONVEYANCE CHANNELS OR PIPES ARE MADE OPERATIONAL, ADEQUATE OUTLET PROTECTION AND ANY REQUIRED TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT CHANNEL LINING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN BOTH THE CONVEYANCE CHANNEL AND RECEIVING CHANNEL. 12. WHEN WORK IN A LIVE WATERCOURSE 15 PERFORMED, PRECAUTIONS SHALL BE TAKEN TO MINIMIZE ENCROACHMENT, CONTROL SEDIMENT TRANSPORT AND STABILIZE THE WORK AREA TO THE GREATEST EXTENT POSSIBLE DURING CONSTRUCTION. NONERODIBLE MATERIAL SHALL BE USED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CAUSEWAYS AND COFFERDAMS. EARTHEN FILL MAY BE USED FOR THESE STRUCTURES IF ARMORED BY NONERODIBLE COVER MATERIALS. 13. WHEN A LIVE WATERCOURSE MUST BE CROSSED BY CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES MORE THAN TWICE IN ANY SIX-MONTH PERIOD, A TEMPORARY VEHICULAR STREAM CROSSING CONSTRUCTED OF NONERODIBLE MATERIAL SHALL BE PROVIDED. 14. ALL APPLICABLE FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO WORKING IN OR CROSSING LIVE WATERCOURSES SHALL BE MET. 15. THE BED AND BANKS OF A WATERCOURSE SHALL BE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY AFTER WORK IN THE WATERCOURSE IS COMPLETED. 16. UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS IN ADDITION TO OTHER APPLICABLE CRITERIA: A. NO MORE THAN 500 LINEAR FEET OF TRENCH MAY BE OPENED AT ONE TIME. B. EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED ON THE UPHILL SIDE OF TRENCHES. C. EFFLUENT FROM DEWATERING OPERATIONS SHALL BE FILTERED OR PASSED THROUGH AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE, OR BOTH, AND DISCHARGED IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT FLOWING STREAMS OR OFF-SITE PROPERTY. D. MATERIAL USED FOR BACKFILLING TRENCHES SHALL BE PROPERLY COMPACTED IN ORDER TO MINIMIZE EROSION AND PROMOTE STABILIZATION. E. RESTABILIZATION SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE REGULATIONS. F. APPLICABLE SAFETY REGULATIONS SHALL BE COMPLIED WITH. 17. WHERE CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE ACCESS ROUTES INTERSECT PAVED OR PUBLIC ROADS, PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE TO MINIMIZE THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT BY VEHICULAR TRACKING ONTO THE PAVED SURFACE. WHERE SEDIMENT IS TRANSPORTED ONTO A PAVED OR PUBLIC ROAD SURFACE, THE ROAD SURFACE SHALL BE CLEANED THOROUGHLY AT THE END OF EACH DAY. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE ROADS BY SHOVELING OR SWEEPING AND TRANSPORTED TO A SEDIMENT CONTROL DISPOSAL AREA. STREET WASHING SHALL BE ALLOWED ONLY AFTER SEDIMENT IS REMOVED IN THIS MANNER. THIS PROVISION SHALL APPLY TO INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT LOTS AS WELL AS TO LARGER LAND -DISTURBING ACTIVITIES. 15. ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE REMOVED WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER FINAL SITE STABILIZATION OR AFTER THE TEMPORARY MEASURES ARE NO LONGER NEEDED, UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY THE LOCAL PROGRAM AUTHORITY. TRAPPED SEDIMENT AND THE DISTURBED SOIL AREAS RESULTING FROM THE DISPOSITION OF TEMPORARY MEASURES SHALL BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED TO PREVENT FURTHER EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION. MINIMUM STANDARDS (CONT.) Iq. PROPERTIES AND WATERWAYS DOWNSTREAM FROM DEVELOPMENT SITES SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM SEDIMENT DEPOSITION, EROSION AND DAMAGE DUE TO INCREASES IN VOLUME, VELOCITY AND PEAK FLOW RATE OF STORMWATER RUNOFF FOR THE STATED FREQUENCY STORM OF 24-HOUR DURATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS AND CRITERIA: A. CONCENTRATED STORMWATER RUNOFF LEAVING A DEVELOPMENT SITE SHALL BE DISCHARGED DIRECTLY INTO AN ADEQUATE NATURAL OR MAN-MADE RECEIVING CHANNEL, PIPE OR STORM SEWER SYSTEM. FOR THOSE SITES WHERE RUNOFF IS DISCHARGED INTO A PIPE OR PIPE SYSTEM, DOWNSTREAM STABILITY ANALYSES AT THE OUTFALL OF THE PIPE OR PIPE SYSTEM SHALL BE PERFORMED. B. ADEQUACY OF ALL CHANNELS AND PIPES SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER: (1) THE APPLICANT SHALL DEMONSTRATE THAT THE TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA TO THE POINT OF AINALY515 WITHIN THE CHANNEL 15 ONE HUNDRED TIMES GREATER THAN THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA OF THE PROJECT IN QUESTION; OR (2)(A) NATURAL CHANNELS SHALL BE ANALYZED BY THE USE OF A TWO-YEAR STORM TO VERIFY THAT STORMWATER WILL NOT OVERTOP CHANNEL BANKS NOR CAUSE EROSION OF CHANNEL BED OR BANKS. (B) ALL PRIEVIOUSLY CONSTRUCTED MAN-MADE CHANNELS SHALL BE ANALYZED BY THE USE OF' A TEN-YEAR STORM TO VERIFY THAT STORMWATER WILL NOT OVERTOP ITS BANKS /AND BY THE USE OF A TWO-YEAR STORM TO DEMONSTRATE THAT STORMWATER WILL NOT CAUSE EROSION OF CHANNEL BED OR BANKS; AND (C) PIPES AND STORM SEWER SYSTEMS 514ALL BE ANALYZED BY THE USE OF A TEN-YEAR STORM TO VERIFY THAT STORMWATER WILL BE CONTAINED WITHIN THE PIPE OR SYSTEM. C. IF EXISTING NATURAL RECEIVING CHANNELS OR PREVIOUSLY CONSTRUCTED MAN-MADE CHANNELS OR PIPES ARE NOT ADEQUATE, THE APPLICANT SHALL: (1) IMPROVE; THE CHANNELS TO A CONDITION WHERE A TEN-YEAR STORM WILL NOT OVERTOP THE BANKS AND A TWO-YEAR STORM WILL NOT CAUSE EROSION TO THE CHANNEL BED OR BANKS; OR (2) IMPROVE THE PIPE OR PIPE SYSTEM TO A CONDITION WHERE THE TEN-YEAR STORM 15 CONTAINED WITHIN THE APPURTENANCES; OR (3) DEVELOP A SITE DESIGN THAT WILL NOT CAUSE THE PRE -DEVELOPMENT PEAK RUNOFF RATE FROM A TWO-YEAR STORM TO INCREASE WHEN RUNOFF OUTFALLS INTO A NATURAL C14ANNEL OR WILL NOT CAUSE THE PRE -DEVELOPMENT PEAK RUNOFF RATE FROM A TEN-YEAR STORM TO INCREASE WHEN RUNOFF OUTFALLS INTO A MAN-MADE CHANNEL; OR; (4) PROVIDE: A COMBINATION OF CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT, STORMWATER DETENTION OR OTHER MEASURES WHICH IS SATISFACTORY TO THE PLAN -APPROVING AUTHORITY TO PREVENT DOWNSTREAM EROSION. D. THE APPLICANT SHALL PROVIDE EVIDENCE OF PERMISSION TO MAKE THE IMPROVEMENTS. E. ALL HYDRIOLOGIC ANALYSES SHALL BE BASED ON THE EXISTING WATERSHED CHARACTERISTICS AND THE ULTIMATE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SUBJECT PROJECT. F. IF THE APPLICANT CHOOSES AN OPTION THAT INCLUDES STORMWATER DETENTION, HE SHALL OBTAIN APPROVAL FROM THE LOCALITY OF A PLAN FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE DETENTION FACILITIES. THE PLAN SHALL SET FORTH THE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FACILITY AND THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PERFORMING THE MAINTENANCE. G. OUTFALL FROM A DETENTION FACILITY SHALL BE DISCHARGED TO A RECEIVING CHANNEL, AND ENERGY DISSIPATORS SHALL BE PLACED AT THE OUTFALL OF ALL DETENTION FACILITIES AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE A STABILIZED TRANSITION FROM THE FACILITY TO THE RECEIVING CHANNEL. H. ALL ON -SATE CHANNELS MUST BE VERIFIED TO BE ADEQUATE. I. INCREASED VOLUMES OF SHEET FLOWS THAT MAY CAUSE EROSION OR SEDIMENTATION ON ADJACENT PROPERTY SHALL BE DIVERTED TO A STABLE OUTLET, ADEQUATE CHANNEL, PIPE OR PIPE SYSTEM, OR TO A DETENTION FACILITY. J. IN APPLYING THESE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CRITERIA, INDIVIDUAL LOTS OR PARCELS IN A RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE SEPARATE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS. INSTEAD, THE DEVELOPMENT-, AS A WHOLE, SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE A SINGLE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. HYDROLOGIC PARAMETERS THAT REFLECT THE ULTIMATE DEVELOPMENT CONDITION SHALL BE USED IN ALL ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS. K. ALL MEASURES USED TO PROTECT PROPERTIES AND WATERWAYS SHALL BE EMPLOYED IN A MANNER WHICH MINIMIZES IMPACTS ON THE PHYSICAL, CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL INTEGRITY OF RIVERS, STREAMS AND OTHER WATERS OF THE STATE. EtS CONTROL MAINTENANCE SC14EDULE: 3.02 CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOW OF MUD ONTO THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC TOP DRESSING WITH ADDITIONAL STONE OR THE WASHING AND REWORKING OF EXISTING STONE AS CONDITIONS DEMAND AND REPAIRS AND/OR CLEANOUT OF ANY STRUCTURES USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT. ALL MATERIALS SPILLED, DROPPED, WASHED, OR TRACKED FROM VEHICLES ONTO THE ROADWAY OR INTO STORM DRAINS MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. THE USE OF WATER TRUCKS TO REMOVE MATERIALS DROPPED, WASHED, OR TRACKED ONTO THE ROADWAY WILL NOT BE PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. 3.05 SILT FENCE I. SILT FENCES SHALL BE INSPECTED IMIMEDIATELY AFTER EACH RAINFALL AND AT LEAST DAILY DURING PROLONGED RAINFALL. ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. 2. CLOSE ATTENTION SHALL BE PAID TO THE REPAIR OF DAMAGED SILT FENCE RESULTING FROM END RUNS AND UNDERCUTTING. 3. SHOULD THE FABRIC ON A SILT FENCE DECOMPOSE OR BECOME INEFFECTIVE PRIOR TO THE END OF TIHE EXPECTED USABLE LIFE AND THE BARRIER STILL BE NECESSARY, THE FABRIC SHALL BE REPLACED PROMPTLY. 4. SEDIMENT DEPOSITS SHOULD BE REMOVED AFTER EACH STORM EVENT. THEY MUST BE REMOVED WHEN DEPOSITS REACH APPROXIMATELY ONE-HALF THE HEIGHT OF THE BARRIER. 5. ANY SEDIMENT DEPOSITS REMAINING IN PLACE AFTER THE SILT FENCE 15 NO LONGER REQUIRED SHALL BE DRESSED TO CONFORM WITH THE EXISTING GRADE, PREPARED AND SEEDED. 3.07 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION I. THE STRUCTURE SHALL BE INSPECTED AFTER EACH RAIN AND REPAIRS MADE AS NEEDED. 2. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED AND, THE TRAP RESTORED TO ITS ORIGINAL DIMENSIONS WHEN THE SEDIMENT HAS ACCUMULATED TO ONE HALF THE DESIGN DEPTH OF THE TRAP. REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE DEPOSITED IN A SUITABLE ,AREA AND IN SUCH A MANNER THAT IT WILL NOT ERODE. 3. STRUCTURES SHALL BE REMOVED AND THE AREA STABILIZED WHEN THE REMAINING DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN PROPERLY STABILIZED. 3.18 OUTLET PROTECTION ONCE RIRRAP INSTALLATION HAS BEEN COMPLETED, IT SHOULD BE INSPECTED PERIODICALLY TO DETERMINE IF HIGH FLOWS HAVE CAUSED SCOUR BENEATH THE RIPRAP OR FILTER FABRIC OR DISLODGED ANY OF THE STONE. CARE MUST BE TAKEN TO PROPERLY CONTROL SEDIMENT -LADEN CONSTRUCTION RUNOFF WHICH MAY DRAIN TO THE POINT OF THE NEIN INSTALLATION. IF REPAIRS ARE NEEDED, THEY SHOULD BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. 3.20 ROCK CHECK DAM I. CHECK DAMS SHOULD BE CHECKED FOR SEDIMENT ACCUMULATION AFTER EACH RUNOFF -PRODUCING STORIM EVENT. SEDIMENT SHOULD BE REMOVED WHEN IT REACHES ONE-HALF OF THE ORIGINAL HEIGHT OF THE DAM. 2. REGULAR INSPECTIONS SHOULD BE MADE TO INSURE THAT THE CENTER OF THE DAM IS LOWER THAN THE EDGES. EROSION CAUSED BE HIGH FLOWS AROUND THE EDGES OF THE DAM SHOULD BE CORRECTED IMMEDIATELY 3.32 PERMANENT SEEDING I. ALL PERMANENT SEEDING MUST BE MULCHED IMMEDIATELY UPON COMPLETING THE SEED APPLICATION 2. IN GENERAL, A STAND OF VEGETATIION CANNOT BE DETERMINED TO BE FULLY ESTABLISHED UNTIL IT HAS BEEN MAINTAINED FOR ONE FULL YEAR AFTER PLANTING. 3.36 SOIL STABILIZATION BLANKETS * MATTING ALL SOILS STABILIZATION BLANKETS AND MATTING SHOULD BE INSPECTED PERIODICALLY FOLLOWING INSTALLATION, PARTICULARLY AFTER RAIN STORMS TO CHECK FOR EROSION AND UNDERMINING. ANY DISLOCATION OR FAILURE SHOULD BE REPAIRED IMMEDIATELY. IF WASHOUTS OR BREAKAGE OCCURS, RE -INSTALL THE MATERIAL AFTER REPAIRING DAMAGE TO THE SLOPE OR DITCH CONTINUE TO MONITOR THESE AREAS UNTIL WHICH TIIME THEY BECOME PERMANENTLY STABILIZED AFTER WHICH AN ANNUAL INSPECTION SHOULD BE ADEQUATE. ALBEMARLE COUNTY FINAL PLAN GENERAL NOTES General Construction Notes 1. Prior to any construction within any existing public right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit. Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern. 2. All materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. 5. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontal:vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be achieved. 6. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the County Engineer, or designee, it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 8. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class III. 9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926). General construction notes for Erosion and Sediment Control plans I . The plan approving authority must be notified one week prior to the pre -construction conference, one week prior to the commencement of land disturbing activity, and ome week prior to the final inspection. 2. All erosion and sediment control measures will be constructed and maintained according to minimum standards and specifications of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook and Virginia Regulations VR 625-02-00 Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations. 3. All erosion and sediment control measures are to be placed prior to or as the first step in clearing. 4. A copy of the approved erosion and sediment control plan shall be maintained on the site at all times. 5. Prior to commencing land disturbing activities in areas other than indicated on these plans (including, but not limited to, off-site borrow or waste areas), the contractor shall submit a supplementary erosion control plan to the owner for review and approval by the plain approving authority. 6. The contractor is responsible for installation of any additional erosion control measures necessary to prevent erosion and sedimentation as determined by the plan approving; authority. 7. All disturbed areas are to drain to approved sediment control measures at all times during land disturbing activities and during site development until final stabilization is achieved. 8. During dewatering operations, water will be pumped into an approved filtering device. 9. The contractor shall inspect all erosion control measures periodically and after each runoff - producing rainfall event. Any necessary repairs or cleanup to maintain the effectiveness of the erosion control devices shall be made immediately. 10. All fill material to be taken from an approved, designated borrow area. 11. All waste materials shall be taken to an approved waste area. Earth fill shall be inert materials only, free of roots, stumps, wood, rubbish, and other debris. 12. Borrow or waste areas are to be reclaimed within 7 days of completion per Zoning Ordinance section 5.1.28. 13. All inert materials shall be transported in compliance with section 13-301 of the Code of Albemarle. 14. Borrow, fill or waste activity involving industrial -type power equipment shall be limited to the hours of 7:00am to 9:00pm. 15. Borrow, fill or waste activity shall be conducted in a safe manner than maintains lateral support, or order to minimize any hazard to persons, physical damage to adjacent land and improvements, and damage to any public street because o slides, sinking, or collapse;. 16. The developer shall reserve the right to install, maintain, remove or convert to permanent stormwater management facilities where applicable all erosion control measures required by this plan regardless of the sale of any lot, unit, building or other portion of the property. 17. Temporary stabilization shall be temporary seeding and mulching. Seeding is to be at 75 lbs/acre, and in the months of September to February to consist a 50/50 mix of Annual Ryegrass and Cereal Winter Rye, or in March and April to consist of Annual Rye, or May through August to consist of German Millet. Straw mulch is to be applied at 80lbs/100sf. Alternatives are subject to approved by the County erosion control inspector. 18. Permanent stabilization shall be lime and fertilizer, permanent seeding, and mulch. Agricultural grade limestone shall be applied at 901bs/1000sf, incorporated into the top 4-6 inches of soil. Fertilizer shall be applied at 1000lbs/acre and consist of a 10-20-10 nutrient mix. Permanent seeding shall be applied at l 801bs/acre and consist of 95% Kentucky 31 or Tall Fescue and 0-5% Perennial Ryegrass or Kentucky Bluegrass. Straw mulch is to be applied at 801bs/100sf. Alternatives are subject to approved by the County erosion control inspector. 19. Maintenance: All measures are to be inspected weekly and after each rainfall. Any damage or clogging to structural measures is to be repair immediately. Silt traps are to be cleaned when 50% of the wet storage volume is filled with sediment. All seeded areas are to be reseeded when necessary to achieve a good stand of grass. Silt fence and diversion dykes which are collecting sediment to half their height must be cleaned and repaired immediately. 20. All temporary erosion and sediment control measures are to be removed within 30 days of final site stabilization, when measures are no longer needed, subject to approval by the County erosion control inspector. EROSION & SILTATION NARRATIVE PROJECT DESCRIPTION - T14I5 PROJECT CONSISTS OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BARN, INDOOR RIDING RING AND A DRIVEWAY. THE LIMITS OF CLEARING AND GRADING WILL AFFECT 3.0 ACRES OF THE 471.61 ACRE FARM. APPROXIMATELY 1.5 ACRES WILL BE PERMANENTLY SEEDED AFTER CONSTRUCTION 15 FINISHED. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS - THE SITE DEVELOPMENT AREA CURRENTLY HAS A RIDING RING AND SEVERAL FENCED HORSE PADDOCKS AND IS ACCESSED FROM AN EXISTING PAVED DRIVEWAY. THE SITE 15 OPEN GRASS FIELDS WITH SOME INDIVIDUAL TREES ALONG THE DRIVEWAY AND ALONG THE WESTERN EDGE OF THE DEVELOPMENT AREA. THE SITE TOPOGRAPHY 15 MODERATE. ONE DRAINAGEWAY FLOWS THROUGH THE AREA FROM NORTH TO SOUTH. ADJACENT AREAS - THE SITE BORDERS WITH OTHER LARGE PARCELS OF SIMILAR FARM USES. THERE 15 NO ANTICIPATED NEGATIVE EFFECTS ON THE ADJACENT PROPERTIES OR ROADWAYS. OFF-SITE AREAS - ALL EXCESS MATERIALS, IF ANY, ARE TO BE DISPOSED OF ON-SITE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE VIRGINIA EROSION * SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK, CURRENT EDITION. IF OFF-SITE AREAS ARE USED FOR BORROW OR FILL, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT AN EROSION t SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN FOR THAT AREA AND SHALL SUBMIT OFFSITE SOIL TRACKING FORMS. CRITICAL AREAS - THE ADJACENT STREAM 15 A CRITICAL AREA AND SHALL BE ADEQUATELY PROTECTED AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. NOTES: • CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ALBEMARLE COUNTY WHEN WORK COMMENCES ON THE SITE. • THE EtS INSPECTOR HAS THE AUTHORITY TO ADD OR DELETE EtS CONTROLS AS NECESSARY IN THE FIELD AS SITE CONDITIONS CHANGE. IN ADDITION, NO EtS CONTROLS CAN BE REMOVED WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION • PERMANENT STABILIZATION OF THE 51TE WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED FOLLOWING THE GUIDELINES IN TABLES 3.31B, 3.32D, AND 3.35A IN THE VESCH. SEE TABLES ON SHEET 4. • PERIMETER SEDIMENT TRAPPING MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED ON SITE AS A FIRST STEP. • ONCE THIS PLAN IS APPROVED, A PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE MUST BE COORDINATED WITH ALBEMARLE COUNTY BY THE APPLICANT. • RESPONSIBLE LAND DISTURBER REPORTS CAN BE AUDITED BY THE EtS INSPECTOR AT ANY TIME, IF RLD REPORTS ARE NOT PROVIDED, THE Et5 INSPECTOR CAN REPORT THIS TO THE VIRGINIA DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (DEQ). A FOLLOW-UP INSPECTION MAY TAKE PLACE BY DEQ. (VIRGINIA EROSION 4 SEDIMENT CONTROL LAW, SEC. 10.1-566(A)) TABLE 6-1 GENERAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES ES -1: Unless otherwise indicated, all vegetative and structural erosion and sediment control practices will be constructed and.maintained according to minimum standards and specifications of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook and Virginia Regulations 4VAC50-301 Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations. ES -2: The plan approving authority must be notified one week prior to the pre - construction conference, one week prior to the commencement of land disturbing activity, and one week prior to the final inspection. ES -3: All erosion and sediment control measures are to be placed prior to or as the first step in clearing. ES -4: A copy of the approved erosion and sediment control plan shall be maintained on the site at all times. ES -5: Prior to. commencing land disturbing activities in areas other than indicated on these plans (including, but not limited to, off-site borrow or waste areas), the contractor shall submit a supplementary erosion control plan to the owner for review and approval by the plan approving authority. ES -6: The contractor is responsible for installation of any additional erosion control measures necessary to prevent erosion and sedimentation as determined by the plan approving authority. ES -7: All disturbed areas are to drain to approved sediment control measures at all times during land disturbing activities and during site development until final stabilization is achieved. ES -8: During dewatering operations, water will be pumped into an approved filtering device. ES -9: The contractor shall inspect all erosion control measures periodically and after each runoff -producing rainfall event. Any necessary repairs or cleanup to maintain the effectiveness of the erosion control devices shall be made immediately. PROJECT #2015-050-10 0 z o z CZ � O � O O 0 I~ 0 Co • Cd OOrn o W w 03 U I � z4 z N Q)4-1 CO LO `. �+ O as z z o ^w M� iJ w w 1.4 z � z � w W E-+ w I~ P-4 F+1 ~ Q 1.4 z w V 1 CN) w z Z TH OF D 1 U JA S A. CA JR. UC. NO. 0216 4 0 10-5-151 Ssj0NAL� ; DESIGNED BY: DATE: ---- - - OCT. 5, 2015 c --- SCALE: -- ,, c N/A = SHEET 3 L G C iWTONE CONSTRUCTIONENTRANCE -W /- 5:1 ei It, all:�':II:n II:n.II:ILII:'ii���� SIDE ELEVATION (OPTIONAL) EXISTING GROUND WASHRACK 11.11- % r•. IIIIIIIIIII �rHO rte% 'PAVEMENT • ;•.�� VDOT #1 B POSITIVE DRAINAGE"' COURSE AGGREGATE TO SEDIMENT 0' MIN. MUST EXTEND FULL WIDTH TRAPPING DEVICE OF PLAN VIEW OPERATION CLOTHFILTER REINFO SECTION B -B DRAIN SPACE SPEC. 3.05-2 CONSTRUCTION OF A SILT FENCE (WITHOUT WIRE SUPPORT) SF 1. SET THE STAKES. 2. EXCAVATE A 4' X 4- TRENCH UPSLOPE ALONG THE LINE 6I OF STAKES. / f MAX. ri I I =III. FLOW = I I I I , _ — 4- 3. STAPLE FILTER MATERIAL 4. BACKFILL AND COMPACT TO STAKES AND EXTEND R INTO THE TRENCH. THE EXCAVATED SOIL FLOWI— _I SHEET FLOW INSTALLATIONI- ( PERSPECTIVE VIEW) 3' MAX A n rA FLOW B =1 I II -- I II�III ;II11�1 �— TTT I. II11111111;1111—'' POINTS A SHOULD BE HIGHER THAN POINT B. DRAINAGEWAY INSTALLATION ( FRONT ELEVATION ) PIPE OUTLET CONDITIONS oP 'IPE OUTLET TO FIAT REA WITH NO DEFINED HANNEL VDDT /1 COARSE AGGREGATE FLDW _ 10 SPA CINC BETWEEN CHECK DAMS L = THE DISTANCE SUCH THAT POINTS A AND B ARE OF EQUAL ELEVATION SOURCE: VA. DSWC PLATE. 3.20-2 TYPICAL ORIENTA TION OF TREA TMENT - 1 (SOIL S TABILIZA TI CSN BLANKET) R ues I nW ON $HALL(( SLOPES, STRIPS OF NETTING PROTECTIVE COVERINGS MAY BE APPLIED ACROSS THE SLOPE. BERM WHERE THERE IS A BERM AT THE TOP OF THE SLOPE, BRING THE MATERIAL OVER THE BERM AND ANCHOR R BEHIND THE BERM. 7"ft ON c= SLOPES, APPLY PROTECTIVE COVERING PARALLEL TO THE. DIRECTION OF FLOW AND ANICHOR SECURELY. BRING MATERIAL DOWN TO A LEVEL AREA BEFORE 4- r^• ry = '�`"' TERMINATING THE INSTALLATION. TURN THE END UNDER 4- AND STAPLE AT 12- INTERVALS. IIN DITCHES, APPLY PROTECTIVE COVERING (PARALLEL TO THE DIRECTION OF FLOW. USE CHECK SLOTS AS REQUIRED. AVOID JOINING MATERIAL IN THE CENTER OF THE DITCH IF AT ALL POSSIBLE. SOURCE: ADAPTED BROCHURE TE: 3.36-1 SILT FENCE CULVERT INLET PROTECTION CIP TOE OF FILL r ENDWALL CULVERT 3 . TOE OF FILL SILT FENCE---' . •DISTAINCE IS 6' MINIMUM IF FLOW IS TOWARD EMBANKMENT FLOW * OPTIONAL STONE 00MB I NATION FLOW 2.5' CLASS I RIPRAP *VDOT #31 #3557 #5 #56 OR #57 COARSE AGGiRVGATt TO REPLACE SILT FENCE IN "HORSESHOE" WHEN HIGH VELOCITY OF FLOW IS EXPECTED SOURCE: ADAPTED from VDOT Standard Sheets and Va. DSWC PLATE. 3.08-1 OUTLET PROTECTION DETAIL @ STRUCTURE #1 15" RCP d50=6' -7.25'� (N.T.S.) OUTLET PROTECTION CALCULATIONS (La BASED ON PLATE 3.18-3 OF THE VESCH) Vo = 5.30 D = 1.25' LA = 6.0' 1992 3.35 1992 TABLE 335-A ORGANIC MULCH MATERIALS AND APPLICATION RATES - Commercial or Residential RATES: - Kentucky 31 or Turf -Type Tall Fescue MULCHES. NOTES: Per Acre Per 1000 sq. ft. Straw or Hay 1k - 2 tons 70 - 90 lbs. Free from weeds and coarse 100% (Minimum 2 matter. Must be anchored. 128 lbs. tons for 2 lbs. Spread with mulch blower 201 s. winter cover) 150 lbs. or by hand. Fiber Mulch Minimum 35 lbs. Do not use as mulch for 2 lbs. 1500 lbs. 20 lbs. winter cover or during hot, 20 lbs. 150 lbs. dry periods.` Apply as as stated below: February 16th through April ...................... Annual Rye slurry. Corn Stalks 4 - 6 tons 185 - 275 lbs. Cut or shredded in 4-6" Winter Rye " Substitute Sericea lespedeza for Crownvetch east of Farmville, Va. (May through September use hulled Sericea, all other periods, lengths. Air-dried. Do not If Flatpea is used in lieu of Crownvetch, increase rate to 30 lbs./acre. All legume seed must be properly inoculated. Weeping Lovegrass may be added to any slope or low -maintenance mix during warmer seeding periods; use in fine turf areas. Apply mixes. with mulch blower or by hand. Wood Chips 4 - 6 tons 185 - 275 lbs. Free of coarse matter. Air- dried. Treat with 12 lbs nitrogen per ton. Do not use in fine turf areas. Apply with mulch blower, chip handler, or by hand. Bark Chips 50 - 70 cu. 1-2 cu. yds. Free of coarse matter. Air - or yds. dried. Do not use in fine Shredded turf areas. Apply with Bark mulch blower, chip handler, or by hand. s When fiber mulch is the only available mulch during periods when straw should be used, apply at a minimum rate of 2000 lbs./ac. or 45 lbs./1000 sq. ft. Source: Va. DSWC TABLE 331-8 ACCEPTABLE TEMPORARY SEEDING PLANT MATERIALS "QUICK REFERENCE FOR ALL REGIONS" Rate Planting Dates Species lbs. acre Sept. i - Feb. 15 50/50 Mix of Annual Ryegrass (Lolium multi-florum) & 50- 100 Cereal (Winter) Rye (Secale cereale) Feb. 16 - Apr. 30 Annual Ryegrass 60- 100 (Lolium multi-florum) May 1 - Aug 31 German Millet 50 (Setaria italic:a) Source: Va. DSWC TWIN 36" CULVERTS 3/B" THICK STEEL CASING I� SANITARY SERVICE I LINE SANITARY SERVICE LINE CASING PIPE AT CULVERT CROSSING NTS TABLE 3.32-D SITE SPECIFIC SEEDING MIXTURES FOR PIEDMONT AREA Total Lbs. Per Acre minimum care Lawn Q - Commercial or Residential 175-200 lbs. - Kentucky 31 or Turf -Type Tall Fescue 95-100% - Improved Perennial Ryegrass 0-50/0 - Kentucky Blvcgrass 0-5910 High -Maintenance Lawn 200-250 lbs. - Kentucky 31 or Turf -Type Tall Fescue 100% General Slope (3.1 or less) - Kentucky 31 Fescue 128 lbs. - Red Top Grass 2 lbs. - Seasonal Nurse Crop ` 201 s. 150 lbs. Low -Maintenance Slope (Steeper than 3.1) - Kentucky 31 Fescue 108 lbs. - Red Top Grass 2 lbs. - Seasonal Nurse Crop 20 lbs. - Crownvetch # 20 lbs. 150 lbs. * Use seasonal nurse crop in accordance with seeding dates as stated below: February 16th through April ...................... Annual Rye May 1st through August 15th ..................... Foxtail Millet August 16th through October ...................... Annual Rye November through February 15th ................... Winter Rye " Substitute Sericea lespedeza for Crownvetch east of Farmville, Va. (May through September use hulled Sericea, all other periods, use unhulled Sericea). If Flatpea is used in lieu of Crownvetch, increase rate to 30 lbs./acre. All legume seed must be properly inoculated. Weeping Lovegrass may be added to any slope or low -maintenance mix during warmer seeding periods; add 10-20 lbs./acre in mixes. 3.32 PROJECT #2015-050-10 cc Wx o z Cj o I a 'bb­tdoi ;_4 C'D O p ; o lf� s~ o cd Cd Cd o� r.I m Cd I o Z U1 W C� -F� aIS L0 V' 1--1 z ►-1 C V 1 z O W W NO1.4 L4 z � n% H z � W � M-- 4 w rT� I� N �1 ~ Q z a C V 1 [-4 O r--+ W � z z ,TH OF "v JA�ES A. CARS�JR. ''d UC. NO. 0216 4 °10-5-15 �SSIONAL ��1 z Q J - -- ---------- - CL DESIGNED BY: N 14+LU DATE: OCT. 5, 2015 Q SCALE: NTS CL SHEET 4 W D OF 12 465.07 _;..=�EC'�' - ~. . "-`" •--d. __ _ _ - ....... "�- - ✓% a s `4�/� PROPOSED + 468.99 + 467.31 + 463.29 SERVICE LINE + 463.13 f 1 f + 45043 O,F,Ty 1 ` I--- .TO DRAINFIE D 8, CLbl EX. P `~--,....~' 1 t 9 -Maple 461.26 { + 466.48 i w �� ~`�° _- �••_�64 6S 09� + ? {� _ + 451,33 ' r . � } `"`~-•.- + 462.79 w.. ' `1 pe r si m M n °°.. .. •.,-,.--.•------• ", "" G � ` + 468.75 -� ��D4; , w � a� % �~ -- E.> . u) z`' FC/D'; "" 1- 465.40 t, j . , -- "--� g i j4 <t + 452.9 - _-.._.._ >. t EY. 461,41 + 458,97 / I + 469.42 + 466.55 1 _ _Y.t LIP11 + 460.61 59,15 /_u + { f t _ �. ms's 1 X° $L l_ CLEAIx N �j 03.0RIR/NG ACRE, Nn / p.. + 4597_ +.µ ' / �C `¢*%® ` r `6_"rap/ lCe + 467.33 + 457.09o NOW SF + 4 ~ `�9'Ma'p lei t _, 469,40 ® e ; I swift j S( PARCEL I DT e _ _ I X�,'- __ + 455.50 ° p�� C ®S OOFR DRAIN �� ° X� / �. ` P PR OSED 20' ` + 452.981 08000-00-00-169co T� ` �._ _ _ _-_ 24 locu�s't�. - ° w I INV=58.0' f� Cl)5 1�� - 5 PIPE E SEMENT 1 471 (0 100 AC O0� ov ®:.::•.. LJ 6 . • °=''" -- .1 a' FOR SEP, E LINE + 454.48 + 453,16 rY. '�; '; ,.,. 460 ` - ° �. D� i 467,17+ 465,52 + ? : ti`=:` '=. + 458.20 - �- ASt� 5 + /f 454.51 r + 451,30 . P` 8 GID PROPOSED T N 464.49 _. - ,.;�.•: '^ ._ 4 454. 3JF �b r6,+,pt)epl+ 469.59] / i f 58 S15 �iCULVEiRT @ 1.009 ILO " �- O PS 58+ S APPROX IN 04 + 4 .54 + 452.99 1 ` + 45.51 '41 = , 4 Z I 1 + 450.78 466.94 + 3 C o 115.4 X58. 5 + 1tvV -52.5 !t•1 W � 465.18+ 211, + i I� 55 - 5 48 t f � + 469.13 ;� 63 O l + 458,55 585 + N 6 + "� 5 TW`O + 452.73 / • 457,5 r. PS t 1 + 464.49 � + ' ® Now s - ®err 7 2.' U X+ f f # I �• N + 457.71 a%* O :12' 453,24 T PROPOSED STABLE � EQUESTRIAN BARN ' �► cv ,� s 25 50' � F.F. ELEV.- 458.75 + 457.73 F.F. ELEV. 63.5' `- ' ew 55-I 54 -f- 6' a le? + 6,35 + 465.41 + 19.6' - 455.75 � 5 m � � ` +.,.s 5375 Pg 8`a+�aple I 449.81 . + 458.71 +58 e �+ 458 7 �� i+ / 457.53 + ®� 5' ^, O, L + 451,16 / + 464,39 I `o l + 6 + 457.69 •3 � .....'� 466,82+ I f 5 585- Q? 58- `. 1 3�+ 450.41` + AIPPR X d 211.31 + 457 { 449.35 0 5.33+ ROOF DRAI ' i S INV 5q.0' X --___X p2 F, ' `o - F ' k O ROOF + ,n 5 s ` ; M O _ + 67,46 i k 457,41 58 - �O f } + 464.40 / 3 -�-X�O C1S7�E 5 + L + 453,0, f 60' 58 457.55 + 451.09 t I 5' ��- 57.28 } 63.5 5 58.06 Q �. - x55 k + 457.86 / f m. l l I ---- F nP.r.: , Ii �d x , X O m i >L + 451.69 + 450.79 + _.., + PADDOCK AREA Z _ N(t 465,32 x� pp ; ' „°r y I r 8 .Ma le + A ,. I i PROPOSED 45x55" '�- N 2,7' / O + 450.79I I i` `` P 44 ,85 + 467.2 464,61+ �< q P5 12 ' . PADDOCK AREA � X+ 4.69 + 458.14 + 45L85 ��a,. � t' + 4 .76 + 459.45 }; OPOSED 45 ' 1'� h' 15 c ll�'�j -�� •Q� ` + 45017, + 449.28 ✓ + 465.01 _ �F _ k�_X X� 12' PADDOCK AREA it .��__,. __ - .. 7 5525 �C+ + 451�Z` r • fY 75 N 4 f x X + 457.17 m 12' +a O 3,07 54 53' ` + f° '--,450.43 + _ + 4 7.09 �- �� , 450.77 �, �-- �\ Xu PROPOSED 10' X X 45 .36 585 585 Saw �� + 450.3 -f-.r..... PAVE t k_ + TW f 3 E� .I + 464.69 / k �C �4 O X�- V� 12 t` + 449,52a t 1 N X 454.57 tp I t 463.50 + X-._ + + 4519 l `--.� „ + 468.23 �� + 4.8 t PROPOSE 50'x60 x�_ X X-' .,.P: _�--�,._ �"' 45g-.`"�= SFR DRAI �. + 4�S�,o x Q�': _ V =51.5' '�'" PADD AREA E� ,D V - a 1 PROPOSED i i !AP ft +"455.18 + 450.68 - ® + 449.16 1 i J ROUND PEN PROPOSED 50 xGO H �q ' � -- ° ¢ 3 i 12► >c PADDOCK AREA. ,'" �` . `- ;. U 3�¢ k ,j� �► 449,45 Pte" g ��, 463.51+ + 46 i X 458.92 + 457.1 J -=`'" -- ? a e 3 hickory + `', + _ 4 1;62 46 .91 PS _ _ �¢ 36'hlckor l i `�49.1�• ,.,_ _: y465,b�-4'y '- �y �'1 ~ + + 448,`' 1 `�-X- 34"h,ckory /456,_sz�. X .r X=�Xi f T� - n + 7 2 �0'h cl' kor �. 51.25 + 450.77 ` ~� _ \ i 27 h4ckory ` , o _ - 27'"h or y - ; < p - ��� 4 rtap e , 466,75` �� 3 I�icl r. y + + Y 5. ` 463.30 1�C # - _ 5 40-7,1F 1 E- + 1 h.ckor - l �"'�'�-� �•:.. .. .._._.° .. .. ..... 550,47 r 21 �hicko , h! l�or 4 48. f t., 31 } 31 hickor t 7 Y 1 ... I Y s.. _ 48,41 x.42-�• � _a t E I` 'f� � J j x �_ 1 _ .. _ GRADIL �',I`�D i� __ c 36 hl k ' ��. NG !^`- .«_ac,.~-•,. :<<��C Y+ 36 hickor f 2 kory' ." ':r ,' is / , ---- __ ° _ ~' +,'-► 48.86 APPROX ire 3 �__ ' _ , � . ut. \ ROOF DRAIN �' X" -, - ,. ,4` -r-,4'walnut.._ \\ g \`+ X + P. ! + 462.91 CISTERNIN + 454.58 + 4 1 =L0 450.90 I APPROX. LOCATION -- + 446.97 M' '� . y t_ 1 f�j PROO,� (� PROPOSED 448.63_ O , 50 -�4 � P \ 9� `� 60, 000 GAL. + w CULVER C� 20% l . ` 464.86 f j ,p ' - {° ".- - , . \ �� eI CISTERN C + 467.01 ~� E?.. Ij{a4I �`. , r f ° Y.. l,A ,I._l.. yI ( * �` p � �, � m,� � ti � SI �'. + C`p�.53 � � + 447.07 � ^`y U j '\,.,\ °".,° „•,„�\ „~,,,,, ,..,.._ i.':.� If 1,12 rONCRE _ ! . ) X 52 - O. -I- wa, + 449.13 `I + 447,55p. E`�.t_ C " � a �, S EL.EC ,'IC � , ��- ��---_ l w_O to � C -j- - - -r x _ 12'`aple m �e I,�I �¢ + 446.78 �A W-- `` - i 15 pt . / 79 e `� - ~ �: _��._,. X , �� + 448 r, _....�M 3 A6, 48.+ 447.61! ' '-- ,-... w.w -m.... 'w.. -. M^+-...tl• bf .. .f - '\ id... { {1,^,. t j e..+-.>„ Y,` -......e --_,;.,,,e, „.+.•, a,.I\$= t l -....... »,...._ P . ._.,,„Y ~. I .••..._ _--- ° ._ ..-= ,.•-.•._ PRO { , -- o, _._ . - f• w _ -_ PUS NT r�aple °� - ` 09 __._ - -- 92 R �" 6"elm -.04� p _ _�� + 448.49 _ s --450 SYMBOLS LEGEND INTERMITTENT DRAINAGE SOILS DELINEATIONS AND SOIL SYMBOLS SOILS INFORMATION TAKEN FROM COUNTY GIS `TIRGINIA UNIFORM CODING SYSTEM for Erosion and Sediment Control Practices ALL SLOPES 2:1 OR GREATER SHALL BE SEEDED, MULCHED AND TACKED WITH EXCELSIOR NETTING OR SODDED AND PEGGED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK. 3.02 CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE CE PROTECTION OP O 3.32 PERM. SEEDING Pcj PS 3.35 MULCHING r'1U MU 3.05 SILT FENCE cjF x­�X--X-X 3.08 CULVERT INLET PROTECTION C 1 P O ROCK 3.20 CHECK DAM CD O LIMITS OF CL RI ND GRADING (3.50 ACRES �, + 448.77 0s� + 448.61 ,} SOILS NOTE: INFORMATION AND SOILS CHARACTERISTICS SHOWN ON SHEET 7. SEEDING NOTE: ALL AREAS DENUDED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PERMANENTLY SEEDED. ; (0• SCALE IN FEET PROJECT #2015-050-10 C/2 1►t7= z z W x w n z E-+ z O Q' W "THOFD O l r U JA S A. CA JR. LIC. NO. 0216 4 10-5-15 �SSIQNAL _��� DESIGNED BY: DATE: OCT. 5, 2015 SCALE 1"=30' SHEET 5 OF 12 Z J ,2 N 4& Lu Q w Z) 0. W J OUTLET 3.18 PROTECTION OP O 3.32 PERM. SEEDING Pcj PS 3.35 MULCHING r'1U MU 3.3(0 ILS STABILIZATION LANKETS t MATTING B/I'1 LIMITS OF CLEARING t GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION - DENOTES CRITICAL AREAS LIMITS OF CL RI ND GRADING (3.50 ACRES �, + 448.77 0s� + 448.61 ,} SOILS NOTE: INFORMATION AND SOILS CHARACTERISTICS SHOWN ON SHEET 7. SEEDING NOTE: ALL AREAS DENUDED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PERMANENTLY SEEDED. ; (0• SCALE IN FEET PROJECT #2015-050-10 C/2 1►t7= z z W x w n z E-+ z O Q' W "THOFD O l r U JA S A. CA JR. LIC. NO. 0216 4 10-5-15 �SSIQNAL _��� DESIGNED BY: DATE: OCT. 5, 2015 SCALE 1"=30' SHEET 5 OF 12 Z J ,2 N 4& Lu Q w Z) 0. W J 11 I I T -Ii? IX I �. 1, ,� "Y' , . 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I f, I , I? / , , " " ,,, - , � I., � I i I NRC`S Runoff Calcuations (1, 2 & )0 vr-24 firstomi) . Project: 11RIDIX8111IR FARM T-LOWTO PROPOSED TIVIN'CULVERT N'RCS Runoff depth Equation Ol =.. (P - 1.) 2 0 = runoff depth (in) --, (P - 6) + S P = Rainfall Depth (in) l,= 02S S = 1000 -10 ON Modified MRCS Runoff Depth Equation a = (P -0,2 S)' _ (P +0.8 S) S = 1000 -10 60 = 6.67 la = InitalAbstration (in) S = Potential rm)drrurn retention after runoff ON = Curve Nurib,r P, = 3.0 1 yr 24 yr Rainfall depth (in) P2 = 3,6 2 yr 24 yr Rainfall depth (in) P10 = 5.5 10 yr 24 yr Rainfall depth (in) ON - 60 Curve Number 0, = ---0'33—,- . - . in = 0.02778 ft M CI 7.4 M CI 7.74. CHART 02 oz 0.58 in so 0.04793 ft V-4 -06$ 010 = 1.60 in = 0.13355 ft : ::4t 1 13.5 601 76- Runoff Volume. - 144 DA = 134.50 Drainage Area (Ac) DA= 5,858,820 _sf in •t- C . roof - ( DA x 43,560 sf) . -3,000 Q, = 162,745 —Cf 04 1400 $00 (ft) 02 = 280.796 —cf . 0.0545 Sao 1-11 1�11 0,0 = 782,428 —cf -71 0.1161 ChannellPlpe flow Segment ID I--, Peak Runoff 0 " Swale Pipe Diameter (in) qp =: q,j XAm x C - Am = 0.2102 Miles I - 1.0 -1.5 Z side slope z.1 1, III 1.33 = (0.20x S) C-- z -69 TC = 35 minutes W -1-5 I - - �Z) TC 0.58 hours 9 la /P = g q, = Use Te & la.P wA Exhibit 4-- for TR -55 Wrual V.- W W� I yr = 0.44 , W 1 yr= -290 Tt = U(3600*V); Compute Tt 0 0.209 2 yr = -0-,37 0 ,-1 W 2 yr = _350- - 2 - - 0 10 yr = 0,24 (hra) 10 yr = 550 Cd 9 - 0• . 20,32 cfs -60 6- - IL -1.0 -1.0 Ok = 4130 cfs 50 " ENTRANCE . a 010 = 151.55 cfs - . 0 SCALE 0 TYPE 1.0 5 - PROPOSED CULVERT CALCULATIONS: DRAINAGE AREA TO PROPOSED CULVERTS = 134.50 ACRS CN = 60 (ASSUMED TO BE 60 AS THE DRAINAGE AREA 15 SIMILAR IN TOPOGRAPHY AND GROUND COVER) Tc = 35 MINUTES FLOW CALCULATIONS SHOW HERE ON QI = 20.32 cfs Q2 = 42.30 cfs 010 = 151.55 cfs USE TWIN 36" RCP PIPE Q2 PER PIPE = 42.30 / 2 = 21.15 cfs QIO PER PIP'E = 151.55 / 2 = 75.5 cfs USING THE VDOT NOMOGRAPH FOR A RCP PIPE THE HEADWATER FOR THE CULVERTS ARE: 2 YEAR STORM HW/D = 0.70 14W = 0.70 X D = 0.70 x 3 = 2.1' 10 YEAR STORM HW/D = 1.8 HW = 1.8 X D = 1.8 X 3 = 54 AS THIS 15 A PRIVATE DRIVEWAY WITHIN THE SITE T14E PROPOSED TWIN 36" RCP SHALL BE ABLE TO ADEQUATELY CONVEY THE 2 YR STORM. Chapter 8 - Culverts Appendix 8C-1 Inlet Control, Circular Concrete Watershed #1 -9,000 M CI 7.4 M CI 7.74. CHART 10 7160 10,000 Surface description V-4 -06$ -9,000 EXAMPLE (1) (2) (3) . -166 : ::4t 1 13.5 601 76- Two -yr 24 -hr rainfall, P2 - 144 ::000 :. coo 920 Oo - & I -, . -139 - 4.0oo . in •t- C . roof - -5. . -3,000 -4. 411 2.4 " -5. . . -4. Source: HDS -5 1 of VD01rDrafriage Manual Time of Concentration Computations for Existing Conditions - Watershed and Sit( BRIDLESPUR FARM - Pre & Post develoned SUBBASIN I20 Watershed #1 -9,000 M CI 7.4 M CI 7.74. . . n- . Sheet Vow Segment ID 109 196 I to Surface description V-4 . - . . 3 Manning's roughness coed., n 0.240 Flow length, L 'D 1. 140 : - -3. Two -yr 24 -hr rainfall, P2 (in) 3.5 1,000 I . - 'S. - I Tt = [0.007(nL)A0.814(P2"0.5)(s'0.4)] (hr) 0.1194 800 ID . " Surface description 04 1400 $00 (ft) e---- — - —42—. Watercourse slope, s . 0.0545 Sao 1-11 1�11 " Tt = U(3600*V) -71 0.1161 ChannellPlpe flow Segment ID I--, -2. - 0 " Swale Pipe Diameter (in) I - X 0 - - 3*0 .11 I - 1.0 -1.5 Z side slope z.1 IS 5 1-� C-- z -69 � a too ,�- :�5� W -1-5 I - - �Z) LE - --- Channel slope, s III . . 9 -54 g /a V =(1.49*rIV3* SA112)/n; Compute V ., . V.- W W� - , W - I Tt = U(3600*V); Compute Tt 0 0.209 7" 0 ,-1 W - 0 2 - - 0 Lag Tc, 'nag = (0.6*Tc) (hra) - Cd 9 - 0 -12 0 -60 6- - IL -1.0 -1.0 ! * �0' 50 " ENTRANCE . a z , ,--, • - . 0 SCALE 0 TYPE 1.0 5 - W o- W 6 -30 0) 11"" oft. Ifis -,$ -.9 I 2 -33 Mo4`I`,,1I - a. ,9 - � 065 1 CO -4 -I.J 9— .oa `W,. - C W . - 30 Zd-n r. -.8 A 0 - - I - M a...• MA -.6 - 27 vloo . [ 10 . -24 4 - ' 77 6ro"OW1.11111-431"oloot . -9t 5 hork"taty If 1"10 it), t000 . -4 ..:.d#M ,1,lo,11.W IN. ft-"% D .d a —ft., or ;—. .. 3 "W".1"od. .6 - -.6 .6 -10 . -2 . -15 1.0 -.5 -.5 .5 — L it. HEADWATER DEPTH FOR CONCRETE PIPE CULVERT'S "EADWATER SCALES 263 MI"Rl!"a OF �Ic —" a.,w, REVISED MAV 1964 WITH INLET CONTROL Source: HDS -5 1 of VD01rDrafriage Manual Time of Concentration Computations for Existing Conditions - Watershed and Sit( BRIDLESPUR FARM - Pre & Post develoned SUBBASIN - Watershed #1 U- W 1"=400' Z) a_ Sheet Vow Segment ID U) LU I to Surface description V-4 Pasture Manning's roughness coed., n 0.240 Flow length, L (ft) 150 Two -yr 24 -hr rainfall, P2 (in) 3.5 Land slope, s (ft/ft) 0.067 Tt = [0.007(nL)A0.814(P2"0.5)(s'0.4)] (hr) 0.1194 Shallow concentrated flow Segment ID 2 to 3 Surface description — Pasture Flow length, L (ft) 2750 Watercourse slope, s (ft/ft) 0.0545 Average velocity, V (fps) 4.7 Tt = U(3600*V) (hr) 0.1161 ChannellPlpe flow Segment ID C:) 4 to 5 Swale Pipe Diameter (in) = Channel Data 0 bottom width (ft) 0.25 q side slope z.1 3 5 depth (ft) I Cross sectional low area, a 0 3.250 Wetted perimeter, Pw ;-4 Cd 6.675 Hydraulic radius, r = a/Pw �Z) 0.494 Channel slope, s (ft/ft) 0.0226 Manning's roughness coeff., n 0.028 V =(1.49*rIV3* SA112)/n; Compute V 0 6.001 Flow length, L (ft) 3760 Tt = U(3600*V); Compute Tt (hr) 0.209 Watershed Time of Concentration, Tc (hrs) 0.564 (min) 1 33.84 Lag Tc, 'nag = (0.6*Tc) (hra) 1 0.338 1 SOURCE: *Urban Hydrologyfor Small Watersheds,' 2nd Ed, (Technical Release Number 55), Natural Resources Conservation Service, Washington, DC, June 1986. NOTES: I. TOPOGRAPHY$ SOLS INFORMATION TAKEN FROM COUNTY GIS i . M- -- i -1 ll - -11----, '4 ' ' ' 00 200 0 400 500 SCALE IN FEET PROJECT -10 10--i z U) 1-1 0 :4 P4 " C) � 0-4 E---4 >^ E--4 11,._4 z � 0 C.) U 1-4 ;4 1.4 W E---4 P4 m = � -,!4 P-4 PC-, Ii. -4 �:D = C�d P -w W Oq " P4 -<� MM"' = E--4 P C/) .T .� W" = 9z -� 1!� " P4 ;T4 P4 E--1 U) !!� 0-4 Z = z = !!4 �> ►-4 P4 , JAS A. CA JR. I �-V LIC. N 0. 0 2 1=6 4 0 10-5-154' Ssj0 L z < -j -- ------ — CL DESIGNED BY: U) -6+ LU DATE: OCT. 5, 2015 r - cv_ < Ito U- W 1"=400' Z) a_ 03 U) LU r--11 17) V-4 cv_ 'o 0 W= PQ C,j in z 0 ►.4 ,--4 .M 0 1 P-4 . F-4 M bX --t 11-4 n 0 .,.4 r> I -0 C:) = to 0 , 0 q r" 5 PQ �1- Q X . . 0 = ;-4 Cd 9 �Z) P'.4 0 0) U) 0 0 M 0 V--4 I 0 U) 0 = 0 UD= C) ,..q "--I = M L.1 PQ pr -4 I Cd 9 Wr- P4 E 1---1 0 W M T-4 . - z , ,--, • W C:) C 4-j -n4 am) (V to ,-- 1 CO -4 -I.J ---7 0 - - I 0 0 - . P.4 it 4 P-4 U'D d+ ,6 10--i z U) 1-1 0 :4 P4 " C) � 0-4 E---4 >^ E--4 11,._4 z � 0 C.) U 1-4 ;4 1.4 W E---4 P4 m = � -,!4 P-4 PC-, Ii. -4 �:D = C�d P -w W Oq " P4 -<� MM"' = E--4 P C/) .T .� W" = 9z -� 1!� " P4 ;T4 P4 E--1 U) !!� 0-4 Z = z = !!4 �> ►-4 P4 , JAS A. CA JR. I �-V LIC. N 0. 0 2 1=6 4 0 10-5-154' Ssj0 L z < -j -- ------ — CL DESIGNED BY: U) -6+ LU DATE: OCT. 5, 2015 r - cv_ < - - - -- - � - ---- SCALE: U- W 1"=400' Z) a_ - SHEET 6 U) LU n-1 L OF 12 J cv_ 'o ►--, z 0 to a a Z O O� � w Cd � . 1 a 'bt ;-4 co 0 CTJc o 0m 0 �W w� .y..1 1--1 z.� Wct � ►� � o �R a kn di ►--, z 0 A a G� W E-+ M ►-, z z 1-4 P4 THOF� r ES A. CA= JR. UC. N0. 0216 4 10-5-151 DESIGNED BY: DATE: OCT. 5, 2015 SCALE: 1"=30' SHEET 6A OF 12 Z Q J OL N LU i a LL W J 0 C[1 PROJECT #2015-050-10 a a GA cn � w � Q A a G� W E-+ M ►-, z z 1-4 P4 THOF� r ES A. CA= JR. UC. N0. 0216 4 10-5-151 DESIGNED BY: DATE: OCT. 5, 2015 SCALE: 1"=30' SHEET 6A OF 12 Z Q J OL N LU i a LL W J 0 C[1 PROJECT #2015-050-10 GRAVEL DIAPHRAGM DETAIL t SPECIFICATIONS ���q..�j '^ a..$:"" E 1FL0% ,1 ..111 1 ! s'?1 3'\i �• fz '� ! :£„+ i. VA147F F ICU'," � 1 sem'( I MAY T_L,�_`V% IIB ,R"a.l F• L) E. fro, �•�y�� F £^� �q,y ,} ,�ggIl °5 1 q 2.� € 1 4 r. t •"---� iM....,.. 1 ..�..r _ y�:.,D g`. }`Y' � � 3 �:.. <.»�'_ '•�"f, tl�d a�R ��' �"� } ��_' ........»..�._. {"'p`1.�. ,+pIt°� •...�, ' js 4a cy.'.,',°�'.�-tray"I i I ppFF ...m; ...»M.P # 9:.m..., s ,,,_, ._. _.. �'P°.."""i £; ^^-'S%•• $."."".'j "S.m.._ €- (�"pei : �, S µ a.�-;,.�jf<.�. ,p} 1..�•�gb t #p_�._. a ........g[__.€a4-::°r-.j'''' i::2,..�:.;P:•., ¢,,-""':I t_: _ }r i ��a�,�:g.,.,p �. rla •fad. i[rgq • €€[„g "c4+,�t i g" �;!. •d'•, q:.:�4 ( { . � ....w"'�s �i �--•�w-r+s g £ • • , g p a .... � , i ~.p..- t h � f t.-� : 1� q tf a 'S 3 . 1 � !$ = g,t. s� _ " i I � �" w,J ^ 1 �} ; '�' .'�-� € € � �� l !:'�i�#� v" r»x �^r' 1 p € #"".'"".° ! tl. ,� r^°• . 1_._:1..x..� ., I Lit _.F ._;Il 1_c {a1 , 1_a�i1L,I� ~ -2-1 r- ;1, 1=.1.€µ#-„elw STI` �a £ •} E , g r ' $ r . " ( E ..,.. j p.,.,««.».. t t �,d {��@ Js.~- Iwr d 1 =?I#im _'i; l r;`'l y,k[„..'"._..ai. q ,r: T" §..._ l= _ GRAVEL DIAPHRAGM SHEET FLOW PRETREATMENT NTS GRAVEL DIAPHRAGMS: A PEA GRAVEL DIAPHRAGM AT THE TOP OF THE SLOPE IS REQUIRED FOR BOTH CONSERVED OPEN SPACE AND VEGETATED FILTER STRIPS THAT RECEIVE SHEETFLOW. THE PEA GRAVEL DIAPHRAGM IS CREATED BY EXCAVATING A 2 -FOOT WIDE AND I -FOOT DEEP TRENCH THAT RUNS ON THE SAME CONTOUR AT THE TOP OF THE FILTER STRIP. THE DIAPHRAGM SERVES TWO PURPOSES. FIRST, IT ACTS AS A PRETREATMENT DEVICE, SETTLING OUT SEDIMENT PARTICLES BEFORE THEY REACH THE PRACTICE. SECOND, IT ACTS AS A LEVEL SPREADER, MAINTAINING SHEET FLOW AS RUNOFF FLOWS OVER THE FILTER STRIP. ❑ THE FLOW SHOULD TRAVEL OVER THE IMPERVIOUS AREA AND TO THE PRACTICE AS SHEET FLOW AND THEN DROP AT LEAST 3 INCHES ONTO THE GRAVEL DIAPHRAGM. THE DROP HELPS TO PREVENT RUNOFF FROM RUNNING LATERALLY ALONG THE PAVEMENT EDGE, WHERE GRIT AND DEBRIS TEND TO BUILD UP (THUS ALLOWING BY-PASS OF THE FILTER STRIP). ❑ A LAYER OF FILTER FABRIC SHOULD BE PLACED BETWEEN THE GRAVEL AND THE UNDERLYING 501L TRENCH. ❑ IF THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA IS STEEP (6% SLOPE OR GREATER), THEN LARGER STONE (CLEAN BANKRUN GRAVEL THAT MEETS VDOT #57 GRADE) SHOULD BE USED IN THE DIAPHRAGM. ❑ IF THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA IS SOLELY TURF (E.G., SPORTS FIELD), THEN THE GRAVEL DIAPHRAGM MAY BE ELIMINATED. MATERIAL SPECIFICATION QUANTITY: GRAVEL DIAPHRAGM PEA GRAVEL (#S OR ASTM EQUIVALENT) OR WHERE STEEP (6% +) USE CLEAN BANK -RUN VDOT #57 OR ASTM EQUIVALENT (I -INCH MAXIMUM). DIAPHRAGM SHOULD BE 2 FEET WIDE, I FOOT DEEP, AND AT LEAST 3 INCHES BELOW THE EDGE OF PAVEMENT. CISTERN INFORMATION CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE t INSPECTION (PROP 60,000 GALLON MODULAR SYSTEM) SECTION 8: CONSTRUCTION 8.1. Construction Sequence It is advisable to have a single contractor to install the rainwater harvesting system, outdoor irrigation system and secondary runoff reduction practices. The contractor should be familiar with rainwater harvesting system sizing, installation, and placement. A licensed plumber is required to install the rainwater harvesting system components to the plumbing system. A standard construction sequence for proper rainwater harvesting system installation is provided below. This can be modified to reflect different rainwater harvesting system applications or expected site conditions. • Choose the tank location on the site • Route all downspouts or roof drains to pre-screening devices and first flush diverters • Y Pr•o erl install the tank Properly • Install the pump (if needed) and piping to end -uses (indoor, outdoor irrigation, or tank dewatering release) • Route all pipes to the tank • Stormwater should not be diverted to the raimvater harvesting system until the overflow filter path has been stabilized with vegetation. 8.2. Construction Inspection The following items should be inspected prior to final sign -off and acceptance of a rainwater harvesting system: • Rooftop area matches plans • Diversion system is properly sized and installed • Pretreatment system is installed • Mosquito screens are installed on all openings • Overflow device is directed as shown on plans • Rainwater harvesting system foundation is constructed as shown on plans • Catchment area and overflow area are stabilized • Secondary runoff reduction practice(s) is installed as shown on plans SECTION 9: MAINTENANCE 9.1. Maintenance Agreements Section 4 VAC 50-60-124 of the regulations specifies the circumstances under which a maintenance agreement must be executed between the owner and the local program. This section sets forth inspection requirements, compliance procedures if maintenance is neglected, notification of the local program upon transfer of ownership, and right -of -entry for local program personnel. All rainwater harvesting systems must be covered by a drainage easement to allow inspection and maintenance. The easement should include the tank, the filter path and any secondary runoff reduction practice. If the tank is located in a residential private lot, its existence and purpose must he noted on the deed of record. Homeowners will need to be provided a simple document that explains the purpose of the rainwater harvesting system and routine maintenance needs. Where legally binding maintenance agreements apply, they should specify the property owner's primary maintenance responsibility, require homeowners to pay to have their system inspected by a qualified third party inspector, and authorize the qualifying local program staff to access the property for inspection or corrective action in the event this is not done. 9.2. Maintenance Inspectioms All rainwater harvesting systems components should be inspected by the property owner in the Spring and the Fall each year. A comprehensive inspection by a qualified third party inspector should occur every third year. An example maintenance inspection checklist for Rainwater Harvesting can be accessed in Appendix C of Chapter 9 of the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook (2010). 9.3. Rainwater harvesting system Maintenance Schedule Maintenance requirements for rainwater harvesting systems vary according to use. Systems that are used to provide supplemental irrigation water have relatively low maintenance requirements, while systems designed for indoor uses have much higher maintenance requirements. Table 6.4 describes routine maintenancetasks to keep rainwater harvesting s sterns in working condition. Table 6.4. Suggested Maintenance Tasks for Rainwater harvesting systems Activity Frequency Keep gutters and downspouts free of leaves and other debris 0: Twice a year Inspect and cleanpre-screening devices and first flush diverters O: Four times a year Inspect and clean storage tank. lids, paying special attention to vents and screens on inflow and outflow spigots. Check mosquito screens and patch holes or gaps immedliatel O: Once a year Inspect condition of overflow pipes, overflow filter path and/or secondary runoff reduction practices 0: Once a year Inspect tank for sediment buildup I: Every third year Clear overhanging vegetation and trees over roof surface I: Eve third year Check integrity of backflow preventer 1 I: Every third year Inspect structural integrity of tank, pump,pipe and electricals stem 1: Every third year Replace damaged or defectives stem components t Every third year Key: O =Owner i = qualified third party inspector 6' Wide @ 1.67% SECTION 10: COMMUNITY & ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS Although rainwater harvesting is an ancient practice, it is enjoying a revival due to the inherent quality of rainwater and the many beneficial uses that it can provide (TWDB, 2005). Some common concerns associated) with rainwater harvesting that must be addressed during design include: 6Vinter Operation. Rainwater harvesting systems can be used throughout the year if they are located underground or indoors to prevent problems associated with freezing, ice formation and subsequent system damage. Alternately, an outdoor system can be used seasonally, or year round if special measures and design considerations are incorporated. See Section 7.4 for further guidance on winter operation of rainwater harvesting systems. Local Plumbing Codes. Designer and plan reviewers should consult local building codes to determine if they explicitly allow the use of harvested rainwater for toilet and urinal flushing. In the cases where a municipal backup supply is used, rainwater harvesting systems should be required to have backflow preventers or air gaps to keep harvested water separate from the main water supply. Pipes and spigots using rainwater must be clearly labeled as non -potable. Mosquitoes. in some situations, poorly designed rainwater harvesting systems can create habitat suitable for mosquito breeding and reproduction. Designers should provide screens on above - and below -ground tanks to /prevent mosquitoes and other insects from entering the tanks. If screening is not sufficient in deterring mosquitoes, dunks or pellets containing larvicide can be added to cisterns when water is intended for landscaping use. Child Safety. Above -grade residential rainwater harvesting systems cannot have unsecured openings large enough for children to enter the tank. For underground cisterns, manhole access should be secured to prevent unwanted access. GRASS SWALE CALCULATIONS Report Label Friction Method Roughness Coefficient Channel Slope (tuft) Normal Depth (ft) Left Side Slope (ft/ft (V:H)) Right Side Slope (ft/ft (V:H)) Bottom Width (ft) Discharge (fI Velocity (fUs) 6' Wide @ 4.00% Manning Formula 0.050 0.04000 0.06 3.00 3.00 6.00 0.37 0.95 6' Wide @ 1.67% Manning Formula 0.050 0.01670 0.08 3.00 3.00 6.00 0.37 0.73 8' Wide @ 3.00% Manning Formula 0.050 0.03000 0.15 3.00 3.00 8.00 1.76 1.44 �� I� %\ GRASS LINED 3' (MAX) j\ BOTTOM It SIDES MAX FLOW TOP OF DAM - 2-3FTMIN.- 8' WIDE CRASS BOTTOM SWALE NTS FV ELEV NOTCH WEIR WQV ELEVATION r FREE BOARD iu GRADE PROVIDE 1,12' WEEP HOLES WIDTH AS REIQUIRED BY DESIGN SECTiOI A A -A 18 IN. EPDXY COATED #5 REBAR NOTE: CHECK DAM CONSTRUCTED OF RAILROAD TIES, PRESSURE TREATED LOGS OR TIMBERS, OR CONCRETE. 455 450 445 WQ CHECK DAM (TYPICAL DETAIL) VA DEQ STORMWATER DESIGN SPECIFICATION NO. 3 TRAPEZOIDAL NOTCH WEIIR GRASS CHANNELS 13 1 MAX (5.1 OR 1 LESS PREFFERED) , CHANNEL WIDTH AS nEQUIRED BY DESIGN ;`,rC' -FLOW CHECK DAM SPACING AS REQUInEID_� BY DESIGN PLANVIEW 1 - 3 IN COURSE AGGREGATE, ROUNDED COBBLE, OR OTHER LINING AS DFSIGNEDiSIZED FOR STABILITY ( 3.1 MAX (51 OR LESS PREFFERED) A 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 CISTERN PROFILE SCALE: (H) 111=50' (V) 1"=5' 6' WIDE GRASS BOTTOM SWALE NTS GRASS SWALE FLOW CALCULATIONS USE THE RATIONAL METHOD TO CALCULATE THE RUNOFF FOR THE SWALES 6' WIDE SWALE DA = 1.06 AC C= 0.35 ( GRASS SURFACE) I = I in/hr Q = (0.35)(1)(1.06) = 0.37 cfs B' WIDE SWALE DA = 4.78 AC Cwt= 0.37 IMP = 0.20 AC @ O.qO PER = 4.58 AC @ 0.35 I = I in/hr Q = (0.37)(1)(4.78) = 1.76 cfs 6.6. Planting Grass Channels 8.2 Construction Inspection Designers should choose grass species that can withstand both wet and dry periods as well as relatively high -velocity flows within the channel. For applications along roads and parking lots, Inspections during construction are needed to ensure that the grass channel is built in accordance salt tolerant species should be chosen. Taller and denser grasses are preferable, though the with these specifications. An example construction phase inspection checklist for Grass Channels els species of grass is less important than good stabilization. For a list of grass species suitable for can be accessed at the Center for Watershed Protection website at: use in grass channels, consult the Virginia Erosion Control Handbook. http://www.cwp.org/Resource Library/Controlling Runoff and Discharges/sm.htm Grass channels should be seeded at such a density to achieve a 90 % tturf cover after the second (scroll to Too16: Plan Review, BMP Construction, and Maintenance Checklists) growing season. Grass channels should be seeded and not sodded. Seeding establishes deeper toots and sod may have muck soil that is not conducive to infiltratiorn (Wisconsin DNR, 2007). Some common pitfalls can be avoided by careful post -storm inspection of the grass channel: Grass channels should be protected by a biodegradable erosion (control fabric to provide immediate stabilization of the channel bed and banks. • Make sure the desired coverage of turf or erosion control fabric has been achieved following construction, both on the channel beds and their contributing side -slopes. 6.7. Grass Channel Material Specifications • inspect check dams and pre-treatment structures to make sure they are at correct elevations, The basic material specifications for grass channels are outlined in Table 3.4 below. are properly installed, and are working effectively. • Make sure outfall protection/energy dissipation at concentrated inflows are stable, Table 3.4. Grass Channel Materials Specifications The real test of a grass swale occurs after its first big storm. Minor adjustments are normally needed as part of this post -storm inspection (e.g., spot reseeding, gully repair, added armoring at Component Specification PROPOSED FINISHED FLOOR I PROP. 558.75 appropriate species or mixture of species is based on several factors including ...... Grass have the following characteristics: a deep root system to resist scouring; a high � stem density with well -branched top growth; water -tolerance; resistance to being GRADE flattened by runoff; an ability to recover growth following inundation; and, if receiving SHEET 6B runoff from roadways, salt -tolerance. wz E �� gabions, riprap, or concrete. All check dams should be underlain with filter fabric conforming to local design standards. Check Dams • Wood used for check dams should consist of pressure treated logs or timbers, r-� or water-resistant tree species such as cedar, hemlock, swamp oak or locust. • Computation of check dam material is necessary„ based on the surface area and depth used in the design computations.(see Appendix A of this design •Cd specification), f..L� Pea gravel used to construct pre-treatment diaphragms should consist of washed, Diaphragm I I ROOF' DRAIN IN' t3" MIN Where flow velocities dictate, biodegradable erosion control netting or mats that are Erosion Control durable enough to last at least two growing seasons must be used, conforming to Fabric Standard and Specification 3.36 of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. O PROP 45 al' ED MOLLAIR -x_44 56.'. CISTERN L_x .5 " H Mullen Burst Strength (ASTM D3786): a 225 lbs./sq. in. Flow Rate (ASTM D4491): >_ 125 gpm/sq. ft. Apparent Opening Size ASTM D4751): US #70 or #80 sieve g c4 Pq C0 o+ M 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 CISTERN PROFILE SCALE: (H) 111=50' (V) 1"=5' 6' WIDE GRASS BOTTOM SWALE NTS GRASS SWALE FLOW CALCULATIONS USE THE RATIONAL METHOD TO CALCULATE THE RUNOFF FOR THE SWALES 6' WIDE SWALE DA = 1.06 AC C= 0.35 ( GRASS SURFACE) I = I in/hr Q = (0.35)(1)(1.06) = 0.37 cfs B' WIDE SWALE DA = 4.78 AC Cwt= 0.37 IMP = 0.20 AC @ O.qO PER = 4.58 AC @ 0.35 I = I in/hr Q = (0.37)(1)(4.78) = 1.76 cfs 6.6. Planting Grass Channels 8.2 Construction Inspection Designers should choose grass species that can withstand both wet and dry periods as well as relatively high -velocity flows within the channel. For applications along roads and parking lots, Inspections during construction are needed to ensure that the grass channel is built in accordance salt tolerant species should be chosen. Taller and denser grasses are preferable, though the with these specifications. An example construction phase inspection checklist for Grass Channels els species of grass is less important than good stabilization. For a list of grass species suitable for can be accessed at the Center for Watershed Protection website at: use in grass channels, consult the Virginia Erosion Control Handbook. http://www.cwp.org/Resource Library/Controlling Runoff and Discharges/sm.htm Grass channels should be seeded at such a density to achieve a 90 % tturf cover after the second (scroll to Too16: Plan Review, BMP Construction, and Maintenance Checklists) growing season. Grass channels should be seeded and not sodded. Seeding establishes deeper toots and sod may have muck soil that is not conducive to infiltratiorn (Wisconsin DNR, 2007). Some common pitfalls can be avoided by careful post -storm inspection of the grass channel: Grass channels should be protected by a biodegradable erosion (control fabric to provide immediate stabilization of the channel bed and banks. • Make sure the desired coverage of turf or erosion control fabric has been achieved following construction, both on the channel beds and their contributing side -slopes. 6.7. Grass Channel Material Specifications • inspect check dams and pre-treatment structures to make sure they are at correct elevations, The basic material specifications for grass channels are outlined in Table 3.4 below. are properly installed, and are working effectively. • Make sure outfall protection/energy dissipation at concentrated inflows are stable, Table 3.4. Grass Channel Materials Specifications The real test of a grass swale occurs after its first big storm. Minor adjustments are normally needed as part of this post -storm inspection (e.g., spot reseeding, gully repair, added armoring at Component Specification cc A dense cover of water -tolerant, erosion -resistant grass. The selection of an appropriate species or mixture of species is based on several factors including climate, soil type, topography, and sun or shade tolerance. Grass species should Grass have the following characteristics: a deep root system to resist scouring; a high � stem density with well -branched top growth; water -tolerance; resistance to being 0. N flattened by runoff; an ability to recover growth following inundation; and, if receiving SHEET 6B runoff from roadways, salt -tolerance. wz • Check dams should be constructed of a non-erosive material such as wood, �� gabions, riprap, or concrete. All check dams should be underlain with filter fabric conforming to local design standards. Check Dams • Wood used for check dams should consist of pressure treated logs or timbers, r-� or water-resistant tree species such as cedar, hemlock, swamp oak or locust. • Computation of check dam material is necessary„ based on the surface area and depth used in the design computations.(see Appendix A of this design •Cd specification), f..L� Pea gravel used to construct pre-treatment diaphragms should consist of washed, Diaphragm open -graded, course aggregate between 3 and 10 mm in diameter and must conform to local design standards. 1H c Where flow velocities dictate, biodegradable erosion control netting or mats that are Erosion Control durable enough to last at least two growing seasons must be used, conforming to Fabric Standard and Specification 3.36 of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. O Needled, non -woven, polypropylene geotextile meeting the following specifications: Filter Fabric Grab Tensile Strength (ASTM D4632): 2:120 lbs (check dams) Mullen Burst Strength (ASTM D3786): a 225 lbs./sq. in. Flow Rate (ASTM D4491): >_ 125 gpm/sq. ft. Apparent Opening Size ASTM D4751): US #70 or #80 sieve inlets, or realignment of outfalls and check dams), SECTION 9: MAINTENANCE 9.1 Maintenance Agreements Section 4 VAC 50-60-124 of the regulations specifies the circumstances under which a maintenance agreement must be executed between the owner and the local program. This section sets forth inspection requirements, compliance procedures if maintenance is neglected, notification of the local program upon transfer of ownership, and right -of -entry for local program personnel. All grass channels must be covered by a drainage easement to allow inspection and maintenance. If a grass channel is located in a residential private lot, the existence and purpose of the grass channel shall be noted on the deed of record. Homeowners will need to be provided a simple document that explains their purpose and routine maintenance needs. A deed restriction or other 1 program must be in lace to help ensure that mechanism enforceable by the qualifying loco p og p p grass channels are maintained with proper line and grade. The mechanism should, if possible, grant authority for local agencies to access the property for inspection or corrective action. 9.2. Maintenance Inspections Annual inspections are used to trigger maintenance operations such as sediment removal, spot re - vegetation and inlet stabilization. Several key maintenance inspection points are detailed in _ Table 3.5. Ideally, inspections should be conducted in the spring of each year. Example maintenance inspection checklists for Grass Channels can be accessed in Appendix C of Chapter 9 of the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook (2010) or at the CWP website at: SECTION 8: CONSTRUCTION hfp://www.cwp.org/Resource Library/Controlling Runoff and Discharges/sm.htm 8.1. Construction Sequence (scroll to Too16: Plan Review, BMP Construction, and Maintenance Checklists) 9.3. Ongoing Maintenance The following is a typical construction sequence to properly install a grass channel, although steps may be modified to reflect different site conditions. Grass channels should be installed at a Once established, grass channels have minimal maintenance needs outside of the spring clean up, time of year that is best to establish turf cover without irrigation. Sonne local agencies restrict regular mowing, repair of check dams and other measures to maintain the hydraulic efficiency of planting to the following periods of time: February 15 through April 15 and September 15 the channel and a dense, healthy grass cover. through November 15. Step l: Protection during Site Construction. Ideally, grass channels slhould remain outside the limit of disturbance during construction to prevent soil compaction by heavy equipment. the drainage system at However, this is seldom practical, given that the channels are a key art of P ,g YP g Y most sites. In these cases, tem ora E&S controls such as dikes, silt fences and other erosion P rY control measures should be integrated into the swale design throughout the construction sequence. Specifically, barriers should be installed at key check dam locations, and erosion control fabric shoud be used to protect the channel. Step 2. Grass channel installation may only begin after the entire contributing drainage area has been stabilized with vegetation. Any accumulation of sediments that does occur within tine channel must be removed during the final stages of grading to achieve the design cross-section. Erosion and sediment controls for construction of the grass channel should be installed as specified in the erosion and sediment control plan. Stormwater flows must not be permitted into the grass channel until the bottom and side slopes are fully stabilized. Step 3. Grade the grass channel to the final dimensions shown on the plan. Step 4. Install check dams, driveway culverts and internal pre-treatment features as shown on the plan. Fill material used to construct check dams should be placed in 8- to 12 -inch lifts and compacted to prevent settlement. The top of each check dam should be constructed level at the design elevation. Step S (Optional). Till the bottom of the channel .to a depth of 1 foot and incorporate compost amendments according to Stormwater Design Specification No. 4. Step 6. Add soil amendments as needed, hydro -seed the bottom and banks of the grass channel, and peg in erosion control fabric or blanket where needed. After initial ]planting, a biodegradable erosion control fabric should e i Standard and Specification 3.36 of the b used, conforming to Sta p Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. Step 7. Prepare planting holes for any trees and shrubs, then plant materials as shown in the landscaping plan and water them weekly in the first two months. The construction contract should include a Care and Replacement Warranty to ensure vegetation is properly established and survives during the first growing season following construction. Step 8. Conduct the final construction inspection and develop a punchlist for facility acceptance. Table 3.5. Suggested Spring Maintenance Inspections/Cleanups for Grass Channels Yr - YSt <t- Add reinforcement planting to maintain 90% turf cover. Reseed any salt -killed vegetation. Remove any accumulated sand or sediment deposits behind check dams. Inspect upstream and downstream of check dams for evidence of undercutting or erosion, and remove and trash or blockages at wee holes. Examine channel bottom for evidence of erosion, braiding, excessive ponding or dead grass. Check inflow points for clogging and remove any sediment. Inspect side slopes and grass filter strips for evidence of any rill or gully erosion and re air. Look for any bare soil or sediment sources in the contributing drainage area and stabilize immediately. PROJECT #2015-050-10 ,TH OF y ES A. CA= JR. LIC. N0. 0216 4 l0-5-15�4 uNAL r'' Q - -- - - -- IL DESIGNED BY: .d• W DATE: cc W_ LL SCALE: r' fn � 0. N SHEET 6B wz D �� r-� z •Cd f..L� p,, • ta0 dam+ 1H c 1--I O Pq C0 M CU tr--! co o � � b OM o 0 r-(� W Z Z.� W � ►� a, ao •� 4 LCJ t ,TH OF y ES A. CA= JR. LIC. N0. 0216 4 l0-5-15�4 uNAL r'' Q - -- - - -- IL DESIGNED BY: .d• W DATE: OCT. 5, 2015 W_ LL SCALE: 1"=30' Z) 0. N SHEET 6B D OF 12 Z Q J CL N ,- LU I 'Q LL IL N LL1 J 0 fY CQ PROJECT #2015-050-10 nage JnV-rv;ous Cover (acres) 0.00 1 1 Runoff Reduction Method New Development Worksheet - v2.8 - June 2014 Drainage Area A Post Development TP Load (lb/yr) 28.00 Post DevelopmentTN Load (ib/yr) 36,18 Site Data Summary Drainage Area A Land Cover acres s B Sails C Soils D Sails Totals Lana Cover Rv Total Rainfall= 43 inches 4 a, Grass Channel AIB Softs (Spec #3) E 22.56 �i�o' 2.75 0.00 25.31 0.03 20°6 runoff vo i4"P.: €: 'Jr Forest Open Space (acres) .00 00 1.50 0 00 0,00 1.50 02Qd 10% runoff. w Summary Turf {acres)1 turf acres draining to grass impervious acres draining to 40% runoff volume reduction 0.4fl 0 OO 0 19 09 5 Phosphorus Site Land Cover nage JnV-rv;ous Cover (acres) 0.00 1 1 0 00 0.00 Post Development TP Load (lb/yr) 28.00 Post DevelopmentTN Load (ib/yr) 36,18 Post Development Treatment Volume (cf) 8049 -6.42 __.._.__. _ ", ',`u' •':'wL ; 2 :. ; � •. 4 a, Grass Channel AIB Softs (Spec #3) E Total ... ».. .osi..me .,...,. ^:A,,:,"SA.....,.-.-a...s=.. 1K To Rainwater Harvesting (SPec_#6 _ Impervious acres captured 20°6 runoff vo i4"P.: €: 'Jr ..2 :-: , ." , _ _._. 0 20 Reduce in Drainage Area_.. 10% runoff. w O.flO 4.b. Grass Channel CID Soils (Spec #3) turf acres draining to grass impervious acres draining to 40% runoff volume reduction 0.4fl 0 OO 0 channels Phosphorus Untreated A ! RUnoff RedUCtlOtl P�aC1:i _ . _. © 0 304k runoff voturne 25 0.00 turf acres draining to grass 0,00 t 0.00 Load from Phosphorus Phaspharus Remaining i acres dFSCOMeC-Ed for treated area 0,4Q 0.00 O O Credit Area Volume from Upstream RR Runoff Remaining Runoff Phosphorus Upstream RR Load to Pract€ce lbs. Removed By Practice lbs. Phosphorus Load ibs. Downstream Treatment to be Employed W G) � - - dry sr ate 60% runoff +plume r -duct vn ­7' Desai ion of Credit Credit acres Practice c Reduction Valurne c E#ficien "f. Practices Ibis 5,b, Dry Swat- #2 (Spec #10) ru 0 Practice l Unit 77 0.00 O1 drain" to d swan 600 unoff wturu reduction 0 6fl 0 00 U)O CA o _ T� 7777 7777777777 turf acres I Y S :'o E acres of perrrvabie pavement - . e: 0 25 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.007 0,001.a. 450,k runoff volume reduction 0.45 #5 arras of reen roof 11 runoff 45% volume reduction �. 0 0.45 00 O 0 00 O.Ofl i envious vement 0 00 0 0.40 ____ _.. _ _ --- - -... _ -- Ve tatcd Roof #1 S Cn dj 25 0.00 0.41 i 0.33 0.08 Q.a. Grass Channel Avg Sa€ts 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4gt 164 0.40 (i.Ofl 0 acres of Teen roof 6046 runoff wfurne reduction 0-60 {100 0 0 biorelention <6 i 0 0 50 0.00 0.00 1.b, Ve rated Roof #2 S #5).. 0 00 Impervious acres draining to 80% runoff volume reduction 0.$0 000 0 6.b- H;oretention #2 (Spec #91 bioretention tort acres draining to fl.00 (} () 0 50 0.00 0.00 0.00 W. bioretention 804"0 runoff whirr reduction 0.80 ,y 50% runoff volume reduct on 0 0 0 0= 0.00 0.00 0.00 41 2.a, Simple Disconnection to AIB Soils (Spec , ? ; Nous acres disconnected for treated area 0.50 i - m .w.w:eek.+n.da.m°._,bm..^a.-vow.-,«s.�.:.m»,m... 000 0 0 25 0.00 0.00 l 0.00 0.00 } impervious acres draining 50% runoff wlurre reduction 0.50 000 0 #1 2596 runoff volume reduction 7,a. Infiltration #1 (Spec #8)0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 turf acres drain;n to infiltration 50°6 runoff vo?ume reduction 2.6. Simple Disconnection to CID Sells (Spec i i rfious acres disconnected for treated area 0.25 000 0.00 impervious acres drainirg to 0.90 0"00 0 0 0 25 0.00 0.00 0.00 #1 infr;tration 9090 runoff volumere_ducteo n 500lc runoff volume reduction 0-00 0.04 0 7.b. infiltralion##2(Spec#8} 0 0.00 fl.00 0.00 0.00 - i 2.e. To Soli Amended Filter Path as per 4 #4)rrrvlous acres disconnected _ #or treate area _._ .. . 0.50 0 OQ _..0 _."0 0.00 specif€cations (ex;stina Ci0 soi;s} (Spec 50°6 runoff volume reduction. 0 0 0 25 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.d. To Dry Wen or French Drain #1 € impervious acres disconnected for treated area 0.50 0.00. ,.. .. __ �.. 0,00 150.00 ... :..,... .. _ . _- 8.a_ ED #i (Spec #15} 1 0 0 15 f ilicroinfiiration #1 (Spec #8 0.00 900% runoff volume reduction 0.00 I turf acres drainin to ED 0% runoff volume reduction 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 25 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 t? 0 2.e. To Dry Well or French Drain #2 (fAcro- i; rvious acres disconnected for treated area 090 0.00 0,00 0 s 8.b. ED #2 (Spec #15) ---- -- -- tnfitration #2 S #8 15 0.00 , .. .. 0.00 0.00 O QO _.... _. .... ....... . _.. ,...,. „ i turf acres dra;Hing�ED 1596 runoff volume induction 0 25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 2,f. To Rain Garden #1 (Micro-Bioretertion i acres disconnected 400tH of volume ca red 0.40 ` 0.00 © 0 Impervious acres drain;r>g to 75% runoff volume reduction 4 0 0 0 0 #1 S c rvious 80% runoff volume reduction 0.00 i conserved a n s pace for treated area 0 0 0 50 0,00 4,OQ 0-fl0 0-00 9.a. Sheetfiow to conservation Area with AIH ;turf acres draining to conserved 75% runoff volume reduction t? 75.__. (?: 0 2.g. To Ra;n Garden #2 (Micro-Bioretention , if rvious acres disconnected for treated area 0,80 000 _ ._. Soiis(Spec_#2}.�._�_.__i__..__ for treated area __aPensirace____... _ -. - 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Forest A Soiis B Soils C Soils B Soils 0.00 22.56 2. 5 , 0,; 0.00 1.50 0.00 0.1 0.00 1.19 0.00 O.l Site Rv 0,08 Post Development Treatment Volume (ft3) 8049 Post Development TP Load (lb/yr) 5.06 Post DevelopmentTN Load (ib/yr) 36,18 Total TP Load Reduction Required (ib/yr) -6.42 Total Runoff Volume Reduction (W) 2270 Total TP Load Reduction Achieved (lb/yr) 2 Total TN Load Reduction Achieved (lb/yr) 20.93 Adjusted Post Development TP Load (Iblyr) 3.52 Remalning Phosphorous Load Reduction (Lb/yr) Required 0.00 Drainage Area Summ�r� #2 (Spec #9).based on tank size and It Impervious 1 80 ! fl 95 0.84 None _ _... .mow ,.�_... reduction 0.20 164 102 407 15 0.08 0.22 09 0.34 0,10lurne .6 reduction 0.20 1.10 0 160 639 Zi 0.04 Q.00 _ o,.or� p-oi� _ 15 _ ... �_.. 4,10 0.0Q ._.... tome reduction �. _....0 .. reduction 0.10 OQ 4 0 Q 15 O.OQ 0.00 0.00 0.00 reduction 0.30 0 00 0 0 0 15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 � 0.00 0.30 0.00 0 O 0 15 0.00 0.00 0.00 e �1 design spreadsheet (See0.00 Total % of Total 0.53 $? 0 1517 _'1345 _ _. _. __.._.__. _ ", ',`u' •':'wL ; 2 :. ; � •. 4 a, Grass Channel AIB Softs (Spec #3) E a -- turf a --res grass gaCresdraining ... ».. .osi..me .,...,. ^:A,,:,"SA.....,.-.-a...s=.. 1K To Rainwater Harvesting (SPec_#6 _ Impervious acres captured 20°6 runoff vo i4"P.: €: 'Jr ..2 :-: , ." , _ _._. 0 20 grass channels 10% runoff. w O.flO 4.b. Grass Channel CID Soils (Spec #3) turf acres draining to grass impervious acres draining to 40% runoff volume reduction 0.4fl 0 OO 0 channels 10% runoff wiume 40% runoff volume reduction Impervious acres draining M 0 © 0 304k runoff voturne 25 0.00 turf acres draining to grass 0,00 t 0.00 0.00 0.00 hannels 2,;. To Stormwater Pbrter (Urban i acres dFSCOMeC-Ed for treated area 0,4Q 0.00 O O 0.00 ., B;oretention (Spec #9, Appendix A) 1 TViaUS 0 40 O.QO _ Q.00 0.00 W G) � - - dry sr ate 60% runoff +plume r -duct vn ­7' _ a Co U ow i 0,00 0.00 5,b, Dry Swat- #2 (Spec #10) ru 0 0 0 77 0.00 O1 drain" to d swan 600 unoff wturu reduction 0 6fl 0 00 U)O CA o m T� 7777777777 turf acres I Y S :'o E acres of perrrvabie pavement - . e: 0 25 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.a, Permeable Pavement #1 (Spec #7) acres of "e dermr (upgradient) 450,k runoff volume reduction 0.45 0 00 O 0 �. 0 0 25 0:0(}_ 0,00 O.Ofl i envious vement 0 00 0 0.40 ____ _.. _ _ --- - -... _ -- _ Cn dj 25 0.00 0.41 i 0.33 0.08 Q.a. Grass Channel Avg Sa€ts 3.b. Permeable Pavement #2 (Spec #7) acres of rmeabte vemant 75% runoff volume reduction 0,75 0 1 0 4gt 164 0.40 (i.Ofl 0 0 {} biorelention <6 i 0 0 50 .mow ,.�_... reduction 0.20 164 102 407 15 0.08 0.22 09 0.34 0,10lurne .6 reduction 0.20 1.10 0 160 639 Zi 0.04 Q.00 _ o,.or� p-oi� _ 15 _ ... �_.. 4,10 0.0Q ._.... tome reduction �. _....0 .. reduction 0.10 OQ 4 0 Q 15 O.OQ 0.00 0.00 0.00 reduction 0.30 0 00 0 0 0 15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 � 0.00 0.30 0.00 0 O 0 15 0.00 0.00 0.00 e �1 C Soils D Soils Total % of Total 0.04 0.22 W impervious ing to 25.31 90.39 59 Forest (acres) ras 20% runoff w fume ", ',`u' •':'wL ; 2 :. ; � •. 4 a, Grass Channel AIB Softs (Spec #3) E a -- turf a --res grass gaCresdraining 0.00 1.19 ... ».. .osi..me .,...,. ^:A,,:,"SA.....,.-.-a...s=.. x:w,..,7~ c 20°6 runoff vo i4"P.: €: 'Jr ..2 :-: , ." , impervious to 0 0 20 grass channels 10% runoff. w O.flO 4.b. Grass Channel CID Soils (Spec #3) turf acres draining to grass impervious acres draining to 40% runoff volume reduction 0.4fl 0 OO 0 channels 10% runoff wiume Impervious acres draining M 5.3. Dry Swain #i (Spec #10) 4,c, Grass Channel with Compost Amended grass channels 304k runoff voturne 0 Soiis as per specs (see Spec #4) turf acres draining to grass 0.00 0,00 0.00 hannels 30% runoff vo lume reduction A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total % of Total 0.04 0.22 O.W 22.56 2.75 0.00 25.31 90.39 59 Forest (acres) 0,00 1.50 .. ... i...,.,w-.�•--«.....::.i..,w..aas.•ea-.,<.,.....wir-dr...kww3_, ", ',`u' •':'wL ; 2 :. ; � •. .....o...-+«» s+�^:',,._.,.k: .." .. .. . Braine a Area Comrtliance Summat�f TP Load Red, {lbjyr) TN toad Red. (lb/yr) Drainage Area A Summary land Coversummary Virginia Runoff Reduction Method New Development Worksheet • v2.8 - June 2014 Update sumirtary Sheet To be used W/ 2011 BMP Standards and Specifications Site Data Print Project Name: BRIDLESPUR FARM Total 25,3 1.5 i.1 28.0 D.A. A D.A. B 1 D.A. G I D-. A. D I B.A. E 1.191 0.00 �� ====MEN Date: October 2015 "w- data input cells % of Total calculation cells 90,39 constant Values 5.36 4.25 100.05 1. Post-DeVelopment Project & Land Cover Information Constants Annual Rainfall (inches) N 43 - Target Rainfall Event (inches) 1.00 Phosphorus EMC (rriglL} 0.26 Nitrogen EMC {mg1L} 1.86 0 Target Phosphorus Target Load i(lb/acre/yr) 41 Pi 0.90 Land Cover acres C Soils D Soils Totals A sails B Soils Forest/Open Space (acres) -- undisturbed„ 22.56 2,75 0 00 25.31 protected forest/open space or reforested land 0.00 Managed Turf (acres) -- disturbed, graded for 0 00 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.50 yards or other turf to be mowed/managed 0.00 0,00 1.19 Impervious Cover (acres) 0 00 - 1 " 1 28.00 Total Total 25.31 1.50 RV Coefficients 1.19 28.00 EMana st/ n Space ed Turf e ous Cover Total 1,54 20.93 Land Cover Surnma ForesVO en S ace Cover We) kited forest alp Forest A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total % of Total 0.04 0.22 O.W 22.56 2.75 0.00 25.31 90.39 59 Forest (acres) 0,00 1.50 .. ... i...,.,w-.�•--«.....::.i..,w..aas.•ea-.,<.,.....wir-dr...kww3_, ", ',`u' •':'wL ; 2 :. ; � •. .....o...-+«» s+�^:',,._.,.k: .." «»-...,«. .». 0.00 1.19 ... ».. .osi..me .,...,. ^:A,,:,"SA.....,.-.-a...s=.. x:w,..,7~ l "' ' i4"P.: €: 'Jr ..2 :-: , ." , �....'��w.»...�.-..•a.. 0 0 20 0.00 0.00 O.flO 0.00 I impervious acres draining to 40% runoff volume reduction 0.4fl 0 OO 0 I 5.3. Dry Swain #i (Spec #10) dry swate 0 0 0 2€} 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 i ' turf acres dra€n;no to dr vinare 404'o runoff volume reduction 0.40 0 OO t! O O 0.00 imperviousacresdrainingto 0.60 0OQ 0 0 0 40 O.QO _ Q.00 0.00 W G) � - - dry sr ate 60% runoff +plume r -duct vn ­7' _ a Co U 0,00 i 0,00 0.00 5,b, Dry Swat- #2 (Spec #10) ru 0 0 0 dO 0.00 O1 drain" to d swan 600 unoff wturu reduction 0 6fl 0 00 U)O CA o m T� 7777777777 turf acres I Y S Z - . e: ...�, W _ G.i LCJ �. 0 0 25 0:0(}_ 0,00 O.Ofl ( impervious acres draininxg to € 40% runoff volume reduction 0 00 0 0.40 ____ _.. _ _ --- - -... _ -- _ Cn dj 6.a. Sioretention #1 or Urban Sioretention bioratQn#on �-_--,-- �- -- .-__.._._ ..... 25 4.QQ Q.00 t 0.00 0.00 (Spec #9) : turf acres draining to 40% runoff volume reduction 0.40 (i.Ofl 0 0 {} biorelention 0 0 50 0.00 0.00 0,00 0 00 Impervious acres draining to 80% runoff volume reduction 0.$0 000 0 6.b- H;oretention #2 (Spec #91 bioretention tort acres draining to fl.00 (} () 0 50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 bioretention 804"0 runoff whirr reduction 0.80 ,<, 41 i - m .w.w:eek.+n.da.m°._,bm..^a.-vow.-,«s.�.:.m»,m... ^ to - 0 0 25 0.00 0.00 l 0.00 0.00 impervious acres draining 50% runoff wlurre reduction 0.50 000 0 7,a. Infiltration #1 (Spec #8)0.00 iniiitration 0 (1 25 0.00 0.00 j 0.00 0.00 turf acres drain;n to infiltration 50°6 runoff vo?ume reduction 0.5fl 0.00 0.00 impervious acres drainirg to 0.90 0"00 0 0 0 25 0.00 0.00 0.00 infr;tration 9090 runoff volumere_ducteo n 0-00 0.04 0.00 7.b. infiltralion##2(Spec#8} 0 0 0 25 0.00 i turf acres drainin to inf€trat;an 90% :0 runoff volume reduction 0.90 000 0.00 0.00 impervious acres dra;Hing to 0% runoff voiume reduction 0.00. ,.. .. __ �.. .._ -t-) 150.00 ... :..,... .. _ . _- 8.a_ ED #i (Spec #15} _ i 0 0 15 Q,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I turf acres drainin to ED 0% runoff volume reduction 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 impervious acres draining to 0.15 0.00 t? 0 0 15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 tome reduction ED 15 /0 runoff vo�.� 8.b. ED #2 (Spec #15) ---- -- -- 0p 15 0.00 , .. .. 0.00 0.00 O QO _.... _. .... ....... . _.. ,...,. „ i turf acres dra;Hing�ED 1596 runoff volume induction 0.15 000 ._... _.. ` Impervious acres drain;r>g to 75% runoff volume reduction 4 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 i 0.00 0.00 i conserved a n s pace for treated area 0 75 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 9.a. Sheetfiow to conservation Area with AIH ;turf acres draining to conserved 75% runoff volume reduction t? 75.__. (?: 0 4 _ ._. Soiis(Spec_#2}.�._�_.__i__..__ for treated area __aPensirace____... _ -. - 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 impervious acres draining to 50% runoff volume reduction 0 50 000 0 0 0 conserved open space fortreated area 0 0.00 0.00 i 0.00 0.00 9 b Sl,eeftw to Conservation Area vAh CID -turf acres draining to conserved 50% runoff reduction volume 0.50 000 0 0 0 Soils S C #2 D n ca #bf treated arca impervious acres draining to 50°6 runoff volume reduction 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 : 4 t 0.00 0.00 fir treated area 9.c. Sheetflow to Vegetated Filter Strip in A ---------•---- me 0.5 000 0 0.00 0.00 i fl.fl0 0.00 Soils or Compost Amender" B;CiD Sod 50°/o runo ff reduction s edreduction volu 0.50 0-00 fl 0 0 S c #2 g } I turf acres draining t©fi_lter strip for trQated area TOTAL IMPERVIOUS COVER TREATED (ac)1.12 TOTAL TURF AREA TREATED (ac) 1,10 :7i AREA CHECK OK. TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL REQUIRED ON SITE (iblyr) TOTAL RUNOFF REDUCTION IN D,A, A (d) 6.42 11 2.270 PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL FROM RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A, A (Ibly€r) Braine a Area Comrtliance Summat�f TP Load Red, {lbjyr) TN toad Red. (lb/yr) Drainage Area A Summary land Coversummary Virginia Runoff Reduction Method New Development Worksheet • v2.8 - June 2014 Update sumirtary Sheet To be used W/ 2011 BMP Standards and Specifications Site Data Print Project Name: BRIDLESPUR FARM Total 25,3 1.5 i.1 28.0 D.A. A D.A. B 1 D.A. G I D-. A. D I B.A. E 1.191 0.00 �� ====MEN Date: October 2015 "w- data input cells % of Total calculation cells 90,39 constant Values 5.36 4.25 100.05 1. Post-DeVelopment Project & Land Cover Information Constants Annual Rainfall (inches) N 43 - Target Rainfall Event (inches) 1.00 Phosphorus EMC (rriglL} 0.26 Nitrogen EMC {mg1L} 1.86 0 Target Phosphorus Target Load i(lb/acre/yr) 41 Pi 0.90 Land Cover acres C Soils D Soils Totals A sails B Soils Forest/Open Space (acres) -- undisturbed„ 22.56 2,75 0 00 25.31 protected forest/open space or reforested land 0.00 Managed Turf (acres) -- disturbed, graded for 0 00 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.50 yards or other turf to be mowed/managed 0.00 0,00 1.19 Impervious Cover (acres) 0 00 - 1 " 1 28.00 Total Total 25.31 1.50 RV Coefficients 1.19 28.00 EMana st/ n Space ed Turf e ous Cover Total 1,54 20.93 Land Cover Surnma ForesVO en S ace Cover We) kited forest alp Forest BMR Sf leldigl s Practice Credit Area Downstream (acres) Practice Total impervious Cover Treated (acres) 1,12 Total Turf Area Treated (/acres) 1.16 Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in B.A. A (lb/y1.54 Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. A (Ib/yr) 20.93 Protection Channel and Flood Target Rainfall Event (in D.A. A CN D.A. B CN D.A, C CN D.A. D CN D.A, E CN Site Results Weighted CN A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total % of Total 0.04 0.22 O.W 22.56 2.75 0.00 25.31 90.39 59 Forest (acres) 0,00 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.50 5.36 #N/A Turf (acres) 0.00 1.19 0.00 0.00 4.25 #N/A Impervious (acres) 0 #N/A 28.00 BMR Sf leldigl s Practice Credit Area Downstream (acres) Practice Total impervious Cover Treated (acres) 1,12 Total Turf Area Treated (/acres) 1.16 Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in B.A. A (lb/y1.54 Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. A (Ib/yr) 20.93 Protection Channel and Flood Target Rainfall Event (in D.A. A CN D.A. B CN D.A, C CN D.A. D CN D.A, E CN Site Results Weighted CN 1 -year storm Adjusted CN 2 -year storm Adjusted CN 10 -year storm Adjusted CN 0.04 0.22 3.00 3.70 5.60 59 58 58 59 0 #N/A #N/A #N/A 0 #N/A #N/A #N/A 0 #N/A #N/A #N/A 0 #N/A #N/A #N/A IMPERVIOUS COVER IMPERVIOUS COVER TREATED. TURF AREA TURF AREA TREATED AREA CHECK ■o 1% 1 Turf Cover 0.02 0.15 0.95 B Soils C Soils D Soil! 0.03 0.20 0.04 0.22 0.05 0,25 0.95 0.95 0.95 EPost-Develo /,•tent Treatment Volume (acre-tt r t-pevebprrnt Treatment Volume (cubic$,049 ) t Develo went Load TP Ibl r 5,06 Post Develo ment Load TN lb r Total Load (TP) Reduction Required (lb/yr) -6,42 11 -year storm 2- ear storm 10 -year storm 3.00 3.70 5,60 Target Ralnfall Event (in} Runoff Reduction volume Based on the use of Runoff Reduction practices in the selected drainage areas, the spreadsheet calculates an adjusted RVoI and adjusted Curve Number. Drainage WOO A ForesUQpen Space -- undisturbed, protected forestlopen space or reforested land Managed Turf -- disturbed, graded for yards or other turf to be nim,edimanaged iEvt' us Caner S mpeo A soils B Solis C Soils D Soils Area acres 0.00 2256 2.75 0.00 77 CN 30 55 70 0.28 Area acres 0.00 39 1 50 61 0,00 74 0.00 80 CN Area acres 0.00 98 1.19 98 0.00 98 0.00 98 CN I Wei kited CN S mpeo Q cc ff7ME::__76.95 _ DESIGNED BY: 2-year storm 10- ear storm RVo.v.€aa•d (in) with no Runoff Reduction ff7N::::X 0.58 1,59 a RVD, .u0p.d (in) with Runoff Reductionj 0.28 0.55 1,57 N/A Adjusted CN _51S59 z O D.A. D lumm- 1 1 11 1 11 Phosphorus TOTAL TREATMENT VOLUME (Cill 8 049 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS LOAD REDUCTION REQUIRED LBIYEAR -0.42 RUNOFF REDUCTION 2270 PHOSPHORUS LOAD REDUCTION ACHIEVED LBIYR 1. 4 (i e ADJUSTED POST -DEVELOPMENT PHOSPHORUS LOAD TP Ibl r 3.52 REMAINING PHOSPHORUS LOAD REDUCTION LI31YR NEEDED 'CONGRATULATIONS!! YOU EXCEEDED THE TARGET REDUCTION BY €3 L131YE:ARi1 D AREA �i l l • 14 511A PROJECT #2015-050-10 TH OF P �S A. CA'RW JR. LIC. N0. 0216 4 10-5-151.,E "TONAL �' Q cc CL _ DESIGNED BY: Ll DATE: OCT. 5, 2015 a -- -- U - SCALE: WW N/A C\2o SHEET --S -- W J z O OF 12 I rel O In t! O O o W G) a Co U O1 U)O CA o m T� 114 I Z z W G.i LCJ N � Cn dj coa TH OF P �S A. CA'RW JR. LIC. N0. 0216 4 10-5-151.,E "TONAL �' Q CL _ DESIGNED BY: Ll DATE: OCT. 5, 2015 a -- -- U - SCALE: N/A SHEET --S -- W J O OF 12 Allowable peak Discharge for 1 -year 24 hour design: 0,,6low = I.F. x (41-deu x RVPre-d,,, / RVp%t) Or // Qallow - Qfor x t Rvfor Rvpost) Where: IS - Improvement Factor 0.80forsites >I acres or 0.90 for sites < lacres QQol.w = the peak flow rate of runoff fo,the drainage area In pre -developed condition (cfs) Qpre-dev - the peak fl low rate of runoff from the site in the pre-develped conditons (cis) Q,,r _ the peak fl low rate of runoff from the site in the forest conditons (cfs) RVpCe a -v _ the volume of runoff form the site in the pre -developed condition (inches) Rv,,, _ the volume of runoff form the site in the forest condition (inches) Rvp,,, _ the volume of runoff form the site in the developed condition including runoff Calculation Varibles : Or 1 yr WATERSHED # IS - 0.80 Initial Abstration (in) Rainfall Depths: 2.37 Watershed Area = 2&00 acres 1 year 24 our storm : 3.00 in RV pre dev - 0.25 Inches RV t, - 0.22 10 year 24-hour storm: 5.60 in RV Dov = 0.22 inches 298 1 -Yr, 0a1 ow = 0.80 x 2.37 x - 2.15 RvI (in) Qlt,„(cf s) - 298 Forest Conditions 153,148 Adjusted RV using above Volume reduced by cistern Remaining - DA (SF) = Feet I N Volume Q1 (P -0.2 S)2 - 1,219,680 Pt = 3.0 1 yr 24 yr Rainfall depth (in) Q = 0.22 2.12 50,285 - 1219680 = Pre -Developed 0.49 =(0.20xS) P2 - 3.7 2 yr 24 yr Rainfall depth (in) (ac) 1219680 CN r Tc (h s) Qt=Rv s Q,>t (cfs) Q10 Rv f cs grata (cfs) _......................._...... _...-.._........._.._. ...Area ... _............ .............. .. (in) .......... ...... ... _._......._.__...._........_......_...._....... (.) -_...........n.. .... _........................................................ Total 28.00 6.95 56 0.55 0.25 2.37 1.44 28.32 = 0.02524 ft 10 yr = 0.27 Post -Developed __.__._ ___. _...... . . ...... 0.04803 ft Total 28.00 Q,o = 59 = 0.30 3.71 1.59 31.27 1 -year CN Adjustment w/ RR Cd o Cd 56 0.55 0.22 2.12 sf ( DA x 43,560 sf) 10 -year CN Adjustment w/ RR 58 30,787 cf 1.50 29.73 0,,6low = I.F. x (41-deu x RVPre-d,,, / RVp%t) Or // Qallow - Qfor x t Rvfor Rvpost) Where: IS - Improvement Factor 0.80forsites >I acres or 0.90 for sites < lacres QQol.w = the peak flow rate of runoff fo,the drainage area In pre -developed condition (cfs) Qpre-dev - the peak fl low rate of runoff from the site in the pre-develped conditons (cis) Q,,r _ the peak fl low rate of runoff from the site in the forest conditons (cfs) RVpCe a -v _ the volume of runoff form the site in the pre -developed condition (inches) Rv,,, _ the volume of runoff form the site in the forest condition (inches) Rvp,,, _ the volume of runoff form the site in the developed condition including runoff Calculation Varibles : Or 0.25 f 0.22 } 1 -yr Q,,,,,w = 2.12 x ( 0.22 / 0.22 ) - 2.12 cfs Storage Volume Required to achieve the required 1 -year discharge Reduction: in the Watershed the 1 -year post -developed peak discharge was reduced form was reduced form 3.71 cfs to 2.12 cfs with runoff reduction practices The peak discharge must be further reduced to 2.12 cfs q p1o,1owobe = 2.12 q pldeveloped = 2.22 Q1 ocveiopec! = RV1= Vr (TR55) = 0.22 q plollowoble 2.12 _ _ 1.000 q pldevefoped 2.12 TR -55 CALCULATIONS MRCS RunofCalcuations (1, 2 & 10 yr -24 hr storm) Project: BRIDLESPUR FARM Post Developed - (Tab A VRRM NVS) MRCS Runoff depth Equation Q = (P - la)z Q = runoff depth (in) (P - la) + S P = Rainfall Depth (in) 1 yr 0.0438 IS - 0.80 Initial Abstration (in) Q pre-clry - 2.37 cfs Qror 2.12 cfs RV pre dev - 0.25 Inches RV t, - 0.22 inches RV Dov = 0.22 inches 298 1 -Yr, 0a1 ow = 0.80 x 2.37 x - 2.15 cfs 153,446 0.25 f 0.22 } 1 -yr Q,,,,,w = 2.12 x ( 0.22 / 0.22 ) - 2.12 cfs Storage Volume Required to achieve the required 1 -year discharge Reduction: in the Watershed the 1 -year post -developed peak discharge was reduced form was reduced form 3.71 cfs to 2.12 cfs with runoff reduction practices The peak discharge must be further reduced to 2.12 cfs q p1o,1owobe = 2.12 q pldeveloped = 2.22 Q1 ocveiopec! = RV1= Vr (TR55) = 0.22 q plollowoble 2.12 _ _ 1.000 q pldevefoped 2.12 TR -55 CALCULATIONS MRCS RunofCalcuations (1, 2 & 10 yr -24 hr storm) Project: BRIDLESPUR FARM Post Developed - (Tab A VRRM NVS) MRCS Runoff depth Equation Q = (P - la)z Q = runoff depth (in) (P - la) + S P = Rainfall Depth (in) ADJUSTMENT NARRATIVE. WITH THE PROPOSED INSTALLATION OF A 60,000 GALLON CISTERN, A MORE REALISTIC RV HAS BEEN COMPUTED USING THE CALCULATED STORM RUNOFF VOLUMES, THE VOLUME OF THE CISTERN AND THE AREA OF THE DRAINAGE AREA BEING ANALYZED. BY TAKING THE POST DEVELOPED RUNOFF VOLUME AND SUBTRACTING OUT THE VOLUME OF THE CISTERN AND THE RUNOFF REDUCTION VOLUME FROM THE VRRM WORKSHEET FOR THE PROPOSED GRASS SWALES, A NEW Rv COULD BE CALCULATED TO FIND THE ADJUSTED RUNOFF FROM THE SITE. BELOW ARE THE ADJUSTED VOLUME AND Rv CALCULATIONS. THE ADJUSTED Rv WILL BE USED TO FINISH OUT THE REMAINING CALCULATIONS AND THE EQUAL BALANCE CALCULATIONS. CISTERN = 60,000 GALLONS / 7.48 cu St/gal. = 8,021 cu St. USE 8,000 cuSt. IN CALCULATIONS Post Developed Adjusted Volume with Cistern & Grass Swales Post Dev. Volume Volume of Cistern 0.0438 Volume la = Initial Abstration (in) S Remaining Volume Q1 30,787 - 8,000 S = Potential maAmum la = 0.2S = 22,489 Q2 58,583 retention after runoff S = 1000 -10 - 298 CN = Curve Number Q10 161,446 CN = 153,446 - 298 Modified MRCS Runoff Depth Equation 153,148 Adjusted RV using above Volume reduced by cistern Remaining - DA (SF) = Feet I N Volume Q1 (P -0.2 S)2 - 1,219,680 Pt = 3.0 1 yr 24 yr Rainfall depth (in) Q = Am = Q2 50,285 - 1219680 = (P +0.8 S) 0.49 =(0.20xS) P2 - 3.7 2 yr 24 yr Rainfall depth (in) - 1219680 = 0.1256 = Pto = 5.6 10 yr 24 yr Rainfall depth (in) S = 1000 -10 0.55 hours CN = 59 Curve Number /P = 59 qu = Use Tc & la/P with Exhibit 4 --for TR -55 Manual 1 yr = 0.50 = 6.95 2yr= 0.41 Q, = 0.30 in = 0.02524 ft 10 yr = 0.27 Q2 = 0.58 in = 0.04803 ft 2.37 Q,o = 1.59 in = 0.13237 ft 7.01 Runoff Volume: '� Cd o Cd DA = 28.00 Drainage Area (Ac) DA = 1,219,680 sf ( DA x 43,560 sf) i` 01 = 30,787 cf Q2 = 58,583 cf 010 = 161,446 cf Peak Runoff O in qp = qu x Am x C Am = 0.0438 Miles -N la = 1.39 = (0.20 x S ) Tc = 33 minutes 0 Tc 0.55 hours la /P = In q„ = Use Tc & to/P with Exhibit 4-- for TR -55 Manual di 1 yr = 0.46 1 yr = 280 2yr= 0.38 2yr= 350 10 yr= 0.25 10 yr= 450 Q,= 3.71 cfs C: = 8.83 cfs 010 = 31.27cfs ADJUSTMENT NARRATIVE. WITH THE PROPOSED INSTALLATION OF A 60,000 GALLON CISTERN, A MORE REALISTIC RV HAS BEEN COMPUTED USING THE CALCULATED STORM RUNOFF VOLUMES, THE VOLUME OF THE CISTERN AND THE AREA OF THE DRAINAGE AREA BEING ANALYZED. BY TAKING THE POST DEVELOPED RUNOFF VOLUME AND SUBTRACTING OUT THE VOLUME OF THE CISTERN AND THE RUNOFF REDUCTION VOLUME FROM THE VRRM WORKSHEET FOR THE PROPOSED GRASS SWALES, A NEW Rv COULD BE CALCULATED TO FIND THE ADJUSTED RUNOFF FROM THE SITE. BELOW ARE THE ADJUSTED VOLUME AND Rv CALCULATIONS. THE ADJUSTED Rv WILL BE USED TO FINISH OUT THE REMAINING CALCULATIONS AND THE EQUAL BALANCE CALCULATIONS. CISTERN = 60,000 GALLONS / 7.48 cu St/gal. = 8,021 cu St. USE 8,000 cuSt. IN CALCULATIONS Post Developed Adjusted Volume with Cistern & Grass Swales Post Dev. Volume Volume of Cistern 0.0438 Volume qp= quX xQ Grass Swale Reduction S Remaining Volume Q1 30,787 - 8,000 = 22,787 - 298 = 22,489 Q2 58,583 - 8,000 = 50,583 - 298 = 50,285 Q10 161,446 - 8,000 = 153,446 - 298 = 153,148 Adjusted RV using above Volume reduced by cistern Remaining - DA (SF) = Feet I N Volume Q1 22,489 - 1,219,680 = 0.0184 = 0.22 Am = Q2 50,285 - 1219680 = 0.0412 = 0.49 =(0.20xS) Q10 153,148 - 1219680 = 0.1256 = 1.51 Past Developed with Adjusted Rv Q, = 0.22 in = 0.01833 ft Q10 = 1.51 in = 0.1258 ft Peak Runoff Q = Post Developed Rv Adjusted from V1RM or weighted post developed Rv MRCS Runoff Calcuations (1 yr -24 hr storm) Project: BRIDLESPLIR FARMM Pre -Developed - Forrested Conditions (For Tqual Balance Equation) Modified NRCS Runoff Depth Equation Q = (P -0,2 S)z P, = 3.0 1 yr 24 yr Rainfall depth (in) (P +0.8 S) PZ = 3.7 2 yr 24 yr Rainfall depth (in) Pio = 5.6 10 yr 24 yr Rainfall depth (in) S = 1000 -10 CN = 56 Curve Number 7.86 Q, = 0.22 in = 0.01832 ft Runoff Volume: DA = 28.00 Drainage Area (Ac) DA= 1,219,680 sf ( DA x 43,560 sf) Q, = 22,338 cf Peak Runoff qp= quxAmxQ la /P = 1 yr = 0.52 Q, = 2.12 cfs Am = 0.0438 Miles la = 1.57 = (0.20 x S ) Tc = 33 minutes Tc 0.55 hours clu = Use Tc & WP with Exhibit 4-11 for TR -55 Manual 1 yr = 220 NRGS Runoff Calcuations (1, 2 & 10 yr -24 lr storm) Project: BRIDLESPUR FARXI Pre -Developed NRGS Runoff depth Equation Q = (P - la), (P-la)+S Q Am = 0.0438 Miles qp= quX xQ = Initial Abstration (in) S = Potential maximum (P -0.2 S)2 la = 0.74 =(0.20xS) 1 yr (cfs) Tc = 33 minutes 57 Tc 0.55 hours la /P = qu = Use Tc & la/P with Exhibit 4-- for TR -55 Manual 1 yr = 0.58 1 yr = 220 Q10 = 146,219 10 yr = 0.28 10 yr = 450 Q ,Cd a, = 2.12 cfs Q, = 22,361 cf 010= 29.73 cfs Q, = 153,476 cf MRCS Runoff Calcuations (1 yr -24 hr storm) Project: BRIDLESPLIR FARMM Pre -Developed - Forrested Conditions (For Tqual Balance Equation) Modified NRCS Runoff Depth Equation Q = (P -0,2 S)z P, = 3.0 1 yr 24 yr Rainfall depth (in) (P +0.8 S) PZ = 3.7 2 yr 24 yr Rainfall depth (in) Pio = 5.6 10 yr 24 yr Rainfall depth (in) S = 1000 -10 CN = 56 Curve Number 7.86 Q, = 0.22 in = 0.01832 ft Runoff Volume: DA = 28.00 Drainage Area (Ac) DA= 1,219,680 sf ( DA x 43,560 sf) Q, = 22,338 cf Peak Runoff qp= quxAmxQ la /P = 1 yr = 0.52 Q, = 2.12 cfs Am = 0.0438 Miles la = 1.57 = (0.20 x S ) Tc = 33 minutes Tc 0.55 hours clu = Use Tc & WP with Exhibit 4-11 for TR -55 Manual 1 yr = 220 NRGS Runoff Calcuations (1, 2 & 10 yr -24 lr storm) Project: BRIDLESPUR FARXI Pre -Developed NRGS Runoff depth Equation Q = (P - la), (P-la)+S Q = runoff depth (in) P = Rainfall Depth (in) la = Initial Abstration (in) S = Potential maximum (P -0.2 S)2 retention after runoff CN = Curve Number la = / 0.2S S = 1000 -10 3.7 CN Modified NRGS Runoff Depth Equation Q = (P -0.2 S)2 CN = (P +0.8 S) Curve Number 1 yr (cfs) S = 1000 -10 cf 57 - 7.54 Q, = 0.25 in = 0.02051 ft C, = 0.49 in = 0.0411 ft Q,o = 1.44 in = 0.11988 ft Pt = 3.0 1 yr 24 yr Rainfall depth (in) P - 3.7 2 yr 24 yr Rainfall depth (in) Pz ta = 5.6 10 yr 24 yr Rainfall depth (in) CN = 57 Curve Number Runoff volume: Z Post DA = 28.00 Drainage Area (Ac) DA = 1,219,680 sf ( DA x43,560 sf) 1 yr (cfs) 1 yr (cfs) Q, = 25,016 cf 2.37 3.71 2.12 Qx = 50,130 cf I� Q10 = 146,219 cf Q ,Cd Peak Runoff bo N14 qp = q, x fir, X C Am = 0.0438 Miles la = 1.51 =(0.20xS) Tc = 33 minutes Tc 0.55 hours 5.40 la /P = qu = Use Tc & la/P with Exhibit 4 --for TR -55 Manual 1 yr = 0.50 1 yr = 220 2yr= 0.41 2yr= 325 10 yr = 0.27 10 yr = 450 c(nt1 OO Q, = 2.37 cfs O C z = 7.01 cfs '� Cd o Cd Q,a = 28.32 cfs i` BRIDLESPUR FARM Stormwater Management & BMP Narrative Introduction This project consists of the construction of a barn with and indoor riding ring and a driveway on the Bridlespur Farm in Albemarle County, Virginia. This plan includes all pertinent calculations, design data for the Virginia Runoff reduction method for phosphorus loads and storm water management. Detailed hydrologic analyses were performed for the facilities, the methods of which are described in the ensuing paragraphs. This narrative and the information within this plan addresses post developed storm water and water quality. Existing Conditions: The parcel is a 471.61 acre farm with limited development being used for agricultural purposes. The site currently has an outdoor riding rings and several horse padlocked that are accessible for an existing paved driveway. It is fairly open with moderate slopes. There is a 134 + acre drainage area flowing to a conveyance channel that is adjacent to where the proposed barn is to be constructed. Stormwater Management Information: HvdroloQic Analvsis The Virginia Runoff Reduction Method (VRRM) for the hydrologic analysis was implemented to comply with the water quality design criteria found in section 9VAC25-370-63, 65 and 66 of Virginia's Administrative Code. Water quantity and flows were determined by used the TR -55 method. A point of analysis for the project is an existing 36" culvert under the existing farm road. A sub area of 28 acres was used for the calculations as that area will have storm water flow to, through and around the proposed barn. Pre-develoaed Analvsis The TR -55 method of computing rainfall runoff rates uses curve numbers associated with soil types and surface conditions to calculate runoff. Curve numbers to be used for each soil type and surface types are established in the VRRM method. The site was divided into major drainage areas flowing to the site's discharge points. Each drainage area was analyzed and a pre -developed curve number calculated for the existing conditions and an open space/forested condition. Using the following equations the runoff rate, runoff volume and peak runoff was calculated. N°RCS Runoff depth Equation Q = (P - 1a)2 Q = runoff depth (in) (P - la) + S P = Rainfall Depth (in) la = Initial Abstration (in) la = 0.2S S = Potential maximum retention after runoff S = 1000 -10 CN = Curve Number CN Peak Runoff qp= quxAnxQ Proposed Developed Analysis The post develop conditions within each of the sub -drainage area was then analyzed and as in the pre - developed calculations, a curve number was computed. The past developed conditions were then entered into the VRRM spreadsheet for new sites to calculate the amount of phosphorus that will need to be removed to comply with the ordinance. Once the phosphorus removal rate was determined, a variety of water reduction methods were calculated for the site to meet the phosphorus removal and water reduction for each watershed. Due to the size of the site and the amount of impervious surface to be Installed post development, the VRRM Spreadsheets shows that the site is considered low impact development and will not be required to provide phosphorus removal. The site will need to implement runoff reduction methods to on the site for the proposed project The following methods were chosen for the Virginia Stormwater BMP Clearinghouse to reduce runoff from the site: Grass Channel Cisterns After the VRRM calculations are completed with the runoff reduction methods, using the adjusted curve number and Rv with Runoff reduction from the Channel and Flood protection tab of the spreadsheet, the adjusted peak post developed flows were calculated. The post developed adjusted flows does not take into account the amount of storage provided with a 60,000 gallon cistern and the actual post developed reduction in runoff. Using the post developed volume before implementing reduction methods, an actual reduction volume to be discharge was calculated by the volume less the volume of the cistern and grass swale, an adjusted Rv was calculated to complete the final adjusted post developed flows. Using the adjusted post developed flows and the pre -developed information, the equal balance equation was used to determine the allowable discharge and any additional storm water storage required to comply with the storm water management requirements. The equal balance equation is used for the 1 year flow to find the 1 year allowable discharge to meet the storm water management requirements. If the 1 year is not meet, then additional runoff storage will be required. if equal balance is meet, then no further storage is required. The equal balance equation is as follows. / `+ Devfloped < LF, X Qpre-dev X RVPre-d. RVD v Where: IS - Improvement Factor 0.80 for sites > 1 acres or 0.90 for sites < lacres `�E1e+re,oped = the peak flow rate of runoff for the drainage area in pre -developed condition 011 -div _ the peak fllow rate of runoff from the site in the pre-develped conditons (cfs) RVPreKiev = the volume of runoff form the site in the pre -developed condition (inches) RV,, _ the volume of runoff form the site in the developed condition including runoff Based on the pre -developed flow, adjusted post developed flow and the equal balance equation, the project will meet runoff reduction & equal balance requirements. Pre and Post Developed 1 year Storm water Run-off Calculations and Q Allowable Summary Conclusion Based on the VRRM and all the calculations presented within this plan the site is in compliance with the state and county ordinances. PROJECT #2015-050-10 Z Post Adjusted post Watershed Pre -Developed Developed Developed Qallow 1 yr (cfs) 1 yr (cfs) 1 yr (cfs) 2 yr (cfs) Project 2.37 3.71 2.12 2.12 Area z I� Conclusion Based on the VRRM and all the calculations presented within this plan the site is in compliance with the state and county ordinances. PROJECT #2015-050-10 W Z cc J co DESIGNED BY: re► LU DATE: t O Wx Q C\? o SCALE: z I� z O Q ,Cd OF 1.2 bo N14 ;-4 CeD O O 5.40 c(nt1 OO O o '� Cd o Cd W I v i` co O in -N in -j� 0 a In di W Z J DESIGNED BY: re► LU DATE: t OCT. 5, 2015 Q SCALE: O Q a OF 1.2 TH OF y ES A. CA= JR. LIC. N0. 0216 4 10-5-15t Z J DESIGNED BY: re► LU DATE: t OCT. 5, 2015 Q SCALE: SHEET 9LU Q OF 1.2 Input Over flow frequency for storms of 1" or less r ( year) REGIONAL LOCATION Mean Overflow of 1" stotrm volume per year (thousands of gallons) What region will the rainwater harvesting system be located closest to? I (click idrop down menu in green on the right for directions to appear) 38% ROOF AREA 39% How Ibig is the roof footprint (in sf)? 36,278 IRRIGATION 197 What is the daily demand for irrigation in gallons? (if you do not know the daily 30,000 demautd, use the next two questions to generate an estimated demand) 0 How Ibig is the area to irrigate? 33,400 How imany inches per week of irrigation are needed? 1.00 What day of the year does irrigation start? 75 What day of the year does irrigation end? 305 Total daily irrigation demand (gallons) 2,958 INDIOOR DEMAND - FLUSING TOILETS)URINALS ° Water closet and urinal use (if only toilets are used, set urinals = 0) 100% How imany people will use the building? 0 How imuch water does each urinal use? (set to 0, if no urinal) 0.80 How imuch water does each toilet use? 1.60 Calculated daily water closet and urinal demand in gallons (if this has already been O � calculated, use this instead of the rows above) 0 Start -day of the week (Monday=l, etc) 1 End day of the week (Monday=l, etc) 7 Hours per day the building is used (i.e. 8 for a 9-5 office building; 24 for a shift - 13% work factory) 12 Total daily water closet and urinal demand (gallons) 0 INDIOOR DEMAND - LAUNDRY 134 Laundry use (use either loads per day, pounds per day or calculated demand) 110,000 How imany loads of laundry are done each day? 0 How imuch water does each load of laundry use in gallons? 42 How imany pounds of laundry are done per day? 0 Calculated daily laundry demand 122 Start day of the week (Monday=l, etc) 1 End day of the week (Monday=], etc) 5 Total daily laundry demand (gallons) 0 ADDITIONAL DAILY USE 79% Additional daily use (bus wash, street sweepers, etc) in gallons 114 Daily use in gallons 0 Start day of the week (Monday=l, etc) 1 End day of the week (Monday=l, etc) 7 Total daily additional demand (gallons) 0 CHILLED WATER COOLING TOWERS 104 If water is to he used for cooling towers (for large scale projects) 170,000 Start (day of the week (Monday= 1, etc) 1 End day of the week (Monday=], etc) 7 Total daily water cooling tower demand (gallons) 0 SEC'ONDARY RUNOFF REDUCTION DRAWDOWN 95 How imany gallons per day are directed to the secondary practice? 950 What. day of the year does secondary practice start? 289 What. day of the year does secondary practice end? 136 Total daily additional demand (gallons) 950 FIRST FLUSH FILTER DIVERSION AND EFFICIENCY 170,000 Filter Efficiency must be MIN 95% of 1" storm for Treatment Volume Credit and 20 MIN 195% of 2 year storm for Channel Protection Credit. This value may be 219 modified if higher efficiencies are realized 22 t�'ct�ri� :ASSo 'a�fe"`'�iti'z` e�.--"7ar•<., - . - �-'� ,� .. , . °';= h,$,� . ��K�: � . _ , At this time, the frst,Jlush efficiency value cannot be adjusted. 0.05 Future versions of the spreadsheet may include the option to adjust. This spreadsheet was prepared for use by the Department of Conservation and Recreation. All rights are reserved by the Authors of the spreadsheet. it may not be modified or used beyond DCR's Intended use without prior written consent of each Author. DEQ CISTERN WORKSHEETS Runoff Reduction Volume Summary: Results using precipitattion data <=1" Cistern Storage Associated with Treatment Volume Credit (gallons) Over flow frequency for storms of 1" or less r ( year) Dry Frequency Mean Overflow of 1" stotrm volume per year (thousands of gallons) Runofi'Reduction Volume Credit 10,000 100% 38% 240 39% 20,000 100% 30% 197 46% 30,000 1000/0 25% 183 49% 40,000 1000/0 22% 173 51 % 48 c ° ... = ° 60,000 100% 17% 161 53% w y ,p � 421 Q 65% O � 80,000 100%° 14% 148 55% 90,000 990/0 13% 141 57% 100,000 94% 12% 134 58% 110,000 90% 11% 127 59% . 120,000 86% 10% 122 60% 130,000 83% 90/0 118 61% 140,000 79% 8% 114 62% 150,000 77% 7% 109 63% 160,000 73% 6% 104 64% 170,000 70% 6% 100 64% . 180,000 68% 5% 95 65% (Total Volume generated by storms of 1" or less (thousands of gallonslyear) 572 Runoff Reduction Volume Credit Chart 90% Runoff Reduction Credit Chart and Overflow Frequency OCT. 5, 2015 Cistern Storage 85% 50„� 30% 50 Associated with Treatment A 80% ------- - - --- --- - SHEET 10 64% (ear) (Per y year) year) :a (gallons) 25% i 75% 62% year (thousands of gallons) U 55 48 c w ... = 70% *--Runoffunoff Reduction Credit Chart 20%E v -Runoff Reduction Credit Chart -"f-Overflow Frequency for 1"stortn w y ,p � 421 Q 65% O � O 58% 385 w 15%tom, 60% 32 19 c° 9 35 31 Q� 337 fY 34 m 55% 320 80,000 33 28 0 50% 90,000 31 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 Cistern Storage Associated with Treatmeint Volume Credit (gallons) 2esults using reci itation data for all storms Runoff Reduction Credit Chart and Overflow Frequency OCT. 5, 2015 Cistern Storage 66% 50„� 30% 50 Associated with Treatment A Overflow frequency (per Dry Frequency (per ------- - - --- --- - SHEET 10 64% (ear) (Per y year) year) Mean Overflow volume per (gallons) 25% -Overflow Frequency (%) 62% year (thousands of gallons) 10,000 55 48 38 w ... = 46 *--Runoffunoff Reduction Credit Chart 20%E 0 w 60% -"f-Overflow Frequency for 1"stortn w y ,p � 421 40,000 O � O 58% 385 w 15%tom, 37 32 19 rA W 9 35 31 Q� 337 56% 34 m 16 320 80,000 33 28 0 304 90,000 31 100/ 3 rV C 54% 100,000 30 o `' 1E Ir 279 110,000 29 25 11 269 120,000 28 24 10 5% 0 130,000 52% 24 9 250 50% 26 10% 8 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 25 22 Cistern Storage Associated with Treatment Volume Credit (gallons) 233 2esults using reci itation data for all storms 60 OCT. 5, 2015 Cistern Storage a 50„� 50 Associated with Treatment Overflow days Overflow frequency (per Dry Frequency (per ------- - - --- --- - SHEET 10 Volume Credit (ear) (Per y year) year) Mean Overflow volume per (gallons) 3 e -Overflow Frequency (%) z year (thousands of gallons) 10,000 55 48 38 569 20,000 46 41 30 474 30,000 42 37 25 421 40,000 38 34 22 385 50,000 37 32 19 359 60,000 35 31 17 337 70,000 34 29 16 320 80,000 33 28 14 304 90,000 31 27 13 290 100,000 30 26 12 279 110,000 29 25 11 269 120,000 28 24 10 259 130,000 27 24 9 250 140,000 26 23 8 241 150,000 25 22 7 233 160,000 24 21 6 226 170,000 23 20 6 219 180,000 22 20 5 213 100 90 80 b fl d 70 b � 60 u d 50 c 40 a, it a, p 30 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 Cistern Storage Associated with Treatment Volume Credit (gallons) 85 80 60 OCT. 5, 2015 70 a 50„� 50 N/A 75 e ------- - - --- --- - SHEET 10 d >r 400 W� t% dry frequency40 � o 3 e -Overflow Frequency (%) z '� 65 a ��-% demand met by rainwater 30 0 �--Overflow Frequency (%) d 30w � w u 55 0 20w` E A Ey 20 $ 0 w 45 0 106 In 35 0 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 Cistern Storage Associated with Treatment Volume Credit (gallons) 100 700 90 600 80 500 70 -o-% demand met by rainwater 400 60 -Demand that is met (1000's gallons) 300 50 200 40 30 100 20 0 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 Cistern Storage Associated with Treatment Volume Credit (gallons) PROPOSED: (00,000 GALLON CISTERN - WATER HARVESTED TO BE USED FOR IRRIGATION, DUST CONTROL FOR THE OUTDOOR $ INDOOR RIDING RINGS, WATERING ANIMALS, ETC. SIZE t CALCULATIONS: GALLONS TO CU.FT. CONVERSION I cu.ft = 7.48 gallons 60,000 / 7.48 = 8,021 cu.ft DURING A SINGLE RAINFALL EVENT TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA FLOWING TO CISTERN: 36,073 SF 3(0,073 x rz = 3,006 cu St. x 7.48 = 22,485 GALLONS A SINGLE I" RAINFALL EVENT WILL NOT OVERFLOW THE CISTERN. THE I" RAINFALL WILL FILL 37% OF THE TANK. TWO BACK TO BACK I' RAINFALL EVENTS WILL NOT OVERFLOW THE TANK. 22,485 GALLONS X 2 = 44,970 GALLONS 44,"170 / 60, 000 = 0.7495 OR 75% FULL THREE BACK TO BACK I' RAINFALL EVENTS OR A ONE YEAR STORM WILL COMPLETELY FILL AND OVERFLOW THE TANK. 22,485 GALLONS X 3 = 67,455 GALLONS EXCESS RUNOFF 67,455 -60,000 = 7,455 GALLONS 7,455 GALLON / 7.48 = 996 tuft. THE EXCESS 966 cu -ft- WILL DISCHARGE THROUGH AN OVERFLOW PORT INTO THE DRAINAGEWAY ADJACENT TO THE CISTERN PROJECT #2015-050-10 80 60 OCT. 5, 2015 70 a Co 50 N/A 60 e ------- - - --- --- - SHEET 10 >r W� t% dry frequency40 � o 50 -Overflow Frequency (%) z a 40 30w w q 30 Ey 20 $ w 20 0 In 106 10 0 0 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 Cistern Storage Associated with Treatment Volume Credit (gallons) 100 700 90 600 80 500 70 -o-% demand met by rainwater 400 60 -Demand that is met (1000's gallons) 300 50 200 40 30 100 20 0 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 Cistern Storage Associated with Treatment Volume Credit (gallons) PROPOSED: (00,000 GALLON CISTERN - WATER HARVESTED TO BE USED FOR IRRIGATION, DUST CONTROL FOR THE OUTDOOR $ INDOOR RIDING RINGS, WATERING ANIMALS, ETC. SIZE t CALCULATIONS: GALLONS TO CU.FT. CONVERSION I cu.ft = 7.48 gallons 60,000 / 7.48 = 8,021 cu.ft DURING A SINGLE RAINFALL EVENT TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA FLOWING TO CISTERN: 36,073 SF 3(0,073 x rz = 3,006 cu St. x 7.48 = 22,485 GALLONS A SINGLE I" RAINFALL EVENT WILL NOT OVERFLOW THE CISTERN. THE I" RAINFALL WILL FILL 37% OF THE TANK. TWO BACK TO BACK I' RAINFALL EVENTS WILL NOT OVERFLOW THE TANK. 22,485 GALLONS X 2 = 44,970 GALLONS 44,"170 / 60, 000 = 0.7495 OR 75% FULL THREE BACK TO BACK I' RAINFALL EVENTS OR A ONE YEAR STORM WILL COMPLETELY FILL AND OVERFLOW THE TANK. 22,485 GALLONS X 3 = 67,455 GALLONS EXCESS RUNOFF 67,455 -60,000 = 7,455 GALLONS 7,455 GALLON / 7.48 = 996 tuft. THE EXCESS 966 cu -ft- WILL DISCHARGE THROUGH AN OVERFLOW PORT INTO THE DRAINAGEWAY ADJACENT TO THE CISTERN PROJECT #2015-050-10 ,TH QF ES A. CARS�JR. LIC. NC )216 4 Z CLQ J DESIGNED BY: LU DATE: Co OCT. 5, 2015 a Co U - N/A � ------- - - --- --- - SHEET 10 o W� � o z CD In p5.4 `. 0 V W U Cw 0 o Q 0 tm, I v W 10-4 a, to a) � cn Gj 0 ,TH QF ES A. CARS�JR. LIC. NC )216 4 Z CLQ J DESIGNED BY: LU DATE: OCT. 5, 2015 a SCALE : U - N/A � ------- - - --- --- - SHEET 10 W J OF 12 AoLp 4%w mom 6'Maple10' SERVICE LINE 6 I ` 1/ T� SF ATIO F OFF -SET FO + G LANDSCAPIN 1 s OWN �F -- _ _._ �... �j0 ��� \9, 4,105 SF`TMPERV IbUSAREA ENCROACHMENINTO THE BUFFtR 9 OL Maple 1 • i6' persimmon �.. —..• z4(00 Ln 1 kr:- r F x g.�� 1317 SF OF MITIGATION _.� _ _ _..- Aloft awft aftm mom Room .� iii '°�. r,,�,� � `- ..�•-�.. ++ to gur,. _ -_ PARCEL D MITIGATION ww� ft 08000-00 r 00-1 (0qCO 67'EC�-10M �. ♦ _7,464 -SF- 4 f z4'locus e 47� .6100 AC. °f � �� ♦ e � 460- �✓ IMPERVIOUS ARE 56 L,qY $ ENCROACHI"IENT�IN A 458— _ -THE _BUFFER 456 77'.� .,t£Ri{€ti,itl€�::�i'€€i,=.t,}; � �:5�..:.��r_. <• � •>..� � 1 iif' 6Itis,i 1 ti; i.:} is i:.: } ! } €�.. i' y j ;. t € DQ ��ll i €}€i i iii f ..... ( i}l!} { 'E• i £ '4:....} 'i.i'ii'�!ii i€ {'iii €sti E ;Ei -.. ' .� £ � > � ,! i £ :S :: I s 1. J j �.w�n.r+hi�gy .}', Vii. €i�" i t }�. 's+;sr £ i i r^�'� i� f::� �4�'�<.` `•'�w..c+h <:�?4$i'i: Rh• '� � ,t.r . �,'� 'ji.',�',', ��' ,;€��.{� �,,iy3 ''i fi`.'• r � ' � � , E'i'' ;;i .;:,�, •.iti,§iii. ;i; i :.�. i }'t}'i':- E?' `.��'}`' '''r, -i 1 ... �. :{ a... 'ea•n.na .�a� a•.==M ',t.:,i''a{!£, tl'��.�;; r,y'�'.:. {f'��1'.'t' t�!'�'z .�, ,; , ..•$" +, ' is / . ,;$p j � � E _��• �i:^.a.• .�tlq °'�'�i F��i� {; iti�it `��' .:` :f'��;''ii ,.i s.? .'w " PROPOSED STABLE* EQUESTRIAN BARN;; f ' <}3..` f', {.t •'.f E' �• t�; :'€E If i 'j� :,:3�},< }{1 jj F.F. 'lyi ELEV.- 458•7 5 F.F. ELEV. f 1 61 s .458 75 Yom, \ +'� 6.3 CO 6.31 . �X ° _---X� �X 63 5 58.0 - k X_�_ y C) , j +,4'"58.141,1 O�p , 3 ',hickory\ X ` 27'hicko€^�Xj ��-++ + } 21'hickory ___,31 -hickory jjJ/Y 21hickorY l �`�~._..t1L • oak 1 0 \ ''•... �.. mow- �-,. "„M�„ J' (��j i } EXi~ L EC'TP I ` 12 "apte TT,. �.�h ' ;»:,„„tl� .,..�,°` •^._.?!'-,.....'....,-.,, I��. �<I' �r�'.i" � y �� }c` � f � jI �""f � + � � `'-«6."^ .µ,ro„...._...,,\�.....---'--°•..=''�..-,""=-€`."'='"_. ...». MITIGATION CALCULATIONS BUFFER ENCROACHMENT BUILDING: 71464 SF DRIVEWAY: 4,105 SF TOTAL; III 56q 5F MITIGATION REQUIREMENT: 2:1 REPLACEMENT MITIGATION CALCULATIONS 11,56q 5F X 2 = 23,135 SF PLANTING UNIT = 400 SF REQUIRE NUMBER OF PLANTING UNITS 231135 / 400 = 57.645 OR 5B UNITS REQUIRED MITIGATION PLANTINGS 6 ri tel �9'mapte I i 111145 SF OF {` f MITIGATION, �— -�• 1 $ i {6ajl` 3 4NX — Uj r ` > Zjx + , 14 q50 SF OF 8 m ple , MITIGATION 1 , rj 36'hickory + EX, CONI_ 7_r_TE UNITS PLANT/ UNIT NUMBER OF PLANTINGS 1 CANOPY TREE 58 CANOPY TREE 58 2 UNDERSTORY TREES 116 UNDERSTORY TREES SMALL SHRUB/ SMALL SHRUB/ 3 174 WOOD GROUND COVER WOOD GROUND COVER 7— TOTAL 348 PLANT 31'h1t6kory 36'hlc� I . d 27 hick or ` -- walnut -N 1 ` f x \ , 1~� i 1� MITIGATION PROVIDED:'o SA MITIGATION AREA PROVIDED: 37 047 5F ` PLANTINGS PROVIDED: SEE MITIGATION LANDSCAPE PLAN,, 30 15 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET PROJECT #2015-050-10 En Ww P-4 z co 03 CD C\2 tnC) .0 rn I 'bJD --tJ4 0 0 `n O ty Cd U P" 0:: m 0 M o M o Cj w I 4-) 14 � O � lC� a� o LO d•+ c� w �� THOFA U JA S A. CA JR. ' LIC. N0. 0216 4 ° 10-5-15 ONAL DESIGNED BY: DATE: OCT. 5, 2015 SCALE: 1"=30' SHEET 11 OF 12 z CL 40 LU ILL w D OL (f) W tY cn I, 860 SF OF `° apt MITIGATION' j > IF !� 6'r�0, ` NA%_ 10 SERVICE LINE c � ®PRO']' OFF -SET FOR 7HQ CF 1 3 f �. �j '� ` r�0ly LANDSCAPING--.. CF PFP] r O ►1,11 ♦�'�-AY - - 3 `' -_ �► ♦ PROPOSED CF 1 1 ♦ ♦ SERVICE LINE FPF 3 - --__ =' ♦ -TO DRAINFIEI CFL 00* MINOR CID 1 �{-- - \ AC AQP • :h. .tU € ^e., 'P,';.fJw 1 C. erSIMM n a tom:. 'z�`t C_X. 4.1 3'010i -1�4 �.g J i t , j FP t 1 , ic r JCMR ♦mow JC JC 3 3 . �- —.12" 1 j6 ++ 10�-bumw 61 Oq5 SF OF Y (( dC w _ MINIM,%/►. MITIGATION , I JC e- -1 �qCO E Rpt -AM•. ♦ jj 8 _ 24 lows ECT f IOtyAC. � �♦ � mom =S L0 MOM noun 1 19.6' Co -� ' 211.3' O 115,41 NNW a N B i � �+-• N PRp'POSED STABLE 4 EQUESTRIAN BARN � ®�• 1 F.F. ELEV.- 458.75 1 F.F. ELEV. 63.5 ` 19.6' :458.75 1Ln .` ' J ' 6.3 °. 211.31 r 6.31 co j XXX Ll7 63.51 3 458 17'4 ✓ r X__ ly \X %Xi 27'h.ckory `s 'hicbr�>, / 36 + + r + 21'C�ickory + 4\ 21'kckory 31 hickory-,+ Planting Schedule Project: BRIDLESPUR MITIGATION r'",wr%r itTrimee Key Quantity Corroon name Botanical Name Size QP 14 Pin Oak Quercus Palustris 1 112" - 2" Caliper 1 1/2" - 2" Caliper___ FP 15 Green Ash Fraxinus pennsyNica _ AR 13 Red Maple Acer Rubrum 1 1/2" - 2" Caliper Betula ni ra 1 1/2" - 2" Caliper BN River Birch 16 C TwG1ac ..+C. -211 V ENvl Key waw• Quantity .��.�. ........... Convwn name Botanical Name Size CC 18 RedBud__.. Cercis- canadensi._ 314" - 1 112" Caliper CF36 Pinus vii iniana Flowering o , DogA _..._ .....w. Cornus florida ._._,... _..._... __.... 3/4" - 1112" Caliper LL w w.AC ... _.__..__ 28 - Serv�ceBer Amelanchier canaisis 3/4" - 11/2" Caliper r . _. -�-.12 Svmethay Magnolia Ma nolia vii inian� 314"' - 1 1i2" Cali r 94 1 11"Asy-efr%ew C'vnrririm anc Key ...___.,-- - -Zj- -- - Quantity Conw*n name Botanical Name Size Size Eastern Red Cedar r _Juniperusyirginian 4' high 4' high _JV_6 PVµ_ 17 Virginia Pine - Pinus vii iniana 23 Key Quantity Common name Botanical Name Size JC 57 Common Junipe Juniperus communis 15" hh JC 27 Shore Juniperus conferta 15" high KL 7 Mountain Laurel Kalmia Latifol'ia 18" high VA_ 27 Maple Leaved Viburnum Meadowsweet _. Vaccinium aceriflium piraea latifolia - _ 18" high 18" high SL" 24 HQ __ 32 1 Oakleaf H frau ea 1H dran ea querifolia 18" high Native Grasses and Groundcover Key Quantity Common name Botanical Name Spacing P co Switch Grass *gatum Plant 24" OC SN 0 _ Indian Grass _Panicum Sorghastrum nutans Plant 24" OC PS Ww Creeping Phlox Phloc stonlonifera Plant 8" OC VMVinca z Minor _ Vinca Minor Plant 8" OC 21075 SF OF MITIGATION 1 ! x LO I< � 1 � ' le, 3 t1> Lo 1 B# { F 6 t QP01 + i 1° � I- qJ P CFI1I,145 5F OF d MITIGATION 3 PV a le 14%4, +f- S"r1apl ' CFA e to 4 IaP I 8" -maple & E 1 a ill � 1 � 3 PV S�.map�e ' � 1 7_ r f e 14". 4. $� ` `t4, q5O SF OF MITIGATION -4 mapi.� 'e kory cc -----•- —�4 walnut --� 1 �•,� ' f co 1 $� ` `t4, q5O SF OF MITIGATION -4 mapi.� 'e PLANTING LEGEND DECIDUOUS OPIN OAK (QP) GREEN ASN (FP) o RED MAPLE (AR) RIVER BIRCH (BN) EVERGREENS to EASTERN RED CEDAR (JV) VIRGINIA PINE (PV) UNDESTORY ' REDBUD (CC) DOGWOOD (CF) SERVICEBERRY (AC) ` SWEETBAY MAGNOLIA (MV) SMALL SHRUBS - EVERGREENS 7, COMMON JUNIPER (JC) SHORE JUNIPER (J) SMALL SHRUBS MOUNTAIN LAUREL (KL) MAPLE LEAVED VIBURNUM (VA) MEADOWSWEET (SL) 0 OAKLEAF HYDRANGEA (HQ) NATIVE GRASSES El SWITCH GRASS (PV) DINDIAN GRASS (SN) HERBACEOUS PLANTS El CREEPING PHLOX (PS) EIVINCA MINOR (PD) 00 NUMBER OF PLANTINGS LS TYPE OF PLANTING 30 15 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET r�r-�� irr•t xnnlc nrn In 1 I\VJLV 1 TTLVI✓—V✓V—IV kory cc -----•- —�4 walnut --� 1 �•,� ' co � SHEET 12 co T__q 0 OF 12 co CD Ww SL � PLANTING LEGEND DECIDUOUS OPIN OAK (QP) GREEN ASN (FP) o RED MAPLE (AR) RIVER BIRCH (BN) EVERGREENS to EASTERN RED CEDAR (JV) VIRGINIA PINE (PV) UNDESTORY ' REDBUD (CC) DOGWOOD (CF) SERVICEBERRY (AC) ` SWEETBAY MAGNOLIA (MV) SMALL SHRUBS - EVERGREENS 7, COMMON JUNIPER (JC) SHORE JUNIPER (J) SMALL SHRUBS MOUNTAIN LAUREL (KL) MAPLE LEAVED VIBURNUM (VA) MEADOWSWEET (SL) 0 OAKLEAF HYDRANGEA (HQ) NATIVE GRASSES El SWITCH GRASS (PV) DINDIAN GRASS (SN) HERBACEOUS PLANTS El CREEPING PHLOX (PS) EIVINCA MINOR (PD) 00 NUMBER OF PLANTINGS LS TYPE OF PLANTING 30 15 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET r�r-�� irr•t xnnlc nrn In 1 I\VJLV 1 TTLVI✓—V✓V—IV ES A. CA= JR. LIC. N0. 0216 4 10-5-15, _,� ZZ DESIGNED BY: LU DATE: cc Q SCALE: co � SHEET 12 co T__q 0 OF 12 co CD Ww C,2Ln z o .0 . 9� 0 Lo Cd ' Cd OEno M C 0 03 I U w v Q) 41� Q) s~ 0 o .� 04 ES A. CA= JR. LIC. N0. 0216 4 10-5-15, _,� ZZ DESIGNED BY: LU DATE: OCT. 5, 2015 Q SCALE: 1"=30' � SHEET 12 U) 0 OF 12 co