HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP198100010 Action Letter Department of Planning RO!JERT W. TUCKI!R. ..JR. DIHECTOR OF PL-....~NI~IG 804/ 2.gfj-~e23 41.<1 F,,,"ST MARKeT STf.lEET CHARLOTTESVh_LE. VIRGINIA 22901 May 8, 1981 Fi!ONALO S. I~E:I!LE:R ASSISTANT orr.tECTO., OF P'.I'.NNINQ R. KEITH MA.Dr.': PRINCIPAL PI.ANNEn NANCY MASON CAPl':RTO/>l 6ENIOR PLANNEil Mr. S. L. William30n, Jr., President S.L. t~illiam50n Co., Inc. 1230' River Road Charlottesville, virginia 22901 KATHERINE L. IMHOFF PL.ANNEF< RE: SP-8l-10 Dear Mr. Willi~nson: " The Albemarle County BoaId of Supervisors at its meeting on Hay 6, 1981, voted to approv,~ your request, as referenced above, for authorization to remove sand ~nd gravel on approximately 4 acres in the flood\Jay of the ~) South Fork Ri va:ma River, subjE:,ct to the folJ.pwing conditions: 1) The sand removal activity shall be c'onducted in such a manner so not to impede c~noe and boat passage; as "::.-:-:,: 2) No tre~ removalshal1 be permitted, except as is necessary to provide access to sa~d deposits. The sand removal activity shall be conducted. in such a manner so as not to expose tile root system of shoreline trees by river bank excavation nor shall equipment travel over, be parked on, or othvr- wise encroach on tree-root systems; . 3) On-site processing shall be limited to screening of excavat.ed material. No washing of excavated material shall be permitted; 4) dredging Virg.i nia Use ard maintenance of sediment curtains shall be operations, if recommended as being effective and Harine Resources Commission; . required during purposeful by the 5) County Engineer approval of entrance road specifications in accordance with of the Zoning Ordinance; 6) Complial:ce with the soil erosion and sedinlentation control ordini:lnce. In review of plans, the Soil Erosion Committee should be mindful of the condi- tions of approval of this special use permit; 7) The County Engineer shall make periodic inspection of the sites to insure compliance wi thcondi tions 1 through 6 of this special use permi L The County Engineer Ir,ay require such corrective measures as deemed necessary to insure:! compliance with these conditions; ') 1..,-..,.,. .... """,. ') ..r Mr. 5. L. l-lil1i;l/Il';(l1l, Jr. 5P-8l-]O I.1ay 8, 1981 Page two 8) Virginia D(~partment of Highways and Transportation approval of commercial. entriJlJce. If you should lwve any quest.ions concerning this notification, please contact Mr. Ron Keeler at 296-5823. sIr ( ) Sincerely, ~ ;L2.liauWJ Stnart L. Richard Department of Planning