HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP198200060 Action Letter ,;-- /' DEF'AJ~TMENT of PLANNING and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 401 McIntIre Road Charlottesville, VA 22901-4596 804 296-5823 April 16, 1985 Elite Construction Conpany, Inc and Harkins AssociateH, Inc c/o J. B. Sions, Presj.dent Elite Construction Company, Inc 8903 Allendale Drive Richmond, VA 23224 RE: SP-82-60 Elite Ccn~;truction Company, Inc & Harkins Associates, rnc DeaL Sir: The Albemarle County Boccrd of Supervisors, at its meeting on April 10, 1985 unanimously app~oved your request fc,r an extension of one year for the special use permit for con3truction of a 260 bed continuing care nursing home facility. The expiration dat,~ for this special permit is April 20, 1986. If :rou should have any questions regarding this action, please advise. ~::~:=rR':' J'AU'~ C::!S R. Don;;~_ Din,ctor of Planning & Conununity Development JRDI j cw ~'\~ OF ALe~A1 OJ ~ ~Iy/ c; f..':"r-~f' ,~ ($~~IIi:n ~\ -' "V' -. 1("-' r) 8~i,~~~- ; \\~k_{fk7./ '~'if=".::;:" .!~) lit Gl':';.>' ROBEIH W. TUCKER, JR. Dire:tor of Planning DEPARTMENT of PLANNING 401 Mcintire Road Char lot tesvi lie, Va. 22901-4596 804- 296 -5823 October 22, 1982 RONALD S. KEELER Assistant Director of Planning R. KEITH MABE Principal Planner NANCY MASON CAPERTON Senior Plann~r KATHERINE L. IMHOFF Planner Eli te ConstrucLon Company, Inc. and Harkins Associates, Inc. Care of Mr. J. B. Sions, President Elite Construction Company, Inc. 8903 Allendale D6ve Richmond, Virginia 23224 Re: SP-82-60 EJite Construction Company, Inc., and Harkins Associates, Inc. Gentlemen: The Albemarle CClITlty Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on October 20, 1982, approved your abo\B-referenced special use permit application, subject to the following condi tiC'TIS : 1. Support uses shall be limited to such uses as: housekeeping and lalll1dry services; nursing and hospital facilities reasonably necessary to serve the residents; retail stores and shops, professional offices, and food services, all of which are designed and intended to serve the residents of the devel Jpment; and common areas where residents may engage in recreational, educational, and cultural activities; 2. Approval of all appropriate State, local and Federal agencies prior to issuance of ;lllY certificate of occupancy; 3. Site plan apprJval; -. 4. Fire Official approval of site plan prior to revievf of said site plan by the Albemarle County Plarming Comnission. If you should have any questions with regard to this action and notification, you may contact Br. Ronald S. Keeler at 296-5823. Sincerely, /JtuuVt~ l ~w{ Stuart L. Richard Department of Planning sIr cc: Olarles N. Hulvey; John W. & Virginia B. Hulvey; Margaret H. ~\Tright Leigh B. Middleditch, Jr.