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WPO201400094 Bond Estimates 2015-09-18
tottnuitiluQuir 64 /20/5 71' -/71' -/ 9/1 Sh_S' At,i4ki Date Received: - /4Fee Paid: ) ieLZ7/fi62.e2.1.37L0_,6 - VI'i01 Wake: Forward tit Management Analyst r *4)' 1.1 I./Akin*" I REQUEST TO ESTABLISH A BON / , e >4-cods APPROVED PLAN# Virt20 201 4 - cm PROJECT NAME: tvilli41-14540 h Irt` 1"1‘ All parcels in the project, including any off-site work if easements are not provided,and current owners. Use a separate sheet if more owners arc required.Owner and tax map infonnation must be correct,and plans must be approved prior to bond estimates being prepared. TAX MAPs/PARCELs: O' 3 OWNER'S NAME: P; SIGNATURE: TAX MAPs/PARCELs: OWNER'S NAME: SIGNATURE: TAX MAPs/PARCELs: OWNER'S NAME: SIGNATURE: TAX MAPs/FARCE!.s: OWNER'S NAME: SIGNATURE: TAX MAPs/PARCELs: OWNER'S NAME: SIGNATURE: NOTE: If ownership of the property is in the name of any type of legal entity or organization including, but not limited to the name of corporation, partnership,limited liability company, trust,association, etc., documents acceptable to the County must be submitted certifying that the person signing above has the authority to do so. The requested estimates are; VESCP Erosion& Sediment Control per Water Protection Ordinance section 17-207;SO fee V/VSMP Erosion and Sediment Control,Stormwater Management and Mitigation per Water Protection Ordinance section 17-208;$250 fee required 0 Subdivision(roads,drainage,etc.)per Subdivision Ordinance section 14-435; &Water&Sewer per Subdivision Ordinance section 14-435; $250 fee required A bond estimate will be prepared by the plan reviewer. The estimate must be sent to the owner. Please provide contact information. f 1 . . . OR REGULAR MAIL ADDRESS: Revised 6/20/2014 - II , luDL €1 Nib 1 ft 04 41‘11 L il CE: l-1 %. co ct — < ....io 1 2 N ,=1 P if) I 'No I 18 orl • - , \\j 41 ,or o •.,›... \ 1 I• , 4 1'4' 1 4 s ‘11)'1 V - i 3 1 1 ( Nk`\' 4 sk6 '''''''. 4 ..-• 1 4 ) 79 t ca E 0. I 0 ° immi .47j i 4 6 > II4...'`',. ,,,,7 4 i • .... ,,,$,. Er NIL 4/* • 1 1 11 .-a II 1 , I \ Z 1-F1 i + \ 0 1 ;.., , 1 I ° F) Or .41 ,.., , ..-Ck '4 1 1 11:1 .i3) N 0 n -"s 0.,..biti j .4' 1: ciS \'Ili 9. c), ''''' ' it N O .t ,......, 1 + 0 8 0 O , '1% 'W i r- i Z . li ..-a © *V •• 1 c) t , .46,s•--'• •ts 5 11 N' Iv • \ < Voil 0 1 Uje: ! 11 C1) sk.SCI 1141 : 4 ! aUj '401/4 5 1 Lij cn" Nk III4 0 - ---._ ,-`4 . -...0% 3. 1 Z44C0c. +.' ° c\,:t i E ot El 14? S ;61 % V ....„ ., , -, ›,rt:J .,/ vs-,.._ ‘''C'''• i 0g111± (14) Ly 0 Z $34 '93•1114'- ' 00 0 4-C.)0- 33:3 •• k I O4 0 44 3n1 NVI bIV110 .1.10 Pu.P.H ..4..Z.- vies 114.„, i. 1 IL: 4 4 .....L)'I i5i 0 F:431 r-- i-; <0 0 LI4 0 .5---‘A V Th4C'YtO r• ' Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number:WP0201400094 :» gin�Mt Bent+Estle em Item No Unit Unit Cost Cost Number (installed) .1:ismanent diversion or ditch ft $13.00 $0.00 to be Include standard manhole frame top(not inlet) ea $500 00 $0 00 In road bed drop WM or gats ea $3,500.00 $000 manhole structure(per ft nee) ft $45000 $000 plea,mea,o p(151048') 15 Si d E5-1,2 EC-1 ft $95 00 $000 aggregatebese or drainage stone 00 in d 00 ftL 00 ftW 00 ton $3500 $000 SWIM 7 ertw,pdh as SB-4 bean 4erploul8prebey most 600% $13.00 $7,60000 trees ea $15000 $000 shrube ea $50.00 $000 seedlings WI $500 $000 undvdain(LF) ft $5.00 $000 biofilter soil mix(CY) cy $3800 $000 best rash/wt wrrsx devices ft 01,50000 51,50000 matritenance access road(LF) 350 ft $5000 $17,50000 dp4W.woad(replace or raga lowboy w depth 4 ft length 15 ft width 150 (tons) 675 $6000 $4,050 00 SWM 4 aquae bench earthwork an 50-2 tern o4.noxMu.My coast 900 my $13.00 $11 700 00 trees 0 ea $150 00 $0 00 Maube 0 M $50.00 $0.00 seedlings 158 ea $500 $78000 undertaken(LF) 0 ft $5.00 $0.00 Paper sal mix(CY) 0 cy $38 00 $0 00 treh raaW w$we.,devices 1 ft $1,500.10 $1,500.00 maintenance access road(LF) 116 ft 55000 $5,75000 rlprap,placed(realms ar rep&fmahaYwWPM 4ft length 15 ft width 15.0 (tons) 675 $6000 $4,050 00 Wail 0 aghac bench e arthwork..503 been dsanou$faabey most 1200 ey $13.00 51560000 trees 0 ea $15000 $000 shrubs 0 e $50.00 $0.00 seedlings 240 ea $500 $120000 undergo*,(LF) 0 ft $500 $0.00 h eater salMIX(CY) 0c 53800 $000 bash=Mane vortex devices 1 ft $1,500.00 $1,500.00 maintenance access road(LF) 215 ft $50 00 510,750 00 np+W,Owed(wahine cif reperfaebeyw depth 4f length 15 ft width 150 (tons) 675 55000 $4,05000 WWI 3 *walk bench earthwork as 80-1 basin elwhwlta.bey comb 1300 oy $13,00 516,90000 trees 0 ea $15000 $000 shrubs Ow $5000 $000 seedlings 270 ea 5500 $135000 u Merdrsn(LF) 0 ft $6.00 $0.00 bolter soil mix(CY) 0 cy $3800 $000 baa NNW wt vaex devices 1 ft $1,500.00 51,50000 maintenance access road(LF) 921 ft $5000 $46,050 00 rpo9,Owed(replace orreparrforebyw depth 4 ft length 15 ft width 150 (tons) 675 $6000 $4,05000 NM MOM of dam at Me 10 ft mutat high aids 8 ft height of 011 at face 4 ft cut at face 4 ft WW1 of den 40 ft length of cid 40 ft ted ordth 8 ft width or cut 25 ft (area amu trwsaw) 84 s (are below bantam) 192 s (height bsbwbwaito 8 ft (death below transition 4 ft (tot I$wanes) 130.37037 oy (teal fl winner) 317 037 oy length of spillway 18 6 513 00 $9.680 00 width ofsWway 8 ft (aglow Mow lens) 6.2 Ions $50.00 $31000 structures for basin dew height 4 ft nser diameter 18 in - $160 00 Mrs length 40 ft base plata or fan 1 5200.00 $20000 barrel diameter 12 in $1.715 00 Mea whet 1 $200.00 $20000 baffle length 0 ft $5000 $0 trees 3 ea $15000 $45000 shrubs 12 a 55000 $60000 seedlings 0 ea $500 $000 undeNoan(LF) 48 ft 55.00 $240 00 biofilter sal mix(CY) 101 cy $38 00 53,850 67 Muth rack/we widen dewces 1 ft $1,500.00 51,50000 maintenance access road(LF) 484 It $50 00 $24,200 00 1009,pieced(replace or nose tomboy depth ft length ft width (tons) 0 $6000 $000 MN height of darn at toe 4f out at high eke 4f height of fill at face 4f cut at face 4 ft length of darn 90 ft length of cut 90 ft top width 8 ft width of cut 50 ft (area above tr.na5on) 64 s (ere below transition) 232 s (height below oan6$cn 0 ft (depth below transition 0 ft (teal M volume) 213,333333 cy (total M volume) 773,333 cy length 01 spillway 15 ft 513 00 510,972 00 width of epteay 6 ft (spltwey stens Ions) 5 2 ens $50.00 $200.00 structures for basin Mar height 0 ft ser diameter 0 in $000 barrel lenge, 0 ft base Fisc offdh 0 $200.00 $000 barrel diameter 0 in $0 00 Moa ears 0 5X000 $000 baffle length 0 ft $5000 $0 trees 8 ea 5150 00 $900 00 9/29/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number:WPO201400094 Stormwater Management Plan Bond Estimate Item Item No Una Unit Cost Cost Number (Installed) shrubs 20 ea $5000 $1,000.00 seedlings Oa $500 $0 00 wMeoenln(LF) 238 ft $6.00 $1,19000 bioftlter soil mix(C1) 209 cy $38 00 $11357 78 bash rook/ane wrlsx desoes 0 ft $1,600.00 $0.00 maintenance access mad(LF) 58 ft $5000 $2,900 00 $e-rep,placed dimple=or webkde rebeyw pth ft length ft width (tons) 0 $6000 $000 Mil height of dam et be 8 ft out et Ngh elde 8 ft height of fill at face 1 ft cut at face 1 ft length of dam OD ft length of ad 60 ft top width 8 ft width of cut 20 ft (ens skew 0 naitlen) 10.8 (»e below Mellon) 22.6 (height below trensleon 5 ft (depth baker transition 7 ft (lobe el wbme) 33 3333333 cy (be IN volume) 235.550 0y length of spillway 14 ft - 01300 $3,211 00 wbth of spillway 6 ft (ep*wny alone Ions) 4.8 Ione $5000 $24000 structures for brim river hard 0 ft ser diameter Din $0 00 OWN length D ft bee plebe 001101 0 err0200.00 $0.00 banal diameter 0 in $0 00 bmMopeen 0 $200.00 $0.00 baffle length 0 ft $5000 $0 trees 3 ea $15000 $45000 shrubs 9 w 05000 $450.00 seedlings ea $500 $000 uhdendr1n(LF) 80 ft 0000 $300.00 Welter sol mix(C l) 47 cy $38 00 01.773 33 trash rook/anti varies deness Oft 01,500.00 $0.00 maintenance access road(LF) 3111 ft $5000 $15,80000 068.0,Pined Owls.or re0.k10r. ft length ft 4th (tons) 0 0 $8000 $000 8811010 height of darn et los 4 ft out et high skis 13 ft height of fillet face 0 ft cut at face 6 ft length of dam 60 ft length of ad 60 ft top width 8 ft width of cut 20 ft (ens above Oneeon) 0 sf (area teowtrnsebn) 150 at (height below transient 4 ft (depth below transition 8 ft (total 10 volume) 0 cy (toW 61 volume) $88889 op length of spillway 14 ft 01300 $8,95700 wd8hWepRrey 8 ft (splWsy store tons) 48 tone $5000 $24000 structures for basin rem height 0 ft ser diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel length 0 ft bees plat or kin0 $20000 $000 barrel diameter 0 m $0 00 barrelcobra ntra 0 $20000 $0.00 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 trees 3 ea $15000 $45000 shNb 9 w 050.00 $450.00 seedlings Oa $500 $000 wo:ale(LF) 48 ft $500 $240.00 bmfilter sol mix(CY) 47 cy $38 00 $1,773 33 bash thee/anti vortex&noes Oft 51,50000 $000 maintenance access road(LF) 65 ft $50 00 03250 00 rW.p,pieced)replete or repair fonNey w depth ft length ft width (tons) 0 $6000 $000 sunray awl layout(prloeper 0.1ml) wins 77 beams 10 $43,58000 mobilization $50000 as-built dnaelg.(per facility) 10 a $2,00000 520,00000 malenels testing(per feclny) 10 ea $2,00000 $2000000 compaction testing(per dam) 10 a $6.000.00 $50,000.00 manufactured fealties(aka menu/epbrars or antrctode price as a bine) $0.00 cost sum 5395.86011 Vol meant $59,379 02 contingency $45,52391 Total 5500,770 9/29/2015 , Project Name: Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WPO2014-00094 Erosion & Sediment Control Bond Estimate $1,800,730 Total Bond A Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 r Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No.Unit Unit Cost Cost Numbernisi talledl stabhraticn(PS.TS) 77 5 acres $387,500 00 sill fence(SF) 9000 ft $4,50000 safety fence(SAF) 10000 ft $5,000 00 ' diversion(DO,FD,RWD) 150 ft $1,95000 temporary slope drain(T5D) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 15 in $0 00 earthwork ler trap/basin height olden at toe 0 tt cut at high ode 0 ft height of fill at face 0 ft cut at face 0 ft length of dam 0 ft length of cut 0 ft top wIdth 0 ft width of cut 0 ft 3000 cy $39,000 00 SB-1 cleanout length of sptllway 0 ft $13 00 $0 00 width of sptllway 0 ft $50 00 $0 00 structures fa basin er height 0 ft nser diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200 00 $0 barrel diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel collars 0 $200 00 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone Inlet protection(IP) 14 $2,800 00 outlet protection(OP) length 18 ft width 18 ft 3 $4,374 00 channel(SCC,matted) length ft width 10 ft $000 check darn depth in channel 1 ft channel width 10 ft 1 $225 00 Instruction entrance(CE) 1 $2,000 00 wash rack 1 $2,000 00 paved construction entrance 1 $3,500 00 rip-rap placed depth 0 ft length 00 ft width 00 $000 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mi) acres 77 5 traps and basins 23 $50,250 00 mobilization $500 00 stream crossing(cornuted Independents count 4 0 cost per 10000 $40,000 00 cost sum $545599 00 Prof mgmt $81,539 85 contingency $62,51389 Total S687,660 9/29/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Unit Unit Cost Cost Numberins( talledl stablizabon(PS,TS) 0 0 acres $0 00 silt fence(SF) 00 ft $000 safety fence(SAF) 00 ft $000 diversion(DD,FD.RWD) 0 ft $0 00 temporary slope dram(TSD) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $0 00 earthwork for trap/basin(ST-5) height of dam at toe 2 ft cut at high side 37 ft height of fill at face 0 ft cut at face 7 ft length of dam 50 ft length of cut 50 ft top width 8 ft width of cut 20 fi length of spillway 19 ft $13 00 $23,062 00 width of spillway 17 ft $50 00 $930 00 structures for basin riser height 0 ft riser diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200 00 SO barrel diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel collars 0 $200 00 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 outlet protection(OP) length 0 ft width 0 ft 0 $0 00 channel(SIC,matted) length ft width 10 ft $0 00 check darn depth in channel 1 ft channel width 10 ft 1 $225 00 construction entrance(CE) 0 50 00 wash rack 0 $0 00 paved ccnstruciwn entrance 0 _ $0 00 rip-rap,placed depth O ft length 0 0 ft width 0 0 $0 00 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mi) acres 0 traps and basins 0 $0 00 mobNzatwn $0 00 stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $24,217 00 pro)mgmt $3,632 55 contingency $2,784 96 Total $30,640 9/29/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Unit Unit Cost Cost Numbernsj lalledl stablization(PS,TS) 0 0 acres $0 00 salience(SF) 00 ft $000 safety fence(SAE) 00 ft $000 diversion(DO,FD,R W D) 0 ft $0 00 temporary slope drain(TSD) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $000 earthwork for trap/basin(ST-5A) height of dam at toe 8 ft cut at high ode 20 ft height of fill at face 2 ft cut at face 6 ft length of dam 78 ft length of cut 30 ft top width 4 ft width of cut 30 ft length of spdtway 20 ft $13 00 $9,451 00 width of spillway 10 ft $50 00 $575 00 structures for basin riser height 0 ft riser diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200 00 $0 barrel diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel collars 0 $200 00 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 outlet protection(OP) length 0 ft width O ft 0 $0 00 channel(SCC matted) length ft width 0 ft $000 check darn depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $0 00 construction entrance(CE) 0 $0 00 wash rack 0 $0 00 paved construction entrance 0 $0 00 rip-rap,placed depth O ft length 0 0 ft width 0 0 $0 00 survey and layout(prow per 0 1 mn) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $O 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $10,02600 prolmgmt $1,50390 contingency $1,15299 Total $12690 9/29@015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Unit Unit Cost Cost Numberinstalled stablizatwn(PS.TS) 0 0 acres $0 00 silt fence(SF) 00 ft $000 safety fence(SAF) 0 0 ft $0 00 diversion(DD.FD.RW D) 0 ft $0 00 temporary slope drain(TSD) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $0 00 earthwork for trap/basin(ST-1) height of dam at toe 4 ft cut at high side 14 ft height dell at face 2 ft cut at face 6 ft length of dam 40 ft length of cut 40 ft top width 4 ft width of cut 18 ft length of spillway 20 ft $1300 $6,825 00 width of spillway 12 ft $50 00 $690 00 structures for basin riser height 0 ft nser diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200 00 $0 barrel diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel collars 0 $20000 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 outlet protection(OP) length 0 ft width 0 ft 0 $0 00 channel(SCC.matted) length ft width 0 ft $000 check dam depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft0 $0 00 construction entrance(CE) 0 $0 00 wash rack0 $0 00 paved construction entrance0 $0 00 np-rap,placed depth S ft length 0 0 ft width 0 0 $0 00 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $7,51500 pro)mgmt $1.127 25 contingency $86423 Total $9,510 9/29/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Unit Unit Cost Cost Number fmstalled) stabbzaton(PS.TS) 0 0 acres $0 00 silt fence(SF) 00 tt $000 safety fence(SAF) 0 0 ft $0 00 diversion(DD.FD,R W D) 0 ft $0 00 temporary slope drain(TSD) ppe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $0 00 earthwork for trap/basin(ST-2) height of dam at toe 2 ft cut at high side 16 ft height of fill at face 2 ft cut at face 6 ft length of dam 50 ft length of cut 50 ft top width 4 ft width of cut 20 ft length of spillway 20 ft $13 00 $10,049 00 width of spillway 16 ft $50 00 $920 00 structures fa boon riser height 0 ft er diameter 0 in $0 00 barredlength 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200 00 $0 barrel diameter 0 in $0 00 barrelcollars 0 $200 00 $0 baffie length 0 ft $50 00 $0 silt fence inlet protector,(IP) 0 $0 00 stare inlet protector,(IP) 0 $0 00 outlet protector(OP) length O ft width O ft 0 $000 channel(SIC,matted) length ft width 0 ft $0 00 check dam depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $0 00 onsiructcn entrance(CE) 0 $0 00 wash rack 0 $0 00 paved construction entrance 0 $0 00 rip-rap.placed depth O ft length 0 0 ft width 00 $000 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobrlizagon stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $10,96900 pro)mgmt $1,64535 contingency $1,20144 Total $13,880 9/28/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Unit Unit Cost Cost Number (installed) stabkeatan(PS.TS) 0 0 acres $0 00 silt fence(SF) 00 ft $000 safety fence(SAF) 0 0 ft $0 00 diversion(DO,FD.RWD) 0 ft $000 temporary slope drain(TSD) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $0 00 earthwork for frapaasin(ST-3) height of darn at toe 2 ft cut at high side 16 ft height of fill at face 0 ft cut at face 7 ft length of darn 48 ft length of cut 48 ft top width 4 ft width of cut 21 ft length of spillway 20 ft $13 00 $10,764 00 width of spillway 15 ft $50 00 $865 00 structures for basin riser height 0 ft riser diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200 00 $0 barrel diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel collars 0 $200 00 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $000 stone inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 outlet protection(OP) length 0 ft width 0 ft 0 $0 00 channel(SCC,matted) length ft width 0 ft $0 00 check darn depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $0 00 construction entrance(CE) 0 _ $000 wash rack0 $000 paved construction entrance0 $0 00 rip-rap,placed depth O ft length 0 0 ft width 0 0 $0 00 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $11.629 00 prof mgmt $1 744 35 contingency $1 337 34 Total $14,720 9/29/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 4 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Unit Unit Cost Cost Number (installed) stablizabon(PS TS) 00 acres $000 silt fence(SF) 0 0 0 $0 00 safety fence(SAF) 00 ft $000 diversion IDD.FD.RWDI 0 ft $000 temporary slope drain(TSD) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $0 00 earthwork fa trap basin(ST-4) height of dam at toe 2 ft cut at high ode 8 ft height of fill at face 0 ft cut at face 4 ft length of darn 25 ft length of cut 25 ft top width 4 ft width of cut 15 ft length of spillway 16 ft $13 00 $1.859 00 width of spillway 6 ft $50 00 $275 00 structures for basin riser height 0 ft riser diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200 00 $0 barrel diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel collars 0 $200 00 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 silt fence Oct protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 cutlet protection(OP) length 0 ft width 0 ft 0 $0 00 channel(SCC matted) length ft width 0 ft $000 check darn depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $0 00 construction entrance(CE) 0 $0 00 wash rack 0 $0 00 paved construction entrance 0 $0 00 rip-rap,placed depth O ft length 0 0 ft width 0 0 $0 00 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $2,13400 prq mgmt $320 10 contingency $24541 Total $2,700 9/29/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 • Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Unit Unit Cost Cost Number )Installed) stablization(PS,TS) 0 0 acres $0 00 silt fence(SF) 00 ft $000 safety fence(SAF) 0 0 ft $0 00 diversion(DD,FD.R16/D) 0 ft $000 temporary slope drain(750) pspe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $0 00 earthwork for trap/basin(S8-1) height of dam at toe 8 5 ft cut at high side 17 ft height of fill at face 8 ft cut at face 6 ft length of darn 284 ft length of cut 284 ft top width 10 ft width of cut 50 ft length of spillway 152 ft $1300 $116,18100 width of spillway 12 ft $50 00 $5,245 00 structures for basin riser height 8 ft riser diameter 48 in $1.200 00 barrel length 55 ft base plate or fdn 1 $200 00 $200 barrel diameter 24 in $2,75000 banal talars1 $200 00 $200 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone Inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 outlet protection(OP) length 12 ft width 8 ft1 $432 00 channel(SCC,matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $0 00 check darn depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $0 00 construction entrance(CE) 0 $0 00 wash rack0 $0 00 paved construcWn entrance0 $0 00 rip-rap.placed depth 0 ft length 0 0 ft width 0 0 $0 00 survey and layout Iprice per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $126.20800 prq mgmt $18.931 20 contingency $14,51392 Total $159,660 9/29/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 • Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Unit Unit Cost Cost Number /installed) stablizaton(PS TS) 0 0 acres $0 00 silt fence(SF) D0 ft $000 safety fence(SAF) D 0 ft $0 00 drverswn(DO.FD RWD) 0 ft $000 temporary slope drain(TSD) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $0 00 earthwork for trap/basin(ST-6) height of dam at toe 0 ft cut at high ode 8 ft height of fill at face 5 ft cut at face 2 ft length of dam 50 ft length of cut 50 ft top width 8 ft width of cut 24 ft length of spillway 26 ft $13 00 $4,537 00 width of spillway 15 ft $5000 $1,120 00 structures for basin riser height 0 ft riser diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel length 50 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200 00 $0 barrel diameter 8 in $0 00 barrel collas 0 $200 00 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 stt fence inlet protection(IF) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 outlet protection(OP) length 0 ft width 0 ft 0 $0 00 channel(SCC,matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $0 00 check darn depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $0 00 construction entrance(CE) 0 $0 00 wash rack 0 $0 00 paved conslrucbon entrance 0 $0 00 rip-rap.placed depth O ft length 0 D ft width 0 0 $0 00 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 m06ilization stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $5.85700 Pro)mgmt $848 55 contingency $65056 Total $7,160 0/29/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Unit Unit Cost Cost Numberosl talledl stablizabon(PS TS) 00 acres $000 silt fence(SF/TP) 0 0 ft $0 00 super silt fence(SSF) 0 0 ft $0 00 diversion(DD,FD,RWD) 0 ft $0 00 temporary slope drain(TSD) pipe iength 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $0 00 earthwork for trap/basin(58-3) height of dam at toe 10 ft cut at high side 20 ft height of fill at face 6 ft cut at face 5 ft length of dam 242 ft length of cut 242 ft tap width 10 ft width of cut 35 ft length of spillway 94 ft $13 00 $80,340 00 width of spillway 14 ft $50 00 $3,785 00 structures for basin riser heght 8 ft riser diameter 48 in $1,20000 barrel length 45 ft base plate or fdn1 $200 00 $200 barrel diameter 24 in $2,250 00 barrel cellars1 $200 00 $200 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 50 sill fence inlet protection IIP) 0 $000 store inlet protection(IP) 0 $000 outlet protection(OP) length 12 ft width 11 ft1 $594 00 channel(SCC,matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $0 00 check darn depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $0 00 construction entrance(CE) 0 $0 00 wash rack0 $0.00 paved construciwn entrance0 $0 00 rip-rap,placed depth O ft length 0 0 ft width 00 $000 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobilizatwn stream crossing(computed Independently) $0 00 cost sum $88,56900 prg mgmt $13,285 35 contingency $10,185 44 Total $112,040 9/29/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Unit Unit Cost Cost Number (installed) stabhzabon(PS,TSI 0 0 acres $0 00 sit fence/tree protection(SF/TP) 0 0 ft $0 00 super silt fence(SSFI 00 ft $000 diversion(DD.ED.RWD) 0 ft $000 temporary slope drain(TSD) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $000 earthwork for trap/basin(ST-7) height of dam at toe 2 ft cut at high side 10 ft height of fill at face 2 ft cut at face 6 ft length of dam 45 ft length of cut 45 ft top width 4 ft width of cut 24 ft length of spillway 20 ft $1300 $6,877 00 width of spillway 18 ft $50 00 $1 035 00 structures for basin riser height 0 ft nser diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200 00 $0 barrel diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel cellars 0 $200 00 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 outlet protection(OP) length O ft width O ft 0 $000 channel(SCC.matted) length ft width 0 ft $0 00 check dam depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $000 constructan entrance(CE) 0 $0 00 wash rack 0 $0 00 paved construcbon entrance 0 $0 00 np-rap,placed depth O ft length 0 0 ft width 0 0 $0 00 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $7,91200 Peal mane $1,18680 contingency $90088 Total $10,010 9/29/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B • WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Unit Unit Cost Cost Number (installed) stablization(PS.TS) 0 0 acres $0 00 silt fence/tree protection(SF/TP) 0 0 ft $0 00 super silt fence(SSF) 0 0 ft $0 00 diveroon(SD,FD,RW D) 0 ft $0 00 temporary slope dram(TSD) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $0 00 earthwork for trap/basin(ST-26) height of dam at toe 3 ft cut at high side 12 ft height of fill at face 1 ft cut at face 6 ft length of darn 36 ft length of cut 36 ft tap width 4 ft width of cul 6 ft length of spillway 16 ft $13 00 83.484 00 width of spillway 6 ft $50 00 $275 00 structures for basin riser height 0 ft nser diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200 00 $0 barrel diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel collars 0 8200 00 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 outlet protection(OP) length 0 ft width 0 R0 $0 00 channel(SCG,matted) length ft width 0 ft $0 00 check darn depth In channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $0 00 construction entrance(CE) 0 $0 00 wash rack0 $0 00 paved construction entrance0 $000 rip-rapplaced depth O ft length 0 0 ft width 00 $000 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $3,759 00 pro,mgmt $563 85 contingency $43229 Total $4,760 8/28/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 , Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Unit Unit Cost Cost Number Installed) stabhza9on(PS,TS) D 0 acres $0 00 slit fence/tree protection(SF/TP) 00 ft $000 super silt fence(SSF) 0 0 ft $0 00 diversion(OD,FD,ROOD) 0 ft $000 temporary slope dram(ISO) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $000 earthwork for trap/basin(S8-8) height of dam at toe 7ft cut at high side 10 ft height of fill at face 0 ft cut at face 8 ft length of dam 52 ft length of cut 52 ft top width 13 ft ' width of cut 57 ft length of spillway 40ft $1300 $16,84800 width of spillway 8 ft $50 00 $920 00 structures for basin riser height 8 ft ser diameter 24 in $300 00 barrellength 50 ft base plate or fdn 1 $200 00 $200 barrel diameter 15 in $1,75000 barrel collars i $200 00 $200 baffle length 42 ft $50 00 $2,100 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 outlet protection(OP) length 10 ft width 9 ft 1 $40500 channel(SCC,matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $000 check dam depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $0 00 construction entrance(CE) 0 $0 00 wash rack 0 $0 00 paved construction entrance 0 $0 00 rip-rap,placed depth O ft length 0 0 ft width 0 0 $0 00 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobilization strewn crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $22,723 00 pro mgmt $3,40845 contingency $2,81315 Total $28,750 9/29/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Unit Unit Cost Cost Number (installed) stabhzahon(PS.TS) 0 0 acres $0 00 silt fence/tree protection(SF/P) 0 0 ft $0 00 super silt fence(SSF) 0 0 ft $0 00 diversion(DO,FS,RWD) 0 ft $000 temporary slope dran(TOO) ppe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $0 00 earthwork for trap/basin(ST-13) height of darn at toe 1 ft cut at high ode 6 ft heght of fill at face 1 ft cut at face 5 ft length of darn 42 ft length of cut 42 ft top width 4 ft width of cut 7 ft length of spillway 12 ft $13 00 $2,028 00 width of spillway 7 ft $50 00 $240 00 structures for basin riser height 0 ft riser diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200 00 $0 barrel diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel talars0 $200 00 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 outlet protection(OP) length 0 tt width 0 R 0 $0 00 channel(SCC.matted) length Oft width Oft $000 check darn depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft0 $000 construction entrance(CE) 0 $000 wash rack0 $0 00 paved construction entrance0 $0 00 rip-rap,placed depth O ft length 0 0 ft width 00 $000 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $2,26800 prci regret $340 20 contingency $260 82 Total $2,870 9/29/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate (tern Item No Unit Und Cost Cost Numberins{ tolled/ stabliaation(PS,TS( D 0 acres $0 00 silt fence/tree protection(SFTP) D 0 ft $0 00 super silt fence(SSF( 00 ft $000 diversion(DD.FD.RWD) 0 ft $000 temporary slope drain(TSD) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $0 00 earthwork for traprbasin(ST-13) height of dam at toe 9 ft cut at high side 10 ft height of fill at face 8 ft cut at face 5 ft length of dam 95 ft length of cut 95 ft top width 10 ft width of cut 110 ft length of spillway 140 ft $13 00 $45,604 00 width of spillway 8 ft 850 00 $3,220 00 structures for basin riser height 8 ft riser diameter 48 in $1,20000 barrel length 65 ft base plate or fdn 1 $200 00 $200 barrel diameter 24 in $3,25000 barrelcollars 1 8200 00 $200 baffle length 50 ft $50 00 $2,500 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 0 80 00 outlet protection(OP( length 0 ft width 0 ft 0 $0 00 channel(SCC,matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $0 00 check dam depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $0 00 construction entrance(CE) 0 80 00 wash rack 0 $0 00 paved construction entrance 0 $0 00 rip-rap,placed depth Oft length 0 0 ft width 0 0 $0 00 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 80 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed independently( $0 00 cost sum $56,17400 pro)mgmt 88,426 10 contingency $6,46001 Total $71,070 9/29/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B • WPO file number: WPO2014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No.Unit Unit Cost Cost Number installed stabtizaoon(PS,TS) 0 0 acres $0 00 silt fence/tree protection(SF/IP) 0 0 ft $0 00 super silt fence(SSP) 0 0 ft $0 00 diversion(DO FD RWD) 0 ft $000 temporary slope dram(TSD) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $0 00 earthwork for trap/basin(ST-9) height of dam at toe 4 ft cut at high side 16 ft height of fill at face 1 ft cut at face 7 ft length of dam 52 ft length of cut 52 ft top width 4 ft width of cut 11 ft length of spillway 20 ft $13 00 $8,853 00 width of spillway 12 ft $50 00 $690 00 structures for basin nser height 0 ft riser diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200 00 $0 barrel diameter 0 in $0 00 barye'collars 0 $200 00 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 outlet protection(DP) length 0 ft width 0 ft0 $0 00 channel(SCC,matted) length ft width Oft $000 check dam depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $0 00 construction entrance(CE) 0 $000 wash rack0 $0 00 paved construction entrance 0 _ $0 00 np-rap,placed depth O ft length 0 0 ft width 0 0 $0 00 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $9,543 00 pro mgmt $1.431 45 contingency $1.097 45 Total 912,080 9/29/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 . Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Unit Unit Cost Cost Numberlinstalledl stabkzation(PS TS) 00 acres $000 silt fence/Pee protection)SF/TPI 0 0 ft $0 00 super sit fence(SSF) 0 0 ft $0 00 dwaswn(DD.FD RWD) 0 ft $000 temporary slope drain(TOD) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $0 00 earthwork for trap/basin(ST-10) height of dam at toe 5 ft cut at high side 20 ft height of fill at face 1 ft cut at face 6 ft length of don 62 ft length of cut 62 ft top width 4 ft width of cut 3 ft length of spillway 21 ft 013 00 $8.424 00 width of spillway 6 ft $50 00 $360 00 structures for basin riser height 0 ft riser diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200 00 $0 barrel diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel collars0 $20000 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 outlet protection(OP) length 0 ft width 0 ft 0 $0 00 channel(SCC matted) length ft width 0 ft $000 check darn depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $0 00 construction entrance ICE) 0 $0 00 wash rack 0 $0 00 paved construction entrance 0 $0 00 rip-rap,placed depth O ft length 0 0 ft width 0 0 $0 00 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $8.784 00 Prof mgmt $1.31760 contingency $1.010 16 Total $11,120 9/29/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Unit Unit Cost Cost Number (installed( stabiiaauon(PS,TS) 00 acres $000 silt fence/tree protection(SF/TP) 0 0 ft $0 00 super silt fence(SSF) 0 0 ft $0 00 diversion(DO,FD,RWD) 0 ft $0 00 temporary slope dram(TSD) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $0 00 earthwork for trap/basin(ST-20) height of dam at toe 2 ft cut at high side 8 ft height 01811 at face 2 ft cut at face 8 ft length of darn 34 ft length of cut 34 ft top width 4 ft width of cut 12 ft length of spillway 20 ft $13 00 $3.029 00 width of spillway 9 ft $50 00 $520 00 structures for basin riser height 0 ft riser diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200 00 $0 barrel diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel collars 0 $20000 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 outlet protection(OP) length 0 ft width 0 ft0 $0 00 channel(SCC,matted) length ft width 0 ft $0 00 check darn depth in charnel 0 ft channel width 0 ft0 $0 00 construction entrance(CE) 0 $0 00 wash rack0 $0 00 paved construction entrance0 $0 00 rip-rap,placed depth O ft length 0 0 ft width 0 0 $0 00 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $3,549 00 pro)mgmt $532 35 contingency $408 14 Total $4,490 9/29/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Unit Unit Cost Cost Number (installed) stablization(PS TS) 00 acres $000 silt fence/tree protection(SF/TP) 0 0 ft $0 00 super silt fence(SSF) 00 ft $000 diversion(DO,FD,RWD) 0 ft $000 temporary slope drain(TSD) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $0 00 earthwork to trap/basin(ST-21) heght of dam at toe 2 ft cut at high side 15 ft height 01511 at face 2 ft cut at face 5 ft length of dam 30 ft length of cut 30 ft top width 4 ft width of cut 11 ft length of spillway 20 ft $13 00 $3,835 00 width of spillway 7 ft $50 00 $405 00 structures for basin riser height 0 ft nser diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200 00 $0 barrel diameter 0 m $0 00 barrel collars 0 $200 00 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 silt fence)Net protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 outlet protection(OP) length 0 ft width 0 ft 0 $0 00 channel(SCC,maned) length ft width 0 ft $0 00 check darn depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $0 00 construction entrance(CE) 0 $0 00 wash rack 0 $0 00 payed construction entrance 0 $0 00 np-rap,placed depth O ft length 0 0 ft width 00 $000 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mil acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $4,24000 prq mgmt $636 CO contingency $48760 Total 55,370 9/29/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B • WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Unit Unit Cost Cost Number )installed) stabiizason(PS TS) 00 acres $000 silt fence/tree protection(SF/TP) 0 0 ft $0 00 super silt fence(SSF) 0 0 ft $0 00 diversion(DD,FD.RWD) 0 ft $000 temporary slope drain(TSD) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $0 00 earthwork for trap/basin(SB-4) height of dam at toe 16 ft cut at high side 16 ft height of fill at face 6 ft cut at face 5 ft length of darn 100 ft length of cut 100 ft top width 10 ft width of cut 83 ft • length of spillway 72 ft $13 00 $52,741 00 width of spillway 12 ft $50 00 $2485 00 structures for basin riser haght 11 ft riser diameter 48 in $1,65000 barrel length 69 ft base plate or fdn 1 $200 00 $200 barrel diameter 24 in $3.450 00 barrel collars1 $200 00 $200 baffle length 70 ft $50 00 $3,500 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 outlet protector)(OP) length 12 ft width 9 ft1 $486 00 channel(SCC matted) length ft width 0 ft $000 check darn depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $0 00 construction entrance(CE) $0 1X1 wash rack0 $000 paved construction entrance0 $0 00 np-rap,placed depth O ft length 0 0 ft width 0 0 $0 00 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $64 71200 prq mgmt $9,70680 contingency $7,44188 Total $81,870 9/29/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WPO2014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Urnt Una Cost Cost Number Installed) stabltzation IPS.TS) 0 0 acres $0 00 silt fence/tree protection(SF/TP) 0 0 ft $0 00 super silt fence(SSF) D0 ft $000 diversion IDD.FD.RWD) 0 ft $000 temporary slope drain(TSD) pipe length 0 ft ppe diameter 0 in $000 earthwork for trap/basin(SB-7) haght of dam at toe Eft cut at high side 15 ft height of fill at face 2 ft cut at face 8 ft length of dam 92 ft length of cut 92 ft tap width 8 ft width of cut 30 ft length of spillway 36 ft $13 00 $26,390 00 width of spltway 8 ft $50 00 $830 00 structures for basin user height 5 ft riser diameter 24 in $250 00 barrel length 38 ft base plate or fdn 1 $200 00 $200 barrel diameter 15 in $1 330 00 barrel cellars1 $200 00 $200 baffle length 70 ft $5000 $3,500 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 outlet protection(UP) length 7 ft width 7 6 ft I $239 40 channel(SOC.matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $0 00 check darn depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $0 00 construction entrance ICE) 0 $0 00 wash rack 0 $0 00 paved construction entrance 0 $0 00 rip-rap,placed depth 0 ft length 00 ft width 00 $000 survey and layout(pace per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $32.93940 Prot mgmt $4 940 91 contingency $3 788 03 Total $41,670 9/29/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B • WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No.Unit Unit Cost Cost Numberinstalled stabtiratwn(PS,TS) 0 0 acres $0 00 silt fence/tree protection ISF/TP) 0 0 ft $0 00 super silt fence(SSF) 0 0 ft $0 00 diversion(DD.FD,FWD) 0 ft $0 00 temporary slope dram(TSD) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $0 00 earthwork for trap/basin(ST-22) height of dam at toe 1 ft cut at high side 9 5 ft heght of fill at face 1 tt cut at face 55ft length of dam 19 ft length of cut 19 ft top width 4 ft width of cut 9 ft length of spillway 16 ft $13 00 $1,586 00 width of spillway 6 ft $50 00 $275 00 structures for basin riser heght 0 ft riser diameter 0 in - $0 00 barrel length 0 ft base plate cc fdn 0 $200 00 $0 barrel diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel collars 0 $200 00 $0 baffle length oft $50 00 $0 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 outlet protection(OP) length 0 ft width 0 ft 0 $0 00 channel(SCC.matted) length Oft width 0 ft $000 check dam depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft0 $000 construction entrance(CE) 0 $100 wash rack0 $0 00 paved construction entrance 0 $0 00 rip-rap,placed depth Oft length 0 0 ft width 00 $000 survey and layout(puce per 0 1 mi I acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mob ioabon stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $1,861 00 prq mgmt $279 15 contingency $214 02 Total $2,360 9/29/2015 Project Name Project Name:Whittington Phase B • WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Item Item No Unit Unit Cost Cost Number Onff stabbzation(PS.TS) 0 0 acres $0 00 silt fence/tree protection(SF/FP) 0 0 ft $0 00 super sill fence(SSF) 00 ft $000 drverston(DD.FD.ROM) 0 ft $0 00 temporary slope dram(TSD) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $000 earthwork for trap/basin(01-24) height of dam at toe 1 ft cut at high side 10 5 ft height of fill at face 5 ft cut at face 2 5 ft length of dam 40 ft length of cut 40 ft top width 4 ft width of cut 17 ft length of spliway 22 ft $1300 $3,458 00 width of spillway 12 ft $50 00 $780 00 structures for basin riser height 0 ft riser diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200 00 $0 barrel dameter 0 in $0 00 barrel collars 0 $200 00 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 outlet protection(OP) length 0 ft width 0 ft 0 $0 00 channel(SCC.matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $000 check dam depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $0 00 construction entrance ICE) 0 $0 00 wash rack 0 $0 00 paved construction entrance 0 $0 00 np-rap,placed depth O ft length 0 0 ft width 0 0 $0 00 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $4.21800 prof mgmt $832 70 contingency $48507 Total $5,340 9/29/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No.Unit Una Cost Cost Number lInstalled) stabizatlon(PS TS) 00 acres $000 silt fence/tree protection(SF/0P) 0 0 ft $0 00 super silt fence(SSF) 0 0 ft $0 00 diversion(DD.FD.RWD) 0 ft $000 temporary slope drain(TSD) ape length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $0 00 earthwork for trap/basin(ST-25) height of darn at toe 6 ft cut at high Ode 10 ft height of fill at face 0 ft cut at face 55 ft length of darn 76 ft length of cut 76 ft top width 4 ft width of cul 14 ft length of spillway 16 ft $13 00 $7,995 00 width of spillway 8 ft $50 00 $370 00 structures for basin I6a1"height 0 ft riser diameter 0 in $0 00 bar/el length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200 00 $0 barrel diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel collars 0 $200 00 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 outlet protec5on(OP) length S ft width O ft 0 $000 channel(SCC.matted) length Oft width Oft $000 check dam depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $0 00 construction entrance(CE) 0 $0 00 wash rack0 $0 00 paved construction entrance0 $0 00 rip-rap,placed depth O ft length 0 0 ft width 0 0 $0 00 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $8.365 00 pro)mgmt $1 254 75 contingency $961 98 Total $10,590 9/29/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WPO2014.00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Unit Unit Cost Cost Numberinsl talledl stablizabon(PS,TS) 0 0 acres $0 00 silt fence/tree protection(SF/1P) 0 0 ft $0 00 super silt fence(SSF) 00 ft $000 diversion(DD.FD,FOND) 0 ft $0 00 temporary slope drain(TSD) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $0 00 earthwork for trap/basin lSB-5) height of dam at toe 9 ft cut at high side 25 ft height of fill at face 4 ft cut at face 8 ft length of dam 70 ft length of cut 70 ft top width 10 ft width of cut 80 ft length of spillway 0 ft $13 00 $59,007 00 width of spillway 0 ft $50 00 $0 00 structures for basin riser height 9 ft riser diameter 48 in $1,35000 barrel length 45 ft base plate or fdn 1 $200 00 $200 barrel diameter 24 in 92,250 00 barrel collars 1 $200 00 $200 baffle length 54 ft $50 00 $2700 silt fence inlet protection(I7) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 outlet protection(OP) length 10 ft width 8 ft1 $380 00 channel(SCC.matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $000 check dam depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $0 00 construction entrance(CE) 0 $0 00 wash rack 0 $0 00 paved construction entrance 0 $0 00 np-rap,placed depth O ft length 0 0 ft width 0 0 $0 00 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $66,067 00 pro)mgmt $0,910 05 contingency $7,59771 Total $83,580 9/29/2015 Approximate Earthwork computations for sediment traps and basins Assumes all cut and fill slopes are 2:1 for simplicty Top Width Height of Fill at Face h1 Cut at High Side h2 transition point Height of Darn at Toe h2 _ w h1 Width of Cut Cut at Face Fill area above transition=h1(2h1)+h1(w) Fill area below transition, Volume=Length of Fill x Fill Area total width of fill(dam)=2h1+w+2h2 height below transition=h2-ht. area=(width'height)/2-height x height Cut Areas and Volume is the same as fill but using the cut dimensions Length of Cut y Length of FYI for Dam (approximately) • Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 - Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No,Unit Unit Cost Cost Numbermsl talledl stabhzabon(PS,TS) 0 0 acres $0 00 siltfence'0ee protection(SF/TP) 9000 ft $4,50000 super silt fence(SSF) 00 ft $000 diversion(DD.FD.RWD) 1452 ft $18,876 00 temporary slope drain(TSD) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $000 earthwork for trap/basin(SB-5) height of dam at toe 0 ft cut at high side 0 ft heght of fill at face 0 ft cut at face 0 ft length of darn 0 ft length of cut O ft tap width 0 ft width of cut 0 ft • • length of spillway 0 ft - $13 00 $0 00 width of spillway 0 ft $50 00 $0 00 structures for basin riser height 0 ft riser diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel length 0 ft base platens fdn 0 $200 00 $0 barrel diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel collars 0 $200 00 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 3 $600 00 outlet protection(OP) length 0 ft width 0 ft 0 $0 00 channel(SCC,matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $0 00 check darn depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $0 00 construction entrance ICE) 0 $000 wash rack 0 $0 00 paved construction entrance 0 $0 00 np-rap,Placed depth 8 ft length 2 0 ft width 60 $24840 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $24,224 40 prq mgmt $3,633 66 contingency $2,785 81 Total $30,650 9/29/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item tern No Unit Unit Cost Cost Numberinstalle)sl stablizalwn(PS,TO) 0 0 acres $0 00 at fence/tree protector(SF/TP) 36300 ft $18,15000 super silt fence(SSF) 2580 ft $2,06400 divers=(DD.PD.RWD) 1175 ft $15 275 00 temporary slope drain(TSD) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $0 00 earthwork for trap/basin(SB-5) height of dam at toe 0 ft cut at high sale 0 ft height of fill at face 0 ft cut at face 0 ft length of dam 0 ft length of cul 0 ft top width 0 ft width of cut 0 ft length of spillway 0 tt _ $13 00 $0 00 width of spillway 0 tt $50 00 $0 00 structures for basin user heght 0 ft riser diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200 00 $0 barrel diameter 0 in $0 00 barred collars 0 $20000 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 7 $1,400 00 outlet protection(OP) length Oft width 0ft0 $000 channel(SCC,matted) length Oft width Oft $000 check dam depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $0 00 construction entrance(CE) 0 $0 00 wash rack 0 $0 00 paved construction entrance 0 $0 00 np-rap.placed depth 3 ft length 2 0 ft width 6 0 $124 20 survey and layout(price per 0 1 orb) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobtivabon stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $37,01320 prq mgmt $5,551 98 contingency $4,256 52 Total $46,830 9/29/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Urnt Unit Cost Cost Numberms! talledl stabluatian(PS,TS) 0 0 acres $0 00 silt fence/tree protection(SF/TP) 24 0 ft $120 00 super silt fence(SSF) 3950 ft $3,16000 diversion(00,FD,RWD) 331 ft $4,30300 temporary slope drain(TSD) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $0 00 earthwork for trap/basin(SB-5) height of dam at toe 0 ft cut at high side 0 ft height of fill at face 0 ft cut at face 0 ft length of dam 0 ft length of cut 0 ft top width 0 ft width of cut 0 ft length of spillway 0 ft $13 00 $0 00 width of spillway 0 ft $50 00 $0 00 structures for basin riser height 0 ft riser diameter 0 m $0 00 barrel length 0 ftbase plate or ftln 0 $200 00 $0 barrel diameter 0 in 60 00 barrel collars 0 $200 00 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) i $200 00 outlet protection(OP) length O ft width O ft 0 $000 channel(SCC,matted) length Oft width Oft $000 check darn depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $0 00 construct=entrance ICE) 0 $0 00 wash rack 0 $0 00 paved construction entrance 0 $0 00 rip-rap,placed depth O ft length 0 0 ft width 0 0 $0 00 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $7,78300 prat mgmt $1,167 45 contingency $89505 Total 99,850 9/29)2015 • Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No.Unit Unit Cost Cost Number f installed) stabhzation(PS.TS) 00 acres $000 silt fence/tree protection(SF/TP) 6149 0 ft $30 745 00 super silt fence(SSF) 359 0 ft $2.872 00 diversion(DD,FD,RWD) 1308 ft $17,00400 temporary slope drain(TSD) pipe length 367 ft pipe diameter 24 in $18,850 00 earthwork for trap/basm(SB-5) height of dam at toe 0 ft cut at high ode 0 ft height of fill at face 0 ft cut at face 0 ft length of dam 0 ft length of cut 0 ft top width 0 ft width of cut 0 ft • length of spillway 0 ft $1300 $0 00 width of spillway 0 ft $50 00 $0 00 structures fa basin riser height 0 ft ser diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200 00 $0 barrel diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel collars 0 $200 00 $0 belle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 9 $1,80000 outlet protection(OP) length 0 ft wIdth 0 ft 0 $0 00 channel(SCC.matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $0 00 check dam depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $0 00 construction entrance(CE) 0 $0 00 wash rack0 $0 00 paved construction entrance0 $0 00 rip-rap.placed depth O ft length 0 0 ft walth 0 0 $0 00 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $71 271 00 prq mgmt $10.690 65 contingency $8 196 17 Total 990,160 9/29/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Unit Unit Cost Cost Number (installed) stzblization(PS.TS) 0 0 acres $0 00 wit fence/tree protection(SF/TP) 7142 0 ft $35,710 00 super silt fence(SSF) 1495 ft $1,19600 diversion(DD,FD,RWD) 2165 ft $28,14500 temporary slope drain(TSD) pipe length 56 ft pipe diameter 24 in $3,30000 earthwork for trap/basin(SB-5) height of dam at toe 0 ft cut at high side 0 ft height of fill at face 0 ft cut at face 0 ft length of darn 0 ft length of cut 0 ft top width 0 ft width of cut 0 ft length of spillway 0 ft $13 00 $0 00 width of spillway 0 ft $50 00 $0 00 structures fur basin riser height 0 ft riser diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200 00 $0 band diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel collars 0 $200 00 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 stt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 6 $1,20000 outlet protection(OP) length O ft width O ft 0 $000 channel(SCC matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $000 check dam depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $0,00 construcbm entrance(CE) 0 $0 00 wash rack 0 - $0 00 paved ccnstruchon entrance 0 $0 00 rip-rap,placed depth 15 ft length 2 0 ft width 6 0 $621 00 survey and layout(price per o 1 mi) acres 0 0 baps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $70,172 00 pro,mgmt $10,52580 contingency $8,06978 Total $88,770 9/29/2015 • Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Unit Unit Cost Cost Number (installed) stablizason(PS.TSI 0 0 acres $0 00 silt fence/tree protection(SF/TP) 0 0 ft $0 00 super silt fence(SSF) 0 0 ft $0 00 diversion(DD,FD,RWD) 0 ft $000 temporary slope drain(TSD) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $0 00 earthwork for trap/basin(SB-5) height of dam at toe 0 ft cut at high side 0 ft height of fill at face 0 ft cut at face 0 ft length of darn 0 ft length of out 0 ft top width 0 ft width of cut 0 ft length of spillway 0 ft - $1300 $0 00 width of spillway 0 ft $50 00 $0 00 structures for bass riser height 0 ft riser diameter 0 m $0 00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or foto 0 $200 00 $0 barrel diameter 0 in $0 00 banal talars o $200 00 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 outlet protection(OP) length 0 ft width 0 ft 0 $0 00 channel(SCC.matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $000 check darn depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $0 00 construction entrance(CE) 0 - $0 00 wash rack 1 $2,000 00 paved construction entrance1 $3,500 00 rip-rap placed depth O ft length 0 0 ft width 0 0 $0 00 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed independently) 80 00 cost sum $5,50000 pro,mgmt $82500 contingency $632 50 Total $6,960 9/29/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 • Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No,Unit Unit Cost Cost Number (installed) stabhzagm(PS,TS) 0 0 acres $0 00 dt 6rwstr»protedon(SF/TP) ION.O It $5,340.00 super silt fence(SSF) 1350 ft $1,08000 diversion(DO,FD,ROOD) 350 ft $4,550 00 temporary slope dran(TSD) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $0 00 earthwork for trap/basin)SB-5) height of dam at toe 0 ft cut at high side 0 ft height of fill at face 0 ft cut at face 0 ft length of darn 0 ft length of cut 0 ft top width 0 ft width of cut 0 ft length of spillway 0 ft • $13 00 $0 00 width of spillway 0 ft $50 00 $0 00 structures for basin riser height 0 ft ser diameter 0 in $000 barrellength 0 ft base plate or fan 0 $200 00 $0 barrel diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel talars 0 $200 00 $0 bafee length 0 ft $50 00 $0 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 outlet protect=(OP) length Oft width 0 ft 0 $0,00 channel(SCC,matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $0 00 check darn depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $0 00 construction entrance(CE) 0 $0 00 wash rack 0 $0 00 paved construction entrance 0 $0 00 rip-rap,placed depth O ft length 0 0 ft width 00 $000 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 taps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed independently) $000 cost sum $10,970 00 pro]mgnrt $1,645 50 contingency $1,261 55 Total $13,880 9/29/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B • WPO file number: WPO2014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Unit Unit Cost Cost Number (installed) stabiivtwn(PS,TS) 0 0 acres $0 00 sitfarc.6wpre eeen(8F/IP) 2021.0 ft 014805.00 super silt fence(SSF) 682 0 ft $5.456 00 diversion(DO,FD,RWD) 1752 ft $22.77600 temporary slope drain(TSD) pipe length Oft pipe diameter Din $000 earthwork for trap/basin(SB-5) height of dam at toe 0 ft cut at high side 0 ft height of fill at face 0 ft cut at face 0 ft length of dam 0 ft length of cut 0 ft tap width 0 ft width of cut 0 ft length of spillway 0 ft $1300 $0 00 width of spillway 0 ft $50 00 $O 00 structures for base ser height 0 ft nser diameter 0 n $000 barrel length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200 00 $0 barrel diameter 0 in $0 00 Darrel cdlars0 $200 00 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 4 $800 00 outlet protection(OP) length 0 ft width 0 tt0 $0 00 channel(SCC.matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $000 check dam depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft0 $000 construction entrance(CE) 0 50 00 wash rack0 $0 00 paved construction entrance0 $0 00 rip-rap,placed depth Oft length 0 0 ft width 0 0 - $0 00 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum 043,637 00 proi mgmt $6 545 55 contingency $5.01826 Total $55,210 9/29/2015 • • Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 • Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Unit Unit Cost Cost Number (installed) stablization(PS,T5) 0 0 acres $0 00 silt fence/tree protection(SF/TP) 1290 0 ft $8,450 00 super sit fence(SSF) 0 0 ft $0 00 diversion(DO,FD,RWD) 356 ft $11,12800 temporary slope drain(TOD) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $0 00 earthwork for trap/basin(SB-5) height of dam at tae 0 ft cut at high side 0 ft height of 811 at face 0 ft cut at face 0 ft length of dam 0 ft length of cut 0 ft top width 0 ft width of cut 0 ft length of spillway 0 ft $13 00 SO 00 width of spillway 0 ft $50 00 $0 00 structures for basin riser height 0 ft riser diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200 00 $0 barrel diameter 0 in $0 00 barrel collars0 $200 00 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 SO 00 stone inlet protection(IP) 1 $200 00 outlet protection(OP) length O ft width O ft 0 $000 channel(SOC,matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $0 00 check den depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $0 00 construction entrance(CE) 0 $0 00 wash racki $2,000 00 paved construction entrance 1 $3,500 00 rip-rap,placed depth 1 5 ft length 33 O ft width 11 0 $1,878 53 survey and layout(pace per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 SO 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $25158 53 pro)mgmt $3.773 48 contingency $2,89300 Total $31,830 • 9/29/2015 ' or:,. (3879660• + i ject Name: Whittington Phase B 30,640• + WPO file number: WPO2014-004 #411eCY' 12,690• + Erosion & Sediment Control Bond Estimate 99510• + 13,; 80• + 14,720• + $1,800,730 Total Bond 2,700• + 159,660• + 7,160• + • 112,040• + 10,010• + 4,760• + 28,750• + U1-4) L. r\ 4 1 , ''�✓p 13D 29870- + (1 71,070• +t!' s , 12,080• + 11 ,120• + 073OOO 5,370• + 135,370• + A1,870• + 41,670• + .e& 7Ut4k SOA- 2,360• + 5,340• + 10,590• + 83,580• + 30,650• + 46,830• + 9,850• + 90,160• + 88,770• + 6,960• + 13,580• + :-5,210• + 31,830• + 1,800,730• * 0• * 0• * 1,800,730• + 500,770• + 2,301 ,500• * 0• * 0• * _ I Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014.00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate tern Ltem Number Na laUnit Cost LQg (installed) staGnlron(P5.T5) 77 5 acres "OC.:D.. $387.500 00 se lance(SF) $ safety fence(SAF) 000fl S.C. $4.500.00 diversion(DD.FD,50D1 100W 0 ft ;r;; $5.000,00 tempary slope drain(TSD) ppe length O R150 R .?3 C: $1,90.00 earthwork for trap/beam PtPe dlanrlx 15 n c�-C_, 50.00 height of darn at toe 0 ft cut at high side 0 ft height of bid a We 0$ cut at face O ft length o1 dam 0 ft length of out 0 ft • top width 0 ft wkfth of cut 0 ft 3000 cy .C,. $39,000.00 SB-1 cleaved _ ivee Mac,.t,_.i , b. ,k,t :C,I ,. u1. ,. ;,.Wt,htle- .t C,c' i.e_. .etu.., r .. 1.1, ...r..�. • ,tor,111'1,A Mei .. length of spillway 0 ft .COAL C T estt.le' C $13.00 50.00 width of spillway 0 ft ,to.•a.,IA,,, .t 1, $50.00 $0 00 structures fa basin neer height 0 ft neer dentate, O in it:v.tr.t nt.. barrellength 0 fl base plate o $0 fdn 0 50. $200.00 00 barrel diameter 0 In ,. iiel.nl L' e. V:Cc: f000 brrlooUars 0 320000 $0 baffle length 0 ft 550 00 50 sit fence inlet praanbno(IP) 0 )I t,C C $0 00 state hist protecban(IP) 14 qtr,C' $2,800 00 oyer proecbort(OP) length 18 fl width 18 R 3 i a5_CC 54,37400 channel(SCC,matted) length ft width 10 ft §0 00 check dam depth In channel 1 ft channel width 10 ft 1 :::CC 322500 cdnstrucbon entrance(CE) 1 (CCC C: 52,000.00 wash rack 1 <:0,000 $2,000 00 paved ocnstructron entrance 1 1 t S,5 0: 33,500 00 rip-rap.Placed depth 0 ft length 00 ft width 00 ;t.:+. t c);,r„ 5000 survey and Iaycet(pnce pr 0 1 mi) acres 77 5 traps and basins 23 1110S11.800.1 $5$500 00 stream crossing(computed independent,cnt 3500.00 40 cost per 10000 .•Cct:C., $40,00000 cost sum $543.599 00 1 Prof nngml $91,539 85 contingency 562,513 89 Total $687,660 10/1/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No.Unit Unil Cost Cost Numbermslelled ataNcalicn(PS,TS) 00 acres .::_..._ $000 silt fence(SF) 00 ft .-. 5000 safely fence(SAF) 0 0 ft '1,1, $0.00 diversion(DD.FD.RWD) 0 ft 01' $0.00 temporary slope drain(TSD) pipe Irgth 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in tr.0' $0.00 ertIwark for trap/basin(ST-5) height of dem at toe 2 ft cut at high side 37 ft height drill N face Oft cut at fau 7 ft krgth of dam 50 ft length of cut 50 ft top width 8 ft width of cut 20 ft . . length of spillway (19 ft 'TOn�._,c_t to 17'=_, $1300 $23,062.00 width of spillway 17 ft n, .. .t .i. 4:t.,, $50 00 $930.00 structures for basin mar height 0 ft sr diameter Din ,,r it,.,., $0.00 bare length 0 ft base plate cc fdn 0 5200.00 $0 barrel d«net« $0.00 caws crs L 0 $200.00 $0 bole length 0 ft $50.00 SO silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 jt,',Cs 5000 stone int pratecban(IP) 0 32CC 0:.3 $000 outlet prclecben(OP) length 0 ft width 0 ft 0 >.C $0 00 channel(SCC.netted) length ft width 10 ft $0 00 check dam depth In channel 1 ft charnel width 10 0 1 _._ $225 00 constnicbcn entrance(CE) 0 0._0,.'0,.• $0 00 wash rack 0 0_,003.0 $000 paved construcban entrance 0 r,:, $000 np.rap placed depth 0 ft length 00 ft width 0.0 ,I...., .n_ I,,r', $000 survey and layout(pose per 0 1 nu) aces 0 traps and basins 0 $000 mobilization $0 00 stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $24,217 00 P01.944 53,632 55 contingency 52,78496 Total $30,640 I 10/1/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Hem No.VAt Unit Cost Cost Number (installed) stablization(PS,TS) 00 eden $000 sit fence(SF) 0011 'C $000 safety fence(SAF) 0 0 ft r• $0 00 &version(DD.FD,RWD) 0 ft $0.00 • tempceary slope dram(TSD) PIP.lanGth 0 ft ppe diameter 0 in $000 earthwork for trap/basin(ST-5A) heght of darn at toe 9 ft cut at high side 20 ft height of NI at face 2 ft cut at face 6 ft length of darn 78 ft length of cut 30 ft top vAdth 4 ft width of cut 300 ,":.t,".. ,,I. length or spthvey 20 ft ;1).C;111c t h'e, 7.7. $1300 S9451 00 width of spilkvay 10 ft .. ; • '1 ,, $5000 $575.00 structures for basin nser hoot. Oft riser diameter 0 in h.)( 10,, ,.aC., $0 00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or Idn 0 $200.00 $0 barrel dwmetee 0 in 0 Al rb, ,'1r-,, 1.:1,: $000 barrel caries 0 $20000 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50.00 $0 silt fence net protection(IP) 0 .011,C $0.00 stone inlet protecbcn(IP) 0 $000 outlet prceection(OP) length 0 ft width 0 ft 0 1 $000 channel(SCC,matted) length ft width 0 ft $050 ' check dam depth in channel 0 ft chennel Woe) 0 ft 0 . . $0.00 construction entrance(CS) 0 :'00;.,ha $0 00 wash rack 0 $000 paved construction entrance 0 ';-116 l, $0 00 Op-top,pieced depth 0 ft length 0.0 ft wfdth 00 0. $0 00 survey and layout(price par 0 I ml) acres 00 traps and basins 0.0 $000 mobilization strewn crossing(computed independently) $000 cost sum $10020 00 prq mgmt 51.503 90 • contingency $1.152 99 1 Total $12,690 I 1011)2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Unit Unit Cost Cost Number Installed) stabidabon(PS,TS) 00 acres 44 5 3,3.3, $000 set fence(SF) 0081 3:3: S000 safety fence(SAF) 000 :54 4-, $0 00 Anemic,(DO,ED.RWD) 0 ft 3t355 $0 00 temporary alive draln(TSD) pmlength 0 ft pipe diameter 0 n 3:3: $0 00 earthwork for traWbastn(ST-1) height of dem at toe 4 ft cut at high skle 14 ft height of fill at face 2 ft cut at face 6 ft length of dam 40 ft length strut 40 ft top width 4 ft width clout 18 ft t.35: S f. length of spillway 20 ft 4'C,,-_I t.,,e, •...':':, $13.00 $882500 width of spllway 12 ft 4,4 ,44tc.s 1.It t '3/L 53 $5000 $60000 structures for basin new height 0 ft neer denuder 0 n ,r,t,•,,. , 511 10 00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $20000 $0 barrel durneter 0 in :ruf el.r.r,e, '-.'.. $0 06 barrel collars 0 $200.00 $0 WU length 0 ft $50.00 $0 SIR fence inlet protecbon(IP) 0 SIC.,...4 $0.00 stone inlet protecbcn(IP) 0 :440 54 $0.00 outlet protectw(OP) length 0 ft width 0 ft 0 $0.00 channel(SCC,matted) length ft width 0 ft $0 00 check dam depth n charnel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 4,1 $0 00 ccnstrucbon entrance(CE) 0 3:0:444 $000 wash rack 0 4:04050 10 00 proved construction entrance 0 (351.Cl' $0 00 0P-raP.pieced depth 0 ft length 00 ft width 0.0 4,4 4 C 4.t ((.ti, Sew suney and layout(puce per 0 1 no) acres 00 traps and basins 00 50.00 rnobilisaftw strewn crossng(computed Independently) $0.00 cost sum $7.515.00 P61106103 $1.127.25 1 conbngency 160423 4 Total 59,510 1 10/1/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item ternh g_g,f Lit r i lQ_j,S9,L4 calg Number instf_Al2jd stableman(PS.TS) 00 acres 11 .. $000 sat Into.(SF) 00 ft . $0.00 safety fence(SAF) 0.0 ft - 1' $000 ' aversion(DD.FD,RWD) 0 ft $0 00 • temporary slope dr=(TSD) tape langth 0 ft pipe diameter 010 .. $000 earthwork for trap/basin(ST-2) height of darn at toe 2 ft cut at high side 16 ft heat of PI at face 2 ft cut at face 6 ft length of dam 50 ft length of cut 50 ft top width 4 ft width of cut 20 ft ..v rt • 0•••„tr.ot_at. ,f, C. , • . tr.e I.a%,,,r1, 2.1`C,.. ,10.. •,,-. 7E?f.:,, length al splInvay 20 ft ,••:;01.C Cl $1300 $1004900 width of spilhvay 113 ft . tr vts 'T.` 'e a t' $5000 $920.00 structures for bawl riser height 0 ft nser diameter 0 in r'111.1'4 price) T.':..: $000 barrel length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 0200.00 $0 barrel diameter 0 in tr a.tr1.t t p e, CC,,i, $0 00 barrel collars 0 9200 00 $0 baffle length 0 ft $5000 $0 al fence inlet protection(IP) 0 $0.00 atone inlet protecbco(IP) 0 CC..r• $000 outlet protection(OP) length 0 ft width 0 ft 0 '1 e 60 00 channel(SCC,matted) length ft width 0 ft $0.00 check dam depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 .F01- $000 construction entrance(CE) 0 v:t'FCC $000 wash rack 0 °'11;.• 10.00 paved construct=entrance 0 CC,. C• $000 narAP.Fluted depth 0 ft length 00 ft width 00 1 t.tv 1..•C 10 00 survey and layout(pnee ger 0 Inn) acres 00 traps and basins 0.0 $0.00 mobleation stream croseng(computed Independently) $000 1 cost sum $10,969 co prq ma.t $1,645.35 I ' eaengancy $1,2131 44 Total $13,880 10/1/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item tem NeLILet !kg&.o/t ge'bq Numberktfstr___Illecl) at:Wink°(PS.TS) 00 acres 00.2.,J,-, $0.03 set fence(SF) 0.0 ft 20 CI $000 safety fence(SAF) . 0011 .:5 CC. 50.00 diversion(DD,FD,RWD) 0 ft 5 200' $0.00 temporary slope drain(TSD) 017018,9th 0 ft pope diameter 0 in ri.'..r..r, $0.00 earthwork for treop/basin(ST-3) height of darn at toe 2 ft cut at high side 18 ft height of fill at face Oft cut at 1 ewe 7$ WO&darn 48 ft length of cut 48 ft top width 4 ft width of cut 21 ft 55.r.)r. C 5 :. £ : S27 5 5, length of spillway 20$ ,TQ...C.,5,5,,le, 8-5 5, $13.00 $1076400 width of spillway $50.00 $86500 structures fix basin nser height 0 ft riser diarneter 0 P ;,..c c tick, 0.002 $000 brrel kngth 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200.00 SO barrel dtametee 0 so ,,,,,,5551.5 5 I,'-,; 2020 $0.00 barrel collars 0 $200.00 $0 balite WO 0 ft $50.00 50 dt fence inlet protecbon(IF) 0 (If::0,i $0.00 stone inlet protection(P) 0 0200 0.5 38.00 outlet pootecbon(OP) length Ott width 0 ft 0 $0.00 channel(SCC,matted) length ft width 0 ft $000 check dem depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $000 construcbon entrance(CE) 0 0.55,5,500 50.00 wash rack 0 00 005,CO $0.00 paved construction entrance 0 0000:.C, $000 fP-ftilk placed depth 0 ft length 05 ft width 00 ,i.,., C la.1, $ 0' $000 survey and layout(price per 0.1 oni) acres 0.0 traps and basins 0.0 $0.00 rrocialealoon iito.wrt f rof kW(=nodded independently) $0.00 cost sum 611,62000 i ftiol ftiVol 51,744 35 conbngency $1,337 34 i Total $14,720 • 10/1)2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No.Unit Unit Cost Cost Number installed stet nation(PS,TS) 0 0 acres C' $0.00 silt fence(SF) 00 ft $0.00 safety fence(SAF) 0.0 ft 'C $0.00 divers=(DO,FD,RWD) 0 ft $0.00 temporary slope been(TSD) pipe length 0 ft pipe dander 0 inW 00 earthwork for trap/basin(ST-4) height of dam at toe 2 ft rd re high site 8 ft height dC*face Oft cut at face 4 ft length of dem 25 ft length d cur 25ft tap width 4 f wdth of cut 15 ft ,$_ . . lergthd spillway 16ft O'.LC ..le• i., $1300 $1,850.00 width of spdhvay 8ft _ C 5:: $50.00 $27500 structures ler basin neer height 0 ft nser diameter Oen l'. a .i.. $000 Earl length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200.00 $0 barrel diameter 0 in ,,,ot.':l- -, X100 barrel cotters r 0 $200 00 $0 baffle length 0 ft $5000 $0 alt fence Wet protect=(IP) 0 :If:,0'; $000 stone Wet protection(IP) 0 C 1 $0 00 outlet protection(OP) length 0 ft wdth 0 ft 0 :..C. $0.00 shored(SCC,matted) length ft width 0 ft $000 check dam depth in channel 0 ft charnel width 0 ft 0 0, $0 00 construct=entrance(CE) 0 00,:C,' $000 wash rack 0 C2 O/Cr, $0 00 paved conseucbcn entrance 0 ._r.. C $0 00 OPrap,placed depth Oft length 0 0 ft wdth 00 :i C X000 survey and layout(price per 0 1 rm) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 WOO mobilo:non strewn crosseg(computed independently) $000 cost sum $2,13400 prof mgmt $320.10 canfngeroy 824541 j 1 Total $2,700! 10)1/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Itim NoUniv' Unit Cost Cost Number (installed) Rada/Rion(PS.TS) 0 0 acres 2'.. _. $0.00 sit lance(SF) 00 ft Ci-..i.2 $0.00 safety fence(SAF) 0 0 0CC $000 diversion(DD,FD,RWD) 0 ft <.C $000 temporary slops dram(TSD) ops leglh 0 ft pipe diameter 0 m ..C.1 $0 00 earthwork for treplMsm(S8-1) Iwphtd dam toe 85ft cul et high side 17ft helpht offtll at face 8ft cut at face 6 ft length o1 darn 284 ft length of out 284 ft top width 10ft width or cut 50ft 320 I.,t,v.Jr e. a•,i,l L1� t.'Cr,„J' .i di. 55 fl length of sp$way 152 ft TCcLCve•:•r.,. CC $1300 5116,18100 width of spillway 12 ft _.,mm.t✓r..ri., 1i 4l m. $5000 55,24500 structures for basin nsar heght 8 ft riser diameter 48 In 51,20000 Word length 55 ft base plate a fdn 1 bea $200.00 $200 barrel diameter 24 on ire,'....-e _ Sc. 12,75000 barrel caprs I $200.00 $200 belle length 0 ft $50.00 $0 silt fence Wet protacban(IP) 0 $0.00 stone inlet prolectcn(IP) 0 .2i:_-. $000 outlet protection(OP) length 12 ft width 8 f 1 ._22 5432 00 channel(SCC,matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $0 00 check darn depth in channel O ft chard width O ft 0 $0.00 construction entrance(CE) 0 ?.'CC^ $0.00 wash rack 0 C.,.r $0.00 paved construction entrance 0 .- $0.00 np+ep,placed depth 0 ft length 00 ft width 0.0 to:1 f....r .-.C,C. $0.00 survey and layout(mu per 0 1 ne) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 50.00 mobllivllon stream crossing(computed ed.pe denty) $000 cost sum $128,20800 prof mgmt 518,931 20 cantrgrcy $14,513.92 Total $159,660 1 10/1/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WPO2014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Unit Unit Cost Cost Number (Installed) stadvalwn(PS,TS) 0 0 acres ,,i1 $000 sift fence(SF) 00ft -r: $0.00 safety fence(SAF) 00 ft $000 diversion(DD.FD,RWD) 0 ft (' $0.00 temporary slope drain(TSD) ppe 1409th 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in r r $0 00 earthwork for trap/basin(ST-6) Mag.of dem et tae 9 ft cut at Mph side 8 ft height of Riot face 5 ft cut at face 2 0 length 0f dem 50 5 length d cut 50 ft top width 8 ft width d cul 24 ft , I: ..t ee r length of spillway 26 ft _: 1. $1300 $4.53700 width of spillway 15 ft ,. 20=9 $50.00 $1,12000 structures for basin nser height 0 ft nser diameter 0 in r r a . . $0.00 bend length 50 ft base plate a fdn 0 $200.00 $0 barrel diameter c .. $00diameter barrel collars 0 $200 00 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 set fence inlet prolacbcn(IP) 0 rt 0: $000 stone trail protection(IP) 0 ,... $0.00 outlet protection(OP) In9lh 0 ft width 0 ft 0 .:() $000 channel(SCC,matted) length 0 ft width O ft $0.00 check dam depth In channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 ... $000 constructien entrance(CE) 0 ,_.,2 G.' $0 00 wash rack 0 02 Of'.If' $0.00 paved construction entrance 0 ._ .. 80.00 rat-rap,pieced depth O ft length 0 0 ft width 0 0 0 9.9 1 $0 00 survey and layout(once per 0 1 no.) acres 0 0 traps end basins 0 0 $000 mobibabon stream crossing(cm-wilted independently) SO 00 cosi sum $5,607 00 1 prq mgml $848.55 canbngency $650 Se 1 1 Total $7,1601 10/1/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item 3 110.d Unit ost Cost Numberinstalled staduvalcn(PS.TS) 0 0 acres .. :C: $000 sift fence(SF/TP) 00 ft `.-r2 $0.00 super silt fence(SSF) 0 0 ft $0.00 diversion(DD,FD,RWD) 0 ft t $0.00 temporary slope drain(TSD) ppe beg h 0 ft pipe diameter 0 n 1,'CC 50 00 wirework for trap/besn(SB•3) Mph!of dam at toe 10 ft cut at high side 20 ft height of fill et face 8f cut at face 5f length of dam 242 ft length of cut 242 ft tap width 10 ft wdth of cut 35 11 .. ;tie .. .111: , ;-. I;: 2 c ,^.40`01,,..1 0,e. .... length of spillway 94 ft ,0,4 0I ect•c.e, „c , $13.00 $80,340.00 width of spillway 14 ft itt'.,i $50.00 $3,78500 structures for basin neer Might 8 ft Iloef 48 In ..,i a Tat 'G IC 51,200 00 barrel length 45 ft base plate«fdn 1 $200 00 $200 barrel diameter 24 in 1r"",. i,=e. $2,250.00 bard collas1 $200.00 $200 baffle length 0 ft $50.00 $0 sill fence inlet protecbm(IP) 0 :CSC:• $000 stone inlet potecbon(IP) 0 22220' $000 outlet protesbon(OP) length 12 ft width 11 ft 1 I'll r'. $584 00 channel(SCC,nutted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $0.00 check dem depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 ., :.1 $000 canstructico entrance(CE) 0 2.JC.,C_ $0 00 wash rack 0 52 02;,2' $0 00 pared construction entrance 0 T.3 20":Cr, $000 dp-ap.placed depth 0 ft length 00 ft width 0.0 r,t:i. ... $0.00 survey and layout(pce per 0 1 int) acres 0.0 traps and basins 0 0 $0.00 ncdkzabon stream crossing(computed edepnden5y) $0 00 cost sum $88,580.00 pq nigmt 813,28535'1 contingency $10,185441 I Total $112,040 i 10/1/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item !!2iso.Unit Unit Cost Cost Number installed stadia:at n(PS,TS) 0.0 acres ._ $0.00 sit fence/tree prdecbon(SF/TP) 0 0 ft $0.00 super silt fence(SSF) 00ft _ $000 6verabn(CD,FD,RWD) 0 ft $000 temporary slope drain(TSD) pipe length 0 ft pipe disown 0 n . r $0.00 earthwork for trap besn(ST-7) height of darn at toe 2ft cut at high side 10 ft height dtill at face 2f cut at face 8 ft length of dem 45 ft length of cut 45 ft by width 4 ft width of cut 24 0 _ • Ir length of spillway 20 0 T].'C.<. hey ._. , $13.00 58,877.00 width of spikwey 18 ft -•v i 2D 7 7 $50.00 $1,035 00 structures for basin nser height 0 ft u diameter 0 n u ....•: -- $0.00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or fob 0 $200 00 $0 Carrel diameter 0 in Ir $000 barrel collars 0 $200 00 $0 bathe length 0 ft $50 00 $0 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 L.7. $0.00 stone bidet prdectwn(IP) 0 _ I„ $0.00 outlet protection(OP) length O ft width O ft 0 $0.00 charnel(SCC,matted) length ft width 0 ft $0 00 check dam depth in channel O ft channel width O ft 0 . t $0.00 construcOon entrance(CE) 0 1.:0r7.;0. $0 00 wash rack 0 i_5. 7 $0.00 paved consbuctlen entrance 0 .":. I, $000 rip-nm.Plxed depth 0 ft length 00 ft width 00 ,i t. ..f. $000 survey and layout(pnce per 0 Ins) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed independently) $0.00 cost sum $7,912.00 i PM mgrnt 01,190 80 1 contingency ' S909.88 Total $10,010 10/1/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item 11$1_11 No.Unit Unit Cost Cost Number (nsteIledl slabb0alwn(PS,TS) 00 acres 55 G::C., $0.00 silt fence/tree prolecbm(SF/TP) 0 0 ft .1 10 00 super silt fence(SSF) 0,0 ft :555 10.00 diversion(DD,FD,RWD) 0 ft 3 C;: $000 ternporry slope drain(TSD) Pro.wqm 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in C.' $0 00 earthwork for trap/basin(ST-213) height of dam attce 3 ft cut at hghslde 12ft hada of fa M face 1ft cut at face oft length of damn 36 ft length d cut 36 ft top weft O ft width of cut E ft .3 99 ±ub 42 r, .,aP:De,.ti J, i ..e.:[r.:.t. .r f F. length ofspiiw.y 18 ft ;T:,;iL C*e:tre5te. _. , $1300 13,48400 width of spillway ft , .w .. C 5 S., $50.00 $27500 structures for basin mar height 0 ft riser diameter 0 in ..9 s,1 x e. $000 banal length 0 ft lase plate a idn 0 $200.00 $0 barrel diameter 0n nal...,prcr ..30 $000 bard collars 0 $200.00 $0 lame length 0 ft $50 00 $0 sill fence inlet protection(IP) 0 C:O., $0.00 stone Met Prefection(IP) 0 (CCI CS $0.00 outlet protecbon(OP) length Oft width Oft 0 t.:CG $0.00 shame(SCC,mated) length ft width 0 ft $0.00 check dam depth in channel O ft channel width O ft 0 $000 canstnrctwn entrance(CE) 0 :_3'.:C3 $0.00 wash rack 0 ._ ._„ $0.00 pavedcanstrucbon entrance 0 ..,,,.0 C: $000 nprap,paced depth 0 ft length 00 ft width 00 (5,1. ,',C'l 5000 surrey.d layout(pnce per 0 1 no) acres 0 0 traps and banns 0 0 $0 00 rncdbabon swam crossing(computed independently) $o 00 II cost sum $3,759.00 prq mgml $583 85 j contingency 143229 I 1 I Total $4,7601 10/112015 • Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item j V.Liit Unit Cost , Lit Number (instained) stabizabon(PS.TS) 00 acres '' $0 00 slit fencartree protecbco(SF/TP) 0.0 ft I, $000 super s6t fence(SSF) 0.0 ft ' ' $0.00 diversion(01),FD,RWD) 0 ft ,..,. $0.00 temporary slope dram(TSD) pipe length 0 ft pipe Manatee 0 in . r $000 earthwork kr bnp/basin($14-6) height of dant at tce 70 us at high side 10 ft height WM at face 0 ft cut at face 8 ft ktogth of darn 52 ft length of cut 52 ft top width 13 ft width of cut 57 ft ` - Is i 2,I, r . _- length of spilhvay 40 ft ;IC..Cr,I., ,, 1,2,S., $1300 518,848 00 width of spillway 8 ft , .'...?kir v''r I 'T 4 t $50.00 $920 00 structures for bash neer height 6 ft ser diameter 24 in ,r k,1,1 pro e, $30000 barrel length 50 ft base plate or Id., 1 5200.00 5200 barrel diameter 15 in I..rol.....p. e ,1:5 Li 51.750.00 barrel callers 1 $200.00 $200 bele length 42 ft 550.00 $2,100 slit fence Wel prOtec00o(IP) 0 .I ,... 50.00 stone inlet protector(IP) 0 '::4.'C' $0.00 outlet protection(OP) length 10 ft width 9 ft 1 :4C''. $40500 channel(SCC,matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $0.00 check darn depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 50 00 canstructim entrancs(CE) 0 $0.00 wash rack 0 klr..;'S., $0.00 paved constructicn entrance 0 $000 nP-rep,placed depth 0 ft length 0.0 ft width00 ':1 11 I.',: 4.'Cr., $000 survey and kayout(price per 0 Ire) acres 0.0 train and beams 00 50 00 mcbilmation stream crossing(ccmputed independently) $000 I cost sum 522,723 00 I I Prot rn9Tnt 53.408 45 I ' contingency $2,813 15 I Total $28,750 • 10/1/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Unit Unit Cost Numberinstalled stabLalwt(PS,TS) 00 acres 33:3.t. $0.00 set fence/tree protection(SF/TP) 0 0 ft - $0.00 super sal fen.(SSF) 00ft .E CZ $000 diversion(OD,FD,RWD) Oft 3'_C:, $0 00 tempary slope drain(TSD) PP.length 0 ft pct diameter. 0 n .-Cl' $0 00 earthwork fa baptise=(ST-13) height of dam at toe 1 ft out St high aide 8 ft height of Mat face 1 ft cut et face 5f legth of dam 42 ft length of cut 42 ft top width 4 ft width of cul 7 ft 33 ..i•I,��e vii,.. .,i . 330'1.3. 1/r. .....31 -I.rata .33 2 c, length of spillway 12 ft DnL C r tart rate, --c. $13.00 $2,028.00 width of spltony a... $50.00 $240.00 structures for base, neer Might 0 ft neer diameter 0 m .-. it oc.e. $000 barrel length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200 00 $0 brreldemeter Din I:r.rel.rl.V',e $000 barrel collars 0 5200.00 $0 bafM length 0 ft 550.00 50 sat fence Net protection(IP) 0 1 ri C,. $0.00 stone Inlet protection(1P) 0 <.2CC C.. $0.00 cutlet protecbon(OP) length O ft width O ft 0 .. 50.00 channel(SCC,mated) length Oft width Oft $000 check dam depth in channel 0 ft charnel width 0 ft 0 •CC 50,00 consbucbon entrance(CE) 0 /17.,r_ $0.00 wash rack 0 C.' $0.00 lei construction entrance 0 3,CC-C I; 50.00 rp-rop,placed depth 0 ft length 00 ft width 00 :t,. ._ r. $0.00 survey and layout(pd.per O 1 mi.) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 50 00 mobilization strewn crossing(computed independently) 0000 I cost sum 02.288 00 1 i Prof mgml $340 20 cantrgecy $28082 j I 1 Total $2,870 10/1/2015 . . Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WPO201400094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item (tern No.Unit Unit COSI Cost Number (installed) stablmation(PS,TS) 0.0 acres , , $0.00 slit fence/tree protecbco(SF/1P) 00 ft -c $000 super set fence(5SF) 0.0 ft ), $000 diversion(0D,FD,(tWD) 0 ft , . ' $000 temporary slope drain(TSD) Iftl.length 0 ft pipe d‘ameter 0 in 1 5000 earthwork for trap/basin(ST-13) height of cern at tce Oft cut al liegh side 10 ft height of RN at face 8 ft cut al face 5 ft length cif dam ftft ft length of cut 95 ft tap yndth loft width of cut 110 ft . 4,r 1 ,I.,tet length of spillway 140 ft ;IC,.FH,, ...., .?`..t.?,, $1300 $45,1304 00 width of spillway 8 ft i , ,.,, It.I f.4 4 t... $5000 $3,220.00 structures for basin riser height 8 ft deer Monster 51,25000 berm!length 0511 base plate or kin 1 $20000 $200 barrel diameter 53,250 00 barrel collars 1 $20000 $200 baffle length 50 ft 550 00 $2,500 silt fence Pet protecbm(IP) 0 $0.00 stone inlet protection OP) 0 9'F' $000 outlet protection(OP) length 0 ft width 0 ft 0 i`,, $000 channel(SCC,matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $0.00 check dam depth In channel 0 ft channel width Oft 0 $000 construcbcn entrance(CE) 0 $000 wash rack 0 $000 paved construcbcn entrance 0 C'F i F'I, $000 ' '4,W Filmed depth 0 ft length 00 ft width 0.0 FF,.., tst,,,,,,, i,'.' $000 survey and layout(pnce per 0 1 mi) acres 00 Vaps and basins 00 $000 mcdkzation stream crossing(computed independently) $0.00 5051.45 558,174 00! pro men'd $9,426.10 44intelgencY $6,460.01 Total $71,070 • 10/1/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Ion No.Unit Unit Cost g Number (installed) slabba tm(PS,TS) 0 0 acres .-$:.:..'t 0000 silt tensehree pratecban(SF/WP) 0 0 ft :- $0 00 super sit fence(SSE) 00 ft $0.00 divrspn(DD,FD.RWD) 0 ft .i t i $0.00 temporary slops drain(TSD) Poe beth 011 pipe demote, 0 n . r $0.00 earthwork for trap/basn(STA) height of darn at toe 4 f cut athph side 16 ft height of el at face 1 ft cut at face 7 ft length of damn 52 ft length of cut 52 0 top width 4 ft width of cut 11 1t .. h:t :d. , 't.. ).i .u, ?f. e. mm. 1.3Dili- J' length of spl/way 20 ft :TJ,-L c e m te•:e 6_',. $13 00 $8,853.00 width of spillway 12 tt .. :...t -L t. $50 00 $800 00 structures for basin nsr height 0 ft nser 0n ;ii,.4,4. ._ $000 barrel length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200.00 80 barrel diameter 0 n .n r.n;l,.e, $0.00 barrel collars 0 $200 00 $o balls length 0 ft $50 00 $0 s$t fence Wel protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone beet protection(IP) 0 52,'5 80 00 outlet palecbon(OP) length 0 ft width 0 ft 0 .:i $0.00 channel(SCC,matted) length ft width 0 ft $0.00 check don depth n channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 55 80.00 construcbon entrance(CE) 0 i.:3._.,,J $0.00 wash rack 0 $:03..0, $000 paved construction entrance 0 i_502 r $0 00 rp-rap,placed depth 0 ft length 00 ft width 00 :t✓., m ie,r' $000 surrey and layout(p ce per 0 1 mi.) acres 0 0 daps and buns 0.0 $000 mobilization stream crossing(computed edepedentlY) $000 cost sum $9,543 00 Pro(mgml $1,431 45 cmthgemcY $1,097.45 Total $12,0801 10/1/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate nem tern Unit Cost Cost Number (metdlledl stabbwdwn(PS,TS) 2.0 acres .. i. $000 wit fence/bee p00100tm(SF/TP) 0.0 8 $000 sups silt fence(S5F) 000 - $000 diversion(DD.FD,RWD) 0 h $000 temporary slaps drain(ISO) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 m .r. $0.00 eertrwork for traplbasm(ST-10) height of den at toe 5 f cut at hgh side 20 ft Might of fid at face 1 ft cut atface 6 ft Wgth of den 62 ft length 0$cut 62 ft top width 4 ft width of cut 3 0 -. it,:t.c.. c r. , l it0.,r length of spilway 21 ft ,i. .- i4E: $1300 $0424.00 width of spillway 8 0 7 i - $50.00 $380 00 structures for basin now height 0 ft mss diameter 0 n 0.r ..0. $0.00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or kin 0 $200 00 $0 barrel diameter $000 barrel collars 0 $200.00 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50.00 $0 sift(ante Wet protecbm(IP) 0 -,C.C. $000 stone Nkat praecban(IP) 0 :: .1. $0.00 outlet protection(OP) length 0 ft wodth 0 ft 0 $0 00 channel(SOC,matted) length ft width 0 ft $0.00 check clan depth in channel Oft channel width Oft 0 --C: $000 msbucbm entrance(CE) 0 ._OC..f.. $0.00 wash rack 0 ,. r.,I. $0.00 pawl construction entrance 0 $0.00 rp-rap,piled depth 0 ft length 00 ft width 0.0 , 'I.r, $.C.i C $0 00 survey and layout(prove per 0 1 rid) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 50 00 mobilization stream crossing(computed bdependmtly) $0 00 cost sum $8,784 W pq ngmn $1,317 60 cmtvgerwy $1,01016 Total $11,120 1 10/1/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item I> Nom. nit Unit Cost Cost Number (Installed) statiltrakwn(PS,TS) 0.0 acres ....0. $0.00 silt fenestrae pratec50,(SF/TP) 0 0 ft $0.00 super silt fence(SSE) 0 0$ .<t.,1 $0 00 divers.,(00,FD,RWD) 0 ft 1 3 C,- $0 00 tomperay steps drain(TSD) perp.length 0 ft pipe darneter 0 in :3 0: $000 earthwork for aeplbnsn(ST-20) height of darn al toe 2 ft cut at hrgh side 8 ft height of tie at face 2 ft cut sface 8 ft length of dem 34 ft length of cut 34 ft top width 4 ft width of cut 12 ft 2'1 eanr, ...1<r i... ter. .r,c t•tFt<,.1.r . .,:e...o,l,.lar, r -_, e_h- .e l,;,•1..n, .�. - - G,'.� inti. _ , length d spillway 20 ft ,T.:',/-L Cro:i Trete, -i:_, $1300 53.02000 width of spillway $50.00 $520.00 structures for base, Astir heght 0 ft riser draneler 0 in ti,44 it n vert..) r' $0.00 bard length 0 ft base plate or fan 0 5200 00 $0 bare(diameter 01n ID.ITTerl,int l'...., - , $0.00 barrel collas .0 $200.00 3o baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 .o C',C. $0 00 stare Inlet pratecem(IP) 0 (CCC C:: $0 00 outlet protection(OP) length 0 ft width 0 ft 0 _. .. 60.00 channel(SCC,matted) length ft width 0 ft $0.00 check darn depth in channel 0 ft enamel width 0 ft 0 1.. $0 00 dans,10bm entrance(CE) 0 a_Cr:.CC $000 wash rack 0 `_(;.C:. $0.00 paved na,strueban enbaree 0 `.0,t:, $000 npnp,placed depth 0 ft length 0.0 ft wpith 0.0 .. 1 -t.,. -,. $000 survey and layout(puce per 0 1 nn) acres 0.0 traps and besets 0 0 $0.00 nrcbNlzalon stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 1 cost sum $3,540.00 1 I prq mgml $532.35 l contingency $40814 1 Totall $4,490 10/1/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item tern No.Unit Unit ost CL Numberin( stalled) stabla Gm(PS.TS) 00 acres i .t..i $000 sift fencdtree protection(SF/TP) 0.0 ft $0.00 super aft fence(SSF) 00 ft .: $000 diversion(DD,FD,RWD) 0 ft :36 $000 temporary slope drain(TSD) ppe length 0 fl plpe diameter 0 n .n, $0 00 earthwork ler trap/basin(ST-21) height d dem at toe 2 ft cut at Mph side 15 ft height of fill at face 2 ft cut at face 5 ft length of dem 30 ft length of out 30 ft tap width 4ft w,dth of cut 11ft .13.., length of spillway 20 ft ',TO LC.,.6.1-8 8 , $1300 $3,835.00 Width of spillway $5000 $405.00 structures fa basin riser height 0 ft Mier diameter 0 n I':e u.;w. $000 band length 0 ft base plate or fdr, 0 $200 00 $0 barrel diameter 01n :ha;,= 8p $000 barrel collars 0 $20000 $0 bene length 0 ft $50 00 $0 sit fence inlet protection(IP) 0 . C $000 stone inlet protection(IP) 0 ._,6 , $000 cutlet protection(OP) length 0 ft width 0 ft 0 •C $0 00 channel(SCC,matted) length ft width 0 ft $000 check dam depth in charnel O ft charnel ant h O ft 0 '.C: $0.00 construction entrance(CE) 0 6.2 3.6 6 $0.00 wash rack 0 :6.1(6,C, $000 paved conduction entrance 0 . , $0 00 rip-rap,pieced depth 0 ft length 00 ft width 0.0ii.,. ... .i'C' $000 survey ad layout(pose per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and banns 0.0 $000 ma)lemon stream ercaseg(computed independently) $0 00 I cost sum $4,240.00 I prof ngnt $036.00 conbrgency $487.80 Total , $5,370 10/1/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item tern Nk URA Unit COO Q Number (nstalled) stadia:atm(PS.TS) 00 acres 3:.'3,1.:l__ $0.00 silt fenceitree protection(SF/TP) Soft !:C: $0 00 super silt fence(SSF) 05 ft `...C.: $0 00 diversion(DD,FD,RWD) 0 ft 3 3 Cl.., $0.00 In porary slope drain(ISO) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in - Cc $000 aerthwtork for tiawbasm(S8-4) height oil dam at toe loft cut at!ugh side 18$ height of RI at face 8 ft cut at face 5 ft length of darn 100 ft length of cut 100 ft top went) 10 ft width of out 83$ .:.: length of spilhray 72 ft ,COL"C e,tr.,.te. 4C'.7:, $13 00 $5274100 width of sqllway 12$ ,_3, _,,3i,k, ., $5000 52,485 00 structures fist basin neer height 11 ft neer diameter 01.60000 barrel length 89 ft bees plate Or tin 1 $20000 $200 barrel diameter 24 in ,,,aTrel..- IC',..e; .5, $3,450 00 barrel collars 1 $200.00 $200 baffle length 70 ft $50.00 $3,500 set fence Wet protection(IP) 0 Sti.53 $0 00 stone can protection(IP) 0 (2,7,CC 50.00 WM(protecbco(OP) length 12 ft width 9 ft 1 .:.=1,;.3 Cr $48800 channel(SCC,matted) length ft width 0 ft $000 check dam depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 t.,7. 50.00 construction entrance(CE) 0 C.no roc. $0 50 wash rack 0 5.:iii",5 r..) $000 paved construction entrance 0 $000 r0041,Fizzed depth 0 ft length Soft width 0.0 II. . zk.:C,. $000 sirmy and layout(wire per 0 1 me) acres SO traps and basins 0.0 80 00 mobilization stream crossing(=vide°independently) $000 cost sum $6471200 MI!Mini 59,708 80 1 contingency $7,441.88 ] 1 Total $81,870 10/1/2015 • , Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item 1191..n NO,UnitUnit Cost Cost Number Iinatalle811 stadia:elan IPS,TS) 00 acres $000 silt fence/tree protecting,(SF/TP) 00 ft . $0.00 I super sIlt fence(SSF) 0011 $000 „ diversion(OD,FD,RWD) 0 ft , -r $000 temporary skim dran(75D) PP.length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 In $0 00 fvfauvork for tan/basin(SB-7) height of dem at toe Oft cut at high side 150 height of fill at face 2 ft cut et face 8 ft length of dam 92 ft length of cut 92 ft top width 8 ft width of cut 30 ft i 1-r length of spillway 36 ft .TO-I.Cr k,tr,_, :1,1,3,1,, 013 00 $26,390 00 width of spillway 8 ft :„, ./,:di-.i C 1, 'F.,I, $5000 $93000 structures for basin riser height 5 ft riser diameter 24.1 :-...e,1.,',0,, CiC, $25000 barrel length 38 ft base plate or fdn 1 $200.00 0200 barrel diameter 15 In ;r..I ti,r1,10...,.. 3..:,',,., $133000 1 barrel Wars $20000 $200 baffle length 70 ft $5000 $3,500 silt fence Inlet protecbon(IP) 0 'll' $000 stone hal protecbm(IP) 0 ._ -'C.' $000 outlet protection(OP) length 7 ft width 7.6 ft 1 $239.40 channel(SCC,matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $000 check dam depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 'CC $000 constructien entrance(CE) 0 .I.:—.C2 Ci $000 wash rack 0 ,2.-:,IC: $0.00 paved construction entrance 0 $0.00 nP4aP,Plead depth 0 fl length 0.0 ft width 00 CI',, :,1- .,. r' $0.00 survey and layout Once per 0 1 ns) acres 00 traps and basins 00 $000 mobilization stream crossing(compuled nclependently) $0.00 cost sum $32,939 40 1381.288 $4,940 91 conbngency $3,788.03 Total $41,670 10/1/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item N$..Unit Unit Cost C Numberinstalled atebknban(PS.TS) 0 0 acres .`.:1::6. $0.00 silt facetroe protection(SFSTP) 0.0 ft `._C: $000 super slit farce(SSF) 0 0 ft ._... $0.00 diversion(DO,FD,RWD) 0 ft 1,2 63, 00.00 temporary slope ban(TSD) pqe Ie gth 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in 1,3(..: $0.00 earthwork for trap/basin(5T-22) height orlon at toe eft cut at high side 9.5 ft Night of NI at face 1 ft cut et face 55 ft length of dam 19 ft length ce cut 19 ft top width 0 ft width of out 9 ft 121 G., length of spillway 16 ft 'TOAL 21C.1n'e, .51 ct $1300 01,566.00 width of spillway 8 fl st;-, ... tr,s 950 00 $275 00 structures for basin nser height 0 ft riser diameter 0n ,,.,i rn durl.kL $000 barrel length 0 It base plate or fdn 0 $200.00 $0 barrel diameter 0 in ;',0,,,,.-I,,'a `G 1,., $0.00 barrel cellars 0 $20000 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 $0 sit fence Net protecbon(IP) 0 3101 r;. 90.00 stone Net protection(IP) 0 '.2633 I:2 $0.00 cutlet protection(OP) length 0 ft width 0 ft 0 C Cl $0.00 chrelaf(SCC,matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $0.00 check damn depth In channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 _1 6: $0.00 construction entrance(CE) 0 1_51',:C' $0.00 wash rack 0 3_'561 Cl $000 pawed construction entrance 0 1:3 5,1,C'' $000 ry-rap,placed depth 0 ft length 0.0 ft width 0.0 .5.55 $000 survey and layout(once per 0.1 m) acres 0 0 traps and bans 0.0 $0.00 ncbNotaben strewn crossing(computed Independently) $000 cat sum $1,861.00 I Prof ngmt $279.15 contingency $21002 . Total $2.360 j • • 10/1/2015 Project Name Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Kern Item No.Unit Unit Cost Cost Number inster stabgabon(PS,TS) D 0 acres : • ' $0.00 sit fence/tree protect=(SFJP) D 0 ft $0.00 super sit fence(SSF) 0.0 ft ' $000 dweesisin(SD,FD.RWD) 0 ft $000 temporary slope drain(TSD) Pam WO Oft plpe diameter Sir i $000 earthwork for trap/bash(S7-29) height of dam at toe 1 ft cut at high side 10.5 ft heght of NI at face Oft cut al face 2.50 length of dam 40 ft length of cut 40 ft top welth 4$ width of out lift 7, i•v.i i s.•Ir It,ri. ; 55 r .ro — 50 0, ttrot.'r .1,e, :41.5.,., welt,of Spillway 22 ft ,TanL CI eil,,, 2,- , $13.00 $3,458.00 width d spillway 12$ 2 2 Is $5000 $780.00 structures for basin now heght 0 ft riser danger 0 In Ir.L.1 1.1"' I,f 21 HU $0.00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $20000 $0 baud&meter 0022 $0.00 barrel cigars 0 $20058 $0 baffle length 0 ft $5000 $0 silt fence rig protechm(IP) 0 :1(...• $000 slime Inlet protecbon(IP) 0 $0.00 outtet protecbon(OP) length 0 ft width 0 ft 0 r• $0.00 channel(SCC,matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $000 check darn depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 $000 constmcbon entrance(CE( 0 :2 S'-'220 WOO wash rack 0 '12''..,( $0.00 paved ccostrucbon entrance 0 s) .-.:-.0'. woo no-w.Pi.c.d depth Oft length 0 0 fl width 00 00 . lo tr.r,t. $000 survey and layout(price per 0 1 no) acres 00 traps and basins 0.0 $0.00 mobilgabm stream crossing(computed independently) $0.00 cost sum $421858 KR mgrnt $03270 contingency $485 07 Total $5,340 i 10/1)2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Rem No.Unit Unit Cost Cost Number (lnatalledl stabinbm(PS.TS) 0 0 acres ,..!-C) $0 00 silt fence/tree proleebm(SF/TP) OOft 1',(1, $000 super silt fence(SSF) 0.0 ft .. 0 $000 diversion(DD,F0,RW13) 0 ft $6.30D $0.00 temporary slope bin(TSD) PIP.length 0 fl pipe demister 0 n : O $0.00 earthwork fa traptbasn(ST-25) height el dam at toe 6 ft on et l gh side 10 ft Might of 1111 at face Oft cut at face 5.5 ft length of dam 76 ft length of cut 76 ft top width 4 ft width of cut 14 ft .I! . e.. I:7 5 .... ..... .,_ : 1:t. 0,,a :it,.,:t1t) 16.. f.,W S,...I.,.w, length dapllway 16 ft :505105,.,t m!te 615.y $13.00 07.00500 wraith al spillway 6$ .H .,:l. 7.t..,:0/ $50.00 $37000 structures for bass, nser height 0 ft riser diameter 0 in .r urat pm., "0 60 $0.00 barrel length 0 ft base platen,fen 0 $200 00 $0 barreldrnMx Os, Ic,.!C',r,'p',6, SD tp, $000 barrel collars0 $200.00 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50.00 $0 sit fence Inlet protecten(IP) 0 SIC:,C.., $000 stenoinlet et pralecban(IP) 0 ,20:GG 0000 outlet protection(OP) length 0 fl width 0 h 0 $0.00 cha net(SCC.matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $0 00 chock darn depth n channelan 0 ft channel width 0 fl 0 .1.. $0 00 cacbm entrance(CE) 0 natruG.:G0 $000 wash rack 0 ._.GO GJ 50.00 paved construction entrance 0 63 50,GG 0000 nprap.pied depth 0 ft length 0.0 fl width 00 I'.'.. 0 I.rs . .. $000 survey and layout(p ce per 0 1 re) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0.00 mablbnbon Conan eros0mg(computed independently) $O 00 cost sum 08,3050D Protnrgml $1,254 75 j conk gency $061 06 Total $10,590 I 10/1/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO flie number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item (i ml pig Unit Cost Number (Instilled) stabloason(PS,TS) 0 0 acres .C.- $0 00 silt lance/tree pdecbon(SF/TP) 0.0 ft .h. $000 super set fence(SSF) 00 ft $000 dwerslon(DD,FD,RWD) 0 ft $0.00 temporary slope drop(TSD) ppe la gth 0 ft ppe diameter 0 10 "I $0.00 earthwork for tr,p/basn(08-5) hight of darn at toe 9 ft cut at high ode 25 ft heght of fill at face Oft cut al face 8ft length of dam 70 0 length d cut 70 ft top width 10ft width dcut 80$ itoe•:.. d.,i , f - .it 14€11 Iih.ttt:,e', h,e. t t..-:' 171 .45c,:, length of spifway 0 ft -..�..C. 95 k.0 $13 00 $59,007.00 width of spillway 0 ft - :tar I,..h-I i ..h. $5000 $0.00 structures for ban neer height 9 ft riser dameter 48 n 1 c' , :15010 $1,35000 barrel length 45 ft base plate or fdn I $200 00 $200 barrel donna 24 n ,..,,,.'.m t i7,1 1 $2,250.00 bend collars ,1 $200 00 $200 baffle length 54 ft $5000 $2,700 sit fence inlet protecboh(IP) 0 ;1.,i C. $000 stone lnletpdecban(IP) 0 u. $000 outlet protection(OP) length 10 ft width 8 ft 1 ... $380.00 channel(SCC,mated) length 0 ft width 0 ft $000 check dam depth in theme) 0 ft channel wdth 0 ft 0 $0 00 construction entrance(CE) 0 r.-cc,r $0 00 wash rack 0 ._ -41, $000 paved eanstruc5on entrance 0 .i. $0 00 nig-rap,placed depth 0 ft length 0.0 ft wefth 0.0 14" Ii 4 . 114 $000 survey and layout(pne per 0l ml) acres 00 traps and basins 00 $000 mobtratlm strean crossing(computed independently) $0 00 I cost sum $85,087.00 i pq mgmt $9,910.05 c0nbngency $7,597.71 Total $83,580 i 10/1/2015 Approximate Earthwork computations for sediment traps and basins Assumes all cut and fill slopes are 2:1 for simplicty 1'71 Top Width Height of Fill at Face �- h1 Cut at High Side • h2 ,. 4 r Height of Dam at Toe h2 w h1 1 Width of Cut I Cut at Face Fill area above transition=h1(2h1)+h1(w) Fill area below transition; Volume=Length of Fill x Fill Area total width of fill(dam)=2h1+w+2h2 height below transition=h2-hl, area=(width'height)/2-height x height Cut Areas and Volume is the same as fill but using the cut dimensions th fdl k 1 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WPO2014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No.Unit Unit Cost Cost Number (inetelledl ctntdoosm(PS,TS) 0.0 acres f $0.00 silt feneeWaeprotecbm(SF/TP) 0000 ft "00 54,50000 super silt fence(SSF) 0 0 ft '.0 GC, $0.00 diversion(DD,FD,RWD) 1452 ft 316,876 00 temporary slope drain(T5D) pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 n 2 1 $0 00 eathwak for trap/basin(58.5) height ol dam at toe O ft cut at high side O ft height dfill at face Oft cut reface Oft length of dam 0 ft 101glh01051 0 ft top width O ft width d cul O ft ,tc't'+.ret'C'd.:, 0 ,i_ . . ..:'0. length d t spillway Oft 1700_:.r ef-. o. el C c $10.00 $0.00 width of sglhva0 0 ft tt t It,;.t.,tem', C ten, $50.00 $000 structures to basin neer height 0 ft riser denote 0In , 1, .0 $0.00 band length 0 ft base plate o fdn 0 3200.00 $0 band diameter 50.00 bard colas 0 $20000 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50 00 30 sit fence inlet protection(IP) 0 010.:r.' $000 stone inlet prdecbon(IP) 3 12:0 G: 3600.00 outlet pc:ocea1(OP) length O ft width O ft 0 $0.00 channel(SCC,matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $0 00 check dein depth In channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 .. L' SO 00 construction entrance(CE) 0 ..,l 00 $0.00 wash rack 0 0-00.010 $000 paced construction entrance 0 03"l 0.i 30.00 npcep.placed depth 6 ft Ingth 20 ft width 60 t.._ -t .e1,12 $24840 survey and layout(pace per 0 1 nm) acres 0 0 trips and basins 0 0 $000 moblkrNan stream crossing(computed independently) $0.00 I coat sum $24,22440, pro ngml $3.633.66 I contingency $2,78581 I Total $30,650 10/1/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item nem No.Unit Unit Cost Cost Number (installedl stabilization(PS,TS) 00 acres st:.3,.sr, $000 silt fence/tree protection(SF(TP) 3630 0 ft l 5C.:: 318,150 00 super 011fence($S9 258 0 ft :Sr, 32,064.00 diversion(OD,PD,RWD) 1175 ft k'5,', $15,275.00 temperery 0060.1.1.1(ISO) PP.langth 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $0.00 earthwork for trap/basin(SB-5) height of dam at tce 0 ft cut at high side 0 ft height of RI at face 0 ft cut el face 0 ft length of dam 0 ft length of cut 0 It top wide Oft width of cut 05 Ci L ;is. two..twi,t : it L CI . .1,1,e,..OW,—., .. C f. length of spillway Oft rTC.,,',:',,..... te $13.00 $0.00 width of spilhvay L tt o $5000 $0.00 structures for basin riser height 0 ft riser demister 0 In ('.0 C's 0 11.k: 21.j.lo $0.00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or IOn 0 $20000 $0 barrel diameter $81 (0111101 nip. ..,1 $0.00 barrel uftlars 0 $200.00 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50.00 $0 sit fence Inlet protection(IP) 0 C CCC' $0.00 MOB inlet protection(IP) 7 (2..,,), $140000 • outlet protection(OP) length 0 ft width 0 ft 0 $0.00 channel(SCC,matted) length 0 ft vndth 0 ft $000 check dern depth in channel 0 11 channel width 0 ft 0 s Ci, $0.00 construction entrance(CE) 0 $0.00 wash rack 0 ("CC:, $0.00 pawl construcbco entrance 0 (3 ,.,: $0.00 riP-r .*cad depth 3 ft length 20 ft width 60 ,to L, 2:7 t It $12420 survey and layout(pnce per 0 1 no.) acres 00 03610.00 bases 00 $000 mobiltraten stream crossing(computed Independently) $000 I cost sum 027,01320 I Prof mOrnt 05,55188 1 • contingency $4,256 52 1, j Total $46,830 10/1/2015 • Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014.00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item Item No Unit ni Cost C Numberins( talledt sta*gratm(PS,TS) 00 acres . .. $0.00 sill farce/tree protection(SF/TP) 240 ft 150, $12000 super sin fence(SSP) 3050ft 1`0' $3,10000 diversion(DD,FD.RWD) 331 ft :10 CK, $4,303 00 temporary slope dram(T5D) ppe length 0 ft ppe diameter 0 In r" $0 00 earthwork for trap/basin(06-5) height of dem at toe O ft cut at high side 0 ft heght of NI at face 0 ft cut at face 0 ft length a clan Oft lergth of cut O ft top wldh 0 ft width of Out 0 ft -i.I.. 2 . .moi •1.[�:. il, c f, length of spolway Oft i TJr'Cl t 777.1.e, G;v $1300 $000 width of spillway 0 n ...- i. $50 00 $0 00 structures for basin nser heght 0 ft nser diameter 0in ,ni•.,. i $000 barrel length0 ft base plate orfdn 0 $200.00 $0 barrel diameter 0 in :r,o- .u'x: $0.00 barrel colts 0 $20000 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50.00 $0 sit fence Wet prote000n(IP) 0 t It,.., $000 stone inlet protecbon(IP) 1 :22,Cr: $20000 outlet prolectlon(OP) length 0 ft width 0 ft 0 . 0.- $0 00 chervil(SCC,matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft 5000 check den depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 ` C:: 50 00 construction entrance(OE) 0 i.,rCCC' 5000 wash rack 0 - 50.00 paved constructan entrece 0 F:CCC r'. $0.00 r¢rep,placed depth 0 ft length 00 ft width 00 ... C- 5000 survey and layout(price per 0 1 mi) acres 0 0 traps and basin 0.0 50.00 modkratlan stream crossing(computed independently) $0.00 cost sum $7,783.00 projmgmt 51,187451 contingency $895,05 i Total $9,850 1 10/1/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WPO2014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item tarn Ng.,Unit Unit Cost gcftt Number (installed) seek:abn(PS,TS) 00 acres $0.00 sill/encebree protection(SF/TP) 6149 0 ft 05 00 $30,745.00 super sit fence(SSF) 359 0 ft 10 C., 92,872 00 bwravh(DD,FD,RWD) 1308 ft r Cr. 517,004,00 temporal slope train(TSD) pipe Ieglh 387 ft pipe diameter 24 in .. $18,850.00 earthwork for iraptwan(SB-5) Might of dmr Ottoe 0 ft cut at high side 0 ft height of 8b at face Oft cut at face Oft length of dam Oft length of cut O ft top width Oft wltlth of cut Oft .Is.. 0 C c, I04,,fill.. r,e. .... length or spillway Oft :TCS::r t>I•`•ti t $1300 $0.00 wMthot apeway 0 ft1,110.0,.h_, $5000 $0.00 structures for basin me height 0 ft mer diameter 0th . .dl I,, $0 00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200 00 $0 barrel diameter 0n ...tient •.o' n, .,ic. $0.00 barrel meets 0 $200.00 $0 batIe length 0 ft $50 00 $0 WI fence plot protect=(IP) 0 Glc:l•`,; $0.00 stone Wet protection(IP) 9 0013??' $1,800 00 outlet protecbon(OP) iegth Oft width Oft 0 5000 charnel(SCC,malted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $0.00 check dam depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 .i OG $0.00 construction mbance(CE) 0 ..030[,: $0.00 wash rack 0 00 000 00 50.00 pawed eonstrucbm entrance 0 , ,rG?. $000 np+ep,pieced depth 0 ft length 0 0 ft width 0.0 0 I .o.. $000 survey and layout(pose per 0.1 m) acres 0 0 traps and basin 0 0 $0.00 mabtllraeon stream crossing(computed independently) $0.00 cost sum $71,271,001 1891 mpmt $10,690 65 I contingency 58,196 17 1 Total $90,160 10/1/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item IleLn Hit Unit Unit Cost Number stateizetam(PS.TS) 00 acres . .: r. $0 00 silt fence/tree protection(SF/TP) 7142.0 ft C:32 $35,710.00 super silt fence(5SF) 149 5 ft $1,196.00 diversion(SD,Ft),RWD) 2165 ft . :.I $28,145.00 temporary Pope dram(TSD) PPe langth 56 ft ppe tidewater 24 in „. $3,300.00 earthwork for trap/basin(59-5) Iwght of darn at the 08 cut at high side Oft height ot NI at face Oft cut at fae Oft length side.,, Oft length of cut Oft top width 0 ft width of cut Oft ,t,•a..,_.1, .c 0 C cf length of spillway 0 ft 1000.0 Co 000',..e ::, $13.00 $000 width of spillway C I. $5000 $0.00 structures for basin ser height 0 ft riser diarneter 0 m I.on,.1,1 pi,, $0.00 barrel length 0 ft base pkite or filn 0 $20000 $0 barrel diameter 0 in ;,arr,,I.,00 10' ,, "::0..", $0.00 barrel collars 0 0200.00 $0 bathe length 0 ft $5000 $0 set fence Wet protection(IP) 0 $0 00 stone Inlet protacbco)IP) 6 :20•CC• $120000 outlet protecbon(OP) length Oft width Oft 0 $000 channel(SCC.matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft 50.00 check dam depth in channel Oft Channel width Oft 0 $000 COnStruCtial antral.(CE) 0 $.i.'ff,,C $000 wash rack 0 $0 00 paved construcbon entrance 0 $0.00 011-nth.placed depth 15 ft length 20 fl width 6,0 1 t2-.), $021.00 survey and layout(price per 01 or.) acres 00 traps and basins 0.0 $0 00 mobilthabon stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost SOO1 $70172 00 I prg rngmt $10.525 eo 1 ccnbottenc7 58.069 78 1 , Total $88,770 10/1/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate item tern No.QM Unit Cost crt Number (installed) atahlmatan(PS,TS) 0.0 acres .:'SCC C. $000 silt fence/tree prdacban(SF/TP) 0.0 ft L:' SO 00 super silt fence(SSF) 00ft :SCLC $000 diversion(DD,FD,RWD) 0 ft :'C CC $0.00 tomalley slope drain(ISO) pipelegh Oft pipedernier O h .CC'' 5000 eartwark for trap/beam(SBS) height d darn at toe O ft cut at high side O ft height of Mat face 0 ft cut mfars 0 ft length of dam Oft length of cut O ft top width Oft width of cut Oft -' OL ..,v..1...;.�, _ .f tc'e i. ;IA.,( ccc i.e .. , lengthd splway Oft ,TG-.I:Ct-t C'M1e, . , S13.00 $000 width d spillway 0 ft .. -..I- .C.,. - $5000 $0.00 01001 res fa bean riser height 0 ft rias diameter 0m d:a. aurin e; $000 barrel length 0 ft beat plata or fdn 0 0200.00 SO barreld,Onuti 0 In n-I;,.p. .I .... $0.00 barrel collars 0 $200 00 SO battle length 0 ft $50 00 SO sell fence inlet protecbn(IP) 0 SO 00 stare Net prdecam(IP) 0 S2i CCC $0.00 cutlet prdaction(OP) length O ft width O ft 0 C $0.00 channel(SCC,matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $000 check dam depth a1 channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 - -C $0.00 construction antraroe(CE) 0 t 00,'.,C $0.00 wash rack t i.Or,C(, 02,000.00 paved construction entrance I .'M..d C., 03.50000 np-rp,placed depth 0 ft length 0.0 ft width 0 0 .I it Cr,,'. $n'.0'' S0 00 survey and layout(pipe per 0.1 nt.) acres 0 0 traps and beans 0 0 50.00 moobwralan stream crossing(computed Independently) $0.00 cost sum $5,500 00 prqngml 5825 00 conttngency $63250 I Total , s6,960, 10/1/2015 - • Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate Item (tem No.Unit Unit Omit gmt Number (installed) stablaMon(PS,TS) 00 acres ': '•I $0 00 . „ . . Barafietalia0(441altai(WM) 'I°.I: - ' . 565cC ,353C super set fence(SSF) 135 0 ft -r $1.08000 aversion(DO,FD,RWD) 350 n 94,550 00 temporary slope drain(TSD) Pipe length 0 ft ape diameter 0 III $000 earthwork for trapthasin(SB-5) Myth of darn at toe 0 ft cut at high side On height of Till at face 0 ft cut*face 0 ft length of dam 0 ft length of cut 0 ft top width on width a cut On ,-0 C, C DL' 0 f CC c. :1...,C',..,,,,e, length of spillway On ,-.CA L CI,I'l I, ''I' $13.00 $0 00 width of spillway 0 ft 'C''0 tt0•'..10• C.,.I 0 050 00 $0 00 structures to basin ser height 0 ft riser diameter 00 0..k.,,,,,,e, $0 00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or kin 0 $20000 SO barrel diameter 0 in II.ivI.r..p-, C.L: $0.00 0 barrel edam $20080 SO baffle length 0 ft $0000 SO set fence nlet prOlOCUM(IP) 0 :IC)cc $0 00 stone inlet protection 0(IP) CCC,C,, $0.00 outlet protection(OP) length 0 ft width Oft 0 ,:,.:,.., $0 00 channel(See,matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $0.00 check dam depth in chained0 ft channel width Oft 0 $0 00 construction entrance(CE) 0 DC 0..'C $0.00 wash rack 0 DC LI)0 c $0 00 paved construction entrance 0 •.-./,,1.,1 $0 00 0P-0th,placed depth 0 It length 0.0 ft width 0.0 0 I •. SI I- $0 00 survey and lehovt(pnce per 0 1 m) acres 00 traps and basins 00 $0 00 modleation stream crossing(canputed independently) $0 00 cost SUM $10,070.00' PM"'ant $1,845.50! I contingency $1,281 55 Total $13,880 10/1/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: W P0201400094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate tern L NQ nit Unit Cost Cost Number jinstelledl stebaeabon tPS.TS) 00 acres CC CC C0 $0.00 i. .r"eiliii Mieeietie ti?tn t3F#Pi - _ _ - _. _ .. 2021011'.-- - Sete- 41411460 _ .._ ._super sat sat fence(SSF) 582 0 ft CC CC $5,456 00 diversion(DO.FD,RWO) 1752 ft 1,3 CG $22,776.00 tempary slaps drain(ISO) PPe Wath 0 ft pipe diameter 0 In iOri, $0.00 earthwork to treptbasn(S5.5) height of dam at tae 0 ft cut et high sale 0 ft height or NI at face 0 ft cut at face 0 ft length of dam 0 ft length of cut 0 ft top width Oft width or cut Oft .13 C; 1:: ..it'C C., G; 0 c, length or spillway Oft ;TCCAL C.e:In001 C $1300 $000 width of spillway 0 ft ... :.1.- C;i $50 00 $0.00 structures for basin riser height 0 ft riser diameter 0 In 0..o t o. $0.00 barrel length Oft base Wale or ten 0 $20000 $0 barrel danwtm 0 in W411.1,0!0'.e; 55 L'. $0.00 barrel mars 0 $200.00 $0 baffle length 0 ft $50.00 $0 sal fence air protection(IP) 0 1 IC;C.. $000 stmt Inlet protection(IP) 4 :2C:;G; $800 00 outlet Wdecbon(OP) length 0 ft width 0 ft 0 CC'f.; $0 00 charnel(SCC,matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $0 00 check dem depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 ::01 $0 00 construction entrance(CE) 0 i:',...:,,,^ $0.00 wash rack 0 C,CCL GCC' $0 00 paved construction entrance 0 2,CCC CC $O00 nig-raP.Weed depth 0 ft length 0.0 ft width 00 :t.•s, - CC'CC $000 survey end layout(price pr 0.1 mt) ism 00 traps and basin 00 $000 mcblM1nbm avant crossing(computed independently) f000 cost sum $43,637 00 prq ngml 38545 55 1 contingency $5,018 28 Total $55,210, 1011/2015 Project Name:Whittington Phase B WPO file number: WP02014-00094 Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate (tem ligm No Unit Unit Cost Co Numberinstalled staGzaban(PS,TS) 0.0 acres ' ...C $0 00 siltfance0ne protection(SF/TP) 1290.0 ft 5500 $8,45000 super se Mice(SSF) 00ft ::JC $0.00 Worsen(DD.FD,RWD) 858 ft $11,128.00 temporary slope drain(TSD) ppe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in $000 earthwork for trap/basin(05-5) heght of dam atlas Oft cut at NO side O ft height dfll at face Oft cut at face Oft length of dam Oft length of cut O ft top width Oft width d cut Oft ,:. WIt,11r „s,pr,l:,:c ba,,.,,. 1. ,,, t C f length of spillway 0 ft 'TG-, Cr c' - v_, $13.00 $0.00 wndlh of spbway 0 fl .k $5000 $000 structures lar basin nser height 0 ft ser diameter 0 0 ' h,r,,, $O00 barrel length 0 ft base plate or fdn 0 $200 00 $0 barrel ammeter 0 in p 2 r- C -. $0.00 barrel cokes 0 $200 00 $0 baffle length 0 fl $5000 • $0 silt fence inlet protection(IP) 0 .. r. $000 stone inlet protection(IP) 1 :2,,1, $200.00 outlet protection(OP) length Oft width 0 ft 0 .r. $0 00 charnel(SCC,matted) length 0 ft width 0 ft $0.00 check dam depth in channel 0 ft channel width 0 ft 0 .:C• $0.00 co strucbon entrance(CE) 0 0.C'. -.,` $0.00 wash rack7 5'CC G: $2.000.00 paved canatrucbon entrance 1 ., r. $3,500 00 np-asp,placed depth 1.5 ft length 33.0 fl math 11.0 , ,,3!'S' 1, n $1,878 53 survey and layout(pose per 0 1 m) acres 0 0 traps and basins 0 0 $0 00 mobiMm00n stream crossing(computed independently) $0 00 cost sum $25,158 53 i i prof mgmt 93,773 48 i i contingency $2,893 00 Total $31,830 10/1/2015