HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201500106 Plan - VSMP 2016-03-240 S M r N 0 N d O REGULATORY COMPLIANCE: Work shall be completed in accordance with the terms, conditions and requirements of all issued permits, including but not limited to: f J" APR 0" JOI MV Sm API a fl1 \' IMINI� III M'11 '��I 40A.10111111t��. i ( ��� Vii' � ZVI a ill I Iii i�! INDEX OF DRAWINGS 1. Virginia Marine Resources Commission I ': ? Ljf , d'd� !-% Sao � < 0 "I `�' - ! �' o a V, - Permit #15-1457 '� �j l Lj /3 SHEET TITLE 2. US Army Corps of Engineers • F 4 o Nationwide Permit 12 #NAO-2015-01756 0 �� 0 4,� c' / :'� l / ,�, ° o,p 4 `NOENNES v Cl 0 0 4 cam' O �-t �1\� of o 00 o �1 SHEET LAYOUT ABBREVIATIONS LEGEND & GENERAL NOTES 3. Virginia Department of Transportation / o,--''" a a o tip, ( / / �, Land Use Permit o a a g a �a / � o b �j �, � LA'`� O PLAN & PROFILE, STA. 0+00 TO STA. 11 +00 4. Albemarle County WPO # 201500106 ❑ r Qo Q g % % o ° ° OVER �:. o WEND o 0 a ,off foo .. o 20 `� �- ` 2a PLAN & PROFILE, STA. 11 +00 TO STA. 20+00 Land Disturbance Permit and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan ' - 1, �? o �� `� 00 ` Q (SWPPP) i �... "" 4 D ° D (` DR � �`�AILEY �0°� 'P Fti "'�,° ��" o o9p'I'F 3 O PLAN & PROFILE STA. 20+00 TO STA 30+00 TIME OF YEAR RESTRICTION. NO TREE CUTTING/CLEARING MAY OCCUR ON°A j o Q �--\,� r.--� Q �n o o -� j � � ❑ o w o �.. � O PLAN & PROFILE, STA. 30+00 TO STA. 38+64 THE SITE FROM APRIL 15 TO SEPTEMBER 15 IN ANY YEAR to protect potential Northern LongEared Bat habitat, as indicated in the US Arm -Eared o�° �, -� a 9 a p o j� i'n D ` '� \ \. `�.,. \A ° `� \ �' cA -`" 5 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit 12, NAO-2015-01756. . ° _ . ' �0� ,.< r o `. p o 0 0 Qo oc �.. p MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS The Contractor will be required during all phases of the Work to q 9 I /'�� ,. o r ,'i Y � .N J � o o p �' �' conform to the provisions of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department , p O EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES & DETAILS of Environmental Quality, Water Division's Guidance Memo No. 15-2003,-- o e`� J �-T� r R ^ w -� �� `.; q ,� o ❑ dated April 23, 2015, regarding Linear Utility Projects under the Virginia y ^ o 0 a o �`' Q f�-� o ® TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL NOTES & DETAILS Stormwater Management Program Regulation. A complete copy of this 0� a O o� �` / `' = ,' PEN PARK ��u Qo o ! a " Memo is incorporated in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan �� 00 RD _ �...—...�. •E�' �.% d o 9 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL NOTES & DETAILS (SWPPP).i� °�j°°o ,'-�m LAYOUT. STAGING AND STORAGE AREAS: The layout, staging and storage of all materials and equipment will be located on-site, and contained within the prescribed Limits of Construction and Silt Fence as shown on the plans. 272 BENDIX ROAD, SUITE 400 VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23452 PHONE: (757) 463-8770 FAX: (757) 463-0503 LOCATION MAP SCALE: 1" = 750' I'I+�i .t IAN Vi 0114A W �itilt i APPROVED by the Albemarle County Community Deyyelop ent Department Data File ON TH OF t, 46 ° r CHARLES FRANK VOTAVA 9 Lic. No. 034916 W O311711��4��7 �w ZONAL C) 0 LP M_ N 0 1.0 N W M 0 a 0 N T 0 0 cc .m Y Cl) co N Q 0 Q 0 0 N Q U 5 0 J _U J GENERAL NOTES: GENERAL NOTES (continued): 1. Anticipated working pressure for the Project shall be between 120 and 160 P.S.I., depending 19. The Contractor shall safeguard all existing and known property corners, o _D 00/ on location. p a ALBEMARLE COUNTY / monuments, and marks adjacent but not related to the .Work and shall Oa d•. �,.,...� re-establish them if disturbed or destroyed, at no additional cost to the Owner. �Q �C a Q 04 (Rio Magisterial District j:� 2. Survey information is based on NAD 1983 Virginia South State Plane Coordinates for Any property corners disturbed must be re-established by a Land Surveyor, \ d O horizontal control, and on U.S. Geodetic Survey datum (NAVD88) for vertical control. licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia.d ° ° a Elevations are feet above mean sea level. 20. Based on information provided by Miss Utility of Virginia, utility service providers a i i' 3. All materials and construction shall comply with the current edition of the General Water and within the project areas may include, but may not be limited to: Sewer Construction Specifications as adopted by the Albemarle (County Service Authority, unless otherwise noted. - Albemarle County Service Authority Field Contact: Scott Krebelder, 434-531-0714, Ext. 146 C3 4. Work shall be subject to inspection by Albemarle County Service Authority inspectors. The In the event of damage call 434-531-0714, Ext. 146 O�S� o Contractor will be responsible for notifying the proper Service Authority officials at the start - CenturyLink OJ % j j' �� Ll of the work. Field Contact: Consolidated. 866-808-0099aNQ In the event of damage call 800-788-3600 j 5. The location of existing utilities are shown as approximate in location, and are based on - City of Charlottesville (Gas and Water) Q3� /' �} utility designations performed under Miss Utility of Virginia Designer Ticket #A133400459 Field Contacts: Cliff Hunt (Gas) or Jason Payne (Water), 434-970-3800 (dated November 2010). In areas where existing water mains were not marked under the In the event of damage call 434-970-3800 �oALBEMARLE COUNTY design ticket, GIS information was utilized to indicate the presence of and show approximate - Comcast 'fiti } / / locations. The Contractor shall be responsible for the verification of the location, size and Field Contact: Consolidated. 866-808-0099 j (Rivanna Magisterial District) depth of all existing utilities, both surface and subsurface. The Contractor shall immediately In the event of damage call 800-441-6917, Option 1 3 Q / I. notify the Engineer of any discrepancies between the plans and observed field conditions. - Dominion Virginia Power SHEET 2 /' SHEET 2a 0 Field Contact: Consolidated, 866-808-0099 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE AWARE THAT EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES MAY EXIST WITHIN THE In the event of damage call 888-667-3000 WORK AREA, WHICH ARE NOT INDICATED ON THE PLANS AND/OR ARE UNMARKED IN THE FIELD. - Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority fl Q SHEET 3 v The Contractor shall exercise caution during excavations, and use due diligence to protect all Field Contact: Travis Goode, 434-977-2970 �`� _ D c' v O f o utilities and structures from damage at all times. Damage to any existing utilities, In the event of damage call 434-977-2970 �� �.� r o �o structures, poles, guy wires, or other features shall be repaired by the Contractor to the DR original condition at no additional cost to the Owner. 21. One lane of the Key West Swim & Tennis Club shall remain open at all times. No lane closures are permitted between Memorial Day and Labor Day. 7. The Contractor shall be responsible for notifying Miss Utility of Virginia (811 orj� 1 1-800-552-7001) sufficiently in advance of the start of construction, in accordance with �� \ `' \ �\` S� ✓' o ��� Section 01500 of the Specifications. `� �a� ❑ G,tO J.i ;\�.x`41.-\ �: R REDUCTION OF LEAD IN DRINKING WATER 8. All water mains shall have a minimum of three 3 feet of cover measured from the top of pipe, over the centerline of pipe. This includes all fire hydrant lines, service laterals and waterlines, etc. The Contractor shall provide all materials (and certificates of compliance) in accordance with the 2011 Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act (S. 3874), except as amended by i _ o ` �� O the Community Fire Safety Act of 2013 (H.R. 3588). 9. All appurtenances (such as valves, air releases, sampling stations, blow -offs, hydrants,> �. access boxes and meter boxes) are to be located outside of roadside ditches. i �OR�`I�R r - : .` ' a O n Sources: httP //www.9Po. ov fds s/Pk9/PLAW-111 ubl380/Pdf PLAW-111 ub1380. df `% �. o 10. Contractor shall locate all existing water service lines and sanitary laterals that will be http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-1 13publ64/pdf/PLAW-1 13publ64.pdf r \ ` d' ��' SHEET 4 impacted by construction, and ensure all existing services are re -connected. Field adjustments shall be made for any new appurtenance (such as a bend or a valve) that may,,, ✓`�`Y. ! ' .� IT be found to be in conflict with existing conditions. C Y OF --' RWSA GENERAL NOTES CHARLOTTESVILLE 11. Upon completion of new water service installations, all existing water service lines, meters, (relative to Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority facilities ° `" • �' '' ° setters and meter boxes shall be abandoned and/or removed in accordance with the details and project Specifications, unless otherwise noted. 1. All materials and methods of construction shall comply with the latest version of the SHEET LAYOUT 12. Elevations of all utilities are unknown unless indicated with an )invert elevation. The General Water and Sewer Construction Specifications as adopted by the Albemarle Contractor shall confirm existing utility elevations sufficiently in advance of installing proposed County Service Authority on January 15, 1998, except as modified below or modified SCALE: NONE water mains, and deflect the pipe vertically (as required) in order to provide minimum in Special Notes. clearances of 18" for sanitary sewers/laterals and 12" for all other utilities, at no additional 2. A preconstruction conference shall) be held with RWSA prior to the start of any work. LEGEND cost to the Owner. 13. Trenching for pipe installation shall be in accordance with Trench Detail on Sheet 5. Trench 3. RWSA Engineer (Victoria Fort at (434) 977-2970 ext. 205) shall be notified three EXISTING STRUCTURES restoration for water main installations in pavement areas shall be in accordance with the business days prior to the start of construction within the existing RWSA easement. VDOT Land Use Permit for public roads. & FEATURES PROPOSED STRUCTURES 4. All work within or across the existing RWSA easement is subject to inspection by 14. Pavement areas outside the areas of construction which are damaged as a result of hauling RWSA staff. No work shall be conducted on or across RWSA facilities on weekends materials and equipment, shall be restored to the satisfaction of VDOT, at no additional cost or holidays without special written permission from RWSA. UGE Underground Electric Water Main to the Owner. 5. Erosion and sediment control facilities shall not be permitted in the RWSA easement UGC Underground Cable (approx., Valve without special written permission from RWSA No grading shall be permitted in the based on utility records) 15. The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining access to all properties; RWSA easement unless permitted otherwise by RWSA in writing. coordinating with g. all property owners to have pavement edges cleared of all vehicles, as required, in advance UGT Underground Telephone Fire Hydrant of pipe laying operations; and coordinating with all property owners for temporary access and 6. No blasting shall be permitted within 100 feet of RWSA facilities without written - Ex As temporary water service interruptions during re -connection. The Contractor may elect to permission Asphalt Pavement Blow -Off Assembly restrict parking on both sides of the road in order to maintain traffic at all times. permission and RWSA approval off the blasting plan. Ground monitoring during � blasting and a pre -blast survey imay be required. For blasting within 100 feet of Sign Reducer any operative RWSA sewerlines, bypass pumping and/or pre- and post -CCTV may be . 16. All flagging operations and appropriate temporary traffic controll measures shall be installed V Mailbox certification from a licensed professional engineer Water Meter required. RWSA may also require c © and maintained in accordance with the Virginia Work Area Protection Manual, latest edition, . . , pp p Anyone performing flagging operations must stating that the proposed blasting will not damage any RWSA facilities. Damage to © Meter Box subject to the approval of the VDOT Inspector. an utilities due to blasting shall be repaired b the Contractor to the original --� w be certified, and possess a valid and verifiable certification card with them whenever they Y g p y 9 Cap Existing Water Main are performing flagging operations. Only persons completing approved Work Zone Traffic condition at no additional cost to the Owner. ® Sanitary Cleanout Control trainingcourses and possessing theappropriate valid and verifiable accreditation card �� w �_ Existing Water Main p g7. The contractor shall observe minimum separation requirements for utility crossings. ¢ Fire Hydrant (To Be Abandoned) will be permitted to oversee temporary traffic control activities. When acrossing is made under an existing facility, adequate structural support shall be provided for the existing pipe.. The area of the crossing shall be backfilled with Utility Pole ®sTB Straw Bale Barrier 17. The Contractor shall be responsible for restoring all disturbed areas to their original compacted 57 stone to the s rin line of the existing pipe. elevations, unless otherwise indicated on the drawings. p p 'g g p p Woods or Tree Line-- sF Silt Fence 18. The Contractor shall be responsible for removing and placing existing items, as required to 8. All easements for new RWSA facilities shall be recorded prior to placing the new w Water Main facilities into service. �P facilitate water main construction, at no additional cost to the iOwner. Such items include, - - - - - - Property Line or R/W ® Inlet Protection but are not limited to: posts, bollards, fences, railings, guardrails, mailboxes, signs, 9. No permanent structural facilities will be permitted in the RWSA easement. This 0TP Tree Protection newspaper boxes, property pins, monuments, benchmarks, utility poles, guy wires, pedestals, p p -----®---- Sanitary Sewer and Manhole cabinets, curbs, gutters, driveways, paved flumes or other drainage structures, retaining walls, includes building overhangs, retaining walls, footers for any structure, drainage - LTH of landscaping, sprinklers, etc. Any items damaged during removal or re -installation shall be structures, etc. _-____'-_= Ex. Storm Sewer replaced with materials of equal or better quality by the Contraictor, at no additional cost to 10. Trees are not permitted in the RWSA easement. - Overhead Utilities the Owner. CHARLES FRANK VOTAVA OIso Mulched Landscape Area �OLic. No. 034916�W SURVEY ABBREVIATIONS C.I.P. Cast Iron Pipe �,03/�IB�IG��� IS110N L ADW Asphalt Driveway CSW Concrete Sidewalk UTH Utility Handhole P.V.C. Polyvinyl Chloride Cow Concrete Driveway CA Concrete Apron SRW Stone Retaining Wall D.I.P. Ductile Iron Pipe g GDW Gravel Driveway BSW Brick Sidewalk CRW Concrete Retaining Wall C.M.P. Corrugated Metal Pipe C&G Curb and Gutter BRW Brick Retaining Wall CWS Concrete Wheel Stop A.C.P. Asbestos Cement Pipe P Know►wr,at's below. EP Edge of Pavement TRW Timber Retaining Wall R.C.P. Reinforced Concrete Pipe Call before you dig. j DESIGNED: WOW272BENDIXROAD,SUITE400 DUNLORA INTERCONNECT(PROJECT N0. 2010-06)MARCH, 2016 S�'"�►IC 'AU�' �" It DRAWN: NEL VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23452 06261 TAX MAP SHEET PHONE: (757) 463-8770 1 k �-- CHECKED: CFV INT R PHO 757 463-63-8 SHEET LAYOUT, ABBREVIATIONS, LEGEND & GENERAL N0TES & E NATIONAL ( )062E oFs `'a"� 6 C0""�'"'� N0. DATE SURVEY CONTROL POINT IRON ROD W/CAP N: 3,911,281.17 E. 11, 495, 955.82 ELEV=362.76 48" D.I.P. Storm 8" D.I.P. San. Sewer (ACSA) \ - - Sta. 1+56 \ \ 12"-22 1/2* Bend (Conc. Anch.) O O ,� °\° e R/W Ex. 12" D.I.P.- W/M Sta. 3+10 12"-22 1/2* Bend (Conc. Anch.) SURVEY CONTROL POINT IRON ROD W/CAP Sta. 3+15 N: 3,911,070.65 E. 11,496,1J9.83 12"-11 1/4' Bend ELEV=329.54 (Conc. Anch.) Sta. 3+20 12" Gate Valve & Box 12" P.V.C. San. Sewer (ACSA) -17 Limits of Slurry ; ; ; , o� Seal Coat Lot A2 Tracer Wire \ S Dunlora �; Access Box Community �, /-i Association, Inc. - _ 1 I 'II II , 1 Tracer Wire JP 36" C.M.P. -,\ o %Ni61 l I o ' ' % Storm 4- Sta. 0+00 - Cut & Connect to Ex. 12" Main I 12" Long Solid Sleeve 15 L.F. 12" D.I.P. W/M 12" Gate Valve & Box 12"X12" Tee (Conc. Anch.) 12" Long Solid Sleeve I I 400 390 �I;L ktlll 360 350 340 330 320 Access Box Q Approximate Location Ex. 20' Albemarle County Service Authority (D.B. 1078, Pg. 566) 1 8" P.V.C. San. / Sta. 0+11 Sewer (ACSA) 12"-45' Bend (Conc. Anch.) Q• ,� Sta. 0+05 �. 12" Gate Valve & Box Zv J J �O Q � inn 7-7n Sta. 5+36 \\ 12"-22 1/2" Bend (Conc. Anch.) IN Sta. 5+47 12"-11 1/4* Bend (Conc. Anch.) Sta. 5+85 12"-45' Bend (Conc. Anch.) Sta. 5+92 12"-22 1/2" Bend (Conc. Anch.) PLAN - Scale: 1 "=50' Lot AO Club Dunlora, LLC Approximate Location Ex. 20' Public Utility Easement (D.B. 3532, Pg. 603) This Ex. 20' Public Utility Easement Location Shown Hereon is based on actual location of sanitary manholes and 4" Metal Sewer Vent does not match the deed calls in D.B. 3532, Pg. 603. SURVEY CONTROL POINT 12" P.V.C. IRON ROD W/CAP San. Sewer Sta. 9+95 N: 3,910,759.10 (ACSA) 12"-11,,1/4' E. • 11,496,242.99 ELEV=326.33 ' ' Bend 116" D XP. (Conc. Anch.) 1 , 12" P.V.C. N San. Se'w6r m (ACSA) .� Cn // j Storm 0 cn == = y Sewer Vint s 1;\ x INI Prop. 20' Temporary Easement '- Limits of Construction & Silt Fence tracer Wire Access Box 06 • x�---x�- Tracer Wire ; m Access Box .� Prop. -C Easement \ v Z Prop. 12" D.I.P. Sta. 10+22 \ Water Main 12"-22 1/20 Bend SF \ (Conc. Anch.) Lot A3 Club Dunlora, SkVITARY SEWERFORMATIO LLC X © Son MH Top=329.64 Inv /n=318.31 NOTE: Inv 0ut=317.96(12"PV0) Refer to General Notes 18 ® Son MH and 19 on Sheet 1. Top =.1274,1 Inv 117=,121.17 Inv Out=321.04(12" PVC) Note: 1. Construction access from Dunlora Drive shall be along Dunlora Farm Road (Private) to the proposed easement. Damage to Dunlora Farm Road (Private) shall be repaired at no additional cost to the owner. © Son MH Top =328.06 Inv 117=.21.47 Inv Out=321.42(12" PVC) Son MH Top=,127.92 /nv 117=321.96 Inv Out=321.79(12' P11C) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PROFILE JI.UIC. I -.Ju nv► IL. 1 "=10' Vert. 370 360 350 340 330 320 310 © Son MH Too =330.63 /nv /n=,23.97(8" PI/C) Inv In=323.48(12' PVC) Inv Out=,123.16(12" PVC) ® Son MH Top=331.31 Inv /n=325.47(Fmm-I) Inv In=32%97(Fmm Appmx) Inv Out=32.168(12' PVC) Q/ Son MH Top =331.42 Inv 117=326.12 Inv Out=325.77(8" PVC) Son MH Top =340.03 Inv /n=335.32 Inv Out=334.74(8) 0 .O,LTH OF '/ I 300 va CHARLES FRANK VOTAVA �oLic. No. 034916�W s031118�1 4�~� 290 ZONAL �' 272BENDIXROAD,SUM400 DUNLORA INTERCONNECT (PROJECT N0. 2010-06) MARCH, 2016 1 DESIGNED: WOW SCALE Service 50 0 50 100 Ft. • TAX MAP SHEET Auth6rity " . . VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23452 DRAWN: NEL 1 =50 Horiz. PHONE: (757) 463-8770 PLAN & PROFILE, S 0+00 TO S 11 +00 0 6 2 B 1 2 CHECKED: CFV o o 0 20 Ft. I N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L FAX: (757) 463-0503 Saying��� N0. DATE 1 "=10' Vert. OF 9 N >�0s N .°-a��� X M • 86C CL N N > > V �� v° X 'v^ o cs m N m 0. "Ita . V e Q -vim c� N m m0 . 'v^ cs 0 0 e m Q . N 0 e Q 390360 -v^ c� N m my -v . c 0 0 C m Q 0)C; -5 -v^ . c,� 0 0 C m . N . 'v^ cs 0 N e m Q . c O �---� I w N . 0 > V p e � Q -� c c� 0 0 N k b m "v^ cMC N m ° N -v^ . c= V N c m Q. dt . -v^ cs V N m Q . LA �� . V e Q -vim cs N m= . N04 . V Q 'v c� N m . -v^ c� N m ° . V e a 0 c -ls 0 o >U N �- .0 v o c� 0V) "v) NT- 0 c NU c o d'� NINI V- c •- 0 U NU N� w N04 c 0 �% c 0 U N N t� �- 0 NU N� 1 w N NU 04 I w N �� 0 -U •-� I w N 0 w NU •-� 0 �_P NU N� I w N 0 r - •- I • N NU N� I w N 0 N J N N N X N '- ( N 370 I ��N '- I N fN Ex. Grade Over Prop. W/M N s Ex. Grade Over Prop. W/M 360 330 3' Min. Cover 3Min. Cover o Ex. Telephone O 3 Min. .�,, Cover 320 7 1�.��.� N Services Prop. 12" p Water Mai est -r -at D.I.P. Il -Jai ifs 340 330 Ex. Inv.=327.29 310 300 8 San. Sewer LA O N •- N I� + + c0 PO + I� "It + LA 00 + N O + Prop. 12 D.I.P. Water Mlain LO O + N N + c J s v O O + to O + O •- M + + ca + 320 00 N 290 + Cn � + O •- + 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PROFILE JI.UIC. I -.Ju nv► IL. 1 "=10' Vert. 370 360 350 340 330 320 310 © Son MH Too =330.63 /nv /n=,23.97(8" PI/C) Inv In=323.48(12' PVC) Inv Out=,123.16(12" PVC) ® Son MH Top=331.31 Inv /n=325.47(Fmm-I) Inv In=32%97(Fmm Appmx) Inv Out=32.168(12' PVC) Q/ Son MH Top =331.42 Inv 117=326.12 Inv Out=325.77(8" PVC) Son MH Top =340.03 Inv /n=335.32 Inv Out=334.74(8) 0 .O,LTH OF '/ I 300 va CHARLES FRANK VOTAVA �oLic. No. 034916�W s031118�1 4�~� 290 ZONAL �' 272BENDIXROAD,SUM400 DUNLORA INTERCONNECT (PROJECT N0. 2010-06) MARCH, 2016 1 DESIGNED: WOW SCALE Service 50 0 50 100 Ft. • TAX MAP SHEET Auth6rity " . . VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23452 DRAWN: NEL 1 =50 Horiz. PHONE: (757) 463-8770 PLAN & PROFILE, S 0+00 TO S 11 +00 0 6 2 B 1 2 CHECKED: CFV o o 0 20 Ft. I N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L FAX: (757) 463-0503 Saying��� N0. DATE 1 "=10' Vert. OF 9 0 a v N_ N O N �_ C'7 N O 370 M11 350 340 K%ffl 320 310 300 4:1111 Lot 5 Lot 100 Lo Key West Club I Block E #397 New Water Service & Meter � Lot 4 "Key West Swim Block "E" � # „ Sta. 23+33 395 & Tennis Club 12"-11 1/4° Bend Prop. 12 D.I.P. Water Main Lot 3 i (Conc. Anch.) Block E Sta. 24+89 SURVEY CONTROL PONT #401 N _ Prop. 6" -D-I.-P.- - X328 -- _ - -- 24 --- ------------- ---- - Water Main _ _ - 25 - L x x X -- x -x-- x x 6 -J27 X - --r,X ------ - _---- _ Prop. xX ------- X x— Tracer re --___ _---�SF –x x - " Access Box --326 r be used ' o _ Area to SF Prop. 20' --- - --- x� + + 2 -for HDD stringout X o Temporary SF - - M X x--xJ - ------ \ 29 3 N —x—x x Easement --------- �r - x—x x ---x —x --x '3�G._ —x x O Nx —x —x Sta. 23+44 ------ ------------ m SF Sta. 20+97 2° Bend ``�-327 � 12"-22 1 - _ 1- •� C: 12 " x6" Tee Conc. Anch. / Limits of Construction Sta 29+03 ( ) (Conc. Anch.) & Silt Fence 12"-11 1 •4Bend ,c 6 Gate Valve &Box /° v 70 L.F. 6" D.I.P. W/M (Conc. Anch.) o Sta. 23+09 Hydrant (w/Guard Posts) i 7"-I I i 1A° Ror.d ci_ nn rn NOTE: Tracer Wire Access Box Refer to General Notes 18, 19 and 21 on Sheet 1. PLAN Scale: 1 "=50' 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 PROFILE Scale: 1 "=50' Horiz. 1 "=10' Vert. 27 28 29 30 KIFLC, 360 350 340 330 320 310 ,TH''O//F y Y 300 CHARLES FRANK VOTAVA �o Lic. No. 03491641W 0311IS18�1 ZONAL 290 DESIGNED: wow SCALE DUNLORA INTERCONNECT(PROJECT NO° 2010-06 MARCH, 2016 2 2 BENDIX ROAD, SUITE 400 • 50 0 50 100 Ft. s L Service Auth6rlt'DRAWN: NEL 1'"=50' Hoft. • VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23452 TAX MAP SHEET PHONE: (757) 463-8770 062811 3 �— �' 10 0 10 20 Ft. D Y E R !� A Y I O N A L FAO: : (7 463-05-8 PLAN & PROFILE, STA, 20+00 T STA. 30+00 & SeMng 6 ComeMng CHECKED: CFV N0. DATE F7 7 1'"=10' Vert. 062F OF 9 X o M -v o Q�� X :2 o\} m y 0 'O c� m ° It ^ "O c� e m a° 14t ^ � cs e m a° N ^ e a owm .�- O {- c o y :� o 0 o a)+ O x o m -per c� m ° e a -per cs m `�t -p cs e m N er e > O > M c 0 U> v Q 7 - d c0 \ v . LL:u T--- �� I w N r O L) V -U �� I N r O NU N� I w N r O CL L o / 1 7V w o� �p > KD-ft M1J I N � U v I N • U N v �I w N ! U v N N mr- N N cD �X r ILO C:) c -0 = N 0 (n °' I 0 o p v77 Vn) i,%/ s:i/.`ll //.l/:�/iil`ii,li�%: i f>. Ex. Grade Over Prop. W/M /�%i�%lei/`'/;Y/�'%-^---�y/Y 3Min. Cover - /c / /�l i. cn 1 0 + 0 Ln c � U v Prop. 12" D.I.P. Water Main J s V t O1, -.O O O ♦ i-♦ O M M ♦ d' "t00 -I- rn ♦ O O M N O to tC 00 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 PROFILE Scale: 1 "=50' Horiz. 1 "=10' Vert. 27 28 29 30 KIFLC, 360 350 340 330 320 310 ,TH''O//F y Y 300 CHARLES FRANK VOTAVA �o Lic. No. 03491641W 0311IS18�1 ZONAL 290 DESIGNED: wow SCALE DUNLORA INTERCONNECT(PROJECT NO° 2010-06 MARCH, 2016 2 2 BENDIX ROAD, SUITE 400 • 50 0 50 100 Ft. s L Service Auth6rlt'DRAWN: NEL 1'"=50' Hoft. • VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23452 TAX MAP SHEET PHONE: (757) 463-8770 062811 3 �— �' 10 0 10 20 Ft. D Y E R !� A Y I O N A L FAO: : (7 463-05-8 PLAN & PROFILE, STA, 20+00 T STA. 30+00 & SeMng 6 ComeMng CHECKED: CFV N0. DATE F7 7 1'"=10' Vert. 062F OF 9 CD Q U 0 N co U g m 0 J V I 380 370 360 350 340 330 320 310 300 Prop. 20' Temporary Easement Prop. Easement Limits of Construction & Silt Fence Lot 100 Key West Club "Key West Swim & Tennis Club" Sta. 32+40 12"x12" Tee (Conc. Anch.) 12" Gate Valve & Box 15 L.F. 12" D.I.P. W/M 12" Plug (Conc. Anch.) Type "A" Dead End Blow—Off Assembly (w/Guard Posts) Sta. 31+86 12"-11 1/4° Bend (Conc. Anch.) Sta. 32+33 12"-11 1/4° Bend (Conc. Anch.) Match Line Sta. 30+00 see he f ,S @t 3 Sta 36+65 x/' IIS;' 12-11 1/4° Bend f, (Conc. Anch.) 1 It Sta. 37+20 �` ^ Sf6. 37+88 Sta. 31+32 12"-11 1/4* Bend ff ° - - - ` - ' , , 12"-11 1/4° Bend (Conc. Anch.) `�12 —90 Bend (Conc. Anch.) Sta. 36+38 �'°, - ; ; 'II , ` (Conc. Anch.) 12"-11 1/4* Bend Sta. 37+77 1 1 x! 1 1 I r- I III 1 I ' 111111-A ` _ ff 1 2 —22 1/2' q? fill / I f (Conc. Anch.) SURVEY CONTROL POINT Bend (Conc. I ; Sta. 38+60 I XI II + t •,IRON ROD WICAP Sta. 35+ Anch.) r_ ';" 12"-450 Bend 93 1 1 1 ., N. 3'09'225.00 Rotate as R@ d. E. 11,498,072.26 � � \ -�`\ •1 1 ELEV=329.9.3 12"-11 1 /4' Bend RAW; i �T , ( q' ) ' (Conc. Anch.) (Conc. Anch.) ,,--Ex. EGsement Of '~ No Width Specified — _ = Sta. 38+64 • (D.P. 692, Pg. 453) SURVEY CONTROL POINT /j _- / �"Q�'• ' a IRON ROD U//CAP Sta. 32+46 N: 3,909,303.20 \ 1,2' -'--Gate E: 11,498,426.35 �✓•b, VaIVe & BOX ELEV=332.01 -J40- 40= 40-40= Tracer Wire Access BoxIt / \ ` l �` �-_-�,/— ` - -- - - - - � ,i J Tom•'__ __ I I 1 I , � , ,/! , 1 / 1 Sta. 32+74 12"-11 1/4* Bend (Conc. Anch.) Prop. 12" D.I.P. Water Main Sta. 33+10 12"-11 1/4* Bend (Conc. Anch.) Sta. 33+47 12"-11 1/4* Bend (Conc. Anch.) �� ata .yrs.�y „ �' � �y :+. ,�.` • �j` � ti ` •. 1.E�' is Pi�: .�yV•iaic•��id! 4 � �'#• � � _� F��'� . Remove Ex. 12" Plug/Cap Install 12" Long Solid Sleeve (if required) and Connect to Ex. 12" Stub Prop. 12" D.I.P. Water Main Sta. 38+37 12"-450 Bend Lot 5 (Rotate as Req'd.) Block "D" (Conc. Anch.) #400 77 SF 1 , , I Sta. 38+20 'I a I 12 —450 Bend (Conc. Anch.) 328 Sta. 33+84 _ ____328---' � I �',\`\ Wire Fence 12"-450 Bend ' ' _ �-- l'II /ar /11 4 _ (Conc. Anch.) Sta. 34+42 _ _ it ,`j1/'' 12"-22 1/2* Bend �_ _ 1'11=x,' 1,, l`. ; (Conc. Anch.)Concrete Spillway I' ' Cr,/ 3, E/p PLAN Scale: 1 "=50' R/W NOTE: Refer to General Notes 18, 19, & 21 on Sheet 1. 30 31 32 33 34 35 PROFILE _)caie: i =ou rloriz. 1 "=10' Vert. 36 37 38 380 370 360 350 340 330 320 310 300 079V 'IV, CountyDESIGNED: wow SCALE . 272BENDIXROAD, SUITE 400 DUNLORA INTERCONNECT (PROJECT NO. 2010-06) MARCH, 2016 50 0 50 100 Ft. ■�ServiceAuth6r*Ify DRAWN: NEL 1'"=50' Horiz. • � ®• � V�RGIl'VIABEACH, VA23452 TAX MAP SHEET PHONE: (757) 463-8770 PLAN & PROFILE, STA. 30+00 TO STA. 38+64 062E 4 �'�'"g `'°�"''g CHECKED: CFV N0. DATE 10 0 10 20 Ft. 1 =10' Vert. I NTERNATIONAL Ft X: (757) 463-0503 OF 9 '" C N m • C V N C m • C V O C m • y 0 O F-- �A 1 N x X M -v s 0\ .� C V m V W Q �S Q 'v CL v ci > ci p >• ^ N „p t > E p 6 m O. 0 Q 'L_ v X 'v O C m N m • p d' t V C Q U -v C N m • '� ^ 'v .0 C V N C m Q • `t ci -C C V m C m Q e ,, � S V C Q U C N m • N t V C Q ci C N m • C O G m • d' S C V N C m < • d' U t V C Q y C N m • d' S C V N C m= Q • N U .0 C V m m Q • O U t V C Q U C O m • -C C V m ., C m Q • U 'v .0 C U 0) Nv" C m . ( U O OU N O v N p V r U v" C \ � Q W 3 fnU CL —W O NUO v O •-X .n LX O L +- f� .- O (n C 0) +- N ri L () e— T-- � N r- V- N V_ NC" •_ O O= / N LL: CL J I- ., o ` m N .- C U - N C U N r- C U rcqU C O NU N r- C O N •- • O � N T- C - O N V_ C O U - 1 n N C O NU 1 • N O NU .- O NU . O N .vvN J C `C O3 V V_w v m N t N r' •N -t�-v C CIO o O M • v � -*- 3 Min.Cover N Cover Ex. Inv.=3 15 5.03Min.r Storm Drain Ex. Prop. Grade Over W/M 3' \.. - �,.�-5/1. ��°%f ,�\,/ i%� �%j' " Ex. 12 W/M Stub Top Elev.=349.9± (TO BE VERIFIED THE—FIE C •—Ji^ '/:/ /i:%T. /i /r'.!/� V t v ,�f /.`°/, x777 ��----� r/?.r/,%/,/i.,ii:/j ij, 1' Min. Clear. r /7,77 i 7,1771 Prop. 12" D.I.P. ater Main o ,L'li 'op P V� CHARLES FRANK VOTAVA N M ♦ to 00 ♦ M O M 'd' ♦ + cC d ♦ `It I�_ ♦ O r- ♦ r- �t + 'd' 00 ♦ N ♦ M rn ♦ 00 M ♦ to W ♦ O N + I1% t� + 00 00 + O N ♦ 1_ M ♦ O to + 'd' to Lic. No. 034916 W ,S,03�18�1 G I0NAL 30 31 32 33 34 35 PROFILE _)caie: i =ou rloriz. 1 "=10' Vert. 36 37 38 380 370 360 350 340 330 320 310 300 079V 'IV, CountyDESIGNED: wow SCALE . 272BENDIXROAD, SUITE 400 DUNLORA INTERCONNECT (PROJECT NO. 2010-06) MARCH, 2016 50 0 50 100 Ft. ■�ServiceAuth6r*Ify DRAWN: NEL 1'"=50' Horiz. • � ®• � V�RGIl'VIABEACH, VA23452 TAX MAP SHEET PHONE: (757) 463-8770 PLAN & PROFILE, STA. 30+00 TO STA. 38+64 062E 4 �'�'"g `'°�"''g CHECKED: CFV N0. DATE 10 0 10 20 Ft. 1 =10' Vert. I NTERNATIONAL Ft X: (757) 463-0503 OF 9 '" EX. GRADE 4" TOPSOIL OR MATCH -- FOR BENDS 8" & SMALLER ASTM A36 AND HEX NUT EX. AGGREGATE DEPTH USE STRAP ON BEND WITH ANCHOR BOLT ON CENTER LINE ASTM A588 (TYP) OF BEND. USE BRACING STRAPS UNDISTURBED EARTH UNDISTURBED FOR BENDS 10" THROUGH 12" ON ALL PIPE SIZES SOIL (TYP) • USE 2 STRAPS ON BENDS 2 - 3/4 DIA SANITARY/STORM SEWER \ ;..::s-• ::: _ ALL -THREAD ROD ADJACENT TO BELLS. (SIZE VARIES) TRENCH WIDTH \ 95% COMPACTED BACKFILL °.I'.i'.:.: f:; - FOR 18" BEND USE 3 STRAPS SUPPORT AT SHALL BE: ,//\ �� •� ' ••� •- :•�',.:.�.,-; /. (SUITABLE FILL) ,• 24„ 4" MAINS), jj .•:;''R,'�:..::'�::;: \// AS SHOWN. D ( ) r\\' : '::.'. /� c�`, w „ Q I `�... PIPE - EACH SIDE WATER MAIN NEAREST JOINT OF O. (6"-16" MAINS) �% •' ,•�.r`�. ;� PROP. D.I.P. WATER MAIN ( ) \ :.':..:..:::::.:":.: //` 4 BARS @ 12 ON CENTER O .� o r 6 z FOR 12 BENDS & LARGER L'' - /\ CONCRETE CLASS B VALVE--/ O.D.\: j\ \ •-•.:: •. ELEVATION 6" y\ :i:::: //� 95% COMPACTED BACKFILL ,�..._ 24" MIN INSTALL SUPPORT IN 8" PAINT ALL EXPOSED STEEL WITH 2 COATS OF BITUMINOUS PAINT. UNDISTURBED EARTH 16" MIN. (TYP.) UNDISTURBED EARTH NON -PAVED AREAS PLAN CLASS "D" (2,000 PSI) CONCRETE PIER WATER MAIN FLAT STEEL STRAP WIDTH = DIM. "F" V-6" MIN. SANITARY NOTES: � �.•:: ':.•�''• CLASS A-3 CONCRETE A 1'-0" MIN. (STORM) ) THICKNESS OF 4 :�;' 1. NOT MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED (100) FEET OF TRENCH SHALL BE OPENED IN FILLET WELD STRAP = 1/4'> MIN :,�. MEGA -LUG ADVANCE OF THE COMPLETED PIPE WHEN LOCATED ALONG STREETS OR HIGHWAYS, STANDARD HEX NUT ELEVATION AND NOT MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED (200) FEET AT OTHER LOCATIONS. „ 1 /4 THICK 2. TRENCHES SHALL NOT BE LEFT OPEN OVERNIGHT. PLATE WASHER )f .°•pp OOD OO�p00 p0 •.'. ..•� oOp OOO�QO OO�Q OOOp DODO 00pO00Qp OO�00000000000000000C°OCOt 3 THREAD 1 ° ° 00• :: °° O°° ° 6000-00-0-°°o000°00°° °°° °o°oo°oo°° SANITARY/STORM SEWER i, ., °O °°°0 °,, pO, °,, °00 ,° °oo °Oo °oo °Oo 3. TRENCH RESTORATION FOR WATER MAIN INSTALLATIONS IN PAVEMENT AREAS SHALL BE 18 ; (SIZE VARIES) 2" MIN. (TYP.) IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VDOT LAND USE PERMIT FOR PUBLIC ROADS. 1 NOMINAL INSIDE 3/4" ANCHOR DIAMETER EXTRA BOLTS MIN CLASS "D" 2,000 PSI STRONG STEEL PIPE » ) UNDISTURBED EARTH 18 CONCRETE PIER 6" #4 BARS @ 12" PIPE BELLWATER MAIN ON CENTER FOR ) V-6" MIN. SANITARY • ' g„ 12" BENDS & CONCRETE CLASS "B" ELEVATION 1'-0" MIN. (STORM) TRENCH DETAIL LARGER NOT TO SCALE SECTION 24" TRENCH 24" NOTE: STANDARD 90' HOOK ON END OF ANCHOR MIN WIDTH MIN BOLTS TO FACE CENTER OF BLOCKS. NOTES: 1. ALL RODS AND FASTENERS SHALL BE GIVEN TWO z COATS OF ASPHALTIC PAINT AFTER ASSEMBLY 45' max 2 L 45', <' -max Q -------=---- a 45' -- ----- , , max a a ° PLUG J J 2 1 1 FOR ALL BENDS FOR TEE OR WYE FITTINGS BEND PIPE SIZE A B C D E F 2. 4" & 6" 1'-9" 2'-3" 2'-6" 1-'2" 2'-0" 1-1/4" 8" 2'-3" 3'-0" 2'-6" 1'-6" 2'-6" 1-1/4" 10 2-9 3-9 2-6 2-0 31 -Olt 11 2 - z 12" 3'-0" 4'-3" 3'-0" 2'-3" 3'-6" 2" WATER MAIN CROSSING 4" & 6" 2'-6" 3'-0" 2'-6" 1'-6" 2'-8" 1-1/4" 2.60 8" 3'-0" 4'-3" 2'-6" 2'-6" 3'-3" 2" 1.50 10 31-301 5 -0 31 -Opp 20-9" 3 -9lf 2 12" 3'-9" 6'-3" 3'-0" 3'-6" 4'-3" 211 4" & 6" 3'-0" 6'-0" 3'-0" 3'-3" 3'-3" 2-1/4" 8" 3'-6" 6'-6" 3'-0" 3'-8" 3'-9" 2-1/4" 45* 10 4'- 6 7'- 6 3'-0" 4'-3" 5'-0" 2-1/4 1.66 12" 5'-3" 9'-0" 3'-3" 5'-0" 5'-9" 2-1/2" WIDEN TRENCH TO CHART FOR UPPER VERTICAL BLOCKING THIS DETAIL INCORPORATED FOR REFERENCE ONLY: f .f \f ' ------------ ACCOMMODATE WHEREVER IT IS NOT PRACTICAL TO USE THREADED RODS TO RESTRAIN VALVES ON THE END OF WATER LINES':"::::..- 45' ANCHOR IF 45. OR FIRE HYDRANTS, CROSS ANCHORS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TYPICAL DETAIL ADJUSTABLE VALVE BOX W/ LID min REQUIRED. min FIGURE W -3C "CROSS ANCHOR RESTRAINTS FOR VALVES." CROSS ANCHORS SHALL BE INSTALLED AROUND DUCTILE IRON PIPE WHEREVER THE LAST VALVE ON A WATER LINE IS GREATER THAN SIX (6) FEET FROM A BEDDING AS CONCRETE BLOCKING FOR MECHANICAL JOINT TEE. SUCH INSTALLATIONS SHALL INCLUDE FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLIES AND ENDS OF REQUIRED TRANSMISSION MAINS, WHERE A FUTURE EXTENSION IS POSSIBLE. UPPER VERTICAL BENDS (W -3A) Z " NOT TO SCALE PLUG M 45' 45' 4 min min , NOTE: HYDRANT MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH ----------- - T T CHARLOTTESVILLE THREADS ITCH I THE - M.J. GATE VALVE LOCAL STANDARD. ------------ SECTION 1-1 SECTION 2-2 LENGTH OF BRANCH VARIES 6' MIN 2' TO 10' NOTES: DEGREE 00 SECTION A -A PIPE OF 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT THE COLLAR (FEET) VOL. SIZE - - - BEARS AGAINST UNDISTURBED SOIL FOR THE CU.YD. MINIMUM DIMENSION SHOWN. 3. DIMENSIONS SHOWN BEYOND THE TRENCH WIDTH T L H - z ARE ABSOLUTE MINIMUM. IF THE TRENCH WIDTH IS LARGER DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE COLLAR SANITARY/STORM SEWER PROTECTION FOR 2.50 2.50 3.01 DIMENSIONS SHALL INCREASE ACCORDINGLY. WATER MAIN CROSSING UNDER SEWER SECTION 4" & 6" 45 NOT TO SCALE 2.25 2.60 0.15 2.00 CROSS ANCHOR RESTRAINTS FOR VALVES (W -3C) 22 1/2 1.50 2.00 NOT TO SCALE FINISHED GRADE 11 1/4 1.50 WIDEN TRENCH TO CHART FOR UPPER VERTICAL BLOCKING THIS DETAIL INCORPORATED FOR REFERENCE ONLY: f .f \f ' ------------ ACCOMMODATE WHEREVER IT IS NOT PRACTICAL TO USE THREADED RODS TO RESTRAIN VALVES ON THE END OF WATER LINES':"::::..- 45' ANCHOR IF 45. OR FIRE HYDRANTS, CROSS ANCHORS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TYPICAL DETAIL ADJUSTABLE VALVE BOX W/ LID min REQUIRED. min FIGURE W -3C "CROSS ANCHOR RESTRAINTS FOR VALVES." CROSS ANCHORS SHALL BE INSTALLED AROUND DUCTILE IRON PIPE WHEREVER THE LAST VALVE ON A WATER LINE IS GREATER THAN SIX (6) FEET FROM A BEDDING AS CONCRETE BLOCKING FOR MECHANICAL JOINT TEE. SUCH INSTALLATIONS SHALL INCLUDE FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLIES AND ENDS OF REQUIRED TRANSMISSION MAINS, WHERE A FUTURE EXTENSION IS POSSIBLE. UPPER VERTICAL BENDS (W -3A) Z " NOT TO SCALE PLUG M 45' 45' 4 min min , NOTE: HYDRANT MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH ----------- - T T CHARLOTTESVILLE THREADS ITCH I THE - M.J. GATE VALVE LOCAL STANDARD. ------------ SECTION 1-1 SECTION 2-2 LENGTH OF BRANCH VARIES 6' MIN 2' TO 10' NOTES: (270') 1. SURROUND WEEP HOLES WITH GRAVEL AND KEEP FREE OF WATER LINE \\/ CONCRETE. 7 CU. FT. 18' VALVE BOX 2. MAINTAIN A 3' MIN. COVER FROM THE MAIN TO THE FIRE �a / GRAVEL i HYDRANT (INCLUDING DITCHES) i \j\\j 3. FINISHED GRADE SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM THE FIRE j\\fes\\ \ HYDRANT AND VALVE BOX. 4. THE GATE VALVE IS ALLOWED IN SHOULDER OR BEHIND THE 2500 P.S.I. DITCH. IT IS NOT ALLOWED IN THE DITCH. CONCRETE 4 36"MIN \\/% oo .. 6» GATE I a 2 x 2 BEARING AREA. \/\ o VALVE 5. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LOCATIONS WHERE THRUST BLOCK a . e WEEP HOLES ARE ABOVE THE PREVAILING GROUNDWATER .. a. TEE ELEVATION. IF REQUIRED TO BE IN WET AREAS, THE WEEP HOLES SHALL BE PLUGGED AND THE HYDRANT SHALL BE • o a PUMPED DRY. ° a 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETE :•. ° a BASE AND THRUST f\ Q ° ...° :' : off. ►�.lo. BLOCK AGAINST UNDISTURBED STABLE NOTES: SOIL. STEEL PILE 3/4" THREADED RODS TO MAIN IN ALL INSTALLATIONS. RODS NOTE IN REMOTE AREAS, VALVE BOXES SHALL EXTEND SIX ( 6) INCHES ABOVE GRADE. THRUST BLOCKS ARE REQUIRED WHENEVER HE 1 DIRECTION, CHANGES SIZES, DEAD ENDS ANDTAT VALVES. CHANGES WHEN THE SOIL IS DISTURBED OR WHEN A HYDRANT SHALL BE GALVANIZED OR ASPHALT COATED. (WHEREVER IT LTH OF TYPICAL GATE VALVE (W-5) IS NOT PRACTICAL TO USE THREADED RODS TO RESTRAIN 2. USE 2,500 P.S.I. CONCRETE. IS LOCATED IN A FILL, ANCHOR THE VALVE TO THE VALVES ON THE END OF WATER LINES OR FIRE HYDRANTS, o� 1rf' NOT TO SCALE 3. NO CONCRETE SHALL BE POURED ON ANY PART OF THE JOINT.HYDRANT WITH 2-3/4" THREADED RODS IN ADDITION CROSS ANCHORS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TYPICAL DETAIL FIGURE W -3C "CROSS ANCHOR TO POURING CONCRETE. IF NECESSARY, A STEEL U PILE SHALL BE USED AS ADDITIONAL SUPPORT RESTRAINTS FOR VALVES".) CHARLES FRANK V01AVA �O Lic. No. 034916�W s03�18�1 CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS (W-3) TYPICAL FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY DETAIL (W-4) ZONAL NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE .County DESIGNED: WOW 272BENDIXROAD, SUITE 400 DUNLORA INTERCONNECT (PROJECT N0. 2010-06)MARCH, 2016 ServiceIA DRAWN: NEL , � � VIRGINBEACH, VA 23452 TAX MAP SHEET 0 62 B 1 PHONE: (757) 463-8770 5�,;"9 6�i"g NO. DATE CHECKED: CFV INTERNATIONAL FAX: (757) 463-0503 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS & 062E of 9 DEGREE BEND DIMENSIONS TEES AND PLUGS PIPE OF (FEET) VOL. (FEET) VOL. SIZE BEND CU.YD. CU.YD. L H T L H T 90 2.50 2.50 3.01 0.24 4" & 6" 45 2.00 2.25 2.60 0.15 2.00 2.25 2.50 0.15 22 1/2 1.50 2.00 2.52 0.10 11 1/4 1.50 2.00 2.50 0.10 90 3.66 3.16 3.21 0.48 8„ 45 2.66 2.66 2.77 0.26 22 1/2 1.66 2.16 2.69 0.13 3.16 2.91 2.66 0.32 11 1/4 1.66 2.16 2.67 0.13 90 4.83 3.83 3.42 0.83 10" & 12" 45 3.33 3.58 2.95 0.43 3.83 4.00 2.83 0.52 22 1/2 2.33 2.58 2.86 0.24 11 1/4 1.83 2.33 2.84 0.18 (270') 1. SURROUND WEEP HOLES WITH GRAVEL AND KEEP FREE OF WATER LINE \\/ CONCRETE. 7 CU. FT. 18' VALVE BOX 2. MAINTAIN A 3' MIN. COVER FROM THE MAIN TO THE FIRE �a / GRAVEL i HYDRANT (INCLUDING DITCHES) i \j\\j 3. FINISHED GRADE SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM THE FIRE j\\fes\\ \ HYDRANT AND VALVE BOX. 4. THE GATE VALVE IS ALLOWED IN SHOULDER OR BEHIND THE 2500 P.S.I. DITCH. IT IS NOT ALLOWED IN THE DITCH. CONCRETE 4 36"MIN \\/% oo .. 6» GATE I a 2 x 2 BEARING AREA. \/\ o VALVE 5. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LOCATIONS WHERE THRUST BLOCK a . e WEEP HOLES ARE ABOVE THE PREVAILING GROUNDWATER .. a. TEE ELEVATION. IF REQUIRED TO BE IN WET AREAS, THE WEEP HOLES SHALL BE PLUGGED AND THE HYDRANT SHALL BE • o a PUMPED DRY. ° a 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETE :•. ° a BASE AND THRUST f\ Q ° ...° :' : off. ►�.lo. BLOCK AGAINST UNDISTURBED STABLE NOTES: SOIL. STEEL PILE 3/4" THREADED RODS TO MAIN IN ALL INSTALLATIONS. RODS NOTE IN REMOTE AREAS, VALVE BOXES SHALL EXTEND SIX ( 6) INCHES ABOVE GRADE. THRUST BLOCKS ARE REQUIRED WHENEVER HE 1 DIRECTION, CHANGES SIZES, DEAD ENDS ANDTAT VALVES. CHANGES WHEN THE SOIL IS DISTURBED OR WHEN A HYDRANT SHALL BE GALVANIZED OR ASPHALT COATED. (WHEREVER IT LTH OF TYPICAL GATE VALVE (W-5) IS NOT PRACTICAL TO USE THREADED RODS TO RESTRAIN 2. USE 2,500 P.S.I. CONCRETE. IS LOCATED IN A FILL, ANCHOR THE VALVE TO THE VALVES ON THE END OF WATER LINES OR FIRE HYDRANTS, o� 1rf' NOT TO SCALE 3. NO CONCRETE SHALL BE POURED ON ANY PART OF THE JOINT.HYDRANT WITH 2-3/4" THREADED RODS IN ADDITION CROSS ANCHORS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TYPICAL DETAIL FIGURE W -3C "CROSS ANCHOR TO POURING CONCRETE. IF NECESSARY, A STEEL U PILE SHALL BE USED AS ADDITIONAL SUPPORT RESTRAINTS FOR VALVES".) CHARLES FRANK V01AVA �O Lic. No. 034916�W s03�18�1 CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS (W-3) TYPICAL FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY DETAIL (W-4) ZONAL NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE .County DESIGNED: WOW 272BENDIXROAD, SUITE 400 DUNLORA INTERCONNECT (PROJECT N0. 2010-06)MARCH, 2016 ServiceIA DRAWN: NEL , � � VIRGINBEACH, VA 23452 TAX MAP SHEET 0 62 B 1 PHONE: (757) 463-8770 5�,;"9 6�i"g NO. DATE CHECKED: CFV INTERNATIONAL FAX: (757) 463-0503 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS & 062E of 9 NOTES: COVER LIFT SIZE BRANCH AND VARIES S VALVE BOX NOTCH NOTE: 1. SAMPLING STATIONS SHALL HAVE A BURY DEPTH IN VALVE THE SAME AS 30"X30" BILCO TYPE 12 3/8" ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROFILE, WITH A 3/4" FIP WATER MAIN J -AL ACCESS HATCH INLET, AND A (3/4" HOSE OR UNTHREADED) NOZZLE. 1. UNPAVED AREAS: USE » PLASTIC BOXES ECLIPSE 88 PROVIDE 1"x3/4" REDUCER AT THE SAMPLING FUTURE FLOW METER, 2. PAVED AREAS: USE CAST SAMPLING STATION. M.J. PLUG DOGHOUSE MANHOLE STATION OR ALUMINUM HOUSING BY OTHERS (SEE DETAIL, THIS SHEET) WATER IRON BOXES. APPROVED 2. ALL STATIONS SHALL BE ENCLOSED IN A LOCKABLE, VARIES 3. FOR TOUCH READ METERS FINISHED A 1-3/4 DIAMETER HOLE EQUAL NONREMOVABLE, ALUMINUM -CAST HOUSING. GRADE IS REQUIRED IN THE LID. 6., 3. WHEN OPENED, THE STATION SHALL REQUIRE NO KEY ° ` RESTRAIN CAST IRON LID STANDARD FOR OPERATION, AND THE WATER WILL FLOW IN AN ALL JOINTS COPPER VENT VALVE BOX ALL BRASS WATERWAY. WATER MAIN I ; TUBE WITH 3/8" TO GRADE ROD VALVE it BALL VALVE 4. ALL WORKING PARTS WILL ALSO BE OF BRASS AND TO TEE OR BEND 6" 14 -1/2" ALUMINUM GROUND BE REMOVABLE FROM ABOVE GROUND WITH NO 12 1/2" BASE o o LINE DIGGING. ON-LINE (TYP E "B"� MIN; "DOG HOUSE" DEPTH INSTALLATION 5. A COPPER VENT TUBE WILL ENABLE EACH STATION THREADED COUPLING 36 TO BE PUMPED FREE OF STANDING WATER TO PVC NIPPLE AND CAP or 4811— PREVENT 8"PREVENT FREEZING AND TO MINIMIZE BACTERIA BRASS NIPPLE AND CAP GROWTH. LUBRICATE ALL THREADS 6. SAMPLING STATION SHALL BE ECLIPSE NO. 88, AS VARIES METER BOX (SEE W-7) MANUFACTURED BY KUPFERLE FOUNDRY, ST. LOUIS, 18" METER BOX 2" STAINLESS MO 63102, OR APPROVED EQUAL. PVC SLEEVE - o_ SEE STEEL OR 2" GATE 1/4 BEND COUPLING I GUARD Y POST ,> BRASS EXTERIOR z 1" x COPPER VALVE THRUST BLOCK co TAP EX. 12 WATER MAIN & PROVIDE CASING PIPE FLARERE FORD C28-44 DETAIL 1" CORP STOP VALVE WITH BRONZE EX. 12 WATER MAIN (TYP.) PLUG (SQUARE TOP). PIPE SADDLE ON VALVE BOX \ ��\\ \\�� / �� \// NO. 57 STONE 12" WATER MAIN - 1" CORPORATION STOP M.J. FITTING `\ \ � FLOW METER MANHOLE 2" PIPE SLOPED TO DRAIN NOT TO SCALE IF GRADE ALLOWS VARIES VARIES 2" GALV. OR BRASS PIPE MIPT x COPPER 6" EXTENSION % i�/i'/% 1" ELBOW 1" TYPE "K" SOFT COPPER 2" THREADED TAP 1" TYPE 'Y' SOFT COPPER GATE VALVE ON SOLID PLUG PIPE SLOT CONCRETE BLOCK DEAD END TYPE ADJUSTABLE VALVE BOX WITH LID. 2 PLACES EXISTING GRADE LID SHALL HAVE WATER EMBOSSED WATER SAMPLING STATION TYPICAL BLOW—OFF ASSEMBLY (W-8)TYPICAL METER BOXES » » NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE (5Z8 —1 METERS) (W=71 \�\\\\j NOT 'TO SCALE EXISTING GRADE PROVIDE MINIMUM OF 24" OF DEBRIS CAP BY SW SERVICES EXCESS #12 AWG LOOP AND STORE IN VALVE BOX OR APPROVED EQUAL. CAP SIZE SHALL MATCH : -. PROVIDE OPENING PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE E BASES SHALL BE FABRICATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACSA STANDARDS. VALVE BOX DIAMETER. FOR #12 AWG WIRE FINISHED GRADE + . _ - - #12 AWG NEW WATER MIN. '...e.�• .•e. .. 5'-0" TRACER WIRE MAIN DEPTH #12 AWG TRACER WIRE ` .., ..... - 24" SET DOGHOUSE BASE ON a ` ------j ------ r i 2 -6 2 -6 i �o CONCRETE BLOCKS EXISTING 12" WATER FIRE HYDRANT MIN. 12" CLEARANCE /r\ STD. ACSA N --------------- < NEW WATER MAIN BETWEEN EXISTING PIPE AIR RELEASE VALVE // \\ HYDRANT BRANCH- o DOGHOUSE OPENING SHALL r � AND STONE BEDDING METER BOX i OO -i BE PREFORMED BY \\ /j\� LO MANUFACTURER. o BRONZESEE TYP. GUARD I 12" THICK VDOT No. 68 / \/�\ POST DETAIL I s"xs"x1s" AND STONE BEDDING j/ \\/' GATE VALVE 4"x8"x1 s" SOLID BRASS OR iii\\/ /// N BRONZE PIPE \ /\\\i� WATER MAIN NOTES: CONCRETE BLOCKS 1. WIRE SHALL BE INSTALLED FROM WIRE ACCESS BOX CENTER W/RISER >;\` /\\\/� TO WIRE ACCESS BOX.WALL (4 EACH) DOGHOUSE MANHOLE BASE DRAIN TO GRADE %\\i\\\�� 2. WIRE SHALL BE CONTINUOUS FROM WIRE ACCESS WIRE TRACER ACCESS BOX DETAIL NOT TO SCALE IF POSSIBLE ��j// \\� BOX TO WIRE ACCESS BOX. 3. WIRE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN TRENCH ALONG SIDE OF PIPE. 4. CONTRACTOR TO CONFIRM CONDUCTIVITY OF WIRE BRICK SUPPORTS OR FROM WIRE ACCESS BOX TO WIRE ACCESS BOX. FILL DOGHOUSE OPENING PLAN MANHOLE ABOVE BASE SHALL AROUND EXISTING PIPE w/ SOLID CEMENT BLOCKS WIRE TRACER DETAIL SINGLE SERVICE , 1" COMPRESSION 3/4" MALE PIPE BE CONSTRUCTED AS SHOWN 3,000 PSI CONCRETE OR CRUSHED STONE COUPLING OR APPROVED EQUAL NON -SHRINKING GROUT NOT TO SCALE ON ACSA STANDARD DETAIL FIGURE S -1-A FIRE HYDRANT HYDRANT BARREL TYPE "K" i ALLOW CONCRETE TO FLOW SOFT COPPER WRAP EXISTING PIPE w/ SEE TYP. GUARD 0 O A MIN. 1'-O" BEYOND BASE NEOPRENE GASKET MATERIAL POST DETAIL o OF STRUCTURE , BEFORE FILLING THE OPENING CORPORATION STOPNEOPRENE SECURED BY 2 EX. GRADE +a FOR USE ON DETACHED SINGLE FAMILY 1" TYPE "K" RESIDENTIAL SERVICE WHERE AN IRRIGATION ONNEAC�RSIDE IOF PENIINGI SOFT COPPER METER IS NOT PROVIDED. 12" MIN. CAST -IN PLACE .I'. O 3,000 PSI CONCRETE BASE I ���• 4" DIA. STEEL PIPE CAST IRON LID FOUNDATION SECTION VIEW WATER MAIN FILLED W/ CONCRETE TF (TYP.) NOTES: 1. PROVIDE AIR RELEASE VALVE IN A TYPICAL METER BOX. 2. FOR WATERLINES SMALLER THAN 12" USE A 1" ELEVATION A.R.V. AND FITTINGS. FOR WATER LINES 12" AND LARGER USE 2" AIR RELEASE VALVE AND FITTINGS. NOTES: 3. IN SITUATIONS WHERE THE AIR RELEASE VALVE 1. GUARD POSTS ARE USED TO PROTECT A HYDRANT ASSEMBLY CANNOT BE OFFSET FROM THE MAIN AN IN AREAS WHERE POTENTIAL DAMAGE MAY OCCUR. ADEQUATE FOUNDATION SHALL BE INSTALLED SO THE WATER LINE DOES NOT SUPPORT THE METER 2. NO STRUCTURES, POLES, SIGNS, POSTS SHALL BE BOX. INSTALLED WITHIN FOUR FEET OF THE FIRE HYDRANT, NOR SHALL ANY FLOWERS, TREES OR SHRUBS BE PLANTED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE ACSA PERMANENT EASEMENT. SET IN CONC RETE, d O .p EX. GR 4 a o I CLASS "D" 2000 PSI ° 1'-0" FINIISHED GRADE 10"-15" \ METER BOX LOCKWING BALL VALVE //� (INLET &OUTLET) NOTES: 1/4 BEND COUPLING \\\> COPPERSETTER 1. MANHOLE TOP SHALL BE PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE FLAT TOP. (IF REQUIRED) 36" MIN. �\ /; 2. USE 30 x30 BILCO TYPE J -AL ACCESS HATCH OR APPROVED EQUAL. PROVIDE DRAIN TO DAYLIGHT. AIDE \\ 3. MANHOLE INTERNAL DIAMETER SHALL BE 48". 45° a4�{� METER o 4 STONE BEDDING BRICK AS NECESSARY CORPORATION STOP "DOGHOUSE" INSTALLATION NOT TO SCALE NOTES: 1. SADDLES SHALL BE USED ON PVC PIPE. O,TH OF 2. IN AREAS WHERE PLASTIC WATER SERVICES ARE ENCOUNTERED, OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ACSA INSPECTOR, INSTALL NEW WATER SERVICE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS DETAIL. CHARLES FRANK VOTAVA DIA. 10 Lic. No. 034916 W AIR RELEASE VALVE(W-9)HYDRANT PROTECTION GUARD POSTS(W-6)Aks" GUARD POST NEW SERVICE LATERAL INSTALLATION _ ZONAL � NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE ffJolorl"on county DESIGNED: WOW 272 BENDIX ROAD, SUITE 400 DUNLORA INTERCONNECT PROJECT N0. 2010-06 MARCH, 2016 ervice uth6nt DRAWN: NEL . ®.� VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23452 TAX MAP SHEET PHONE: (757) 463-8770 0 62 B 1 6 CHECKED: CFV MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS & �""� � Conservrc� N0. DATE INTERNATIONAL FAX: (757) 463-0503 062E OF 9 STANDARD EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES 1. The Contractor shall be required to provide erosion and sediment control measures during all phases of the work. All erosion and sediment control measures shall be in accordance with Section 02370 of the Specifications. 1.0' 1.5' 2. Unless otherwise indicated, all vegetative and structural erosion and sediment control practices shall be constructed and maintained according to minimum Standards and FLOW Specifications of the Virainia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. �"' 2 5' latest edition ., applicable Erosion and Sediment Control Technical Bulletins, and the Albemarle County �; Desian Standards Manual latest edition. c 3. The Contractor shall apply permanent or temporary soil stabilizat'ion to all disturbed areas within 7 days after final ** VDOT #3, #357, #5, #56 OR #57 CLASS I RIPRAP y grade is established on any portion of the site. Soil stabilization COARSE AGGREGATE TO REPLACE must also be applied to disturbed areas, which may not be at final rade, W W COARSE FENCE IN GATE TSHo " g but which will SILTE WHEN remain undisturbed for longer than 14 days. Permanent stabilization shall be applied to W W W W y W HIGH VELOCITY OF FLOW IS EXPECTED areas that are to be left dormant for more than one (1) year. Soil stabilization measures DRIP LINE UNDISTURBED AREA W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W - INLET BOX shall include (but not limited to) vegetative establishment, mulching, and the early W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W LL W W application of gravel base material on areas to be paved. W WWW W W W W W HIGH-VISIBILITY PLASTIC TREE-.'< W W y W OPTIONAL STONE ** PROTECTION FENCE E CO M B I NATI O N 4. All erosion and sediment control measures shall be placed prior to, or as the first step in METAL FENCE POSTS rte, }� W W W W ' 1 OVERLAP construction. OR 4x4 POSTS W W (EACH SIDE) TOE OF FILL 5. All erosion and sediment control measures shall be inspected daily by the Site W W W W Superintendent or his representative, and after each runoff producing rainfall event. An o W y W W W W W W W W ENDWALL yW W W �WW -- necessary repairs to maintain the effectiveness of the erosion control devices and cleanup -------------=r=�;s-------------- } of sedimentation are the responsibility of Albemarle County Service Authority's Contractor FILTER BAG W W and shall be made by the close of the working day. CULVERT W W �I 6. Sediment shall be removed from paved areas on a daily basis. ----------oI-----_—_ --_— CURB 7. Stock piles of soil and other erodible materials shall be stabilized or protected with � I sediment trapping measures. The Contractor is responsible for the temporary protection __ ______ PRTION �_____,8. and permanent stabilization for stockpiles onsite as well as for materials transported from (����Nthe project site. OT TO SCALE CURB INLET FILTER TOE OF FILL The Contractor shall monitor and take precautions to control dust, including (but not limited SILT FENCE *DISTANCE IS 6' MINIMUM IF to) use of water, mulch and control of construction site traffic. 15" LiFLOW IS TOWARD 9. It s Albemarle County Service Authority's Contractor's responsibility to clean streets of mud 1 "x2" WOODEN STAKE, SOIL COMPACTED FLOW EMBANKMENT and dust and take whatever measures necessary to insure that the streets are kept in a 2 PER BALE TO PREVENT PIPING clean and dust free condition at all times. ENTRENCHED STRAW BALE SILT FENCE CULVERT INLET PROTECTION 10. Effluent from dewatering operations shall be filtered or passed (or- both) through an SEDIMENT—LADEN RUNOFF PP trapping 18" G approved sediment tra In device, and discharged in a manner that does not adversely FILTERED RUNOFF affect adjacent properties, wetlands, waterways, or the storm drainage system. — — _ — — 1 1. The Contractor is responsible for installation and maintenance of any additional control 4.� _� �— _ — I—I I-1 2 x 4" WOOD FRAME DROP INLET measures necessary to prevent erosion and sedimentation as required based on field -� I I=I I I III=III- WITH GRATE 12" -SII,;VIII II--, conditions or as determined necessary by the Albemarle County Service Authority Inspector, T —9 ---� ---a and at no additional cost. — 1.5' MAX. (� FRAME 12. Temporary erosion and sediment control measures shall not be removed until all disturbed �--- areas upstream of Y em are stabilized. After stabilization is complete, with the approval of THIS DETAIL INCORPORATED FOR REFERENCE ONLY: the Albemarle Count Service Authority Inspector, all measures shall be removed within 30 \\\ S days. Trapped sediment shall be spread and seeded. STRAW BALE BARRIERS MAY BE USED AS AN ADDITIONAL MEANS OF INTERCEPTING AND DETAINING �� 3 MIN. SMALL AMOUNTS OF SEDIMENT FROM DISTURBED AREAS, WHICH MAY BE SUBJECT TO SHEET AND � 13. Erosion and sediment controls may only be removed after areas above them have been RILL EROSION. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD THEY BE CONSTRUCTED IN LIVE STREAMS I I I GATHER EXCESS stabilized and with the approval of the Albemarle County Service Authority Inspector. OR IN SWALES WHERE THERE IS A POSSIBILITY OF WASHOUT. I I I I AT CORNERS 14. The Contractor is responsible for �/ � P providing an individual holding a Responsible Land STRAW BALE BARRIER / Disturber Certificate per Albemarle County requirements, who will be responsible for compliance with carrying out the land disturbing activity on this project. NOT TO SCALE PERSPECTIVE VIEWS GRAVEL FILTER* 12" RUNOFF WATER WIRE MESH 1. SET POSTS AND EXCAVATE A 4" X 2. STAPLE WIRE FENCING TO STAKE II I '• 48" HIGH DENSITY ORANGE 4" TRENCH UPSLOPE ALONG THE LINE THE POSTS. FILTERED WATER POLYETHYLENE SAFETY FENCE OF POSTS. e MESH SPACING 6" MAX. FABRIC �6' MAX 12 1/2 GAUGE MIN. 66" LONG METAL T-POST STAKE I� — •. e •.: x.'.!1....,4.:: DRIVEN 18" BELOW GROUND SURFACE I : 1' MIN. •••.:• o•,•. I - - - FF CE ME�POR PS REONS 4., SEDIMENT Spp, + MPX C CONp STEEL OR WOOD — �.: 0 8� FSE POST-IMBED 3' ELEVATION OF STAKE AND FABRIC ORIENTATION DETAIL A CONCRETE GUTTER 12" CURB INLET SPECIFIC APPLICATION SPECIFIC APPLICATION 3. ATTACH THE FILTER FABRIC TO 4. BACKFILL AND COMPACT THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE WHERE THE THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE AT CURB INLET'S GROUND THE WIRE FENCE AND EXTEND IT THE EXCAVATED SOIL. INLET DRAINS A RELATIVELY FLAT AREA (SLOPE NO GREATER WHERE PONDING IN FRONT OF THE STRUCTURE IS NOT LIKELY TO CAUSE INTO THE TRENCH. THAN 5%) WHERE THE INLET SHEET OR OVERLAND FLOWS (NOT SURFACE EXCEEDING 1 C.F.S.) ARE TYPICAL. THE METHOD SHALL NOT INCONVENIENCE OR DAMAGE TO ADJACENT STRUCTURES AND UNPROTECTED APPLY TO INLETS RECEIVING CONCENTRATED FLOWS, SUCH AS AREAS. IN STREET OR HIGHWAY MEDIANS. * GRAVEL SHALL BE VDOT #3, 357 OR 5 COARSE � � " � �- # RSE AGGREGATE. SILT FENCE DROP INLET PROTECTION STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION Z_ O t ,HOF k1 EXTENSION OF FABRIC WIRE OR ZIP TIES TO SECURE SAFETY AND WIRE INTO THE I P PROTECTION NK 9 FENCE TO METAL POST (TYP.) TRENCH. CHARLES FRAVOTAVANOT TO SCALE Lic. No. 034916 W FILTER FABRIC yGROUND LINE I (�IONAL .IR TEMPORARY SILT FENCING os ORANGE SAFETY FENCE sF CC NOT TO SCALE �� NOT TO SCALE r 1'' DESIGNED: WOW Service Auth6n* DRAWN: NEL 272 BENDIX ROAD SUITE 400 DUNLORA INTERCONNECT (PROJECT N0. 2010-06 MARCH, 2016 VIRGINIA BEACH ®. V \ �"-- ``� A 23452 SWing 16 Caremng CHECKED: CFV TAX MAP SHEET PHONE: (757) 463-8770 N0. DATE INTERNATIONAL FAX: '(757) 463-0503 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL 062B1 NOTES &DETAILS & 7 062F OF 9 AP 10 Albs mrz U, 10 kc "Inty Service Auth6rity Page SH -16 April 2015 Typleal Traffic Control Shoulder Cperradon wfth Minor E°ncrnachment (Figure TTC-5.1) NOTES Standard _ I. P'ar required sign assemblies far multi -lane raad�gays see Norte_ 1, TTC-47 Guidance 2. Sign spacing should be 130W 1500' for Limited Aems highways. For all other roadways, the sign spacing should be 500'-8001 where the posted speed limit is greater than 45 mph, and 3303 -30' where the posted speed limit Is 45 mph or less. 3. When 3vort takes sap part of a lane on a high volume roadway, vehicular h% -07c volumes, vehicle mer, speed and capacity should be analyzed to determine whether the gffected tone should be closed, Unless the lane encroachment analysis permits a remaining Iane width of 10 feet, the lane should be closers if the closure operation Is on a Limited Access highway, the minimum lane width Is 11 feet, Option: 4. The ROAD WORK AHEAD [W20-1) sign on an intersecting roadAay ensu be omitted where drivers emerging fmm that road= vJ11 encounter another advance y-arning sign prior to this activity arta. Standard: S. A shadow vehicle with either an arrow board operating in the caution mode, or at least one high- intensity amber restating, flashing, or, oscillating light shall be parked 801-120' in advance of the Ilrst work crew. 6. Vehicle hazard warning signals shalt not be used instead of the vehicle's high -Intensity amber rotating, flashing, or`. osclllatIag lights. "Vehicle hazard Farming signals can be used to supplement high -Intensity amber rotating, flashing, orl oscillating lights. 7. Taper length (L) and channelizing device spacing shall be at the following: Channellzing Devlos Spacing Location Speed Umit (mph) 0-35 38+ Transition Spacing 20' 40' Travelway Spacing 40' SOT Construction Access` 80' 120' ' Spacing may be Increased to this distance, but shall not exceed one access per % mile. on rosowayls with paved Shoulders. having a Width of 8 fast or more, channelizing devices Shall be used to cloy si the shoulder In advance of the merging taper to direct vehicular traffie to remain within the traveled WAY. S. The buffer space length shall be as shown In Table 6H-3 on Page 6H-5 for the posted speed Emit. 9. A truck -mounted attenuator (TMA) shall be used on Chatted Access highways and multi -lane roadways with posted speed Iimit equal to or greater than 45 mph. 10. S3'ben a side roars Intersects the highway vdthin the temporary traffic control zone, additional traMc control devices shall be placed as needed. 1: Revision I -41112013 April 2015 gV3H Y 3l130M avoa Z MON a3s xaryA c.. Shoulder Operation m1th Minor Encroachment (Figure TTG -3.1) -( 'I U' . MIN Page 6H-17 ROADNWORK G20-2 (V) SHADOW VEHICLE REQUIRED - TMA OPTIONAL SEE NOTE 9 i ,- ILLUMINATED FLASHING AMBER (CAUTION MODE) ®° SEE NOTE 8 TYPE B OR C - 0 1 0 0 eJ I tol SEE .NOTE 7 CHANNELIZING �0--w DEVICES SPACING a SEE NOTE 7 SEE NOTE 2 DESIGNED: WOW DRAWN: N E L CHECKED: CFV N0. DATE SHOULDER N"L OSED EAD W21-5bR SEE NOTE 2 ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1 Page SH -52 April 2013 Typical T rAITIC Control Lane Closure tan .a Twa-Dane .Roadway Using Flaggers (Figure Tr C-23.1) GuIdrance: 1. Sign spactng distance should be 350=3001 where the posted speed limit Is 45 mph or less, and 500=800' where the posted spend limit is greater than 45 mph. 2. Casae should be exercised where establishing the 11mlis of the work zone to insure maxtmtm possible sight distance in advance of the flagger stenion and transition, based on the posted speed limit and at least equal to or greater than the values In Table 6H--3. Generally speaking, mvtarlsts should have a clear line of sight from the gra phie f lagger symbol sign to tare, jlaggsr. ti n' IL 3. Where Right-stf--Way or =metric conditions prevent the um. of 48" x48" signi, 36" x 36" signs may ]dam Standard: 4, Flagging stations shall be located far enough in advance of the work apace to permit approaching traffic to reduce speed and/or stop before passing the work space and allow sufficient distance for departing traffic in the left lane to return to the right lane before reaching opposing traffic (see Table 6H--3 on Page 6H-5). 5, All flaggers shall be state certified and have their certification card In their possession when performing flagging duties (see Section 6E,01, Qualifications for Flaggers). 6. Cone spacing shall beiased oi� the posted speed and the values in Table 61i-4 on Pau 6e R 7. A shadow vehicle With at least one high intensity amber rotating, )lashing', .ort oscillating light shall be parked 80'420' in advance of the first work cress. Option: don: 8. A vi aalemental nagger mAy be requirod in this area to give advance warning of the oceration ahead by g1mNingUnroaching traffic prior to reaching the flogger station or queuod traffic. Guidance. 9 If the queueof trat reaches Ore BE PREPARED TO ,STOP (W3-4) sign then the signs an i use t e ;portable, temporary rumble strips (PTRS) , should be re adjusted at greaser distances. 10. When a highway -mall crossing exists within or upstream of the transition area and it Is anticipated Haat queues resulting from the lane; closure might extend through the highway -rats grade crossing, the temporary trafflo control zone should be extended so that the transttlon area precedes the highlvay-rail crossing (see Figure TTC-55 fug'- additional information on highway -rail crossings). Standard, 11. At night, flagger stations shall be Illuminated, except in emergencies (see Section 6E.". 'an: 12, Cones ruv be eliminated usher_ using a pilot vehicle operation or when the total Maddy width is 20 feet or less. 13. For Ivy -volume _where the taem is visible to tandarW.T. 4. When .v roved for use threes ortable tem oras rumble PTRS sir p- shall bei stalled across pp + p P 5' ( ) p the entire travel lane adjacent to the BE PREPARED TO STOP (NN13-4) sign. The portable ;temporary rumble strips shall be monitored and adjusted as necessary during the work shift to ensure proper placement on the roadway. When the PTRS are installed, the RUMBLE -STRIPS AHEAD (W20 -V26) sign shall also be utilized. Posted Speed I 0 - 35 mph 36 - 55 mph PTRS Spacing (Center to Center) 1 5 Feet 8 Feet 1: Revision I-41112013 April 2013 Lane Closure on a Tvm-Lane Road imy Using Flaggers (Figure TTC-23.1) aY3HV. evos a 0d3HY arcaor 3NV1 3NHy 0 e teens 3"Mnn i ell, r t a Is 01 +-------- F pis .c- ROADNWORK 620-2 (V) 03HyJ3NJ Z t LL - r mm` {Q0± o° NOl1V1S U300V73 0 a i � © SEE NOTE 4 i 80'- 120' i e e SHADOW VEHICLE b j j REQUIRED I SEE NOTE 4 QO o o FLAGGER STATION ° SEE NOTE 2 g« Page 6H-33 iii SEE NO aga ovOaTE I + oa5 wzo-r 4 us sNOTE 1 BE aN3 € i PREPARED W3-4 t0 STOP SEE NOTE'9 �. - :_..,,. SEE 1 PORTABLE'77 NOTE TEMPORARY RUMBLE STRIPS w20 -V26 SEE NOTE 14 SEE I STRIPS SEE NOTE 14 }..? (OPTIONAL) NOTE 1 ONE UNE ROAD , w20-4 EE AHEAD E NOTE 1 SEE WORK _ W20-1 f HEAD Is Revision 1-41112013 272 BENDIX ROAD, SUITE 400 ®. VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23452 PHONE: (757) 463-8770 INTERNATIONAL FAX: (757) 463-0503 Page 6H-104 April 2013 Typical Tr2ffic Control Surveying Operation (Figure TTC'49.1) NOTES OFT TM lJELWAY - Gut&mce: 1. .Sign spacing distance should be 1300'-1300' for Limited Access highways, and on all other roadways 500'-8001 where the poised speed limit is greater than 43 mph, and 330.500' where .the posted ,speed limit is 45 mph or less. Standard: 2. On divided highways having a median Fitter than 81, right and left stun assemblies shall be required, 3. Each vehicle involved In the surveying operation shall be equipped with at least one high intensity amber rotating, Mashing ,ter oscillating light. 4. Vehicle hazard warning signals shall not be used instead of the vehicle's high -Intensity amber rotating„ flashing, 6" oscillating lights but can be used as a supplement, S. Maximum length of the work zone shalt be two miles. {spoon: 6. Where Right -of -Way and/or geometric conditions iia not allow the use of 481 x 43" signs, 36" x 36" signs = be rased, Standard: 7. All workers shall wear high visibility clothing per Chapter 6D (see Section 6%03). ON TRA EEL -WAY - Guidance: 8. For survesft operations on the travelway, Ttyptcal Tra,,fe Control Figure T'T'C 23, Lane Closure on a ?Ivo -Lane Roadway Using Mggvrs, or Typical Trek Control Figure TTC 16 or 7G17, Outside or Inside Lane Closum Operation on a Fnaar-Lane Rraadw+ should be used. l: Revision 1-41112013 April 2015 Surveying Operation (Figure 77C-49.1) Page 6H-105 I i GV3N'd . AS3bD ►t�.. i ce- END G20 -V3 43AUnS i SURVEY l 310N �3S Ft 9 s {o- 1: ReAslon 1-41172015 MAXIMUM WORK SPACE 2 MILES SEE NOTE 1 SURVEY - CREWAHEAD > W21 -V8 DUNLORA INTERCONNECT (PROJECT N0. 2010-06) TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL NOTES & DETAILS �D'1311�Olt, CHARLES FRANK VOTAVA Lic. No. 034916 W '," , 0-3/17114 ���w ZONAL 7 J MARCH, Tthper Length (L) TAX MAP SHEET Speed Limit (mph) Lane Width (Feet) 9 10 11 12 25 95 105 115 125 30 135 'ISO 165 ISO 35 185 1 205 225 1 245 40 240 1 270 295 320 45 405 1 450 495 540 503 450 500 550 6030 55 495 550 605 660 60 640 SOD 6803 1 72{3 65 585 650 715 780 70 1 630 1 700 7703 1 &W Minimum taper lengths for Limited Access highways shall be 1000 feet. Shaakler Taper ='A L Minimum Channellzing Devlos Spacing Location Speed Umit (mph) 0-35 38+ Transition Spacing 20' 40' Travelway Spacing 40' SOT Construction Access` 80' 120' ' Spacing may be Increased to this distance, but shall not exceed one access per % mile. on rosowayls with paved Shoulders. having a Width of 8 fast or more, channelizing devices Shall be used to cloy si the shoulder In advance of the merging taper to direct vehicular traffie to remain within the traveled WAY. S. The buffer space length shall be as shown In Table 6H-3 on Page 6H-5 for the posted speed Emit. 9. A truck -mounted attenuator (TMA) shall be used on Chatted Access highways and multi -lane roadways with posted speed Iimit equal to or greater than 45 mph. 10. S3'ben a side roars Intersects the highway vdthin the temporary traffic control zone, additional traMc control devices shall be placed as needed. 1: Revision I -41112013 April 2015 gV3H Y 3l130M avoa Z MON a3s xaryA c.. Shoulder Operation m1th Minor Encroachment (Figure TTG -3.1) -( 'I U' . MIN Page 6H-17 ROADNWORK G20-2 (V) SHADOW VEHICLE REQUIRED - TMA OPTIONAL SEE NOTE 9 i ,- ILLUMINATED FLASHING AMBER (CAUTION MODE) ®° SEE NOTE 8 TYPE B OR C - 0 1 0 0 eJ I tol SEE .NOTE 7 CHANNELIZING �0--w DEVICES SPACING a SEE NOTE 7 SEE NOTE 2 DESIGNED: WOW DRAWN: N E L CHECKED: CFV N0. DATE SHOULDER N"L OSED EAD W21-5bR SEE NOTE 2 ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1 Page SH -52 April 2013 Typical T rAITIC Control Lane Closure tan .a Twa-Dane .Roadway Using Flaggers (Figure Tr C-23.1) GuIdrance: 1. Sign spactng distance should be 350=3001 where the posted speed limit Is 45 mph or less, and 500=800' where the posted spend limit is greater than 45 mph. 2. Casae should be exercised where establishing the 11mlis of the work zone to insure maxtmtm possible sight distance in advance of the flagger stenion and transition, based on the posted speed limit and at least equal to or greater than the values In Table 6H--3. Generally speaking, mvtarlsts should have a clear line of sight from the gra phie f lagger symbol sign to tare, jlaggsr. ti n' IL 3. Where Right-stf--Way or =metric conditions prevent the um. of 48" x48" signi, 36" x 36" signs may ]dam Standard: 4, Flagging stations shall be located far enough in advance of the work apace to permit approaching traffic to reduce speed and/or stop before passing the work space and allow sufficient distance for departing traffic in the left lane to return to the right lane before reaching opposing traffic (see Table 6H--3 on Page 6H-5). 5, All flaggers shall be state certified and have their certification card In their possession when performing flagging duties (see Section 6E,01, Qualifications for Flaggers). 6. Cone spacing shall beiased oi� the posted speed and the values in Table 61i-4 on Pau 6e R 7. A shadow vehicle With at least one high intensity amber rotating, )lashing', .ort oscillating light shall be parked 80'420' in advance of the first work cress. Option: don: 8. A vi aalemental nagger mAy be requirod in this area to give advance warning of the oceration ahead by g1mNingUnroaching traffic prior to reaching the flogger station or queuod traffic. Guidance. 9 If the queueof trat reaches Ore BE PREPARED TO ,STOP (W3-4) sign then the signs an i use t e ;portable, temporary rumble strips (PTRS) , should be re adjusted at greaser distances. 10. When a highway -mall crossing exists within or upstream of the transition area and it Is anticipated Haat queues resulting from the lane; closure might extend through the highway -rats grade crossing, the temporary trafflo control zone should be extended so that the transttlon area precedes the highlvay-rail crossing (see Figure TTC-55 fug'- additional information on highway -rail crossings). Standard, 11. At night, flagger stations shall be Illuminated, except in emergencies (see Section 6E.". 'an: 12, Cones ruv be eliminated usher_ using a pilot vehicle operation or when the total Maddy width is 20 feet or less. 13. For Ivy -volume _where the taem is visible to tandarW.T. 4. When .v roved for use threes ortable tem oras rumble PTRS sir p- shall bei stalled across pp + p P 5' ( ) p the entire travel lane adjacent to the BE PREPARED TO STOP (NN13-4) sign. The portable ;temporary rumble strips shall be monitored and adjusted as necessary during the work shift to ensure proper placement on the roadway. When the PTRS are installed, the RUMBLE -STRIPS AHEAD (W20 -V26) sign shall also be utilized. Posted Speed I 0 - 35 mph 36 - 55 mph PTRS Spacing (Center to Center) 1 5 Feet 8 Feet 1: Revision I-41112013 April 2013 Lane Closure on a Tvm-Lane Road imy Using Flaggers (Figure TTC-23.1) aY3HV. evos a 0d3HY arcaor 3NV1 3NHy 0 e teens 3"Mnn i ell, r t a Is 01 +-------- F pis .c- ROADNWORK 620-2 (V) 03HyJ3NJ Z t LL - r mm` {Q0± o° NOl1V1S U300V73 0 a i � © SEE NOTE 4 i 80'- 120' i e e SHADOW VEHICLE b j j REQUIRED I SEE NOTE 4 QO o o FLAGGER STATION ° SEE NOTE 2 g« Page 6H-33 iii SEE NO aga ovOaTE I + oa5 wzo-r 4 us sNOTE 1 BE aN3 € i PREPARED W3-4 t0 STOP SEE NOTE'9 �. - :_..,,. SEE 1 PORTABLE'77 NOTE TEMPORARY RUMBLE STRIPS w20 -V26 SEE NOTE 14 SEE I STRIPS SEE NOTE 14 }..? (OPTIONAL) NOTE 1 ONE UNE ROAD , w20-4 EE AHEAD E NOTE 1 SEE WORK _ W20-1 f HEAD Is Revision 1-41112013 272 BENDIX ROAD, SUITE 400 ®. VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23452 PHONE: (757) 463-8770 INTERNATIONAL FAX: (757) 463-0503 Page 6H-104 April 2013 Typical Tr2ffic Control Surveying Operation (Figure TTC'49.1) NOTES OFT TM lJELWAY - Gut&mce: 1. .Sign spacing distance should be 1300'-1300' for Limited Access highways, and on all other roadways 500'-8001 where the poised speed limit is greater than 43 mph, and 330.500' where .the posted ,speed limit is 45 mph or less. Standard: 2. On divided highways having a median Fitter than 81, right and left stun assemblies shall be required, 3. Each vehicle involved In the surveying operation shall be equipped with at least one high intensity amber rotating, Mashing ,ter oscillating light. 4. Vehicle hazard warning signals shall not be used instead of the vehicle's high -Intensity amber rotating„ flashing, 6" oscillating lights but can be used as a supplement, S. Maximum length of the work zone shalt be two miles. {spoon: 6. Where Right -of -Way and/or geometric conditions iia not allow the use of 481 x 43" signs, 36" x 36" signs = be rased, Standard: 7. All workers shall wear high visibility clothing per Chapter 6D (see Section 6%03). ON TRA EEL -WAY - Guidance: 8. For survesft operations on the travelway, Ttyptcal Tra,,fe Control Figure T'T'C 23, Lane Closure on a ?Ivo -Lane Roadway Using Mggvrs, or Typical Trek Control Figure TTC 16 or 7G17, Outside or Inside Lane Closum Operation on a Fnaar-Lane Rraadw+ should be used. l: Revision 1-41112013 April 2015 Surveying Operation (Figure 77C-49.1) Page 6H-105 I i GV3N'd . AS3bD ►t�.. i ce- END G20 -V3 43AUnS i SURVEY l 310N �3S Ft 9 s {o- 1: ReAslon 1-41172015 MAXIMUM WORK SPACE 2 MILES SEE NOTE 1 SURVEY - CREWAHEAD > W21 -V8 DUNLORA INTERCONNECT (PROJECT N0. 2010-06) TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL NOTES & DETAILS �D'1311�Olt, CHARLES FRANK VOTAVA Lic. No. 034916 W '," , 0-3/17114 ���w ZONAL 7 J MARCH, 2016 TAX MAP SHEET 06281 062E OF 9 '01 RIC = ; n To Alert and To Slow TraMe { A ^� i to IL • .� J CA +l: 1'i„n in t)refct� - Vii!*tI le.rttettC l.The dam padde shall be octagon shaped, at least 24" wide with 8" series Howto relaise traffic 1. Flagging stations shall be pieced ad by proper advance wwing sioris. R1_1 1 Signs shall be removed when the flagger is no longer at their station. t••• 24" 24 At night, flagging stations shall be illuminated with a minimum of safely on the shout&,, of the roadway. horizontal luminance of $-foot candles (50 lux). 2. (a) With a Paddle --Stand facing traffie, hold the SLOW sign paddle 2. Stand where you can see and be seen by approaching traffic. Clcar MIN. sight distance from the graphic flagger sign to the flagger station your free arm signal the drivers to proceed into the open lane. should be 350' to 500' where the posted speed limit is 45 m.p.1t. or f 544' to $04' where the posted speed limit is greater titan 45 m.p.h. ..'..i. 1'o atop'fratlic Traffic I'rncced 36" rl fig+ oR nearthe edge of pavartent. by turning the paddle a quarter teeth so that the word "STOP" 4. Flagger stations should be loeated such that an arrant veliielc has faces you and is parallel to ilio roadway. With your free arm additional space to stop withoul entering the wart, area. The distance signal the drivers to proceed into the open lane. from the flagger station to the work area should be as shown in the b 24" table below plus the 50 to 100 foot one -lane, two-way taper length: Hove to alert and slow traffic but not stop it 1 -------�i +ft Letrtrtt 'l rztt'ftr _.. ., 1'ru {tertarc%wvI 1, AwrRcfentmimberercompetent.tertifled.00ndtan.twataadgdlydrewd 1. Hard hat daggertsh,dlbeprovided and aratlahlestall timeswhen regpdred. .- 2.nMtorellettl vehlghly-vi'wtty 2. 71w, flogger I.* regsandble for sarelosatdtnghis Fellow workers on the Job. warning safety upper el motarbiordanger%ahead. and guddingthemeofdythrough0wcrkarm ANSGISEA1 3. Flaggers shall be avanableto stop traMca addsethe mourlat of any delay, and to reek espontre keep schldes in the proper hetes %tont the work am. nighttime AN 4. ilaggtreshslietmmnnlcotin. English sprHfkeinAruaforaclearly. Sri* and MiesIrisk . c`omtrously wkile nagging. IncludtT}pt s, ilaoger shall be at least is years OK 3.11rolodlve r t'lct"�rl:e tf+r'll t 'rff)3'!tt tt3d'E7' t 9ittrot lit flit• re�tlFoSj Uri? tli:tilner: comply srlth ASC"SS F-241 r. Future At rkns*reinstalled prior toperforming flagglagoperstiom, AMIV•241 2. Ae aim and mteative u all tinsol. - mare current 3. The BagWer shall stand filet*, sever permitting a group of waters to c"firegate 4. Shirt with k around the flogeweotkhorallow workvdidetnear UeensggerStaffers. psnri.(Rem 4. Always stand wtdiestalting for trsnic. prdendted). S. llavt on avenue of tsetpe ll' oWroached by an errarrt vehide. S,1ltodphones 6. isse,proper buidsignals with the STOR'SLOWpoddle. position. Look directly at the approaching traffic. Ftaise your 9. Mske eye tontact with moratists. Note - Mgfttdm 8. Do not leaveyatr pmt until you are property relieved. to atorting 30 9. Cooreltnattwith other flagcors, acmidto30ml 10. )five your cetfnnetion tard in your poestidou while ptrformins Bagging dudrt. it toward the travel lane lxdng careful not to encroach the travel e+'040" oNwarrmuct A>v"ST aeras avalotdttrtU areprahlhltetl Howto relaise traffic 1. Flagging stations shall be pieced ad by proper advance wwing sioris. 1. Before releasing traffic the flogger will return to the normal flagging Signs shall be removed when the flagger is no longer at their station. location. Keep your paddle on STOP or flag extended until you arc At night, flagging stations shall be illuminated with a minimum of safely on the shout&,, of the roadway. horizontal luminance of $-foot candles (50 lux). 2. (a) With a Paddle --Stand facing traffie, hold the SLOW sign paddle 2. Stand where you can see and be seen by approaching traffic. Clcar in a stationary position with the paddle facing the mad user, With sight distance from the graphic flagger sign to the flagger station your free arm signal the drivers to proceed into the open lane. should be 350' to 500' where the posted speed limit is 45 m.p.1t. or (b) With a flag --$land parallel (o roadway facing the mad users, 544' to $04' where the posted speed limit is greater titan 45 m.p.h. drop the flag to your side and with you free hand motion traffic (Less spacing may be necessary in areas where conditions warrant). to proceed to the open lane. 3. Stand facing traffic either on the edge of the shoulder of' the mad or (C) Where traffic is stopped temporarily in one lane, release traffic nearthe edge of pavartent. by turning the paddle a quarter teeth so that the word "STOP" 4. Flagger stations should be loeated such that an arrant veliielc has faces you and is parallel to ilio roadway. With your free arm additional space to stop withoul entering the wart, area. The distance signal the drivers to proceed into the open lane. from the flagger station to the work area should be as shown in the MALFUNCTION (BULB OUT, ETC,) ❑ table below plus the 50 to 100 foot one -lane, two-way taper length: Hove to alert and slow traffic but not stop it 1 t. Stand facing traffic. HAZARDS? ❑ YES ❑ NO tbase 540 IS SIGNING CLEAR i UNCLUTTERED NOT DI!AMED AT NIGHT ❑ 458 AND PROPERLY SPACED? ❑ YES ❑ NO 584 meeting 07-2410Clsss3 C1 letters. The SLONV&ceshailbefluoretrnntoranepprlsmwitIons fardsytimeand therting."oSTOP twesiultbrred mcopstdbtedlemoheefint. 2. when flashing uAlleHkittcaremedontheSTOPSLOwpaddiatho SIgsF.A t0'-2010 than standard sire *tithe paddle nlay be reduced to 18" widewith 6"series "C" - EtroBetrs. letters. 3 Slgnpaddlerhalllielegiblenadttran Z41-1999, 4. 8' minlmumheight Moen the bottom ortlu dgn paddle to the roadway. 2 3.2ra1<Pr ,ts.tan old' t. Flag use %ballbelimited tomurgenryollustlonsorbyaironic spatter. and Ions 2. The nes shall be red, not lets than 24 incites square an a staff at least 36" INAPPROPRIATE TAPER LENGTH latgt, made are sued grode red motterlal and should be wtltldrd at the 780 bottom with odequatewdgbttohangvtrticallylntteavyviinds, How to stor tr�-iffic 3 The list shift bet Hrortoedlvered when used atnight. chairs are donned tulmttts before notes after :unlet. Virginia Department *f Transportation Methods o 14 1 aaa I Ing Traffic ltlhs-re to stand Howto relaise traffic 1. Flagging stations shall be pieced ad by proper advance wwing sioris. 1. Before releasing traffic the flogger will return to the normal flagging Signs shall be removed when the flagger is no longer at their station. location. Keep your paddle on STOP or flag extended until you arc At night, flagging stations shall be illuminated with a minimum of safely on the shout&,, of the roadway. horizontal luminance of $-foot candles (50 lux). 2. (a) With a Paddle --Stand facing traffie, hold the SLOW sign paddle 2. Stand where you can see and be seen by approaching traffic. Clcar in a stationary position with the paddle facing the mad user, With sight distance from the graphic flagger sign to the flagger station your free arm signal the drivers to proceed into the open lane. should be 350' to 500' where the posted speed limit is 45 m.p.1t. or (b) With a flag --$land parallel (o roadway facing the mad users, 544' to $04' where the posted speed limit is greater titan 45 m.p.h. drop the flag to your side and with you free hand motion traffic (Less spacing may be necessary in areas where conditions warrant). to proceed to the open lane. 3. Stand facing traffic either on the edge of the shoulder of' the mad or (C) Where traffic is stopped temporarily in one lane, release traffic nearthe edge of pavartent. by turning the paddle a quarter teeth so that the word "STOP" 4. Flagger stations should be loeated such that an arrant veliielc has faces you and is parallel to ilio roadway. With your free arm additional space to stop withoul entering the wart, area. The distance signal the drivers to proceed into the open lane. from the flagger station to the work area should be as shown in the MALFUNCTION (BULB OUT, ETC,) ❑ table below plus the 50 to 100 foot one -lane, two-way taper length: Hove to alert and slow traffic but not stop it 1 t. Stand facing traffic. HAZARDS? ❑ YES ❑ NO tbase 540 IS SIGNING CLEAR i UNCLUTTERED NOT DI!AMED AT NIGHT ❑ 458 AND PROPERLY SPACED? ❑ YES ❑ NO 584 $48 sem ..'.7tl :5 ?0 SS sn at sa � ea " 2. (a) With a Paddle- Hold the SLO`�'sign paddle in a stationary position with the arm extended horizontally away from the body'. For added emphasis, the floater Wray raise and lower the free COMMENTS: aa..+Eo ,ts.tan tss•eos =414".200 ".Mseo.aan aas,us sea -ass Pa. ow INAPPROPRIATE TAPER LENGTH 715 780 hand with the palm down. How to stor tr�-iffic (b) With a Flag - Stand parallel to traffic movaincnt, The flaggcr 1. Stand on the shoulder of the roadway facing traffic, should raise the flag from the ground to the shoulder and slowly 2. (a) With a Paddle - Bold the STOP sign paddle in a stationan' motion up and down with the free palm clown, position. Look directly at the approaching traffic. Ftaise your NEED TO BE (REMOVED / REPOSITIONED / free hand witli palm exposed to approaching driver and make Never ~agave a piddle or flag eye contact with the driver. 1. Signals must be clear and direct. (b) With a flag - Hold the staff in a horizontal position and extend 2. Use hand signals widi devices. Don% make drivers guess what they it toward the travel lane lxdng careful not to encroach the travel should do, lane. Look dirccely at the approaching traffic. Raise your 3. Never. wave a paddle or flag to stop traffic or for it to proceed. free hand with palm exposcd to approaching driver and make CONFLICTING (PERMANENT / eye contact with the driver. 3. If time pcirrvits, drivers may be informed concerning the reason for die delay. Speaking in English be courteous and brief. For example, NON APPROVED SIGN SUPPORT ❑ -"Patching a hole, please drive on the Iefi." I r 0 REVIEWED BY: REVIEWED WITH: August 2Il l 1 Pegs B-3 Form ##TE -971101 WORD ZONE SAFETY CHECKLIST mesa cnnttecr tummmTELY t l TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Remarks 3-*'QWMDAYS TocDRIECr I1 CONSTRUCTION ✓ MAINTENANCE ! L'+TILITY 1 PERMIT WHEN MEi"TisMARRM 72 DIVOM 95 RESIDENCY: CONTRACTOR/ AREA HEADQUARTERS: 115 CITY / COUNTY: PROD. NO. / PERMIT NO, / LOCATION; L= S�1N/60 TYPE OF OPERATION: DAY / DATE: TIME: 9 88 PERSON IN CHARGE: POSTED SPEED: MPH o«n DAY OR NIGHT WORK ❑ IN ❑ NOT IN PROGRESS A. DRIVE THRLrt D. ARROW BOARD: 245 ARE MANEUVERS DIFFICULT OR ❑ ADEQUATE ❑ INADEQUATE 244 UNEXPECTED? ❑ YES ❑ NO MALFUNCTION (BULB OUT, ETC,) ❑ I r 0 REVIEWED BY: REVIEWED WITH: August 2Il l 1 Pegs B-3 Form ##TE -971101 WORD ZONE SAFETY CHECKLIST mesa cnnttecr tummmTELY t l TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Remarks 3-*'QWMDAYS TocDRIECr I1 CONSTRUCTION ✓ MAINTENANCE ! L'+TILITY 1 PERMIT WHEN MEi"TisMARRM 72 DIVOM 95 RESIDENCY: CONTRACTOR/ AREA HEADQUARTERS: 115 CITY / COUNTY: PROD. NO. / PERMIT NO, / LOCATION; L= S�1N/60 TYPE OF OPERATION: DAY / DATE: TIME: 9 88 PERSON IN CHARGE: POSTED SPEED: MPH " WEATHER CONDITION: DAY OR NIGHT WORK ❑ IN ❑ NOT IN PROGRESS A. DRIVE THRLrt D. ARROW BOARD: 245 ARE MANEUVERS DIFFICULT OR ❑ ADEQUATE ❑ INADEQUATE 244 UNEXPECTED? ❑ YES ❑ NO MALFUNCTION (BULB OUT, ETC,) ❑ 32D ADEQUATE WARNING OF INCORRECT PLACEMENT ❑ 405 HAZARDS? ❑ YES ❑ NO MISALIGNED BULBS ❑ 540 IS SIGNING CLEAR i UNCLUTTERED NOT DI!AMED AT NIGHT ❑ 458 AND PROPERLY SPACED? ❑ YES ❑ NO 584 $48 ARE TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES COMMENTS: 495 SUFFICIENTLY VISIBLE? ❑ YES ❑ NO 505 660 " 8D COMMENTS: E. DRL:VS - D /OTHER - CTr D G 720 ❑ ADEQUATE ❑ INADEQUATE 65 585 INAPPROPRIATE TAPER LENGTH 715 780 SPACING INADEQUATE (TO LONG l 74 B. SIGNS. TOO SHORT 774 ❑ ADEQUATE ❑ INADEQUATE (REPAIR I CLEAN / REPLACEMENT) Limited Access Highway merging taper length (L} shall be 1000 feet regardless of the pasted speed. SW=L is desired for the shifting taper length with'/ZL being the minimum. NEED TO BE (REMOVED / REPOSITIONED / REFLEC'T'IVE BANDS (DAMAGED/ MISSING) COVERED) ❑ ON DRUMS / OTHER DEVICES) NEED (CLEANING I REPLACEMENT) ❑ ADDITIONAL DEVICES NEEDED CONFLICTING (PERMANENT / MISALI NIED TEMPORARY SIGNING) ❑ NON APPROVED SIGN SUPPORT ❑ COMMENTS - BLOCKED BY VEGETATION ❑ COMMENTS: A TRAF'FICAAR&ER. ❑ ADEQUATE ❑ INADEQUATE IMPROPER BARRIER WALL FLARE ❑ C: PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN.' IMPROPER TERMINAL TREATMENT ❑ ❑ ADEQUATE ❑ INADEQUATE BARRIER NEEDS TO BE (REALIGNED 1 APPLICATION DOE'S NOT MEET REMOVED) ❑ GUIDELINES ❑ WARNING LIGHT (SERVICE / CLEAN) ❑ INAPPROPRIATE (MESSAGE) ❑ DELINEATORS (CLEAN / ADDITIONAL ❑ TO MUCH INFORMATION ON P.C.M.S. ❑ 8'X 12" VERTICAL BARRIER PANELS NOT DELINEATED, NO CONES / BARRELS ❑ (CLEAN ADDITIONAL) ❑ ATTENUATOR (REPAIR / REPLACE) ❑ COMMENTS, COMMENTS: iof 2 Page B-4 H. PA i'EAfS.'VT 141ARR'I,tiG: ❑ PERMANENT ❑ CONSTRUCTION ❑ ADEQUATE ❑ C+IADEQUATE R1rMa'E REPAIR NEED ADDITIONAL Width of Offset (Feet) Remarks g 10 11 72 5 25 95 105 115 125 L= S�1N/60 SD 135 9 88 9 fib iS; " UNNECESSARY (MARKINGS .+ NOT ERADICATED COMPLETED] CD3iliE.'!'TS: X MlscELLAAWorrs; [I YES ❑ No ADEQUATE BUFFER SPACE? ❑YES ❑ NO IS THE WORK AREA PROTECTED?, ❑YES ❑ NO MATERIALS PROPERLY STORED? ❑YES ❑ NO ARE LANE CLOSURES IN ACCORD WITH ALLOWED HOURS" 'DATTod'ti; April241S Page 1511-5 Table 6H-2, Taper Length (L) Table bH�, Length of the Longittidin:31 Buffer .Space„ l: Revlskin i - 41 FORM O?E - 97402 f"i. FLA GGIN7r OPERATIrJh't ❑ ADEQUATE ❑ 7NADE{}UATI3 WEED ADDITIONAL ADVANCE SI{iNING ARE FLAGPERSOVS CERTIFIED? ❑ YES POSITIONED CORRECTLY? ❑ YES HIGHLY VISIBLE? ❑YES PROPERLY CLOTHED? ❑YES FLAGGING CORRECTLY? ❑YES CLtMAIEtN ❑ NO ❑ NO J. TiIL�-AfiGL'11'i�'Ii.�TTi:�tiUrfT©Rr PROPERLY POSITIONED? El YES ❑ NO PROPERLY MAINTAINED / DELINEATED? ❑YES August 2(111 L PAt✓EI•fE.[:1 NO CUMMENTS: N'T:kfARKERSt ❑ PERMANENT [I CONSTRUCTION ❑ ADEQUATE 171 INADEQUATE REPLACE MISSItdG ❑ ❑ No REMOVE ❑ ❑ NO NEED ADDITIONAL ❑ ❑ NO CO�tA7EVT,S; ❑ 1'85 ❑ NO ACC'IDMNTS'; EVIDFsNGE OF AN ACCIDENT I ❑YES ❑ NO DAMAGED TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES ❑ SKID MARKS ❑ DEBRIS ❑ CO'lT l?E i!'?'S / REGU.YI.IMN (SIGN & DATE) (SIGN &DATE) COPY: CONTRACTOR, INSPECTOR, RESIDENT ENGiINEER, OR OTHER 2 of Page �H-5 August 21}11 Table 6H-4, Chalnnetlzin,g Device Spacing Table t3H-S, ecomtri ofAdvance_Warning deal Spacing Signs, a Urban streets with greeter then dfl mph Feared spend Hmika fall into this category. Note: For urban t~cnd141cr:a, It Is generally better to place all edvencnd warning signs wlthln a one block area verses spreading out the Signa over asverel blo�dte, however, motctiat must have time to recognize and read t�+ each warnlng alga seta Section Width of Offset (Feet) Remarks g 10 11 72 5 25 95 105 115 125 L= S�1N/60 SD 135 9 88 9 fib 188 " 35 185 205 225 245 " 4D 244 274 285 32D "` 45 405 450 495 540 L=SW 58 458 848 584 $48 " 55 495 550 505 660 " 8D 548 888 868 720 " 65 585 650 715 780 " 74 1-630 748 774 848 " Limited Access Highway merging taper length (L} shall be 1000 feet regardless of the pasted speed. SW=L is desired for the shifting taper length with'/ZL being the minimum. I12013 Posted 'Speed Limit {mph] Width of Offset (Feet) Remarks g 10 11 72 5 25 95 105 115 125 L= S�1N/60 SD 135 9 88 9 fib 188 " 35 185 205 225 245 " 4D 244 274 285 32D "` 45 405 450 495 540 L=SW 58 458 848 584 $48 " 55 495 550 505 660 " 8D 548 888 868 720 " 65 585 650 715 780 " 74 1-630 748 774 848 " Limited Access Highway merging taper length (L} shall be 1000 feet regardless of the pasted speed. SW=L is desired for the shifting taper length with'/ZL being the minimum. Rusted Speed Limit {mph] IDI>rtlanra l;Ft�e#} 20 115 -120 25 155 - 165 30 2ao -210 s7� �+�y 2iJ1i - 264 40 305 - 325t; 4a 3i?fl -380 50 425-445 5a 584 - �53Or 60 570 - 600t 65 54S - 675 70 730 - 760 Lot;,#Ion Posted Sped Limit {mpfij 0-3b 3$+ Transition Spacing 20' 40' Travelwey Spacing 4fl' S8' Spot Construction Access 80' 120' For easier mess by construction vehicles into the work area, spacing of devices may be increased to this dlstanee, but shall Flet exceed one access per D.25 mile unless approved by the engineer and documented. Road Type Spacing {Feet] Urban street with 25 mph or less posted speed 100-200 Urban street with 30 to 44 mph posted speed 28,8 _ 354 * All Other Roadways with 45 mph or Less posted speed 350-500 All Other Raadn'ay�s rE'tth greater than SIS ;mph posted speed 500-800 Limited Access highways 1300 -1500 $ta.11. /��,TH OF y j.� , CHARLES FRANK VOTRVA � �oLic. No. 034916�W IDNAL � J 11onmr.7i"D DESIGNED: wow 2'12BENDIXROAD, SUITE 400 DUNLORA INTERCONNECT (PROJECT NO. 2010-06) MARCH, 2016 TAX MAP SHEET service Auth6r"�� DRAWN: NEL . ®. �IRGINIABEACH, VA23452 06281 P oNE: (757) 463-8770 &DETAILS & 9 CHECKED: CFV INTERNATION�x: (757)463-0503TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL NOTES 5t:tvitlg b C°n'�vri'� NO. DATE IA Q 6 2 F OF 9