HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA197700015 Approval - County 1977-09-21 , i . 1.'- lk~ ". _,.,....~.....ki.~.....".... , ,'-><."~"::'.~",", ~i'l OF P~LBe:A"4 CpV. 'r-L.'.~)'~. J?(~ ___I. ~CJIJ , j'~t~!l.1 'J', 'r<&>":",l-'"" ,~" Planning DEpertment 804/290.5B23 414 EAST MAnKET sntS:ET CHARLOTTESVIL.1.E. VIRGINIA 22901 fIlOIIEptT W. TUCKER. JR. DII'.CTOIl Of' ~\.A""'IHa "OHALD .. 1C.I:Ltr.. AIIlI.TANT OIlUfCTOft 01' ,.LANN.,." September 27, 1977 M"ltY JOY lleA..A .trHIC'R f'LAr.:Na:n CAltLOS .... MOP4TEHI!GRO rLANr.:a" Messrs. Joe W. Wright and Frank Kessler Post Q~fice Box 7000 Char1o:tesville, Virginia Re: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION Request for ZMA-77-1S - Wilder Tract Dear Sirs: This i:; to advise you t:hat the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors at its meeting Septe~)er 21, 1977, approved your request to rezone 14.403 acres from R-2 tc P2N/R-l ( Coun':y Tax Map 61, Parcels 198, 199, 200, and 201 ) subject to the follcwing conditions: 1. No dwelling units are to be built on slopes 'of 2S% or greater \"ithout County Enqineering Department approval of site work; 2. Wat.er and sewer facilities to be approved by, and dedicated to, the Albemarle County Se:rv ice Au thor i ty'; '3.. Co'mty Engineering Department and Highway Department approval of roads; 4. Co'mty Attorney approval of maintenance agreement for cornmon spaces and recreational . fa,::ili ties; 5. Gr.:l.ding permit required prior to subdivision approval; 6. Dedication to Albcr:\arlE County of a IS-foot \"ide strip for future construction of a bi.::ycle and pedestrian trail as shov.'I1 on plan received September 12, 1977; 7. USI~S in the flood plain of Mcadow Creek shall comply to Article 9A of the Zoning Ordinance; 8. Removal of cul-de-sac a.t Cottonwood P.oad and restoration of disturbed areas; 9. Ap:?licant shall subnit two copies of a revised plan addressing changes recoltunended by the staff on lots 31, 36, 37, and 1. Sincerely, -i A. , , .. \ ~.- /'- j -</11<".-' 1.../_ <:(rl (. ./:.. ,"l.-<. ~ l../Jane Gloeckner Planning Department jgj cc: S. Huja , .. I t. Fi 1 , .t t ! . I 1 l J 1 1 ; ~ 'j I " i j {I~ This record is missing the following: Attachment in file at Albemarle County Zoning and Current Development Office For assistance, please contact Sarah Baldwin at sbaldwin@albemarle.org or 434-296-5832.