HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA197900021 Approval - County 1979-08-15
August 15, 1979 (Night Meetin~)
A regula~ neeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held
on August 15, 1979 at 7 30 PM, in the Albemarle County Courthouse, Charlottesville,
Board Members Present Messrs
Henley, Jr , P Anthony Iachetta, C
Lindsay G Dorrier, Jr , Gerald E Fisher, J
Timothy Lindstrom, and W S Roudabush
Officers Present Messrs Guy B Agnor, County Executive, George R St John, County
Attorney, Robert W Tucker Jr , Director of Planning, and Mason Caperton, Assistant Planner
Agenda Item No 1 Mr Fisher called the meeting to order at 7 30 PM, and requested
a brief moment of silence
Agenda Item No 2 ZMA-79-2l Stephen A McClellan Rezone 140 acres from A-I to
RPN/A-l Property located on northeast side of Route 743 approximately 1/2 mile southeast
of the intersection of Routes 660 and 743 County Tax Map 31, Parcels 26, 27, 28 and 29
Charlottesville District (Advertised in the Daily Progress on August 1 and August 8,
Mr Robert Tucker, Director of Planning, read the staff's report
Requested Zoning
Existing Zoning
A-I, Agricultural
140 acres
On the north side of Route 743, southeast of Earlysville
Character of the Area
The site is bordered by the Charlottesville/Albemarle Airport to the east and the
Deer Run Subdivision to the west Across Route 743 are several lots which appear to
be in the two to five acre range The site is largely wooded with evergreen trees
and deciduous trees There are many permanent streams on the site which feed into
Chris Green Lake The topography is gently rolling The steeper slopes do not appear
to restrict building sites
Existing Zoning in the Area
The Deer Run Subdivision is zoned R-l and there is some M-l Industrial property to
the southeast bordering the site All other land surrounding the site is zoned A-I
SP-167 The applicant applied for a planned unit development and the application was
withdrawn without prejudice on May 1, 1972
Comprehensive Plan Recommendation
Agricultural/Conservation Area with a recommended density of 1 du/5 acres
Accordin~ to the United States Soil Conservation Service, there should be few soil
problems on the ridges, however, in the drainage areas, the soils tend to be wet and
are subject to overland flow
Comparative Impact Statistics
Vehicle 'rr ips/Day
School C1ildren
Existing A-I
approx 67
207 7
38 19
204 6
37 62
Land Use Da.ta
Number 0 f lots
Total ar"a
Est Totil Lot Area
Est Totil Open Space
Proposed G"'oss Density
Proposed Ni,t Density
Range in Li)t Size
140 0 acres
97 0 acres
36 0 acres
o 47 units/acre or 1 du/2 12 acres
o 67 units/acre
60,000 square feet to 95,000 square feet
RPN Prop)sal
The appl.lcant proposes 66 single family lots to be served by private roads, individual
wells and :3eptic systems
Staff COl1ment
The 1978 tl'affic count on this section of Route 743 is 3,355 vehicle trips per day
and is cllrl'ently listed as non-tolerable Although the proposed density is not
significantly different from what is allowed by right, the open space designation
appears to protect the sensitive areas, such as streams and steeper slopes
Recommended Conditions of Approval
1 Approval is for a maximum of 66 lots The location and acreages of land uses
sha 1 comply with the approved plan Open space shall be dedicated in accordance
with the number of lots approved in the final subdivision process,
August 15, 1979 (Night Meeting)
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II Mr Fis~e~ declared the public hearing opened at 7 56 P M No one wished to speak
I either for or ~gainst this petition, and Mr Fisher declared the pUblic hearing closed
Mr Fis1er said he felt the plan presented was a good on~hich made good use of the
land available He said if the road entrances are properly placed, it could improve the
traffic situition in that area Motion was then offered by Mr Roudabush to approve Phase
I and give a preliminary approval of Fhase II subject to review after the completion of
the revised ~i~port Master Plan Mr Roudabush asked Mr St John if a preliminary
approval for P'1ase II could legally be interpreted as a final approval no matter what the
outcome of t1e Airport Master Plan Mr St John said yes Mr Fisher asked if there
were some waJ 0 avoid this problem Mr St John said a condition could be placed on the
rezoning app"rrral, stating that no subdivision or final approval of any section effected
by the propo:3e,i runway be given until the Airport Master Plan is received Mr Roudabush
then revised the wording of his motion stating Phase I and II be approved as shown on the
plan, subjec 0 conditions set out by the Planning Commission, plus a 14th condition
I reading "final subdivision approval of Phase II shall not be given until such time as the
Airport Master Plan has been approved 11 Motion was seconded by Dr Iachetta There being
no further d.lseussion, roll was called, and motion carried by the following recorded vote
Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush
Agenda tE~ No 3 ZMA-79-23 Frank C McCue and Alan Dillard have petitioned the
Board of Supervisors to rezone 71 26 acres from A-I to RPN/A-l Property is located on the
southwest side of Route 677 (Ballard Road), and northeast of West Leigh Subdivision
County Tax Mc.p 59, Parcel 6, Samuel Miller Magisterial District (Advertised in the Daily
Progress on JU€;ust 1 and 8, 1979)
Mr Tuc}er read the Planning staff's report
Request~d Zoning RPN/A-l
Existin€' 20ning A-I, Agricultural
Acreage 71 260 acres
Locatior On the southwest side of Route 677 (Old Ballard Road) north of Route 250
west and adjacent to West Leigh
Character of the Area
The site is bordered to the south and southwest by West Leigh Flordon and Farmington
are about a mile east of the site Also, the Westwoods and Ballard Woods Subdivisions
are to the west
ExistinE: 20ning in the Area
West Leigr, Flordon, Farmington, and Ballard Woods are zoned R-l Residential
Westwoocs is zoned A-l An adjacent parcel to the northwest is zoned RS-l and other
adjacent Jands are zoned A-I
Comprehensive Plan Recommendation
Agricultural/Conservation with a recommended density of one unit per five acres
Soils in this area should cause few problems Meadowville loam located along streams
are subject to overland flow Erosion problems may occur on steeper slopes, if
Comparative Impact Statistics
Populati ::m
Vehicle 'rrips/Day
School C1ildren
102 3
18 81
108 5
19 95
Land Use Data
Number 0' .lots
Total Arl~a
Gross Dens.lty Permitted
Gross Density Proposed
Net Dens tv Proposed
Open Spa()e
Range in lot size
35 lots
71 260 acres
o 5 du/acre
o 49 du/acre
o 75 du/acre
18 502 acres
42,000 square feet to 2+ acres
RPN Proposal
The applicant proposes 35 single family lots to have access on state maintained roads
(off Route 677) and to be served by public water
Staff Corr.ment
The 1978 traffic count on this section of Route 677 is 558 vehicle trips per day and
it is listed as non-tolerable
Recommended Conditions of Approval
1 Relocation of the easements serving parcels 7E and 6c on Tax Map 59 to the
satisfaction of the County Attorney, prior to final subdivision approval,
August 15, 1979 (Night Meeting)
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2 No grading shall OCCl.r until the final subdivision process,
3 Compliance with the ,:,oil Erosion Ordinance,
4 County Attorney aprroval of homeowners' agreements prior to final approval to include
the use of open spc.ce, for septic fields, where permitted and where necessary, and
approval of private' road maintenance agreements,
5 Health Department c~rroval of two septic field locations on each lot,
6 Fire Official apprcvc.l of dry hydrant;
7 All lots shall have e.ccess on interior roads,
8 County Engineer aprrc,val of road plans,
9 Virginia Department cf Highways and Transportation approval of commercial entrances,
including dece1eraticn lanes on the eastern and western entrances and approval of
frontage improvemert~,
10 School bus shed shelJ be located along the western deceleration lane and pedestrian
trail be extended to serve it,
11 Access easement be granted over the farmland parcel for the use of Lots 32 through 66
prior to final approval,
12 Provide boundary survey showing no more than 140 acres
Mr Tucker said the Flanning Commission unanimously recommended approval with the
addltion of a 13th condition "Easement to be granted over farmland parcel for access to
and installation and use cf dry hydrant" Mr Tucker then read the following letter from
Mr C M Boggs, Manager cf the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport
"August 13, 1979
In reference to Mr Stephen A McClellan's proposed development, Happy Valley Farm,
relative to the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport, I have the following comments
A Airport Master Plan The airport's current Master Plan was adopted in 1974 A
Master Plan Update is now in progress and due to be completed in February 1980
B Crosswind Runway The realization of the crosswind runway mentioned in the
Master Plan Appendix C-l will depend on updated crosswind component information
and cost-benefit analysis being developed in the Master Plan Update It is
reasonable to assume, judging from the numbers of light aircraft accidents
associated with crosswinds and the number of pilot complaints about crosswinds,
that the new crosswind component information will justify an additional runway
based on the F~A wind component criteria Such a runway would be oriented east-
west and be desi~ned to accommodate light aircraft, probably in the 12,500 Lb
and below cate~ory These aircraft would require no more than 3000 feet of
runway for operations A runway of this size and orientation would require the
acquisition of property within the area shown on Phase II of the proposed
Naturally, a project of this magnitude is going to be extremely expensive Once
the updated information contained in the Master Plan is in hand, a determination
will be made b1~he Federal Aviation Administration, Virginia Department of
Aviation, and h, Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport Board as to the feasibility
of this projec
C Noise The prl)p,)sed development is outside the 30 Noise Exposure Forecast
contour line sholm on the existing Master Plan The Master Plan Revision, when
complete, will r"define the airport noise contour lines However, the new contour
lines will be qu:lte similar to the existing lines and may be somewhat less If
the crosswind 'unway mentioned in B does become a reality, the noise generated
by the light genl~ral aviation type aircraft utilizing this runway will not
affect the res dents in Phase I, but may be outside acceptable tolerances for
the residents _n Phase II
With the exception of a possible requirement for land acquisition associated with the
mentioned crosswind rllnway, the proposed development should cause no problems related
to airport development, utilization or protection Some of the residents of this
development will, of c:ourse, be exposed to the usual annoyances associated with
living under the fl gIlt pattern of an airport It would be prudent to reserve
approval of Phase I of this project until the new information contained in the
Master Plan Update ha" been evaluated and a determination made on the crosswind
runway This short delay in approval of Phase II would protect the developer, future
landowners, and the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport from additional costs and
complications if thE' crosswind runway is determined to be a requirement
Please give me a caJ.l if I can be of further assistance on this matter
(signed) C M BoggE
Airport Manager"
Mr Boggs, Airport ~arager, was present, and he indicated on a map approximately
wher, a crosswind runway wculd be constructed if required
Mr Roy Parks, representing the applicant, described the characteristics of the
prop'~rty He indicated the Phase II area of the plan, and requested the Board's approval
for he entire development, including Phase II, with the possible condition that no building
permLt be issued until the Airport's new Master Plan is issued indicating the final decision
on the crosswind runway or one year whichever is first Mr Parks said the density was
based strictly on the 140 acres, and did not include the farm area He also noted that
due 0 the complex homeowners agreement, he felt assured that the trees shown on his plan
woulcl remain undisturbed
This record is missing the following:
Attachment in file at Albemarle County
Zoning and Current Development Office
For assistance, please contact Sarah Baldwin at
sbaldwin@albemarle.org or 434-296-5832.