HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-26 joint with SB ACTIONS Board of Supervisors Meeting of June 26, 2003 AGENDA ~TEM/ACTION ASSIGNMENT June 27,2003 Call to Order. A joint meeting of the Board of Supervisors and School Board was called to order at 4:30 p.m., by the Chairman of the BOard, Mr. Dorrier, and the Vice-Chairman of the School Board, Mr. Ward. All BOS members were present except Mr. Martin and Ms. Thomas. All School Board members were present except tar. Grant and 'Ms. McKeel. Discussion: 2003-2004 Health'/Dental Insurance Contracts. APPROVED the HealthCare Executive Committee reCommendations for the Medical/Dental Insurance Contracts fOr 2003-2004: · Medical: Continue the medical care contract for 2003- 2004 with Southern Health. The budgeted Board contribution for health coverage is $4,608 for the 2003- 2004 plan-year, a 20.0% increase. To stay within the Board's budgeted contribution and provide more options to employees, the Boards SUPPORTED offering three plans with differences in deductibles, co-pays, and premiums. · Den,tel: Continue the dental contract for 2003-2004 with Delta Dental of Virginia. The budgeted Board contribution for the dental plan for 2003-2004 is $160 annually for full- time employees, CONSENSUS of the Boards to direct staff to look at a wellness ., pr,.ogram. DiScussion: Methodology for Establishing Albemarle County's Compensation and Benefits Market. · SUPPORTED staff's recommendation that a staff directed team collect and analyze data over the summer, along with the annual salary review and bring a recommendation on the appropriate methodology for determining market competitiVeneSs back to the Boards in October. Provide Board members with the dates the committee/team will be meeting, 4. From the Board and/or School Board: Matters Not Listed on the Agenda. - The Board of Supervisors APPROVED the Inter)urisdictional Agreement and the County-Airport Agreement and AUTHORIZED the County Executive or his designee to execute both Agreements and the Authorization of Issuance ~ Notice to ~Pr.oceed on the County's behalf. 14. Adjourn to July 9, 2003, 3:30 p.m. · At 6:07 p.m., the meeting was adjourned to July 9, 2003, 3:30 Human Resources staff; Proceed as directed. Human Resources staff: Proceed as directed. County Attorney's office: Provide Clerk's office with fully executed copy of agreement. (Attachment 1) /ewc Attachment 1 - Interjudsdictional Agreement AGREEMENT Attachment I THIS AGREEMENT iS entered into this, ~ day of ........ 2003 by an,d, between the County of Albemarle, Virginia, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia (the 'County"), the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, a Virginia municipal corporation (the uCity") and the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia (the "University'). WITNESS: WHEREAS, the County, City and University jointly operate the Charlottesville/University of Virginia/Albemarle County Emergency Communications Center (the ~ECC" or "Center"), created pursuant to a joint services agreement dated January 20, 1984, and the Center operates an E-911 Emergency Communications System on behalf of these entities; WHEREAS, the parties hereto agree that the existing radio system has exceeded its normal life expectancy and the limited availability of frequency spectrum makes its expansion difficult; WHEREAS, the parties issued a Request for Proposals ("RFP") for the design, fabrication, construction and implementation of a Public Safety 800 MHz Analog/Digital Simulcast Trunked Radio System (the "System") on behalf of the City, the University and the County; WHEREAS, as fiscal agent, the County selected Motorola Corporation ("Motorola") as the primary vendor of the System, and the parties have been negotiating with Motorola concerning the terms and conditions of various agreements relating to the System; WHEREAS, the County, City and University executed .the Communications Systems Agreement with Motorola effective December 31, 2002 (the "Motorola Agreement"); WHEREAS, the System is anticipated to cost approximately $19 million, including financing costs, and is scheduled to be operational by December 2004 or as soon thereafter as construction of the System is complete and all required testing has been completed; WHEREAS, the County, City and University agree that it is in their respective best interests to enter into an agreement providing for the payment of shared capital and operating costs, including reimbursement to the County of pro rata expenses attributable to the financing of System costs, if applicable; WHEREAS, each party to this agreement has agreed to assume a portion of the capital project costs of the System, including fixed infrastructure hardware and other construction costs associated with the 800 MHz radio system and tower sites, maintenance, financing costs, land acquisition, and so-called "soft' project costs, including engineering consulting, project contingency, legal and related professional services, regulatory costs associated with FCC license applications, and utility costs (collectively the "System Costs"); WHEREAS, each party to this agreement desires to acquire directly from Motorola (by purchase or other means) various radio equipment, including mobile and portable*units and control stations; and WHEREAS, it is desirable that each party to this agreement assure that funding for the goods and services to be obtained through the Motorola agreements will be available. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual premises and covenants contained herein, the County, the City and the University hereby agree as follows: 1. Each party shall pay its respective pre rata share of the System Costs according to the Payment Schedule amounts set forth in Section 6 of the Motorola Agreement, or according to any amendments' thereto. Specifically, the County's share of the System Costs shall be 53.72% (which includes the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport Authority's share of 3.01%), the City's share of the System Costs shall be 31.25% and the University's share of the System Costs shall be 15.03%. As the County will be acting as financing agent for all System Costs (it being understood and agreed that the County is not obligated to do so), the City and University each agree that their pre rata shares of debt service and debt-service related expenses incurred by the County for the financing are part of the System Costs. The C~ and University each agree that they will transmit payment of their pro rata shares of debt service and debt-service related expenses under the Agreement to the County no later than fifteen (15) calendar days prior to any applicable due date(s) as set out in the debt service schedule. The County is not authorized to bind the City or the University to any debt obligation with a third party. In the event that the proceeds of the financing generate interest income to the County as agent/borrower, the interest will be allocated to the City, County and University according to the cost sharing percentages set forth in this paragraph. 2. tt is understood that these sums reflect each party's respective pm rata share of its obligations under the Motorola Agreement only, exclUsive of the annual costs associated with the Motorola maintenance agreement, software license agreement or other agreements, such costs tO be treated and funded on the same basis as other System Costs according to the percentage allocations set forth in Section I above, unless the parties hereto agree to a different funding or payment formula for such expenses in the future. 3. Subject to annual appropriations, each party shall annually budget adequate funds to pay for each party's respective pro .rata share of the System Costs including but not limited to any applicable maintenance agreement, software license agreement or other agreements. 4. Each party agrees to be solely responsible for the acquisition and maintenance costs associated with the purchase of radio equipment for its officers or employees, including mobile and pOrtable units, desktop control stations and accessOries. It is understood that Motorola will bill each party directly for these costs. 5. All costs associated with the Peter's Mt. tower site, including but not limited to site acquisition, FCC regulatory proceedings associated with the 800 MHz license application for the site, as well as related legal and consulting fees shall be treated as part of the System Costs and shall be funded and reimburSed on the same basis as all other System Costs according to the percentage allocations set forth in Section I above. 6. The parties agree that, while the County is the owner of record of the Peter's Mt. tower site property (the "Property"), the City and University each have an equitable ownership interest in the Property to the extent of their pro rata shares of the original acquisition costs. The parties further agree that, in the event that the Property is no longer used by the ECC as a 800 MHz tower site, and is no longer needed for similar public safety communications purposes by the ECC or its successor(s) in interest, or if the County decides to utilize the Property for its own purposes unrelated to the 800 MHz System or unrelated to future regional public safety communications purposes, the City and University shall, be reimbursed to the extent of their pro rata shares of the odginal acquisition costs, and the equitable ownership interests of the City and University in the Property shall terminate. In the event the Property is no longer used for public safety communications purposes and the County transfers the property by sale or lease, the proceeds from the transfer shall be allocated among the County, City and University according to their percentage contribution to the original acquisition cost. WHEREFORE, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement, by their authorized representatives, as of the day and year set forth above. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE By: Its: CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE By: Its: RECTOR AND VISITORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Leonard Sandddge, EXeCutiVe Vice President And Chief Operating Officer AGREEME ,N, T BETWEEN,THE COUNT~' OF ALBEMARLE AND THE,CHARLO,TTESVIL ,L, E-AL, BEMAR ,L, E AIRPORT'AUTHORITY CONCERNING THE 800-MHz PUBU~ SAFETYRADIO COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this day of .2003 by and between the COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia (the "County") and the CHARLOTTESVILLE-ALBEMARLE AIRPORT AUTHORITY (the "Airport Authority"). WITNESS WHEREAS, the County, the City of Charlottesville (the "City") and the University of Virginia (the "University"), through a joint Emergency Communications Center, operate an E-911 Emergency Communications System, and those agencies have decided to update that Communications System through implementation of a new regional public safety 800 MHz Digital/Analog Trunked radio system (the "System"); WHEREAS, the County, City, and University have executed a Communications Systems Agreement with Motorola, Inc., dated December 31, 2002 (the ~Motorola Agreement"), for the purchase of the new System and associated equipment, sub-systems and services at a pdce of approximately $13.2 million; and WHEREAS, the County, City, University and the Airport Authority have agreed to apportion among themselves certain capital and operating costs associated with the System (totaling approximately $18.9 million, as more fully described within Exhibit A attached hereto), including: fixed infrastructure hardware and other construction costs associated with the 800 MHz radio system and tower sites, maintenance, financing costs, land acquisition, engineering and other professional consulting, project contingency, legal and related professional services, regulatory costs associated with FCC license applications and utility costs (collectively the ~System Costs"); and WHEREAS, the County, City and University have entered into a separate agreement (the ~lnterjurisdictional Agreement") providing for the allocation of payment shares of the System Costs to the respective jurisdictions and entities according to the number of public safety subscriber units required by each of those entities; i.e., the County's share of the System Costs is 50.71%, the City's share is 31.25% and the University's share is 15.03%; and WHEREAS, the County and the Airport Authority desire to ensure that, folloWing implementation of the new System, the Airport Authority will continue to have the ability to communicate with County police and tim services that have "fro st responder" obligations in the event of an Airport emergency and therefore, the Airport Authority has agreed to share 3.01% of the System Costs, the Authority's share having been calculated based on the number of public safety subscriber units necessary for its operations (Le,, 5/12 mobile subscriber units and 7/23 portable subscriber units) and an additional percentage built in to contribute toward the costs of including the Airport in the System; WHEREAS, the County has agreed, at the Airport Authority's request, to advance payment of the Airport Authority's 3.01% sham of System Costs and the County and the Airport AuthOrity agree that is it in their respective =best interests to enter into an agreement providing for the mimbum ement to the County by the Airport Authority of System Costs incurred by the County on behalf of the Airport Authority; and WHEREAS, the County has agreed to purchase radios and other equipment on behalf of the Airport Author'rty in the event the Airport Authority cannot obtain FAA approval of a sole source procurement to allow it to purchase such radios and equipment directly from Motorola, according to the terms and other conditions set forth in this Agreement, and the Airport Authority has agreed to reimburse the County for the Aiport Authority's sham of such radios and equipment acCording to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Airport Authority is and shall be entitled to exercise alt applicable rights and privileges with respect to the new System, to the full extent of its sham of System Costs. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the County and the Airport Authority hereby set forth their agreement as follows: 1. The Airport Authority agrees to pay its sham of System Costs according to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement (see paragraph 3, below), 2. The Airport Authority .will request approval by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of a sole source prOcurement of radio subscriber units and other equipment directly from Motorola; however, if (i) this request is not approved by the FAA or, (ii) such request is approved by the FAA but the Airport Authority cannot obtain an agreement with Motorola under the same terms and COnditions that would be extended to the County, City and Univer ity of Virginia under the Motorola Agreement, the County agrees to purchase from Motorola, on behalf of the Airport Authority for its use, certain equipment to enable the Airport Authority's use of the new System (the term "equipment" to include, without limitation: necessary software, licenses and equipment warranties expressly provided and extended by Motorola to th~ Airport Authority as part of the Motorola Agreement). It is anticipated that the following equipment will be necessary: 12 Mobile Dig'~ta! radio subscriber units, 23 Portable Digital radio subscriber units and 5 DeskTop Digital radio subscriber units, in the eventthat the Airport Authority purchases radio subscriber units and/or other equipment directly from Motorola, the County shall be relieved of its obligations described in this section (and elsewhere in this Agreement) relating to the purchase of such units and/or equipment on behalf of the Airport Authority. 3. The Airport Authority agrees to reimbume the County as follows: (a) Equipment.and ac~ssode.s: up to $126,472.00 for the radio subscriber units listed in Paragraph 2 above ($2,840.00 for each mobile digital unit; $2,939.00 for each portable digita[ unit; $4,959~00 for each DeskTop Digital radio subscriber unit), $2,734.00 for accessories; and $7,069.00 for installation of the subscriber units. The County and Airport Authority specifically agree and acknowledge that these amounts am subject to adjustment only according to the terms and conditions of the Motorola Agreement or other applicable agreements with Motorola, upon receipt by the County of invoices from Motorola for such equipment, accessories and installation. (b) System Costs: (i) the amount of $275,000 (principal) and up to $168,170.00 (interest as required due to actual financing costs for debt service associated with System infrastructure), payable over ten (10) years in pre-rated monthly installments, (ii) up to $93,403.41 for costs associated with infrastructure and radio subscriber units maintenance, payable over five (5) years, commencing with year two after the applicable one-year equipment warranty period has expired, as follows: year two: $17,246.54; year three: $17,928.64; year four: $18,644.84; year five: $19,396.89; and year six: $20,186.50, and (iii) an amount equal to 3.01% of other System Costs identified on Exhibit A. In the event the Authority pumhases equipment directly from Motorola, it shall be relieved of its responsibility to pay the County any amounts attributable to maintenance of radio subscriber units purchased directly from Motorola. (c) Adj..u.stment ,of .Costs: The parties hereto agree that all costs set forth in this Agreement are subject to adjustment depending upon System financing, contract change orders under the Motorola Agreement or for other reasons as may occur from time to time during implementation of the System; hoWever, nothing contained within this agreement shall obligate either party to assume responsibility for any increase(s) in excess of their respective shares of the Project Contingency referenced within Exhibit A (i.e,, $1,346,272.00). Furthermore, in the event System Costs are adjusted downward, the Airport Authority shall be entitled to a 3.01% share of such cost savings. (d) The Airport Authority agrees that it will transmit full payment to the County of costs described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Section within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of invoices from the County. The County agrees that, upon request, it will cooperate with the Airport Authority to provide ali documentation that is bOth necessary and available to the Airport Authority evidencing such payment(s) on its behalf. In the event such documentation is insuffid~nt to satisfy requirements of an application made by the Airport Authority to the FAA for reimbursement of costs, then the Airport Authority will work with the County and Motorola to address, if reasonably possible, the insufficiency. 4. The Airport Authority specifically acknowledges that, in the event the County purchases such equipment on its behalf, title to such equipment shall not pass to the Airport Authority except as allowable per the terms and conditions of purchase, and unless and until the County has received full payment for such equipment 5. The parties hereto acknowledge that the County has previously received from the Airport Authority a payment of $2,710.00 representing payment of its full share (to date) of certain costs originally paid by the County on behalf of the Airport Authority in connection with acquisition of the Peter's Mountain 'tower site. 6. Each party's obligations under this Agreement are subject to the availability and appropriatiOn of sufrmient funding, each fiscal year, to support continued performance hereunder. WHEREFORE, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement, by their authorized representatives, as of the day and year set forth above. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE County' Executive/Desig~'ee CHARLOTTESVILLE-ALBEMARLE AIRPORT AUTHORITY By: Its Execu~ve D'ire~tor COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGEN DA TITLE: Health/Dental Insurance Contract 2003-2004 SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Request approval of the proposed 2003-2004 health and dental contracts, coverage and proposed rate structure. STAFF CONTACT(S): Tucker, White, Suyes, Brandenburger AGENDA DATE: June 26,2003 ACTION: X CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: ATTACHMENTS: Yes REVIEWED B Y .'~~ ITEM NUMBER: INFORMATION: INFORMATION: BACKGROUND: Attachment 1 presents a memo from the Health Care Executive Committee (HCEC) to the County Executive and Superintendent, which outlines the current year's process and recommendations for Health and Dental Insurance. Our claims experience and the changes in the market place continue to be the major factors in developing these committee recommendations. DISCUSSION: The County's Health Care Executive Committee has worked with Tom MacKay, Palmer & Cay consultant, to develop recommendations for the 2003-2004 medical and dental programs effective October 1, 2003. The committee is recommending continuing with Southern Health, but offering three Point-of-Service Plans to address the rising trend in health claim costs. All three plans have the same benefit coverage, although the premiums, co-pays and deductibles are different. The report outlines the reasons for the proposed changes, updates information on the reserve balances and provides attached charts that outline the different plans and proposed rate structures. The mid-year increase in employee premiums that was implemented in February is projected to meet the objective of slowing the rate of draw down on the medical reserves this year and ending the plan-year with at least a $500,000 medical reserve. The report proposes no increase in the Board's contribution to the FY03-04 medical and dental plans over and above what was budgeted. The committee is recommending continuing the Delta Dental as a fully insured plan with two options for coverage. Claims and Premiums Our medical claims for next year are projected to increase 15%, which is consistent with current medical trends. The dental claims are above projections but as a fully-insured plan the current contract caps any rate increase at 7.5% for 2003-2004 and 2004-2005. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the HealthCare Executive Committee recommendations noted in the attached report. Medical: Continue the medical care contract for 2003-2004 with Southern Health. The budgeted Board contribution for health coverage is $4,60,.8 for the 2003-2004 plan-year, as com pared to the Board contribution for 2002-2003 of $3,840, a 20.0% increase. To ~ay within the Board's budgeted contribution and provide more options to employees, three plans are recommended with differences in deductibles, co-pays, and premiums. The plan options and premiums are indicated in Attachment 1 (pages 5 and 6). Dental: Continue the dental contract for 2003-2004 with Delta Dental of Virginia. The Board contribution for the dental plan for 2003-2004 is budgeted at $160 annually for full-time employees, as compared to the Board contribution for 2002-2003 of $140. Employee premiums are found in Attachment 1 (page 6). 03.083 MEMORANDUM To: Robert W. Tucker Jr., County Executive Kevin C. Castner, Superintendent From: HealthCare Executive Committee RE: 2003-2004 Health Insurance Programs Date: June 3,2003 Each year the HealthCare Executive Committee reviews our current medical and dental plans and makes recommendations on the plans for the following year. Last year our medical and dental plans were developed through an RFP process. This year the Committee is proposing that we continue with our current vendors with plans and employee premiums as outlined in this report. The HealthCare Executive Committee (HCEC) has been working with Mr. Tom Mackay, our benefits consultant with Palmer & Cay, to review our current plans, our claims experience, and claim projections in order to make recommendations on the medical and dental plans for next year and the respective funding of those plans. The goals of the HCEC in developing our recommendations for the 2003-2004 medical plan were to maintain our current benefit design, keep employee premiums level, build up the reserves, and maintain our competitive position for benefits. However, our past medical claims experience and claim projections do not support these goals unless the Board contribution is increased further. The Boards budgeted a 20% increase in the employer contribution for next year. In view of the continued escalation in the coSt of health care throughout the country, the HCEC is proposing to offer three different medical plans based on the budgeted Board contribution. Offedng three plans recognizes the goals and the realities of the changes in medical insurance costs. It also gives an employee an opportunity to choose between different plans and different premiums. This shOuld allow an employee to select a plan that will best meet their needs. Background: In January 2003, the Boards approved a mid-year increase in employee premiums to ensure the medical plan for 2002-2003 was fully funded. This increase was necessitated due to actual claims running higher than projected and a possibility of depleting the medical reserves. The objective was to end the plan-year in September 2003 with a minimum reserve balance of $500,000. The recently approved budgets increased the Board contribution for medical insurance by 20% in view of our claims experience and medical trends. It was hoped the mid- year increase in employee premiums could carry into 2003-2004. Costs in medical care, as well as prescriptions, continue to rise faster than other costs. Most employers across the county are experiencing 15% to 25% increases with some having increases over 40%. Albemarle County's medical plan has experienced increases between 5.4% and 28.5% over the past five years with an average annual increase of 13.3%. These increases reflect the rising cost of medical services, reinsurance and increases in enrollment. A major challenge in budgeting for medical costs is projecting 18-20 months ahead in a very volatile and rapidly changing medical market. As our medical plan is self-insured, the County is responsible for all claims and our projections are based on the best historical and trend analysis information at the time. If claims exceed our revenue collections the difference is paid from our reserves. Likewise, if revenue exceeds claims the difference is added back to our reserves. In the past four years, two years had a surplus and two years a shortfall. Another shortfall of $307,287, although smaller than last year, is projected for the current plan-year. Medical reserves serve two purposes. First, to cover Incurred-But-Not-Paid claims in the event the County stopped offering a medical plan. Second, to cover any difference between clai ms paid, but not covered by the revenues (employee premiums collected & Board contributions). To meet these two purposes, a reserve of 20% of total claims is recommended. As our medical plan is approaching total claims over $14,000,000 the plan should maintain a $2,800,000 reserve. As the table below indicates, we have had adequate reserves at the end of each plan- year except for the past two years. The large decrease in reserves last year was attributable to the number, and average cost, of claims over $10,000 being much higher than normal. Medical Reserve AcCount as of october 1st start of year End of year Change 1998-1999 $1,818,539 $1,989,561 $171,022 1999-2000 $1,989,561 $1,981,152 ($8,409) 2000-2001 $1,981,152 $2,361,453 $380,301 2001-2002 $2,361,453 $1,222,455 ($1,138,998) 2002-2003 $1,222,455 $835,712 - projected ($386,743) Prior to implementing an increase in employee premiums in January 2003, we were projecting a fUrther depletion of reserves. This increase was necessary to ensure the current plan was fully funded and to establish a fiscally sound baseline for 2003-2004. Offering a competitive medical plan that balances the benefit design against the cost to fund the program is a major consideration each year. The current medical benefit design is competitive and the total costs discussed each year reflect the cost of medical claims paid, administrative fees, and reinsurance fees. Each year these projected costs are used in recommending the Board contributions and employee premiums. However, in every medical plan there are costs paid by the employee that are not directly considered when establishing Board contributions and employee premiums, namely, the employee's co-pays and deductibles. Current Status of the Medical Plan: Monthly claims since January are more in line with monthly projections. However, the higher claims in the first four months means the plan is still projected to have a shortfall that will be covered by the medical reserves. The increase in employee premiums in January 2003, coupled with the return to the claims projected last fall, will result in a reserve balance slightly above our target of $500,000 for this year, but still well below the level needed. This assumes our claims continue at the level projected over the remaining four months. Staff will monitor the claims experience on a monthly basis. The chart below shows our claims history for the past few years. 2 Albemarle County Medical Plan Claims History Oct Nev Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep - 98-99 ~ 99-00 ~ 00-01 ---.-- 01-02 · 02-03 ~ 02-03 Wkly Avg i HCEC PrOcess: The HCEC considered a number of options in offering a medical plan(s) that balances the needs of employees with the fiscal realities of funding the plan(s), in light of the continuing escalation in costs for medical care. The Committee also reviewed the dental plan. The Committee considered the following in developing our recommendations for the medical insurance: '1. Offering our current plan with no increase in employee premiums. (This would require an increase in Board contribution.) 2. Maintaining the budgeted Board contribution and no change in employee premiums. (This would require a reduction in benefits or a cost shifting to the employee through higher co-pays or co-insurance.) 3. Offering two plans. A High Option and a Low Option. 4. Offering three plans: A High Option that keeps the current benefit design, a Middle option that requires some change in benefit design and some cost shifting but keeps employee premiums dose to the current level, and a Low Option that requires some change in benefit design and more cost shifting but reduces employee premiums compared to the current levels. The Committee is recommending the County offer employees a choice by providing three medical plans and two dental plans. The Committee also reviewed the number of tiers in our medical and dental plan. Our plans currently offer a choice of coverage for Employee only, Employee+One Minor Child, Employee+Spouse, or Employee+Family. A single parent with more than one child would have to elect Employee+Family coverage. This premium is significantly higher than Employee+One Minor Child. The Committee recognized the needs of our single parents and is recommending a change in the tiers to add an Employee+Children choice. The premium for this tier has been combined with the Employee+Spouse as the projected claims are similar for both combinations, This change will only affect the medical program. The dental premiums are not significantly different to warrant a change in the dental tiers. Recommendations: Medical Plan: 1. Offer three different plans through Southern Health Services Inc: a. All three plans are Point-Of-Service Plans with the same benefit coverage as the current plan. b. There are differences in cost sharing (co-pays, co-insurance, out-of-pocket maximums, deductibles) and employee premium requirements. c. The benefit summary is shown at Attachment A. 2. Retain the budgeted increase in Board contribLrtion from $320/month to $384/month for the new plan-year starting October 1st. 3. Add an Employee+Children tier to the medical plan. 4. Set full-time employee premiums at the rates shown in Attachment B. 5. Retain a self-insured medical plan with Specific-Claim-Stop-Loss insurance to limit our liability against any single large claim. 6. Staff monitor claims experience and provide a status report at the end of the current plan year (September 30, 2003). Staff will provide interim reports if warranted. Dental Plan: 1. Continue the contract with Delta Dental of Virginia as a fully-insured plan. 2. Delta Dental's rate increase is capped, at 7.5% as negotiated in last year's RFP process. 3. Continue tO offer the Basic and High Options with no change in benefit design. 4. Retain the 14.2% budgeted increase in Board contribution from $11.67/month to $13.33/month for the new plan year starting October 1st. 5. Approve the employee premiums as shown Attachment B. Attachments: A - Proposed Medical Plan Design for 2003-2004 B - Proposed Employee Premiums for Medical and Dental Plans for 2003-200 HealthCare Executive Committee: Roxanne White, Albemarle County Melvin Breeden, Albemarle County Kimberly Suyes, Albemarle County & Schools Bill Brent, Albemarle County Service Authority Bob Brandenburger, Albemarle County & Schools Michael Struiksma, Albemarle Schools Jackson Zimmermann, Albemarle Schools Joe Johnson, CATEC John Isom, Regional Jail 4 Attachment A Page 5 Attachment B ALBEMARLE COUNTY Pro posed Insurance Monthly Premiums For FY 2003-2004 (Full-time Employee Rates) Medical Plans October 1, 2003 Current Proposed Employee Employee Percent Premium Premium Increase/(Decrease~ Increase/Decrease Hi(~h Plan Employee $27.00 $32.00 $5.00 18.5% Employee+Child $58,00 $69,00 $11,00 19,0% Employee+Children $244.00 $223,00 ($21.00) -8.6% Employee+Spouse $183.00 $223,00 $40,00 21.9% Employee+Family $244.00 $298,00 $54,00 22.1% Middle Plan Employee n/a $26.00 ($1.00) -3.7% Employee+Child n/a $56.00 ($2.00) -3.4% Employee+Children n/a $180.00 ($64.00) -26.2% Employee+Spouse n/a $180.00 ($3.00) - 1.6% Employee+Family n/a $239.00 ($5.00) -2.0% ~Low Plan Employee n/a $8.00 ($19.00) -70.4% Employee+Child n/a $35.00 ($23.00) -39.7% Employee+Children n/a $112.00 ($132.00) -54.1% Employee+Spouse n/a $112.00 ($71.00) -38.8% Employee+Family n/a $152.00 ($92.00) -37.7% Dental Plans October 1,2003 Current Proposed Employee Employee Percent Premium Premium InCrease/(Decrease~ Increase/Decrease =Hioh Ontion Employee $13.92 $14.18 $0.26 1.9% Employee+Child $31.72 $33.31 $1.59 5.0% Employee+ Spouse $31.72 $33.31 $1.59 5.0% Employee+Family $60,10 $63.84 $3.74 6.2% Low Ootion Employee $3.95 $3.46 ($0.49) -12.4% Employee+Child $14.82 $15,15 $0.33 2.2% Employee+Spouse $14.82 $15.15 $0.33 2.2% Employee+Family $36.46 $38.41 $1.95 5.3% Page 6 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA TITLE: Methodology for Establishing Albemarle County's Compensation and Benefits Market SUBJ ECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Request guidance from the Board of Supervisors and the School Board for reevaluating the methodology for determining market competitiveness for the County's compensation and benefit plans. STAFF CONTACT(S): Tucker, White, Suyes, Brandenburger AGENDA DATE: June 26,2003 ACTION: × CONSENT AGENDA: ITEM NUMBER: IN FORMATION: ACTION: INFORMATION: ATTACHMENTS: No REVIEWED BY .'~~ BACKGROUND: In November 2001, the Joint Boards adopted a strategy for establishing employee compensation and benefits plans and the process to follow in budgeting for annual changes to those plans. The methodology for the strategy identified the competitive market to be used in conducting a salary and benefit survey and established the goal for compensation to be at 100% of the market median and for benefits to be slightly above market (i.e., 105%). This methodology was developed by a committee comprised of Board members, staff, employee representatives, and members of the public/business community over a 14 month period and has been used for the past three years. In 2002-2003 the School Board established a Board Goal to reevaluate the methodology used to analyze the division's salary and compensation structure relative to the market during the 2003-2004 budget cycle. Staff provided the School Board a number of items to consider during the budget process, but action was deferred until the Joint Boards could review and provide staff guidance on how to proceed. DISCUSSION: The County Executive and Superintendent do not support a change to the approved market at this time, i.e. comparative localities, but do feel the competitive position, or measures, such as median versus average used to determine our competitive position, be reevaluated in preparation for the 2004-2005 budget cycle. Since staff traditionally seeks budget guidance from the Boards in October, this reevaluation needs to be conducted this summer to meet this timeframe. Staff is prepared to under take this reevaluation and recommend options to the Board, but wish to receive Board guidance on the reevaluation process before undertaking the review. Since the review will be focused on the measurement, i.e., median, average, or another measure, not the market or the previously established benefit goal, staff would recommend that a staff directed team come together to gather and analyze the data and bring a recommendation back to the Board in October. Another option would be to bring the original committee back together, which would include the same representative groups, although possibly different individuals, to work on the issue and bring a recommendation back to the full Boards in October. The prior committee included both School Board and Board of Supervisor representation. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that a staff directed team collect and analyze the data over the summer, along with the annual salary review, and bring a recommendation on the appropriate methodology for determining market competitiveness back to the Boards in October. 03.082 2.3.1 During the 2003-04 budget cycle, methodology used to analyze the division's salary and compensation structure relative to its defined market will be reevaluated given the division's high expectations for student performance. Summa ry of Progress: Staff presented three different considerations in November and again at the-January 23, 2003 meeting. The three considerations were: (1) Use a measure other than market median, (2) Target other than 100% (median) of the market, and (3) Consider different markets for different positions. Staff developed an alternative for each of the options listed above: Alternative #1 - Continue to use the adopted market, continue to-target at 100% of market, but use the market average and not the market median. Alternative #2 - Continue to use the adopted market but target the 60th Percentile of the market and not the market median. Alternative #3 - Expand the market to include all 132 Public school divisions in Virginia and target to be in the top 10% of this market. These alternatives were presented to the Board at their February 13, 2003, budget work session. As indicated at this time, changing the framework, approach or methodology will require the School Board to work with the Board of Supervisors to agree on a shift in the current strategy approved by the joint boards. Currently, this is becoming more critical as the County is examining using a total reward strategy, while the Schools are examining these options. Staff is currently awaiting direction. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA TITLE: Approval of (1) Interjurisdictional Agreement between the County of Albemarle, City of Charlottesville and University of Virginia for the 800 MHz Public Safety Communications System; (2) Agreement between the County and Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport Authority; (3) Authorization of Notice to Proceed under Motorola Agreement SUBJ ECT/PROPOSAL/REQU EST: Approve (1) the Interjurisdictional Agreement between the County of Albemarle, City of Charlottesville and University of Virginia for the 800 MHz Public Safety Communications System; (2) the Agreement between the County and Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport Authority; and (3) the Authorization of Issuance of Notice to Proceed under Motorola Agreement STAFF CONTACT{S): Messrs. Tucker, Davis, Foley, Trank AGENDA DATE: June 26, 2003 ACTION: X ITEM NUMBER: INFORMATION: CONSENTAGENDA: ACTION: INFORMATION: ATTACHMENTS: 2 Agreements and Authorization REVIEWED BY.'~ DISCUSSION: In December 2002 the County, City of Charlottesville and University entered into a Communications Systems Agreement with Motorola, Inc. for the 800 MHz Public Safety Radio system, to be operated by the regional Emergency Communications Center ("ECC"). The County, as fiscal agent to the ECC, is arranging for financing of the system, which is anticipated to cost approximately $18.9 million, including financing. The attached Interjurisdictional Agreement sets forth the respective obligations of the County, City and University for payment of costs associated with the 800 MHz system, including debt service. Specifically, the Interjurisdictional Agreement provides for the allocation of payment shares of the system costs to the respective jurisdictions and entities according to the number of public safety subscriber units required by each of those entities. According to this formula, the County's share of the system costs is 50.71%, the City's share is 31.25%, the University's share is 15.03% and the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport Authority's share is 3.01%. Due to federal funding restrictions, the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport Authority was unable to join in the Interjurisdictional Agreement. As fiscal ageht, the County has agreed to advance payment of the Airport Authority's 3.01% share, to be reimbursed by the Authority according to the terms and conditions of the attached agreement, which has been negotiated between County and Airport staff and legal representatives. Finally, under the Motorola Agreement, the County, City and University are required to issue a Notice to Proceed in order to initiate the project. The City and University have ap proved the attached Authorization to Issue Notice to Proceed, and the County's approval is the remaining approval necessary. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Interjurisdictional Agreement and the County-Airport Agreement and authorize the County Executive or his designee to execute both Agreements and the Authorization of Issuance Notice to Proceed on the County's behalf. 05-26-03 03.086 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this day of ,2003 by and between the County of Albemarle, Virginia, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia (the "County"), the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, a Virginia municipal corporation (the "City") and the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia (the "University"). WITNESS: WHEREAS, the County, City and University jointly operate the Charlottesville/University of Virginia/Albemarle County Emergency Communications Center (the "ECC" or "Center"), created pursuant to a joint services agreement dated January 20, 1984, and the Center operates an E-911 Emergency Communications System on behalf of these entities; WHEREAS, the parties hereto agree that the existing radio system has exceeded its normal hfe expectancy and the limited availability of frequency spectrum makes its expansion difficult; WHEREAS, the parties issued a Request for Proposals ("RFP") for the design, fabrication, construction and implementation of a Public Safety 800 MHz Analog/Digital Simulcast Tmnked Radio System (the "System") on behalf of the City, the University and the County; WHEREAS, as fiscal agent, the County selected Motorola Corporation ("Motorola") as the primary vendor of the System, and the parties have been negotiating with Motorola concerning the terms and conditions of various agreements relating to the System; WltEREAS, the County, City and University executed the Communications Systems Agreement with Motorola effective December 31, 2002 (the "Motorola Agreement"); WHEREAS, the System is anticipated to cost approximately $19 million, including financing costs, and is scheduled to be operational by December 2004 or as soon thereafter as construction of the System is complete and all i:equired testing has been completed; WHEREAS, the County, City and University agree that it is in their respective best interests to enter into an agreement providing for the payment of shared capital and operating costs, including reimbursement to the County of pro rata expenses attributable to the financing of System costs, if applicable; WHEREAS, each party to this agreement has agreed to assume a portion of the capital project costs of the System, including fixed infrastructure hardware and other construction costs associated with the 800 MHz radio system and tower sites, maintenance, financing costs, land acquisition, and so-called "soft" project costs, including engineering consulting, project contingency, legal and related professional services, regulatory costs associated with FCC license applications, and utility costa (collectively the "System Costs"); WHEREAS, each party to this agreement desires to acquire directly from Motorola (by purchase or other means) various radio equipment, including mobile and portable units and control stations; and WHEREAS, it is desirable that each party to this agreement assure that funding for the goods and services to be obtained through the Motorola agreements will be available. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual premises and covenants contained herein, the County, the City and the University hereby agree as follows: 1. Each party shall pay its respective pro rata share of the System Costs according to the Payment Schedule amounts set forth in Section 6 of the Motorola Agreement, or according to any amendments thereto. Specifically, the County's share of the System Costs shall be 53.72% (which includes the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport Authority's share of 3.01%), the City's share of the System Costs shall be 31.25% and the University's share of the System Costs shall be 15.03%. As the County will be acting as financing agent for all System Costs (it being understood and agreed that the County is not obligated to do so), the City and University each agree that their pro rata shares of debt service and debt-service related expenses incurred by the County for the financing are part of the System Costs. The City and University each agree that they will transmit payment of their pro rata shares of debt service and debt-service related expenses under the Agreement to the County no later than fifteen (15) calendar days prior to any applicable due date(s) as set out in the debt service schedule. The County is not authorized to bind the City or the University to any debt obligation with a third party. In the event that the proceeds of the financing generate interest income to the County as agent/borrower, the interest will be allocated to the City, County and University according to the cost sharing percentages set forth in this paragraph. 2. It is understood that these sums reflect each party's respective pro rata share of its obligations under the Motorola Agreement ordy, exclusive of the annual costs associated with the Motorola maintenance agreement, software license agreement or other agreements, such costs to be treated and funded on the same basis as other System Costs according to the percentage allocations set forth in Section 1 above, unless the parties hereto agree to a different funding or payment formula for such expenses in the future. 3. Subject to annual appropriations, each party shall annually budget adequate funds to pay for each party's respective pro rata share of the System Costs including but not limited to any applicable maintenance agreement, software license agreement or other agreements. 4. Each party agrees to be solely responsible for the acquisition and maintenance costs associated with the purchase of radio equipment for its officers or employees, including mobile and portable units, desktop control stations and accessories. It is understood that Motorola will bill each party directly for these costs. 5. All costs associated with the Peter's Mt. tower site, including but not limited to site acquisition, FCC regulatory proceedings associated with the 800 MHz license application for the site, as well as related legal and consulting fees shall be treated as part of the System Costs and shall be funded and reimbursed on the same basis as all other System Costs according to the percentage allocations set forth in Section 1 above. 6. The parties agree that, while the County is the owner of record of the Peter's Mt. tower site property (the "Property"), the City and University each have an equitable ownership interest in the Property to the extent of their pro rata shares of the original acquisition costs. The parties further agree that, in the event that the Property is no longer used by the ECC as a 800 MHz tower site, and is no longer needed for similar public safety communications purposes by the ECC or its successor(s) in interest, or if the County decides to utilize the Property for its own purposes unrelated to the 800 MHz System or unrelated to future regional public safety communications purposes, the City and University shall be reimbursed to the extent of their pro rata shares of the original acquisition costs, and the equitable ownership interests of the City and University in the Property shall terminate. In the event the Property is no longer used for public safety communications purposes and the County transfers the property by sale or lease, the proceeds fi:om the transfer shall be allocated among the County, City and University according to their percentage contribution to the original acquisition cost. 4 WHEREFORE, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement, by representatives, as of the day and year set forth above. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE their authorized By: Its: CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE By: Its: RECTOR AND VISITORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Leonard Sandridge, Executive Vice President And Chief Operating Officer Approved as to form: County Attomey City Attorney 5 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE AND THE CHARLOTTESVILLE-ALBEMARLE AIRPORT AUTHORITY CONCERNING THE 800-MHz PUBLIC SAFETY RADIO COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this __ day of ,2003 by and between the COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia (the "County") and the CHARLOTTESVILLE-ALBEMARLE AIRPORT AUTHORITY (the "Airport Authority"). WITNESS WltEREAS, the County, the City of Charlottesville (the "City") and the University of Virginia (the "University"), through a joint Emergency Communications Center, operate an E- 911 Emergency Communications System, and those agencies have decided to update that Communications System through implementation of a new regional public safety 800 MHz Digital/Analog Trunked radio system (the "System"); WHEREAS, the County, City, and University have executed a Communications Systems Agreement with Motorola, Inc., dated December 31, 2002 (the "Motorola Agreement"), for the purchase of the new System and associated equipment, sub-systems and services at a price of approximately $13.2 million; and WHEREAS, the County, City, University and the Airport Authority have agreed to apportion among themselves certain capital and operating costs associated with the System (totaling approximately $18.9 million, as more fully described within Exhibit A attached hereto), including: fixed infrastructure hardware and other construction costs associated with the 800 MHz radio system and tower sites, maintenance, financing costs, land acquisition, engineering and other professional consulting, project contingency, legal and related professional services, regulatory costs associated with FCC license applications and utility costs (collectively the "System Costs"); and WHEREAS, the County, City and University have entered into a separate agreement (the "Interjurisdictional Agreement") providing for the allocation of payment shares of the System Costs to the respective jurisdictions and entities according to the number of public safety subscriber units required by each of those entities; i.e., the County's share of the System Costs is 50.71%, the City's share is 31.25% and the University's share is 15.03%; and WHEREAS, the County and the Airport Authority desire to ensure that, following implementation of the new System, the Airport Authority will continue to have the ability to communicate with County police and fire services that have "first responder" obligations in the event of an Airport emergency and therefore, the Airport Authority has agreed to share 3.01% of the System Costs, the Authority's share having been calculated based on the number of public safety subscriber units necessary for its operations (i.e., 5/12 mobile subscriber units and 7/23 portable subscriber units) and an additional percentage built in to contribute toward the costs of including the Airport in the System; WHEREAS, the County has agreed, at the Airport Authority's request, to advance payment of the Airport Authority's 3.01% share of System Costs and the County and the Airport Authority agree that is it in their respective best interests to enter into an agreement providing for the reimbursement to the County by the Airport Authority of System Costs incurred by the County on behalf of the Airport Authority; and WltEREAS, the County has agreed to purchase radios and other equipment on behalf of the Airport Authority in the event the Airport Authority cannot obtain FAA approval of a sole source procurement arrangement with Motorola, to purchase such radios and equipment directly from Motorola, according to the terms and other conditions set forth in this Agreement, and the Airport Authority has agreed to reimburse the County for the Aiport Authority's share of such radios and equipment according to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Airport Authority is and shall be entitled to exercise all applicable rights and privileges with respect to the new System, to the full extent of its share of System Costs. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual premises and covenants contained herein, the County and the Airport Authority hereby set forth their agreement as follows: 1. The Airport Authority agrees to pay its share of System Costs according to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement (see paragraph 3, below). 2. The Airport Authority will request approval by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of a sole-source procurement of radio subscriber units and other equipment directly from Motorola; however, if (i) this request is not approved by the FAA or, (ii) such request is approved by the FAA but the Airport Authority cannot obtain an agreement with Motorola under the same terms and conditions that would be extended to the County, City and University of Virginia under the Motorola Agreement, the County agrees to purchase from Motorola, on behalf of the Airport Authority for its use, certain equipment to enable the Airport Authority's use of the new System (the term "equipment" to include, without limitation: necessary software, licenses and equipment warranties expressly provided and extended by Motorola to the Airport Authority as part of the Motorola Agreement). It is anticipated that the following equipment will be necessary: 12 Mobile Digital radio subscriber units, 23 Portable Digital radio subscriber units and 5 DeskTop Digital radio subscriber units. In the event that the Airport Authority purchases radio subscriber units and/or other equipment directly from Motorola, the County shall be relieved of its obligations described in this section (and elsewhere in this Agreement) relating to the purchase of such units and/or equipment on behalf of the Airport Authority. 3. The Airport Authority agrees to reimburse the County as follows: (a) Equipment and accessories: up to $126,472.00 for the radio subscriber units listed in Paragraph 2 above ($2,840.00 for each mobile digital unit; $2,939.00 for each portable digital unit; $4,959.00 for each DeskTop Digital radio subscriber unit), $2,734.00 for accessories; and $7,069.00 for installation of the subscriber units. The County and Airport Authority specifically agree and acknowledge that these amounts are subject to adjustment only according to the terms and conditions of the Motorola Agreement or other applicable agreements with Motorola, upon receipt by the County of invoices from Motorola for such equipment, accessories and installation. (b) System Costs: (i) the amount of $275,000 (principal) and up to $168,170.00 (interest), as required due to actual £mancing costs for debt service associated with System infrastructure, payable over ten (10) years in pro-rated monthly installments, (ii) up to $93,403.41 for costs associated with infrastructure and radio subscriber units maintenance, payable over five (5) years, commencing with year two after the applicable one-year equipment warranty period has expired, as follows: year two: $17,246.54; year three: $17,928.64; year four $18,644.84; year five $19,396.89; and year six $20,186.50, and (iii) an amount equal to 3.01% of other System Costs identified on Exhibit A. In the event the Authority purchases equipment directly from Motorola, it shall be relieved of its responsibility to pay the County any amounts attributable to maintenance of radio subscriber units purchased directly from Motorola. (c) Adjustment of Costs: The parties hereto agree that all costS set forth in this Agreement are subject to adjustment depending upon System financing, contract change orders under the Motorola Agreement or for other reasons as may occur from time to time during implementation of the System; however, nothing contained within this agreement shall obligate either party to assume responsibility for any increase(s) in excess of their respective shares of the Project Contingency referenced within Exhibit A (i.e., $1,346,272.00). Furthermore, in the event System Costs are adjusted downward, the Airport Authority shall be entitled to a 3.01% share of such cost savings. (d) The Airport Authority agrees that it will transmit full payment to the County of costs described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Section within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of invoices from the County. The County agrees that, upon request, it will cooperate with the Airport Authority to provide all documentation that is both necessary and available to the Airport Authority evidencing such payment(s) on its behalf. In the event such documentation is insufficient to satisfy requirements of an application made by the Airport Authority to the FAA for reimbursement of costs, then the Airport Authority will work with the County and Motorola to address, if reasonably possible, the insufficiency. 4. The Airport Authority specifically acknowledges that, in the event the County purchases such equipment on its behalf, title to such equipment shall not pass to the Airport Authority except as allowable per the terms and conditions of purchase, and unless and until the County has received full payment for such equipment. 5. The parties hereto acknowledge that the County has previously received from the Airport Authority a payment of $2,710.00 representing payment of its full share (to date) of certain costs originally paid by the County on behalf of the Airport Authority in connection with acquisition of the Peter's Mountain tower site. o appropriation hereunder. Each party's obhgations under this Agreement are subject to the availability and of sufficient funding, each fiscal year, to support continued performance WHEREFORE, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement, by their authorized representatives, as of the day and year set forth above. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE By: County Executive/Designee CHARLOTTESVILLE-ALBEMARLE AIRPORT AUTHORITY By: Its Executive Director Approved as to form: County Attorney City Attomey, Of Counsel to the Airport Authority 4 AUTHORIZATION OF ISSUANCE OF NOTICE TO PROCEED Pursuant to Section 7 of the Communications System Agreement effective December 31, 2002 by and between the County of Albemarle, City of Charlottesville, University of Virginia and Motorola, Inc., and pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Interjurisdictional Agreement approved by the County, City and University, the undersigned officials hereby authorize Wayne Campagna, Project Manager for the Emergency Communications Center's 800 MHz Public Safety Radio Communications System, to issue a Notice to Proceed to Motorola on behalf of the County, City and University. WHEREFORE, the parties hereto have executed this Authorization, by their authorized representatives, as of the day and year set forth below. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE By: Its: Dated: CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE By: Its: Dated: RECTOR AND VISITORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Leonard Sandridge, Executive Vice President And Chief Operating Officer Dated: Approved as to form: County Attorney City Attorney