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July 11 197 a.t which time the full membership of the Board would be present
was seconded b~ Mr Henley and carried by the following recorded vote
Fisher Henley Thacker and Wheeler
(3) SP-260 Chestnut Grove Baptist Church has petitioned the Board of
Supervisors to locate a cemetery for church on 1 acre of land zoned
A-I Agricultural Property is situated on west side Route 631 (Old
Lynchburg Road) about 1 1/2 miles south of its intersection with
Route 706 Property is described as County Tax Map 89 Parcel 54
Scottsville Magisterial District
Mr Humphrey s~ated that the subject property is on the fringe of a community but ie
presently well screened on all perimeters
There is a substantial home under
constructiOl: e.pproximately 150 feet to the south
The site drains to a wet weather
drainage swe.le and appears not to interfer with well water supplies
He did state
that the Ple.nning Commission had heard this petition twice
It had been deferred for
a site revi(,w
They had thereafter recommended approval with the following conditions
1) a 35 fOClt setback from the center line of Route 631 for commencing of grave sites
2) all gra"e markers be flush 'wi th the ground and
3) that th" (me-half acre which the Planning Commission approved be identified with
some type of permanent marks
Mr Donald Terrell and Mr Henry Scott were present in support of this petition
After a sho.ot discussion Mr Thacker offered motion to approve the permit subject to
the followi:lg conditions 1) 50 foot setback from the center of the road 2) grave
markers to he flush with the ground and 3) approved :1.236 acres as per the following
description :Beginning at a point in the center of State Route 631, a corner common to
the propertie.s of A1beE:t:aaGiles and the Drucil1a Johnson Estate located on the north
side of Sta':e Route 631 approximately 4 miles south of Charlottesville, Virginia thence
with the said Johnson-Giles line N23036'20'W - 698;35 feet thence N66026 36"E - 84j40
feet thenc.l 923033'24" E - 705 28 Feet thence 871'"05 00 W - 84 08 feet to the point
of beginnin'j c,ontaining in all 1 36 acres, said acreage to be marked with permanent markers
Mr Thacker s motion was seconded by Mr Henley and carried by the following recorded
Messrs Fisher Henley Thacker and Wheeler
SP-261 Patricia Ann Tiffany has petitioned the Board of Supervisors
to locate a country store on 31 88 acres of land (part thereof) zoned
A-1 Agricultural Property is situated on north side of Route 250
West and south side of I-64 just west of Yancey s Mill interchange
Property is described as County Tax MaP 55 Parcel 19 White Hall
Magisterial District
A queEit:Lon arose concerning the deed to this property
Mrs Tiffany showed the
deed to th" Board of Supervisors and Mr St John stated that if the deed had been
received "Vt)n though it had not been recorded the deed is binding
Mr Hlunphrey stated that the property is situated to the west of the interchange
of Route 2\0 West and I~64 with 15 000 feet of frontage along I-64 and approximately
200 feet aLong Route 250
The property abuts 'Tuck Away" on the west and north
The J
area is rural in character
Two markets are located across Route 250 from this
The comprehensive plan indicate 'The Cedars and 'The Long House as primary
historical sJ.tes and the area is in the .agricul tural category with large lot. develop-
He stated that the applicant proposes to locate a 4 000 sq ft country store
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Planning Departmell.t
July 5, 1973
Bllard of Supervisors Action
Chestnut Grove Baptist Church
Rt 1, Box BOB
Keswick, Virginia 22947
rhi s is to inform you that on June 1-1
during the regular meeting of the Albemar
Supervisors, your application for SP-2E
was --5l12.J,roved subiect to. 1) Approv.:,
with description to be furnished by
2) 50 foot setback from the center ~
3) Gra~e markers to be flush with tc
JLH.em ..
3:rd of
ate1v 1 1/3 acre
~ng Office.
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